m ¦ • K ' - - ¦¦ -¦• • - " ¦ ~" -:: :| . , IT ;/ F vri ™! . ¦;¦ t ; ¦ li : i j ~'***** *-'» }"i 'i«*.'-.t- flt!ii, - i MW|»j». T t' • :-;.V ¦ ¦ X |..!.i.:i:v;i-^rV. ¦ ¦ ¦ ; - ¦i ¦ ¦ .; ¦¦!:¦ i! i. ^ • v :¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ M • >. ^,.;^^ : : :.: :. i r | | | . 4 ^ ^mmw

ffHE¦ \«&T*SEFOBDHEW • j > \ram) ; !¦; ; j x. n "iTHE EVENING NEWS'? mi :;nHlfiii tii# ;| .. : |' (iuttr) - : . j - . ; j . Are pieiBest i ;; ' ' ' l ' | Advertising ! ' : ! * | . fl*|^i;,rLulc(rjUs^TO^Wi p2^*|r./ M Mj edium ¦ ¦ •¦ •¦ ; ¦ •; ¦¦! ' " •• ¦:" ¦ ;¦ TO THE BOTTTB OF .'RELAND, : .;¦ . IJ -W J :i •

¦ ¦ •'¦ ¦ - hYIXm) Lt7V/O» i -^uuii V'i . ' ' .[• ' Mrt OWKB ij A MWBPAPI1B, V OIi. ¦ ¦ I^Eyi ¦ ¦ ^BTOEf-CfiSffi - i ' ,. !¦ ¦ , -. , - . - >tv NJs mmi :; !. , ; . .:,^v! . i ,>j ,r:i |, .j ¦ ; 1 ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ I "' '(j' : ; : "; ' ' : 1 : -¦ ¦¦¦¦ >-¦ ¦* ¦!¦ ; l I / i -. . ¦;1 . ;>ij / ,. .!--', .- - -.. . v.-«. . : , VJ. i ! - - ' , :• -i: : . ¦;¦{ ¦ glottis. ; ; :. .|!fi ,; «?re.v^JiXr- - - ¦• £ i?^^^ - • X-Vff- ; . .; . :||'.: , .j, FOUR ¦ ! : IT ; HIS:, ¦ i MAJESfT ¦;¦ v ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' 1 ¦"i ./ ?:'; " f'ff ^r^! r;- ~r . : . .¦:• ;- - • j ; ¦)!. ' 9 COURTS; . \ i ' ifiite-. i :teif iI : if : .: ' ! HOTEL, ' : : ' THE ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦'¦-i i C^JULJ EII^G :¦ '; 10, l|l & 12, .INN3 IQUAY, . .:. :• ! III : iDUBLIN :: ; m©T^kJBLI©I£jaD 185S (Adjoining Fonr Courts.) 1 [ FIKSTNCLASS BEDROOMS FEOM Cs. PER IS THE ¦ ;¦ ¦ i NIGBT. ;: : • [ , ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ! ! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - : ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! , ¦ . ' : . : ' •«? Suites of Apartments for Families ; I Ladies ¦ = -"" ¦;¦— - ^ .i - ¦-i-a - . r - Tr—» : ! . ~- ' .. . .. —^ . ^ «. ,»¦ ,„ ... ::t . €offee Room j Private Sitting | Booms'; Com- j mercial Room and Large Banquetting Pall for Dinners, Meeting8, ! &c. |.: ' ;. i. #aterford Steamalup ] [ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' Company LOANS > LQA " ; 'r I . ' I i .j _ . « : . ; ; - • i •• • : . '• • i "i ' RESTAURANT ATTACHEn; , . ; . = LOANS Ng ilJA^i J Sweets ' Soup, Fish, iEntrte?, Joints, Poultry, ,; INTENDED ORDER OP SAHJN)? ':! " ' and on Boodaja: No ^wwro- ! 1 — From I o clock daily, l , : i .. ,- . ";¦ ; ' ' " ¦ ) THE WA!TEtlFOBD LOAN ANca CBAEGII). Table d'Hote d»fly from io'cloci, ; ^oTOaEKBE, . im; • .•• 'j :.;, •\ - ¦ ¦ ^JffeAN^¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦> : ' ¦ ¦ " ; ' ^^ ' •- : ' ¦ ^ ¦' ;.;. ;;. • 8 JOHN :¦' ' : - - ; - ; i : and on Snndaj at 4 o'clock. IVo Coorsa, . !!*¦ • , ¦ * ¦ ¦ ¦ -—-?* • !¦ ' ' ' ; ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' , . , . • •; , STjSEET,' - ;; : I ] ¦ '• - ¦ ¦ : WkW^j %$$ THIliTy.TJ70 COLD BJKUilESS i' * - i ¦ / ; JAM) PRIZE MEDALS. K ! WEDDING' DEJEUNEBS , A-SpECiAJurr. . - ¦; iia prepared;td treat, vrftbJ the greatest ' ' DTOBaODY EEGINAiD, COUEEAQB fiftPA, coAfidouce and secr^.ieli applications from £2, 1 ¦ ' " ¦m^^m - ' :¦ • I 1 ' ' ^ : mm - t { . ^ ; i tiENAPIA! . OBEADEN, fco. • . :: UPWARCDj to all ; percona on their owa APPROVED P^RSQN^L BE0URITY ' :: ; OiTIOB-.— *hb Watsrford ¦ : ! vi. "K TVT _ ' . in any pfait of Ireland. :¦' . '., ; . : Me) ojcsr©.¦ KiIbjE»y1 ::i C—~*^iHFV i-V eUanuibJpOomp»ny(Umitod ^ • fS5 > ' >NllSk reoelw Qoofls »»4 LlT»B»jok tor BtJ> Bosiness carried on to a mo3t Btraightfor»7anl and exact manner ! WOJRKS . :^I)tJBLlf Director. f "*? >_ AHD Mnnaguig meat on th» oondltlons mentioned ui ' BliLFASt * -^ No connection T7ith any CLate General Manager Clarence Hotels C impauy, . . j BaOtef Lliti, ftoi. to bo had at toelr other Loan Offices or so-called Banks in thia County I OQMC limited.) I . : . O- On ally UozsinrBiUS mf , CtUs* o( UM ¦tt»mnr« irUI Apply—THE Telephone 1388. Telegtvca—" Excel, Dublin." . be ooen to roootTO Ptawaa«r» irrlitnt b> tk» Hl^ht HiU MANAGER, Boats. : ; WiTEBJOED AND BRISTOL. 8, John .Btree't, Woterford POU1T D E|) 103(1: non winzToss 10 IUSTOL IIIOB UIITOL TO B»Tiaio»o. CASH AGfSblMODMlQN TOTJRTSTS, Tacsdw. HOT 3 _. 13 noon Easfox, NOT i... 3 0 ta n; tridxji „ 6 ._ 1 p-m Wedufuular, „ i... I SO p4n THE PATRIOTIC ' , „ 33-.U SO JVQ AT.% PROM LIVERPOOL VIA QUKEN8TOWN TO pomo directly to ttreir ohopkeopex cad evciy ¦ Ctcanartjoa paimeat¦ oi¦ ' CJ.¦ mtry or> bom Cork oa p«x< 1 CONVENIE!; T. mcst of as ed azin. : ' • i NEW l YORKi i householder tho IrJah-jnado orticloa liai can CJafrsa f ildtfancen ©a/ij/ fFOtfsa . :S5 Uf avJavdEt Moderate Rates, Alisolnte Baj a&f, Uctsn. Tlckou k&ncA Etrurla bo produced at WaUrford or Waxford to .. .Sal. , N OT. 21 Luc&nia L Rat., Dec. 12 at tEclr doors, we chall pcblisb Prcapt Payment, Large Bonincs; ' BHatol b> WaUtisrd atum Ship Co. ara •niiUbio tor return £ampaoio...Sat weekly this colorip bbaded on nfjv ipiiuat ©? onEL/ifJD CZT 30. QUAY. WATERF QRD. per Brktoia, W. Co. rroJ (Jerk , Bw. 28 Ettoris |. Baf v, Dsc. 10 p iiiutol w or to Dablfo Umbna Sat 1 ' vltlioot parmmt , Dec. 5 Ivernia... Sat, Dee. 26 IVHCRG IRIGK For Terms apply , to—• [.¦ ! Bonn Xw.eu sro»T »li»bla for tm> nontlu. TO BOSTON. GOODO CAH DC HAD. TO FARMERS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND J ALL RESPONSIBLE PERSONS, OH v WiTMUfOHl) ANU LlVESPOOL. iTsmi*. } n«» »»nsiatt ' ...Toe*., No*. 24 | TJltonia «.Tac3 , Dec. 8 HEAD OFFICE—9 COJ JLEGE OKEEF. ' nos imnroci. . Saxonla nFPElQUIIllD tPECuGdBrjhlL GtiteEIOSQin/ WITHOUT PUBLICITY. ¦ Sunday, N OT l._ 7 a^i Uondaj, Nor i,_ 8 Ipi ...ToEs . D^c 10. p DUBUN ¦ : and Philadelphia. Third Clasi olco ; and minuB.! ' . . ,\ & S. Special Malt. Gainnesa's Extra Stoat, forwarded free to Baltimore. quantity. "Ewngola," en cfflcaelo^a ' U^nitj, „ 3S... 7 Jaja Uooday, „ C3._ « SO p.n Embrocation lot EJbetnnatlsm and BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. Bass's Pale Ale in Bottle. Too Ocrpathia' and Avrar.ic carry onry Sacond 1 Poina In C. DUNNE, Jnr.| Cook Lane. Ttia ttan£sj Veiscu Load at Kortb TTtxtL Wucrford' the jpiat3. Balls .Cfcnih Elisir, n wcll-fc20T73 and Third Claas . Passengers. All Third Class oro C. P. REJ)MOND, WATXBTOBD CO* J7edding and Pleasure' Pat ties lxxullaiC crtb-Prlnooil Doi».Zdrarfool. borthed 1 " JExine," a perfect Com oaro. J^itWsT Avezas* 6oa Furnt, 14 toU Bonn. In two and fonr-berlhed rooms. r FOR TERMS AND PARTICULARS APPLY Catered for. : JlU&r-Watcaord and Uterpool and Watcrford tail Faatert chipo 6>Uow Vor;<; Larn-cot to Boston. ' -.:. |f-' 16. 1 ' BEBNAED H, O^EILliy; Vtezfocd and isrlrtel—OaUa, Slntla. lia. i do do. Children Appointments and cn'slne unsurpassed Carroll John & Co.. Quay:— ' i Manager. WlLLIAM JONES, ftoptietor. atxler U yoan of aga orBSrrant. traTaUlsg irttb. tamiiios The Twceda Serges, .Laolings, Blankets Oj i do.iBeWrn, aTaiiabla [Or Two Months, optional to return remarkable steadioosa of tho Iverr.ia. Siror.'.o , , Qailb, t4 or from Bristol or UTerpoot tW | Cabin Setors Children and Carpathia makes oca sickness ' Flannels, Shirtinp. Towels, NApkins, Tralo t , ;i prectlcaUy im- O'CONNELL STREET, uador lljan],U$, D«o*. tlcjli , Jt ed | 'do. do, OnUdran posstble. ; Linen, Pillow Crrati. Table Olotha, Poplin WATERFORD ¦ ¦ ¦ : o»der l3Tears,4o. i : ' " :• Regular Una of etoimon to i Scarves. Knitted vests. Aprons, Tweed • The Wicklou Hotel &< Eestatjrant, Vus«Et«rs bootodtiroojnWrtw*«n Watonord and.Cheihln Uudltarraneio ports Uses' BtUwaj Buttons and tiinonhlw and Yorkshire E«II:Cip) ¦ <8ncrap-!on . to THE ULTZ rma. w. •powen), Botomos*- e^JsiUi8j« «a«l«ttraar> H " , Berths ! seonrod and ar*r> iaionnaUon (iron bT Axtsts a* mmm LIME. , and Marray'jtvfoll i^aa t'FfinbyjIIol^ccs, ' ' ¦ f> ^ Wiasioaj>—Waterford Btaunship Co. (Ltaltsalu. L %' '- *•-'; ;) L ' ^^P*-| '• pooaarrrRSfc"' Had ' dffars and Ci^arttUjs; Wntertord Pipes. t - -> ( .^Vjf . llM 9 begis [to 'annonnce . that ;ho has EB-OPENED Ths Aiamsxo * of Toaortodaatrs a y> noon{a* klc« ttSosBLifcrMaU. M»Uooal««lepJ><»» «o-iS. ^: IWTIjiJ STATEij i e»uat»rtloB baa dsrlrsdfrota mugr/aarV Lrrittoot—Wateaortittt Mteabip oonpaay (Limited)..^ IIAIL: STBAUBna Doyle P. M. Quay:— I h* «s*j>< th. Tli iirimliit ifiMt mil rilnr«^ Drnr, Selephooa Ho. 4S7S. 1 Qoodbody'o and Qallahcr'o Boll, tbo cbove Old-Ettablbhcd and favourably known promises /with a most carefully calectotj to\eaoeif »pf mulm. « ¦• al(i>» bu sbo bass «S » EUa=iihlp Compauy (Unuwa;, Plc^ EBTADtlBat'D 1816. I Ba^tOIr-'iTatortord a L1VEEPOOL-PHILADELPBIA 8BEVICb Snofl, Cigarettes, Uotohe3, Henley's PipCJ, Stock and relicB sololj' tor success 00 supplying : minnn firrniTS anil CoaberlaadUasin. Etery : , (FromTerr B«T. 8jlwit«r Malrtw.) iWBXWsn—Waterlord: dteamahip Company (Llmiud) WEDNESDAY. Irish Blackthorn*. ' I naTt :u*d Mr. Salanaaa' gps«tsiotssstcirMi aal naa U&T23B3POBD SAVTUGO B^HII. Katlonal Telephone JSo. ts. LIVEEPOOL TO PHILADELPHIA , Deevy & Co., Broad-street: — GOODS OF THE VERY BEST QUALITY ONLY. tad h»TS (CTui«n>to l>« mo«ts»Ustiete*jJ , " * ff OOmUL BTBEET. i tim Boss—WatezfotS Ctaadshlp Company (Llmiud) Callinir at Quranetown erery Thnrtday, Manufacturers, Hosiery, Shirts, Pinafore* Oitliaissi Uxuan , p.r VJi . *"-t sti Ear. Jon WOOD Mtfifr annora* i ^ fnff ^^^p Conpifly tLimitcd) Ouloe 00 the Wb.rf S B»i«nnnn fttMw,1il]i of the PooosylTinia Ballroad , nhirl Materials, etc. Hats kept in Stock, i cailsoos ot thsn.TBZiaaaM2L ThaxlM, ' \ i i > . ¦ • TlTBTFn unii> • tHOOnt itennat h»» the gday. NaUoaal Telepboae Ho. 181. Shortest and moot Direct Bontc 10 oil plu.-i-. Furlonjj, A. 8 77, Quay, waterlord—Oodc~ 111 AST x UMHUi. y.f .inn qsyvi3aB««u gnu OO^UOVT EVEBY MONDAY AND FRIDAY Kiixcsn—Lower abAsjiou uteamshlp oa> e Cappa goAr- I D the Western Smtoi. ton'o and EhawV Sobps; Cherr/o Ibutard; aad ntmoti aatlsfastfea bom atraMl jasrtB *C ol Kr OPEN A BABMGK-STBEET BoloaAit* osUMatsdS ptoteOlsKcOrJUsaa*, 0*(7JU« from V to Half-past fl o'Clook. Befisterod Addressfor Tetyrrams i—" STEktS" •> w >L« Cloovo'i Batter, ISilk, and Cxcsm; Joop'b'b Era 19 "P IT , | ord. UtsrpooL BrbtoL Umorioi or t7«ztord. SOUTHAMPTON—NEW ^ (from Very £«r. Gbaoti Bri|r.) , TOHK 8EEV1OB BUonlts and CaEosj VinVo ' cms tjnd llcr- •I ban wad Kr. SOUMUJSI* "r-rtnrlti Hn Hto nus Bate oil Interest allowed—i!8 Bo. per Ccnf. SOUTHAMPTON TO NEW TOEK maladeii (or preserveo). AD tho Best Brinio ml bar* crjmisnosd tb« rollasl oomlortfrom Kkf M. I ooald aos tSpaot to obtain spastaalss bsttaEsattM'»rf SIT Any person EDIT deposit Money to the extent of November. 190c 8ATTJEDAT8 at Nooa. of Irish Hams and I Bacon. cBT9OMsadD0n e>kaIat«dMsnasrr* ' iaf sUht> ^ £56 in a yeci.'and in edditlOB may re-dopciit cay Hitrbtst Claes of aocommodalioa Cor Flrst,8ccond , " f. Canon Bixjr PJ> GaibWly^ Grainger H., Quay and Barronctrond-st :— . m *a mmi withdrawn darlncr tho jesr, un til da and Third Claai Pasasngers. V«I7 Bt» fcvt A man; bii wife, and children cay eas haTO a Bhij»ping Compaay, t Bcmbrond Studio:— aafl*j»d (an iaooaTsalaaa* tram ilutn, r ¦ WATERFORD MAN UFACTURE. / ¦: Itt 8ojosio«a cstatata deiosit account. ' : I ^ LIMITED. A pply to Amerteao Llns, 8oathaoipton or Livor Best Photographs, I ife 6ize Enlnrgoaicab Imsas alon* ¦>*• tb* r»m>lr»d voratorL . ' il - •J Strictest Beerecjr b tol>a«vcd with Kjcrd t I pool, or k Iriah Note-Dapet end Envclopca, Lodora, Vsrr E«r, D«aa Bowurr, t.g, Jus natd Hi he TrapSST-CXASS : from tba Urn* b* was Bat*. Accounts. ' , Poll-powrBa 8TEAMEBSJ with W ATSBFOED—Harvey , (tonTB^otKaM a SCiAltta tk* DepoaJtore .. Faaecscer a 800, 12, Glodotene-ttrcsi Bohool Boots, Oathbllo Prayci Booka T3o3 ensoi o«, aad ai* plaunr* a sUttef ttia lfl( raade for PMI Boola. j£ Accommodation of the moit oomlorUblr uir/sm No ciMge CmoiiDlJon.llBhlcd tbroagtjoot by Eleotriolty. Wella & Uoloban, 87, Quay. Oak Goods. Also Xmas Cards. AH Bite- Uadsd to>m»rT.hls sf*tkaali<,aaorIbliitb* Ua»3 tx) witbdrown at bnj tin ia ; iifiniriiit i (BIIIII : ; i 'i gums pp to X10 mny Ward BroaH 2, Barroastrand-tattect faotured In IrelcndJ BGOTG M^B ^ ' : . ' |¦' , Begniar Cxamcs-ou-Smu—Biohard , Belfast:— Efo bafctoff ^aluo SHOEO E*TOuro»Jo«ir»8«umfr», P. P., bavtaf njCarvdan T7JthontBoticol , titean; Communlcatlon Landy- Gallaher , Limited, York Street sodi daoattrort sad aaooTinos(rcsa otbar are infested in GoTCrnmeal CLOKMBI. , OiffatJ. kUaas. bas> The catlre i fund* Weather pennt'tinp, oole4s prevented by onforten —P Nagent, 76 , Main-strco. Irish Made Tobacco^, Cigarettes miSBlsasursla sUUnt tbat aow tnn tin m o( M,. Security and tb* new Baring* Beak ict (64j emd'C3 ciroomiUnops,with liberty to tow Teasels and to call at DcNOiUTiN—J Culllrjao, Tho 8qnar» Than tJliczo O2do in voo? OY7U CiUy. Solomon** OalabraUdtMataalaa, baeaa«D)OT twlin sad Vic Cgp. 81) j>lect» theBtntrffiflai flacneaTfc&q *af Port or Ports, la any order, in or oat of the oastomary CAPPOQTJID— W Jones Troy. ' Hoarco Jamea & Co.. 03 and 64, Quay . — wflttef lot aajUajtboIUmwith. U» iailiiiis sri fo i£ 81, Allon-otrccJ. •T»a, a»taelat bavw ba«s> ami: b* kt, V7 , P. Strtat ; or Clyde Shipping {Co., Ltd-. & Warehonis. 8, V aaVM ' MM IWBIW^UPmSsl BJ« DUUBsJXWj eftet tn» most model and graaaal dedjia .to offer exceptional value, both foi P. F. Lynch and Co.» iM, Quay:— V* ' K**J>tJ(^tal Eatheriea Dooi, will raceire prompt attention- Irioh Twoed 8uits 'Belfast . Linen, Ghirb, . ; Waterford to London. liquor and appearance. , ET •Ptonrlrtia tre aleo jaepa pd ta e=^ar bto ErCry Sfttarday (»U rJoQtbajmpton,aha B ul) 4 p-m and Collars, Handkerchiefs, Belfast Knii saL^ttittLttm%S °*tl-- 5J3 U. K ombcr NINKTEK^,iHA)SaAXr STBaWT LCcatxaciJ for «nn dtBeriptioa ol Stoot eaA Mtrbto Ef ery IIoD^ar (T Qlugob), ta'uo only ... 1 p-m Hosiery and Irish Poplin Tia. T© 1 O ' ; OF111/ VVdDlO33li) C3LJi^UiU UE 'bf¦ IJJIJUVir[]OrJG U LJUlJti S• ^ ULiCES!lULL^ : . ' ; ; ' Worfcs. Also •targa telecUos of Intslsted ' ; ' Patriotlo Assaranco Company:— 1 ¦ DTJBJUH* ri ^ Watirfcffd |to Dublin. i ¦ Entriae»lr7 Ean-Docr, wittlaoa»«oo*o( gpg Sstord«v (rla Oelfait) ... -ESooft, Phelan and Co., 30 Michael Street:— 1 I DrwHfUsii Erer/ , _ 1 p-a ©giMe & ' ' ' DOBLIH. «»sa9t«ialltts Oaacteicj, Do. : ¦ - T*ams Pntm, | Wedneaday, lBth ... 6 p-a Worron^o Placo. GQRtt, ; Candles, Matches, Bhie. Vine&ar, Sauce, end i ! ^^J^S*Jir^Sr*15^^'^tt^S• . 11th ... 6 a>m ,. { j - j j 25¦1& ... 5 p-n ? Ketchux*. • ! ' ' essi : ;. . T7atcrfora to C07k- f !l3 thdii *rtecdw -PreaJsea-ttey «g£if «» EfOry Thursday (Direct) .,...... 1 p-a ¦ ¦wSi «fcisted to them at th» BbortM Seflei, to tia Eedmond C. P. & Co.:— : 00T7NTT OF ^riT£EFORD.i : "" Oorb to Waterford. ii JaL'U'QJdj W luL^y Vv7 siASJ ATUBVOED DT S VDHIBO •MBMisMB i i I I' ' i andon Ua Mort ModcratoiTieEa. JL : W N ? ; E Nnua. All ; : t . l ^JsWu Erery Friday (Direct) ; _. ; (??%*£OTKBEPFB & 8ONSat kmU&a ova ...... , , 6 p-a 1 to ' hinds of Printing ond BootbindinaWc^i, Qoarrles 1 Notepaper and Stationery rcacrally, Veto ti9Tmn«S ^Ii»e«ttn:| Wtdaeaday, 18th ' ... i ' pxi KnoT7 ell aboat tho Tidca. i fPoniituWt, .Llnonr, ! DKZZZS, T7c^rpTocC3. Tt!a Tflt'.i etsaB tta 8C2C9 Ja tqucra : BDaaX DIsntOt. D4t. | DAM OfJodlMMa I .. 1Kb 12 noon I -. < r:th 13 nc»a , Hosiery, Dalta. Ponnn tin. Plcnnola c:a Iitmort FrkU* ; S9riOc, teo» ; ; "Plymouth! (direct) BiO' nkob, Qallu, Qtndltoionlcu. icches coTCf;3 lo IPflttttog a few ot tti ; "V T? WatorfordVo. 1 B»tard*j 24th i» tofWateriord , 8H0ULD BUI , ' Orrkk Noa ¦ If««da7 S«* ifi) Citordey, 7ih ... 5 p-a 1 Saturday, 31st ... S p-q V. LTZ *» H0Diu dvomtinc t Tqwdajr j STth »)1»J I 38th dO ' Houco Waterford to Soathamoton. GS s Dragarrah , ; TknnrlaT : ! 3»tk 4* - E i ery Bitarday(Direct) .J ...... 4 p.a I ] • a. , i? ; i Decorator, j 1 ; Tlk© M©w^ TonghalSoa , WCUT, 80fh d» I Southampton to Watorford Waltor Walsh find-8029:—, _ j StG2djiird M; • « «.: i • ' • : • • • 2,268 inches. ; Lait aar to loqdBg atfBo«tt)ti^ . ;' Et»rjr Thorsday Oslebraisd Badd'arjr, Bhoo Drcdej. ctj« f ^*^ 1 |g ; • - HAS-! REMOVE? HIS !BblM E6S Aften>»o4 (?!» NewhaTOn).caco oalj ! HooS ^.lIettte ifa ol dl blrp, Satedaj, d| 0<*,;l»« , : ' ¦ ' : ; Doythes end ! PP^ailSES/i : : | , ! •> Waterforli ito Hewhavca. ! Bxoshct (all dcocrifrfion*),. Baorcl.* enaia. " ' ¦ Ersry S»tord«y (ria rJomtbacmBptooJ. „ 4 'p.q ' Cttiica," ,;;• • .:; i Lj . i-> . « , : 2394 • . - ,, " j i > • COuitri l -: "; : cto., Ai tkulU-ral Implements, Piro Ttas, OOUKdli.¦ " 1 Last Y be todaingapplioatkat t ' ¦ • r . Newhaven to Watcrfcrd. ! j cto. All Iriah monbtaetam nuxeataad. A»¦ ] \\: , ¦ - KreryFriday motolnf. - I - SaNs^jnfcjsioijaWjiii TO Hot : 9, *&&& rmm&, * | carjo only. f 'r ^It fi SupplesjsQt) I «...;•;. . -, . : i-.M8l•: . ¦;• *• «^_ ^ ^-vr Oiammix t ' ;r . . - i rWater{ilfrrt,' to Dover. i ¦ Mlr cr . ; _ _ ; . .» .| Vrt^ M iAto it' ' ) H4to«!«'(f^ Biii»m»ton4«»wh»TC3) ' JTjadti^^A ¦ Erory 8 l!p,n ' Cn j fWfttcrford. !. ; tmcter ,E«ircs3;' -i i v j -J, . ..> . -« 4 " • ^MaiaM taMCI W'UPsslaafaitefsvIMf • "^' •> :^ EtW:T«atSajr MUsravha(Ha Soati^mpiooCcarso• Kit ¦^ ^ : - .[• r?^'-;7f^.v;: ¦ ¦ ¦ '¦ ! ^ '¦ ¦. ?Aa«fQi.MOH»T . .. : . . ¦:/ • ;¦ ¦ ¦ To la ii j»//^'-m;f.^es*W>: ¦ ¦ ;¦ . - . -i .L • .. !. T- i-! *.":- C4K 1 - -.-..tiia tsi ' ]>¦ i- ' ¦ ¦r, ¦ • ', ¦•:. . ' ifcassgtrJH arid.; !' ^tar,^ ]. .j ! Vr- l '^v 7f 5?f - "to ***\cti»0dn±dm* . ' kt£}cMrt:\ ^: . >:=;;? Ii ¦ : ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ; ^ OmtfjUonlafyiOCM T ¦¦ ¦ : rPT ¦ :• ¦ ' ^ •; i dm lot pmff rtBQWim '± • , ' " 1. rtrmiH *Zm.o&.tax 10T i£ ai ; ;, ¦ " ' * ' ; ' ¦ Jpoi^j^)'fgc(f9ir) ¦ . \ ' * ' "i ^rT' -¦ ¦ ••>¦; : .IW»»s«»»oMJ 1ti ;-j 10s. -r H WHOLESALE^ AND RETAIL \ N.B.—VbSu wnoTj«iUwa|bnot reguh* W ¦ ' I :. ( I jjA ¦ ; ^ id vertUeit in the HiWt\ may bare good Irish , , | .. ia6#. : IteoTporated«ft» ; , / Conntry order*c*r«Inlly;aU*n«J«ato. I ' | • , ¦ i «!- ?ll ADVEBT18Eli8 ; 1 ' fiwapoo^,; ¦ ; W. STfflJBl'. pBOPBtETO ^ i B^MrveFaodf ll^dOO- : Ioil loa n , 3C3 l I-Alojtm7l0 boJ,*r«tbi KILKENNY! :MLOA3NS. . I ' JrM . j. . i :- 'S^^eT L lMA!psrte .^jwiinM ;i: of i ~ ABMY LOAH AHJ> DlflOOTTST ;,D»ii»>~*i^atdtt.WfcwIO«r»t- nwert B tPPlieaUca, ; I . 1 . . ] . j - . j ! . v 'i PEOPLE .l flnHB BAUKJ : tr ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦ .ii i^urtJt : ¦ ¦ «5w fi»i> T«T ' ' •' • . ii irsrsya : ¦ ;¦ ¦ ¦ ' ni^» : ];! Aia B . I. ! I „ laUiated Kosia Bs»lTta fiiiud}, feakaij Mnk ' »' *«^ w ^ j i ii "ffiyae^'^J' ^ T SUPPORT LOCAL 11NDUSTRIES. , wlaooaiWl t !«»• ¦ ¦ Sp>»iur« *P«W t7*M«e ¦ * n ^ "* * *** "" ^ ¦ ¦ * : ¦ ¦ f ] , " j,' t ' 1 ¦ : • ;¦ , :i>: ;. OOB.!Ell taBriMH s loan ssayl nuasm irsnisMftitiHM.JP 0 ^T^ =.., • . . : i llll i v j : -¦ -' r ¦ni to rat if if* —> BH ¦ ¦ g h' , ^ nii W ' miZMwtUWmWMEBO BB, «reU9 BUILDER and CMTBAOJrOll gnlt(i>S|S>Hsnn>wt'>^ | » >/! :5Bk '-:{ia igWiaVatiiULvjr. ¦ h» Waterford¦ •" ¦ Made•!¦ ¦ " : "^Bottles' WOTHsjkpj fN ^i "&i« *5r ;j - . : • J i.l' - - - I ' i-^ v • 07, Wl HijiOE, WATWtOlD. ; " ; • r: J" i ¦ • ¦% ¦;. ALL DESCRIPTIONS. j I - |:v: . - ! | - i « anrocK ! | | t* at^u^vukmt ' ' 1 ! BOILDliNO¦ WOfiKl AND OOSTBACfS. - r: ; i - ;i/ !. '- . i i TSi£L^y BHC^ /»-^4*IW* . ; ¦ : _; , . ^ aa OLEiJB. ' ! '• : ' ' j " : - " " ; ' 1 1 ! J - " Mi- - '-' Whiskey, Win*, , &; Vxaeti 1 Wnt«t I ; PijomtUyaijdOjwhuiyB»ou»rf.! : JAMBS HURL I A|e Bjottles ¦ ! U'4te-w|i8i id • ¦ ': '¦ ' - - ' ttnttr JtaN&M ^^^KsSk^sSSusr^siQlll^DHKsB^sBBBB ^siK'lm ( lyde fliOT ng Ltd-, . . - NOT MaQaJFactarei at . 1 L - , |wfnM! TO. . i?Dfip" .: | - !- ,-\ ;K ; . i aaMtlalM kMI iM|iip i : . ' . I. ; : .^ ^M1•H ^ ;P»^ llSl?^ ^B-5^l Ni ' M' - ! '{; i:;:M . : ' :!i: i : i' .rH j).K: .H ir -i|f^ PSSHfl Wgi iP^MP^ipl Y-&1 !o : .;ljj.[j:j lii£_ ^:|-]|\^fp^^ ' ' r*' ¦ ¦ ' " ' • - ' " •! ' ¦ :¦- . - 1 - ,.[¦ - .I '! : - - III. ¦; m^;. ;; ; i ' i - , I WATERFQRD I jjj^^jmHMBMfara' '" ' ' ^ .^ OARp OF GUARDIANS | |j ' ¦ ¦ " : ¦' ¦ ' ' ¦ ; I' .: TH I CANO <>T.| M ; " : ' r '>^' ¦- I " 1 ' ! J ; - I : I ' l! > V j ¦ ;; " •. I'W SDflESDAY. • I j - " i 'The Cadbury on a ' ; ¦ ' ¦:¦ ; ¦ ¦ [wme |;| WB MBf VnB OP mii® EOTAtE. - j. ; ; - -—- *J X: . - : . \\\ ! ¦ • ' 11 ¦ ¦ j j \ I; ; : ; ••. .• -.- 'li y"' - ' ' , ]"i- \ ¦- gHM oktia ot ,' . -i . z Jiiil? 1 ' 1 I ^TCTJ^T j -i-i ^Qcot .*^ . /f icm U ¦ TJHB ILOOAll . i ¦ QKavknaNiMIEM i?Q!^ia> AiND; ; : ' Monday, be- - ! '.*3 ? •• i • ¦?s- ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦¦ JUJEDtatk"U A nbttBttil fa ' the iitnd Judges O*rt cox r. : --RRT.TRyrx ft 'fowifr irfcfe 'TVTCT.B J .^ ]- GUAR[ ANTEE. . • ! ! The .weekly inertias: ci'Srib bo*rd waa held' .iK - iiiAi : ' ^l'r'>,-- tZ ! Cawry, enig i(«*y mefffaJxem present,! ed Mloiwweaii.'i nTi* i teoWt o^afe jptcptai. i ' i ¦whose ' * ^ msmeg -vtiB lie found: in tte 'division OisW ,' ¦:-their uj iiij attribeT ootic^-l Cwni^l giWi WIow. / : i . : : ''!:;' '¦ ' ¦ ^ W^ . : . t -.- • -L - ' "'- • .• ' ! 'ni nred W^he'Afadam «i two «if the -te>rte6ita, , . m. John il£aek»y, Clerk; MrJ Patriok Ken-; ^ ¦^^^^i^Wi^^KX^^^^^^^ D^Vv ^^r^^V t ' **. nedy,lAa sdstaKt Glenc}, MT. iW". jite&dy. Master, .whnoh ¦rorift'ed the partiontora se/tjotit:A3 to the- i u j wet aaid .and ( Dr. iFcwd ^•Oi¦ , iwere.in. itteodanoe' as :4i |astr(ra9 «fiec* «f jtoe ahawmallv, . usual. , ; | : [I ;'" .' < i ,. |. . :'. i .¦ i ; vxJI ll U tiha 'ofopa thp ;,; in ilameit Beasonon ofj twWiFT' '• | . JHOSIJIflJ&L teEHAEB^. I ,TJ1e landa were oituated-ai 1ihe yeiy soathern Tire miiiiites of ] the previous meeting having; ¦ ¦ ¦ •«ui'trtrthfl Oomty. Wextotd,, TCE mjnyoat on ibaenl.read¦ and «i^B«d£\ j j -•:.) '. :.. ' . • i ; ¦ ; Capt. O&rew ssid-^With tnesrard 'to a, para-; IS A DEUCIOUS DfVIGOIlATING5 SOSTAIHmG FOOD DEVgRAGB th ji Hook Peninoula. On practici Jly the wholo graph in the «pojt IlsutanAtted last week deal-^ |[ o?iate " , ijom ¦ srop "bad "been foir S»unii ' Wfater arid]all the yiaij rpund ' p laTg^'.portJi>n of tbo .fig-pith ih« repaira of iftha j-hospittt!,; I tvish || % W^ i ; f^v^^Jf .Mi -j ^ iilSt The petitJon hmd Uie gr&i^ierit odj iror^rtljAi'ty, lieve there i> ecmie idea that (tihe. doctors tove ABJMPT|L¥ WP by -iho', parish charge ' KHK toil ! it was,b ig^ed seotor/;. ca^ =of these matteM, but theidootow are ^ 4%l$%\&.fiMl ¦with only .' .vUitittj phiaioiaas. :ijhey may ooticfe priest, >and the local doctors 'ipeierenoe to 1 ¦ ¦ these ¦' ¦ : ialj so- d-afoots and point | thtsn- out, but they I I ; ; I I their own hcMings. The eaftaite wis an . can't: be- held • responsible f^r carrying out tola decis.on'bri it: 'If the resolution before school was lextremely; well managed andj that lutisly solvent one, (but it would ibe ultimately cajipentry ' end; other small repairs. : As the them .showed that tihe question of saving the the sch63iniistreases; deserved the greatest deilt with uider ithe nerw (Land Purchase Act, Jdoeal Government Board ihaa •aitroduoed this rates would be discussed at the meeting, OJ credit. However, he did not think hp dould aprpli- officially, I would: suggest thiit the board in- would be done towards support anxt, inbtead. of making titicoeor onitauj th.at sbmeiibing the, resolution as it «too4..at present. -roew :be quite struct Air. . M3okey to -mitio *>. the ,I>ooaJ ¦economy in tho working of dispensaries, then He did noil think that the claim of the junior cations, whiah- in any wouid =r ^l-$> Government Board for the correct reading \rf he'thbught.^t R*ould\ be only right to appoint schoolmistress (Miss: CojjhJ&n) and that of undecida'ble, it would, be desirable to consider the recent •order. I I my.Sellfibet with a little a deputation to/ ftttcVid. But if . H ,-kas a ques- the senior Jscjhoqlmiairess ,(Miss Power) stood how Jar ttie recent Act would apply. He had practical 'difficulty in tais way.' I found my- ' 'n he did n6t see why they tion -for siedicftl ine on all fours!. M:s3 Pbwer was an exceedingly no id0 1 if th« trustees wer^ approached self locked up an tihe -women B .yard—{laughter) to do with it , , ? ]*!' \hat should have anyUiinc wanton e for good woman and Bhe had been in thBirl em- would inact' them in —and 1 had to throw myself on the kina mer- . . Mr. ( J. Murphyr-We :dor^t^ a medical ployment something liko 17 years. Sh^ was a' oir [that b asis tihe .truifteea cies of one of tie [inmate in ;order U>Jb4 ' ; got^ Kil- a seai&anahle and fair 'siririt. ' her© man; ; Aft^r:ajloag time w^ very experienced official in the union!. • She ¦ io-day—(laujjlrter).j She went to tihe head mirse ma'ckeVogue (laogSt«t).-. ' ' * waa at •present drawing £47 a year as [against afa; thei .oourso of hij rorrxarfcj ; Mr. ff.ustico of £ha itosDital otot the kev and nasacfl me . Mr. Grant—We fought the doctors and beat the junior schoolmistress's £42. He aid not R058 said that he otiogothor dcpToaatcd-ton- ^4L S 0AP y tiirough. the Hiding 5j all ' - ' -V ' ¦¦ , and to ¦that way I t.Viom , . , | think that , 'wks a ' fair proportion , and he got out. That ..ia| not a satisfactory " ¦' , '¦ ant3 oopiinsf in in a tuody on.aooouiit sijnply of state :oi J ! Wr. Miaddock said he thougnt toe aoara thought the senior oohoolmistress's claim iitrnga foj;.. guardian a going around the house. ou*ght to be represented at th:s conference, should be taken quite apart. (He would move its 'being a (bod year, it row an utterly absurd Mr. Murphy—I>id the M'.s-Jter superin'tend all becauae there was a varj important eubjeot a3 an amendment that the senior sobool- thins to imagine that they nmero/not to, tate these maUers youj speak of pj eViouaiy? to be dealt, with). It would'be well if all the ' mistress's, salary be increased to £60, which of agriculture now. Clerk—Ye3. Thty (iL^eal Government , ' thair share of the aasfe Board) unions in Ireland joined together and settle she asked for,, and whicA, would pring it up !had IJhcit lisir len^ia Iflxed, Jiad were statsd the doctor jwould be. responsible for ihe between tfaem the :leea that medical officers to the salary enjoyed by her predecessor. With Onbe they arfniiinstration .dfrfhe hospital:7 \. !' : oiight to receive. . -The [doctors had their own •regard to'fhe jfinior, schoolmistress, he believed ¦at ftrinia letnjth ivith the. landlord, it would bo Mr; . J ifurph y—How coiild ¦-the ; doctor ,ba , association , and nt^y not' the guardians have her salary should be increased frorh £42 to £45. just as roasona/blo tar da landloBd to como in respoin^ibls?. j ' ' ' ; : an'association, too bad tining tenants. Thoroforo, ho would refuse, o to let .things in the hospital to go Mr. James Maddoqk said, that.this was a r«^vtn/%Ti<, ^f »,>>;»» kiiul mcAis nn behalf of iflito '. disnppair. ' A' stitch in time eaves nine mere ap- ten- . Aid. Whittle said that after all very bad time to be raising salaries It was ¦anb ana u wouia eave tne ratepayetB money to IOQK peared .to be something in Ui«- matte: The a very depressed time for all traders, farmers, of an estate for a general abatement aii afior tK:i=e matters. meeting, he gathered, was tor the purpose oi and ratepayers of all descriptions. He would round on account of a bad season . He hud £«? lOheirman—The . feeling of tf ip board is that disputing matters sjn d jseeing now they could be ' very ' sjorry not, 'to Ireoognise the services' of tio jurisdiction to deal with this motion ; and Mr. Macksv mrile to-tf.e ITJ OM' Gnvsmmfflit best deal with, niedical officer? salaries.; ;Ic ihfese '. ladiei in some i way, but he could not he granted the owner, itiho i&eoeiver , and the Board. some instances they might decide on reducing , Clerk—I -would go so far as to raise the salary oj Miss Tower trustees their costB in, Uie manner ha had in- ; suggest that, something in Iha salaries, abd in ' other: cr-se3 tber might though he agreed qhoj had the. batter claim of the ehape of 3 resolution, be farinul-afel by the find it necessary to increase then. the two on account <>f her long service. At board. !Mr. J. Murpirj-—They tfon!t reduot them the same time he was not'taking : from Miss ¦ [Thds was subsequently done, i : ; ; ¦• : ¦'•'¦ ¦ (laugh er). Coehlan 's character at all a3 a schoolmistress, The Bendoorash tenants on the estate 01 - 'mma AmtewmcBsl ' Capt', Coghlan said if there was frictior u'ae jnry;'J iai her services were so short. He agreed ffihere we^a.ia tiho workhouse iast Saturday 1 Biahop O"Hara (the Palace, /Waterford) in the nigiht, sooner they could .throw oil on the troubled ¦vithi Captain Carew she had not such a claim Ccfinty of A»triim recently passed a resolution 867 persons, ibeing 87 in excess3 of the waters the better:- The guardians. cauM fiffht. :i3 Mi*s Power had If Captain Carew would number at the corresponding period of last ¦ oflering to ptircha3e tiheir (holdinga at 21 years' 3 their own battle and the doctors could do like- reduct the salary he proposed to give Mi£s purchase if the current ihaH-yoar'e tent, on LAIMbrSSili ¦ PLAHTOL¦ ;' • • SOAP. iyear; admitted dj uririg the •week, US;- dis- , , , I ¦ : • - - • J20; ;\v:se. .• They- ought -to trv and caijif to some Power to £52, with. rAtions, . he would'Second aioqiuni 'of the unfa.vo'ara'Keness of the present to ./iihiar^ed .diedj 4 ; born, 3. J:., rconcTusioh as'to what -tiae doctors' tees should his propositibn " ' A sootbinr; tmollicnt. ; u Refreihta the Sklo. \ '. 'The dark "isaidjiihat the 87 , w.ere entirely in season, be remitted.They ailao expressed their ^ otf the . ¦Capta- n Catew—Sar £55. desire to retain the sporting lights, And.caUed ¦ ' ; A ooMainA r/u/v DP tSe-healthy^portion house, which showed It was ultimately decided to forward -\< the ' Mr An Agreeable Clecscs?. • ; that there was in<)tre distress than last year. 'Maddoek—Wefl . let it be. the -attention of hia Lordahip to 13i» fact that . PURITY, FRAGRANCE, Good for the Complexion Ballina8loe Guardians the . rtsoiutjor. p ished Mr K-irwan—(M ss Power's salary 13 £47, ami their supply of turbary was almost exhausted, DZI.ICACY. IProviadcto coasnaned, £J32 1-to., against £103 Treiusing to (jrani Economical In Oca. . PcrfuPer ccd from last-year.; ¦ ¦¦ ¦ by.the'Board some time &gun). — Shana'han, W.lbam tw enty years ago. ' Ail arrears will have to be The Local Government Board wrote aa month." ; V,irris.la!_lS ¦ ) f>U0\V3:— ' ' paid to 1st November jnst. fThese -are the very ¦r -Mr: Kirwan said—Well, zentlemer. J hav?. Against. — Mos.ir? M Fl ynu , Jas Miirphy Uwest terraa he will accept." r ¦Local Government Board, Dublin, ^* a. I TllACJB. ¦ ¦ - ' great pleasure in moving that thf inorea -^e 'The Manor), R C. Oa»ew (Capt.), M Raordan, A meeting of the tenants will be held to ^\ . j . ' , - 17th. :Noven3ber, 1303. mentioned in my notice of manor m> (rranwd ,v*n.3iHf»r t.hp-'uv Usarttpa) • ' I T Whittl e , Jn?. Hnckett, W. O'Gra- day. ! ' iford Uaion on the 4th inst., when they had iajploraient of this Board; and during thft J\ J.' Graugem jckler . czya tlie " XlationatUt, " Uie WATEEFOED dep. , 10.0 p.o f«M-pt Gis&w) under , consideration the Eogers. W. ; O. Coghlan' r t> . W K. Ward (Aid.l .E Pn.-I.in, '23 yenr.-i ' purchase on -firit term rente The Slave relied for Public Patronage on the RELIABILITY the children!at aiur&s in the union, and the out complaint. They have been comphmentpd H D Light Re/rcshxiaitipr »supp lied n& Corridsr Of THE GOODS Board desire . to Kisher. O 1. Mjiickt'.-iy fDr >—2, uinanu rt'futit.'d the oSer , and are now >tt\- state that they cannot regard by the inspector no later than this daj week., Mr K:chard Roche ' .nyd Boat Trans rra betweai Fcd-inqtci* THEY SELL They invite inspection of their Stock! of :— OK satisfactory tha exolanation civen d 'cl' to viu siderui-? the question of entering the Land bv Re- and our visiting guardian. Captain Carew , Tha arnendnient was [then declared 'log aid Keu>Uil f erA ' lieving Office! IDoyte $ii to this conduct in warn- mentioned them favourably in his Teport th.s A further 0->«r 1:1 R 'xti y to frca Becposeeen ooniincr- (. iireu . sec .tided by ,\i: T Po«-ir oblppJa la tliaa (OT tlio 8tsan>es to C3 ctcrtcj Importedj direct from Bpector/a intended visit, and the relieving (Drumcan- M i%phi a ably, increased since they toon up thei: pos:- non), tf> the pffe<- t thn; int. siilary pf tlie aenior <)n 1 tic Marquise de 'iJoLsuri''.i estivti? Dear TunmujJUT' i ChiMiaey (Vial U1C, officer should be ieprimanded . «""<: informed tiona,' and I. firmly believe PAUES-W/lTEBPOaD \AVP JjOIWOr,', Pieces io Belgium and Italy. ithat & ¦repertittan they are entitled f'cboilniis:rfbs (Mijv' Power) he increased to o of such¦ conduct will not be tb-these increases. I have no inclination for £60. and thit tin- salsH- Oarrick-^n-Sutr . th? tenant*; have laade an 8rcot.=3 fanlUblol woekllrt'CUwniiBttloo^^jCJ GO ¦lightly overlooked.'- of the junior school- - ' " " , 2nd CUu and Balden, C5sC3 granting increases, but I believe we won't be' ¦mUu-c-sn be increased by £5 a year. offe r of 20 yea. » purchase on tlir?>>r abate 8. Mr Shntmhan declined u vou- r^nts -flred in thfc LaTid^J'-ourt, ns tii? landlord Ui Osa b t^lsas,VH ,ould: be glad , to be informed deserved. I, as a ratepayer, will nave to pay Mr. K rean's resoiuiion ) ¦ oi the xeault of: the guardiaajs' directions. ' was the\ pn. 