![16.95 Eastern Sections of the Country](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
. ?■' . f\-A ■■" > • MONDAY, OCTOBER 9 ,1U7 FAUE rOURTfcEI* iianrbfstrr £ttenlno l|rralb AvtiRgt Daily CfrcRlatioa The WdAtber Fm the Meeth e# Bewtotoher. 1947 Feveehet #t 0,. R. WeellMr Bareex riMrtagsa bM alarmed smns ■iSa and aaeb buya 10 pounda, and ta- tloaad, think that the talk about Fair, Bexthwnd xriM toulghti -K ary C. Kaenw Teat paate thla performaape a second vqluntary rationing and food win meet Thuraday ^ ntootlac this cvaning at 7:30 at A lice C ofron WedMBdey hiewriug tliulIxiMi the Zion Lutberan diureh. Food Hoarding day, suepiciona may be correct About Town thla week Inatead of peeler ezeegt eleag eeuth ceeet. evening, a t 47 Maple atreet sXorekeepera aay, that the auger Ward Cheney Camp, No. 13. Is Suspected le boarded. JAMES AND MARIE R e a d in g * O a i f y M n . a€ MeCwtM, of W OfCIcera of the Married Couplea Ualted Spanish War Veterans, The numbers o f persons Indulg­ CLARK MancheMter^A City o f Village Charm Ml, WM called to Fall INSURE 189 Cburch SL Hartford club of the^ South Methodlat will meet this evening at_ eight ing la this practice aeems to .'be o'clock at the SUte Armory. 29 Griffin Rond TeL 7822 WHO Tnlnphood 8-2024 • B w . n — Saturday, *>• t» tba church will be in charge of the Talk of Volunlnry Ra« ainall, but Umae who are begin­ Adverttataf mm Fege 49) MANCHESTER. CONN„ TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7,1947 (TWELVE PAGEBI PRICE POUR CBNTB pot luck aupper Wedneaday eve­ Election of ofricera will take place. ning to gat, Me aeemingly out to REAL ESTATE McKi n n e y b r o t h e r s VOL.LXm.NO.8 ning at 6:30, which will open the ' tioniiig Has Alarmed get plenty. Real Briato aod tasswaace The Men’s club of the North Year Listings Solicited 685 MAIN ST. TEL. 6651 aeaabn, and all membera are urged Grocers who have been ques- to attend. A colored motion pic­ MethodUt church will meet this Some Housekeepers • fssiKX2:rsx3 evening at 7:45 at the church. HoUdays on Tharadgys ture, ‘Tobacco Valley,” wUl be B U L L D O Z E R SeRatd’d Eating Place St. Louis-Dallas Train Derailed and Faul’a ehurch la that dty. ahown. The program will include the elec­ Food hoarding In certain food- Starts Neatkos Days Excluded From\Plan tion of (Ofrieers. A eoclal time atuff Itema haa started again. A Russia Bid fttday. araaliis October 3, about with refreahmente will follow. three day check by a casual F O R H I R E Washington. Oct. 7.— ( 6 ^ 95 denrfnf popQa from tha June A new Olrl Scout troop will be , ■*r Weahlngtoo, Oct, T.—(9)— IT jM « Dance Studio entertained organlaed tonight at 6:30 In the aerver Indlcateg that the acquw - The Senate's eating place ob­ Americana won't be asked to An Important mretlng o f Mian- FALL CLEARANCE SALE Excavating -> Grading forego turkey on Thanksgiv­ the reterane at the Vetcran’e Hoe- baeement of St. Jamee’e church, tonomoh Haymakcra. Hayloft Uve-minded shoppers are agmlil served Tieatless Tuesday” to­ and all girle Interested are In­ beginning to load up on sugM, ing, Christmas and New Yc m 's aital. Rocky HID. and were en- 58 1-2. will take place this eve­ R cf. Sal, Land Clearing — Etc. day and plana to elimlnata ttudaatlcaily recehred. vited to attend this meeUng. flour and canned gooda, although eggs and p ^ try on Thuraday. although these holidays fall on ning at eight o'clock in Tinker egglesa and poultryless Thurs­ To L o h d ^ hail. All members hre urged to be not In the large quantities that G rass Seed—1 1b. .T9 .50 Erik Rumstedt. managing some reports would havs it. Frank Dam ato days under the fo^ conserva­ A reheareal of the CMt for Mancheater Olri Scout Council present. ■upervlaor for the cafeteria In It is difficult to'tell exactly, for tion program. - , •TIrateo of PenMuice to ^ members will meet tomorrow eve­ Shady Grass Seed . / 5 .45 the Senate omoe building, of­ aented la the near future by the ning at 7:45 at the home o f the instance, during thla canning sea­ a n d S o n s ^ fered a menu including: President Truman’s Food son, whether the person making Spworth League o f the South secretary, Mra. Charles Hamilton, Rogers Is Head Fertilizer—100 Ib bag 4.25 3.00 24 Homestead Street Fried eggplant, Spanish committee yesterday modified Sethodlst church, will be held to­ of 218 School street several repeat purchases of 10 mackerel. macMonl and toma­ the program to exclude the On German pounds of sugar is qsing It or sav­ Pbone 7091 or 2-9455 three