Cranford, It/Wilr
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i -.••'•.- . ,'•','"•• •• ' "'••/'''•' '•",'. -.'/'V'1' •'" .i .'•'•••-'• •''''' ": .. .• •'' ••"• .'. ~" ; ' •" ' ••"•• r;'••-.'- ~y" •f~~.-'".. -'•'•• '•'•• . •'<'•" '.•.'.'. ' ' ... •• ''•• •--.• |1 ; /•• < /.' -::2i#_ ::2^_L___-'--'"' /•'•- .*-±': .• -.-••"• /\7* '.••>•.•• ••-• •.V-;* ' .'- ••'•-•' • ' '/ -•••-. '- •" '.' •-•• •.-.•• •'•/ • . ••' •• '•"• '• '" . V1..; }\ --' -'^T;-'1 THE CRANFQRD CITIZEN^ AND CHRONICLE,. THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956 y' and a reyiew_of "ThePonder is author of' a book on /multiple Assist at Hospital gei-under way as soon as the sclerosis. The national proJecTo! Four women from Crane's- Ford that Borough on., the subject and has been re- Heart," Broadway production. The Weather permits; Mr. Troiano said. the sorority alumnae is the Crip- Gardeners helped to make ar- Dughi look int!o ., quested to report to--the''council group' will attend .thp production All You Can passage .of a local ordinance re- This league- is open to"'boys-be- pled Children's rfome in Rich- rangements for veterans at Lyons XSOIIUSGS', * .W iween_fhe__agc£ of 13 and 15' on the feasibility of a local" ord- 'on''April.28,.and reservations may Hospital j>n Friday. They are Mrs. : ••'•••'-- ---~""-iy owners to clean "inancc~tt>--ebver—similar- dy timcl PatTDlFabio. is r i.... Thomas O'Boyle, Mrs. George _G^ To Thfe Red Cross '1 n ior&.. Aprill 1010. -[,-:- •• ----- The regular meeting time of the KENILWORTW ixer snowstorms. ,7, . .. league. Other otticers are: Vice- ie .luiure. -• , — - group has been changed, to. theSt/ahri, Mrs. H. Roland Shydcr and. AR WOOD Hikes etary, i Mr. Mayer appeared at Tuesday Guest . speakek r at 'th"the nneetinmeeting J group has been cnangea. 10. .we ••-*"•"••••••• v~.. i CouncHman.i__W.ehrum^rcported_ 1 -was-Mrs^Russell-Gross,-prbvince^vfourJiiJy-edncsday_of_each_nio^ ; and' patrolmen"as -Don^fnJght s-co.uneil-meetingf-and-Dr.e=. !that the .Board .of Health and 4 iterated.his criticism of the present- alumnae officer of the northeastern j Prospective members are asked to ^. THURSDAY; APRIL 5, 1956 ^1 rib, IHT^N'.?^*'^ *ntTtti Health—muci^—Jxibn • L P-'nyni' """" r-Kappa-Delta'^who^ls-^caliihe-localip: 1 Chief; $5,700; captain,, $.%300lTiciP* have been investigating reports-of. owni:i to corinne- fh6';:animal' on ^d nationafKappa PeltaV"Shff^Tj. Sweetserr—- GARWOOD — •' Borough Council .; tenant, a sergeant., and patrolmen I a health problem on .Spruce ave- Dog Licciisc Survey at its meeting'Tuesday'night yp- his own property for 10 days.fol- as rjcqulrcd. •• " ' • • ' nue as a result of intermittent lowing."a dog bite report and b'ugr. Cancer Unit Completed by Police If proved cost of living bonuses of 1'h<.\,neW salaries are as follows: stoppage of- a private sewer, in- gested.again that there should be Jervice League _ _ „ $2Oo for employees of'the street Chief. $5,700; captaiiv $5,300.; licit- | stalled many • yeafifraKo, • •'.'•" ~" Thirty-six summonses were is- Fined $180 an ordinance providing that a dog Lo sued, to local residents harboring department;' the magistrate,, maj;- te.itant, .