'Mr hirur a ". lowed an aljateuient of 20 per Ct.vnt for ; " Snd OljaaAEiloonCij, . .. e riiy portion, and I am not the smalles'. rate- voting bein/ - " ' CiddaMtaaFoniOabhi .Ca CJ. 99 99 9 . Th.9 Board wou diaJso -be jglad to be fumiahod payer in; 1 it ii ' l ist 22 years . If they purchihed, on the i Enamelled Shite ¦with this room. I now formerly muvt th.it For—Michae! Flrnn , J Murpi'iv (Mini >n Poizinpcsj koldirj Third QUes TlehctS TrlU t3 300 m^ a copy of the medical ©ffleer'is report wi'tih the(fh(i increasein/.rofl«* beKo granted.irrAntAH .Vld. Wlrltic. J. H ;K!kp tt'i- .iii uii'iLtiioiied , they would g8t a r«lu> -tif>n allowed the ut of ihe Saloon of tfce Ixwta, oa pa7=£=l nc^So'Sa? s'p^oo—Upwards jto select the, j 'i. W O'Grad; M ; G of from. reference to dhild iK>ate .Wilson. Mr. Jamea Murphy said be ha¦ nnn »ddltio=al f»9 of Ea., in dtbar iiiu<n. ¦am, , Kithm .-Inn! , V Hullt'y. of 3d per "cm eff t)io rpnts 'they hnv' ooen I Sir aure dn seconding Mr. Kirwan 'i rnotioi. . mid T Ke'tl y, T Power ((3.illa Khi >.ne) Turthorlnforofltioa oaa bo otHniiud froa lit. A TOUT obedien/t servant, . M PtioJiir, Tva?in« 0 lioDD, ^ Eailwnt Terminus. Iiimorhk Hi. i W [n\ . _, Every size stocked, in quality same, as, supplied by in doing so he was actuated by :u. notu'S'. i n >- ?. Farrdl . M Wys. . J .1 R.iaeri Oaniuln i iH. M. SWA1NE . t.ve. He wa3 Cozhlnn , PEuta. Artolphl Wharf. W»t:i(orP£B ¦ ' , Mies Power had a very 'Mr Shanahan declined FEfJEEnO Df3 , flWD CAST IfflOH. pose a reprimand. long service, and she ought to be paio the to veto. Aid: 'Whittle said the guard-.ans found on The original resolution was Jien declared the maximum salary, the salary Cwbia ' ^^m^ IJAPANNED Capt. Carew—That : j rp« ia another question. We Mr. Kirwan—I don 't consider tm% pwfis her ol tLA inflamed csit i& U&TS« MQ)8Ul V S.SCS I - f these ladies | . tsd UBsrssntnf ' are dealing with ;lhe case of 3Ir. Doyle. ' 'li u. ,nnder:th» tkui yon h»v« l are asking anything at a'll unreasonable. They I peUn thct dnfl*< «D tilt noeiltt JOT h»T0 IrltJ. TO vApTnris nnt.nnRS - Aid. . WbiUle-7T3iey amaginej because-these arei iSimply askinfe iof.the whiflh. u koe «xu«ct«u, joa seTtr c^a mnyra, but ffo >mo« < rU" n people are .salaries their pre- . ea nfftriar till itrtk r*lemi«« jan. Ferhapi joox getting 3s. or 43. a!week fof keep- dedesstors had. You have r\i better . ta«»«jo«»oU«i),i)i«)ol«ub»lDfnlccr»tfl. jng officers ' with' ti»iira« these children that, they should provide in thifl union than Miss Power and Miss tkA fnUev roa&4 wbkh the ' * ' OIBT b« dl»- mansions for tiiem £otaar«4, or tbore m*r be wound* ofth t di**««, if AND DESIGNS , luxuries^ carpeta, and Coa-hlan. . i q?98O83O8(occcn altovtd M CMtlllUft, ^Mi deprive r«a tbe vover to feather (laughter). nlk. Too a»r bmtuended tiri6pi 'beds ' ; 'Mr. FisheT—How many year; sema lias : ho«pU*li ud Chairman—This matter -before us has re- bAdsi6iucftl-4dn£*aad bflen t«Uyear euel4top«l^t^ ' , ¦|M:S3 Power? «rt4TuedtotdbKjt.to »mpnuuo»i.lmi ao voU to*1 ference to Mr. Bo^le, Mr J. Murphy—In or about seventeen years^ ' an cm no. I OL @(DM€M §O | Mr. O'Grady said he ! UleouUd Joints C&rbadciei. l*oU{me4 titadi. »al R0 was present when Mr. would notsupport this motion for an {jaaJoaj IRegl»t4rrdCoDjriffat.>- ^ -Doyle's explanation increase, i ^ . was read. If Mr. Doyle nr dream of doing it, if he had not made rrt-i followIUR ' •warned Taer of Iha inspector' , ..._ Bead t e : s yiait it waa de- ' - r- ' . ' spzetoM local jnapoctqro] and Local Goverri- E±!in.Q hopper Ointment at ooco, tbo ODO I bud in j ; ji Cha>iuan-rHe didi He told! the woman to Iment Board injpectbri, •.lie had given her the Sri Bo«»Mteeim«R« In Iralcnd C» t£tU out. It li a ralraoulou oura -Inioeii I oevor ft lift ve • child in igood order. , ' . , highest credit- that could be bestowed >r< Clerk—No, he did riot say t ! ¦ on anf eav7 the likes of Ic. Plutto doa'c delay. THE N T!3Nftl MUTUAL L'Ft , ,hat. iHe just in- schoolmistress in Ireland It was uafgrtunat* Yoara, Homsehold and Stable Brushes, ; formed the woman of the inspector's, visit. : iha1 M?is CogMan or Misa Power did not move 7< J411C3 ICEBBIQI S. Mr. O'Grady—He.told her to, have the child iit an earlier period PoaU'Sbad iMtis trim Csotsissa. ASSOCIATION Enamelled ond Galvanized Goods. Plato andI Portable; Boilers in gopd order for ithis increase Had r\ ibecause the insiiectbr was com- they done; so the burden ffould not ' fall on the For Fattening Pigs and all Stock- . 1 ratepayers at all However, i; was only a :: ?Jbairman—He didn't eay ' khen ebe WB3 question of a feiv pounds. Every guard ; DISTILLERY Oil CuKe, 80s a tin, bagu OF AUbTRALAbiA , LTD., 'iJ £lpkfh:Q - coming, but' Cie ; a» iad- 00 GaCudasc ¦ GfjGota,-and (Fittings,, Sbovob, Gpa'Joo, «pd ; the inspector , was corn- mitfed 1he rates were verv| high, but no guari. Pcjtfll CciTBsponucnn Wkn ©& (ree. is 1 bo quickest ahd chenpeal (<>o I ' ¦ ' ' "' ' ¦ '¦ " ¦ in?. • ' ' , ¦¦ 7C- AND 77, COi&Hlli LONDON E.C. ¦ ,. : W*iffl ¦ ¦ :¦ i ! diati 'could say it ¦ , , ,. , . ,. and Forloli . !• . -;.[.: : waa the schoolmistresses ' ;.J , ., . f tnmi M known. Sample and purticiiluH free. I . ifr. Rogers—I-ttrini the whole trouble Tests that csUBed the OO U Or«l flu in ' fH~ T*-*~**JITI~~ OO ; * on the word " wirning. rates tolbe so hlsfh He then Agent!) Avuutoil wlitrc not r^preseutcl. " I dbh't |think the pointed out how schoolinjs*ies893 could prac. \J, itt»T>rMOTS*KArf&*adSaBM&9Ll»&f \) Acciimuluted Fund»| ... J.. £8,5OO/J0O relieving officer warned the woman. tice^ economy, and said oo UiM Kiute Dublin JDistillois' Gruiu? Co., - that when they had W IrtSTiueieaw OO ' j\nnujl lucoaie } ;*..,. . £580,000 1 iiiilders' Ironmonge t Mr. T. Power—He might have.mentioned in good and deserving officials , <**ra araJnod t>f Ottrrtr»»nd»n«« s~\' Ill, lireut Bruuoiick .; ... ry Jin all Brffiu:hei such as the O;, ru9U»v*«>• «oiietra *S««»««s «SK ! St., Dublin a conversational way that the , inspector was schcjo' mUtresses,' tfiey to.' OO I PMt! Aw* roan, . U coming. The first 1 thing ¦tfaat oup¦ b¦ -t - fcry and en- r~\\ i >' p {ob ' would occur to courage them. ' >¦ ' , ' ' Ctm Bones Ova* QanhaM* t» A»^ Momz<5<3lBi£! l-oln Covers (n great variety. him would be ¦ to :say¦ that the!inspector waa i Capt . Carew I • ' . . ;• ¦ ¦ ¦ said he tbought- he ought to OO prttor* (\7efijPi parcad coming.. • . •: | • , • ' • 1 : say . a word or two', aa he Ce«±Jt-o55igQ , Tou Aid. Whittle—Mr. 1 happened to be rS =rk* ; » : HJ B Wiat Wmi Doyle told: her not to do visiting guardian recently.; ,He knew that the I' 1 ,; '! that any more (laughter). , , ¦ ,- ¦, . : . - ;• ! Q ^ ' ¦ The;matter ed '' MD 1PLENTY OF IT. thch jd^opp . L,. , • I g'QBssfiasyfj-GQMOOtq ; d&fs lSaddiep and ... ; | VACCTiNLi^6N|iI>EFAtrLTBES. ; -'¦ ¦ Gele^rated Biridlesl ' • '•.. 'BAQON. . for p (Md¦ vlien it cornea 0! Tlie/l«cal jGbvernmeni !Bbarfl wrote in rej - SHOBTHAHD ¦ " -¦ ference to the modijeat'offlcers,' returns relating Oop ' TYPBWBITffla c (irwn O.J< I., C<) j, 7.' InvcatmenJ. s;aind ;othej; -•for. the quarter ended 30th B^pteniber lastl oorjrjEoeiAi TnAininc, o 1 i^9r^|ra«b^patjke' Makes The defaultera I under ' the' Vaccination , Acta (0 Hpepaast Etrcst,i>a!3Un. . BUTTER; jvere as : follows;:—^Kilniackevogne, I 0; Kilj ' ; Q Prize Creamery ,, .• ' ... ' I R . 2d . per 1b ILLUSTRATION.(OP/inillQUE SCHEME : .' Til. <9Ca< M»l Ittm mm *< >nil ¦¦ni.i. ll >«IIMtniM /JTS Dairjt .,, : : i . ... 1». Id. „ 4|»l C Sortoaa. j BuraliNo. 2, H -Waterford Kural Wo'. 1, 59,-; O tlpn In «S£r5wntf and Tyif orlMng ¦ 1 Payablo at Apt;21. l OUW cjijdJ ^ urmui: s\x>. i OO is atr %J Chpwa ;t j, o ;'.... lSi Od. ,, , w,' ao. j so. z, «i; . Wpodstown; leajMnalvkl**!. Shorth*ndSp W ttd I . . - i ¦ ¦ M, Total, f \Clum to wilt «n ntm. : • y.. . • ;•' t» 143.. | fflbe Local iGovefeiniint Board ¦ 11/ ^ " *' "' ' '! ~"" * l.rtt5T" fjj equested the gaardiftns to enforcp fetrict bom-j W Rapid nt»iM» Mltiriit tov ear*. '«*'( i FJRKSH! BfiGS. ; Prcminm ...... "'X.. £19 17 d ipliance wi¦ th.- the | .VBclcination, 'Acts' -Int .the, 'Guctah' .<• •' : ¦¦¦ ; ' ' . t• | \ i±\ rm*p *riu* *ent ffi t.on «pnltniti,f[i. ¦ Mr. J. Murp]iy-|«aad this rel ey ing l^^Tl ?*• Gunrahtf ed !'C£ah* Eudovyrn ftt la I , officer* .HJa^' riiid^ - .TVIuto- Pofldiii^ und ' ¦"*? should be -very careful about t lis matter ' ¦ Sa¦ usygK ; . ! 20¦ ft..-/" V-'S; -.. 500 ; ¦ : \ ot! eolmah^'-Mustara as th; ¦ ( <:¦ ¦ < - i ¦ yq^ ¦ ; 0^0 vaccination.! '. ¦ . j . .i . !ij " -.' ; . . .; ] I ;- ! j .!.>: . i.: h< - . 5 tl.-jicir lb. 1 ,. . ! ' ' - ' J>ISPKN9ABy ¦Vii-MBDIOAil. sold in reljpw tinsjn almo: Jp're^ t PUrt ; : | ; , .; i^ivjLEGMr I i , . I OEEIOEBS' I Stj^CduflyJ _ ,.%' ; !jj. per IJb. l SAIiUffiSi^PiOBlHCOMKiG ' * ' ' ' «faiinms ceas^ m8S W& ' • ¦ , '¦* * ! I - '" ' v * ' ' * ' j 1. Jf- gtherrdi«?aJI^p tlie IN Cvcjy grfjcfiry in bpth.nem - .J t, 1, • . » 1 . y '—*, .i - « rr' " *. - ' • - r ,^' -©UB1IN.SV:. ..' : f AiM'BS 'tj\t/F^ " V ¦ ... ;: 1 0 h? h i,:ip/ * 'Tr i - ! ' 4 a .Givflj dsWtrjal > An fall £600fcdfn*pSfd> oj Chfy jft)»oit is aged 21. i ! ' 'iiMj u.. ••" «Jti ' . Tfte 'foirowii^i^e«wlji^on;iMri>iJttie BalQna- spheres.!. .. . ,; ' ;ji f Qxinxjf Ut ensure rtpctjtioh. ; " * v ili -¦» ' ¦ ¦ - ¦••! " ¦ G1 • L'f , io. * TH 1 /' .. 2. j K Child dieJ premiums«e ret¦ omabllr; ,f», Ifv ;jrpu 'i have Volnufl «cnt. h\|gt««lth"tfeop. .. j x j with 4,p^ ¦¦ ¦ v J, Boards & «liAT7Ii«nii n:TW>To'n/1 iY,m T^fkl Mustarajon tneiuble j: • v ' -" 'Ifcrtsfcx IU -entiilcd *f~* jrc iLHe at' Bobor!' •Baimei,, ;waa illuBlra;i3niC k •^j , U.>i>u* Tiik t'». liave M;'-icasti' "6ne thin \2 -f > partlcij Wo' i>•¦ by- - '" * bitog.^ellygprfjSillfi WWal } ¦. ,,,. - .; 1 j ; >' i General IWton ...... ,;.;!.'...... ;..;.. 1 0 ; 1 US ftWrt^Afrt/ )|Smrt OU («f» tba m«rf»M I:- - .#¦ ,'. !: :; '. l'.' i. . ¦Poetical Work3;>A^ton,WaHiam3... 1 6 V&N'fla'P'iPj^ «*tl e ¦ • ' l •iVf ' A'pRljr.ttlJl 'l'i: .;;/ - i Life of JohaSM3 i .^n ?^^^^^^^^T^W^^b.F'iT ^K (Wl^B i iitaii '.-: i.- • 1 0 r I ii ivo uff l the:lion,ejjhtCHJ ta|A«»rlby' arfea frov ih Rf¦¦> sy^$9tyvwp*r« *J °* 1 A#iUttdGl. ' .j,,...:8, WMta Iceland« £ l6t»UotIu) , -¦ ^ .¦ ¦ ¦ W > ' )W*llln*t ' for—li.dslidoll uey JrM vo 11 *h±itati\,th. hHl In WltArfoM. T7i Ottdrl " '. Wlmiiit II TBirhSi fc^*7!^«?G^milf^arv?«7T*V¦ ;I:¦ ' (¦^¦' "••• : ; ^ v r(¦>¦ "" " ' .'U i ; •!¦ . : '-; '^¦^i5ii»m*U13 "V i ¦ " . . - ; '::'/ :¦:•-.;7. .. ,V' - I';:.pfP iiwi?' "' ' ; ' N'"^'4' f- ; *" Y'!''< - p . i^^- !- : ^' -^;4J^^ !i| | | !i^V'V - -> Tw!i!J^ - f^ g ijf^;,, lf?;.A ,«, ,5v ¦ rr; " ; ' itlllfi^iiWm : W(m:^^- fm^^^- Mmi $$&&» 1 i; Mttn .aW^V) Mfeiateiiiliiii ili ;1 ^ MmmmMmnmm &h J m mMM ¦ - - ¦ '. if- - . J- . :l' ¦-".iTi . fi«-v:-¦ 'iI-s;v::vTii^; ' ¦ ¦ " '¦ "¦ ¦ ' ' ¦ ' '!. - • i:- V ;: tJ i ;• • ¦; . . •; ; -H; ? ¦ ¦' ' v " ¦ ' ' ¦¦ • :'¦ ¦ " - ;!- - ! - .- ¦: -v -i ; ;¦ ¦ - < . ;1' r , ^ 'VV - ' ' ' " ¦ ' ¦ ¦('¦ ' : ¦ "\\ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦! ¦ K \ '[.\\ • : . A^.rf i-v.l ]' ¦'¦. « i 1 ' \ . ¦ : ! 1 - ' '¦ ¦ ' I • J 1 1 I ! . . - * ¦ ; . -i i. !• i ¦ ¦ j ¦ 1 '" -•¦]—¦ ^- - .r - ' \ ; 1 : . . . - .i.i; '\v« , ;" iv;.«;.;;;,• , « v i- ' . . -i .- 'jj ' '¦ ' ¦ .( ; . :J !;j ¦ . . HZ i' i ¦ ¦ ¦ ! ¦ ;- ¦ ¦ - ¦ :¦;•«¦ • - - -J -<¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ '¦ ¦ ' ¦ . - - ¦ ¦ • • - - .- • - ¦' ¦ ,, |u. , . . -^¦ j;. ¦! I ! . ; V-.:-. Lr- .i-»V- ,rn xW- . .|.i^. . ;. , xiv.-n, • ,„ .. . ¦... . -;. • . .-!»« • ¦!• .if- ' - J. J ' 1 ¦ ' . ., - : <¦ ¦[ . i • ¦¦ ¦' lw ¦ ffi V" 5 1 , - .:¦ ' J s . Hi I ' •¦ Ar- v.vrry Ui^ u f Pfey^vl ^|f|WK sc ; H ¦ ¦ ¦ cou»riiyWif Jefiw- <>fflfe! ¦ ¦ ¦ % !* ¦ iviv Its • ' ' i ih : • ! ! ' j r : ¦ ¦ WATjERFORt¦ ¦ ).; ! i " WG " the only .paper! Represented.,.__. _...... ' ¦ ¦ I ffh^ Ne ^as r •/- !: : . .I - . ;!' . . M , , . ¦ ¦V' : ¦ 1 L a;t) these sessions. . . j . - ¦ ¦ ¦ . 1 i ! ' 1 .- ~rT 0 " ^ ¦ j - *' , ! : ' ! ,j . , - ' > vT J" - 'I ' *¦ 1 • n'^'Ui GEFEHAL QtfARTFJR SESSIONS Jl/D] ^i . ' INUTES COVfT ; These Session's were beld-on W«ln««ay-W^ M SITTIN GS tiP TBZ CO UNTY ] sfore (Messrs. XJliok Bourke E.M. 1 J. B. A. ¦ i FOR J' IIE YEA R 1901. \ in: - GuamniQecf. '; Bosahquet, Jj ,| T. Medlyoott, and Wi-liam Tfto^o^S^SM^ifl^J^; ! Purity] ane! Mfh Jesbfnencssl . |[ : ¦ ¦Moilcomaon. ! .. , ' , ; PAIM m&t 1 \ i40BN8i-Na ' • ¦ ¦ , Clril Bodatu - 7rld»f, street, was prceeouted for on allied. breacii.Cl ,Si*iL*a#J n. n.i-. A < ' •' •' **.•' ' - L Manor* l''^f«°J»Q the lioeasinVfcA, by Wpplying drink during -• * ^1 6?•. rrll : ' " Jffiffi- .lSlLP'S n ^ ' . . ?* mjaltj-Tne«I«T, Eth Juurr, lftH ( Climind i IaJajleB p iL ' - ' ^ - , . : : . . ^ ' ; ; r MONDAY presided it 'tbS premises . . (i . . rj ;. | ; •: -^'&ith^01BLl&w^^7: »ii , 190* . Criminal Injatj ^ - ' may xest aasuriid that (iio Eattor will (Mr O'8umvan l»l' I-VKIU 'C T TV ¦¦>> ( payment of £47, i for expenses in connection ajpromiBe of Idfe^long amendment, he waa let att>wored , .,^i«l^i>C^vriickjonrSui»f «P^ J with the late sewerage acfoeme. . The weekly: meeting o£,.$iiis JJoard was held off with a fine of fe. or a week. ' •pare no pains to meet their wiirhea. peswed on ibehalf of the accused. 1 ¦ Dongtrno. Oill Boiin«M- Thondtr, 7tk AprO, 19 IrM»7. 8Ui Aprt. IMi. ; ' payment of their account, now twelve months James KifaffiEni'J^ni Bag^e, Jitaurice Power haviour on the public street. down with the withi Sergeant Lacey, near Mis Kiernan's W»terford. : CitU..Bn«lM»«-S»tartay. 9th aprll. liOti " Up with Lord Stuart and publi«(houBe ' U^d tad dne. ! ; • ' " ' V| j ' (LyreVTobtoTJcnn Cotter. ', John Miackey was mulcted in 2s. i ' ; ' .' • ¦ hereiy give Uaun CirU llia«iBM»—TcxuiUj, . Ma»i.Crow« election of¦ 1635; : .¦ [ ¦ • . MXi ^ourke-iBohind -fjielifdrgeP •; , ' ' : » • bills yon like but g^jgj pQpjg ^.gj ^j ^^^ - , ¦ ¦• ; . i i . Clerk—I will pay all the -KOTth ireporttog at length. i ¦ • ¦ feature •:-• N ' ., ., . .•W(tn^&f¥eb ; diMbfion o! the Srivei'; FVVE tr- .*o T7~«l« eniA 4>inf fl/vmA mrtnAV-CDgnt OH I txxd tinv-to-^«, ' 1 Ihig»rnui. artHJ«l(lM«*-ThQr»lflJ,»ndJ un*') 0M«m . TTl II , jt » T CO1V OWIU *•• w ¦»»• — •» ,. a. , , : rPhe Obairman said they; had decided on Jno: - Wclply.- iNcw York.—Thanks . for en- '*»>/ that he 'had: foo ibusmV^s S^O^ ia MINUTES 1 , ; 1 ! ; ,; • MONDAY all BoJl«w»-Frid>i, Jrd Jaw -i Landmd Kqalty-ftidt,r the Look Out improvement -was charged -M doing only the urgent business of the ifBoard closurv. ; We ari pleased j to; and '" yoUr toId iUjthe'ijilSioe; I went on twenty yards further fad Jno« i CriraianUnlnrlM, ?rid«y,3W Jnae. .. j. : • ; : ¦ ' ; ^he | funeral Mi| : ' regularly, and end not to the rere of Mai. -iSatry. Anne Dunne's act)es and pains of; a nervous W«UWoTfJ. CtTll rta»tty, TacKbty. Cierk—All will be paid -in due. . Christopher.' Any other business man EW iardi'Power presided in tias court that yo4 axe al'WjirJ'gldd 'bogcii '' Your good ana or; jmu3ciilar character, such i ; ' ¦ : . Y' • ¦ ; ¦ a. passage 'leftdf&g; int6"MK "Duoni' 7lhJun»; CrifflJoiVlnJirtio*—MoDd»jv 6>lt *iMie. -r '1 we must nave time. I told Mr. •&^£e* *M main ov»-un.t5l.'in«xt Board-day- . .,, iT .-.; l •: , ' ¦ wishes \ye much'-attpreciate. \;\ ' . • .' a , W««rtortClt». Cro wn Builne«~Toorfa»,;7UiJoa* : 1 fo-dilyPt .V ;: \ /back pTemiseBwere ten WAS as _ Rheurnatism, ; Neuralgia we were Bending a cheque for £65 foftwrt ¦:¦ : or eleven men; it , itiuHiAjaiaiiASSBBaipjJB. , . xVwould;be 1 -it 5n- ©RtTKK. AT'SAlLYiTBtlCSaX. , York- about twenty-five minute* paiit ee^en at the 1 , ot WorksrandAne treasurer emd nes to be done. ! You Trill get Itocfntfa I H. J. Pollard, Bridge House, Carlton lumbago, i Sciatica, Qout, Head- Lli mor*. iClnl:Batfn4a«- TM*d*)r, loth 8epl«mbtr t not send A 1 farm labourer named 'Richard. 'White, ordered. Up time; 'WiilU.ami Kieijran wa» one, b( the men ; Bn«iM«» — Tooday, . f Of b SapWmber; Und all right. The Board oi Works would 8hire.-r-'Ria papers were sent as ' ' 0roi*i', ui this, iar paid , well, then . -Let us- eet jappedred ir. custody charged iby Ooustalble Commissioners have made I know vhi^^hbTonghiy vⅈ ' . rtrfpicn'-I 'saw achei Faceaijhe,-: Tootfaaches, Tic, a,ni y -Weduetdfaj'. 41«« .S«pl«nb«r Crira<|-, lajarie»— the £2B0 on'loan unKI ¦. i ,;>p3iafrman—Very to 'tha present the " Wed ntdoy, aiit'epttmber i ' . i 'I ; .; ; say - that? • 7 { ' ¦ ^ •Farrell with being intoxicated at BallytrucKle takp it for granted them tihe-y-^me" Sitting arWmd". aa* oCd Tx>x, k^a Mr. •Curr&n—Did they 'ffliough it). . ' _ ' J .—, ,,™ no move. You may almost , iiid tip *-|-f •"¦•**/, •aatfy^i , viUllipi Ollll" . Da igamn. CI»^8U«ice«»—TodnOiT,22M B«irtember j they did not. The treasurer , will • """ MASTERS REPORT^ on Sunday. - . . - • ¦¦¦ that, thcro will bo no more let)ting .of these whadh w^J against, the wall, and I CroWn BndncM—Fndaj, ard St^M-sbtr 11. l*nd • nl Clerk—On, THE «« fcaw ' ne^s1 Lortmotor not allow any debit on the current account, . The following report was iead;-*• . Major—What have you to eay for youjself? tolls. We are certain to havo a free bridge an-o.rdinary, water can on thd. table; I AtarV, Deafness Equity—Saturday, Mtb Eeftember ; Criminal lojoriei— for 2a. &L due on harbour the egga-fiuppned by Defendant/—I have nothing to eay, but I wul years. also saw a pint meafiure, and -a candle about ' Friday) S8rd 9ep*rab»» •¦' -•¦-« i- •:• Mr. J>wyer applied , "I beg , S8th September i Ciimlnallalario ^- The" Harbour Master¦ sa3d that the and nad tA be returned and yda u£ last Juno . Country Subscriber —Your letter is enconrcg' would-"-be given. < ' ' - . j ,' ' one.Occasion. L Bubmit. 40 ruga received Sergi/ "ilalone-^He; and ' Tushjsd inj all directions , and I aaw ¦Kiernan Tseadir. »th BepCmUrr : . " < - i . {' than fwyer said that 5s., was, given lor ; a -Ihi Wkk: ftie- rokron and .aysUt fined ps. ; 'hft went to -jail; ' ,. ' . . . Duane'e, his aunt'a house; the • ¦ . ; ¦ during bad record afaanst you " have been a regular 'customer at M133 table was knooked ¦ Umber. . , i ;i Mx. O'fiuKivan— ttufch¦ t&enot 'a> It Jliistet—TO i J lie country. ; I; . . . . ' . . ' with mory ia iVonderiullj-'aeourate when-'you are of - !' nuadea, and Ujnillind and that part or tha FfcrJah of Bew- Mr.' 3>w'yer said . ilyit the men that, tfot w. , Assistant; Clerk—They must be a certain dock VVJU cljflrged.by Sergeant Worns -a. horse and oar ; I know Mr . Paul Win- » T , (be at. Bridge-street on Sunday jnight. able , to' recall the fact that the drcjwning of MT 'berry ; I know ho TTdH fJ-P ed«tl ; ¦/ •back to Mr. DwyeH. ' I attending a mid- Sergeant Moms—On the I lound the can I came out on the road, and . On the lat day in WaUrford no defended oaaea beyond the to Mta: Hary^Stapletonffor] fighting with another man "48 period I eivw ¦ COLLECTION CLOSED. wifery case at Shandon; ana requested to be I fouira thiB man Sergeant Lacay leaving the lieens«d papler) for free bottle. Every latia -'ff' wgFbe heard. On th*2ndda*(o(t«r theOooot/ : The Local Government Board' wrote to know ' ' case in named John Mtaekey on> lh.e Quay ; Mtoke? premises; I handed the can to CMW» Boaiaeat) the liat will be reaaAed aa.fat M tin* - furnished witli particularsi as-4» the "T T" (Bverton 1, VIT ;K>.>1). ~ held at Waterford . i in- the Town Hall, on fee and when Ailack-door, and .1 went in the frontway ; f ne$e bf ' anything like (hat happens tiae Complainant—1 a&certadneic, your worship Inquirer. —The book you evidently me ID remains Plaintiff!* naniaa, and aooompacicdby Beaalattfon» aUapeJ , Mr. McCarthy was afraid they , ¦ • ¦ of beer in it; i took the can into MTS. . spend the money of the Council on that busi- ; formed me that she was. Alderman ,-PoTrer—Perhapa he was fljhiing IS " Walker's Universal Gazetteer/' which was Uiernan, and with the affloont of enby feea, man be lodged with uxi , : It was then ;decided to refer the matter to printed in Dublin in the she said It was her property and MietK oi IM wrown r««oa or nja repnaantatsTre^ ov in self defence, 1 early part of the . last couJd not accountfor the traces olf beer t«oei>adbT poatat the Conrthooas, Iiamor* beforeTw«rf Ilbfi Chairman said i he would have nothing! Combiainantr-IHe 4be- ,said nobhing at the time about her eon ; o'clock ; Danfirrmn, beforeEler en o'clock ; and WaUzford to do with that, v nt , as they had !a :. to the Local Government^ Board, Aldermap Power—(He wem quietly to U10 of this rare old tome, but we 1 have by us a 1 visited a (for Waterford and Carrtokber) before EleTea o'clock la ati all e e s order to ahed and there was a strong smell the forenoon of the day creiloaj to the flnt day of tha meeting and it was|not a respectable one. He, Mr. Kirwan—That is ¦ the prope7 lock-u^?- description, taken from it, of Waterford city, or :hp.er 1 ' . t ! in it; Constable Slattery and I then Seetlona—noept at abore tt«tad for Uunor»( Hllirj asi (chairman) was not able to conduct it.. They make. ' ! Complainant—He dia. i , 1797 Several of ' the particulars jare very in- C3JU out on £aaterS etslona. ' ¦ ' A letter was read from the Local Govern- * the road ; I heard a conversation INEEL i' t o jigycf—You discharged on the drunken- teresting locally, and we may y repro- In dort yet' " Reader "—If it wer*- our intention w invest arx>uU five or six raimitcs Decnea and IMamlttfinut be aast In for nxnatnn la. 32; Blingville. !'6; |Seskinane, nil ; Wfcite- , and -I saw William alphaVctical and numerical order (thote nothing more to do with the Town Tenants' Defeidant—S&e b. we would much raihe- pui our money an the Kierhan comingout of his mother^ house for. each dirWlo* because instead of establishing a ichurch, da. They requested the guardains Aldennan Power—Wnen will dbe be leaving? with being aepumta), not later than one fort jlght artot tht oloaei League, I rish Civile Service Bu.ldmg Society , the head a tob-ooat od him, and he went towards the of tbe &m»km»at whiih'they thai!hate been |xenonnoed,| tenants' leaeue people cams there only to be ' to take the neceBsary steps } to enforce strict (Defeidant—Stie wili leave to-morrow offioM of which are ai Weatm^reland-street , bridge. ¦ otherwise tbey will not be signed mitfl thq foOowtngi compliance with the vaccination laws in the ;pa,y oomuig 1 insulting. Some said that he (chairman) was: Aldefioan Power—Hav<- you any I>ubLin We have heard nothing njfairiAt. tl te Cross-examined by Mr INIMIENT Seaalona, The 8tamp tboald be placed oa the marginof thi CSuMiVan—-The at:fault at not conducting the meeting pro- Union. . . . concern decree or dtimtM , not on¦ theipaoe for Clark of Crown an* you mentiui. Placo in question is a shod and d porUon of Pcaoe't tlgnaiBre. i - . . : ¦ . ' . | perly, but he ddd h]is; best, but they need not I>t was decided to refer the communication (DeJendanV-I have Sundiy 's pay—(laughter) Mr3.;Dunne' »¦<• s hou.se in William-street; I did Cures Rheumatism in ,E> minutes BST The Crown and fasoe OfScea heing.nnited in thia be surprised if he ;wa3 not tfoere at the next to the relieving officers . Alderman Power—-Wi t you pay a fine if , notJoe •Mr». Kie r Mive eiiUTt-d yuur aume, m. that place: I know mewa nt OotintyCourt Stampa, meeting. . . ! A COMPLAINT impose it on yout, , . . . a** desired. ' that ! gamee Curep Neural ia in Impreesed or adheaiTS, on ¦ ¦ ¦ of caovis and ¦pitch and tosa are g O minutes BeqildtUm Fora*, and Cub. and Pottage Stamp* can cm' ; Mt. O'Mara said! that he sent notice only Trie following letter was read : — Defendant—<1 ,rrill. \ ' ¦ > .- ,> being p.ayeu in or noaoooontborecetTMi. . , " Iilafennell, I>ungarvan, ry |We!l ;-ypu are CnCl near the shed ¦ i to those who signed the resolution . I Alderman Po/v^er—V- D ,^I»«tor Lowndej (to Curefe jLumbago in E minutes coaawN-BJarRESS. ! , 1903. if' ' 'ou wxll kiae Ilallin?,ineela Cor -r-You can ai\raya depend 01 .^oi Constable ; Mr. Power said the Town Clerk ought now " lfith November 2s. 6d.. and you don t pay; it i HtatW;ry>-.When you went send a requisition to each member that signed " Sir ,—'I beg to call your, nnmed'sate atten- yoiu berth on \iins to give fairplay Send us your reports, . around In. compU- Cures Sciatica The Qranda«4 Petit Jorort of the Coanty Waterforl wll .' ' ihe ance, with' Sergeant Looey's uistructioin in 0 minutes be calledat WaterforoatBaU-part Eletea o' the memorial. ; ' : • ' tion to the - aeglected. state of the stream Oomplain to. jaio. ... met her son coming up from Mrs. (Dunne' Cures Faceache | . * J1OH3A s in O minutes Apjlloatlonj for Spirit Lloentei . and Petty Seteiona] ! BAILING FOR LOOK OUT. ; vent, the outflow of sewage:matter from, the THE; MIAN WITH TJEE -HATOHHT.i ; T!. B.—Much obligee tor youi tinicJy note. Appeale will be heard m Liamoreand Dtraynrraoat Twtlta: | Mr. Dee sent a. letter stating that he would workhouse. This need not constitute a A man named Michael JJunphy was charged Result will be apparen. - . MA Bourte—WO don 't think there ' is suffi- Cures Toothache in minutes o'clock, and ia Waterford at Halt-put Klaren o'clock; and \ . cient 61 on th* City Day immwlliUl/ altar¦¦ tha Crown Sottaan construct a railing]for the Look Out for £27. nuisance unless "there is neglect o£ the simple ui custody by Sergeant Oreea, of Ferryba-nk. evidence; th» difflooHy tbst wo'ljave ia ' . ¦ • '. - ¦ • ¦ this, there 1a (Uaay)i • . . . . i Mr. Beary reported it would be well to ad- ^precaution we require.—Your obedient servant. with being riotous in his own house at Foun- Oi/cliat, Miitdbielstawn —Ypu not the slisrhtcst douU that tt was Cures;Earache • ' in £3 minutes ApplioaUoni for Tranafera of Ueenaea abonU H each eta* : ' . can get a first- porter, and it was vertise for a quotation. 1 "K. M. KIBLY " tain-street, the previous nighv '*¦ •.• '« class machine at the.prae nh!hed We would found in the son's presence; tut* «h* Dam* of tb* petvox froa» whom each Tmufer i* | the contention does not Cure$ :Stiffness in^ roinute tonxht, and the natare of the prerioaa UDenae: and Mr. Barry jaid if; they had no funds to meet: iAn order was made that Mirs. Keily be in- The Sergeant stated thaS srtien on beat duty adFise 6} inch crank and %i iii;ch frame Be hold that tho porter s application* for Conftrnutlona ahivnld itate the prerions ' came- out of Mre. ' : this, it would be as well to leave it as it was.j formed that the master had the stTeam cleared »-ith Constable Moore,;word'rrached them the.t certain to get Dunlop tyres. Kieman s ihouse ; it ia a very Swaion*at which,the Iioannwaa obtained..' > > i > suspdoioui} casj; Cures all Neurotic anri • : ' If the railing were there all the children in within the¦ past montfa. i a row was going on in/ lDunphy's housJe; they u the porter did not come Petty Beaaiona Appeila wOl be dlapoead of after th« town would be playing over it. ; ANONYMOUS LETTER. went tfere andtrom what 'tjiey heard,they went 'Football Challenger out envelope in house Cures Deafness are directed to lod<» information-, ReooftsiianoM an< ' quay and it was no use, though, it cost a'- good reference to the old mail car service from while they were in Murphy's house, D">inphy which the challenge camo. ' ' with /porter in it, buti we don't think caused ¦ ¦: there- IB sufficjpnt Appetla. in the Crown and feaoe . Offlce, Wattriprd, withht'i deal of money! | | j Clonmel to Dungarvan. came: oat to the door , when he ep rw the police eyidanco to convict hor, b Rheumatism aeren' days after they thall hara ncdred aims, ante a tharofore y ' irl'B minutes ; . ¦ Mr? McCarthy said the place looked bare/ iMr. Power eaid he did noi think an anony- he dropped a batehet out of his hand, and Butcher.—Yea, Mr Maurice Quinlan , T.C., tho case ia dismscsd. penalty ot CS for necleci, ' , : and it would be well that some protectign ! mous letter should be read. ! when he came outside they arrested him ; he is the contractor lor the- ' MTJ. OlSullivan—There js another charge Cures:Colds;and Gpughs in tlufea * ^ ; rFUBEIOJUia ; : ¦ r- ¦ ¦ ; he and Fanning s Institute ojrainst was placed there. . ' _, , j'Assistant Clerk—That wasi aJTraye the prac- ^wore that would kill 'Murphy break Report will be lound in last 'Week's. " News " Mrs Dunne, the being the oocupder of or;four applications:to Each PnUloan, after obtaliinf a New U«enwor T-«artsr'' HAfiBOUE MASTER'S BBPO&T. ! tice here: i bis hones ; he also struck the door. All tfie other an unlicensed -premiaea. and for oaiowui-; the ¦ chest mutl9ajr*a tondoi r>rU&oat*(tta*ipedirlth &«d atan«); reports published are mere copies, ¦ - ' , for Signator* by Clerk of the Crown and Pace., ,, fThe - Harboui Master leported - that some ; Chairman—Any man may. stab another in hatchet he as " The ' <»asumption . wnjiout a quid pro quo : ©EfTPKEN?TE38 (AM) flow of water to-day at the Bail way Station; fiable, but I where it 'brings I in the name of tion, oif.doing eo,.t!hey coiledt him arid he [came : '¦' DOSOEDBBiLX ef any dooomaot theretoforeaenra on him br th* Defen- 1 • [ ' COlfDUOT. dant; m by him on the Defendant-Order.VIII , Bnl« t of . Owing to the number of taps at the station 'it another individual it is riot (hear, hear). out to lbs door and dropped the SaatchstJ thsy County Court If»». and baton any uoneyb pail oot ; Old Borough .—Thanks for your timely re- John Dooley .was proBecuted hy Serrreant Bale*, was impossible to inspect, the place properly. lit was agreed cot to 'have!She,letter read. then arrested him. minder. The disruptionists Laorfy lor TriAnrT rP'fion^r? of Conrt a CerUilcaUci Fasda ln Conrt .moii be obtained Hei advised the Board to put a meter et' the (THE LAffiB MS. JOHN OHiBISTaPHER. Alderman Power—Bo.you think the blow was , we believe, will druiikerileia' ana disorderlyconduct from, the Clark of the Crown and Paao*. on lodstng a ¦ have a hard time in Ireland an Ptortlaw on Ihemtloaa station. i , 1 On the- »>roposif.ion of the ¦Cbainnani secon- -. " ¦ ; : ' ! Every honest the 5th iBSr"(HVTya3 disorderly oroperljr ttampedBeqmitiHoa on dty ti w«rt. | 1 . intended for you. ! i- ' ¦Nationalist rfeaires peace. by niaking use of very fUlhy l :¦ ; oaoaU-tvAi.in j uiiuco. ,- Mr. P. Veale—Put a meter there and charge ded .by Mr.]Ootter, the following resolution of Witness—I dont think ii, "was; he told ui3 he eSpiessions. : (condolence ¦was : passed ini silenoe:—''That C«astalblo iipoloy -Jhad (taother c&arjo-'of Application * for eonrpeoaaUootor Criminal Injnrlo* will ttiem, £S0. ! ' would go out and trreak < In the door and Michael. Canty, Michelstown drutuemncS .¦ MT. Walsh—Thiev! are Basiru: £23. this Board tender. to ,the;faimily of thg lato /¦ . --You will see against hmrcni (lie aetb inst uS : jj windows. in another column a reference r CQerk—I must communicate with the direc IQc. Chwtophs,r(: Ballylempn,i(iu - "^oli and - Oomplainaptr-TiHfl 13 Jifurphy'o biotheriaii- ¦ to tie "Wonder- aUolat PorU&w. r &MTm!^^Sr •: " : , ! ¦ -I ' ful jSun Dial." ' m. Bourke—What •' trerW3«lredto K«iiat«rth«irLioao»t«at S Oarr'Swina, tois anaut the meter. ' ' respected resident ; of this-district,- its sincere law. , ' ' : ' ' ia hie record? when Use ooauuno* 4th- day of Jaraary, Sergt. Laoey-JThe defendant, was earn* *ft*r th* BAUiYNEBfTY BBIDGR sympathy at ^beirijeoent iafflicttoni and--as a Constable Mloore—It was all through drink. ! Wm. .Field, JJ.P., sentenced otherwise tt Earter Seiakm*.- aolWUar , trom l otku "Mr. ifchero a teak of (0 bis. memory, that thl» Blackrock.-The subject to 14id&pf rnsprisonmont Jor drunkenncsa end conntioi moat prodoJ*' theirWotD B*> for Raciltratlan McCartiy asked was : inark j of respect I Miayor—Where is this house? you deal with ¦ ': ¦ ' waier at Ballyneety Bridge . ¦Board: now[ adjourn.'' Copies to jbe sent to OompCain-ant>—It , Ferry- so succinctly we have taken the disordcrWfcSJhduot on tho 20th of Hay;: on the , rBp01S8 OJTTJ&MMW-. ¦ l . is in Pocntain-ctreet ¦ greatest interest ;in. 8ee- _ , jbut ne would ; • ¦ ¦>¦ ¦¦ ¦' " L. and P. and other I7th "Of June he aniSy, eehdrag ' yestercby, ! ' Dtrldatt of Uaavsw-1. TO» Btbla, JMmeH i. l lanl Mr. MoCartJw' thought it would ibe a serious Tcio LaxaWve Broin?-Qa!niflo Tabbta. ' All Sergeant iltiionc- r^H©was finod 6s. l^H June. a member of its! huge staff all 1 f thei waV to (Kilkenny and actually The iDastefct Trehar, Cmpp^pta; j, MKhaal Mangu, Bndan*.*aB*«*v thing (o have this mud on top at that place. ! A Complainaht ^-It would be well to b,tnd ihim paying the lospoctor said ho waa tho worst DJrlaonof Dupn u — !.¦ Patriek iUAA/ iy .BaDp druggists tjofiind' thor money ii it fails to cam ; train, fare ! You character in committee of the Board should visit the place. to the peace; 'be is a very ffang»ou»'in£h ; he mayi now: look, out for 0 tha town macartetry.Clonajeif ». Patriakla olha*. K*ookaa«a3a. Prico 1/lJ. i Tbs; cenQlne b ist&opsd L B Q. 6 < 3 cv aiD -QSIMENT faonoajlyiDn mrerWBt . J»aM« Mr. Hayes said that the streets were a dis- ia not Act» oVbUj^ (.'¦ j F,i!* l J £ ft tt>ini- not scarlet, football 8fTEeant Laooy-rTlheire aro 45 convictions I Yon say ¦ Oaahaorw:!J. PaMck , * t59ennr^rjl$ifw,h£3. . , edition' during the oaainst him ' *on are jBcsptical? W«QJ, you may CoetmM.Uanjyhrlao , KUroaaaatyb S, Jobs Walah, Olfr> grace for the past rnontft. ¦' " Alderman, Power;—(That ia, when he dranka? nest few weeis. witian the :l*3t three or four years. be; but ... II; ¦ ' ' ''' He was think h momenl.C hbuldT T« be foolish he had^ thirty years'; > - '¦ ¦ : •:¦'¦ ' , . ; ' " ( ,T'I f- ¦'V> I " ' l '¦ Ml fi - :.» I'. ;.lj»- ... ordered to 4>e imprisoned for a, month Mr. Barry said- |taat Oomj ai?ia.rtT^gea«^ A i>' , ?!