Folklore and Etymological Glossary of the Variants from Standard French in Jefferson Davis Parish

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Folklore and Etymological Glossary of the Variants from Standard French in Jefferson Davis Parish Louisiana State University LSU Digital Commons LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses Graduate School 1934 Folklore and Etymological Glossary of the Variants From Standard French in Jefferson Davis Parish. Anna Theresa Daigle Louisiana State University and Agricultural & Mechanical College Follow this and additional works at: Part of the French and Francophone Language and Literature Commons Recommended Citation Daigle, Anna Theresa, "Folklore and Etymological Glossary of the Variants From Standard French in Jefferson Davis Parish." (1934). LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses. 8182. This Thesis is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate School at LSU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in LSU Historical Dissertations and Theses by an authorized administrator of LSU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. FOLKLORE AND ETYMOLOGICAL GLOSSARY OF THE VARIANTS FROM STANDARD FRENCH XK JEFFERSON DAVIS PARISH A THESIS SUBMITTED TO THE FACULTY OF SHE LOUISIANA STATS UNIVERSITY AND AGRICULTURAL AND MECHANICAL COLLEGE IN PARTIAL FULLFILLMENT FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS IN THE DEPARTMENT OF ROMANCE LANGUAGES BY ANNA THERESA DAIGLE LAFAYETTE LOUISIANA AUGUST, 1984 UMI Number: EP69917 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI Dissertation Publishing UMI EP69917 Published by ProQuest LLC (2015). Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code P r o Q u e s t ProQuest LLC. 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, Ml 48106 - 1346 S 956 6 3 CONTENTS I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT II ABSTRACT III INTRODUCTION 17 GRAMMAR 7 PHONOLOGY 71 PLEONASMS 711 FOLKLORE YIII ETYMOLOGICAL GLOSSARY IK CONCLUSION X BIBLIOGRAPHY XI BIOGRAPHY 3 7 m L i ^ o o Q A ft A A 7 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT During the preparation of this study, I have received help from many persons, I wish to eaqpress my cordial thanks to Mr. H. A, Major, associate professor of French, for his numerous suggestions, both timely and valuable, as well as for his scholarly and generous aid on the bibliography of my sub* ject; to Mr* E. 0, Bourgeois who assisted me with the phonetic transcription of my glossary; to professor W. A. Piokens for the assistance he has furnished, and to Mr# IP, P. Ufckel* with* out whose assistance 1 would not have been able to meet the good French people of Welsh, Louisiana, My thanks are due also to those who have answered my inquiries concerning local history* pronunciations* and legends* Mr. and Mrs. F . A, Aroenoaux, and the many others whose names I have not the space to note. ABSTRACT The problem of this thesis la to gather from the few French families in Jefferson Baris Parish what remains of their folklore and of their superstitions* The purpose is also to eompile an etymological study of the rariants in voc­ abulary from Standard French. In order that the phonological rariants may be accurate, they are given in phonetic trans­ cription. The plan adopted is that of giving an approximate rendit­ ion in the conversational French orthography, then an exact phonetic transcription with the definitions in English. Where possible, the derivations of words and expressions are given together with various dialectal similarities. INTRODUCTION Quel sujet intersssant et en meme temps quelle tache laborleuse que d'entreprendre l 9 dude du frentals des habitants du Tillage de Welsh en Louisiana! Les Aoadlens de oette partie de la Louisiana sont Aoadlens en nom, peut-etr© bien plus qu9on origins. Ioi, on appalls "Cadien" (Kadze) tous oeux qui parlent Erancals, qui sont sim­ ples et ignorants et qui n*ont pas d 9dduoation. La plupart de ee peuple ne salt d'oii 1 1 Tlent. II y en a t assurc&aent, qui Tiennent d’Aoadie; mals si l 9 on peut Juger par le nombre de mots dont l*on se sert k Welsh qui est comparable au nombre de mots dont l 9 on se sert en Bresse-Louhannalse, en Poitou, en Haut- Maine, en Bas-Maine, en Bourgoyne, en Lorraine etc., aussi bien qu*au Canada, il est difficile de dire que les Franqais de la Paroisse Jefferson Davis sont Aoadlens. En dudiant les sources oonoernant les Aoadlens qui sont refugid en Basse-Louislane, j9ai trouv^ que le nombre dalt peu considerable. Be pourrait-11 qu9une polgnde de gens puisse avoir eu beaueoup d 9 influence sur la langue, les ooutumes, les moeura d 9un peuple? Je n© 1 © orois pas. V o i d les chiffres qu9on donne sur 1© nombre dVn.c aliens qui sont venus aux Etats-Unis depuis leur renvoi d 9-'„oadie en 1755 et ©n 1763: On pretend que plus de quatre mil les Aoadlens se sont re* fuglds en Louisiana en mo Ins de dlx and, 1765 * 1765, Plusieurs sont alles au pays des Attakapas; d*autres,au long du Bayou Lafourche * La Nouvelle Orleans a requ son contingent » Deux sent soixamte (860) sont arrives de Halifax le 16 Novembre, 1766 et 11s se sont refugids A Cahabanooe, oe qui est malntenant la paroisse Saint James* Bn 1763, Foucault dit, la population de l*6tat arait augmentd dfun tiers d cause de cette Emigration Aoadlenne* Gela est d peine possible* Le gouYcrneur espagnol ne comprenait pas trds bien oe peuple, et par consequent, le 86*30 Oetobre, 1766, 11 renroya, sans raison, plusleurs families aeadiennes. A cause de cette