Under the Stars '"'^•Slfc- and Bars ,...o».... MEMORIEEMORIES OF FOUrOUR YI :EAR S SERVICE WITH TiaOR OGLETHORPES OF Jy WAWER A. CI^ARK, •,-'j-^j-rj,--:. j^rtrr.:f-'- H <^1 OR, MEMORIES OF FOUR YEARS SERVICE AVITH THE OGLETHORPES, OF AUGUSTA, GEORGIA BY WALTER A. CLARK, ORDERLY SERGEANT. AUGUSTA, GA Chronicle Printing Company. DEDICATION To the surviving members of the Oglethorpes, with whom I shared the dangers and hardships of soldier life and to the memory of those who fell on the firing line, or from ghostly cots in hospital Avards, with fevered lip and wasted forms, "drifted out on the unknown sea that rolls round all the Avorld," these memories are tenderly and afifectionatelv inscribed bv their old friend and comrade. PREFACE. For the gratification of my old comrades and in grate- hil memory of their constant kindness during all our years of comradeship these records have been written. The Avriter claims no special qualification for the task save as it may lie in the fact that no other survivor of the Company has so large a fund of material from which to draw for such a purpose. In addition to a war journal, whose entries cover all my four years service, nearly every letter Avritten by me from camp in those eventful years has been preserved. WHiatever lack, therefore, these pages may possess on other lines, they furnish at least a truth ful portrait of what I saw and felt as a soldier. It has beeen my purpose to picture the lights rather than the shadoAvs of our soldier life.
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