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1933 A Study of Louisiana French in Lafayette Parish. Lorene Marie Bernard Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College

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Recommended Citation Bernard, Lorene Marie, "A Study of Louisiana French in Lafayette Parish." (1933). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 8175. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_disstheses/8175

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To Mr. H. A. Major, Associate Professor of Prenoh, of the Louisiana State University, who has directed the writing of this thesis, A wi&h to express my sincere appreciation for the valuable help given and suggestions offered. Thanks also to, Mr. w*. A* Pickens, Associate Professor of Spanish, Mr. Oharles K. thews, Professor of French, Mr, 3as. A. McMillen, Professor of Library of Soience and my sister and brother, Amelie Bernard, and Mr. P. 0. Bernard, for their kind help. A STUDY OF LOUISIANA FBBNCH X I


- m x m z .

This thesis is an attempt to compile a glossary of Louislana French words in Lafayette Parish whleh differ in meaning or prenonoiation from Standard French* The method followed is , first to reproduce the word as close- ly as possible in conventional orthography, then to exact phonetlo transcription as spoken Ly the natives, followed Ly the definition in Standard Premh, with examples when necessary, and lastly its derivation* It has not Leen possible to find the derivations of a ll the words, nor all the standard French equivalents, as some terms have originated here in Louisiana, Such words are generally connected with animal and plant life, and because of clim atic differences, have no correspond** lng names in * This work shows that Lafayette Pariah French originated, to a great extent, from the dialects of the provinses of France, and contains aany survivals of * I


The object of this thesis is to compile an etymo­ logical glossary of the Lafayette Parish French in so far as it differs from Standard French in form, in meaning and in pronunciation. For the collection of this material, the author

interviewed residents of Lafayette, Oarencro, Brouss­ ard and foungsville, and also received valuable help from her father and mother, 'Mr* and BUTs. E. J. Bernard, who have been residents of Lafayette Parish for the last fifty years and have spoken French almost exclu­ s iv e ly . The careful reading of these pages w ill show that the French spoken by the inhabitants of Lafayette is not a language peculiar to them, and originated by them, much less a " patois ” as it is often wrongly termed, but Jhe French spoken by their ancestors who left France before the language had developed to its present forai, or the one s till spoken by the people of the provinces of F rance. Three elements seem to predominate in this Lafa­ yette French. First and foremost, one will recognize traces of the dialects of; , , Orldans, , , Berry, Lorraine, Ohampagne, , , Britany and . IX

For example, the words, fillo le. siau. blau, which one hears today in Lafayette and its vicinity, are Picard words, found in the romance of Auoassln and Nioolette. The word japper which replaces aboyer is used today in Hormandy, as laidezir may be heard in Nivernais, lioher. in Anjou, and dplurer in Orldans and * Even in the department of the near Paris we find sable pronounced sabe. and sur. s u b . The second element composing Lafayette French, is Old French, many words of which survive in that locali* ty. As we know, the Old French Period extended into the Sixteenth Century and these words undoubtedly existed in the provinces from which our French ancestors emigrated to Louisiana sinoe the material available here at the University, shows that many of these words still exist there today. Some of these Old French words heard in Lafayette Parish are: dgraffigner. for dgratigner; espler. for dpeler: guernoullle. for grenouille; oblier, oubller; and dgalir, for dgaliser. Such survivals are also found in certain sounds which w ill be treated later in this work. The third element comprises sea*faring terms. This is easily explained from the fact that many of our ances­ tors oame from the coast of France. Among these words we have: embarquer. for monter: fraler. for tirer; oarguer.

for lncllner; navlguer. for voflttgeir; and niban. for rub an. I l l

The following variants w ill show one or the other of these elements: 1. A tendency to retain the Old French pronunciation of oi as w&, as in: bo&te. for hoi/to; and armoufore

for annoire. 2* A change of e to a before r in the body of a word,

or of e, initial before 2.: varnir, for nernir; alaatiqua, for dlastique. w© find these same va­

riants in Anjou, Orleans, Nivernais, Picardy, Saint- onge, Poitou* 3* Addition of a glide consonant between s and r ; i i n and r ; and 1 and r ; ooohondrie . for oochonnerle. 4* D1 becomes (<£% ) before a vowel: ( ) for adieu, * ( d^diMo) for dlamant. Poitou has the same peculia­ rity , as also Bas-Matoe and Normandy. 5. Retention of the ja pronunciation of Old French in the £ mute of the present subjunctive; voye far Z2i£5 aye (tj ), for aie.

6. Before a vowel que is replaced by tch [£ f )• as in : tcheue. for queue: Ti undergoes the same change; tchien, for tlen. Dialectal in Poitou.

7• Suppression of final jr, ^ 1 , and m in Isme-endingB; aabe, for sable; tende, for tendne; catechise, for ,

cateohlsme, which is found today in Anjou, Berry, Orldans, and lie de France. a . First part of negation in, ne*....pas, never used in Lafayette, was omitted in 0. Fr. also* IV

9, The substitution of on for nous, is also prac­ tised in Berry, , , and Uivemais.

10. The sounding of h aspirate as in: haut: hSche. hair, is a survival of Old French. Owing to the lack of sufficient research material accessi- to theauthor, it has been impossible to trace oertain La­ fayette Parish French in the dialects of the , hut it is most probable that they exist there also. The following are some of these peculiarities: 1. The d iffe re n c e in the n a s a l sounds, an, am, en, em, from on, om, is hardly distinguishable. Bon is

pronounced exactly the same as dans. that is, a sort of medium ( ? ) between the two sounds, grant­ ing the Frenoh is on represented by ( ° ).

2. The imperfect ending ais, is pronounced either £ or a more open sound that St. French, ais. It is the same sound as that of ai in iSnglish fair.

The f i r s t sound is more common among the c u ltu re d th an among the uneducated.

3 . The imperfect tense, except in the case of the verbs etre and avoir, is replaced by the imperfect of, etre dn train de, or 3tre apr&s, plus the infinitive ,

4. The future tense is rendered by the present of aller plus the infinitive.

5. The o in such words as: haute. pauvre, mauve, chose, and £ in vBtre; cSte, are pronounced ( ^ ), which Y

has the same sound as English aw in law,

6^ The verb avoir is substituted fox the verb etre in the compound tensos of reflexive verbs and of intransitive verbs of motion. 7. The past indefinite of aller is rendered by the past indefinite of Stro.

8» The subjunctive is used only in the case of §tre and avoir after II faut. The foreign element in Lafayette Erench is restricted almost exclusively to English, which has had a considera­ ble influence on the idioms, grammatical oonstnuctions, and the general inflection of the language, v:»e have certain English words auch as: gasoline, tank, tip, flag, etc; also locutions like; on va avoir un bon temps, for on s TamuBera|

Demands-iui pour le livre, for demand e-lul le llvrey which clearly point out the English influenoe* It is tame that traces of Indian dialects are also found in our vocabulary in place names and in such words as: pataaga. oaoha and pacanne; and a few Spanish ones, as: taaseau, coroobier and piastre; but these are few com­ pared to the English which is often spoken in the homes by the children whose parents speak only i re a c h .

This study does not pretend to be in any way complete*

But the author has endeavored, with the material available to be as exact as possible, and she hopes that some one else w ill carry on the work more thoroughly. 1.


ACCAPAHER ( a. k a-p a-^ e ) v. tr ., s Temparer de, prendre pour soi. Ex. II a acoapard le livre de Jean. Der- Pr. accaparer, to monopolize. Dial- Poitou, Anjou, , Saintonge, Canada. ADONNER ( ^ d ^Ne ) v. re fl., 1. a propos; Ex. Ca va s'adonner bien qui vient a soir. 2. se joinaro. Ex. Lea morooaux s'adonnent. 3. s ’accorder. Ex. Ces amis-lik s'adonnent bien. Ber- Fr. s ’adonner, to be addicted to. Dial- Poitou, Saintonge, Nivernais, Orleans, Picardy, Canada.

ADOUCIR ( id w sif ) v. tr., sucrer. Ber- Pr. adoucir, to soften, to soothe.

AG AO IA ( a* 3 a- n. m., acacia. Der- Fr. acacia; voicing of " c " by assimilation. Bial- Canada. AFFEUBLIR ( a. f * iir ) v. tr., intr., affaiblir. Ber- Fr. affaiblir; by assimilation. Dial- Berry, Nivernais, Canada.

AGONISER ( a o m f 2: « ) v. tr ., accabler d'injures. Ber- Pr; agoniser, to bo in the agony of death. Dial- Anjou, Aunis, Berry, Burgundy, Britany, Cham­ pagne, Orleans, Picardy, Poitou, Saintonge.

AJEU (*<*3^ ) n. m., adieu. Ber- Pr. adieu; uhange of " di " to " j " before a vowel, seems to invariable in Lafayette Parish. Bial- Normandy, Switzerland, Canada. A IB ( tr' ) n. f., air, m. Ex. La grande air. Ber- 0. Pr. aire, sometimes feminine. Bial- Normandy, Switzerland, Canada. AJ AMBER { a. J o b <• ) v. t r . , enjam ber. Ber- Pi-, enjamber; by change of prefix. Bial- Berry, Anjou, Champagne, Normandy, Canada.

ALASTIQUE ( *■ t A 5 t~ i k } n. f., dlastique, m. Ber- Pr. d2astique; this change of " o " to ,f a " b efo re " 1 " in the initial syllable seems to happen regularly as; alever, for eletfer etc. ADPAPA (a-Lfa,^3u) jj# f qu'on appella ” alfalfa” ©n A&^XSlls • Bar- Eng. alfalfa* ALTERJS (a.Lt£r In* f., artfcre. Der- Fr. artere; by assimilation. D ia l- Main©, Normandy. AMABEER ( »• ^ «-re ) y, tr. t attaeher, nouer, Ex* II a amarrd son ©heval* Der- Fr. amarrar, to moor a ship. Dial- Poitou, Normandy, Britany, Saintonge, Anjou, Aunis, Canada. AMQ1LE21R (tM otnVj y, tr., intr., amollir. Der- Fr. amollir or V. Prov. amolezir. Dial- Prov., Canada.

ANNONCE0R( a. n ? * e ) n, m., pluviar* Dar- So eallad because at tha approach of a hunter the bird starts a peculiar whistling noise which warns the other birds of danger. ANTOINE ( 3 t«/iA/ ) prop. n. m.,Antoine. Der- Fr. ^ntoine; survival of 0 . Fr. pronunciation o f " o i" .

AONT ( ) n. m., Aout. Der- 0. Fr* Aout, same pronunciation as seventeenth c e n tu ry . Dial- Berry, Canada. APPE3DICE ( a p 5 d ) s ) n. f., appendioe,m. D er- 0 . Fr. appendice,feminine lint11 eighteenth c e n tu ry . APPLICATION ( a - p u xa*sj.o) n. f., demande. Ex. II a fait application pour la place. Der- Eng. application. APRJSS ( dLP-re. ) adv. loo., 1. en train de; Ex. Ell© eat aprfea dtudier. 2 . Dans; Ex. La clef est aprbs la p o r ta • Der- Fr. apr&a, after, next to. Dial- Normandy, Orleans, Saintonge, Anjou, Touraine. ARAIGNHE ( a r e ^ ) a. m., araignde, f. Der- Fr. araignde; nasalizing of "ai” through the influence of the following nasal. Dial- Normandy, Maine, Touraine, Berry, lie de France. ARGOT ( *o )n* m., griffe, ongle* Der* Fr” ergot# spurs* Dial* Saintonge* Burgundy, lie de France, Orleans* Anjou* ARGENT ( a. r < ^ ) n* f . , a rg e n t, m. Der* 0* ir. argent, f. Dial* Anjou, Burgundy, , Normandy, Orleans, Switzerland, ARIEN ( a. ^ > £ ) n» m«, rien * Der** Fr* rien; confusion with "avoir rien. Dial-* Picardy, Canada.

ASSAPER ( ) v, tr*, affaiseer; Ex. Da terre Set assapd depus la pluie. Der* Prov. sapa, to settle the soil* Dial* Ganada* ASSASSIN ( as a. s £ ) su m., aseassinat. Der* Fr* assassin, a murderer, by confusion.

ASSAYSR ( u. 9 e } e ) v. intr. t essayer* Der* Fr. essayer; by dissimilation* Dial* Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Balnaut,Nivernais, Touraine, Poitou, Orleans, Canada.

ASSIRE ( a s l r ) y, refl., sTasseolr. Der* 0* Fr. assire; a survival of seventeenth century French. Dial* Picardy, Anjou, Aunis, Hainaut, Maine, Nor* mandy, Poitou, Saintonge, Canada* AS7EUR3 (dL.strn.-r) adv., raaintenant. Der* 0 . Fr* Astheure, k oette heure, now* Dial* Anjou, Aunis, Berry, Britany, Lorraine, Maine, Normandy, Picardy, Poitou, Touraine. ATACABPA (aLta-Ka-Lpa-) n. m*, orme de Samar le* Der* Ind. Catalpa* ( Read) ATTENDEE ( a .t^eL'r> ) v, tr., entendre. Der* Fr. attendre; by confusion of sounds. Dial* Normandy, Canada. ATTRAPER (a.tr»aLpe ) v. tr., apporter; Ex. Attrape- mol mom chapeau* Der- Fr. attraper, to catch, to overtake. Dial* Canada, A^OXBE ( luiw £. n j f. # avoine. Der- Fr. avoine; nasalizing of ”01* before a nasal consonantt survival of 0# Fr* pronunciation. M ai* Touraine, Orleans, Burgundy, Shampagne, He de France, Uermandy, Saintonge, Hoirmoutier, He d'X eu.

- B -

BAQUE (PAIBE) ( b£k ) v. tr. & intr., reouler. Ex* J fai baque le char. Ber* Eng. hack. BABILLER ( b a b t j «. ) v. tr. t gronder. Ber* Pr. hahiller, to babble, to prattle; transfer of meaning. BABIBE (jtab/N) n. f.J.lbvre; 2. fairs la moue; Ex* A pend touJours la hablne. Der* Pr. babine, lip ( of animals ). B ia l* - BAB I BER ( fcanii w e) v. In tr., perdre son temps. See beurdasser. Ber- ^r. badiner, to Joke. BACEULER ) v. intr., havarder, hahiller. Ber- 0. Pr. bagouler, to talk aimlessly Bial- Canada. BAILEE ( y a. j ) n. f., baquet h leseive, m. Ber- C, Pr. Bailie, a bucket. Bial- Along the west coast of iftranoe. BALIEB (U tifi ) v. tr., balayer. Ber- C* Pr. halier, s.m. Bial- Anjou, , Berry, Champagne, Maine, Hiver- naie, Orleans, Picardy, Saintonge, Touraine, Canada. BABQUETTE ( b H c t * ) n. f., t r o t t o i r . Ber- Fr. banquette, a foot path along a bridge etc. BARASC#JER ( b a. -r S k e. ) v. intr., ddlirer, radoter. Could it come from Provencal " barandet rT a tiresome person? BABBUE (fca-r&w) n* f. * espdce de bardeau ( oyprinoldes) Iter- Pr. barbue, a kind of flat sea flsh( plouronecte). BAROCISER (b a->*a *»> in e) v. tr. * ©changer. Ex* IX a bar* guind son chev&l pour une vaohe* Ber* 0 . Fr. bargalgner, to exchange. Bial* Canada. BARCUXNE (UrjiM) n. f . , marehd t m. Ber- Eng. bargain. Bial* Canada.

BABIQUE ( i> 3. r i k } n. f., la moitld dfun baril employd oomme baquet K leasive et comme abreuvoir pour lea animaux. Ber- Fr. baril. Bial- Normandyt fourain©, Canada. BARBRAUTE (barofcfi] adj., grllld. Ber- Fr. barreau, an iron bar; from which we built the verb "barreauter" and then the past participle* BAROUCHE ( fe a r uj ) n. f., cabriolet & quatre places. Ber- Eng. barouche. BARBS ( U r e } adj., rayd, h r a l e s . Ber- Pr. barre, a bar. Bial- Normandy, Poitou, Canada. BARKER (Aa-rc) y. t r ., fermer h c l e f . Ber- Pr. barrer, to obstruct, to bar; probably origi­ nated before the locks same Into use, from the prac­ tice of closing doors with wooden bars. p BAB ABE (A a 7. a. *4 adj., t&chetd de rousseurs. Ber- Pr. bssan£, tanned by the sun. BA33ETTE, BASSEf ( l» a. s a. ) a d j . , tr&pUe, tra p u . Ber- 0. Pr. basset, a short man. Bial- Provence, Canada. 3A?ACXa)N (Lita.KLo) n. m., effeta, possessions, f. Ber- Prov. batacIon, old furniture. Bial- Bourgogne, Champagne, Borraine, ^ormaady, Picar­ dy, Saintonge. BATISTERB (b»^'sfc£r) n. m., acte donaissanoe. Ber- Prov. batisteri, s. m. H al- Provenoe, Canada. BAfOC"^ h A') u ^ n. m., ruisseau. ^ Ber- Choctaw, bayuk, creek or river ( Read ). BBBELLE ( A e b « b ) tt. m*, jo u e t, D er- 0 . Fr. babel, a toy. Dial- Or loans, Canada, BEQUBR ( A a k a ) v . tr ,, embrasaer. Der- Pr, becquer, to peck. Dial- Burgundy, Canada,

BBQBIIIE ( t> e * i n ) n, m,# lard. Der- Bug, baoon.

BSSGE (kcr-5 )».£., meule, meulon. Der- 0. Pr, barge, a hay stack, BEHOUETTE ( b ; r vt/e t ) n. f . , broueiete. Der- o, Pr, barouette; this pronunciation was used until the eighteenth century. Dial- Touraine, Canada. BEES ) n , t •, berreuse, Der* 0 , Pr. bers, cradle. Dial- Anjou, Burgundy, Britany, Ghempagne, H&inaut, Maine, "ormandy, Orleans, Picardy, Poitou, BER TELLE > n. t ., bretelle. Der- bretelle; metathesis of nen and Mr" , Dial- Anjou, Bas-Maino, Berry, Britany, Champagne, flivernais, Bormandy, ^aintong©, Touraine, Canada* BETAILLF. (betauj) n, f ., bestiol*?. See b$te. Der- Prov. bdtail, an insect. BBTB ( A BOB DIED) ( b t t ) n. f ., espbce de soarabde, appale en anglais ” beetle Der- Pr, bdte and b ( du) Bon Dieu. BETE ( A CHA0DELLE ) {bet) n. f ., ( Caleeata genus La- ohnosterna). Der- Pr. Bete and b ohandelle. BETE ( ROUGE) ( b e t ) n. P., chique, (puler or sarco- psylla penetrans)• Der- Pr. beta and rouge. BETE ( b e t ) n. f ., ohevaltm. Ex* Voila une belle bdte Der- 0 . Pr. bete, any kind of onimalf domestic). BETOT [be to) adv., bientot, tantdt, toute A I'heure, Der- Fr, bientdt, soon; corruption. Dial- Anjou, Ardenne, Ploardy, Bormandy BEURBASSEK (4*ria.sft) v. intr#, perdre son temps, fair© plus de bruit que d@ travail. B er- Prov. b a rd a s s e r, to throw down v io le n tly ; by extension, to make more noise than one does work. Bial- Anjou, Poitou, Maine; bardassor, Canada. BKSSOJf ) n. m., jumeau, Jumelle. Bor- Fr. besson, twins. Bial- Anjou, Aunis, Berry, Champagne, Haut-Maine, dura, lyonnaia, Nivernais, Orleans, Poitou, Canada. BIBON (b i d P ) n. m., ohapeau haut de forme. Bor- Fr. bidon, a wooden vessel used in the navy for water, suggested by shape. BITTB (bit) adj., gris, ivre. Ber- Fr. bitture, pieoe of cable lying on deck pre­ paratory to easting anchor?

