Advance / Closer to Border^ of East Prussia
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V r ,. V 'TTONESDAT. \ . I iT O tw r o Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Cireniation ^--------------------- For tba lloeth at Jane, 1S44 The Weather Congregational church ta 4^rling- sis Forecast ol L'. S. yiVa.tber Bureau Lota and Jellen Sml'th. daugh receiving Rev. Simpeon ehortly The British War Veterans’ Bingo since the call has how become of ton. Mass.. At present, he Is resid ters of Mr. and Mrs., D, Smith committee has sciit a check fqi; 5^0 S', Chur^^h Votes ficial. ing In Springfield, Vt. ODD pELLOWA DI^Pfi. 8,762 Clear and cooled toMghtj Fri fAbout Town to the Hartford Times Ghrciis Dis of 20 North Fairfield street, have ’ Rev. Simpson ha* had quite a di TELEPHONE day fair with moderate tempera retuffied home after a two weeks’ It was also voted lafit n^ght to. Member at the Audit aster Relief Fund. ^ versified career, both education purchase the property at 05 ture*. viMt with frtgnd* in Huntington; B anua Clrealattous Official Call ally and religiously. He gained hia Cheetnut street for a new parson at \ V*jy*r w.d M a^. Bachelor hf Divinity degree at age.- u for member* of the Cov- Aviation citdet _ ^*^^**^**L..^' N Manch^ter— A CUy of Village^ Charm ADA Cm Mlu -f Mrs. Union ’Theologieal Seminary in ___ConirregBtlonml church wW James A. •srnheffl. of Center Sdciely Invites 1933. Since then, he has been h*W thi* evenln* J:Sp WsTtoa b T Joyner, of. 31 HoU place, accountant f 6r thi. street, has begun an elgnteen-week Christian Asaoclation Director at VOL. L X in., NO. 241 (CtoeelSed Advertlelag ea Fage It) MANiDHESj^ERKCONN., THURSDAY, JULY 13,1944 (TWELVE PAGES) i t the home of Mr. wtB Mh*. •*• ticut Power Co., underwent Rev. Simpson to Be the University of Maine, and Di PRICE rUREE CE! E lK rtn of 132 MapI* *tr*«t. training period *M*'« major operation at the'Mancheater^ a Roofing—Asbestos r<*cea‘ Training Command scI>ooI. rector of Religious, Education at Memorial hoapltal this mofnlrig. Its Next Pastor. a pariah in, Oaklanb, Catif. He ^ dauKhter, Deborah Ahn, wM Childress, Texas, in tlie^PWvhandle Hia condition is cqna.Ulered apribus. Siding and Rbck to earn h ls ^ n g s a* a bombardier- spent two ' years in archeological rV I VMterday to Mr. and Mr*. K- At a special meeting of- the P ^- exploration in Palestine. ■ Seven They Paid Price of Vff ^ o r y Navigaton Wool Insulation Kalth o f 7S0 Narragan* Mr. and M ra/H erb^t B. House toral Selection committee, of years were spent as pastor of the Advance of East Ceii(<^r .street-are gtieata / ntt Parkway, P»«yld*nc* R. I. at Expert werkyianslUp. All work ' Piovl^ne* Lyinf-Tn-Ho»piUl. Mr*. Kdna Cana Parker of Hunt at the New^cean House, Swamp-, which A. H. Illing is chairman, n j ington street, who for the past and the Bcclesiaatical Society of gnaranteed. ReasonaBio Frloea * Keith 4* th* foHner Beatrice scott, M a^ , y ^ , No oBllgaUon tor an eottnwto. Perratt o< Manche*ter. four *easons has had charge of the Center church last night, .it NORMAN BENTZ Red Croa* sewing by Center The /wind, which preceded the' was unanimously voted that Rev. Write. Closer to Border^ m: Aa only two of th* flv* police church women, was tendered a .stomt ,just before 5 d'olock last Clifford O. Simpson of Springfield, Sheet Metal Work — Eaves KoiMniaflloiier* could b* preaent at luncheon by the group of worker? ev^ing, knocked over a tree rin Vt;, be extended a call. 'iS’oughH. Now Is the Ume to A . S A . ] After a'prayer by Miss Marion Burton Insulating Co. ericans ^ I monthly meeting laet night, the on the church lawn recently and l!>digerton street. which closed hav'e Eaves Troughs Installed lion wa* poatponed until neat presented with a beauUful pottery through traffic for a time. A tele- Munapn, director of religious edu ur repaired. ISO Oxford St.'^ . Haitford cation, the members voted Charles Of East Prussia vase in appredation of her effi .phnue line was also .