The Indonesian Way 6

Module 6 – Working as a Tour Guide

George Quinn & Uli Kozok License “The Indonesian Way” by George Quinn and Uli Kozok is licensed under a Creative Commons “Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)” license.

Under the license you are free to: ● Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format ● Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material

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➢ Attribution — You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use. ➢ NonCommercial — You may not use the material for commercial purposes. ➢ ShareAlike — If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.

Please note that the license covers the text and the sound files, but excludes the illustrations.

Date of Last Revision: 7 November 2015

The development of “The Indonesian Way” was sponsored by grant P017A090375-10 from the US Department of Education, International Research and Studies Program. The development of the print version was made possible by a grant received from the University of Tasmania.

Indonesian Online

«The Indonesian Way» is a great resource for learning Indonesian. However, once in a while it may be good to use some alternative materials. At «Indonesian Online» you will find additional learning resources using authentic texts, film, and even comic strips. Most materials at «Indone- sian Online» were developed by Prof. U. Kozok, who is co-author of «The Indonesian Way». «Indonesian Online» provides you with hundreds of hours of high-quality learning resources for the Indonesian language. Module 6

Working as a Tour Guide

The basic aim of Module 6 is to provide you with the vocabulary, grammatical resources and sentence shells that will enable you to talk descriptively about the history and characteristics of places. “Characteristics” includes weather and location, as well as the relative merits of places. The module will also help you further consolidate the skill of stringing sentences together into ex- tended narratives, with emphasis on simple forms of public speaking. There is special emphasis in the Module on developing mastery of the passive-voice form of the Indonesian verb. You will also learn how to express the superlative degree of comparison. You will continue to get practice in expressing opinions and preferences. The Module also provides some basic information about traditional medicines, the history of and places of interest in the centre of Jakarta. You will learn how to deliver a lecture on the history of Jakarta, and in the culminating role play you will discuss places of interest in central Jakarta and in the town where you live.

Indonesian Online

«The Indonesian Way» is a great resource for learning Indonesian. However, once in a while it may be good to use some alternative materials. At «Indonesian Online» you will find additional learning resources using authentic texts, film, and even comic strips. Most materials at «Indone- sian Online» were developed by Prof. U. Kozok, who is co-author of «The Indonesian Way». «Indonesian Online» provides you with hundreds of hours of high-quality learning resources for the Indonesian language. Lesson 77

77 Mata Angin


• To introduce and practise using the terms for the points of the compass.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous les- sons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. bandar udara airport luas wide barat west panas hot cuaca weather permisi excuse me daerah region pindah move di antara between pulau island di antaranya such as sedikit a little di sebelah next to selatan south hutan forest, jungle taman park lapangan field, court terletak be situated

The Points of the Compass

Here are the main points of the compass (mata angin) in In- donesian. These terms can be attached to the names of places: Asia Tenggara Amerika Selatan South East Asia South America Jakarta Barat Laut Utara West Jakarta North Sea To say, “in the north / south / east / west of...” that is, in the northern /southern/ eastern / western part of a region, usually the word kawasan (region) or sometimes bagian (part) are used followed by the term for the point of the compass. Study these examples. Lesson 77

Iklim cukup panas di kawasan utara Australia. The climate is pretty hot in the north of Australia. Di kawasan timur Kanada ada beberapa kota besar. In the eastern region Canada there are several big cities. Di Sumatra bagian utara masih ada hutan yang luas. There are still extensive forests in the north of Sumatra. Baru-baru ini di kawasan selatan Italia cuaca agak dingin. In the southern region of Italy recently the weather has been rather cold. To say “to the north/south/east/west of...”usually the term di sebelah... is used followed by the term for the point of the compass. Here are a few examples. Papua Niugini terletak di sebelah utara Australia dan di sebelah timur . Papua New Guinea is situated to the north of Australia and to the east of Indonesia. Kota Canberra terletak kira-kira 300 kilometer di sebelah barat daya Sydney. The city of Canberra is situated about 300 kilometres to the south-west of Sydney. Selandia Baru terletak di sebelah tenggara Australia. New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia. Di sebelah barat daerah , di antara Jawa dan Sumatera, ada beberapa pulau kecil, di antaranya pulau Krakatau yang terkenal. To the west of the Banten region, between Java and Sumatra, there are several small islands, among them the famous island of Krakatoa.

Cara Indonesia: Points of the Compass in Everyday Life

In some parts of Indonesia people use the points of the compass in everyday life to orient themselves and indicate direction. This is especially the case in the Javanese heartland around Yogyakarta and Solo in the centre of the island of Java. Here it is not at all unusual to hear people say things like Rumah Pak Kuncoro di se- belah barat rumah saya (Mr Kuncoro’s house is to the west of my place). In English we would probably say something like “Mr Kuncoro’s house is just down the street from my place” or “Mr Kuncoro’s house is to the right of my place.” If you are sitting in a bus or bemo and someone wants you to make room so they can sit down be- side you, don’t be surprised if they say something like Permisi, bisa pindah ke timur sedikit? (Ex- cuse me, could you move east a little?). When someone really “loses the plot”, behaving inappro- priately or unpredictably, Javanese say that the person tidak mengerti utara selatan (doesn’t know where north or south is). How do people know where north, south, east and west are if they don’t have a compass? Well, they are closely integrated into their surrounding landscape, and there are all sorts of signs in that landscape that tell them instantly and pretty accurately where north, south, east and west are. For example, mosques always face due west (Muslims pray towards Mecca which is in the west). Graves are aligned north-south so that their occupants can lie comfortably on their sides facing Mecca. Traditional houses were (and are) aligned north-south, as were government offices in the old centres of villages and towns. The traditional town square (alun-alun) that is still the liv- ing heart of most district towns in Java is also oriented north-south. And, of course, because In- donesia is close to the equator the sun rises pretty much due east and sets due west (it doesn’t shift up and down the horizon in the course of the year as happens in countries in the world’s Lesson 77 northern and southern latitudes). People grow up with these signs and are aware of them almost unconsciously.

Exercise 77-01

Look closely at this map of Central Jakarta. Note that Jl. stands for Jalan (Street).

In good, simple Indonesian, and referring to the map above, answer these questions about the location of places in Jakarta. Follow this pattern:  first state the general area where the place is located (use Medan Merdeka, the large square with the Monumen Nasional in the middle, as ref- erence point, e.g. di sebelah utara Medan Merdeka, then ‚ state where the place is in relation to another place (use di sebelah followed by a point of the compass), then ƒ give the name of a place that is near by (use di dekat or tidak jauh dari followed by the name of a place). Study these examples first. Lesson 77

Pertanyaan: Di mana Rumah Sakit Bersalin Angkasa? Jawaban: Rumah Sakit Bersalin Angkasa di Jalan Majapahit, di sebelah Timur Lapangan Merdeka, tidak jauh dari Milenium Hotel Sirih. Pertanyaan: Di mana Jl. Pintu Air 4? Jawaban: Jl. Pintu Air 4 di sebelah selatan Pintu Air 5, di dekat Stasiun Juanda. 1. Di mana Monumen Nasional? 2. Di mana Masjid Cut Mutia? 3. Di mana SDS Kristen II Bpk Penabur? 4. Di mana Museum Taman Prasasti? 5. Di mana Istana Merdeka? 6. Di mana Hotel Borobudur Jakarta? 7. Di mana Gereja Katedral Jakarta? 8. Di mana Gedung Kesenian Jakarta? 9. Di mana Jl. Ir. H. Juanda? 10. Di mana Rumah Sakit Jiwa Dharma Sakti?

Saying Where a Place is Located (Javanese Style)

Following the pattern in Exercise 77-01 and working with your teacher/tutor or a fellow student, ask and answer questions about the location of places, streets, buildings, shops, landmarks etc. in your own vicinity. Answers should make use of utara, selatan, timur and barat (and maybe even tenggara, barat daya, barat laut and timur laut), so make sure you know where places in your neighbourhood are located relative to the points of the compass. There are two main kinds of question you can ask, di mana questions and apakah questions. Di mana Toko David Jones? Where is David Jones’ Store? Apakah Gedung Shell di sebelah utara atau selatan Jalan Wattle? Is the Shell Building to the north or south of Wattle Street? Eh, Sarah, rumahmu di mana sih? Hey, Sarah, where’s your place, eh? John, kamu tinggal di kawasan barat kota apa di sebelah timur? John, do you live in the western part of town, or to the east?

As always, your answers should be as detailed as possible and should be accompanied by fol- low-up questions that trigger an extended conversation. When you feel you can do this fluently, correctly and with authentic detail, try this somewhat stranger, more “Javanese” exercise. If you are in a classroom, look around you. Do you know where north, south, east and west are? Going from person to person in your class/group and using the verb duduk (to sit), have each person say short Indonesian phrases that describe where the other people in the group are sitting. Use points of the compass, but add other prepositions of place too: di samping, di depan, di be- lakang, di dekat and agak jauh dari. Your round-robin of phrases might sound something like this:

Kim duduk di sebelah utara Peter, di belakang Taeko.

Taeko duduk agak jauh dari Don, di sebelah selatan Ainun. Lesson 77

Ainun duduk di sebelah timur Hassan, di samping Alan.

...and so on. See how often you can repeat these sequences of phrases with variations in the names of places, the names of people and the prepositions of place that you use.

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

bandar udara including luas a little bit lapangan forest panas field cuaca on one side of permisi island daerah airport pindah to shift, to move di antara region pulau hot di antaranya excuse me sedikit big, broad di sebelah weather terletak park, garden hutan between taman located, sited

Latihan 2—Menjodohkan: Mata Angin

Jodohkan kata di kolom kiri dengan artinya di kolom kanan

timur north timur laut north-west selatan north-east tenggara south-west barat daya east barat laut west utara south barat south-east

Latihan 3—Menyimak

Listen to Sound File 077-01. You will hear five questions. For each of the five questions, an answer is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the answers as they appear in the sound file.

1. a. Kecamatan itu terletak di Jakarta. 2. b. Perubahan iklim terjadi di beberapa kawasan Indonesia baru-baru ini. 3. c. Pulau itu di sebelah barat daerah Banten, di antara Jawa dan Sumatra. 4. d. Indonesia mempunyai iklim tropis. 5. e. Saya tahu. Kecamatan itu ada di kawasan Jakarta Barat. Lesson 77 Latihan 4—Pemahaman

Refer to the passage to answer the following questions.

Kampung Saya aya tinggal di Desa Sukamaju, Kecamatan Raya. Desa ini ada di kawasan Jawa SBarat. Desa ini indah sekali. Saya mempunyai rumah yang cukup besar di sini. Di sebe- lah utara rumah saya ada Gunung Salak yang tinggi sekali. Setiap pagi saya bisa melihat gu- nung itu dari jendela kamar saya. Di sebelah barat daya, ada sawah yang luas sekali. Banyak petani di sawah itu. Mereka bekerja hampir setiap hari. Di selatan rumah saya, ada sungai yang cukup besar. Anak-anak kecil suka berenang di sana. Airnya dingin sekali. Waktu saya masih kecil, saya juga suka berenang di sungai itu. Sekarang, saya hanya suka berjalan-jalan di tepi sungai setiap sore.

1. Where does the writer live? Select all that apply A. Bogor B. Desa Sukamaju C. Gunung Salak D. Sungai Ciliwung 2. How does the writer describe his house? A. Very small B. Quite small C. Not too small D. Extremely small 3. Where is Gunung Salak located? A. South of his house B. South west of his house C. North west of his house D. North of his house 4. Where is the rice field located? A. North of his house B. South of his house C. South west of his house D. North west of his house 5. How does the writer describe the rice field? A. It is small but many farmers work there. B. It is big but not many farmers work there. C. It is big and lots of farmers work there. D. It is small and only a few farmers work there. 6. What is to the south of his house? A. Mountain B. River C. Rice field D. Street 7. Does the writer like swimming in the river? Lesson 77

A. No, because he is not a child anymore. B. No, because the water is so cold. C. No, because the there are too many children swimming there. D. No, because the water is polluted. 8. What does the writer like to do every afternoon? A. Cultivating rice B. Swimming in the river C. Reading a book D. Walking around

Latihan 5—Isian

Dengarkan Rekaman 077-02 dan lengkapi teks berikut: Saya tinggal di Desa Sukamaju, ______Bogor Raya. Desa ini ada di ______Jawa Barat. Desa ini indah sekali. Saya ______rumah yang cukup besar di sini. Di sebelah ______rumah saya ada Gunung Salak yang ______sekali. Setiap pagi saya bisa melihat ______itu dari jendela kamar saya. Di sebelah ______, ada sa- wah yang luas sekali. Banyak petani di ______itu. Mereka bekerja hampir setiap hari. Di ______rumah saya, ada sungai yang cukup besar. ______kecil suka berenang di sana. Airnya dingin sekali. Waktu saya ______kecil, saya juga suka berenang di sungai itu. ______, saya hanya suka berjalan-jalan di ______sungai setiap sore.

Latihan 6—Jawab Singkat

Write the English equivalents of the following place/country names. 1. Korea Utara ......

2. Timor Timur ......

3. Eropa Barat ......

4. Asia Timur ......

5. Tepi Barat (Palestina) ......

6. Pulau Utara (Selandia Baru) ......

7. Afrika Selatan ......

8. Jawa Timur ......

9. Kalimantan Selatan ......

10. Sulawesi Tenggara ...... Lesson 77 Latihan 7—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “The climate is rather hot in the eastern part of Indonesia.” Iklim—di—cukup—panas—timur—kawasan—Indonesia.

2. “France is situated in the western Europe.” Negara—di—ada—Eropa—Prancis—Barat.

3. “New Zealand is situated to the south-east of Australia.” Selandia Baru—tenggara—terletak—sebelah—di—Australia.

4. “To the west of the Banten region there are several well-known islands.” Di—yang—beberapa—daerah Banten—ada—pulau—sebelah—barat—terkenal.

5. “Do you live in the western or eastern part of town?” Kamu—tinggal—atau—barat—timur—di—kawasan—kota?

Latihan 8—Pengetahuan Geografi Anda

If your knowledge of geography is less than perfect you may need to consult an atlas. 1. Sri Lanka terletak di ... India. A. sebelah selatan B. sebelah barat 2. Tasmania terletak di ... kota Melbourne. A. sebelah selatan B. bagian selatan 3. Di bagian ... Nepal ada gunung-gunung, di antaranya gunung Everest. A. selatan B. utara 4. Di ... kota Rio de Janeiro ada hutan yang luas dan indah, hutan Amazon namanya. A. sebelah timur B. sebelah barat 5. Moskwa terletak di kawasan ... Rusia. A. barat B. timur 6. Bali terletak di ... pulau Jawa. A. sebelah timur B. kawasan timur 7. Provinsi Papua di ... pulau Papua. A. bagian barat B. bagian timur Lesson 77

8. Indonesia terletak di ... A. Asia Tenggara B. Asia Timur 9. Pulau Mindanao di kawasan ... Filipina. A. Utara B. selatan

10. Vietnam terletak di ... Republik Rakyat Cina. A. sebelah barat B. sebelah selatan

Latihan 9—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 5. famous 7. south 10. situated 11. cold 13. region 15. forest 16. east 18. west 20. island 21. weather 22. sub-district

Menurun: 1. side 2. several 3. hot 4. head of a sub- district 6. mountain 8. village 9. south-east 12. climate 14. river 17. north 19. rather Lesson 78

78 Iklim dan Cuaca


• To practise talking about climate and weather conditions.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that Sesudah Banjir. Jakarta 2007This work by Hendra have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- remember their meanings. NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic License agak rather, a bit khusus special bagaimana how iklim climate besok tomorrow kemarin yesterday bulan month, moon memang indeed cuaca weather pada in, at danau lake panas hot dingin cold para plural marker for people enak delicious, comfy pulau island gunung mountain suka like jelek ugly, bad untuk for katanya it is said that utara north kawasan area, district


The warm waters of Indonesia ensure that the land temperatures remain fairly constant with very little variation from season to season. Indonesia hence has no summer (musim panas) and also no winter (musim dingin). Indonesia also experiences relatively little change in the length of daylight hours; the difference between the longest and the shortest day is less than an hour. Therefore Indonesia also does not know either spring (musim semi) not autumn (musim gugur). The main variable of Indonesia’s climate is not temperature or air pressure, but rainfall resulting in a rainy season (musim hujan) which usually occurs between June and October and a dry season (musim kemarau) between November and March. The monsoon winds are moderate and tropical storms are extremely seldom. Especially in eastern Indonesia the differences between the rainy Lesson 78 and the dry season is extreme while in Sumatra or Kalimantan the rainy season is just slightly wetter than the dry season. Iklim di kota Padang (Sumatra Barat) Bulan Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Tahun Suhu Maks °C 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 29 29 29 29 29 Suhu Min °C 24 24 24 24 24 23 23 23 23 24 23 24 24 Curah Hujan mm 340 250 300 370 300 270 270 320 380 480 510 460 4290

Iklim di kota Surabaya (Jawa Timur) Bulan Jan Feb Mar Apr Mei Jun Jul Agu Sep Okt Nov Des Tahun Suhu Maks °C 32 32 32 31 32 31 31 30 33 33 33 32 32 Suhu Min °C 24 24 24 25 24 24 23 23 23 24 24 24 24 Curah Hujan mm 327 275 283 181 159 101 22 15 17 47 105 219 1750

Discussing the Weather / Climate

The Indonesian word for climate is iklim. The word cuaca is usually used like the English “weather” to talk about a particular situation on a certain day. Like the English words “climate” and “weather”, iklim and cuaca also quite often overlap in meaning. When you talk about the weather in English you often use the word “it”. For example: It is raining. It is dry in Bangkok. How cold is it today? “It” in these sentences is often called an “expletive” or “false subject” because it doesn’t seem to stand for anything semantically identifiable. Rather it serves the purely grammatical function of “getting the sentence going” by filling a slot in the sentence where you would normally expect a subject to be. In Indonesian there is no false subject, so you can say: Hujan. It is raining. Kering di Bangkok. It is dry in Bangkok. Sudah terang. It has stopped raining (literally: “already clear”). Kemarin panas di sini. It was hot here yesterday. The question word bagaimana (what is _____ like?) can be used to ask about climate and weather. Study these examples: Lesson 78

Bagaimana iklim di Kalimantan? What is the climate like in Kalimantan? Bagaimana cuaca kemarin? What was the weather like yesterday? Bagaimana cuaca besok? What will the weather be like tomorrow? Bagaimana cuaca di Tokyo pada musim dingin? What’s the weather like in Tokyo in winter? Bagaimana cuacanya? Panas atau hujan? How is the weather? Is it sunny or is it raining? Note that the word panas (hot) is often used to refer to sunny weather regardless of the actual temperature. The official terminology used by the Badan Meteorologi dan Geofisika, the Indonesian National Weather Service, is:

Study these substitution tables and practise generating sentences from them. Although it is not always easy to do when working with substitution tables, as you say each sentence try to imagine a particular conversation or situation in which you might say that sentence. In other words, try to avoid generating the sentences merely mechanically, without an imaginable context.

 Indonesia Lembab. Australia Barat Panas sekali. pulau Lombok Sering hujan. Bagaimana iklim di pulau selatan Selandia Baru ? Cukup kering. Timor Timur Dingin sekali. Tasmania Cukup baik. Amerika Utara Agak panas.

‚ hujan kota Darwin dingin provinsi Jawa Barat pada musim panas kota Ambon kemarau Bagaimana cuaca di pulau utara Selandia Baru ------? Indonesia Agustus Australia Selatan pada bulan Juli Afrika Timur Desember Lesson 78

ƒ tadi malam Mendung hari Rabu yang lalu Cerah kemarin Jelek Bagaimana cuaca hari ini Berawan ? nanti malam Dingin besok malam Panas dan lembab hari Sabtu yang akan datang Berangin

Exercise 78-01

Each of the sentences in the dialogue below requires you to make choices between two or more possibilities. Within the context of each sentence, all the choices are right choices: there are no wrong options. But when you look at the dialogue as a whole some choices may be better than others. To put it another way, each choice you make should follow logically from the choice you made in the previous sentence, so that the dialogue is not just a sequence of random sentences, but hangs together and makes sense as a coherent conversation. Bearing this in mind, write out a coherent dialogue generated from the 10 sentences below. 1 suka Indonesia Apakah Ibu tidak suka cuaca di Canberra ? London

2 Suka. Tidak suka.

3. Agustus Mengapa? Bagaimana cuaca di sana pada bulan Januari ? September

4. bagus Wah! Cuaca di sana pada bulan itu jelek sekali. enak

5. dingin O ya? Apakah cuaca pada bulan itu panas ? kering

6. Indonesia Indonesia Ya. Saya lebih suka cuaca di Canberra daripada di Canberra . London London

7. Selandia Baru dingin O begitu. Apakah cuaca di Darwin lebih panas ? Amerika Serikat kering

8. dingin Biasanya. Tetapi kadang-kadang cuaca di sana agak panas juga . kering Lesson 78

9. Oktober berangin. O begitu. Katanya cuaca di sana pada bulan Juni juga cukup banyak hujan. Februari berawan.

10. Memang Kadang-kadang . Biasanya tidak


Listen to Sound File 078-01—a dialogue between Andri and Ria, discussing the city where they live. Pay attention to the vocabulary of weather and climate which are used in this conversation. Consult the vocabulary list if you encounter any difficulties. When you have finished, do Latihan 3–4.

Nur Andri Di mana Anda tinggal? Saya tinggal di Surabaya Bagaimana cuacanya di sana? Di Surabaya betul-betul panas. Cuacanya bisa mencapai lebih dari tiga puluh enam derajat Celsius. Wah, panas sekali! Ya memang. Anda tinggal di mana? Saya tinggal di . Bagaimana cuaca di Bandung? Apakah di sana dingin? Ya, udaranya dingin di malam hari. Surabaya sama sekali tidak dingin pada Suhunya kira-kira delapan belas derajat malam hari. Di sana juga jarang hujan. Celsius. Bagaimana dengan Surabaya? Saya tidak suka cuaca Surabaya. Apa Anda ingin pindah ke Bandung? Ya, saya rasa. Saya suka cuaca di Bandung.

Role Play: Ramalan Cuaca di Televisi

Here is the text of a television Weather Forecast (Prakiraan Cuaca or Ramalan Cuaca). Read it through carefully first, checking that you know all the words. (Check the vocabulary cards in this lesson to familiarise yourself with words you don’t know.) elamat malam para pemirsa. Inilah ramalan cuaca untuk pulau Sulawesi untuk besok Stanggal tiga puluh Agustus tahun dua ribu sepuluh. Di kawasan Sulawesi Utara cerah dengan suhu 24 sampai 30 derajat Celsius. Untuk kawasan Sulawesi Selatan cuaca lembab dan berawan dengan suhu 25 sampai 31 derajat Celsius. Khusus untuk kota Makassar hu- jan deras dengan petir dan suhu antara 26 sampai 33 derajat Celsius. Sekian ramalan cuaca untuk besok. Selamat malam. Lesson 78

This weather forecast can be tailored to different places, dates and weather conditions. Here it is again, with the things that can be changed highlighted in italics. elamat malam para pemirsa. Inilah ramalan cuaca untuk Pulau Sulawesi untuk besok Stanggal tiga puluh Agustus tahun dua ribu sepuluh. Di kawasan Sulawesi Utara cerah de- ngan suhu 24 sampai 30 derajat Celsius. Untuk kawasan Sulawesi Selatan cuaca lembab dan berawan dengan suhu 25 sampai 31 derajat Celsius. Khusus untuk kota Makassar hujan de- ras dengan petir dan suhu antara 26 sampai 33 derajat Celsius. Sekian ramalan cuaca untuk besok. Selamat malam.

