Police Arrests Twta Lobsters with Dnmi 1 1.200 106 56 39.33 1 ' \ ;• • •

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Police Arrests Twta Lobsters with Dnmi 1 1.200 106 56 39.33 1 ' \ ;• • • TUESDAY, AUGUST IT, 1981 PA<a FOUBTBBN iManrlifpjater gw tttttg IjpraUi Mlaa Barbara Wallatt, retir­ Kloek Losea $50 ing Departmant of Connecticut Aide Named Someone Seeks to Corner lEu^nittg IJaraUi | About Town prealdent of tha American Le­ In Sunday Break gion Auxiliary, "VtH leave The Slpaer Club will hold ita CUy of ViUag& Charm TOursday to attend the national JJ.N. Stamp Issue Market? ' NOW AVAILABLB AT annual ouUnK Sunday, Sept. 6th convention of the Auxiliary At Hospital Poilca reported $60 waa tak­ at the Carden Qrove, starting at Aug. 23 to 29 at Portland, Ore. en in a break Sunday at the PINE PHARMACY 10 am. A chicken dinner will be She will head a delegation of Tha appototmant of Edward The chief of tha United From each address any- klook Corp. at 1372 Tolland MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 196S M Piwa W). PRICE 8HVBN CEMTB M. Kenney as administrative SSi CENTER ST. SdS-NlI VOL. LXXXIV, NO. 271 XTWENTY.BIO^ PAOUMWO SBCim<B) •erved. Tickets may be obtained 11 from Connecticut, including Nations postal administra­ whsre from 10 to 400 re- TPK*’ from the steward. her mother, Mre. J. F. Wallett aaalstant waa announced today tion beltevsa somsona in quMts wars sent, usually The |60 waa In a manUa an- of Manchester. Miss Wallett will by Mancheator Mamorlal Hos­ Manohestsr Is playing a wltn a change to the first valope In on# of two desks that A oommlttee for the West serve as chairman of « P«r- pital. part to a plot to comer a name of initial. were ranaackad. A petty ^ash Side Old Timers reunion will if^^n t organisation committee Kanney, a native of West Hav­ large part o f the 2.6 mil­ Ip the past the U.N. box waa untouched, it had been Biggeit Battle So Far Smoky Starling meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the the convention. After the en, received hla master of pub­ lion U.N. eommemoratlve pMtal chief, D. Thomas hidden because of past breaks. West Side Rec. confab Miss Wallett and her lic health degree In hospital ad- stamp issus. Olemena, has handled very Police are not sure how entry mother will go to Hawaii on a mlnlatratlon from Yale Uni­ Someone to Bolton and large orders from a person was made. Cause oi Fire Mountain laurel CSiapter of trip organlied by the Legion versity. He has served as assis­ Talcottville la also In­ by sending only the usual A broken wtodow In the rear Hartford Rights Rally WATKlNfl OUBN, N.T. Sweet Adelines, Inc.; will meet Auxiliary. tant administrator of Stamford volved,, or at least so the five copies of Gis issue and o f A. Raymond Zerlo and Son and rehearse Thursday at 8 Hospital for the past three refunding the M t of the at New State Rd. has led police (Aih — A starling who return addresses indicate. Marines, Navy Guns trtod to feather hla nest years. He received his B.S. de­ psu. at mast Hartford High Buckley School P T A will Ihe big stamp caper money. to believe that a break was at­ gree from the University of with a Uihtad cTgaretta School. sponsor a fair Saturday, Oct. 9 came to light, according to Clemens has handled the tempted. No evidence waa found Connecticut in 1961 and was as­ brought firemen to the from 11 a.m. to S p.m. on tha the New 'York Times, \vnen present problem someiwhat that the building waa entered or sociated ivlth Griffin Hospital In homo o f Rlohard flheealay- The VFW Auxiliary will spon- school grounda 4,000 checks were received, differently. He has sent ths that anything was taken, police son a mystery ride Tuesday, Derby from 1964 to 1901. five souvenir sheets to each Firemen aald the bird each for 81.06, and with a said. The broken window was M>parently hod picked up Aug. 24. Members will meet at In his new post, Kenney will request for five sheets of address. H is t means, for noticed yesterday. Results in Arrests Mr. and Mrs Carl O. Froeh- 23 Attack Cong Troops the olraratte from a street the post home at 6 p.m. Re.ser- be responsible for the supervi­ example, that the signer of llch of Iftl Vernon St, recently the 20th anniversary com­ and dropped It into tha vatlona close Saturday and may sion of several departments of memorative stomp Issue. the 2,7M checks i ^ l re­ returned from a 17-day trip of nest under Sheeeley'a be made with Mrs. George Ed­ Gets Mastei^s the hospital and will work close­ The trouble was that 2,- ceive ortly 466 aheets In­ yietfdasortbad as