The First Report of the National Eye Database 2007

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The First Report of the National Eye Database 2007 The First Annual Report of the National Eye Database Includes reports on: 22007007 Cataract Surgery Registry 2002,2003,2004 and 2007 Diabetic Eye Registry 2007 Contact Lens Related Corneal Ulcer Surveillance 2007 Glaucoma Registry, 2007 MOH Ophthalmology Service Census 2002 - 2007 Edited by: Goh Pik Pin Elias Hussein Zuraidah Mustari Mariam Ismail With contributions from: Goh Pik Pin, Zuraidah Mustari, Shamala Retnasabapathy, Ong Poh Yan, Nor Fariza Ngah, Chandramalar T. Santhirathelagan, Loh Swee Seng, Radzlian Othman, Ang Ee Ling, Poh Eu Ping, Gong VHM The First Annual Report of the National Eye Database Includes reports on: 22007007 Cataract Surgery Registry 2002,2003,2004 and 2007 Diabetic Eye Registry 2007 Contact Lens Related Corneal Ulcer Surveillance 2007 Glaucoma Registry, 2007 MOH Ophthalmology Service Census 2002 - 2007 Edited by: Goh Pik Pin Elias Hussein Zuraidah Mustari Mariam Ismail With contributions from: Goh Pik Pin, Zuraidah Mustari, Shamala Retnasabapathy, Ong Poh Yan, Nor Fariza Ngah, Chandramalar T. Santhirathelagan, Loh Swee Seng, Radzlian Othman, Ang Ee Ling, Poh Eu Ping, Gong VHM November 2008 © National Eye Database Jointly Published by: National Eye Database (NED) and Clinical Research Centre (CRC) Contact: Clinical Registry Manager National Eye Database Registry Coordinating Centre C/o Clinical Research Centre Level 4, Specialist Offi ce Hospital Selayang Lebuhraya Selayang-Kepong 68100 Batu Caves Selangor Malaysia General Line: 603-61203233 Ext.: 4169 Fax: 603-61207564 Email: Website: Disclaimer Data reported here are supplied by the NED. Interpretation and reporting of these data are the responsibility of the editors and in no way should be seen as an offi cial policy or interpretation of the NED. This report is copyright. However it can be freely reproduced without the permission of the NED. Acknowledgement would be appreciated. Suggested citation The suggested citation for this report is as follows: Goh Pik Pin, Elias Hussein, Mariam Ismail (Eds) THE FIRST ANNUAL REPORT OF THE NATIONAL EYE DATABASE, 2007 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2008 Electronic version The electronic version of this report can be downloaded at ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The National Eye Database (NED) thank the following: Dr. Mariam Ismail, the head of Ministry of Health (MOH) Ophthalmology Service (2002 to 2008), for her vision and support in the establishment of NED, an eye health information system. The 36 MOH ophthalmology departments who are source data producers (SDP) and their heads of department, site coordinators, doctors in-charge, resident optometrist at Kulim district hospital and staff who worked hard to collect and enter patients’ data into the NED electronic web application. Staff Nurse Teng Kam Yoke, NED clinical registry manager and registry assistant Madam Tuan Junaidah Bt Tuan Jusoh. Dr. Lim Teck Onn, director of Clinical Research Center (CRC) Network, MOH, Dr. Jamaiyah Haniff, head of Clinical Epidemiology Unit of CRC, and Ms. Celine Tsai Pao Chien, CRC IT manager for their unceasing support and encouragement. Information technology personnel namely Ms. Lim Jie Ying, database administrator, Ms Teo Jau Shya, clinical data manager, Ms. Amy Porle, web application programmer, Ms. Azizah Alimat, desktop publisher, Ms. Huziana Fauzi, clinical data assistant and Ms. Anne John Michael for proofreading. Dr. Hoo Ling Ping and Ms. Wahidah Tumijan, the statisticians who convert registry data into meaningful statistic. Madam Noraida Mohammed Yusof, administrative clerk of Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Selayang, who helped in the medical devices phone survey. Matron Wakia Abdul Wahab, CRC Manager and Ms. Norazah Md Yusoff, research assistant at CRC, Selayang Hospital for their kind assistance in coordinating training workshops, NED steering committee meetings and annual SDP management meetings. Dr. Hjh Siti Zaleha Mohd Salleh, director and Madam Lee Sak Wah, head of Information Technology department of Selayang Hospital. Many others whose names may not be listed here for their help in many ways. The future of NED is challenging. The continuity of NED will certainly need every stakeholder’s perseverance, enthusiasm, courage and hard work. We hope for your continuous support. Thank you. Members of NED Steering Committee i NED STEERING COMMITTEE MEMBERS 20072008 Advisor Dr. Mariam Ismail Head, Ophthalmology Service, MOH & Head, Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Selayang Chairperson Dr. Goh Pik Pin Public Health Ophthalmologist/ Consultant Ophthalmologist Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Selayang Principal Investigator for Cataract Surgery Registry Members Dr. Elias Hussein Consultant Ophthalmologist, Primary