ISSN 1756-753X AARGnews The newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group Number 54 March 2017 Contents Editorial 4 AARG Chairpiece: March 2017 by Rachel Opitz 7 Student/young researchers’ scholarships for AARG 2017 8 AARG 2017: First call for papers 9 AARG notices: Derrick Riley Bursary 10 ISAP Fund Information for contributors Fantastic Images (and where to find them) by Davide Danelli 11 Palimpsests of medieval landscapes. A case study from Lower Silesia Region, Poland by Grzegorz Kiarszys 21 Cropmarks 37 Books of interest? 40 Maurizio Forte and Stefano Campana (eds), 2016. Digital Methods and Remote Sensing in Archaeology. Allan S Gilbert (ed), 2017. Encylopedia of Geoarchaeology. J Henry Fair, 2016. Industrial Scars: The Hidden Costs of Consumption. Máté Szabó, 2016. Aerial archaeological work in Hungary in 2011. Gianluca Cantoro, Jeremia Pelgrom and Tesse D. Stek, 2016. Reading a difficult landscape from the air. A methodological case-study from a WWII airfield in South Italy. Łukasz Banaszek, 2015. Przeszłe krajobrazy w chmurze punktów (Past landscapes in the point cloud). Federica Boschi, 2016. Non-destructive field evaluation in Preventive Archaeology. Looking at the current situation in Europe. Francesco Benassi, et al, 2017. Testing Accuracy and Repeatability of UAV Blocks Oriented with GNSS- Supported Aerial Triangulation. Christopher Stewart , 2017. Detection of Archaeological Residues in Vegetated Areas Using Satellite Synthetic Aperture Radar. Free downloads: Council for British Archaeology, RCHME inventories, Dave Cowley publications Papers of interest? As yet unread 44 AARG: general information, membership, addresses, student scholarships 45 AARGnews is the newsletter of the Aerial Archaeology Research Group Published twice yearly in March and September Photo copyright © Rog Palmer: 22 March 2012 Edited by Rog Palmer
[email protected] [Cover photo.