My dear parishioners,

I wish you all a very happy, prosperous and blessed New Year 2018. May the Lord who is the Restorer be with you and give you back all that was lost during the past! In Zephaniah 2:6 we read: the Lord their God will care for them; He will restore their fortunes. Yes, our God is a God who cares for His children more than a mother would care for hers. Hallelujah! So let us not worry – whether for our personal needs or for the future of the family, He will take care of everything. He will restore our fortunes. Jeremiah 31:4 says - I will build you up again and you will be rebuilt…again you will take up your tambourines and go out to dance with the joyful. Let us claim this promise personally and let us have a happy New Year and be joyful all of its days!

We were able to complete the whole of 12 months in the year 2017, and our experiences have varied from individual to individual. A few may have experienced happy moments, while others may have gone through sorrows and disappointments. Yet the sustaining grace of God never lets us down nor forsakes us. Let us be assured that the Lord who has led us thus far will continue to lead and guide us. He will continue to provide us all our needs, soothe and calm all anxieties and fears and put the peace of God that passes all understanding in our hearts.

Time and again we wrestle with things concerning us, and doubt if God cares for us. At times we have closed our relationship with God resulting in treating God as a stranger and a passive mute spectator. Thus we are insipid and ignorant of the knowledge of God, which is a mystery to us.

Yet God reveals His qualities through His self–disclosure, and this revelation of God in the Bible discloses God’s character in a crystal-clear way. The character of God is unfolded in His interaction with His creation especially human beings. Many experienced the closeness of God and thereby they had a glimpse of God’s character. One such person was Moses, a saint and a servant who was addressed as ‘friend of God’ by God Himself! His experience with God was manifold, yet Moses expresses them in a very simple and tangible manner.

This is well explained in the book of Exodus when God passed before Moses at Mount Horeb at the ranges of Mount Sinai. Moses records this event in terms of The Lord God is merciful and gracious, longsuffering and abundant in goodness and truth. Exodus 34:6.

Indeed we need to realize that the Lord God whom we worship and the centrality of our orthodoxy and orthopraxis are not only the Creator and the Master of this universe but also the Sovereign Lord of History. He is Lord and God because He knows everything including the heart cravings

and desires of every human being. He is the denominator and distinguisher of everything. He is not a mute, passive spectator, but ever dynamic, all powerful and very much active in the realm of human sphere of enterprise, with a compassionate heart. He is not a God without emotions and attributes, but full of compassion and love.

Each word expressed by God in Exodus 34:6 aptly and appropriately conveys the very nature and the heart of God. Hence let us draw close to Him with confidence in this New Year 2018.

As we have entered into yet another year in the life and witness of the church, my only request is, let us pray sincerely for the various activities of the church, and as far as possible, give our time and involve ourselves in the ministries of the church.

Here’s a prayer that appeared some time ago in a Scripture Union booklet.

O God, You will build Your church. Forgive me when I don’t play my part. Forgive me when I stop others. Forgive us when we lack the courage to obey. Forgive us when we get in the way of people seeing You. O God, You will build Your church. Give me wisdom to see the gifts You have given me for Your church. Give me discernment to see who You are calling to leadership, especially if it’s me. Give us confidence to respond to Your call and serve. Give us courage to encourage and support Your new leaders. O God, You will build Your church. Bless Your leaders with the gifts they need. Bless us with willing, obedient hearts. Bless our reaching out to other churches in partnership. Bless our community through the work of Your Church. O God, You will build Your Church. Let it be so! Amen.

Be assured of my love and prayers. God bless. Yours in His faithful service,

Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar Presbyter and Chairman - PC



In a recent heart-warming news in The Hindu, dated December 19, 2017 Indra K. Nooyi, Chairperson & CEO of PepsiCo was back at Madras Christian College, her alma mater, to dedicate the renovated and modernised Women’s Lounge that she had sponsored. Last year, she funded the renovation of the Chemistry Laboratory, transforming it into a state-of- the-art facility.

Ms. Nooyi graduated from Madras Christian College in Chemistry in the 1971-1974 batch, and has immense respect for the institution. While addressing the students during her visit, she said: “I have benefited enormously from my education. My husband and I are now in ‘giving back’ mode to the institutions that made us what we are today. I had all my education in Christian institutions and we are planning to give back as much as we can.”

Yes, it would have been easier, or even perfectly normal to sit back and relax in one’s achievements. But for Ms. Nooyi, feeling grateful also meant giving back to the institution that shaped her.

Having just celebrated the 175th Anniversary of the Church we all cherish, we have had a great time looking back at the way God has led us this far. The Church has been a source of sustenance in our spiritual journey, providing us with much-needed fellowship and support. But such a milestone also demands that we look back and take stock of whether or not we have been instruments of growth by bringing new people into the fold.

How inclusive are we as a Church, in welcoming those who seek our fellowship, and how often have we pointed the way to Christ as the Way, the Truth and the Life? It’s time we moved away from the limitations of being a ‘family church’ by stepping beyond our comfort zone and searching for the lost and embracing the needy. For Jesus said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28: 19-20) – and that is the great commission, and the greater purpose in belonging to the body of Christ.

I’m reminded of these familiar lines from Emma Lazarus’s famous poem ‘The New Colossus’ engraved on the pedestal of the Statue of Liberty:

"Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,


The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Fabiola Jacob


“I think the greatest weakness in the church today is that almost no one believes that God invests His power in the Bible. Everyone is looking for power in a program, in a methodology, in a technique, in anything and everything but that in which God has placed it—His Word. He alone has the power to change lives for eternity, and that power is focused on the Scriptures.” - R. C. Sproul


Gracing our cover this month, is the unique and historic St. Mark’s Pro-Cathedral in Alexandria, Egypt, photographed by Fabiola Jacob.

About the Cathedral

Tucked away behind heavy trellised gates, on the busy Salah Salem Street, the St. Mark’s Anglican Pro- Cathedral is easy to miss! Located in one of the oldest neighbourhoods in downtown Alexandria, this 164-year old Cathedral is named after St. Mark the Evangelist who is cherished and revered among Egyptian Christians as the apostle who brought the Gospel to Alexandria in the 1st Century AD, from where it spread throughout the Nile Basin and North Africa.

