V r ,. V 'TTONESDAT. \ . I iT O tw r o Manchester Evening Herald Average Daily Cireniation ^--------------------- For tba lloeth at Jane, 1S44 The Weather Congregational church ta 4^rling- sis Forecast ol L'. S. yiVa.tber Bureau Lota and Jellen Sml'th. daugh­ receiving Rev. Simpeon ehortly The British War Veterans’ Bingo since the call has how become of­ ton. Mass.. At present, he Is resid­ ters of Mr. and Mrs., D, Smith committee has sciit a check fqi; 5^0 S', Chur^^h Votes ficial. ing In Springfield, Vt. ODD pELLOWA DI^Pfi. 8,762 Clear and cooled toMghtj Fri­ fAbout Town to the Hartford Times Ghrciis Dis­ of 20 North Fairfield street, have ’ Rev. Simpson ha* had quite a di­ TELEPHONE day fair with moderate tempera­ retuffied home after a two weeks’ It was also voted lafit n^ght to. Member at the Audit aster Relief Fund. ^ versified career, both education­ purchase the property at 05 ture*. viMt with frtgnd* in Huntington; B anua Clrealattous Official Call ally and religiously. He gained hia Cheetnut street for a new parson­ at \ V*jy*r w.d M a^. Bachelor hf Divinity degree at age.- u for member* of the Cov- Aviation citdet _ ^*^^**^**L..^' N Manch^ter— A CUy of Village^ Charm ADA Cm Mlu -f Mrs. Union ’Theologieal Seminary in ___ConirregBtlonml church wW James A. •srnheffl. of Center Sdciely Invites 1933. Since then, he has been h*W thi* evenln* J:Sp WsTtoa b T Joyner, of. 31 HoU place, accountant f 6r thi. street, has begun an elgnteen-week Christian Asaoclation Director at VOL. L X in., NO. 241 (CtoeelSed Advertlelag ea Fage It) MANiDHESj^ERKCONN., THURSDAY, JULY 13,1944 (TWELVE PAGES) i t the home of Mr. wtB Mh*. •*• ticut Power Co., underwent Rev. Simpson to Be the University of Maine, and Di­ PRICE rUREE CE! E lK rtn of 132 MapI* *tr*«t. training period *M*'« major operation at the'Mancheater^ a Roofing—Asbestos r<*cea‘ Training Command scI>ooI. rector of Religious, Education at Memorial hoapltal this mofnlrig. Its Next Pastor. a pariah in, Oaklanb, Catif. He ^ dauKhter, Deborah Ahn, wM Childress, Texas, in tlie^PWvhandle Hia condition is cqna.Ulered apribus. Siding and Rbck to earn h ls ^ n g s a* a bombardier- spent two ' years in archeological rV I VMterday to Mr. and Mr*. K- At a special meeting of- the P ^- exploration in Palestine. ■ Seven They Paid Price of Vff ^ o r y Navigaton Wool Insulation Kalth o f 7S0 Narragan* Mr. and M ra/H erb^t B. House toral Selection committee, of years were spent as pastor of the Advance of East Ceii(<^r .street-are gtieata / ntt Parkway, P»«yld*nc* R. I. at Expert werkyianslUp. All work ' Piovl^ne* Lyinf-Tn-Ho»piUl. Mr*. Kdna Cana Parker of Hunt­ at the New^cean House, Swamp-, which A. H. Illing is chairman, n j ington street, who for the past and the Bcclesiaatical Society of gnaranteed. ReasonaBio Frloea * Keith 4* th* foHner Beatrice scott, M a^ , y ^ , No oBllgaUon tor an eottnwto. Perratt o< Manche*ter. four *easons has had charge of the Center church last night, .it NORMAN BENTZ Red Croa* sewing by Center The /wind, which preceded the' was unanimously voted that Rev. Write. Closer to Border^ m: Aa only two of th* flv* police church women, was tendered a .stomt ,just before 5 d'olock last Clifford O. Simpson of Springfield, Sheet Metal Work — Eaves KoiMniaflloiier* could b* preaent at luncheon by the group of worker? ev^ing, knocked over a tree rin Vt;, be extended a call. 'iS’oughH. Now Is the Ume to A . S A . ] After a'prayer by Miss Marion Burton Insulating Co. ericans ^ I monthly meeting laet night, the on the church lawn recently and l!>digerton street. which closed hav'e Eaves Troughs Installed lion wa* poatponed until neat presented with a beauUful pottery through traffic for a time. A tele- Munapn, director of religious edu­ ur repaired. ISO Oxford St.'^ . Haitford cation, the members voted Charles Of East Prussia vase in appredation of her effi­ .phnue line was also .