m ¦ • K ' - - ¦¦ -¦• • - " ¦ ~" -:: :| . , IT ;/ F vri ™! . ¦;¦ t ; ¦ li : i j ~'***** *-'» }"i 'i«*.'-.t- flt!ii, - i MW|»j». T t' • :-;.V ¦ ¦ X |..!.i.:i:v;i-^rV. ¦ ¦ ¦ ; - ¦i ¦ ¦ .; ¦¦!:¦ i! i. ^ • v :¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ M • >. ^,.;^^ : : :.: :. i r | | | . 4 ^ ^mmw ffHE¦ \«&T*SEFOBDHEW • j > \ram) ; !¦; ; j x. n "iTHE EVENING NEWS'? mi :;nHlfiii tii# ;| .. : |' (iuttr) - : . j - . ; j . Are pieiBest i ;; ' ' ' l ' | Advertising ! ' : ! * | . fl*|^i;,rLulc(rjUs^TO^Wi p2^*|r./ M Mj edium ¦ ¦ •¦ •¦ ; ¦ •; ¦¦! ' " •• ¦:" ¦ ;¦ TO THE BOTTTB OF .'RELAND, : .;¦ . IJ -W J :i • ¦ ¦ •'¦ ¦ - hYIXm) Lt7V/O» i -^uuii V'i . ' ' .[• ' Mrt OWKB ij A MWBPAPI1B, V OIi. ¦ ¦ I^Eyi ¦ ¦ ^BTOEf-CfiSffi - i ' ,. !¦ ¦ , -. , - . - >tv NJs mmi :; !. , ; . .:,^v! . i ,>j ,r:i |, .j ¦ ; 1 ; ¦ ¦ ¦ ' " ' ' ¦ I "' '(j' : ; : "; ' ' : 1 : -¦ ¦¦¦¦ >-¦ ¦* ¦!¦ ; l I / i -. ¦;1 . ;>ij / ,. .!--', .- - -.. v.-«. : , VJ. i ! - - ' , :• -i: : . ¦;¦{ ¦ glottis. ; ; :. .|!fi ,; «?re.v^JiXr- - - ¦• £ i?^^^ - • X-Vff- ; . .; . :||'.: , .j, FOUR ¦ ! : IT ; HIS:, ¦ i MAJESfT ¦;¦ v ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' 1 ¦"i ./ ?:'; " f'ff ^r^! r;- ~r . : . .¦:• ;- - • j ; ¦)!. ' 9 COURTS; . \ i ' ifiite-. i :teif iI : if : .: ' ! HOTEL, ' : : ' THE ¦ ' ¦ ' ' ¦'¦-i i C^JULJ EII^G :¦ '; 10, l|l & 12, .INN3 IQUAY, . .:. :• ! III : iDUBLIN :: ; m©T^kJBLI©I£jaD 185S (Adjoining Fonr Courts.) 1 [ FIKSTNCLASS BEDROOMS FEOM Cs. PER IS THE ¦ ;¦ ¦ i NIGBT. ;: : • [ , ' ¦ ¦ ' ' ' ! ! ' ¦ ¦ ¦ - : ¦ • ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ! , ¦ . ' : . : ' •«? Suites of Apartments for Families ; I Ladies ¦ = -"" ¦;¦— - ^ .i - ¦-i-a - . r - Tr—» : ! . ~- ' .. .. —^ . ^ «. ,»¦ ,„ ... ::t . €offee Room j Private Sitting | Booms'; Com- j mercial Room and Large Banquetting Pall for Dinners, Meeting8, ! &c. |.: ' ;. i. #aterford Steamalup ] [ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ ¦ ¦ : ' Company LOANS > LQA " ; 'r I . ' I i .j _ . « : . ; ; - • i •• • : . '• • i "i ' RESTAURANT ATTACHEn; , . ; . = LOANS Ng ilJA^i J Sweets ' Soup, Fish, iEntrte?, Joints, Poultry, ,; INTENDED ORDER OP SAHJN)? ':! " ' and on Boodaja: No ^wwro- ! 1 — From I o clock daily, l , : i .. ,- . ";¦ ; ' ' " ¦ ) THE WA!TEtlFOBD LOAN ANca CBAEGII). Table d'Hote d»fly from io'cloci, ; ^oTOaEKBE, . im; • .•• 'j :.;, •\ - ¦ ¦ ^JffeAN^¦ ' ' ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦> : ' ¦ ¦ " ; ' ^^ ' •- : ' ¦ ^ ¦' ;.;. ;;. • 8 JOHN :¦' ' : - - ; - ; i : and on Snndaj at 4 o'clock. IVo Coorsa, . !!*¦ • , ¦ * ¦ ¦ ¦ -—-?* • !