Practise saying this weather forecast out loud replacing the highlighted parts of it so that the forecast fits with the weather where you are now. Using a computer or felt-tip pen, write out the forecast on a big prompt card. Get a large wall map that shows the area where you live. Standing in front of the wall map (maybe holding a pointer), pretend that you are a glitzy TV personality and present the weather forecast “on camera”. Run through the forecast several times until you can present it fluently and correctly without referring too much to the “prompt card” you have prepared. Flesh out the forecast you have been practising with one or two items of comment on people and/or places. With a video camera, record weather forecasts with your teacher/tutor or classmates. The prompt card can be held up next to the camera, but remember that a good TV presenter looks straight into the camera as he/she talks and does not glance shiftily back and forth between prompt card and camera. Replay the recordings to judge who has the best television presence (and whose Indonesian is most correct, smooth and authentic).

Minta Perhatian!!

Three nations have not officially adopted the International System of Units as their primary or sole system of measurement: Burma, Liberia, and the United States. If you are from one of those countries you need to familiarise yourself with the International System of Units (SI) because nobody in Indonesia, and in fact anywhere outside those three countries, will understand you if you tell someone that the temperature is 84 degrees Fahrenheit. Likewise, don’t expect people to understand what an ounce, a yard, or a gallon is. You may need to use a metric converter. Lesson 78

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

agak bad, ugly khusus climate bagaimana clear kemarin dry besok cloudy memang dry season danau cold suka for dingin good, pleasant musim dingin hot bulan how para indeed cuaca humid musim panas island enak lake pada like, enjoy gunung month, moon untuk north jelek mountain utara on, at, in katanya people say that... iklim plural marker kawasan rainy season musim kemarau rain,rainy lembab rather hujan special, in particular terang region, district pulau summer musim hujan tomorrow panas winter berawan weather kering yesterday

Latihan 2—Menyimak

Listen to Sound File 078-01. You will hear ten questions. For each of the ten questions, an answer is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the answers as they appear in the sound file.

1. a. Kemarin di gunung-gunung cuacanya hujan deras disertai petir. 2. b. Di Singapura biasanya cuacanya berawan pada bulan Januari. 3. c. Pada musim hujan iklimnya kadang-kadang lembab. 4. d. Iklim di Australia Utara panas. 5. e. Pada bulan Januari biasanya dingin sekali. 6. f. Biasanya cuacanya berawan pada bulan Februari. 7. g. Tidak, saya tidak suka karena selalu hujan. 8. h. Sebaiknya jangan pergi besok karena besok akan hujan deras dengan petir. 9. i. Besok saya kira cuacanya akan berawan dan hujan. 10. j. Iklim di Selandia Baru biasanya berawan. Lesson 78 Latihan 3—Pemahaman

Jawablah pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan Rekaman 078-02.

1. In what city does the woman live? A. Singapore B. Surabaya C. Semarang D. Surakarta 2. How does the woman describe the city where she lives? A. Very cold B. Rather hot C. A little bit cold D. Extremely hot 3. How hot does it get there? A. The average daily mean is 36 degrees Celcius. B. It is usually above 36 degrees Celcius. C. It never reaches above 36 degrees Celcius. D. It is usually below 36 degrees Celcius. 4. Where does the man live? ......

5. How does he describe the weather? A. It is always cold, night and day. B. It is always cold at daylight. C. It is cold at night. D. It is very hot at daylight. 6. It’s rather hot at night time. A. True B. False 7. What is the night temperature in Bandung? (Answer in Indonesian!) ...... 8. What is the expression for “rarely” in Indonesian? ......

9. Does the woman want to move to Bandung? A. No, because she does not like cold weather. B. Yes, because she likes cool weather. C. No, because she loves the weather in Surabaya. D. Yes, because she loves the rain. Lesson 78

Latihan 4—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bagaimana—betul-betul—Celcius— cuaca—derajat—jarang—memang—pindah—rasa—sama sekali—sekali—suhu—tinggal

Nur Andri Di mana Anda tinggal? Saya ______di Surabaya. Bagaimana ______di sana? Di Surabaya ______panas! Cuacanya bisa mencapai lebih dari tiga puluh enam ______Celcius. Wah, panas ______! Ya, ______. Anda tinggal di mana? Saya tinggal di Bandung. ______cuaca di Bandung? Ya, udaranya dingin di malam hari. Surabaya ______tidak dingin pada ______nya kira-kira delapan belas malam hari. Di sana juga ______derajat ______. Bagaimana dengan hujan. Saya tidak suka cuaca di Surabaya? Surabaya. Apa Anda ingin ______ke Bandung? Ya, saya ______. Saya suka cuaca di Bandung.

Latihan 5—Iklim dan Cuaca

Choose the correct translation. 1. Too bad it will be raining tomorrow. We won’t be able to go to the park. A. cerah B. mendung C. hujan D. berawan 2. It’s very dry here in the mountain. A. hujan B. panas C. kering A. basah 3. Look! The sun is shining! Let’s dry the clothes! A. mendung B. terang C. berawan D. kering Lesson 78

4. It is very hot in Arizona! A. panas B. hujan C. kering D. basah 5. It’s overcast. Don’t forget to bring your umbrella, just in case. A. hujan B. mendung C. berawan D. panas 6. It’s very bright outside! I better get my sunglasses. A. panas B. berawan C. kering D. cerah 7. It’s cloudy today so I think I will just stay at home. A. mendung B. hujan C. basah D. berawan

Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “What was the weather like in Manado yesterday?” Bagaimana—cuaca—Manado—di—kemarin?

2. “What is the temperature like in East Timor in August?” Bagaimana—Timor Timur—pada—di—bulan—suhu—Agustus?

3. “People say that Bogor is rather cloudy in December.” Katanya—bulan—berawan—agak—pada—Bogor—Desember.

4. “I think the weather tonight will be rather cold.” Saya—ini—agak—kira—malam—cuaca—dingin.

5. “I do not like the weather in Jakarta because it is very hot and humid.” Saya—udara—di—sangat—karena—dan—tidak—panas—suka—Jakarta— lembab. Lesson 78

Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 1. temperature 4. season 5. climate 8. yesterday 10. bright 13. humid 15. that’s all 16. this is..., here is...

Menurun: 1. to like, enjoy 2. rain 3. normally, usually 6. indeed 7. plural marker (for humans) 9. dry 11. cloudy 12. very (not sangat) 14. tomorrow Lesson 79

79 Yang Mana Yang Lebih... ?


• To provide practice using the interrogative pronoun yang mana. • To practise forming noun phrases with yang.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous les- sons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. atau or luas wide, broad bilang to say mata kuliah university course menjawab to answer membosankan boring keren fashionable, cool memilih to choose kok how come? memperbaiki to repair kompor stove mengambil to take, fetch kuat strong menjual to sell kuning yellow mewah luxurious lho wow tempat place

Asking and Answering Yang Mana Questions

The phrase yang mana is the equivalent of the English “which” meaning “which one” when you want to ask about a choice between two or more things. When you are asking about things and places (and sometimes people) yang mana follows the noun it is asking about. Rumah yang mana? Which house? Dosen yang mana? Which lecturer? Anda lebih suka hotel yang mana? Which hotel do you prefer? If you are speaking informally, you can drop the yang. Denny, kamu senang warung mana? Denny, which eatery do you like? Lesson 79

Kamu pilih mana? Heh? Ayo, jawab! Which do you choose. Eh? C’mon, answer! In some contexts where the thing you are asking about is already clear and understood, you can simply say: Yang mana? Which? Ibu Astuti memilih yang mana? Which did Ibu Astuti choose? Now look at this fragment of scintillating English dialogue. I want to buy a shirt. Which shirt do you want to buy? I want the red shirt. Okay. The red shirt is certainly a nicer shirt than the blue shirt. Although these are all correct sentences, when we look at the sequence as a whole there’s something a bit strange about them. The word “shirt” is repeated too often. In actual conversation we might say something more like this: I want to buy a shirt. Which one do you want to buy? I want the red one. Okay. The red one is certainly a nicer one than the blue one. In this dialogue the word one functions as a pronoun—it is a kind of shorthand substitute for the noun shirt. Using one means you don’t have to repeat shirt over and over. And one can be part of a noun phrase like “the red one” that begins with the, a, an, some and various other de- terminers that mark nouns in English. In Indonesian yang can be used to create similar noun phrases. Check the occurrences of yang in this Indonesian rendering of the above dialogue. Saya mau membeli baju. I want to buy a shirt. Anda mau membeli yang mana? Which one do you want to buy? Saya mau membeli yang merah. I want to buy the red one. Baik. Memang yang merah lebih bagus daripada yang biru. Okay. The red one is certainly nicer than the blue one. Yang can also form noun phrases with ini, itu, di sini, di situ and di sana. Anda minta yang ini atau yang itu? Do you want this one or that one? Saya minta yang di sana saja. I’d like the one just over there.

Exercise 79-01

Answer these questions  without repeating the underlined word, and ‚ using yang plus an adjective (like murah, besar etc.), or a demonstrative pronoun (ini or itu) or an adverb of place (di Lesson 79 sini, di situ or di sana) to refer back to the thing asked about in the question. Begin your answer with saya as if each question were directed at you personally. Study the examples first before do- ing the exercise. If you need to, you can scan the words and phrases below to see if any of them fit. Remember, you can double the number of adjectives at your disposal by negating them with tidak. baru—lama—murah—mahal—bagus—biru—putih—hitam—merah—kuning—hijau—cepat— mudah—sukar—keren—kecil—besar—dingin—panas—dekat—menarik—biasa—kasar— cantik—efisien—kuat—enak—menyapu—mewah—modern—populer—manis— menyenangkan—ini—itu—di sini—di situ—di sana Pertanyaan: Ibu mau membeli kompor yang mana? Jawaban: Saya mau membeli yang di sana. (I want to buy the one over there.) Pertanyaan: Anda akan mengambil mobil yang mana? Jawaban: Saya akan mengambil yang baru. (I’m going to take the new one.) 1. Anda akan mengambil mata kuliah yang mana? 2. Ibu akan memakai baju yang mana? 3. Bapak akan naik bus yang mana? 4. Ibu mau memilih lemari es yang mana? 5. Anda akan mencoba rumah makan yang mana? 6. Bapak ingin membaca majalah yang mana? 7. Anda akan menanam bunga yang mana? 8. Bapak akan memperbaiki televisi yang mana dulu? 9. Anda akan menyapu kamar yang mana dulu? 10. Ibu mau menjual sepeda yang mana?

Which is the bigger/better/higher/faster?

To ask which of two choices is better you can say: Yang mana yang lebih baik? Which is better? Slightly more informally you can drop the lebih without changing the meaning: Yang mana yang baik? Which is better? And even more informally, you can drop the yang: Mana yang baik? Which is better? Your answer to these kinds of questions usually (but not always) echoes the pattern of the question. Universitas yang mana yang lebih baik? Which university is the better one? Universitas Widya Buana yang lebih baik. Widya Buana University is the better one. Lesson 79

Yang mana yang lebih mahal? Which is more expensive? (or: Which one is the more expensive one?) Yang biru yang lebih mahal. The blue one is more expensive. (or: It is the blue one that is more expensive.) Tempat yang mana yang lebih enak? Which place is nicer? Menurut pendapat saya, Brisbane jauh lebih enak. In my opinion, Brisbane is far nicer. Yang mana is often used to ask about the differences between two things or places using the adverb lebih and the conjunction atau (or). Kota yang mana yang lebih luas: Los Angeles atau New York? Which city is larger: Los Angeles or New York? Hmmm, saya kira Los Angeles yang lebih luas. Hmmm, I think Los Angeles is larger. Pulau yang mana yang lebih indah: Sulawesi atau Jawa? Which island is more beautiful: Sulawesi or Java? Yang mana ya? Barangkali pulau Sulawesi yang lebih indah. Which one, I wonder. Probably Sulawesi is more beautiful. Kompor yang mana yang lebih mahal: kompor minyak atau kompor gas? Which stove is more expensive: a kerosene or a gas stove? Katanya, kompor gas yang lebih mahal. They say that gas stoves are more expensive.

Exercise 79-02

Imitating the pattern in the model sentences above, write some questions comparing two al- ternatives. Each question should begin with the word given. Study the examples below before starting to write. Gedung Gedung yang mana yang lebih indah: Gedung Pena atau Menara Imperium? Dosen Dosen yang mana yang lebih membosankan: Pak Hassan atau Bu Sudibyo? 1. Negara 5. Pekerjaan 9. Desa 2. Tugas 6. Daerah 10. Toko 3. SMA 7. Cerita 11. Seri TV 4. Mata kuliah 8. Tempat

Dialogue: Which Is Better?

Look at the questions you have written in Exercise 79-01. With your teacher/tutor, or with a fel- low student, use these questions as the beginning point for a dialogue. Preface your question with one of these phrases: Menurut pendapat Anda… Menurut Anda… Saya mau bertanya, menurut Anda… Aku mau tanya, kalo menurut kamu… Lesson 79

Preface the answer with one of these phrases: Menurut pendapat saya,… Saya kira,… Kalo aku,… When you have heard the answer, ask a follow-up question or make a follow-up comment that presents a different opinion. If you are speaking formally you might say: O begitu. Tetapi maaf, saya kurang setuju. Menurut pendapat saya… If you are speaking informally you might say… Lho, kamu kok bisa bilang gitu! Kamu salah… salah banget! Kalo aku,… Try to create momentum in the dialogue by calling on every resource that you have studied so far. When eventually you exhaust the possibilities of the topic, choose another question from Ex- ercise 79-01 and re-boot the conversation. See how long you can keep going in fluent, clear In- donesian.

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

atau cool, stylish menjawab to sell bilang course at university membosankan boring keren or memilih luxurious kok stove memperbaiki place kompor strong mengambil to answer kuat to say menjual to choose kuning why?, how come? mewah to go and get sth. luas wide, broad tempat to repair mata kuliah yellow

Latihan 2—Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Jodohkan pertanyaan di kolom kiri dengan jawabannya di kolom kanan.

1. Kamu suka ikan goreng yang mana? a. Yang kebunnya besar. 2. Anda mencari restoran yang mana? b. Yang tidak pedas. 3. Rumahmu yang mana? c. Yang tidak membosankan. 4. Mobilnya yang mana? d. Yang cepat. 5. Mau ambil mata kuliah yang mana? e. Yang makanannya enak. Lesson 79 Latihan 3—Menyimak:Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Listen to Sound File 079-01. You will hear ten questions. For each of the ten questions, an answer is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the answers as they appear in the sound file.

1. a. Yang kuning saja. 2. b. Yang menulis tentang berita politik. 3. c. Yang baru dibeli di Toko Baju Keren kemarin. 4. d. Yang warnanya putih dan dijual di Toko Elektronik Jaya. 5. e. Yang dosennya tidak membosankan. 6. f. Yang memasak masakan Indonesia. 7. g. Yang harga tiketnya murah. 8. h. Kamar saya dulu. 9. i. Saya rasa saya akan memperbaiki yang kecil dulu. 10. j. Saya rasa sepeda kakak karena miliknya sudah rusak.

Latihan 4—Pemahaman

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaannya.

Baju yang Mana? ari ini saya, Tika, dan Andin pergi ke pusat perbelanjaan. Kami pergi ke Pacific Place. HDi dekat Pacific Place ada Plaza Senayan, Plaza Semanggi, dan Plaza Indonesia yang juga pusat perbelanjaan. Namun kami memilih Pacific Place karena tempatnya lebih me- wah dan enak. Pertama-tama, kami pergi ke toko baju karena Andin ingin membeli baju baru. Banyak sekali jenis baju di sana.“Kamu mau beli baju yang mana, Andin?” tanya Tika.“Saya mau beli baju yang berwarna merah dan kuning karena saya suka dua warna itu.” “Saya rasa baju yang di sana itu bagus,” kata saya sambil mengambil baju berwarna merah.“Betul.” Andin mengambil baju itu. “Tapi saya kurang suka warnanya,” kata Tika.“Bagaimana kalau yang ini?” tanya saya sambil mengambil baju warna kuning.“Ya, yang ini bagus juga tapi saya lebih suka baju yang itu.” Akhirnya Andin membeli baju warna merah itu. Sesudah dari toko baju kami makan di Restoran Indonesia. Kami makan banyak sekali karena makanan di situ betul-betul enak. Sesudah makan kami pergi ke toko buku. Saya ingin membeli buku cerita dan Tika ingin membeli majalah. Saya suka membaca. Di rumah saya punya banyak sekali buku cerita. Akhirnya saya membeli dua buku cerita dan Tika membeli tiga majalah. Sesudah dari toko buku kami pulang ke rumah naik bus. Lesson 79

1. On what day do they go to the department store? A. Yesterday B. Tomorrow C. Today D. The day after tomorrow 2. What department store do they go to? A. Pacific Place B. Plaza Senayan C. Plaza Indonesia D. Plaza Semanggi 3. Why do they choose that department store? A. Because it is the nearest department store from their house. B. Because the prices there are much cheaper. C. Because the place is more convenient and luxurious. D. Because they usually meet their friends there. 4. What colour of t-shirt does the writer first suggest to Andin? A. Red B. Yellow C. Blue D. Orange 5. Why does Tika disagree with Andin and the writer about the t-shirt? A. Because she wants Andin to choose another t-shirt. B. Because she wants to buy the t-shirt for herself. C. Because she wants Andin to choose another colour. D. Because she thinks the price is too expensive. 6. Andin finally bought a t-shirt in what colour? A. Red B. Blue C. Orange D. Yellow 7. Why do they eat a lot in the restaurant? A. Because the price is extremely cheap. B. Because they get a discount for the food. C. Because the food is really delicious. D. Because the food is really delicious and the price is affordable. 8. Why does the writer want to buy some books? A. Because she has read all her books at home. B. Because she is assigned to read some books by her professor. C. Because she enjoys reading. D. Because she often has nothing to do at home. Lesson 79 Latihan 5—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: akhirnya—betul-betul—cerita—enak —juga—kurang—majalah—membaca—membeli—memilih—mengambil—pulang—pusat perbelanjaan—sesudah—toko buku—yang di sana—yang ini—yang itu—yang mana Hari ini saya, Tika, dan Andin pergi ke ______. Kami pergi ke Pacific Place. Di dekat Pacific Place ada Plaza Senayan, Plaza Semanggi, dan Plaza Indonesia yang ______pusat perbelanjaan. Namun kami ______Pacific Place karena tempatnya lebih me- wah dan ______. Pertama-tama, kami pergi ke toko baju karena Andin ingin ______baju baru. Banyak sekali jenis baju di sana.

“Kamu mau beli baju ______, Andin?” tanya Tika.

“Saya mau beli baju yang berwarna merah dan kuning karena saya suka dua warna itu.”

“Saya rasa baju ______itu bagus,” kata saya sambil mengambil baju berwarna me- rah.

“Betul.” Andin ______baju itu.

“Tapi saya ______suka warnanya,” kata Tika.

“Bagaimana kalau ______?” tanya saya.

“Ya, yang ini bagus juga tapi saya lebih suka baju ______.”

Akhirnya Andin membeli baju warna merah itu. ______dari toko baju kami makan di Restoran Indonesia. Kami makan banyak sekali karena makanan di situ ______enak. Sesudah makan kami pergi ke ______. Saya ingin membeli buku ______dan Tika ingin membeli majalah. Saya suka ______. Di rumah saya punya banyak sekali buku cerita. ______saya membeli dua buku cerita dan Tika membeli tiga ______. Sesudah dari toko buku kami ______ke rumah naik bus.

Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “Which lectures are you going to take?” Kamu—kuliah—mata—yang—mau—mengambil—mana?

2. “Which university is more expensive?” Universitas—yang—lebih—mana—mahal? Lesson 79

3. “My car is much faster than yours." Mobil—jauh—saya—cepat—daripada—lebih—mobilmu.

4. “Which city is bigger: Jakarta or Surabaya?” Kota—besar:—lebih—atau—Jakarta—mana—yang—Surabaya?

5. “According to you, which place is nicer?” Menurut—lebih—mana—kamu,—yang—yang—tempat—enak?

Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 1. interesting 3. oil 6. lecture 7. which 9. red 11. big, broad 13. shirt 14. luxurious Menurun: 1. to choose 2. nice, cozy, tasty 4. stove 5. yellow 8. story 10. to buy 12. strong Lesson 80

80 Yang Paling...


• To practise using yang paling to express the superlative degree of comparison

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Danau Toba—Danau yang paling besar di Asia Tenggara. © Johnny Siahaan acara programme, event mari let’s, come on aman safe membosankan boring aneh weird, strange menang to win angka number milik property of berani brave muda young bermacam-macam various panjang long cepat fast, quick pantai coast, beach danau lake pemirsa viewers, audience dunia world, earth pertama first (1st) gunung mountain pertanyaan question jawaban answer sederhana simple kanan right selesai finished, completed kiri left semua all lengkap complete sukar difficult luas wide, broad sungai river manis sweet tengah middle, central terletak be situated Lesson 80 How to Say “The Most .....”

In English there are two main ways to express what is called the superlative degree of comparison. (The superlative degree is the form of an adjective indicating that what is described by the adjective has “the most of” some quality compared to anything or anyone else.) If the adjective is a short word (one or two syllables) usually we add the ending “- est”, and if the adjective concerned has more than two syllables we put “the most...” in front of it. For example: Cilacap is the neatest city in Central Java. Tokyo is the most expensive city in Asia. In Indonesian this degree of comparison is expressed with the phrase yang paling. Yang paling always comes in front of the adjective it refers to. I. Which is the most…? To ask “which (place) is the most…” your question follows this four-step pattern: 1 geographical term/kind of place 2 yang mana 3 yang pa- ling 4 adjective + …? For example: 1 Gunung 2 yang mana 3 yang paling 4 tinggi + di Jepang? Which mountain is the highest in Japan? Practise generating questions like this from this substitution table. Don’t forget, as you say each sentence try to imagine a particular conversation or situation in which you might say that sentence. In other words, try to avoid generating the sentences merely mechanically, without an imaginable context. Pabrik tua Universitas menarik Tempat ramai Rumah panas Sungai maju Desa kotor Daerah kecil Gedung dingin Gunung besar Kota yang mana yang paling bersih di ...... ? Negara indah Pulau bagus Sekolah baru Stasiun baik Toko aman Pantai berbahaya Lesson 80

Jalan menyenangkan Kawasan terkenal

II. Who is the most… ? To ask “who is the most…” your question follows this three-step pattern: 1 siapa 2 yang paling 3 adjective + …? For example: 1 Siapa 2 yang paling 3 lucu + di kelas Anda? Who is the funniest in your class? Now practise generating questions like this from the following substitution table. Don’t forget, as you say each sentence try to imagine a particular conversation or situation in which you might say that sentence. In other words, try to avoid generating the sentences merely mechanically, without an imaginable context.

menarik manis kuat kelas Anda pandai di keluarga Anda bodoh sekolah Anda tinggi rumah Anda pendek cantik Siapa yang paling lucu ------? sabar tua muda teman-teman Anda menyenangkan di antara saudara-saudara Anda berani guru-guru Anda aneh orang yang tinggal di desa Anda sederhana terkenal

III. Answering these questions Your answers to the questions in I and II above will follow this basic three-step form: 1 personal name or place name 2 yang paling 3 adjective + … For example: 1 Gunung Fuji 2 yang paling 3 tinggi + di Jepang. Mount Fuji is the highest (mountain) in Japan. 1 Nyoman 2 yang paling 3 lucu + di kelas kami. Nyoman is the funniest (person) in our class. Try generating answers from these two substitution tables. Lesson 80

Pabrik Semen Padang populer Universitas Widya Buana tua Tempat ini menarik Rumah Wahyuni ramai Sungai Musi panas Desa Kemiri maju Daerah selatan kotor Gedung Lippo kecil Gunung Rinjani dingin Kota Ambon yang paling besar di ...... ? Jepang bersih Pulau Sumba indah Sekolah Budi Luhur bagus Stasiun Tawang baru Terminal Kalibata baik Toko Sami Jaya aman Pantai Parangtritis berbahaya Jalan Sam Ratulangi menyenangkan Kawasan Timur Indonesia terkenal

Note that the subjects here are almost all use a classifier such as Gunung, Jalan etc. You can always insert the classifier before yang paling: Pabrik Semen Padang pabrik yang paling besar di Sumatra. The Padang Cement Factory is the largest factory in Sumatra. Desa Kemiri desa yang paling bersih di Jawa Barat. Kemiri is the cleanest village in . If the classifier is missing such as in the example with Jepang, it may be added: Jepang negara yang paling kaya di Asia. Japan is the richest country in Asia. Likewise, the classifier orang can also be inserted in the examples listed below: Bu Warouw orang yang paling pintar di sekolah kami. Mrs. Warouw is the smartest person in our school. Instead of orang, you can of course also use her profession: Bu Warouw guru yang paling pintar di sekolah kami. Mrs. Warouw is the smartest teacher in our school. Lesson 80

menarik manis kuat kelas kami pandai di keluarga kami bodoh sekolah kami Bu Warouw tinggi rumah kami Noriah pendek Kartini cantik Nyoman yang paling lucu ------Pak Abubakar sabar David tua muda teman-teman kami menyenangkan di antara saudara-saudara kami berani guru-guru kami aneh yang tinggal di desa kami sederhana terkenal pintar

Study these examples of questions and answers using yang paling ... Kota yang mana yang paling luas di Australia? Which city is the biggest (in area) in Australia? Sydney kota yang paling luas di Australia. Sydney is the biggest city in Australia. Toko yang mana yang paling lengkap di Yogyakarta? Which shop is the best stocked in Yogyakarta? Toko Sami Jaya yang paling lengkap di Yogyakarta. Sami Jaya is the best stocked shop in Yogyakarta. Siapa mahasiswa yang paling lucu di kelas Anda? Who is the funniest student in your class? Julius yang paling lucu di kelas saya. Julius is the funniest in my class. Siapa yang paling tinggi di antara saudara-saudara Anda? Who is the tallest among your brothers and sisters? Viktor yang paling tinggi di antara kami. Viktor is the tallest of us.

