
Catholic Diocese of Wichita Religion Curriculum Guide

Revised: 2012




Mlada Hill, St. Joseph Catholic School, Wichita


Michelle Leddy, St. Joseph Catholic School, Conway Springs - Kindergarten

Mary Jones, Catholic School, Wichita – 1st Grade

Deanna Hanson, St. Catholic School, Wichita – 2nd Grade

Connie Ronck, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Catholic School, Wichita – 3rd Grade

Cathy Hardesty, St. Patrick Catholic School, Wichita – 4th Grade

Majel Breckunitch, St. Mary Catholic School, Newton – 5th Grade

Sr. Mary Clare, IHM, St. Peter Catholic School, Schulte – 6th Grade

Erin Hays, Holy Spirit Catholic School, Wichita - 7th Grade

Greg Goertz, St. Catholic School, Wichita – 8th Grade


Jamie Finkeldei, Catholic School Office, Wichita - Director of Student Services

Adam Butler, St. Cecilia Catholic School, Haysville – Administrative Intern

Aimee Dester, Magdalen Catholic School, Wichita – Assistant Principal

Cindy Chrisman, Christ the King Catholic School, Wichita – Principal

Mary Carter, St. Francis Catholic School, Wichita - Principal


Scope and

Below is a list of the terms and their definitions that will help you plan lessons to meet the expectations of each new skill (per grade) in the Scope and Sequence.

“I”-Introduce: To “introduce” a skill a teacher present material in a manner so that a student becomes acquainted with basic knowledge and principles necessary to enhance these building blocks for later application as understanding increases.

“D”-Develop: To “develop” a skill a teacher must have already introduced the material and now directs a stronger focus of the material as understanding increases. A teacher must build upon the basic knowledge, leading each student toward mastery of the particular skill.

“M”-Master: To “master” a skill a teacher must have introduced and developed a particular skill so a student can demonstrate proven ability and control at the application and impact levels. This control should include recall, but not only be limited to this basic level of learning.

“R”-Reinforce: To “reinforce” a skill a teacher must know that mastery has occurred. A teacher must build upon this mastery level of knowledge to improve application and impact abilities. Additional support and material that increases ability are at the core of reinforcement.



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Benchmark 1: The learner will define the . I D D D D D D D D 1) Identify God as three Divine Persons (Father, Son, and Holy M R R R R R R R R Spirit) in one Being. (Refer to Appendix B for more information) 2) Attributes of the Trinity I D D D D D D D D a) Sustainer of everything in existence CCC 301 I D D D M R R b) Author of Divine Revelation I D D D M R 3) Source of Salvation as offered by the Father, through the sacrifice of the Son, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit in the I D D D D M R sacraments

Benchmark 2: The learner will explain the core beliefs held by I D D D D D D D D Catholics as identified in the Articles of Faith. 1) Doctrine/ Dogma : revealed teachings of Christ, proclaimed by I D D D D M the Church, CCC 88 2) God sent His Son to save us I D D M R R R R R 3) “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and I D D D D D D D D earth” a) God as Creator-Genesis, CCC 279-280; Creation by the I D D D D M R R R Trinity, CCC 291 b) God as Father of all the baptized I M R R R M R R R c) Created Man “in the Image of God,” CCC 355 I D D D D M R R R d) Created Man with a body and soul, CCC 362 I D D D D M R R R e) Creation “out of nothing,” CCC 296 I D D D M R R R f) Inherent truth-creation is good, CCC 299 I D D D M R R R 4) “and in Christ, His only Son, our Lord” I D D D D D D D D a) Jesus is the Son of God (fully divine, consubstantial with the I D D D D M R Father and the Spirit) b) Jesus is also fully human I D D D M R c) Titles of Jesus I D D D D i) Christ-“Messiah” in Hebrew-means anointed I M R R R ii) Name of Jesus--“God Saves” in Hebrew I M R R R iii) Emmanuel--God is with us I M R R R iv) Kyrios -Lord I M R R R v) Word-made-flesh I D D M R vi) Alpha and Omega I D D M R d) I D 5) “who was conceived by the Power of the Holy Spirit [Nicene: and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary],” CCC I D D D D D 484-486 (Incarnation ) a) Definition: “into the flesh,” God became Man, CCC 461-463 I D M R M R b) Why did the Word become flesh?, CCC 457-460 I D D M R i) To save us I D D M R ii) To know God’s love I D D M R iii) To be our model of holiness I D D M R 6) “Born of the Virgin Mary,” CCC 488 M R R R R R R R a) I M R R Page | 4

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b) Mary’s obedient response (in the ), CCC 494 I M R R c) Mary as Mother of God (), CCC 495 I D D D d) Assumption I M R R e) Mary as Second Eve (cf. 1 Cor 15:45) I D f) Mary’s virginity, CCC 497, Is. 7:14 I D 7) “suffered Under Pontius Pilate, was Crucified, Died, and was I D D D D D D Buried” a) Stress Jesus’ obedience to the will of the Father I D D D D M R b) Responsibility for Jesus’ Death I D D D D D D i) Humanity, CCC 598 I D D D D M R ii) Judas I M R iii) Sanhedrin I M R iv) Pilate I M R c) Look to the Stations of the Cross (see Appendix A) I D D D d) Examine the Passion sequences in the I D D D 8) “He descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the I D D D dead” a) Resurrection of body and soul I D M R b) Jesus rose of his own power, CCC 649 I D M R c) Jesus descending to the dead brings the message “to I D D D all people of all times and all places,” CCC 634 d) Fulfillment of all the promises of Old and I D D 9) “He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God I D D D the Father almighty;” CCC659-664 a) Ascension I D M R b) Only Christ can open heaven, CCC 661 I D M R c) Since Jesus is one with the Father, it is only natural for him to I D M R return 10) “from there he will come again to judge the living and the I D D D D D dead,” CCC 678 a) Particular Judgment -immediately after death we see the times when we assisted Christ and the times we didn’t. I D D Based upon this , we will see if we fit into God’s kingdom or not. b) General Judgment -Second coming of Christ in glory, marking the completion of salvation history, when God’s I D D plan will be revealed. The world as we know it will end, and the eternal destiny of every person will be known. 11) “I believe in the Holy Spirit” M R R R R R R a) Role of the Holy Spirit in the Church M R R R R R R i) Sent by Jesus to his disciples to guide them and the Church I D M R R R R ii) Jesus tells us to pray to the Spirit, who will sustain and M R R R R R R guide us until the Second Coming iii) Revealed in Scripture, Tradition, and , CCC688 M R iv) One in being with the Father and the Son (consubstantial ) M R v) Eternally proceeding from Father and Son I D Page | 5

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vi) Holy Spirit is revealed only by Jesus M R vii) Sent by Jesus for our advantage I D b) Names of the Holy Spirit I M R R R i) Paraclete: Consoler and Advocate I M R R R ii) Spirit of Truth I M R R R c) Symbols of the Holy Spirit, CCC 694-701: see Appendix B I M R R R d) List the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit : see Appendix B; Jn I M R R R 14:26,1Cor 2:11. These are gifts from the Spirit to sustain us. e) List the Fruits of the Holy Spirit : see Appendix B. These are how we live out the gifts of the Holy Spirit through our I D M R words and actions. 12) “… the Holy ” I D D D a) Symbols of the Church: see Appendix B I D D D b) “Ecclesia” –to call out of, a convocation or assembly, God is I D M calling together his people c) Instituted by Christ and guided by the Holy Spirit I M 13) “…the of …” I M R R R R R a) Saints in Heaven (including all souls in Heaven) I M R R R R R b) Souls in I M R R R R R c) Faithful on Earth I M R R R R R d) further refinement of terms: Triumphant, Suffering, I D M Militant/ Pilgrim 14) “…the Forgiveness of Sins” I D D D a) One for the forgiveness of sins, CCC 978 I D D D b) Power of the Keys (tie in to the sacrament of Reconciliation) I D D D (John 20:19-23) c) Indulgences: possible through a sharing in the treasury of I D God’s infinite grace i) Plenary: forgiveness of all the punishments due to sin I M ii) Partial: forgiveness of part of the temporal punishments I M due to sin 15) “…the resurrection of the Body…” I D a) Death is the end of earthly life, as a consequence of sin, CCC I D 1008 b) Christ’s obedience has transformed death to new life I D CCC 1009 c) We are living in end times, preparing for the Parousia, I D CCC 1001 d) Our resurrection will be the work of the Holy Trinity, I D CCC 989 e) I D 16) “…and life everlasting.” I D D D D D a) Heaven -perfect life with the Trinity I M R R R R i) If we follow Jesus faithfully, heaven will be our final reward M R R R R R b) Purgatory -final purification, CCC 1031 I M R R R R i) Be familiar with 2 Maccabees 12:44-45 I D D

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ii) Rev 21:27 “Nothing unclean shall enter it (heaven).” I D D c) Hell -separated from God forever by our own free choice, I M R R R R CCC1033, 1035 i) Eternal separation from God I D ii) Eternal loneliness: separation from others I D iii) Inability to love, even self I D iv) Suffering of physical body I D 17) Compare and contrast the Apostles’ Creed and I D D D

Benchmark 3: Define and Apply the CCC I D D D D D 810, 870 1) Be able to list the four marks. M R R R R R 2) One -just as the Trinity is one, so is the Church united by the I D D D D M Spirit (Eph 4:3-6, Jn 17:17-23, 1 Cor 12:13) a) Three causes of unity CCC 813 I D D D M i) One Source: the Trinity I D D D M ii) One Founder: Jesus I D D D M iii) One Soul: Holy Spirit I D D D M b) Church as the I D D D M i) Christ is the head I D D D M ii) Every baptized person is a member and called to I D D D M holiness iii) The Holy Spirit is the guide. I D D D M c) We must pray for Christian unity I D D D D d) Christian unity as ecumenism I 2) Holy -separated from the world and called to goodness I D D D D M a) Called to be holy through our baptism I D D D M b) Sustained in holiness through the following: Sacraments, I D D D M Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium, Assembly, Prayer 3) Catholic -universal, everyone is invited (Rom 12:4-5) I D D D M a) We can practice our faith in the anywhere in the world, despite differences of language or culture, because the I D D D M fundamentals of our Faith and Tradition do not change b) We are all members of the Christian Church through baptism; however, not all Christian churches have the I fullness of faith; this is only found in the Catholic Church. See Lumen Gentium 14-16 4) Apostolic -handing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the apostles to their successors, the bishops, (Mt 16:18, Jn 20- I D D D D M 21, Eph 4:11, 1 Tim 3:1,8, 1 Tim 5:17, Tit 1:5), CCC 882-886, 890, 897, 901, 916, 927 a) We are called to participate in the mission of the apostles- students can participate through prayer, sacrifice, and I D D D D M almsgiving b) Examine the hierarchy of the Church I D D D D D

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CREED: DOCTRINE OF FAITH K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 i) The is the leader of the Catholic Church I M R R R R throughout the world ii) Name the current pope I M R R R R c) Examine diocese I D D D D M i) What a bishop does and how he leads and shepherds the I M R R R M diocese ii) Wichita – Name the current Bishop of Wichita I M R R R R iii) Kansas City as archdiocese I D D D D M iv) Dodge City, Salina as sister dioceses I D D D D M v) is the leader of the Church in the Parish M R R R R M d) Discover how are elected ( conclave of Cardinals under 80, voting process, black/white smoke, papal name I D D D D M selection) e) Discuss the Roles of Church members as priest, prophet, I D D and servant-king

