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20 Pages Today our Page Colored Three Sections Comic CARTERET PRESS PRICE THREE CENTS CARTKRKT, N. .!., FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1929 Trust Co. Raises Rate [arteret Pastor Resigns Charge On Loans To Borough Notice Received That Discount Will Be At 6% R*te Instead of 5 In Future—Council To Inspect Chrome Street*— r Church on Ac Health-Cong^.- Dog Catcher In First Raid Takes 25 Caninet. Tbe CnrUret Trust Company nn the police department. The public is tified the. Borough Cnunril M»nd«y inviteil t<> notify the police any time there is Annoyance caused by dogs, n of night that the rate of discount on r especinlly when they are running In held notes would be (i 'r instead of r,''. pucks. wa» in the future. The letter wus written by Thomas G. Kenyon. rashier of the (Ounrilninn Von»h asked thst the trust company. He exprwwed regret lower end of Ijifayette street be im- proved with broken rock from the Merrill Huber that the new rate is necesiary, und ond bed of llnhwny avenue. The meeting and held out a promiie thnt the obi into nd bed of this street is being torn „!„ was secretary, might be restored in time. i to mnkc way for n concrete pave- read his resignation Home hint of diRsfttlsfnction in the ment. The street commissioner was that he was leaving on banks was voiced nt the last regular direite<i to have hia department m»k« meeting when it was proposed to take the improvement in I*fayettc street. up all the borough a indebtedness Councilman Andre* reported that r«prea«nt»d in iwteA And improve- there had been much complaint e»»»~ ment certificates and suhstitute » pd hy tires in the dumps. The smoke bond issue. The new attitude of th mn<le it necessary for residents near- has trust company may hasten the bond by to close their windows. The fires no course issue. The letter of the. cashier war stnrted by children playing on referred to the chairman of the ft the dumps, Mr, Andres said, and h« ,, the c ,igwt«oB which was nance committee. To the same com thought some steps should be taken rt to keep the children out of the ,.pt 111" t After some dlscur- mittee was referred a letter from the ,it'n nv , . Board of Education requesting that .lumps. The street department was ..... decided to _rr —--t- ««•""• $fiO,O()O be turned over to the achoo instructed to keep a reel of hose near ;:,;,;! up Of representative, of oi the church. board for current extienRes. the dump so thnt it would not be , -nl necessary to call out the fire depart- Considerable time was taken up ment to extinguish fires there. with a discussion of street and drnin Photo hy courtesy of the Elizabeth Daily Journal. age problems. Engineer Oliver ¥" An inspection of the apparatus of submit IN Mitchell had been asked the two fire companies was decided THE AP.;>VK PHOTO SHOWS THE WRECK OK THE SPARTAN BIPLANE THAT CRASHED a feasible plan for correcting drain- upon and the Middlesex Water Com- age conditions in Edwin street and ES IN THE WOODS NEAR INMAN AVENUE ON FRIDAY EVENING. THK PILOT AND MECHAN- pany will be asked to inspect all flro l Jenno.tte street. Relative to .lennetto hydrants and to repair any that are .f| Master Builders • --. BURNE«"«™Dn TrrOn DEATns-iTH ANAMD WERE DEAD REFORMREFOR.F', THE PLANE STRUCK THE GROUND.' street, tbe engineer said, the trouble defective. The council adjourned to '^ ,,uk,r, Thomas Way i there might be easily overcome- by do- meet Monday night. ,,i, trustees. ing; a little grading. Rut the Kdwin he Tackle Labor Issue streftt situation is more difficult and ,.y,eU announced that his last service in Car- Slat's Diary Two Lose Lives When is hooked up with similar difficulties in other streets in lower Chrome. The i, Sunday, July 28. Non-Union antl Open Shop Improvements Made Friday Well 1 got ii lotta- bad fundamental cause of the trouble is Competition Arouses Ire of that there is no sewer to carry off News today. They WHH n lady here storm water and the result is flooded Local Contractor*. Plane Crashes In Flames at are home iftid I streets and sidewalks every tim« At Keepwell Camp f orkhouse Terms For found out she was there is a heavy rain. The Muster Builders Association of Spartan Bi-Plane Catches Fire 2,000 Feet Up—Pilot and Me- County Workhouse Gang Put Carterc-t met VVpdnc«d»y night in K o n n a be my Several members of the council firehoiise No. i lo discuss new condi- teechcr next yr chanic Burned To Death By Blaze