Exercise 80-01

Each of the first five items below presents a question to which you must write an answer beginning with Menurut pendapat saya...or Menurut saya... The second five items consist of answers for which you must write appropriate questions beginning with Menurut pendapat Anda... or Menurut Anda... Whether you are writing answers or questions, make sure you write complete sentences. Lesson 80

1. Menurut pendapat Anda, kota yang mana yang paling indah di Eropa? 2. Menurut pendapat Anda, hotel yang mana yang paling mewah di kota ini? 3. Menurut pendapat Anda, siapa yang paling pandai berbahasa Indonesia di antara teman- teman Anda? 4. Menurut pendapat Anda, toko yang mana yang paling murah? 5. Menurut pendapat Anda, mata kuliah yang mana yang paling menarik? ✶✶✶

6. Menurut pendapat saya, pulau Jawa yang paling indah di Indonesia. 7. Menurut pendapat saya, buku Belajar Akuntansi dengan Cara Baru yang paling membosankan di perpustakaan kita. 8. Menurut pendapat saya, Tawangmangu kota yang paling dingin di Jawa Tengah. 9. Menurut pendapat saya Rumah Makan Samudra Jaya yang paling enak di Yogya karena di rumah makan itu ada bermacam-macam makanan dan harganya murah. 10. Menurut pendapat saya bahasa Rusia yang paling sukar di antara semua bahasa di dunia.

Exercise 80-02

To answer the questions in this exercise you will have to examine the information in the boxes below. Lima Danau yang Paling Luas di Dunia

Nama Danau Terletak di… Luas Laut Kaspia Asia Tengah 394.299 km persegi Danau Superior Amerika Utara 82.413 km persegi Danau Victoria Afrika 69.484 km persegi Danau Aral Asia Tengah 66.456 km persegi Danau Huron Amerika Utara 59.595 km persegi

Lima Danau yang Paling Luas di Indonesia

Nama Danau Terletak di ... Luas Danau Toba Sumatra Utara 1.130 km persegi Danau Towuti Sulawesi Selatan 578,1 km persegi Danau Prian Kalimantan 548,5 km persegi Danau Poso Sulawesi Tengah 281,3 km persegi Danau Jempang Kalimantan Timur 225,0 km persegi Lesson 80

Lima Gunung yang Paling Tinggi di Dunia

Nama Gunung Terletak di ... Tinggi (meter) Gunung Everest Nepal / Cina 8.848 Gunung Godwin Austen Pakistan / Cina 8.611 Gunung Kangohenjinga Nepal / India 8.603 Gunung Lhotse Nepal 8.501 Gunung Makalu Nepal / Cina 8.470

Lima Gunung Api yang Paling Tinggi di Indonesia

Nama Gunung Terletak di ... Tinggi (meter) Gunung Kerinci Provinsi Jambi di Sumatra 3.805 Gunung Rinjani Pulau Lombok di NTB 3.726 Gunung Semeru Jawa Timur di Pulau Jawa 3.676 Gunung Slamet Jawa Tengah di Pulau Jawa 3.432

Lima Pulau yang Paling Besar di Dunia

Nama Pulau Negara Terletak di ... Luas

Tanah Hijau Denmark Lautan Atlantik Utara 2.175.597 km2 Pulau Papua Indonesia / PNG Lautan Pasifik Barat-Daya 820.032 km2 Pulau Kalimantan Indonesia / Brunei/ Laut Cina Selatan 743.107 km2 Malaysia Pulau Madagaskar Madagaskar Lautan India Barat 587.041 km2 Pulau Baffin Kanada Lautan Atlantik Utara 476.967 km2

Lima Pulau yang Paling Besar di Indonesia

Nama Pulau Luas

Pulau Papua 820.032 km2 Pulau Kalimantan 743.107 km2 Pulau Sumatra 425.000 km2 Pulau Sulawesi 174.000 km2 Pulau Jawa 129.000 km2 Lesson 80

Lima Sungai yang Paling Panjang di Dunia

Nama Pulau Terletak di... Panjang (km) Sungai Nil Afrika Utara 6.690 Sungai Amazon Amerika Selatan 6.300 Sungai Missisippi Amerika Utara 6.210 Sungai Yangtse Asia Timur 5.530 Sungai Ob Rusia Timur 5.200

Lima Sungai yang Paling Panjang di Indonesia

Nama Pulau Terletak di... Panjang (km) Sungai Kapuas Kalimantan Barat 1.143 Sungai Mahakam Kalimantan Timur 980 Sungai Barito Kalimantan Tengah 900 Sungai Batang Hari Jambi (Sumatra) 800 Sungai Musi Sumatra Selatan 750

Minta Perhatian!!

In the boxes above, notice how some adjectives like luas (extensive), tinggi (high) and panjang (long) can function like nouns. In some contexts luas can be translated as “extent” or “area” or “size”, tinggi as “height”, and panjang as “length”. They are a bit like the English adjectives high and low when you say “I enjoy the highs and endure the lows of language study.” Other similar adjectives in Indonesian are: berat (heavy / weight), dalam (deep / depth), and lebar (wide / width). Look at these examples: Berat badan saya 60 kilo. (not keberatan) My body weight is 60 kilos. Dalam laut dapat diukur, dalam hati siapa tahu? (not kedalaman) The depth of the sea can be measured, but the depth of the heart… who knows? Often these adjectives have –nya attached to them to emphasise that they are being used as nouns. Gunung Lawu tingginya kira-kira 3.000 meter. Mount Lawu is about 3,000 metres in height. Dalamnya laut dapat diukur, dalamnya hati siapa tahu? The depth of the sea can be measured, but the depth of the heart… who knows? Back to the quiz. Answer the following questions:

1. Pulau yang mana yang paling luas di dunia? A. Pulau Madagaskar B. Pulau Baffin C. Pulau Kalimantan D. Tanah Hijau Lesson 80

2. Sungai yang mana yang lebih panjang: Sungai Barito atau Sungai Kapuas? A. Sungai Barito B. Sungai Kapuas 3. Apakah Danau Huron di Amerika Utara danau yang paling besar di dunia? A. Betul B. Salah 4. Gunung yang mana yang paling tinggi di Indonesia? A. Gunung Rinjani B. Gunung Slamet C. Gunung Kerinci D. Gunung Semeru 5. Di mana gunung api yang paling tinggi di Indonesia? A. Jambi B. Jawa Tengah C. Jawa Timur D. Nusa Tenggara Barat 6. Danau yang mana yang paling luas di dunia? A. Danau Huron B. Danau Victoria C. Laut Kaspia D. Danau Superior 7. Danau Poso di pulau yang mana: Sulawesi atau Kalimantan? A. Sulawesi B. Kalimantan 8. Sungai yang mana yang paling panjang di pulau Kalimantan? A. Sungai Barito B. Sungai Kapuas C. Sungai Mahakam 9. Gunung yang mana yang paling tinggi di Nepal? A. Gunung Makalu B. Gunung Kangohenjinga C. Gunung Everest 10. Sungai yang mana yang paling panjang di Afrika? A. Sungai Amazon B. Sungai Ob C. Sungai Nil D. Sungai Missisippi Lesson 80

Role Play: A General Knowledge Quiz (Kuis Pengetahuan Umum)

With your teacher/tutor or with members of your class, role play a general knowledge quiz. There are plenty of ways you can do this. For example the class may simply be divided into two competing groups with a “quiz master” or compere (in Indonesian moderator /mod.dèr.rā.TOR/) putting the questions, judging the correctness of the answers, and keeping the score. Or you may wish to be inspired by the various formats of popular TV quiz shows. If you do this, the moderator may begin by saying something like this (learn this intro by heart if you play the role of moderator). Listen to Sound File 080-01. elamat siang para pemirsa. Selamat datang pada acara kuis Cepat Menjawab. Nama saya SErwin Gay. Hari ini ada dua tim yang akan bertanding. Di sebelah kanan saya Saudara Melissa dan Saudara Iwan, di sebelah kiri saya Saudara Dian dan Saudara Yudi. Mari kita mulai. Pertanyaan yang pertama untuk Saudara Melissa. Gunung yang mana yang paling tinggi di Afrika?

Prepare your questions carefully. As many as possible (but not all) of your questions should echo the models studied in this lesson, so go back to the sentence shells on previous pages to get help in framing your questions. Don’t forget that when a contestant gives a wrong answer, the moderator may have to respond to that wrong answer using bukan. For example: Moderator: Pantai yang mana yang paling populer di Bali? Jawaban: Hmmmm, saya kira Pantai Lovina. Moderator: Bukan! Pantai Lovina bukan pantai yang paling populer di Bali. The moderator may also respond the answers by saying Betul! (Correct!) and Salah! (Wrong!). To end the quiz the moderator might say something like this: Kuis sudah selesai. Melissa dan Iwan mendapat angka 6, Dian dan Yudi mendapat angka 8. Dian dan Yudi yang menang!

Rambu di Jalan Raya Bahasa

In Lesson 3 we have learned that mari means :”good bye”

Mari, Bu. Mari. Selamat pagi Good bye, Ma’m Good bye. Have a nice day.

The basic meaning of mari is “hither”. In all Polynesian languages mari lost its /r/ and is rendered mai. It occurs in common phrases such as in the Hawaiian E komo mai! (Come inside! Welcome!) or the Maori Haere mai! with the same meaning. In Indonesian, the word mari has multiple functions. In leavetaking after a visit it has the meaning “good bye”. In response to a phrase like “Mari, Pak.” you will often hear it uttered twice: “Mari, mari.” Mari also serves as a politeness formula used in inviting someone to do something. It is hence similar to silakan, and can best be translated as “Please help yourself”, but it is also used to invite someone to do something together with you. In that case it can best be translated as “Let us...”. Note that the “us” in “let us” does not have to be translated. In fact, usually it is omitted. Lesson 80

Mari minum. Please have a drink OR Let’s have a drink Mari masuk. Come on in. OR Let’s go in. Mari kita mulai. Let us begin. The original meaning of “hither” is preserved in: Tadi dia datang ke mari. A while ago he came here. Waktu semula saya datang ke mari. When I first came hither. Mereka lari kian ke mari. They ran hither and thither. Ke mari (also written kemari) is very frequently used, about as frequently as the synonym ke sini

Danau Toba

Lake Toba is the largest lake in South East Asia, and the largest volcanic lake in the world. The lake is 100 kilometres long, 30 kilometres wide, and 505 metres (1,666 ft) at its deepest point. The lake has a surface elevation of about 900 metres (2,953 ft), and hence a very mild climate with night temperatures between 18 and 25C. Lake Toba is the site of a supervolcanic eruption that occurred 69,000-77,000 years ago. It is believed to be the largest explosive eruption anywhere on earth in the last 25 million years. Located in the middle of the lake is the island Samosir which at 630 km² is the largest island within an island, and the fifth largest lake island in the world. Lake Toba can be reached from Medan either through Pematang Siantar to Parapat (175km) or via Berastagi to Tongging (150km). The major tourist spots are the town of Parapat and the small peninsula Tuktuk on Samosir. Danau Toba—view of Tao Silalahi, the northern part of the lake. © Johnny Siahaan Lesson 80

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu 1

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

acara brave, dare manis difficult aman right membosankan young aneh number menang long angka programme, event milik coast, beach berani fast, quick muda to win cepat lake panjang simple dunia audience, viewer pantai the property of danau world, earth pertama question gunung strange, weird pertanyaan finished jawaban answer sederhana sweet kanan mountain selesai various kiri safe semua first lengkap complete sukar located luas left sungai boring pemirsa big, broad terletak river bermacam-macam all

Latihan 2—Yang Paling

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

1. The oldest a. Yang paling aman 2. The highest b. Yang paling baik 3. The most beautiful c. Yang paling berbahaya 4. The most dangerous d. Yang paling bersih 5. The most famous e. Yang paling cantik 6. The cleanest f. Yang paling dingin 7. The best, kindest g. Yang paling menarik 8. The safest h. Yang paling terkenal 9. The coldest i. Yang paling tinggi 10. The most interesting j. Yang paling tua Lesson 80 Latihan 3—Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Listen to Sound File 080-02. You will hear ten questions. For each of the ten questions, a response is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the responses as they appear in the sound file.

No. English Translation 1. a. Menurut pendapat saya, Jepang negara yang paling maju. 2. b. Saya tidak tahu tapi barangkali kota Yogyakarta. 3. c. Saya rasa Nenek Ana karena dia tidak pernah marah. 4. d. Saya rasa Annisa karena dia selalu nomor satu dalam semua pelajaran. 5. e. Menurut pendapat saya Universitas Gajah Mada yang paling tua. 6. f. Menurut buku ini Gedung Fatahillah. 7. g. Farida, teman saya. Dia lucu sekali. 8. h. Saya tidak tahu tapi mungkin pensilnya Mira. 9. i. Baju milik Asha. 10. j. Rumah Ibu Dina.

Latihan 4—Isian

Lengkapilah teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: a. yang paling bagus—b. yang paling tinggi—c. yang paling berbahaya—d. yang paling lucu—e. yang paling membosankan—f. yang paling murah—g. yang paling populer—h. yang paling ramai

1. Gedung Pena gedung ______di Jakarta. Anda bisa melihat kota Jakarta dari sini.

2. Saya tidak suka lewat Jalan Anggara. Itu jalan ______di sini. Banyak sekali penjahat.

3. Semua teman saya ingin kuliah di Universitas Indonesia. Itu memang universitas ______di Jakarta.

4. Pasar ini pasar ______di Surabaya. Setiap hari banyak orang datang untuk membeli sa- yur dan daging.

5. Mobil ini mobil ______yang pernah saya punya. Harganya hanya Rp. 100.000.000,-

6. Andina teman saya ______. Dia suka sekali membuat saya tertawa.

7. Mata kuliah Logika mata kuliah ______. Dosennya tidak menarik dan kuliahnya sangat sulit.

8. Rumah ini rumah ______. Kebunnya luas dan kamarnya banyak. Lesson 80 Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “Mount Everest is the highest mountain in the world.” Gunung Everest—di—tertinggi—gunung—dunia.

2. “This is the most interesting quiz on TV.” Ini—menarik—kuis—paling—di—yang—televisi.

3. “What is the most famous beach on this island?” Pantai—apa—yang—pulau—di—terkenal—paling—ini?

4. “In my opinion, Ciliwung River is the dirtiest river in Indonesia.” Menurut—saya,—sungai—paling—pendapat—di—kotor— Sungai Ciliwung— yang—Indonesia.

5. “What is the most crowded city in India?” Kota—paling—yang—ramai—di—apa—India?

Latihan 6—Pilihan Ganda: Kosa Kata

Pilihlah jawaban yang benar. 1. Dia itu ______sekali! Tidak bisa menjawab pertanyaan yang paling mudah! E. bodoh F. pandai G. menarik H. berbahaya 2. Siapa yang ______di pertandingan sepak bola besok malam? A. pergi B. bertanding C. menjawab D. membeli 3. ______di Jakarta! A. Selamat pagi B. Apa kabar C. Selamat tinggal D. Selamat datang 4. Di ______Danau Toba ada Pulau Samosir A. bawah B. atas C. tengah D. luar Lesson 80

5. Kamu harus ______pertanyaan bapak itu. A. bertanya B. menjawab C. menjual D. membeli

Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 1. dirty 5. clever 7. the most ... 8. mountain 10. simple 12. moderator 13. to answer 15. (to be) patient 17. to compete 18. funny Menurun: 2. crowded 3. advanced 4. middle 5. long 6. short 9. dangerous 11. square 13. expensive 14. quiz 16. stupid Lesson 81

81 Kata Kerja Dengan Di-


• To introduce and practise the passive form of the verb with a di- prefix

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. acara programme, agenda mulai start anggur wine, grape oleh by bioskop cinema pakaian clothes dipanggil be called para plural marker for humans harga price pertanyaan question hilang disappear, vanished pesta party, fest karcis ticket pintu door kata kerja verb pohon tree kaya rich roti bread lupa forget surat letter minuman a drink

The Passive in Indonesian: Verbs with a di- Prefix

As you have seen, Indonesian has intransitive and transitive verbs. You practised transitive verbs in the active voice in Module 5. Transitive verbs have a subject (the “doer” of the action) and an object (the “receiver” of the action). Transitive verbs occur in two main “voices”: the active voice and the passive voice. If a transitive verb occurs in a sentence in which the emphasis, or focus of attention, is on the subject or doer, the verb is said to be in the active voice and it usually has a meN- prefix attached to the front of it. Bapak Purwanto membaca surat-surat. Mr Purwanto read some letters. Lesson 81

But if the focus of attention is on the object or receiver of the action (usually when the object comes first in a sentence or clause) the form of the verb changes. It is said to be in the passive voice. Indonesian has two kinds of passive which are often called Class I passives and Class II passives (other authors call them Passive Type I and Passive Type II). You use a Class I passive when you are talking about a third person or thing, i.e. not about “I/us” (the first person) or about “you” (the second person) but about “he/she/it” (the third person). A Class I passive is marked by the presence of a di- prefix on the verb. Here are some examples. Surat-surat itu dibaca oleh Bapak Purwanto. The letters were read by Mr Purwanto. Pohon itu ditanam oleh Ibu da Costa tahun yang lalu. That tree was planted by Mrs da Costa last year. Mobil saya sudah diperbaiki oleh Bapak Tallo. My car has already been repaired by Mr Tallo. Pertanyaan itu tidak dijawab oleh Bapak Kepala Desa. The question wasn’t answered by the Village Head. Mengapa surat ini tidak dikirim oleh sekretaris? Why wasn’t this letter sent by the secretary? Acara kita akan diatur oleh Bapak Hamidi nanti. Our program is going to be arranged by Mr Hamidi shortly. Ini buku yang harus dibeli oleh para mahasiswa. This is the book that has to be bought by the students. Terminal bis itu dibangun oleh pemerintah. That bus terminal was built by the government. Karcis diambil oleh Sri tadi. The ticket was picked up earlier today by Sri. Museum ini dibuka oleh Bapak Bupati pada tahun 2007. This museum was opened by the bupati in 2007. You will notice that in these sentences you are told who does the action (i.e. who the doer or the agent is). The doer is indicated, or introduced, with the word oleh (by). But very often you don’t know who or what did an action. All you know is that the action “was done”. You can see this in these sentences. Pohon itu ditanam tahun yang lalu. That tree was planted last year. Mobil saya sudah diperbaiki. My car has already been repaired. Pertanyaan itu tidak dijawab. The question wasn’t answered. Mengapa surat ini tidak dikirim? Why wasn’t this letter sent? Acara kita akan diatur nanti. Our program is going to be arranged shortly. Ini buku yang harus dibeli. This is the book that has to be bought. Terminal bus itu dibangun dengan cepat sekali. That bus terminal was built very quickly. Lesson 81

Karcis sudah diambil tadi, saya kira. The ticket was picked up earlier today, I think. Museum ini dibuka pada tahun 2007. This museum was opened in 2007.

Awas !!

Don’t confuse the verbal prefix di- with the preposition of place di. When di- is used as a verbal prefix it is glued straight on to the base form of a verb. For example: dibaca dicuci dimakan dilakukan to be read to be washed to be eaten to be done But when di is used as a preposition meaning “at”, “on”, “in” etc., it stands alone as an independent word and usually appears in front of a noun. For example: di Indonesia di rumah di meja di gelas in Indonesia at home on the table in the glass Unfortunately you will soon realise that many Indonesians are unable to distinguish between preposition and prefix and write ‘disini’ when it is supposed to be di sini and ‘di ambil’ instead of diambil.

The di–…–nya Combination

In cases where the third-person doer of an action has been previously mentioned or alluded to, and the emphasis is now on what the doer has done (or is doing, or is going to do), then that emphasis often demands a form of the verb with the di- ___ -nya combination of affixes. It is not usually necessary to put oleh in front of –nya (although olehnya does occur from time to time). Dia membeli roti, lalu dimakannya. She bought a bun then she ate it. Temannya dibawanya ke bioskop. She took her friend to the cinema. Karena sudah mulai menjadi dingin, ditutupnya jendela. Because it was starting to get cold, she closed the window. Anna membawa sebuah buku tetapi tidak dibacanya. Anna brought a book, but she didn’t read it.

Mohon Perhatian!!

In Module 5 you practised using transitive verbs in the active-voice with the meN- prefix. But when you listen carefully to authentic Indonesian you hear that passive- voice verbs (like di- verbs and di-___-nya verbs) seem to be more frequent than active-voice meN- verbs. In many cases you use a passive di- verb in Indonesian where you would probably use an active-voice verb in English. Take another look at each of the four sentences above and compare the English translation with the Indonesian above it, noting how it sounds more natural to use the active-voice in English, where the passive is more natural in Indonesian. In Indonesian, you can say, for example (echoing English usage), Lesson 81

Anna membawa sebuah buku, tetapi ia tidak membacanya. Anna brought a book, but she didn’t read it. but the sentence sounds a bit clumsy. It would be more idiomatic to say: Anna membawa sebuah buku, tetapi tidak dibacanya. Anna brought a book, but she didn’t read it. So it is very important to quickly get used to using passive-voice verbs a lot in Indonesian. Your Indonesian will sound much more authentic if you can manage to do this.

Exercise 81-01

Answer each of these questions with a complete sentence that echoes the di- verb in the question. (If you don’t happen to know the “real” answer to a question, make up an answer that seems plausible.) Study these examples first. Pertanyaan: Di mana baju itu dibuat? Jawaban: Baju itu dibuat di Italia. Pertanyaan: Polisi dipanggil oleh siapa? Jawaban: Polisi dipanggil oleh Nyonya Hadi. 1. Novel Oliver Twist ditulis oleh siapa? 2. Like a Candle in the Wind dinyanyikan oleh siapa? 3. Film Star Wars dibuat oleh siapa? 4. Di mana kuliah bahasa Indonesia diberikan? 5. Tahun berapa Presiden Obama dipilih? 6. Di mana majalah Tempo dijual? 7. Hamburger dibuat dari apa? 8. Mengapa semua jendela dan pintu harus ditutup? 9. Perpustakaan ini dipakai oleh siapa? 10. Pakaian yang murah dapat dibeli di toko mana?

