ESTABLISHED 1879 | COLUMBUS, MISSISSIPPI CDISPATCH.COM 50 ¢ NEWSSTAND | 40 ¢ HOME DELIVERY FRIDAY | APRIL 21, 2017 Man convicted in New Hope teen’s death break-in on May decide today. that he had shot Stallings. Jury decides today between life sentence, 20, 2011. The jury’s verdict followed Taylor was one of five men “I feel like jus- two days of witness testimony, arrested in connection with the death penalty in capital murder case tice was served,” including Taylor’s ex-girlfriend, Stallings shooting. Brandon District Attorney Lacee Cox — who testified Tay- Brown, Cameron Merriweath- BY ISABELLE ALTMAN Joshua Taylor, 29, of Reform, Scott Colom said lor told her he shot someone er, Johnny Brock, Jr., and Rich-
[email protected] faces life in prison without pa- after the jury — and three men charged as role or the death penalty fol- handed in the accomplices who placed Taylor ard Lee were all arrested and A jury from Marshall Coun- lowing his capital murder con- verdict. Taylor at the scene the night of the charged with capital murder ty handed down a guilty verdict viction in the death of William Taylor’s lead defense attor- murder. along with Taylor days after Thursday evening to an Ala- Stallings of New Hope. The vic- ney, William Stennett, declined Prosecutors also showed a the shooting in 2011. A grand bama man accused of shooting tim was shot dead while sleep- to comment until after Taylor’s video of Taylor confessing to jury indicted Taylor and Merri- a Lowndes County teen in 2011. ing on a couch during a home sentencing, which the jury will Lowndes County investigators See TRIAL, 6A STRING MUSIC Clay Co.