$5,1-00; sergeant,: $4,900;' .He- added that Township En- which bites a human be taken into lists Aid istrate's clerk, collector treasurer Class A patrolman, $4,600: Class! gineer Patrick J, Grail while "in- Needed to Serpe Craniord-Rosdle Area unlicensed dogs during the annual custody by the authorities and He estyhatcd' that there is a pres- dog license survey -completed 'this- and borough clerk's assistant 'and B. patrolman, $4400, and Class. vestigating a broken water main held for observation.' ' ; To build'a regional hospital in out-that all the hospital facilities Sl50 for superintendent of lire ;ip- In Dog Bite ent Shortage of 400 to 500 hospital week- by-the. police department. C patrolman,. $4,300. • ' . iin the area also discovered a broken Chief Warden .Wimmer and Miss, Cranford, it/wilr. be necessary to for'.this area at' this time, are To Residents W.ith almost 3,000 c'c. of Sulk-polio vaccine available for a mass paratus and superintenclcnt. of 1 : B I B 1J beds /in the area. : Chief Lester \V. Powell reported. A communication front .the Jer- •sewer'- 'connection, and .that re- Gloria.. McCormick', executive sec- arouse public interest "to a, point'"locate 'd' in~ . Plainfield'" " " , -c.^^"Summitn , beds/in the area. , . •:• • ;• . i . 'u "v. ' inoculuti'on clinic,-tow'nship "olYicialsi'will be watching cloKoly tonight ; fire, alarm system, and. passed .on" sey Central Railroad reporting pairs are, expected to.' improve •Rah'way and Elizabeth: •, DDr/ . Castaldo saiSL.^d . th. e_ ndxt step . L°cal cancer dressing units have - The • hpu!vc-t'o-housc canvass, final . reading .an ordinance in- retary of'thc Union.County SPCA;' where people,would bec clamoringg in/the .development -ojt a regional made 10,860 dressings:and hayv started the first week >n February, for developments at a special meeting of the Cranford Physicians' Club that-, repairs" were made..."on the conditions. Residents recently sent also spoke gt. the council.meeting, for a:hospital,"'Dr.-Neil1 Ca'slaldp, •.'"thi's, as you .will notc^ by .a •• '• ' ' — - ---'—' w»'fi» i n Rfin riVnssihiis • and have ' iy, Health, Officer William P.-Smith received 2,9.34 cc. ot' •iv^'-.'.-.i-- ' .creasing salaries of- members of GARWOOD— James Gill of 167 . hcjspital wilT be the-formation of supplied 28.Cranford patients \vith was conducted this ycai^ by r'cg Center' street grade crossing on. ii communication to the council Willo\v avenue,' who according to! explaining ; the ertorts. .made to FOR EVERY ' The annual meeting Qf the Cran- preaident of the_,Cranford Pliysicr map.y-surrounds a wide area with supifucu M,^.a.»u,u i~>p"r 'Y- was conducted mis yea* oy rcg- on ruesaay, iiKiHuum^._„..„.....-. , . , 'the police department;' possibly more than 100,000 popu- av citizens committee.; This cbm^ 1300 'dsi ince April1 •'March 9. was'received-and filed. requesting'installation of a- sani- police admitted he turned his'dog' find the dog which bit Randy I ford Adult School Inc;, will be ians' Club, -told the.. 'Cranford' 18,300 .'dressing? since April.•'•», .'ulur• members of the d.cpVtmcnt, thcvaccin c for the clinic Set Boar of dth oef vaccineHeaitn. , upoDr. nNel ml t ^ -.-. • The.-police salary, .ordinance. r with Councilman Fxlw'ard H.'Tilr lation without hospital .serv.iCe.^The mittCe with the aid. off some area 1955/ it was^ reported last night by working whenever they Xcould __^_ ^^^- 2u-_-— rival of the yaccmc. Dr. Nell cabv _taiy sewer on Spruce -avenue bu-.