¦ ' ' ' ; ' ¦ ¦¦ ¦ ' , . , . • •; , STjSEET,' - ;; : I ] ¦ '• - ¦ ¦ : WkW^j %$$ THIliTy.TJ70 COLD BJKUilESS i' * - i ¦ / ; JAM) PRIZE MEDALS. K ! WEDDING' DEJEUNEBS , A-SpECiAJurr. - ¦; iia prepared;td treat, vrftbJ the greatest ' ' DTOBaODY EEGINAiD, COUEEAQB fiftPA, coAfidouce and secr^.ieli applications from £2, 1 ¦ ' " ¦m^^m - ' :¦ • I 1 ' ' ^ : mm - t { . ^ ; i tiENAPIA! . OBEADEN, fco. • . :: UPWARCDj to all ; percona on their owa APPROVED P^RSQN^L BE0URITY ' :: ; OiTIOB-.— *hb Watsrford ¦ : ! vi. "K TVT _ ' . in any pfait of Ireland. :¦' . '., ; . : Me) ojcsr©.¦ KiIbjE»y1 ::i C—~*^iHFV i-V eUanuibJpOomp»ny(Umitod ^ • fS5 > ' >NllSk reoelw Qoofls »»4 LlT»B»jok tor BtJ> Bosiness carried on to a mo3t Btraightfor»7anl and exact manner ! WOJRKS . :^I)tJBLlf Director. f "*? >_ AHD Mnnaguig meat on th» oondltlons mentioned ui ' BliLFASt * -^ No connection T7ith any CLate General Manager Clarence Hotels C impauy, . j BaOtef Lliti, ftoi. to bo had at toelr other Loan Offices or so-called Banks in thia County I OQMC limited.) I . : . O- On ally UozsinrBiUS mf , CtUs* o( UM ¦tt»mnr« irUI Apply—THE Telephone 1388. Telegtvca—" Excel, Dublin." . be ooen to roootTO Ptawaa«r» irrlitnt b> tk» Hl^ht HiU MANAGER, Boats. : ; WiTEBJOED AND BRISTOL. 8, John .Btree't, Woterford POU1T D E|) 103(1: non winzToss 10 IUSTOL IIIOB UIITOL TO B»Tiaio»o. CASH AGfSblMODMlQN TOTJRTSTS, Tacsdw. HOT 3 _. 13 noon Easfox, NOT i... 3 0 ta n; tridxji „ 6 ._ 1 p-m Wedufuular, „ i... I SO p4n THE PATRIOTIC ' <s — Toesdaj, » 10 _ t pja Sitaidsr,, „ 7._ « Sa pjn SHSOTLLERS, \ \ ^rldu, ., IS _ 2 p.m;' Wedneadaj; ,, U... 9 3' p.m ! Taudaj „ 17 _ 18 noon FnudaT, ,, is .. I Sj ta ar-iPORTAMT.. ,f:oTic~ TO CJCV O CYCLISTS h—^ _ ; , Ftidiy. „ £3 1 pja , WedMwUr, „ 18... 4 so p,m ADl/GnflOCCO. ; J Wl»r, » Si _. -i pjal S«tunl«j, ., ^l._ 6 3o p;m , TiE CITY AND ASSURANCE JCO BUSINESS MEN ,! ftidaj. ., ei .. Ism WednesdjiT, „ is... 8 U pi EOYAL MAIL; STEAUBBS. COUNTY ' < WILL FIHD I I : Slt«rda>, „ 33-.U SO JVQ AT<rag« Bd fac^ra M to-U Hoaa.. CAPITAL £L60i9,O0O Inxuliwt Bertta-Onmbtrlanil Bull, Bristol. IRIOH MAnupflCTuna EetttmTi okets taraodat Bditol to Cork por Bristol S. N. DiAnv DOOLEY'S HOOfEL Co.,are aTtilabte tor returt from Dublin without uln i ¦ (FAMILY & COMMERCIAL). LIFE, FffiE , W0KKMEire OOHr ehsrm or from Waterfohl or Waxford to Bristol by. Advertiaots in 2nn [N, BWB v?ho iro Watcrlord Bttam Ship Co.'a, Btoimart on p«/mantof 2s 3i 1 oolUna exizm. : t ' : Imh Manufactured Gobdi ehoold cond 03 ca PENSATION, , their names , COMFORTABLE, Itstorn Tlcicta iaaod! at Bristol to Dublin par Bri^ot onu 'Jho IHah.mIio do articltou the? '¦ ¦ I H. Ca, an ataUitla for : fetora froa Watortord on oro prepared to ^uppli. ordM Fidelity Guarantee and Burglary foxford to Bristol " tricji CENTRAL, by r7at<riord Steunabip '¦<>.