-i:.U < ' ' in oich. Enough to djf>end thor» • .;; ... . ; : : , ' . ¦ Prefercnoo; on tho publio ciroet of Tb *\ ¦¦ ¦ *e ¦ bcods It was a monstrous]th(ng to have «ho baair^ca, Ordinary £49^37. (Dividends 01 PorUair. youjiria, UUiw» 3n«e." - ¦> . ! . : : "TOLUAM L DOBWlT. ; ' ; I jr. ' ¦ ' ¦' ¦ wnU'on rjhe Mr. ®otirke-ras afraid theT; Were 1 . 6t ¦ts l waet dredkc-?H •• ;<; ¦ -- "; - , ;> " on (the Otdanary have been deciired ubis veer. Defendcnt—Nothing, your wwrdiip iLrNrMENThaveibkn 1 ' SL ji - flergt »ent out «Sth the last V i. , Oonoty and Otty pi wiwmwcf not practical at all., (This rtufi was taketi">t ; -The anmiali-wesk'o retreat fox the membeo > -iMiayOTr-Th*rli rtsakes^'Tiie icari - 2 the niora The Ordinary eharesiare10a. ecoh. • (Laoey—He was flnod 63. far a cimilsi caonw, in t sponw .-ta of the Third Order and the faithful generally, ofKsnco in M»yj ta many letiert,-which arown tndP*ao*Offloo. Watfrford, • : . , !¦ ~ the Fort wall and the sanitary officer was, cerious^lysa^iaa fcralerouiUirpon hi JXKU 1 t» seen at the!Cbn»p«Brr' ; , ' or. was opened on Sunday evening in the Fraa- A flno ol Es ond ooais wo £an # dffld«». And *th KoTtmhar, BOX i . , asked if thla wonld go to the manure¦ yard] band, Lhd only {at the police came it is hard Walking and Galropins.-Jirrjch oblfaod for m impocsd. i rn no singly instance th*t Itcs come to our r to :the Look Out. [' . : ;. . ¦ , u. -i ciscan iChurch: , TJKI devotions^!consisting of to eay what you would do. i vory You The Court then rose. . • ! . aid' Yqa-WS fined 1C3. yqpr intarestinfe octUribu^ion. can Mr MbCartby said that there was something', vespers, fiennon Benediction-o< tho Mosi Cd. or 14 davis' imprisonioent. rely on us to insert every }utelyi curit>f Sacrament;commenced at iwven o'clock, week, H ¦you favour ip*rnrJ3 "five iommed?~8end a at ill evento, in what be brought Jonward.vJ Holy, - flihis concluded tbo business. us ivnth a letter.. . .¦- .. ... ,. , • : • , penny( stamp and jet a free bottle hy return MEDAL IAIND CBRTIFIOATB FOR 8A/VDWJ -when the beautiful sacred edified WAS JitewOly ¦' ' !¦ ¦ '¦ ' . - 'I ¦ witia a devout end attentive congrega- USD aHHiDBEN'O TEA TAJSISE diSH LIBERALLY ! ADVANCE]¦ ¦ I LEFB. , , : packed ¦ ' ' ' ¦ Hit . T>_—.1 Ttnm 'nMn QytAtfUtT 9 /WT^raTvYCn ¦¦ TtrESDlY. 'Maid Marian.—The IJJ^B^|tolM^y^^)a^|beti»iM a : lorwaraea 1I ofk ttnn. ' 1 AitAT vestters tha Eer: Fsther Alex- best remedy we know for ! - . .. - .. « : ; • -i •¦ The Boyal Humane Uociety writer's i saving vie ander, OjFJJ.i of the FraJiciican ¦Convent,1 croajp is to give up writing aKoccticr bronze medal and certificate for. • .Tha (BSglit Woishipfulthe Mayor presided in and use a good type-writing lSk ' u; in the Quay, I>ungarvan, last summer; ;; ii ; Manchester,bv whom the reUefttis being con- machine inatead— R, ui always a plessure to o mother 46, BtOlybrioke^ Waterford, ii ,. tha C5ty PoHoe Court to^cly, and ;di*posed an I easy-running Williams, lor linstanco. to maka *\ UNBEa> XINSCSIT in order was made'that the Chairman pre- duoted, preacned an eloquent land impressive p* Yon hsr ohildrea'al t«*-tthla inviting, fioina tvprca^^ pam «Dtoiute$jy •V* one custody case ' caa see tha machine at the7' News" office, . in* in nve nunute*. - it Wi Al»- W*avm«.^«w«W W«teh4i. Wey«I«t ; sermon on ithe end of man. , The distinguisji&d , in which U farm labourer, rne trouble dulgent mothera do On« by providia ioaey eleot*|c«ai>.!ui|)6n^.' tirtta£, . tot\lA \ fiytf , r ; ' : is dueof not so much to exhaustion llpil-^«rfe^ 'l»M|a6nj PUUBg, UiA j rif ilM - whoj by. the way, conductid in the same a&mid otfcesjnjl av ^^ «a*¦ aM* LA^^h^^aalaft^l-h k- * -; ' ' I ' I , i ' - J T ^^m^^kms. . '! I Pria*. Robert Knox, pleaded guilty to being of -a^' muscles the vaMiOtM from ll» p«try-oook,bui minutes W Hch*of pudt *> *«y «jttW*|r and ««fliy wUhtbs CUeASflU , i fc;, « Hd.: , y/V&N.EBVA.Y jroy to remove candle greastii -okn- B, malerW l^p of tfl». «n4.1|r. 31 j*r K «oul,l«ndwhen once ihiifi» j «tst«;'Ol gxtce, U> is ito a \rfaioh-WMf prwiiflOomi|& ^u^H yj'j1 , • , ' ' i remain so untll|he teciivea the sumo^^s to jieat, flat iron and p ress the ! spots j^sSHCTBte ^ ' ru .c - \ \\ Ujfiarngh p sheet TJMagL;.,I i . ; vuoMinf &iiijintti «wk«w!f eym^aOiy.4-tW|heaItl»ettand(rtr(int«»5:of.ia». The revi '. /f ohnljHo rM^QK Ouiic^ io^uirf *vMk'c&arged ^V»n«lo«ni runct iiabr,,^ven ur iStontt'i tiiey • ttojr by CoawaoteiJpeacon-witli Jbeing found (WMii EojtoAft^A' f Cook Book, be ^^ . L^oTOK ^^^g^g^JWiT ^* jpmaaa-\Oum| in»t4ncpd ica*e»r ; oj!|.,young, paKic atrwt in with * i# h»d{lorId. •Uw g people, uaa p»rtlqnjsrly. ip af c of a rqbust oa t^e oomprany a itjomim; IKTO9tfA£hKSm: PA* Thw?ir#p*p JjSrT:/Onii»ta>l»ei, Mr. Geocgo, Stokea, Ooor- youi g m*n, whom he had 'l^nown, 'that died who,wis also In the doik, named Margarei ttoJ4riy>uiUdfor xS«7 ^iiib£ ^ •White; "who was prosecutedby Oohateibl« ^ very suddenly?.fibers weretnerl.and emment ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ 0/»^.^TO*e>«wi (tetot«r aa^tj.;..!;n . . I ier irymen , a:«ieek. r 1b*< *nt Ond tiw [wonuanv iwho said IWPWf!» imn thatU *l i i«t we h a.^tUiCofSl A our Lord, .ratten. |. is Ma odd oflender.^waa Matag ^i l» «ew *n taiU»* vtot££mM ib * .. . FATAL , AbdfDEisIJ UJEAIE OTHilioWN¦ 1 ! ordwed to pay ,40B., da i&MmTturn/cm-jlfc e , ¦ ' J ¦ Ht7i*ey *S» ih{ the Holy acrJttuTe», ,"Opme " } j . . ; i i i - > n ; i , 1 ! . ' former ¦ paid up,; tnrt the Jatter¦ ¦ ¦ > wa» «•>( ileisedjof my Father[aid po«iea «ie ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ¦ - i- ^IffiflBJSrttaniSy ^^Mn^to fJJKBESHIK<5 M1A0HINB ATOBNiDAOT K ^gw ; ' JaiiJ . I. i •. .r .: .ilTFJ . ¦ " wmmgm » grew oeoi « ero»*wBW~?r» .gwjrT.. adnadoro t&tt w»» prepajrad for yon.T : In oon- ¦ ' ¦ Tl .| m-nHBR iANtD eOiN. i ! ;, I ' " ^ T KILLBP, , ! ,, -: : BtSwmm^^f WPei^»..^ >rfctoi«r»i lnt:hii ftnl»r»flW.Ti ab|« sjad:Jjrtefe«tin« i I ¦ ' Tat UMEEL COMPANY, ' ^ r Aiyotmg man, named® *itriok(Mi urpibv, was J „ r ml *-Ui -i • M . ' LUL, ..r:-il. .t.- (ti«!ri»tlfvli ***«-:!i P«rW! »Jl - •ehnon, :t5j» iwJ pre»«B*j;earnestly w«iu«Bt«d ' ¦ ' '-^ !^n,!in putting the rwolu^n,ait 1 I&. p >6ire anlp- cbafeed iby ! bis htibtei) ffotei Mteph]^ of " iE5 C5 C5 d A iA frigMfttlittacidentoccurred «t TytauufliliOTy, tTS, jytfjeTi perievvtfj a]th^ j J 4r Pil(owii;i oa '.Monday evening. , IA O th(t itt/Dapg.iteagaagotow itds.Ub, *hn» fioV : «n* ^ ^ by ' . i ;. ! «« m*r<4*r«wrr : ! . twmel COoowjr, ..Li ,U»» WnfOoymenti«t*]Cir: 1b» htoi to Uak tai dr. Sd itoUfa.) ' Soefiuy gr^n ¦nrrfy' rr (FWusri Beaton .ifei -g ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ;: ' terj ^ J«m«*'Sh«lBrihp,Kddowb , wws- '!¦ I ! ; McfwoDtor inadto tm\ BdSatbtKtouhnw idxHrji'Wnu. 1 ' ^iSP^^L5lifeS^#l*; :Pwl MH oo «flo.;|t «j«*&*op»hr»oiriei**** ¦ :¦ ' f * it'7T : :¦ atr. of W«UrfoM ^nat iow view *tf *m Atm ^ ^^^^^^|^>^kl i ii ¦J l i !: ; ; ¦ W^¦ '¦ ¦Wlf ^Sf iMi\ ' ' Wmf a drifted hS Jejpoittte, Mf Ut tb* ti : t M i ' .' : ri'Miia fllWHWH til, : ] • K . ato/^ie9^4Mm «ff«7<«»ttAcb|i^ iM wenaap JroenBU:cnej oeiej«A>J*h«'e*ptoid.- .:r , I . . , > ! '!• ; , : ':. ¦:; litt'How it . aCMJoMJ BoaWoithr.ippeoeds*lf in £11^ cnm *! . ¦ 1 ' i : ' > O* ' ¦ ' ¦ f1 ¦ ¦ - ' -^jTiT vl!j' -, -:: >¦ '} ¦ :¦ • ' -' i ! ! '- .-- ' ¦ '¦ m tetTMttoi it*p«m«in ; w Heft m «aowde4 6&3li* tao5etisfl ki j»iL .,.; u t r ! ' r i'| '»• i. Ii 'tntrt ii by » dew at< 0tHfn ttOoa.<'th» ^ds ttwiSto11 tewnf«rtwl:j; i Kkr^ y^tw«U is}I«*ji0?k»» o(» BtpmA j ¦ ¦ ¦¦ r i^¦ ! MMtoMMk tiM M^UL'' flu^B&M« flUt ¦A : ^ic. : j ¦;¦ ' ' \ ' C wHiwCp ttollM cei* WM preient, «• ———— Im i» | : 'i ! ^ ,;; ;.\ r mMktMmmMm <* 4 ¦ ¦; ;; : ' ~ ' ' ; ^ 5 W Sw #0f flT wSStoin i«U dt the • rr~' r~~l i - ' !i. I 1 RM.M. Id.to %. » L am Ik « *tfl oi tha bm : : - : , 1 ^M^M ^^M^^M ^^M^^^M^M ^M ^^M ^MM ^Mj t W !i . BJB3RB'8 B iZOBS. ¦ ' ^ ^BH ^^M P^BH ^^WV^P 6 «4£2t»ri«i6 d tilmStnaen&oISi John'* II m iMl!* Mod |ifai] : hdl UfMmimgk *^^^j ^^^^^ ^^^ ^2 ^w "I^H x m*? 1 I^^K 8I m^^DD hmWSPsiUU' ^ H N 1 m-% "w ^^*!w ¦*^*&fe*'™nil Oim I HMl± t i^^ ; ' ; ' ¦ ' ' " ¦; ¦ ^i^SS |^ :. -. '. -i - . ' W -[- -'- >?- , : i • : ; . I ¦ 1 ¦ •¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦i. , - ¦ .i- ¦ I- .;-;. " . 'I - ¦:T^ :M': j ' . -i '-t- ' Hiii Wmwm g^lr i- . i . - . r. ffi-! .. : I , . MW\- ; !i . 1 i*Pl ; ;: ?!IW-.;l" ':-¦:L :"i ' i. ! ! mm^m-im if ^IK fr 'f : ' !S! - .. . — mmmmmm ' ¦¦ ¦" • ¦ ;,f i.: - .r ¦ - , j :^~==r ^^¦ '^ ¦ ¦ " i .1 I ¦ ¦' ' • ¦ - ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ^ ¦ ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦!¦ ¦ !¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦¦ iJii : •• : 'I I- !!- • «-/ .* .;. :. = •*¦ .! /• . . •! • "I!" ..T¦ , . ! : - ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦' ¦ ' I '" :.:|- . -. . ¦1r ; i I: • - • ' ¦ :. i:'-i I • : : ¦ : = ¦: ' : -i ¦ li - V: • ••r -- .i : ! ¦: I i* :¦ • ¦ i . : . ; :;;, rf . • . i _ N | ' . . . . ' ...... ' . .. .:. - ... i ,i .t..j.I.^ . . i ¦ ¦ A : ' ¦¦* : ! ^EG^^CC^H3NilB¥rT..vOP -. ii .. . . . : ::r. i i 7 'j : . .,. v : . ¦ : -w . .. , ;.!¦ " T ,' " I . . : !hf . ¦* , - . I ( . . •! , • ' • ' • *. , j ^, i . - • J -4 _ *!¦¦*• * '

| . I ; i i I : ±- 'U,i ' 1 WE HAVE ^TUST RBCEITED BEV^Rift/: ' THOUSAND . ,. :.; • - ' ¦ ¦ •' - . • • -. •%¦:•: i,rt • •> ! .[¦ r-i ! . . !.! . ! CW WhiteJ V^ewqo^ Cuff r ¦ Saucers;Diskes , : • i I - Orver^lisJu^, \^b ! aro :n .ow: mating; & tooial 'Bispky 4 EggSf iff a Sugar Bow!s}\, Flower Stands, Dinner Platis, : i | : :; . Small Plates, etc;, ' ;|

Wraon WE AHE ¦ ; NOTT OI'FEMHS A* I : ¦ ¦ l¦ l|V :. -Ml «t-»*».* E.. . P- . ; ' ,' YOU :fHEIHE; ; ;R rlUi! . l\RE fflRIF ¦ ¦ - ; ¦ y nl^lfi *i. ; . . . , . • | V^ ' . "* ^ QUABfEK USUAL PBICfeSl i^T^5s. -JL-iias3HL 3F1>Cl> ]BL33 ¦ : • ., .; Grave , or &ay ' ! . !. / ¦ ^ RIOE ' or BOOM pnopnip GDt;nc3V«oncinraTo

First FJer Insertion Words. Insertion. [after First. 12 ..... 2d ...i... Id. 18 3d „ ljd. 24 4d 2d. 30 .' 6d. .._ 2Jd. BMpping, EimigoratioEp f oiriig 36 6d 3d. 42 7d Sid. " l ; 48 fed 4d! fl \ [ i //A // 11 not paii In;advance the cost will be MTD. IWBUEMICE A(&EII(C¥. \»/ J / / \ v/y . i . 7,. " < ¦ | ; lo. per Insertion. ,., ,.,. , ' - - ,-., .u. .u,u . , . . . - ,nn - , , J ^— ,i,,, - ., „_ „.„ |L cla replying o oa- ^ derctood tisit roplies uay cot bo parcoiidly but tiey cmed to taw iwxrfvedby the Editor, but most, is ell - <=T TH "S?it.,^ « «w« cues bo taai to the letter cr aoso o - elacs ; . ; Passengers,. Baggage, :. Qdo#s, i_> J.U±0£lm .Oo A^ .±"i'Xj£]. I ctxrat «3 we aod by edTcrtl ¦' individuiil xw. ' 1 - ' certainly) suggested .that the quarterly down. jHprses, Ertodels," ; &c9 forw^rwed to NEXT AUCTION, "&** startaf on Jhe same principle as ti^i attnlrated : thi» T / D • -o. TV ui- y.iar to tho Marconi wireless ALU who require a reasonably oheap Petroleum ,, In 63•<> , Prcssia Street, Dublin, -telegraphy-a Oil osa (be now brand " Horaelight," con- iAiterica . Aiistralia 9 Africa, Wew diitorbance of the element^ idered to be the bent O II In the market at tbe price " hard ^^an 38" oa both aides IrhlirJlUr^oHaay,av JJDprAmhPreCemCSr J. 1¥: when cei- - 7d. per gallon by the cask. Sole agent for ^ tom cat -are being trfed. Another wiseacro YTBterferd/-H. Bdl. , itric3 docs November 28. ventured the opinion that the deluge was duo now obowlug: a Splendid Aioorttmmt of the fact ABB ^_ m mmm_mmm *o that «» many land agents came to Christmas and New Year Oairdi. B. Grainger, ^ toW Bttiroastraod-Btreet, Waterford. rs A. for th6 8essiwia whose bloo4 required a WHEW YOU CAW GET m A TxYT ^ ^TTO n ? ' LABG-K ABBorifcient of rfeallj good Wash (Sliilsj LY, , ©O1\J © £5 CO., C00Un? proceas jI1 onler <<> P»Tmt the deci- Glovta 8d: each. H. Bel), j?2, Qnay. Auctioneer. live Stock , A HAIR WA3U in perfeoUop. Sir Erosmtu dA MME SHITTY * S^cu S°n^ t .t*S tSf liaf^S **¦* WilBon's Bur Wnth i* excellrnt for rtiaralat- USHEB'S QUAY, DUBLIN. eprate" «md quarljer eessiona generally bring log the growth And strengtheningthe. hair. To be 42, OTAYi Waterford ': tain, and that bcdiig «o we may expect a break had at the Waterford Pharmacy, 89. Qn»y. i ¦ Drop pr pps i._ -r, . .' . *-« in the weather in a very ahort time. uVli't Perambulator* and Hail Oara. Wo flw iiCOuOIilV w<> understand it is proposed to hold a de- WANTED—Second-hand Portable Boiler, aboct A offer the Most Extraordinary Valao in the ¦ • _ monstration ihiero Trholo country. Prices on lication. Bearne 35 to SO gallons. Apply 271 thu office. -' ' ion the 33rd November, tho app anniveraary of thejexecution end Co.. Ltd., Qnay, Waterford. an Apprentice to tbe Confectio"err ; .1XS.Q • of tho Manchester WANTED PuMVtliilib maaffyre,;; (Uniajttsnately, Th-thor iCoakley, D . » li BUSINESS Man I a good fotttoe District can : coed provincial town. Terms, ttro years ^v TEro'X'so^ 1 eupplj Potatoes weekly np t> t Tons1 Vee, £18. Apply 271 this Office. " (ALL WOOL) OF A 8UPERIOB QUALITY FOR yjrv . 0.8-iL, who was asked to deliver an address Apply thlfl Oflca. 1 ' OF in tte I'own l^Cali: 011 tho occasion *&'}£&.&.UAJ1D8 , with your own Pbotoitrnplii rf Vv fi ATT/Q - , could not^ /MONVENIENT STABLING for 4 horece, abo ¦&. price 3s. 6d. per do ten and upward*. Cooo « nj\ n ii WH j i'Jiout being guilty of a breach of tie rulea ' DAIRY AND YOUNG STOCK, HORSES ^ *O Coaoh-honso, to Let ID Georgo'e-streot. Apply noon to aToiddlsappointmene to Messrs. Poole i Co, O ^^J. of the order,>«on)iply with the request of tho oyeHl's Eatery. Photogfipbem, fJaU. Waterford VALUABLE COLTS, HAY, STBAW , » promoters. . I ' excellent /f^AiibOUO .Dentifrice—An AntUecdo :(>KBEB CENT. Reduction on all Hinks' ecla- , Tho Dungarvar, Horticultural Society held \J Powder for the teeth;Id per tin H, Boll's, totP ; brated Lamps daring tho maatb of Ootobor 10/® 3L2/@, W>l- 1?/® S : MODERN AND HOUSEHOLD > , a meeting on T' C&fsxUta at H. Boll's, Quay. Do not mica an opportunity to • ae»day evening last at th.3 /TtOMFOBTABLB Bedrooms, with use Rood oitt- .secure a good LemD at a Johnhn R. lower, the able and popular /TIOLEMAN'S Cnristmas Cards. Real Shamrock 3. 3^ P<* WANTED a respectable bid as Apprentice ta H0U8E, B^LLYPORREN , at Bloven , d«d«rir.rk of! the .Union, i», I am glad to state, \J and hand-painted Cards, 6d aort Is each. , 7 o'Cloct , on MONDAY C Q Gaelic Cards; Id to 4d each. Variety of designs. tbp Harneca lioSICg. Apply B Choit , 5!3rd NOV EMBER IE Vor SatisTactory LighkiDg lapidlapidlyly ' recovering from a rather severe at-at Lombard Street. -^- 9, Westmoreland street, Dublin. Next, for the Exooutors of the lato Rovd. USE IKCANDAS0ENT GAS taci of illness, wliio!i prevented him from per- Tbouiao Walsh, P.P. THE forming Jjis dutieii for eome time. Mr. iMichael /fiOLEMAN'S Christmas Cards. The •'Wonder' : U_/ Box contains12 dainty foldlDg Cords, assorted. WALL Paper* from t$d per ro.. Any For details pleaco eee postern, CHEAPEST LIGHT OBTAINABLEJ Flynn. I the eflfcient and kindly-disposed Special value, 1» 2rt. Ihn Comio Packet, 12 Good quantity, large or 8maU , supplied at E. O'SUE A. Auctioneer & Valuer. i •' ' •assistant clerk hai> done the work in a highly Comics, Is Id, Hat free. Coleman>, Westmoreland Wholesale Price&. Our etocn exceeds St. Mury-streot , Dungurvao. cbeoi, Dnblio. Incandescent Burnfer complete, 1/2 each. creditable manner during Mr Dower's absence. 100,000 Rolls, all Classes, Write for patterns Mantles 4|d. eacn, or 8/6 per doz. . ' The Board mejting !at which the " New3" /OOLEMAN'S Cbrirtmas Cards. The Prize Box, and state what kind you prof"- \J 20 choice Cards Including Shamrock and hand- fho wholo of your Incandescent Burners wUl was specially represented, wa3 very tame last painted Cards and a present in each Box, 2s, post BABNBTT'S W ALL-PAfEB Vl AlffiHOU SL TKEATRE ROYAL, -WATERFORL bi regularly examined, cleaned, Mantles and Tuesday, and no I>usiness of a very important free. Coleman'n, Westmoreland street, Dnblio. Chimneys renewed vyhen necessary by the character , came bn^for consideration. "Ehe Campfiold Avenue, jSlancneater. : jpOLEMAlTS Christmas Cards. The favourite SPECIAL AND EXPBNSIVB ATTttACTION GAS COUPAJJT at an inclusive charge ot from attendance, too; : was very small, owing to *O Cabinet of 20 specially selectedCards , assorted C/- to 2/- per Burner' per year according to Mrl John ChristTpher'a, funeral, which was in handsome box. Thonssnds eold anunolly. MONDA Y , TUESDAY. & number, Le b 2d P51 month. attended| by the riiajority of the guardians and Makes an acceptable preccnt. 3s 3d post free 47 QUAY, WATERFORD ^ II 1 Westmoreland street, Dublin. r.ino. VIWCCKV Mooa*" ' all; the prominent'men in town. TiMr. Edmond WEDNESDAY , Full particulars, &c from 'O'Shea 'who has at all times -proved himself Cbristmss Cards. Box 16 contains FUBST-CLAt . . COLEMAN'S | N ovember 23rd, 25th and 25'h MANAGER Gaa Ogcca. to be an! adnrlrahje cftairman, presided in the 10 of the Choicest Cards of the season OERVAWTO' RCCIOTRV OPFICG, (assorted) and envelopes Task's publication, Cs 3d MATINEE on WEDNESDAY, NOV . 25th , absence 'of Air. J,: V. O'Brien, J.V., tho popu- Coleman'e, Westmoreland street, DobLn 3 BEAU STREHT. : ¦WATERFORD i At 2.80. Doors Open at Two o'ClocR. lar: and- genial president of the Board, and got (Opposite Bleo's "i ai- ; through busices* with much expedition. /pOLEMAlTS Christmas Cards, The Pent Card jthe ¦ VJ Box oontains 20 Choice Picture Christmas MR. GEORGE EDWARDE'S COMPAN Y , 1 —• iA. ; football zotf lch between iLismore and Port Cards, Is, . Beat Variety of Poet Cards in Buonecs Homa—1O to - i 1 In the Latest Success, from Daly's Thutro, _ ~, : — , , Claslnnore, whki!i -was brought off in the Dahlia every soJbject. Peony each. Westmore- London, entitled—• K ^LKiTIfy presencejof some |t,wo or three thousand spec- land street, Dublin. HOGA/. 0 Bosuxrticst, tecs to DQO Ji2 0r JCtOlHO M. ci^ 02, : G^ CC CCpcoSp Uto^yffckS ; : lart Sundiiy,. iaj Mr. Wall's field , was iMloa to tho pabll« thftt th« Chimnoy. HRT TUP NKW ponrvw ' tia*™ /OOLE MAN'S Christmas Novelties. The Scent TJ8B THE NKW PEOCE83 elciUD ;ithat wiUiesaed lor Sachet 63 ea-h. Tbe Souvenir We Noel Box (i1ip«^^ft Buclnccs ol ihex Iftto hnabend, Trfiicp ^^ um g been . M-/ pest ciis ^ ez y«ai^ tne ow Borough contains 3 Bottles Perfume, Is 3d- Colemon'o, hza best carried,, an bf her for th» SAN TOY ! lEJj S* a g ^ ? ^ . tooniSifl "onics thi/prAt.:o4l aaperviaioD at iSs. • !?¥ AYY Ki ^ ^ °' ion 0, Westmoreland street, Dublin, | OR. " THE EMPEROR'S OW>: ) A TTCITTVT/N P II lUU 11 HB ll w'l1 3 tne final tle for ^ c|ounty CanmP " nJPbalaa, C7 Joha-otieot, h*3 now bson trans- : ^vWU forward -tticrcforo, ell bed. PUBS M® lyLM ^iiAS JJLsl for & gbJj), and consequentljl it wb looked Pocket books FULL CHORUS. mOTEAI^l A(E@ES?a with \J Fancy Articles, Bsgs, Faroes, , QC£3 oommoiijatioiid ahonid bo addrc^od— r» • run n c . to by all lovers <>f tiho' flne old pastime Albums, Stylo Fens, eta, etc Write for detailed a. PHaur:. Conductor—Mr. IH AJIOLD LonaDALi Price Zi/ot» natortoro , : , having secured Westmoreland etreot, Dublin. battle, came outto the victors . o Grudcntsca Vacanil Attsnttos tc dl SPECUL TEAIS TO TaAUonE OM T7EDNESDAT N IUUI SOLD BY j g^j j jpoint, point- for Olashmore. /pOLEMAN'8 " Private" ( hrirtmoa Cards, Printed Orders catrucfeid to hu. \ I; vrnderstand that a: little more about, this "O to Order, with sender's Name, Addressand PBICE8— Boxes, £1 10s ; Circle, 8e , Stall, be er ob Greetings ; I price from for 13 Cards. Pattern 2s 6d ; Pit Is ; Gallery, 6d. Eurly odmuaion L uu« m Seird u on > M J eclion Book sent lrte, Cdleman's 9 Weatmoxoland street, , HnuT-mNRYi WH1TFvi/in i I*k CO. , ^^ ^ . by Ui9 captain* tf the^ Clashmor9 , ' , 6d extra. Bookiog at waa Jod Dublin. to all parto ct 7 o cloctt on the grounds &at the rulea THEATBE ROYAL WATEBf QEt Mr. Poole'e Library, 134 Quay. Doore opoD FAMILY QB00EE3. combinaion. ifiOLKMAN'S Foantsln Pens. Tbe Perfect , ' hy Lismore in taking on at 7.80 : commenco at 8 o'clock. had bee n violat, I tbe Local Agent, H. HJgh BberilT, John Corian oecnritv. no ! better * Waterford, in 7{d. ' packages. intend to prcdno - JL L if I B. T HOUSE AND 8HQP, No. 5, Gb-istone-st. | ' ~ saw, wai very kiadly tefarred to! in 4 report Licensed fttbUo House and lor Pbronologicu nilb Garden ¦ ¦ f^ULLY Hotel, with And. Lionel Tay , COMFORTABLE HOUSE, , on j of U»> mptd>in »; CoTk| jonraal. : $} large yard amistabling (or 13 hones far eale, SWIET ANDiTV y jfiNTI i South Parado. I Ooupou? Cushed. rAS, COKK, AND in. central pooltloa In Kilkenny | Cityi Financial A Pathetic Comedy in Three Act 4i. PARHELL STBEET ^AL CO. essistapce given purcbaaer if required. Apply— By BidI Hood, nhicb Is one of the recent OJVRli rOK. ; , ; ' .were unusually WILLIAM MOBKOW, 8. John Street KilkennIn y. auccexxn at tbe VandeviUa, Thcatrej LondoD. Hours—11 o.m. till 9 p'.n MPPTiva nf ?>,» TIH Duiing the we ek m&Uora ^UKNlSUElJ APAJtTMKNTU respectable Di2E ID- OIJLY. IS, COKE & COAL CO. 5, eUite, I an entire ahikmce of (anything like JT locality for ladles; or gentlemen. Apply tbis The Play will bo produced under the direction O? oOce. ¦ ME C WI8EMAN-LESLU JQ [SMORE CASTLE, at 12 aerjous street ; biawXj.'Jwhich, unfortunately, Stage Man=nor — Ur|JOSEPH A. HOGG LM AY, e , ' H.TUaNISHEB Apartmeots to Let. Bedroom ML ^JU LJ M J ih 23rdNOVEMBEE %**,& jf if lSSJ-f cj SX $} , and 8itting-roota. Apply 124, Quay. \ Js>J^LM3JbiS) „ L_ .. and it ii to U hirped- h&t the peacefulte^ #taote* Ladies' Costumes specially designed tor this vjATDn7ora qarcciogo. E. ™W. ^ Messrs Ilearn, . 3ECHER, Sec of thingsT;which iii w&cetM -will Jong continue. OB SALE—Full-siea Billiard Table by Harris, piece by iihs Beattt, of ¦ ¦ . Carrick has ffie ilame o^f being a> " hot shop," i Dublin. In good order.¦ Apply Table this .andCo., Waterford, ! and supplied a- DOOTEE. *¦¦¦ ¦ «. ¦ bo found : - 8 , Uirlxi i ' - r^=rr but with all its fculti In it are to a ofiloe. ' ' , , : . tbit flni. q)pli=3 b7 lir Joan Hotac7 C^cilatciiia large majority d people whoij :in point of. /pi ANGKKS and Hen wanted lor iioalare Koil- aq followo— Cntnnlcv « ... CO ... 08/108 XJt way Warlur Apply tlatager, waterford Tbo Cante is _ Section. B. McAlpina & Sons, Waterford. ' Hon DDd Tier James Flojd.,.lirMartin Flannagan T.Inruiay ... _ - 0 Boo-tt (POaOn Q C3 Fonoy QFCDCDO DAILY DixiviimEa Cm)ED S_ ; ^ WTIONS. Tocdaj 0 & .., ... HOMEUGHX ; OIL, Ibe niw brand of telro- Enntaoo ) f ...... ,..' ...Mr Denis deary J^in I connectionays withSifeXr thu workhoa«e was again^ M , SUBROUNDING UISOAItVAH. leom I'ungUs V bis Sooa < : UrP&nl Smyth Wedn=l:7 \- - 10 - AC3 . DlSTMCTT. " , 7Jd i per fl»e gallona; 7d. by tbo cask. John tm4 'Zbsxatej _ 15 ... C5A05 on Uia tapi* at th« T eekly meeting of the Sole Agent for Waterfordand district—Henry Bell. Chris j I ...... ^....3Ir M h»0 ... , Tho ma- ' MfE Uanahan Cridav _ _. 0 ... T! . , . , Bowl cf Guardiinslast Saturday. Prjone (an odd man) ;.: .. ... Wietontib-atuS 1 meeting was convened in tho i^y (j < a ' jiiaidiajia—in fack the whole JOSEPH COKWAY. Indejrtnred ChlmDey (a blackbmlth)...,.. Mr Richard Marpby No Ol fiians ccrrc3?e=di=j c "Jl fc^i y=2r, 116 "" ^ " ¦ "" " "Wholemeal ^ « ^ M ^ nn « «H MWMEFaneS« nnl o' ] ^ ' Tiebearne i Tuesday evening to revivo the Board—« Cleaper ; thoroughly ondCTStands all kinds of Ellen (» parloar-maid) Mr tddio Moore prloo C6/100 per CT7|. Ha» 7Ca to C33 Varied display, daily, of Choico Confccrionny sociation of Dungarvan. Canon improve^neats, »ogge*ted to be iarriedi out by ranges. ParnelUstreat (eorne- of John's AvenueJ Mrs l revelysn i Mr Freddie , por ton, -. -. Od cad Cako; C^eny, CcT^, CLsIc, 1 hter) Mr C WUeman-Leslie Inferior „ ... £C3 0d to C3s Od Sponge, etc., Cakes,.,Muffins, Crumpcti, SIlcu. : ; tedWth^obair.tod eav ^ aid KAMAFDGEiii tbe euro for'Tootbtcho, Sold Joan (her daug Oatoii Straw, ._ SCa Od to 60a Od ^ ^ ^ S. ^ h _ _. : sneed counwl .to ' ttv*!W»iG» , and only at tbp Watertord Phumaoy, 69; Quay. "given to the Chiis'i«n Whcatcn Straw Ma to COJ Od Wedding, Chriotening and Reception Calrea «"n ckd OmaLxaii3 tha^m^- ^^fflTO1 then n bottles, 6d each. ;¦ Tbe Proceidi will co Wheatoa Shcsf .. ... COa Od to 7&> Od ^ I not:had the pnmlege of 'being quite lately the yuaidiana!have!chan gedtheir I | Brothers, Mount Slon. for dccoratioo »f Momorial by us from purest materials, at Moderate Prices, and in ^nost up-to-date t^Ic OST—An Irish Terrier Dog Pappy. ZSy Tnrnlpa _. ... 18j to 20s ib the auocessful bt*a«l» of the view«. They Ikdinii noW that a ^^^necessity existj ¦ OhapeL ' ' Uangolds _ ... IG J to 20) CHOCOLATES, CREAMS AND JUBES IN ENDLESS VAJ^ETV. | I ** Perton bringing it to 99, Yellow Boad vrlU Ucasro. Poole and Cp.'n. Qnaj- Prloes Potatoes „, _ 1 *|oh; had eflected mueh'good " "^ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ OoolliDg at MtoOd roi ctoas FULLER'S, ROWNTREES', CADBURY ? g$3$f r ££&!&>. be BeWftrfsl ;. i;. [ . j as aanaL Doors open at 7-SU p co. Oummenco at PIG3. CAlLLEIl'i), Grc md fturroundln* dktucto MUM gj ^ tL 'including^ the aialr- 1 cad Oon:, ^ ^wddaw. LOST, Norctaboi 18. betaeoa Catherlno-Stret 8-lBDm. hpbclal Train to 1'iamoro ut 11 p m. . Uesara Ucaty D:^yr LW/rcpiit F/j?*£3toGfeaG E3GD&a.a&8ltot for Laccbeoasj, Diaoerc, Teco, acd yean; ago. Ber. Saliwr Coailey, man, Mjr. Matthew-Droban , JJ>., advanced and Qoay,Cjcle Cope andLcggiDgs. Reward o d course of an eioqutnt apeech, vexy gool groiMjd*lor their opposition to tne at thlsofflc*. . < < ' : . : ! ' Poi CIccV - -i • - 41 0 : T ' j For Gltsable-. ¦ _ ». 41 0 . U|. £3 0 pbservationa on the -work to ^ rooin for fr 18, B«an^trt«tr | I ; ' i J7C7 TjoCsli' cd m 30 o that ihere is ^e U I improvement om D08T0ABDS, -j- Unstamped Postcards with : OKAIN. Dungarvan Branch. A reaolu- » ftftuntaey poajBtjoiview ,in the .-wbrkhoiise, and tlc^rs ) 68. Piolen'n report I to hodd' « meeting in-tf» Town no rew&tUtoui. be he 'a »t«*ayer or other- JL : Printed Heading a* follow ng low prices .•— ¦ • a e d ' ' " '" '' " n~,L «n ^«^ >u ' d, _J.- JU nn«c.' w ill deijr tnat rah ; insUtutron bke the 250, 8s. 8d. ; 5001 <•! O0Oj 6& 6d. "N BWS" ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ' nm of, next mprrth~~ , «t *iiu& ' WiJ, Qrindlnlr Boiloy „ _, 8 0 10 0 ; ¦ ! ! • . . ;. - ,,. ! : i ^ ' workhouSe ihouW poieds inufbunU of this •QenenJ Printing yf orkk, Waterfjard- : ITow Ottto ! * ¦ . _ / _ . 'T -£/ j committee .would to »& ~ fc. ... 008 0 0 0 i. ; . -o, COCPCP O cttpaq^ t7a?nnFcnbj • i , inoy« JdndJ. thit wonlcl be wjperfect is possible Drown JDreaa»¦ V?Jut« tVhsst^. ... .03 0 ' ; ; H0T6GBAPHS |bf Mr. Carnfgfd laying the i 0 r^6fi' iift*lbii«*ea" oentnJ; trfer (KSoUivanyPharmacy, 89 , Cairr. . , i • • ¦ : ' ' ¦ : ; . . . 'S* wben Mr. .presided, ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' : . |) Bocafcsfc Keoes it{ ' : ' ' — 0 0 0 7 I Jft. Ctowrtoffoer.kthet oi Mr, j ^ - «*MW _ J>Mj»an <»««y. . _ J. ! I -), .; .1 J . : lInttnnlLft3»,Iiol2,o|3CiCDdrp3rlblO 8 n' 9 nJ ttC[k» »oTti pebble, TJ10HABP GLBESON-B BeUaUa High-dais Otbes Cat* vet IbJ •»" :: ¦;«. 0 6 0 7 ^l i ^^J ^L- ^' °2 : ^ceWe i w^ «i con- B^bjleJwnr '$ all Palatable\Nutviment. Vltl iy ^,:; ::,., : - 0 0 1 0 \ *Wea(pwad wgrtt «monig»t jwxjtkm ritf»W«*»^ .th*dj*Jrman!poiBted XV P»«o OfE« U si 81^ Higbeit F*8iB Fprkf. ,;w , . • i, ^ ¦ l _ . ¦smi tdranead onaUdu>« 'M,; Bern would ' not be . ftmiBii/ Bedding,Bicycle*, BUMS, Can, and ¦ ¦' :i BQQ8. ; ¦ • . - , . , ¦: • ' , VL . r* "00 Vk«sli, «tek,|eteJ SpioU SknpGrSliic ' i StettitDMwd lir' aiarlbfams'wriorti-^j _ • liier.Tte UrUi.O^rtet'Obiuwtt . ^^ia >s lW;No»e8ond . aEf-PT^i- h ¦¦:¦ B*ldlJi«XW^ HoaE^jtperliW) ^. 18. 0 11 0 M m ti ¦ < Brto*. TrortJtsdJ PfjSK'toehidjirf W«tdbej, B£? caet J^H1 i!^ ' M' *lff i wM^ *4;¦V i<>>'«toiqmdn to h*j* tioleasaat flavour makes it an Owdtff/d^ivmd) i, 1 ': „, ' bMlne**M ^'tMxk^;. q(,:Mpeok »: t **- 'i /. • i ' f ¦ . !.[• ,¦ - :; -. -0i o: ;vl ¦¦¦Si ** !- *!! ! »,* ,:. « 'A . 5!9f! ;kl* -!:, . '.; ~ :;¦/: :> .*,¦:¦;• -o^.o:*

¦ ' ' ¦' wBmi "¦ :!: !r - ~ • i' 1 o : Or* ::; aSLL i - ° •• H«aiwk);«"h*'|'r..-t"{-a': - -- !' '¦ '-V—li -«r- .S"d ; ' 3iSP •) ^' | J wWfwnj J; JFI - Mv .. /I« -J « ^^ ' ' ¦• ¦JfcSf* wW i i L:..- : . f- H, . .- o- O I • ' ;¦ SJB^' • ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ;i --?.•• rj i OAKS (vrfcoL^j. . . " . ; • |, :t , i' -. ,rt. i :- .H"-'v'.J-i |-).r -• 4 ItKii fc :i iiftea ,.,; iiiiA CotrfKtloacriv •E-" iip^ . (^'

li:i ritu Nff fi if fc- fli iiAtt-yto ¦n.f.,iai^

»gS»i ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ : ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ^^¦ : ¦lvt¦ "^:¦ i¦ 1 -¦ ¦ :¦ ' .I M •!:l:¦:.!. ^i . .v : • . . •¦¦V. ^^ i ;^ff :^Pl! ! .' ¦• ¦il'::: ; i- .F! -th i ^;i;i :^:B!-: .;- -:! m

