Prophetical, Educational and Playing Cards

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Prophetical, Educational and Playing Cards " 1 r — ] Prophetical, Educational and Playing Cards By MRS. JOHN KING VAN RENSSELAER Author of " •* The Devil's Picture Books •' A History of Newport ** " New Yorkers of the Nineteenth Century " •' A Girl's Life Eighty Years Ago '* "The Goede Vrouw of Mana-ha-ta " " Crochet Lace " " Non-Such Euchre PHILADELPHIA GEORGE W. JACOBS & COMPANY L PUBUSHERS J \' ''7 '' COPYRIGHT, 1912, BY GEORGE W. JACOBS & COMPANY PUBLISHED, OCTOBER, 1912 ATJ. RIGHTS RESERVED PRINTED IN U. S. A. wII 3 sLA PAPESSA Atouts of an Early Italian Pac k of Tarots 1 I] Bagattel 4 I.'Iinperatore 2 La I'apessa 5 11 Pa[)a 3 L'Jmperatrice 6 CAi Amanti — The Oracle of Ishtar and Nebo Uttered by a Woman Baya (or Witch) A Native of Arabela "I proclaim it aloud—What Has Been Will Be- I am Nebo—The Lord of the Writing Tablet Glorify Me." — — CONTENTS Chapter I Prophetical and Other Cards 27-57 Divining cards—Tablets of fate—Tarots— Gambling cards—Their diflPerence—Persian cards—Oldest emblems—Standard packs of Tarots—German designs—French designs Rouge et Noir—Persia and Sweden Writers on cards—The three gods—Deri- vation of name—Mercury and his predeces- sors—Writer of E-Sigalia—Fortune-telling— The priest of Thoth — Speech — Italian Xarots—L'Ombre—From leaves to cards Attributes of Mercury—Atouts—de Gebelin —From arrows to cards—Gambling sticks of King Qa — Rods — Devices — Argiphontes — — Cyllenius or Agoneus — Caduceator — Chthonius — The study of cards — Rods — Many authorities—Papus—Temple at Raise Book of Thoth—Addha-Nari—Heraldry— Tradesmen'^ signs—Lady Mary Wortley Montagu—Terminus—Cestus—Pigs and ton- gues—Gazelle—Number Thirteen—Joker. Chapter II—The Book of Thoth, Hermes, and Nebo 58-71 Its leaves—Mercury's attributes—II Matto— Nebo—Tablets of fate—The Atouts—Their significance — de Gebelin — Egyptian deities —Parchment records—Thoth the frame r of laws—Bible of the gypsies—Attributes of Mercury — Interpretation — Balaam — The — ——A CONTENTS "baru"—Tete-a-Tete mysteries—The pack li'Ombre—Skus—Pagat—Austrian Taroks The romance of a pack of Tarots—Aus- trian games—Austrian game books— clergyman on cards. Chapter III Mercurius 72-93 The rank of Mercury—His occupations His statues—Caduceus—The purse bearer The sword—The cup of Hermes—The four symbols — Nebo's temple — E-Sigalia — Poz- zuoli—Its merchants—The Serapeon—Ser- apis—Roman villas—The temple of Mercury at Baiae—Mercurius—His work—His parent- age—His Infancy—Gifts from the gods Golden-leaved rod — Wings— The planet — Different cognomens —• Representations Thoth — Inventions — Priests — Sirius — Hermes introduced by the Pelasgi—Books of Thoth—Inventor of games—Great teacher —Titles of books—Connection with cards Their scientific arrangement. Chapter IV—Thoth 94-1 08 M. Maspero's description of temple—Mr. Rawlinson's account — Psammetchas — Nebo and Thoth—Symbols—The month—Its device —Tablet of Khufu or Cheops—Hieroglyphi- cally described—Names of gods—Qualities and titles of Thoth—At judgment seat—Sac- rifices—Books—Colleges—Priestess of Thoth —Khufu — Thotmes — Cleopatra's needles — Generations of priests—Gypsies—Hermetic books—The ghosts—Book of knowledge—Its —— — CONTENTS boxes—Magical texts— Amulets—Ritual of the dead—Hall of two truths—Osiris—Con- fession—Three