The Anglican presence in Egypt dates back to1819, when the first CMS missionary arrived in Egypt. The cornerstone of the St. Mark’s Pro- Cathedral was laid on December 17, 1839 following an agreement between the ruler of Egypt, Mohamed Ali, and Queen Victoria, who provided extensive donations for its construction. Various delays complicated completion, however, and its first service was not held until Christmas, 1854. The Cathedral now belongs to the Episcopal / Anglican Diocese of Egypt with North Africa and the Horn of Africa.

St. Mark’s Pro-Cathedral is unique in design as it does not look like a conventional Church. The interior décor of the Church is an eclectic mix of the Protestant and Catholic traditions, like the Coptic Churches, and the church is full of icons. At the entrance to the sanctuary are the icons of heralded Egyptians - St. Anthony (the founder of monasticism), St. Athanasius (defined the canon of scripture), and Origen (a controversial Biblical exegete). Behind the altar, St. George and St. Patrick represent the eastern and western reaches of Christianity, while David and Andrew represent the unity of Old and New Testaments in the Bible.

The architecture of the Church has incorporated elements from the Egyptian Jewish and Muslim communities, in an effort to blend in. The archways and other elements resemble Islamic patterns, while the Star of David is prominently chiselled both into external stone and internal woodwork.

Today, the Church runs a unique community centre – the Arkan Cultural Centre - that trains youngsters (irrespective of religious affiliation) in drawing, photography, acting, fine arts, and other related fields. “Arkan” means “corner” in Arabic and is the place where people can meet. The Church has taken up this unique initiative to eliminate the constraints of ideological fanaticism, by building bridges of peace and friendship, and is doing its part in breaking down the walls of intolerance and fear.



Sitting pretty on the sandy shores where St. Thomas the Apostle once walked, our little white St. Thomas English Church celebrated its quartoseptennial anniversary on Sunday, 10 December 2017. With the majestic tones of the second oldest pipe organ in city setting the pace, happy voices filled the air singing ‘All people that on earth do dwell…” in a spirited call to worship.

It was a sunny, breezy December morning, just as it would have been 175 years ago, when the faithful gathered to consecrate this rather simple yet charming church to the glory of God. It was indeed a rare privilege to celebrate this occasion 175 years later, under the leadership of our Presbyter Rev. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar, with a special thanksgiving service. The choir sang Bishop Timothy Dudley-Smith’s Magnificat “Tell out my soul” as a special item, and the congregation joined in for the melodious STEC anthem “Little white church on the shore”.

The Chief Guest for the day was Rev. Benjamin Christian, National Director of FEBA India, who delivered a soul-stirring anniversary message from Psalm 84 – “Blessed are those who dwell in Your house; they will still be praising You (v.4)” He redefined the worldly definition of ‘Success’ by drawing examples from real life, about how in Christian life success is preceded by the four ‘S’’s: storms, sickness, shortage and suffering and through it all, the Church provides sustenance. And truly, blessed is the man who ‘dwells’ in the house of the Lord, who ‘derives’ from Him and ‘depends’ on Him!

During the service, mementoes – fridge magnets with pictures of STEC - were distributed to the congregation to mark the occasion. Winners of the STEC history quiz were awarded prizes. Dr. John Nesan Dhyriam and Katie Selvaraj shared their memories of what STEC means to them. Video wishes from NRI and outstation members was also played during the service. The descendants of Rev. Robert Carver, now settled in New Zealand, had also sent in their wishes, which was displayed during the service.

It was a joyous celebration as the congregation filed out of the Church to cut the birthday cake and pose for a group picture with the Church in the background, before the fellowship breakfast. A photo wall with snapshots of STEC through the years was organized by Jasweena Paul.

In a brief video byte to the Sun News TV Network who covered the event extensively, our Presbyter Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar


remembered how over the years, the Church has provided comfort and solace to generations of worshippers.

A drone was in action as we formed a ‘175’ on the sprawling grounds, sang the doxology and released ‘Gospel balloons’ with a tract tied to each one of them. And as the red, green and yellow balloons rose into the blue sky and floated away into the Chennai skyline, gently nudged by the breeze, my mind kept racing back to the lines of the song we had just sung:

“No spot is so dear to my childhood As the little white Church on the shore…”

Fabiola Jacob



Everybody wants happiness in their lives, However man finds happiness eluding by Money can buy only comfort and food, To find happiness, man tried hard ways and withstood.

King Solomon had wealth and wisdom at its best, But he found that his mind and soul were not at rest. He found everything in this world as vanity, Happiness eluded him to a state of insanity.

You can see and enjoy beauty with your eyes, Those who are blind, cannot enjoy any sights. You can live happier than the one, who cannot see, Be content with the blessings, by God given to thee.

If you look around for beauty, Your happiness will not go empty. You can walk, talk, see and hear better than many brothers, So find happiness around you and spread to others.

Hellen Keller was born deaf, dumb and blind, She still found life to her was very kind. Delight thyself in the Lord and never from Him part, He only can fulfill the desires of your heart. Prema Jayasundar


1. Who is the youngest king mentioned in the Bible? 2. How did Saul die? 3. Who said these words? “Attempt great things for God, Expect great things from God” 4. What is the meaning of “Jehovah Jireh”? 5. “The voice of one crying in the wilderness…” whose voice was it?

D.I.A. Soundarapandian

Answers to Quick & Easy Bible quiz are found on page 11.



Was Santa real? Ancient relic offers new clue

Did Santa really exist? Scientists have offered a tantalizing clue by dating a bone said to belong to St Nicholas, the inspiration for Father Christmas, to the same century in which he died in what is now Turkey.

Oxford University researchers analysed a micro-sample of a pelvis fragment and found that it dated back to the fourth century.

Legend has it that St Nicholas, who is depicted with a white beard in icons and was said to have died in 343 AD, was widely known for his generosity — a trait that inspired the story of Father Christmas.

"Many relics that we study turn out to date to a period somewhat later than the historic attestation would suggest," Tom Higham, co-director of the Oxford Relics Centre, said in a statement. "This bone fragment, in contrast, suggests that we could possibly be looking at remains from St Nicholas himself," Higham said.