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

acara a door diambil be accompanied anggur a drink diantar be answered bioskop a letter diatur be arranged harga a party, fest dibaca be bought hilang a question dibangun be brought karcis a tree dibawa be built kata kerja agenda dibeli be called kaya bread diberi be closed, shut Lesson 81

lupa by dibuat be done, performed minuman cinema dibuka be eaten mulai clothes, clothing dicuci be given oleh forget dijawab be made pakaian plural marker dijual be opened para price dilakukan be picked up pertanyaan rich dimakan be planted, grown pesta ticket dinyanyikan be read pintu to begin, start diperbaiki be repaired, fixed pohon vanished, gone ditanam be sold roti verbs ditulis be sung surat wine ditutup be washed dipanggil be written

Latihan 2—Pertanyaan dan Jawaban

Listen to Sound File 081-01. You will hear eight questions. For each of the eight questions, a response is provided in the right column of the following table. Select the order of the responses as they appear in the sound file.

No. Responses 1. a. Ya, mereka semua harus punya. 2. b. Karena dia sibuk sekali hari ini. 3. c. Oh, itu dibangun oleh pemerintah. 4. d. Akan diambil oleh Sri. 5. e. Akan diatur oleh Bapak Hamidi nanti. 6. f. Tahun lalu.

7. g. Menurut surat kabar, dibuka oleh Bapak Bupati.

8. h. Ibu, karena udara di luar dingin. Lesson 81

Latihan 3—Kata Kerja Pasif 1

Examine each of the verbs below. Each one is in the active voice form with a meN- prefix attached to it. Identify the base word of the verb, detach the meN- prefix and rewrite the verb in the passive form. Use Class I passive with a di- prefix. Study the example first.

menulis ditulis mengadakan

membeli mengisi

mengantar menjawab

membayar menolong

memberikan menanam

membuka menutup

menyanyikan menyapu

mengirim memukul

Latihan 4—Kata Kerja Pasif 2

Complete each of the sentences below by filling in the space with the di- ... -nya form of a verb. Study the example first. buat—pakai—minum—tutup—potong—bawa—beri—coba— terima—cari 1. Yohannes membeli mobil, lalu (jual) dijualnya lagi dengan harga yang lebih tinggi. 2. Maryam pandai masak kue. Kue ini ______sendiri. Enak sekali. 3. Tigor membeli baju baru. Katanya akan ______ke pesta nanti malam. 4. Tanti diberi minuman tetapi tidak ______. 5. Pintu dibuka oleh Ibu Kandouw tetapi ia lupa, pintu tidak ______lagi. 6. Pak Arief mengambil seekor ayam lalu kepalanya ______. 7. Di mana Sayuti? HP saya ______. 8. Ibu Panjaitan mengirim surat kepada anaknya seminggu yang lalu, tetapi sampai sekarang belum juga ______. 9. Katanya sepedanya hilang dua hari yang lalu. Mengapa belum ______? 10. Ibu Khadijah tidak begitu kaya tetapi uangnya ______kepada orang miskin. 11. Katanya dia baru akan membeli komputer itu kalau sudah______. Lesson 81 Latihan 5—Membuat Pertanyaan

Create a question based on the answer given using the passive form di... . The bold word should be the answer. Example: Polisi memanggil Ibu Hadi. Ibu Hadi dipanggil oleh siapa?

1. Charles Dickens menulis novel “Oliver Twist”...... 2. Elton John menyanyikan Like a Candle in the Wind...... 3. George Lucas membuat film Star Wars...... 4. Kuliah bahasa Indonesia diberikan di Gedung A...... 5. Rakyat Amerika memilih Presiden Obama pada tahun 2008...... 6. Majalah Tempo dijual di toko buku Gunung Agung...... 7. Ibu menutup jendela dan pintu karena udara di luar sangat dingin...... 8. Murid-murid selalu memakai perpustakaan ini......

Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata

Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang baik sesuai dengan arti: 1. “The letters were read by Mr Purwanto.” Surat-surat—Bapak—oleh—itu—dibaca—Purwanto.

2. “That tree was planted by Mrs da Costa last year.” Pohon—ditanam—tahun—Ibu da Costa—oleh—yang—itu—lalu.

3. “My car has already been repaired by Mr Tallo.” Mobil—oleh—sudah—Bapak—diperbaiki—saya—Tallo. Lesson 81

4. “The question was not answered by the head of the village.” Pertanyaan—tidak—kepala—oleh—dijawab—itu—desa.

5. “The letter has been written by Tika” Surat—sudah—ditulis—itu—Tika.

Latihan 7—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 3. busy 5. forget 6. head 7. agenda, programme, event 8. bread 11. government 13. question 14. shirt Menurun: 1. a letter 2. rich 4. air, weather 6. a ticket 9. window 10. a tree 11. door 12. vanished, disappeared, gone, lost Lesson 82

82 Bagaimana Cara Membuat Teh?


• To practise saying “it” using the passive form of the verb with a di- prefix. • To use di- verbs in a narrative describing how tea and coffee are made.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Teh Poci (shutterstock)

cara way menanam to plant diberikan be given mengatur arrange diperbaiki to be fixed mewah luxurious kentang potato montir mechanic keuangan financial pahit bitter kompor stove penjahat criminal lantai floor piring plate manis sweet semua all mawar rose tepi edge memasang to install wisatawan tourist memotong to cut

Saying “It” in Indonesian

Strange as it may seem, Indonesian has no single, exact equivalent of the English pronoun “it”. (Perhaps this is not really so strange, because “it” is a complex and subtle term with a range of meanings and functions unique to English. “It” is invariably difficult for foreign learners of English to master.) One of the many uses of “it” in English is to refer in a shorthand way to a thing, or a living creature, or an event, that has been mentioned a short time before. Here is a simple ex- ample: Lesson 82

Mr Tan read the newspaper. After reading it he gave it to me. In the second sentence “it” appears twice, both times referring back to “the newspaper” in the first sentence. How do you say this in Indonesian? Bapak Tan membaca surat kabar. Sesudah dibacanya, diberikannya kepada saya. The passive verbs dibaca and diberikan imply that something was read and something was given, and this something – this “it” – was the newspaper mentioned shortly before. Here is an- other example. Denny harus mengambil uang ke ATM. Sesudah diambil, digunakannya untuk membeli daging di pasar. [Literally] Denny had to fetch money (by going) to the ATM. After (it) was removed, (it) was used by him to buy meat at the market. Denny had to go to the ATM machine to get some money. After getting it he used it to buy some meat at the market. There are four transitive verbs in these two sentences. Two of them – mengambil and membeli – are in the active voice, marked with the meN- prefix, and two are in the passive voice (diambil and digunakan). The passive voice verbs here refer back to uang in the first sentence. In English we would normally use “it” to refer back in this way. A few more examples… Ibu Hadi mencuci cangkir. Sesudah dicuci, disimpannya di lemari. [Literally] Mrs Hadi washed the cup. After (it) was washed, (it) was put away by her in the cupboard Mrs Hadi washed the cup. After washing it, she put it in the cupboard. Dia merebus air. Sesudah direbus, dipakainya untuk membuat teh. [Literally] She boiled water. After (it) was boiled, (it) was used to make tea. She boiled some water. After boiling it she used it to make some tea. Yenny membeli HP baru. Sesudah dibelinya, diberikannya kepada ibunya. [Literally] Yenny bought a new mobile phone. After (it) was bought by her, (it) was given by her to her mother. Yenny bought a new mobile phone. After buying it she gave it to her mother. Pak Jamal membangun rumah baru. Sesudah dibangun, dijualnya kepada orang dari Jakarta. [Literally] Mr Jamal built a new house. After (it) was built, (it) was sold by him to a person from Jakarta. Mr Jamal built a new house. After building it he sold it to someone from Jakarta.

Mohon Perhatian!!

A couple of small footnotes. First, you will notice that in the sentences above sometimes the passive di- verbs have the suffix –nya attached to them, sometimes they don’t. This is more a matter of style than grammatical necessity. Attaching – nya (which can be translated here as “by him”, “by her”, or “by it”) makes the sen- tence a little more formal and a little clearer. Second, sometimes the passive verb in constructions like these can imply a plural referent. Take this sentence for example. Lesson 82

Ibu Hadi mencuci semua piring. Sesudah dicuci, disimpannya di lemari. [Literally] Mrs Hadi washed all the plates. After (they) were washed, (they) were stored by her in the cupboard. Mrs Hadi washed all the plates. After washing them, she put them in the cupboard. Third, you can use active voice forms when you are trying to say “it”. For example, you can say (echoing English usage): Yenny membeli HP baru. Sesudah dia membelinya, dia memberikannya kepada ibunya. Yenny bought a new mobile phone. After buying it she gave it to her mother. This is not strictly wrong but it is decidedly unidiomatic. It parallels English usage but sounds clumsy and “foreign” in Indonesian. As your command of Indonesian strengthens you should strive for authenticity, and this authenticity almost always means saying things in a “non-English” way.

Exercise 82-01

In each pair of sentences below, fill in the gap in the second sentence with the appropriate passive (di- form) of the transitive verb in the first sentence. Then check your answers in the “Keys to the Exercises”.

1. Montir itu memperbaiki mobil saya yang rusak. Sesudah ______, dikembalikannya ke- pada saya. 2. Penjahat itu mencuri sebuah jam tangan mewah. Sesudah ______, dijualnya kepada wi- satawan di tepi jalan. 3. Pak Hasan mengantar tamu-tamunya ke mal. Sesudah ______, diajaknya makan di res- toran Jepang di lantai bawah mal. 4. Musa memakai dua gelas. Sesudah ______, dicucinya dengan air panas. 5. Tukang kebun memotong beberapa bunga mawar yang tumbuh di kebun belakang. Sesudah ______, dibawanya ke ruang tamu dan ditaruhnya di atas meja. 6. Ibu Gah menulis laporan untuk pemerintah. Sesudah ______, dikirimnya juga kepada saya. 7. Henk memilih baju batik dari Pekalongan. Sesudah ______, dipakainya untuk pergi ke gereja pada hari Minggu. 8. Ibu Mahmudi memanggil anak-anaknya yang bermain di halaman belakang. Sesudah ______, disuruhnya mandi dan makan. 9. Pak Marwan memasang sistem komputer baru di kantornya. Sesudah ______, diguna- kannya untuk mengatur keuangan kantor. 10. Tukang kebun menanam kentang di samping rumah. Sesudah ______, diberinya air. Lesson 82 Making a Cup of Tea

Here is a description of how to make a cup of British tea. All the verbs in it are in the passive form with a di- prefix because the focus of attention is on the things to which something is done (the tea pot, the cup and the tea leaves) and these things come at, or near, the beginning of a sentence or phrase. The passage gives a very generalised description, so it doesn’t mention a particular person who does the various actions that are described. Listen to Sound File 082-01.

CARA MEMBUAT TEH Pertama-tama ceret diisi dengan air. Lalu ceret itu ditaruh di atas kompor. Air direbus di atas kompor. Lalu teh diambil dari lemari. Teh ditaruh di poci teh. Lalu poci teh diisi dengan air panas dari ceret. Kemudian cangkir-cangkir diambil dari lemari. Cangkir ditaruh di atas meja. Lalu cangkir diisi dengan teh panas. Sesudah itu teh itu diberi gula dan susu. Kemudian teh diminum. Akhirnya, sesudah teh diminum, cangkir dicuci dan dikembalikan ke lemari. Now, look at each of the English sentences below and say the equivalent sentence in Indone- sian. Go through the list several times until you can say the Indonesian equivalent of each one un- hesitatingly and correctly. Be careful to use di- form of the verb wherever you see an English passive verb. First of all, a kettle is filled with water. Then the kettle is put on the stove. The water is boiled on the stove. Then tea is taken from the cupboard. The tea is put in a tea pot. Then the tea pot is filled with hot water from the kettle. Then cups are fetched from the cupboard. The cups are put on the table. Then the cups are filled with hot tea. After that the tea has sugar and milk added to it. Then the tea is drunk. Finally, after the tea has been drunk, the cups are washed and returned to the cupboard. To conclude, close your eyes and talk to yourself, telling yourself (out loud) how a pot of tea is made. Visualise your personal circumstances and—if you can—add a few details of your own that reflect your personal circumstances. Now do Latihan 2–4 to check your understanding of the tea-making process. Lesson 82 Cara Indonesia: Minum Teh dan Kopi

Indonesia is famous for its tea and coffee. Picturesque tea plantations cover the hills in many parts of the country, particularly in West Java, and sipping glasses of tepid, very sweet tea is a national pastime. In contrast to British tea, Indonesian tea is usually served without milk. The Indonesian islands are so well-known for its coffee that the very name “Java” is synonymous with coffee although most coffee is in fact not produced in Java but on the islands of Sumatra and Sulawesi. The computer programming language Java is represented with a logo in the form of a stylized cup of “Java”. A fascinating history of cof- fee in Indonesia by Gabriella Teggia and Mark Hanusz is titled A Cup of Java (published by Equi- nox, Jakarta, 2003). The most prized, and very expensive coffee beans are those that have been through the gut of the Indonesian civet cat (musang). This is known as kopi luwak. Traditionally, coffee is served very strong, very black and very sweet. Roughly ground coffee and copious amounts of sugar are spooned into a glass tumbler. When boiling water is added the finely ground coffee sinks to the bottom of the glass and the rough grounds float to the surface. This drink – almost a national institution – is called kopi tubruk. Both tea and coffee are almost always served in glasses. Tea and cofee with milk (teh susu, kopi susu) is never made with fresh milk but with condensed sweetened milk. Coffee and tea are by default served extremely sweet as teh manis and kopi manis. If you want your tea or coffee un- sweetened, ask for teh pahit or kopi pahit. Iced tea (es teh) is very popular; if you want it un- sweetened ask for es teh tawar.

Dialogue: Bagaimana Cara Membuat…?

With your teacher/tutor, or with a fellow student, describe how a simple brew of coffee is made. Basically, the technique is the same as that used in the making of tea, so you can easily adapt the narrative you learned earlier in this lesson. The important thing is to use the di- forms of verbs frequently and correctly. You will begin, perhaps, like this… Bagaimana cara membuat kopi di Indonesia? Kopi? Hmmm, pertama-tama …. The narrative should be interrupted with questions. For example: Apakah kopi harus diaduk dulu sebelum diminum? Does the coffee have to be stirred first before it is drunk? Apakah kopi boleh diminum dingin? Can coffee be drunk cold? When you have repeated this dialogue several times and feel you can use the di- forms of verbs fluently, move on to the description of some other simple cooking exercises. For example, describe how an egg is boiled and eaten. You will probably find that the following words and phrases will be of use to you. panci: a pot, a saucepan lemari es: refrigerator telur dikupas: the egg is peeled telur diberi garam dan merica: the egg has salt and pepper put on it Lesson 82 Latihan 1—Kosa Kata

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

diaduk be fixed, repaired mawar all diajak be stirred mewah criminal diberi be stored montir edge, bank (of river) digunakan be used penjahat mechanic diisi be invited piring plate dikembalikan be returned semua rose diminum be given tepi tourist dipasang be placed, be put wisatawan way, means diperbaiki be boiled memasang floor direbus be filled menanam luxurious disimpan be ordered to do sth mengatur stove disuruh be drunk cara to arrange ditanam be installed keuangan to install ditaruh be planted lantai finance kompor to plant

Latihan 2—Pemahaman

Bacalah petunjuk untuk masak teh (“CARA MEMBUAT TEH”) lalu jawab pertanyaan berikut. 1. Mula-mula apa yang harus dilakukan untuk membuat teh? A. ceret diisi dengan air. B. cangkir dicuci dan dikembalikan ke lemari. C. cangkir diisi dengan teh panas. 2. Mana yang dilakukan dulu? A. air direbus di atas kompor. B. cangkir diisi dengan teh panas. C. ceret ditaruh di atas kompor. 3. Kapan gula dan susu dimasukkan ke dalam teh? A. Sebelum teh panas dimasukkan ke dalam cangkir. B. Ketika teh panas dimasukkan ke dalam cangkir. C. Sesudah teh panas dimasukkan ke dalam cangkir. 4. Apa yang harus dilakukan sesudah teh diminum? A. cangkir ditaruh di atas meja. B. cangkir dicuci. C. cangkir dikembalikan ke lemari. Lesson 82

5. Apa yang harus dilakukan setelah poci teh diisi? A. teh dimasukkan ke dalam lemari. B. cangkir diisi dengan teh panas. C. poci teh diisi dengan air panas. D. cangkir ditaruh di atas meja 6. Apa nama tempat untuk merebus air? A. ceret B. poci teh C. cangkir

Latihan 3—Isian 1

Lengkapilah teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: cangkir-cangkir—dengan— diambil—diberi—diisi—dikembalikan—diminum—direbus—ditaruh—meja—panas—poci • Pertama-tama ceret ______dengan air. • Lalu ceret itu ______di atas kompor. • Air ______di atas kompor. • Lalu teh ______dari lemari. • Teh ditaruh di ______teh. • Lalu poci teh diisi dengan air ______dari ceret. • Kemudian ______-______diambil dari lemari. • Cangkir ditaruh di atas ______. • Lalu cangkir diisi ______teh panas. • Sesudah itu teh itu ______gula dan susu. • Kemudian teh ______. • Akhirnya, sesudah teh diminum, cangkir dicuci dan ______ke lemari.

Latihan 4—Isian 2

Lengkapilah teks berikut sesuai dengan Rekaman 082-01 dengan memilih kata yang tepat. • Pertama-tama ______dengan ______. • Lalu ______itu ______di atas ______. • ______di atas ______. • Lalu ______dari ______. • Teh ______di ______teh. • Lalu ______teh ______dengan ______panas dari ceret. • Kemudian cangkir-cangkir ______dari______. Lesson 82

• ______di atas ______. • Lalu cangkir ______dengan ______panas. • Sesudah itu ______itu ______dan susu. • Kemudian ______. • Akhirnya, ______teh diminum, cangkir ______dan ______ke lemari.

Latihan 5—Menyimak

Listen to Sound File 082-02. In each sound file, one word is distorted. Write it into the provided space in the right column.

Does the coffee have to be stirred first before it is drunk? I was asked by my mother to go to the market yesterday. His money is used to buy some meat. After it is washed, the cup is stored in the cupboard. After playing, the kids are told to take a shower. We were given some money by grandfather. The water is boiled on the stove.

Latihan 6—Rangkai Kata

Urutkanlah kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar. 1. “Can coffee be consumed cold?” Apakah—boleh—diminum—kopi—dingin?

2. “First of all, fill a kettle with water.” Pertama-tama—diisi—dengan—ceret—air.

3. “Father takes us to the park.” Kami—diajak—pergi—oleh—ke—taman—ayah.

4. “After being read, the book is returned to the library.” Setelah—dikembalikan—ke—buku—dibaca—perpustakaan.

5. “Grandmother is drinking (a cup of) tea.” Teh—oleh—diminum—sedang—nenek.

6. “Sugar, salt, and pepper are put on the table.” Gula,—ditaruh—atas—dan merica—garam,—di—meja. Lesson 82 Latihan 7—Aktif & Pasif

Replace the provided passive di- verbs with active meN- verbs.

Passive di- verbs Active meN- verbs

digusur menggusur

dikembalikan ditanam diisi direbus dipasang digunakan disuruh diajak disimpan diberikan ditaruh diatur dipotong

Latihan 8—Teka Teki Silang (TTS):

Mendatar: 1. financial 2. plate, dish 5. arrange, organise 8. way, method 9. to grow 10. report Menurun: 1. potatoes 2. criminal 3. floor 4. pepper 6. salt 7. sugar Lesson 83

83 Masakan Khas Indonesia


• To practise the imperative form for cooking. • To be familiar with spices used in Indonesian cuisine.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you re- member their meanings. Sate Ayam & Kambing © Uli Kozok

mengaduk to stir manis sweet air water masak to cook ayam chicken muda young bagian a part pahit bitter buah fruit memotong to cut garam salt merebus to boil menggoreng to fry telur egg menjadi to become tempe tempeh kasar coarse tahu tofu kentang potato

The Famous Indonesian Cuisine

Not only well-known for its beautiful scenery, but Indonesia is also noted for its cuisine. Since the country has thirty three provinces with people come from various cultural background, it has so many distinctive local dishes. Each province has its own specialty and it can be very different from the others. For example, the food in North Sumatra and South Sulawesi tend to be very spicy and hot. However, Central Java is very well-known for its sweet cuisine. Lesson 83

Interestingly, some dishes may share a similar initial name, such as soto Padang, soto Betawi, soto Lamongan, etc but it may have different ingredients and spices. One dish of local food may contain several different spices, such as garlic, shallots, turmeric, etc; and it may take hours to cook it. The most common spice that is used is chilli because most Indonesians like to eat very spicy food. Below are some names of spices commonly used in Indonesian cuisine: cabai chilli jeruk nipis lime bawang merah shallot serai lemon grass bawang putih garlic merica pepper kunyit turmeric garam salt ketumbar coriander daun jeruk kaffir lime leaves

Sebelum Mulai Memasak...

Imagine you were in Indonesia right now and it was lunch time. You were walking down the road with so many restaurants serving numerous mouth-watering Indonesian cuisine. As you looked at the menu displayed. ask yourself these questions:

1. What kind of Indonesian food I would like to have? 2. What vegetables, meat, and spices are probably used in that food? 3. What kind of cooking and preparation technique used by the chef? Is the food fried, sautéd, grilled, or…? Have you got answers for the questions above? If you have not, let’s cook your own lunch!

Ayo Kita Masak!

Below are the recipes of the famous gado-gado and sate kambing. Despite the numerous in- gredients required, they are very easy and quick to make. Gado-gado also makes a perfectly ve- getarian dish if you leave out the shrimp paste, and you can even make a vegetarian satay by us- ing firm tofu as a meat substitute. For Indonesian satay, wooden skewers are used. Soak them in water for 10 minutes to prevent burning. Bahan Gado-gado: 1. Kacang panjang, 50 gram, potong 4 cm, rebus 2. Kol, 50 gram, potong kasar dan rebus 3. Taoge, 50 gram 4. Labu siam, 1 buah, rebus, potong-potong 5. Kangkung, 1 ikat, rebus 6. Timun muda, ½ buah 7. Tempe, 1 buah, potong kotak-kotak, goreng 8. Tahu, 1 buah, potong kotak-kotak, goreng 9. Kentang rebus, 1 buah, potong kotak-kotak 10.Telur ayam rebus, 1 butir, potong jadi 6 bagian 11.Kerupuk udang atau emping secukupnya Lesson 83 Cara Membuat Gado-Gado

Gado-Gado with Kuah Kacang and Emping © U. Kozok, 2014 Kuah Kacang: 1. Kacang tanah goreng, 30 gram 2. Cabai merah, 3 buah, potong-potong dan tumis 3. Bawang putih goreng, ½ sendok makan 4. Bawang merah goreng, 1 sendok makan 5. Garam secukupnya 6. Gula merah, ½ sendok makan 7. Air asam, ½ sendok teh 8. Terasi, ½ sendok teh 9. Daun salam, 1 lembar Cara memasak Gado-gado: 1. Kuah kacang : Haluskan kacang goreng, bawang merah, bawang putih dan terasi. Tambahkan cabai merah, haluskan. 2. Masukkan bumbu halus dalam panci, tambahkan bahan saus yang lain. Rebus sambil diaduk hingga mendidih dan berminyak, angkat. 3. Rebus semua sayuran, angkat 4. Atur dalam piring saji, lontong, sayur, tahu, tempe, kentang dan telur. 5. Tuangi kuah kacang secukupnya. Tambahkan kerupuk atau emping di atasnya, sajikan. Lesson 83

Cara Membuat Sate Kambing

Bahan sate: 1. 1kg daging kambing 2. tusuk sate Bumbu yang dihaluskan: 1. 5 butir bawang merah 2. 2 siung bawang putih 3. 1 sendok teh ketumbar 4. garam secukupnya Bumbu untuk membakarnya: 1. 40gr mentega 2. 60ml kecap manis Sate Kambing. © Uli Kozok Sambal Kecap: 1. 3 butir bawang merah 2. 1 buah tomat 3. 5 cabai merah 4. 1 buah jeruk limau atau jeruk nipis diambil airnya 5. 100ml kecap manis Cara Membuatnya: 1. Potong daging kambing (boleh diganti dengan biri-biri, ayam atau sapi) sesuai selera. Biasanya 1x2x2 cm. 2. Aduk potongan daging dengan bumbu yang sudah dihaluskan lalu diamkan selama 30 menit supaya bumbu meresap. 3. Kemudian, tusukkan 4 potong daging pada setiap tusuk sate. 4. Panggang sate di atas bara api sampai setengah matang. 5. Aduk bumbu mentega (dihangatkan terlebih dahulu supaya agak cair) dengan kecap manis lalu oleskan pada dagingnya. 6. Panggang sampai matang. Sambal Kecap: 1. Tomat dipotong dadu. 2. Bawang merah dan cabai merah diiris. 3. Campur semua bahan untuk sambal kecap dan taruh di sebuah mangkuk.