Writings—King of Sais The dumb children—Some of the books of Thoth—The temple—Wall pictures—Origin of Atouts. Chapter V Nebo or Nabu 109-123 Chaldean god—Different names—Parent Wife—Presides at birth and death—Sword as symbol—Assyrian gods—King's temples Protector — Hymn to Nebo —Borsippa — E-Zida—Great library—Invocations—Titles Emblems — Stylus — God of Revelations — Nabi, Naypes or prophet—Mr. Chatto's deri- vation—Early cards in Italy—Planet Assyrian gods identical with Roman gods The Moon—The month—Dog star—Sacrifices —Card emblems — Boar — Temples — Cult Nebuchadnezzar—All wise—Asshurbanipal Assyrian invasion—Mingling of cults—High- way of Egypt—Cuneiform inscriptions Tablets—Texts—Hymn to Nabu—Origin of letters. Chapter VI The Atouts of the Tarots 124-174 Consultation of the divinities—Wave offer- ings—Prayers—Priests and Priestess—Her- metic books—Ishtar — Rods — Jackstraws Rites—Graven images—Divining arrows Iv'Ombre—Egyptian gods on the cards Number One—The Pagat—Quotation—Baton de Jacob—Meaning of Rod—Choice of the — CONTENTS boy — Lottery Chart — Aleph — Meaning — Bohas and J akin—Initiation of youth Tablets of fate—Korean superstitions Fringes of temple—Numbers or letters Number Two—t.a Papesse—Isis—Emblems —Qualities—Eve—Derivation of name—de Gebelin — Juno — Emerald Tablet — Mr. Willshire—^Juno's vi^orshippers—Ritual of dead—Beth—Number Three—The Empress —Maut—Attributes — Significances—Figure —Gimel—Dress — Girdle — Titles—Number Four—Emperor — Ammon — Daleth—Per- sian cards—Titles—Invocation—Number Five —Le Papa—Phthah — Attributes — Hands Fatima—Number Five's Meaning—Number Six — Lovers — Cupid — Significance—Vau — Symbolism — Number Seven — Chariot — Mystic meanings — Zain — Arrows—Marked Yes and No—Chinese sticks—Mercury Pythagoras—The occult seven—Three ages of the world—Seven evil spirits—Hymn to them in Assyric—Seven in the Bible Other references to that number—Number Eight—Justice—Ma or Truth—The Judge Attributes—Tiemei — Heth — Ceres—Cups — Number Nine — The Hermit — Aspect — Diogenes — Significance — Rod — Texts — Typical of shelter—Teth—Number Eight- Rota, Wheel of Fortune—Osiris—Anubis Typhon—The Circle—Wheels of Ezekiel and Pythagoras—^Yod—Termius—Use of Yod Anubis called the Lord of Burying Ground— As j ackal — Number Eleven — Strength Mystic hat—Una — Amazons — Kaph—God- dess Neith—Emblems—Inscription on her — — CONTENTS shrine—Brides—Number Twelve—II Pendii Hanged man—Freemason's signals—Pagat I>amed — Its meanings — Vulcan — Number Thirteen — Death — Skeleton — Proverb — Horse of Aurora—Bad luck—Its reasons Mem and its meanings—Number Fourteen Temperance—Nut or Ne])te—Titles and de- scription—Nun — Oil — Oblations—Number Fifteen—Devil—Set or Sutech—Parents Title of Hyksos kings—Ears—Zam—Sig- nificances—Number Sixteen—Tower—Light- ing god—Castle of Plutus—Rameses II and the thieves — Bael — Enlil — Second Dynasty of Ur—Dr. Radau's translations Goddess Nin-Mar's hymn—Ayin—Number Seventeen — The stars — Dog star — Nebo's mountain — Hebe — Oblations — Gazelle Typification—Number Eighteen—I>a Lune Attributes—Tzaddi—Diana—Number Nine- teen—The sun—Zoph—Ra and Rameses Number Twenty—Day of Judgment—Resh Significance — Pluto — Ishtar — Epitaph of Lord de Ros—Number Twenty-one—Le Monde—Verity—Four Apostolic emblems Their manifold meanings—Tau—Le Fou or the Joker—Mat—Emblems—Shin—Gypsies