LOCAL GOVERNMENT RECORDS MANUAL Compiled by the Ohio County Archivists and Records Managers Association (CARMA) 2017 The Ohio History Connection State Archives of Ohio Local Government Records Program 800 E. 17th Ave. Columbus, Ohio 43211-2497 www.ohiohistory.org/lgr
[email protected] 614.297.2553 Table of Contents Section I: Purpose 2 Section II: Definition of a Public Record 3 Section III: Why Records Management is Important 4 Section IV: Records Management and the Law 5 Section V: The Principles of Record Keeping® 8 Section VI: Establishing a Records Management Program and Archives 12 Appraisal 12 Accessioning and Processing 13 Organizational Control and Reference Services 14 Storage Facilities 15 Protection of Records 16 Preservation and Conservation 17 Section VII: Records Retention 18 Inventory 18 Records Life Cycle 19 Appraisal – Records Analysis 20 RC Forms 22 RC Form Review/Approval Process 27 Transferring Public Records 30 Records Management and the Courts 31 Section VIII: Imaging Records 32 Advantages and Disadvantages 33 Tips and Guidelines 33 Micrographics 34 Disposal of Paper Copies and Scans 35 Section IX: Electronic Records 36 Authenticity and Reliability 36 Electronic Document Management Systems and Filing Conventions 37 Email 39 Social Media 40 Websites 41 Cloud Computing 42 Litigation Holds, E-Discovery, Disposition, and Sanitation 43 Ohio Electronic Records Committee 44 Section X: Appendices Record Series Inventory Form 45 Record Series Analysis Form 46 1 Section I: Purpose Local Government Records Manual: Intention and Scope Local governments create records that must be safeguarded and made accessible to the public. Ohio’s Public Records Act (1 Ohio Revised Code § 149) includes specific requirements to make government records more accessible to the people.