In order to understand the above texts, you need to know the following words or phrases, but you do not need to memorise them: bahan ingredients; taoge bean sprouts; labu siam chayote; ikat a bunch; potong kotak-kotak cut into cubes; buah piece; butir piece; kerupuk udang prawn cracker; emping melinjo crackers; secukupnya to taste; kacang tanah peanuts; cabai merah red hot peppers; tumis sauté; sendok makan table spoon; gula merah palm sugar; air asam tamarind juice; sendok teh tea spoon; terasi shrimp paste; daun salam salam leaves; lembar piece; panci cooking pot; sambil while; hingga until; mendidih boil, simmer; berminyak become oily; angkat remove; sayuran vegetables; atur ar- range; piring saji serving plate; lontong rice cakes; tuangi to pour; sajikan serve. Tusuk sate kebab skewers; siung clove (of garlic); ketumbar coriander; mentega butter; kecap manis sweet soy sauce; jeruk limau lemon; jeruk nipis lime; diam- bil be taken (i.e. be squeezed); biri-biri sheep, lamb; sapi beef; sesuai selera according to taste; diamkan leave alone, marinade; meresap penetrate; tusukkan to skew; bara api live coals; sampai until; setengah half; matang cooked; di- hangatkan to be warmed; terlebih dahulu first; agak rather, somehow; cair liquid; oleskan apply, smear; matang cooked; dipotong dadu be diced; taruh put; mangkuk bowl. Lesson 83 The Imperative

If you pay attention to the recipes above, both of them are using imperatives to explain the making process. Take a look at the examples below. Haluskan kacang goreng, bawang merah, bawang putih dan terasi. Grind the peanuts, shallots, garlic, and the shrimp paste altogether. Tambahkan cabai merah, haluskan. Add the chilli. Grind it as well. Potong daging kambing. Cut the lamb. Campur semua bahan untuk sambal kecap dan taruh di sebuah mangkuk. Mix all the ingredients for the chilli-based soy sauce and put it in a bowl. You use the imperative when you want the person you talk to to act in a certain way. The form of the imperative in Indonesian is similar with its form in English. Put the bare verb at the initial po- sition of the sentence and then directly followed by the noun. Study the examples below: Rebus sayuran itu. Boil the vegetables. Goreng ayam itu sekarang. Fry that chicken now. Tumis kangkung ini. Sauté this water spinach.

Cara Indonesia: Asam, Manis, & Pahit

The sensation of taste is commonly categorised into five basic tastes: manis (sweet), pahit (bitterness), asam (sour), asin (salty), and gurih (umami). If you are not fa- miliar with the term umami, Wikipedia has an interesting article about umami. Asam is actually the name of various sour-tasting fruits that are used in the Indone- sian cuisine. These fruits are known as Asam Kandis (Garcinia xanthochymus), Asam Glugur (Garcinia atroviridis), and Asam Jawa (Tamarindus indica).Asam kandis, and asam glugur, close relatives of the tamarind fruit, are frequently used in Sumatran cooking where they are also known as asam potong as the fruit is usually sold dried and cut into slices. Asam Jawa, as the name reveals, is more common in Javanese cuisine. Asam Jawa is known in English as tamarind and is an essential ingredient of the Worcester- shire sauce and HP steak sauce. Worcestershire sauce is known in Indonesian as kecap Inggris, but it is not widely used. Asam Jawa however, is a frequent ingredient in Indonesian cooking. The fruit grows on very large trees which in the southern USA, and in Hawaii often planted as shade trees. Tamarind is a 12–15 cm long pod-like fruit with a hard, brown shell and fleshy, juicy, acidu- lous pulp. The mature reddish-brown pulp is commercially available in Asian grocery shops usu- ally in the form of blocks of the pulp with seeds. To make air asam allow one tablespoon tamarind pulp to soften in a few tablespoons of hot water. Then use your fingers to mash the tamarind. Dis- card the seeds and any pieces that have not mixed or dissolved from the paste. If you want it more convenient, you can also buy seedless tamarind paste, but the real handmade stuff is bet- ter. Lesson 83 Exercise 83-01

Using the ten words below, make your own imperative sentences. You can take a look at the recipes for the model sentences but yours should be different from the examples given. 1. goreng 6. panggang 2. rebus 7. aduk 3. masak 8. campur 4. haluskan 9. sajikan 5. angkat 10. tambahkan

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

mengaduk to boil kacang panjang tofu memotong to fry taoge bean sprouts menggoreng to stir kentang cucumber merebus to cook tahu palm sugar masak to cut tempe peanuts telur chayote / choko cabai shrimp paste kol water spinach ketimun garlic garam cabbage mentega chilli kacang tanah egg gula merah potato labu siam salt bawang putih butter kangkung long beans terasi tempeh

Latihan 2—Pemahaman

Read the recipe of gado-gado and answer the following questions.

1. When making gado-gado, you have to prepare the following vegetables below, except… A. Spinach B. Bean sprouts C. Lettuce D. Cucumber 2. What do you have to do with the tempeh and tofu? A. Fry them B. Steam them C. Boil them D. Grill them Lesson 83

3. According to the recipe, after you cut the long beans, what do you have to do? A. Fry them B. Steam them C. Boil them D. Grill them 4. According to the recipe, how much fried garlic is needed for the kuah kacang? A. Half a teaspoon B. One tablespoon C. Half a tablespoon D. One teaspoon 5. What ingredients do you have to grind to make the peanut sauce? Select all that apply: A. Fried peanuts B. Palm sugar C. Shrimp paste D. Fried shallots E. Red chilies F. Fried garlic 6. After the peanut sauce ingredients have been ground, what do you have to do? A. Serve it B. Add some chillies C. Boil it in a pot D. Fry it with the vegetables 7. What cooking method is applied to the vegetables? A. Sauté B. Fry C. Boil D. Steam 8. What do you have to pour on the vegetables as you serve them? A. Chilli sauce B. Peanut sauce C. Boiled bean sprouts D. Fried tofu and tempeh

Latihan 3—Cara Membuat Gado-Gado

Translate the English words.

1. Grind kacang goreng, bawang merah, bawang putih dan terasi. 2. Add cabai merah, haluskan. 3. Masukkan bumbu halus dalam panci, tambahkan bahan sauce yang lain. 4. Boil sambil diaduk hingga mendidih dan berminyak, angkat. 5. Rebus semua sayuran, remove. 6. Arrange dalam piring saji lontong, sayur, tahu, tempe, kentang dan telur. Lesson 83

7. Tuangi kuah kacang secukupnya. Tambahkan shrimp crackers atau emping di atas- nya, serve. 1. ______2. ______3.______4. ______5. ______6. ______7.______

Latihan 4—Sate Kambing

Jodohkan bahan sate kambing dengan terjemahannya.

1. daging kambing a. garlic 2. bawang merah b. goat meat, lamb 3. bawang putih c. butter 4. ketumbar d. tomatoes 5. garam e. sweet soy sauce 6. mentega f. chillies 7. kecap manis g. coriander 8. tomat h. red shallots 9. cabai i. citrus fruit (lemon, lime, orange) 10. jeruk j. salt

Latihan 5—Pemahaman

Bacalah resep sate kambing dan jawab pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut. 1. What ingredients do you have to grind? Select all that apply A. Shallots B. Garlic C. Lamb D. Coriander 2. What ingredients do you need to grill the satay? Select all that apply A. Chilli sauce B. Butter C. Peanut sauce D. Sweet soy sauce 3. Peanut sauce is used for gado-gado and also for satay. For lamb satay, instead of peanut sauce, we can also use... A. Chilli sauce B. Spicy soy bean sauce C. Spicy peanut sauce D. Lamb sauce Lesson 83

4. According to the recipe, what part of the lime is used? A. The peel B. The juice C. The seeds D. All parts of it 5. After the lamb is cut into cubes, what do you have to do? A. Grill the meat cubes B. Mix the cubes with the ground spices C. Put the cubes in a fridge for an hour D. Mix the cubes with soy sweet sauce 6. How long does it take to marinate the lamb? A. Half an hour B. An hour C. An hour and a half D. Two hours 7. ___ are needed to hold the meat cubes together. A. Sticks B. Skewers C. Tooth picks D. Chopsticks 8. What do you have to brush onto the marinated meat before grilling? A. Butter B. Chilli sauce C. Peanut sauce D. Tomato sauce

Latihan 6—The Imperative

Jodohkan kalimat di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

1. Grind all ingredients! a. Campur semua bahan! 2. Cut the lamb meat! b. Diamkan selama 30 menit!

3. Let (sit) for 30 minutes! c. Haluskan semua bahan! 4. Grill (it) until half done! d. Oleskan menteganya! 5. Baste (with) the butter! e. Panggang sampai setengah matang! 6. Mix all ingredients! f. Potong daging kambing! 7. Put (it) in a bowl! g. Taruh di sebuah mangkuk! Lesson 83 Latihan 7—Kosa Kata Memasak

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

1. Potong kotak-kotak a. to mix 2. Rebus b. to dice 3. Goreng c. to fry 4. Tumis d. to boil 5. Campur e. to sauté 6. Aduk f. to grill 7. Panggang g. to spread over, baste 8. Oleskan h. to stir 9. Iris i. to serve 10. Sajikan j. to slice thinly

Latihan 8—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “Boil the vegetables and serve them on a plate.” Rebus—itu—di—sayuran—lalu—sajikan—piring.

2. “Brush the meat cubes with butter.” Oleskan—pada—daging—yang—mentega—sudah—dipotong.

3. “Dice the tomatoes and add soy sauce.” Potong—tomat—campur—lalu—itu—kotak-kotak—dengan—kecap.

4. “Fry the tempeh and eat with white rice.” Goreng—makan—nasi—lalu—dengan—itu—tempe—putih.

5. “Sauté the water spinach and top with tomatoes.” Tumis—itu—tomat—taruh—di—kangkung—dan—atasnya. Lesson 83 Latihan 9–Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

The following teka-teki silang (crossword puzzle) contains a number of new words. You do not have to memorise these words at this stage, but you may do so if you wish. Mendatar: 2. butter 5. slice (imperative) 7. mix (imperative) 8. water spinach 10. sauté (imperative) 11. chilli peppers 12. tomato 14. smear, grease (imperative) 16. shrimp paste 17. bean sprouts

Menurun: 1. shrimp crackers 3. melinjo crackers 4. grill (imperative) 6. serve (imperative) 8. cucumber 9. coriander 13. cabbage 15. stir (imperative) Lesson 84

84 Jamu itu Apa?


• To give more practice using di- verbs in a narrative. • To use di- verbs in a role play on the subject of traditional medicines.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Tukang Jamu Gendong © Uli Kozok bermacam-macam various merasa feel botol bottle minta diri take one’s leave cangkir cup penyakit disease capai tired perlu necessary digunakan be used sebetulnya actually di mana-mana everywhere semacam a kind of keliling around sering often luar negeri abroad setiap hari everyday menarik interesting wanita a woman, lady


The term jamu covers a wide range of traditional herbal tonics and medicines. There are jamu medicines for almost every imaginable complaint: for colds and coughs, aches and pains, hypertension, fever, menstrual problems and diarrhoea. Jamu can help you lose weight, or put on weight. There is deodorant jamu, jamu for pregnant women, jamu to help digestion, jamu that stops flatulence dead in its tracks, and jamu that can cure sexual problems. Many women, es- pecially Javanese women, drink jamu regularly to help them maintain a clear, healthy, youthful complexion. In former times the making of jamu was an admired accomplishment, especially in a woman. Today, partic- Lesson 84 ularly in Java, you can still see women selling jamu tonic drinks door-to-door or in markets. But more and more people are now buying their jamu in mass-produced packets or capsules. Above are two packets of jamu. The one on the left helps reduce fever (demam), including the fever that accompanies an attack of malaria. The jamu in the packet on the right helps cure mouth ulcers (sariawan).

Di- Verbs in Instructions

On the back of jamu packets you will find information on the contents of the packet, on JAMU DEMAM the symptoms or ailments that the jamu can Komposisi treat, and instructions on how to take the Andrographidis Herba 10% jamu. The back of the Jamu Demam packet Caryophilli flos 5% is reproduced below. Try to read it. You will Zingiberis Rhizoma 10% notice that in the section Cara Pemakaian Caricae Folium 20% (Directions for Use) there are a number of Dan bahan-bahan lain sampai 100% verbs with di- prefixes. These are highlighted in the box below: Khasiat dan kegunaan: Mengobati sakit demam Malaria, panas dingin, demam yang disertai seluruh tubuh sakit, dan diseduh to be mixed / dissolved in hot water diberi to have something put in / on (when sebagainya. emphasis is on the thing to which something is added / mixed / at- Cara pemakaian: tached) Sebungkus sekali minum diseduh dengan air panas diminum to be drunk (when you are talking (matang) ½ gelas (100 cc) diberi air jeruk nipis about a liquid / drink that is imbibed) dan gula, diminum dengan ampasnya. Minum 2–3 ampas residue, solids kali sehari hingga sembuh. Anak-anak sekali Talking about Jamu Using di- minum ½ bungkus. Verbs Perhatian: Selama minum jamu ini harus istirahat, dan jangan makan makanan yang pedas, keras-keras dan yang Imagine you are a tour guide with the job panas-panas seperti durian, kelengkeng, daging of telling visitors to a jamu factory a little kambing dan lain-lain. about Indonesian jamu. Here is what you might say. Read the narrative through out Simpanlah di tempat yang kering. loud several times, imagining that you are ex- plaining jamu to visitors. Check that you un- derstand all the vocabulary, and the passage as a whole makes good sense to you. Notice that every occurrence of a di- verb is highlighted. Lesson 84

las itu diisi dengan air panas. Lalu jamu diminum. Sesudah jamu diminum, gelasnya harus dicuci. Jamu dapat digunakan untuk bermacam-macam penyakit. Misalnya, jamu dapat diminum kalau kita sa- kit kepala, sakit perut, masuk angin, terlalu gemuk atau sering capai. Dan kalau jamu diminum setiap hari, kita tidak mudah menjadi sakit.

Exercise 84-01

You are an Indonesian tour guide. You have just given an explanation in Indonesian about jamu (perhaps along the lines of the explanation above). Now your tour group wants to ask you ques- tions. Write a short, clear answer to each question below. Each answer should have at least one di- verb in it. Study the example first. Pertanyaan: Apakah jamu dijual dalam botol? Jawaban: Ya. Jamu dijual dalam botol. Jamu juga dijual dalam bungkusan. 1. Apakah jamu dijual di pasar-pasar di Indonesia? 2. Katanya jamu dapat dibeli dalam bungkusan-bungkusan. Apakah itu betul? 3. Sekarang jamu dibuat di mana? 4. Katanya, jamu dapat digunakan untuk bermacam-macam penyakit. Penyakit apa misal- nya? 5. Sesudah bungkusan jamu dibuka, apa yang harus Anda lakukan? 6. Jamu dibuat dari apa? 7. Apakah jamu dapat dibeli di luar negeri? 8. Menurut pendapat Anda, yang mana yang lebih baik, jamu yang dibuat di rumah atau di pabrik? 9. Apakah jamu harus dibuat dengan air panas atau air dingin? 10. Apakah jamu dapat diminum kalau kita merasa capai?

When you have finished doing this exercise, you can also check Latihan 4 for alternative pos- sible answers.

Role Play: Mencari Informasi Tentang Jamu

Imagine that you are a researcher from Universi- tas Widya Buana assigned to find out about In- donesian jamu tonics and medicines. How would you interact with an Indonesian informant? The role play takes place in the front room (ru- ang tamu) of the informant’s house, or in the in- formant’s office (kantor). Both actors should re- spectfully address each other as Bapak or Ibu. Ini- tial rehearsals of the role play should follow the fol- lowing sequence of events and topics (you can be freer and more inventive after the basic “skeleton” Minum Jamu © Uli Kozok of the role play has been thoroughly mastered). Lesson 84

➢ The researcher arrives: introductions, initial small talk, invitation to drink something (teh / kopi / air putih / Fanta) and eat some snack foods (makanan kecil / roti / kue / pisang goreng). ➢ The researcher and informant exchange personal details: place of origin, education, work experience. The researcher asks: Saya perlu informasi tentang jamu, apakah saya boleh bertanya kepada Bapak/Ibu? ➢ The researcher asks about jamu: what is it? how is it made? what is it good for etc? In this segment of the role play both actors should make intensive use of di-verbs. The informant should answer questions with as much detail as possible: one-word, or even one- sentence, answers are not enough. The researcher begin by asking, for example: • Sebetulnya jamu itu apa? • Bagaimana jamu dibuat? • Jamu digunakan untuk apa? • Refer to Exercise 81-01 for more examples of possible questions, trying where possible to flesh out the questions with conversational words and phrases like: Hmmm, menarik; O begitu; Maaf, saya kurang mengerti; Mengapa… etc. ➢ The researcher brings the interview to a close (Pak/Bu, saya kira sudah cukup dulu), thanks the informant (Saya mengucapkan terima kasih) and politely takes his/her leave (Saya minta diri). Rehearse this basic scenario several times until you feel you have a confident mastery of it. Then swap roles and flesh out the basic scenario, adding details and personalising it. Above all, make sure you use di- verbs as much as possible, taking care not to confuse them with meN- verbs and ber- verbs.

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

bermacam-macam tired, exhausted minta diri actually botol everywhere penyakit disease capai bottle perlu often digunakan be used sebetulnya a kind of di mana-mana various semacam to need luar negeri overseas sering everyday menarik to feel setiap hari to take one’s leave of someone merasa interesting Lesson 84 Latihan 2—Isian: Kata Kerja Pasif

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: dibaca—dibuat—dibuka—dicuci— digendong—digunakan—diisi—dijual—diminum—ditaruh (note that one word may occur several times)

Bapak-Bapak, Ibu-Ibu dan Saudara-Saudara. Ini jamu. Jamu itu semacam obat. Jamu biasanya ______dengan air. Jamu ______dari daun dan akar. Dulu jamu biasa- nya dibuat di rumah, tetapi sekarang jamu lebih sering dibuat di pabrik. Jamu ______di mana-mana di Indonesia, di pasar, di toko, dan di jalan. Di Jawa kita se- ring melihat jamu ______oleh seorang perempuan yang berjalan keliling kota. Di toko biasanya jamu ______dalam bungkusan kecil. Sebelum jamu ______, in- struksi di bungkusan harus ______dulu. Lalu bungkusan itu ______dan isi bungkusan ______di gelas. Kemudian gelas itu ______dengan air panas. Lalu jamu ______. Sesudah jamu diminum, gelasnya harus ______. Jamu dapat ______untuk bermacam-macam penyakit. Misalnya, jamu dapat dimi- num kalau kita sakit kepala, sakit perut, masuk angin, terlalu gemuk atau sering capai. Dan kalau jamu ______setiap hari, kita tidak mudah menjadi sakit.

Latihan 3—Menyimak

Listen to Sound File 84-02. Match the ten questions with an appropriate answer.

No. Responses a. Sekarang di pabrik. b. Jamu ditaruh di gelas lalu diisi air panas. c. Tentu saja bisa dibeli di luar negeri.

1 d. Ya, jamu dijual di pasar-pasar.

e. Ya, jamu bisa dibeli dalam bungkusan. f. Dari daun dan akar.

g. Sakit kepala dan masuk angin.

h. Saya rasa lebih baik yang dibuat di rumah karena lebih sehat. i. Tentu saja. Jamu bisa digunakan kalau kita terlalu capai. j. Air panas. Lesson 84 Latihan 4—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: akar—berkeliling—bungkus— instruksi—isi—obat—sakit perut—wanita 1. ______ini bisa digunakan untuk membuat jamu. 2. Berapa ______jamu yang mau kamu beli? 3. Sebelum membuat jamu, baca dulu ______nya. 4. Kalau kamu ______, kamu bisa minum jamu supaya tidak sakit lagi. 5. Apa ______bungkusan ini? 6. Ibu itu ______kota setiap hari menjual jamu. 7. Dulu para ______membuat jamu di rumah. 8. Menurut kamu apakah jamu termasuk ______

Latihan 5– Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti 1. “Jamu can be used for various diseases.” Jamu—bermacam-macam—digunakan—bisa—untuk—penyakit.

2. “In shops, jamu is usually sold in small packages.” Di—bungkusan—dijual—dalam—biasanya—toko—jamu—kecil.

3. “After drinking jamu, you have to wash the glass.” Setelah—jamu—gelasnya—harus—diminum,—dicuci.

4. “In the past, jamu was made at home.” Dulu—dibuat—di—biasanya—jamu—rumah.

5. “In my opinion, a factory-produced jamu is less healthy.” Menurut—kurang—di pabrik—dibuat—saya,—yang—jamu—sehat.

Latihan 6—Menjodohkan: Kosa Kata

Lengkapi kalimat-kalimat berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bungkusan—daun— demam—digendong—ditaruh—gemuk—kurus—masuk angin—pemakaian 1. Kalau (under the weather) saya suka minum jamu......

2. Jamu dibuat dari akar dan (leaves)......

3. Kalau sakit (fever) saya lebih suka minum Paracetamol......

4. Kamu sering (carried) perempuan berkeliling kota......

5. Jamu dapat diminum orang yang terlalu (skinny)...... Lesson 84

6. Dalam satu hari cukup minum dua (sachets) jamu......

7. Instruksi (usage) biasanya ada di belakang......

8. Orang yang terlalu (fat) bisa juga minum jamu......

9. Isi bungkusan jamu biasanya (be put) di gelas......

Latihan 7—Speaking

Listen to Sound File 084-03. Answer the five questions. Record your answer. Then listen to Sound File 084-04 to listen to a possible answer. After you have heard Sound File 084-04 record your answers again and try to model them as close to the answers provided in Sound File 084-04 as possible. Lesson 85

85 Bercerita Tentang Orang Terkenal


• To give more practice presenting a narrative explanation and fielding questions about it.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous les- sons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. alat tool obat medicine barang thing oleh by someone/thing Belanda Netherlands, Dutch pasti sure, certainly berbagai various penyakit disease dibangun be built perusahaan a company gemuk fat sendiri by oneself hidup to live terkenal famous kata word tumbuh to grow langsung direct umum public, general masih still wanita woman menerima to receive menikah to marry

The Nyonya Meneer Jamu Museum

Nyonya Meneer is one of the best known of the big companies mass producing jamu, or tradition- al Indonesian medicines, tonics and cosmetics. The following information is shortened and simplified from the commemorative booklet produced for the official opening of the Nyonya Meneer Jamu Museum in 1984 in Semarang, Central Java. Read it through several times. You will have to be able to deliver this information in your own words, so make notes on the main features of the narrative.

