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Certificate Of 1.. Arerage Daily Net Prea^' Run The Weather ForecMt of tr. 8. Weather Bnreaa For tho Wook EndMl Feb. 6, I960 Increaetnc etandtn'eae tniiclit, net oo cold. Ijtm near M early, warm­ er by momlni;. Taeada.r conelder- 13,075 able cloudbiene, wanner. High Member o f the Andit near BurOon of Circniatlon. Mancht>itter—-‘A City o f Village Chorm (Claaamed Adrertlalag on Page 12)' PRICE F iv e CENTS VOL. LXXIX, NO. 109 (FOURTEEN PAGRS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1960 Mystery Sub 11% Ounce Baby Adm, Bur tie States Born Live, Dies \ * ' . Seen Trapped Des Moines, Feb. 8 (iff)—A 11^ ounce baby claimed to be Russians Slashed By Argentina the smalleat ever born alive died early thik-morning about 28 hours after his'-blrth. Buenos Aires, Argentina, ,'The child was bofft'4,0 Mr. Submarine Output Feb. 8 (/P)— Argentine war­ and Mrs. Morris C. Verm^Uen ships and planes searched to- of Des Moines a t 11:32 p.rni'- da.v for a mystery submarine (CRTi Saturday night. It died Washington, FeS. 8 long-range bomber*,'' Iwt eald believed lurking.off the coast at 3:16 a.m. this morning. Certificate of . ^ ' fViAtrthey rli/ldid nntnot ArfllllllvActually Aodo flO.so. The resident pediatrician at Adm,. Arleigh Burke says of southern Ar^entina^ Still Osteopathic Hospital said He went on: ., • Newspapers claimed that the Russia has cut down on sub­ "They actuallv built submarines the child started breathing submarine has been bottled up in about two minutes after birth marine production, but the in Ifl.'ie. They had the capability the Golfo Nuevo, a strategic 30- to continue, but vy-hat did they do? and wa.s well formed despite Soviet submersible fleet poses bv-40-mile inlet 650 miles south­ the fact he was three months U.S, Court "one of the gravest military They got a large number of sub- west of Buenos Aires. There was premature. mariiles and then they stopped no indication what its nationality Mrs. Vermuelien, mother of threats we face.” and they went into new produc­ might be. It la kno\^’n that aome Soviet Navy Secretary Gaston Clement three other children, w-as re­ tion, but their new production is ported doing well. To Get Plea aubmarlneg can fire miaeilea, the much less confirmed that a widespread hunt chief of naval operations told a is underway but described some The American Medical “They Will build submarines at Assn, listed a 12-otince girl House Appropriations eubcom- some "lesser rate to replace prob of, the press reports as "absolutely mittee. He did not elaborate in untrue." He refused to djscuss which died in Chicago .54 14th Time ably the submarines they n o w hours after its birth last year, that portion of his testimony made have and keep their submarine stories -saying the submarine hsd public today, but he said the So­ been hit by depth bombs dropped and Miss Jacqueline , Benson, force about level. You can get a 22. of Palatine, HI.. ,who viet threat extends both to sea capability on a crash program and by planes. Tucson, Ariz., Feb. 8 (JP)— communications and to U.S. clt The Navy secretary complained weighed 12 ounces at birth, as Convict-author Caryl Chess­ be completely misled. .'' the previous smallest babies. les. ’ Burke's p u b 1 i s h e d testimony that the sensational treatment of man today was denied a stay Burke's testimony also sup­ contained no estimate ,of present the operation "has created a false of execution, scheduled Feb. ported, e u r r e ri^ U.S intelligence Soviet submarine strength. Elarlier atmosphere." estimates based on Soviet inten­ estimates have ranged around 500 But the official cold water did 19 in the San Quentin Prison not dispel public curiosity. Thou­ tions as well as Soviet. maximum new or recent craft. State News gas chamber? capabilities. Rep. Daniel J. Flood (D-Pai told sands flocked to ^ the beaches Judge Richard Chambers, chief "We have made gross errors in Burke •‘■You have come up with around the gulf to wait ^or ac­ justice of the U.S. Ninth Circuit the past by using the old system," this one ithe imelligence concept! tion. (Jourt of Appeals, also refused to his, said. in 90 days in order to balance the The newspaper Democracla sgld Roundup issue a certificate ' of probable i)urke cited what he said were budget. the trapped submarine had been cause fob appeal. estintates that the Soviets could damaged and two other .subma­ This would have granted Chess­ rines Quickly moved into, the area East Hartford. Feb. 8 iff) — A build, ^hundreds and h^^ndred* of (Continued on Page Thirteen) man a hearing before the full to divert search forces so the crip­ bullet took the. life of 17-year-old i court of appeals in an effort to re­ pled craft could slip away. It said William Ramsey of Hartford while j verse U.S. District