The actual bone fragment analysed is owned by Father Dennis O'Neill, a priest based in the US state of Illinois.

But the bulk of relics said to be of St Nicholas are held in the Italian cities of Bari and Venice. The scientists said the fragment was of the left pubis — the lower part of the pelvis — while the Bari collection only contains the upper part of the bone, suggesting they could be from the same person.

The relics in Venice consist of as many as 500 bone fragments, which an anatomical study has concluded were complementary to the Bari collection.

"These results encourage us to now turn to the Bari and Venice relics to attempt to show that the bone remains are from the same individual," said Georges Kazan, co-director of the Oxford Relics Centre.

From ‘Times of India’ dated 7 December 2017. Contributed by S Gnanaoli David



Robert was a math graduate. He passed B.Sc. in the first class and his parents asked him to continue with his studies or find employment, but he refused. He shut himself in his room and a cellphone was his companion. His parents thought that he was suffering from depression, and as they were staunch Christians, they prayed for him.

One Monday, when Robert was out for a walk near his home, he found two boys fighting. Robert asked the boys the reason for the fight. They told him that both wrote the Maths exam and their answers were different. Robert looked at the problem and said that both the answers were wrong and he taught them how to solve the problem. The boys were happy and asked his address and said that they would come to him if they had any difficulty. He agreed. The boys told other boys about Robert, and soon many students came to him for help with Maths. Robert’s parents were happy that their son was helpful to others.

On Christmas day, after Church, Robert locked himself inside his room and did not come out even for lunch. When he finally emerged in the evening, he had an advertisement board in his hand which said that students of X and XII would be given tuition from 5 January in Mathematics. He displayed it on his wall, and many students sought admission. He had two sessions in the morning and two in the evening. In the first month he collected Rs.3,000/- and offered it to the Church.

Soon he asked his father to rent a house nearby and give some money to buy furniture. He hung a board outside the house which said ‘Hilda Maths Centre’, and the centre started working from 2 January. There was a heavy rush. He employed three other graduates as assistants to help him.

To the satisfaction of his parents he began to do some useful work; not as they expected, but he got good income. We cannot fathom God’s ways. G. Joseph

Answers to the Quick & Easy Bible Quiz 1. Seven years old was Jehodah when he began to reign. 2. He requested an Amalekite to kill him (II Samuel 1: 9 & 10) 3. The Rev. William Carey 4. “The Lord will provide” 5. John the Baptist (St. Luke 3: 2-4) 18


The True Light – Sunday School Christmas play

Christmas festivities were off to a brilliant start this year with the Sunday School Christmas Program – ‘The True Light’ – on Advent Sunday, 3 December 2017 in the evening. The Church looked resplendent under a super moon, with snazzy focus lights that transformed the Sunday School Christmas play into a sound and light extravaganza!

The December chill had just set in, and walking into the Church in the middle of the play, I was totally transformed into another world. A full moon was glistening over the sea, its radiance masked by our own little white church that glittered in hues of blue and pink. Inside the church, the lights were turned off, and the little angels were singing ‘Joy to the World’ as spotlights hovered over the altar in an exuberant display of grandeur.

The storyline of the Christmas play was simple. It was just the good old immortal rendition of the nativity of Christ from the Gospels, complete with angels, shepherds and the wise men. The characterization included the prophets Isaiah and Micah and Simeon too! The three wise men were dressed as the historically famous Sir C V Raman, Confucius and Muhammad Ibn (a Persian Scholar) – just to give the play an interesting contemporary twist. The wardrobe and makeup were so brilliant, you couldn’t make out who was playing which role!

A special mention needs to be made of Percy Ashok who acted as Mary, Kevin Muller as Joseph, Joann Ignatius who gave a brilliant introduction and Jovi the Shepherd who summed up the play so well! Keturah Manoharan’s rendition of ‘Mary did you know?’ was one of the highlights of the evening. The Sunday School Director Annamary Frederick and her team of teachers and volunteers did an excellent job, training the children and putting together this visual delight. The lights were sponsored by Mr. Edison, and it was clearly obvious that STEC had never been lit up in this fashion, in its 175-year history! And it really did get us all into the Christmas spirit! Fabiola Jacob

The Choir sang, “Let there be Light!”

The word ‘Light’ is arguably one of the most used words in the Bible, starting from the beginning (Genesis 1:3) and ending in (Revelations 22:5). As we entered our Church compound on the evening of 17 December 2017, long rows of brightly lit stars 19

flanked our path all the way to the Church entrance. Once inside, more lights on the Christmas tree and in some other places, greeted us. Imagine our joy when we scanned the sheets distributed to us to see the cantata titled, very aptly, “Let there be Light”, arranged by Bradley Knight!

After weeks of arduous practices and rehearsals, our STEC choir’s rendition of this cantata was flawless, made perfect by our multi-tasking and committed organist and Choir Conductor Anila Manoharan, who is totally in control of our choristers of all ages – between 7 and 70!

The narrators clearly introduced each segment of the cantata to us, followed by solos by budding vocalists, who did us proud indeed! The choir supported them in the choral parts and the result was awesome!

The opening segment ‘Rejoice’ was followed by the theme song “Let there be Light”. The next one was “Come let us adore Him” and then “Here with us”, followed by “Hope has hands”, “Come Thou long- expected Jesus”, “Born a sacrifice”, “Holy Lamb of God”, “Light a Candle” and the reprise “Let there be Light”.

And then as if to implement it, the church lights were dimmed and candles were lit as the congregation joined in singing the incomparable vintage carol “Silent Night”. And as the Church lights came on again, the choir sang “We wish you a Merry Christmas” and the congregation applauded with gusto.

Then we gathered around the campfire lit in front of the Church and sang carols, led by the tweens. This was followed by an interesting group game organized by Josh Foulger and Swithun Manoharan. “Caterpillar” was the name of the game and Josh and Swithun rounded up 30 members – 10 men, 10 women, and 10 kids comprising groups A, B and C. They stood in a line and with their hands on the shoulder of the ones in the front, they had to ‘bunny-hop’ without breaking the chain! It was hilarious to watch!