BLACK EYE { b L £ k a.j ) n. m., oeil poohd. B er- Eng* b laek ey e. BLACK JOE (&££/rj<» ) n. m., mdlasses. B er- Eng. blackjoe, also named blackstrap molasses. BLAGU2E ( b i a e e.) v. in tr., ja3©r, causer. Ber- Fr. blaguer in St. Fr. means to tell lies in order to make fun of someone or to turn him into de­ d e r is io n . BLEU ZIP v. tr. & intr., bleuir. Ber. Fr. bleuir; most adjectives from which verbs are formed take this "air” ending, as; Jeune, jounezir, eto. Bial- Anjou, Canada* BLOQUE {blot? ) n. m., ilot. Ber- Eng. block. BLOFFER {bLoj-e) v. tr ., duper, t romper. Ber- verb formation on Engliiah, bluff. Bial- Canada.

B0B3PE llli/Ef-) n. m., boite. Ber- 0. Fr. boete. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Touraine, Poitou, Britany, Canada. BOIS BfARC (btvdL flt-iL Tfic) n. m.( toarylon poraiferum) Ber- Fr. bole and a*arc, because the early settler® made bows of the branches of the tree. BOIS OOBBU txof/u) n. m., micoculier de Virginia,qufon appelle en anglais ’’hack berry tree 11 ( see Head ) BOIS BE FLBCHE ) n. m., appeld en anglais, dogwood. Der* Fr. bois and de fleohe; the Indians of the Gulf States made the shafts of their arrow® of dogwood. BOIStJBE ( ) n. f •, boiserie. Der* 0. Fr* boisure, a piece of wood* Dial* Anjou, Britany, Maine, Saintonge, Canada. BOL (b?l ) n* f«, bol, m., curette de toilette* Der* Fr* bol. Dial* Anjou, Normandy, Orleans, Canada* BOMMB ( b 5 a* ) n. f *, bouilloire, m. Der* Fr* bombe, bomb; by extension through resembl* anee in shape* BOUCANNE n* f *, fumde. Der* South American-fupi; a wooden lattice frame for the smoking of meat* ( Bead ) Dial* Saintonge.

BO0GA1IUER ( y v k a. n <2 ) y. intr., fumer. Der* Verb formation on " bouoanne ,T« BOUCHER IE ( b u j r* C ) n* f *, action de tuer et de prdpa- rer le pore* This " bouoherie " is a great event in the life of the Lafayette farmer* The day before a negro shilled in the *rt is engaged and as early as four o'clock the n e x t morning they are at work* It is an all-day task for the farmer's wife, who has to make the sausages and ,f fromage de ooohon” • General­ ly each one of the nearest neighbors gets a piece of sausage and a small " fromage ** • Der- Fr. bouoherie, slaughter, butchery. Dial- Switzerland.

BOUCO0P [buttu ) adv., beauooup. Der- Fr. beauooup; assimilation* BOUGONHER v . t r . gronder. Der- Fr. bougonner, to grumble. Dial- Britany, Anjou, Canada. BOULVARI {£>uLt/a,rt) n. m., tumults. Per- Br. blouvarl; metathesis. Influenced by boule* v e rs e r. BOUTE (but) n, m# f bout. Per- Fr. bout; persistence of 0. Fr. pronunciation. Dial- Anjou, Touraine. BOURftAUKb i*r> <*. o ) n. m., ooqullle, (strombe) Der* 0. Fr. burgau, a small shell. 9.

BKAJLLBK ( v. i n t r . t p lo u rc r. Bor- Fr. brailler, to cry out, to brawl. Dial- Anjou, Touraine.

BRABCBAILIES ( ^ 7*7 ra/ ) n. f. p i., branohages m. pi. Bor- Fr. hranohages; change of sufitia. BRAStCHU (br>5(y ) n* m., canard sauvage, natif de la Louislane, qui demeure dam les mardoages. Ber- Fr. branehu, branchy, because the duck perches in t r e e s .

BRAQUE ( 6 7* a. A: e ) adj. , dtourdi, doerveld. BRIMS { b~r t/A ) n. f*, aubergine, morelle melon, Ber- Sp. berenjena, which first became, brehjem, and then, brome. BBI5 (br*t) adv., un peu; Ex. J*en ai un ti brin. Ber- Fr. brin, a small stalls. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Rivermais, Bormandy, Picardy.

BRISER ( ^ / 2 &) v. tr., oasser, rcmpre. Ber- Fr. brlser, to break by striking. The word casser is almost unknown, BROBAGE \hyod37) n. m., broderie. Ber- Fr. broderie; change of suffix. BRUMA33ER {hm u m ausa) V. intr., faire une pluie fin®, Ber- Fr. brume, a heavy fog at sea; verb formation. BKUN ( ) adj. & n. f., 1. noir; Ex, II fait brun. Z. Au erepuscule; Ex. A la brune. Ber- Fr. brun, dark, brown. Bial- Berry, Poitou, Canada. BUBEBOS {btfh-ro' ) n. m., biberon. Ber-

CABOSSSR (/cai^est) v. tr ., bosseler, seulement en parl­ ant de vaisseaux en mdtal. Per- Fr. bossuer; prefix acquisition by analogy with eabaner. Pial- Anjou, Berry, Orleans, Canada. CACHA { hd. J3L ) n. m., oourge trompette. Per- Algonquian, escushaw, then cushaw. ( Read ) CACHECACHE ( / ) n. m., bdcassine, f. Per- 3o called because of the fact that the bird prac­ tises hiding while being hunted. CAGOU (/c a- e ) adj., sans vie, inactif, Ex. II a l'air cagou k s o ir . Per- Fr. cagou, old form for a leper. Pial- Berry, Canada.

CAIELE ( a **'/ ) adj., tachetd. Per- Perhaps from the spotted color of the quail, c a i l l e . Pial- Anjou, Maine, Bormandy, Orleans, Poitou, Canada. CALEE ( A'Aie) v. tr., intr., 1. onfonoer. 2. boire; x. oaler un verre d'eau. 4 . oouler au fond. Per- Pr. caler, ( naut.) to let go the sails; to draw ( of a ship ). Extension of last meaning. CAL1WAQ0B n. m ., colim aoon. Per- Worm, calimachon. CAMISOLE {/caLAAt z j 6) n. f., chemise d© nult. Bor- Fr* oamieole, a smock. OAGOUBTTE n* f •, t § t e , nuque. Ber- ProbatrLy from fifteenth century, oahuette, a monk's hood. Bial- Berry, Nivernais, Poitou*

CANBI { ft d cL c ) n. m., bonbon* Ber- Fr. candi, crystallized sugar, influenced by English, oandy. OANEQON ( ftrawso) n* m., caleqon. iier- Seventeeth oentury French. Bial- Picardy, Anjou, Burgundy, Champagne, Lorraine, Maine, Normandy, Orleans, Touraine, Saintonge, Canada* CANIQUE (tea.*/*) n. m., bille, f» Bpt- Prov. oanico, o&nique, a marble. CAPPE ( k L f> ) n. m*, casquette, f. Ber- Fr. kdpi and influenced by Kng. cap.

C4POT ( k a* f> o ) n. m., manteau, veston* Ber- Fr* capot, storm ooat ( naut ). Bial- Canada.

CAPOTt CIRE) 0cA/9«$/ru) n. m., impermdable, cirage* Ber- Fr. capot and cird, waxed. Bial- Canada. CAPOTEE (kia^pofre) v. tr., renverser. i>er- Fr. capoter, to upset a boat. CARCUB (*a.7*A '^L) n* m., calcul. Ber- Fr. calcul; by dissimilation. Bial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Burgundy, Br itany, Nivernais, Orleans, Picardy.

C ARBI NABS (fc i A/a*C) n. m. pi., oardinaux. Ber- Fr. cardinal; by regular formation of plural. Bial- Canada*

CARENCro £ ftt o ) n. m., vautour atndr loain. Ber- Eng. carrion-crow.

CARGUER v. tr., fair© pencher, inoliner. Ex. Se oarguer dans un© chaise contra le mur. Ber- Fr. oarguer, to clew a sail; by extension. CARICOLER ( it a .i'i /cate) v- intr*, chance lor. Der- Fr* caracoler, to go from side-to side; by extension, to stagger. CARNAGE n* m. f tapage dTenfant en jouant. Der- Fr* carnage, butchery, massacre; by extension with the noise connected v.ith billing. Dial- Anjou, Canada. CARTRON ( *- a .r n * m. .c a rto n . Ber- Fr. cartron; analogy with tron-words as. patron, citron etc. CARBURGOT (ka.s jo) n. m., ( aplodlnotus grunnieus) Ber- Fr. casser^&nd burgau, a shell, may have given rise to the name from the fact that this fish crushes shells* ( Read ).

CASH ( k tj ) n. m., argent oomptant. Der- Eng. cash. CA3SE-TETE n. m ., h a c h e tte , f . B er- F r. o a s s e - te te , tomahawk* Dial- Canada* CASTB0L2 (fcn-st-ToL) casserole, n. f. Ber- Fr* casserole, development of glide consonant between "s” and ,frTt as happened In some of the irre­ gular verbs* Bial- Britany, Picardy, Poitou, Saintonge, Canada. CATAPLACE {ic a /*L 2s) n* m ., catap lasm s. Ber- Fr. cataplasmo; final rt sme M always reduced to " se Bial- Anjou, Champagne, Normandy, urleans, Picardy.

CATIN (tca-t-t ) n. P., poupde. Ber- Fr. catin, a prostitute. Dial- Anjou, Aunis, Bas-Maine, Berry, Burgundy, Or­ leans, Nivernais, ^aintonge.

CATINER ( i a/c,) v. tr., dorloter, caliner. Ber- Fr. catin; verb formation. Bial- Anjou, Bas-^air.e, Canada. CABS ANTE ( / c o i ^ ) ADJ. , a f f a b le . Ber- Fr. causer, to chat. Bial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Britany, Touraine. CETTE-LA ( ) pro. dem., f. sing., celle. Ber- Fr. cette, dem. adj., made into dem* pronoun. 13

CBU3SKS ( S & S ) pro# dem*, coux, oelles. Der- Pr. pro. ceux; pluraliaing the plural. Dial- Anjou, Normandy, Picardy, Baut-Maine, Touraine. CHAO5A (fzKta.) n. iju * poney. Der- Chaota, Chdctaw, because the Indians used the ponies •

CHACOTER (jA ^o te) v. t r ., couper avec un couteau pour asser son temps* Ser- Could it come from Fr. "charcuter" to out meat in small pieces? Dial- Bas-Maine, Aunis, Anjou, Canada. CHANGEOTER v* i n t r . , changer souvent. Der- Er. changer; hy addition of repetitive suffix, oter. CHANGEOTEUR if?t-o&r) n. m., oelul qui aime a changer sou- vent d’une chose k une autre. CHAGUI ) n. m., ( procyon lotor ); anglais, raccoon. Der- Indian, " shaui r\ ( Read ).

CHAQUER (tj *-**') v. ref 1., se griser. Der- Prov. chouo, ivre, drunk. Dial- Alps.

CHAR ( j a . 7* ) n. m., 1. train. £. auto, f. Der- F r. c h a r, a c h a rio t, ca rt or wagon* D ia l- Canada. CHAKCHEK ) v. t r * , c h e rc h ar. Der- Fr* chercher; change of ’e" to "a" before "r” in the body of a word, seems dialectal in certain sections o f F rance. Dial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Nivernais, Canada. CH.4E3R v. intr., jaser. Der- Prov. charra, jaser, to chat. Dial- Canada. CHARGER (j*‘~r'3 e~ ) v. tr., porter au ddbit. Der- Eng# charge.

CHASSIS (Ca s / ) fS n e tre . Der.- Fr. chassis, window-frame; by extension the whole window. Dial- Canada. an AT AUVAGE (J^Sst/A3) n. m., ohat-tigre amdricadn. CHAT DE BO IS ({Miw n. m., chat-tigre am^rioain. Der- Fr. chat and de bois, because it is not domestic. 14

GHAUDXB ) n. m., estomac du pore* Ber- o* Fr. chaudun, guts of animals. CHAUSSON { / o s o ’ ) n. m. t c h a u s s e tte , f . B©r- Fr. chausson, a sock worn under or over a stock­ in g . Bial- Baa-Maine, Canada. CHESSER ( Je se. ) v. tr. * s^cher. Bor- Fr, sdeher; metathesis. Dial- Berry. Hivernais, Canada. CHESSjSRBSSB ( ] « ^ s ) n. f . , sd o h eresse. Ber- Fr. 'Soun formation on verb. GHETI, CHETITE (/«£/ ) ) adj. avoir mauvais goilt, Ex. ha medicine est ohdtlte. Ber- Fr. ohetif, puny, sickly; by extension. Bial- Canada. CHEVRETTE e r e v e tte , n. f . h e r- F r. c h e v re tte , Norm, and P ic a rd . synonymous w ith e r e v e tte . Bial- Picardy, Normandy, lie d'Yeu, Guernesey.

CHICOTS ( J / * e ) n. m. p i., hes Cannes k sucre qui poussent des chicots des oannes de l fann£e av&nt* Ber- Fr. ohicot, the stui^p of a tree etc; by exten­ s io n . CHISE ( J*' $ ) adj., avare, chlche. Ber- Fr. chiohe, familiar for avare; by dissimilation changed to ohise. CHO^UE iff** ) n. m., oorbeau. Ber- Probably from Fr. ehoucas, a kind of crow. CHOUBOULUBE ( /v b u L u ’r' ) n. f. pi., dchauboulure. Ber- Fr. ©chauboulure, s. m. The Lafayette people sometimes called it ohaboulure. Bial- Canada. CHOOCRAr? n. m., morelle a grappas ( phytolaoca d e c a n a ra )• CH0UJ5AVKT { tfdj n. m., ohou-rave m. Ber- Fr. chou and navet; through sim ilarity to cabbage in appearance and to turnip in taste.

CHOUPI^UE { i u » i k ) n. m., (amia calva ) anglais, bowfin. Ber- Ind., Choctaw, shupik, mudfish. ( Head ). CHRIS’EMUP ( **< * m <;*'} n. m., bo©l. Ber- Eng. Christmas; corruption. CIGrALR ( s i j a L ) n. f ., libellule, ( libellulidae neu- r o p te r a * )* Ber- Fr* oigale, grasshopper,

CIMITIERK (sc m * tj 6.r» ) n. m., cimeti&re. B er- 0 , Fr* o im ito lre . Bial- Rormandy, Canada*

CYPPK ( s L p ) n. m., oypr 8s . Ber- Fr* cypres; assimilation. CLAIRTE {KLtrba) c i a r td . Ber- Fr. olair; probably by analogy with such words as fier, fiertd. Bial- Berry, ivernais, ^ormandy, Picardy, Switizerland CLOS (feca) n# m# t champ. Kx. 11 travellie dans le olos. Ber- Fr. clos, a garden or field enolosed by a hedge or fen ce . Bial- ^ormandy. COBIH ( i< o b iV) v. t r .# bossuer ( ©n parlant d© choses ©n fer-blanc)• Ber- o. Fr. cobir. Bial- Berry, -^njou, Hivernais. COCHOff I ico jo ) n. m., pore. Ber- Fr. cochon, pig. Bial- Bormandy, Britany, Picardy, ^aine, Anjou, Poitou Sivernais, Canada. COCHOSBSRIE n# f 9f coohonnerie. Ber- Fr. coohonnerie, rubbish, trash; development of glide consonant between TTn" and ,(r rf as in, viendrai. Bial- Canada. COCO [tcoKo) n. m., oeuf. Ber- Italian, cooeo, egg. COCOBRIE (#coKo

CONGO ( k o 'o } adj., endormi. Ex.

CGMME QA {fco m s^>) a^v# alors, puis. Ex. A mfa invitd, comme qa j fva aller. OOXfBBHURS {* ) n#f# t in te lli g e n c e , jugement* m. Ber- Fr. Comprendre; noun formation by analogy with words in "ure" as; tournure, dcriture, fourrure etc* Bial- Lorraine, Poitou, Normandy, flanada.

CONNAITRE { K * h *.t ) v. in tr., ©avoir. Ex. II connait bien n ag er. Ber- Fr. connait re t to recognize, to be acquainted with. An attempt to oust ” ©avoir " .

CONNAISSSRAIS ( * • * £ s •*"«.■) 0 ond., oonnaitrais. Ber- Fr, connaitre; an attempt to conditional on the imperfect tens 9 . Bial- Canada. COPAL ( ) n. m., (liquid&mbar styraciflua ); appeld en anglais " sweet-gum tree ", Ber- Fr, copal, a resin which exudes from several trees; extension, CORPS (top ) n. f,# coupe. Ber- Fr. coupe corrupted under the influence of Eng­ l i s h " cup CORBEAU n. m ., nbgre. Ber- Fr. corbeau, crow; by comparison with the color of the bird, OORCOBIER {JcoT'/c* bjcJ) v. intr., oabrioler. Ber- Could it be an adoption from the Spanish "oorcovear" Hhich has the same meaning? CORBER (Arpr»*^e) v. t r . , emptier le bols. Ber- Fr. Corde; verb formation.

CORNI-BOSSU (a? ? -r*/v/e « 95,) adj., bisoornu. Ber- Fr. cornu, with horns, and bossu, bumpy. Bial- Canada, CORNICHE n. f., tablette do cheminde, Ber-Fr. connlche, cap of a pedestal; extension. Bial- Normandy, Canada. 17.

CORPS ( fror ) n. m., oadavre. Bor* Fr. corps, body; through influence of English. COR RAIL (teo-r*a,j) n* m. t pare* Ber- Sp. corral, s.m. \ COTOH MAIS ( ic o e r m »‘C ) n^ m# # rape de mals * Ber- 0* Fr. ooton, a stem. Bial- Berry, Normandy, Canada. COUCHECOUCHR (icvfiovj ) n. m., couscou. Ber- Arabian, couscous, a dish of meat-balls and flour. ( Head). COUETTE ( fcuu^ir ) n . f # # x. tresse; 2. dtoffe qui couvre un matelas. Ber- 1. 0. Fr. couette, a small tail; 2. Fr. couette, a feather bed. Bial- Anfou, Canada. COULEE ( u L * ) n. f ., ruisaeau. Ber- Fr. past participle of " oouler In Orleans, coulde, means a narrow valley and in Anjou, a valley along a stream. COUPAILLER (itt/pa-je- ) v. t r . , charcuter. Ber- Fr. oouper and repetitive alller-ending, as in; roder, rodailler etc. Bial- Anjou, ^anada. COUROOTE BE MARIEE n. f . v espece de mille pertuis, ( spiraea hypericifolia ), appeld en anglais, bridal wreaths. COURTBOUILLOH [ *oy* b»J $ ) n. m., courtbouillon. Ber- Fr. courtbouillon, which means a liquid composed of vinegar,wine and spices in which fish is cooked. In Lafayette it is a very highly spiced fish stew, generally made of catfish, which is eaten with rice.