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Benchmark 1 : The learner will be familiar with the Catholic view I D D D D D D D D of grace. CCC 1987-2029 1) Definition of grace I D D M R R R R R a) God’s life within us M R R R R R R R R b) The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to grow in M R R R R R holiness and become more like Him 2) Sources of grace I D D D D D D a) Sacraments I M R R R R R b) Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection I D D D D D c) Life of the Trinity I D D D D 3) Importance of grace: cannot reach heaven without it M R R R R R R 4) Types of grace I D D D D a) Sanctifying grace I M D D D b) Actual/helping graces (every good act, thought, word I M R R R proceeds from grace) 5) How we cooperate with God’s will (i.e. : CCC 2010) I a) We can never earn grace; it is a free gift from God I b) God offers to let us cooperate in our salvation I

Benchmark 2 : The learner will define liturgy. I D D D D D D D 1) Definition of liturgy: participation of the in the I D D D M R R R work of God 2) Characteristics of liturgy I D D D a) Liturgy is a feast, a celebration of the I D D D b) Liturgy includes a proclamation of the M R R R Gospel (primary means of Evangelization ) c) Liturgy is a sacrifice in that it makes a remembrance of the marvelous works of God, including Jesus’ sacrifice on the I D Cross (CCC, 1366, 1103) d) Liturgy is a twofold dialogue of forgiveness and praise I 3) Purpose of liturgy: CCC 1066 I D M R a) To glorify God I D M R b) To instruct the faithful in the faith I D M R c) To unite and sanctify the faithful I D M R

Benchmark 3 : The learner will identify the seven sacraments and their elements. CCC 1113-1134 (see Appendix C for chart and I D D D D D D D D biblical references) 1) Students will identify the seven sacraments I M R R R R R R 2) Sacrament I D D D D D D D D a) Definition: An outward sign instituted by Christ to give grace I D M R R R R R b) Categories of sacraments I D D M R R R i) Sacraments of Initiation (begin life of grace in the soul) I D D M R R R ii) Sacraments of Vocation I D D M R R R iii) Sacraments of Healing I D D M R R R

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c) Why sacraments? Christ makes moral demands on us we I D D D D cannot meet without help d) When instituted? During Christ’s visible stay on earth I D D M R e) Kinds of grace conferred by sacraments I D D i) Grace of the sacrament is available to anyone who I M R receives properly ii) More graces are received by those who cooperate I M R 3) Baptism (CCC 1213-1284) I D D D D D D D D a) Definition I D D M R R R R R i) Sacrament that makes us members of God’s family M R R R R R R R R ii) Sacrament which removes , makes us M R R R R R R R Christians, children of God and heirs of heaven b) Essential Action I D M R R R i) Matter: triple pouring of/immersion in water I D M R R R ii) Form: “N., I baptize you in the name of the Father and of I D M R R R the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” c) Minister I D M R R R i) : , priest, or bishop I D M R R R ii) Extraordinary: anyone (including atheists) with intent to I D D D perform the sacrament d) Disposition (qualifications) necessary to receive: none I D D D 4) Confirmation (CCC 1285-1321) I D D D D D D D D a) Definition: sacrament through which we receive the Holy Spirit to make us strong and perfect Christians and soldiers I M R R R R R of Jesus Christ b) Essential Action I D M R R R i) Matter: laying on of hands and anointing with chrism I D M R R R ii) Form: “N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” I D M R R R c) Minister I D M R R R i) Ordinary: bishop (or priest in context of RCIA) I D M R R R ii) Extraordinary: priest commissioned by bishop I D D D d) Disposition necessary to receive: baptized person in the state I D D D of grace; requires preparation and a sponsor 5) Eucharist (1322-1419) I D D D D D D D D a) Definition: Sacrament which contains the body and blood, soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ under the I M R R R R R appearance of bread and wine b) Essential Action (essential rite) M R R R R R R i) Matter: wheat bread and grape wine M R R R R R R ii) Form: the Eucharistic prayer, specifically: “This is my M R R R R R R Body” and “This is my Blood.” c) Disposition necessary to receive: baptized person in a state of I D D M R R R grace; one hour of fast; preparation d) Eucharist derives from a Greek word meaning “thanksgiving” I M R R R R R e) Minister I D M R R R i) Consecration I D M R R R (1) Ordinary: bishop or priest I D M R R R

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(2) Extraordinary: none I D D D ii) Communion I D M R R R (1) Ordinary: bishop, priest, or deacon I D M R R R (2) Extraordinary: properly trained and commissioned I D D D men and women f) Source and Summit of the Church’s life I D D D 6) Reconciliation , CCC 1420-1498 I D D D D D D D D a) Definition: sacrament by which sins committed after Baptism I M R R R R R are forgiven b) Essential Action I M R R R R R i) Matter: outward confession and contrition I M R R R R R ii) Form: “I absolve you from your sins, in the name of the I M R R R R R Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” c) Disposition necessary to receive: contrition, confession, I D D M R R R performance of penance d) Purpose of the sacrament: I D D D D D D i) Because we keep sinning; sin hurts both God and other people; confession heals our relationship with God; I M R R R R R penance helps heal relationship with others ii) Obtain pardon and be reconciled with God and the I D M R R R Church (our community) e) Minister: bishop or priest I D M R R R 7) Anointing of the Sick I D D D D D D D D a) Definition: sacrament which, through anointing and prayer of the priest, gives health and strength to the soul and I M R R R R R sometimes to the body, when there is a danger of death or serious illness b) Essential Action I D M R R R i) Matter: laying on of hands and anointing with Oil of the I D M R R R Sick ii) Form: “Through this holy anointing may the Lord in his love and help you with the grace of the Holy I D M R R R Spirit. Amen. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. Amen” c) Minister: bishop or priest I D M R R R d) Disposition necessary to receive: baptism, contrition I D D D 8) Matrimony I D D D D D D D D a) Definition: sacrament which unites a Christian man and I M R R R R R Christian woman in marriage b) Essential Action (essential Rite) I D M R R R i) Matter: mutual and free consent of a man and a woman I D M R R R ii) Form: approved formula of vows I D M R R R c) Minister: man and woman being joined in Matrimony I D M R R R d) Disposition necessary to receive: baptized man and baptized I D D D woman in state of grace 9) Holy Orders I D D D D D D D D

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a) Definition: sacrament administered by a bishop through which men receive the power and grace to perform their I M R R R R R sacred duties as ordained ministers b) Essential Action (essential Rite) I D M R R R i) Matter: laying on of hands for all three; anointing with I D M R R R Chrism (hands of priest, head of bishop) ii) Form: silent invocation of Holy Spirit and separate I D M R R R consecration prayer for each order c) Minister: bishop I D M R R R d) Disposition necessary to receive: men fully initiated into the I D D D Church in the state of grace e) Call to celibacy: frees men to devote full self to people and I the Church f) Why men? See Apostolic Letter of John Paul II Ordinatio I Sacerdotalis g) Two forms of diaconate: transitional and permanent I D

Benchmark 4 : The learner will demonstrate an understanding of I D D D D D D D D the ritual, symbolism, and effects of each sacrament. 1) Ritual and symbolism of Baptism I D D D D M R R R a) Sign of cross: claims person for Christ I D D D D M R R R b) Pouring of water and words: dying and rising to new life with I D D D D M R R R Christ through water c) Putting on of white garment: putting on Christ I D D D D M R R R d) Receiving candle: receiving Christ, the light of the world I D D D D M R R R e) Anointing with oil of catechumens I D D M R R R f) Confessing the faith of the church: done by parents and I D D M R R R godparents if child cannot g) Anointing with sacred chrism I D D M R R R h) Proclamation of word: entering into the life of faith I D D D i) Consecration of baptismal water I D D D 2) Effects of Baptism I D D D D D D D D a) Purification from all sin I D D D D M R R R b) New birth in the Holy Spirit I D D D i) Theological virtues I D D D ii) Moral virtues I D D D iii) Gifts of the Holy Spirit I D D D c) Incorporation into the mystical Body of Christ I D D D d) Indelible spiritual mark: cannot be repeated or erased I M R e) Babies that die before Baptism: entrusted to God’s mercy, I D D CCC 1261 3) Ritual and symbolism of Confirmation I D D D a) Consecration of sacred chrism on Holy Thursday or before I D D D Thursday, during , as determined by bishop b) Profession of faith and renewal of baptismal promises if I D D D performed separate from Baptism

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c) Bishop extends hands over all confirmandi and asks for I D D D outpouring of the Holy Spirit ( ) d) Anointing with chrism and laying on of hands I D D D e) Words: “N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” I D D D 4) Effects of Confirmation I D D D a) Full outpouring of the Holy Spirit: increase in every gift I D D D received at Baptism; completes Baptism b) Responsibility to witness to Christ I D D D c) Indelible spiritual mark: cannot be repeated or erased I M R d) Responsibility to Precepts of the Church, CCC 2041,1351 I D M R i) You shall attend Mass on Sundays and holy days of I D M R obligation and rest from servile labor ii) You shall confess your sins at least once a year I D M R iii) You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least I D M R during the Easter Season iv) You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence I D M R established by the Church v) You shall help to provide for the needs of the I D M R Church 5) Ritual and symbolism of Eucharist: I D D D D D D D a) As Thanksgiving: we offer thanks for Jesus and all we have M R R R M R R R received b) As Memorial: we remember the and the Paschal I D D D M R R R Mystery c) : Jesus is truly present (2 nd grade does M R R M R R R not need to know the word, just that Jesus is truly present) d) As Presence: not just a memory or a reoccurrence but a re- presentation of the Last Supper: we are present at His I D D sacrifice: Jesus is truly present 6) Effects of Communion I D M R a) Removal of venial sins I D M R b) Protection against I D M R c) Increased union with Christ I D M R d) Increased charity (love) among the members of the Body of I D M R Christ e) Anticipation of heaven I D M R 7) Ritual and symbolism of Reconciliation I D D D D D D a) use story of the Forgiving Father and the Prodigal Son I M R R R R R b) Necessity of Examination of Conscience I M R R R R R c) Ritual M R R R R R R i) Confession M R R R R R R ii) Imposition and acceptance of penance (performance M R R R R R R necessary) iii) Act of Contrition M R R R R R R iv) Absolution CCC 1449 M R R R R R R 8) Effects of Reconciliation I D D D D D D a) Reconciliation with God I D D M R R R

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b) Reconciliation with the Church I D D M R R R c) Anticipation of final judgment I D D 9) Ritual and symbolism of Anointing of the Sick I D D D a) Laying on of hands in silence, Epiclesis (calling down I D D D of Holy Spirit) b) Anointing with Oil of the Sick I D D D 10) Effects of Anointing of the Sick I D D D a) Union with the passion of Christ through the power of the I D D D Holy Spirit b) Possible restoration of health I D D D c) Forgiveness of sins (including mortal if confession I D D D impossible) d) Preparation for final journey through death I D D D 11) Ritual and symbolism of Matrimony I D D D a) Normally celebrated during Mass I D D D b) Exchange of vows I D D D c) Nuptial blessing I D D D 12) Effects of sacrament I D D D a) Unbreakable bond: not dissolved until death I D D D b) Grace to help each other grow in holiness I D D D c) Grace to stay married I D D D 13) Ritual and symbolism of Holy Ord ers: Essential rite: Bishop lays I D D D on hands with consecration prayer 14) Effects of Holy Orders: Indelible character: never again a I D D D layman; cannot be repeated or erased