After this fun game, Pastor said grace and the merry crowd moved to the multi-purpose hall to enjoy the sumptuous dinner. There were pretty lights all over the campus and there was light in our hearts too, kindled by Jesus, the ‘Light of the World’! Sarojini Samuel

Christmas celebration at Men’s fellowship

Good Christian men rejoice With heart and soul and voice Give ye heed to what we say 20

“Jesus Christ is born today” (a medieval Latin carol)

The advent of Christ was celebrated by all members of STEC Men’s Fellowship, with joy on 9 December 2017, during our usual Second Saturday Meeting. We sang traditional and familiar Christmas Carols with gusto and joy. The scripture reading was appropriately about the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:1-20). We were fortunate to have our Pastor with us during the Meeting and his message on the advent theme was informative and inspiring.

The celebration was highlighted by cutting the Christmas cake, followed by high tea. Greeting cards and gifts were distributed to all, as Christmas is not complete without it.

All are welcome to join us in our Fellowship and be blessed.

Manoharan Gnanaolivu

When we went carolling…

Christmas is a time for singing carols and what better way to spread Christmas cheer than to go carolling! 19 December 2017 was a day we were eagerly waiting for, as we were going carolling after two years! (thanks to Chennai floods in 2015 and Cyclone Vardah in 2016)

We gathered in church at 7 pm and after a short prayer by Milton uncle, we started the carol rounds by visiting Pastor’s home where we sang a few carols, read a passage from the Bible and sang a Christmas wish for the family. Soon we were on our way to visit the other homes that had invited us, in two vans. At every home we followed the same pattern of carols, Bible reading and a Christmas wish, but not before we were offered cake, sweets, chocolates, savouries, hot coffee or soft drinks! In some homes, we were also given a takeaway or extra sweets and cakes hurriedly packed for us to snack on, during our journey.

Santhome and Raja Annamalai Puram were the first area we covered, and it was a delight to look out for the shining stars of many hues that hung outside Christian homes. Many homes were beautifully decorated inside too, with a Christmas tree and crib. The children in our carolling group were enthusiastic and played the tambourine and kept perfect timing. Melvin and Kevin accompanied us with their guitars, and together we were a band of about 30 carollers.


After visiting our Secretary’s home in Mylapore, we headed to Gandhinagar and Besant Nagar, stopping at Dr. John Nesan Dhyriam’s home for a scrumptious dinner of biriyani, idiyappam, fish cutlet, parotta, mutton curry, tandoori chicken, salad and payasam.

Next on our itinerary were far-off places like Thiruvanmiyur, OMR, Velachery, Teynampet and Chetpet. We returned to Foreshore Estate and finished up at Mandaveli at around 3 am. Though the hour was late, we were welcomed at each home with doors wide open. And while leaving, each home was gifted with a Christmas bauble.

It was a night to remember and brought with it memories of childhood days when we went to all the homes in our congregation. We look forward to carolling in the coming years, so we can spread Christmas cheer and be blessed. Dr. Caroline Priya Ignatius

Christmas Tree at STEC

The Christmas Tree programme was held at 4:00 pm on Thursday, December 28, 2017 at STEC.

Around 35 children, aged between 1 to 14 years had registered their names for the event. The hall was decorated by the volunteers with bright red and green balloons and a Christmas tree, creating a nice Christmassy atmosphere!

After an opening prayer by Mr Milton Sigamoney, there was a short carol singing session led by Mercy Roshan, accompanied by Kevin Muller and Melvin Roshan.

Next, it was Dr Hannah John’s story time. She had the kids’ enthralled with her story of the ‘Three Christmas Trees’, with a powerpoint presentation, and they all answered questions enthusiastically. Her story ended with the moral ‘Don’t make Jesus sad’.

The next session was handled by Mrs Shilpa Malhotra, who organised games according to different age groups. All children excitedly participated in games like balancing the ball, bowling and parachute- making. The game for mothers had them stuffing biscuits into their mouths and threading a needle after that.

At the end of the games, snacks, juice and coffee was served to all.


And finally, it was time for the much-awaited Santa Claus to make an entrance, with kids singing `jingle bells’. Our very own Santa, Navin Sigamoney, gave away gifts to all children who participated. Prizes were also distributed to those who won in the games conducted that day. It was a fun and enjoyable evening for all. Shobana Soundarapandian

The great thing about walking with God in life is that there is always the opportunity to start anew - God always offers us a new day and a new dawn, no matter what has gone before. At the start of the New Year, why not take a moment to thank Him for last year, ask His forgiveness for where you have failed, and dedicate this new year to Him - to serve Him and love Him afresh.

A good way of reviewing the year ahead is to write down the main areas of your life (e.g. work - family - friends - church - leisure etc) and then think about what God might want to do in these areas during the next year. Once you've done this, you might want to share this with your spouse or a close friend, and give your decisions over to God in prayer.

A New Year's prayer

Lord, You make all things new You bring hope alive in our hearts And cause our Spirits to be born again. Thank You for this new year For all the potential it holds. Come and kindle in us A mighty flame So that in our time, many will see the wonders of God And live forever to praise Your glorious name. Amen

Contributed by Arun Jacob

True passion led the wisemen to Herod’s palace. True wisdom led them to the place where Jesus was. True courage led them on another route. Let us find all three in the New Year! – Arun Andrews

When the decorations are taken down and the lights on the tree go off, the One Who came to earth that `silent night’ will continue to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free – Arun Andrews



IN THE BEGINNING - ABRAHAM (discussed during the meeting on 25 Nov 2017)

Books in ancient times were customarily named after their first word or two. Accordingly, the first book of the Bible in Hebrew was titled “Bereshith”, which was the first phrase in the Hebrews text, which translates to – “In the beginning”. The English title “Genesis” originates from Greek word “Geneseos”. Since it is primarily a book of the beginnings, the traditional title fits its contents.