COURTEPQIhTE fr vr t* /* *>tt) n. f., couvre-lit. Ber- Fr. courtepointe, a quilt. COUVERTE (icu i/t.T't) n. f. f couverture. Ber- Fr. couverture, blanket.

CRALKR ( a : e ) v. tr., craquor. CRAPAUB { Kira* j°o ) n. m., anthrax, carbonclo, tumour dn- flamaatoire, m. Ber- Fr. crapaud, veterinary term- a disease of the hoof of an animal, regarded as oancerous. Bial- Canada. 18.

GRAOTE ( - j« a. v ) n* f*, fente, ouverture. Ber- Eng. crack. OBEBETE ad j * , etourdi, hdbdtd. Bar- Fr. hdbdtd, stunned, stupid. CREVER ( tc y* & v & ) v. intr., mourir. Der- Fr. crever, to burst* to kill with work, to die* ( in contempt of men, generally said of animals). Dial- Rivernais, Berry* Canada. CROBARBE. l*ro jb*-n) n. m ., tra v e rse * f . , sort© de le v ie r . Ber- Eng. crow-bar. CROCHEQJER v . t r * , accro ch e r. D er- 0 * Fr. crooheter, s. m. Dial- Berry, Anjou, Rivernais, Canada* GROGHIR iir ) v. tr ., courber, en parlant de ohoses en mdtal* Ber- 0. Fr. orocher, to bend in the form of a hook. Dial- Bas-Maine, Hormandy, Canada. OROISOJS (»<-»- a, n# f 4t c lo is o n . Ber- Fr. oloison; dissimilation of * 1 " to ’ r ” by influence of verb " oroiser " • Dial- Saintonge, Canada*

CROQUE0IGBQIE ( k r * C ) n. f., croquignole. Ber- Fr. oroquignole. Dial* Burgundy, Canada* QROUSfOR (*r*

0 0 SXEE n. f., cuis ine, Der- Fr. cuiaine; 0. Fr. eusine. Dial- Burgundy, Orleans. 19*

- D -

DAIKE (w tT/v ) n. f. & m., dindon, m*, dinde, f« Ber- Fr. dinde; by extension. Bial- lyonnais, Canada*

DARBIKR , ERE (d a, -r -»jcr) n. f, & m., dernier, dernier© * Ber - Bernier, dernifcre; change of " © tt to " a rt be­ fo re * r ” in the body of a word* Bial- Anjou, Berry, Mivernaie, Canada. BARRIEHE ( ^ a r-j^ r ) n* adj., prep., derri&re. Ber- Fr. dwrri&re* See darnier* Bial- Canada, Anjou, Berry, Orleans, Poitou, Picardy. BABQ7K [J.a.T't ) n. f•, dartre* Ber- Fr* dartre; suppression of final n r ,f which is characteristic of Louisiana French. Bial- Berry, Canada, Normandy, Anjou, Burgundy.

BEBARQUEE v . t r . & intr., desoendre. Ber- Fr. ddbarquer, to land from a boat. The use of nautical terms frequent in Lafayette French. Bial- Canada.

BEBAUCHER ) v. tr., cesser de travailler. Ber- Fr. ddbaucher, to discharge someone from a position, or to take one away from his work; by extension* Bial- Canada. BEBOULER b u L e. ) v. tr. & intr., dbouler. Ber- Fr. dbouler; probably by analogy with words that b eg in w ith " dd " . Bial- Britany, Anjou, Canada. BKBOULIS (cLebtsi/) n. m., dboulls.


BECAHIiLKR {d e /a *,/j c. ) T. intr ., Wgtwrpir, diJoamper. Der- Fr. deoaniller, to leave hurriedly ( speaking of a dog )• Bial- Canada, Anjou, Bas-MAhne, Berry, Burgundy, Hivernais, Picardy, Normandy, Saintonge,

BECHAU^SER (aL&fose, ) y. tr., labourer les Cannes, 1 © maTs, etc., en enlevant la terre des plrntea. B er- 0 . Fr* ddohausser, to remove the soil from the foot to p la n ts . 20

DECHESSER (^©JeSe.) v. t r . , dessdoher. *>®r- Fr. ddsseaher; by metathesis.

DEOOKDKH { d e tcD7*cLe.) y. tr.,ddfaire une pile de bois. Der -F r.d e plus ©order, from corde, a measured quan­ tity of wood. BECOUBE {cia/ct/eL J y. tr.# ddcoudre. Ber- Fr. ddcoudre; suppression of final " r " . Bial- Canada, Anjou, Nivernais # Berry. BECOUSERAI (i& /tvsre. ) y, eond., ddooudrai. Ber- Attempt to form future from present participle.

BECOUDU {dekvcty) p# p. 0f ddooudre, ddooneu. Ber - Regular formation of past participle of re-verb®.

DECOUP A IIjIBH (i«*«/>*/e.') y, tr. ddcouper. Ber- Fr. ddcouper plus ailler, repetitive ending. Bial- Canada* BEOROCHETER («* e. K-rojt-

BEFFICIXE a d j ., d i f f i c i l e . Ber- Fr. difficile; by dissimilation. Bial- Anjou, Canada* BEFOBCER ( ^ ^ ) v. tr., enfoncer. Ex. JTai ddfoncd l a p o rte . Ber- Fr. ddfoncer, to open by knocking out bottom. Bial- Canada* EEFRAICHIB (iefT -c;/?*) v. tr ., ddfricher. Ber- Fr. ddfricherj metathesis. Bial- Normandy, Canada. BEGOUTER y *~&) v. refl., changer d'avis. Ex. On sfa digoute d’aller. Ber- Fr. ddgouter, to be disgusted. BEGOTER {Jaacbc. ) v. tr., ddgorger. Ex. Ddgoter un moulin. Bar- 0. 4>’r. ddgoter, to displace or remove. Bial- Canada. BEGEEYKR (de %-r zje.) v. tr., ddmeubler, ddpouiller. Ber- Fr. ud plus greer, to rig a ship; by analogy, to remove furniture from a house; to strip. Dial- Canada, Bas-Maine, Anjou. BEJQINTER v* t r . t d d jo in d re . Der- Fr. dd plus jointer, verb formation on " joint ", a joint, to mean ” dislocate ”, Dial- Anjou, Canada, Bas-Maine, Canada. DEDAISSB, EE, (

BEMANGER ( 6 m ^ 3

DEpENSER K e /> 3 ’se.) v. t r ,, consoramer. Ex, On a ddpense toute la farine oette semaine* Der- Fr. ddpenser, to spend; by extension. D ial- Canada, Normandy. DEPOT (^e/» (? ) n. m., gare, f, Der- Eng. depot, railroad station. Dial- Canada. DEPUS (cLzpt*) adv, & prep., depuis. Der- Fr. depuls. Dial- ^anada.

DE QUO I [da- kwh ) loo., de la riohesse. Ex. Cette fa­ mine-la a de quoi. Der- Fr. de quol, wherewith.

DES FOIS ) loo., quelquefois, parfois. Der - Fr. foiB; pluralization. Dial- Burgundy, Picardy, Canada. DESSUR ) adv., prep., dessus. D er- 0 . Fr. dessur, s, ra. "Dessur ” found in ,f De Menteur " of Corneille. Dial- Canada, Anjou, Bas-Maine, Pioardy, Nivernais, Burgundy, Orleans, Normandy, Salntonge.

DESACCHOCHER ( cL g> hLm o jg. ) v. tr., ddorocher. Der- Fr. dd plus aoooroher. Dial- Normandy, Canada. DESENTERRER (l®*^s /-e -n & ) v. tr,, ddterrer. Der- Contamination of ddterrer and enterrer. Dial- Salntonge, Canada. DESESPOIRKR (^e«es/»u;ari v. in tr* ,tr,, dduespdrer. Der- Verb formation on " desespoir " . 2 2 .

BETAMER ( <^ e *-a m e,) v. tr • , in tr., dommager la surface dfun vaisseau en agate. Ex. Be bass In est ddtamd. Der- Fr. dd plus Stainer, to overlay with tin; by ex­ tension* Dial- Canada. DIFFOKMER (

DOIRAI l^LuA-re-) v. fut., of devoir; devrai. Der- Attempt to fom regular future on first person singular of indicative present.

DOUDE (cL^cL) adj., n. m., dandy, dldgant. Der- Eng. dude. DHES (J-ye. ) adv., dbs; Ex. Dr&s qtii va arriver, on va par- t l r . Der- Perhaps a contamination of dbs que 11 and collo­ quial " droit que " . Dial- Canada, Berry, Burgundy, Champagne, Borraine, Ardenne, Hivernais, Hormandy, Picardy. DROITE (

- E -

EBAEOUB ( a u?»w t) adj., abasoudl. Der- Fr. dbaroulr, the drying of the planking of a ship which causes the boards to open up? Or does it come from Provenqal 7! ebaroui " , disjointed? EBOURIPFLER (eb u-rij-i e. ) v. tr ., ^bouriffer. Der- Fr. dbouriffer, through influence of fler-ending verbs? Or Pnovenqal, dbouriffla, s. m. Dial- . EBREQH0 RE ( e. b r e. j ) n. f . , br&ohe. Ber* Fr. dbrecher, to notoh; noun formation* Bial* Canada* EGABE. ( e ^ a l )»*»., deal lie t f. B er- 'Fr* deallie, scale; loss of w yod T? through analo gy with lie-on ding words. Bial* Canada, Rormandy, Picardy* ECARBB (e A: ar») a , f , , card©* Ber- 0* Fr. dcarder, to card; to oomb ( wool)* Bial* Poitou, Anjou, Canada, Normandy. ECARBEE(© ica-rde j v, tr ., carder, Ex. doarder 1© coton, Ber- 0. Fr. dcarder, s. m. Bial* See doarde. EOAEBQH (efca-r ^ ) n. ro., oardde. Ber- 0* Fr.ecarde; addition of diminutive on*suffix. Bial- See doarde. ECAHTER ^e) v. tr., perdre, mal placer, Ber- Seventeenth Fr. s ’dcarter, to lose one’s way; to wander; by extension# meaning to lose something. Bial- Poitou, Canada, Salntonge.

EGHANGEB ( e /? 3 ) v. tr., ohanger. Ber- Contamination of French M ohanger " and ff dchanger Bial- Normandy.

PCHAPPE ( e- / 2 Pr- ) n. f., doharde. Ber- Fr. doharde; cc lamination dcharper, to gash, ECHAPPEE & j t° e. ) v, tr., laissor tomber. Ex. Jfai dchappd le crayon. Ber- Fr. dohapper, to escape from; by extension. In St, Fr. one could use dohapper intranaitively; le livr© m#a dchappe des mains. Bial- Berry, Nivernais, Saintonge. J5HHARPIBLER ( e- $*- v /* Lj e ) v. tr ., dcharper. B er- 0 . Fr. dcharpir, s, m, Bial- Canada, EOHIGHIKR ) v. i n t r . , d o h ln er. Ber- Fr. dohiper.tt til*®, to exhaust. Bial- Anjou, ^anada,

EC BARER V. t r . f d c l a ir e r . Ber- 0. Fr, esolarer, to light. Bial- i’ouraine, Anjou, Canada, Ban-Mai ne, Normandy. ECOBBETE ( e. h. o L t ) ad j., ddcolletde. Ber- Fr. ddcolletde. Bial- Canada, Anjou, Normandy, Haut Maine, Poitou. 24

ECOPEAU ( <2 k o p o ) n. m., copeau. Der- Fr. oopecai, a chip; agglutination of definite a r t i c l e , Dial- Aunis, Berry, Burgundy, Lyonnais, Niverfiais, Poitou, Saintonge.

ECORE ( e tc 7 'n ) n. f., eminence de la terre. Der- Fr. doore, the shore; face of a cliff. Dial- Canada.

ECREMER (e ic re we) v. tr., dcremer. Per- Pr. dcremer; influenced by the pronunciation of cr&me. ECEEVISSE (e/cr»©^/^) n. f . t dorevisse. Der- Fr. derevisse; assimilation. Dial- Switzerland, Canada. ECURE-DENT (e/ryrZ 5' ) n. m., cure-dent. Der- 0. Fr. dcurer, to clean. Dial- Canada. EFPET2E' (efefr ) adv., effet. Ex. Tu as hien rdussi, en effette. Der- Pr. effet; survival of 0. Pr. pronunciation. Dail- Anjou, Canada. EFPIEBR ( Lc. ) v. tr., affiler. Der- Pr. dffiler, to fray out;under the influence of, affiler, to sharpen. Dial- Burgundy, Switzerland, Canada. EGALIR ( « tr) v. tr., egaliser. Der- 0. Pr. dgalir, s. m. D ial- Normandy, Canada. EGAL3 (e ) adj. pi., dgaux. Der-'Pr. dgal; attempt to plurallze regularly. Dial- Saintonge, Switzerland, Canada.

EGARE ( c j a. re) adj*, dtourdi, dcerveld. Der- Pr. dgarer, to lead astray; adjective formation. Dia 1- Canada. EGO--SER i&fo s

KGRAPIGNEE (* f ‘ T ) v. tr., dgragigner. D er- 0 . Ft • dgraffigner, s. m. Bidl- Picardy, Mafcne, Berry, Poitou, Saintonge, Vendee, Nivernais, Canada. &B

EGRAINER ( e p tA/

BLOBGER (e c ? f e. ) v. tr., s ’etendre. Per- 0. Fr. os long ir, to stretch. Dial- Canada. IMAGINATION V^) n. f., imagination. Per- Fr. imagination. Dial- Berry, Anjou, Canada, Nivernais, Saintonge, T o u rain e.

EMAGINER v. t r . , im aginer. Per- Fr. dmaginer. Dial- See erne gim t ion.

EMBE2ER ( 3 b 1.1 c. ) v. tr., duper; abandonner. Ex. 1. On l fa embStd dans ce barguine. 2. De garqon a embStd ea b e l l e . Per- Fr, embSter, to bore, to bother. Dial- Canada^ Anjou. EMBIHEB i?b/ Ae J v. tr., imbiber. Per- Fr. imbiber, to absorb. Dial- Touraine, Canada, Anjou, Saintonge.


EMPLATE { ? /» l t-) n. m., f., emplatre. Per- Fr. emplatre; suppression of the final " r M, Pial- Anjou, Normandy, Canada. 1SMPREIFER ) v* t r # , em prunter. Der - emprunter, to borrow; by analogy with prater# Dial- Saintonge, Canada, Adjou, Berry. EHAKCIE n# f , # d n e rg ie . Der- Fr# dnergte# See darnier# D ia l- Antfou, Canada, EBC08TKEH ( ^ /c^/-‘r*e) v. tr# , rencontrer. Dor- 0# Fr. enoontrer, to meet# Dial- Canada,

F.HDOSSEB ( ^<*-0 s e. ) v, t r . , s il lo n n e r . Kx. 1 1 a ddj& endossd son mats# Der- Fr. endosser, to don, to put on; by extension of meaning, to plow the earth on the foot of plant# Dial- Canada.

BHGAOE, EE ( 5* ^ a. 3 <2. ) n, f , # m, t oelui qui travaille pour des g ag e s• Der- Fr. engager, to engage,to pledge; noun formation# In colonial times used to mean, a person who hired him­ self out for three years in the oolonies. Dial- Canada# ES60SBB ( ^ f° tr., engorger• Ex. Xe moulin est —. Dial- Canada# EHMICHER ) v. t r . , em bbter; ennuyer. Ex# Tu m'enalehe Men, area tew csontes# FBQUE ( ^ * } n. f., encre. Der- Fr, encre; suppression of final "r" # Dial- ^ormandy, Canada, nivernais, EBQUIMER ( ? / vs) v. tr., emboter, ennuyer. Der- Could it come from a shortening of ?r, enquinauder? Dial- Berry, Canada.

ENTE3BRF. ) v. tr., attendre. Der- Fr# entendre contfused with attendre. BBYAIEH (S' v a. Le. ) v. tr,, avaler. Der- Fr. avaler; change of prefix* Dial- Picardy, Berry, Nivernais#

EOU (& u ) prep., adv., oh, in questions, Ex.Eou tu vas? Dial- Bas-Maine, Canada. EPAREB ( e. /* a^-ne.) v, tr., btendre.Ex# Eparer 1© linge sur la co rd e. Der- Fr. bpearer, to scatter# Dial- Canada, EPAUI»IEBB { «P ° L * J€>) n• t., Epaulette* Ex. Ajuster l'dpaullfere d’nne robe. Bor- Pr. dpauli&re, part of armour which protects the s h o u ld e rs .

EPIH9UE ( « P ^ ) n . f., S i n g l e . Ber- Fr. dpingle; by suppression of final ” 1 w . Bial- Anjou, Normandy, Canada.

EPIOCHON (® y9*'«S^) n. m., rabougri. Bat* Bes dpiochons de mals; un dpiochon de garden* ( un rabougri ). Ber- Prov. dplo, the gleanings; by adding of ?r chon ,f, sm a ll. Bial- Canada* KP1URER ) v . t r . , p e le r . Ber- Verb formation; ex plus Pr. pelure, peel. B ial- Anjou, Canada. Champagne, Orleans, Normandy, P io ard y .

EPURSR (<2. j* u h* (l ) v. tr., dcraser. Ex. Epurer une orange. Ber- Fr. dpurer, to refine, to purify* Bial- Canada. EROSCE ) n. f . , ronoe. Bar- Fr. ronce; agglutination of definite article. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Canada, Berry^ Burgundy, Normandy, Poitou, Maine, Touraine. ESC0T7KR (

j;3 PEHER ( e s>et ) v. tr., attendre. Ber- 0. Fr. espdrer, to wait. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Britany, Haut-Maine, Nivernais, Poitou, Pioardy, Saintonge. 2 8 .

ESQUELETTE (&s fc zL zt ) n.m, , squelette. Der- Fr. squelette. Dial- Anjou, Barry, Canada, Burgundy, Nivernais, Orleans, Normandy, Pioardy. ESTAMPIQUE j n# m# f f a n t a i s i e , f . Der- o. Pr. eatam p le, snappy song, danoe etc. ESTOMAC m MULATTE pain d 'd p io e . Der- Its fancied resemblance to the ohest of a mulatto. STAMPER ( e ^ / s e ) v# t r . , ©stamper. Der - Fr.©stamper, with loss of ” s 11 , ETARHUER v. tntr., dternuer. Der- Fr. dternuer; See darnier. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Nivernais, Canada.

