Congressional Record-Senate Senate

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Congressional Record-Senate Senate 3374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 15 c. M. Hanson. of Bricelyn, Minn., or his heirs, successors or SENATE assigns, of approximately 1 % acres of lot 2, section 33, township 43 north, range 27 west, in the county oi Mille l\IIONDAY, MAY 15, 1933 Lacs, Minn.; to the Committee on Indian Affairs. The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D.D., offered the­ fallowing prayer: PETITIONS. ETC. Almighty God our Heavenly Fathe1·, with whom is the Undar clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions and papers were well of life and light; impart to our thirsting souls the laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: draught of living water from Thy plenteous fountain, and 1023. By Mr. BACON: Petition signed by 3,610 citizens, increase in us the brightness of divine knowledge, that our mostly resident in New York State, protesting against the darkened minds may be illumined by the effulgence of Thy enactment of any legislation to admit aliens from Europe love. outside of quota restrictions; to the Committee on Immigra­ Calm Thou our spirits by that subduing power which tion and Naturalization. alone can bring all scattered thoughts into captivity to Thee, 1024. By Mr. KENNEY: Petition of the Department of that we may find that inward peace in which Thy Spirit's New Jersey, Reserve Officers' Association of the United voice is heard, calling us to sacrificial service for the welfare States. in convention assembled, protesting against any fur­ of our Nation. Deal tenderly with all mankind, granting ther weak~ning of national defense, and in particular against hope to the discouraged, forgiveness to the sinful, friendship any reduction in the number of officers in the Regular Army to the lonely, comfort to the sorrowing, and, to us all, light or in the amount of training given to Reserve officers; to the at eventide. We ask it in the name of Jesus Christ our Committee on Military Affairs. Lord. Amen. 1025. Also, petition of the Department of New Jersey, THE JOURNAL Reserve Officers' Association of the United States, in conven­ The Chief Clerk proceeded to read the Journal of the tion assembled, protesting against any further- weakening proceedings of the calendar days of May 11 and 12, when, of national defense, and in particular against any reduc­ on motion of Mr. ROBINSON of Arkansas, and by unanimous. tion in the number of officers in the Regular Army or in the consent, the further reading was dispensed with, and the amount of training given to Reserve officers; to the Commit­ Journal was approved. tee on Naval Affairs. CALL OJ' THE ROLL 1026. By Mr. LINDSAY: Petition of the Industrial Chem­ ical Sales Co., Inc., New York City, opposing House bill Mr. LEWIS. I suggest the absence of a quorum and move 3759; to the Committee on the Judiciary. a roll call. 1027. Also, petition of the Women's Auxiliary of the Dem­ The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. ocratic Veterans' Organization of Kings County, Holly Club, The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Brooklyn, N.Y.~ opposing modification or cancelation of any Senators answered to their names: Government insurance policies; to the Committee on Ways Adams Coolidge Hebert Reed Ashurst Copeland Johnson Reynolds and Means. Austin Costigan Kendrick Robinson, Ark. 1028. By Mr. MALONEY of Connecticut: Resolution of Bachman Couzens Keyes Robinson, Ind. Bailey Cutting King Russell the Common Council of the City of Bridgeport, relative to Bankhead Dickinson La Follette Schall commemorating the naturalization of Brig. Gen. Thaddeus Barbour Dieterich Lewis Sheppard Kosciusko; to the Committee on the Post Office and Post Barkley Dill Logan Slllpstead Black Duffy Lonergan Smith Roads. Bone Erickson Long Steiwer 1029. By Mr. RUDD: Petition of the Women's Auxiliary Borah Fess McAdoo Stephens Bratton Fletcher McCarran Thomas, Okla. of the Democratic Veterans Organization of Kings County, Brown Frazier McKellar Thomas, Utah Brooklyn, N.Y., opposing any modification or cancelation of Bulkley George McNary Townsend Bulow Glass Metcalf Trammell Government insurance policies; to the Committee on World Byrd Goldsborough Murphy War Veterans' Legislation. Byrnes Gore Neely Vandenberg 1030. By Mr. Texas Capper Hale Norris Van Nuys SANDERS: Resolution of the Senate, Caraway Harrison Nye Wagner favoring an amendment of the Wagner bill so that the Carey Hastings Overton Walsh Reconstruction Finance Corporation funds could be appro­ Clark Hatfield Patterson Wheeler priated to the Texas Relief Commission to be used for the Connally Hayden Pope White building of good roads in any section of the State; to the Mr. LEWIS. I wish to announce that the Senator from Committee on Education. Kansas [Mr. McGILL] is detained by illness. I ask that this 1031. By Mr. TARVER: Petition of