KNOWLEDGE NEEDED TO TEST (BLACK BELT ( SHODAN ) - 1ST ) TERMINOLOGY: Osu ...... greeting Jodan ...... High block Hai ...... Yes Ushi uke ...... Outward block Sensei ...... Honorable teacher or Instructor Gedan uke ...... Low block Dojo ...... Training hall or Karate school Soto uke ...... Inward block Gi ...... Uniform Shuto ...... Open hand, knife hand ...... Belt Shuto uke ...... Open hand block Kyu ...... Boy or Girl Mawashi ...... Round Dan ...... Man or Woman Mawashi uke ...... Round block Deshi ...... Student Marate ...... Reinforced Sempai ...... Senior student Marate uke ...... Reinforced block Shihan ...... Master Hiji ...... Soke ...... Grand Master Hiji uke ...... Elbow block Renshi ...... Polished expert Tettsui ...... Palm heel Te ...... Hand Nukite ...... Finger tip thrust Karate ...... Empty hand Uchi ...... Do ...... Way Hiji uchi ...... Elbow strike Karate Do ...... Way of the empty hand Uraken ...... Backfist Karateka ...... Person who studies Karate Dachi ...... Stance Kilskit ...... Attention Kiba dachi ...... Horseback stance Rai ...... Bow Zenkutsu dachi .....Foward stance Seiza ...... Kneel in a seated meditation position Kokutsu dachi ...... Long cat stance Yoi ...... Ready Neokashi dachi ....Short cat stance Yame ...... Relax Kumite dachi ...... Fighting stance ...... Spirit yell Sanshin dachi ...... Closed stance Ichi ...... One Fudo dachi ...... Immovable stance Ni ...... Two Kake dachi ...... Hooked or cross stance San ...... Three Kumite ...... Fighting or Shi ...... Four Hajime ...... Begin Go ...... Five Chikara ...... One's physical power Roku ...... Six Ki or Chi ...... Internal force Shichi ...... Seven Fudo ...... Immovable Hachi ...... Eight Tsutemi .....Sacrifice as in risking a minor injury to Ku ...... Nine prevent a major one or even death Ju ...... Ten Aiki ...... Indomitable spirit; the ability to ...... Basic defeat an opponent with a single glance Jodan ...... High or head level Kyo ...... Seeing an opening Chudan ...... Middle or chest level Hei Ho ...... Strategy Gedan ...... Low or groin level No Hei Ho ...... Strategy of Combative Distance Waza ...... Conditioned response or technique Katsuri No Hei Ho ..... Strategy of Broken Rhythm Atemi waza ...... Striking techniques Ai Uchi No Hei Ho .... Strategy of Simultaneous Sente ...... Initiate with no thought Striking Shiwari ....the No Sen .....Sensing an opportunity (3) most vulnerable targets: Eyes, throat, groin Heioshi ...... Timing Berai ...... Parry .....Moment of silence following a perfect Misekake .....Fakes technique Renzoku ...... Continuous attacks Mawate ...... Turn ...... Kite ...... Switch Tsuki uke ...... Punching block Kawari ...... Changing Gyaku tsuki ...... Reverse or opposite side punch Kawashi ...... Dodging Jyune tsuki ...... Same side punch Kakato ...... Heel Nagashi tsuki .....Flowing punch Koshi ...... Ball Haito ...... Ridgehand Haisoku ...... Instep Hiza ...... Kegi ...... Snap Hidari ...... Left Kekomi ...... Thrust Migi ...... Right Mae ...... Front Shorin ...... Soft Yoko ...... Side Shorei ...... Hard Ushiro ...... Back Ryu ...... Style Geri ...... Shorin ryu ...... Soft style (which is mentally oriented) Mae geri ...... Front kick Shorei ryu ...... Hard style (which is physically Yoko geri ...... Side kick oriented) Ushiro geri ...... Back kick Shogun ...... Name given to the military governor of Mawashi geri ...... Round kick prior to the era Mikazuki geri ...... Crescent kick Ushi ...... Outward Tobi geri ...... Flying kick Soto ...... Inward Hiza geri ....Knee kick Uke ...... Block Yojimbo ...... Bodyguard Budo ...... Signifies a Japanese Martial Art ...... Clear the mind, no thought Bushi ...... Warrior Nunonshin ...... Mendable mind ...... Code of honor, way of the warrior Hara ...... Spiritual center; located 2" below navel Bushidamashi ....Warrior spirit; state of mind to do Haragi ...... Ki flow, Intuitive thought, Eliminating the Heian ...... Peaceful mind harshness of reality Jujitsu ....Unarmed combat techniques