- F -

FACT6RIE (fak’ h-r* i )$, f# # usine, Nabrique. Der- Fr. faoture, influenced by Eng. factory. Dial- Canada. PANFERDUCHE ( f ^ C *? ) ) n. f ., fanfreluohe. Der- PT. fanferluohe, gewgaws, frills; metathesis. Dial- Normandy, Canada. FAR ADD ) adj., in toilette, dlcfgant. Der- Fr. faraud, n. m., a fop, or snob. Dial- Normandy, Berry, Canada. FERBLANC { ) n. m ., b& ssln. Der- Fr. ferNlano, tinned with iron. Dial- Canada. FERNE ( t 9TrJ ) N. m., fougSre, f. Der- Eng. fern.

FEU SALVAGE ( f / s ‘, ‘/a -3 ) n. m., pl», sort© d'druption cutande.

FEVE PLATTE {j~ G ^ c ** ) n. f., (phaseolus lunatus ) appeld en anglais " butter beans " • FEVRIER {fzt/T-Sje) n. m., fdvrier. Der- Fr. fdvrier, by analogy with words In unaccented initial vowels. FIEVE LONGUE ( -f * & * L % ) n. f*, filvre typholde, Ber- La ole of medical termf heno© ” flev© longue " t because of the duration of the fever.

FILE {^ i t a-J adj.. n. m., 1 * feuilles d© sassafras broydes ©t mises dans le gumbo, appeld gumbo fild, Ber- Fr. filer, to twist; heno© gumbo flid, stringy gumbo. ( Bead )

FI LET ) n. m. , un petit verre de boisson. Bor- Fr* filet, a small thread of water; by extension of meaning, a small drink. Bial- Canada*

FILLEUSE K j'tj* '* -) n. f., filleulle, Ber - Fr. filleulle; attempt to form regular feminine on filleul; final w l " not pronounced during seven­ teenth century. Bial- Anjou, Beriy, Britany, Nivernais, Normandy, Saintonge, Canada. FINFIFOBB ) n. m., fin fond, lieu trba ddjignd, Ber - £*• fin fond; intensified. I found the word used in this sentence; " 1 1 reste dans le finfifond du tfer- millon." Shat is t© say far removed from civilization,

*I 0H3 (FAXBS £ES ) ) loo., prendre des airs. Ex, Cette personne aim© trop h. faire des fions. Ber- Fr. faire and fion, a last touch, Bial- Normandy, Canada.

FLAGUE ) n. m., drapeap. Ber- Eng. flag. FONC£B ^s e) v. tr ., blesser de coups de cornes, Ber- Fr. foncer, to rush upon; extension of meaning. Bial- Canada. FOB Q AT (f ^ rsa ) n. m., pdnitenoier. Ler- Fr. format, a convict. Ball- Canada. FORMA GE ($• n. m., fromage. Ber- Fr* fromage; metathesis of ” o * and " r ,f .* Bial- Picardy I'oitou^ Saintonge, Anjou, Canada. FOSSE. (■£■ o s ) n. f., tombeau, tombe. Ber- Fr. fosse, the pit In which the dead body is p la c e d . POUETTER v, t r . t f o u e tte y . Iter- Pr. fouetter. Dial- Britany* Pioardy, Burgundy, Anjou, Canada. FOULIR-BASSET ( f i / U U s e ) ad j . , tra p u . Bor- Pr. fouler, to tread, and basset (Prov.Jstunted. FOUTUMEOT {Jyoty/*o ) adv., extrdmement. Ex* Son pbre est foutument riche. Bial- Anjou, Canada. FHEMER ( - f f ^ w e ) v . tr., former. Ber- Pr. feraer; metathesis. Dial- Canada.

PBEHE PIQUANT (fri'Mf0* a: S' ) n.m., ( xanthoxylum elava- herculis); appeld en anglais rt prickly ash rf . Ber- Pr. frBne plus piquant ; stinging, or thorny. Pro­ bably called thus because the leaves when chewed leave a stinging taste on the tongue. Are is due to the thorns that cover the bark of the tree? PRETIE ) a d j ., f r o id , f r a i s . Ber- 0. Pr. freit, with survival of 0. Pr. pronunciation. Bial- Touraine, Berry, Anjou, SaAntonge. RIIER Ij'Ti U ) v. Intr. grelotter. Ber- 0. Pr. friller, to tremble, to shiver. Bial- Berry, Nivernais, Canada* FROUBIR htf) v, tr., nettoyer, frotter. Ex. J*ai froubi le planeher oe matin. Ber- Pr. fourbir, to polish or rub up As, metal utensilB, arms, etc. IfetfcthesisU Bial- Canada, Provencal- forbir. PROUMI ) n. f., fourmi. Ber- Pr. fourmi; by metathesis. Bial- Anjou, Borraine, Bas-Maine, Burgundy, Normandy, Poitou, Saintonge. :*UUEB I-fro Me. ) v. tr., fertiliser, enriohir. Ber- Pr. Probably verb formation on Pr. " fumior " , manure soil, which was theonly means of fertilizing in colonial times. FUSEA.U ) n. m., bobine, f. Ex. Unfuseau de fil noir. Ber- Pr. fuseau, a spindle. Biel- Canada. G » 31.

GAILLARD ( KTSR ) ( s® p o r te r ( of h e a lth ). Ex. Son pare nfest pas gaillard oas jours-ci. Der- Fr- gaillard* gay,, lively; by extension of mean­ ing* Dial- Canada*

(j-a-tTse, > ?, tr* f balancer. Der- Er. balancer; by change of initial conednart* Dial- Canada. GALE ME (aa-La. t- j tranche; Ex* Une galette de pomme^de t e r r e ; une de p a in . Ber- Pr. galette, a hard, f3s t biscuit.

GALOPER fea.Lo/7 &. ) v. intr., courir. Ber- 4'r. gal ope r, to galop. The ward courir is prao- tloally unknown in some localities. Dial- Normandy, Picardy.

CAM ( f*** ) n. f ., grand’mere. Der- Fr. grand'mire; by contraction. Dial- Canada.

GAMME ( C \ E L AA. ) n . f t , g ra n d fmfere. Der-0 F r. g ra n d fm ere; by c o n tra c tio n . Dial- Normandy. GANGNEB { e e . ) v. tr., gagner* D er- Jr. gagner; by nasalisation of " a r# through the influence of n gn " • Dial- Anjou, Canada, Berry, Britany, Pioardy, Saintonge, Burgundy, Orleans, Champagne 9 P o ito u . GARDE so LEI L (ja t sWej) n. m., bonnet. Der- Fr. garde plus soleil; by analogy with such words ad; garde-fou, garde-feu, garde-manger, etc. GARDEH {^SL-rcLe. ) v. tr., regarder; Ex, Garde done qal Der-^O. Fr. guarder, to look at, to watch. Dial- Bas-Maine, Normandy, Canada. GARGOTE ) n. f., gSchis, m. fc en parlant de tra­ vail mal accompli ) Ex. Ce diner est une gargote. Cette ooutute est une gargote. Der- Fr. gargote, a cheap restaurant. Dial- Canada. GAR GOTO N n. m ., gorge. i>er- oi Fr. gargueton, the throat. Dial- Anjou, Canada. GARLXE ( %3-r’L > ) n. f., gal.rle. Der-t/ffr. galerle; bjr M tathe.ls. ©ASOLIBR () n* m., essence, f. Der- Eng. gasoline* Bial- Canada*

GASTRORIA (3-* s t- r o n > a>) m# ( myrioa Inodora ); appeld en angl&ia, n orape myrtle Tr . Ber- So* Latin, lagerstroemla; through misunderstand­ ing of initial syllable as definite article.

8EARCER (5 ^>*se. ) y, t» ., geroer. Ber- Pr. geroer; hy change of ” © n to " a 11 before n r " in body of word. Dial- Berry, Rivernais, Saintonge, Canada, Poitou, Anjou GEARMER ( 3 M ) v. intr. germer. Ber- Pr. germer; by change as in " gearcer " . Bial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Poitou, Canada, Hivernais, Berry

GEGIEB ( 3 e 3 J c . ) n* m.f gdsler. Der- J&'r* gdsier; by analogy with gigier. Bial-Berry, Hdvernais, Canada. GIGIER (3^3jfi) n. m., gdsier. Ber- Regular development from Latin gigerium. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Iyonnais, Mai ne,' Rivermais, Rormandy GBflE ( f * aa. ) n. m ., ooq* Ber- Eng. game, fighting rooster. GIRO PE (3 * yof- ) n. m., girofle. Ber - Pr. girofle; suppression of final " 1 n • Bial- Canada.

GIR0BS05 {?< 7*°aa 3 ) n. m., ( oucurbita popo L. ) courge, f. Ber- Tupfs, yururad, yerimd, yirimtt, pumpkin* GIROMOR PAT ATE n. m ., oourge tro m p ette. Appeld aussl n oaoha ". GOMBO (<*5 t> ° ) n. m., (hibiscus esoulentus ); appeld en a n g la is ” okra "• Ber- See gombo fevi. GOMBO FFVI n. m., gombo fait aur ohevrettes, aux hultres, etc., by analogy with okra gumbo which is stringy. Any soup with fild is oailed gombo. Ber- Congo- guingombo, okra. ( Read ). GORGLER ) v. t r * , e n f le r . Ber- Pr. gonfler, to distend by interior pressure any elastic body. Dial- Anjou, Aunis, Berry, Burgundy, Lyonnais, Orleans, Switzerland, Canada. GRABUER . ( a, d u j t , ) v# tr.# &tre graded• Per- Eng. graduate. Plal- Canada*

GRAFFXGNEE {<5 ju -5- j» e- ) v* tr •, dgratigner* P e r- 0 * Fr. dgraffigner. Bial - Anjou, Berry, iyonnais, Normandy, Pioardy, Poitou, Saintonge, Canada* GRANBEZIB (^ ra ’cLz-.V) v# ^r., grandir. Bial- Canada* GRAIBK A Y0EE2 N & * o L

GRABMAIHE ( * ■*. y m v j n# grammaire* Ber- Seventeen Century, pronunciation* it is found in M o lie re 's n Les Femmes Savantas " * Bial- Bas-Maine, Nivernais, Britany. GRAIER (jralc. ) v* tr*, griller, br&ler au soleil. Ber- 0* Fr* Graellir, to roast* GRAPPE YIOIETTE (<^-r *> /=> vi<>Le,tr) n# glycine de Chine* ( w istaria chines is 7* Ber- Fr. grappe, cluster, and violette, purple.

GRATEIXR { cktt* a. t- & I ) n* f *, demangeaiBon. Ber- Fr* gratter, to scratch, or Prov. gratello, itch* Bial- Canada. GRAYAILIE (« *r a v * ; ) n. m ., g a a v ie r. P e r- 0 . Fr. gravale, gravel. GREGUE ) a. m., oafeti&re. Ber-^Sp. ''greoa, coffee-pot. { Read )

GRENADE {<*t£>»2l

GRINCHER 2. ) v, tr., grinoar. h e r- ©. F r. g ry n ch er, s . m. hial- Anjou, Normandy, Canada. GRI® GRIS ( f-*c f^°) n. m., incantation, puissance ooculte. her - Arabic, hirzaoihr, Mandlnge dial- grigrl, to tremble. ( Read )•

GRIZIH ( f r / 2 -ir) v. intr., grisonner. her- Prov. grizir, to smear with gray, hial- Canada. GROCESSERIE ( ^ ° s r t ) n. f ., dpioerie. her- hng. grocery, hial- Canada. GROS GRU { ° n. m., sagaraitd. h e r- 0 . Pr. gru, plus gros. GRGUILLFR c ) v. t r . , rem uer. h e r- 0 * Fr. grouiller, tp present a condition of confusion*

GRU ( f ) n. m., gruau de mals. h e r- 0 . Fr. gru, grits. GUERNOUILIE ( yJ'/ ) ) n. f., grenoullle. her- 0. Fr. guernouillie, s. m. hial- Anjou, Pioardy, Burgundy, Britany, Normandy, Canada. GUlitE ( f t - 7* ) v. Imp., regarde, regardezj Der- Pr. gare, to take care. 35

- H -

HABITANT ( a A C t P ) n. m., fermier. Der- Pr. habitant. Inhabitant. Unsed in colonial times in the sense of one possessing a domain. HABRILIEK (aAr»cye> ) v# tr.f hahiller. Der- 0. Er. abrier, to dress. Dial- Maine, Canada. HACHE (A a / ) n. f., hache; Ex. J fai une lame d'h&ohe. Der- Er. h&ehe; with " h " aspirate. Dial- Touraine, Britany, Orleans, Normandy, Po 6to u , Berry, Canada. HACK I Jt e/c ) n. m., cabriolet. Der- Eng. hack. HAIGRE (A ) a d j l , a ig re . Der- Erf . Dial- Canada. HAIS ( A d i ) ( hats, hats, halt) pres. Ind. sing., hair; haid,haia, halt. Der- Attempt at regular formation of present tense. HAXAGEf h a La.^ ) n. ifi., transport. Der- Dr. haler, to pull; noun formation. Dial- Canada. HA12QA { h a L sa* ) n. m,, tohu-bohu, tumulte. Der- Er. haler, to pull; literally, a-pulling-that. HALER ( h A L c jv. tr., tirer. D er- Dr. haler, to pull, to tow a boat, ( naut ) i Ased by most Lafayette people instead of 11 t i r e r TT* Dial- Normandy, guornesey, Jersey. HARIAT (ha-nta.) n. m., mdlde, ddoombres. Der- Prov. arriat, encumbrance.

HARICOT ( 4 t» / ato) n. m., Ex. Vo ilk dec bons_Jiarico ts . Der- Er. haricot, with " h " aspirate. w

HARNAIS {-£ a-r* a/ *-) n# m# f harnais. Der- Pr. harnais; with ” h Tf aspirate. Dial- Anjou, Britany, Normandy, Picardy, Canada. HABUANCHKR (iwiffi. ) v. tr., habiller. Ex. Comme all® est mal harnanohbe. her- Pr. harnaoher, to harness; ( familiar ) to dress badly; nasalisation under influence of predeoding nasal. Lial- Canada.

HAUT ( h o ) adj., n. m., haut; grenier. her- Pr. haut; with " h " mute, hial- Berry. Hivernais, Canada.

HERBE COFUIN ( ** t a at e ) n- f # t (xanthium strumarium); en anglais, " cookle-bur rt. her- Pr. herbe plus coquin, a rascal; extension of mean­ in g . HERBE A LA PUCE (^7 »U/a/»^ )g# sumac k gale, sumac k puce; ( fhus toxicodendron ); appele en anglais, " poison ivy " .

HEM IB (£7* a* i ) n. m., hernie, f. her- Fr. hernia, with 11 h 11 aspirate, hial- Canada.

HriBUR ( t m oe.r ) n. f., humeur. her- Fr. humeur. hial- Berry, ftpitany. Burgundy, Picardy, Haut-^aine, Hivernais, Hormandy. HONTE ( £ ^ £ ) n. f., ( avoir honte ) btre timide. her- Fr. honte, ashamed. HOURRA ( u r» * ) v. imp. J.dhpeche-toi,’ ddpbchez-vousJ 2. tumulte. Ex. O’dtait un grand hourra. her- Fr. hourra, cry of sailors while pulling on rigg­ in g s. HYPOTICUER (t v. tr., hypothbquer* her- Fr. hypothbquer, to mortgage, hial- Britany, ^anada. 37,

I **

ICIT ( ' s l £~) adv., ioi. Der- Fr. ioi. Bial- Berry, Anjou, Maine, Normandy, Oanada. IBBE {*.<✓<• ) n. f., (avoir idde ), compter. Ex. XI a Adds de r a s t e r . Ber- Fr.idde, Idea, thought. ^ial- Anjou, Nivernais, Berry, Normandy, Pioardy, Canada. I IE, ( i L ) n. f., bosquet, ra. Ex. Une lie de sapins. Ber- Fr. tie.island; an application of a marine term. Bial- Canada. IMPOTBQUER ( f fo /rs^ e. ) a, tr., hypotdquer. Ber- Pr, hypotdquer. Bial- Bas-Maino, Canada. INCOMPBESABIE (£ ) a d j . , in co m p reh en sib le. Ber- 0. Pr. incompremable. Bial- Canada. IBBUCAflON ( ItL^Kdi sj?) n. f. , dduoation. Ber- Pr. dduoation. Bial- Anjou, Normandy.

INJU53E ( ^ 5 ^ s ) adj., injusto. Ber- Pr. in juste; suppression of " T rf. Bial- Anjou, Canada. INTARET (std.~r

INTROBUIRF. ( & t r o «t, *,/*•) v. tr., presenter. Ex. Je l fa i in tr o d u it h la jeune fill©. Ber- Eng. introduce. INYENTXONNEE (fiV-Ts c ^ ) v. refl., s faviser. Ber- Fr. invention; verb formation. Bial- Canada, 38



J a LOUSEBIE ) n. f., Jalousie. Der- 0* Dr. jaloueer; noun formation. Dial- Pioardy, Canada, Hainaut. JAMAIB adv., jamais. Der- *r# jamais; nasalization by proceeding nasal. Dial- Canada*

JAMBEE ( 3 ? fee. ) n* f •, enjambde. Der- 0. Dr. jambde. Dial- Anjou, Canada.

JAP PER ( 3 a ) v. Intr,, aboyer. Der- Dr. japper, to yelp. Aboyer is practically un­ known to the Lafayette people. Dial- Bormandy, Saintonge, Anjou, Poitou, Berry. JARDIB ) n. m., Jardin potager. Der- 0. Dr. jardin, Vegetable garden; jardin, in St. Dr. means a 11 flower garden " .

JAFDIBACES {3 a*-reL i n*j) n. mpl., ldgumes, du jardinage. Der- Pr. jardinage, vegetables; pluralization* Dial- Canada.

JABOTRE { 3 a-r* S <7 r j n# f . t g e r g u r e . Der- 0. Fr. Jaroure, s. m. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Poitou. JAUNASSE ( 3 OA/is ) adj., jaunatre. Der- 0. Fr. jaunaese, yellwwish. Dial- Anjou, Canada.

JAOTEZXR ( 3 5 m t r* ) v, tr., intr., jaunir. Der- Fr. Jaunir. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Canada.

JEDREZIB ( 3 /v/ / t- ) v# intr., rajeunir. Der- Fr. jeune* Dial- Berry. JOBE {<£3 o b ) n. m., amplol. her- Eng, job. Dial- Canada*

JOGrUE ( ^ 3 ^. ) n. f*, crdche. Ber- Eng. Jug. Dial- Canada* ^ONGIiEB ) v. intr., penser, rdfldchir. Der- Pr. jongler? Eial- Picardy.