Mght-^a gantralfond 880 milaa norttiaaot of Sal Mexico. They visited Mexico D A NANG, South porch roof. The fire waa wards, 107 Cambridge St.; Mrs. Miss Nancy Golds, daughter ly with the various department 790 of the checks were stead o f 13,960. Bold "7 par cent of our caaual gon City, San Jose Puma, Taxco. Nam (A P )— ^U. S. Marines doused quickly. Florence Pltlt, 820 Main St., of Mr. and Mrs. ZIgmund Golds heads. He Is married, has two signed by the same person Clemens pointed out that BARRtCiNI com OPERATED Uaa w ort poopla who got abet to "The btggaot thing we've over Acapulco and other historical or Mrs. Marie Hale. 843 Main of 17 Main St., Talcottville, re­ children and plana to make his and drawn from the same speculation of thia Mnd to axclttslvaty at WASH-*N-DRT CLEAN and 7th Fleet gunners ham­ the back. R la very, vefy had," a briefing officer oaid Some Toss sites. not Illegal. But he did St. ceived her master of arts de­ home In the Manchester area. bank. 11 MAPLE ST. mered today at a reinforced treacherouB tairain.” A reconnatoaanca company gree in FYench from MIddlebury The return addresses think It unethical. Aoroes From First National had reported alMithif the Viet Sunshine buses to Norwich Viet Cong regiment on the H m LeotlianM ka attaoktd to Members of Manchester Em­ College at commencement ex­ where from s number of Uggeff Drug Store Parking Lot full regimenlB landing force, Oong concantranian Tueaday on State News Hospital will nm Sunday at ercises at the Vermont school ABORIGINES ON FORMOSA OPEN 7 DAYS Van Tuong peninsula, about the peninsula, wMoh to dotted Bottles at blem Club have been invited to New England towns, t o - ' PARKADE ______ _ noon from Central r o w Hart­ 0>ur8e8 Ligted eome from landing craft and a picnic sponsored by the Put­ this morning. She had been eluding the three local T A IP E I — Seven trlbea of IS-Lb. Wash— 26e 60 miles south of Da Nanjr, others from heliooptsra and with a complex ot vUlagea. nam Emblem Club tomorrow at ford and will arrive at the hos­ studying at the MIddlebury Col­ ones. H ie other checks Formosan alMrlgtoes, probably 8-Lb. Dry Cleai»—8100 in a battle they called the Unofficial aouroea said two pital Just before visiting hours. In Real Estate quickly asthbllahad heavy con­ Taxes Set 7 p.m. at the .summer-cottage lege graduate school of FYench were signed by four other of Polynesian stock, survive. 8 Lbs. Or Under—#L60 biggest American ground tact with the Rad enemy. Off!- Marine tank oorpa tanks and Police Car of Mr. and Mrs. Jame.s O'Con­ They will return at 4:16 p.m., at the Sorbonne in Paris. persons and each used an They number about 800,000 In- Free Mothproofing one antitank weapons carrier leaving from the administration engagement of the war. oara aaid the Viet Oong force, nell of Danielson. Those wl.shlng A Rockville High School Tw o evening courses to basic Identical method. dlviduala. Read Herald Ads. well-dug la, may number up to were knocked out to the initial building. Reservations may be real estate techniques will be MaJ. Ota. Lswis W. Walt, tha New High HARTFORD (AP) — A to attend may call Mr.s. Stan­ alumna, she received her bache­ 3,080 man. assault. The aotlon raged on in­ ley Baldwin of 26 Cheater Dr. made by calling the office of lor’s degree from Marietta Col­ offered in Manchester this fall Marina commander, aald Viat to the night. sit-down demonstration on Capitol Region Mental Health lege In Marietta, Ohio, spending by the University of Connecti­ Oong caaualtisa wiU run into tha ’nie battle atta to on the South "I preset wa’U have aoma the Bteps of the citv hall The executive board of the Association. Inc., 217 Farming- her Junior year at the Universi­ cut. The courses, to be held at hundradB. CSilna flea about 10 miles south tough fighttog tomorrow," Last Year and a flurry of bottle and Neweomer's Chib of the Man­ ton Ave., Hartford, not later ty of Paris on a scholarship Manchester High School, are "W a’ra not through counting of the Mailnaa' Cbu Lai beach' yet," WaH told newaman. head,‘81 milaa aauth of Da Nang brick throwing followed a chester Y W C A will meet to­ than Thursday. grant. She will teach French at sponsored by the university's (floe Pago Twelvo) HARTFORD (AP) — night at 8 at the home of Mrs. Rockville High School this com­ continuing education services in Negro rally last night that R, Bruce Lavery, son of Mr. ing school year. cooperation with the Connecti­ Otm. Slack. The state coiiected a rec­ Thomas Reiley, 64 Academy St.
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