Nyonya Meneer Waktu Masih Kecil ada tahun 1895 seorang anak perempuan lahir di kota kecil Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. PAnak itu diberi nama Menir, tetapi nama itu ditulis seperti kata Belanda: Meneer. Keti- ka Meneer tumbuh menjadi anak kecil yang lucu dan manis, biasanya ia dipanggil Noni. Lesson 85

Waktu Meneer berumur 17 tahun ia kawin dengan seorang laki-laki dari Semarang, Jawa Tengah. Sesudah kawin, Meneer dipanggil Nyonya Meneer. Ia pindah dengan suaminya ke kota Semarang. Di kota Semarang ini perusahaan jamu “Nyonya Meneer” lahir dan kemu- dian menjadi terkenal di mana-mana di Indonesia.

Cerita Tentang Lahirnya Jamu Nyonya Meneer esudah Nyonya Meneer pindah ke Semarang ia hidup bahagia dengan suaminya. Tetapi Spada suatu hari suami Nyonya Meneer jatuh sakit. Bermacam-macam obat dicoba teta- pi ia tidak sembuh. Akhirnya Nyonya Meneer membuat jamu untuk suaminya. Jamu itu jamu tradisional yang dibuat oleh orang tua Meneer dulu di Jawa Timur. Jamu itu dibuat dari akar-akar dan daun-daun. Sesudah jamu itu diminum oleh suami Nyonya Meneer ia cepat sembuh. Sesudah itu Nyonya Meneer mulai menolong keluarga, teman-teman dan tetangga-tetang- ga yang sakit dengan jamu yang dibuatnya sendiri. Nama “Nyonya Meneer” mulai menjadi terkenal karena jamu yang dibuatnya itu baik sekali untuk mengobati bermacam-macam penyakit. Mula-mula Nyonya Meneer hanya menolong saja. Jamunya tidak dijualnya. Jamu itu dibe- rikan saja dengan cuma-cuma kepada orang yang sakit. Tetapi karena banyak sekali orang yang datang kepadanya untuk minta jamu, sesudah beberapa tahun jamu itu tidak dapat diberikannya lagi dengan cuma-cuma. Lalu ia mulai menjual jamunya di toko-toko. Peru- sahaan “Nyonya Meneer” sudah lahir!

Foto Kepala Nyonya Meneer arena banyak sekali orang datang ke rumah Nyo- Knya Meneer untuk minta jamu, muka Nyonya Meneer menjadi terkenal. Orang-orang ingin menerima jamu langsung dari tangan Nyonya Meneer sendiri. Te- tapi karena banyak sekali orang yang datang, Nyonya Meneer tidak lagi dapat bertemu dengan semuanya. Karena itu Nyonya Meneer mendapat pikiran untuk memasang fotonya di bungkusan jamunya. Pada waktu orang melihat foto kepala Nyonya Meneer di bungkusan jamunya, jamu itu langsung dibeli. Peru- sahaan Jamu Nyonya Meneer tumbuh dengan cepat ka- rena orang senang melihat foto Nyonya Meneer. Karena ada foto Nyonya Meneer di bungkusan jamu- nya orang tahu jamu itu dibuat oleh Nyonya Meneer dan jamu itu pasti baik.

Jamu Nyonya Meneer amu Nyonya Meneer dapat dibeli di mana-mana di Indonesia: di pasar, di toko, di tepi Jjalan. Ada bermacam-macam jamu yang dijual dalam botol dan bungkusan kecil, bahkan ada juga tablet jamu. Ada jamu untuk bermacam-macam penyakit. Ada juga jamu untuk orang gemuk yang ingin menjadi kurus (juga untuk orang kurus yang ingin menjadi ge- Lesson 85

muk). Ada juga berbagai macam sabun dan jamu kosmetik untuk wanita yang ingin menja- di lebih cantik. Sekarang Nyonya Meneer sudah tidak ada: ia sudah meninggal. Tetapi perusahaan jamu Nyonya Meneer sudah menjadi besar dan terkenal. Ada pabrik jamu Nyonya Meneer yang besar di Semarang. Sekarang ada juga Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer. Museum itu diba- ngun di kota Semarang dan dibuka pada tahun 1984. Di Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer bermacam-macam barang menarik dapat dilihat. Ada alat-alat produksi jamu yang masih tradisional. Ada foto-foto, gambar-gambar dan infor- masi tentang sejarah perusahaan jamu Nyonya Meneer. Ada juga foto-foto Nyonya Meneer dan cerita tentang Nyonya Meneer dan keluarganya. Anda dapat juga melihat bagaimana jamu dibuat. Di pintu masuk ke museum ada informasi tentang jam buka museum.

DIBUKA UNTUK UMUM Tiap hari kerja: Hari Senin sampai hari Jumat Jam: 10.00 - 15.30 Waktu Indonesia Barat Alamat: Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer, Jalan Raya Kaligawe Km. 4, Semarang. Telp. 285732

Exercise 85-01: Retelling the Nyonya Meneer Story

After reading the account of Nyonya Meneer several times it should be possible for you to retell her story in your own words. Initially you may need some notes to jog your memory, but after you have told the story several times you should let go of the notes. The Nyonya Meneer story falls into several parts. You should make notes about each part in the way that suits you. One way might be to note the beginning of a sentence that “gets you go- ing” then add to that some key words from the section of the narrative concerned. Like this, for example: ➢ The birth, childhood and marriage of Meneer “Nyonya Meneer lahir pada tahun 1895…” dipanggil Noni—kawin—pindah ke Semarang ➢ The illness of her husband and her involvement in making jamu “Pada suatu hari suami Nyonya Meneer jatuh sakit…” obat dicoba—jamu—sembuh—menolong orang—menjual jamunya ➢ The reason for the trademark photo of Meneer on her products “Muka Nyonya Meneer menjadi terkenal…” banyak orang datang—tidak dapat bertemu—foto dipasang di bungkusan ➢ The different varieties of jamu produced by Nyonya Meneer “Ada bermacam-macam jamu Nyonya Meneer. Misalnya ada…” penyakit—gemuk / kurus—sabun—menjadi cantik ➢ The Nyonya Meneer museum “Perusahaan Nyonya Meneer sudah menjadi besar dan terkenal.” museum dibangun di—alat-alat produksi jamu—sejarah—dibuka jam 10 Lesson 85

Using these notes or other memory joggers, tell your story out load to yourself (or to an inter- ested listener) as if you were on the public relations staff on the Nyonya Meneer Museum and had to tell the story to visitors. Go over and over the story (as a museum guide would have to do) until you can tell it fluently, correctly, without omissions and without referring to notes.

Exercise 85-02

You are a guide working at the Nyonya Meneer Jamu Museum. How would you answer the fol- lowing questions put to you by visitors? As far as possible, make your answers enthusiastic and wordy. Try not to give just one-word or one-sentence answers. 1. Jamu dibuat dari apa? 2. Di mana Nyonya Meneer lahir, dan tahun berapa dia lahir? 3. Jamu dapat diminum untuk penyakit apa? 4. Alat itu untuk apa? 5. Tahun berapa museum ini dibangun? 6. Apakah museum ini dibuka pada hari Sabtu? 7. Di mana jamu Nyonya Meneer dapat dibeli? 8. Apakah jamu Nyonya Meneer dijual dalam botol-botol? 9. Apakah Anda sendiri juga minum jamu Nyonya Meneer? 10. O begitu. Mengapa?

Role Play: Di Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer

With your teacher/tutor or with fellow students, prepare and act out a role play in which a group of visitors comes to the Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer in Semarang. One person will act the role of a museum employee (pegawai museum), others will play the role of curious visitors. Using resources studied in this lesson and the previous one, the pegawai museum will explain in detail how jamu is made, where you can get it, and what it is used for. He/She will also tell the story of Nyonya Meneer. The visitor(s) will continually interrupt with many questions. Don’t forget to re-cycle as much language as you can from previous modules. For example, the pegawai museum can ask the visitors where they come from (Module 1) and where they are staying (Module 4). The visitors can ask the pegawai about his/her education, how long he/she has been working at the museum etc. (Module 5). If you can, get some packets or bottles of jamu for the visitors to handle, smell and maybe even drink. Or get some traditional Indonesian cosmetics for the visitors to try. When you have the role play well mastered, transfer it to video, using your creativity to prepare a short video report in Indonesian on jamu. Lesson 85

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

alat life berbagai still barang disease gemuk to live hidup word, says... hidup certainly, sure kata things langsung well known, famous obat female masih various, all sorts of… penyakit to marry oleh alone, by oneself perusahaan public, general pasti by wanita medicine, drugs sendiri fat, chubby, plump umum instrument, tool terkenal to grow menikah company tumbuh directly

Latihan 2—Pemahaman

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan. 1. Sesudah menikah Nyonya Meneer tidak lagi tinggal di Sidoarjo. A. Benar B. Salah 2. Waktu masih anak-anak, Nyonya Meneer dipanggil apa? A. Menir B. Noni 3. Jamu Nyonya Meneer berasal dari mana? A. Sidoarjo B. Semarang C. Jawa Timur 4. Tahun berapa Nyonya Meneer kawin? A. Pada tahun 1911 B. Pada tahun 1912 C. Pada tahun 1895 5. Apakah Nyonya Meneer senang tinggal di Semarang? A. Tidak, dia tidak senang tinggal di Semarang. B. Dia lebih senang tinggal di Sidoarjo. C. Iya, dia senang tinggal di Semarang. 6. Siapa yang jatuh sakit waktu Nyonya Meneer tinggal di Semarang? A. Nyonya Meneer B. Suami Nyonya Meneer C. Orang tua Nyonya Meneer Lesson 85

7. Sesudah minum jamu Nyonya Meneer orang yang sakit cepat sembuh. A. Benar B. Salah 8. Apakah Nyonya Meneer suka membantu orang lain? A. Iya, mula-mula dia memberi jamu kepada orang yang sakit dengan cuma-cuma. B. Iya, karena dia mengajari orang lain membuat jamu. C. Iya, karena dia membuat jamu untuk suaminya. 9. Kapan Nyonya Meneer mulai menjual jamunya? A. ketika suaminya sakit B. ketika banyak orang yang sakit sembuh sesudah minum jamunya C. ketika dia sudah tidak bisa memberikan jamu dengan cuma-cuma 10. Mengapa orang membeli jamu yang ada foto Nyonya Meneer di bungkusnya? A. karena mereka suka Nyonya Meneer B. karena mereka percaya jamu buatan Nyonya Meneer baik 11. Tidak hanya jamu tablet yang dijual perusahaan Jamu Nyonya Meneer. A. Benar B. Salah 12. Sesudah Nyonya Meneer meninggal, apakah Jamu Nyonya Meneer masih banyak dibeli orang? A. Tidak, jamu Nyonya Meneer tidak banyak dibeli orang. B. Tidak, Jamu Nyonya Meneer sudah tidak baik. C. Iya, Jamu Nyonya Meneer masih banyak dibeli orang. D. Iya, tetapi Jamu Nyonya Meneer hanya dijual di Semarang saja. 13. Apakah Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer buka pada hari Minggu? A. Buka B. Tidak Buka

Latihan 3—Isian: Nyonya Meneer

Dengarkan Rekaman 085-01 dan lengkapi teks berikut. Pada tahun 1895 seorang anak perempuan lahir di kota kecil Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Anak itu diberi nama Meneer. Waktu ______17 tahun Meneer kawin dengan seorang laki-la- ki dari Semarang, Jawa Tengah dan dia dipanggil Nyonya Meneer. Kemudian ia ______de- ngan suaminya ke kota Semarang. Pada suatu hari suami Nyonya Meneer ______. Berma- cam-macam obat dicoba tetapi ia tidak sembuh. Akhirnya Nyonya Meneer membuat jamu untuk suaminya. Jamu itu jamu ______yang dibuat oleh orang tua Meneer dulu di Jawa Timur. Jamu itu dibuat dari akar-akar dan daun-daun. Sesudah jamu itu diminum oleh suami Nyonya Meneer ia cepat ______. Sesudah itu Nyonya Meneer mulai menolong keluarga, teman-teman dan ______yang sa- kit dengan jamu yang dibuatnya sendiri. Nama “Nyonya Meneer” mulai menjadi terkenal karena Lesson 85 jamu yang dibuatnya itu baik sekali untuk ______bermacam-macam penyakit. ______Nyonya Meneer hanya memberikan jamunya dengan ______kepada orang yang sakit. Teta- pi karena banyak sekali orang yang datang kepadanya untuk minta jamu, sesudah beberapa ta- hun jamu itu tidak dapat diberikannya lagi dengan cuma-cuma. Lalu ia mulai ______jamu- nya di toko-toko. Perusahaan jamu “Nyonya Meneer” sudah lahir. Karena banyak sekali orang datang ke rumah Nyonya Meneer untuk minta jamu, ______Nyo- nya Meneer menjadi terkenal. Orang-orang ingin menerima jamu langsung dari tangan Nyonya Meneer sendiri. Tetapi karena banyak sekali orang yang datang, ______Meneer tidak lagi da- pat bertemu dengan semuanya. Karena itu Nyonya Meneer memasang ______nya di bung- kusan jamunya. Perusahaan Jamu Nyonya Meneer tumbuh dengan cepat. Jamu Nyonya Meneer dapat dibeli di mana-mana di Indonesia. Ada yang dijual dalam botol dan bungkusan kecil, bahkan ada juga tablet jamu. Ada jamu untuk bermacam-macam penyakit. Ada juga jamu untuk orang gemuk yang ingin menjadi ______(juga untuk orang kurus yang ingin menjadi gemuk). Ada juga berbagai macam ______dan jamu ______untuk wanita yang ingin menjadi lebih cantik. Sekarang Nyonya Meneer sudah meninggal. Tetapi perusahaan jamu Nyonya Meneer sudah menjadi besar dan ______. Ada juga Museum Jamu Nyonya Meneer. Museum itu dibangun di kota Semarang dan dibuka pada tahun 1984. Di Museum itu ada alat-alat produksi jamu yang masih tradisional, foto-foto, dan gambar-gambar dan informasi tentang ______perusahaan jamu Nyonya Meneer. Ada juga foto-foto Nyonya Meneer dan cerita tentang Nyonya Meneer dan keluarganya. Anda dapat juga melihat bagaimana jamu dibuat. Di pintu masuk ke museum ada in- formasi tentang ______museum.

Latihan 4—Menjodohkan

Listen to Sound File 085-02. Match the five questions with an appropriate answer.

No. English Translation 1. a. Iya, Jamu Nyonya Meneer dijual di dalam botol-botol. 2. b. Jamu dibuat dari akar-akar dan daun-daun. 3. c. Tidak, museum ini tidak dibuka pada hari Sabtu. 4. d. Museum ini dibangun pada tahun 1984. 5. e. Jamu Nyonya Meneer dapat dibeli di mana-mana di Indonesia. Lesson 85 Latihan 5—Menjodohkan

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

bahagia a sick person tangan side, edge bahkan to be tried sabun to heal, cure dicoba production sembuh cured, recovered orang sakit even menikah to install, put pikiran contented, happy perusahaan company pintu masuk a, one, a certain tepi hand produksi thought memasang soap suatu entrance mengobati to marry Lesson 86

86 Tempat-Tempat Menarik di Jakarta


• To practise talking about the features of places. • To give some basic information about places of interest in Central Jakarta

Museum Nasional—better known as Museum Vocabulary Review Gajah © R. Dhieta

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings. Belanda The Netherlands pusat centre berdiri stand up sapi cattle, cow, ox digunakan be used sebagai as di sekeliling around sebelah next to disimpan to be kept sedikit a little khususnya especially sekian that’s it luas wide sekolah tinggi high school mati to die tangan hand memelihara to maintain tentara soldier menarik interesting terletak be situated menerima to receive turun go down oleh karena itu therefore upacara ceremony parlemen the parliament Yunani Greece pemimpin a leader

Di Pusat Kota Jakarta

Javanese cities used to be built around an alun-alun or rectangular, grassed common. Around the sides of the alun-alun you would find the palace of the ruler (called the kraton in Javanese, or istana in Malay), a prison (penjara), a mosque (mesjid), perhaps a church (gereja), and sundry other official buildings. The centre of the alun-alun was dominated by banyan trees (pohon beringin, usually a pair of them) that symbolised the central, protective authority of the state. Lesson 86

Almost buried amid the vast turbulence of Indonesia’s capital city, Jakarta, are a few faint reminders of this traditional layout. The broad open area of the Medan Merdeka in central Jakarta is dominated by a modern analogue of the banyan trees – the towering column of the National Monument. This was built by President Soekarno in the early 1960s in the face of considerable criticism that it was an extravagant waste of money. It is called the Monumen Nasional in Indonesian, but almost everyone refers to it by its shortened form of Monas. The Monas is topped by an enormous stylised flame representing the flame of Indonesia’s independence. The flame is thickly coated in pure gold said to weigh 35 kilograms. Under the monument there is a museum dedicated to the nationalist movement and the Revolusi. Unless you go to some trouble to indicate otherwise, in Indonesia the term Revolusi is automa- tically taken to refer to a period of about four years be-tween August 1945 and December 1949 when Indonesia’s nation- alists fought to defend their newly proclaimed republic against efforts by the Netherlands to reoccupy, or at the very least to dominate, their former colony of the . Along the edges of the Medan Merdeka there are several buildings that correspond with those you might expect to find around a traditional alun-alun. The Istana Merdeka (Freedom Palace) used to be the official residence of the Dutch governors-general of the Indies. Today it is the most important locale for Indonesia’s state ceremonies and houses an important collection of art works. Not far from the Istana Merdeka there is the cavernous Istiqlal Mosque, Indonesia’s national mosque, and on the eastern side of the Medan Merdeka, the old Dutch protestant church. On the opposite side of Medan Merdeka there is the National Museum and the studios of the state radio network Radio Republik Indonesia. And on the south side of the square we find the offices of the Jakarta regional government. This map shows Medan Merdeka with the Monas at its centre and important buildings around its perimeter.

Places of Interest around the Medan Merdeka

The Medan Merdeka and its Monumen Nasional are popular tourist attractions. Parties of school children visit the museum, bridal couples come to get their wedding photos taken there, people go up to the top of the column to take in the view. And that is where we are now: 137 meters up at the top of the Monas column, just beneath the gold flame, looking out at the pollution-clouded panorama of Central Jakarta. Here is what a pemandu wisata might say to his/her flock of visitors. As you did when studying the account of Nyonya Meneer’s life in the previous lesson, read this narrative carefully several times, making notes as you go, trying to remember as much of it as you can. Refer to the above map of Medan Merdeka and its surrounds to help you visualise the places mentioned, or zoom in on these coordinates in Google Earth: 6°10'35.31"S 106°49'32.94"E. Listen to Sound File 086-01 and then read the following transcription of the tourist guide account. Lesson 86

Tempat-Tempat yang Menarik di Pusat Kota Jakarta Seorang pemandu wisata memberikan informasi kepada para wisatawan. apak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu, kita sekarang berdiri di atas Monumen Nasional di pusat kota Jakarta. Monumen ini ada di tengah-tengah Medan Merdeka. Medan MerdekaB juga dikenal dengan nama Lapangan Monas. Me- dan Merdeka itu lapangan yang sangat luas. Dari utara ke se- latan dan dari barat ke timur hampir satu kilometer. 200 tahun yang lalu tempat ini bernama Lapangan Ban- teng (“Buffelsveld” dalam bahasa Belanda) dan digunakan oleh orang Belanda untuk memelihara sapi. Pada tahun 1818 namanya diganti menjadi “Koningsplein” atau La- pangan Raja. Di Koningsplein pernah ada pusat olahraga, pernah juga ada kantor telepon, tetapi sekarang pusat olahra- ga dan kantor telepon itu sudah tidak ada lagi. Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu, saya ingin berbicara sedikit tentang tempat-tempat bersejarah di sekeliling Medan Mer- Monumen Nasional deka ini. Di sebelah timur ada gereja yang bernama Gereja Immanuel. Gereja Kristen Protestan itu dibangun pada tahun 1839. Kalau dilihat dari de- pan, gereja itu kelihatan seperti gedung Yunani 2.000 tahun yang lalu. Pada waktu Perang Dunia Kedua, pada zaman Jepang, gereja Immanuel digunakan oleh tentara Jepang. Abu mayat tentara Jepang yang mati dalam perang disimpan di dalam gereja itu. Gereja Immanuel itu seperti gedung Yunani Di belakang Gereja Immanuel terdapat Gedung Pancasila yang tidak kelihatan dari sini. Pancasila itu filsafat negara Republik Indonesia. Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua gedung itu digunakan oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda sebagai parlemen. Parlemen itu bernama “Volksraad” yang ditutup pada tahun 1942 setelah Hindia Belanda jatuh ke tangan Jepang. Pada bulan Mei tahun 1945 para pemimpin nasional Indonesia, di antaranya Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta dan Mohammad Yamin, bertemu di gedung itu untuk berbicara ten- tang kemerdekaan Indonesia dan di sini mereka juga menulis Pancasila. Karena itu gedung itu sekarang dikenal sebagai Gedung Pancasila. Di sebelah barat laut Medan Merdeka terdapat Mesjid Istiqlal. Mesjid yang paling besar di Indonesia itu baru selesai dibangun pada tahun 1980. Atapnya yang berwarna putih keli- hatan dari sini. Pada waktu bersembahyang, khususnya pada hari Jumat, beribu-ribu orang datang ke mesjid itu. Di sebelah utara Medan Merdeka terletak Istana Merdeka dan di belakangnya ada Istana Negara. Jadi, ada dua istana di Jakarta. Istana Merdeka selesai dibangun pada tahun 1879 dan digunakan oleh Gubernur-Jenderal Belanda sampai tahun 1942. Sekarang istana itu di- gunakan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia untuk menerima tamu-tamu dari luar negeri. Pada tanggal 27 Desember 1949 ribuan orang datang ke Istana Merdeka untuk melihat upacara turunnya bendera Belanda dan naiknya bendera Indonesia. Pada waktu bendera Indonesia dinaikkan orang ramai berteriak “Merdeka!! Merdeka!!” Oleh karena itu istana itu dinamakan Istana Merdeka. Lesson 86

Di sebelah barat, di Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, terdapat Museum Nasional yang diba- ngun pada zaman Belanda. Museum itu diisi dengan bermacam-macam barang lama yang bersejarah. Kalau ingin berkunjung ke Museum Nasional, karcisnya dapat dibeli di pintu masuk, dan harganya tidak mahal. Di samping Museum Nasional, di sebelah selatan, ada gedung yang dibangun pada ta- hun 1928 dan waktu itu digunakan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Hukum tetapi sekarang dipakai oleh tentara Indonesia. Di sebelah utara museum ada sebuah gedung yang dulu dibangun sebagai setasiun radio Nederlandsch Indische Radio Omroep Maatschappij (NIROM). Mulai tahun 1950 gedung itu digunakan oleh Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI). Monumen Nasional yang tingginya 137 meter dibangun pada zaman Presiden Soekarno di tahun 1964. Monumen yang paling tinggi di Indonesia ini dikunjungi oleh ribuan orang datang setiap hari untuk melihat monumen yang terkenal ini. Di bagian bawah Monas ada museum revolusi Indonesia. Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu, sekian saja informasi tentang Medan Merdeka dan Monumen Nasional ini. Sebelum kita turun, apakah ada pertanyaan?