- looseanthejrneadows-near Newark I Mayer "and" thanking: Police 'Chief MEMBER0E ' held on May 2at the home of the .Tunior Service Ledgue on -Tues-. physicians wbl^d~tlic~nIf6Fm a-non- taldo, president of the' Cranford •• lor.'. voting "iVo". because— he^w-ast- ginning at,East street. • • '-.' outlying hospitals, and- that! is;' ,.1 «,,,,s^ « •#„-,«,;«. • '.Tr.. without interfering with Jtasir • ;.'••"';._". - ^.••-' I; / ta'ldo, president-of. the •Crapfo.d. Airpprt after the animal hacl-bittoh I Falcone for '.'the good job be did day. • • '.-••••'••• ".-. • profit hospital corporation. A char- tyrs. William E. 'Faulkner, JrJ Physicians! Club, called a special . not satisfied with the job'.dope.- ••• Mayor Seveiage reported, that /orcside'nt-director, Channing Rudd what ;thcy are. to us, are ovet/- routine duties, They spent 142-mhn Sci'VlCC Qub Leader ' a locaj boy, was. fined, a total-of THE\FAMILY "This can be done," Dr. Cas- ter is available which this cprpor- chairman- of the Cranford Volun- '-- --•»!-- ..:.-;„„< Tun. iM.j«.l7V>rN . , .. , meeting of the'.group for* 9 p.m. The borough'had written to. the •tho Sljade Tree Commission- has : -rif-218'eentral avenue. crowddd, and I have personally ... nouhouri s w\on'the project. This mark'e JPrayjer $180 and •-•' -''-->' <~ •«»-.>• ei*n taldb said, !'by - talking the hos- alioh could acquire; he pointed locr. •Services foii ,thc Amcricaiii i I , . the, Cranfbrd Hotel.;.. • Mrs Charles Redden,, former pital up to everyone 'we^ meet, by seen many patients in 'the halls the h st wardens and three trucks were as-, •••"•••' would be /^.*^^«J' CnnlAfv ' Unfnrr* n itrnlin nflnA..u.. ...^ octors.'Maiy Participate Council ^•csid'cnt-diroctQr., has„, becn^a^ -beeause-of-the^lack—df_spaccA-J_ L signed to the case : aTOt~TTrrathr~Ti _L, pr. Castaldo conceded that scv-. ointcd chairman of the nonrnn- . A recent survey, the physician the duty af the corporation to ac-cancer fund-raising.workcrs'at thc.j inxthe surveivChief Powell said, careful check of the borougln and 1 hospital in town,' hy-.'stimulating of-t committee by Mr. Ruda. club president said, disclosed" a quire the necessary land and to .cra:rall local physicians have./in- ^suri'ounding^area and all pounds j ^-And No One and.talking, to various civic sind I solicit funds. ' _ Casino. jjiejUed interest in > Piirticipating t^WkO.I^ ... ..... - , _ iind definite4aelfr^lf^fftdLhlta^ ] ; to upnly-fpf-thcr.^-'-r-lHi-pUmU "charge of aP Pm-"graTr'y"nra}r Funds' for such a-' hospital, U~r. ^HTywatdMcAtTt in' thc. mass. .fi^cTnan6T['rJcnrrlrr-rrr-J ends nf .silent-..prayer rcTrrrtrrr 111 II1C wuut.v^. .. bods for this area. While )hc. , , .': program •• will ..get '-undor- wuy"^ .brought by 'Robert J. ;Wimnier, (he aid of service .clubs." ••'••• e : from eiiairrrian, called the • meeting to | in ; h0 .ijifju.uut tv-.y Lwmn w « tie added-' thafthe dog probably view of what hp described as a.' •le'ttor Cvnm, Tally his crtnvflKRcrs-Tirtfpat^t^ v "Pr. Castaldd said 'Cranford As industry, the federal govcrn "special si.ti'iaUonT'^D^rTZairi: ducting a[.T:iir! i.iiiin., expressing ap- chief ASCPA .warden;' $50 - for now;fs-'running with the pacic t would not meet the iWcds of.the to launching the door-to-door, cam- the logical location for a 'regional and area residents. He cstimat94' said he calletl a meeting to discuss • ' A. motion tu this i-fTix-t.