based on Kime ...... Focus, concentrating all of one's principles of nonresistance energy on a specific target ...... Art of the sword, forerunner of .....Martial Art founded by Shito Ryu System .....Martial Art founded by Master Morehei Ueshiba Kenwa Mabuni meaning "Way of Grace and Harmony" Myamoto Musahi .....Known as " Kensei " or sword saint Aikijitsu .....A combat technique that was the forerunner He wrote of Aikido died in 1645 A.D .....Martial Art founded by Bruce Lee Shang Sen-Feng .....Alchemist who went into the meaning "Way of the Intercepting fist" mountains, drank a potion, supposedly learned martial Yip man ...... Bruce Lee's teacher arts from the Gods ...... Martial Art founded by Jigoro Kano Wado Ryu ...... Martial Art founded by Otsuka means "The way of suppleness", "the gentle way" means "Way of Harmony" Gojo Ryu ...... Martial Art founded by Chojun Miyagi Dojo Precepts: Principles that a Karateka is to uphold in Kendo ...... Martial Art meaning "Way of the Sword" or outside the Dojo. Kung Fu ...... Chinese martial art meaning "To master" 1. Uphold the principles of Properity and Courtesy or "Human effort" 2. Cultivate a Spirit of Effort ...... Martial Art meaning "Law" or 3. Perfect a Mind of Patience "Way of the Fist" 4. Live the Way of Truth Kyudo ...... Martial Art meaning 5. Do Not lose self control or act in a violent manner "Way of the Bow and Arrow" Zen...... The path to enlightenment Hanshu ...... Main island of Japan (3) Levels of training: Koan ...... Subtle question of Zen; insolvable by Gyo ...... Basic reasoning; used in meditation Chugyo .....Advanced Ex.-- What is the sound of one hand clapping? Jitsu ...... Highest Ronin ...... without work either by disgrace or (3) Main cities in Okinawa : Naha , Shuri , Tomari the death of his master (3) Main styles of in Okinawa : Samurai ....Elite warrior class of early Japan who were Naha te , Shuri te , Tomari te allowed to carry two swords (3) Levels of teaching: ...... The long sword carried by the Samurai Shoden .....1st or Basic Wakazashi .....Short sword worn by Samurai Chuden ...... 2nd or Advanced .....Art of drawing the sword Hiden ...... 3rd or Hidden techniques Chuan .....Chinese martial art that came after (3) Levels of Ki : Wu Shu ; meaning Supreme Ultimate fist Self or Individual.....(everyone has this) Tae Kwon Do .....Korean martial art founded by Social Ki ...... (ability to lead others; having charisma) General Choi Hong Hi in 1955; Cosmic or Universal Ki meaning "Way of the Hand and (ability to sense or read thoughts) Foot" Fudo shin ...... Immovable and calm spirit in the face of Wu Shu ...... First art of combat initiated by the danger teachings of Bodhidharma Fudo tai ...... Immovable body ...... Pants worn in Kendo , Kyudo and Aikido to hide foot movements Escrima ...... Spanish word meaning "Skirmish" Makiwara ...... Striking post or pad

HISTORY: Why do we bow?...... To show respect Approximately how old is Karate ?...... 2000 years Name the path Karate took to get to America...... India, , Okinawa , Japan, the World The five elements in the universe are: Earth, Wind, Fire, Water, Void (Know these items concerning) Bodhidharma : He is known as the Father of Karate An Indian monk who gave up his worldly possessions to preach the word of Buddha 28th successor to the throne of Buddha Founder of Zen Buddhism Learned fighting skills from watching the animals and insects Crossed the Himalayan mountains into China in 502 A.D (in his 60's) Went to Shaolin Temple in Hunan province Meditated in mountains for 8 years before being accepted into the Temple Found Buddhist monks to be strong in mind, but weak in body Taught the monks (2) treaties (1) To limber the joints (2) To strengthen the bones Taught monks a style of Karate called "Eighteen hands of Lo-han " Lo-han means: "Disciple of Buddha" Known in Japan as " Daruma " 1609 A.D. Satsuna clan of Japan invaded Okinawa and banned the use and possession of Merchants and Fisherman took Karate from China to