OTHS&i i 3 ‘I LJ &lr ) n. m., Juillot. Ear- 0* Fr. juylhet, or Pro\r. juioto? M ai- Canada*

Jen ( 3 0 6 ) n. nu, juin. Ear- Fr* juin; suppression of ” w'l" as in " su n of anis, and eseu, for essuie. Eial- Berry, Canada. JUS5E { 3 ^ S ) adj., 1* juste, £. £troit. Ex. Ses Sou­ liers s ont trop justes. Bar- Fr. juste; 2. 0, Pr. juste, s. rru Dial- Anjou, Berry, Britany, Nivernais, Normandy, Picardy, Canada.

- L -

LACHEE ( L & f e, ) v* tr., cesser do travailler* Ex. L© fermier a laohd son mats. XMoole la oho a quatre heures. -^es engages laohent l'ouvrage a six heures. E ar- 0 . Fr. lashier, oeaae. Dial- Canada. XAIDEZIR ( I e « ti/r) v. intr., enlaidir. Ear- 0. Fr. laidir, to become ugly. M ai- Berry, Canada, Nivernais, Normandy. LAISSER ( l e $ e ) v. tr., intr., quitter. Ear- Fr. laisser, to allow. Fight it be the influence of E n g lish ? Dial- Canada. JAHTARBE (L 5* ta. r* >J ) n# f lanterne. Bar- Fr. lanterne. Sea Barnier. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Champagne, Nivernais, TourAAne. LARGE. (-I a -n 3 ) n. m., la plain©; grand© ©space sans a r b r e a . Der- Fr. large, the open sea; application of sea term. Dial- in Canada used to mean, at a distance from the St. Lawrence Hirer.

LARGUER (L olt> a ) adj., v. tr., ( largu© ) fatigud, fatiguer. ^Ex. J*su largue k s o i r . Dor- Pr. larguer, to let go, to loosen a sail.

LAVAGE ( i a v a 3 ) n. m., lesslve, f. Lor- 0. Pr. lavage, washing. Dial- Orleans, Canada. LAVEU3E ( ^ ) n. f . , b3a n o h isseu se. Der- 0. Fr. laveuse, s* m. Dial- Canada.

1EGEHTE ( < -& 3 e.r t r ) adj., ldg&re. Der- Fr. ldger; by analogy with ouvert, ouverte; vert, verte, etc. Dial- Canada. I23NVERS ( £ 5* (/ £ r ) n . m ., en v e rs. Der- Fr. envers; agglutination of definite article. Dtal- Canada. LET3*33 { c e t ) n. f., lettre. Der- Fr. lettre; suppression of final " r " •

LI ( Cl ) p. p. lire; lu. Dial- Anjou, Ardenne. 1ICHER { Life. ) v. tr., lecher. Der- Fr. LScher. Dial- Berry, Burgundy, Anjou, Maine, Nivernais, Orleans, Picardy, Saintonge, Touraine. LILAS ( Li' L*. ) (n. m., ( spindus saponaria); appeld en anglais, n china berry tree " . The name might have been suggested by resemblance to the lilac flower.

LOGUE ( £ ^ f ) n. m., bHohe, f. Der- Eng. log. DOLO ♦ LoLo ) n. m., lait( term© dnfantin ) . Der- Fr. lait; reduplication. Dial- Burgundy, Normandy.

1 0 MBE ( Co b ) n. f., . Der- Fr. ombre; agglutination of definite article. 41.

DOMBE( L -T m ) n. f• , ombue. Der- Fr. ombre; agglutination of definite article. LOQUEB {La/ce. ) u. tr. , fermer an loquet. Der- Fr. loquet, a latch; verb formation on noun.

LOQUET {Co az& ) n. m., hoquet. Der- Fr. hoquet; agglutination of definite article. D ia l- Anjou, Aunis, Bas-Maine, Berry, Burgundy, Orleans, Lyonnais, Hivernais, Picardy, Poitou, Touraine, Canada# LOIJE ( L. m/ a ) n. f., lol. Der- Fr* loi; survival of 0 . Fr. pronunciation. Dial- Beriy, nivernais, Canada.


MACAQUE ( ) n. m ., sin g e . Der- Congo, maccaco, species of monkey. The word singe is very little used in Lagayette.

MACHER ( m a je ) v. tr., meutrir. Der- 0. Fr. maseher, to bruise. Dial- Anjou, Aunis, Canada, Orleans, Poitou, Saintonge, T ouraine. MACHOUERE (* * * /« '£ *• ) n. f . , m achoire. Der- 0. Fr. maschouere, s. iju , machoire* Dial- Saintonge, Canada.

MACHURE n. f., meutrissure. Der- 0. Fr. maschure, bruise. Dial- Anjou, Canada, Orleans, Picardy.

MADAHE {m** s*. aa ) n. f., dame. Der- Substitution of more familiar form " madame . Dial- Anjou, Haut-Maine, Picardy, Saintonge, Poitou, Canada. MAGASIN A MAIS n . m., grange, f . Der- Fr. magasin, store-room ana mais, corn. MAGNOLIA {M&ffvot'i a ) n# m#t l a u r i e r . Der- Scientific term, magnolia grandiflora. 42*

MAICrUE ( m £

MAITS (m ^(t ) n. m., maitre. Der- Fr. maitre; suppression of final " r " . Dial- Normandy, Touraine, Canada, Britany, Picardy, Champagne, Orleans, Nivernais, Saintonge, Poitou,

MALCOMMODE { m a, l * o m a 4, ) a &j •, incommode. Der- Fr. mal and commode; analogy with malcontent, malchance, eta. Dial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Champagne, lyonnais, Touraine, Canada, Picardy. MAL-EN-TRAIN . (***1 * *~‘7' £ ) loo., de mauvaise humeur. Der- iPr. mal, and en train; to be in high spirit. Dial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Lyonnais, Nivernais, Normandy, Picardy, Touraine, Canada.

MALDE (aas- L ) n. f., courrier, m. Der- Fr. malle, boat or train by which mail Is carried. Dial- Canada. MA1PATIENT { m * t sj $) adj., impatient, Der- Fr. mal and patient. Dial- Berry, Canada, Nivernais, MAS n . f . , mfere. Der- apooopation of Tl maman n • MAMASEDIE. ) n. f., mademoiselle, Der- Fr* mademoiselle. Dial- Anjou, Brdtany, Haut-Maine, Normandy, Touraine, Canada, lyonnais. MANOHE (** * J ) n. f•* ruelle, chemln dtroit. Der- Fr. manche, a strait, a sleeve. Dial- Canada*

MANGjBAILLE (aa 5* 3 ^ 3 j f # vivres, mpl. Der- (B>, Fr. mangeuille, s. m. Dial- Canada, Provence. MANIERE ) adv., un peu, quolque peu. Ex. Jrai maniere envie d’aller avec toi. Der- 0. ;Fr. man!fere, in a measure. 43.

MAHQUER ( m ? k e. ) v. tr, intr*, Ex. J© t© manque; au lien de; Tu me manques. MAPPE ( m a. p ) n# f, # oarte gdographique. Ber- o. Pr* mappe, oarte. Bial - Canada.

MACQUECHOU ( m a. ic J ^ } n. m ., mets d© m ais. D ia l- Canada*

MAQUIGKOH ( m a* ** i ;» 5* ) n. m., dp ingle a linges, f. Ber- Pr. maquignon, a rider. MARBRE ( M i r t r ) n. f ., B ill© . Der- Pr. marbre. Dial- Anjou, Saintonge, Canada.

MARCHABBISE SECHE (*** p sl - 2-S£k ) n# f # f lingerie. Ber- Pr. marohandiso, and s&ohe; probably a translation of English rt dry goods " .

MARCHASTF £E PAQUET (ma. v $ 5 p

MAR Cl ( m a -t» s j ) n# meroi. Bor- Pr. meroi. See darnior. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Hivernais, Normandy, Touraine, Canada. M&RBI GRAS f y a* ) n. m.# oelui qui se masque 1© jour de Mardi Gras. Bial- Anjou, Saintonge, Canada. MARGO TER (a* a,-* * e~ ) v. tr., transplanter des oignons, Les oignons *qufon transplant© s fappellent " du margot rt , Bor- Prov. margoto, a branohe planted in the ground; and Pr. marcotter, to layer branches.

MAR HSR ( m «.7»y e ) v. tr. i dpouser. Bial- Plandre, lyonnais, Nivernais, Wallonie, Savoie. MARIffGOTIN ( m * -vZnuot ) n. m„, moustiquu. Bor- Prov. marfnguuin, s. m.

MARQUAIUER (M a r k a j e. ) y. tr., griffonner. Ber- Pr. marquer plus Latin verbal suffix oulare, gave mar qua i H e r. ^ial- Canada.

MASSE ( m a* s ) adv., beauooup. Ex II a on masse des o ran g es. Ber- 0. Pr. masse, muoh. ■^ial- Anjou, Pioardy. MEDIO I HE ( * ) n. f * * medicament* m. Der- o. Pr. medicine, medicine.

MEET I US ( m I kiio? ) n* m.* assemblde* reunion* f. Der- Eng. meeting.

MEJEUR j o6 r ) adj.* meilleur. Der- 0. Pr. melyeur, s. m. MELAIDLER ( M e t i j e ) y# tr.* md3a nger* mdler. Der- Pr. meler, plus Latin verbal suffix* " oulare "* which gave " melailler n • TIEI0N PRANQAIS } n. m ., melon can talo u p ; ( cuoumis meld rahtalupenais ) * MELON MOSQUE ( ».m. * melon broder; ( oucumis melo rutioulatris) • MEMERE (M ftM tr ) n* f . t grand’m&re. Der- Pr. Grand fmbre; reduplication. Diad- Anjou.

MENTERIE ( a a ^ t r* c ) n# mensonge.m. D er- 0 . Pr. menterie, s. m. M©n 0Onge* practically never used in -Lafayette Parish. Dial- Normandy* Britany* Anjou* Picardy, Poitou* Berry, Canada. MESIJRE ( M e i ^ ) H. f . * mesure. Der- 0. Pr. pronunciation up to 1500. D ia l- Normandy* Anjou* Canada.

MIAXDEH ( m j a. i t ) v. tntr., miauler. Der- Onomatopea; oldest literary form known is Voges, miawer; different forms arose by addition of consonant, as* myaler, in Jura, from which "mialler" oomes. D ia l- B erry , Champagne* N iv ern ais, Normandy* S ain to n g e.

NINOU ( N i m v ) n. m., petit chat. Dial- Anjou* Hainaut, Canada. MIRE LI TON ( M ir L tf} ) n. m. * ( seohirem edule ); appeld an anglais " vegetable pears " . Der- u. pr. mireCttdcoton, a kind of large yr«rJiow peach.

MISSUER ( aa ) c, e r e, ) h. intr.* souffrir a cause de ha p au v retd . Der- 0. Pr. misdrer* to be miserable.

MNIR ( m w ir ) v. intr.* venir. Ex. Jva mmlr aveo vous. Der- Pr. venir; by libialiaation of AMtial consonant v. 45

MITASSE { M i t i s ) n. f •, g u # tre . Ber* Algonquian, mitas, leggings. ( Head ). Bial* Canada.

MO LASSE ( m o u s ) n. f . , & a d j.* L as-fond; mou, Ber* o. Pr. molastre, soft; by extension of meaning, a shallow place, due to the softness of the soil. Bial- Canada. MQRBUHE ) n . f . t m orsure. Ber* Pr* mordre; noun formation, by analogy with words lifce, bordure, etc. Bial- Anjou, Bas* Maine, Brit any, Champagne, lyonnais, Normandy, Canada* MO TIE ( Nvot-je. ) n. f ., mo it id* Ber- 0. Pr. meitie, which developed into M o " instead of " oi " in Picardy and Western Prance. Bial- Anjou, Picardy, Britany, Normandy. MOUDU ) moulu, p. p. Ber* Pr. moudre; attempt to form past participle from regular re-herbs. Bial* Normandy, Canada.

MOUE ( aaia / t ) pro. pers* moi. Ber- Pr. moi; survival of 0. Pr. " oi rt pronunciation. Bial- Anjou, Orleans, Saintonge, Touraine, Canada.

MOUILLA3SEB (AA^ja*^e) v. tr., faire une pluie fine. Ber- Pr. mouiller plus Latin " aoeus, aclus," Pr. asse, In a repetitive sense. Bial- Provence, Canada.

MOUILLER (v\ j e- ) n. intr., impers., pleuvoir. Ber- Pr. mouiller, to wet, to soalc with liquid. Bial- Anjou, Aunis, iyonnais, Poitou, Saintonge, Canada.

MOURU ( m ur ^ ) p. p., mourir; mort. Ber- By analogy with other past participles in " u " . Bial- Burgundy, Anjou, Canada, Normandy, Saintonge.

MOYEN ( aao )£ ) n. m., moyen. Ber- Pr. moyen, which in 0. Pr. was melnn; See motid. Bial- Canada, Anjou, Picardy, Normandy, Britany. MULERON {fiAuLm'j ) n. f., meule. Ber- Norm, mule plus on, from Latin w onis " plus sup­ porting consonant " r " • Bial- Canada. MURE B* ARBRPi ( v b ) n# j morus rubra ); appeld en anglais " mulberry " . NAC ( n a *) n. m*# n ac re . Der- Fr# naore; suppression of final " r " . Dial- Pioardy, Canada. BABASE (NiNaw) n# m., nourriture, f .# { term© enfantin ) • Der - Fr# nanan, dainties# Dial- Canada#

NARCI3SE s is ) n # f # t n a ro is s e , m# Dial- Canada, Switzerland# NAEFS ( ) n« m#, n e r f s • Der- Pr. nerf; " f " in plural is silent, hut not in the sin g u lar# Dial- Aftjou, Touraine, Canada, Berry, Nivernais, Canada# NARGUER (war'^.e ) v. tr., tantaliser, tourmenter. Der- Fr. narguer, to taunt, to defy. Dial- Canada.

NAYIGUER ( a/«l i ) v# tntr#, voyager. Der- Fr. naviguer, to navigate. Dial- Canada. NENAINE {Ne~N£N ) n. f ., marraine. Der- Fr# marraine; reduplication. Dial- Canada.

NIC ( n i k ) n# m#, nid# Der- 0. Fr. nio, b. m# Dial- Britany, Aunis, Bas-Maine, Normandy, Poitou, Canada, Saintonge, Pioardy. 5I0QUE ( n j o K ) n. m., un oeuf laiss£ dans le nid pour que leB poules y viennent pondre. Der- Fr. nid plus coque, a shell; apoooaption of "c" . Dial- Burgundy, Canada.

NIX (* 1 * ) adv., non, non pas. Dial- Burgundy, lyonnais, Normandy, Pioardy, Canada, S ain to n g e.

NOMBOURIC (N 3 bur* Ik) n . m ., nom hril. Der- Might hy analogy with " hourer ?r and compounds. Dial- Berry, Canada, Touraine. NORDOUA, (islar’eLiva.) n, jr. t nord-ouest Der- Br* nord-ouest; change of pronunciation of " e ” to " wa " by analogy with, roi, lot, etw. Dial- Pioardy, Saintonge, Britany, Canada* NOYAU (Mojo ) n. m#, noyau. D er- See m otld. Dial- Britany, Canada.

NOYKH ( n oj e ) v. tr., noyer. Der- See moti£. Dial- Britany, Canada, Pioardy,

NUBSE ( n Jt S) n . f., infirmi&re. Der- Eng. nurse.

- O -

OBBIE ( © b e n " ) v. tr ., fldohir. Ex. Le moroeau de hois B b d it• Der- Pr. obdir, to ohey; hy extension of meaning. Ddal- Canada.

GB3ARVEB ( o b s a. 9 e ) v# tr ., observer. Der- See darnier. Dial- Anjou, Touraine, Canada. OFFEKi'(o'f* £"** ) v. in f., offrir; Ex. A vient de me l ’offer. D er- Past participle of offrir; hy confusion. Dial- Canada. OFFRI (o -fv t ) p. p. of offrir; offert. Der- Attempt to form regularly as verbs in ir-endings. OFFICE ( ojj. is) n. f .t bureau, m. Der- 0. Fr. office, a tribunal; by extension of meaning

CBLIEB ( e l» L j e, ) y I tr., oublier. Der- 0. Fr. oblier. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Normandy, Pioardy, Canada, Saintonge

OFFRE (© f ) n .m ., o f f r e , f . Der- 0. Fr. offre, m. Dial- Canada, Switzerland. Der- Fr. ole* Bial- Normandy, Saintonge, Canada. OMBRBBIE ( o'B y» a C- ) n. m*f parasol, parapluie. Ber- Fr. ombrelie, small lady’s umbrella. ON ( S ) pro• pars., nous * Ber- Fr. indefinite pronuun; used exolusively for nous. Bial- Berry, Maine, Nivernais, Canada, Switzerland. ONGNON ; ) n, m ., oignon. Dor- Fr. oignon, nasalization through influence of the following nasal. Dial- Pioardy, Normandy, Britany, Canada. 050 ( 5* K ) n. m., onole. Ber- Fr. onole; suppression of final " 1 " • Dial- Anjou, Ardenne, Normandy, Orleans, Picardy, Touraine, Canada. OPINION (o f> I p o ) n. f., opinion. Ber- Fr. opinion; by analogy with such words as, compa- gnon, champignon, eto* Dial- Canada, Normandy.

ORAGAN ( o t* 3l o' ) n. f., ouragan, m. Ber- 0. Fr. houraoan. Bial- Anjou, Berry, Nivernais, Canada. OBILIKR ( o r j e. } n. m ., o r e i l l e r . Ber- 0. Fr. orillet, s. m. Bial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Normandy. OEMOIEB (JT’ M w a r ) n. f., arraoire. Ber- C. B. armarium; change of initial syllable vowel, " a " to 11 o " , which is perhaps analogical to ”notare,T from natare, or n operio n from aperio. Bial- Anjou, Auvergne, Britany, Champagne, Halnaut, Nor- nandy, Orleans, Pioardy, Canada. CUAOUARON (w/a. w/a V ) n# m# f g re n o u ille g d an te. Ber- ContAmination of Huron, " ouraon ,f and Iroquois, " wararon w • ( Read ) Bial- Canada.

0 UBLIGI3B v. t r f, intr., obliger. Ber- Attempt at regular development from L. to 0. Fr. pretonio " o " free, became " ou 11 , as; ovrir, ouvrir. Bial- Canada. OUE { u/ € ) a d v ., o u i. Der- Batin, hoc ill© gave Fr. oil, which developed dif­ ferently in each dialect, thus in Vendee it became,"oeil" and in ^oitou* " cud Dial- Canada, Saintonge, Poitou.

OUISKS ( ^ /s Ari) n* m., I 1 eau-de-vie de grain. Der- Eng. whisky. Dial- Canada.

HUJOURB’HUI {u 3 cur d. \*>i ) adv., aujourd'hui. Dial-Hivernais, Anjou, Canada, Berry, Champagne.


OUYSBT ( u 4/6 ** ) v. inf. of ouvrir* Ex. Vas lui ouvert l a port© . Dial- Canada.

OVERCOAT (0 ^ 9 kot) n. m., psrdessus, Der- Eng, overcoat.

- P -

PAG ASHE fc a* & ) n. f., noix d'amdrique; ( oarya 611va- form is ) * Der-. Algonqui&n, pakan, s. m, ( Bead ).