¦ 'inviiedN J tiu pour - ; to reoonnmeoa« yxjung tAliimw apt djalr*to ionds ¦• w ntiJSiSwSimi i report<* the Aiatehf BviMU* the rJearMft unners are not swrfcui|»Jet ttw poblif arran attarg«,kanr^IS«performanceslr ' Ths ftaDos »r* [ - ' ¦ iven to be at boai oootan- ' ifci, - ¦ ¦ ' oars. Wew we g *U »• tb* .why W»]bmd. J<«Ua«<« (or C^eeK S nurtttf «5S"«p ttie cewspaipesrropa*«rtat««,» present st' lflit meeting'have a nin« «tf jtfaiei il iNOBIiB OBJBOT. il -r \- ^ I-V jrool d b» withift o ir powerto Inform ro ¦II We tmdtnhuid poraryoooted , 1| M**W»W Wb. wffl Mt It ik motion » Tner* th»t It ti oootanplitedto enlirge the jmijtt ol /orp we) were the only,W«tsrford inort tV and rencrnto the chapel to the i A»t kMonephUMttropbt at least ffi the 880 member* ^tkched Moiurtertof troubU and expense,of olttioii ome Monnt r^lbn u toon In ol newspaper that -wenv to th« oi Commons whose sympathies could be ficaiioM of tbe oonAidabete. ©ut tbe motion «* w?^ B*>\«, I am 'sure, to defend toemselvM M pr»ctic«blo memory the in question and ol i» Key. IgBAtiM sending*rtpresentali veto the msjttb , teadUyenlistedfa: thei canseol th^ p^rnTen ^o wasiprompUy rejected. ttaali»5oatdone were Tn^ remainder tie document divpiei Elce, tho Wattedfounder of tio CbrUtUa " i - frequent '^ 5 ^ oonsraaently¦¦bad ansxclnaive report ¦ . ¦ | . . W viekimi In all ' II - - ! Brother*' ' ¦ ' distriots. ' to the , now famous electioniot the-scbolars . Ooouatmity. !Wi| ire farther reli»bly Informed : »•••••••«» ¦"! ' ' ' not w oauoit .Why then were they insisted ' I ; . ! ; ¦ , . : DES0m_PTI0M2 i - tljftt 1H» UKI rntOTtlon: h>|pnrcbaw oatrigbt lth« enm- ' ' '¦ '' 0FAW0NDEKFTJL on o«ioiod;of proce i» | , and that as 1 ' ' vfoo M the ^Ito cleared and the necemry funds " those who live' in glass houses should not throw aualSscations were required, recouree ma«bt be Aire'ln future.! It is contended . ' i. .l'.i . i ' HOT >.•¦:. .. i- ...... L : ;. i.. ¦: ;¦ .- . ... • movement . s* . which ought to, aod no doubt yill, command. the more Board of Guardians, Cappoc oin Sessions,Don- rire£nd!^£"iff ^S ***• ¦*"***» «*«' «» ibave]th ^merit' oi doing away Tfith oanvwsaingj pnetjT but I . did «haree illegautry. We an heiitiatsupp ort cot »looo from tlw peoplo of Water* garvan Urban Council, Dnngarvan Ijosrd of Guardians, AlU d M ThweKare loud canrpimn't» tbroi^h the 'tola:; The Chairman fully jexanwaed even Loaoty Waterford Football Championship yearWe ¦ «UWooExtlhW*^, ?.it 'was ' f ^"^ '"* fordi bat froin] htmdrcdi ot put «tnjleat»wbo , are to bo Final, Kil- erected on tha grass plot county flhiat-aeveraldi6trfot» io not woeive the «"idldate w, her »el»ola»ti« t«rogre»»' in . tbi mactbomas Board of Guardians ' ** foaad is |every quarter of the globe, to whom thii!noble , Kil aacthomas District DVJ£^j T*'FOm bnt » Prove?e ucb ai ahard ot attention to wbich they tie Justly jWo.2?1 Mhoola. and it, u alyly insintwlec rcmM object is bound CooncQ, Kilmapow Petty Ueesion i, Portiaw Petty ktors-that Department T GMz TO to appeal! with touching and peculiar £££?£ ""e^ the Committee got it rti eatiUid} and it mdght be well S. your oonv **& *» required euch jewroina i BOOKSELLERS force, . j • ij i ¦ : .: ' ' i Setsions, Redmond . ' Demonstration , at Limerick. ^th « mostprommsnt peelti«a in tbe Sxblbitlori mattes Trroremade oware of tbe tact, In-eame 1 - N< dld &* Department jeqmre :thal " ¦ : S^00S. tj*" . ™/ •- - • r. I . -- I .-,; ., ,. -.r~J": .• .. p.. -,. --;, " ! i ••••••o»o» - Demonstration at BallyduS Upper, Mctts of F" rhl» dial,>hioh is a. very candidatea, on the day ; of the j r Keaufafall.^, bma Iar>re one, is vtri placet tho peopteaoaralyknow oi its existence '?* election; .1 in the hands of the landlords ; XiJiB IKI&H XEAIkBB. Hounds in Waterford. TiPDexarv.and Kilkennv.Itu n , engraved on a wdl"¦•-p WJisbTdatel« T& and flurnooe and they lake aibout aa much abould.be examined " aa to .this »cholaeUc OF JUSTICBilN Land Oonrto are ; i' At Umerldc Meetingsat Leicester, Derby and H Park fiarriok- progress in the IN THE HIGBicOUBT WJling on 8onday Mr. Jobn TL Redmond, pst , **1 ^Z ^ W 5" «» Mine^i interetrtiinrta operationsas they might he gap National actual?"! In. , 'an^ ¦ " they ere manuod by th^br slaves—by on-Bnir Board ol Guardians I i M.PH told us it was hiM , KUshecanCoursing Meet- . 9 . , . intention to addrea his con- aJcblteotora-wbUi posed, to take in the douifb of the ancient San- fetter:recommending the candidate I distinctly ¦ ¦ . ,. S?**«» i : ' , ., htve bUt ecanS cbusidei-atioa lor the stitjients in iogj bt Patrick's Hall Sessions important meeting Llth^iT V ( rien who . Waterford at an early date, , at certified as to; bar school probably during ' are hedmn»t Jerusalem. Tbls is not the fault of knowledge,! b&vini\ DIVISION—In BftHKRUPTC* ten&ma. ana who that t!boy! may continue in tbe ;fint br second week of | the new jar. Our, member Fiddown to-day eta THE NEWS has » ResidentReporter weU the peoplo. Now -whether tbe oamplainta re- finst examined; her on the subject.' Ini i«njf KINO'S BENCH is looking Dat> who wires all tbo latest rf h» «<*ltrav« 611*d their offices screw"jup tthe rent to breakiog is fiW trin. His, •peecb on Sandfty was t lin| ' rjows, and ire have i^vh^L ' »U witB ferred to are well icnmdbi or not, oould be eveBf; if an examioation of .the candidaleii fine oratorical tffort, and it regular paid correspondents all over Waterford and enrivhments. Tbe false U decorated •tearted oa the day of!the .'election point and BO tbe tenantsj out of their holdioga, quite won over to his side with foliage, and in a very simple way. The country us, were required bjr , . everyone in the vast uudienoe. TToi^r "»» his theme adjoining counties, whereas the " Standard" dependsfor I Ibolieve, divided into centres (kind of tunes), tbe 'Department or the Committee, tnia fac4, hardly (receive';'» Iwing wage, t^nd after years right thnmgh, and that all its information tlfrfli'a gentlemanj who, It is hardly should have been on it Is the policy that Irishmen f end thep», perhaps, ookueddefwithtbe parishes. notifted beforeh»nd, but Voiit they wil^ insist was in no necessary td say, bsjVarely time even til of struggle acd tcil an^ daprivadon are demonstrated uncertsio way at pay Kilkenny SSr f?«»» H1 S3 A tabuiated statement might be drawn up aet- was not done.. Tbe final stronghold of youi> 8anday's great meeting. ! : a fleeting visit I commrttee is that " without a sbilliog. All jtheir work is morely i j LX^V^TIK^^^ tiirg out the advaortag^cgiven 'to eadb centre the girl mentioned mad(» : : . •»••!•••> I ^^^ no application 1 for the food they eat and:the clothes they wear, ¦' "Kx honn to tDn, the rest to Injure give. ¦! from -tae vardwis ®chtgD£ *f Toith a special either jn writing or personally ' iNiDAYS Op TOEB. | ATJOltrON AT BHE LATE KEV. T. In tbem-eo wy the xoltimaiebcrsringthe -ralne in: —or, as vou, Mr. Seere+Ary, had prevfonflljr ' nnpieqodented depression : > . daJliedhoure-lUve." ! «aah expended ' and wben a year of Thursday jast was the ; fortieth annivertary of the ! WALSHU PJ>.. BALLYI'OEEEN . upoa eacQi. ' : ; | •¦ phrased it, " good, bad or indifferent, nor no comes have nothing'to'fallback upon, and openingof St. Martin's Ordhanairt in Lady Lane. This ; We beg to direct attention to th« advertisement in y *P«ma» Jf. Btrange, Peter another column announcing the sale of.the valuable thindit da to eeem to question >tbe. workingoi long before the eleotripn you had opfcDowledgect e J ' 8 : household furniture cattle n»y *^ K ' , »?« °PPl8 m others, who W?TB of the , , horses and colts, to be held next The mum «. M folI.ws-Kell. e, pnblie .body like your Coirmuttee. I reciiiae application as being quite In order; aisur^ to. rise lagain. And this is the storyto of the iPWbcal , by Mr.iEdmond O'Shea, AucUoneerj Dongarvan v. GlSS? ing me at tie who have gone ^ P^toatn were nleaied from Waterford , at 11 " 0 00 Balryhale tie r&k .1 im of being anasunderctood, bat same time that " you had n:t million^ withTengeanco their !o clock on Monday, 23rd November,] tor the executors T^UoihS T f" " *' "O Jnnlore^ [ dcubt but it '.von-ld be TuUogher Juniors. A special train will leave Water* then am mxndful that to is & pttbEo body en-j favourably considered.'f hearts,i In the relations;o( ; jthe ancient! house eteitaer ^Cnbi" was hunched at the Neptono Works of the late R«v. Thomas Walsh, P.Pi at ths Parochial ford at 11 o'clock a irnste i mfh the fair This line of argument—I nysan Wtierlord 1 , an. Admission, 8d and ©quitabloexpendltuni .tnecomtalttee'ti ef Ormonde ; with the people it is a cruel shame , »nd mi totally wrecked th» same year m .Hoase, IBallyporeen, I SALE OP BAJLWAY of pu )lio funda for the benefit of ail alike, and --migtrt bava tome force in it if it htd been her first Toysgi On the 17th of the same ! i ••••••C*os)|. ' ' . » On HOTBL7OAPPO0UIN. anaouncodin the that mdn of the Eochfortj stajinp ; are allowed to month and Monday Urt Mr. Edmond O'SheaTauctioneer it ooo ire lo me that yonr coemnittee-would like adveitisement that applica- Courts, m the yaine^ yeat tha first Ait Exhibition erer , held in i SifTDHDAiY NIGHT'S ENTPEBTArNMiEWTS. to Jm- nt what tions were to bo made by the , I Ofictal Assignee, Pour dose the gates of mercy upon an hopest, a people¦ ore eaying. hand or in thci Dublin ; ¦ ;. . . v^ To^HJl. It was on the The United TemperanceCommittee- will presentan i Youra taTiily, band-writing of the applicants. But nothing hard-working, and od industrious tenantry; ^^ li ^^M ^Ou>t th8 Iri8h Luke :exceptionally irtroDg programmefor thoss wb6 patrobiM ¦ ¦ of'the kind was done. Moreover mm^AL8^ BON, . , Wadding,wSll^S '? £ . . ^^ Pri=». i P. OAINXXNiHHELAN. , ithe candi-| S died m Kome. THOMA n to/ It is regrettable boyond oJl i escription that the | Curious oompUints were tbelr weekly entertainment to-morrow (Saturday) night. date in this case is a minor, and at her request,! ¦ made on tte 22nd ol Novemtor i Amongst the attractions will "be a lecture b and that at her Th'. Mali, Wtiarford reprcsentatlTes of on iancieni arid noble house , 18.8, that iher. wen, y Mr. Lionel DV?tdden tt(lO^ Poqan wasMr. Denis FJ Iteair Sir—I am in receipt of your Jotter of father, Application wae madd Jght anetioneers in Waterford, not including tho Taylor, : Fellow of tho British Institute of Mental 5?fS ^5fP ' i the 2i£h Just., to! on. hi* behalf 'by ber pariah priest. should now be led from tho Path of Duty which itinerant kni ^ "^ P"P«ty kboclMl in ^anewer (nine of tbe 20th. Am I to! ght* of the hammer who held fortb on the 'Science, who will givf character deDnrations from tho H J ^'M T ? I do pot know whether I am to jagard your be told-,now .ithat 'by some rttfoky device^sucbj they hairo followed co-long. ! We would recom- Quay at that period. I "" i beads end countenances of the members ot tbo audienos. opplication « 'srssszsss1Bd «» Si jaaterfeil , -and it .is moBbly diaoussiv© obsolete with the advance of civiliza- Uii Carwn , bt Kill, they bejie all'their traditions the tenants will Pres.dent of th6 Mnnici ' ^ auctioneer (Mr.l and and Garden. pal Statistical Comaasion anj last night s oratorla " Tbe Rose Maiden," the builder, S'0 8heaUeBnea) left1 tnothingS undone^ to irive t»«»f.^ft~, -n homilfitdc. Whila it does : not call tion and the Oounty Committee. ' i I J34. Uood slated Houae. Offites . succeed in arranging;termsjof purchase which Begisrer of Records of the t* i far any U will ; Board of Health'of New Mr. CBeatnutt, having kindly consented to allow the KILSHEELAN MEETING; ^^ ! lenjrtheije!! reply,there b a point or two with. , i think, be recogniaed by every un- AP P ^advantageous'alike tp oil parties York, for a orfry of the •< Daily New? of Instrument to remain in tho Large Boom for the 1 'b'wed person that the jd^ MURPHY, A uct^on^. will be . that city. ; At tto Kibhedan coursing meeting yesterday Mrj wlneh 1! -wjuld like to deal briefly. mwribers present at The genial Doctor baa just returned to the States after occasion. By tbe way, it has been suggotted to ua that a i Jba refor to the eCewtwa ol m< inK oi committee ^ vistoig some of the " Mr T< J> . of thii city, scholars which nf ^, y°?r have made largest;cities in Europe, snd has this sweet-toned organ would be a great acquisition if tiJshared* uil ?£ two dmde.. ^er took, plaoo 4ihe 6tii October, end I am now in- 6- a fty "^ inconclusive,defence contributed to tbe journal permanentl * * Counanz in the open was verv an»n untenableH M ^ jest mentioned a cooparfaon y retained for public concerts. There to no formed far the fust, time that the candidate position. Aa to thU, .the ¦public of some of the conditions ho has observed between doubt about that, but unless some!kind donor with wni be g;v€n an opportunity ' OP WATEEFOBD THE I DAWN OF PEACE these ^ 1 P^bb ito c^fe^T recommended 'by me on tbe occasion w?s dis- to toth judge.! •Meaa- THE CORPOBAITTON T0rt writer dSdaroSl mtuio in fai$ or ber soul will present the organ to the 2S?* A ?",? ^ tte qualifled. AB well %* *od n'a U7«? 1? city ?1is ^ hS L ? S1 T ' lai™ ta I canl sbther, the reaams \f ^t f T***"* ^t M*. i Walter IN the course of a few weeks tbe Winter As- ahead of all other m health and prWons citicens we fear the Corporation will bardly come to the ib M ' 1"****™-* <* LET. , for tmbhc ir ' "^ you HCTign-foorthis diamwJinoationore these— HOUSES TO BE . ' comfort ; »d referring to Ireland Weay.:- aerated. A pnbiic subscription might succeed, but in RI8H (a) Failuiro sizes in each of the , four , provinces will be in 1 The few farmhouiw ***£ * nrotrarBiia of penaona lapplication : (b) df per- daughter that I saw in course of erection any case tho matter is worth thinking over. wJ?wednt^sdnyl isooai i Bttendance jon the day of ay:s i» due the credit of g ; alleged, had advanceda loan of £10,000 while and some of Miss D»lv ¦ handiwork found ita way into BS?- 'lEr 1 re- ht 4 doian of rfcoitly * quisition, or whatovca jt wa», bad :been issued orgftn-Iaing the forces the yonDg boy who boug inclined more to the grasp of good .will and visiting 81igo to establish a manufactory in that the Royal Family, Princess Beatrice being presented by you of harmony in tibc city IF EABSO place." enconragmeat of Irhh industrie.. 'by , I jjresume by order of yovrr committoe, Wall Paper be Mean. JAMXS H fellowship as Iriahcnen :thtn to' grip each ' several leading ladies of Waterfurd with a magnificent ;PatbeVcoaklev ijometime in t ' in the most appreciable -manner, and alter , rt OorneT i e »ODDO00OO thro prop^l_..That with the view of the mouth;of September last (the lhe tt CO.'B Fnmltare.Depirtmerit pursue the bitterness of the loco fan. Irish Indtutrifll ^mo-mg Ih. document erperience3 of laat evening, on Saturday nlgbt, others throats, aod WATBEPOEP Movement there b« established en bore no date). Kow old on 1st day cultured musical organiza- ; France after the Battle of tb> Bat as Hennehry. will of June preoeedin ;;, and Nov. 20;h. 1903. landlords in a generous tnupor, and enabled Boyoe, and Williim III. so many of her former girls had gone to America, [rTri. ^• ? give a lecture should; Ibave on- ejduoa-tioa " tions in the country, but with the mutations resided here twice and confirmed its and in Irish osjie in^ tho Catholic Voung Men' eiich cs wouCd fit privilege!. Th o ber kith and kin being theie, she believed that sbo would on next s 8o«lrty Ball them | jor eatranoe to tbo of time it passed into the region them, if .tfaby -will, to dispose pf their estates on writirgoes on .to describe that there were Thurcday evening, commencing at 8 o'clock. sixth clas3 of tho of memory. fuur . Boman bave more permanent success in th^ lace indnstry in Or, the same oatioaal school . Wo candidate will Tixs was terms fair and eqoitable both to themselves and VH.M is ru~* (tor at leant twelve number oi A. is supported hy twelve pillars, and bas a - Months rpreyiously. Suc- yeara, and its has settled down in a business-like way if you beautiful the revived industries in Ireland! which was the cessful candidates must provide e auppoTted by testimonialsof good Its work—the cultivation . of first-class music— _ |: I Tho other places of emb*rrattsed conditions and charaoter from J worship mentioned are tbo who seldom eaw the local clergy, or County or was admirably done. After an are now heard of in isolated instances, and such Protestant Cathedral , b, coin larger than a'shilling were enabled by ¦District Councillor ." all too brief which is described as extensive the lace p Is there any mention existence this as bave occurred—as in the case of cattle and elegact ; tbe industry to make a .pound a week—biore money than to bo |found of tha new eociety also disappeared from Freich Protestant, and the Presbyterian conditions? But there at Fiddown—hayB been ired we Churches, entire families had made in months of hard labour &»JZ%£%£ &S.r'S is sonjBthJng public, ken, 'and we now hail and cordially houghmg insp as Well as the Meeting-houses ol ¦ %offered ao abatement of 15 per ccnt P more to be said on tbe paint at oor good friends " the when they could get any. After unspeakable hardshi on tie present issuej My recommendation. welcome 83 its firmly bolieve by a deatre to gratify private Quakers," and what waa tbeo sty ps | of a candidate successor the Waterfowl Ora- e led a> the " Anabaptist tbo community becamr self sustaining and presentl tram jtbis pariah ctur Sectl" We do y reached your office cm 22nd Le cot find he a> t torio Society, the opening A revenge. The completion of purchases any reference to and «ha concert of wbich i ON a place ol prosperous. For several years there were ^ 1 , " '°«- *" " "Port it fully September, ¦ worship at that time for any otner reli happy days and on same day; your very kindiy KOS given in the Large under the Lund Purchase Act will necessarily gious community, in the Cappoqutn lace making district—one of the mort nckn^wuedged ite reoeipV. llay I cak Room, Town Ball, last especially as noo conformity in one ehape or another CITY PETTY SESSIONS. , did you, take a little time, but dnring tbe negotiations was fairl picturesque and charming regions in Ireland. Lace, At tie inthat letter of yoiirs, indicate that my " -appli- evening in a thoroughly successful manner. IRISli SATJSSO y vigilant in Ireland in 179! City Petty 8ra ions to day ths presiding "nitb other revived industries, seemed to open a fairy uisgUtiato, were cation. " w.os inTormaJ in any /espect? TXa you Cohen 's beautiful oratorio, "The Rose Maiden," between the parties we have no fear but that Me,w. Ulick Bourke. R M and John Will be given In the Hall of above Society by OLD-TIME roadway to that prosperity for whicb the Irigb leaders . point out that the " conditions" -whioh were WM the piece selected, tmd the capital way ihe tenants are well able to look after their BUILDINGS hoped muoh, But tbe visitor of one hundred to coVern 1he election, iwere not complied with? in which it own interests, nor will the landlords be one and seveq years ago OOftOoetAo * Did von inform was prodnced gave heart of grace THE KEV DR. HVNEBKKY , did not at all confine himselfto eccloiastical S^AS i« me of tihe - new condition>»" whil bphind &s far ne theirs is concerned. The edifices, for SeVr rt whaopiWre subsequently mado a eine qu-a to every true lover of good music who was pre- ho tells us that " the Courthouse Exchange, j Custom RESULT OP POHEiON PIRACY. sent THURSDATJ 26tb NOVEMBEB, '.903. <)nestioii has been narrowed down to tbe all- House, and Barracks are The signi6cance of the remark as to the absence; of non?: [You (ltd nothing ot tbe kind. This is , and who had almost given up hope for ON handsome buildings, and the rBrZi^^*H ^rub^ •w-jwt you lmpoiturt one of pounds, shillings aud pence, Theatre and Assembly Rooms are fitted protection will be understood wben «je say that but for w-oleV"Tbbugh persorral nttciid- the revival then so autpicuoxuly begun. Tho j , , up in very fine «n«e [of the candidatea for I>ome4jic Economy . and " sunuurstery " is .finding noplace in the tasta There are several charity schools and jbum&ne one drawback the industry would have became too well *° "1 °° Prfn«P^ fined 8?an3 cos-i A room was crowded in every part, and we bSink foundations well supported ¦ITtabliabed to be, cyiljloverthroBTj.jUu fortunately Uw THr * ScholareJiips baa Jiot boen ordered 'by the com- programme. That .b*ing; so: we venture to ooj ; the private dwellingsare imittiJei still I think it woufld ' a more delighted audience never left (^ his- THE KEV J E FIELDING . (OHICAQO)' , generally modern [in 1797 f ] and with tho other improve- great success of the lace industry awoke Continental oa toe "U> «ot MrP A be advisa'blo that that the Irish tenant farmer 'will see that be competition Pv 5Tf */"* Marpby, for iMisslMeny should attend the meeti-Bg toric hall sa there did last night. [Master ments in the city keep pace with tha increase ei trade." Whole families is Fraqce snd Germany, thodef.ndani ^»l tted th, offence, and howVs on the ' Will give a selection of Irish Airs on the Flnto We should bare after their full ' finrf XI 5th prox. I have no doubt that hex applica- George Forjaythe, who gets the' best possible terms, !for Jrom what we liked tbo loDg defunct historian to day s work to factories and Gelds, spent lU •" «"lonement <»> «>o license " came all the way from (rpendid instroment). bave been more their nlnhta in making %•S choolh ^ A . Tho tion Will l)e favourably considered." Is and PhonograU kubw ol him be is shrewd ecoogh to see that explicit wben be wrote that ' the ichite lace. And they were enabled to Attendance Committee prorated several parent. in the the t'Here London, and sustained the leading soprano glaes and other manufacturieg of Waterford sell tbe labour of their evening hour* at » much lower tLnyu ^ng fcire^okvg, or in adv«rn^e- •part , " " he is not imposed upon qo matter how skilful are in a ment ijenl out, Rose Blossom, is one of the most dis- Tho First Prizje Wii.nei (Woterford FeiB) flourishing stafc ' A reference t« Waterford and price |thnn the cheapest lace was sold for in Ireland. to make cacdidatej aware of his opponent may be in the financial duel And Without tb« necessity tinguished boy singers in the musical | world. gome Irieh Step Dancers . tho SUIT evet> over a century ago would protection ruin was inevitable. Wages were of personal attendance. 1«IIIIOOI field for them ,iY"i! M Bcbotai&hipe, as a kind of bonus Choruses and Songs , (specially those anxious to marry and he esJions, held yesterday, and at whinh Trm , accordin? to local eoioisls. Master F. Beasley fk , -a lead- off the track. An irreconcilable programme among their kin the onl lfEwa was Ha o>-a Jsweet wii. I cannot agree with; during the evening. " " " ELEGANT ' across the sea. y paper represented. Tho magistrate* this. ing part (contralto), is by no means in bis linej juBt at present, proof of several disposed 'Aa stated in- my previous letter and he- gained the dis- pm. Acmisaion .~ Gsls> > It was regarded by tie hiltorioo as " on elegent very mterertteg case,, a full report oj Whi ch , it te dealing Commencing at & ' wooden brid will appear to with I public funds, and teudb -a contention dinciion of being the first to secure jOn ainpe'ra- ot which is being afforded every day. An ge connecting the cntxntie) of Waterford and THE MOST EKQUL8ITE. j narrow. , le of the basioeas-like>iuterest which tbe Kilkenny." Itmust nave appeared grand in The New YnrU " GBOC ICK S' - a3I8TANTS' kould ;be simply; prepcaterous. I hold your tivo encore from the audience. The! next selec- examp the eyes of Sunday Herald" publishes a ASSOOIiTION committee waa 1 Jonior Shorthand TvfitcV and ' tbo ancient scribe wben bo found that it TO portraitof Mas Daly, and , At a eommlrUe bound to : 42 structure itself did ¦nai cost half this eum_ years ago in County Waterfard, tows of Csjipoquin, oroaa in connection witb trinil TCJ'cncJ" . deed, lhe first time, for a long peri• T! ^- ¦ ¦ mnsterfbl speech with the keenest attention make, tho man who pennedthe :Mic» Francos -, : '/Jrf bo singer'' in the city of. "Waterford . i Oue local <¦>> iuooaE]dcr^hs.b»t tacac»to edopted ot j tonahlre. and the HdnouratV^y.'VXr- - . in. bis grsve. Honever Kant, ,)i ^ciiDg the '" D^r| Sir—'I haV-e delayed ieaor, 'Mr. John A. Higgins, was nevar in. ; -i v$ >-fc>rod f" ?:-¦>¦*;"d> ;ii; and ttexe evidently la entire and hearty una- , the impest will toot] ba ended. one of tbe largest landed proprietor*tu (Idanu latorests of csslotants nnder socb acknowledging re- ' LUBO.-U-^, who le^i' a 0*00000000 CO) oo*b- air^anvitsaces—J EtAif , telpt of your letter of the 4th current, in. tne better voice, his singing of : PABKES-Oq November 1 «0>, 1603.it UKcrgi'o nimity with tho Chairman <|f the Irish Party HOD BSO. "Thf Sleep of • j THE MISTS OF ANTIQUETT. iCREBTT WHERE hope! of seeing eome!80:1 of i>cport of ¦Triat toot " etreet, Wnterfoid, 1 Ameifa Trfkef ; fonaerly of Certaint the signs of the tjmes ot the c'oce, This old hiitorian CREDIT IS DUE. at the •Even being a really • artistic performance. Peeply regrattfd y carries us baci to tbe far.»way In a recent interview Miss Daly said— nwetinjf of jxxor oonimitlee, held on Portlaw, cpjed^S.yt^n.- by-*" regions of anti " Before I Novem ber He was loudly encored. .The priiicipsl IbaW * f almost, |of til6 year, are i brjght' aud hopeful, quity, and goes on:—" The ancient nsmo do onythlng in America 1 want to give Miss R MCCTtMai«uii i i:~v wOP THC btwOCAOCATl.. CCCO:r-'MITTCE 2na. tiDrv. • riven to this city was eano ol) inemfbt n, -were ' parts were entrusted to Jlr. F. Moore and point to the nut far distant time when tbe '• Cuan-na-Guotua," v • , the tho praise for the great work that she, OF AOntCULTUnE AND i»|attondanoe-, ond it wouM bei Mease, Friday evenr>s at 8-30 lo 'to C&thedrai. Funoraj Harbour of the Sun ; a her family, and TUCK^JICAL interesinj} at 1-80 p.ro second name it was known bv those associated with thrru performed in baildto to know 'haw many attended the who, it will be remembered, ia connected; with leaves Catbe^-al for Uallygnnner on people of Ireland will arrive at the full fruition was ; " Gleann-na-G!eodh ff up cor.'z'.viiTTca. Last tar e. ¦ ," i e., tbe Valley of Lamen- various industries in Ireland. They not onl So far I do not -kiow. The reports the Bank of Ireland for some years iso Saturday.—E.I. P. I- --, of all their national aspiration's, and when 'peace, tation, from a blood y gavo work of you • meetings . ,that we y battle between the Irish and tho to thousands, but they revolutionized affairs and are always! elaw in coming, will be abnndant Dana, in which the former 1 brought •ana ;tb ey are very can almost claim 'bim as a local singer of dis- plciiteouaneJs and prosperity gained a complete victory, happiness and sunlight Into homes ; impoverished and S L I E V E R U E meagre. Strange aa it may ¦ and burned tbo city appear fully lih-ree after tinction . The aolo entrusted to Mr. Alex. througlidm the land. ; to tho ground. Several towers and ' destitute. They gave eoagenial and deli htful emp , weeke ha^ etlajraed the ' castles were erected here to g loy - A mceiinj; oi the obove committoe waa held. ootnimtteo meeting , of which Reginald's Tower ^ncnt a large number of girts and higher wages than . of Octobor 5th, 'before I got Chestnut was finely rendered and -appreciated still remains, and tbe founder of on Sunday last 15th inst,., Mr. M. (Nolan pre- ¦any infelinjf (and then 1 .[¦ O O II TU|AijttV.- . : which a said to bavo -the most ambitious had ever dreamed ol" We wish the oolj incidentally from in .a marked manner by the audience, who ' ' ' been Ivorus, tbe King BO one !of your letters) ' of tho Danes. eicting. AI ¦ ¦ 8tronnbow eiding. AI&o preserrt:—•Very of trre arfbiteary ' ¦ ' ' mode Hov. Oanon atatiom §tes; ¦ movement every success, and we are sure ®Etatorb ' ¦! ¦ > ¦ , ¦: it will be if • • loudly applauded his effort. Rev. Miy Davis 8$* Q use of It for the imprisonment of ths chiefs of tho Irish rdsotted to, with the rtault of diaoualifyin-g taken np with ardour bj the women—ecpe^iall Phclan ., P JP . VJP., and Danes. It came at y the . Slicverue; 'Pat Gwant, certain acted &a conductor, and 'be i-J, we. have reason THE LJATE M^.S. BRENNAN, SLIBVEKUB last into tho poeeaion of the Irfch—of America. J.P., candidates. In gvaijxirrg over th« storekeeper of i Duncannon Fort o o C/C-. Cun-jishmore ; iT Beckett . Slicve- niiinu-t*s of the to know, one , (poRixnutr ov DMiAfisrovri« , Co. KILKVJIST.) , and doss 163S was • > « o o • e October nseetiag it will be ,oi the best musical judges and ' applied to the'keeping of the King's stores. rue ; A. Irish, itathpatticls ; T AyLyard, SHave- Wwarrod that payment; -to the B^iBteEt -20; .1908; Where tho A auBjaua OASE omounl of £414 crHdes in tbe country. To him, we should FRIDAY, KOV barrack now stands was anciently a square fort . rue; R Grace, Rin^ville, N.S.; iM. Ryan', Kil- i l«. (id., wicre authorised—.m-pennrMUblv fnr Ao On Sunday, 15th inst; n rtpTcsentativo-meetingof mounted with, At tho Portlaw Petty Sections on Wednesday, at say, is primarily due the success of the can- great yunt andperfectfy encompassed bv njurray ; M. Sittnatt, lAMyteemare; B. Dono- ipreviou9 month; end a sum of £&188 was the Fautor and Parishionersjof Slierorne woi hold a moat" ' which, by tho wai , TUB N EWB was tbe only paper allocated ior -the tata. 'The tweet-toned and handioma organ, represented, a case of » very van, SUevtTuo ; iW. lyear 1S0L I bavo no means in the SUeverne 8ohooln.! There were p-oont— oeeeooOOoo interesting character U> iMterry, .Baliincrea; R. of thnowirre the Amount of public specially erected by Mr. _A. -Cbesthut for this , V.P j Patriok; Grant publicans was disposed of by the bench, and wo are sure ; money that C»nbn Phelan i P.P , 81£<»«rno , A SL1EVERTJB GEIBV1ANCE. •Wail . SIiov«Tue ; E. Phelan., ;Ualcppet ; R. baa] passed through the Viands cif your com- oratorio, was a powerful adjunct to the effect CIRCULATmW J.P, T.C, CoiToghmore ; .RooteU, Slievcrne; We it will bo read with instruction b» those engaged In the ¦nrittieel &JNEQUALLED U publish in this issue very important and Grant, Kilmurry; P. Oa*hin, Jlieholastowa ; since it came into office. At oil events, of ; the choruses, and 1 Mr. Ashwortb -showed A 'ri-h, Ratbpitlck ; P Irish, NlbhoUatown ; Thomu interesting letters setting lioentinn; trado aod the police as well. A« far aa we 1 I Jiave DO besdtatijon forth tbo grievances nnder know iE. .DalUm, do. ; E. iHartiy, Kilraurrry ; M. in eta-tins' that £10 cote Grant , jRAthnatrlck ; E Ajlwari 81le<-erae ; R which the inhabitants of Slieveme ; , it is the first cose of its kind which bos been would F more than Icover-the what a -master of the Instrument'be is ;both hi , Co. Kilkenny,claim brought forward In this part of Ireland Nolan, BaUyvaring'; P. .Kenny, ' expenaea of all the Grace, Klngrllle N.8 ; '1I ...B|y»ni Kilmarry; M thay are suffering owinc. to tbe action—or , and certainly -Nicholastown ; adrvaaiflgna—-such as they , ithd ctbioral and solo accompaniments. In this , to be more ' it Is unique ia many respects. were—that ihaye Slnijott. Attytreemore ; E Dobortn, S leVerne;t7 accurate, inaction—oftho Comaitteg of Agricultare. A IVV DowLing, Slifvorue N .S. ; P Irish, Nicholas- fcnirid I th/dr way to thda parish. Here ia a list ronrcction we must heartily accord our mjeeS TIO^; | Merry, fcalllncrea; B Wall, £ lievtrue; E Pbelan, very representative ; •OQOOOOO of t aem:—4 to P. F. LAST JEDI meeting was recently held to-con- town; Tom Grant, RaHvpatrieh. leciares on poultry iksepiUS:; 4 of ^praise MM . Roddy for the manner Mileposi ; B Great, Kilmnrry• P Cwiln, Nicholas- sider this OPENING OP A NEW OROAN, lect oo beo keeping ;i subject , and judging from the correspondence, Tho otojeet of the meeting -\vai to coniadei; tr^* 1 lector© rot* fruit '¦ ' town ; E Dalton, da.; E Hartley. Kllmorry; M and especiall ' the Very Bev. Canon Phelan' i A correspondent kindly writes to inform us that yroi iijg; 2 Itteturies on in which ehe played the piano accompani- y s) letters, tho t.rwitmmt meted out tx> tliis pariah by the cattle and manures. It Nolaii, faallyvHUg ; V Kedrry Nlcbolastocra ; and there exists very grave cause I Or dissatisfaction ion Saturday last a verr Interesting ceremony took as ttna than in> Januiry list (we wer^ inarrtai almost all ol which fell to iher share. ' aroonjit lOounty soaxcely THOSE WHO BLqCK THE W Dowjinft piierenw NjS. TbU.beingthe first tho agricnltar&i population of an important agricaiUual 'place in the Protestant Parish Church of Monart, Co Oammitteo, and what bonefiu. if any] ¦thoiiga/t of excepfl in winter, a course of manual! Wa.are aware that Rev. Mr. Xtotia considers ! oppoTtanity aflorfed the | parUhlonert tinoo tbe area. Incredible is it may seein. the people of SUeveruo iWrxford, on which occasion tho dedication of a hand- ¦wero doriv£d from liho esheinte since ita m- instructioii was offered ; arid recontty a oourae y Oanon P-helan in reference io o o o o D say ' and he advised that who, ia|the«|ventiei, ¦Ionjt il>4 ookided, and be points to the fact that there are, and have been, exposing tho treatment, .we are subjected to. ; |a word or tvro on the question in dispute ;Higgioa, Mias Longmire, \f;ra £¦' Higgins,I : prejudice of these men, reutoredjtba n&tjre laogoageIn }il» parltb. load complaints' through ' respecting tbe election of «y may the county that seieral THE DKATH BATE. i (b) That we -view wntli grave, diosatisfactioa -scrroLarahipson. 5th , •McCSoy, , jtbey fihonld be bribed in ord«r that th Tbe fcilowioB reMlntioa Wi»proposed by Wiillam districtsd » not receive the share ol attention to which i According to' tha Ooi4ber l«st. The •corrtTOversy i£f. J Mi*» Horn Mr. Meredi^, Mr.j They, were Coabtrari General's .return the absence ol any •beiwn'ts ;m. this parish, is now narrowed allow tho law to *on its course. Bt&rfUgl SuevmeW.S,. and jEtcocfol by Canon they are justly entitled. Tie rev. ; writer points out, the death rote In the Citr of Waterford for tbe dowp to a straight iBtuo, viz., Sad your eom- Loriginire, Mr. Butta, Mr. C. Litton Gary.! »» Jr , PJ.:— That wo, Psitor and rejlretentative and wilotioaa be ale prooedarre was be .^usZUrchAse!A0t waa^aned CopiM were oiderod to ba iant to P&thcrBrcnnan irom tis (variOTis«betnesrwrUi ' y a outrpgpoio ood tra2ieard MJLNCHESTTEH NOVEMBER HAJTOICiP letill ret4l^ ¦' , a special colmrun show- scandal and a blot on tbo recordsot our modern legts- ' ol la caves of th« «¦ ¦¦ , of tbateouit^them «4o%>;ttea. ; .::¦¦ ; j ;|' " 'V; ',v , ing the-talaela cash-expended li ponic acb. . Tcli. was sent to the Ki.kenny' County OoiminiUee aod Jrin<3 . |Now it appetrM tbib'matter waa before :\\ ; : , - (By 8peei»ii.Wiw> ; ostensibly W^^benefit • ¦ ¦ - ¦ ' <¦¦ ¦ llatin; machinery. We bave bod r • ¦: <;¦ ¦ ! .i . ; i I ¦ * iptclal Acts to seenro ¦; ;¦;. r :| . i very fair and yout opmmjttee BLCB *rt?iip«Jairi : t*pimtB« od Increase' DEATH OF MRS.¦ ¦ AMELIA PARKEB. . note iroaM , more-thao cp,»er the ith,^b« . ;] : ; . ;. ; -y: ; : i : . j . _ gU. whtoh hiv« not ons half as bad ii record, and more i 'Dear ypi «ib7«rt ^^ ; the inoom« ofcli^Jaodfteda., vTh*;idup otitioo have found their ' €Er—vAfcau* a jear fl^o + -: txtustottifrto /v;b<)irtiiy>d, la W VTer^gret annoanceihe death of ;i - \ ; ,; sf««S,|»*^#w« ¦ : || *. 1» . j of these ma»7W^pqr^U ' 1 J_ ! . ¦ ; ^vettlyiindingeDactmenUwtUesJlthoUoioU ceem* posod we^« ipcelTO tt.o^irw oJ manttad- 'Itfc-j Ktei AiietK;,5PMker,- l»te <5f Horgan Street, igABP yrMtar: r . ;^ 'i— * ¦- " '; . |o»mitc»ljoa-otab< Sn2t iui ' > ¦ ¦ ' :rlatest- .4:- - - '- -I [afta to anv' banger-rmuK} •? nniVtlifTf worker to get ttruotion. Tbe classes -wwxld not DIOBO tit watir) ipip ipBtiifJ 'vdt:: UHd '•¦i-'' S!5sSr^i%y • •"' " '¦'¦¦ •' epd ; ^or ^»d ^to tiw offlcial thj» ' ft \^'\ W^drdj formW/ -'af Porttow, who ' f ^rtarn, ww* iimodfm sinedorkO Ud oatrfrU bv ,ooo 6t tb£M most nine o'clock; ll -i 1 filoM vaua.' ff iattji ¦ the. jOtoMaittee of Teoioiwl i Ha;to'j.fc-.«* go»ly: mxea oowtbUs that young, in to Tj otitamatt ^ I WorknooMWUMnth^^wt^ atanyccrfispond- pm o^irirtfid repiy eqRpWfi fee comttirttee's, ¦ It aot rpoljr fefuiu HJ», ^m^SXidm^WmYmhoim g ivktirtB. tl^ ^oys, vrfbo h^d ocnrwJt MlB.riiittMicif*. ttaooidbel fr^B^ phAt the 'VsrioOB* for i vonsttnep. Baiter»'. ipg periodfor arrtral year*yiftt This circtmrtancn Returningto Ihqli 1 ^ < '&tn)^Kixti6cfiM leo* Mrfc.Perkac.car oe;. i Watfrfoid MBta to tbja'cdtklnaico'l ttii "imti!U mnrS borneiat>ne , by,! aod jwthUii ot «ny; y, the1 i down rtiirj rta ^ama ; snajority of too orerpjas a tnmite»,telo ng to the able- imaefaine b witched I .Witb jetleds etrt bv ths factory . ; repx« «fct»tiv«»of yoor dMHct rwwe toy other Again." W ttye-ftae^iiet' Court, celebrated':in itA d»y, fciTid baa fcettt offored. tothe pponteof the da»- axrsj «>«» | bodiedclass towctorJwb*prescribe* protecting inards to prevent I sj §MtanntB& s uarasted and behlod tbem^fiDfW.W , of whomtbe oityl supplies no inconsider- , ^fc jy^gj , tbai if' yon pat fftf*k^* ' J triot during tbe lim«. Now, again, .rfwn the h iWtfnffwMfb^i* 4A"B;^**B> IV^VbB T*fitts^Ml*r'lr~**'^M*L * never «zpecp| thit the childrea of tbe big. situate in (Spring:Garden i lley in tbfa city. able quota. W««« toreth«t fnaVshol*r»hiM -win carried c(ut guiltf tforaiBdjM'MjInuMiaB^i'ftBfft.^asafter 'at- ¦ ¦ • ' " ¦ toy acftwwlB. Hhe lootuws arej scheduled to: of age be BasfBorlMB ;¦ i i^':':r." «;#•••¦•• :! Jirt TbJiwill'bi fonod to be th«c>«elo almostevery \ln'An imbroper Ormoode came ( ooramenoe |eap«d^that T.WXQ TONIO. j ]• ¦(.- - >laoB tha> can e*en by a little practical lions*' be Ifullyj firimintd, Wrir canjid*!*-; 1 <•< • anigio ake30th. ; No doobi they are ' ti to her at thosheld-» iDflMMr bmiv^doBaflMufiSUtt : bBenjr )nla which 'ttt- >' ; ««;. ; W?C..,0wWl inoii uLuag Tonic," (ai which h« of movable sfld si) maobiDeryr W» : DBpartnJ*a4-Wvini brovide4 no Otbw i4? ^dl^Biijt tenin^iand by tt^sVmmmif W'^ Th^estimabfe f ttif o I ill safejruardsare ^ discarded giru. Tbe arrarrgjenrreiitUs ;tbi» cme Is open'rneaj lof :laioM: twmty-nin*years ' success a»i ths | universal p , ind thesamacblDes • ei«inrfl»tJon. 1' ' ' < o{ iMliWWI-^JW.«O»t;«fttoP by iDjwbo know arie for to more seriousobjection tixm UMA «f tart tyeqr. " > oieover, -emedy (ot aitaeots tympitthy to toe lfireshinir. am Wtto be treated as if therw» » «.Timrm. It may be naked WuM 4he perpanfc interejrtad.that thb giri mer tloned^m¦ »4« no i.|* te **M w^e ' ¦ attend the Jecturesf I do oat thlak «oJ And' application, : , » ¦ lis»Srhee|b»rfo ir. . • -! ; i >•¦ : ¦ . ¦ eitf>r 1m writin oj ot-pittatuSly.for |TT .• .! . t' -f -VA- * , - * .-' if ¦:¦< :., ' •¦ : ' litorHyvttj-1 troald ooaeiiWr H tew aoteir sad «clwW> ¦ ¦ ; ¦ i\v.k <£ <- •' • . * : •:; • •' - .( tovmmmxcE NzpBtoisB i < . ol \ ¦ ¦; : »ntfe»hteM«io twit-ihem.iAbao«dii>the»ry, On nenuiiV «».fategoiM - ,-,' We g^v» «mrI>4nkoc>tt«»»nb*nt6t our tjwl iSoW a^W>aedQdh9dr.l.lf^ I fw fqnetai •pome simple and effectiveguard wb|cl) would keep it"dc e«| not m»* iftjr e**» Wily and MHtoK Ball^unner s«p«i«rflrrlt»,pa«nr»OTiiWetf»esd»y:—tTbdfulbw- an you a»& free; if you «ee fit, to forward& m» to will leavj* thii^Oathedralj Sat impalsJvt!and light headed boy, when feeding a the MhkWVs on joilr otfii/or yuiit ~ bonan3ttw»¦ ¦ been ib«. * MM » ccatntttoihtioietty4t&-md«zclasir»| report- IbrefbiDg.iaaeJtine, at toctt a djftagc i . ae would protect TJepatieilbi!!&fyr. : v - , ¦ ' ¦ -1 '' ' ;: - . ' ¦¦ ; 3 ^W^^9t ^!0lf A ' " - ¦ ¦ ¦ : 1 11" !i -i . ~ — • ¦':' : • /I: -- ¦ : ! ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ¦' : ' ¦ ¦ ,f; ' : " "i i ! ' • ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' k\ 'M \-T ' . -rr i- :! \W: >M ^ : - ¦ ^ ^¦l . 1-1 : ^ - t^H ¦ ¦ ¦;. ¦:;¦ ¦ • ¦ • : ¦ !¦ ' ¦' i!u -^ "ir -. - . . :. : Vr. ^- ,- '\\ ¦ ¦ ¦^ : ;: ' : ; r ¦^' : '' ' ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ :;• •!: ,; . • ¦ • - ' ; ¦:¦ ;¦ " ' '¦ ^• ^|P' -V\ .!• > |] j • . 'V • : -1 [ < ; r.!3.! |- f ;! n\\ , : u : - ;-:-v - :-!- ; U'i!- i: Mr- ;¦ : ¦ :- -;;-- i - . - ¦I -!in !i- •: j - ¦ ¦ f'i:- -!ii' ' ¦ ; ' ¦ ' ' [. ! >m\ M.i I ' : ; ¦ ' . : ¦ .: l .X1 : : ¦;. I • ; - ' ¦^¦ :¦ : ¦\ ¦%]¦ '!¦ " ¦ -: !=! • - y. j - ) J !: : .[ :: ; V , Ir r :T> • ) : Mi *B ffSPPll-II. ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ® ¦ i t'f '• ' -:U :, . '¦ ' . ¦¦tf i'i ¦ ¦ ¦ " ¦ 'Hr ^- ' vi : . - . - :• ' ¦ -I- ?- - )fi fvi!i; ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ' ¦ • ¦ ; ¦ i I "- : ;. • • • • ¦! ; :: ... : . .- i •:;. ; .L- . ..i- .. .;: :. -¦— .;,. ;; i . ,.. .„; ..:. ... ;._.jl.. . ' . 1 . .1 . ' 1*- v ! - < _;_|__ ;.; j J_[ ]: : .i:|: -¦iit | ; :.; ! }> ¦! :