T. W. Langston, of announcement may remain for the day. Atlanta, Ga., protesting against the harsh measures of the The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-eight Senators have an­ economy bilL and calling attention to the effects of this swered to their names. A quorwn is present. law; to the Committee on World War Veterans,. Legislation. MUSCLE SHOALS----CONFERENCE REPORT 1032. By Mr. TERRELL: Petition of Commissioners Court Mr. SMITH submitte(l the following report: of Panola County, Tex., requesting appropriations for .Fed­ eral highway building; to the Committee on Roads. The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of 1033. By Mr. SWEENEY: Petition of the members of the the two Houses on the amendment of the· Senate to the congregation Knesseth Israel of. Cleveland,. Ohio, requesting bill (H.R. 5081) to provide for the common defense; to aid that the United States, through its administrative and dip­ interstate commerce by navigation; to provide flood control; lomatic agencies, declare to the German Government its to promote the general welfare by creating the Tennessee disapproval of the inhuman and brutal treatment of Jew­ Valley Authority; to operate the Muscle Shoals properties; ish citizens of Germany; to the Committee on Foreign and to encourage agricultural, industrial, and economic Affairs. development, having met, after full and free conference, 1034. Also, petition of the members of the Temple on the have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their Heights of the city of Cleveland Heights, Ohio, represent­ respective Hauses as follows: · ing 900 families, in annual meeting assembled, deploring the That the House recede from its disagreement to the situation of the Jews in Germany, and appealing. tci the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an heart of humanity to stem the growing tide of anti-Sem­ amendment as fallaws: In lieu of the matter inserted by itism and exert its infiuence to put an end to this pro­ the Senate insert the following: gram. of medieval cruelty in Germany; to the Committee "That far the pUipcse of maintaining and operating the on Foreign Affairs. properties now owned by the United States in the vicinity 1933 _CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 3375 of Muscle Shoals, Ala., in the interest of the national of the board. No regular officer or employee of the Cor­ defense and for agricultural and industrial development, poration shall receive a salary in excess of that received by and to improve navigation in the Tennessee River and to the members of the board. control the destructive flood waters in the Tennessee River "All contracts to which the Corporation is a party and and Mississippi River Basins, there is hereby created a body which require the employment of laborers and mechanics in corporate by the name of the 'Tennessee Valley Authority' the construction, alteration, maintenance, or repair of build­ <hereinafter referred to as -the 'Corporation'). The ings, dams, locks, or other projects shall contain a provision board of directors first appointed shall be deemed the incor­ that not less than the prevailing rate of wages for work of a porators, and the incorporation shall be held to have been sim.ilar nature prevailing in the vicinity shall be paid to such effected from the date of the first meeting of the board. laborers or mechanics. This act may be cited as the 'Tennessee Valley Authority " In the event any dispute arises as to what are the pre­ Act of 1933.' vailing rates of wages, the question shall be referred to the "SEC. 2. (a) The board of directors of the Corporation Secretary of Labor for determination, and his decision shall (hereinafter referred to as the 'board') shall be composed be :final. In the determination of such prevailing rate or of three members, to be appointed by the President, by and rates, due regard shall be given to those rates which have with the advice and consent of the Senate. In appointing been secured through collective agreement by representa­ the members of the board, the President shall designate the tives of employers and employees. chairman. All other officials, agents, and employees shall " Where such work as is described in the two preceding be designated and selected by the board. paragraphs is done directly by the Corporation the pre­ "(b) The terms of office of the members first taking vailing rate of wages shall be paid in the same manner as office after the approval of this act shall expire as desig­ though such work had been let by contract. nated by the President at the time of nomination, l: at "Insofar as applicable the benefits of the act entitled the end of the third year, 1 at the end of the sixth year, 'An act to provide compensation for employees of the and 1 at the end of the ninth year, after the date of United States suffering injuries while in the performance of approval of this act.
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