(Iowa City, Iowa), 1943-01-14
,. - Five aears Ri.ing Temperatur•• t1ollf'n on All· Ll'a,ue IOWA: ailin. t e~rature I'rof~~lIlonnl Team THE DAILY IOWAN today, with OCt'UIOOfll See Stoty on l'llle 4 Iowa Cityls Morning New spape r U,ht Rnow. TilE ASSOCIATED .aE89 IOWA CITY, IOWA THURSDAY, JANUARY 14, 1943 VOLUME XLm NUMBER 93 , e e Ir I ------------ '--------------------------~~-----------------------------------------------------.----------~~~---------- ------ . • ~ · I C'z·I Coa s' tiel ne Allies Slash N~l~ Air (oyera~e, AII·ie 5, H.am mer I ~ . Rommel's Tunisia Retreat LIRe ----------------------------------------------------------------------.~----------------------- • FLYNN, GIRL ACCUSERS AT LOS ANGELES TRIAL ALLIED IIE DQ ARTER IN NORTH AFRICA (AP) - British Reveal Use of Wellington Bombers American Flying Fortres. " de!ltroying 34 axil! plane aground Aerial Armada and aloft in a brillifillt raid on Castel Benito airfield, 10 mil e outh of 'l'ripoli, have torn a ('o)lIliderable hole in the already thin In Aiding to Clear Coasls of -Nazi Mine~ ail' cover on which Field )1aJ hal Rommel j de(l('ndin~ tor IIJl Blasts Holland, efrective l'Pt reat from Libya into Tlmisia. LONDON, Thursday (AP)-Thering held a magnetic coil and the Tn thi., the h a"ie t n anlt y t delivet'ed from the we t on the' ail.' ministry released a 3-:,.ear-old ~~rrent \".as supplied b.y an aux axis in Tripolitania, not an Amrrican plane was lost, allied head· secret today in telling how We!- lhary engme of the ordmary Ford I'] l1arte1'. announced y(' t rday. ~8~~ The Fortre. e. ' attack, delivered ye terday, topped all other Vichy France i1nglon bombers helped clear the Th .
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