• - ¦ * ' ¦ ' , ; ,;: ;! j : * ¦ ' ' ' ' ¦>¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ! ! ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ 'i' - ' ¦¦ - :¦ ¦! ¦: : ! Ii ¦ ' " ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ->- J-; ¦' ¦i^=;.:^ -ii:!- .» -M ii f T}tr\t\ !j. .! ' ' : i > -K I; Or^'ip • [v > ¦ ¦ ¦ ' j " ¦ ; ! , ^-i - ' , \ ' ^ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' > . ¦ ¦ ¦ ' L ' ; ; '¦ ¦ ;, i •;¦¦'! • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦! ¦ 1 p ' ;;• ¦ ¦ ; : i?! . r »• : ! A. MF- ^x.ii.l ^A LJl .f ' PMi ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • : ' : ¦ " ' :h -¦: -: 7 ^i!,;- A / vi4 > -' \ - :> ; -I CHE ¦VV V-M 'rMv V-vA ^ii tjdiiliMi^ CfCJUTINQ, QYOUraQ AP3P uDtVifiBITJS CHlAIdiBNGE ACCEPTED. l|| »no.,rf k; NJ; r>f., A WM v « ' ' ; ' MOTtJQ. :' ¦- . Codded- .by /them | on! the grouida that a i ' Theiiludge-WhilwortH (Oompany atltibuta \;-IVc ank Morgan won year, : <^;«a^iwelv«a^t^i«oHoi«ri^:A.w4 -0» 'I f \: ¦ 6eyenM»«»r>cesthis ¦ 1 l 'men. ve non qualified to a [oonaiderabla amount oi ineir aucceas to- aa< Jj Th >m i» in front with ' 06, and !A. Urbg"il|i?iict a/ F.G.Vha.'j'cradcep ed tJtt chsflen^d ' .'i ') i | J? i r "^ ^ *S ¦ ¦ !»on ' ' iI STOHACH P?aj ['[ Kow-]eyer, it"ds ' vertising welU i ' ." '')' ¦ : : ¦ . ' ¦¦ ¦ ' of::the ;rjy , F.O.v ' d win pTaVljthem onifcun- , - - IVBU tak«n'fc*gMmt^ that the Anthony comes iiext with 23. "j • i • * au i ¦ decision 'j . t .L ^ OOUESING Ar'OUBIfiMIOflaB. : . u WJl oi^ cjanflim jLismtorelai decided I " * ?i * * " ° ° .It, wis :-umoured at Newport that H. Powney dayJ -2^r4d'Kovember.-rSi«iwd, Jais. A. fy uffJ' ; ;i ; . ; v&tery. ~ ¦: ¦ : ' : : ¦ ' ' A first-cC-ass progranmre haa been' arranged ¦ ^! | ' . ;;: , \:\ iBDAZAFI. j V . .- and his 1 "connection*"i managedto execute , match i ' jagainst' Onn|onde O ub. Kilkenny." : ; , • •? ¦ (England ' ¦ : for the Terrier Coursuig Staiee at Aylwaj di f| ['/ _• • • ' \*\ » if» • kSazafi : baa beep loo ohoi| a time in a sta rting price comioiBsion in favour iof iThe pij'bHc, I stdll hold, toad lot a ftiH report A : ' Irwell •; ' l li - ¦ ¦ - otown on Sunday week. | Entries wloao 1 with the ODiMiENT.i ! -| to ehow his Itruo fonnl io the Oaatlo. Booty winner of tbo Uskaido Hurdle Race: to No doiiU * small privileged spction had, fcuf , ., * -i.: v>'J 'a: •^¦ ¦¦ ¦al -i ifef .wj ,,. J. . , ; The folloWng ! : Handicap at Manchester on November - 37. ¦ ; Imost' !¦ , i(f the . 1 KV { r active Hon. Secretaries, .JEsTers.] 'J.' Heffemaii «naaina 'document his o»me ^ the tt ne of £800. : " | ' : - : \- ' - ' ; ' even the entivolsiasti Jfri ¦was I underst'and, eenti over to England with 'Runners " had SOTJG&WHKnWORIffiC KJOMPIANY ! '8 i'N«|wH. (Satuiday), re I our match; , The old horse ran dn Mr. Green's 'coloursif In : The statement that theScarletj j Sjgaj^ist lOxnttm-de 1 a! view to next year's spring handicaps. nothirig Whatever to dp .with Saturday i.rontch" i Mr. Verr.on ' Pugh, fthairman [of the Hudge- Club, Kilkenny, ;nour state- ¦tie Friary Selling gfeeplechasa. ' Herein. inapt j O O | O O O O O O « ihat is if Scarlet jerseys, •WhitwoTti Oycl'o Company, 1 tJbeBe&n dlj altogeth*' .-wroing. . An the' Hubbie Bubble, carrying the -Widger "scarlet," is rot-hof far-fetehed, • ' relieved said at tijo annual 1 " ! : haye, thetho , . 'heartbutn-isebn i tU ofmcbe6 tuttttoa»-.» wlntkij c. A DISLIKE. which: ore ¦ -the colours of theith4:\cliib,club, have _ public ' ¦ . ; had a full report - I- » oif DOT ] : • - - . _ : . : i *. i - . . . ¦_ 1; . 4 /i i I.I- ' .match 5a the it waa the irony * ( ¦ meeting recently that the sueeeks of Ithe^comf was E tade a h«t favourite, ' ' ' ' .Wdterford Standard':(Saturday thus i Likely Bird has conceived a violent dislike ;by leas> significance.. I. hone tHe' Hfon , Bii^l jand poalUvtieart4r $y,n % ».\\ ' /,{ .-: : , , .- , ' ,, pany was due primarily to two caused, ituraing 1 ^ i^suo), 61 fat s that she should have been:.beaten ^ ¦ i : provjing iiat we.iare ' not holding back our to the atarting gate. That is nfty he can win , CastletilaKei ¦ '• '• ' the Scarlet"javnnors, :when n$# ihe -.addjiressw " i: out excellent work, 'letting the public iknow the ! ¦h her litejstable: companiion tern- doings, as inferred iby yoar paperj ' I would 'utdle races,: where gates ore unknown. Bijou , | who is appropriately named, being a letter ) •will ¦wrije in a ^ore fact. They spent, he ; said, £15,000 in adver- o o o a ¦» o ' ¦> » ¦ ' ; ' : ' '^ tising last year ¦aW'lifee.to point out a tjri^leading; etatenient quite'a, " multum in patvo," stands only 15h. perate fitrain. j -|- j . ' . Some companies and : ¦•¦¦-¦¦ trader* ¦ ¦ L ' ¦ ¦ . CONTESTS. irifprmation of the lion. Sec. Scarlet , ;'* l-*-i > . i.Uij .i-tflj j ' ¦ -; ¦ '. - to the same iosue of your paper, L refer to a if.rMSTEK IfflAGUE speedy For the. j ^ ^ have ex-ceUentline to offer , but itihey: fxpectthe ' ' lin. lit was deemed a certainty for th\e . match against JJewtown '. Scihoal, reported as : Our Portlaw frienda are iforing badly in :him at tfewpjjrt yesteri Runners, t iniiy' menti9n that " The News" . . pitblio to tod them out. - The Euage-WbiV 'ICie Munater : League contests.i On tho other Ladyj Shamrock to beat ':Mr.' Long's feam , recrntly^kncnvnias Scarlet, day,b. ut!he wore her cjown by sheer; jumpinz was the only paper \n send a: reporter to-the J worth, on ihe other hand, took -care to inform hand , L:smor!e are showing fine form, * iiatcftt some "of his : olub members I Eunnere.'; I beg to .inform you th kt-we had. rode an -ex- invwhlch ( ¦ the public. : :1B it not singular to; find Portlaw and Lia- and staying ability. W. Morgan ; ' '" ¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦¦¦-;¦' ¦¦ ;¦ :¦ u . . ¦ . no match -arranged'for this date, thf?refore th» rnore represented and jWaterford city out in s little 'horse. took part on Saturday. ,,..: ' " . ' - Baiktoiwaf^-'iaa*^tt ; <:- . - are cellent race on Mr. Widger' 1 ¦¦- , Scarlet xunnenj htvd 'nothing- what?0ever to d'rv the cold? Our ^ckey enthusiasts evi- ; Frank Morgan had tho monn-V on Bay Noth; ; . ANTICIPATUvG. ; - Jtlaicolln Orme is running himself into forhr ¦ ¦ ' ';, ', ¦ ; with this match (perhaps- few of dently cooling down. ing at Leaecst,e,r to-day, j, ' ; •: ¦• - , ' : :; .:. .- , ;.. - ' . M&N!S qBft^rFipAiB. i .. ,! - , Truly thre is nothing nerw under the zun-. a our mem- • *oaaaoo He rpn . three times in' Wales this week, and 1 a EiBDioAi. bers may have been p'.aying for Mr. LOHJTK his final effort! at Newport yesterday was his W. Larie was twice successful /it the meeting. A wag of a. poet, who muist also have been a. AMiATBUB. BILLIARD CHAMPIONSHIP. . e •«' ' •• a oo - • U !bit of a thinker By rectifying .these errori you would msch seat in their beat. I With the ground- firm and the distance * ¦ ! ^2S^uve , in libs way, contributed the • : ¦ •;• - / , .. . • :¦ • Only eeveni players have name* KINC^SpLBRE.;FOAt$.; ; ' , ' • \ ¦ ' following lines obalge." : . .;r. . - to' oppose Mii - Ji. B. Wdsdom for the Enghji one mile and a half, Mr. Widger's coll should . u \ ^^^k^^M^^^^a to the "iWaterford News," of •¦¦» •». ' ; ' includo i • . . . o . .. » . o o o Amateur Billiard Championship, the holder race. • The, foals npw.iocotid at Mop cleK December 2nd, 1853 : — capture a¦ nice¦ juveni; te hurdle ' 1 • ¦ . ' ' ¦• • ' ' ¦ , an own - brother to of ihfi tiilfi, and tihe dTaw was made yeeterday I « « ' o 1» « o o an owri .Bister.to Sceptre ' ^eneW debility, paltilUUon; and aTTlivet a^a. lftenaa Complaiits Tell John to put tihe kettle on, OS follows t-r-F.: Wear V. . Macklin : 8 B. Chilstey v. Coursing Comrmittoo Westminster. As regards Duk i of 'Westminster, 'I khbw.there lino mtrcoxj In them^Belleve me YoaBtttay, - I only want to go to Rome, effuaon ii print, but thajjno one wiU take it. Brgjra ; A. W. T. Good, a bye. Owing to the The Glenmore Terrier 1 beduso ¦ ^ seriously is havq flsed their meeting for Sund ay, 29t,h richo has, proved sucii a "coatljrl failure so; far, ¦ ¦¦ ¦ , '" ' r ' ' CE1ERW1N. Surf con. And shall .be back by five. , od epurae, certain. To say that the panclty. of, entries the .start of tho competition Vbadl , Norf olk. ; ;;: J. has boen postponed from;(Monday next, the November. Mr. V; Reidy will liave charge of Mi. Ciiapman,. manager of jj th'o stud; speaks publio hod a lull report ol ;the match, because the slips, and Mr. Thomas Quinn is expected '' a rsport appeared in a twe-^pemny paper of probable date of commencing being Friday, with father optimistic: termsJ ahd he hi* fully ° RBBI §.© - Can «e obtained of *U Chemist* esa Prus Tell cook to dreto those hurfcming birds the 37th. to ju ;dge. A good day's sport may be expected. ra fFBEiffa»fiJ limited citculatdon, ia suro'y fcu^ca Penasneat rfHsf Vy P«in1ti» Constriction of the Nerte is DecayedTeeth , . c4au c -tujppis" >nto paid a 10 per cent, dividend for six years, and ing the ofl season in England. Rules. D:cay, nteiEiteM doa,, Sleepless Nignti prrrented, Nn!n|l^e Hesdiebe*,'md ill Ntrrs P»im removed. Par steering through line AEiky Way. OoOOQ OOOO Bheets of thirteen of the leading manufacturers in addition distributed a 6 per cent bonus this Piad tb foUowbiff Testlmoniif, teleeted from m ramber itetitti fepra THSI He ran against a star. for the past six years. Hiis lathtistics thua did ^ MEDICAL TKOKESSIOfJ:- yeai Premiers, a rapidly improving Com* 91R J B ML^LE ' ' ' ' ; ' ¦ ' " ' ¦ " And turning round again tot) soon, WirLAT PRICE LHINSTBR ? not includo the " boom" year of 18S3 or the GpRpOW STAfiLfe^, ^ , R.N. ,, .. ] < ••' | /• -. . ; ]- ' i , aret quoted at about 2s or just doubie What price Leinster holding pride of place Owing to the continued ill-health of Sir J. ' ' ' iRan jolt against my car. pan> . following- twelve months, "fyhen cycling was BurrrnfTO ^lHRVlNE l' •» exwIlent.jpec lfiQ tor^oott»U* Md NeDia!tfc«itaeEU, u ho!nist>E» Blundell Maple—his condition remains un- * M?ha.t they were whan I first advised & pur- ir. nert year's Grand National Handicap? The still a fashionable craze, '' ul pain ana me* us« toota. Nothing can be better. . .. < - ! ; i (hor3e3 will The trading profits Such fallows ought to keep.below . chase , Swifts shares at about 17e appear grand son of Aooetic ia, I 'believe, the reigning changed—it is understood that his for 1££8 amounted to £125,000', toe next year not, run again during the present season . All ¦Amd never venture there; ridiculously cheap, consaderuiy that the com- 'chaser of tc-dav H.'.a aporting owner is at they fell to £24.0ob; in lOOO: they slightly re- b tba isott Sliipte and the baronet B engaged at Derby have ' 11 he's eo clumsy he should go pany earned £21,024 this yea: ami paid 1C present on active dirty in India. ' horses covered, and touched £59J0Of) , find in 1901 PERMANENT STOPPING FOR DECAYED TEETH. 1 , and thus Xabot and Simony ' : No way but by the " Bear " per cent. BayCis-Thoma's ai 4* lor iri<> 10i. been scratched therq TO another fall, the,jprofi ts being only Anyon* eah eaxilr prepare«ni J place lt la the cariry of the- Tooih la rihaxe , appear a good speculation , and Cycle SIR TirOMl.\S GALLWEY. disappear from tho Derby Gold. Cup Al- 1 toft Hate, and b » ij iott dme it beebmej a perfectly hud and wli3 £51,000. The trade then took a rum, ^and the Enamel,fotming.u it «eie, a port oflhSi original tabstanerof theToei, My steam as surely up by now- 'Components \ FOK : cr tiU Ciiiia3t3'«?id CcdJclno 17cadO7S. !Pric* 1/1J, 2f9. and 4/8sJLyj Lodgo and bo Boyal Enfield " ilodsl Rich©," which was sold ' Goo^ksa C W \ put to hurdle jumpin g tat season for i£18 ¦!&., during Uhe winter. is now listed at £16 j Amongst the 'besvknown IGs., with: tihe Tagan janimals which will " Two-opeed Gear in- litis, be put to the jumping bunine^s is Prince cluded. The Eoyal Enfleld , lor which the prico BroBC Asthma, Whooping- \^ Florizel , who has provedi 6:i unreliable this •was £13 15s., is now offered at £12 123., while ml season. 1 'His courage may,! however, be stimu- the Model iB (the 12 guinea model of 1903) now InSienza, Hoaipsea@ss G0 lated by a courise of hurdle practice, ss thi3 stands at the remarkableprice of £10 10s. eou 9 & \ hi YiQy was proved efficacious in tho case of others of tion o o o o o a ml HAS PROVED YrSi*. F. II. BOYLE directs atten to bis How similar temperament. The itrrival of Captain MOTOR EXIHiIIBI/TS. ^- Dewhurst at Newmarket -with a large string ol oi Ci At Stand No. 16 Trill also he shown the Brand gar$. En- , otesplechasers lhas marked arj important epoch field motor cars and motor bicycles, each as ; in the history of Tiirf ! headquarters,; for never rich in special features as every production of before has so many perfqrmors the Enfield work under the ille- BACH h expected to be. The En- gitimate code been quartered in tho town. . ,. field Company has erected a special motor Captain Dewhurat has eafly inaugurated his ¥ICTOBT), factory, eo that it is not simply treating the mn \M /fTf/fD m campaign in glowing fashion, ' for two events motor industry as a " side-line." M ' I fell to his share at Liverpoo l on the conclud- ^ ing day, when Glenmore, & «on of Red Prince Thio Cigair possesses Fine Flavour, are Large Size; MEATHEBJ'WBIGHT. BICYCLES ;vy ^) II ¦ one of the best-looking jumpers I have Cigar Smokeis The eyes of the whole cycling world are upon j v^ toft seen, carried ofl the Abbeysfead and quite as good as most 3d. Clgarsy : S ' f Steeplechase, tie cycle shows tJiij week, and undoubtedly and Flying Swallow , another Irish-bred one, should give them a trial. Experts admit they are the one of the chief points of interest at the Na- j f /r secured the Valentine SteapTechnse. tional Cycle Sh»w, which opened at the : best value ever offeyed, and will smphe sweet to tho ' ¦ ¦ ¦ Crystal Palace, Sydenham, torday, will ;be the | ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ uc M Olid. ' ;¦: ¦ display of the Centaur (Feafherweigto, and , ttte important announcement of radical reduc- | AH ABROLTJTF NECI'SSITY T KVKttYROD Y. / /^<0i Hooiinv tionsin the price of this-machine. The Centaur Wk j T n CycCe Co. were the pioneers of the recent WATEEFORD v. ,GA!RRISON weight-reducing movement, whiix?b had' such a m pMS Cigar and tobacco' Merchant, *^ ¦ '™ ¦wide influence on 'the -weighte of bicycles in, ho> / rho first of what we hope will be a series of p 1 hockey matches- was plftyed on Saturday, yVO! tTi lTT J\ ^F ^flT A 'fTi3|4P'KT^1l^Tli general, and, naturally, it is to their exhibit «jt/e>c) II 0 6/ u evj>i\J.— i neve are so man; imitations of lo ObWi ifo 1 1b5jUi=a. I£ W JSk L JD.LXi?\ JJX U*. that the cycle public looks at once for any ~p\< \ * at Newtown gTounds, in th|e 'presence of a small *' » further development in 'light weights. The ^W)ck th.it f ivcressf id, ami therefore p opular rr? nwdy thai number of spectaters. Considering tho -want Centaur has proved ithat although it is ¦offered fc^l of practice, which wa3 .cltarly evident, the , /TiA if : fully equipped at & weight that ia few year.;' ,^ if of the utmost importance ?/ov nhoii»1> 1 me the tCBj gama was a rather 6low tnd uninteresting ono, ¦would and it resulted, 'have been thought impossible, there word " 0WBR1D0F " whm hnjivc Luvrwq Tonic in acconlebco with anticipar CQ^ESViAN'e ia absolutely no sacrifice of strength, or , , M0W tion, in a victory, for the: Waterford teams by efficiency. md TAKH NO S UJiSTITUTl1 h. /°o»o/ five goals to two. Thoi following were tho o o o o o o o o o teams:— .)' , ' / ' Waterford XI. 0IHE CENATDR MOTOR —Goal, - Catden ; backa, A. C. . Perry and H. IMlSLMlla In addition to their display Ridgway;. half-beets. P. A. of bicycles the T. OWBRIDGE .^P.S., Chemist , H Jackson , Rev. Cenatur Company introduce a motor bicycle. J. Torrenp, l and F. Thunder ; A dslictlous Beverage aid Tonic* miwle from Choice 1 bold everywhere in bottles, at 1«. \%d., forwards, J. M. ennett, iDr. St«unton ,'L. Ridg- wloch is probably destined to take as high « 2i. 9d.. 4a. Gil., and lla way, VJino, tiebig's Extract qf Me&t drawn,iy r .',;• •; • .- ; •• '?¦ < • - f . Mr; y, Hftyea-^ head-of. ¦ poSpt:$tkno^e4 | eci» LITTOJETOK. ;. : i j i ^'iWhat wflfght lheyll give . Le¦ ¦ inater!¦ in the ¦ ¦; • • :¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ' ' ¦ ' ¦ •!¦ /,.¦, , LitUstoa, winner of the ' Derby CupJ U seven >. ;• , . ~\. . .i; r +::. < , Twwday,: ,;^*if & podirt BX5!7^W '3 »»i«« -IN* M A^08* AlUi; .fcfmd f ¦ ¦¦ NbV.«th -.L. -' / «g A % ;ii^- * '# •li .^: . - . ' [¦ ¦: .;:. > ^ | ~^^ o» ongej;- '-i : v: Yi'- i' - -:- . . • \ On Monday the New'iTldjs^Hound*. with :ri#'<"i: ,*w^*»»; Jp*- " t m * " j ^fe ffi gC ' : ^ ! ¦ I iS-P«Jirp./cftW)ia ^iW:Tan.op .John the, ¦ i>Pi THE JHU&ftEj j C^cogJ i ^ ?^-* |Mrr >J iff. WMrfer Once (««in fpleddld day's hunting in Tory BiUdlree- -:i . -.. - .:| j4?'*aih« ™ww H U ' ;iKBapi(r. ¦; ¦ ; i- -TMMtaMC|j : • dhfel . MAffpiR T' \|; -;: . - ,- v , Ac enri : ffia^^TW^lM g™^F:tS^SRfe W*lke^ «ocvples po»Won; «ple«inf • M«Jor B««itri. Wto haa donf «o well ftxr iLord C^ ,,L;., , ,{ wdi ^ &qr*W d» WaMen at iBedlordOoita fo hM 'fflfi; i£[:.ffl iTwra ha« la tha ] MANOBBgCa liHUJui.x ' »iii. -f-t.ci *A '-•J^W F^d^iW^ ¦irrw^Mi JWlfVjI ^^^i^ tne JoW^Bt- h* JnWre4 tfartiwrtijg iiowyhwed- gone «ibroftd fo*|the 'Utwflt of Ua>jlbe4«li, ';, , . -'' r ¦;> .n;| ¦ L ' !fl if-'i'f- -ilJ, i.vJMirrt fflflnfei • »p' - ^ ttrWot has ib««n'^ Tevir**!'oi Tobu4 lately, MA'R0H«j9ra»-«Or^ Xm ' ' ' fe«B ILU»iaAlPi l7th. W' ffi *9 M k *"* MM H «nd. *fm «wt»e« qni .. |(lw. «aMa attd;wwr^W"!*tt6ndai>t|ppott• WtwSeW^Ml^ r ^mmmi iBftj^ Ui?i;PtkJ« in m CUftbridKfltMre.f Bent whcieI fiuk faa \iAi, Abvt* Hfo xH UnMltr. 0. »trinig,of TaluableVhortM aw, perbW. pot iota, ."Lord'-Bo wmBi^w «^t! I id«ro<^y »PPfpoiatod;b/ i t^ ,«jajaritorol iSS people. Uominetob Oufnoo -wilt' a«i ia ' iU» m for the stable ae± VyeaJ, thop^.I Mi TO tbai IUtit. U leftI>M «.naUf.1tijdf- *'..to tA 1V kUhn*to^-otf--iWieth*>WJi*»hl» 1il J Aeljw M. u2LKank»l*$Mi3 ' 01 ffi»a5*oHFi'i i5SB B Wv| »-retain^or-i ^j!'Thepop • »«••¦ ¦H iMWCwi MUi i * * ' ••^¦"SW- ; i tttArUAim. M^^ lktLi*,>imkIi/ IJILI L .tr^iki.. fmaa wflt. U f aMh. M* «2M f ir*jic vef - pt :-r : : « 'KIiU jMlete, *oVW U Hlttie:cU wire #ki-oe M*SSMjsSte|-7';f^|r-' -- ^^^iM5**?A«fifct*rt two ol :HM p«l«i» that he |J»nl1** fbi t|»W« 0«wi !»o tiktH^.'jcan r < I« » MM bt$ mmMw^*»&:< iMtmf 'ifm m&m % kmi mram m^ m^m^mM :- -i :^;- - !?' :i 'Mm. ; ¦; ¦!.|- "^j !\ > rv?!v - ::!-:^!T*y opdd ^utjoki' oight OJ3 Ennii). iendatav reli&/ble-;J. ?JoU>r.< &<$&-trit h , thoiD*^*}, - j*® n cm *pat to .the tenants and In- pmMl^M vArieto', id (favour, of itiib a(|$W <«0 : . ' ! - .1 formedtheb that po UCdif. t|Jlt??K54 [n^if^y MEKTFTL LAYS; 3N ntgcWittoiiifor Purcjiase ^ moru^d^nMB^ thit truly ejoellenl|«umbpr.^ jrtuldbo constdirM uatfTthetenants paid in ' ^ (wm ¦ • The et'd fTraniore^ieTiwIu'ch .WM , washed. The iegiMi Bjf rekdflpt «Jw tu^TO ^iae to fetl tfcci Wi tmi 4ue tait March, as 1902 !»ai mamy r&^S&r£2;}00;Mman-tepimtwhoiadlhe!j;raspiDglook Passage Pier.i iPorsimony iianroered'iae their .eopiea.^and .tfle; ejf . ia Gaspard, and iwho, clearly would 'grumble been house 3re jiith-* himdteriu ' of what ^houldlihiTe & &ubstantipl pxt, ,/ ^pfc&iSS^^ih 1 kar ie' aav,|oe | titeirordeti 68 I MAGES. [^EMORABtEl^EEOH. '!: now, afteri the lia1 pseiof a ' 1 cgi a^w^ e onte. V&t (Pest f ree, 5f1). to gesticulate wildly and use anything but Par- short number of yeorB, more public mohey !hai • JudTO M«rri»:^a», p^4wS*V.^crlminBJmean. ta»aL ,; ¦& publiijar EA '1 of to replace, ryear-jniye «go ha ^had Apart from jattraptaJ a wh|ch| any| - ¦ • ¦' uameutttryj language about his landlord, sjbo l) ^use ( 1 or • ';. . •?: ' ¦! ¦ ^ tiojj.Issued fioni the'^pei guidancie of , Mr. 3a. : I. .. . . a ^ii(}^?.« tbp - :\ w)«8 on. the steps ;all the'tlme and whp fevi- ¦official bungling of a Irish liDepartinent that 6ooa«onj to4^1 1 t i ' , oa^ht to- h&vei 'lmawm betrtor. \ Things have aofw ing «f( " jijwsunipWTft" «^rldenoe, and after keep-., 'O'Qoonor. niu . {WJee^, JK^^Bpeato ^ fleatly, Respite hi»)Bighty-8l3t. 8ummer3 took an ' : IRITIS llHROUGBt TSE "boiJNTRY r changed, and 'With the tripl^:iCo-op©ration ot ing then! Jor h& -Jwuir or .more, thay, retired' to i toe^ fehristeas numoejr will^ abusing, iew of-the iltaatiqa Bitoraed |dp Oouncdi, tie Department of Agri^ consider i/taieij -Yerd^ot.- aild after i«iping -th& in^reat.in be HTERAKT CONTENTS, i j - as th« County iby ' IBIIBS > H IOMB . ¦b the noisy ' culture, and tiao people theonselvea, theae n«w court , - Buitmg 4ov i«loB&-|upoa', . two.i'hiOTirSj ih^jghtened : the ffwl . jtjiat.(SDr. EdmundTh Oow- BODNfiT 8XE.BOBE ...ii.....»..i,.; I. Br G Otssixp. y- demagogue. Speaking at the top : "iTHK BEBAR OP DECEIT". ;. ,. By E. i". BMSO.H i of hlfl voice woria wjll «o anead, and ;be more stable and trampedj tewfc to t^e Jury box. " 'No," they, §ad n«y, the «u);lioT of " ThW Ark," and '^ rough • the Ma]6r said, laughing the while, than their ill-faii&d an4 not agreod to their yerdiet 'he staid |POBTRAIT PAINTEIR'S WIFE" ....„ By PiBCt WBITK i BOW THE TENANTS IIET usefui Yi'wi ffl^Wic .t foreman .; (Has by rio means in the best of. OTKftOT- " \vO • W-WV •• THE BUILK \ ' " ¦! • 5Etoiaocr;Oc«iirif. ^crari Judge "Waters *L°* to knowi" eaid tho jfuhj- nothteg to 6cmpCain of 03 regard^ the ooomniei- OS LA OIOCHJNDA" .i By .Matter BoeniTS. ttfit it. wea j at thB I mdlorda' ; request Mr. has tindctrgssce {'tnwi5fl< W*) iW4 »- '¦ ! a aetsJnW opexation an Bt. Vai? J^nd noro, "som« nw* about -that '"vresump. cial ouocecs ' *...... _. QaffDey -iv83j cslied|to ittend and dreensa the cent's Hospital i and is proOTaasing favourably, of the nuniber, which is ©vidcatly « TEAVBL8 WITH AN OPEBA COMPANY" i. By BASI. KEIKBD!' . ; . live evident." • - ' Vfry, -wll," wid t&: judge, born, "WI LL FIGHT IT OUT TO THE qfetfua'of purchasoani not of arrears. Acting w«£ jappoiatedto th» .County' Court (Bench for ¦ » " PuTMic with o golden 6pooi in dta mouth. ' AN UNTOLD 8KCRET" By DA»ID C M DJBAT. Waterford so fat back ias June. 18T2. He is one ." II you see a ¦madlf P W^S. <>»* <* THB TELLOW BOYT Br MAOiXB ALBS VEB U i on the advice of their solicitor, the majority of if onr the house, ii is predumpUve eTioaBW that he | was LC TD END ! ; , !. ol the fiurvayin^ membera BimNigh ol evidence A meeting"; «f iUie Val and Morry y Colon. echoing the demagogies words 4ltt "itie^ ornamental, front, is beginning to take shape, trated by limelight vioTTd. The Hav. B; Little stone of probably the m&st htetdrio cityin Ire- 1 will manipulato %f- " a8 coqld fight it ouli to thb^laBt" Whai actudly "On e tuneraj makes another," is the old and passers-by are now able to guago ithe ex- (his splendid Janterri on. the land. Bat " wh8*fctti£^ repin%, to be oceaoion, ossiited Vousden would sing in the they) are going to fight about and how tno fight saying, and a oertainly oug^it thoroughly tent of the structure.. . -by Mr. Brenan. Tho Hon. poor old Valentino wretl demonstrated with reiOTence to a apeoio-1 Secretary read ithe SECOND M)VEBOT£EUENT. The needs ot centuries is to bo waged I bad not ascertained up to the inapector'a ireport, 'chowing zenith of his fame. momyt we one thai came under our notice recently. Wo At tho usual weekly meeting of tho Youj ^hal good work done aince tf&' 21 O'COMELL SfBEET not our needs, and if we find things .. stal1ted on onr long sixteen miles' allude to the funeral and interment at several o last mectinj? ^Che Record No. 1923. No. 131. 9 : -ago were drive over the hillfl and far away to Urban District Council (Mr Richard Carey, ladies announced fiey (Comer of Thomas ' .as our minds would not suggest to-day, we must Limerict cartloads ai sewerage sediment, which was re- aro makin.3 the annual Court Street) ; moved Iron the blocked cyphon under the J.P., Chairman, presiding), some discussion oollection for the Socioty, -which i$ being In iixo ^3^c^ of Juotlco -only have 'consideration*far a' qeestora who did Iroland* Fill a\ tnt Paix and buried with official took plaoe regarding the development ol the generously responded to. Other routine busi- ¦not know how particular/the irorldviwas to bff- ¦fflT^fiBBfeag^^ - »»_jxjg presume—in People' Fyi^a honour* w* the s j Park, tourist traffic on the Irish Hhine, by mean-a of ness having been attended to, too meeting i Chancory Dlvlclon. -come. Limerick thawed* T?aa jrjtliqut dohbt Your, friends abroad>will^ be so plecsed v/Jth ¦hetweei. tii«- shrubbery and the Do La. Salle , * recreauoi, grount a fine steamer service which could be rendered adjourned. on her best behaviour. Tfie skies cleared, and the . Xmas Card you send them it gladddn* feasible by certain improvements in tho navi- ! r.iastcr of tho rollo- the son shone on Sunday in honour, doubtless, their heart. Ju^it call to O'Leary & Co., 12 not make gation of the river. resolution waa passed 1 E ttia. lunera. doe^ . some A On Monday night the Davis Literary and ilii the IXctter of the Eailways Irolond Act. ol the Redmond Demonstration. The Demon and 13, Barronstpand Street (late Coonan & (jo) others ' amongsv our xisirij generation , that to forward a memorial to the Chief Secretary Debating 1S51, the 'Eail-waya Ireland Act, 18C0, the remarkable Club hold the third debat© of the ' (L ATZ or RODERICK RYAN'S), stration itself was one of the most "Waterford. Largest and best selection of dispor. themecveb over tha iresh h Collegt Rom« , who has just returned by a good majority. fcbe Railways Acta Ireland, 1851 and 1860, 1he * SO^EftEIGNL from ins summer vacation in Ireland 'Mon- portaht question—" What is the ba>t type of 4fr S OTJrion , Lady-lane, occupied Lnnds Clauses Consolidation Act, 1945, and selection ef the BEST BRANDSjof poor one. JThis view, I believe, would not re- pig to TSafand fo«i for ma.rketalble purposes " the; chair si gnor Murpnv presented to His Holiness ' on tho occasion, and acquitted bimieM! credit of Colonel' John Nugent Cahill and vive support from a single unit to the enor- Peter's Pence from the Diocesea oi Derry and Tho infamiation ought to be verj- valuable to in a Alfred Bagford Harriaon and all other persona TEAS, manner which left nothing to bo desired. Sugars,; Wilies, )UB gathering. Nine out of every ten came ENTHUSIASTIC ;!RBOHPTIO>- AT PORTS- Killalot This is the first oCtaing ol thej kind •farmera and broed«rs generally, and copies of The interested in respect of the lands, heredita- a ¦ next debate m fixed for Monday ¦ t) mark learn and inwardly digest every word .irOlTTH maiio from Ixol&nd to the present Pontifi. this leaflet may be obtained free of chavrge, November inijnis and premises fiituate in the townlaac Whiskies, , , ' Monsignor MurpUj- also presented an addTe^a 30th . and the eubje-ot w " Should Irish- of Coroghmore, Poor Law Union of WaterfoTd, &c. the Leader |utiered, facir.g, as he undoubtedly and .post free, or, application to the Secretary, Emigra- From his long experience in all brat chea of ol ccmgnaiulatioD ojid aflectionate loyalt"! from tion be Encouraged. On Monday evening and County of Kilkenny, and distinguished by CTaB an insidious conspiracy of the most un- London, Tne»jay. Department ol Agriculture and Technical In- next , , , , , tho trade he can ensures his Ctutomers die Be;: , ali the Koman Oatiholic Bishopa of Iroland. a social entertainment trill be held the numbers 1 7 3 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16 16, 17 fair, and !l might almost odd, audacious Th« fioyal yacbi with the King and joon beariny tne signatures of the Prelates. The Gtructiom lor I reland , Upper Merrion-street, il8, 10, 23, 23 and 28; 23 and 29, 30 and 31, upon Volue m the Market ^ Pope who greeted gnor Murplhv In the maps, ¦character, j Not one out of ten, I believe, left i> stnmipth day of October, Eena with Mr. Oarnegie'a plan to render iNow Tori ono ceptionally interesting chircoter, a3 tho teams 1903, has been made 'by the Jiight Hon. tihe of education -and ability whoihaye no azea to ^ueen. a jnagniftoent, bouquet be- after a wMi oontosted match , the final score ' of the greatest easineering centres of the world, are well matched The lime is fixed f or aae- Ulster of the R0II3 directing that tho Account- grindvacd who ara solely acttaited by a desire fore their Majesties rertired for luncheon. 'being seven points for the f-ormer , and three ant General do ipay and transfer the respective ! ' and to give all branches of the profession a o'clock A. DEAGO, to. eee Ireiand served by her best ^spps. So Various preseflta/iionp.aiterwards .took place. splendid building, which would be wbat Uni- points Jor tits iatter toam The Tullaroan (Co aiims of £4 63. Gd. ccah and £234 lls. 9d. New Parisian HairdresseJr much" for the meeting. Now for a sequel. A. ! King Victor Emnisuual -was presented -with versity Oluk is to the co.Ileg«j, U nearing K,ilkennj-i hurivm h;ul a walk over , the St ConsoEs now standing !to -tEe credit of this from the realiaailOT. It wit cost over a million dollars, matter to Mary .Pemberton Harrison, Editli S8, Henry Street, life-long friend who also happens to be " a an address of walcom^ Corporation, Conleith , •man. having failed to pm LO an DDBLDI. -which but Ml Carnegie »aad " You may draw on Peinberton Harrison ,, and Arthur Pemberton limb 'of the ilaw," urged that I should go with tor ' he fonnaD-y thanked uie Chief me for & million bui I will give more should appearanc- Halrriscm, and I hereby give further notice SALOONS for LADTKS and' 1 ilagiatrate. Jum next day for a drive through- the Counties rt be noedec' Thf buildirrgscheme under that any person objectinj to such paymec! OENTLhMEN. \ \ Limerick and Clare. At firet I demurred, but All 'the' diips in tho harbouj were dressed . r-onsideratio: cont<.TT>pIaM» two ten-storey .The Ketreat* now being condmrwyl ;i; the ami transfer being made shall be at liberty buildings. on«- for ar. engineers' clut . and the wi-t.hin one month after the date of the publi- ¦when he. told me thatthe pnrpdse of his expe- and crowds on ohore witnessed tne Royal Oathedra. IUI <1 FraiiAiacan Chur< -h . respHWUvely Lodio3* and Gentlemen' ¦aniv'ai. other wi2 t>» a home for the four n ational cation of the second of these advertisements to s Hair Dyec: dition would be to try and effect the sale of an societies o? the engineering profession, which aro boiny langely aotended morning and even- tjpposit with me, the undersigned, a Docfojt Tlta a 3 >8Clil D 'e oa the Premiaoj estate under the Land Purchase Act, I agreed will be housed there . wit!h the technical libra- ing by toe faithful The discourses delivered ox Statement (in writing) stating that ho ob- ASSJiY 'ASLAT WINDSOi. of Limerick weather, and ries erf those orsanisationii on each <>ccasi>>r: are «Ioqu<>nt iind imprewiive. j 3o's thereto and nominating a Solicitor t» act DKAOO'3 HAIR BTAUiS to risk the chances on his behalf on whom AEE i promised be ready for the road at cock crow. and a spiri t .