Early Tarots—Intention of Atouts—Bible of Gypsies. Chapter VII Pips of the Tarot Pack 175-195 Suits—Court cards—German, S])anish, Ital- ian and French cards—Emblems of Mercury — Four castes — Lucky devices — Addha — —— —— CONTENTS Nari—Phallus — Cties—Vau—.Tod-He-Vau- He—Divining arrows—Golden rod—Numbers 17 — Symbols of the Israelites — Indian — Typical of families—Chinese fortune-tell- ing—Zeichiku—Meisir games of Arabia-^- Naib or prophet—Trifle—Coppas—Assyrian cup—Cup-bearers — Saki-bearer — Jamshid —Omar Kayyam—Golden cup—Texts—Hall of Two Truths — Osiris ~ Ma — Thoth Espadas or Piques—Argiphontes—Meaning of sword in Hebrew—Pitch-pot—Money suit —Collars—Zones—Meaning of suits—Numer- ical value—Court cards—Their meaning Seventy-eight Tarots—Rods of Aaron. Chapter VIII Some Old Italian Tarots 196-207 Mysteries—St. Paul—Osiris—Bewildered his- torians—^"Portrayed on the walls"—Nebo the Writer—Gypsies—The crossed palm—Span- ish cards—The Egyptian fleet—Essay of Count Emiliano di Parravicino—Professional teachers of early days—Cards belonging to the Duke di Visconti—The Royal pack The artist da Tortona—A wedding gift Old Tarots—The artist Cicognara—Historic cards—The proverb—Fibbias Tarocci—Mu- seum at Bergamo—Victoria and Albert Museum—Beautiful Tarots. Chapter IX Hearts and Diamonds. Spades and Clubs 208-221 Oldest French pack—The costumes—Charles VI—The marriage fete—The fire—Original 10 — —— CONTENTS P>ench Piquet ])ack—Invention of French pips—Vignoles and ChevaUer—Jacques Creur —The Palace at Bourges—Money or Car- reaux—Swords or piques—Sticks or Trefles —The pun—Red and black—The startling inquiry—Tarots, Playing Cards or the Book of Thoth—Ignorance of writers—French cards born three hundred years ago—Vig- nolles—Chevalier and Jacques Coeur—Piquet —Agnes Sorel—Black and red—de Gebelin\s history—Confusion—Discussion—Prejudice. Chapter X Court Cards with French Pips 222-244 Paio—stock—Widow — Bunch—Pips—Court cards—Their historic derivation—The num- ber of pip and court cards—The Joker—His origin in America—Cunning Mercury—Fan- tastic designs—Conservative court dresses Double-headed and index cards—Costume of the Kings—Their attributes and headgear Charles of France—Old Tarots in Paris- French cards—The names on the French cards—La Hire—The dress of the knaves— Their attributes—Patch the court fool- Nicknames—The Bowers—Skat—Le Valet Le Fante—II Soto—Der Ober—Der Unter— The Queens—Elizabeth of York—Her hus- band's picture—The history of Elizabeth our Queen of Cards—Her birth, education, bethrotal and costume—The jilting Dau- phin—Louis XI—Marriage—The poem—The credulous queen—The elegy of Sir Thomas More—Elizabeth's efligy in Westminster 11 —— —— CONTENTS Abbey—Card backs—Messages and invita- tions. Chapter XI Point Cards with French Pips 245-252 The Pique Its names—Dr. Stiikley\s cards A Picke— (vlubs, the emblem of Agnes Sorel —Hearts—I'he Ace—The Earl of Cork I.e Borgne—Spanish nicknames—The Deuce —The curse of Scotland—Duke of Cumber- land—Chinese card and counter boxes Pope Joan—Trey—Nicknames for the four and five spots—"Grace's card"—Lady Dor- othy Nevill—The origin of visiting cards The backs—Derivation of the name of Tarot —The reverse designs—Dolls and their furni- ture from cards—Thackeray's invitation—Sir Jeffry Amhurst's bid to a ball—Luck at Piquet.
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