Cara Indonesia: Medan Merdeka Dapat Dilihat Dari Atas

The places mentioned in your guide’s narrative are all clearly visible on Google Earth. Here are the coordinates. Have a look for yourself “from above” (dari atas). Gedung Pancasila: 6°10'27.13"S 106°50'0.51"E Gereja Immanuel: 6°10'35.36"S 106°49'54.89"E Istana Merdeka: 6°10'11.93"S 106°49'26.48"E Medan Merdeka: 6°10'35.31"S 106°49'32.94"E Mesjid Istiqlal: 6°10'10.55"S 106°49'50.71"E Monumen Nasional: 6°10'30.94"S 106°49'37.33"E Museum Nasional: 6°10'34.56"S 106°49'19.83"E

Exercise 86-01

Here are some simple statements about the various sites mentioned in the narrative above. You must add two sentences to each of the statements. The sentences you add must follow on logically from the first sentence, and should provide further information about the site referred to. You may simply copy sentences from the reading (taking care to ensure that they follow on logically), or adapt sentences from the reading, or compose entirely new sentences. Whatever you do, try to keep your sentences short and grammatically simple while at the same time ensuring that they contain significant pieces of extra information. Some of the useful terms you might use to start off your sentences are: Tetapi—Dulu— Seka- rang—Misalnya—Tidak jauh dari—Di dekat—Katanya—Di samping itu... Study this example first. (a) Dulu pernah ada Sekolah Tinggi Hukum di dekat Museum Nasional. (b) Gedung Sekolah Tinggi Hukum itu dibangun pada tahun 1928. (c) Sekarang gedung itu digunakan sebagai kantor oleh tentara Indonesia. Lesson 86

1. Ada beberapa gedung penting di sekeliling Medan Merdeka. 2. Monumen Nasional dibangun oleh Presiden Soekarno. 3. Di sebelah barat Medan Merdeka terdapat Museum Nasional. 4. Gereja Immanuel itu gereja Kristen Protestan. 5. Medan Merdeka terletak di pusat kota Jakarta. 6. Gedung RRI terletak tidak jauh dari Museum Nasional. 7. Dulu Istana Merdeka digunakan sebagai kantor pusat oleh para Gubernur-Jenderal Hindia Belanda. 8. Tidak jauh dari Istana Merdeka terletak Mesjid Istiqlal. 9. Ada dua museum di daerah Medan Merdeka. 10. Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua, Gedung Pancasila digunakan oleh pemerintah Belanda seba- gai parlemen.

Exercise 86-02: Role Play: Pemandu Wisata di Monumen Nasional

Imagine that you are a tour guide (pemandu wisata) standing in the cramped viewing balcony just under the huge gold flame at the top of the Monas tower. You are peering out into the steamy, pollution-laden air of central Jakarta, trying through the haze to discern the landmark buildings around the perimeter of Medan Merdeka. You are in charge of a party of tourists, and they crowd around you, curious to hear what you have to say. You launch into your commentary, pointing at places, talking smoothly in Indonesian, spicing your description of Jakarta’s modern buildings with morsels of erudite information from Jakarta’s recent past. By fully using all the resources in this lesson you can do this, and do it in detail. Try also to get more information from other sources. Stand in the middle of your classroom. Draw big, clear outline pictures of Medan Merdeka’s buildings on cardboard or butcher’s paper and hang them up around the room so that you can point at them as you speak. From time to time members of your tour party will interrupt you to ask questions. Their interruptions will begin: Permisi... Lesson 86

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

berdiri to be stored abu a flag digunakan (located) around bendera thousands di sekeliling to be used bernama to shout, to yell disimpan to die, dead ribuan is named... mati especially berteriak ash khususnya ceremony diganti to be/get replaced luas to stand, to stand up dikenal to be lowered memelihara to descend dilihat is to be found menarik Greece dinaikkan to be raised up menerima broad, extensive diturunkan an age, an era oleh karena itu located, sited filsafat to be known (as/by) pemimpin leader Hindia Belanda a, an, one pusat to receive, accept istana to be seen sapi soldiers jatuh tour guide sebagai to breed, keep kelihatan parliament sedikit as parlemen to be visited sekolah tinggi hand pemandu wisata visible, evident tangan the centre perang a banyan tree tentara a little pohon beringin philosophy terletak interesting sebuah a palace turun cattle, cow, bull terdapat war upacara so, therefore zaman to fall Yunani institute of tertiary dikunjungi The Netherlands East education Indies

Latihan 2—Pemahaman 1

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan “Tempat-Tempat yang Menarik di Pusat Kota Jakarta”.

1. Medan Merdeka is also known as… A. Lapangan Banteng B. Medan Merdeka C. Lapangan Monumen Nasional Lesson 86

2. What animals used to graze at Lapangan Banteng? ......

3. “Lapangan Banteng” is a translation from what language? A. Dutch B. Jakarta Malay C. Indonesian 4. When was the Immanuel church build? Write out the year in Indonesian...... 5. What did the Japanese store inside the Immanuel church? A. ammunition B. food C. the ash of their dead soldiers 6. What building is located opposite of the Pancasila Building? A. Gereja Immanuel B. Monumen Nasional C. Mesjid Istiqlal 7. Mohammad Hatta was a… A. historian B. lawyer C. political leader D. physician

Latihan 3—Pemahaman 2

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan. 1. Tahun berapa mesjid Istiqlal dibangun? Write out the year (in Indonesian) ...... 2. Apa nama istana yang digunakan oleh Presiden Indonesia untuk menerima tamu? ...... 3. Pada tanggal berapa bendera Belanda diturunkan pertama kalinya di Istana Merdeka? ...... 4. Tahun berapa gedung Sekolah Tinggi Hukum dibangun? Write out the year (in Indonesian) ...... 5. Museum apa yang ada di Monas? ...... Lesson 86 Latihan 4—Isian (1 dari 2)

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: berdiri—bernama—bersejarah— diganti—dikenal—ditutup—filsafat—kelihatan—luas—mati—memelihara—parlemen— pemimpin—sebagai—sekeliling—Yunani—zaman Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu. Kita sekarang ______di atas Monumen Nasional di pusat kota Jakarta. Monumen ini ada di tengah-tengah Medan Merdeka. Medan Merdeka juga ______dengan nama Lapangan Monas. Medan Merdeka itu lapangan yang sangat ______. Dari utara ke selatan dan dari barat ke timur hampir satu kilometer.

200 tahun yang lalu tempat ini ______Lapangan Banteng (“Buffelsveld” dalam ba- hasa Belanda) dan digunakan oleh orang Belanda untuk ______sapi. Pada tahun 1818 namanya ______menjadi Koningsplein atau Lapangan Raja. Di Koningsplein pernah ada pusat olahraga, pernah juga ada kantor telepon, tetapi sekarang pusat olah- raga dan kantor telepon itu sudah tidak ada lagi.

Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu, saya ingin berbicara sedikit tentang tempat-tempat ______di ______Medan Merdeka ini. Di sebelah timur ada gereja yang bernama Gereja Immanuel. Gereja Kristen Protestan itu dibangun pada tahun 1839. Kalau dilihat dari depan, gereja itu ______seperti gedung ______2.000 tahun yang lalu. Pada waktu Perang Dunia Kedua, pada ______Jepang, gereja Immanuel digunakan oleh tentara Jepang. Abu mayat tentara Jepang yang ______dalam perang disim- pan di dalam gereja itu.

Di belakang Gereja Immanuel terdapat Gedung Pancasila yang tidak kelihatan dari sini. Pancasila itu ______negara Republik Indonesia. Sebelum Perang Dunia Kedua ge- dung itu digunakan oleh pemerintah Hindia Belanda sebagai ______. Parlemen itu bernama “Volksraad” yang ______pada tahun 1942 setelah Hindia Belanda jatuh ke tangan Jepang. Pada bulan Mei tahun 1945 para ______nasional Indonesia, di anta- ranya Soekarno, Mohammad Hatta dan Mohammad Yamin, bertemu di gedung itu untuk berbicara tentang kemerdekaan Indonesia dan di sini mereka juga menulis Pancasila. Karena itu gedung itu sekarang dikenal ______Gedung Pancasila. Lesson 86 Latihan 5—Isian (2 dari 2)

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: bendera—bersejarah—berteriak— dibangun—digunakan—dikunjungi—dinaikkan—ribuan Di sebelah barat laut Medan Merdeka terdapat Mesjid Istiqlal. Mesjid yang paling besar di Indonesia itu baru selesai ______pada tahun 1980. Atapnya yang berwarna putih kelihatan dari sini. Pada waktu bersembahyang, khususnya pada hari Jumat, ribuan orang datang ke mesjid itu.

Di sebelah utara Medan Merdeka terletak Istana Merdeka dan di belakangnya ada Istana Negara. Jadi, ada dua istana di Jakarta. Istana Merdeka selesai dibangun pada tahun 1879 dan ______oleh Gubernur-Jenderal Belanda sampai tahun 1942. Sekarang is- tana itu digunakan oleh Presiden Republik Indonesia untuk menerima tamu-tamu dari luar negeri.

Pada tanggal 27 Desember 1949 ______orang datang ke Istana Merdeka untuk me- lihat upacara turunnya ______Belanda dan naiknya bendera Indonesia. Pada waktu bendera Indonesia ______orang ramai ______“Merdeka!! Merdeka!!” Oleh ka- rena itu istana itu dinamakan Istana Merdeka.

Di sebelah barat, di Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, terdapat Museum Nasional yang diba- ngun pada zaman Belanda. Museum itu diisi dengan bermacam-macam barang lama yang ______. Kalau ingin berkunjung ke Museum Nasional, karcisnya dapat dibeli di pintu masuk, dan harganya tidak mahal.

Di samping Museum Nasional, di sebelah selatan, ada gedung yang dibangun pada ta- hun 1928 dan waktu itu ______oleh Sekolah Tinggi Hukum tetapi sekarang dipakai oleh tentara Indonesia. Di sebelah utara museum ada sebuah gedung yang dulu ______sebagai setasiun radio Nederlandsch Indische Radio Omroep Maatschappij (NIROM). Mulai tahun 1950 gedung itu digunakan oleh Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI).

Monumen Nasional yang tingginya 137 meter dibangun pada zaman Presiden Soekarno di tahun 1964. Monumen yang paling tinggi di Indonesia ini ______oleh ribuan orang datang setiap hari untuk melihat monumen yang terkenal ini. Di bagian bawah Mo- nas ada museum revolusi Indonesia.

Bapak-Bapak dan Ibu-Ibu, sekian saja informasi tentang Medan Merdeka dan Monumen Nasional ini. Sebelum kita turun, apakah ada pertanyaan? Lesson 86 Latihan 6—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 2. historic 5. a palace 6. parliament 8. to fall 9. visible, in sight 11. to be raised up 14. interesting 15. to be known as 18. a leader 19. ash 21. philosophy 22. to be built 23 war Menurun: 1. cattle 2. to yell, to shout out 3. vanished, gone, lost 4. to die, dead 7. an era, an age 10. as 12. is named... 13. to be lowered, to be brought down 15. to be replaced 16. a, an, one 17. to be stored 18. the centre 20. a flag Lesson 87

87 Kota Kami yang Indah


• To practise talking about a place that you know.

Vocabulary Review

Here are some of the frequent words used in this lesson that have appeared in previous lessons. Make sure that you remember their meanings.

bersejarah historical kesenian arts di antaranya such as lama old di samping itu besides lengkap complete jangan lupa don’t forget pendapat opinion kampung village taman park

Rumah Adat di Kabupaten Karo. © Eric Talking About the Town Where You Live Lafforgue

So far in Module 6 you have concentrated on talking about places in Semarang and Jakarta. Now it is time for you to bring your skills closer to home and use them to talk about the town where you are currently living. Study this short exchange of question and answer. Listen to Sound File 087-01. i dekat Berastagi ada beberapa kampung yang cukup menarik. Misalnya, kampung DSukanalu, kampung Barusjahe dan kampung Lingga. Yang mana yang paling indah dan yang mana yang paling menarik? Menurut pendapat saya, Lingga yang paling menarik karena di kampung itu banyak rumah lama yang bersejarah. Di samping itu di Lingga ada beberapa rumah makan yang enak dan para tamu dapat membeli barang kesenian yang indah.

The text above is about places in Berastagi, North Sumatra. However, it can be adapted to any locations around the world. Now it’s your turn to tell about the interesting places near where you are currently living. Based on the short passage you just read, fill in the gaps with the names of places in the town where you are currently living. Lesson 87

Di dekat ______ada beberapa ______yang cukup mena- rik. Misalnya, ______, ______dan ______. Yang mana yang paling indah dan yang mana yang paling menarik?

Menurut pendapat saya ______yang paling mena- rik karena di ______banyak rumah lama yang ber- sejarah. Di samping itu di ______ada beberapa ______yang ______dan para tamu dapat membeli ______yang ______.

Exercise 87-01

As a pemandu wisata you have been charged with the task of preparing an itinerary for some guests from Indonesia who are going to visit the town where you live. You can’t take your visitors to every spot: you have to make some choices. Each question below presents a number of choices, you must choose one of the possibilities suggested and give at least one reason (prefer- ably more than one if you can) for the choice you have made. Begin by writing out the questions, filling in the gaps in the questions with the names of places in and around where you live. Then answer the questions. To help you frame your answers you might find it useful to use these four elements (although you don’t have to follow this pattern if you can think of other ways to correctly answer the questions). 1 2 3 4

Menurut pendapat saya lebih… daripada Juga… [name of place] karena… . Saya kira yang paling… Di samping itu…

1. Di dekat [name of town] ada beberapa gunung yang indah. Misalnya Gunung [name of mountain], Gunung [name of mountain] dan Gunung [name of mountain]. Yang mana yang paling indah? ...... 2. Di [name of town] banyak museum yang menarik. Misalnya Museum [name of museum], Museum [name of museum] dan Museum [name of museum]. Yang mana yang paling menarik? ...... Lesson 87

3. Di [name of place] ada beberapa pusat perbelanjaan yang cukup besar dan lengkap. Misalnya pusat perbelanjaan [name of shopping centre], pusat perbelanjaan [name of shopping centre] dan pusat perbelanjaan [name of shopping centre]. Pusat perbelanjaan yang mana yang paling lengkap? ...... 4. Ada beberapa gedung yang besar di [name of town]: Gedung [name of building], Gedung [name of building] dan Gedung [name of building]. Yang mana yang paling besar? ...... 5. Ada dua kelab malam yang bagus di [name of town]: Kelab Malam [name of nightclub] di Jalan [name of street], dan Kelab Malam [name of nightclub] di Jalan [name of street]. Yang mana yang lebih bagus? ...... 6. Ada sekolah yang baik sekali di [name of town], di antaranya Sekolah [name of school] di kawasan [name of suburb/locality], Sekolah [name of school] di kawasan [name of suburb/locality] dan Sekolah [name of school] di kawasan [name of suburb/locality]. Sekolah yang mana yang paling baik? ...... 7. Di [name of town] ada beberapa taman yang indah. Misalnya, di pusat kota ada Taman [name of park/garden], lalu di [name of suburb/locality] ada Taman [name of park] O ya, jangan lupa, di [name of suburb/locality] ada juga taman yang indah, namanya Taman [name of park/garden]. Yang mana yang paling indah? ...... 8. Ada beberapa lapangan olahraga yang populer di [name of town]. Misalnya Lapangan [name of sports ground], juga Lapangan [name of sports ground] dan Lapangan [name of sports ground]. Yang mana yang paling populer? ...... 9. Tamu kita dari Indonesia suka sekali makan di restoran Italia. Restoran Italia yang mana yang paling enak di [name of town]? Restoran [name of restaurant] di Hotel [name of hotel]? Restoran Italia [name of restaurant] di Jalan [name of street]? Atau restoran [name of restaurant] yang tidak jauh dari [name of place]? ...... Lesson 87

10. Tamu kita dari Indonesia ada yang beragama Islam dan ada yang beragama Kristen. Saya yakin para tamu yang beragama Kristen pasti mau ke gereja pada hari Minggu. Ada beberapa gereja yang indah dan bersejarah di [name of town]. Misalnya Gereja [name of church] di [name of suburb/locality] dan Gereja [name of church] yang dibangun pada tahun [the year it was built]. Yang mana yang lebih bagus? ......

Role Play: Talking About Your Home Town

Imagine that you are a pemandu wisata assigned to host a visit by a group of Indonesians who do not speak English. It will be your job to talk to them about your home town and to present it in the best possible light. Let us suppose that in your town there is a hill, tall building or tower from which you can get a good view of the interesting places around town. Here are short notes you might be carrying to help you remember information about places of interest. Some of these notes will be relevant to your town, others may not be. You should pick out the notes that are relevant, revise and adapt them, and expand on them. Don’t forget to recycle ideas and language from previous lessons. You should also review rel- evant parts of previous modules, for example Lesson 15 on Kupang, and Lesson 57 on Bali and Tana Toraja. Put appropriate names in the blank spaces.

Tempat-Tempat Yang Menarik di _____

✔ Pusat Belanja _____. Di pusat kota. Besar sekali dan luas. Dibangun di tepi sungai di dekat taman. Ada bermacam-macam toko di pusat belanja, di antaranya toko pakaian, toko buku, toko alat-alat elektronik, toko alat-alat rumah tangga, toko perabot, toko musik dan pasar swalayan. Ada juga tempat makan. ✔ Gunung _____. Tingginya 843 meter. Orang dapat berjalan kaki ke puncak. Hutan di gunung indah sekali. Pemandangan dari puncak gunung indah sekali. ✔ Museum _____. Di sebelah timur pusat kota. Di museum ada bermacam-macam gambar, barang kesenian, alat perang, pakaian lama, mesin tua dan surat-surat bersejarah. Menarik sekali. ✔ Kampus Universitas _____. Kampus yang paling indah di seluruh negara. Tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Perpustakaan yang lengkap sekali, banyak buku tentang Indonesia. Kira-kira 10.000 mahasiswa. ✔ Danau _____. Danau yang indah tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Pada musim panas orang bisa mandi di danau. Bisa juga bermain di danau naik perahu layar kecil. Di tengah danau ada pulau kecil. ✔ Perpustakaan _____. Di sebelah selatan kota di tepi sungai. Berjuta-juta buku. Banyak buku, majalah dan surat kabar dari luar negeri. Buka sampai jam sepuluh malam. ✔ Gedung _____. Dibangun pada tahun 1998. 36 lantai. Banyak kantor, toko dan restoran. Lesson 87

Gedung yang paling tinggi di kota ini. ✔ Restoran _____. Restoran yang terkenal. Makanannya enak sekali. Ada makanan Yunani, Italia dan Prancis. Harganya tidak terlalu mahal. Suasana di restoran seperti di desa. ✔ Taman _____. Terletak tidak jauh dari kampus universitas. Banyak jenis pohon dan bunga. Tempat yang indah sekali. Tempat yang baik untuk beristirahat pada hari libur. ✔ Pusat Olahraga ______. Ada lapangan olahraga, tempat ribuan orang menonton pertandingan sepak bola setiap hari Sabtu dan hari Minggu pada musim dingin. Di samping lapangan sepak bola ada lapangan tenis. Ada juga tempat bersenam dan kolam renang dengan warung kecil.

Now, with your teacher/tutor or with your classmates, role play a dialogue between you (the pemandu wisata) and a small group of Indonesian visitors. You will proudly point out the interest- ing features of your town, and your visitors will interrupt with questions. Assemble a collection of pictures showing places of interest in your town. Display these pic- tures as if they were in an exhibition or gallery. Play the role of a museum employee (pegawai mu- seum) or a pemandu wisata and explain the significance of the pictures to a group of Indonesian visitors. The visitors should interrupt with lots of questions.

Latihan 1—Kosa Kata Lalu

Jodohkan kata-kata di sebelah kiri dengan terjemahannya di sebelah kanan.

bersejarah including kesenian complete di antaranya historical lama opinion di samping itu don’t forget lengkap park jangan lupa village taman old kampung in addition to that pendapat art

Latihan 2—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: beberapa—bersejarah—indah— kampung—kesenian—pendapat—mana Di dekat Berastagi ada beberapa ______yang cukup menarik. Misalnya, kampung Sukanalu, kampung Barusjahe dan kampung Lingga. Yang ______yang paling ______dan yang mana yang paling menarik?

Menurut ______saya Lingga yang paling menarik karena di kampung itu banyak rumah lama yang ______. Di samping itu di Lingga ada ______rumah makan yang enak dan para tamu dapat membeli barang ______yang indah. Lesson 87 Latihan 3—Tempat-Tempat yang Menarik di Jakarta

Jawablah pertanyaan-pertanyaan berikut sesuai dengan bacaan ini:

Pusat Belanja Kelapa Gading Di pusat kota. Besar sekali dan luas. Ada bermacam-macam toko di pusat belanja, di anta- ranya toko pakaian, toko buku, toko alat-alat elektronik, toko alat-alat rumah tangga, toko perabot, toko musik dan pasar swalayan. Ada juga tempat makan.

Museum Fatahillah Di sebelah timur pusat kota. Di museum ada bermacam-macam gambar, barang kesenian, alat perang, pakaian lama, mesin tua dan surat-surat bersejarah. Menarik sekali.

Universitas Indonesia Universitas yang paling indah di seluruh negara. Tidak jauh dari pusat kota. Perpustakaan yang lengkap sekali, banyak buku tentang Indonesia. Kira-kira sepuluh ribu mahasiswa.

Perpustakaan Nasional Di sebelah selatan kota. Berjuta-juta buku. Banyak buku, majalah dan surat kabar dari luar negeri. Buka sampai jam sepuluh malam.

Restoran Samudra Restoran yang terkenal. Makanannya enak sekali. Harganya tidak terlalu mahal. Suasana di restoran seperti di desa.

1. What stores are there in Kelapa Gading Department Store? Select all that apply. A. Clothing store B. Electronic store C. Book store D. Sport equipment store 2. Where is Museum Fatahillah located? A. In the eastern part of the city B. In the western part of the city C. In the northern part of the city D. In the southern part of the city 3. What things are there in the museum? Select all that apply. A. Statues B. Pictures C. Historical books D. Historical letters 4. The university library is located in the southern part of Jakarta. A. True B. False Lesson 87

5. How many students does the university have? A. 10,000 students B. 100,000 students C. 110,000 students 6. Where is National Library located? A. In the northern part of the city B. In the eastern part of the city C. In the western part of the city D. In the southern part of the city 7. What time does the library close? A. 21:00 B. 22:00 C. 23:00 D. 24:00 8. What kind of atmosphere does Restoran Samudra provide? A. Ocean B. Mountain C. Home D. Village

Latihan 4—Isian

Lengkapi teks berikut dengan memilih kata yang tepat: berjuta-juta—daripada—juga—paling —pendapat—samping—seluruh—suasana—tempat makan—yakin 1. Menurut ______saya, Chicago lebih dingin daripada Canberra.

2. Apa kamu tahu negara apa yang ______maju di dunia?

3. Jalan di Bandung lebih aman ______jalan di Jakarta.

4. Gedung ini gedung tertinggi di Jakarta. Di ______itu gedung ini juga gedung tertua.

5. Sekolah ini memiliki dua puluh ruang kelas dan ______dua ruang perpustakaan.

6. Di ______Indonesia ada banyak danau yang indah.

7. Sekarang orang-orang sangat suka makan di ______pusat perbelanjaan.

8. Saya ______Kalimantan pulau terbesar di Indonesia.

9. Banyak orang tidak suka ______rumah makan itu. Sangat aneh.

10. ______orang datang ke pusat olahraga untuk menyaksikan pertandingan sepak bola. Lesson 87 Latihan 5—Rangkai Kata

Urutkan kata-kata di bawah ini menjadi kalimat yang benar sesuai dengan arti: 1. “In your opinion, which village is the most beautiful one?” Menurut—yang—kampung—paling—pendapat—mana—Anda,—indah?

