Development of Family Foundations in the United States and China
Research Report #28 April 2016 Development of Family Foundations in the United States and China: Case Studies of Four Family Foundations Carolyn Isles Shuang Lu Chien-Chung Huang Huamin Research Center, School of Social Work Rutgers University In the recent decades, the amount and size of family foundations have increased substantial- ly in the United States and China. Yet little research has examined this phenomenon and its impact on social development, particularly in China. In this study, we use the Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation model to examine the status and roles of family foundations in the U.S. and Chinese society. Our case studies of four family foundations (two U.S. and two Chinese) sug- gest that these foundations were established in different contexts. Their input, process, and product vary by their mission, size, and context. Our findings provide policy implications for developing family foundations and maximizing their positive impacts on social development in the U.S., Chi- na, and beyond. Keywords: Family foundation, Philanthropy, CIPP, China, United States 1 Introduction mental trajectory and social impact the U.S. for over 100 years. In 1913, Modern entrepreneurs are accu- (Boris, Vita, & Gaddy, 2015). As in- John D. Rockefeller Senior established mulating wealth earlier in their life- come inequality continues to expand the Rockefeller Foundation to promote times than those of previous genera- in the United States and China (Saez & human wellbeing (Rockefeller Founda- tions. Many of them seek fulfillment Zucman, 2014; Xie & Zhou, 2014), in- tion Archives, 2015). During its early outside of their businesses. While there crease in family foundations, along years, the foundation focused on pub- are a variety of approaches to charita- with their philanthropic giving, may lic health.
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