In the beginning, “The earth was formless and darkness was over the surface” – (1:2). God created the heaven and the earth by a series of six of His royal creative decrees, starting with - “Let there be light” (1:3). We know the six days of creative activity of God and the seventh day of rest,” which God blessed and made it holy” – (2:3)

The Lord God created man and woman in His own image and called them Adam (means “of the earth”) and Eve (means – “lively”) – “and put them in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it” – (2:16). Thereafter we read how Satan intervened and introduced sin even in Eden, when the heavenly Adam – Eve couple disobeyed God, who had to banish them from Eden (ch.3). It is depressing to know how human sin progressed from disobedience to murder in the second generation when their own son Cain murdered his brother Abel, a monstrous act committed with deliberate deceit. Cain went out from the Lord’s presence to a far land of Nod, when the Lord let him off with a warning sign to protect him from an avenger - though Cain when confronted with the crime responded not with remorse but with self–pity. (Ch 4)

The first ten generations in the geneology from Adam to Noah saw considerable increase in population and consequent crime. The Nephilim were on the earth those days, who were people of great size and strength, but in God’s eyes they were sinners, ripe for judgement (ch 6:4). The period from Adam to Noah covers a period of 1,656 years, from 4112 B.C to 2556 B.C. (Ch.5)

 “The Lord saw how great man’s wickedness on the earth has become”  “The Lord was grieved that he had made man on the earth”  “So the Lord said – I will wipe out mankind from the face of the earth”  “But Noah found favour in the eyes of the Lord” – (ch 6:5-9)

We know how the Lord brought the flood on the earth and wiped off everything on it, except Noah and his family along with birds and animals, two of every kind, male and female; God’s judgement on human 24

sin represented by this flood speaks clearly of His radical – “No to human corruption”. At the same time, the Lord has also given a reassuring word about His enduring commitment to His creation, along with a covenant with Noah, never again to send flood to destroy the earth and set the rainbow in the clouds as a sign. (Chapter 7, 8 and 9)

Shortly thereafter, at the plain of Sinar, the human race united in a proud attempt to take its destiny into their own hands and build the Tower of Babel that reaches to the heaven. Here also the Lord came down and confused the language of the people and scattered them over the face of the whole earth and the building of the city and the tower of Babel were stopped (Chapter 11) – The above two episodes of the flood and the Tower of Babel characterize the sinful ways of mankind and God’s response through acts of judgement in order to thwart humanity’s proud efforts to rule over creation, not as God’s faithful representatives, but as rebels. With this characterisation of human history, a stage is set for - “God’s call of Abraham” – to begin His redemption work that will unfold the history of Israel, the chosen people of God, and their settlement in the land promised by the Lord, flowing with milk and honey in Canaan.

The next ten generations in genealogy from Noah to Abraham appear eventless, though this covers a period of only 390 years (Gen 11:10-26) from 2556 B.C. to 2166 B.C. Abraham was born in Babylonian city of Ur, situated in what is now Iraq. Abraham is traced out through the 10 generation of geneology of Shem, one of the three sons of Noah (Gen.11:10-26). God’s method of selecting and dealing with a particular person to implement His plans for mankind can be seen when He picked Abraham after He was done with Noah.

The Lord said to Abraham, while he was still in Ur of Mesopotamia – “Leave your country and your people, and go to the land I will show you” (Acts 7:2, 3 – Gen 12:1). He left in 2091 B.C. with his wife and nephew Lot and came to Canaan. “Abraham believed God and it was credited to him as righteousness” (Gen-15:6). Abraham’s faith in God, successfully challenged the foreign kings invading the Promised Land, Canaan. Abraham, a man of peace, was bold to go into battle taking the role of a military hero, with God at his side. With his selected 318 trained men, he routed his enemies and returned the looted possessions of Lot and the king of Sodom. For this victory, Abraham was honoured by Melchizedek, king of Jerusalem cum priest of God Most High, who brought bread and wine and blessed Abraham, who in return gave tenth of everything to him, as a tithe to the Lord.

Later, we read about Abraham pleading with God for Sodom and Gomorrah, when God planned to destroy them as their sins were grievous. However, God did not agree and when He destroyed the cities, by raining down burning sulphur, the Lord remembered Abraham and brought Lot and his family out of the catastrophe. At that time – “Lot’s 25

wife looked back and became a pillar of salt” – (Gen 19:26). Her disobedient hesitation became proverbial, in later generations, with even Jesus referring it (Lk 17:32). Grotesque salt formations near Dead Sea, found even now, remind us of her folly.

On various occasions, God has made promises to Abraham and his descendants and confirmed it by covenants with them

 “I will make you a great nation and I will bless you “ – (Gen 12:1,2)  “You will be the father of many nations” – (Gen 17:4)  “I will surely bless you and make your descents as numerous as the stars of the sky and the sands of the seashore. ( Gen 22:17)

These promises have been fulfilled by God, by various divine interventions in the life of Abraham and his descendants.

 Abraham’s wife Sarai, who was barren for years, gave birth to Isaac whose son Jacob (renamed by God as Israel) had 12 sons who were the 12 Patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel. As we know, due to famine in Canaan, they entered Egypt in 1876 B.C., when they were numbering only 70 (Gen 46:27) and settled down when Joseph was the ruler in Egypt. They prospered and increased in numbers beyond imagination. When they left Egypt, after 430 years, in 1446 B.C., under Moses on Exodus, the headcount revealed –  Actual – The number of men, above 20, mustered under all 12 tribes – 603,550 (Nu 2:32).  Assessed - The total population including women, children and others – 20 lakhs. Moses himself records – “the Israelites were fruitful and multiplied greatly and became exceedingly numerous, so that the land was filled with them” – (Ex 1:7).

In addition to the above Israelites from Egypt who entered Canaan with Joshua, Abraham’s descendants, who stayed back in Canaan, also have to be taken into account –

 Ismail, Abraham’s first son through maid Hagai, begat 12 sons who lead 12 tribes settled near Egypt’s border – (Gen 25:12-18)  Esau, Israel’s twin brother, who lead the Edomite tribe – (Gen 36)  Keturah, Abraham’s second wife, who begat 6 sons (Gen 25:1-4 – 1ch -1:32,33)

We thank and praise the Lord for blessing and nurturing the nation of Israel till date in the midst of all the persecutions.