2. “I think the village of Lingga is the most beautiful one.” Saya—paling—Kampung—Lingga—yang—kira—cantik.

3. “Which restaurant is the cheaper one?” Restoran—mana—lebih—yang—murah?

4. “Which shopping centre is the most popular one?” Pusat—belanja—yang—mana—paling—populer?

5. “I think Lake Toba is more interesting than Carita Beach.” Saya—Danau Toba—menarik—lebih—kira—daripada—Pantai Carita.

Latihan 6—Teka Teki Silang (TTS)

Mendatar: 3. place 4. school 7. interesting 9. peak 12. building 14. entire 15. sport 16. historical Menurun: 1. art 2. good 4. atmosphere 5. village 6. certain, convinced 8. than 10. museum 11. several 13. also Lesson 87 Selamat

Congratulations! You completed the sixth modules. Only two more to go!

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Wordlist for Module 6

Lesson 77 mata angin the points of the compass agak; Hari ini agak dingin. rather; It is rather cold today. barat daya south west, south western barat laut north west, north western baru-baru ini recently camat the head of a sub-district (in charge of a kecamatan) iklim; perubahan iklim the climate; climate change jalan layang a fly-over, an over-pass (i.e. a raised segment of highway) kawasan; Kawasan Timur Indonesia a region, an area; The Eastern Region of Indonesia kecamatan a sub-district, (the administrative unit immediately below the level of a kabupaten district) makam; makam suci a grave, a tomb; a holy grave monumén; Monumen Nasional a (modern) monument; The National Monument (Monas) pahlawan; makam pahlawan a hero; a hero’s tomb tenggara; Asia Tenggara south east, south eastern; South East Asia tepi; di tepi jalan the edge, the side, the bank (of a river); on the side of the street timur laut north east, north eastern timur; Timor Timur east, eastern; East Timor utara; Korea Utara north, northern, North Korea

Lesson 78 berangin (•angin) windy berawan (•awan) cloudy celsius Celsius, centigrade (when you are measuring temperature) cerah bright, clear derajat; suhu tiga puluh dua derajat a degree / degrees (of temperature); a temperature of 32 degrees hujan rain (verb & noun), rainy inilah this is…, here is… kemarau dry (of weather) kering dry lembab 1. humid, hot and sticky (talking about the weather), 2. moist Wordlist mendung overcast musim; musim gugur, musim semi a season (of the year), autumn, spring musim kemarau the dry season musim hujan the rainy season, the wet season musim panas summer musim dingin winter pemirsa; Selamat malam, para a (television) viewer; Good evening, viewers. pemirsa. prakiraan cuaca weather forecast (a formal term) ramalan (•ramal) a prediction, a prophecy sekian; sekian dan terima kasih That’s all (The marker word indicating that a speech, narrative, film, statement etc. has finished); That’s all from me, and thank you. suhu; Suhunya berapa hari ini? temperature; What is the temperature today? terang; Lampunya terlalu terang! 1. clear (of weather, understanding), 2. bright (of light); The light is too bright!

Lesson 79 cerita 1. a story, 2. to say (what happened), to tell (what happened) mana (informal) which? minyak; minyak goreng oil, kerosene; cooking oil yang di sana the one over there yang ini this one yang itu that one yang mana; Dia memilih yang mana? which? which one?; Which one did he choose?, Which did he choose?

Lesson 80 bertanding (•tanding) to compete (in a sports contest), to take part (in a contest) kuis a quiz (especially a radio or TV quiz show) lucu funny maju; negara-negara maju 1. to go forward, to advance, 2. advanced, developed; the developed nations mari 1. please, 2. c’mon, let’s, 3. good bye menjawab (•jawab) to answer (a question) moderator the moderator, the compere (of a show) paling; yang paling mahal the most (+ adjective); the most expensive péndek short (talking about height or length) persegi (•segi) 1. a square (shape), 2. square (after units of measure when you are measuring area) sabar patient (i.e. not easily provoked, willing to wait) selamat datang; Selamat datang di Welcome! Welcome to Bali! Bali! Wordlist tim a team

Lesson 81 diambil to be fetched, to be picked up, to be removed diantar to be accompanied/taken (by someone to a certain place) diatur to be arranged, to be set out neatly and tidily, to be arranged (i.e. organised and set up) dibaca to be read dibangun to be built, to be constructed dibawa to be carried, to be taken away, to be brought dibeli to be bought diberi; Saya diberi uang. to be given something (when you are talking about the recipient); I was given some money. diberikan; Uang itu diberikan kepada to be given (talking about a thing that is transferred from one orang miskin. person to another); That money is given to the poor. dibuat to be made dibuka to be opened dicuci to be washed dikirim to be sent dijawab to be answered dijual to be sold dilakukan to be done, to be performed (e.g. of an action) dimakan to be eaten dinyanyikan to be sung diperbaiki to be repaired, to be fixed ditanam to be planted, to be grown (e.g. of a crop) ditulis to be written, to be written down ditutup to be closed, to be shut

Lesson 82 cangkir a cup cérét a kettle diaduk to be stirred (with a spoon etc.) diajak to be asked / invited (to do something with the person who asks) diberi; Jendela diberi gorden baru. to be fitted with, to be decorated with, to have something attached / added/ placed on etc.; New curtains were fitted to the window. digunakan to be used diisi to be filled (talking about a container), to be filled in/out (talking about a bureaucratic form) dikembalikan to be returned, to be put back, to be taken/given back Wordlist dikupas; Pisang harus dikupas to be peeled (an apple, egg etc); Bananas have to be peeled sebelum dimakan. before they are consumed. diminum to be drunk (talking about a beverage / medicine etc.) direbus to be boiled (e.g. of water), to be cooked in boiling water disimpan to be put away, to be stored disuruh to be told to (do something), to be ordered (to do something) ditaruh to be placed, to be put garam salt gula sugar jam tangan a wristwatch kopi tubruk Indonesian-style coffee (made by pouring boiling water over coffee grounds in a glass) laporan (•lapor) a report merebus (•rebus) to boil something (e.g. water), to cook something in boiling water merica pepper panci a cooking pot, a saucepan poci a small round enclosed pot like a teapot tumbuh to grow i.e. to become bigger

Lesson 83 asam sour asam Jawa the tamarind fruit bawang mérah a shallot bawang putih a garlic campur to mix kambing, daging kambing goat (also often used for sheep and lamb); goat meat gram a gram (unit of weight) jeruk nipis lime (the citrus fruit) kacang panjang long beans kacang tanah peanuts, ground nuts kangkung water spinach kentang rebus boiled potatoes kerupuk chips, crackers (made from a starch base) kerupuk udang shrimp crackers ketimun a cucumber (see also timun) oléskan (mengoleskan) to smear, grease panggang (memanggang) to grill potong-potong (memotong-motong) to cut into pieces seléra taste, appetite sajikan (menyajikan) to serve séndok, séndok makan, séndok téh spoon; table spoon, tea spoon Wordlist sesuai according to, suitable, appropriate taruh (menaruh) to put tambahkan (menambahkan) to add timun a cucumber (variant of ketimun) tomat a tomato tumis (menumis) to sauté

Lesson 84 akar a root, roots berkeliling (•keliling) to travel around, to go from place to place bungkus; Saya minta tiga bungkus packets of… (when you are counting packets / parcels / sabun cuci. packaged goods); Give me 3 packets of washing powder. bungkusan a parcel, a package, a packet, something wrapped up daun a leaf, leaves demam fever, to have a fever gemuk chubby, fat (describing bodily proportions) géndong to carry something (or a child) on the back or the front (often using a sling) instruksi an instruction, instructions isi; Isinya apa? the contents of something; What’s in it? jamu traditional Indonesian tonics and herbal medicines masuk angin to catch a cold, to be under the weather, to feel vaguely unwell, to have flue-like symptoms obat; obat batuk medicine; cough medicine pemakaian (•pakai); Bagaimana the use (of something), application; How do you use it? pemakaiannya? perut abdomen, belly sakit; sakit kepala, sakit perut to be sick; to have a headache, to have stomach trouble, to have diarrhoea, to have an upset stomach sariawan a mouth ulcer

Lesson 85 bahagia contented, happy (with your lot in life) bahkan even, in fact even, that goes for ____ as well (adding extra information that shows an assertion is true to a surprising degree) cuma-cuma free (i.e. not costing anything) dicoba; Ini perlu dicoba lho! to be tried, to be tried out, to be tried on, to be tested; You really should try this! foto a photograph hari kerja a work day, a day of the working week jam buka opening hours (talking about an office, shop, doctor’s rooms etc.) Wordlist jatuh sakit to fall ill, to fall sick kosmetik cosmetics kurus thin, skinny (the opposite of “fat” when you are talking about someone’s physical appearance) mengobati (•obat) to heal, cure muka someone’s face, the front part of something, the surface of something mula-mula at first, initially, in the beginning Nyonya Mrs (a very respectful title for a married woman) orang sakit a sick person, a patient pikiran (•pikir) an idea, a thought, someone’s mind pintu masuk an entrance, a gateway produksi production, the production of sabun; sabun mandi soap; bath soap sembuh cured, recovered, back to good health suatu; Pada suatu hari ... a, one (before a noun, indicating vagueness or unwillingness to be specific); One day tablét a tablet (i.e. a kind of pill) tangan; tangan kiri someone’s hand, someone’s arm; the left hand tetangga a neighbour tradisional traditional

Lesson 86 abu; tempat abu ash, ashes; an ash tray bendéra a flag bernama (•nama) is called by the name____, is referred to by the name___, the name of which is___ bersejarah (•sejarah) historic berteriak (•teriak) to shout, to yell diganti to be/get replaced dikenal; Ia dikenal sebagai seorang to be recognised (as/by), to be known (as/by), to be ahli. acknowledged (as/by); He/She is known as an expert. dilihat to be seen, to be looked at dinaikkan to be raised up, to get elevated, to be taken upwards dikunjungi to be visited diturunkan to be lowered, to be brought down filsafat; filsafat negara philosophy; the state philosophy Gubernur-Jenderal The Governor-General Hindia Belanda The Netherlands East Indies, The Dutch East Indies istana a palace jatuh to fall kelihatan; tidak kelihatan visible, evident, in sight; not in view, not visible, invisible Wordlist mayat corpse perang; Perang Dunia Kedua war; The Second World War pohon beringin a banyan tree ribuan thousands sebuah; sebuah rumah a, one (when you are counting inanimate things, or ideas/abstractions); a house terdapat is to be found at/in/among, can be found in/at/among zaman an age, a time, an era (usually pronounced, and also often written jaman)

Lesson 87 berjuta-juta millions, many millions, millions and millions puncak; puncak gunung a peak, a summit; the peak of the mountain pusat perbelanjaan a shopping centre; also: pusat pertokoan seluruh, di seluruh dunia the entire ____, the whole ____, the entirety of; throughout the whole world suasana the “feel” of a place or situation, the atmosphere (of a place) tempat makan a food court yakin to feel/be sure (that), to feel/be convinced (that), to feel/be confident (that), to have no doubt (that) Keys to the Exercises

Keys to the Exercises for Module 6

Lesson 77

Latihan 2: east; south; south-west; north; north-east; south-east; north-west; west Latihan 3: 1b; 2d; 3a; 4c; 5e Latihan 4: 1ab; 2c; 3d; 4c; 5c; 6b; 7a; 8d Latihan 5: kecamatan; kawasan; mempunyai; utara; tinggi; gunung; barat daya; sawah; selatan; Anak-anak; masih; sekarang; tepi. Latihan 6: North Korea; East Timor; Western Europe; Eastern Asia/East Asia; West Bank (Palestine); North Island (New Zealand); South Africa; East Java; South Kalimantan; South Borneo; South East Sulawesi Latihan 7: 1. Iklim cukup panas di kawasan timur Indonesia. 2. Negara Prancis ada di Eropa Barat. 3. Selandia Baru terletak di sebelah tenggara Australia. 4. Di sebelah barat daerah Banten ada beberapa pulau yang terkenal. 5. Kamu tinggal di kawasan barat atau timur kota? Latihan 8: 1a; 2a; 3b; 4b; 5a; 6a; 7a; 8a; 9b; 10b Latihan 9: Mendatar: 5 terkenal; 7 selatan; 10 terletak; 11 dingin; 13 kawasan; 15 hutan; 16 timur; 18 barat; 20 pulau; 21 cuaca; 22 kecamatan. Menurun: 1 tepi; 2 beberapa; 3 panas; 4 camat; 6 gunung; 8 desa; 12 iklim; 14 sungai; 17 utara; 19 agak Lesson 78

Latihan 2: 1e; 2c; 3f; 4b; 5a; 6d; 7i; 8g; 9j; 10h Latihan 3: 1b; 2d; 3d; 4 Bandung; 5c; 6b; 7 delapan belas derajat Celcius; 8 jarang; 9b Latihan 5: 1c; 2c; 3b; 4a; 5b; 6d; 7d Latihan 6: Bagaimana cuaca di Manado kemarin? 2 Bagaimana suhu di Timor Timur pada bulan Agustus? 3 Katanya Bogor agak berawan pada bulan Desember. 4 Saya kira cuaca malam ini agak dingin. 5 Saya tidak suka udara di Jakarta karena sangat panas dan lembab. Latihan 7: Mendatar: 1 suhu, 4 musim, 5 iklim, 8 kemarin, 10 cerah, 13 lembab, 15 sekian, 16 inilah. Menurun: 1 suka, 2 hujan, 3 biasanya, 6 memang, 7 para, 9 kering, 11 berawan, 12 sekali, 14 besok Lesson 79

Latihan 2: 1b; 2e; 3a; 4d; 5c Latihan 3: 1e; 2c; 3g; 4d; 5f; 6b; 7a; 8i; 9h; 10j Latihan 4: 1c; 2a; 3c; 4a; 5c; 6d; 7c; 8c Latihan 6: 1 Kamu mau mengambil mata kuliah yang mana? 2 Universitas mana yang lebih mahal? 3 Mobil saya jauh lebih cepat daripada mobilmu. 4 Kota mana yang lebih besar: Jakarta atau Surabaya? 5 Menurut kamu, tempat yang mana yang lebih enak? Latihan 7: Mendatar: 1 menarik, 3 minyak, 6 kuliah, 7 mana, 9 merah, 11 besar, 13 baju, 14 mewah; Menurun: 1 memilih, 3 enak, 4 kompor, 5 kuning, 8 cerita, 10 membeli, 12 kut. Lesson 80

Latihan 2: 1j; 2i; 3e; 4c; 5h; 6d; 7b; 8a; 9f; 10g Latihan 3: 1b; 2e; 3g; 4f; 5d; 6a; 7c; 8j; 9i; 10h Latihan 4: 1b; 2c; 3a; 4h; 5f; 6d; 7e; 8g Latihan 5: 1 Gunung Everest gunung yang tertinggi di dunia. 2 Ini kuis yang paling menarik di televisi, 3 Menurut pendapat saya, Sungai Ciliwung sungai yang paling kotor di Indonesia. 5 Kota apa yang paling ramai di India? Latihan 6: 1a; 2b; 3d; 4c; 5b Latihan 7: Mendatar: 1 kotor; 5 pandai/pintar; 7 paling; 8 gunung; 10 sederhana; 12 moderator; 13 menjawab; 15 sabar; 17 bertanding; 18 lucu. Menurun: 2 ramai; 3 maju; 4 tengah; 5 panjang; 6 pendek; 9 berbahaya; 11 persegi; 13 mahal; 14 quiz; 16 bodoh Keys to the Exercises Lesson 81

Latihan 2: 1b; 2e; 3a; 4c; 5d; 6g; 7f; 8h Latihan 3: ditulis, dibeli, diantar, dibayar, diberikan, dibuka, dinyanyikan, dikirim, diadakan, diisi, dijawab, ditolong, ditanam, ditutup, disapu, dipukul Latihan 4: 1 dijualnya; 2 dibuatnya; 3 dipakainya; 4 diminumnya; 5 ditutupnya; 6 dipotongnya; 7 dibawanya; 8 diterimanya; 9 dicarinya; 10 diberinya; 11 dicobanya Latihan 5: 1. Novel Oliver Twist ditulis (oleh) siapa? 2 Like a Candle in the Wind dinyanyikan (oleh) siapa? 3 Film Star Wars dibuat (oleh) siapa? 4 Kuliah bahasa Indonesia diberikan di mana? / Di mana kuliah bahasa Indonesia diberikan? 5 Presiden Obama dipilih (oleh) rakyat Amerika pada tahun berapa? / Tahun berapa Presiden Obama dipilih (oleh) rakyat Amerika?/ 6 Di mana majalah Tempo dijual? / Majalah Tempo dijual di mana? 7 Mengapa semua jendela dan pintu harus ditutup? / Kenapa semua jendela dan pintu harus ditutup? 8 Perpustakaan ini selalu dipakai (oleh) siapa? / Perpustakaan ini dipakai (oleh) siapa? Latihan 6: 1 Surat-surat itu dibaca oleh Bapak Purwanto. 2 Pohon itu ditanam oleh Ibu da Costa tahun yang lalu. 3 Mobil saya sudah diperbaiki oleh Bapak Tallo. 4 Pertanyaan itu tidak dijawab oleh kepala desa. 5 Surat itu sudah ditulis Tika. Latihan 7: 3 sibuk; 5 lupa; 6 kepala; 7 acara; 8 roti; 11 pemerintah; 13 pertanyaan; 14 baju;. Menurun: 1 surat; 2 kaya; 4 udara; 6 karcis; 9 jendela; 10 pohon; 11 pintu; 12 hilang. Lesson 82

Exercise 01 1 diperbaiki; 2 dicuri; 3 diantar; 4 dipakai; 5 dipotong; 6 ditulis; 7 dipilih; 8 dipanggil; 9 dipasang; 10 ditanam. Latihan 2: 1a; 2c; 3c; 4b; 5d; 6a Latihan 5: diaduk—diajak—digunakan—disimpan—disuruh—diberi—direbus Latihan 6: 1 Apakah kopi boleh diminum dingin? 2 Pertama-tama ceret diisi dengan air. 3 Kami diajak pergi ke taman oleh ayah. 4 Setelah dibaca buku dikembalikan ke perpustakaan. 5 Teh sedang diminum oleh nenek. 6 Gula, garam, dan merica ditaruh di atas meja. Latihan 7: mengembalikan, menanam, mengisi, merebus, memasang, menggunakan, menyuruh, mengajak, menyimpan, memberikan, menaruh, mengatur, memotong. Latihan 8: Mendatar: 1. keuangan; 2. piring; 5. mengatur; 8. cra; 9. menanam; 10. laporan; Menurun: 1. kentang; 2. penjahat; 3. lantai; 4. merica; 6. garam; 7. gula Lesson 83

Latihan 2: 1a; 2a; 3c; 4c; 5a; b; c; e; f. 6c; 7c; 8b. Latihan 3: 1 haluskan (giling); 2 tambah; tambahkan; 3 kuah; 4 rebus; 5 angkat; 6 Atur 7 kerupuk; hidangkan. Latihan 4: 1b; 2h; 3a; 4g; 5j; 6c; 7e; 8d; 9f; 10i Latihan 5: 1abd; 2bd; 3b; 4b; 5b; 6a; 7b; 8b Latihan 6: 1c; 2f; 3b; 4e; 5d; 6a; 7g Latihan 7: 1b; 2d; 3c; 4e; 5a; 6h; 7f; 8g; 9j; 10i Latihan 8: 1 Rebus sayuran itu lalu sajikan di piring. 2 Oleskan mentega pada daging yang sudah dipotong. 3 Potong kotak-kotak tomat itu lalu campur dengan kecap. 4 Goreng tempe itu lalu makan dengan nasi putih. 5. Tumis kangkung itu dan taruh tomat di atasnya. Latihan 9: Mendatar: 2 mentega; 5 iris; 7 campur; 8 kangkung; 10 tumis; 11 cabai; 12 tomat; 14 oleskan; 16 terasi; 17 taoge. Menurun: kerupuk; 3 emping; 4 panggang; 6 sajikan; 8 ketimun; 9 ketumber; 13 kol; 15 aduk. Lesson 84

Latihan 2: diminum; dibuat; dijual; digendong; dijual; diminum; dibaca; dibuka; ditaruh; diisi; diminum; dicuci; digunakan; diminum. Latihan 3: 1d; 2e; 3a; 4g; 5b; 6f; 7c; 8h; 9j; i Latihan 4: 1 akar; 2 bungkus; 3 instruksi; 4 sakit perut; 5 isi; 6 berkeliling; 7 wanita; 8 obat. Latihan 5: 1 Jamu bisa digunakan untuk bermacam-macam penyakit. 2 Di toko jamu biasanya dijual dalam bungkusan kecil/Di toko biasanya jamu dijual dalam bungkusan kecil.. 3. Setelah jamu diminum, gelasnya harus dicuci. 4 Dulu jamu biasanya dibuat di rumah/Dulu biasanya jamu dibuat di rumah . 5. Menurut saya, jamu yang dibuat di pabrik kurang sehat. Latihan 6: 1 masuk angin, 2 daun, 3 demam, 4 digendong, 5 kurus, 6 bungkusan, 7 pemakaian, 8 gemuk, 9 ditaruh Lesson 85

Latihan 2: 1a; 2b; 3a; 4b; 5c; 6b; 7a; 8a; 9c; 10b; 11a; 12c; 13b Keys to the Exercises

Latihan 4: 1b; 2a; 3e; 4c; 5d Latihan 5: bahagia–happy; bahkan–even; dicoba–be tried; orang sakit–sick person; pikiran–thought; pintu masuk– entrance door; suatu–a, a certain; tangan–hand; sabun–soap; sembuh–recovered from illness; menikah– to marry; perusahaan–company; tepi–side, edge; memasang–to install, set up, put in place; mengobati–to cure, heal Lesson 86

Latihan 2: 1c; 2 sapi; 3 a; 4 seribu delapan ratus tiga puluh sembilan; 5c; 6a; 7c Latihan 3: 1 Tahun seribu sembilan ratus delapan puluh; 2 Istana Merdeka; 3 pada tanggal 27 Desember 1949; 4 Tahun seribu sembilan ratus dua puluh delapan; 5 Museum Revolusi Indonesia. Latihan 6: Mendatar: 2 bersejarah; 5 istana; 6 parlemen; 8 jatuh; 9 kelihatan; 11dinaikkan; 14 menarik; 15 dikenal; 18 pemimpin; 19 abu; 21 filsafat; 22 dibangun; 23 perang. Menurun: 1 sapi; 2 berteriak; 3 hilang; 4 mati; 7 zaman; 10 sebagai; 12 bernama; 13 diturunkan; 15 diganti; 16 sebuah; 17 disimpan; 18 pusat; 20 bendera. Lesson 87

Latihan 2: kampung; mana; indah; pendapat; bersejarah; beberapa; kesenian. Latihan 3: 1abc; 2a; 3bd; 4a; 5a; 6d; 7b; 8d. Latihan 4: 1 pendapat; 2 paling; 3 daripada; 4 samping; 5 juga; 6 seluruh; 7 tempat makan; 8 yakin; 9 suasana; 10 berjuta-juta Latihan 5: 1. Menurut pendapat Anda; kampung mana yang paling indah? 2 Saya kira Kampung Lingga yang paling cantik. 3 Restoran mana yang lebih murah? 4 Pusat belanja mana yang paling populer? 5 Saya kira Danau Toba lebih menarik daripada Pantai Carita. Latihan 6: Mendatar: 3 tempat; 4 sekolah; 7 menarik; 9 puncak; 12 gedung; 14 seluruh; 15 olahraga; 16 bersejarah. Menurun: 1 kesenian; 2 bagus; 4 suasana; 5 kampung; 6 yakin; 8 daripada; 10 museum 11 beberapa; 13 juga.