Benchmark 5 : The learner will examine the historical development I D D D D D D of the Mass from its inception at the Last Supper to the present day. 1) Last Supper as a Passover meal (according to St. Hippolytus) I D D D 2) Apostolic Era Mass (according to Didache ) I 3) ’s outline of the Mass (150 AD) I 4) Very little change to liturgy until Vatican II I a) full, active, and conscious participation is mandatory I b) increased use of the in the rites I 5) Revised English Translation of the Mass in English implemented I D D D D D D in , 2011 a) Students should be able to provide correct responses. I D D M R R R b) Why? To move our translation closer to the original I D D D M R c) Why? To better echo the scriptural roots of our Mass (for example, our response before Communion: “Lord, I am not I D M R worthy…”, echoing the prayer of the Centurion (Mt. 8:6)) d) Why? To better reflect theological truths (for example, Jesus was incarnate, not born, of the Virgin Mary, reflecting the I M moment of creation)

Benchmark 6 : The learner will identify and be able to list the main I D D D D D D D parts of the Mass as it is celebrated today. Page 15

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1) Introductory Rites I D D M R R R R a) Entrance /Song I D D D D D D b) Veneration of the I D D D D D D c) Greeting I D D D D D D D d) Penitential Rite/ “through my fault...” I D D D D D M R e) I D D D D D M R f) Gloria I D D D D D M R g) (Opening Prayer) I D D D D D D 2) Liturgy of the Word I D M R R R R R a) 1st Reading: /Revelation/ I D D M R R R R b) Responsorial Psalm I D D D M R R R c) Second Reading from I D D D M R R R d) Gospel Acclamation I D D D M R R R e) Gospel I D D D M R R R f) I D D D M R R R g) Profession of Faith/ Creed I D D D M R R R h) Prayers of the Faithful I D D D M R R R 3) Liturgy of the Eucharist I D M R R R R R a) I D D D D D M R b) Prayer over the Gifts I D D D D M R c) Eucharistic Prayer I D D D D D M R i) Introductory Dialogue I D ii) I D iii) (Holy, Holy, Holy) I D iv) Epiclesis (calling down of Holy Spirit upon gifts) I D v) Consecration is when the bread and wine become the I M R R R R R Body and vi) Mystery of Faith I D vii) Intercessions I D viii) Final (Great Amen) I D d) Communion Rite I D D D M R R R i) Lord’s Prayer I D D D M R R R ii) Rite of Peace I D D D M R R R iii) Rite/ (Lamb of God) I D D M R R R iv) Communion Antiphon/Song I D D D M R R R v) Silent Prayer I D D M R R R 4) Concluding Rite I D D M R R R R a) Greeting I D D M R R R b) Blessing I D D M R R R c) Prayer over the people I D D M R R R d) I D D M R R R

Benchmark 7 : The learner will display appropriate participation in I D D D D D D D D Mass. 1) I D D M R R R R R 2) I D D D D D D D D 3) Silent prayer before and after Mass I D D D D D D D D Page 16

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4) Appropriate responses and movements I D D D D D D D D 5) Listening to readings I D D D D D D D D 6) Participating in Communion I D D D D D D D D a) Reverence in receiving(bow before receiving) I D D M R R R R R b) One hour Communion fast I M R R R R R c) Lack of Mortal Sin/In the state of grace I M R R R R R 7) Use of I D D D D D D D D 8) Singing I D D D D D D D D 9) Attention on the Altar I D D D D D D D D 10) Appropriate Dress for Mass I D D D D D D D D 11) Lectoring I D D D D D D 12) Altar serving I D D D

Benchmark 8 : The learner will explain and experience the value of , Benediction, and other paraliturgical I D D D D D D D D celebrations. 1) Eucharistic Adoration I D D D D D D D D 2) I D D D D D D D D 3) Stations of the Cross I D D D D D D D D 4) Benediction / Exposition I D D D D D D D 5) Novenas I D D D D D D 6) Litanies I D D D D D D 7) I

Benchmark 9 : The learner will be familiar with the meaning of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process. CCC1229-1233, I D M R 1247-1249

Benchmark 10 : The learner will participate in and explain the liturgical cycle, including the seasonal ( temporal) and sanctoral I D D D D M R R R cycles. CCC 1163-1173 (see Appendix D for more information) 1) Temporal cycle: the drama of Christ’s life and our redemption I D D D D M R R R (seasons) a) Advent (1 st season of the ) I D D D D M R R R i) Preparation for Jesus Preparation for the 3 comings of I D D D D M R R R Christ (1) In hearts I D D D D M R R R (2) At Christmas (historically) I D D D D M R R R (3) At second coming I D M R R R ii) About four weeks: 1 st Sunday to Christmas Eve I D D D D M R R R iii) Purple I D D D D M R R R iv) 3rd Sunday: Gaudete Sunday (rose) I D D D D M R R R b) Christmas I D D D D M R R R i) About 3 weeks: Christmas Day to Baptism of Jesus I D D D D M R R R ii) White I D D D D M R R R iii) Important Days I D D D D M R R R (1) Christmas (12/25) I D D D D M R R R Page 17

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(2) (Sunday after 12/25) I D D M R R R R R (3) Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (1/1) I D D D D M R R R (4) Epiphany (Sunday after 1/1) I D D D D M R R R (5) Baptism of Jesus (Sunday after 1/6) I D D D D M R R R c) (first of two sections) I D D D D M R R R i) Green I D D D D M R R R ii) 7-10 weeks: day after Jesus’ Baptism to Tuesday before I D M R R R iii) Celebration of Jesus’ life and growth in our faith I D M R R R d) I D D D D M R R R i) Roughly 40 days: Ash Wednesday to Holy Thursday I D D D D M R R R ii) Purple I D D D D M R R R iii) Important Days I D D D D M R R R (1) Ash Wednesday ( mandatory fast and abstinence I D D D D M R R R from meat) (2) 4th Sunday: Laetare Sunday (rose) I D D D M R R R (3) Passion/Palm Sunday I D D D M R R R (4) Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday of Holy Week I D D D M R R R (5) Sacred Triduum ( Easter Triduum) I D D D D M R R R (a) Holy Thursday: Institution of Eucharist and I D D D D M R R R Priesthood (b) Good Friday: No consecration of Eucharist anywhere in world; Passion and Death of our I D D D D M R R R Lord (c) Holy Saturday: Day of Waiting I D D D D M R R R (d) Triduum ends with evening of Easter Sunday: I D D D M R R R Triduum’s climax is Easter Vigil e) Easter Season I D D D D M R R R i) White I D D D D M R R R ii) Easter to (50 days) I D D D M R R R iii) Important days I D D D M R R R (1) Octave of Easter: Easter + 7 days, each celebrated as I D D M R R R Easter, ending with Divine Mercy Sunday (2) Ascension Thursday (40 days): moved to 7 th Sunday I D D D M R R R of Easter (3) Pentecost: 50 days after Easter I D D D M R R R iv) Easter Sunday – Celebrate the I D D M R R R R R f) Ordinary time (second of two sections) I D M R R R i) Monday after Pentecost to Saturday after Christ the King I D M R R R Sunday ii) Important Days I D M R R R (1) Trinity Sunday I D M R R R (2) Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of I D M R R R Christ(Corpus Christi) (3) Christ the King Sunday ( last Sunday of the Church I D M R R R Year)

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Benchmark 11: The learner will identify various types of I D D D M R R R R sacramentals and their uses. (1667-1679) 1) Types I D D D M R R R R a) Blessings of persons, meals, objects, and places (including I D D D M R R R R consecrations) b) Ashes: reminder of death and sin on Ash Wednesday I D D D M R R R R c) Medals (esp. Miraculous) I D D D M R R R R d) Crucifixes I D D D M R R R R e) Palms I D D D M R R R R f) Rosaries I D D D M R R R R g) Holy Water I D D D M R R R R h) Relics I D D D D D D M i) Scapular I D D D D D D i) 1st a piece of cloth over Benedictines: symbol of yoke of I D D Christ ii) Brown: OL of Mount Carmel I D D j) Incense (Psalm 141) I M R R R R k) Exorcisms: especially against Satan I D D D 2) Sacrilege – disrespect for sacred persons, places, or things I D D D M R R R R 3) Sacramental : sacred signs which bear a resemblance to I M R R R R sacraments which… a) Prepare us to receive sacraments I M R R R R b) Make occasions of life holy I M R R R R c) Always include a prayer, often with a specific sign I M R R R R

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Benchmark 1: The learner will know and model the theological and cardinal (moral) virtues, particularly the virtues of chastity and I D D D D D D D D modesty in dress, speech, and attitude. 1) Virtue I D D D D D D D D a) Define: A habitual and firm disposition to do good (CCC 1803) I D D M R R R R R b) Grace allows us to lead a more virtuous life I D D D M R R R R c) Virtues help us to a more chaste life I D M R 2) Theological virtues , 1 Cor 13:13 I D D D M R R R R a) Define I D D D M R R R R i) Faith , CCC 1814 I D D D M R R R R ii) Hope , CCC 1817 I D D D M R R R R iii) Love (charity ), CCC 1822 I D D D M R R R R iv) Golden Rule , CCC 1823 I M R R R R R R R b) Practice in thought, word, and deed I D D D D D D D D 3) Cardinal (moral) virtues , Wis 8:7 I D D D D D D D D a) Define, CCC 1805 I D D D D D D M R i) Prudence , CCC 1806 I D D D M R ii) Justice , CCC 1807 I D D D M R iii) Fortitude , CCC 1808 I D D D M R iv) Temperance , CCC 1809 I D D D M R b) Practice in thought, word, and deed I D D D D D D D D

Benchmark 2: The learner will apply the Ten Commandments, I D D D D D D D D Beatitudes, and Precepts of the Church to conscience formation. 1) Review decision making skills I D D D D D D D D 2) Sin/vice , CCC 1849; 1850 I D D D D D D D D a) Define: A deliberate thought, word, deed or omission I D M R R R R R R contrary to the eternal law of God b) Every choice has a consequence – Our conscience tells us to M R R M R R R R R make good choices c) Kinds of sin I D D D D D D D D i) Original, CCC 404 I M R M R R R R R (1) Concupiscence CCC 405 I D D (2) Weakness of the human body, including death I D D ii) Actual I D M R R R R R (1) Venial , CCC 1855 I M R R R R R R (2) Mortal , CCC 1855 I M R R R R R R iii) Commission and Omission I D D D D D D D d) Conditions for mortal sin, CCC 1857 I D D D D M R i) Grave matter, CCC 1858 I D M R R M R ii) Full knowledge, CCC 1859 I D M R R M R iii) Complete consent – free will, CCC 1859 I D D D M M R iv) Only free persons can make moral choices and be I D D D D M R responsible for them e) Role revelation, tradition, and of the Magisterium of the I D Church in conscience formation, CCC 2032, 2036 f) Public recognition of sin: Excommunication I D Page | 21

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3) Ten Commandments I D M R R R R a) Memorize each by number & word I D M R R R R b) Explain what is commanded & forbidden by each, CCC 2084- I D M R R R R 2550 (see Appendix B) c) Examination of Conscience (see Liturgy 4.7) I D D D D D D d) Two Great Commandments of Jesus (Mk. 12:29-31) I D M R R R R i) As summary of the two tablets of the 10 Commandments I D M R R R R ii) The Law of Love I D M R R R R e) Locate in Bible, Ex 20:1-17 I M R R R R 4) Beatitudes I D D D D a) Locate in the Bible (Mt.5:3-12) M R R M R b) Explain & memorize I D M R c) are the meaning and the way to true happiness I D M R 5) Precepts of the Church, CCC 2041-2043 (appendix B) I D D D D a) Memorize as in Appendix B I D M R R b) Understand obligation of each I D D D c) Relate to Ten Commandments I M R R 6) Define and distinguish the types of conscience I D D a) Moral , CCC 1776-1782 I D D c) Informed vs. uninformed conscience (CCC 1860) I D c) Erroneous Judgment , CCC 1790-1794 I 7) Progression toward heaven/hell: impulses lead to thoughts, lead I D D to desires, lead to actions, lead to habits 8) Duty to educate and inform your conscience I D