PACAHHE { pz k a. n ) ne pas dire paoanne; ne dire mot. Ex. Sa soeur a pas dit paoanne tout© la soirde.

PACE QUE /c 9 ) oonj., pare© qua. Der- Fr. paroe que; suppression of " r ” • Dial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Borraine, Byonnais, Hormandy, Orleans, Pioardy, Touraine.

PAIB DE SUCRE ( p £ d* s ^ k ) n. m., personne d© mani&res raides. C'est une poseuse, un vrai pain de sucre. Der- Fr. pain de suore, a conical mass of sugar in the process of dryiflg that crumbles at the touch; comparison. PAIN PERDU ( p t p&mtj) n. m., pain au lait. Der- o* Fr* pain perdu, egg toast* Probably got its name from the faot that * pain perdu " is generally made from stale bread* PAIEZIR ( M U i r ) y* i n t r . , p a l i r . Dial*- Berry, Provence. JJANSE s ) n. f •, gras-double, m. Der- Fr* panse, the paunoh of an aninal (runinating) , PANTOUFE ( p $ t u f ) n* f ,, pantoufle* Der- Fr. pantoufle; suppression of dinal w 1 w . Dial- Tourdine, Canada* PAP ( p <*• P ) n* m*, papa, p&re, Der- Contraction of papa,

PARADES IE (pa. tsl L e 5./) n, f,, paralysie* Der- 0. Fr. paralysie, s* m. Dial- Anjou, Normandy, Orleans, Canada*

PARC A COCHONS (pn* * a k o j- o 1 ) n. m., poroherie, stable a p o re s . D ial- Canada*

PAHDE I p Z tkl ) y. tr., perdre. Der- Fr. perdre; suppression of " r ” • See darnier. Dial- Anjou, Andenne, Berry, Champagne, Nivernais, Canada PARDRIX (p d.ir>l) n . f , , p e rd rix . Der- 0. Fr. pardrix, s. m. Dial- Berry, Canada, Nivernais, Anjou.

PARER ( P a.v & ) v. t r . f Ex. II est par 6; p rS t. Der- 0. Fr. parer, to get ready, or to get something read y . Dial- Britany, Normandy, Pioardy, Canada. PAR EXPRE3 ( P aur c.K'bPT'^ loo. adv., expr&s. Der- 0* Fr. par exprfcs, s. m. Dial- Agjou, Normandy, Switzerland, Canada.

p a r RAPPORT Q0E {p*-r a- p ? n ) loo., parce que. Dial- Anjou, Canada. p ARM IS (pjL-rA* L) p. p. permettre; permis. Der- 0. Fr. parmls, s. m. Dial- Berry, Anjou, Nivernais, Tonraine* PAE3IENSE A/} n* f . . p e rs ie n n e . Ber- Fr* persienne, shutters. See darnier. Bial- Anjou, Canada*

PARSONNE (pass's a /) n* f ., poraonno. Bor- 0. Pr* parsonne, person. Bial- Anjou, Bas-MAine, Berry, Nivernais, Pioardy. PARTAHCE (pa.-riTD’s ) n. f * t ddpart, m. Ber- 0* Pr* partanoe, departure. Littrd gives partanoe as a sea term, meaning the departure of a boat. PARTERRE [ pa. m t er*) n* m., jardin. Ber- Pr. parterre, a flower-bed; by extension of n&aning. Bial- Anjou*

PARTOUT (p&T’tru ) (tout partout) loo. adv., partout. Ber- Redundant use of tout* Bial- Switzerland, Pioardy, Canada. PAS ( p a- ) adv. ndg* , ne ...... pas. Ex* J’ai pas d'eau* Ber- 0* Pr* omitted neg. " ne Bial- Anjou, Berry, Nivernais, Normandy, Canada. PA33AGER ( p * s a ) n. m., voyageur, Ber- Adoption of nautioal term to mean any kind of tra­ v e le r . Bial- Canada. PAS SEE ( p A s e. ) n. f *, une courte visite. Ber- Fr. passde, act of passing ( birds etc }• PATAION ( pa-tra.L'S ) n. m., pantalon. Ber- Pr* pantalon; denasalization by assimilation to fo llo w in g " a ” •

PATARAPFE [pa.ta.m 3Lj-) n. f., vieux souliers, m. Ber- 0* Pr* patarasse, a resounding noise of falling objects; probably because of the noise that old shoes generally make. PATASSA ) n. m., appele en anglais " sunfish " . Ber- Chootaw, pat&ssa, flat fish. (Read). PATATE [p a .ta .tr ) adj., bonasse, gauche, maladroit. Bial- Provence.

PATATE ANGLAIS® [p a tr a. L c s ) n# f 9f pomme de t e r r e . Ber- Prov. patate, s. m. Bial- Anjou, Canada. PATATE BOUCE [p*-ta*b*Lus)n. f., appeld en anglais " sweet p o ta to " • PAT IE ( p a . tr i - r ) ▼ , t r , , raourir de faim. Der- Pr, patir, to suffer, PATOUIIrlER (pa.tu/G. ) v. tr., pat auger, Der- o* Pr. patouiller, s* m. Dial- Canada. PAUPILXE (/»«/»; ) n. f •, paup&hre. Der- Unknown. Dial- Bormandy, Canada.

PAVE ) E. aw, pavd. Der- Eng. pavement; apooapatlon. PEIGHEK ( P t ji & } v. tr., peigner. Der- Pr. pelgner; nasalization ofV 11 el " through In­ fluence of following nasal.


PEHDRILDOCHE {p ScL -ni/vf ) n. f., pendeloque. Dial- Anjou, Canada, Aunis. PEPERE ( p e pe-r* ) n. m., grand-phre. Dgr- See mdmere. Dial- Anjou, Eormandy, Picardy, Touraine, Canada*

PER DO If ( p a t eL 5* ) n. m., pardon. Der- 0. Pr, perdon, s. m. Dial- Lorraine, Canada.

PEUPE ( p 9 p ) n. m., peuple. Der- Pr. peuple; suppression of ” 1 ” . Dial- Orleans, Canada.

PIASSE { p j a-s ) n. f., d o lla r , m. Der- Pr. piastre, from Italian piastre, and Spanish, p e s a ta . PICHEBET {P i f N c ) n. m., ohiquenaude, f. Der- It may he a oross between piquer and ohiquenaude. Dial- Champagne, Pioardy, Canada. PICHOU {P*-$ “ ) n, m., un lynx; sorte de chat sauvage. Der- Ojtbway, hishi, pishiu, through MobIlian, pishu, a lynx. (Read ). PI000HER ( P tK o fe.) v. tr., piooter. Der- Pr. picoter? Dial- Canada. PICOTE. ( p L /t otr ) n . f . , petite vdrole. D er- 0 * Pr. pioote, vdrole. Dial- Anjou, Bas-^aine, Champagne, Nivernais, Poitou, Touraine, Canada*

PIECE {Pj g. 3 ) n . m . , p ib g e. Der- Pr. pibge; pronounced ” 4 ” u n t i l XVI11 Century. Dial- Orleans, Canada. PIGUEROUIH we ) n. m., rognon ( of animals ); reins, ( of people )• PIMPER [P£ pe ) v. tr., hahiller dldgamment. Der- Seventeenth Century Pr. pimper, s. m. Dial- Canada. PIUTE {pit ) n. f., ooupe. Ber- Pr. pinte, a measure. PIQUER IE (pihi'ru ) n. f.. Ex* X aura une piquerie de quilt dmain chez Madame X. En anglais ” a quilting party ” • Der- Pr. piquer; noun formation. PIQUANT {Pi /r S’ } n. m ., ohardon. Der-Fr. piquant, thorny, prickly; no doubt because of the thorny nature of the plant. PIQUITSfE {pi ic i t ) adv., Ex. Tu as piquitte venir; faire aussi bien de. Der- Probably from quitte and pas; with assimilation of " a " in pas, to ” i ”, giving pi. PIRATE {Pi v a.t ) n. m. petit ooquin, gredin. Der- Fr. pirate, a pirate. PIS {pi) adv. puis. Der- Pr. puis. Dial- Anjou, Ardenne, Berry, lyonnais, Maine, Nivernais, Normandy, Switzerland, Picardy. P 1ST ACHE {pCstrdL^) n. f., arachide, Der- Fr. pistaohe, the fruit of a small tree of south Europe which contains a small green seed used in flavor­ ing confectionery. PITIT {Petit) adj., n. m., p e t i t . Der- 0. Fr. piti, s. m. *ial- Gallon. PITCHE {P it/G . ) n. f., pititf. Der- 0. Fr. pichie, s. m. Dial- Canada. PLACE {pens ) N* f . , plancher, m. Ler- ffr. place, s. m., seventeeth century. PLAIBGHARL {pi € p ) n. m., plaignsnt. Ber- o* Pr* plaignard; nasalization of " ai H under influence of following nasal* PLAIR IE {PLt'ri ) n* f . * p r a i r i e . Ler- 0. Pr. plairie, a. ra. Bial- Canada. PLAHGE ) adj., uni, surface plane. Ex. C*est une terra plange. Ler- 0. Pr* plange, level.

PLARIKE ( PL&tt L a/ ) n# praiine. Ler- Pr. praline; By metathesis of " r " and M 1 " . Ler- Canada. PLBIB { P i t ) adv., heauooup. Ex. On a plein du lait. Ler- 0. Pr. plein, much, very much. Lial- Pioardy.

PLESIB {PL e 2_/V) n . m*, p l a i s i r . L er- 0 . Pr. plesir, pleasure. Lial- Afrjou, Touraine, Canada. PLOMBB {pi$ b e ) adj., negatively; dtourdi, fou* Ex. Cot homme est pas bien plorobd. Ler- Pr. plomber, to plumb the p©rpendioular; by extension , not well plumbed, mentally unbalanced. PLOYER ( PLi^aje.) v. tr., p l i e r . 0. Fr. ployer, to fold materials, paper eta. In St. Fr. ployer means to bend inepite of resistance. Lial- Berry, Canada. PLUE { PO ^ ) n. f., pluie. Ler- 0. Fr. plue, rain.

PLURESIE {/° 0 y 7* g. -z. i ) n. f.f £ ieurdsie. Ler- 0. Fr. pluiuesie, with "w" sound suppressed. Lial- Champagne, Switzerland, Canada. POBON { P o h $ ) m. nu , Jarre, f. Ler- Sp. porron, a kind of Jar. POILEUX ( Pn/d-L? ) adj., galeux. Ler- 0. Pr. poileux, disease of hair of animals; in­ fested with lice, ft malsdie poileuee ” .

0 OILOB iPui/aCS ) n. m.f casserole, f. Ler- Fr. poSle, frying-pan; plus diminutive suffix on. 55

POLISH {pot is ) »• f*# agent d© polio© Ber- Pr* police. Bial- Canada*

POLISHER {PoLL jt2 ) v . tr*, p o l i r . Ber- Eng. polish; verb formation.

POBGBET ( p 5* ji e. } il. m ., poignet. Bor- Pr. poignet; nasalization of o TT tinder in- fluenoe of following nasal.

POPERIETE ( p oF 9 'r^&tc.) n< f # # p ro p rid td . Ler- Pr.propridtd; by metathedds Bial- HormandJ.

PGRTE-PAQUET {por'tp* /c e ) n. m., cancanior, oancanlbre. Ber- Pr* porter and paquet, package; with meaning of, carrying tales. Bial- Canada. PORTRAIT {Pi'rt-ne. ) n. m., image, photographic, tableau, cindma, portrait. Ber- Pr. portrait, portrait* Bial- Picardy, Touraine, Canada.

POSTUME { P o s toj tA) n. f •, matibre. Ber- Pr* apoatume, a festering tumor; by extension of meaning. Bi&l- Berry, Burgundy, Lyonnais, Nivernais, Canada. POTRAIL ( P ° t-r A j ) n. m., poitrail. Ber- See motid. Bial- Canada.

POU {pu ) prep., pour. Ber- Fr. pour; by suppression of final " r ” . Bial- Brftt&ny, Canada.

POUBH (/* v 4, ) n. f., poudre. Ler- Fr. poudre; by suppression of final ,T r ” . Bial- Britany, Bormandy, Canada. POUHHITE { fus-n L k ) adj., p o u rrle . E x. Urie pomm© de t e r re p o u rrite * Ber* 0* Fr. porite, s. ifi. Bial- Anjou, Ardenne, Picardy, Switzerland, Canada.

PUS {/* v ) prep* puis. L er- 0 . Fr. pu, then. The form 11 p i ” is also used. POURSUIBE(F uir * wi-f) v. t r . , poursuivre. L er- 0 . Fr. porauir, a. m. PHEOHER ( p T f i | e ) v. t r . , intr*, prior quelqu’un de faire quelque chose. Rer- Pr. preoher, to preach, to exhort; hy extension of meaning* PREPARER (/»T*e/>*-*e) V. tr* , 1. hahi H er. Ex. Prepare-toi. 2* hlanohir, amidonner, repaaser dtL linge* Ex, Ma tsnte fait prdparer son linge par une ndgresse. PBENRRE (/’ ’’ ^ ) v. t r . , ( se faire prendre ); photo- grajfchier. Ex. Jva faire prendre mon hdhd. Rial- Canada* PRETE. ( pv&t ) n. m., prhtre. Rer- Pr* prStre; suppression of final " r " • Rial- Anjou, Britany, Lorraine, Normandy, Canada. PROPIIER { p r o fite ,) v. tr., grandir* Ex* Les oannes pro- fitnet depus les plues. Cet enfant profite* R er- 0 . Pr. profiter, to mafce progress; hy extension, to grow. Rial- Saintonge, Touraine, Poitou, Berry. PROCHE [P'T'o j } adv., presque. Ex. II a proohe fini. Rer- 0. Pr. proohe, almost. Rial- Berry, Saintonge, Nivernais, Canada. pUS ( f>

Q . -

QUA MEMB t e a* ) oonj., quand m£rae. Rer- Pr. quand and mSme; denasalization of " a 19 , in quand. Rial- Pioardy, Normandy. ^UASIMENT ( at -a 5 ) adv., presque. 67

QUATE ( a. t ) adj, t quatre. Der- Fr, quatre; suppresssiom of H r " • Dial- Berry, Champagne, Hainaut, Nivernais, Orleans, S ain to n g e.

QUEUE ( Ac e a / ) n. m. toute sort© de petite vaisseaux en m tftal. Der- Eng. oan. QUEQUE (Ac £ tc ) adj., quelque, Ex. Donne- moi queque dhose de hon. Der- 0. fr. queque, s. m. Dial- Anjou, Hainaut, Normandy, Pioardy, Champagne, Lorraine, Canada. QUILOTTE (»c i L ) n. f, f oulotte. Der- Pr. oulotte. 'X* QUITTER ( vc L t «■ ) v ir., laisser, permettre* Ex. Qultte- moi a l l e r . Der- Fr. quitter, to leave ( in the sens© of parting qith ); substitution for laisser.


RABOUTER (* A b u v. t r ., r a b o u tir . Der- 0. Fr, rabouter, s. m. Dial- Canada. RJEBOURER (-rA'bwcs ) v. tr., labourer. Der- Ff. labourer; change of initial consonant " 1 * to " r w through the influence of ra-prefixes. Dial- Anjou, Picardy, Maine, Nivernais, Normandy, Ar- denne, Canada. RACHEUX ) adj., rude. Ex. Avoir les mains raeh- e u s e s • Der- 0. Fr, fasehe, all kinds of skin irruptions; by extension of meaning, rough skin* rough surface. Dial- Poitou, Canada.

RACIER a Acte) v. tr., fouetter. Der- 0. Fr. racier, to whip. Dial- Berry, Maine, Nivernaid, Normandy, Canada. 58

RACONTRER ( -tsl * ^ t-r* e } v # tr., renoontrer. Ber- Confusion with renoontrer. RACOQUILLER(r a k© k I } e- ) v. tr., refl. sJenrouler. Ex. II ewt assis tout raooquille devant 1© fe u . Der* 0. Fr. recroquiller, to contract in drying; hy confusion with Fr. reooquiller, to bristle up. RAIBEZIR (-r e cL ^ I r- ) v# tr., r a i d i r . Dial- Berry. RALE {-ral ) n. m.# olseau quTon appelle en anglais, "marsh hen " • RALLER ( r i t e ) v, intr., retourner, allerune second© foie. Der- Fr. re plus aller; by analogy with suchwords as; revenir, racheter etc. Dial- Ardenne, Berry, Lorraine, Maine, Saintonge, Pi­ cardy, Normandy, Nivernais, Canada, Switzerland.

RAJOUTER (-r a 3 a fr ^ j v# tr., ajouter. Der- Fr. re plus ajouter. hee raller. . Dial- lyonnais, Normandy, Picardy, Canada.

RAMARBER ( -p a. ^ a. -r

RATOHHER ( t a t « a / e. jv.tr., r a t i s s e r . Der- Fr. rateau, a rake, plus verbal suffix ,f onner ff from Xatin " inare ’* . RAVET { v a. v £. ) n. m., cancrelat. Der- Tupl-Guaranl, rabd, fcavd, a cockroach. RABIGOT (pa ift f o ) n. m., gantaisie, f. Ex. All© a eu un ravigot de fraises. Ber- Fr. ravigot, a sauee piquante; by extension. REDICUIE (ve.iL i *C*L) adj., r i d ic u l e . Der- 0. ffr. rddicule, s. m. Dial- Hormandy, Canada. RR«n (ve.

HEMPIRER (f 3s p t r e. ) v. intr,, empirer, retomber dans une maladie recente; reohute. D er- 0 . Fr. rempirer, s, m. RKLANTIB ( t j ) v , tr #, intr*, ralentir. Ler- Fr. ralentir. Lial- Barry, Normandy, Anjou, Canada. BENCH ACS SER{ v* F ; o s e. ) v . t r . , o o u v rir le pied des plantas de terre. Ex. Benchausaer les Cannes* L er- 0 . Fr. renchausser, to cover with earth. Lial- Mtlee, Anjou, Nivernais, Normandy, Canada.

BENFRSMEH (■** ^ f-r* s m e) v# tr •, renfermer. L er- 0 . Pr# enfremer, s. m., under influence of Fr. re fo rm e r. Lial- Anjou, Berry, Canada.

BEHLAIDIR ( t J U i l r ) v. tr., intr., enlaidir. Ler- Fr. re plus enlaidir. Lial- Normandy, Picardy.

RENTREB (t> j'M ’ e ) v, intr, tr., entrer; Ex* 0fest la permi&re fois qu'il nentre dans la malson. Ler- Fr. rentrer confused with entrer. Rentrer, in St. Fr. means to enter again after having gone out. Lial- Switzerland, lyonnais, Canada. HESTER t 71* s £r e* ) v# intr., demeurer. Ex. Jeanne reste a Broussard. Ler- Fr. reBter, to remain; hy extension of meaning Lial- Anjou, Britany, Champagne, Maine, Nivernais, Picardy, Or Jeans, Poitou, Canada.

