[Committee Approval Form Goes Here]
UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI Date: 7-May-2010 I, Michael Riesenberg , hereby submit this original work as part of the requirements for the degree of: Master of Community Planning in Community Planning It is entitled: An Assessment of Cincinnati Civil War Resources: Preparing for the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War Student Signature: Michael Riesenberg This work and its defense approved by: Committee Chair: Menelaos Triantafillou, MLA Menelaos Triantafillou, MLA David Stradling, PhD David Stradling, PhD 5/25/2010 601 An Assessment of Cincinnati Area Civil War Resources: Preparing for the 150th Anniversary of the Civil War A thesis submitted to the Division of Research and Advanced Studies of the University of Cincinnati in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF COMMUNITY PLANNING in the School of Planning of the College of Design, Art, Architecture, and Planning 2010 by Michael Riesenberg Bachelor of Arts, History University of Cincinnati, September 2005 Committee Chair: Menelaos Triantafillou, AICP, ASLA Committee Member: David Stradling, PhD Abstract: The Civil War is one of the most, if not the most important event in American history. The war was tragic and transformational. Over 620,000 Americans died and millions more were wounded. Yet it also resulted in the freedom of over 4 million slaves. These and other transformational changes have gripped Americans from the end of the war to the present. With the approach of the 150th anniversary of the Civil War, also called the Sesquicentennial, it is believed that interest in the Civil War will grow. Markers, monuments, sites, and structures will become popular resources through which to analyze, commemorate, and educate about the Civil War.
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