INTEL Q2 ’21 CSR Newsletter


Dear Friends,

I hope you’re doing well.

As we relive the key highlights from the last three months, I am extremely proud that our CEO, Pat Gelsinger was recently honoured as one of the top 500 CEOs of organizations from around the world who are committed to disability inclusion.

This quarter also saw successful eco-friendly initiatives. On World Earth Day in April, we unveiled the Intel Malaysia solar car port project - Intel’s largest solar farm outside the U.S. The story was very well received in the media and you can get more details on this event further along this newsletter. Intel also released Uyen Ho, the 2020/2021 Corporate Responsibility Report in this quarter as it sheds light Director, Global Public Affairs, Intel Malaysia & Vietnam on how Intel is raising the bar and evolving our corporate responsibility strategy to create a more responsible, inclusive, and sustainable world.

As the number of COVID-19 cases continue to rise here in Malaysia, please continue adhering to the standard operating procedures set by Malaysian government as well as the guidelines by the Intel Malaysia site. Remember that in this difficult period you are not alone. There are still plenty of reasons to be optimistic – the vaccines being one of them. Stay tuned for more details on the Intel Malaysia COVID-19 Immunization Program (IMCIP).

Please stay safe and take very good care. I am confident that we will come out tougher than ever.


Driving Learning Initiatives for Students

Intel Malaysia, in collaboration with TalentCorp and CREST, recently launched a new initiative (Intel Systems Cloud for University – SC4U) to enable hands-on learning for university students and to support universities’ technical resources by bridging the current learning gap in Malaysian universities brought by the pandemic. Read the story here.

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Intel Malaysia Featured by Astro AWANI

Robin Martin, Corporate Vice President, Intel Malaysia, spoke with Astro AWANI and shared insights on our history and vision for the future.

Through the years, we’ve invested billions of ringgit and countless hours of training and upskilling Malaysians.

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Creating Economic Opportunities

Eric Chan, IOTG (Internet of Things Group) Vice President represented Intel to receive a Letter of Award (LOA) from the CEO of the Northern Corridor Implementation Authority (NCIA) in a virtual ceremony witnessed by the Prime Minister of Malaysia. The LOA is for Intel’s participation in the NCIA Talent Enhancement Programme (NTEP). Click here to recap the event (Intel’s segment from 12:06-13:51).


Supporting Our Society

Intel Foundation and Malaysia Public Affairs (PA) worked together for the Global Giving campaign which was launched for the Intel Malaysia site employees on 15th April. The campaign includes three homes – one in KM and two in PG for employees to provide cash donation via the Benevity system.

Intel Foundation matched the amount donated by each employee. We also donated 150 repurposed laptops to Science Cluster (PSC) as part of an initiative to support students affected by the pandemic. In collaboration with the Intel Malaysia site security team, we also extended this goodwill by ! donating surplus laptops to the (Penang) police force which will be used for administration work at the police station.

Spreading the Festive Cheer

For the Eid Mubarak Festive Celebration, Malaysia PA supported the Give a Gift to Orphans program by sponsoring 92 children from these two homes – Pertubuhan Bela Didik Anak-Anak Yatim Islam Malaysia (Bedaya) and Pertubuhan Pembangunan Anak-Anak Yatim Bekas Perajurit Malaysia. The orphans were gifted new clothes, sandals, songkok, head scarves, kain sarung and batik.

Helping in the Battle Against the Pandemic

We donated approximately RM20,000 worth of items (printers, N95 masks, tables and chairs) to Kulim Hospital and Health Office in , as part of Intel Malaysia’s continuous effort in helping our front liners fight COVID-19. These resources will be put to use at the Vaccine Administration Centre in Kulim.

Unveiling Our New Eco-friendly Project

In conjunction with World Earth Day, Intel unveiled our largest solar farm outside of the United States. The announcement has been received well by the media in Malaysia (e.g. New Straits Times and Berita Harian). Regionally, the news was also picked up in Singapore on iTnews Asia and India on GreenTechLead. The coverage primarily focused on Intel Malaysia’s operations that are harnessing solar energy to help power its six buildings across our Kulim and Penang campuses, thanks to a new 3.2MW solar installation that was completed in January. Robin Martin, Corporate VP and GM of Assembly Test Manufacturing and MD of Intel Malaysia said that Intel’s continued investments in alternative energy is a key pillar of Intel’s continued commitment to operating their manufacturing facilities with the lowest impact to the environment.

Doing Our ‘Bit’ for STEAM

The Intel Malaysia Makers Club organized the Young Makers Workshop (Beginner's Micro:bit) in collaboration with the Penang Seberang Utara (SPU) District Education Office. The virtual workshop welcomed 98 students and 10 teachers from a total of 10 schools around SPU and Kon Hon Lee Asilatun Nisa Abbas Abdillah kickstarted the students’ innovation journey by using STEAM (science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics) content.

The interactive session provided many opportunities to the participants to be exposed to STEAM, communication skills and logical thinking. The students also had a chance to increase their programming knowledge using graphical ‘drag and drop’ user interface and hardware interface. They also got a hands-on experience in learning how to connect a buzzer Vegnish Rao Eric Koay to the Micro:bit.

We would like to thank our trainers and coordinators – Kon Hon Lee, Asilatun Nisa, Abbas Abdillah, Eric Koay and Vegnish Rao – for sharing their knowledge and experience with our Young Makers.


To know more about Intel’s Corporate Social Responsibility, please visit CSR@Intel.

Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC) expands the boundaries of technology to make the most amazing experiences possible. You may know us for our processors, but we do so much more. From powering the latest devices and the cloud you depend on, to driving policy diversity, sustainability and education, we create value for our stockholders, customers and society.

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