>: much devotum :s observable notice of any applicu- EXCELLENT. . ¦ to) ! london , There i? ai present to be seen at th« stone t pn may be served, and in cs30 no suoh \ Despite a stormy night, Monday morning broke Tuesday Qmonpii the i ><>oi)le who alt-end Tie King and (Jueen of Italy arrived at and marble worto of Mr P 'Keane , O'Coanoll- Ppcket or Slatement in writing snail be lodjpjd CST Ladies' Own Combing! Made into' calm aud fair, and as we droVe up the Windy ¦Windsor this after noon, and were received by street, * magnificent Oeltic memoria'. crous, 8»» «.viBr iess«:i 5) vritiiin such period as aforesaid , then the pay- Plai's or Fringe*. I' ' ; 1 Gap, Limerick and the lordly Shannon pre- 1 worked I E grey Insn granite, bj Mr Kean'e At the hearing of an action f >r n divoroi' in g f y ment and transfer, as aforesaid, will be made ,WIG3, FRINOES. i ALl, AHTISTIC SAIBI King Edward VT[., Queen Aieiandei, and w.Wiout further WORK A SPKCIAUTTC. , would have gladdened himseK It wili shortly be placed at the head the Ooun of Saesbon Edinibu rg>i . lHAbftlld notice. ] sented a picture that other members of Lhe iRoyal Faraili of the last resting place of the late Mr Patrick . Mr* Dated this 5th day of November, 1903 ; y O'Grad DtU Ogg told hem her husband bfui euddonly left COUKTBT OBDERS P«0aPTLT- ) the heart of Landseer. On b y Han:«y formerly of the Manor , and whose : ! CHARLIS MUWPlHr, Secretary ATTESDE ,mage's shooting lodge we drove, And;then in MiOOENING &N1 i SHJOOTIKG PARTIES remains are reposang in the graveyard of h*r. She £j aid eho had iw*v«r heard from him ; to Master of the Kolls, Four —o— !l ; i ' Branch Eitablishment : — .; .; five minutes after the enmmit of tb» mountain | London , Wednesday Ihinkiti, and when erected will stand fifteen ainoe 1^98 until she r,>. -.nved an unsigned C >- Courts. Dublin. feet ID hecg-hi. a ohaste, and at the same itime > ^ H 17, DAWdON 8TBEETJ DUBLIM. was reached. Here we paneed to view a scene The King of Ital; deposited a wreath on the tnifi>SLnjr example of sculptural art The carv- felegrsm from him from Glasgow about liiree gi WO.^ARI'S LOVE full of the beauties of . Tbe- vallsy lay ttanb of Qneen Vi weela agu " But how, my good woman," fiaid ^> Jtoria e.\ Progmort- maiwo mj? la chaste, and shows that *n artistic hand of 5) (1OTJNTY COUNCIL OF WATERFORD smiling beneath, nestling in its very heart kum this morning. wieJded trie maUet. and chi»el. We understand lord LOT " did .you iuiow ii vriii tram .you r <& . - . ^-. ' - -i limeriek'fl fair city was foil.to behbia. cad SStas^tLmo :la^er, Kin-g BdrKrard, the King of that the inscription contains a record ol the husband when it was aonifrned?" "Ob. I O CDeanlincss perfectly "^] A PPOINTMENT OF ANA L YS1 i then in the dim distance the bold ^Qaltees Italy, the iPruwre . >f Walea , and the J>uko oil tact that the lato Mr. Hanley was a citizen 'of knew hw handwriting," repheJ the witness. with the United Suites, where he spent many jear s oatlsMed UNDER FERTILIZERS AND afforded s sort of framework-to the landscape. Cbnnaught, all in shooting costunie, left lot quite unalxu-^hed by the pmlonjfetl lauphter ^> FEEDING of his life, and thai, sometime before his d\>ath ^ 1 STUFFS ACT. : At the Glaic side of the mountains' striking WindoorVoTest, on i day's shooting expedition; he gave personal instructions as to the design, which fotoTrec V?L. TT I TTtl / T\ ] r^/Tt\ nr\' ^a *£ .} rnouein evidence wa3- to be seen on every side- of the Tho two Queens rikiited the AJDert Memon-al eve., oJ this Dea-utifu. cross , which is a credit g IHInacfil©flDim!' iicab'.e. © g n~\HE Cimn-y season that we have bad. Hay lying in heaps Chapel , and aiter I'ards drove t»j Orantx>rn« to th« religious nnd patriotic feplingo vf the The toliovving interesting, if incxp Counci l of WaUrford will, at deceasad wher ire felt his dissolution opproanh- ID " O>rk Elxoar the jr Meeting, to be held in under the heading " Waterford News ' — tb >: Courthouse, Dutigarvao, 00 llouday, tb« cating lhat it nas rottiog wnere it lay,' fields —-o—— vThlcft mot only elect a com- turned into j miniature lakes, and cultivation THEIR ITALIA N MAJEST I ES IVISIT Aldermai V H 'Ward , J P., be£s to acknow- ^C^ thoroughly he country along- there looks ledge, with tnanka, tho receipt of £2 10s. froui Oloonej mf. -»-itli a frightful dt^aili at Tid- Cleans, pctcnt pera&a as ANALYST under thte rare to be seen. 1 L MCDON 1 into ^ like a huge cattle ranch, only remarkably bo- Captain Cotter of the ss Vandcleur, beany the donn. U appeaire that he blippe^j a Qp. Oweeteims, ond Fe rtilizers and Feeding Stuffs Act for the ; sUDseription ot his crew and . a lew frienda m ^>? cause of the absence' of cattle in the fields. ENTHUSIAf TIC RECEPTION thrashing mm-hinv , and wad moisg Uxl to d«uth Coonty of Wctcrfoid. ^,'v ~i. the nei?hbouruood o? Duncannon Also . the OT Piariflee, Sint greatly *o ' Possibly the tenants have their stocks carefully sum of £1 14s from Mr. Thotnas Davloj, from TJie OoAimer rui. been commu nicated with ' Tenders for tho position will bo icnVw eretl O legoena labour and lij the Cout.ty Couticil iU the above Meeting, housed, as I believe good and careful tenants GARABALDIAN GUARD OF HONOUR , the em.plores o! the outdoor stafl of the G. W. ^ j are supposed to at this treacderous portion , of. Eailway Company, at Waterford—both eub- ¦The 'WaterNm: mid Tramore Railway (V>m- espenne. Tenders to be addressed tome ot the Countjr soriptians being ia aid of the Lawlor Fund I pany traflic rotunis for the pa3t week sliow an ^ C( uncil Offices, Diingamn, and to be received the year. The run down to pur destiriation,^ ' GR.AXD BA: rQUET AT TUF. {.y ~J - ' "—1 . .I ^>—> ¦ ' increase of Mi m> <-onipared with the reoeipto or or before Snturdsiy, iho 5th Dectmber, the village of - Kilkisben was accomplished in GD LDII ALo. The Domestic Economy Classes will com- : ¦ far the eoTPesj>ondmg week in 1902 C^ [fca^ ' ;' ;—- ¦. iao3. . !- good time, and -just ere we arrived, the genial mence in Tramore on January 4th , and con - fe^^rfev¦i_.'.i . ^3 ¦ tbe p'ariBh, Father Scanlttn, appeared! Ijondon, Thursday tinue ior two months "DouibrtCess thoy wiQ be ; . . K. Q. PAUL, i paster of ¦ ' ( equally -as well attended a» last winter, When ' ,' the scene. He greeted os In the warmest ;. ^he .King anrf [ueen of Italy anived iri At thf Carriek-on-Suir (Butter rilii-rket on \ i Secretary Co. Coancfj upon much usafu; information wae derived by ahum- 5c nnty Secretary' OQice 'and! we were eoori sitting; by the snug London i Jrom, Wind or this morning and drove live tstudenio Tuesday, tht- supply »o .limited 1o 34 keg-s. s , • \ manner, Waterford I fireside'of bis-hospitable home. '' After an' in- to 'the Italian Embassy, via Hyde Park . Largd which sold ai an average of from 8&3 to 101.1 1 BRSMS , 'I ; prpjent LOth November, 1S03. - terchange of 'viewa we 'moved to the / local crowds) ( accorded tilee. ulastrious viof itnrs ar| The Right Honorable (William Moore John- per ay and &>n MeisrB H Ridgway and s li ll li ft iJ iH Assembly' Hall; a small, 'dark room, tf/th- a enihnsi^stic A hnnoari Higb . composing Enclishmen nnd. Italiar.s wliol at tho Winter Asslnes, is one of t!he old-eat, as Son , Mr T Klynn , Waterford . and Mr ' T eort ot canvai Toof which makes 'it lOolcTOine-; , he is one of the ' most distinguished of iRa what like ajciibiri'in a coasting vessel, "the fought .-Under- G»rnb.i ldi , ,T7ns posted nt the Majesty 's Trish Judges. He was born in the Foley, Olonmwi 1 " ' Embassy. ; - : ! :; only decoration -on the-'^ulls was a harp, sui- of yoar 1^8, and a a 4on oi the late Rev. William JOHN -WHITTLE ^Afxerastay soi ie'lu atiuii ot the Emba«3y Johason , Chancellor oi Cloyne, ' County Cork. A conunittw meeting «f 'Jie Waterford ronticed by ebanirocks, and- as flj ejre werei DO r ' BE.VTH OF MR Bcgt} to inform his Friends and the Public open during 'which their MMjeslies were prefented j He eubsoquentl-y; took His •Mv.A. degree He Branch of tht Iri^h Drapers' A««:-stain-s Bune- JOHN CHMSTOPHER I windows tbejfront door had to be k^pt to ' studied with a view of entering the legal pro- Qt and Protective As>>6ciatian was held on BALLYLBMON, DDNGABVAN. ' tbat he bus ' admit the light. : Tbree chaird were carefully with notnerons ad( rei'Sc!', they proceede i to! fession, and was called to tHe Sar in the year pc ' Monday rtighi , when the following resolution brooght in, orrafor the clergyman, the recimd G ildh(j|l nnd .re .c^ejytrbete.BfcbteJ with; 1853, and ior many years enjoyed an eroellent At tho Urban Council meeting, on Monday, OPENED A LICEUStO E8rftBLI8HMEI! T eiithuiiiism^ on the j urnjey thence. ; practice «a & junior, In 18?72 he took ailk. W£i - passed unanimoualy :—"jThat w#, the --- for the representative of , tbat h'ocup-popus .Association believe the following resolution, proposed by Mir -stir•¦ • " «r ' "s^rs-^tiiSCijfeaJ ' ¦ X/je company ut the; banquet-which fuliowedi Some year^ later,' in 18S0, he was appointed Coramitteo of the above , ¦: In the Old, Well known Hoaso of -,- Cuts.n r»dua*>l.u e.-cwiim.i science known as Taw, aria the third for! khw . SolicitopOeneral under Mr Cudetona's Govern John Curran. and seconded by MT Jame- was o aistinguiehsidl:ini ' .the time has now me when the amalgamation Srtro Porad Bu *r fMt^lt Tat « viiitoic wb'o, '5t -was whispered', kbevr so tnoch Vepresebta^ivQ one) ment The following , year, i881j he was] ap- Hayea, was adppted : — 1 ' The Loril Mayor proposed the toast fif the ^ of all recognietvi tradeu Jbodks into one united , DELAHUNTI S, <»;i THE WOaDEN cbbr/l yesterday's great •meeting/' - -Thei} {Us pointed Atfcorney-G^neralj a position which ha " Thit we, the Dungar\-an Urban liwl ^ " King Qaeeii ofl ltajy. ^ia Jlaj.-Bty iu continued' to hold ifcill , when d Svas I ap- association aa labiolutoly oiecassary, if ithe Distri ct tenants' filed' into the room, 'and'the cnrtafn ai|l j aujl 1^3 i\ Council having heard of the death on yester- BRIDGE. 1 ' respond <-xpressed pointed a judge of the High Court. It wUl be rlgiits of labour are to >be maintained. That , 'o^ ihe first scene In the 'Laud, ' Fui- pelr grateful ackn ¦wled^-; day, at hb resident, Bal'.ylomon, ran^up nawut of 's reception. 1 seen Irom these dktea that he wad the chief we call upon -all trado urtioniste to co-operate of. Mx. John melodrama. Father ScSnlan opened (he . [London re London under- legal adviser to t!he Crown during one of the Christopher, beg to tender to hi» hter, HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF THE BEST chase 1 stood the mt-88aeo o^ since dftVctinn ' and establish a Trades Council in tJib city, daug with a speech fall of 'common senee: He .of which most "trying peri-ode tbojr bteloved and thereby now strengthen tho ranks of trade j QUAIITY that lean be procured. IBISH DEPO1— thoEe wboilfitei ed tbat^ewas asmall line sovereign elevation to the 'Bench, Mr. Justice Johnson John Christopher, o£ this town , and Mr Win. rem'nded aod to the p©Op{» Vof England; He truote has always been regardedas a learned, upright unionism, and cultivate a spirit of combina- . • JLOCGd, 19, Temple tUr,j Dablio, landlord"hrdself,'and was also a'tcnant oii ths . ( lj Christopher, ot Bailylemon, our sLncerest Englaiid! and Ital would always and fearless judge. ' ' tion and organisatiion in our midst." Stnddart ' estate. 'As a lafadlord h> sold, the y i proceed,; sympathy, and though thaJate iM'r. Christopher Hisjfrienda mayjrely oponjgotting nothiug bat ' yeans' purchase. amUid it) tho path o( pfogies^ ¦and civilisation "* ' otter Jay fof twen.ty Noj^ ¦ ;¦ According to " RerapV,Mercantile G-aietui," At 'Dungarvan, on Sunday, the final tie for lived to a fine old age, still the 'loss ot a fond Htl»e GBSfUINE ARTICLEJvhen they , r:3TlC3 TO PUPILS, r ' ' ' ¦ ¦ ' a>M. r- '' ; J layed and good father ¦ V7hat were T the number al failures reoorded in Ireland the GJA.A. County Championship wad p is at all times a source ol gritif : -o !| , ^^ ^P ^^^^ tbL-tfe Ktt d ' . ; wunt a Drink at lawyer (Mr. James S. (Jaffneyjw' a? p during the week ending , November14th , was off , the competing iteani-? being 'Lwmore and to the family and friends, and as a mark ol t.-> CK7 and Bountrv. ; best he c-onld for" tljem,- bnt they ?hbald 11, vu.-*-Neiw Baiimiptcy paoooedin^, publi- Clashmore, T3he fanner -wort (by I goal 1 podnt respect that -thisr meeting do now adjourn the ' shed in the " Dublin Gazette," 2: ot - wotdi ' After^ "whispering apd deed* ClasJunore Al the CIOJO "Copies to be sent to . , ALL : ' -; give 'him the arrangement filed at t!heiBilb «f Sale Offioe , 9. to 1 point ficcured 'by Mrs. Stakes, Mr.; John . :i for a long time, one shrewd old of tha'anatob an ribrjooKm -was lodged by the Christopher, Father John Stokes, O.S.A., . . muttering 1 : t IJbe respeotive numbera lin the oorrceponding rftfln came to Uie frtnt. He>as dressed to week of Ia3t year were: iban&rupteies, J; deefc Clashmore captain on the grounds that -some Australia, and Mr. P. Stokea, Munstet and I ! THE WOODEN BB1DGE. , ¦ ' 1 ¦ : 1 ^oW-IrlsbW ^rle, knee bteecHea, cu^w if oj arrangement, 2) total, 3; beicg- a met, Lh- of the m'eoa in the Jj smore iteam "were precluded Leinater "Bank , (Dublin " : ! i '- EXEEpiSE BOOKS ihe fine 4 creasd in bankruptciea of G9, and a net increase and:jerry hat • tHiBiafee andiieild wen ft according to tihe rules, and , "therefore , were not ' coat in deeds, ot arrangement In 1903, to date, of 30o 1 Ui*d in Scnopii. iU «I U M .: atndy, aide -Thiskei«i.;» l*ay«d;^ppa:^P.! A i3 The . number ot ;Bil}».of Sal« jobiished in Ire- a proper .team, »nd that jthey should be award- ; " M,pnijyqnr^eorgc K. ¦ land -for tho same:\Teek wad 3. Thi> number in will come on jfor POLITENESS. AS AN ASSET. , ! IMPORTANT SALE a pop,cf,n^jr,,thai f 9? !¦ ed the match. The m atter ' r^totiM.ttarer^emen^jnto tho !(fife : the corresponding; week . of last year was 0,' decision before tho proper parties in a sHort Wo don't forget thitt rnsto.neri1 hove eyes SinimsVJfialr r\ ilFlifeci showing a decrease ol 3, OJF CKEAM SEPARATORS. PENS, PENCILS, being a net decrease time. - and •'firs. In our titoro : <)w Fancy Qooa f Watches, XtniK Cardi", r\PP0RTDNlTY afforded ' for » short be Etc., di-li ^ about tie .IjarAd- Eyfcoaao ,&c\ f i» ;?to^iffiffi Wi Jp^' ; i salt-consuming and fish-eat- motor bicycle 'beirig -fatiguing.- ;. IJnere ie no ¦ilea 'a Society , commencingat eight o'oldck atrfpij[l3t€¦ Cooainand it tpe following BKOnMoniLT KBT>CCII» PBICE5» " hto. c^se. ' doubt that it is morfe fatiguing thari 'sitting n o on Sunday evening 'next The subject Co.,) Watorfor I. ! i ' ! which are considerably |under cost :— ' > HeVrep{^^«, jjba|^^geMfiPea^^ --; •- jnjg xoontry. " Of late years spring . j ¦ »ra*e car with iplenty of le^ room/e*jy ijntj i3 a capital one for discusision. and h sure No, 3, capacity 6« gal*, per hour, at £\,\. 6Heea, vaxa twt#V«Wi'PwBcifflpai™ ¦ 'excellence /of inusbird luxurious upholstering, bpt tol oompare an up- ¦ $ize| SCHOOL i ' <& n.*W ' to oW ract a lorge attendance. No, cajpwiij1 50 gals, per bom, i : Biia 3K, *\\ \ ' ' ' an aid to the digestion l '* r>niir *> ri -i\al -am_Jl »- -i»!-' _i : _ . ] 'M •¦ l j -rf»ka BOOTS aod HAfl- j M Ca$t lcon 8tandj;a»£ll 16*.C-1. : ..¦ . ; c. . - - ¦^::i! ^^/ ^SSfap ~'"'- "'i .1 opportunity to-day df ; f fish is iibecoining more ¦ We were afforded an Size No. 4 K, rap»city ;66 jjals. ptr huar, witfi EB Q:|UI ; :p j - - 1 1 j HO duck hack. »oft u Ttlret .p.TlBg; . . i-.^. - ... . r |. ...ij:. r-!-r. . 'ii- . . -|' j aeeing at1 the old established monumftn|-!|l [I gOU • , : : !ar d more widel appreciated. «iii»w &.>|an I. ;•! CsstJtouStaiid«j)lt£|3i5«r 0<}l- - '- f y vi-orka of ilfwsm. D. ; i 0'Aeeffc'- and Soni ^1 tAlJlV¦ w: . um ^AN ,BB . HAD AT . OHEAI^ST' l|ltitv- ; find to* abho^ «^1wu» ;p^rM^h»d^fall ; 'Tiis '1 lains the 1 ' • . -'. pU*«at odoitr 1 «|to^rt ii! ' -. Free-on B*iU Dublin/ - 1 at| ohce exp Q^Qiai^apj iEKM: ilichacl-street, a ^nely , Executed-wall tablet, OOtD MEDA1, which .i* to" •b^^hj'rtly placed in the parish ^SSfiJi jLj L C s j ot' ' bears' iiiq T? n*^l/» X««>v« ^A««i» . IMT. ••Bprtotityl - r ftjttWAW^;j pik©O^IK RJ. ' '* > c\ a pi«nyr* |Xf t l|t>y|e* ina. bcteeteC U1 the i>og» t acmand fofj pimaji (^hurch . ^^f if ^g,p ^.^lii^. r/fl»' 2dt;6it^1t- 1l6, ei !' . .. , ./-ll, Letnit«#StmU-CtablJijM l**^.^: . ^ 1 following irw'criprtJpri:^-'l Pray for -Hhe repo*! I HI I lllllTl > -. --I |- o-.. - ; " ,r.-.if«i.-' .> ).: ; ''.r:.V -. ^ <¦ ¦ ; -Qxqnld^jeimadeCipiwlte'nk*^fc? ^^ t| ¦ [ : ; N! ustardy-which- giyes t6 a ^ &J llvVili Boot(atim,- Siiiiiltri,lnm i:*V ¦:*. 'JM jj Ii^Mtf^^- '-^gBfa-yild^' !•' - ^ Tif the aodi 'p! the Be Edmund Mooney, P,P.J • ¦ ;. . . „ ¦ , l T .. mohiini 4e; 'k*maifr. i i'• fish meal .jjiist, tHc touch f f. - . * (¦ i ijf-CaMtBjcbe?;lortliIrty."y ea>3*-&s*"« tribute to ¦:::¦:- [::.: ¦ UNION. iOne ; needed "tpi impart relish ! -r :- - rT--—- : -4 ' " V • ¦ ' • ¦ •;• ¦¦ {:! iiot Uwn be»^£li jnlaf ' i ' 4»ritrlbUt«dtoi?h9;f»ett1thfr«JifComi ¦i'boso nifimbry tius^alabr ihui'^eett- erecteaj . 1 i 1 ; • ; r. ^wtiQb!would; ¦ ' ' ' : j ' ( ( i : and piquancy . /, i Died 28th Hfecemher, iM , ip\\Mm<&- year o - • «cw» : d 01 ' ¦ ii ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ' \ '- ' ' j [.. ^ C0At8 ;;WAN'i Bbi <-thr«je ¦ * - • ; has *b ,* * . I ;¦ ••' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' '.i';' - «-i'B' < . i ¦ > ' ¦' .:¦ : . .it Ji .'j : I? F.| %l'>l>4^U ri .W'.' 4- : ' HEAR b. ; ^ ^^^ ^'/.^^S^ : , '• - > <; ,. . '[coiJSt'ANTL - i^^ ¦ " BksFtwe|rty-nTet tcres ana 'nMWcuitwpj w % «««J *n'd\tti« eOtb.«l ^id jJirMtb¦ bod JSa^ ^ Yi^ t^^ckOd ttMtdi aw xnsnsBfl'ramv^DBrSiHF '- ^ . ' '/- . ¦ '• '".• i ; :.; . It is Too bad. If I baS only bunvn, >acb'; ' ' ' l ° «lrfr The llira^acre mfla'a^cT^;nflTK9ald He Test 'in 'Fence. Aman?'U' / ' \ j rVX&ti Board of ' GnWrJui, swill, ht liwtinj ! ; remarks, constantly h^ar l by delig • •* rdaatei ' »l J»o bougbtCtad M not get :i ¦ ' v ; 1 ; ht** I JL;¦; «Q the ¦25th- iiMtknt( r«oeJve-and-oo*uj«*& I ^*l '( The 5_lftb; U iiyvery flne jspecimen. of VKI\ vyo :iusi"droD iiit>O^Lterv 4 Go's 0 »ntt^nareT)rfd thi»;o^.e^f>uiravlJ ' eielalmV- ll< > oi} ftertabontt 'of BEff OAR!>IFF COALS tM" •workmanship'. iri' ihia :particular;Jln«'. It i« Go< ' , ; [m^'ti-^^v^;;Hypto^\-w il-v neq stqra for Fanc^ Js, Toys, Jewtfllerj, ! Ui c^fntHln not less thin tW^thirdji ntui|4- '.J-I OmYXHIMUj 8imt ^: u* QmkWgi^mSMmll- S s&ifted fituffi <*rt»por3ed'of -finely poiiihect Wack"iniirDle; ii> phin^.&ty.^ot? ; Addni83, -ia & 18, - ^lns?, 1 ¦ ¦• :*' i j To bf deJiy^re.tCir^Bgiaseat. t/io TVork ' ¦¦¦ . .t L - !> 1 . : 1 l imam m&.X&' t f»iiifinAMWJ'I the centreirf jwhtehl willXbe placed a wbi1# K• ¦ 0T .„. - I , , ; ' , ,; ,.->j ~ t * Bafronstrande trdat (lateJ -jouniur &i Co.) Fov*r Haspflit -tores direct from th V j fineffaceable '¦ ' \ honij^ o X2edt Sob.^&^- ir. - : ir:' „ ! A i- , 0 t,!r- : inarb'.e taibleft-wKuJn'g in lettecin^ '• .I :¦- ) ¦ " ' ' : '' : ' " .^j ^^l ij£9rt>''"- ' , . . • I JV; ' L ' ' the arrival 0 CO tfi: : inscription (quilted. At the lop are ship , and witaia'onfcjrttttfftai ^he just ; 1 Q-AI.VAN12ED' IBbN BOOFINGi ¦ and : jaa d '- ; - i tie carg«in Wtterford, - : iculp^ured: 411, jdp^ Uwilf and {tl«^. ^t til* » Iron Sheeta..Bldging, .] .tc.. (M-WBU»A« Wire ' ;' l apprapriate .< "I t'q Bills o» UiMfing-1 ii> b** forwarJed'dired i" I '^»a(e a Tery.t^naste design in; Ne — - ¦ ¦ ¦ Wlht$ - • Www • i f - [ , i » ^^l' • 'l ( yoi5#Tgetrfc?28?"rtdnlBls}S/IHorakeRf "td.wo Mockc th» Btti toitfto nndetttmea.; :, „ :. . ,;/ ( ; n : ,. HWUiat^Wf rV.Si oottipIefeB « «j*n'uin,« .?'; r ' 'ttS WLW ''i'tiff thi tj itun of ImTOrfuevfli' ,'^ ' **^, ' bn^T-u- jyi¥MSW'*****eck frffelN Walter M ted cur* 'ill ToomeUiiui «r,na«:fr- • ' ¦ ¦ ; '¦' ' ' Chert TrtaiUi if ]'*:- , ' |' -I . t . fl ] } :. - ¦ \ ! , Ijs published a great ;liteirarT':tr«rt: • ?We->rrfet ¦:/• .I ' |.j.i r».-5t.ic.lf/»'fc • |; !; •' to th© i«sua of " T.P.V Weekly...Christmai [ ISHH B H 4rt9u^ j &j ^MiAWlimii tos i iWi ; BPLEnr, rfDoctor i of IDentk " g^&« aaa%0Bammmr;.Mm 1 by MM OI. P. Tobln«od awTf«upMl « ' * U0om$, &•«;w Hrit ^|uSfe-Tfi|if met * ¦¦ - - ¦ .-| i : ; I - f : . : iriji» y* v; .v.<' - .ai;:L 'M ti'4; :/>.':D k :^uo li^liiiiiii mmmm^y in ¦ ; : ] ¦ : : ! : 1 ¦ :¦ .; ' .. >.. a-1 1¦ i hMkm

crossed - Old pound ' .-a* tae' , - up through iPatt another, ;ievelW.j* |«t ^edli^^t~4t^U^l,C|o'T PowerW i farm at! Sf ain'stpWh t.n3 into Criigg w^MpIwwie' sbeen ^SvoS^Mi tt^w»yprtid«S ¦ ' iSpi JiNlDp.; : i - , demQ9A»,.v'l*reyh«,got to ground; Then weAt . . ¦w^THEPOB©' ; •. ¦ oounsei ipwrvadledP'' tThe/ irate:*lf*a4f» ta$e^ W (o BaHydine.'^ihicli sh'oltered's evernl ioxes. v ' ";, : - • ¦• ' •;• • r :- .:• APPOQUIN ¦ credit, £68 Bpaoiialwa ^iento /*Mtert*htnoS l © ¦ ' . . ; " ¦After A ; " ¦ ¦>¦ ¦ ¦ : ¦" ¦ ¦¦¦ SPORTSMEN/ ; . - rahaij) Ibit. oir IMP' ¦ ¦ • ¦ • ¦ ' ' T 1 iTHE i 'MBET AT fHSiiMOEp. .!.; ; . , oi cover 5iijihting ooe was .! ;. , : . > .V . : ; ane^orortihi ifetf-wili aroc- toa odEfloteJ:!"'-: ,;i '"¦ ' [ ' ¦¦ ¦ ' • - " to ' ' ¦ ; ' MPORTANT' ¦; ; .(¦ " ' ' f ' -: I . ' j . • '!. -i i. • ; ' , IV ' " " \ \ ¦ j' fi , ' ' TCUI ^ne, 41. tallied eway acsosa the old Ballynoal road, As will he aaen'from the report elsewhere, Abl finally;,ihem a 4* & proVMdanjna d*tc af -" INCLUDE, .; ¦ -,. • ¦ ¦¦,: ¦ ¦ - - .r- .. ¦ ! ¦ DUR . STOCK; .;;„, . :;. ,., „ . . . . < ; , ; _ ' __ ; :^ ; _ . ; 'is improved, 'and doubtless: and hounds being dapped on (has line they ei getting B. "CXMtaflwrW, !coi>unt rt! I .h'ave Inothing special to (report, savi that, fltfd at Bwllynoxaij'/turned to Uhe left, fflnOTgli cided, and this matter has aroused more than i» started only £3^30'flstn»0 «*aiiAed hy ui< i» tk game 131 plenty Ibut 'ecent ^adl .. . i ! GortJialuha, and, Into Ballycmrkeen, iwh'eiro tt»o ordinary; interest in! the locality, so iJiat ,W 4s. Od. i^te. The eato «tarvihgone. 1 NoU ' The meet .at; Tramore on yesterday w laitx- pilot muat have got onto ome af itha. ntanjy are to.ioave another battle royal over it iat tie triBhstaadiiftg ^tttid huge creaifoif i£660, ,1Jie neirf' ; -fE3 rabbit holes Bate ishould-ba ot least .to. lQd.v jwhiohl would /Jf i ceptiooally large.' /What a glt rious day ' tBhe with Which the place ia j honey- nextj meeting Qf the Liamcwe District Countil, Bwrely fceep itihe' itwtra.4a'»opiur for. the "year sun shone on the gay . throng ike a jjul7. day combed, but hounds were unable to mark him. when.moat likely a {rieatex number of our ioca.1 K the Oouncdl/or Tathar the i 1. and "W. 'Comt Ail the inhabi-tante of the graid .iiittle ^illijfe MT. Burke jogged ibaok ibriskly to Ballydinj, legislators will come together to thresh the mittee had conducted its aflaixa with anyithinrf to 1 by ae sounding »ea turned oi^t eee tho {'al- where the Wtoh paak were soon in full tally matter out, and the i' resuH may be quite dif- ¦approaohin-ff a due -retfaid for tho ratepayeiWi they could give the ibefieflt - 'fll'ithia iurplua, lant Master and "his sporting field , Who til again, and this time ithey drove a fox away ferent lrom what it fas on last Wednesday; ' ¦ ¦ " ¦¦ 1 of the which i» equal tfo 14d. dn wtho . £; Of bourse. PRICE .FROli- C/- • : , SPECIAJy PRICES TO CLUBS. looked as bright, as happy, arid as gay as tie over tie road ttiat forms the western boundary ¦Th^em emory jnohle-heartedManchester ¦all it3ii3 £660 was the Teault of over taxation " morning lark:" I doubt ii (I {ever daw as gay , 'of tihe ipover. As eoon as ihounda touched tho martyrs won't: be .forgotten on next Monday dn the past, (but -for all the'good the ratopayeiw Carkrldgp. ; - a gathering. The onlookers ^00 were dull ,ni line they dashed away at a great pace through- night, as tihe ! band will turn , derive¦, .it nxay-ias1mail have 'been-leyied1for a b'fiJEiS HV' '^ CO. Guarantee every v^3 ' out as .usual ' 1 mirth, and when the move was made to Oullejn- Mir. Phi] Landy'a farm, leaving. 'his1 house an and '. -there is to be : a torch-light' procession water wcKria m .ttfe SaMai^; fiOKotinu 'ch ifor.. th[o Finance and Water Ooinimrtte^ ^ 1903J BUV, WE THINK ABOUT THE SEI-ilNQ, THATS HOW IT IS WE. OOITT GET OLD STOCK. castle crowds on toot and on wheels followed, the right, into and straight through 'Mangatvi- •through the streets atj eight o'clock punctually, Cork cat hero itbw week WHEN .VpE The 'Reooatler^ ¦ •¦ ¦ to showing :thoir love for sport. ; Apmost every town and MinoDstown. over a fine , ^ound, but 1o celebrate the anniversary of their judicial hear. Civa- Kli 'cases: ""''•" "-' f; ' : . . ' . -: .: : Large Stock of to select from. ; ; ,M, ' A Giins R ifles, and Revolvops hundred yards as we went to | tlie coverts .heavily fenced- count/ny, up to MT . Con OiDoii- murder thirty-e <"'ycar3 ago,'- when these de* : Poor r. Cahaian,. the jTcrwn Surveyor, has been " ^ ,, Cartrldgo Bolts, &o.| are Second to None. crowds oi young fellows joined iin the - gay Dtili 's place at Scskiii . which was praoUcally voted .- Irishmen sacrificed their lives for the surcharged. ! He ihaU. h» staff employed Our Stock if 0orao Bags, Ctaanltig IniplGmenls : at an odd sewer, ¦ cleaning .and repairing it. rp iTO throng and cheered , as only an I rushtnan can th<> turning point in 'thu c ' ' CdO^fl^ &"c6.,) Bak rronstrand SiirooC at times jto have large numbers on too * but pilot ran ove.r a wt-.;r -kii-.>«i i i>reedmg earth of Ihe U I.L. on next Sunday week, whan all orgoraleum—cost Is. 4d. fTh© F. and !W. Com- FOP Fartey'doodlo .cuad TTOyd'ldoo .i . SB 'A' |?ll(tatd ' " ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " their iaults are overlooked because they l ove there, where, perhaps h- the members, is well as new recruits mittee—jthe Ch-afrmau and Mir. W. Troy—dis- [• • ¦ 'i - : ¦ ' . .i ' . :. .., . i' .. . i . * " . i ¦! ; I , > . to liho allowed ijhe latter 1 . horseoauk , nay, mile. daya. At atl events iv was shut •branch, sum, which ihavin-g been the cJhaee as well as those on against are requested to attend Ireland ex- expend'ed in Old Cork iWihiakey, could moti .be , for they Tun miles him, and then he made a sharp pects every man now to , perhaps, a great deal more turn to the- do his duty, and it allowed oa any ground. JFhe gtaff musi work ~ ' • ¦¦ a ¦ ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' ' '¦ ' ' ' , up in many oases -a day's wage to left, down through Poulakerry to the back is- oniy -the milk and water characters that will without any extras, ot d.eave»—such is life ! . H . : ' " • " ¦ " ^ ' ; "' : ' r ' : ' : ¦ and give of . . ^ . . ':¦ " - ¦; i r\ , .; . . . .. ,. . . . ^ i . . : see =a good run. Yesterday ploughs arid horste Kilsheelan villiitjo, bm withoua croSsiiig the remain away from t)Hls time forward, when BO :- were to be seen without their guide. .Thresh- railway, just there ho turned to the left and. much has yet, to be done for town tenants, ing was dm iu!U awing at honest Faleyr; at Tan paraEel to it, through the southern end of agricultural and town workmen, and various POOD IN SICKNES3 - 1 I , Peimbro&esiowD, but the moment faouincU were :Ballinaraha. Then . uie Carrick-Kibheelan clasac3. heard, stsam was shut off end away to jtand Tnrad was cros.-ed , and the railway iiinmodi- The dances in the Boat 'House continue to Tbo ceaoDD of damps and ohQla brtna with It the on the nearest ien w are the good workers with 'ately afterwards into Ljnvue , and hounds still b" a great 3ucbed L U nkir Wu - M ILJ iL \ ii mm,ill dwelling was remade, and at tlhe iflrali time of !tho Oarrick road, the la&ter at what iised too TALLOW padding Suoh ditbes ' A< are nutritious and Terr] easily asking, varmint was found. (He went down 'ba Larkin'a pubKchouse, and back up to the the proj Cathedrai, Lismore, on last Satur- digested, and thefa dellcato flavour makestbejn very through John Morrifioey'a land and awt.y as ¦cover, before en;tenny whioh aguin Ihounds day, Misa Mary Louise Noonan was married appetizing to tho . roll sod oonvfvJcaoont. In tltncj d f>r Pembrokestowii , but wheeled to the right were stopped to save A rej i *>oc toi who had to Mr Augustine Farroll. Hhe ceremony vyas »f «ioknew, when tho appetite Is weak abd tho palate annsuall; Benbltlfe beyond Bat Lyon'a house and down through kepi out of their way tor j irty-six imnutes in. performed by the Rev . Fathe? Kirwau . CO. , partlcnlar caro mutt *io taken in seloctlng only the best qualities of' foods, s at Ballinaclough over tihe the open, and as me? were nevo- of, JJKsa Alice \oonan, Slater oi t.ht bride, James Power' hij lme, was and Bronn and Polaon'i " Patent," Corn noar, Sporthause road, and found shelter in a drain for a moment and ajwav ? c >ini? a good j>ace,' brideSTnaio. and .\Er. B Noonan , her cousin, owiDR to Its lung reputation tor parity and oxe*Ucnt close by. J ame* Power—ftrfimiul of gv*>d fully 3(Jven mile3 or more naa oeei coirrpass«i, was bea t mai. Miss Noonan , who u a very qoality, is tht (Jorn Flour fur tno slot room. Qca and pretty gir. o! two that yon get it. ood oak particularly for their ail humour—shouted, " iTXavy go ior the pick and it was one of thp t>est run. had ou: o£ and twenty a th<- eldest 11 ' Patent" Corn Flonr, their best qaaHty. shovel." Davy was away like a deer , and Bajlydine sm<-« tac cove- vo> ia.id dorivin. daughter o' Mi Michael Jioon ai, . Lismore. Piers* Arnold to another farm, and 111 a ohorv twenty-eevec yeaw ajj *. wiet 11 iL*od v. )>e Mr Parrel. , who 13 a native ot 'X oughal, had time the drain was openec, and Taliy-bo away called " Earlies Gorsc ' Jiavmjj Beer prscpnted ¦been in South Africa for some time past, and VVATCnPORD nAPIiCTO, acro=c the road again, vis if for CuUencast'.e, to the late Lord Wiuerford fe^ tn- theo Earl returned recently on a visit to his friends He ( left for Souti!; The weather during tho rcr.ok was very g but near llii.ongs: those who were entertained at the with produce. Plo»—Thero : scanlon Hill and got to ground at the Fenor A po>r scenting daj . ana DO SDO : wedding breakfast were the He\ FatheT i3>no change to repnrt in Da >ny '8 price? side of the lake. Hounds then went on tt SLXETVENAMO X Kirwan and Mb* Lenane. L:smort , tho top of which are 4 la. for sixes and sizt cblos ; 40s. for Butlerato-vm. 'and your scribe went hom« Captain D.meUan 's houndi me. a. d«sa- pnme stout ; find 38-1 . for Dnfininljed QU I noticed lir. Puroelll Fitzgerald out an a A_\X)TTHER BJJIILlLI.Uirr DAY'S SPORT house, nea: Currnglaa on W etlnesday lost , 'I overwelfrbto. BUTTEB motor. I oarunot find dt easy to realise & wntR THE NEW ROS9 HOUNDS where they found , and a good rui. was had to — The seascii is just ending, and for the next gentieman motoring that.l oElen saw >?O eO well Curriheer. A'lerne, and Mogeeit. Reynard , week or ten dayo nothing Di'iro Monday, Dth. ^xUot ai W> tt.an a ( with hounds. My gallant sir , do you remember dieiinwr- first howeve: eluded them . Thert wiu » Urge r w belated firkins will bo on offer. drew Mullinahone, «-JV, During your good grey and the flying pace you often wner? tner <> . un abund- company, ami the day being ex t remely fine, tho pist week, accord)Dg to tho rtturno ance of foxes, and aiie- K anon tune of the went from Killeen , Kiiltorcan, Oa.itlemorria, the all present had a meet eirjoyaou uint The Deputy Weigbmoater, only 81 fitkina M,ast»r (,M,! N . Lamberi. ,i>)" were disposed of , etc., etc., all at the other side of the river i5arun<>re), settled captain is a* popular in the hunt.ng field as uud thtse so.d on Wedne3- ¦ WB hounds on one thai went awa.i a', the T- >ry d«y t LIOTJORg UuJtOr^ Suir? Dou you jemember charging the regula- in PaxliamenU and whatever spon n«- has a a?erao;o in piico from 85o. to 105B. per | His. Beecher—Bhame ! enamel Hang prln« Hill side, 'through Kemiiix3t« very well corresponding period last year T7afl facey oro time a; Rrroek- 1 M^ter; .MSaurico Heciy, DCR3Y MCCTir:t3. ThtJ City .Hi gh Sheriff (Mr. J. now resides and carries on business mangels was not la^e, uor woa the demand Oharles Mauifleld , I . were—Mr. . -R. Gr. Baul, rc from I60 to 20d per O'Riordan, CJE. ; J>i.' Patrick fi. IKjnnciy, Wired to the '"Waterford News.") tleasrs HeaiBe&Co Ltd. ... 