Congressional Record-Senate Senate
3374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 15 c. M. Hanson. of Bricelyn, Minn., or his heirs, successors or SENATE assigns, of approximately 1 % acres of lot 2, section 33, township 43 north, range 27 west, in the county oi Mille l\IIONDAY, MAY 15, 1933 Lacs, Minn.; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D.D., offered the fallowing prayer: PETITIONS. ETC. Almighty God our Heavenly Fathe1·, with whom is the Undar clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were well of life and light; impart to our thirsting souls the laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: draught of living water from Thy plenteous fountain, and 1023. By Mr. BACON: Petition signed by 3,610 citizens, increase in us the brightness of divine knowledge, that our mostly resident in New York State, protesting against the darkened minds may be illumined by the effulgence of Thy enactment of any legislation to admit aliens from Europe love. outside of quota restrictions; to the Committee on Immigra Calm Thou our spirits by that subduing power which tion and Naturalization. alone can bring all scattered thoughts into captivity to Thee, 1024. By Mr. KENNEY: Petition of the Department of that we may find that inward peace in which Thy Spirit's New Jersey, Reserve Officers' Association of the United voice is heard, calling us to sacrificial service for the welfare States. in convention assembled, protesting against any fur of our Nation. Deal tenderly with all mankind, granting ther weak~ning of national defense, and in particular against hope to the discouraged, forgiveness to the sinful, friendship any reduction in the number of officers in the Regular Army to the lonely, comfort to the sorrowing, and, to us all, light or in the amount of training given to Reserve officers; to the at eventide.
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