
Everything You Need to Know about &

Patricia Kyritsi Howell, RH (AHG)

Organic Growers School TONICS ACTIVATORS Food-like Drug-like

Slow acng Fast Acng

Nourishing Smulang

Replenish/Consolidate Qi Disperse/Move Qi

Sedang/Energizing Energizing/Sedang

Internal (organs) External

Long Term Use Short Term Use

Herbs: Cool, Warm or Neutral : Neutral, Cold, Hot

PROPERTIES OF HERBS CHRONIC ACUTE Constuonal weakness Trauma induced Develops over a long period of Rapid onset, resolves quickly me, lingering symptoms Big, dramac symptoms Recognizable paern of Infecon and/or disharmony inflammaon Organ dysfuncon External symptoms Manic Lethargic Excess Deficiency External, may penetrate Internal or external symptoms rapidly arising from internal causes

PROPERTIES OF DISEASE Ginger officinale Ginger due to moon sickness, chemotherapy, indigeson, food poisoning, etc.

“Ginger is effecve in prevenng moon sickness, possibly by suppressing vasopressin release from the central nervous system and may act as an agent to prevent and treat moon sickness.”

Ginger An-inflammatory

Reduces inflammaon and aids in healing of the mucosal lining of the digesve system

Muscle & joint pain and inflammaon (especially if worse with cold)

Ginger Carminave & Aromac

Warms the stomach to improve digeson

Smulates appete

For bloang, heartburn (GERD), indigeson, gas and sluggish feeling aer meals Ginger Anspasmodic

Menstrual cramps

Intesnal spasms from IBS, colis, diverculis

Ginger Expectorant, diaphorec

All symptoms of colds and flu congeson fever cough muscle aches lack of appete sore throat (gargle) Ginger Cancer Research used zerumbone, a steam dislled phytochemical found in isolated forms of the essenal oil of

Research: lung, breast, prostate, skin, bladder, kidney, pancreac and ovarian cancers

Down regulates the gene responsible for metastasis and kills cancer cells (apoptosis) Ginger Migraines combinaon of ginger and feverfew ( )

Two hours aer taking supplement, 48% pain free, 34% headache pain was mild, 41% rate efficacy same as pain medicaons used previously. Ginger Cholesterol

1,000 mg ginger 3 mes a day resulted in significant drop in LDL (bad cholesterol) and increase in HDL (good cholesterol)

Ginger Heart Aack and Strokes

Decreases platelet aggregaon to help prevent thrombosis (blood clots) responsible for most strokes and heart aacks

Combines well with (Allium sava) to promote cardiovascular health Turmeric longa

Turmeric Lowers triglyceride levels

Increases HDL levels, lowers LDL

Regulates blood pressure

May reduce damage from heart aacks Topical applicaon for slow healing wounds, prevents acne, chronic skin Turmeric problems (eczema, psoriasis, scleroderma), contact dermas, reduces scarring

Inflammatory bowel disease: Crohn's, IBS, ulcerave colis

Slows the progression of age related macular degeneraon

Reduces pain & inflammaon: headaches, joint & muscle pain, etc. Cancer Turmeric Inhibits the genes that trigger cancer

Inhibits the spread of tumor cells

Inhibits the transformaon of normal cells into cancer cell

Shrinks tumor cells

Prevents spread of cancer cells to other organs (metastasis)

Cancer Turmeric (research using standardized )

Prevents the development of blood supply necessary for cancer cells to form and spread

Enhances effects of chemotherapy & radiaon

Demonstrated acvity against 22 types of cancer: breast, colon, lung, prostate, brain, bone, blood, esophagus, liver, pancreas, uterine, stomach & melanoma Enhances digeson nigra Improve bioavailability of foods, herbs, drugs, etc.

Seeds up transit me through GI tract

Prevenon& treatment of colon cancer, lung cancer & breast

Black Pepper Reduces inflammaon in Piper nigra arthric condions

Alzheimer prevenon?

Improve brain funcon?

Reduce blood pressure?

Treang hyperthyroidism

Reversing viligo

Carla’s Paste 1 pound organic turmeric ½ pound organic ginger (peeled) 1-6 ounces peeled garlic (to ) Note: 1 head = approx. 2 ounces or 10 cloves and juice of 2 organic lemons 1 teaspoon ground black pepper 1 cup

Combine in food processor and pulse to create a smooth paste. Pour a bit of oil on top, store in the fridge.

Recipe courtesy of Carla Owen of Murphy, NC via Karen Hurtabise and John Clarke of Qualla Berry Farm, Brasstown, NC

Thanks for supporng Organic Growers School!

Patricia Kyritsi Howell www.wildhealingherbs.com [email protected]