Judge Louis E. the imidentified submarines were he was" target shooting with two i Goodman's refusal to grant a writ Would^Skip Primary Test nuclear-powered. companions here last night. ' | of habeas corpus. The submarmine sensation first Ra.iisey, a BiilkeJey High School i 'Chessman now is expected to ap­ developed a week ago: TTie Argen- senior, and president of the Con­ peal again . to the U.S. Supreme Une destroyer Cervantes and two necticut Federation of 'Student Court, which ha* considered the ■ patrol ships reported locating a Councils, was shot In the head as | case 13 times. Kennedy Aides Air submarine in the gulf but It got he examined a target in the cellar I Should this effort fail, an ap­ away. of the home of Robert Tomas, 18. | peal for clemency probably, will be More Argentipe warships, includ­ Another youth was present. | made to California Gov. Edmund ing an aircraft carrier were rushed The shooting was listed by po- | G. Brown. to the area. lice as-an accident. They said j Chesaman was sentenced to Offer to Gov. Brown I Clement told newsmen that naval Ramsey had Just finished llring j death in 1948 on charges Of kid­ electronic devices had defected the .22 caliber revolver and handed i strange objects, presumably (mb, naping. robber.v and perverted I it to Tomas. ! sexual asaaults against two young ' Albuquerque. N. M., Feb. “ "I should know ..then," .. ^ marines, seveiyil times lately. But . Tomas was checking the cylind- I Spokesmen for John F.'Kennedy Kennedy said. women. He has been in Death er,- police said, appare'ntly think- | Row for nearly 12 years and has approached California party off(- The California situation takes (Continued on Page Thirteen) ing"'-all the shots had been (Ired. I cisils at the Western Democralib, on increased' importsutce in view | - ;— -------------- escaped • seven earlier execution The wea"pbn discharged and the date* through various legal njpves. Conference and proposed "terms" pf the evident sup^rt for Ren.] bullet struck Ramsey. | under which Kennedy would stay Eij-ndon Johnson of Texas in the! A C , Atty. George T. Davis based the Ramsey died later at Hartford. application for appeal • on three out of the California presidential Soiithwest and some western . S Hospital. I primary. main ground*: .. The Massachusetts S e n a t o r 's ' Texa.s partisans who worked the : ¥ a. D t r v l x 'l 'c 1. Aji act of God brought about campaign aide, it 'vas learned, ex­ conference lobby here credited' cll JLl.lS^lll-& Body in .4»hpK when the court reporter at the pressed doubt h*l would enter the JohntorKwith more than 200 of the , ” ■ Pomfret Center, Feb. 8/ i/fV —- original trial died before complet­ winner-take-all contest for the 271 weat'ern votes at the national! Melvin Zeller, a grocer, noted yes­ ing transcribing his notes, had de­ state's 81 convention votes against convention,,on top of the 400 they Of Dominicans terday as he was passing that the Anaata.s I. Mikoyan, Soiuet deputy prime minister, sells achievements under communism to nied Chessman equal rights and Crov. Rdmund O. Brown's favorite count in th^-, South. shack of Arthur Bennet was miss­ a mass meeting of Cuban textile workers in Havana. At right is an interpreter. protsetion. son candidacy. Kennedy forces termed the west­ ing from its location on Route 97. Photofeiec'), ,' I'.‘ 2. Chessman hsd keen subjected But the Californians- were in­ ern Claim as ^e'essive Washington, Feb. 8 .ffi— - The to cruel and unusual punishment Organization of AmericsTri States Zeller, who delivered groceries j formed. the Kennedy people would The conference provided a wesl- to the 78-year-old Bennet .Ijttt by being kept on Death Row so like definite assurances firs): from em showcase fo\ Kennedy, Hum­ today takes up the problem of long. w'hether .to Investigate alleged Tuesday, thought Bennet hed de­ Payola Hearijtig^ Opeft t. r - ^ Brown that he would release his phrey, both declared candid:candidates, cided to move the sHack. But Zel­ Mikoran Cites 8. Section 209 o f the Cahfomia . delegates after the first -ballot in and- Jobnion. who\saidV. he tais not violations of human rights in the. Dominican, Republic. ler mentioned it to a neighbor, law under whjph Chessman was Los Angeles. Brown has "disavowed seeking the liominatiOT. Lincoln Crosby. sentenced to death has been It also serj-ed to\ widen the The question will be put to the Soviet Strength serious presidential ambitions. Crosby decided to check. He Just Paid Consultants, changed. Roger Kent, California Demo­ breech bet-ween the pa)tly’s nation­ 21-nation OAS council at the re­ quest of Venezuela, a bitter foe of found Sennet's shack burned to the Judge Chambers heard Chess­ cratic" state vice chairman, and al chairman.
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