RE8IPELB (■**<* * P ) n. m., drdsip&le. Ler- Fr. drdsipele; hy suppression of initial vowel Lial- Anjofl, Bas-Maine, Berry, Britany, Canada, Burgundy, Champagne, Nivernais, Touraine.

REVANCE 1/ 3*3 ) n. f., revanche. Ler- 0. Fr. revenge, s. m. Lial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Britany, Champagne, Lorraine, Canada.

RIBAN {t L ) n. m., ruhan. Ler- 0* Fr., rihan. Lial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Britany, Canada, Orleans, ^orraine, Nivernais, Normandy. RIBABBE1LE (Tobo* £> e* L ) n. fpl., haillon, m; guenille,f Ex. Cette rohe-lA est toute en rihahhellea. Ler- Fr. rftbomhelle, a succession, © collection of things; hy extension. Lied- Anjou, Touraine, Britany, Picardy, Canada. HINSTAXJasjR tra>L ) v. tr♦, rdinstaller. Der- j?r. reinstaller; by assimilation of ff e rT in Tt rft * . Bial- Normandy, Canada, RINVITER {'*£*'£*' ) v . t r . , r d i n v i t e r . Ber- Pr. rdinviter; see rinstaller. Bial- Normandy, Canada. RHUMATISSE ( r

ROUB&XSON ( t*«U 2-5 ) n. f . , ensemb&ft des trav au x que la fabrication du sucre exige. Ber- Fr. rouler, to pass between rollers, plus noun suffix, aison; by analogy with such words aft, dd- fflangeaison.

HOUXEH ) v. tr., moudre, doraser. Ex. Houler les Cannes• Ber- Fr. rouler, to roll, to pass between rollers.


SABE ( 5 su b ) n. m., sable, sabre. Ber- Fr. Sable, sabre; suppression of " 1 and " r " respectively. Bial- ^orriane, Orleans, Canada, Britany, Normandy, Pioardy, Berry.

SAIGNEE ) v# in tr., sftftgner. Ber- Fr. saigner; nasalization of " ai " under the influence of following " n " . Bial- Normandy, Britany, Berry, Orleans, Pioardy, SAFES?IDA ( s cbfet'ida^) n. f • , asafoetida, f. Der- Fr. asafoetida; suppression of first letter. Dial- Canada.

SA-T.DE (s <£• C ) n. f. # salon, m. Der- Fr. aalle, a room or a hall; by extension. Dial- Canada, Jersey, Saintonge. SAMDI ( s S & } ) n. m., samedi. Der- Fr. samedi; nasalization. Dial- Britany, Normandy, Pioardy, Berry, Canada, Orleans, Burgundy. SARCUEID ( s

SARMON ( s a* m S ) n. m., sermon. Der- 0. Fr. sarmon, s. m. l*ial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Lorraine, Nivernais, Orleans, Touraine, Canada. SARPEBT ( s S' ) n. f•, serpent, m. Der- 0. Fr. serpent* s. m» Dial- Anjou, Berry, Burgundy, Nivernaid, Orleans, Canada, Lorralne•

SERVICE ( s a/t* k / 5 ) n. m., service. D er- Fr* service; change of " e " to ’* a " b efo re " r " in body of a word. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Burgundy, Nivernais, Orleans, Lorraine, Canada. SARVIETTE Is& ritj

5AUCO ( S * x o ) n. m., raisin muscat. Der- Choctaw, euko, muscadine. (Read )

SAUVER { 5 o \/<.s ) v. tr., dconomiser, ^pargner. Der- 0 . f x* sauver, s. m. SAVATTE. ) n. f . , s o u li e r . D©r- Fr. savatte, an old shoe, or a bed-room slipper; transfer of meaning*

SAVONNTOE (s^t/o h *j -r ) n. f ., mousse de savon. Dor* Pr* savonner; noun formation by addition of Latin noun suffix, " ura ” , which is Pr. " ure w • Dial* Anjou, Canada* SECOUPK ) n. f., soucoupe. Dial* Canada, Poitou* SEHTC { $ 5 t~ n ) p. p. of sentlr; senti* Der* By analogy with past participles of re*verbs.

SBQUE ( s e. k ) adj., f, A m., sec, sfeche. Der- Retention of of masculine form for feminine, un­ der influence of the pronounced final consonant* Dial- Anjou, Nivernais, Berry, Bas-Maine, Normandy. SEE AID (se -r^ j ) n. m,# tumulte, tohu-bohu* Der- Fr. serail, a harem, and by extenison, a house of prostitution, and by second extenddon, great noise. SEBCHER ( ) v. tr., chereher. Der- Fr. chercher; by dissimilation. Dial* Anjou, Bas-MAine, Berry, Nivernais, Bormandy, Canada. SERDIHE ( s t,TcLt'AJ) n. f., sardine. Der- 0. Fr. serdenne, s. m., and Fr. sardine; contami­ n a tio n . Dial- Anjou, Canada. SHED { S c ) n. m., hangar, appentis. Der- Dng. shed.

QIAU ( S j o ) n. m.t seau. Der- Picard, siau, s. m. Dial- Pioardy, Anjou, Berry, Nivernais, Poitou, fou- raine, Orleans, Canada.

SIEQUE ( s j t k ) n. m., si&cle. Der- Fr. si&ole; suppression of final " 1 " . Dial- Lorraine, Normandy, Pioardy, Canada.

SIMINAIHE ( s / m /‘ we.r) n. ra. t sd/ninaire. Der- Fr. sdminairo; assimilation. Dial- Orleans, Canada. 68.

SKIP® ( s /t (’f J n. m*, e s q u if. h e r- Fr. eaqulf; loss of initial vowel by analogy with English skiff. Show { s L o ) adj., lent, lento* parepseux. her- Eng* slow.

SMATE ( s m ) adj.* habile, alerte. her- Eng. smart. SODA (so<^i) n. m. * glaoe* f. her- Eng. soda. SO hEI LEER (s o Cc*J e, ) v. tr. * mettre au soleil. her- Er. soleilld; verb formation. In St. Ft . i t is used only as an adjeotlve.

SOMME ( 5 o ' a* ) n. f . , problem s, m. her* Eng. stun. Dial- Canada. SONDER (sSdst') v. tr., ausoulter. Ex. Xe mtfdeoin lui a sondd les poumons. her- Pr. sonder* to explore with a sounding line. SOHGHER ( s ^ p e* } v. tr.* soigner. Dial- Pioardy* Canada.

SOUCI ( s o sc ) n. m.* sourcil. her- Fr. eouroil; assimilation of the ” r w . Dial- Berry* Champagne, ilivernais, Orleans* Poitou, Saintonge, Canada.

SO HE? ( 5 uo e f ) n. ft. t soif. h e r- 0 . Fr. soef, s. m. Dial- Tonraine, Canada, Anjou, Berry, Saintonge.

SOUPFEEK } v. i n t r . * s o u f f r i r . Ex* II va stir aouffert avec cette dentTl&. Der- Confusion with past participle*

SOUHATER ( s « /a, t e, ) v. tr., intr., souhaiter. h e r- 0 . P r. a o u h e id ie r. Dial- Canada.

SOUhAISCN ( s u L 6* 2 . $ ) n. £., soulerie. her- See roulaison. hial- Anjou, Canada. SOULIVEAU ( S t/L i v a ) n. m., soliveau, oolive. her- 0. Fr. soullviau, s. m. hial- Anjou, Canada. SOUB( su r> ) prep., sous* B er- iTr. sou© and s u r; co n tam in atio n . Li aI- Anjou, Berry, Britany, Canada, Orleans.

SOURIS CHAUBE ( so r> L> f o d ) n. f .t ohauve souris, Lial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Poitou, Berry, Britany, Cana­ da, Normandy, Champagne, Saintonge, Touraine* SOURSJttJT ( s u -r s o ) n. m., sursaut. B er- 0 . Fr* soursaut, s. n. Lial- Anjou, Louraine, Cahada. SOURB ET MULT {s

SOUYER ( s » / e. ) n . m ., s o u lie r . Ber- 0. Fr., soulliers, s. m. Lial- Bas-Maino, Norrnandy, Pioardy, Lorraine, Canada. SOUVEJSTKS FOIS ( s o v 3* dL f u/a*) adv., souvent, maintefois. Lial- Canada. 30YE ) y. subj., pres., etre; sois. Ber- Rwtension of 0 . ]fr. pronunciation. Bial- Anjou, Canada. SOUZILLE { sa > .je, ) n. f., tale. Ex. Une souzille ft•orlller. B er- 0. Ft . sousie, solsie, a kind of cloth; by exten­ sion from the meaning of the covering of the pillow, to the pillow oase. Lial- Saintonge, Poitou. SPEEB {s pcr*/jr\ ) n. m., sommier. Ex. Co lit-lk a un tr&s bon spring. Ber- Eng. spring, s. w. STAUVE ( S t o 1/ ) n. ra., poSle. B er- i5-ng. sto v e , a , ra. Dial*- Canada*

STECK { s £~ & k ) n. m., bifteek. Ber* Eng. Stack. Bial- Canada.

STRAPPF. ( s *“ t»£/» ) n. m., courroie, ©pauli&re. Ber* Eng. strap* Dial- Canada.

SUCB FLEUR ( 9 cj 5 j- d n* m.t oiseau-mouche. Ber- Fr. sueer, to suck, pitta fleur, a flower; called thus because the humming bird sucks flowers.

STJORIER ( s <-j k -r L) e,) n. m., oolui qui cultive les cannes. Ber- Fr. eucrier.which Littrd gives as sometimes mean­ ing, one who works in the sugar factories, dr one who owns a f a c to ry . SB IRE ( s w / / r ) v, tr., suivre. Ber- 0. Fr. suire, s. m. Bial- Berry, Champagne, Hainaut, Maine, Hivernais, Bormandy, Picardy, Canada. SUIT ( $ wit) p. p. of suivre; suivi; Ex. Mon chien m**a suit au village. Ber- 0. Fr. suire; regular formation of past par­ ticiple by analogy with verbs like; oonduire, con­ d u it. Bial* Champagne, Hormandy, Orleans, Picardy, Haut- Malne, Canada. SUKKRIER (st/A 'irj e, ) n. m., sucrier. Ber* Fr. sucrier; Bial* Canada.

SUQUB ( S h /t ) n. m., sucre. Ber- Fr. sucre; by suppression of final r . Bial- Champagne, Forma ndy, Picardy, Canada. 5US ( Su ) prep., sur. Ber- Fr. sur; suppression of " r w . Bial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Burgundy, Britany, Jjorraine, Jffivernais, Formandy, Saintonge, Poitou, Canada, Switzerland, Orleans. SUSPECT ( S u s /> a- ) adj., drole, particulier. Ber- Fr. suspect, one who gives suspicions; trans­ fer of meaning. 67#

SUSSES&IOH ( ) n. f . , su c c e ssio n , D er- Ft • succession; by assimilation of tf c 11 to the ” a " . Dial- Anjou, Hormandy, fouraine.

SUPARSTITIOB ( 5 vpa* $& i s j S' ) n. f., supe stition. Der- See darnler. Dial-* Anjou, Canada,

3UR0TJAT ( ) n. m ., su d -o u e st. Der- Sud-ouest. Dial- Picardy, Canada,

TABE [tA6 ) n, f., table, per- Fr. table; suppression of final " 1 " * Dial- Champagne, Orleans, Picardy, Canada. TABIDIEh [ta-hLLje*) n, m., tablier. D er- 0 , Fr. tabilier, s, m. Dial- Anjou, Ifivernais, Canada,

IAC IAC (h^kta.K) m, m., appeld en anglais " pop oorn " . Per- Echoic word; from the popping noise of the corn, which the French express by " tae tao " •

TAdHB { t a* f ) adjf, tachd de rousaours. Der- Fr, tSchd, spotted.

TAIAUT i E * t ° ) n. m,, chien de chasse. Per— Fr• taiaut, cry of a hunter; extension of m eaning, TAILDER (£ ^ j'e ) v, tr,, fouetter. ,per- 0. Fr. tailler, to condemn, to out with the idea of punishment, as cutting with a whip. Dial- Aorraine, Canada.

TAIOTfAMOa (tLtd. a/ 9 s ) n, m.# tdtanos. Per- Fr. tdtanoi;; nasalization of d Tf through the influence of following nasal. TA L’HEUHE {ta.C*e>7* ) adv. loo., tout k l rh eu re. Ter* Fr* tout k I'heure; contraction. Lial- Ardenne, Hain&ut, Canada* TALIig ( ira* L ) n* f•, touffle. D er- 0 * Pr. talle. s. m. Dial- Anjou, Canada* TALLER ( ir&Le. ) adj., touffu. Ex. Le rosier est tallde. Ler- o* J?r* taller, to grow several shoots from the foot of a tree* Dial- Anjou, Canada.

TAMBOUILES [T ? * * J ) n. f ., la cuisine, pot au feu. Der- Probably from x^rov* tambouio, s* m* TAUDIS ( ±r 5* tO C s ) prep., ( t and is que ); pendant cp e. LS. Tandis qu© Louise lit, repose-toi. Der- Fr. taadis qua, whilst. TAW ( A- 5 ) adv., autant. to* Jfen ai pas tant que toi. Der- 0 . F r. ta n t , s . m. Lial- Anjou, Berry, Nivermis, Orleans, Canada.

TAPOCHER ( tr a . /> o / e- ) v. tr*, taper. Lial- Saintonge, Canada. TAQDEJi ( tr&fcc.) v. tr., clouer avee des broquettes. Ler- Could it a verb formation on " taquet ” a olamp ( marine term ) ? Lial- Canada*

TAQUET { t? * * ^ ) n. m*, c ro c h e t. ler- Fr. taquet, a clamp or piece of timber on which the ropes are belayed, ( marine term )« Lial- Canada, Normandy, Picardy. TARffIR ( fri'Vtf 't-r) v . tr., tornir* 3>er- See d a r n le r. lia 1- Anj ou, Canada•

TABAHL {*6*^ -*• « ) n. m., dcrou. Per- Fr. taraud, an instrument to bore holes, a screw tape.

TAS ( t<2- ) n. m., A adv., 1. beaucoup, tr&s. Ex. en ai un tas. il a dorml un taa hier soir. Lial- Canada, Britany. TASSEAU U « so ) n« m., de la viande anchor an soleil. Ber- Sp. tass&jo, jerked beef.

TAIA ( ira. t a ) n. m. t interJ., merol ( terme enfantin ) . Ber- Sorte of onomatopoeia. M ai- Anjou, Berry, Fivernais, Canada* TATKR ( t&tre, ) v. tr*, toucher. Ber- Fr. tater, to test by feeling. The word is used to replace ** toucher ” whioh in some localities is never employed* TCHAMAHD2R {tja.A+'icle, ) v* t r . # demander quelque chose oonsne don. Ex. Xes ndgresses ainent k tehamander. Ber- Probably derived from Fr. qudmander, to go in some one's home to solicit gifts; by extension* lial- Canada. f CHAMAJfBEUB , EUSE { t j a> m o oe^r*) n. m., f •, eelul ou oelle qui tchamande. Ber- Noun formation on ” tehamander '* • Bial- Canada. TCHEUK l^fjf ) n. f., queue. Ber- 0. Fr. choe, ac. m. TICHE ) n. f., tige. Ber- Fr. tige; unvoicing of ,f g Tf . Bial- Anjou, Canada. TGHIOTR ) n. m ., ooeur. Ber- Fr. coour; palatalisation of Initial consonant. Bial- Poitou. fCHINE ( tj i /v' ) adj., crdpu, frisd. Ex. Erodlie a les oheveux tchines. Ber- Could the word come from 0. Fr. , oyn, a knot in a tree, suggested by the knotty nature of negro hair? Or is it a corruption of Eng. kinky? TELEGRAPHER (t L e- a r> *-f e) V. tr., tdldgraphier. Ber- Fr* tdlfgraphier; reduction of final syllable to more common er-ending. Bial- Anjou, Canada. TEMFE { £ S' p ) n. f., temple. Ber- Fr. temple; suppression of final w 1 rt *

TEBPE { ^ ) adj., tendre, Ber- Fr. tendre; suppression of final " r w • Bial- Xorraine, Canada. TENIR ( t * n t v ) v* tr., avoir b ven&re. E x. Es±-ce que M. X.tlent des livres? Der- Pr. tenir, to hold, to have; by extension, to have for sale. Dial- Anjou, Xyonnais, Aunls, Oanada.

TEJRIR ( ^ 4 r v. tr*, tarir. Der- I*. tarir* See darnler. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Rivemais, Canada* TERHB GRASSE ( * r* 3* s) n. f *, terre riohe, forte, et huileuse, gdneral&ment terre basse. Der- 0. Fr. terre grasae, sticky, fertile soil* TERRE UEUVE {tr£-~r a/ oe-> i/ ) n. f., terre qui vient d *etre ddfricher d’arbres ou de ehdroquis, et qui nra pas longtem ps 4%4 c u ltiv ^ e .

TERR IB IE ( tr e -r i h ) adj., terrible. Der- Pr. terrible; suppression of final n 1 " • Dial- Normandy, Canada. TETE ( l r z ,t ) n. f., taie. Der- Fr. taie; confusion with ,T t&te '* . Dial- Anjou, Ardenno, Burgundy, lyonnais, Maine, Normandy, Orleans, Canada* IX ( t / ) Particul, expldtive, indiquant tantot une inter­ rogation, tantot tine exclamation. Ex. J fn ai ti du m alheurl TI3EBEUSE ( ir i i -r> & ) n. rfi., tu M re u s e . Der- fr* tubdreuse; rounding of " u " •

TIME ( ir i Mi ) n. m., attelage. Der- Eng. team, s. m.

TIMEUR { -t i mo&'t ) n. f., tumour. Der- Pr. tumour; Soe tibereuse. Dial- Normandy, Touraifce, Canada*

TIN^UE ( -t £ h ) n. nw , r3cjervoir. Der- Eng. tank, u. m.

TIPPE (^//> ) n. m.# pourboire. Der- Eng. tip, s. m. TIQUETTE { t * K&£ ) n. m., billet. Der- Fr* etiquette, tag on object to designate its nature, influenced by English, ticket. TIRAILLE { 11 -r 3u'j ) n. f., do la viande dure et pleine de tendons* Ber* Fr. tirer; noytn formation by analogy with suoh words as; manger, mangeaille. Dial- Anjou, Poitou, Orleans. TIRELENBSCHE (t i r» L 5 b e / } n. f ., pendeloque. Ber- Fr. tire plus 0. Fr. lembeohe, rdbbons hang­ ing as a Fringe.

TIRER i'tive) v. tr.f 1. traire; 2. photographier. Ex- 2* II a fait tirer son portrait. Ber- 1. 0. fr. tirer, to milk. Bial- 1. Britany, Anjou* Orleans, Berry, Nlvetnais, Saintonge, Champagne, Normandy, Maine,. Poitou, Lor­ raine, Touraine. TIREUR ( tiroe'-r) n. m., ( tireur de portrait); photo- graph e . Ber- 0. Fr. tirer, to reproduce; noun formation, tireur, one who reproduces. TIROUEHE ^ ) n. m ., t i r o i r . Ber- 0. Fr. tirouere, s. m. Bial- Saintonge, Canada. TIT ttriir) adj., petit, petite, ( tite ) Ber- Fr. petite, petit; loss of initial syllable. Dial- Normandy, Picardy, Canada. TITICE {irl tr i s ) n. m., moineau. Ber- Probable that it comes from Fr. " titi n , a warbler, genus of passerine birds.