Okinawa Ginchin Funakoshi : Born in 1868, he began to study karate at age 11 He is known as the Modern day Father of Karate Funakoshi said, "All Karate begins and ends with respect" Funakoshi saw Karate as a way of life, instead of just a form of self defense He was a teacher and poet Shoto ----- Funakoshi 's pen name Shoto ------means "pine waves" Wrote his poetry under a grove of pine trees, he liked the peaceful sound of the wind blowing through the pine trees He had (2) main teachers, Azato and Itosu Azato emphasized using the arms and legs as swords Itosu emphasized training the body, so it could withstand any blow He had (4) main students: Nishiyama , Nakayama , Ohsihma , Egami Nishiyama and Nakayama emphasized Shorei Ryu Karate Ohsihma and Egami emphasized Shorin Ryu Karate Held the first recorded Karate demonstration in Okinawa in 1902 He first demonstrated Karate to the Japanese military aboard a naval vessel in 1917 He demonstrated Karate for the Emperor of Japan on March 6, 1921 In early spring of 1922 he held a Karate exhibition at the First National Athletic Exhibition in Tokyo He began teaching at the Kodakan in 1924 which was ran by Jigoro Kano Left the Kodakan in 1926 and move classes to Waseda University in Tokyo Students put sign above door which read " Shoto Kan " meaning "House of Pine Waves" Funakoshi perfected his techniques and in 1936 Shotokan officially was declared a martial art Ran the opening of the first dojo of the Japan Karate Association in 1955 Died April 26, 1957 Gi soldiers took Karate from Japan to the world. Robert Treas opened the first dojo in the USA in Phoenix, Arizonia in the 1950's Kama Bushi Kai ..... Karate system founded in 1985 by David Okawa Baize meaning Divine Warrior System

SKILL: Be able to perform the following: Stationary ------middle, high, low punches (or any combination of these) Stationary ------low, high, outward, inward blocks Progressive ------low, high, outward, inward blocks Stationary ------opposite side punch Progressive ------open hand, reinforced, round and elbow blocks Progressive ------advanced blocks with counters Stationary and Spinning ------backfist Stationary and Progressive ----- front, round, side, crescent, back Kumite ------one step call sparring Nippon Kumite ------two step call sparring Sanpon Kumite ------three step call sparring Kumite ------(1) person for (4) minutes Be able to perform self defense techniques using low, high, outward, inward blocks against a friend Be able to perform self defense techniques using low, high, outward, inward blocks with counters against a foe Be able to perform self defense techniques using the advance blocks against a friend Be able to perform self defense techniques using the advance blocks with counters against a foe Be able to perform a self defense technique against a head lock Be able to perform a self defense technique against a 2 handed choke hold Be able to perform a self defense technique against a full nelson Be able to perform a self defense technique against a grab from behind Be able to perform any (2) self defense techniques you like that have not been previously done Be able to break pine broads with right leg and left leg front, round, side, back kicks

KATA : What is a kata ? A prearranged series of offensive and defensive moves done in sequence against imaginary opponents to develop speed, power and focus. (Be able to perform) Taikyoku Shodan : meaning "First Cause" Kihon Kata Shodan : meaning "First Basic Kata " Kihon Kata Nidan : meaning "Second Basic Kata " Heian Shodan : meaning "First Peaceful Mind Kata " Heian Nidan : meaning "Second Peaceful Mind Kata " Heian Sandan : meaning "Third Peaceful Mind Kata " Heian Yodan : meaning "Fourth Peaceful Mind Kata " Heian Godan : meaning "Fifth Peaceful Mind Kata " Tekki Shodan : meaning "First Horseback Kata " Bassi Dai : meaning "To Penetrate a Fortress" Kankyu Dai : meaning "To view the sky" Jion : supposedly the name of the Shaolin Temple that Bodhidarma visited in China