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THE NEW YORK HERALD, SA1rURDAY, FEBRUARY S, 1921. 9 and School PERSONAL INTELLIGENCE. CHICAGO COMPAN YPRODUCES 7UNERAL SERVICES FOR DIED. Stage Women Cutler MANY NEW YORKERS\' OSWALD SPEIR TO-DAY ARf.'HE1MER.Fanny. on February 4, 192!. NEW YORK. aCed S3, beloved wife of Henry, beloved (other of Elsie Behloss, Svlma, Florie, Lambs Have Tea in Farce The last of the Junior Assemblies was CONDUCTOR MAR.INUZZI'S OPERA Expert in Terra Cotta Died oertrude and Leonard. Funeral at £»43 Boys Play leld last night In the Klts-Carlton and /tat 142d st., oil Sunday, February 6, ... £ ]IN A BIG HOTELFIRE' on irought out most of the debutantes of Suddenly Train. Tt 10 A. M. Soldiers' at the Plaza Ihe season and many of the second year X.. At Elizabeth, N. J.. February 3, Dugout 8 Iris. The dance was in all particulars "Jacquerie" Has First Funprftl KPrvIrp* fnr Hen; a 1 rl Kn«1r <21. Elizabeth McAdams. wife of Charles . Ike the previous cues of the season, « of the National Terra Cotta I. Hell. Funeral services at her late e Bon Air at Ga,, ecretary a<]} 432 on lie guests were received by Mrs at Manhattan andPerformance Augusta, Magic St., Monday, Februaiyreslence. * ociety, will be held at St. at 2 P. M. Former Service Men Return f!. Colt, Mrs. James Core King,RlchrdMrs. Km Without Loss Agnes's Chapel 7. Valter Mrs. W. Agreeable Destroyed 1 Went Ninety-second street this after- BEFtLIN..Sernuel N., February 2, 1921, Phelps Bliss, Murray Reception. red helovtd husband of be- 1 Courtesies Shown to Them I >odge, Mrs. Waiter B. James and Mrs. n oon. Mr. Spelr died suddenly Wednes- 81, Sarah, the of Life. 5<Jvcd father of Harry and Mrs. Fred A. ferbert L. Pratt, who represented Aay morning- while en route to Chicago 81 ndelee.nd. Fineral services will be held at During: the War. ubscrlbers.' Most of the guests came "Jacquerie," opera In three acta, la late residence, 443 14th St., Brooklyn, o:n the Twentieth Limited. N . on rom dinner parties. The assemblies libretto by A. music GIno Century Y., Sunday, February 8, at 10 A. Donauty, by Hal to The New York Herald. He was a of the terra cotta M ., thence to Mount Eton Cemetery. vlli be resumed next season and the Drtpofch pioneer K Marinuzzi, was the Hotel Bon u in the was Indly omit flowers. In "Tha Dugout," which Isn't at all lates set are December 2, January 6 performed by .UOU8TA, Ga., Feb. 4..The ldustry United States and w ell known architects coun- IGES8Dr. Gordon H., on Febuary 3. France and nd 3. Opera Company at the ManhattanChicago one of the largest winter resort ho- among the BV~he Funeral Church E. like those that used to be in February y over. Ho was born in New Orleans (Frank Opera House last evening for the first In the was destroyed by flro b< B'way-6Gth st. February 5, 2 P.Carnptll,M. South, j'1 1864. For many years he was The annual St. Valentine s kettledrum time In this city. Mr. Marinuzzi is prln- jndetermlned origin which began at n with Terra IT..Minnie Eatelle Davis, widow of cat tonal school at 150 East Sixty-first the Perth Araboy conected imea Francis Burt. service at or the benefit of the Samaritan Home conductor For a C J, Funeral ex-servlee men clpai of the company. t) this morning and quickly spread otta Company, leaving in 1908 for the le residence of her brother, Henry K. street, yesterday repaid or the Aged will be held this afternoon Faclilc coast, where ho remained for ten l>avis, 2471 Devoe terrace, Bronx. Sunday n the Plaza ballroom under the brief period he writhed uneasily on the ill parts of the frame structure. Two some debts of kindness and courtesy In the >"ears. During th'j war he was active .enlng, February 6, at 8 o'clock. of the of Mrs. Gustav E. Kissel, presidentdlreclonthrone ot state, now more gracefully dred and sixty guests were ^ at convenience of family. Inierent during the war. Members Incurred the Gouvemeur si at the time, and all escaped per- >rj the construction of concrete ships if home: Mrs. Lewis by Miss Mary Garden. Mr. U>r the Fleet CA-NJAVAN..Mary, beloved wife of Charles i *mbn and the -Stage Women's War Re- Lawrence, Miss occupied al Injury. Many succeeded In re- Emergency Corporation St. Jorris, Mrs. Effingham in as of Pacific Marine ai.av&n, February 3. Funeral from lief were their at tea. The Lambs Antoinette Mrs. Clarence G. Marinuzzi's opera was produced ring all their effects, and of the re- vice-president the ^ugustino's Church, Garbling, N. Y., guests