TIYON ( t i j ) n. ra., un grand mouchoir, $6n4r elem ent rouge, que les vieilles ndgresses portent en forme de tu rb a n . Ber- Fr. tlgnon, nape { back-hair ); by extension.

TOBPY I) n. m., boisson, mdlange dTeau ohaude et d© o u isk i • Eng. toffldy, a. m. TOILETTES {±rt*/3uL o ir ) v. tr. . refl., se parer. Ex. Cette jeune filie aime a se toilotter. Ber- Fr. toilette, dress; verb formation. Bial- Anjou, Berry, ^.yonnais, C anada.

TONNE ( 1 5 n ) nm f., citerne. Ber- Fr. tonne, a large barrel used fo* the trans­ porting of grains etc. TOPETTE ( b o jo e tr ) n. f •, flacon, m. Bial- Canada. TOPFE ( t o p ) n. m., eapole d'auto. B ar- Eng. to p , s . m.

TOKBEUR (A or^oer) n. HU, 8SS0 r©UB©t f . Ber- Fr. tordrej noun formation; by extension , from the idea of ^ringing by hand, tordre. Bial- Canada. TOUPIHAMBQUR (fct/jOLA(?6isTt ) a. m, ^ topinambour* Ber- Q. Fr. toupinambour, s. m. Bial- Anjou, Britany, Sfiouraine, Orleans*

TOURHAILBER t r . , to u rn e r. Ber- See rodailler. TOUBTE { t u v tr ) n. f., tourterelle. Ber- 0. Jr. tourte, s. m, THAI HER (tre^Nts.) v. tr., intr., laisser on ddsorffre. E x . He l&isse pas tea affaires trainer. A la traine vent dire, en ddsordre aussi; Ex. Son llnge est & l a tr a i n e .

THAI HER IE {t~rt n y'i ) n. f., des objets non & leurs propres places. Ber- Fr. trainer, to drag, to lie about; noun forma­ tio n . TBAIfEOR ( n. in., mddecln oharlatan. Ex. 0n traiteur de dents, un traiteur de verrures, etc. Ber- Fr. traitor, to treat, to handle; by extension

THAHCHKP. {trnSi <*^ ) v. tr., oouper. Ex. Tranohe-moi un moreeau de melon. Ber- Fr. txanchor, to cut short, or abridge.

TRAVAILLABT - 3^ ( tr r a. s ) adj., laborieux, se; tra- ▼ailleur, se. Ber- 0. Fr. travaillant, active, industrious. .uial- Anjou, Normandy, Canada.

TRAYXESER ( tr?* a. r slts <*. ) v. tr., traverser. .ber- 0. Fr. travarser, b . m. Bial- Anjou, Canada. THBPE n. m*,tr&fl©* ler- o, Jfr. treffe, s. ra. lia l- Anjou, Burgundy, -Lorraine, Canada, Hormandy TRIBUCHITR ) v* i n t r . , trdbucher. ler- 0* Dr. tribucher, a* gw fRIOOXER Ityitcoie,) v* intr*, ohanceler, tituber* Dial- Poitou, Canada* 9&UQCE IfTtj, ) n. f*, tringl©* Der- Pr. tringle; suppression of final rt 1 w * Dial - Bas-Maine, Britany, lormandy, Canada*

TRISSE ( ± 7* ) s ) adj., triste* Der- Pr* triste; suppression of final tf t w * Dial- Anjou, Hainaut, Canada* TRIQUE lir-n L k ) n. m., niohe, tour* D er- Eng. triofc* a* zn*

TROTTE {trot ) n. m., trot, Der- 0* Pr* trot. Dial- Canada* TROtfBE [ty*ub ) n* m*, trouble* Der- l«T* trouble; suppression of linal 11 1 n * Dial- Britany, Canada* TYPEWRITER {ta,jpr*'t9) n. m., daotylograpbe. Der- Eng* typewriter*

- U -

UH, USE ( ?, £* ) ind. art., », f., un, une* Der- Pr* un; unrounding of vowel sound; une, re gular formation of feminine on masculine, un* Dial- Gascony, He de Prance, Canada* UHIVAR3EL W */ v a. s e-A ) adj., uni vers el. Dor- See darnler* Dial- Anjou, Touraine, Candda, Lorraine, Britany, lii verna Is , Champagne * 74.

- V -

VAC ABO HD ( v a mb b d* ) n. m., Vagabond. Der- O* Fr. vaoabond, s. m. Dial- Anjou, Canada, Berry, Maine, Hivernais, Nor­ mandy, Pioardy. VAIL1ANT ( ' a j 5 ) adj., An bonne santd, gentil. Der- 0* Fr. vaillant, robust, vigorous, of great m e rit. Dial- Hainaut, Normandyf Pioardy, Saintonge, Canada.

VADOIB ( v&Lm*.r) v. tr., possdder. Ex. Get homme vaut milie piasses. Der- Fr. valoir, to be worth; under influence of the E n g lish .

VADDRAGrUF n. f . , { l a i s s e r a l l e r k la valdra- gue ); negllger, laisser aller a 1'abandon. Der- Fr. valdregue, in disorder, ( marine term ). VANISE t*t'%.) toute sort© de parfuma et de saveurs em- ployd pour parfumer les gateaux etc. Der- Fr. vanille; by extension of meaning to all f l a v o r s . VARDIR [ * & v * i -r ) v. intr., verdir. Der- Fr. verdir; change of rt e " to *f a " before " r " in the body of a word. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Nivernais, Canada. VARMICEDDE ( vsL L s e. L ) n. m., vermioelle. Der- See vardir. Dial- Touraine, Canada. VARMILDON ( ✓ a~-nM L ; 5* ) n. m., vermilion. Der- See vardir.

VARGER ( ts & r je ) n. m., verger. Der- 0. Fr. varger, s. m. Dial- Anjou, Berry, Nivernais, Canada. VARGDAS (isa,-r La,) n. m., verglas. Dial- Anjou, Touraine. VABM1H8 n. f., vermine. Dial- Berry, Burgundy, Hivernais, Saintonge. VARNIR (i/arv/r) v. tr. t vernir. Ber- 0* Fr. varnir, s. m. Dial- Anjou, Canada. VARVEINE ( i/irt/e v ) n . £•, v e rv e in e . Ber- See vardir. Bial- Bas-Maine, Britany* VAT - ET- VIENT ) l o e . t n* ra. , va et v ie n t. Ber- perhaps By analogy with t§te k t$ te ©te. Bial- Canada. VEBRUHR ) n . £ ., v e rru e . Ber- Fr, verrue; loss of " r " . Bial- Saintonge, Anjou, Berry* Britany, Nivernais, Normandy, Orleans, Touraine, Canada. VESSEAU { y&so ) n. m., vaisseau. Ber- 0. Fr. vesaeau, s. m. VEUVE { ts oe~ is ) n. m., veuf, veuve. Ber- 0. Pr, veve, widow, By extension, widower. Bial- Berry, Jura, Normandy, Canada.

VI (W ) P. P. of vivre; vdou.

VIABBE BE BETE Wj ? m *** L ) n. f., du Boeuf. Ber- Pr. viande, plus de B£te, with the meaning of c a t t l e . VIAHBE BE COCHON ( i/j s kofo) n. f., du poro. Ber- Pr. viande plus de coohon, instead of poro.

VIEUX GARCON ( / . V ^ r . 5 ? ) n. m., fleur appeld en anglais, " zenla " • v VIEI2IR { sj e-j > / 7» ) v. in tr., v ieillir. Bial- Anjou, Poitou, Saintonge, Oanda.

VIEIZERIE (v/e/a-7ȣ ) n. f., vieillerie. Bial- Anjou, Canada. VIBLE i L ) n. f., { en ville ); k la Nouvelle Orldans.

VINAIGUE K* i ) n. id., v in a ig re . Ber- Pr. vinaigre; suppression of " r " • Bial- Champagne, Lorraine. VIREBREQUIN ) n. m ., v ille B re q u in . Ber- 0. Pr. vireBrequin, s. m. Bial- Bas-Maine, Berry, Lyonnais, Nivernaie. VIRE VIRE ( 1/ / 7 * t/ i r* ) n. m. , la larv© du moustique, Ber- Fr. virer, a circular revolution; reduplica­ tio n , VIRBR [rive,) v* intr., retourner, revenir* Ber- Fr. vdrer, to turn a ship completely around. Bial- Anjou, Bas-Maine, Berry, Champagne, lyonnais Rivernais, Poitou, Saintonge, Canada. VOIB ) v. intr., tr., voir. Ber- Persistence of 0. Fr. pronunciation. Bial- Champagne, Haut-Maine, lyonnais, Orleans, Salntonge, River nais • VOIRAI (j^/vare.) v. fut., voir; verrai. Ber- Fr. voir; attempt at regular formation of f u tu r e . Bial- Berry, Nivernais, Rormandy, Orleans, Canada. VOBICHE {voL (' f ) n. f., volige. Ber- Fr. volige; unvoicing of ” g 11 •

VOYAGE ) c h a rre te e , f . Ber- Fr. voyage, a trip; hy substitution, the idea of a trip to the load carried. VOYB (*'u'* j) v. suhj., pres., voir; voie. Ber- Persistence of 0. Fr. pronunciation. Dial- Anjou, Canada.

VRAI ( y r*<2 ) adj., v r a i. Ber- Fr. vrai; rt ai " generally pronounced closed Bial- Bas-Maine, Rivernais, Saintonge, Canada.


TCA^HER {vvjfa ) n. m., rondelle, f. Ber* Eng. washerf a. m. wIBEBEAU (n// /v r* o ) n. m., ( mettre les cannes en wine- reau ) oouper les cannes et les oouoher dans les sillons sane oouper les feuilles, pour les prote- ger du froid. Ber - iing* windrow. ZAIXD { ^ f • | &ll€« Der- Pr* aile; agglutination of plural definite t i d e * Di&l- Orleans, Poitou, Canada* 2INQUE (X aV ) n. m*, d r ie r . Png. s in k . ZIRABLE (x. t. T*a./j) adj., ddgoutant, me chant, hatsaable# Der- Could it oome from the Batin ire, anger?

ZIEE { 3-1 r* ) n. m., Ex. Cela me donne aire. ZOIE ( ) n. f., oie, m. D er- P r. oie; agglutination of plural definite a r tic le * Dial- Nivernais, Picardy, Savoie.

ZYEUX ) n. m. pi., yeux. Ex. Une paire de zyeux. Der- Pr. yeu*; agglutination of plural definite a r t i c l e . aUPPIEMMI

ACHABAHI { a. $ a. L * ) adj., oe qui donn© chaud. Ex. Ge oapot ©at ackalant. Her* Er* Qohaler, qui fait dprouver un© chaleur. Bial- Canada, Anjou, Aunis, Saintonge*

BEES ( b £?> } n. f., moustiquaire. Ber- 0* Er. bers, oradle; Pp extension rocker part of the oradle became known £$., bars; and in $ld Prenoh, hers, curved part of the side of a cart Body, gave dialectal, hers, still used in Point Coupee, to mean the curved frame of a buggy top. The early Louisiana travelers, to protect them­ selves from the mosquitoes, planted both ends of wild reeds in the ground forming an aroh over which they spread a cloth. Thus by extension, the cloth became known as, hers.

BISQUE EH COIN { * * s * 3 * ? ) adv, # de fc ia is . Ber- Could the word come from Prov. biscaira, a.m.? Bial- Anjou, Canada. B03IHE *>' ve.) n. m ., filet de tulle. Ex. Un bers en hobind. CHEEOQUIS [f^ToKt ) n. m., rosier sauvage. EBIGA1LEK | at >* c « a. / ) n. f ., vieillerie; saloperie; ar­ ticle sans ^valour* GO SEE ( s ) n. f . , co sse. B er- JTr. cobs ©; voicing of the" o T’ • Bial- Berry, loitou, Canada. GOUBMER ( ji/r/wt. ) v. intr., mani&re affoctde prise en marohant. Ex. Get homme gourme. Brr- Er. gourmer, to put on the curb-ch&in on a horse; by extension, to draw in the chin.

GRABGff ( % 77 *- b ° ) n. ra., appeld ©n a n g l a i s '** cbttoft b o l l Tf . GRUCHEB ( t r , & intr., p ero h er. JABBETIEEE BE BA SAIHTE VIKRGE (jat* tj e r* d,c * €rj) # n. f appeld en anglais " ribbon grass, or sweetheart g ra s s . MARI&ON (/vi y £ © o ) n. m., appele en anglais, ” chicken hawk ,f .

MARROH { m d -n 5* ) adj. J. .partir marron, s *enfuir; 2. sauvage. Get ours est marron. 0*est un ohien m&rron. MARTIH PDONGEUR n. m ., appel^ en an- fcl&is, M kingfisher " .

MOQUKUR DE CARNE {m o * og. r> ^ » kcl/v) n. m., ©n anglais, w oane thrush " . MOUDIH A SCIE («»US a. s t ) n. m., scierie, f. Dial- Canada.

OPINION ( ° p l-y 3* ) n. f.# avis. Ex, Qa o’estraon o p in io n . PAPABOTfE (p& f>*-ko£')% n. m., {bartramia longioauda) ©n anglais, n upland plover rt . PAfTE DE POULE { p *t

3HIRTE ( / £ f~ ) n. f•, une espace deterre au bout dee e illo n s dans un champ ou lo lahoureur tourne sa oharrue. Der- Could this word come from Eng. " shunt ”, to tratn off.

SIBLEME ( s c k L e m ) n. f., ( ourourbita verrucosa) , sort© de oourge. Der- Probably from Eng. simnel, a squash. BIOGRAPHY

Loren© Marie Bernard was Lorn in Lafayette Parish , in the little town of Broussard. Her early education was obtained in the Broussard High School and in 1921 she received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Lady of the Lake College, San Antonio, Texas. Her te ach in g experience is as fo llo w s: Prom 1925 to 1927, employed as French teacher in the High School of welsh, -^a.; 1927 to 1930, head of the French Depart­ ment in the Ouachita Parish High School, Monroe, La.; during the spring term of 1931, substitute teacher of

French and Spanish in San Jacinto %gh School, Houston, Texas; 1931 to 1932, French teacher in the High School of St. Martinvllie, La. 3he is now a candidate for the degree of Master of A rts at L ouisiana "tato Univorsity. 3 1


Behrens # 1. Beitrage zur Pranzosisohen ^ortgeschiohte und Grammatlk. 1 vol. Halle; Verlag ton Max Memeyer, T5I57 Bloah, Oscar. Piotionnaire Stymologique de la Langue Pranoaise. 1 voll Paris: Les Presses Universitaires He Paris, 1932.

B reto n , R. p. Raymond. Lictionnalre Caraibe-Prancais . edited by Jules Platzmann, i vol. ieipsig: B.r' G. Teubner, 1392.

Cadena, Martano Valasquez de la* A Hew pronouncing Dictionary of the Spanish and English languages, edited by Edward Gray and Juan Iribas, 1 Vol. NewYork: and London; B. Appleton A Co., 1900. Clifton, £. and Grlmaux, A. A Hew ffrench-English and Engllsh-Prench Dictionary, edited by J.' Mao laugh 11 n, r 2 ydas• Paris; Garnier Freres9 1923. Cuoq, J* A. Lexique de la Langue Xroquoise, 1 vol. Montreal: J. Chapleau & PiIs, 18#&. Cuoq. J. A. Lexique de la Langue Algonquine, 1 vol. Montreal: J. ChapTeau'&TlTe ;"fagST""--3 ------

Dltohy, Jay K. Les A cad ions Louisianais et Aeur Parler. 1 vol. Paris: TTEraTrTe E." Droz, 193S. Prlederlol, G. Review of w. A. Read*s Louisiana Prench, Gittlngeschen ge1ehrien anzergen, 1933. " Gamillscheg, Ernest. Btymologlsches Worterbuch der Pranzoslschen Sprachen. l volT Heidelberg: Carl Wint e r 1s tfnivers it a ts fcuohhandlung. 1928. Geoffrion, Louis Philippe, Sigzags autour de nos Parlers. 4 voIs. : Chez11 auteiirV 1924. Gillieron, J. Edmont, E. Atlas Llnguis11que de la E ranoe. 6 vole. Paris; Honore Champion e d ite u r . Librairie special© pour I'histoire de la Brano© e t de ses Anciennes Provinces. 1902-12. 82

Godefroy, Prederio. Blotionnaire de 1 'Ancienne Langue franoaiae* 10 vols. “Paris: P. Vieweg Litraire-SditeTir. 1395-19057 Grober, Er. Gustav* Eeltsohrift fur Rom&nische Phllo- logie- 79 vols. Halle: Lippert rsah© Buchhandiung, XtJY Y— 19 29.

Hatzf9Id, Adolphe; Barmisteter, Arsene; Thomas, Antoine; Blotionnaire Gdndral de la -Langue Prancaise. 2 vols. far is: M brair Ie~ Oh. Belagrave ,1895.

Institut de Prance. Blotionnaire de LTAcademie Jran- oaiae. Sixibme edition. 2 vols. Paris: Firmfn Bidot Preres, 1835. Laoombe, Rev. Pbre Alb. Blotionnaire de da Langue dee Oris. 1 vol. Montrea 1: 0. 0. heauohemih e t1 valois, TH7¥.

Larousse du XXe gifeole. edited by Paul Augd. 6 vols. Paris; Llbrairie Larousse. 1928. La Socidtd du Parler Prancais au Canada. Glossaire du Par ler Pranoals au Canada. 1 vol. Uuetreo: XfAcMnh Sooiale, 1930. Littrd, E. Blotionnaire de la Langue ffranoaise. 4 vols. Paris: Libraire Hachette et die. ISVS. Marshall, M. Humphrey. Catalogue Alphabdtlque des Arbres et Arbrisseaux. edited by M. Xezermes. 1 vol. Paris: C uohet; T 75i r ~ Meyer-Lubke, ?3. Romaniaohes Etymologlsohes V*orterbuoh 1 vol. Heidelberg: Carl TiTht©rTs Universitaisbuch- handlung. 1924.

Mistral, P. Blotionnaire Provencal Pranoais. 2 vols. A ix-en-Provence; Im prim erie Veuve Hem'ohd'et Aubin, 1878. H. 0. Etudes Philologlque sur quelques Langues Sauvages, 1 vol. Montreal: hawson Brothers, 1866. Read, u. A. Louisiana Prench. 1 vol. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1931. Holland, Eugene. Plore Populaire, dans leur rapport aveo la linguistique et le Polklore. 10 vols. Paris: 1896. IJajOT "t>pofess< “

dean of the Clraduate School


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