Courier Gazette, Tuesday August 8, 1893

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Courier Gazette, Tuesday August 8, 1893 K/£r CAMDf hjoust, ME' he ourier Summer Hotel. C OPEN From June to October. 28 F. O. MARTIN, Prop. V olume 48. ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8, 1893. Entered aa Pec nnd Clef* Mall Mett . e t . Lake City Inn, OLDEST AND BEST EQUIPPED. C ITY C H A T . OUTLOOK. get his money back, such as land, orjwheat. or VERMONT LETTER. S M I T H ’S cotton, or good railroad bonds, you can borrow Here and There About Our Rapidly Hay sells in France at 842a ton and straw at money. The recognition of this fact moved A Traveling Man Tells What He Seet A SUMMER HOTEL, Growing Rockland. $26. The outlook In Franco is so had that another Western stump-speaker, who bad In .he Green Mountains. MUSIC STORE. tnrned the matter over in his mind, wisely to LAKE CITY, CAMDEN, ME. er’s some farmers predict that beforo Winter hay remark: “ What we people need is not mote Rockland's building business seems to pro­ will reach 860 a ton, and straw in proportion M o x ip b l ir r . V t . Jui.v 22 1893. Cnatomera will And Standard Makers' Elognni commercial currency, but more collected"—a great truth gress without interrnption. Dull times are the E d it oi C.-G. :— Upright — Harper's Weekly. proper opportunities for house building. The comet now visible in the northwestern T u ts is the 4th week that I’ve been hustling Private parties entertained, C ollege horizon has a tail 30 degrees in length, or through Veimint Btid New Hampshire, and I utsuiveynnce by electric ears to Camden; back- abont 50 times as long as the moon is wide. tell vim I shall he glad to get home and get a Pm/o F ortes The Rockland Ulcer says that It rnns no When the Savings Institution occupied CaXds to the Inn. Correspondence by telephone REOPENS SEPTEMBER Sth, 1803. side-show. The whole esta’blishment there This is no fairy tale. rooms in the secood story of the Gardiner Na­ sniff of salt atr. We have had some very hot C^jSMto the Inn, or by mall to Camden, Book keeping, Shorthand, Penmanship and a In stock, such as has been commonly regarded as a side-show tional Bank building, it had its name painted days up here tn the mountains. The davs nre hot uti l the nights cool, especially near Lake II. FOUNTAIN, Landlord. HARDMAN, GENERAL FITTING FOR BUSINESS and a fake at that. Congress mce:s this week. May a kind Pro­ on the glass over the door. The Young Men’s This Institution has a reputation for thorough, vidence grant to them wisdom, and may they Christian Association now occupy the rooms, Champlain, and lately wo have had a great ment to 17. A. D. SINGHI, Manager- 28 40 ness, practicality,and originality of over fifty years, many showers which helped ottt some I went The electri* 1 FISCHER, ttandlng, ami refers to 2s,000 past students. Those offices! What trouble they make in legislate for the country's good, If it isn't ex­ and the other day It was suggested to Presi­ over to Plnttsourg, N. Y., last week on one of season the ^ C O l l t EMERSON, ETC., Annual prospectus and beautiful specimens of pecting too much ol Providence. dent Carr that that sign ought to be removed. penmanship mailed free upon application. Address, political parties! There are a number of local the line steamers ot the Cfiarapluln Transporta­ ton e x te n slo o lX C. E C O M E R , P r in c ip a l, 28-86 Democratic converts to civil service, since the “ Well," says he, "I do not see the need of It. Siam has acceeded to every demand of France, tion Or. We made a landing at Bluff Po'nt, work on Its •> a q 000 W ashington St..(Cor Beach Mt.)Boston’ city Democratic committee had its meeting. A savings institution occupies the rooms naw." where the celebrated Hotel Champlain is. It Railroad, h fitn “ . and there'll be no war there. Argentine Con­ The sign still remains.