Martin, to a nd Construction Company. M at Ulnsmore and Mrs. W. Klntzing Post, in the course of tills season Chicagoand | IXIHInder there were few who failed onaay morning, feDruary 7. they had to thank for many dinners Mr. New York residence was ["here will be entertainments for b their most valuable possessions. Spelr's CC)N on 3. The Fu their clubhouse, and the women of the received with those acclamations which a t 26 Park. leaves a NEP-8..Jane, February and dancing. i»>ss to the hotel and guests Is estl- Gramercy He Church (Frank E. Campbell), B'wayral stage they had to thank for a thousand juvenileshall every act of the opera company in with Insurance to wdfe and four children. He was a mem- 6fith St., February 5, 1 P. M. acts of when were more :ed at $1,000,000, kindness they its homo town. Whether New York will amount of $650,000 on the hotel ber of the American Institute of Archt- COPIN ELL..Wilson C., February 3, 1921, helpless than are to-day. A dance to-night will be given by Mr. of at his they discover as much work to admire per. It is impossible to estimate the t<»ets, the New York Academy of lddenly, pneumonia, residence, The hosts of yesterday were men who ind Mrs. Dave Hennen Morris at 19 in the Sciences Arts Club. L. I. Funeral services at suffered by the guests because of and of the National eponsit. Memortal Far Rus?ll suffered wounds ond other hurts of war Hast Seventieth street for their may reasonably be doubted. have left the city J" Sage Church. near New t Louise Guests will fact that many L I., on Saturday, FebruaryRock*ay,r, at and spent time In hospitals Miss Morris. duug'ner, Mr. Donauty, who prepared the and are scattered about 1 A. M. Interment private. Wilson G. them tickets to come from Mr. and Mrs. those remaining J[AUPTMANN, DRAMATIST, DEAD York. Tho Lambs gave dinners given by of this found the hill. The of Augusta have Iornell was founder and president of the many plays, besides acting for them In Jr. Horace Harding, Mr. and Mrs. John lyric drama, libretto WL people vI'. G. Cornell Company. Special train ope ned their homes to the visitors, many w'111 Have their own club. The Stage Women'i I Mr. and Mrs. L. Cass to his taste in an uprisingmaterialsof . London, Feb. 4..Carl Hauptmann, Penn. station. Long Island -lenry Hammond,' ®P > whom have taken advantago of the st 10 A. M. Automobiles will meet saw I and William icrman author. Is dead, to a! Railed, War Relief to their transportation -edyard Mr. and Mrs. Jay peasants, as the title informs us. But Pfered according rain on arrival. Train will return < mm pro: hospitality. ® to the London Times from Ber- n and other comforts. Schicffellu. behind this revolt of rustics lies a most ~ section of the espatch after service. lmledlntely Edward Mrs. Charles Pblle the surrounding " Mrs. McVlckar, unpleasant history. It has already the Nathan on In his Mrs. Frederick W. flw city was lighted by flames, FBIIRIS..Henry, February 3. 1921. Dana Gibson, Mr. Clarence H. Mackay will give a been noted that there Is some ius. who is a regular visitor to Au- 8 1st year. Service at his late residence, and Miss Cottenet gH Fastchester road and Fanny Vanderbilt linner and small dance to-night at his between the motive of the resemblancedrama JjaML fubtn nnil tvhnao home orislnallv was Hauptmann shared In the prize offered Pelham Parkway, the women who made the lew 3 East street, and that of "Marta of the Lowlands." BP 111 which by the German Schiller Society for the feBtchester, New Tork city, Saturday, represented home, Seventy-lifth In <jeorgia. gave an Interview In ^cbruary C, at 2 P. M. possible and helped the formerDugout t o celebrate the birthday of his but the likeness is only slight. Mr. hn declared himself willing to finance best play written in 1904. He visited with their tea. Katherlne The has resurrected a ^^iitesBBSwBwBBlSBH^K >lew York in 1908. He was among the POSTELL..Albert, on February 3. The soldiers Miss Mackay. daughcr.guests for his purposeL>onauty in the rebuilding of the hotel. He opened And to the party came Gene Buck and 5vlll Include friends of Miss offensive feudal and GGerman authors against whom the « Church (Frank E. Campbell), B'wayFural young particularly right his cottage to Lord and Lady Ashley 1th St., February 0, 3 P. M. Dffingham Pinto, Augustus Thomas, Its exercise has striven to rear a W[iss Yvonne who had the role Qr, *'rench Society of Authors and dackay. upon Gall, ' rks. who were guests of the hotel.