', ' v 'i ' i a ■ f • BAT0KDAT. OCRIBEB11^ IM fl Tha Wsathar iiahrhf8tfr Hufnfng lirraGi^ I of O. a WaoMa rXlIDBLUMKa tbara far a atamity 9,109 await a break la ‘SJ?- Arranfod Pariejr I Expect Parley tlon or traffto, ap ring tha' direc- ANDERSON GREENHOUSES About Town Heard A long Main Street ' \. tlon aha Juat' paaaa 8 for tM racan lloral AnaageaMBte By Espcrisaesd Florlste that have fliled «| MdnchotUir^A City of Villag0 Charm > .tha Breach In Well Attended Far Flmcrali, Weddings, Anaivcnarles „ ___ _______1 Trft* W«w 88, t o. tha meantlma to aw thay don’t And on Some of Manchottoi^B SIdo Streeu, Too hit her and bar cMldren from the PRICE THREE CENTS IL iL, «fll MM Ita Ngulaf mMt> DAILY DEUVBRIE8 TO HOSPITAL ea ram 18) MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY, OCTOBER 14» 1949 (FOURTEEN PAGES) me ta TbiMr MU Ifooday «v*nlnf rear, then trying to raadi the oth­ Monday's M eting la YOU LXVL. NO. 12 7 «lgM •'Moek Maip. Mtmber* A local man nrto la a mambar of aalty glraa Brat priority on the use er aids of Main atraat before eome- ^ AND SUfUtOUNDlNG TOWNS Maiwtad ta fonatiif • bowttag Aloobollca Anonymoua hM a of tha airpdrta'‘ —and ' the name thing come# from aooM other di­ SpdnsoFpd by All of ttaai ts eonpata with ItoclnriDa, Imadag aaparlaaca laoaatly. Ha "Municipal Airport’’ ia, in moat rection after a break in thaFtraf- FIswtn Tsisgraphsd Ts Any Point la the U. 8. A., 8 taCM« Bpriaia and Putnam ara In4 alwaya prldad hlmaalf on bla caaea, a mlahomar aince the public Ac. Small children ore unpredict- Local ■ Qvlc Gronpa CsBSds, and EaruM Member of the Fleiisto' Tdegraph Botcher Shop, Mexican Version French Favor nauaitad to attand Monday fine abock of hair. But auddanly paya tha bill land the commercial sble. You think they have learned Delivery Aasodation. airtlaw havo full uae of the facll Conference, Finishes l A t 'a maatlng aa two npraaen- kta hair atarted to fall out Ha triad to stick right close to you cross­ The parley "IVhen Amiricaas Women, PoKticians taUraa from tba atata Oraat CSoun- •U Unda of ramadlaa and a ara ^ ing and of a auddan th ^ have a apaak,” to be presented Mondajr New Charter; new notion to break away or aome 155 BLBRIDGB ST. TEL. SIM co win ba praaant to axplala da* different baTbara trlaiTto halp him — ^ \ evening « t the HoIBater etreet aara hta balr, but It continued to Tha death of a formerv. Bolton such thing picked up from good- fall out la Incraadnily large quan* man racalla to mind a a tory.a ^ t ness knows Whore. X repeat- school; Is featuring a hrondooat Awaiting Voting Light Prtrata Chartaa B. Snow, aon of UUea, ^ an Incident in World War I. Tliere little children ara unpredictable (Hramstlxatlon by tha Sock and Mr. and Bra. WUlUm M. Snow, Ha heard through a fdand of a ware aavaral placea in Bolton that And only one driver in one hun­ Buskin of Manchester High echool aarvad home-made Italian winea, dred wfll atop to lot a woman with of M Kaaaay atraat, ta now with woman doctor In apiingflald who under the directlqp of Mrs. Helen Cunstinitioii Given Pnb> Thooe placaa ware very popular bundles and children finish cross- P m Skinner. It la enUtled "Look CoBipaay A, BiBlutwint Combat gpedaUaed in treating women a during tha Prohibition era which Ihutaiinn, aa a draftaaBan and U ■nli^and In reatorlng hair. How*., ihg the atresL You cannot de* Beneath the Label." and Is belna ORANGE HALL BINGO On Meat Problem lie Approval' in FacG began during World War I. A l/>cal peiid on tba kindnasa of heart to­ presented as a repeat performance ataUonad at Part Ord. Oallf. Ha ever, took only women patron^ man who waa In tha aervlce want- day. It. la "me first" bn Main O f Opposition by'^e taa boon ia tha Army tffbt The local man took .a by special request, as It la fait EVERY MONDAY Molotov ad to ba aura that ha would get street alwaya. that the subject matter , la perti­ Tnunan to A fraduata of Maadtaa* called the Springfield apadallet and ilaatg of the wine to drink when "I cait^hear aoroe aay 'Don't Gaulle; PrestigftStrong tar H M aebool M waa fonaarty told her hla atcry. She agreed to nent to the theme of the evening’s Says Unit Has la g o t home. Ratumlng from take your children ehop^ng with program, dealing with toter-cul- Penny BHigo Storting A t 7 :30 P. M* Tonight on Pro grain amployad by CSianoy BreChara ba- treat him. Franca ha waa at Fort Devene for you,’ Thr' fact' that eo many Parls./bet. iA.i_(/r)—^ conatl- 4-Powep* Foreign Min­ ftia baliiK draftad oa Jamiaty U Ha went to her. office a ^ ^ a turri Celstlonshlpe. diacharga. He wired a local friend women do take their children Megmor F. Reguldr Bingo At 8:00 P. M. For Getting Slerfw |utlon. for France’s fourth roflaih- af tMayaar. thoroughly examined hla aealp. She to thia affect "Coming home from High school pupils, all members of No Purge List Down Mexico Way— Soap I isters Council Meets to shopping with them ehowe there Is The cast includes the foUowtof And Roasts Back on told him that he wouldn’t bacoiha Davana. Intereated In Bolton real not much we can do to prevent it Admission 25c Ito, providing for a powerful legio* IwVI and aha waa of tha opinion the Sock and Buskin: Jane Vlck- Begin Final W ork on aatata.’’ The local friend knew ex­ sll than time. Bometlmee It can Tables; No^ Clear Cut laturo overshadowing the preOI- n a Bartford DUtrict OmracU that hla hair would gradually atop actly what the aoldlar meant and a Gospel Meetings erman, Bnice Noble. Susanna Far- 23 REGULAR GAMES * 75PEOALS Of Candidates maatlnr Vatarana of Foralga be arranged and raat aaaured we guaon, Eleanor Wlnaler,. John jlehL bore the stamp of public sp- R ecommendations; falling out She did give him aoiM party, with plenty of wine, was grab auen oppottuniUea. No worn- Indication o f H b Plans Warai wfll ba haM-tomortow aftar- tonic and acme auggeatlona aa to loMiadlately arranged. Kjellaon, Eddie Tonklel. Robert PLUS SWEEPSTAKES " iTOvol today, given to the fooe of an lovea the teak of toting poor Are Well Attended Johnaon, Robert Torrance, Rob­ (Senersl Charles de Gaulle’s oppo­ Rnssia Protests W ork aoon at 8:80, in Iba O.^R. rooma hla diet E x e c u tiY C Vice Chair- la RaekrUla. little tired lega' on a ahopping ert Hutson. Peggy Saslela. I^oo» BoDctln! I sition. Blit the pay-off came aa ba waa Driving through tha Center the tour. Tha overcrowded streets ^Unsatisfactory'; Reop­ other morning wa noted aometHinif ard johnaon and Barbara Swan- I man of NOP AC Says The people of conttoehtol about to leave the office. A mam­ and stores on huaband’a time out Joaeph F. Pearson of Bha Washington, Oct. 14.—(ff) PYsnee accepted the new constltu-^ ening of Certain De­ H m Alptaa Bodaty will maat to* bar a t Aloholica Anonymoua, an ab- wa hadn't since before the war. from work to help friend wife shop Traffic waa alowad up momentar­ street who haa been conducting Master of Oerorooalea — Aided by cabinet advisefs. I All Decisions Made by tlon yesterday by a margin of morrow gftamoon at thrm o'elock aduto taatotaler for over * 3W and to watch the children shows Clayton V. Hansen, the maater W t RBPRB8BNTTHB STRONGEST some .1 ,212,000 votes and a par- kX’ V*. ' cisions Is Indicated ho- wan ahookad whan tba doctor ily aa a huge trailer truck swung evangelistic aervicoa the past President TTaman polished 4 at M ItaUaa Amardan chib oa that many uas this source of help Its Local Organisations around the Center Into E ^ t Cen­ of ceremonies for the evening •• centsge of 53.6 In fsvoi to 46.4 op­ Bdrldga atraat. AU asambam ara —14 "I can't explain it but I have But If some of ua who live near week at Goapal Hall, 41fi Center a well-known Manchester bual- STOCK AND DIV1DBND today a personal report to the posed. Voting was Kgbt. with 81.8 ter atraat. On tha aide of the body street *d1l be In chargs of the Bnllctln! arftd to ba pmaant knofwa aavaral caaea Uka y « « ; the ahopping center can do our neaaman, active In the clvle Ufa aatkm or the meat ahortage Washington, OcL 14.— —C. per cent af the regtetered voters whan drinking a lot of bear atoppad in big letters were two words, but evangelletlc service at tha baR r g . p a y i n g those toro words, told the story of business at another leee busy time of the town, as weU as being a which haa stirred up house- B. Baldwin, executive vice chair­ With a complete stock ot meat to choose from and with no one try­ staying away from th4"polls. Psrie, OcL 14.—</P)—The of the day, It ia a help to the hus­ Sunday eveqing at MVOn o’clock, Mr, and Mra. Bdward OUl and tha ahaddlng.” the return to normalcy. They were leader In eeveral -local organlaa- OOMPANOB wlvca and poUtklans aUk^ ing to shove her into nuMiig a quick decision, this women In a Mex­ Cofltended Charter ioadsqsato iForcifn Ministers coonefl "No. No. Not that!’ cried tha lo­ band and wife ehoppere and to the and each week-day evening fol­ Uona.
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