A Short Memoir of Bosch India a Short Bosch

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A Short Memoir of Bosch India a Short Bosch A short India memoir of Bosch Bosch 1922 1955 1988- 1999 QS 9000 Certification 2007 2010 The pre- indep The Bosch Application INITIATIVES FOR READY FOR THE Center Novel Ideas TURNING endence era - 1988 1994 NEW MILLENNIUM BETTER EFFICIENCY Launch of energy Packaging Technology 2003 THE TIDE THE BIG LEAP THIRD FACTORY AT -efficient A4000 Pump 1951 NAGANATHAPURA Packaging Machines for commercial vehicles Diversif WORLD-CLASS FOR THE 2012 FORWARD Further diversification Fostering Launch of EMI/EMC BOSCH ENTERS SECURITY TECH- lab at Coimbatore Establishment Every Dark Cloud FURTHER of fully-owned ication ENVIRONM subsidiary in INDIA 1951 NOLOGY FOR INDIA Bangladesh by has a Silver Lining a Culture GROWTH Bosch India Commitment 1995 Bosch Security ENT Production of 2011 People to Quality Blaupunkt Common Rail AND EXPANSION -1954 A PROMISING Systems Injectors at Nashik Car Audio Plant EXCITING 2013 Published by: first! Expansions FUTURE 2005 Inauguration of the first plant of TAKING and Its Systems A YEAR OF GREATER 2008 DEVELOP- Bosch Thermo-technology in The Vocational Blaupunkt car Bangalore Employee suggestion The birth of RBIC Bosch Limited Setting Centre GROWTH Inauguration of Automotive Systems Laboratory at Bangalore Fifth Problems audio systems A NEW NAME MENTS Manufacture of Body Control Module up Manu scheme Views of the THE Special Blaupunkt car audio Indian media A NEW IDENTITY Manufacture of Immobiliser, facturing Expan Developing Other 2006 on the Bosch Transponder and Antenna by RBAI Corporate Communications Facilities Purpose Products systems Common Rail Inauguration of sion 2000 MICO becomes Signing of MoU 2014 FIRST Machines Packaging technology - packaging TECHNOLOGY FOR THE RBIL ECU Testing Plan Common Rail BOSCH with IISc P. B. No. 3000, Hosur Road, Adugodi machines Power tools - the LANDMARKS ENVIRONMENT customers in India REAFFIRMATION Initial Center at STEPSgrowth The Nashik marble cutter Common Rail Pumps: renamed Inauguration of IN RESEARCH A presence in Coimbatore Inauguration of with a new center a new facility OF BOSCH’S Bengaluru – 560 030 Services - Bosch Car Pioneered by Bosch,in Koramangala, first Software Coimbatore Experience AND DEVELOPMENT Bangalore Sceptics Service produced indigenously 2009 and Engineering COMMITMENT TO INDIA Inauguration silenced Foray Into Automotive GROWTH THROUGH Center in South Inauguration of RBDI’s MILESTONES new plant Foreign 2001 of DCIN’s in Chennai Exports Accessories ACQUISITION IN PRODUCTION east Asia Phone: +91 (80) 2299 9269 investment new plant in Sanand Overall responsibility: Corporate Communications Team, Bosch India Website: www.boschindia.com /boschindia @boschindia /bosch-india To order additional copies of this book, email us at: [email protected] © December 2014 A History of Excellence A Journey of Progress A short memoir of Bosch India A history of excellence A journey of progress Author’s Note Dear readers of this book ‘A short memoir of Bosch India’, Penning down the history of Bosch in India has been a unique honor for the Bosch India Corporate Communications team. We have endeavored to present the history of Bosch India in a comprehensive manner in this book. To the best of our efforts, we have researched to get hold of the most authentic of reference sources from the archives. These include magazines, annual reports, pictures and oral recordings of internal and external stakeholders, which are invaluable records of the rich history of the Company. We would also like to bring to your attention that most of the information in this book pertains to Bosch Limited (previously Mico Limited*) – since the history of Bosch India began with it. All other subsidiaries were formed much later. Necessary effort has been made to ensure that the information captured under the year-wise eras pertain to the same. In some places, however, this has not been done so as to ensure continuity of the topics. Every effort has been made by the entire editorial team to ensure that the information presented in this book is as accurate as possible. Even though the city of Bangalore has been renamed to Bengaluru from November 1, 2014 onwards by the Government of Karnataka, we have retained the name ‘Bangalore’ for the sake of historical charm. * The company is referred to as ‘Mico’ and the brand as ‘MICO’. Happy reading! Sincerely, Corporate Communications Team, Bosch India. Message Dr. Steffen Berns President and Country Head, Bosch India Managing Director, Bosch Limited %RVFKVHWIRRWLQ,QGLDDVHDUO\DVLQZLWKDUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRIÀFHLQ&DOFXWWD QRZ.RONDWD 7KHMRXUQH\RI%RVFKLQ,QGLDKDVEHHQRQHRIVXVWDLQHGFRPPLWPHQW:LWKWKHIRXQGLQJRIWKHÀUVWUHJLRQDOVXEVLGLDU\ Mico in 1951, Bosch became a major contributor to