That Also Des- held the same- opinion as the engin To Work As Measure of Youthful Thugs tions that have developed it the lo- when skool begins. •Defective Gas Line Breaks eer. It was suggested that a ditch troys Plan* running through the property of the Economy—Camp Notes. cal building field. The topic that w- She is a going to Month Sentence! After Plane Makes Loop. Reading Creosoting company might G<"t O BHIMi" — most of the time o[ the moot bord at are house the coming of out-of-town be widened and deepened if permis- Improvements at the Kiddie Keep _ _, . ., icuplei to. She was a tell- to see her husband and waited for sion could be obtained to use tbe Well Cnmp in Mctuchen include an Three Others Go To Juvenile j in,, Crashing in flames from a height wa ing ma that they | . ^ him, thinking that he had taken an ditch. Then arose a question as to ouUduor stage in the process of be~ Court. I builders who i-illitr employ nuii-iiiium egtimated a( £rQm l500 2000 extra lonp flight. whether Carteret had an established built, and further progress in i are a ing labor or run on the 0]Hn shop plan feet, a Spartan bi-plane of the At- Don Boyer, chief of operations at right to use this ditch. Some orf the damming up swimming hole for Kish and John Pokola, They present a form of competition have Nutrishun in the airport a~nd an old friend of Mil- membera said that there is on record is years, were arraigned the skool next yr. lantic Flying Corporation was des- the campers. ears, wer thut i^ regarded as unfair and unde- kriet's was one of the first from the an easement granted to Woodbridge A working gang from the County .,> court las" t nigh' •*"t ' an—d' "••ggiven" Well 1 dont mind troyed and the pilot and mechanic and holding over to Carteret, to use h t work sirablea committe. e made up of represents airport to arrive at the Boene of tbe Workhouse sent to the camp bv Mr. n'hs each in the county work- takoing ennything we;e b d to death about 5:00 wreck. Upon hia returnee and some the ditch. It was admitted however Walter R, Masterson, manager, has youthhs witithh three other tiveThis : on-isoui'itiotf tbi> severai decidel brunched tos appoinof thet like that if it dus- , . , _, ., .. „ ., The building trude. This committee t of the other aviators broke the sad that more satisfactory relief would supplied free labor, and lumber has indcr sixteen, were arraigned son I itch mutch o clock Friday afternoon. Both men news to Mrs. Milkriet. Boyer was for- be obtained by the construction of a be«n donated hy various Middlesex - .urges of robbing and beating lay the mutter before the Building Satcrday • Ma were burned beyond recognition. The Trades Council i»t Perth Amboy, merly Milkriet's instructor at John storm sewer system to drain all the County lumber companies among >r (lark, a sailor, and with an- was kicking becuz pilot was Carl Milkriet, of the West- son field near Dayton, Ohio. streets in Chrome. them the Howell Lumber Co. of New ' i' the daughter of Prank Bor- Those mimed on the committee tire: John Yronku and Charles Crane. pa put in so mutch fleld apartmentls Elizabeth and the Milkriet was the chief pilot at the This was further emphasized when Brunswick and the Middlesex Wreck- uH.I iilUckingJJnl when he came time at his wirk in mechfln.. WM ?„,„. W. Rorke of We&tfteld airport and was known to a petition, was received from the ing Co., of Dunellim. •• i ilelensedefense. electrical contractors; Louis Vonah -.1.1. Q1 st''d of spending it 1^^ TJghopac, N. Y. The plane his mates as "Dare-devil" Milkriet. property owners in Bergen street, Further donations are needed to three younger boys involved I d WilHam Sch Mt ,ontrMtinp with her She sed. You no women was .„ ^ , He was noted for daring flights and asking that sidewalks, curbs and gut- complete, these innovations as there C"V"w PalSMkv'i™^"1"*: •'"''nCelle and Fran* craahed woodg ff lnman aye recently won two races at the Inter- ters be built in that street. The- coun- are no arrangements made for them two here before money • Pu replyed and nue near ^ but in Woodbridge Iliiury and Steve P»l>»s_ky1 c. j ,.rokoPi mason ,.(mtraclors; L. lUpp ne.d. national Aeronautical Association at cil decided that when it adjourned in the camp budget. to the Juvenil* i and C. A. Conrad, plumbing contract- Yes and now •the wny yar ite lookheres afpa- township territory. v *TC taken Crime and Paul lieiter, ter it. So now th> The plane had taken off from the Red Bankk.