eruai&d atrooe, pas moins de cent soixante-huit Aoadlens emlg* rdrent h San Domingo en 1771* Hals les eondltions s'aadllordrent, car en 1777, vlngt (80) Franpals sont renus en Louis lane de Nantes. Et encore en 1785 douse cent quan&nte* quatre Franca is de Nantes sont Tenus en Louisians cherchant fortune. On estime qu*en 1785, deux mille olnq cent Franoals, solt de la France ou des colonies francaIsas sont arrives en Louis* lane* Bien que les Aoadlens furent descendants franpais, 11s dtalent trds differents dec Francais qui s’Etabllrent en Louis* lane* Xls demeus&nt disperses dans les plalnes* Xls n*etalent pas un peuple joyeux et sans souols oomme leurs voisine. Les plus &gds Etaient sErieux et conservateura; les plus jeunes, sensiblesft Impressionableaf et retires, se tenant k l ’^oart, probablement h cause des injustices qu'ils reverent et desquelles 11s souffrirent beaucoup. 11 est facile de voir quo nos historians ont eonfus les Aoadlens avee les Fran^ala qui sont venue en Louisiana en m k m e temps. 1. Fortier, Aloes- Louisiana Studies. 3* Martin f. Xavier- History of Louisiana. Yoorhies, JUdge Felix-* Acadian Reminiscences. 4. Warner, Charles Dudley- The Acadian Land. Seattle star, Aug. SC, 1937, Yelci la distribution qu'Herbln denne des six milles (6000) Aoadlens qui ont 4t6 deportis, et des trois milles (3000) qui sent eehapp^s aux boisi* Louisiana 3410 Massachusetts 1800 Connecticut 400 Hew York 850 North Carolina 300 Pennsylvania 500 Maryland 900 Yirglnla 1040 North Carolina 850 Georgia 300 Martinique 450 ^Herbln, John Frederic - History of the Aoadlans 3*11 est vrai que beaueoup de eeuac qui a*etalent refugids allleurs aux Etats-Unis ont emigr^ en Louisiana* parceque oette province ^taid a oette @po$ue9 franqais©9 cela se peut pue le nombre d*Aoadlens en Louisiana 4tait plus de quatre milles# le aaintlens que quatre milles Aoadlens n fa pas pu avoir une si grande influence sur les moeurs9 la languef et les ooutumes d*un peuple* Le but de lfauteur est dtentasser autant d*information possible* oonoernant l’Mstolre des Aoadlens de ee petit village* ensemble avee leurs oontes et leurs legendeav et tout oe qui les inter©ase, ees exilds qui vivent presque toujours dans le pass^t rbvant de se riualr un Jour eneore une fois en un peuple# Les M s tor lens nous expliquent de simples falts* gdndralO'* nent interpretes en terse du sibele ou du lieu ou ils dorivent* UU gdmie ou un h o m e de sentiment seul9 peut d^peindr© oes Svangellnes* ees Gabriels9 qui n fent peut-etre pas ohangd depuls lenr arrlvde lei un peu apris leur renvoi de Nova Scotia en 1755 et en 1763* Sn dtd9 depuis sent oinquante ans9 les Aoadlens nsoignent leurs h a b i t a t i o n s en hiver9 U s sont ooeup^s prinoipalement h pecher* a ehasser9 & oouper du bols pour bdtir leurs maisonsy pour faire des elotures9 ou pour le chauffage • XI est vrai que eeux qui eonvertlssent les peaux d’anldtattx en llnge sont rares aujourdfhui; eeux qui dbardent et qui fllent la lalne9 le lln et le oh&nvre ne sont presque plus* On ne volt plus de boeufs attelds aux oharrues* Hals on se sert toujours de ohevaux pour labourer la terre sur les petites fermes* Parkman rend bommage au peuple qu'il comprend mal; ,fXls ^talent de simples gens de campagae, trds ignorants, mais labor-" ieux et ^conomes, eloignks du monde, avee leur peu df entrain pour I'aventure, quoi que simples et vertueux, ils dtaient loin d f§tre remarqud pour leur propretd. Xls se marlalent jeunes et la population eroissait a grands pas* AfTaiblis par la sou- mission mentals her^ditaire, ils avaient besoin de leurs prdtres non seulement pour les preparer k la vie ©ternelle, male pour leur Tie de tous les jours* St eette soumission dtalt un melange de tendresse et de crainte ~ le prdtr© etait leur vrai gouvera- ament.* Je ne orois pas qu’ils aient ohangd# Les deseriptions des premiers Aoadlens par Reynal et par Partaan sont peut-ktre les mellleures qui furent dcritea.
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    Introduction The Other Voice [Monsieur de Voysenon] told [the soldiers] that in the past he had known me to be a good Catholic, but that he could not say whether or not I had remained that way. At that mo- ment arrived an honorable woman who asked them what they wanted to do with me; they told her, “By God, she is a Huguenot who ought to be drowned.” Charlotte Arbaleste Duplessis-Mornay, Memoirs The judge was talking about the people who had been ar- rested and the sorts of disguises they had used. All of this terrified me. But my fear was far greater when both the priest and the judge turned to me and said, “Here is a little rascal who could easily be a Huguenot.” I was very upset to see myself addressed that way. However, I responded with as much firmness as I could, “I can assure you, sir, that I am as much a Catholic as I am a boy.” Anne Marguerite Petit Du Noyer, Memoirs The cover of this book depicting Protestantism as a woman attacked on all sides reproduces the engraving that appears on the frontispiece of the first volume of Élie Benoist’s History of the Edict of Nantes.1 This illustration serves well Benoist’s purpose in writing his massive work, which was to protest both the injustice of revoking an “irrevocable” edict and the oppressive measures accompanying it. It also says much about the Huguenot experience in general, and the experience of Huguenot women in particular. When Benoist undertook the writing of his work, the association between Protestantism and women was not new.
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