FOUNDED VERITAS 1935 THE COWL VOL. 5, No. 7—Four Pages PROVIDENCE COLLEGE, PROVIDENCE, R. I., NOVEMBER 24, 1939 5 Cents a Copy Honor Society VARSITY FOOTBALL Hop Committee Intra - Mural SCHEDULE Being Formed I Jan. 6—Assumption College. Schedule Will Jan. 10—Becker—Away. For Students Jan. 13—Rhode Island State at Begin Dec. 11 Auditorium. Jan. 16—Springfield. Crotty Announces Coach- Membership to Include Feb. 2—Villanova—Away. es; Practice Will Start Men and Women From Feb. 3—St. Francis—Away. Feb. 7—St. Anslem—Away. Dec. 4 Catholic Colleges Feb. 10—Lowell Textile—Away. Feb. 14—St. Anselm. The Intra-mural Basketball season Plans for a National Catholic Honor Feb. 16—'Villanova. will start Dec. 11 according to the Society are now being formulated ac- Feb. 17—Worcester Tech—Away. schedule released by Ed Crotty, head cording to program outlined by the Feb. 22—Springfield—Away. basketball mentor and Director of In- Founders at a meeting held last April Feb. 27—Connecticut. tra-mural athletics at the College. in Washington, D. C. Membership Mar. 2—Rhode Island—Away. The league will function in the will include both men and women Mar. 6—Assumption—Away. same manner as it did last year ex- from Catholic colleges and universi- Mar. 9—Brown at Marvel Gym. cept that a best-two-out-of-three- ties in the United States. DELTA game playoff will supplant the former EPSILON SIGMA has been chosen one-game setup between the two top as the name and motto of the new Alembic Deadline clubs to decide the championship of organization. both the light and heavyweight di- Is This Afternoon Front row, left to right: William C. Reilly. John P. Flynn, Joseph Buzid- visions. The lightweight circuit com- A committee is working on a con- ragis, Ross E. Muenzen, John Stonkus, Philip E. Foley; back row: Albert prises all those students under 150 Carnevale, Robert Dunn, John L. Lavoie. William G. Smith, Richard H. Mc- stitution which will be presented to School Quarterly to Sponsor Mullen. Joseph H. Sullivan, James Caffrey. pounds but the heavyweight loop the Founders, at a meeting to be held does not exclude players under the in Kansas City, Missouri, at the time Classes in Technique of required weight from its ranks. Once of the national meeting of the National Composition Sophomores to Hold Annual a student plays for one team, however, Catholic Educational Association. The Hop Tonight in Harkins Hall he must stay with that aggregation plans call for the establishment of Deadline on all contributions from for the remainder of the season. chapters at sponsoring Catholic col- students to the Alembic. Providence Coaches Appointed twelve pieces and a vocalist for the leges and universities with each chap- College student quarterly, will be this Jimmie Lynch's Orchestra to Each class will be represented by a ter electing qualified students lo noon, according to an announcement Play at Semi-Formal Affair dance tonight. team in both divisions and will be membership. made by Lionel J. Landry. '40. editor. The dance committee has selected coached by members of the varsity After the adoption of a constitu- All material to be submitted must be compacts as favors. The compacts will hoop squad. The following men have Featuring Jimmy Lynch's orchestra, tion by the Founders, invitations will in the hands of the staff before that be of gold finish with a brown leather been appointed as coaches for the the sophomores will hold their annual be extended to the leading Catholic time for inclusion into the publica- insert on which the emblem of the various quintets: Bill Murphy, senior colleges and universities to sponsor tion's December issue. hop, a semi-formal affair, from 8:30 college will be embossed. heavies; Harry Speckman, senior to 1:00 tonight. Sophomore class pres- the organization of the charter chan- The Alembic will sponsor classes The hall will be decorated in a lights; Paul Sweeney and Joe Kwas- ters of the DES in their institution. in the technique of magazine compo- ident Ross E. Muenzen has extended black and white color scheme. Inter- niewski. junior heavies and lights, re- The name Delta Epsilon Sigma has sition for all students beginning De- a cordial invitation to all P. C. stu- laced black and white streamers will spectively; Joe Jugas. sophomore been chosen because it signifies the cember 4. Classes on editing and re- dents to come to the dance. Muenzen be hung about the hall from latticed heavies; Jim Leo, sophomore lights, purpose of the organization, which is writing copy, on correct proofread- announced yesterday that, judging booths which will be placed along and "Slip" Barnini and Beryl Sacks, freshman heavies and lights, respec- to encourage scholarship, culture and ing. and on making up dummies will from the sale of tickets