Benchmark 3: The learner will demonstrate a reverence for the I D D D D D D D D human body as a Temple of the Holy Spirit. 1) Define and demand respect and self-respect I D D D D D D D D 2) Define what it means to be a Temple of the Holy Spirit , 1Cor I D D M R 6:19-20, CCC 364 a) Body I D D M R b) Soul I D D M R i) Free Will I D D M R ii) Intellect I D D M R 3) Saints as examples (include but not limited to) I D D D D a) St. Maria Goretti I D D D D b) St. Agnes I D D D D c) St. Dominic Savio I D D D D d) St. Lucy I D D D D e) St. Aloysius Gonzaga I D D D D f) St. Mary Magdalen I D D D D g) St. Rose of Lima I D D D D h) St. Cecilia I D D D D 4) Purity, CCC 2521 I D D D a) Chastity , CCC 2337, 2532 I D D D i) Define: The moral virtue which, under the cardinal virtue I D M R of temperance which provides for the proper living of one’s

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sexuality in the context of his or her vocation (CCC 1832, 2337). ii) Benefits of chastity for self and others I D iii) Practice in thought, word, and deed I D b) Modesty , CCC 2522, 2533 I D D D i) Define: A virtue which encourages purity and chastity, in one’s words, actions, dress, and sex I D M R (CCC 2521-2522). ii) Practice in thought, word, and deed I D D D c) Self control necessary for purity I D D d) Offenses against purity I D D

Benchmark 4: The learner will develop an appreciation for family life and Christian friendships founded on respect, reverence, and I D D D D D D D D responsibility. 1) Holy Family as a model I D D D D D D D D 2) Sacrificial Love I D D D D D D D D a) Demonstrate acts of kindness towards others I D D D D D D D D b) Recognize the sacrificial love of Jesus and love as He does I D D D D D D D c) Distinguish between love and infatuation I D 3) Developing relationships I D D D D D D D D a) Always rooted in our relationship with Jesus I D D D D D D D D b) Self-discipline I D D D D D D D D c) Self-awareness I D D D D D D D D d) Respect for others (likes/ dislikes) I D D D D D D D D 4) Ideals of Love – To love as God loves, CCC 2376 I D a) Freely (free choice) I D b) Gift of self, CCC 2346 I D c) Permanent I D d) Limitless I D e) Levels of love for marriage preparation I D i) Physical attraction (sensual) (storge) I D ii) Friendship, CCC 2347 (philia) I D iii) Married love, CCC 2350 (eros) I D iv) Sacrificial love ( agape) I D 5) Developing relationships with members of the opposite sex I D a) Discuss ways to with emotions/pressures of boy/girl I D relationships b) Purpose of dating I D c) Dating continuum in non-threatening environment: Group I dating d) Levels of physical intimacy (initial contact, talking, holding I hands, good night kiss, prolonged kiss-danger zone, etc.) e) SPICE: spiritual, physical, intellectual, cultural, and I emotional sharing 6) Potential consequences of not acting according to God’s plan I a) Pressure for pre-marital sex I b) Risks of pre-marital sex I Page | 23

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i) Date rape/ violence/ harassment I ii) Pregnancy I iii) STD’s I iv) AIDS I v) Higher divorce rate I c) Alcohol/drug use I d) Possessiveness/ cut off from healthy relationships I e) Decrease in self-esteem (disappointment, guilt, regret, I depression,) f) Weaken relationship with God I g) Impure thoughts I

Benchmark 5: The learner will put into practice the and I D D D D D D D D spiritual works of mercy by performing acts of stewardship. 1) Practical love and care for God’s creation I D D D D D D D D 2) Memorize and relate to stewardship activities I D D M R a) Corporal works of mercy, CCC 2447 (see Appendix B) I D D M R b) Spiritual works of mercy, CCC 2447 (see Appendix B) I D D M R

Benchmark 6: The learner will examine and apply the teachings of I D D D D D D D D the Catholic Church to relevant social issues of the day. 1) Respect for human dignity as the most basic pri nciple of Catholic I M R R social teaching 2) Life Issues I D D D D D D D D a) Life is created in God’s image – We are children of God M R R R R R R R R b) Life is precious to God I D D M R R R R R c) Abortion I D 3) Internet Safety (See Appendix F) I D D D D D a) Rules and Tools for home (See Appendix F) I D D D D D b) Online Predators I D D D D c) Dangers of Pornography I D D D d) Levels of Addiction I D D D 4) Alcohol/ drugs, CCC 2291 I D D D 5) Capital Punishment, CCC 2266-2267 I D 6) Avoiding War (Just War), CCC 2398 I D 7) Organ transplants, CCC 2296 I D 8) Stem cell research I D 9) Reproductive technology (see Donum Vitae ) I D 10) Euthanasia, CCC 2276-2279 I D 11) World Hunger, CCC 2829 I D 12) Immigration I D 13) Marital Separation, (1Cor 7:10-11) I D 14) Divorce, (Heb 13:4), CCC 2384-2386 I D 15) Suicide, CCC 2280 I D 16) Rape, CCC 2356 I D 17) Examine and critically evaluate the impact of various media I D forms Page | 24

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a) Art I D b) Music I D c) Movies I D d) Drama I D e) Advertisements/ Commercials I D f) Television/ Radio I D g) Print Media I D h) Social Media I D i) Internet I D j) Video Games I D 18) Learn about positive alternatives I D D D D D D D D a) Prayer groups (Daily prayer) I D D D D D D D D b) Christian radio I D D D D D D D D c) Deeper relationship with Christ I D D D D D D D D d) Friends who share your values I D D D D D D D D e) / concerts I D D D f) Christian magazines/ books I D D D g) Retreats I D D h) TEC (Teens Encounter Christ) retreats I D i) True Love Waits I

Human Sexuality Formation

The formation of a young person in human sexuality can not be reduced to a plumbing manual and passed off as “sex ed” as it may be in other schools.

The Catholic philosophy is that as the first educators of their children, parents have the primary obligation for human sexuality formation. The Catholic school assists parents in fulfilling this responsibility not only because a state law requires it but because parents deserve assistance and modern society desperately needs the wisdom and insight the Church can offer.

What distinguishes the Catholic Church’s view of human sexuality?

1. It focuses on the dignity of every human person.

2. In the elementary grades, it focuses on formation in the virtues, especially those of self-respect and respect for others but includes the four moral virtues and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

3. It requires that information about human sexuality not be separated from its moral context.

4. When teaching the most intimate aspects of human sexuality, it asks first for written parental permission to impart this information to the children.

5. In the middle school grades, it emphasizes an understanding of self, the mutuality of relationships, and the sacredness of sexual powers.

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6. In the lower level courses of high school it continues to aid the young person in proper formation for lifelong intimacy with one partner through the healthy formation of relationships, an understanding of the necessary process of moving from friendship to marriage, and points out the pitfalls and detours that society glorifies but experience shows to be destructive and unfruitful.

7. It condemns the objectification of women’s bodies to satisfy lust and it critically distinguishes what modern culture considers natural and inevitable from God’s plan for the use of our sexual gifts.

8. It culminates in an upper level vocations course which prepares students for choosing their life’s vocation and assists them in discerning their next steps after high school.

9. Above all, a Catholic view of human sexuality dignifies the truth and beauty of human sexuality when lived fully and unreservedly in accordance with .

Key Doctrinal Points

1. God created us in his image (i.e. to be like Him).

2. God inscribed into our very nature a need for and a responsibility for mutual love and communion. This is our universal vocation.

3. The complementary union of husband and wife in matrimony with the help of the Holy Spirit should be modeled on the Trinity.

4. The Trinity is a family of persons who give themselves to each other permanently, totally, completely, and sacrificially.

5. The Incarnation demonstrates the infinite value of our humanity dignity. The Son of God became Man, because God loves us so much.

6. In his passion and death, Christ sacrifices His body for His Bride, the church.

7. In his ascension, Christ ascends to heaven in His glorified body. Our destiny is to be with him, in heaven, body and soul, for all eternity.

8. Mary’s body housed the living God. In her Assumption, Mary’s body was raised to heaven into glory. Mary is a sign and witness to our hope for the resurrection of our bodies for all eternity.

9. At Eucharist, we receive the body of Christ. Our bodies are made to be shared with others for their true good.

10. Formation in virtue is formation in what is true and objectively good, not in what is popular or comfortable. We were made by God to be like Him. Virtue is the habit of doing good, i.e. the habit of becoming like God.

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STEWARDSHIP OVERVIEW Stewardship is a spirituality, a way of living, a step in our personal evangelization. As important as it is to memorize the official diocesan definition, the virtues of a steward, and even the triad of “time, talent, and treasure,” it is far more critical that students see stewardship witnessed daily by their teachers and parents as their way of life and also have the opportunity to practice it in every routine of the day.

Three questions distinguish stewardship from the modern lifestyle espoused and glamorized by current culture. What do I have? Where did it come from? What do I do with it?

Modern culture constantly teaches us that we do not have enough and deserve more. However, stewards believe that they have everything they need and must of what they want.

Modern culture teaches us that whatever we have, we earned with our own two hands; whatever we want, we have a right to; whatever we don’t want, we can dispose of. Stewards believe that everything we have is a gift from God, and the most important things we have – life, love, family, health, children, happiness, eternity, etc. can not be earned or purchased at any price.

Modern culture teaches us that what we have is ours to keep, and that we owe nothing to anyone else because each person should take care of himself. Stewards believe, however, that because everything we have is a gift from God, we have an obligation to care for these gifts, share them generously with others, and be accountable to God for our stewardship of the gifts He has entrusted to us.

So teaching stewardship is not a matter of definition or service hours. It is a countercultural way of life that each of us can choose or not. “To be or not to be?” was Shakespeare’s famous question. For Christian disciples it is the question. Stewardship is the answer.