^ut out , of CALL 89M < Pbono Hartford 12-4515 cient leaderidi^. / business temporarily. S. House chairman of the meeting, over which he presided throughout Unne Lodge No. 7*. Knights of Hose No. * of the Manchester the election. The membera of Cen Reach Point Within 30 ter church are looking forward to Free News g e n e r a l r e p a i r s Pythias, will hold its regular Fire department will meet tonight. V Miles of Suwalki Tri \>N D CARPENTRY meeting tonight at 8 o clock *t Officers will be elected. The out Orange Hall. ing comnlttee of the company will angle After Plunging \PHONB 2-0771 report on th« outing held Sunday. /F o r W orld Germftnd in St. Lo Being R, J, CHAMBERS The Church Board Of Education FOR TOP VALUE \Forward 1 9 Miles in 182 Sdhool S t m t will meet tomorrow evening at Rgt- Dominic Farr, Of 4* Cot IN A NEW HOME Expect Action Today Gradually Str^ingled 7:45 at the South Methodist. tage street, returned home last Deify a | id Night; Other Yank Plan night on a l.'kiay furlough. Sgt. Sm the Ones Being Built By Coltimns Near Hannas. By Arms of Rowerfnl Farr la stationed in Charleston, S. C. ■ CREENBROOKE To Seek Removal or On Pooling ofMongy American Tank and \ Moscow, July ' 13.— (A*)—- Infantry Offensive; Mrs. Benjamin Maguwan, Jr„ HOMt:S, INC Russian trodps advanced to a Minimiaation of All has received word that her hua- point within 30 miles of the Restrictions on Ex 'ecision Anticipated on Push Forward Half b|ind, PVt. Benjamin Magowan, On Walker Street Muni^ Again Enjoy A Goo4^Glass of Bc^ Iiaa arrived safety in Italy. He V Suwalki- triangle of East change After War. und Designed to Sta- Mile West of Pont He For turtBer Infomatioa call at Prussia today after plunging was given a 21 days furlough after AlexaoilBit Janda Co. oOlco’ oa bitise Post-War Car Bert and Mile to South. _ ------------ AT T r tE ^ spending nine months In North 19 miles forward in a day / Oeater street or at tS Alexander New York, Jqly IS—(8*) — The Ghje^f^arget; Africa and Italy, which he enjoyed Pkbnes: 4 US or 7275 and night. (The Suwalki tri 's of 44 Nations. with hia wife and son. He is now New York Times said today -^he street, angle is a wedge of . old Po l^upreme Headquarters Al- ; back in Italy again where he will United States would ask otbefAl- Oil Supply Hit lied Expeditionary Force, help care, for the wounded land Between East Prussia lied natlona^and compel enemy B retton^oods, H., July and Lithuania, which was annexM 13.— (/P)— T l« world July 13.— (/p)— ;The Germans, MAPLE ST. countries—to remove/6r minimize in St. Lo, ancient fortress to East Prussia by the 1939 Bib- know Before \his day enas I I MAPLE STREET — A STEP .FROM M A il(ST R E E T bentrop-MoIotov agreement in the all restrictiona op^the free ex Saarbrucken Also Hit town tn^the middle of the whether 44 fille d iiationa fourth pprtition of Poland. change of neW p'^ter the war. base of the Cherbourg penin-. Might Trap Two Armies really are on th ^ o a d ^ o plac By Heavies from Eng Now Under New HALE'S SELF SERVE ^ In a dt^teb froni Washington sula, were being gradually (Suwalki itaelf is but 11 miles ing Before theirX legislative Management The Times said that, as a atep to land; Rail Facilities in strangled today By the arms ' The Original In New England! from the pre-wai border' of Eaat ward agreement by the United bodies concrete plaW to pool Prussia. It la a city of old Poland Nations, Great Britain would be Italy Under Attack. of a powerful American tank Mullen ft Sn a wedge of land between'East some $18,000,000,000\in the 4sked to open discussions on the The loss e and Infantry offensive which ■ al Prussia knd Lithuania. It lies 60 at limb was the price thcae Yank aoldicM paid for the Allied victory Normandy, hopfi^oif assuring a BWghter Happeny subject here tma fall. Here at the Arm y Medicali section of the Walter Reed hospital in Washington they London, July 18— (P)—Munich ready had passed by the town te mllea aouthwest of Kaunas and ^ checkers to future. Actually today’s actom at the east. Supreme headquarters THURSDAY SPECIALS! The confeten^, the newspaper pass the long days of recuperation. From left' to right: Pfc. James R. Hinlcs, Brookline, Pa.; Pvt. was hit a hard blow for the thtfd nilet from the Prussian Baltic added, would be a(ined at discus the United Nations Monetary con announced., the capture of seven aosst. A Rusalan drive to the Bal Clarence.Osher, Redford, N. Y.; Pfc. Leater A. Walter, Auburn, N. Y.; and Pvt. Lewis E/ Morris, Crozet ference—generally expected )o be auccesaive day by 1,000 Flying Prompt, Friendly sion of the question. of cable and Va.—NEA telephoto. / . i towiia by the Americans In gains' Service! tic might trap two Oerman Armies radio ratea and the drafting o f a favorable— involves less than half Fortresses and Liberators today along a 48-mile front. , ill the Russian-annexed atatea" of the amount of that pool. .,>iw » * S p r ^ _ \ 8-LB.