“In the beginning” (Genesis) is not only the first book, but the foundational book of the Bible. Jesus Himself refers to Noah, Abraham, Israel, Moses and Joshua as real persons and the events as global 26

history, as recorded in the New Testament. Let us also do so and be blessed.

Men’s fellowship wishes the readers a very happy and prosperous new year 2018!

Manoharan Gnanaolivu Convener

Gems from the Bible

Put them in your heart-bank – memorize and use them!

1. Kindness should begin at home. I Timothy 5:4 2. Be sensible men and fair. Titus 1:8 3. Each day tell someone that the Lord saves. Psalm 96:2 4. A person who is pure of heart sees goodness and purity in everything. Titus 1:15 5. Be patient in trouble and prayerful always. Romans 12:2

Premella Soundarapandian



Walter Henry Medhurst (29 April 1796 – 24 January 1857), was an English Congregationalist missionary to China, born in and educated at St Paul's School. He was one of the early translators of the Bible into editions.

Early life Medhurst's father was an innkeeper in Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire. As a young man Medhurst learned the business of a printer and typesetter at the Gloucester Herald.

At the age of just 20, Walter Henry Medhurst set sail in August 1816 from London, aboard the General Graham, bound for (Malaysia) to establish a printing facility for the London Missionary Society. So began his career as a missionary, adventurer, printer, writer, translator, teacher and 19th Century pioneer to China.

En route, he called at Madras where, in a little less than three months, he met Mrs Elizabeth Braune, née Martin (1794–1874), marrying her the day before he sailed to Malacca.

Once he arrived, Medhurst quickly became proficient in Malay, in a knowledge of the written characters of Chinese, and in the colloquial use of more than one of its dialects.

Medhurst was ordained at Malacca in 1819, and engaged in missionary labours, first at , then at Batavia, where the church he founded operates today as All Saints and the Parapattan Orphanage which he started, continues to this day. When peace was concluded with China in 1842, he moved to where he founded the London Missionary Society Press together with Dr William Lockhart, and later was joined by , and William Charles Milne. There he continued until 1856, laying the foundations of a successful mission.

Significant books Medhurst's principal labour for several years, was in leading the committee of delegates, which created the Delegates Version of the Bible. In the 1840s, a group of four people (Walter Henry Medhurst, , , and William Charles Milne) cooperated to translate the Bible into Chinese.

The translation of the Hebrew language part was done mostly by Gutzlaff from the Netherlands Missionary Society, with the exception of the


Pentateuch and the book of Joshua, which were done by the group collectively.

Medhurst's book on China inspired many to become missionaries, including .

This translation, completed in 1847 is well known due to its adoption by the revolutionary peasant leader of the Taiping Tianguo movement () as some of the reputed early doctrines of the organization.

This Bible translation was a version in , correct and faithful to the original. With John Stronach, and the assistance of , Medhurst later translated the New Testament into the Mandarin dialect of Nanking.

His Chinese-English and English-Chinese dictionaries (each in 2 vols.) are still valuable, and to him the British public owed its understanding of the teaching of Hung-Sew-Tseuen, the leader of the Tai-ping rising (1851–64).

Medhurst was a prolific writer, translator, and editor. In 1843 the New York University conferred upon him the honorary degree of D.D.

Medhurst left Shanghai in 1856, in failing health. He died two days after reaching London, on 24 January 1857 and was buried at the Congregationalists' non-denominational Abney Park Cemetery where his white stone obelisk monument can still be seen today.

His son, Sir Walter Henry Medhurst (1822–1885), later became the British consul at Hankow and afterwards at Shanghai. (Source: The Internet)

Quotes by R.C. Sproul

If God were not so holy , and we were not so sinful, perhaps we could get along.

God in His holiness, without negotiating His holiness, has offered us the holiness of His Son.

To live coram Deo is to live one’s entire life in the presence of God, under the authority of God, to the glory of God.



Martin Luther led the Protestant Reformation in Germany, beginning with the posting of his 95 Theses in 1517. By the time of his death in 1546, the Lutheran Church in Germany was strong— strong and zealous. However, as so often happens, that zeal cooled considerably over the next century. By the mid-1600s, the Lutheran Church in Germany was still quite correct doctrinally but cool with regard to zeal.

Philip Spener became the pastor of a Lutheran congregation in Frankfurt am Main in the mid-1600s, and effected a revival by fervent preaching that emphasized repentance, personal piety, and discipleship. He encouraged prayer and Bible study as a means to personal spiritual growth. He spelled out his five guiding principles in a document entitled Pia Desideria (Pious Desires). These included:

• The increased use of Scripture • Lay participation in small groups, emphasizing prayer and Bible study • A balance of faith and actions • An emphasis on a pious clergy • Sermons that encourage an active faith

Not only did the church that Spener was serving in Frankfurt prosper, but a pietistic movement swept across Germany through his influence.

An enthusiastic member of Spener’s congregation was a young German attorney, Johann Jakob Schutz, who not only encouraged Spener’s work but also wrote hymns. He wrote “Sing praise to God Who reigns above” in 1675 in his vernacular German.

The hymn is usually sung to the tune, “Mit Freuden Zart” (“With great delight!”) - the perfect name for this joyful hymn.

Schutz died in 1690 at the age of 50. This hymn is his most enduring legacy. An Oxford scholar, Frances Elizabeth Cox (1812-1897), translated this and many other German hymns into English. It was first published in English in 1841 in a collection entitled, “Sacred Hymns from the German.”

Sing praise to God who reigns above, the God of all creation, The God of power, the God of love, the God of our salvation; With healing balm my soul is filled, and every faithless murmur stilled: To God all praise and glory.


What such almighty power hath made, God's gracious mercy keepeth; By morning glow or evening shade, God's watchful eye ne'er sleepeth. Within the realm of God's delight, Lo! all is just and all is right: To God all praise and glory.

For God is never far away, but through all grief distressing, An ever present help and stay, our peace and joy and blessing. As with a mother's tender hand, God gently leads the pilgrim band: To God all praise and glory.

Then all my toilsome way along, I sing aloud God's praises, That all may hear the grateful song, my voice unwearied raises: Be joyful in the Lord, my heart! Both soul and body bear your part! To God all praise and glory.