to date and the walls. Class officers and members be conducted in conjunction with the tively. character. The Greek letters repre- the whole-hearted support of the stu- of the dance committee will work on sent the Greek quotation "Dei Epi- preparation of the December issue. dent body, the dance promises to be these decorations this afternoon. The games, which will take place tattein Sophon" quoted from Aristotle All students interested are invited to Philip E. Foley, in charge of enter- on Monday and Tuesday with two ex- a highly successful one. Bids, selling by St. Thomas in Contra Gentiles, the lectures, which will be given by tainment, announced that the dance ceptions. Wednesdays. Jan. 17 and at $2.00 each, are on sale in the ro- "Sapientis est ordinare." The Latin members of the staff. Further details team "Tony and Trixie" has been Feb. 7, the contests being moved up will be given through notices on the tunda. text will constitute the motto of the hired through Larry Simonds. This because of the Frosh social and the society. student bulletin boards. Jimmy Lynch's band is a favorite of couple, which has appeared through- Friar-St. Anselm tilt on the respec- tive preceding nights. All lightweight At the Kansas City meeting a Na- The Literary Clinic, staff critics Rhode Island dancers, having ap- out the country, will put on a mu- encounters will get under way tional Executive Committee will be group, will function again in giving peared at the Arcadia in Providence sical comedy act during intermission promptly at 7 p. m. with the heavies elected as the governing body of the suggestions to contributors for im- and at other dancing halls through- in the dance. The committee prom- taking over at 7:45. national organization. The present provement in literary quality. out the state. His band will have ised that kegs of Rhode Island cider, officers are: the Rev. E. A. Fitz- in keeping with the Thanksgiving The championship playoff dates will gerald. Loras College, president; the aspect of the dance, will be provided. be announced at the conclusion of Rev. H. A. Gaudin, S.J.. St. John's Fortunate Friar Fellows Find the regular schedule. The members of the dance commit- College (Shreveport), vice-president; Practice tee are the class officers: Ross E. the Rev. J. W. Haun, St. Mary's Col- Tranksgiving' Far From Folly Practice sessions will commence on Muenzen, president; Joseph F. Buzi- lege (Winona), secretary-treasurer. Monday. Dec. 4. when the freshmen dragis, vice-president; John Stonkus, more emphatic. "There's not much and sophs, both lights and heavies Tender Thanksgiving Turkey to secretary and James Caffrey. treas- fun in having two holidays. That are sent through their preliminary Be Twice-tasted This Time urer. Committee members are: John takes the kick out of it. I'm going drills. The two freshman divisions Pyramid Players L. Lavoie and Robert F. Dunn, fa- home next week. One Thanksgiving will practise from 2:30 to 4 and the vors; Philip E. Foley and Paul Car- Confronted with the problem of is enough." sophomore aggregations will drill Set Music Deadline celebrating two Thanksgivings, dorm- berry, entertainment; John P. Flynn, from 4 to 5:30. The following day There were a good many defenders itory students did the logical thing and Joseph H. Sullivan, orchestra; will find the juniors and the seniors of the old New England tradition who All Contributions for Musical and consented to eat two turkeys. Albert Carnevale and William C. in practise periods with the same time insisted on being heard. "I want to The President's proclamation, plac- Reilly, tickets; and John A. Yockers, limit prevailing. Comedy Due Before Dec. 6 stick to the old tradition, even if it ing the celebration of the traditional William G. Smith, and Richard H. The Schedule—Both Divisions is narrow-minded. They should have holiday a week earlier than usual, McMullen, refreshments. Dec. 11 Sophs, vs. Seniors Musical contributions for the an- at least given us time to plan the threatened for a time to create a Dec. 12 Freshmen vs. Juniors nual musical comedy, to be presented postponement of the celebration." problem for both the students and Dec. 18 Sophs vs. Juniors next April by the Pyramid Players was the opinion voiced by Maurice the chefs. But it was finally decided, Dec. 19 Freshmen vs. Seniors must be submitted on or before De- Temlin, of New Haven, '40. Asked if Junior Class Rings to the satisfaction of everyone, that Jan. 8 Freshmen vs. Sophs cember 6. No music will be accepted he would have turkey at the tradi- two holidays would be celebrated. Jan. 9 Juniors vs. Seniors after this date since manuscripts are tional time, Temlin replied simply Will Go On Sale Jan.
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