—Gardiner Journal. TT . h 1r situated on the Booth side! of federation is now trying to keep the war cor­ is first-class all through O. D, Seavey, a A arren to UmoT raileB frora Rockland, Me. « PARLOR and CHAPEL ORGANS, respondent busy with a little revolution of its former Waterville, Me., hoy, Keeps It and 85 struction. Tbed lodging can be obtained by the A good job is being done in the way of patch­ Games ol cards have been the rage, have de­ at reasonable rate*. Fl«h a tlav is tfic lowest rate. I did not go ashore things tip trcraenc^ t0 thR pUbj|C at an hours. ing our brick sidewalks and pavement.itThese own. _________ clined in popular favor, havo (aded Into virtual BANJOS, but was satisfied with looking at It from the Ice each day. places which are being fixed aret'piaces where The Vermont Marble company at Rutland extinction, and have been suddenly revived t Beach morning and evening. steamer and It c»st less. Seavey keeps (be All ot the buildin£p<l beautiful drives tn abnn. New Home Sewing Machines the ground and filling have settled, and repairs notified its men that wages would be reduced over and over again. Lansquenet, piquet, Ponce de Leon in Florida In Winter and brings confined to Camden nr zVnd a General Aaaortmont of now made will be permanent. vingl-et un, ecarte, triumph, prime, flux, ma­ • the day, week or season. 15 per cent August 1. This is the largest mar­ bis help here In the Summer. It gets a large trimony, bssset, boston, spadille, manille and pari, of the county con „t special rates, Small Musical Instruments and Mer­ ble concern in tho world and employs about busluess as it is at the haseol (be Adirondacks. being erected. AppIetoll,*T evening. Mnslc bpi Dr. J. C. Hill, who has been endorsed by 2,000 men. basto, together with ombre, which was only an chandise. OimPCSbtlEiiE. ancient form of whist, with many more games Fellow Hall, Union a C M n - u o . „ » '!'k AND the Democratic city committee, is slated for the 1 stopped in Piatt9hurg a: Paul Smith's Thomaston. St. George a S M IT H > PrCP‘ •arlnstruraonts warranted, Prices Low, and than even the voluminous Hoyle dreamt of, School of Shorthand & Typewriting, position now held by Dr. Benj. Williams. The Out in 8prlngfleld, Mass., thev have enacted new houses, and so on thro_________ M~** Terms of Payment Easy. 14 succeeded one another in society, and by turns Ponquet House. All the Adirondack travel 390 Congress St., opp. City Hail, City Committee somo weeks ago endorsed an ordinance limiting the speed of bicycle riders of county towns. enjoyed their epoch of patronage; hut the used to go this way, via the Nartow Gauge PORTLAND, ME. Capt. W. M. Munroe lor the position of U. 8 in the city streets to eight miles an hour. If Chateaugay K. R., and the trams were so ar­ ALBERT SMITH. Shipping Commissioner at this port. Capt fast horse driving Is prohibited in city streets, cards themselves have scarcely changed pictor In these limes of bank fa ially for more than 200 years. ranged that most all were obliged to stay over S end fo r Catalogue. Ad d r e s s , Charles Hall very ably fills that position now fast bicycle riding should also be prohibited. at the Fnuquet House, but the manager told Connty farmer bethinks hlmst of well cured bay, hl, thrifty gt. L. A. GRAY &. S O N , P roprietors mo that tne new rai road opened this year by In our recent notice of the death of Capt. And now the question has arisen as to wheth­ An exchange calls attention ta the fact that H. Seward Webb, mat runs right through the cow and falling porker, aud al, Piano For Sale. Andrew Pressey we failed to mention one of er we shall say the United States are, or the while silver is an important product of this mountains via Saratoga, had taken all the knows of an Investment that beat' Adply to United States Is. Smith's grammar tangbt ns country, it is not the leading, notwithstanding to death. , World's Fnlr the sisters, Hannah, who was Mrs. John T. travel, and they did not get any. Paul Smith's • oa REV. It. \V. JENKYN, that nouns of multitude or collective nouns re­ the amount of space it occupies in the papers. hotel in the heart of the Adirondacks is noted CIGARS? 32 Masonic St. White. Capt. Whitoj built and lived in the Cashing is doing the handsome thf-- 4 quire singular verbs. The people of the South, Statistics show that the annual output ofpplg all over the world. hou«e on Limerock street now owned by O. E. wav of furnishing its school bulldf0 *11 points When your customers Blackington. After the death oi Capt. White, however, would probably prefer "The United iron is nearly twice that of sliver; that of bitu­ AN OPPORTUNITY. minous cual is fifty per cent greater, and) that 1 think Vermont is a beautiful state. Barre, flags. 8ome weeks ago we published _5 call for the rj Parth s thinking of going into tho millinery busl- Mrs. White married G. 8. BurgesB of Rock­ States ore.” of anthracite coal is about as grett.
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