O ye who name Christ's holy Name, give God all praise and glory; Let all who know God's power proclaim, aloud the wondrous story! Cast each false idol from its throne, and worship God, and God alone! To God all praise and glory.

I cried to God in my distress - In mercy, hear my calling! My Maker saw my helplessness and kept my feet from falling; For this, Lord, thanks and praise to Thee Praise God, I say, praise God with me! To God all praise and glory.


R.C. SPROUL: 1939 – 2017

Dr. Robert Charles Sproul has been many things over his accomplished lifetime – an acclaimed Bible teacher, theologian, author, radio speaker, jokester, golfer, even artist and musician. As one close associate said, he might best be described as “omni-competent.”

Better known as “R.C.” to his family, friends, students, readers of his books, and hearers of his lectures, Sproul forged a reputation as a staunch, determined defender of the Scriptures, becoming a central combatant in the so-called “battle for the Bible” during the 1980s and 90s. He also was noted for being unusually skilled in distilling theological truths and principles into everyday language. Born on February 13, 1939, in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Sproul passed away on December 14, 2017 at the age of 78, going home to the Lord whose Word he relentlessly and fearlessly defended.

A legacy of truth Sproul’s education prepared him well for his role as teacher, speaker, and author. He held degrees from Westminster College, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, and the Free University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.

He was founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries, which was started as the Ligonier Valley Study Center in western Pennsylvania in 1971, a gathering place for Christians to engage in extended periods of study. In 1984 it was relocated to Orlando, Florida, and became one of the world’s leading Christian discipleship organizations.

A prolific author and editor of more than 100 books, Sproul’s writings included “The Holiness of God,” “If There Is a God, Why Are There Atheists?”, “One Holy Passion,” “Five Things Every Christian Needs to Grow,” “What is Reformed Theology?”, the “St. Andrew’s Expositional Commentary Series,” children’s books, and was general editor of the Reformation Study Bible. He was executive editor of Tabletalk magazine, was featured on the daily radio program “Renewing Your Mind” (broadcast on more than 300 stations around the world), and had thousands of audio and video messages translated into dozens of languages worldwide.

His teaching career included tenures at Gordon College, Gordon- Conwell Theological Seminary, Reformed Theological Seminary (in both Orlando and Jackson, Mississippi), and Knox Theological Seminary. He was founder and chairman of Ligonier Academy of Biblical and Theological Studies; founder, chancellor, and first president of Reformation Bible College in Sanford, Florida; and director of Serve


International. For a time he served as co-pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida.

One particular quote captured his theological perspective: “Loving a holy God is beyond our moral power. The only kind of God we can love by our sinful nature is an unholy god, an idol made by our own hands. Unless we are born of the Spirit of God, unless God sheds His holy love in our hearts, unless He stoops in His grace to change our hearts, we will not love Him… To love a holy God requires grace, grace strong enough to pierce our hardened hearts and awaken our moribund souls.”

For all his good-naturedness, Sproul proved uncompromising on matters he regarded as non-negotiable. There was a time in the late 1990s when he and several other well-known evangelical leaders had a parting of ways over how to articulate a theological truth while engaged in an ecumenical initiative called Catholics and Evangelicals Together (CET). A lengthy statement of unity was drafted by CET and signed by a number of evangelical Protestant and Roman Catholic leaders, but Sproul didn’t approve it, finding some its wording untenable.

In an attempt to heal a widening breach, a meeting was called. A key part of the discussion was Sproul’s insistence that it was important to say “sola fide (by faith alone) is essential to the Gospel,” while others would respond only it was “central.” Sproul considered the distinction non- negotiable. He had been good friends with a number of these men, but the inability to reach an accord created a rift that resulted in the termination of Sproul’s relationship with several ministries. This episode crystallized Sproul’s willingness to stand for truth no matter what it cost him.

Full of depth and life But just inside Sproul’s sometimes stern, impassioned exterior existed a man who thoroughly enjoyed life and relished a good joke. He balanced his devotion to Jesus Christ with a number of hobbies, including reading, golf, sketching, painting, music (he played piano and violin), and hunting. He typified the view that although the mission of Christians is a serious one with eternal consequences, believers dare not take themselves too seriously.

More than one friend commented that R.C. would frequently laugh uproariously. Chris Larson, president of Sproul’s Ligonier Ministries, observed, “He was always full of life, always finding a way to tell a good joke. He was intimidating at first glance. R.C. was omni-competent, but the human side of him was what made it all work.” He is survived by his wife of 57 years, Vesta; their two children, Sherrie Dorotiak and Robert Craig Sproul; 11 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Robert Tamasy Courtesy: www.byfaithonline.com 33


The quiz is open to participants of all ages. Answers should be given by the 20th of every month. Late entries will not be considered. Answers should be mailed to [email protected] or given to Mrs. Sheeba Roshan in person. Names of participants with score will be mentioned in the next issue. Winners will be awarded at the end of the year.

QUIZ 1 PORTION: Psalms 1-41

1. ______is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked. 2. In the 16th Psalm, what does David say is at God's right hand? 3. David asks God to hide him in a shadow under God's ______. 4. From which verse do we get the song, 'I will call upon the Lord'? 5. The Lord is my ______, I will not ______. 6. What does David ask God to forgive? 7. The Lord is my ______and my ______. (both words begin with 's') 8. What does David say to keep from evil? 9. What does David say to cease from? 10. Who will borrow and not payback?