the much-needed agrarian, economic and auto industry development in India. Based on its long and international experience and true to the Bosch tradition of innovation to enhance the ‘quality of life’ with pioneering products and excellence in quality, the company emerged as a technology leader in the Indian automotive industry as well. 7KLVMRXUQH\KDVEHHQPDUNHGE\FRQVLVWHQWKLJKSHUIRUPDQFHDQGUHÁHFWVLQWKHH[SDQVLRQRIERWKDXWRPRWLYHDQG non-automotive businesses. Bosch has always introduced ground-breaking technology products which have set benchmarks in the industry. Today, Bosch India is a world-class organisation with highest international standards in manufacturing, cutting-edge research & development, product and service quality, and human resource development. With the ever growing and changing market demand, Bosch India is geared up to introduce new technologies that meet WKHVSHFLÀFQHHGVRI,QGLDQFRQVXPHUVE\IRFXVLQJRQLQGLJHQRXVFRVWHIIHFWLYHLQQRYDWLYHSURGXFWVDQGVROXWLRQV The future will witness Bosch India making continued advancements on all fronts, and thus sustaining its leadership position in the country. Our greatest strengths are our ‘values’ and our ‘people’. As a value-driven organisation since LQFHSWLRQRXULGHDOVDUHUHÁHFWHGLQWKHZD\ZHGREXVLQHVVDQGGHDOZLWKRXUEXVLQHVVSDUWQHUVLQYHVWRUVDVVRFLDWHV and society at large. The history of our company is an invaluable part of its existence. For over 60 years, Bosch India has traversed a remarkable journey in the Indian automotive industry. Punctuated with several milestones of path-breaking achievements, the journey so far is a landmark in itself. We are pleased to bring to you the memories of this remarkable history. As you turn the pages, you will discover ‘a history of excellence and a journey of progress’. And for the journey ahead, we wish all our associates, business partners and other stakeholders the very best and greater success. Yours sincerely, Steffen Berns 7 12 - Colonial era and Contents 1922 - 1951 Independence X 7KHÀUVWPLOHSRVWLVWKH year 1922 X Ghaziabad Engineering Co. becomes the sole supplier of Bosch auto parts 1951 - 1954 17 - The beginnings X Three individuals help establish Bosch in India X The Mico logo X Early challenges X ,PSRUWGLIÀFXOWLHV X A strong hold in the OEM business 27 - Vocational Centre, mo- mentum with SPMs, and the 1955 - 1965 quality movement lead the way X $SSUHQWLFHVÀUVW X Manufacture of Special Purpose Machines X Foray into exports X Strengthened quality, customer focus and supplier network 33 - New plant at Nashik 1966 - 1976 helps boost exports X Second plant at Nashik X Mico becomes a major exporter X Silver Jubilee 8 37 - Naganathapura plant 53 - Heavy investments, India’s 1977 - 1990 expands company’s role in the 2004 - 2008 ÀUVW&RPPRQ5DLOV\VWHP Indian automotive industry expansion of IT operations X Ambitious plans X A period of impending X New plant at Naganathapura change – Mico steers in a helps diversify product range new direction X Heavy investments X Common Rail technology for GLHVHO²$ÀUVWLQ,QGLD X IT operations expand with new facilities at Bangalore and Coimbatore 41 - Liberalisation spells a promising future. Jaipur plant and 1991 - 2000 non-automotive businesses begin 57 - A new identity, new 2008 subsidiaries for emerging markets, increased research X Automotive Aftermarket gains onwards activities, new regional opportunity subsidiary at Bangladesh X Production of Blaupunkt in-car entertainment systems X MICO becomes BOSCH X Bosch packaging technology for the Indian market X Joint venture establishes Electrical Drives subsidiary X India gets ready for Bosch Power Tools X Automotive Electronics subsidiary is next X New plant at Jaipur X Bosch achieves innovative Leveraging IT talent X success by developing components for Tata Nano X Innovative A4000 Pump 47 - R&D enables X Engineering & Software 2001 - 2005 technological edge, growth subsidiary makes big strides with acquisitions in research X Flagship subsidiary adds Thermotechnology to its operations X R&D facility enables technological edge X Fully-owned subsidiary in Bangladesh X Acquisition of Rexroth in *HUPDQ\UHÁHFWVLQ,QGLD X From Adugodi to Bidadi - the Bangalore plant moves X Bosch Security Systems acquires Philips CSI business towards a new horizon X Increased stakes in Kalyani Brakes 9 10 Preface The journey of Bosch in India of the Indian auto component with established R&D centres, LVDQH[SHULHQFHÀOOHGZLWK industry since 1951. and nationwide service and PLOHSRVWVWKDWUHÁHFWWKH support networks. developments of the Indian auto The Bosch strategy of being component industry itself. able to customize world-class This special book - ‘A short WHFKQRORJLHVIRUVSHFLÀFUHJLRQDO memoir of Bosch India’ is, in a The Bosch Group is more than needs of businesses and way, the latest compendium of 128 years old. What started
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