Benchmark 1: The learner will identify the elements of stewardship I D D D D D D D D 1) Identify the stages of conversion of stewardship I D D M R R R R R a) God calls each of us ( Evangelization ) to holiness CCC 1533, I D D M R R R R R 1962, 1877 b) We agree to be his disciples (discipleship) CCC 618, 1533, I D M R R R R R R 1275 i) Disciples must be willing to abandon their possessions, suffer, and possibly even die for M R R R Jesus c) We live out discipleship as stewards I D M R R R R R R i) Define stewardship : the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and I D D D D D M R R shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor ii) Explore commitment demanded of a disciple: chastity, I D D poverty and obedience 2) Four elements of stewardship I D D D D D D D D a) Share our gifts generously. I M R R R R R R R b) Receive God’s gifts gratefully. M R R R R R R R c) Cultivate God’s gifts diligently. I D M R R R d) Account for our stewardship of God’s gifts. I D D 3) Characteristics of a steward I D D D D D D D D Page | 28


a) Prayer I D D D D D D D D b) Generosity I D D D D D D D D c) Trust I D D D D D D D d) Patience I D D D D D D D e) Gratitude I D D D D D D D f) Responsibility I D D D D D g) Perseverance I D D D D h) Simplicity I D D i) Mercy I D D j) Humility I D D 4) Four pillars of stewardship I D D M R R R R a) Hospitality I D D M R R R R b) Prayer I D D M R R R R c) Formation I D D M R R R R d) Service I D D M R R R R 5) Stewardship in the Diocese of Wichita as unique I D D D D D D D

Benchmark 2: The learner will iden tify, define, and apply the role of I D D D D D D D D a steward of vocation. 1) Define steward of vocation: one who responds generously to the I D D D D D M R R call of God ; CCC 1, 358, 1700, 825, 898, 873, 931 2) Be open to God’s call I D D D D D M R R 3) Discovering your gifts I D D D D D M R R 4) Understand that our desire for God is written in our heart, I D D D M R R R R because He is our Creator, CCC 27 5) Love is the fundamental and innate vocation of every human I D D D D D D D D being, CCC 1604, 2331, 2392 6) Pray for an increase in Religious vocations; for example, Vocation I D D D D D D D D Prayer, 31 Club, and Adopt a Seminarian 7) Gifts and Responsibilities of each vocation I D D D D D a) Priesthood I D D D D D b) Consecrated Religious Life I D D D D D c) Married Life I D D D D D d) Single Life (state in life vs. vocation) I D D D D D 8) Fulfilling this desire leads to true happiness (vs. false happiness) I D D D D 9) Learn to pray to discern God’s call to each individual I M R R

Benchmark 3: The learner will identify, define, and apply the role of I D D D D D D D D a steward of creation. 1) Define steward of creation: someone who cares for God’s creation, M R R R R R R R R both living and nonliving , (Gen 2: 15) 2) Respect for human life, CCC 1700 I D D D D D D D D a) All people from conception to natural death, CCC 2258-2283 I D D D M R R R R b) Aged, CCC 2208 I D D D D D D D D c) One’s own body, CCC 1004, 2288 I D D D D D D D D d) Unborn, CCC 2270-2275 I D D D D Page | 29


3) Protection of the environment, CCC 2415 I D D D D D D D D a) Animals, CCC 2416-2418 I D D D D D D D D b) Conservation I D D D D D D D D c) Recycling I D D D D D D D D 4) Work as a fulfilling human vocation, CCC 2427-28 I D D

Benchmark 4: The learner will identify, define, and apply the role of I D D D D D D D D a steward of the Church. 1) Define steward of the church: someone who works to spread the I D D D M R R R R Catholic faith throughout their community and the world . a) We are all called to be missionaries. We don’t have to go to another country to be a missionary. We are called to be an I D D D M R R R R example and bring others to the church wherever we are. (see below) b) Mary is the perfect example of a steward of the Church- total I D D D D D D D D devotion to Christ 3) Role of the parish steward CCC 2226 I D D D D D M R R a) Make and keep a sacrificial pledge to the parish (tithing) I D D D D D M R R b) Participate in Mass and the sacraments faithfully I D D D M R R c) Serve in parish ministries I M R R d) Register in the parish I D R e) Participate in parish faith formation programs I D D f) Live one’s life consistent with Catholic moral principles I D 4) Role of the parents in the mission of the Church, CCC 5, 2221- I D D 2231, 2688, 2524, 1784 a) Create a loving home I D D b) Educate in our Faith I D D c) Grow in holiness I D D

MISSION OVERVIEW Decades ago, missionary work was seen to be the task of a small number of zealous Catholics who traveled to distant lands to convert pagans. The rest of the Catholic population participated in this effort with occasional donations.

The proclaimed a very different vision of spreading the faith that was the vocation of every baptized person and was to be reiterated at the conclusion of every Sacrifice of the Mass when the faithful are sent from the liturgy to live the faith, to love and serve each other.

In recent times, this missionary call is best understood within the context of evangelization, a term elaborated upon by Pope Paul VI in 1976 in Evangelii Nuntiandi. Evangelization is an umbrella term that explains how a person comes to know, love, and live the Catholic faith. It includes the proclamation or reception of the Gospel, the decision to accept God’s call to follow Him (discipleship), the decision to live out that faith in service to God and to others (stewardship), and the obligation to witness to that faith and spread it as missionaries.

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The understanding of the missionary call also continues to evolve. We have always understood that the Church has a mission to evangelize those who have never heard the gospel. However, in recent years, the term New Evangelization has been coined to stir up the dormant or inactive faith of those who are already members of the Church through Baptism, a group estimated to include more than 20 million people in the United States alone. Clearly, then, to paraphrase recent popes, the work of every Catholic is to be a missionary.

Doctrinal Points

1. The of Jesus is “Go, therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you…” (Mt. 28:20)

2. Christ has entrusted His mission to the Church. The Church, in obedience to the command of her founder and because it is demanded by her own essential universality, strives to preach the Gospel to all men” (CCC 849)

3. The Church is the Body of Christ where Christ the Head continues to work His mission. Through Baptism, we became members of Christ’s Body.

4. “Because she believes in the universal (catholic) plan of salvation, the Church must be missionary.” (CCC 851)

5. “All the members of the Church share in this mission, though in various ways.” (CCC 863)

6. “Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses that to teachers, and if he does listen to teachers it is because they are witnesses.” (Evangelii Nuntiandi 41) Pope Paul VI.

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Benchmark 1: The learner will develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and the Church, which is anchored in a vibrant prayer I D D D D D D D D life. 1) Necessity of prayer, CCC 2744, 2562 (praying at all times) I D D D D D D D D 2) Jesus taught us to pray using the Our Father I D M R R R R R R 3) What is prayer: Talking and listening with God M R R R R R R R R a) Prayer as God’s gift, CCC 2559 I D M R R R R R R b) Prayer as a relationship, CCC 2562 I D D M R R c) Prayer as communion with the Trinity, CCC 2565 I D D M R R 4) Jesus’ teachings on prayer, CCC 2600-2614 I D D D D D D D D a) Faith I D D D D D D D D b) Persistence I D D D D D D D D c) As in Jesus’ name, through Holy Spirit I M R R R d) Conversion of heart I D e) Confidence, as sons and daughters of God, that G od listens and I D responds 5) Our model for prayer, as expressed in the Our Father I D D D D D D D D a) For forgiveness, CCC 2631, 2838-41 I D M R R R R R R b) For the sick, CCC 1499, 1510 I D M R R R R R R c) For the dead, CCC 958, 1032 I D D D D M R R R d) For deliverance from evil, CCC 2850-54 I D D D D D M R e) For daily bread, CCC 2828-37 I D D D D M R f) For the coming of God’s Kingdom, CCC 2816 I D D D M R g) For ecumenism, CCC 821 I D D D D D h) Our Father: relationship with God I D D D i) Hallowed be thy name: adoration, praise, thanksgiving I D D D j) Petition to the Holy Spirit, CCC 2671 I D D D 6) Aids to prayer life I D D D D D D D D a) Time I D D D D D D D D b) Silence I D D D D D D D D c) Posture (see benchmark 4) I D D D D D D D d) Environment/ Place I D D D D D D D e) Sacramentals/Sacred Images I D D D D D D D f) Being around people who are prayerful I D D D 7) Stumbling blocks to prayer life, CCC 2729-32 I D D M R R R a) Distraction I D D M R R R b) Lack of faith I D D M R R R c) Reciting words without meaning I D D M R R R

Benchmark 2: The learner will define and practice different types I D D D D D D D D of prayer. 1) Forms of prayer I D D D M R R R R a) Adoration I D D D M R R R R b) Contrition I D D D M R R R R c) Thanksgiving I D D D M R R R R

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d) Supplication/Petition I D D D M R R R R 2) Expressions of prayer I D D D D D D D D a) Formula: , etc. I D D D D D D D D b) Vocal I D D D M R R R R c) Spontaneous I D D D D D D D D d) Mental I D D M R R R R e) Communal I D D D M R R R f) Meditation: reflecting upon a specific text or image; for I D D D D D D example, lectio divina g) Contemplation: moving beyond images to simply being in the I presence of God

Benchmark 3: The learner will understand and memorize specific I D D D D D D D D prayers as they relate to Catholic spirituality. (see Appendix A) 1) Sign of the Cross M R R R R R R R R 2) Glory Be M R R R R R R R R 3) Angel of God (Prayer to Guardian Angel) M R R R R R R R R 4) Grace Before Meals M R R R R R R R R 5) Our Father I M R R R R R R R 6) Hail Mary I M R R R R R R R 7) Grace After Meals I M R R R R R R R 8) Act of Contrition I M R R R R R R 9) Morning Offering I M R R R R R R 10) Apostles’ Creed I M R R R R R 11) Hail Holy Queen I M R R R R R 12) I M R R R R R 13) Act of Faith M R R R R 14) Act of Love M R R R R 15) Act of Hope M R R R R 16) Fatima Prayer I M R R R R 17) Stations of the Cross I M R R R R 18) I D M R R R 19) (Regina Coeli) I M R R R 20) Glorious Mysteries I M R R R 21) Joyful Mysteries I M R R R 22) Sorrowful Mysteries I M R R R 23) Luminous Mysteries I M R R R 24) Come, Holy Spirit I M R R 25) Angelus (Angel of the Lord) I D M R 26) Nicene Creed I M R 27) Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel I M R 28) I D M

Benchmark 4: The learner will display appropriate gestures while I D D D D D D D D participating in various forms of liturgy. 1) Gestures and participation I D D D D D D D D Page | 34

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a) Sign of Peace-express our desire to be at peace with each other. Customary to shake hands, but a bow or nod is M R R R R R R R R sufficient. Should be finished at the beginning of the Lamb of God. b) Folding our hands during Mass or prayer as a sign of respect M R R R R R R R R and adoration. (Vietnamese posture of folding arms) c) Proper respect and treatment of missalettes, prayer books, M R R R R R R R R and other prayer materials d) Profound genuflection-both knees (pious practice, not I D D D D D D D D liturgical) e) Genuflection-right knee only I D M R R R R R R f) Sign of the Cross with holy water-reminder of our baptism and I M R R R R R R R a sign of respect (symbolic profession of faith) g) Proper posture while sitting, standing, and kneeling. (Not M R R R R R R R R leaning on the pew in front of you or the seat behind you.) h) Participation in congregation’s prayers and responses I M R R R R R R i) Participation in hymns, refrains, and other singing I D M R R R R R parts j) Proper reception of Communion in the hand or mouth M R R R R R R

Benchmark 5: The learner will acknowledge the special honor due I D D D D D D D D to Mary through devotions to her (see Creed and Saints for more)

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SCRIPTURE K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Benchmark 1: The learner will identify essential elements of I D D D D D D D D the Bible. 1) The Bible as God’s revelation of Himself to us I D D D M R R R R a) Also revealed by tradition : handing down by word, custom M and example b) Also revealed by Magisterium : The living, teaching office of the Church, whose task it is to give as authentic interpretation M of the word of God, whether in its written form (Sacred Scripture), or in the form of Tradition. 2) God is the author of the Bible M R R R R R R R R 3) The Bible as Covenant I D D D D M R R a) God’s faithfulness to man I D D D M R R b) Relevance to today’s life I D D D D c) Jesus is the fulfillment of both the Old and New Covenant M R 4) Bible as the Inspiration of the Holy Spirit I D D D M R 5) The Bible as a Literary Form I D D D D D D a) The Division of the Bible/Chapter and Verse I M R R R R i) Be able to use the table of contents to locate books in the I D M R R R Bible ii) The record what Jesus said and did M R R R R R iii) Know whether a book is in the Old Testament or New I D D M R R Testament (memorization not required) b) Definition of Canon I 6) The relationship between Old Testament and New Testament I D D D D 7) Categorize the books of the Old Testament by their literary I D M R R divisions a) Torah or Pentateuch I D M R R b) Historic books I D M R R c) Wisdom books Prophetic books I D M R R d) Prophetic books I D M R R 8) Categorize the books of the New Testament by their literary I D D M R divisions a) The four Gospels I D D M R i) Definition I D D M R ii) The evangelists I D D M R iii) Discuss other oral teachings of Christ (Tradition) I D iv) Synoptic Gospels I D v) Approximate dates of Gospel I D vi) Audience for whom Gospels are written I D b) Acts of the Apostles (early Church history) I D D M R c) The Epistles of St. Paul I D D M R d) Other Catholic letters I D D M R e) Revelation I D D M R

