THE HERALD, SA1rURDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1921. 9 and School PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. CHICAGO COMPAN YPRODUCES 7UNERAL SERVICES FOR DIED. Stage Women Cutler MANY NEW YORKERS\' OSWALD SPEIR TO-DAY ARf.'HE1MER.Fanny. on February 4, 192!. NEW YORK. aCed S3, beloved wife of Henry, beloved (other of Elsie Behloss, Svlma, Florie, Lambs Have Tea in Farce The last of the Junior Assemblies was CONDUCTOR MAR.INUZZI'S OPERA Expert in Terra Cotta Died oertrude and Leonard. Funeral at £»43 Boys Play leld last night In the Klts-Carlton and /tat 142d st., oil Sunday, February 6, ... £ ]IN A BIG HOTELFIRE' on irought out most of the debutantes of Suddenly Train. Tt 10 A. M. Soldiers' at the Plaza Ihe season and many of the second year X.. At Elizabeth, N. J.. February 3, Dugout 8 Iris. The dance was in all particulars "Jacquerie" Has First Funprftl KPrvIrp* fnr Hen; a 1 rl Kn«1r <21. Elizabeth McAdams. wife of Charles . Ike the previous cues of the season, « of the National Terra Cotta I. Hell. Funeral services at her late e Bon Air at Ga,, ecretary a<]} 432 on lie guests were received by Mrs at Manhattan andPerformance Augusta, Magic St., Monday, Februaiyreslence. * ociety, will be held at St. at 2 P. M. Former Service Men Return f!. Colt, Mrs. James Core King,RlchrdMrs. Km Without Loss Agnes's Chapel 7. Valter Mrs. W. Agreeable Destroyed 1 Went Ninety-second street this after- BEFtLIN..Sernuel N., February 2, 1921, Phelps Bliss, Murray Reception. red helovtd husband of be- 1 Courtesies Shown to Them I >odge, Mrs. Waiter B. James and Mrs. n oon. Mr. Spelr died suddenly Wednes- 81, Sarah, the of Life. 5