^ut out , of CALL 89M < Pbono Hartford 12-4515 cient leaderidi^. / business temporarily. S. House chairman of the meeting, over which he presided throughout Unne Lodge No. 7*. Knights of Hose No. * of the Manchester the election. The membera of Cen­ Reach Point Within 30 ter church are looking forward to Free News g e n e r a l r e p a i r s Pythias, will hold its regular Fire department will meet tonight. V Miles of Suwalki Tri­ \>N D CARPENTRY meeting tonight at 8 o clock *t Officers will be elected. The out­ Orange Hall. ing comnlttee of the company will angle After Plunging \PHONB 2-0771 report on th« outing held Sunday. /F o r W orld Germftnd in St. Lo Being R, J, CHAMBERS The Church Board Of Education FOR TOP VALUE \Forward 1 9 Miles in 182 Sdhool S t m t will meet tomorrow evening at Rgt- Dominic Farr, Of 4* Cot­ IN A NEW HOME Expect Action Today Gradually Str^ingled 7:45 at the South Methodist. tage street, returned home last Deify a | id Night; Other Yank Plan night on a l.'kiay furlough. Sgt. Sm the Ones Being Built By Coltimns Near Hannas. By Arms of Rowerfnl Farr la stationed in Charleston, S. C. ■ CREENBROOKE To Seek Removal or On Pooling ofMongy American Tank and \ Moscow, July ' 13.— (A*)—- Infantry Offensive; Mrs. Benjamin Maguwan, Jr„ HOMt:S, INC Russian trodps advanced to a Minimiaation of All has received word that her hua- point within 30 miles of the Restrictions on Ex­ 'ecision Anticipated on Push Forward Half b|ind, PVt. Benjamin Magowan, On Walker Street Muni^ Again Enjoy A Goo4^Glass of Bc^ Iiaa arrived safety in Italy. He V Suwalki- triangle of East change After War. und Designed to Sta- Mile West of Pont He­ For turtBer Infomatioa call at Prussia today after plunging was given a 21 days furlough after AlexaoilBit Janda Co. oOlco’ oa bitise Post-War Car­ Bert and Mile to South. _ ------------ AT T r tE ^ spending nine months In North 19 miles forward in a day / Oeater street or at tS Alexander New York, Jqly IS—(8*) — The Ghje^f^arget; Africa and Italy, which he enjoyed Pkbnes: 4 US or 7275 and night. (The Suwalki tri­ 's of 44 Nations. with hia wife and son. He is now New York Times said today -^he street, angle is a wedge of . old Po­ l^upreme Headquarters Al- ; back in Italy again where he will United States would ask otbefAl- Oil Supply Hit lied Expeditionary Force, help care, for the wounded land Between East Prussia lied natlona^and compel enemy B retton^oods, H., July and Lithuania, which was annexM 13.— (/P)— T l« world July 13.— (/p)— ;The Germans, MAPLE ST. countries—to remove/6r minimize in St. Lo, ancient fortress to East Prussia by the 1939 Bib- know Before \his day enas I I MAPLE STREET — A STEP .FROM M A il(ST R E E T bentrop-MoIotov agreement in the all restrictiona op^the free ex­ Saarbrucken Also Hit town tn^the middle of the whether 44 fille d iiationa fourth pprtition of Poland. change of neW p'^ter the war. base of the Cherbourg penin-. Might Trap Two Armies really are on th ^ o a d ^ o plac­ By Heavies from Eng­ Now Under New HALE'S SELF SERVE ^ In a dt^teb froni Washington sula, were being gradually (Suwalki itaelf is but 11 miles ing Before theirX legislative Management The Times said that, as a atep to­ land; Rail Facilities in strangled today By the arms ' The Original In New England! from the pre-wai border' of Eaat ward agreement by the United bodies concrete plaW to pool Prussia. It la a city of old Poland Nations, Great Britain would be Italy Under Attack. of a powerful American tank Mullen ft Sn a wedge of land between'East some $18,000,000,000\in the 4sked to open discussions on the The loss e and Infantry offensive which ■ al­ Prussia knd Lithuania. It lies 60 at limb was the price thcae Yank aoldicM paid for the Allied victory Normandy, hopfi^oif assuring a BWghter Happeny subject here tma fall. Here at the Arm y Medicali section of the Walter Reed hospital in Washington they London, July 18— (P)—Munich ready had passed by the town te mllea aouthwest of Kaunas and ^ checkers to future. Actually today’s actom at the east. Supreme headquarters THURSDAY SPECIALS! The confeten^, the newspaper pass the long days of recuperation. From left' to right: Pfc. James R. Hinlcs, Brookline, Pa.; Pvt. was hit a hard blow for the thtfd nilet from the Prussian Baltic added, would be a(ined at discus­ the United Nations Monetary con­ announced., the capture of seven aosst. A Rusalan drive to the Bal­ Clarence.Osher, Redford, N. Y.; Pfc. Leater A. Walter, Auburn, N. Y.; and Pvt. Lewis E/ Morris, Crozet ference—generally expected )o be auccesaive day by 1,000 Flying Prompt, Friendly sion of the question. of cable and Va.—NEA telephoto. / . i towiia by the Americans In gains' Service! tic might trap two Oerman Armies radio ratea and the drafting o f a favorable— involves less than half Fortresses and Liberators today along a 48-mile front. , ill the Russian-annexed atatea" of the amount of that pool. .,>iw » * S p r ^ _ \ 8-LB.
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