Benchmark 2: The learner will identify and apply the content of specific books and other important concepts contained in Holy I D D D D D D D D Scripture. (See Appendix H for more detail) Page 37

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1) Pentateuch I D D D D D D D D a) Genesis and the Creation, (Gen 1-3) I D D M R R R R R i) The Fall: Original Sin I D M R R R R R R ii) God created all and rested on the seventh day I M R R R R M R R iii) God created man at the pinnacle of creation I D D iv) Discuss form as myth I D D b) Cain and Abel (Gen 4): offering our best to God, not being I D D D D M R R jealous c) Noah and the Flood, (Gen 6) I D D M R R R R R i) Covenant with God I D D D D D M R R ii) Prefiguring of Baptism I D D d) Tower of Babel, (Gen 11) (overreaching pride) I D M R R e) Melchizedek as first priest I D D f) Abraham and Sarah; covenant (Gen 17): patriarch I D M R R g) Isaac as the suffering servant and the foreshadowing of Christ I D D (Gen 24): patriarch h) Jacob/Israel as the father of the 12 Tribes of Israel, (Gen 27- I D M R R 36): patriarch i) Joseph foreshadowing Christ, (Gen 37-50) I D M R R j) Moses I D D D D M R R R i) Yahweh as God’s revealed name: I am who am (Ex 3) I D D M R R R R ii) 10 Plagues (Ex 4-12) I D D iii) Passover as prefiguring Paschal Mystery (Ex 12) I D D M R R iv) Hebrews as chosen people/ led by God through Moses, I D M R R (Ex 2-11) v) Exodus of Hebrews going from slavery to freedom, (Ex I D M R R 14) vi) 10 Commandments (Ex 20-24) (CCC 2055-2074) I D D D M R R R R 2) Israelite Settlement I D D D D D D D D a) Joshua and the Promised Land/ Fall of Jericho, (Jos 1-6) I M R R b) The story of Samson and the role of Judges (Jgs 13-16) I M R R c) The story of Ruth and parallel to God’s faithfulness, (Ru 1-4) I D M R R i) God’s mysterious call I D D ii) Samuel as last judge, who anoints the first king: Saul I D M R R (1 Sam 10-15) iii)Also anoints David I D D d) David (1 Sam 17, 2 Sam 24) I D D M R R R R i) Writer of the I D D M R R R R ii) King David and breaking of covenant, 2 Sam 11 I D D iii) Goliath, (1 Sam 17): God often works through the small I D D D M R R R R and meek; trust; all is possible through God (1) The story of Solomon and the building of the I D M R R Temple, (1 Kings 1-11) (2) Elijah, (1 Kings 18): symbolizes the prophets in I M R R the Transfiguration e) The story of Isaiah and Babylonian Captivity I D D D

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f) Jonah and the Whale: Follow God’s will; prefiguring baptism I D D D D D M R R and the paschal mystery g) Name the four major Prophets and explain their purpose: M R R Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel, Ezekiel h) The story of Esther saving her people I M R R i) The story of Job and the problem of suffering I D D j) Wisdom Literature: instructions in how to live in relationship I D D D D M R R with God; how to live a virtuous life k) Maccabees (1Mc-2Mc): praying for the dead; fidelity in I D D the face of persecution 3) Be familiar with or analyze the Synoptic Gospels I D D D D D D D D a) The Infancy Narratives I D D D D D D D D i) /Incarnation: Lk. 1:26-38; 1Jn 2:2-3; I D M R R M R ii) Birth of John, Lk. 1:5-25, 57-80 I D M R R M R iii) Visit to Elizabeth, Lk 1:39-45 I D D M R M R iv) Canticle of Mary (Magnificat), Lk 1: 46-56 I D D M v) Dream of St. Joseph, Mt 1: 18-24 I D D D D D vi) Genealogy of Jesus, Mt. 1:1-17 I D D D D D vii) Birth of Jesus, Mt. 1:18-25, Lk 2:1-20 M R R R R R R M R viii) Visit of the Shepherds, Lk 2:8-10 I M R R R R R M R ix) Presentation in the Temple, Lk 2:21-40 I D M R M R x) Magi (Epiphany) and their importance, 2: 1-12 I M R R R R R M R xi) , Mt 2:13-23 I D M R M R xii) Massacre of the Holy Innocents, Mt 2:16-18 I D D D M R xiii) Finding Jesus in the Temple, Lk 2:41-52 I M R R M R b) : Mt. 3:1-12, Mk 1:1-8, Lk 3:1-18 I D M R R M R i) Forerunner of Christ, Lk 1:17, CCC 718 I D ii) Last of the prophets, Mt 11:2-13, CCC 719 I D D c) Baptism of Jesus, Mt 3:13-17, Mk 1:9-11, Lk 3:21-22 I D D D D M R M R d) Temptations of Jesus, Mt 4:1-11, Mk. 1:12-13, Lk 4:1-13 I D M R e) Inauguration of the Kingdom of Heaven and the call to I M R R M R conversion, Mt 4:12-17, Mk 1:14-15, Lk 4:1-13 f) Call of First Disciples, Mt. 4:18-22, Mk 1:16-20, Lk 5:1-11 I D D D D M R M R g) Call of Matthew the tax collector, Mt. 9:7-13 I D D D D M R M R h) The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes, Mt 5-7 I D M R R M R i) Beatitudes, Mt 5:3-12 I D M R R M R ii) Love thy Enemies, (Mt 5:44), CCC1825 I D iii) Words of Jesus on the Law Mt 5:17-6:8 I D i) Lord’s Prayer, Mt 6:9-15, Lk. 11 I M R R R R R M R j) The Greatest Commandment, Mt 22:37, Lk 12: Love God with whole heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor I D M R R R R M R as yourself k) Peter’s primacy: Mt. 16:18 I D D D M l) Parables (see Appendix H for more details) I D D D D D D D D i) Definition of Parable: a short story that presents familiar imagery of Jesus’ time to teach a truth I M R R M R about the Kingdom of God Page 39

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ii) Purpose of parables: Mt 13:10-15, Mk 4:10-12, Lk 8:9-10 I D D D D D D D D iii) The Parable of the Mustard Seed, Mt 13:31, Mk 4:30, I D D D D D D M R Lk 13:18 iv) The Pearl of Great Price, Mt 13:45- 46 I D D D D D D M R v) The parable of the Lost Sheep, Lk 15:1-7, Mt. 18:12-14 I D M R R R R M R vi) The parable of the Prodigal Son, Lk 15:11-32 I D M R R R R M R vii) The Parable of the Good Samaritan, Lk 10:29-37 I D D D D D D M R viii) The Parable of the Sower of the Seeds, Mt 13:1-9, Mk 4:1, I D D D D M R Lk 8:4 ix) The Parable of the Talents, Mt 25:14-30 I D D D M R x) The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant, Mt 18: 21-35 I D D D M R xi) The parable of the Persistent Widow, Lk 18: 1-8 I D D D M R xii) The Parable of Lazarus and the Rich Man, Lk 16:19-31 I D D D M R xiii) Parable of Judgment of the Nations; corporal works of I M R R M R mercy, Mt. 25: 31-46 (“Whatever you do…you do unto me”) xiv) Parable of the Ungrateful Tenants, Mk 12:1-12 I D xv) Parable of Laborers in the Vineyard, Mt 20:1 I D m) Miracles (see Appendix H for more details) I D D D D D D D D i) Feeding five thousand, Mt 14:13, Mk 6:32-44, Lk 9:10-17, I D D D D M R M R Jn 6:1-13 ii) See appendix H for other examples of miracles; teach some in each category (healing, provision, resu rrection, demons, I D D D D D D M R nature) iii) Walking on Water Mt 14:22-33, Mk 6:45-52 I D D D D D M R n) The Transfiguration, Mt17:1-8, Mk 9:2-8, Lk 9:28-36 I D M R M R o) The story of Martha and Mary, Lk. 10:38-42 I D D D D D p) Zacchaeus, (Lk 19:1) I D D D D M R q) Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection (i.e. Paschal I D D M R R R M R Mystery), Mt. 26- 28; Mk 14-16; Lk 22-24, Jn 18-20 r) The appearance on the road to Emmaus, Lk 24:13-35 I D D D D D D M R s) The , Mk 16:19-20; Acts 1:6-12 D D D M R M R t) Great Commission, Mt 28:16-20 I D 4) Be familiar with or analyze the New Testament Gospel stories of I D D D D D D D D John a) Prologue: “In the beginning was the Word and the Word was I D God,” 1:1-18 b) The Wedding Feast of Cana (first public miracle) and the I D M R M R purpose of signs, 2:1-12) c) The Samaritan Woman, 4:4-42 I D d) The Bread of Life Discourse, 6:22-70 I D D D D M R e) The Good Shepherd, 10:11 I M R R R R R R R f) The raising of Lazarus, 11:1-44 I D M R g) The Washing of the Disciples’ Feet, 13:4-15 I D M R M R h) Judas’ Betrayal, 13:21-30 I D M R M R i) The Last Supper Discourses, 14-17 I D D D D D D D D i) The Vine and the Branches, 15:1 I D D D D M R

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ii) New Commandment of Love “Love one another as I have I D D M R M R loved you” Jn 15:12 j) The appearance to Mary Magdalen,20:11-18 I D M R k) The appearance to Thomas, 20:24-29 I D M R l) The appearance to Peter, 21:15-19 I D M R 5) Introduce the Acts of the Apostles: the Church continues the I D D D D mission of Christ a) The apostles before Pentecost, Jn. 20:19 I D D D M b) Replacing Judas, Acts 1:15 I D D D D c) Pentecost, 2:1-13 I D D D D D M R d) Peter’s Speech at Pentecost, 2:14-41: Peter as spokesman for I the Holy Spirit e) Stephen’s Martyrdom, 7-8 I M f) Saul’s Conversion, 9:4-5: Christ and the Church are one I M g) Acts of the Apostles will be continued in Church History 6) Key Christological Passages from Pauline and I D D D D and the a) Church as the Body of Christ with Christ as the Head, I D Col. 1:18, CCC 792 b) Fall of the Angels, Rev 12:9 I D D D D c) Hypostatic Union , 1 Jn 4:2-3, 2 Jn 7, CCC 252, 464-9 I D

Benchmark 5: The learner will apply specific terms connected with I D D D D D D D D Sacred Scripture. 1) Disciple: learner I D D D M R R R R 2) Sacred Scripture I D D M R 3) I D D M R 4) The Magisterium - Authority to interpret I D D M R 5) Apostle I D D D 6) Typology/Foreshadowing I D D 7) Christology I D 8) Parousia I D 9) Infallibility I

Benchmark 9: The learner will use the Catechism as a reference I D while studying the Bible.