Eye Care Service Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Selayang National Coordinator for Key Performance Indicators Dr. Radzlian Othman Head & Consultant Ophthalmologist, Oculoplasty Service Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Serdang National Coordinator for Monthly Ophthalmology Service Census, MOH Dr. Shamala Retnasabapathy Consultant Ophthalmologist, Corneal Service Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Sungai Buloh Principal Investigator for Contact Lens-related Corneal Ulcer Surveillance Dr. Ong Poh Yan Consultant Ophthalmologist, Glaucoma Service Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Selayang Principal Investigator for Glaucoma Registry Dr. Nor Fariza Ngah Consultant Ophthalmologist, Medical Retina Service Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Selayang Principal Investigator for Diabetic Eye Registry Dr. Zuraidah Mustari Head & Consultant Ophthalmologist Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Sultanah Nur Zahirah Kuala Terengganu Principal Investigator for Tele-Diabetic Retinopathy Secretariat Teng Kam Yoke Ophthalmic trained staff nurse NED Clinical Registry Manager Technical Support Personnel Dr. Hoo Ling Ping Statisticians Ms. Wahidah Tumijan Database Administrator Ms. Lim Jie Ying Clinical Data Manager Ms. Teo Jau Shya Web Application Developer Ms. Amy Porle Clinical Data Management Assistant Ms. Huziana Fauzi Desktop Publisher &Website Designer Ms. Azizah Alimat Clinical Registry Assistant Puan Tuan Junaidah Bt Tuan Jusoh ii ABOUT NATIONAL EYE DATABASE Introducti on The National Eye Database (NED) is an eye health information system supported by MOH. It is a clinical database consisting of six patient registries and a monthly ophthalmology service census. The patient registries are Cataract Surgery Registry, Diabetic Eye Registry, Contact Lens-related Corneal Ulcer Surveillance, Glaucoma Registry, Retinoblastoma Registry, and Age Related Macular Degeneration Registry. The source data producers are eye care providers, currently from the public sectors only, but will expand to university and private sectors. Information collected, both clinical and epidemiological, will be very useful in assisting the MOH, Non-Governmental Organizations, private healthcare providers and industry in the planning, evaluation and continuous improvement of eye care services, leading to prevention and control of blindness in the nation. Vision Accessible eye health information. General Objecti ves of the Nati onal Eye Database 1. To establish and maintain a web based eye health information system on natural history of visually threatening eye diseases, which are of public health importance. The information is useful in the planning and evaluation of eye care service. 2. To determine the effectiveness of treatment, both clinical outcomes and cost, and identify factors infl uencing outcomes. This serves the needs of outcome assessment. 3. To provide information necessary to evaluate ophthalmology services through census and key performance indicators, as well as on safety or harm of products and services used in the treatment of eye disease. This contributes to continuous quality initiatives. 4. To evaluate the accessibility and equity in health care provision. This information enhances accountability. 5. To provide means of prompt and wide dissemination of epidemiological and clinical information such as real-time registry reports and notifi cation of epidemic of contact lens-related corneal ulcer through the web. This is essential for advocating public health. 6. To stimulate and facilitate research on eye diseases. Specifi c Objecti ves of Individual Registry and Census Cataract Surgery Registry The Cataract Surgery Registry (CSR) collects data pertaining to patients who have had cataract surgery. Data collected include demography, medical history, operative events, post-operative visual outcomes and probable causes for poor outcome. The CSR is a continuation of the National Cataract Surgery Registry (NCSR), which was operational from 2002 to 2004. Annual NCSR reports for the year 2002, 2003, and 2004 are available at the publication section at Specifi c Objecti ves 1. To determine the frequency, distribution and practice pattern of cataract surgery in Malaysia 2. To determine the outcomes, and factors infl uencing outcomes of cataract surgery 3. To evaluate cataract surgery services based on the rate of posterior capsular rupture, post-operative infection, post-operative visual outcome and induced astigmatism 4. To stimulate and facilitate research on cataract and its management iii ABOUT NATIONAL EYE DATABASE CONT. Diabeti c Eye Registry Diabetes mellitus (DM) is becoming an epidemic in Malaysia. Based on the National Health and Morbidity Survey, the prevalence of known and newly diagnosed diabetes among adults above 30 years old has risen
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