• OUR COLORED CITIZENS. -Zion Baptist Church and Allen Temple are in the midst of a prosperous revival. The Imeetings at the Temple are being conducted by the Rev. John G. Mitcbell. D.D., and at Zion Church by Rev. Henry Robinson, a noted speaker from Richmond, Va. The music at these meetings is of the genuine Christian char­ acter, and is truly beautiful. -Mr. William Copeland, of the Eighteenth Ward, and one of 's staunc\lest col­ ored Republicans, was united in holy wedlock last Tuesday evenin~ to' the, charming and In­ tellectual Mjss lvanora Lindsay. The affah, while exceedingly brilliant in all its points, was not heralded, as no cardS were sent and ollly immediate frieuds were invited. Sweet William is at last a benedict. -Colored Republicans are gratified at tbe action of tbe Lincoin Club Directory in their reelection of Sergeant Powhatan Beaty to serve for anothel' year as their Superintendent. ' Mr. Beaty is an ideal man and worthy of the most implicit confidence. He has in preparation "Othello," to be played for the benefit of a colored soldiers' National monument, and his first rehearsal of all the cast is to take place at his residence on Harrison street next l!'riday nigh t. In this ef'fol't he is to be supported by the best colored talent in the countrv. includ­ ing the tra!!;edienne, Miss Henrietta-V. Davis. -We thought that with the "lost cause" died all Sucll vindictive charactp.rs as Blanton Duncan, of Mississippi, but to our disgust one character remains to voice the falseboods and aspersions of a blinded and prej udiced Allleri­ can idea against onr race. Duncan's open let­ ter, touching our race, to Senator-elect Daniel, of , is nothing more 1101' less than a t.wo-cotumn fonl outrage upon a people "zeal­ ous yet modest, innocent though free," and who are at.least entitled to deCeI)t comment. -One of the events ef the week was a select social tendered Miss Fannie Anderson, of De­ troit, on Friday evening at the residence of Mrs. Rebecca'l'odd, 183 Wade street. The fol- 10Wlllg ladies and gentlemen were particularly noticed: Miss Carrie Price, Miss Ida Gray, Miss Sarah Cole, :Misses Jennie and Annie Todd and Mrs. Ford Stith, nee Todd, Dr. Eugene Cox, 'Vm. Fielding, Arthur Turner, Joseph Taylor, Horace Oulds, Geo. O. Bannon. -Bishop Shorter. who resides at Wilber­ force, Greene County, this State, and in control of tbe Sou thern A. M. E. District, was barred ont of the Bethel A. M. E. Clhurch in Colum­ hia, S. U., last week. This church has the largest congregation in the State, but the mem­ bers are divided into two factious. The trus­ tee8 bave locked, bolted and nailed the doors. -It is very encouraging to know that the merits of the colored clerks of departments at Washington are being recognized. The Secre­ tary of the Treasury made an Ol'derlast montb, aDPointing a Board to examine the vaults and safes of the Register of the Treasury, and of the ,three appomted one wa5 a gentleman of color, J. W. Delamata, a thorough s(!holal·. -Robert A. Pinn, a colored attorney, of Massillon, 0., was duly installed the other day Commander'of Hart Post, No. 134, G; A, R. D,cpartment, of which all are white but two, and it has a large membership. Mr. Pinn was a member of Company G, Tenth U. S. C. T., duJOin ,g the war, and was eevel'ely wounded at p"tershurg in 1864. -The Masonic meetings that have proved so interesting this winter arc continued to·day by the Past ~lasters of this city. R. IV. Richard Fortsou, of Cor. IJodge, No. Ii P. M. Wm. M. Nelson, of Trne American Lodge, No.2, and n."}\'. Bro. Wm. H. Buckner; of St. John's Ldiige, No.3, will be the principal lecturers at 3 o'clock P.M. to-day. -The Waiters' Mutual Aid Society, com­ posed of the waiters from every hotel nearly in the city, are making extensIVe preparation for their annual banquet, Which comes .oft early next mon tb, w hell for the first time ladies are to take part,. -I-Ion. J. MiltOll '.furner, of St, Louis, Mo., ,wbo was alice a sleeping-cal' pOl'ter 011 tbe O. & 111, E. It, was the only lIlinister of color ever appointed to the Court of Liheria. He was first appointed by General Grant. -Union Springs, Ala .. ha~ all enterprising colored merthant. who sold $9.31903 during the past year. His store building is valued at $4,000 and he lives in a bealltiful residence. -Hon. E. F. McCabe, the colored Auditor of the State of Kansas, has been reilldorsed for