Answers to Quiz 12:

ACROSS 1. Frankincense (Matt 2:11) 2. Bethlehem (Luke 2:4) 3. Manger (Luke 2:11) 4. Cattle (From song "Away in A Manger", the line "The cattle are lowing, the poor Baby wakes") 5. Angel Gabriel (Luke 1:26)

DOWN 1. Star (Matt 2:9) 2. King Herod (Matt 2:1) 3. Elizabeth (Luke 1:56) 4. Wisemen (Matt 2:7) 5. Shepherds (Luke 2:8)


Points tally after Quiz 12:

Dec 2017 Aggregate 1 Daryl Christopher 10 120 2 Diya Rajiv - 40 3 Felicia William - 89 4 Gilfred Sam 10 120 5 Hilda Joseph - 40 6 Jadon Johnsson Dhyriam - 50 7 Jason Travis Daniel 10 120 8 Jeremy Roopsingh - 70 9 Jonathan Roopsingh - 70 10 Latha Chittaranjan 10 120 11 Prarthana Gilfred 10 120 12 Rohan Abraham Stanley 10 110 13 Santosh Dhyriam - 50 14 Shreya Dhyriam - 50 15 Sneha Rachel 10 120 16 Tasha Grace 10 120


A big thank-you to all the participants of Bible quiz 2017. Appreciate your commitment! The winners of Bible quiz 2017 are:

First place: Darryl Christopher Gilfred Sam Jason Daniel Latha Chittaranjan Prarthana Gilfred Sneha Rachel Tasha Grace

Second place: Felicia Williams Rohan Abraham

Third place: Jeremy Roopsingh Jonathan Roopsingh


Wise Men from the East Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.” St. Matthew 2:1,2


We welcome your original contributions to the EanMe in the form of articles, poems, Protestant church pictures for the cover, or information relevant to the season. Please send your entries by hard/soft copy to reach the STEC church office [email protected] or [email protected] by the 20th of every month.

You can read the current issue of EanMe online at http://www.santhomeenglishchurch.org/. A few earlier issues have been archived on `CSI St. Thomas English Church’ facebook page.

Contributions are also invited for the Sunday bulletin. If you have any interesting information to share in the form of anecdotes, short stories etc. (around 100 words) relevant to the Sunday theme, please mail it to Kavita Edward: [email protected]

We are on Social Media!

‘Like’ our Church page on Facebook to stay updated https://www.facebook.com/StThomasEnglishChurch

‘Follow’@CSI_STEC on Twitter

Join our Church group on Facebook to connect with each other and share / view pictures of church events https://www.facebook.com/CSI St. Thomas English Church, Santhome

`Follow’ @csi_stec on Instagram

Travelling on work? Don’t forget to click a picture! If you happen to visit or see a beautiful, historic Protestant church that you think should be on our EanMe cover, please click a hi-res picture and e-mail it, along with a short note about the Church, to [email protected]

Mrs. Stella Davis, mother of Mr. Emmanuel Davis, slept in the Lord on 19 Dec 2017.


If you would like to join, participate in or use your time and effort for the Ministries, Fellowships and activities of the Church, please get in touch with the following people: Sunday School – Mrs. Annamary Frederick Tweens Fellowship – Mr. Swithun Manoharan / Mr. Joshua Foulger Adult Fellowship – Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses Choir – Mrs. Anila Manoharan Women’s Fellowship – Mrs. Vasanthi Premkumar Men’s Fellowship – Mr. Manoharan Gnanaolivu Rapha (Hospital Ministry) – Mrs. Ranjini Inbaraj Blossoms for Christ (Evening Sunday School) – Mrs. Sheeba Roshan Church Library – Mrs. Shailaja Henry Eco (Garden) – Mrs. Premalatha Samuel Evangelism – Mrs. Nirmala Stephen EanMe, Website Content, Facebook, Twitter & Instagram moderation – Mrs. Fabiola Jacob Weekly Bulletin (Pew Sheets) – Mrs. Kavita Edward Education Ministry (School) – Mrs. Gemina Martin


The Rt. Rev. Dr. J. George Stephen Bishop in Madras

Rev. D. Richard Ambrose Jebakumar Presbyter-in-charge

Mr. Milton Sigamoney Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses Lay Readers

Mr. Stephen Michael A. Mr. Benjamin Hastings Secretary Treasurer

Mr. Ajit Stanley Moses Mr. S.P. Paul Mr. A. Arun Jacob PASTORATE Mrs. Saroja Bai J. COMMITTEE Mrs. Susanna Premalatha Samuel MEMBERS Mrs. Sheeba Roshan Mr. Gerald Joshua Divyaprabhu Mrs. Nisha Jeethendra


English: Sunday – 8:15 am Sunday School : Tamil: Sunday - 4 pm

Tweens Fellowship : Sunday - 4:30 pm

Women’s Fellowship : I and III Saturday - 5:00 pm

Men’s Fellowship : II and IV Saturday - 6:30 pm

Adults’ Fellowship : Sunday - 5:00 pm

Hospital visit : II Sunday - 10:15 am


WORSHIP SERVICES – PLAN FOR JANUARY 2018 Date and Day Services and Preacher Theme Stewards for Bible Time Reading and Offertory 7.1.2018 First Sunday Genesis 12: 1 – 7 7:30 am after Sung Eucharist: Colossians 2: 9 – 15 Epiphany Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard A new Psalm 100 Ambrose relationship St. Mathew 11: 25 – 30 Covenant 6.00 pm Sunday Evensong: Mr. & Mrs. Ranjan Sermon: Mr. Milton Sigamoney Selvakumar

14.1.2018 7:00 am Holy Eucharist: Numbers 20: 1 - 11 Second Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Christ draws Acts 19: 1 – 7 Sunday after Ambrose all nations to Psalm 72: 1 – 12 Epiphany Himself St. Mathew 2: 1 - 12 8:15 am Sung Matins: Sermon: Mrs. Lillian Richard Mr. & Mrs. Roshan Soundarapandian 6.00 pm Holy Eucharist: Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Ambrose


21.1.2018 7:30 am Sung Eucharist: Isaiah 42: 1 – 7 Third Sunday Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard Christian I Peter 4: 12 – 19 after Ambrose discipleship Psalm 86 Epiphany St. Luke 14: 25 – 33 6:00 pm Evensong: Sermon: Mr. Ajit Stanley Mr. & Mrs. R. Leonard Moses 28.1.2018 7:30 am Sung Eucharist: Genesis 1: 24 – 31 Fourth Celebrant: Rev. D. Richard The goodness Ephesians 1: 3 – 14 Sunday after Ambrose of creation Psalm 104: 1 – 13 Epiphany St. Mathew 6: 9 – 13 6:00 pm Evensong: Sermon: Mr. Milton Sigamoney Dr. & Dr. Mrs. Rabinder Boaz