Benchmark 10: The learner will demonstrate reverence toward I D D D D D D D D Holy Scripture. 1) Importance of Holy Scripture reverence I D D D D D D D D 2) Examples of how to demonstrate this reverence I D D D D D D D D

Benchmark 11: The learner will be familiar with the geographical I D D D D D locations of the main biblical events. 1) Holy Land: cities of Hebron, Jerusalem, Bethlehem I D D D D D 2) Galilee I D D D D D Page 41

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3) Sea of Galilee I D D D D D 4) Nazareth I D D D D D 5) Jordan River I D D D D D 6) Dead Sea I D D D D D 7) Jerusalem I D D D D D 8) Bethlehem I D D D D D 9) Fertile Crescent-the path of Abraham I D D 10) Egypt/Sinai peninsula/Red Sea: path of the Exodus I D D 11) Babylon I D D 12) Judea I D D 13) Capernaum I D 14) Cana I D 15) Samaria I D 16) Bethany I D 17) Caesarea Philippi I D 18) Mount Tabor I D

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Church History is 6-8 only

K-5 focuses on the Lives of Saints


Benchmark 1: The learner will define and recognize why we study Church history. I D 1) Ways the Church is both a human and divine institution I D 2) Conditions that enabled Christianity to grow I D 3) Reasons to study Church history I

Benchmark 2: The learner will discover the conditions under which Christianity began (30- I D D 100 A.D.). 1) ’s plan of salvation as revealed in the Old Testament (LG 2, CCC 759, 762) I D D 2) Plan instituted and fulfilled by Christ as revealed in the New Testament( CCC 748-766) I M a) Last Supper (Holy Thursday) I D i) Creation of Priesthood I D ii) Creation of Eucharist I D b) Jesus submits himself to the will of the Father through his passion, suffering and death; I D this paschal mystery brings forth the Church on Good Friday c) The Church is born from the blood and water of Jesus’ Side M 3) Holy Spirit and the public manifestation of the Church to the world at Pentecost I D a) Holy Spirit’s presence abides in the Church until the Second Coming of Christ I D b) Holy Spirit as a constant presence working through both the overall Church and I M individual members 4) Apostolic era ends with death of last apostle (John) in approx. 100 A.D. I D

Benchmark 3: The learner will examine how the early Church grew despite opposition (30- I D 313 A.D.). 1) How the faith was spread I D a) Early Christians remained Jews and followed Jewish law I D b) (48 A.D.) allowed gentiles to join Christianity without I M converting to Judaism (Acts 15) c) Missionary trips (see Acts of the Apostles), esp. Paul’s travels I D 2) How and why early Christians were persecuted D D a) By Jews D D i) Stephen, the protomartyr M R ii) Persecution in AD 41 by Herod Agrippa to placate Jews (Acts 12): martyrdom of M R the first apostle (James the Greater) iii) Christianity threatened Jewish view of the Messiah I b) By Romans I i) Christians believed in equality of all people before God I (1) Caused a fear of rebellion I (2) Caused a refusal to worship the emperor I ii) Examples I (1) Persecution under Nero limited to Rome (64) I (a) Peter crucified upside down (64) M (b) Paul martyred (63 or 64) M (2) Martyrdom of Felicity and Perpetua: 203 (Roman Canon) I (3) Catacombs first created at beginning of 3rd century I

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(4) Edict of tolerance issued (261-303) I 3) Discover how the Church met opposition from within: I a) Gnosticism : I i) Denied Incarnation and appealed to knowledge for proof M ii) Saw spirit as good and matter as bad: dualism M iii) One of the most basic heresies I b) Church response: I i) Initial collection of the New Testament M ii) which leads to consistent teaching M iii) Initial formation of the Creed M

Benchmark 4: The learner will explore and define the many changes in the Church in the I fourth century (313-475). 1) AD 313: Edict of Milan under Constantine (edict of toleration) M 2) Became official religion (380) M a) Benefits: return of property and honors to bishops I b) Headaches: caesero-papism: Emperor’s interference with internal affairs of the I Church 3) Contributions of some to our Sacred Tradition, esp. as seen in the CCC I a) Fathers of the Church: early saints known for their sanctity and orthodoxy as seen in I lives and writings b) Doctors of the Church: outstanding guides for all periods of the Church history as I seen in their writings c) : known by the Apostles or their successors M 1. I 2. First to use the term “Catholic Church” I d) Apologists : wrote works defending the Christian faith M e) Golden Age of Fathers (325-451) I i) John Chrysostom (345-407) (Greek Father) I ii) Augustine (354-430) (African doctor of the church) (Latin Father) M iii) (347-419) (Latin translation of the Bible) I 4) Beginnings of monasticism M a) Since beginnings of Church, men and women sought virginity “for the sake of the I kingdom” b) Began in east with Anthony of the Desert (251-356): hermits (eremitical life) I c) Basil created communities (330-379) in the East I 5) Summarize the ways four early church councils clarified Catholic teaching on the issue of I who Jesus is in terms of person and nature a) Nicea I (325) M i) Attacked Arianism (Jesus as fully man and created by God) I ii) 1st I b) Constantinople I (381): final form of the Nicene Creed M c) Ephesus (431): Mary as Mother of God ( Theotokos ) M d) Chalcedon (451): definition of hypostatic union M

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Benchmark 5: The learner will explain the growth and changes in the Church during the I (476-1054). 1) German tribes (a.k.a. barbarians) invaded throughout the 5th and 6th centuries I a) Rome sacked (410) by Visigoths I b) Last Roman emperor dethroned (476) I c) As Rome’s political authority decreased, the moral authority of the Church increased I through maintaining law and order and protecting civilians 2) Moslem armies invaded during the 7th and 8th centuries I 3) Rise of Byzantine (Eastern) empire I a) The Church survived as Christians moved into the countryside and converted the I barbarians b) Monasteries preserved learning, culture and scholarship M 4) Beginnings of the monastic movement I a) Monastery means living alone, away from the world M b) Example: Benedict (480-550) in Italy M i) Created a rule of life for monasteries centered around ora et labora (work and M prayer) ii) Father of Western monasticism M 5) Early monks evangelized Europe I D D a) Evangelization : spreading the gospel I M R b) Ireland: St. Patrick and St. Columba in 5th and 6th centuries I c) : Clovis, king of the Franks, converted (c.500) I d) Germany: Willibrod and Boniface (680-754) in 7th and 8th centuries I e) Slavs: Cyril and Methodius in 9th century; invented Cyrillic alphabet and introduced I Slavonic liturgy (863) f) By 1300, all Europe converted (at least in name) I 6) Explore the establishment of a Christian Empire and the causes of the Schism of 1054 I a) Establishment of Christian empire: (768-814) crowned emperor by I Pope Leo III (800) b) Eastern Schism (split) of 1054; led to creation of Eastern Orthodox Church. Caused M by political, cultural, and dogmatic tensions i) Primacy of Pope, i.e. the authority of the Pope over other bishops and patriarchs M ii) Eastern church believed that changing rites was the same as changing the faith; I Western church saw the two as separate iii) Role of the Holy Spirit in the Trinity and language used to describe it I iv) Clerical celibacy I

Benchmark 6: The learner will assess how the Church was renewed and reformed during I the High Middle Years (1046-1305). 1) Understand the need for reform in the I a) The human element of the church needed purification from political and selfish I motivations b) Feudalism: rigid political and social order M

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i) Serfs worked the land for the lords M ii) bishops and abbots served as secular as well as spiritual leaders I c) Gregorian reform under Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) I i) Protested the corruption of religion by money ( simony ) M ii) Outlawed lay investiture : the appointing of by lay people (1075) M iii) Concordat of Worms (1122): religious independence from state I d) Led to Canon law M e) St. (1090-1153) worked at clergy reform and the Christianization I of society; stressed union with God over asceticism 2) Explore how the failed to achieve their objectives I a) Urban II called for the first crusade to aid the Eastern Church and free the Holy Land M from the Moslems b) Initial motives were ignored as the Crusades continued I c) Review who controls these areas today (Palestine, Turkey, Israel) I 3) Appreciate various expressions of faith in the High Middle Ages I a) Mendicant orders: traveling orders that shared the Faith with a dedication to M poverty and simplicity of life i) Franciscans: under St. Francis of Assisi (1181-1226) (emphasis on poverty) I ii) Dominicans: under St. Dominic (1170-1221) (OP: Order of Preachers, since their I charism was preaching to heretics) iii) Carmelites (founded by crusaders who lived as penitent hermits) I b) New personal devotions I i) Rosary ( popularized by St. Dominic) I ii) Stations of the Cross I iii) Crèche, i.e. Nativity scene (started by St. Francis of Assisi) I c) Formation of Catholic Universities, beginning in 12th century to preserve learning; M Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) ( Summa Theologica ) d) : official Catholic court that examined charges of heresy (1220-1230) M i) No separation of church and state meant state punishments for church offenses I ii) Many people were unjustly punished and put to death I

Benchmark 7: The learner will define and articulate how the Church of the Renaissance I survived and flourished despite crises and challenges (1305-1517). 1) Discover that the were a time of trial for the Church I a) England and France at war (1337-1453) (Joan of Arc) I b) Muslim Turks captured Constantinople, pushed toward western Europe I c) The “Black Death” (bubonic plague) (1347- 1348) reduced Europe’s population M i) Lack of clergy and lay catechesis due to the educated (i.e. the clergy and religious) I caring for the sick and dying ii) Lack of catechesis led to lack of understanding of the Eucharist and the Mass I d) Rise of national monarchies led to conflicts with papal authority I 2) Explore the effects that the Great (1378-1417) had on the Church M a) Began with Avignon Papacy: popes lived in Avignon, France from 1305-1377 I b) Ended with move of Gregory XI to Rome (upon advice of 1347-1380 I

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c) Multiple popes claimed power from 1378-1417: Popes of Rome, in Avignon I and in Pisa, Italy d) Ended with the Council of Constance (1417) when Pope Martin V was unanimously I elected e) Effects I i) Confusion on who to follow I ii) Conciliarism : incorrect theory that councils, not the pope, hold supreme authority in M the Church 3) Explore the impact of the Renaissance on the Church I a) Renaissance : rebirth in arts, education, and all areas of life M b) Invention of printing press (1455) made religious books, including Bible, available M 4) Understand the failures of the Renaissance Church leadership I a) Many popes worried more about architecture and art than morality I b) Nepotism : used offices to enrich their families I c) Clergy often used office for personal benefit I

Benchmark 8: The learner will recognize and examine the causes and consequences of the I Protestant (1517-1603). 1) Identify the beginnings of the Protestant Reformation I a) On October 31, 1517, Martin Luther (born 1483) nailed 95 Theses to the door of the M Wittenburg church b) Protested mainly the sale and abuse of indulgences (the remission of time in purgatory I due to certain actions and a detachment from sin) c) In dealing with his own personal faith struggle, he not only called for needed reform but also started to reject necessary Church teachings (i.e. sacraments, the papacy, I and Sacred Tradition) d) Luther believed that humanity was saved by faith alone ( sola fide ), not by good works I e) Luther had no intention of forming a new church, but only of reforming the one true I church f) Luther excommunicated by Leo X in January 1521 after the Pope affirmed that 54 I theses were correct, but 41 were heresy and needed to be changed; Luther refused 2) Explore the expansion of the Protestant Reformation I a) Luther spread his ideas from Wittenburg for another 25 years I b) His followers broke away from the Catholic Church and called themselves Lutherans I c) Many local leaders also left the Church and took the people under their jurisdiction with I them d) Huldrych Zwingli (1484-1531) rejected even more Church teaching, such as real I presence in the Eucharist and sacraments as anything more than promises e) Anabaptists rejected infant Baptism and formal church structure; rejected by all I Protestants and Catholics as too radical (Mennonite and Amish) 3) John Calvin (1509-1564): Double : all people predestined for heaven or M hell 4) Explore the causes and effects of the I a) Henry VIII received the title Defender of the Faith for writing Defense of the Seven I Sacraments