5 0 0 House on Tuesday last for ton. Potatoes oil , 6J and 7d per stono ^ legg ; Mr. And Mis* Amderaon, Miss Grallwey . very Little delay the Haste- viewec awa; a her hom e 111 Dub- tvholo- Jiedioal Of£cei. f r J.&'»Uy&8ou ...... 3 0 0 T T . 8. lin They have been otaying at Glanawre lor oale. BOA.EDJEID OU1T -OHiIIilXEEN. AILLESTEEE FIATE.-'Barrett Goddard (0. liasteT Gallwey, Mi. J. Strongman, CS I large fox at the Glenpip* siat ajio after giving iladden), a; Achaicua, Mr.iM. Snlliyan 3 0 0 the past three months. All her Ourraglass F(,<»s—Thore is hurdly anything doing just There was a Jong communication irom tho 2; Lychnc/bite, 3. Also SLrangman, Mir. James iHearne, Mr. G Cliap- him a couple of fle'iot t* decia* i>n going, Local Goveminent BoaW:in reference to tho ran^Lady Help, lLongford Lad, Maori Chief- Mr.iJamcs J. Phelan 2 2 0 ten ants pale t•^elr rents previou s to her leav- man, MT . and Mrs. T 'H. Brett, ;MT . and ilre hounoV were quickly -.flu: on hL> Un* . wlu.-H children boarded out by the guardiana, and tain, Hearwood, FKme and Fortune, ITal adroit, Messrs Hearje : & Cahill 2 o 0 iog She allowed them ail ai, abatement i>f extracts from the report! forwarded to tihem iby JSover Crag, Sir liaddo. Sherry Cobbler, Series. P. Kenny, Mr . P. A. .Murphy, ttte MHsa& Pal- was night over Bishqp .- Mountam u> Bally- r „ Walii & Fielding ...... 2 0 0 , Mjr. W. A. Mur- cove; a > per (en. on the year's r«m u the 29th their inspector, lliaj KVzjrerald Kenny, Trlro BettinK—O to 1 ajainst Sees, 5 to 1 Longford liser , SJir. BJid IMIB. F. Budd fac^y iWithou-. oneor hounife caeed ¦Lpfl, 100 to 12 A-P.>int Rai^y in every respeot unsuitable ior them, with tho iMaori Chieftain, 'Hearwood and Lyehnobite, Bev. T=a Siephet»Mi , on to Mullinahone. Hen- no wheeled tlnxmgh y Government Board stated thai the sum of 8s. 'M W , Tom Tucker, Folkestone,, iLockinee, , „ ,! EL: Orninjjcr ...... 10 0 proved both as to quantity and prico, there BaroOTaph, Constable, Methelios, Miss Timmons, MSs3 iDevereux. 'Mr. J Widgex . Flemingstown and throuftt Soar anc go. .0 4d. I por montn waj notjlcufflcicnt \a indux» Bittler Al- „ ' T.jWhEttlo ..^ ...10 0 FGHMOV being a brisk CroEB-channel demand. omon fanners [ and labou rers to take charge nwnd. Black Gean , iTfrnm n gelding, Bouxe Mr. and MTD. J. Yfadger , Afcasi Welsby , Mr . J Knockbrock cover, and tn- Master tearing to tho Nair, Chalo, Claribel Captain Tool*', T.C ...: ... I o 0 POCLTUY —Turlioy buyiDg in proceeding of thaGo ohildrpn, and u^ed goardianj ia (Betting—3 to 1 againat Congreve, JjP.; J H. E.-us3eli , Bfi33 Fowlar, stain tbi3 good goree stopped the bounds Tiie ' Wild Lad, 7 to 3 Rouge et Noir, 8 to il- Emma Mr. M. Kinrru^ati. >n apace in the country districtn and supplier give eometiinfj more. : MT. E. A, iGibbon, Mx B. Beao*. Mr. and M!rs. time of 'tiiis good rj uni w.aj .me no u and nve1 , nre , lOift guardiana dedded gelding, 100 to 12|iFly!n» Ivy, lo to Ooean Mr. J. HigpitV. iT.C. .^ ...10 0 and was sold OUT, in half an hour Price roue reported Altar came discussion Eover % P. Fitzgerald, Mr. Claude de Lacy and Miisa well up to the oTercge, but the con- to take the children back; to the houso. , U» to 8 Colonel Wozac and Constable. Mr. W. H/Fiirrell, T C minute3, and the distance coverec was twin lrom 6d to it a copy the afternwr. and 100 to 7 oth~ri. 10 0 . i'n ditiOD of the birdo is not EO favourably com- MB. JOHN OBXXDTYJAND THE GUAB- I de Lacy.—Ed. iW.N. n ine to ten miles Amonga. tnoit ouv. f O31TAST0N NU31SBBY PLATE.-ffiema (J. Mr. P. M. Doyle, T.C 10 0 ruled etron; mented on. Tho vholesalo prices are—Good OLAiNS—THE FKMW TH)B IBISH GOODS. ' noticed :beades the Master—M: * .' Roche, w-ad from lir. John East), l; W;hinbloonn, 2; Hymenteus, 3. • Also Mr. j. J. Fe« y \ 10 0 The Baoker* Hocke>- Club ntct Blackrock cliickena 4a per pair ; ducka 3s 6d; cock The following was ran—M'issovia, The "Editor eends me a note from " Sports- Capl. Dawcon Oaklana.- L»t> >nc Miss Crotty's eaUoitor: — Chanter, Sweet Melody, Wood Mr. P. Kent ; 10 0 man " that I should ¦ have named iour Seniora on Saturday, and, contrary to expectar torkoyo Ms to 158 : hano 83. Pigeon, Midshipman, Tamasha, Profit gelding. Bloonrfleld, Newpart Majc CoruieE'an, , Fermoy, 17th November, lsua. Cherry Mr M. J. FI( .biD3 j 10 0 other ladies, when writing of the Amber Hill tion maae s vor)- poor Btand . sustaminj: de- hinded me.youiletter Ajmes, 8u Joie. Mary Belle, ' Blue ©ear Sir—IUTI. Or6Uy ¦Vinny , Volar. 8ou bhern Mr. P. Waist) ...' 10 0 run. My information came from a reliable leat by 7 (j oato tx> 2. of the 5th inat Btating tbat the Iboard pasaed Queen, Cbitoway.Wee rirter, and from one who saw a good deal of WATEKPORD BRANCH, GAELIC ligno colt. Betting—€ to I against Jlidabip- Mr. J. Hay«f ..J 10 0 We are p.eastsj to hear that h LS on the tap:* paying order tpr the prico Of the flannel and man, 7 to 1 run, though probably he did not see the v.'ill hand over camo Cherry Agnes, 8 to 1 Sweat Melody, Mr. W. J, 8c»ilh .,i. ~ ... 1 o 0 In aay tn form 0 Ratepayers' A*>3ociati<»n W> hi>\>t LEAGUE. cheating cuppKed, and 0 to 1 Pieria, 10 to 1 -Misovaja and finish , quite, onto iBallyduff. on receiving uia maker'a certificate that the 8outhern Mr. |U A. KtUy ..J ... , ...110 case I very gladly accept " $portjman'a ^ i\ ^rill he put on a working basis at oru-« and Queen, 100 to 8 Mary Belle, Whinbloom. an\ over the cream 01 tne old CArrrasninore count THK ANNUAL G ENERAL MEETING. articles are ot Irish manufacture. Tbe flannel Chanter, 100 Mr. H. D. Kiaae, Solr...... 10 0 statement. Why . enould I mot? He says be read y to present, their view* a"i th« next manHlacture : and w eo to 7 Profit gelding and Valnr. 1C0 he ought to know , and than any other in the i'outr. o' lrelan^ oupplied is Iri3h of . to 6 others. • . : Mr. John WiJtUe, Prior's Knock ...10 he was tlhere, audit in January, fu» well as select candidauas marked. I decline, on be^a$£ iMr. Crotty, to 0 1 am very glad he called attention io the {act. TA'L-LY-Hl Vo the Editor of the " NCTTO. " CHADi&ESDEK. MATE.-Japan tf. Mcln- Mr. P. A. Murphy, $o!r...... for municioa,!hoiruouw (rive any further assuran-oo: or produce any i pja iboard fiw.6 , 2; Kilteel, 3. A3so ran— Mtsars Deerj & The football teem (G.A.A.) are givin g evi- A t)uine U^p-iiU certificate to that effect; ijYour Chacornac. Goodrast, Morganatic, Co...... 10 0 old specimens, I am anjd0U3 to hear anything jilmntii fxve Tthe sanap lln*. , L' couivtrv tn lfifl ground that thoy Silent Mijcht I request; permission to atato in Objected to th© .goods o» ttw (JYiend, /Caper, Coeunna, Carburton, | Mr. 0. Nolan ..J ...... 10 0 rare or good in the hunting field I have seen den'ce of tlieir irovivoJ. Thoy travelled to Ranh- your equal io eample; aind being dofeatod and the flnish & few -runa in my varied caieer, columua thot tbo annual were not IMbunti lorell. Betting — 6 to 1 against ;Mr. £• Egan- ...... : ... 1 .0 0 of . dufj—snid way betweem- Cork iand Mlaliow—to genoml meeting of the ty your ovm expert in iq*aS behalf, you no^ Corunna, 5>ut never bed the great pleasure of soehtg six Wotcrford Branch 100 to 16 Kilteel and Silent Friead, Mr. B. Cutlai: ...... : ... 1 o 0 try ¦concluaiona with- Cove No. 1 , whom "they of the Saelio Leaguo Ml] oaioh, on, as f ar io« the ¦flan'p.el ia concerned, and 7 to 1 Mauvezin and Japan, iadiea ai the " marking to ground " or. ask tat proof, which your ton, 10 to 1 Chacornac, Goodrezt and Mount r —! — ... 10 0 Master, niy gallant j friend, are yoa not a regard the aheeting-, it i» 10» 6d Eucky 'hunJsman? Are you zsol .proud of the heat. It Xros a TUther out of the way venue 23. It is very. desirable thct oil member of entiUo you to. \ As ? Lyell. 100 to C othera. Eaiih-t-Mwaro A. S. Furlong, N. iwide sweep towards Cam^-anJiTaTagh. by CJat 'i * not TTJnh mamdacfture: ami ia not 'branded o» SAuVGBMORE Power. Micba ¦ : lair ones -that join in your good pport? I can to calect, (and tho field—ious levtera, aa SJ mjia. Betting—iLi to 4 J. Cdjtonaor, .fohiatomi; F. Power, X Power, trtioap " midst eix o1the •genllet sax, "with their mYinftB«3sv t.h*¥n whpftloH iirtw n M .Thinki1. "Hftr* OA.A. against Retrieve, 7; to Q taken by the Rov . President at 8 p.m., cod tho Irinh made goods are—wjih|tho •wrorda "Irish Kf&roja. 4 to 1; Pam, 9 to 2 8ertoriou3, G HigbT5treei j It Googh, T. Verelcer, J. Walah, iittle 'hearts , all o " pit-a-pat" ; with, glorious The annual collection ia aid of the Chro- sample oi eihjeeting - to 1 la rpporta of the officers for Hunuiacture." i The flfthj Cereta flriy, 8 to 1 Bushey Boy, 20 to 1 !Vra- George's.8tre8t | !j. Flynn, T.C ; N. Bolgcr, excitement after a good seven mllee run. tian 'Brothere was mado at the iR.C Church tbo past year wjl| bo which was Scotch, bom«|no brand, and w*3 mede colt. ¦ ¦ : J. it not a pleasure to see them 'by -the covert side cubmirted. All particulars as to clasees ! M. C^Bri«a, Pitrici^treet ; Mnrphy, Peter- on Sunday, and was 'highly sucoeisfu!'., over , - don- the one selected by tho Btord. Mr. Crotty bad KTNG^S PLATE.—Firmilian (W. LaneX 1; and a still greater pleasure to 6Jje|thein at the ditionfl of roerabershi etc- tepresetttdiij : that sample 4B gsmtor, «treeti Mra, ,J(cNam*r*, Meawa J, B. Boyd le £80 Ibeins (handed in. p. for coming §ei3- no intention at 3; The Boc, 3. AJ«o ran-Qenius. , end of a good run? Is not IDiaaa a loveap , and in fact h» dniowned tbe Assistant Templemore, Uncle -Reggie M. O/ConBelV, petor^treet }| W, Bishop, divinity? Do we not hail theirJOTesencervvd tii The School Board held fcb monthly meeting Iriah . Intaglio, and WQ1 J. of which, in a grass field , ne was pulled down Clerk, and I believe, the (Master of tho Umoo fecarlet. 'Betting—11 to 8 againat Firmillian, Hatchkwon. lLCi ; W. Fitrpatrick, R«v. H. joy in all sport? Yea, my friends, though my on Wednesday The committee were very much sample! selected ftfea ncft Irish itnaflii- ic s®IvHor Sixteen males; one hour thirty minute* MJSouD ouasion between tho oocrotary and echoed SEAT CUE OF DANKnUFT OTCOiC the few then with the bounds an ttie big fence It lay with tho tuard&ne,- I Assume, to decrfe , ! 5s. Eachi—SItsjrB inspector. ' 10/- natooaorjo pen 7/0. proouratxle tram MONTROSE HUKDLB.-Cihiaaa (Mr. i T. FiXzpnli, T.C ; C. into Bilhop'u Hall. tTngallant. no doubt, but whotihei Irish eheetdng was per)., Har- Bunne, A Fri«}d The !fortni ;jhtiy Petty Sessions was held on amongit the aftidlea oubiaitted. No trader !; Dollar HI..-9; Hartburn, 3. Also ran {K % D. GrM^'Harpcr Brr:, so chagrined did I ted. at having been pLanted 00. —Eadnage, Designer, and Anon, J. Tj (TEPPESAOiY HOD1NIB3. Uxmday, in that elaseic region, Meas House- will t» more pleaied tij an'atr. Crdtty, in -too ng~6^ 8t. John's Wood Keantej. Henebry, Mrs W Power, by o lady, I went off home without looking at interest oi Iriisli ojanuiaptAire, at tttve Board s * insl Dollar ni & ioi Messrs R Moltney, J, Aylward; J. Walah & lane, and the siportin-j piace. Glanworth. , ana t^i n 5S - (Special " Watexford 'NetTa. ") the fox being broken- up, althou-ift he was DEPOSIT, deciMon to encourage Iiiah Jnade goods ^ an& 6 l K«rt^in>. 10 Son*, M. FlUgersld to th* aupplyinjr the hulk ol the bu-aineca. The ju> r5^m^ w#r good effects are .being already felt. I "WVStTVBEBB ^' n M °°ra"«. tn best article), and during thete years Mr. Crotty vSZiigS ' *"» H , Mftnoc ; ^Irs, Cheasu. followers, but given a fine nrorninj there BrownetowB, -ran to Weatheratown. to within l " *"i BAiLACtE.mj&DiLErTAND OiOAP. M ,!MW The United " (Distort; Council had an em- <—i "f W ^f ^ 'i' I talthti. BtnAjoai supplied Iriih made goods. l iHo ds aware that Castle (Q.50 — Biock "v Jtea« j.,&>on«y, J. Wooa- would have been a big gathering,o & every time two fields o! 'Knockbrack ; on towards Tory i* pf msb inanuiaoture Wilson). I • John Dinby. 9; Ilffi «>«««». * ' ploye ©oodB at }lria> taand were MW^ ^Kt M *' •Benighted,W cc^.», 17, OSWALD CYnnnr, Walsbj J. Moti !»jr; 3?( ter CCipnbr. Mr. Burie :iir3t drew Finnane gorse outeide Hayes did not receive the " invitetioin " until amccor;. ipaftsod over. Mr. Orottyjioila lihat the appa- Irish gooda only i«iiMdy,.Mt. J ToUy, Miss Killaghy Wood, and not a mile from the place Friday mijjht, the <>aso islands odijoumed. rent diiplay oi looking tot\ ^^~ ^j R ^ exists where his tender is concomed, «nri he 7 »* 3«ZU?>D 1 of meeting, -and albeit houra and tweht] p*Leary & Co. call their epacial Watih tendar •Woodland), a; Eo»ind Eobin. 8; ScdtSh Wiw lMd^ 9s. clinging to at still , as there were a |brace da it. the subject oi cunpriso. tin the early part cd 5/- must .be of Irishmsnutacfture , no tnaUerirom Archery iS^^ ' .r Hd. nviniitCT. Tho only toss who rode this firu thy palm. They give a XT UITTEH ovxruinkx 3 Also rai-Nbres Girl/ KSUq^ELLi ?;p.\ I^uglies Irishman, Captain Qj ocko on Orocu*. (Duke 01 and euoceedod 00 well : that Mr. Andeison Thousands oi delighted Trearors. Postal Crottyo aeamiie Wuppon* ert. iJl tixnea, and tie o^tf Lv PJ 1' - Hon. place at Cloneghea 5)ent to the Jeft and ran JAMBS A. Quiaine, and MT . Arbttthnot, a vifiitor at Cur escaped ecot free loir -the danttje (if any) done Order 6/8 oecurc3!ono of -the'so wondorf il .np [ (ltoyor) f Treason. ¦back hy iKillaghy and on to the Miullinabdne j advertisement, ought (be I altered eooardra-glv lagbatttxe, on a horae pt Hard IW&terford' by bis openingup of tho streotij lrom Queen's tinekeepern. O'Leary & Co., 12 & 10 Barraa- JOaEPH OpptJNS, H«Hij8«c«tary. and "Wexlond iroad, where the pdtoi Traa heatki ' , petlhaps, as fine ae thk1 eo (the,; acme 'but Iriih mfeedj «ppl7- wuatahel (B. Oowe), > 3. A&o called The Cure. Not Square to; ithe liilitery(Barracks , in May and »tmn dstreet, Watorford. ' i I X OttCft X&SSufttlXy, «s—BejtaradL ^ And1 then eihaped his course towanls Iismalin, : : Ecclefeeban. Spinade*, Oarhaijt. and Gfcncoe? referred to,, but a wonderful ami majnifloeni June. IWikat hsa happened ciaco to account i ! AJOT1EDONYOAEEOLL. Bsttdng-8 to i (bant to the left through(Ballyd ormelland rtitey *«air*t Domimwr, 7 to t eaeft i : r\u> yt9hs& item Mpoiat Neil to Tory Hdll fox the Chairman and Mr. fTroyVj ii. -Scaly, Esq., |Oleri , I^ruwreUnion, «* "HgdMiH « to 1 ;»«j U IMMO d at attockf The board expressed 124 flffonioo jt was S ^**. Bertowd, 8¦ to 1 . W!!Sgj ffUl WMoT Io3t him ossr Mx. Jcfim Oudddliyi' pbvoej When Iwrd KWaterford carried the born. Poini The rate estimate'afford*very grave reascma th*t Oockeaheu^i. W to 1 others. i . ; i The Islanda. So that it was a good hunt of assumed'«ha* all jtho good*w «re Irisb jn*n-u- ' iot ppcanpti oad . «a>«watic j action by the rate- Blug^et Sporting , 4nd eft«r nrotr»ol«sld faouwton do- ihatf an houra duration, (but over a : d«?p, payers.: rj $ve (boardhare [ decidatto mak« & Agency, faoture « . MIDDELBXnJO, HOLLAKD. r elded to ,teadT6rt4» loir OkMh gpoda. trappy line. Next droWj iPronVb sfixrze, jfottnd rate of 4».i0d. to ttlho£, of WhioiIa. i» *or Poor f . Th» concludedthe txuinoM of th« board, there'and drove ona ' its;foxea eWay, and tod away from wnere a 10a Rtkte. The Chainnin,judging Iby ihU recent «« oo andameetdnaof «h« ; I ; 1 Tory Hill T&mg eo lor utteranoea, loolta on •thia («B A flrMtn/^fri few | Tba cazt grot O^ecpstale \ . PATERSON Sj wffi« JL ??1 M*J'fe' '?^1 *»«»««.mi about !two males 0! a half circle witih him, be- "trta likely to sun that day tihe earths were ai Kwrta QUtfiot^ Council SJS-Sr^^iJP^ r * Wnaly tosarted iSl ths worthy of tbo 1 moot wouparie Chancellorof Liverpool Cop, Dorby Con, Vnd Mancheste r (ben (mim , JJP., ia they fciitr lbam elosd io BdUajjalcry vSnage. stepped; so,he got to ground. We had excep 1 ¦ wot held, Me. J«nW0- ton under ' tba Exohequer.l 'But'he omitted on every occa- Novembar Hanrlimn. . . 1 Wizard G-lea w» next quested, $ad . !fajcuuii a ftjjnoUjrj^ood «po^t ' : ¦ B.P. OIT Sm**iE ^s (^jp»4^wtfima 9>.ilfc AA^SCfiMOF^IXX J~ iO* JUL8B. •*. ^ ^St ^|i ^^V ^ THE TSX; ^ LIJ^ ,.Erio».Tiirt'(ljiM Th I'IIS TTJK IJJL I oik ot BB» auduwitw '9t '«Wawsnt'Vqmxi &*<* . - :r;;V: |. . - : - V..;.:^tf2£3iiik'-- :>-?- - -;'- .:-:vi '/ > I IL nil dt fte OOUSKB, 1 * fli^MMi c*rar :« f ¦ ¦ ¦ •fimmjf ttm.atj ' IIIIIIIIIHH i j 1_ j • . . - ii ¦¦f ^'fi° )aaft1oafc.^> «l^H5 ¦liiii ITibiuA.'^Mfe '* .- toiMHMitfuM «« - TOB> ' jttXCDtnbfB,r ! : : ¦ l : + -¦ ¦ ¦ ; «h« bott «M ' ,:'' : ''i?i;; . r ¦ "¦- ' ¦I ¦ - ' •' '*;- :. j^'i ^ ' ' I > «»l|l[iHdiagn,' . •' . M mm :, .»nd BOBCvoi W««*tr Cwdlt¦ toQByXi J^a, ^^j , ,- I i.^ A . ' - "-1 . - *"* » . JTiL , . t_ «» L -^t. . it ; •n«m*nta»MMiTrlH¦•'¦*»WWjl O|fc :, !i KDV1 "XBOVv '^B^^v^QVHOOT '(ViVulivi r " V*v VBa9 ' ^TlVi E ! ' ¦- • < [ BBHBBfM C*£on*WT.*-* »**•: - I iwVUUboit. WH »dd fe> thSagOwW »MH00UO0wv*l>a lq SsTbrCMilMr yi-GopM a «HMou «ad «UnI«b Uir~ -$akmr «n«f jtdadthe mUtpaytanmay « i —r^ It «w «poorAtj j itcMif bmkt w mmmgfink. itd ithik. Vyaoaar, it^eotr,- tod ¦ eb¦ cmbt tpttk very baadkomo potabdaige, *qvul Ho, a not S&'SsSsS^ff li^Sa , r-n—t-r- : r eni? v ¦ - i- «nd ¦# *. dbg <^p^-toig.«tor ^ fee fw bteWr . S. i. , \]_ in \-h largely.m\txotm

'. :*¦ .¦: -i.| • .-•f'i' -ll '- Uff t y '! ¦ ' . > tio*I Inrtitotioo. wb&Apattk&tfk'iiMCtmP- a%SL§ . iffiP ^ , ! V 4Bo^y,.ir<>mnb«. :ittm.[lf ^m. . iUbioA ^- tnao -worjOd;iaa]D» 3^£&3» Wffi*^ -^. **? ¦ ¦ mlob •arwoderliuc Ua ; ¦¦ ¦ ' - . . •: ¦• ¦ -- ..^'.^ • * : ; :,! ; . • ¦ . i;- . . . : j- \s I-1 paWio : (be , k ««

¦ • •¦ : - ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦ l'-V?¦ . ; ';i. l.-: ..L :- -: , -<• : I . ' ' i • ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ' ' J . rTi! . :.-:. - :. , ; : . - . UWA 1 "' : ' ¦ ¦ ' ! : ' n^T. . i . ii ys t itl ' h immm popoOT.b^iJ 'ukes.^ tne inoncy* ,; , I; ¦ 10. tofy iff rttM^&.xaatiGji . , ¦[' ! ^Siiwii^lisi aHl " ' propose-; thr at . V70 pan pars is manufactured in the bouse. I ! oi giving thfcni oo*ndajf.i;!l. in J3nch a construction veriiilation , and safety ¦ CCBU.1ACTHOMAO DOARD¦ OP postpone it for' a month. ' ,.; • j • visited every department in the 1 building, and OUR AGRICtlLTURA L COLUMN -¦•I -" • ¦ ' , jcovering of fitriv/ GUAHDIACJC. ¦ Mir M. Power (AdKunBn»)-iI eecond tb-t from wet are enoured. A ' " other upaons WAT ERFORD OVER HALF A found the inmates generally looking cheerful night, arid : ; ——i-o-^ • • and let tbe CUerk write fo^tbe for ehonld bs put over the he|ap each : ;me; John Oulknane, animously. It has, of course, to go before A was out in tho open. SDth ».' .;• • '' The jury, which uas a highly respectable one shoemakers, tailors and spinners Health rules : Tihft peiiing in the echoolroom is finished; in Richard Power—7.] ' - . \ , general meeting of membara before it will bo L ¦ MB. Murphy—Wellit is now postponed auto- returned a verdict of Accidental Death " paramount in the establishment, disease being a satSislSaotory manner. •! ./. ¦ ¦ ¦ : " , a> 4 finally disposed of, but it is not likely that a I nad! to purchase ior workhouseand infir- matically. ' __ ' !¦ ' recommended that the Harbour Commissioners almost unknown. When tbe cholera ravaged unanimous resolation of the Council will be cold mary during the week 122 stone of potatoes at FOTATf^ES Could DDLL0An©O AY TMG MAYBOCJAL ©LUC were recea-sed for ithe supply oi employ a proper and experienced person Waterford lust year, the workhouse passed shouldered . The motion makes for addiog en 7d. (per stono, from Mr. Mooney, ShanaMTL: Six tenders to 1 SAN0HION-M>. ¦ four ton3 of potatoes ioisjhe workhouse. take charge of the crane in future. De- ccathless through tbe frightful ordeal, la the interest to the show, and will effectivel , i. . Kilmacthon-r..-. ceased y do 1 Th() Ixncal <5ovennment Bf*atfd VrToto intimat- The tenderoi Mar. Jonn ©ill, was always considered a strictly honest princ.pal workhouse and four auxiliaries there away with the carrying on of fat animalo from .the .proposed suppl y a "badif .ton/ at £5 per ton wa»s accej). c u , and obli ' ing 1ihat they 'have fianctioned to ging man. ; are 2,500 people, and in the week preceding oue year to another. It is not a commoc The drav/ for the second round oi the payment'oi a sum of £4 to Mtr. Morrtssey, as and also itibe tender 6i;lar. iPatrick Buckley, my visit only two deaths had ocenrrec practice, being too expensive for the or Jiuary Billiard Handicap, 250 up, ia as follows:—"• remtmeration- for his services in itaklng and Kilmoylan, at £0 6a. a fj onj for four tons. DROWNED The poor rate of the Union is only b%. iu the valuing stock of clothing, etc., ta ttta work- This concluded the >bxisifles3 oi the b.^ard, farmer, and beaiide9 it is a waste of good beef. Con O'ilaJiany (wvea 90) v. Nicholas Parl* year ended the 30tlh Septem- ¦ , | On Wednesday night, 13th November, 1850, pound, und Mr. Stark tells us that the admirable hxyu&> For the naif and a meeting of the . The only person who will attempt to defend it (20). ber last ! Ciouncll tho second mate of the Swedish brig " Africa," arrangements originated with and are carried io he who wishes to wiu a numbar of prize3, aud O Oleary (ovres SO) v E 'MadNamara owley <30). Purchase—Eoyal College oi Physicians' Jephiion,1 Aissi'Sttant County DINNER TO MR. MARTIN [The foregoibg was reproduced trom a booS Land Mr. G. Ha&tinga . DOYLE. r shortest route, and no keeping on about it. E. MJoore (owes 90) v. J. K-avaniajCh. (owes 70) ¦fetate. Surveyor, and 'Mf.• Patrick Power, Clerk of The friends and admirers of Mr. Martin kuowd as " Start's.Tour in Irelan i P. WaJi&h Sir—(Referring to your letter oi the Btb , in- ateindaaace. S. Oo*t«r <30) v. <120). Deii* Iby Works were ateo Doyle, late Clerk of the Waterford Uuion (in- QUE RIES AND REPLIE8. Uoiwtney (20). ult., with copy oi ^ resolution passed th.0 (PO&T i&ANITLafl&Y .kiUUHlOBITY OF M. Brennan (SO) v. R. as , .President cluding officers of the establishment and ofter LIME—h there any gaor^iians regards purchase the WA*l^EIttFO38a). standard measure or The finst game in tihe second round between iollowing letter was read-: — ; respectable citizens), entertained that gentleman weight for lime ? My reason for and Fellows oi the Boyal Collegeoi Ptoyaicians Tbe . asking is^-» Mtr. ©an Young and Mr. Laurence Doyle came •>vdLl favourably oansider tibe matter oi pur- Local GovijrnmentBoard , to dinner! at Mr. Harion's Hotel, Colbeck-at., OUk GAELIC COLUMS My employer haa ordered 200 barrels of lime off on Sunday night. Mir Boyle, oy\e, 188; Mr. • [Mir . ilichcel Power <|Bonmaaon)—Over in Order constituiting the ^^orjKMration. . 'the port number sat down to one- of the moat sumptuous time of the and with ' year io beot for putting lime on a The " youngi oolt " then ibuist away, Bonttiahon. no ' ' sanitary authority for Hue- Custom point <*i Wa- and tastefully provideJ dinners that we nave grass field t—RtRAi exceptionally we'll, ooooq- Mir. , Bytmer^Were there provisions imado terfoni; and I am to infixna 1ihe Oouncil that OBSEBvER. The standard :halla favouring faim ¦ ; • attended ! for many years, J. P. Heney Old Song Arranged by Patrick OSullivon IB for th'& evicted tenants? the Boaiid Ibave in^tractid' their me»iical in- , Esq. ba-rel of lime suppoced to contain 3 cwt. hisaed with good play on tern part, &e cantered jnarlced read." ; " ' ( local inquiry (editor of the " Mail "), filled the chair Tho communication was " spector, Dr. BJowme, to oioCld a- ; iind Eight barrels should therefore weigh 24 cwt— past tihe winning post an ea'sy rwinner, Mr. i MiR. "WM. CKRIHN'S- (BESflDGNAIffiON. in tba matter of the (petititoat tie -Town Hall, J. J. Mnrphy, Esq., Dunmore East, occnpiec a bulk which no ordinary cart could hold, six ©oyle fwdio got crael bard luck in the 'laitter (Mirk •WHluiaon Oaitthieairit, Olerk oi the Omagh Waterford, on Tuesday, :}he l&th pnox., at 11 the vice-chair. When 1 1 oopy ; oi a re- ' '¦ ' ¦ " ! the cloth had bssn re- (From the "ix ioh-Ame icar barrels filling any ordinary cart, even with side- s'tages of tiof AJ\ Opuac <&r crnutJun purchased direct from tho kiln ia usua'ly OMaOxony N. Parie <20). William O'Brien to resign his seat;in Piailia* eentativea oi any- of all of &e sanitary authori - ; Tjritbiij. ports or or works), J. Murphy, C. Redmond, i etc, i SeO hu Led, red nu tt. measured in barrels; eight or ten of these can- It viM "be -rememibered that Mx. Parie in the inen't, and aietire from T>ublic Jife, view .tihe ties ih-avin^;junidiption these; « « announceanent, with clarm, end take- tbo port ' thereof ' |; j • -i- The Qneeo," Prince Albert and the jnve- /An ¦ocuiseann cufa pAC mo £eutvut$eAt> properties Jm ay be destroyed before the cprinp. (owes li20), iand after a most sensational look io nLm for the completion oi ports, and tihe limit oi the. port. \ valued [and respecti d guest, ME. Doylo, bte ¦oem 1 > When the grass is growing the application of contest 'by tihe ©mall margin of 4. In tbat- chas«; the evic'ted i tenan-te trust to! him to 1* tn£ ge<«ut> of their former !(bjoin«j; I dn, ©ir- etc., Olerk of Waterford Union,'? " John O'Connor, lime ia a dangerous unless the land is game Mir. iParle made a break of 42, without open the Icoked doora i A. H. BA-ELAS, ; SeO riu led , re<3 lie - practice th« labourers need 'bis presence in PajQ .iament ¦ late AssiDtant Guardian of Waterford Union," intended for the p a single " fluke," and it is almost, safe to say : A&'5t. Sep. 'S T>o pugAt!) irceAC mt KO nor An lough. during the coming Reason', and' Ireland henseli ' at " Mr. Eardy and the other officers of I the 1 ¦Mr. Murphy—This doe3¦ not concern us GAS LIUE FOB WIRE WORM " tihatit willsecure for him tiliei haridsonve" BSl- cladnis!her noKeatson to- be her champion •• ¦ '¦ ¦ ¦ • •: Cr|oc4in : —How much gis . ; ;¦ Waterford Union present this evening,'" cause: governmenlti a won. OIL ¦. ¦ "I The lime should I aipply per .Irish, acre to Ian1 in- .liaard Cue," presented Qw 'Mesarfl. Burrowes still until the of self " " ' ¦ ' Press," 'f The gentlemen unconnected ', SeO hu leo. |*eO tiu tt OPor -'Ltie eake of theie causes, "this body, leprer. Marked .read . :. .. vrith the tended for oats next year with jthe obj ci of pre- and^Wctts, for tDae ilargest ibreak made duxoaig COTTAGES. Workhonse who have favoured SeO htn, red «in re6 nm nnl Bedtative of NatioMai sentiment'into Mid Tyrone, EXAMINATION OF us crith their venting the wire worm T When and how should the progress of tibe handicap. It was thought entreat Mr. O'©rTen ' a company this evening. iefirn^Buly continue • Office of Public¦; 'Works. Dublin; " A few songo nere it be applied ?—C. F. D. Six tous. ¦that Mri Parle would (be iscarcely able io litUef 'longer his ricele3& servicea to a people • : : - j7th November,. 1S03. then given -ia ri ' Seo sft Antifo mo te&C iinor maireAr Apply :p . . . ght good 6tyle, after whicljii tjie co earl in autumn as po33ible, ei'her by giving repeat the eaane fiorin lie showed against Mr. who . love-him wit-h' warm affection, and trust Sir—I Jam direoted by fjbe ¦Comniiasionera of entire company Beparated SeO hu leO, -]\&. ! y 1 , highly delighted the.graso landa a phaEbw ntroke of the culti- (Redmond, said that, therefore, Mr. O'Mlalhitray jhim with confidence unbounded. A copy to 'be Public Worksto refer to iyour (letter of the 4tb vrfth one of the most 1r> iomt)A tionn 6p ASurXionn reAn Ann , jgent ,td Mir. O'Brien and to the iBoarti of Guar- dnsl to frobich was appended a copy of tJie agreeable and convivial vatoro bofore or applying the gas lime first and the winn'er of last year'e tondioap, and who is . evenings- ever spent in the Urbs Intacta. SeO hO leO, -\p' dians throughout Ireland." we resolution of the 'KilmactaomasKural District then given a strobe of the chain harrows- Thio playing in magnificent forM (Bar the past month ! Mir. ^yme—il propose that lad'opt the re^ Oouncil.asking that- an ," inspector frpy of your letter ha9 whatever of Mr. Magnire'd success ' 1 . . Yet we jurious Gulphides, the land need not ba ploughed •whatever. He missed prAoticcIlly (notMog, Ohainnan—I am very rlad to havo a resolu- •been iorwarded to .the'¦. Local Government must remind the good and ' OUA AI ;tion!lik.e thio coming ibeforeua , we know that < : ' ' patriotic people ol 1f io mt)A 6 II cQU"Oor CAr anr as ordin »rily.—M.. I. I. Forty—five Io fift y and it cnythtag, played a j stifl! more Ibrillaaa't •Board. . • ; \ ' j Dungarvan that there is an 1 jhe its ia public loss, a'n>ational loss. As tbis I 'ami Sir, etc., / absolute necessity SeO M leO. r tons. If tbe g&9 limo is fresh Irom the worki game itihan that againct uir. CBedmond. - ¦Mr. 1 ¦: { for earnest and continued exertions imesotjution haa confined itself to askl him to . : . - . .. H. WILLIAMS. ^bich ore if wmtA CAtlin cul-bujt»e veny, 0j " Mohoics, TJhe following nOftice of motion stood in the day ¦fortnight 1st oi j SeO riu leo, "itv ' ' will moveon jthas- , t\m them that the bestway to escurethe victory is surface with shovels. If you can only aff rd to 144. When " iNienolae," w"ho had madetreaka nam'a oi lEr. MjicbaelPower (Bonmaiton):.—I ¦December, ibat the ore.'er made bv tha old to be prepared for the straggle; The ; people :re£ohed the ivritt- beg to give notice' on this day fartnigfctt J;I7th AbAi p te jm* 60ile ceACc i mbAineAC , put 25 to 30 tons of limo, 3 cm. to tho hqap of 25, 18, 15, 16 and 13, Ityad dmjt); I will anoye that IReiliovrag' Officers Boani of Goardiains toj close uqp thi public have the game in their own hands if they; be : (uing number, Mr. CM^Iricaiy was B8. ' pump in tbe iStteetB .ofi ^dilmiaiotboimaa, and Seo tiu leo, "] \i\.. will bo enough. Power andl. Ooffeyi-be allowed £2 eaiSi', laa ' re- which has tuimteniiomaliy-caused a very (great but true to their country and to one neither. ' Immediately.alter tibia $snie, *M)r *P-. : OKJon- mun^mtion for their services in inspecting and 'S Ai £oinneal CIAJUC 1 j ;cnoit)e & OeAn- OOW WITH SWOLLKN SIDE. - A COW of mine ' yater'giievance, and a yely great inocnvt(nienc9 We are noHinmindfal of their former vigorous now tibe iteJtepayera the coming battle with becoming spirit, tbeir Tju^ iven in ale This did uot cure her, " balls " would ihave an exceptionally lively and Gentlemen—Tnis matter has bfeen con- SeO hfi leo ,L g How 1 ihe abundant eupply oi Jjoodwater wbicH they character as patriots and honest I rishmen will , ^t• should I treat her ? She eats just like the other time of it. Both players zve>T /efll; knowift " bard sidered ibefare, and I would only be wasting obtained and enjoyed £yr asuany long years, be irretrievably-lost^ ¦ . .. 'S .ill CApAll COfU1$ T)O OUAlAt> 'fAn Wfctora," end make no dj&lay •whatever ivmen you? time to go into detail in ithfe matter. We the- cattle aud walked 18 Irish miles to a fnir re- came^ to the conclusion to allow these genlble- and which gtrardiani* "have d'epri^'ed them We arje persuaded that the electors of Dan- riipeip0 playtej. |Phey are alwavEJ eager to !be at vrork, of by their scanty and 'eeble waterworks. ^". cently. . I have bean told salt would b8 good meja:£2 earm, and I hope^ , ganfflemen, 'keeping 1 tbe following L in with the Whigs, and that they are now deter- -Ati Luib 4 ouAin &c& 1 npojtAf An leAfA , pendent; ou the prespnee of some foreign bod foro, was ia fostiome, •andj' O'Connor hvto> is a Wan. iPraher, BQeaoitln»-To keepiin repair ' y thaV it is enough to 6'ay aibou it trow. . Qie mined to efface the disgrace of the . past by SeO hO leO, "\x<\.: in the otomacb. We would fwonrmend you to irapid !c corei, nt the board came "to the -conclusion that they .. . (or If they be anxious (yiOomrior Mountain.—£28 flai 6d. \ • | Ireland. (as we believe i Seo \\i leo, nj\i. after its purgative effects have paoGad off to give closa isam© ensued tip trOj -jUiO, -wnen would give them £2-for six monitihs. I have Wim. Praherj Bteantbiis.r-fl'o make. two new are) .to mukV reparation for i qt&&doubt whetherany ianner will comeinto and hope they . ,' X\6 muriA oci5tt> f6 fA' n cr ic t in. the following powder twico daily in two pints of ¦broisa, away and\eucceedeid Sn o GUcaEffrdjon; oi gTiUeto on above road.—1£5 17». . 6d.J former apathy and indifference, they can moat " , io ibneast the !" Aapie," thb boardroom to;taie«boy a in fnture. (Patrick 'Eailly, fitmadlaUy;—To ksup in re- |SeO hti leo, if i warm wa* T—-Bicarbonato of sodi, 2 dre.; oali- " jump3, one being 25 Mr. Mhuphy—1iMo Hs. any faimer ifchat. wanis effectively do so by sending Mr. Magnire to w"han his opponent got "Iwlnde^i," just aa he paiir'ior kme year 189 petfpbesof. tbe yoad lead- 5o mbiA-o-fA inV DAinnfogAii AJ\ HA cylate of sida, I dr.; powdered gentian, 2 drs.j a poy anoufld (have 4io dbjecrtiioni to •coming ang frona Ooaftin 's contrekct at jOurrabeen to Parliament. He is an hone3t, able; aad in- 1 was nearlns tfhe second " lap," at 182 or 68 'herd. I donU eea lanything ' mnA fo, powdered nux vomico, 40 grains ; powder»-f . about this remunera- P-ra>i*»rVl AJf. *,Ko "-Mla.tn,a '' fimrnTanH /it fRoliint- trepid man, whose presence la the HOUEJ) of " yards" still to-go 1 twini in Waterford union. I3i i SeO nu leo 1 ginger, 1 dr. All cattle, and more eopecially Iea.-^ll4 ! : : ] Common' s will prove eminently useful to Jrish , ip Some other exci ting1 games may be expected "Mr. M. Power '{lAdramone)—I thank a boy John ' Crobfcy. Lemyibrien.