Congressional Record-Senat E May 10 969
3104 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENAT_E MAY 10 969. Also, petition of P. S. Harrison, editor Harrison's Re ports, New York City, favoring the Sirovich resolution SENATE .CH.Res. 95); to the Committee on Rules. WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1933 970. Also, petition of General Credit Corporation, New (Legislative day of Monday, May 1, 1933) York City, favoring Senate bill 747 and House bill 4551; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration 971. By Mr. McFADDEN: Petition of the executive com of the recess. mittee of North Valley County Farmers' Union, of Montana, Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas. Mr. President, I suggest the signed by S. A. Hinerman, Mrs. R. L. Cookson, E. A. Eliason, absence of a quorum. John H. Le Corner, and W.R. Hinerman, calling for abolish The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. ment of the Federal Reserve System, that the United States The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sen issue non-interest-bearing Treasury notes, that Congress ators answered to their names: enact the Frazier farmers' farm relief bill, pay the soldiers' Adams Copeland Kendrick Robinson, Ark. Ashurst Costigan Keyes Robinson, Ind. bonus, etc.; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Austin Couzens King Russell 972. Also, petition of Wyalusing Local of the Dairymen's Bachman Cutting La Follette Schall League Cooperative Association, Inc., by Frank Rought, sec Balley Dale Logan Sheppard Bankhead Dickinson Lonergan Shipstead retary, Sugar Run, Pa., opposing restrictions of use of motor Barkley Dieterich Long Smith trucks on highways, the placing of trucks under jurisdic Black Dill Mc Carran Stelwer Bone Duffy McGill Stephens tion of Public Service Commission, classification as common Borah Erickson McKellar Thomas, Okla.
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