Join us for Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage Statehood Day PAID The annual Statehood Day advocacy event Permit No. 1157 will be held at the Ohio Statehouse on Columbus, Ohio Wednesday, February 28, 2018. Attendees are encouraged to schedule meetings with their local state legislators between 10:15 Ohio Local History Alliance and noon. c/o Ohio History Connection Local History Services This year’s event will feature lunchtime 800 East 17th Avenue remarks by Christopher Wilson from the Columbus, OH 43211-2474 Smithsonian who serves as the director of ph: 1.800.576.0381 or 614.297.2538 the African American History program at fx: 614.297.2567 the National Museum of American History. localhistory / Several local elected officials from Licking County will be awarded the Ohio History Leadership Award and the 2018 History Fund grant awards will be presented. How do I sign up? You can register for the event through February 20 online at statehoodday. The cost is $40. If you have questions, please e-mail Todd Kleismit at
[email protected] REGIONAL MEETINGS REGIONAL SATURDAYS IN MARCH AND APRIL 2018 AND INMARCH SATURDAYS and register soon! and register meetingandothers for yourregion’s Savethedate invitedtoattend. You’re April 14 April 7 24 March 17 March 10 March IS PRESENT THE PAST PAST THE Bellevue andCanfield Maumee andLorain CityandMarietta Tipp Bremen andAthens Louisville andHamilton Region 1 Region 2 Region 3 Region 4 Northwest North Central Northeast Northeast Saturday, April 7 Saturday,