% PROM LIVERPOOL VIA QUKEN8TOWN TO pomo directly to ttreir ohopkeopex cad evciy ¦ Ctcanartjoa paimeat¦ oi¦ ' CJ.¦ mtry or> bom Cork oa p«x< 1 CONVENIE!; T. mcst of as ed azin. : ' • i NEW l YORKi i householder tho IrJah-jnado orticloa liai can CJafrsa f ildtfancen ©a/ij/ fFOtfsa . :S5 Uf avJavdEt Moderate Rates, Alisolnte Baj a&f, Uctsn. Tlckou k&ncA Etrurla bo produced at WaUrford or Waxford to .. .Sal. , N OT. 21 Luc&nia L Rat., Dec. 12 at tEclr doors, we chall pcblisb Prcapt Payment, Large Bonincs; ' BHatol b> WaUtisrd atum Ship Co. ara •niiUbio tor return £ampaoio...Sat weekly this colorip bbaded on nfjv ipiiuat ©? onEL/ifJD CZT 30. QUAY. WATERF QRD. per Brktoia, W. Co. rroJ (Jerk , Bw. 28 Ettoris |. Baf v, Dsc. 10 p iiiutol w or to Dablfo Umbna Sat 1 ' vltlioot parmmt , Dec. 5 Ivernia... Sat, Dee. 26 IVHCRG IRIGK For Terms apply , to—• [.¦ ! Bonn Xw.eu sro»T »li»bla for tm> nontlu. TO BOSTON. GOODO CAH DC HAD. TO FARMERS, SHOPKEEPERS, AND J ALL RESPONSIBLE PERSONS, OH v WiTMUfOHl) ANU LlVESPOOL. iTsmi*. } n«» »»nsiatt ' ...Toe*., No*. 24 | TJltonia «.Tac3 , Dec. 8 HEAD OFFICE—9 COJ JLEGE OKEEF. ' nos imnroci. Saxonla nFPElQUIIllD tPECuGdBrjhlL GtiteEIOSQin/ WITHOUT PUBLICITY. ¦ Sunday, N OT l._ 7 a^i Uondaj, Nor i,_ 8 Ipi ...ToEs . D^c 10. p DUBUN ¦ : <Jones Restaurant Wedaenlir. ,, «... 1 pjn Weda&Ma/, „ «._ 9 30 a.m Fisca :—Saloog, B airingto D A Bon, Dublin;— , ; ;/ : Trldaj, „ «._ H pjnj kMdtj,; „ «...lu 0 ija from £18 j 2nd Habln, from . < MAJN ST. DUNCARVAN- « 10». : Third CJaiu, Soapt* of all clar-:4. I • Sandaj, „ 8._ I ajs llouiiy. „ 9. .12 noon £5 15x BBd £6, acccrdlDB Bswky & Drapers:— Or to any of tho Company's Bnpctc3 03 Wednesday, H 11... 4 pja WodntWi/ „ 11.. 2 0 pja to stoamar. OUTFIT !TBBa. j Terms are given at receipt of Application, and will ¦ ; : Iliueral Waters bs found to Agendes. IT TJNCHEON8, Teas, and Dinners in FrkUy, » 13..1J nooa Friday, „ 13_ 4 3U »xi 10 por cent, redaction Ectarn Tic&ots Saloon j tud ilnio. Bond&y, „ ISu. J :ooa Monday, « 19— 7 Si/ fua Briacoe F..)High<;r33t':-- JLJ Superior Style. Best Class of COD- tyadsuday, „ 18.. 1 p-D Wtdoeaiday, „ 18... S 30 t-o t Par cent. 2od' Cabin. ' compare favourab ly with others. • Seoond : , Fancv Broad ar.d BircultD. : Agents . in Waterford—r ! • • \, Baied on the Piembes daily. Also iriday, „ HI... 2 pja Friday; a 30..10 u LCS and TWrd Class forwarded 'reo via NOT7 fectronerj Bdsdty, „ JLIO BeU H.. Quay.:^j T ; 23._ 7 Monday, ,, 33... 