holidays. It Mked, how­ morrow night at aeven o'd od t M Blair t^w n M ower—IB '' blade 25.50 toes, and eggs a la king. the church. The director, Bernard Mrs. Arch E. Gardner, o f Ra- Of State Council ing It But when first a man, 16.00 "The eggs a la king la mi­ ever, that the nation give up dne, Wisconsin, la visiting her then hla wife, then a son, all en­ thoiw foods on the Mondays Chnpagna, Invttce aingwre. ^ t h Bam boo Lawn Rake nus toast to save bread," Rum- male and female, to idtcnd Tuee- father, Joseph Ferguson, of Foo­ ter a store within half an hour .98 .50 stodt explained. before the holidays. May ProVide Gracia] daya rehearaal aa there la atlll an ter street During her slay here Alfred Rogers, son of Mr. and Line-Up Against Marshall Plan A dfusta^ Lawn Rake Opportunity to taka part in the she is stopping with her aunt, Mrs. John Rogers of 1163 Middle 1.39 .98 Test of Wori^ Cooper­ Mrs. Margaret Keyes of Washing­ r - chorua aectlona o f the operetta. Turnpike, was elected state presi­ ation; British'Foreign ton street \ M etal LawO Rake 1.89 1.00 WANTED Bdward Qulah of 68 Franklin dent of the Connecticut Pilgrim New Dominion Nation Notes Office Asserts ^ Mani­ ■troet and Andrew MacGowan of World Wide Communion Sunday Fellowship Council at the organi­ G arden Fence—white .98 .59 JM Parker atreet are in New was observed/at the Emanuel Lu­ zation's state assembly In Hart­ \ festo Represents Gkw theran church yesterday morning LABORERS Todc today attending the acventh ford Saturday. h o u s e w a r e s — b a s e ^ n t Backs Arabs Day Without game o f the World Seriea. with more than 300 members in The Pilgrim Fellowship Council Deterioration ' of T | i- attendance. Pastor Carl Olson is the high school age organiza­ Apply ternational Situation) waa aasisted at the altar by Pas­ tion of the Congregational church On Palestine Eating Meat tor Karl Richter of the Concordia In Connecticut, and young Rogerz Jarvis G arage Comintern Revived Lutheran church. 'The following attended representing Bolton'Con­ 487 Center Street new members were received: Mrs. gregational church. T h « Wide Gmipliance With K o y R e o l w C o . Richard A. Carlson, 104 Haynes He was elected Governor of the I \ CORK 7 A. M. Come Ready To Pakistan Demands Re­ London, Oct. 7.— (/P)—-The 899 MAIN STRiEET street Mrs. Niels A. W. Johnson. American Legion's Boy State at MiUKHISTSll CONS' Truman Request hy British Foreiirn Office an­ Jr., 46 Walnut street, Mr. knd New London earlier thla year. Work! jection of Partition PHONE 416S Mts. Eric R. Anderson. 746 Park-, Proposals; Urges End Restaurants and Ho­ nounced today Russia had HBAL BSTATE-INSVBANOB er atreet Misa Alma I. Johnson. airreed to a Big Four Foreign -227 West Center street and O. To Jewish Immigration tels Seen Next Week Ministers council Nov. 25 for Theodore Johnson, 176 East Cen­ a second attempt to write a ter atreet W e Hove Lenox Lake Success, Oct. 7—W>)—^The By The Associated Press German pegee treaty, which Newly Decorated new Mqelem dominion of Pakistan The nation obsen'ed Its first may provide a crucial 'test of lU IICMEat EB a teem Magle, O il Burners Repkee Your Old Bed iHUows Now! Joined the Arab countries today "Meatless Tuesdsy” today but world cooperation. naartiy ludeoented Imrida am* Inside and Out The locomottve of this pasaenget train, operatod Jelntty by the Hnce between Dallas aad St. wide compUance with President Maalfesto Seea Deterisnittsa HS heat with oU botuer. RUDY JOHNSON in demanding rejection of propoeala iMris, overturned on a curve Spriagdeld, Mo., killing one and severely Injuriag another. tor Bear A spokesman for the Fotsiga M 169 M. l i t . Leeatcd Electrical Ooa tractor LENOX HOT AIR to partition Palestine and in urg' No pessengers were hurt. (AP wliephoto). Truman's conservation request by IM . Priced to asIL 16 R oom H ouse Office at to* same time declared Master Eleetrician FURNACES Extra Special 7 . Ing an Immediate end to Jewish restaurants and hotels w m not ex­ toe manifeato iaeued by Commu­ M A N O m m ia b -S -ro oM atogle, I;arge lot, modem con­ Immigration Into the Holy Lahd pected before next Tuesday. ivealeurfs. let apprasl- Work doM at oace—an walRagl nists o f nine European natlowK Ready To Install! veniences, bus line, no Sir Mohammed Zaffrulah Khan, n X IM , M M km Uae. TELEPHONE 8888 or 7655 \ 100% Crushed White Robot Plane Many hotel and restaurant of­ calling on their aupportera to ra* «7J66.
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