—To repair the 1 cUiry cowo, should Kavo o 1'beral allowancO of mp .' u leaves this houso £t 14 years of ego ia bridge on Orowy'a -wntmncft interests. We have read with unqualified ap- durinjj the week.—Oommunic&ied. - - ¦ &t¦: M^untkennedy, common salt. well able to take care of himself. —Om -lte. - " -; " I 1 ;¦ : ; ' proval bis bold and eloquent addiess, and if 11 < 1 Mir. E. Poweo-r-Too w©l); they know; too DISHORNING CATTLE—Whon io the proper ' / • ¦ • ¦ Same.—To niake & gilHet rebuild: will be driven for ever from one of their gre^itc?t 4bs exiatimg igullett on i«aad froni'itt cfGraiiba' i ADVICE AS TiO HI8 kTSOAL POLICY. ctnffiD£ it intol tho holoa to keep out the rain ftfaster-45 year* is the time. Onjea Mr. strongholds. Up, thod people of Dungacvao, ¦ Mir. Murphy—Ii any ordinary servant to wem*op ^oaita! Walshb'a bouse, , ¦ J - 1 and uinli?—liffQuiolTivB. Cattlo may bo dic- • . i . ; . (Lwuitoni, •Wednesday, boy iOurii&balva.^C315a. -- - ]-'¦:] ¦¦ ¦ > * i . Ireland expects that every man among you will — Sir Heniry Luddow, tamnerly-^ Ohief Justico found any fault' with Ws employer he (Jou-ld . hortiod ct any Deacon, bat it io advisable to bavo ¦ 2>aniel ORiefiiliy,' Kilmqljtbomas—fib. ; rebuM do his duty. London, "Wcflzksdsy, oi hepwexd u"'c;kjKb, dJ0d y22fei»day at iHJyfcho return hometo !bia father. ' • the operation j parformed during : j the existing guleti at «|rtranoe>to " Oommeen . ;MT. Qbamberlain addressing the Oolpnial opting or 110131-in Mr *M. Power (AdramonieHWell can't one 6dL ->-[ ¦ - ¦¦ irom a paiiiilytad tsi'elBiire. He T^S^ iB^i., of ta« boys 'Borlweni'VdSi 1^. -; . . lAgen fcs General to-day at . line Colonial OSlc&, autumn. Dreuiog tho wounds with ctochholm young of this :union oome'back 4o John Power, 'BJShMk^ptoaa;—ToIceep ia WATERFORO AND LIMERIQlt . I itr Wthereidid he come fro;m?vJ3 xe- ¦ : yrh&ia he ;bado [ them lareTrell on his resi paK'for tbtee i yearafiQ C! p^robes'o£! the roadi ,:. . !¦: ' : BAILWAY. :| : - ! T IttDSTBtlOIlIOH ; OP • " jfe^i j WiOOIiWiliQH j not'Inis home? ; • . ' ' '* >< ' titeta oi ! office, bald Ihe (bad mow cn/' tatoiGt healing procisci ] : ¦ !M' Jeaaing i from Mr. Jootf? H£J¥e , opposite the We understand that the contract for the IflELIBABiY Tt IEA/T1EE. . , r..Toaipey—I itbin-k it Jb very nooe¦ ssary to railway gates asau red' coawic&ioa tiazfriiavo TiM Oto ' ¦ ' - 1 i tavieHhese:child ¦ ' ¦ •¦ , 'Kiiimact^piniaBto the ^ortlaw completion of this-line to Woterfordhas been eMo to OP . • • . , , i l - i ,. :..:, i' ren inspected'. . . . iruau, wwiwmiM 01 urtBguenageena^ ; cmv T^E STOBma 1 ; IMI. iMi. PowtT h^berJiaia , -fa the ctouwe iirf ftjlrihiai fora it is advlcablo t<^ cscure befots .] [ - .; ¦; Iijndon iWectoesday. -i: ;¦ : ! • ¦ " ' • ¦ •' • ' ihe gullett on Kelryaco frtraict ct Oirriaoastle. advantageous for the interests of, the coudfry, 1 ^ :obj«?ting [/ 1: . . , - . 1 • ..'• -^, ' 1 ' : ; 1 1 iPEoii iikB, reiterred to JtSxa rel'aitions'hip o(f i3ie the.teason is too far advanced. If the climatic ff tix,z (Boyal ArtdHfay itih^itreia^ iWoolwilch waa \ ';(Mx. 'iBymb— We! are aditer losing weekaoi our 79.^- i ' "I '- • • haepi•'•! "i s and that, the works will be riesutoed idme ; ¦ Patrlok Keisitk;' {ka^ta^^Pa in re* diatel OoQ.cc u©3*o Great Britain ,«od flaid di.th^caane conditions cannot be! counted on " too early " gutted il>y ' dEtod ' ;,H*s|b .ni$ti,i\- -qaXik(part of th timn on thda qFueation, and alt a .very lull meet- pair, ;be- y, end the lines finished in the]coureb of : one | : ^ jirigiit t<* for 6i ye«b 1445 pwohA*of the load c&3e^ together l &hey wouMi ttorm mighty rath0rjthan J"|too late " io the better coursa to •Artdllery ' Barraickd •' &&&. biin'f «p«t. • ; '¦ ' was decided!togive tlhem :nominal t^eten' iJtahon BnkJger^iidK ^rossaintyschool next year. . A meetiog has Jateljf be$n (held in i inoreaise. I tbioknreo tcgjh't to gett- aone wHliifc. l4«,Qi ' Ebip ife; each lor 'aUy arid (all for eaoh, fio (Sat porsuo. The palling of mangels requires con- . Thej fire l&id^a^at' tlh^Jbiabk cif the theatre. sihoustf.^E27 -. .-d :~i.i .71- Waterford between the Kilkenny and limerick ¦ Mr. iMurpby—i!don 't hoOTany^hi^ this ' PatrtcikO'OoncelrSOlwpoakapaine, ij- fSaatteen the ' tilis&y anight: taixly cmtioipateithai itlhey wiouldsiderable) care,! for if the bnlbouB rootj bejn- ¦ 0* iiaa fnd boaxdsj^d ^arrangements for the junction : - • :.• ¦i : -: : * '; :¦ :•: •;• •;,- • ' :';- - ' :'L - " remuneration in iTVaterfoo,i and'th^'meliavin^ 1, . ' ' ' ' ' " ¦' ' i- , ¦ - : :; ¦ ; tame day those remaining should bb carofully : ( -i ) . : :- "¥? • ¦: : . [ . :.; i i (Mr Mwpplby—jAnd- how often ' cfo tliey bave' Patrtck O'Cobne U, (3 pooaajiBBB Bip^-. ^ re- ! \\ :;; .wJAS jfitotAiibi mE Watinii/ttsr . aaiANp- : ' ' ' ;¦¦ ' ¦ I KBITISH! j BAMMAY covered with Mangel leavea, for the grofHng ¦ - ¦ : ' to be ¦vikaieAt : ' . ': ¦: -\ , ' . , N: "' " pair walls rrf Kiirhiff nMffit *Biddg©.-r{ite' THE WATERflORD POPRHOtfSE. 'EBiMEl.O¦ iEiEWENS.¦ j/jr l : . j • V ; M .;[; . th; # : II : . r jf* 4a. ' ' : ' ' . ¦ r crop will reoist frost much bettor thai when ; ! 'OhaiTniari—One© a montb'foi1 In the Waterferd poorhonsej vphicbJ ives i. . ! . ;;. : j h^a eye montihia. Potptek OEUytncn, • KihnaltjthSp».d —OWdmpftj ve g "(eaves ; ISir f imtgvI^ WiiiJ «^XK^ed ©(pinion i ilto. B. Power-rSMte ^caHia 'iitia^ entouglh for <3i« tdrn «b ^i«io^' atatfTteom:;ihe nxaia " jmUsdl Tho , may be given- to ypqn? : 1 ' ! ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦' :¦ l* shelter to|a thousand unfortunates, everyone— loatk&es-j'Qxeax- i Oan.'tail/ (£657; , !Lonxi')n the mjan BdaJgd Jbeen) WmgluHyoon- fttiami. . " (¦' : "' •;• : ; Cork iroad CTe.g 75. " cattle or oheep; after they have otood a day in tfh'at Jhaa . Mr. Jo the worfcI» &te^n£5 6d. save infants, or the helpless old or iufirmj-io Sputh:!We3te(rn; fiir(MJ ; Gseat 'Westsm, £6,990. victedjin Stafrojrd'sihrftre oattle mainingcase , Mx. Byrneee con^ed Power'a projuositiian PtoUick BxixwuB,lA ttaiutcfiiBi^Tq, J eHwffli a the fiejld, as, uilibo turuip leaves, they do not the ! engaged in some profitable employment; Every i3>£a?e^63.-KiC>ndoji iNoirtih' iW^Sfem, £j>00; 1 Secretary Trili Mir Biahatti Power proposed that tbe reliev- dry retaining waH«pd 4^ip^tieiw».*ai «r«U to a £4 promote scour J If the roots are to bo ctored end !hio hopesI "thai the | B om© j ¦ ing onioereget nothing. r \ . ' I '' - ¦ Vfc, - . : article of clothing or bedding j used by the Midland/ £2^12; tNortti Qdtfsb; .659. I ' ! ¦ i' ¦ ¦ ' ¦ • : quarry hole at 8hato»cMpi ifflfl in heap3 triangular ended onea are the best 1 put <2io matter right. • • j I Mr; Murpny—-Wellif would not be ia favbui Thii con^ltiiedtb^ba^ijta^tt» Council. : ' , ca 1 ¦ ' : ¦ ' ' 1 ¦¦ ¦ ' !¦ ¦ M !- i. i 'f . ¦ illi I -:!:¦ - ¦ i! ¦; !;i : : i ¦ ; ' - ' ¦ : - 1 : • ! - ¦ 41 - . ¦ i. :; 1 ; ¦¦' ¦;¦ I ¦ • v !; ! I , I. . : i : ! i - K r ' 1: ' - ¦ ' ¦;¦ : "Tf - ¦¦ ¦- ' ; ¦ ¦ ' ¦¦ ' " ¦ : .__.. ( !__ . _ J .: . • ¦ ! . .;:i -:- .-ir k I .• - :• - > • -, , V , i ' ; ¦:; ¦ '¦ ¦ l ' ' ¦ . . . . \ i i $ . ;T . : ¦ ' ' ' f ; ' ¦ ' ¦ ; :-!i ^> : ¦ ¦ • :•:•): ¦ ¦ ,.! .. ! ' ,^;> - . ! jtfoi&bouse; waa; not likel , ^Ap¦ iK¦lOK -OIT^aUiRlPBffV ' ( - I y' to ibeiilboiishb^lu ider ¦" ; ' ! OEd.O!Or30 tl .;^E EDITqfi: - PUOLIOATIONQ. * arjj ani : !:• .!¦:¦ ;v "Q ' ' : v qTTE^O.^b .^ iieSfhew to gem.'iBnita jthattwei'eto. be(made 'in % -!Vr i T m:--® v ^*- • - ' *efe^ence worMiiousea' in Ireladd, he-thou-ght LOlpAIi (D|N| l • ¦ ¦ - •¦ ' ¦ : ' ' j v ^ 'CBi^iR|TYi t^ui^PlATHi Ai RATEPA&l;^ riiJEE B3WERAG^ " T.P.^ ^WEfKiLY'' CHiRI^Mi^ NUMBER^ . • •" -•' , : • -"• w--j : ; it would lie! ireU j &iave jbhesa e^uiaiary imp wire ¦ Ji^i^fp 0j ^niaid . Jb ; ^j ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ' ' : ¦ !• ;• ¦• : • i !¦! JcsBiried' > • ' ' ' : ' ' " " ¦• J' ' :;" i ' '; ^i: : : : M : : do^ta . wit. . . \\-\ . y\ : : v . / i - ! -.- U- - , ¦: "BS3 SMiAaHBS iiASiB8 MO^WINDOWS : We JifiweVbeenr ° t » ' J (From OIIP Bsporter). j MSfla Grubb saidj that"the engineera should iii . ' ¦ ' • ' '! ¦ favoured"'vntit an advance Gond ep&a2fica ; - j ' : To the Editor. : copy of thio number, which (promisesto take , *hedr ¦ *tions ; tod their cost to the gussaroanfl. 1 ¦• .. ' .. !. . |._...... , \ :. i PUBLIOAiN PSROSBOOTOBD. a high place amongst the Chxistm-ae Annuab 1 Mr; : JL : ua- 'his mcw^beingprodiicedin London and. other great The weekly meeting of , Bowers—•Miisa.G-irubb is-just atalter saying, Correspondent Ibis ^ent- i >viewj3 this tboard was; held' that thi8- guardianakn ^w [nothing eH& I BEGENaj 'STSAiRDPQr €A§IDv "< ?el>ting tofthg isewerage Bcheme^itfl-jxre sen^ centres. A perusal of the number before us on ;£&turday. Mr. Thos. Bowers, viciej ohiair-! , .dbyui ^ ¦the ! matter, and if that is eo, wtoat as the i ', po^rtiion, and jxrospecto,i ; .P^Kfalj arC5r . i enables as to fully agree with thft d-escription mm, artcTsub6€>queiitiyMr. - MatttihewiH >rohan,{ [use! afi^r LIES AND MISBEPBESENTATION in theirsendin g -further iDform-ation-I, twould L lv*Tpm oitr Beporter). j g-irds ithe thira '-sectioii. g^e' points " out that' applied to it, a»am'etly, .that it ii " a unique J.P.j Qhsairmain, jpresided.. The other members only : men extra coat + ^ present frere^-JMasB . XJrubb; - to the natepayera ' which' These Sessiona ~^iere' Keld oh"TEhursday, be- those of-the aaitepapenj; who have » certain; Christie Murray, In the COUTZQ of hii brilliant speech at Lim- . J. F. Quirk,, solicitor, appeared .for¦ the Morley(Roberta , iPercy White, inlorm'the''Board of Gxiartliains of Oarrisok-j on- ¦p^bJican. , : i ' amount of flushing an I oleandng 61 eome of Bart jiKehhedy," Tom Gallon T. P. O'Connor , firicli ori Sunday, Mt-iJohn Bedmond, M.P. for The Master's vseekly diary 6oaxtaiaed the- fol- . . j r , T M •lowing-jThe Matron- ion Suiir Union that they "have ireceived ithe ihalM- AcKaa-®efffean!t ukiDnrp!hy gave evidence to the the imain sewersi :; I qi ate jctndeTBtaRd 1hat if ; e%c.' :A viery acceptable ieature of T.P.Y Waterford and Chairman! of the Irish Party, -request* extension of yearly ;report of tjheir:; ¦'' Ohristmaa Number" ¦one week's leave of &bs*n'oe: YEhe;' Master and inspector, filir. Kej lly, effect iihat on • Sitnda^, lltih October, at a 'will'ibie a presCT-tatiprj naturally,rua fo refere nee to tho policy of con- con&aqUenit on his inspection! vi' the 'workhouse quarter past one o'clock pjm., he visited the with the outdtall at Watprpark, the erection 0! photogravrure of Mr. T; P, OlOonnor, which' if ' ¦Schooimist-reaa wiil have iher Idutaes.att ended ' •' ¦ • : station must:first be carried put : beautifully diliatiori and to tbe eiile of hia County Wezford ito. I eold two pi ' on the 22nd ult.; . ' ' , • : Txremise3 witih Constable Power: thev found the pumping reproducedof from a ipoiifiraitH. intend gs for £8 9s., and xaga-j -and ; Mr. Kelly draws attention' ito ibut granting that this ' connec^ng up' be'iiD ; ed for the^thibition 1904 Jj. ^ estate. He said—Ctaciliatioa means that a lead for ills. There were 42 casual during the tihe absence of five men onsidestandang at the (bar ; they had % Bacon; : ¦ proper lavatory ^accommodation'and sanitary drink before ttihem; witness asked their names if or the presenteffected- .that)the 'braaich sewerui A.R.A. It ii* a' -'striking 'and faithifuil likeness settlement of the lan< t question may lead, and week. I : : , as -at:pre - of jthe famou Ohiaiiman—I suppose we will convenience in-the workohuee. , .The plaio'for and 'lour of the men 'answered satisfaotorily ; are allowed to run -into Johroe Pill . author, journalist and- critic, and ought to be made to lead, to snch a. union of ^extend the impr6veent of the li^woitary condition of sent, I do mot my/self she «my reason.'Why .th K will, we-aire sure, greatly ¦leave of I absence to the Matron. ;the he asked Patrick Power wSiere ihe .was from 'be prizid by *hose all classes in Ireland that Thomas Davis once ~ institution were returned .io the guardiansj on Ballyknock ; (witness said that Ballyknock was whole of the i third section, pumping statioi . ,who ibecome its fortunate iposses'sors. The ¦Olerk-fVery well. . I . . . ; ocnild not be p ostponed to an dndefi- dreamt of—such a union aa nould make Homo The iet>ort was approved of. the 11-th inst. for further consideration) and inpt three niilea ifirom Oanick, and he said it included, •origiinal' .portraii't, we are . told, hia .been pKV the Locai! Government Board trust that ijhe ¦wa3 jthiree miles and a ihaM iby iihe new line ; nite-periiod, thereby relieving,the overburdened niounced by competent critics, as amongst the Rule inevitable, and bf easy accomplishmentin necessary works will be: carried out as s^on Misa; Sheehaii told witness ithat Power said be ratepayers -to a large eitent. : b«3t work of the artist above namedT the near future (heir, hear). Tbat kind of JEEDaJOAIi ¦ OFFKlEGErS BHPOBT. ¦ ; The , as .TvassdihLe. . ov^t threo "As far as it •possible , for the non-pmfes • - 1 . tnay^lled indlea ; iBallyknock'was is?. ^dterary;.conte»to >aro conaprised within sixty- policy of conciliation ;be thwarted either Mir. Kelly refers to the: suggestions made in less than two miles and a quarter isional mind to juidge .thje second section., com ei jmay The following was read:— ifirom Carrick. ' | ght well printed pages, and. the annual . ¦his last hailf yearly report for the improvement Constable Power said the ihadi nothing to «leted eiffht months ago, haa beeni ait : work by the people00 the one hand or by the laud- ! (November 14th , 1903. _ 1 j which will make. iits debut to-morrojv, is certain Gentlemen—I of the surgery, and me.ventilartaani in the.in- .add to ^hiB evidence. effectively so iaT as remoying tne sewage m have an enormous lords upon the other. \ • That policy requiresco- recommend ©ridge* WaLsih, firmaryj and : ' j and there is the assurance oif some ^to circulation,j We would suffering from ophtbalmiaj ibe sent to-day to .the Boaad i request tihat these The man Power esamLaed by 'Mar. Quirk, concerned ! strongly(recommend our operation between 1 the' landlords and tbe ¦matt-era may receiveattention o'f •said he was not of the prinoipal officials, .toa-oked up by somd : readers 4o make haste Co. Infirmary for itreatmept,. Wi^ reference , tlhe guardians asked by Uie puWicain where : to secure thig big'h-claea tpuiblicaiion, iwhich tenants, and I am sorry toi Bay that there cie i The inspector also reparjs that tibe walk of hft ^iftmA fnmrti professional members of the Ooumofl, thai.the 7 •to sending female patients aufferiiig- from/skin iooste only 3d. (by po.sk 3Jd:). (for at ck (more than indications in many [i&rts bf Ireland that ¦diseases , several wards and passages 'require to be Miss Sheehan examinee by MJ. Quirk, establishment of the amount of the feewerage lifceCy the ik> fever hospital! sheds I ;beg to. say oleanedi i thai .the vrholo edition will! be. bought tihat df the shed be repairedand al ibath [(pro- down, and he recommends that .the stated that s'he did ask Power where h© came what i& now laid down has resulted in d per-( Up within a. week at most, irreconcilable section ; of Irish landlords have . wallfe sihould be .pilastered from and mament reduction of th$ death rate of the cityj i lit ;will jmt^restour ¦vided, there can 'be no ofogeetioih fior ian|tary. .las it ie difficult, to he repl ied BallyJcnock, and said it ; Iris!h readers to know thiat the manager of once more got the npiier hand. I notice that .purposes' it would .be keep .them clean v-.xrH&i. their .present rough was oyier tnree miles away ; she was omly to .one-third of wihat it .was- formerly. _ This ' advisable to have a door aurfacea J • . " T.P. s (Weekly " ia Mr. Edmund iiDowney, a Borne of theso landlords, as I think very meanly, opened on to yard at baok.-nP Stephenson, . twelve 'months in business, and did hot know 'being so, it Geems a reasonable suggestion -to 'Waterford genfilerttan, - ¦ ¦ ¦ - whose 'books ;so many of havo tried to justif tlieir own unjust - ¦ • ' ¦ ¦''¦; An ambulance is required for the removal what distance make that those responsible for our gity'd saril-j y demands MO ! Ballyknock was ua have read (vrrth the greatest pleasure from With referencer "to the. recommendation of to the workhouse of patisntB suffering from The case egainst the publdoam was dismissed , tary arrangement mighit' rest on their oars for time to i,ime. bv quoiinit terms alleged to have been offered inifeflti«n.ii xiiaaaaea. raite-l the doctt> rto send Bridget. Walsh to the Oo. and Power woint now? ¦for being druink and the abov.e -arguments to support me, I em-| ing these ' Economic Notes ' I have been moved ! disorderly at C&mckbes to admiration ib bo puichasing their lands at about 1&£ yeara' i SANODIpNBD. The " News " was the only paper represented was fined 5s. or a- week ¦ph'atioally say—J*TONE. y the .art with iwhdch their ¦ at these sessions. ' author hca mlacedlbia d-eductiona iniia, tesiuence purchase (applau?e),, But there ia something The Local Government i (Board sanctioned ¦ LOOA'L OELSBRTJTY " YOUTO ifaithfully, 0 ON THE W1AIRPATH. wlu.cn ha3 every appearance proposed' payment of £1 10s. a week, with Mohael Wialah oTt being logical^ more than that, Thgre are two years' arrears , a looail celebrity, Idiown as In reality they have no binding force what- rations, fco Miss N. G. Kelly for her itemporaTy Before Mtr. Ulick Bourke, R.M. ; Capl R. the " 'baboon," was iprosecuted !by ' Di&tnict " A RATEPAYER." due «h this cstato am}' it is part of- the arrange note© in tike war&house. C Oarew, and Mr. John lor ever." Mr. Winston Churchill, the youthful services as . 'N. iWlhiu inspector ^Jttnen maiioioualy 'bfrealcing enthusiastic roent-that they ehonl«i: be. absolutely wiped out OONDiEai!NM) CODQTHaiNiG. r IiAROBLW'l . four etreet , whose aorobatio feats in South ¦ ltumps; Mrs. Barry'e window at Africa are still : ifpeeh in our mind.3 (cheers). , ' > ITne Local Government iBoard- mjue&tedto A man named John AtcNamee, of the labour- BTidge-street, and Mr. Pat ' , next ap- &uilJiivaii is window pears on the scene. He, too, is an. opponent —That is f iir (cheera). ; •be informed what eteps the/guardians (propose iin-g elasa, was charged ;in custody for the lar- at Lough-street, on the morning of the 6rth WATCBFORD UMITCD TET-1PGHftWC|3 A Voica to take for the disposal of the condemned ceny|of carpenter's, tools, the property of (Wm. COMMBiTTGC. of n t flay whether it is fair Novemiber iberlain, and tsupported, in more or less articles of clothing, so as . to present tihe [pos- iDavi&ya carpenter, at present employed st the iMir. O*Snee, solLoitor, MJP., a half- «t is fair to take that; into account stated 1. that he hearted fashion by Mir. iBalfoux. Sti^l, reading or tot. but if ! sibility of such articC.es finding their way. back iRbssiare irailiwiay woxikft. W&3 directed by the UTban Council to support ¦ : (Thi depos'iit'ion- SATURDAY N IGiHT OENTERTAINMENl^. between the linea, we ifind Mr. Churchill more then ffieca tenalita.wii) be buying their land at ¦into stock. , . c , of 'Mir. Davis was, to the effect the jpolice in this prosecution ' : , Chairman—Is there any chance of their nnd- that on iFriday imarnimg, the ©th inst.,' ihe or leas a Protectioni st, as - lie iadtrnits. " In cixtecn ahd a half years' purchase, and oa a Edmond Keevan deposed th-at he was in the theory and;upon,tf bs merits- -ing their way back, : Mla&ter? iobked two boxes, containingthree awls, three' employment of the Urban Oouncil It was intended that last Saturday night's .there is much to. rental which over, tue. i whole estate is 25 per and it was entertainment in the Large Room of the Town be said for. ' Reta'iatron.*" .SVxreign nia-tiona do 'Master—I think. ' planes, and four chisels in the workshop in his duty to look after the street Iamp3 ; on tlhe cent bel>w GiiffithV Valuation |(hcar, hear). 1 Local Government Sail would have included a lecture on the- nxrt consider us dn their tariff amtogements— •It was ordered tfchat the Christendom; ihe returned to .the workshop on morning a! the 6th Novemiber, at about a jge8t n™.rA ha.' inioraned that the articleshad been the following life of Napoleon Bonapirte, illustrated by a not 'because they wish-to Ihurt us, but because Now, fellow-cotfntryrjieii, 1 8u, to any day and f4>und that the two boxes quarter past one o'clock , 'he wasi coming wo, torn. had been ibroken open I; it -was two o'clock on ¦around New-atreet when splendid cinematographic film , but at tlhe are not acoustomed to rap -their knuckles body of tenants ia .- tin). Couuly Limerick ^7ho ihe iheard A great when we .axe onen'ded, or jog .their .when FBMlAlLE OBRONUC W1A.B1D. Saturday wihen he:missed the took , he went crash of glass at the lower end of the ManoT- last moment it waa found that it had not . eibowis may be met by their agent by sajmg that he KHB ojt du'tiea are being: i^arrantfed. And althou'ghi A letter wasread from the Locafl "Govenunenitto to d lloctai pa^wmbrtaking eistalbldishiin.'ent -and street ; h« looked at botfh sides of the street arrived, mudb. to the disappointment the, •would gi?e tiie saqjt. . terras as. have bssn the guardians obtain a identified .three awos •and three .planes to be ¦but saw largest' audience that .l iaa , yet assembled ot they freely extandi ia on the "benefits of the iBoard re^uesting n<> broken gCass until he came to most favoured matron, we -do not obtain that offered by. the tenautson this c state that they ¦report from tiheTWorkhouae lQaeter eaiiothe hisjplropexty; they ore worth about 10s . Mre. Barry's premises, where at tihe TOOfepaith these pleasant weekly re-unions. The lecturer ^ ¦he was to have been the Rev. A. F. Moody, IB.A.j special consideration adapted to, ou-f own sbouW eay to him—'j Very; welij bat before -steps taken by him for placing a suitable per- Wm. Geary deposed as to ihaving seem tjbe saw •iarlass broken and a lanre oieceiof'brialL peculiar circumstances for which' female cfaroniic ward. .prisoner, whom ne knew previous!} , coming ibetweem it and Presbyterian llinipte'r, !but without the pic?- ¦ we might wo ccme to a calculatipn yon . must -reduce the son in charge of the _ the footpath: he (then ; went on in»9 Kio loM.nrA won Id. havA ' 'fairly last::Too often- Jock Stpratt looks in vain Miaster^-One of our paM atbendants came in Irom the direotion of the /workshop at Onrasten- towards the Westgate and he oaiw 1he defen- lost much of its ifntal to 25 per cent, bolow QHffith'a Vernation" , and was accordingly deferred to a for a piece of lean , where nothing ibut the fat here and slept at night time in the house, and dam on the Saturday in questdou. dant down dreystone-sbreet; he was* eidging interest (cheers). I.don't think it is necessary for me It Jiat ies Power, a ¦pawii;brok)er future date. A very acceptable substitute, he cannot eat 13 offered, .and. no consistent .Free ¦looked after the ward during the day. . '& assistant, de- and shouting J witness went ment" iBoard- want—one that will stay there ¦Ser!?eant Flannery stated that irom lnfooim'a- you are 1 will waken you "—(laughter). He ¦Douglas, Mrs. Corcoran, Mes3ra. J. Watt, Jl Oo MinJay JMr. JinafiB . Gaffoey, solicitof,; droTe Morrin Mhr . Larkin fortunes of a party. This to catchi the iron' tion received, he arrested the defendant, John then walked up to the lamp and made bits of . . and , who very kindly and vote, '¦ to an estate borne sixjeop or eeventeen miles propose that the Local McNamee efficiently gave their services. The new lantern that to collar the cotton, this other, ^E^ubb-I we tel. , and charged .him with steailingi -three it end said—"" You'll never light again "t—' aj sain , to rope in the woollens. 'Every dirty distant frpm Ut^ericfay his visit being a pro •Government Board we have an inmate m awlfij and three planes; on being cautioned. (1-augh.ter), Witness then ¦said to •him--'* Whlat proved most effective, the dissolving views ¦ : being especially good. Mr. Moody presided, little monopolist in the .Mrjrd TVitl have his feasional :oue, yfei , to give his advice to the • charge of f he ward, and ask the Master to make he s-aid he knew nothing about .tthen~ did you break tha lamp for?" (He replied—'' If ovm ' Society ' to .push hia ^special trade; and an. mangement so as to-dbviatethe necessityof Th)& accused pleaded guilty to the charge; you don't go ©way I mill kill you "—M». HRTBTON. tionA against the accused broken ? JNiAMiES OiF NEW BATTLESHUFS. party. There er.X3th, 1803. . day mights, and had to be discharged, on Sun- brokea? . : speechyesterday thi 'i beat thing; we can do ia to the guaidians of; day morning. Witttsso—^1.don't | know, ,.the gaa manager fo ¦ future, why did they not dominate the lAnglo- (Dear Sir-nPlease convey thanks ¦ ¦ ¦ London, Saturday. Saxon mind ib?Ioxe close \7|th tha lanclojd and offer him 16^ ^rrick^wSuir Union, sincere tor, Se ra-eantiLove—I had ihim erTested for bein^ here and he will tell you tfchiat. ' Oobden and .IBjrigbt ap- the drunk on Saturday last. .Mr. O*BrJefl—How many lainpo were Orders v/ere received- at ©evootport to-daty peared upon .the scene? iMir. Churchill, to oun years' rjarchac^". His aqditora were grpatly Kir kind exrpisesaion oil («# . «" *« 'broken for the- E3T/ batttleship to fee named (Htiberniati. 1 of my deathto, and deep grati- iMt. Bottrke-i-W'here^ (he from, or what has altogether? mind, ia rushing his conclusions, withoulr tickled .with : the : suggestion,; which may, oc^fiion faiher'e Portfimouth-Dockyard is also to buiud ja neV weighangin a mental balance' Progresa ol 1 be of respect ^ow ihds memory m he t> say for himself ? •wiitaesa—J'our tK* "possibly^ imade tha baab . negdtbtions, SffSJ- the Mir. Turner'—IWia;& the man battie8hip to be called Britcnnia. and Ghaiham Tirno.; We have not leisure ito-diy-ta further the adjournment of the.lwara. : Ac cused—rEyrone. drun'k or sober? a, third vessel, to be atyled lAfrica. thus tciiinjj Uie landlord at bis word. ? youra, Sargeant 'Fiannery—ifte f c> a. native 08 . Soot- (Witness—(He tod; some dnunk taben. oritiedse' the contributions published in " The Faithfully Monthly iRevievr," but iwe can .broadly cay, ; the. : JOHN BRITTON . ianxt, -but he Iras been in the North ol irebnd Sarah OUnen gave evidence to (ha effect for i number oJ years. that at about two , o'clock om >th©,morning'"of current number i3 one - one of the -best issued J . Mullins, Esq., Clerk of Union. , the 5th Uovemlber she was awoke iby eince ita inception over three.yeai^a c^o. 'Mjr Bourke—You appear not only to hav.o j , shout- aATA.AiNiT WESOUE BY THE LIFEBOAT LETTER PROM MB. JOHN DILLON, M.P. broken .pnto Dhes© boxea, but into the shed ing; she heard itha icrash of glads' amd ehe containing them, you . ¦recognised the defendant's- voice; there was a Tae'followin^w^^- • Londca, l^ituniay SAID 1KF1ATH: OIP AN OLD TIME AOTRES3 ^ . ID rfendantr-I was asleep on the shsd, cad Cemp maar teer house and it was broken. v (Mr. Henry Harrison., ex-mJP., tho youns ^^^ petitioni oetweetc one end tlbiewae a. . -Mr. -Dunne,, locaj ^ja a manager deposed Irian gentleman who, greatly daring1, &cta -oa J thei e was& that Early tbi9 morninj -Oxo (Norwerjiart brisantiijie . your letter of Uhe 9th last.. Mr. Bourke—At all ev«nt3 tne only way you ihe value of -thehe g xass .broken in the few Austria rcn- abhore on ittoa AibsicTcenihiiieooa at > his own counsel in appeals to the Law Lord?, ffiSSve Sad lamps Iwaa '1^3.; understood before he ¦and ¦ ¦ SSlutiooi of the n could ihave got at these !boxea would be- by, took the crew of eisht, after beins HIX houra ija the was unsuccessful before.,Lord (Hatebury ;; . ' «S£ti£ it ffe earteting the died, whaob jwaa ibuTglary as well up hia positionim •Oarriok fifty l-axops had 'been rigging, 'irojn bio ^brethren on: Tuesday. It Jwci'the ««3cnd: ' London, Monday. ^^ 1 ; ¦ ¦ mere rescued hy the lifeboat 1 . Saa*d as to my speech at gwiniord. ^n^y as larceny.: You axe ordered to be imprisoned broken. i ' Peterhead, whither they were taken. time thi3 year that Mir. in the cecond peraon Jbeaivily that'dietrait lemoved 4o tho rorkhouso wSai» ttot Hfcey bed. before them ' wJ»ro she expdasd t :- ; ' - ' . ¦ ' iiJ iJ he iwas goinjt to do away with that |momin{j.. I9X.EDU/raiON OF . THE CUiLPRIa: lan-ka of ¦ ¦ •;!¦¦: - ¦<¦ ^ - I :: . i . .I At the meeting of the LimerickAsylum Com-1'ne exinesoed¦ regieifor breaktng..tna "vraudov. A4 Qkrrascs to-day;JEcLvcr;T.Ei ^hiidi^iPcimif , great " «iCit " oam9, Mr. Harristoo took the . •M*. y forfciinea.of eome of ith» moat promisingand i Ilhe 'High Sherifi moved, in, ocoondance bitn' j ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ana Mar.^ moticeof motion, that the salary ofAhe-Matron I only one; I iwould be ithankful $0 your honour cho Gtrk^. her. •• . t .. . • ,:, - brillian-tof Parnell's Wu^ BDaxrison if jfou would,5give'ime what, you:hared- their {ate. : 'Mat.' fiarrisoa WM on© tf ' " ' be increased from £60 to £100. JEIe rpoimfcsd I ; •- .; ; - : :- . . " , . - J'i I ~J, J*ondon, Monday. ¦ out that iMdsa Ctee«jan 'h'adj a -servico am-that I OarJ ' Turner-iYou aro' 'Gentenbedi to yaeQ Mtr. John E, 'Redmonds ablest lj eutenanita in mimi'}, i ' mohihb dmprisomment—aH SftUtb in [each case. i^e faanoua , Wiaterfordeleotioai ctf 1892. At mm: . wa»iix6TA!LL.mm., 'L . . A ina-iatution- of fiv« y©aa», and tod cawied out JI (Defendant—I " Foxkr raienwerelrema Adedat MarlboDough- Hope I mil 8ep my enemies TJATE WBB. GEUiRXJEON'S jdamlbridge he was one of the qnesft iforttb^il Q Paail. Secwrtaay 01 wwi 'waww"" eatisfaotory manner. mnrc¦ ' - - ¦ ¦ ESTAiCE ¦ ¦ street TUTir H her dotted in the mosli ¦ ' ¦' • ¦ ' ¦ ¦ • ; : tordayj idhan gr} wiU>;oteialin« jewellery A-eaA.,when,! 1^ coma out-41auffbter>.i - ' ¦ ;• ' ' -U - " -- '> - • ' ' ' . 'i' , i;.. j j,; I plsyeteof b. -Jay. >'-- - .; !Ho tnoaght: that at j least she .wa-a eutiflcd to _ yaluedjsrtra^.OOO tn«n atwtioneers 1 RBCSBNT 6fBAiBKlN(J > CASE. .,. ' ' m Ooaduit- to SfcB guocdBan^ a eailary equal* to that ad her (predecessor; ! oud 1 " ¦" " ' ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ •treei, London. !.; ' ;i ' " SS?&W ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ * ¦ ¦ r - . i | . ^M-^9^^ J-ainea(Waters Arho waa arrested otn, a< charge • ' ¦• ' • ¦ ¦]' : • , i; -lr\. i- • "'1 ihe.lheieifore, felt ivMy »ustalfied;ia movdjig for $£&. Spurc&on'© estate' , db - oTV^..c4 «lboalt; . , W ; : of 'having atabbod Dayid M'andfteld'toa. row ' j K .The value of advertising a^ ,oply y]cnowiik.tO | j'Oouaty, Qooncdi this-increase.' He (befi&ved iKhat .they n'sverl -,O cteTlJn2. ;. - •;- • ¦ ' '' ¦ ' DPOgA^ffotj f^S¦.W: '¦: '¦¦ -¦ whUdb ioo& place recently>i> the ilain-strcdt;£0Jl i. . . : • ! i 1 Ihose whoi Jcnow. hioty ix) wtvOTtdie: Ota IDah| t&o iwcal ^pvOTameot ^TP '--_JJJ. -I ' ' ' ' ' 5iad » "better, H£atrwr-^liear*he, ;heax). ' :, I ¦vr^ )rem^dM'to:'next !P'e^ the/ da- Cormcil frienda-beilevein. iacceptinK -the! liiri O*iMall^^ecoiide4 mnrtion,, en- 1 S^aXxna , tnict MT. HodtinBon;o(t tlie lEall, is at preaeai TJpirtPshflBD ^ flAMaJAfiiY TMB^C/WEMS^Q- ¦poSti<>naof gBatiea»aji : j i 1' 'of' : 'it&e ¦arfttntemeat , ¦ ¦ • i: ; " ; ¦ ; " " - ; ' ¦ ¦l ^PRoi^)ed%te^r Tte-w^ - i*^ dnclui i ¦ paAamg ithate Act . '.ceased SHIPS OF AELL NATIONSIN TEOUpBLB. I : • • 'Ait^raKSVtAflC*. - " i.; .| dfvinciin Botpkod had afn tority ^-T^^^^ money; | I wthat MissCreg janJihad beendeprived H the ^ : ! ' ' " ¦ . . ^atSad'iMCw««^fe^^%^o^ ^tb«*;wry el next enmmJtero'er,, : .;. J n .J: • < i London. j8atura *y-! J thrtrt ha did io6t require. He could not beltit oftatr 60M ; I aAwaotage wih^cih farmmy existed-. With xe- (Lloyds Port fEtiwvbeihl agent: * •: ¦ ¦ ' j • -¦ " ' baoHtf}mtf * tOf M •upervj adon ! r^gf^ftb-flW^fTO :to ti»; ; ^eltj gwvphs this -: . - „ . . :. • .;':. . i •• •:)L.fcigheab praiee, He cast ashorein Hi gale and wreckedr-The Bjrfta^li iftnrtim**fl4ro£ei' Wed, Sorty^fivo yeaas fliit& iischioainiis^ LA djweqi offer 1 for ihe car, ind soCd ib -ai a -^S^BiB^A» w ^aWfifi«4 ¦tlhe.ip'lafl 91 1 wJiiSTothei* did [noj-liposseaa, : . a& 'she -moa^ a Njofiwegian foarque, "Ma-yferer, |iana :Npiswegjan' i | I «atisf«o4ory rtoev If our : £pgluibi ; l ' r fi^itwood, Kenit,-'aii <3 'Ba^n^enCaay.viBedlw^- /!£ of friend fo4- n»Mg. tut, Bbdk )n qgk |q«Mi aaio i¦ iriilH»^gBttpfc» toaa?;:•: ]. -;i;- !. -M - ¦ j I mu^ . tmrrse,,.:iaaMl toii oonneotiion.. wi-tlni .her j baorque, Twtf Brotlhena ; Russian barque: Lu^d, { JoTred^Re©xa »pQ? Waterft^^Distaict farmed out ; am: l^.rL.LH0Tna.^ a dntroduced eomie useful - fchlie;, wasifeeniiJen'ced 4io. i three :yeati'-RMjial Cbuti- reporter, OwA Wi mjmv&'h «ho:o 'm»stoe: \MBfin b^-J ayot epgnieer,-. ftur^ , .jl duties fcad , jiefofms. I which was totally dismasted.' (The Tveather cpj i. jj l oillora-iiei woild probably not aell ihe oat J a^r work-A iacreas© ! was unanimouely granted. ¦ ¦; : ciexvitudefor foiling & cartiflcate of marrixg £. ' : U : ¦ i«^ Cto«aji»a . 6aia ! jaow j -tUiatt i cheii; \ T^e I tin-u«3 verybad; - . ''^ hta tffeUnw. ! ' :' . ""A j \ r : i- 1 to Jeftve on ¦:¦ ' ' ¦ ' ¦ ' ¦ ' : ¦ ¦ \ ^ ;