12 so*a York to Philadelphia and B<wtoD, and »la Boiton to TO THOSE REQUIRING A TEMPORARY ADVANCE i. 0. MUBPHY, W. t: L. Kajltray TCT- a SELECT BAR, well stocked witt J. J. Wednitdaj, „ 2S_ 4 p.m Wedauday „ 36... 1 0 pja Neo York ; Bell'* Celebrated BaJapS Powder, lor qndliy THE ABOVE IS THE : Friday, „ K7..U noo« Friday, „ 27... 4 0 a.s> and Philadelphia. Third Clasi olco ; and minuB.! ' . ,\ & S. Special Malt. Gainnesa's Extra Stoat, forwarded free to Baltimore. quantity. "Ewngola," en cfflcaelo^a ' U^nitj, „ 3S... 7 Jaja Uooday, „ C3._ « SO p.n Embrocation lot EJbetnnatlsm and BEST AND MOST RELIABLE. Bass's Pale Ale in Bottle. Too Ocrpathia' and Avrar.ic carry onry Sacond 1 Poina In C. DUNNE, Jnr.| Cook Lane. Ttia ttan£sj Veiscu Load at Kortb TTtxtL Wucrford' the jpiat3. Balls .Cfcnih Elisir, n wcll-fc20T73 and Third Claas . Passengers. All Third Class oro C. P. REJ)MOND, WATXBTOBD CO* J7edding and Pleasure' Pat ties lxxullaiC crtb-Prlnooil Doi».Zdrarfool. borthed 1 " JExine," a perfect Com oaro. J^itWsT Avezas* 6oa Furnt, 14 toU Bonn. In two and fonr-berlhed rooms. r FOR TERMS AND PARTICULARS APPLY Catered for. : JlU&r-Watcaord and Uterpool and Watcrford tail Faatert chipo 6>Uow Vor;<; Larn-cot to Boston. ' -.:. |f-' 16. 1 ' BEBNAED H, O^EILliy; Vtezfocd and isrlrtel—OaUa, Slntla. lia. i do do. Children Appointments and cn'slne unsurpassed Carroll John & Co.. Quay:— ' i Manager. WlLLIAM JONES, ftoptietor. atxler U yoan of aga orBSrrant. traTaUlsg irttb. tamiiios The Twceda Serges, .Laolings, Blankets Oj i do.iBeWrn, aTaiiabla [Or Two Months, optional to return remarkable steadioosa of tho Iverr.ia. Siror.'.o , , Qailb, t4 or from Bristol or UTerpoot tW | Cabin Setors Children and Carpathia makes oca sickness ' Flannels, Shirtinp. Towels, NApkins, Tralo t , ;i prectlcaUy im- O'CONNELL STREET, uador lljan],U$, D«o*. tlcjli , Jt ed | 'do. do, OnUdran posstble. ; Linen, Pillow Crrati. Table Olotha, Poplin WATERFORD ¦ ¦ ¦ : o»der l3Tears,4o. i : ' " :• Regular Una of etoimon to i Scarves. Knitted vests. Aprons, Tweed • The Wicklou Hotel &< Eestatjrant, Vus«Et«rs bootodtiroojnWrtw*«n Watonord and.Cheihln Uudltarraneio ports Uses' BtUwaj Buttons and tiinonhlw and Yorkshire E«II<I» and Havre ' Baits, Serge Salts,' Dress Bergcs, Llncau. Solomons T ' Spectacles . 7 and 8, WICK LOW-STBEET, | rt I Paeaengsrs booked Canirell and Ooohrcric^Dublin:— ¦ ^"^" . through to all parts of America ¦ (Grafton-street), DUBLIN.
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