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b) Henry VIII wanted a divorce and annulment that Pope Clement VII would not grant I c) Pope Paul III excommunicated Henry when he divorced Catherine of Aragon and I married Anne Boleyn d) Broke away and formed Anglican Church: identical to Catholic Church except that M Henry was the head (1534) e) He executed those who refused to acknowledge the king as head of the Church (i.e., I St. , St. Bishop John Fisher, etc.) f) Mary I reintroduced Catholicism (1553-1558) I g) Elizabeth I reaffirmed the place of and tried to create a religion acceptable to everyone: Protestant doctrine and Catholic government system (1558- I 1603) h) Those who protested the compromised religion were called Puritans or Separatists I

Benchmark 9: The learner will study the Counter-Reformation to deepen their understanding of the Church, especially the doctrinal guidelines established by the Council I of Trent (1545-1648). 1) Discover the ways the responded to the Protestant Reformation (1545- M 1563) a) Explained various Church teachings I b) Issued rules to eliminate abuses I c) Issued rules to reform clergy I 2) Explore the ways that struggles in the Church call forth heroic men and women who I enrich the church through their lives a) Approved creation of the Jesuits (SJ: ) under St. I (1491-1556) in 1540 b) St. Vincent de Paul (1581-1661) founded Congregation of the Mission to take gospel I to rural areas c) St. Teresa of Avila (1515-1582) and St. (1542-1591) reformed the I Carmelites (OCD: Order of Discalced Carmelites) d) St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) was a model bishop of the time I e) St. Francis de Sales (1567-1622) wrote Introduction to the Devout Life (1608); I influenced spiritual development of laity f) Sts. Margaret Mary Alacoque (1647-1690) and John Eudes (1601-1680) developed I the cult of the Sacred Heart

Benchmark 10: The learner will describe how the Church responded to the age of kings, the I scientific revolution, and the Enlightenment (1648-1749). 1) Explore the spread of Catholicism through the world (general term: NA Martyrs, Juan I Padilla, Rose of Lima, Martin de Porres a) Missionaries accompanied Columbus to the New World (Franciscans and M Dominicans) b) Spanish missionaries attempted to defend rights of Native Americans (Serra, Kino, I Padilla)

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c) Abuse by Spanish soldiers, unfair treatment by government officials, being forced from their ancestral homes, and disregard for their culture often led Native I Americans into violent uprisings. Missionaries were often caught in the middle and were martyred. d) went to India, Japan, and tried to reach China. Patron of the M missions 2) Explore the effects of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightenment on the Church I a) 1642: Galileo died and Newton was born; beginning of Scientific Revolution I b) Science seemed to contradict biblical truths I c) Leaders of the Enlightenment did not believe in divine revelation, faith, or the Bible I d) Deism : belief in a god who had no interest in creation M

Benchmark 11: The learner will discuss and describe the ways in which the French I Revolution changed the church and the world (1789-1814). 1) Explore the causes of the and the resulting schism in the Church I a) National Assembly wanted to control the Church even more than the monarchs I b) Civil Constitution of the Clergy: clergy to be chosen by the people I 2) Understand the consequences of the Reign of Terror I a) All whose loyalty to Revolution was suspect were executed I b) 2,000-5,000 were executed I

Benchmark 12: The learner will describe the ways the Church changed and grew during the I nineteenth century (1814-1914). 1) Explain the Church’s growth during this age of Faith I a) Why growth? Rise in missionaries led to more Catholics I b) Results I i) Expansion of Catholic education system I ii) Increase in Catholic hospitals, orphanages I iii) Devotion to the Sacred Heart—dedication of world to Sacred Heart in 1899 I iv) Devotion to Blessed Virgin I (1) 1854—Dogma of Immaculate Conception proclaimed I (2) Devotions in May and October I (3) Our Lady of apparitions 1858 I v) St. Therese of Lisieux (1873-1897): Her “Little Way” called for sanctity through M everyday life 2) Examine the ways in which Popes Pius IX and Pius X challenged the Church I a) Pius IX (1846-1878): called Vatican I (1869- 1870) which defined infallibility M b) St. Pius X (1903-1914) M i) Frequent reception of Communion M ii) Children should receive Communion earlier M iii) Called for active participation by laity in the Mass I

Benchmark 13: The learner will deepen their understanding and appreciation of the I contributions of the Church in the United States (1492-1861). 1) Discover the roots of Catholicism in the United States I

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a) 1531, patroness of the Americas M i)appeared to Juan Diego, a pious Mexican farmer I ii) appeared a a pregnant native princess, crushing the head of the serpent god I iii) led to mass conversions among the native Mexicans I b) Spanish Impact I i) 1565: first Spanish colony in St. Augustine, FL and oldest parish I ii) Bl. Junipero Serra (Franciscan) established 21 missions along Californian coast I (1713-1784) c) French Impact I i) St. Isaac Jogues and company, martyred by Iroquois 10/19/1646 after returning I from previous torture ii) St. Rose Phillipine Duchesne M iii) Fr. Pierre DeSmet (Jesuit) I iv) St. Kateri Tekakwitha (1656-1680) M 2) Explore the ways the Church took root in the Colonies I a) Bishop John Carroll (1735-1815) M i) First American Bishop (August 15, 1790) I ii) Diocese of entire United States I b) Elizabeth Ann Seton (1774-1821) I i) First native-born American saint I ii) Founded American Sisters of Charity in Emmitsburg, MD I iii) Founded the first parochial school M 3) Explore the development of the immigrant Church in America I a) Immigrant flood began with end of French Revolution wars in 1815 I b) Church needed priests who spoke the language of the various people, ex: John I Neumann i) wrote first U.S. catechism I ii) founded diocesan Catholic school system M c) Immigrants were very generous in the creation of new churches, orphanages, and schools in order to safeguard their families’ faith, ex: St. Frances Cabrini (patron of I immigrants)

Benchmark 14: The learner will understand and describe the growth of the Church in the I United States (1861-present). 1) Baltimore Catechism (1884) I 2) St. Katharine Drexel: donation of entire fortune to educate Native Americans and African M Americans 3) Effects of World War I I a) Laws limited immigration, particularly Catholic and Jewish immigration I b) Growth of Ku Klux Klan; anti-Catholic, anti-black, and anti-Jewish I 4) World War II effects I a) Bishop Fulton J. Sheen (1895-1979) communicated over radio and television I b) Growth from 21 to 42 million Catholics between 1940 and 1960 I 5) Explore the crisis affecting the Church in the 1960s and 1970s I

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a) Mass attendance, Catholic school enrollment, sacramental participation, number of I seminarians and nuns all dropped radically b) Change caused by several factors I i) Societal factors: social unrest, suburban sprawl I ii) Theological factors: multiple theologies, loss of unity, poorly thought-out changes I and changes not explained well

Benchmark 15: The learner will explore and describe the role of the Church in the I Twentieth Century. 1) Discover the Church’s role prior to World War II I a) Apparitions at Fatima 1917 I i) Praying for peace through the Rosary I ii) Consecration of Russia to the I 2) Explore the effects on the Church of World War II and the aftermath: Holocaust I a) Murder of Catholic priests in the streets I b) St. Maximilian Kolbe M c) St. Teresa Benedicta (Edith Stein) I 3) Examine the growth of the Church in Asia, Africa, and Latin America I a) Catholic church affected as colonial empires fell I b) Ugandan martyrs in 1886 I c) Chinese and Vietnamese still persecuted for faith today I i) Culture I ii) Faith I d) Latin America: For many years, Church suffered from poverty, priest shortage, I revolution, and ignorant laity e) Ecumenism : unity of all Christians: efforts began to increase in 1940s and 1950s M 4) Explore the significance of Vatican II I a) John XXIII (Angelo Roncalli) (1958-1963) called for “open window” into the church I i) Spoke for social justice I ii) Summoned ecumenical council, Vatican II, in 1962 I b) Two themes I i) Renovation, bringing the church up-to-date M (1) Language of the people I (2) Call for unity among Christians (ecumenism) I (3) Engaging the culture I ii) Returning to the sources, to ancient Christian traditions M c) Paul VI (Cardinal Montini) (1963-1978) ended Vatican II in 1965 I d) Succeeded by John Paul I (only 34 days) I e) Followed by John Paul II (1978-2005); saw Vatican II as great gift to Church M f) Benedict XVI (2005-current) M

Benchmark 17: Learners will develop their knowledge of the history of the Diocese of I D D Wichita.

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1) From Osage Mission (present day St. Paul, Kansas) the Jesuits established churches and I schools throughout Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri. 2) In 1887, the Diocese of Wichita was established. In 1897 the nine counties of southeast Kansas were added. In 1951, the western half of the diocese became the Diocese of I Dodge City. 3) In 1933, the first diocesan superintendent of schools, Msgr. Leon McNeill, collaborated with the Adorer Sisters to open a Catholic college, Sacred Heart College, to prepare I teachers. Today the college is called Newman University. 4) Bishop Mark Carroll (1947-1963), a charismatic and energetic bishop, guided the Diocese I through a period of enormous growth in churches, elementary schools, and high schools. 5) Bishop Eugene Gerber (1982-2000) made stewardship a way of life for all Catholic life in the Diocese of Wichita – the first and only diocese in the United States to do so. This I model of stewardship was pioneered by Msgr. Thomas McGread at St. Francis of Assisi parish. 6) Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted - In 2002, the Third Diocesan established critical priorities for future directions that will guide the Diocese in these first years of the new I millennium. 7) Bishop Michael O. Jackels (2005- present)-TOGETHER Vision M R R

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Benchmark 1: The student will study angels. I D D D D D D D D 1) Define angel I M R R R R R R R 2) Kinds of angels I D D D D D D D D a) Archangels (9/29) I D M R R R R R R b) Guardian (10/2) M R R R R R R R R c) Cherubim I M R R R d) Seraphim I M R R R e) Fallen Angels I D D

Benchmark 2: The student will study and analyze the life, virtues, I D D D D D D D D and contributions of Mary and the saints. 1) Contributions of Mary (the greatest saint) I D D D D D D D D 2) Define saint: a person who leads a holy life in union with God and I D D M R R R R R receives the reward of eternal life in heaven. 3) Patron saints I D D D D D D D 4) Parish patron saints I D D D D D D D 5) Types of Saints I D D D D D D D a) Apostles (combined with Evangelists) I D D D D D D M b) Martyrs I D D D D M c) Evangelists I D D D D M d) Confessors I D M

Benchmark 3: The student will outline the process of I D D D M saints. 1) Servant of God I D D D M 2) Venerable I D D D M 3) Blessed (Beatification) I D D D M 4) Saint (Canonization) I D D D M

Benchmark 4: The student will apply lessons to be learned from I D D D D D D D D Mary and the saints.

Benchmark 5: The student will study the life and contributions of I D D D D D D D D specific saints appropriate to their grade level. *For the following saints, students should know: • Time period

• Major achievements • Patronage 1) Marian Feasts I D D D D D D D D a) Holy Days of Obligation dedicated to Mary I D D D D D D D D i) Mary, Mother of God, 1/1 I D D D D M R R M ii) Immaculate Conception, 12/8 (Patroness of United States) I M R R R M iii) Assumption, 8/15 I M R R R M

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SAINTS K 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

b) Apparitions i) Our Lady of Guadalupe, 12/12 (Patroness of Americas) I D D D D D D D M ii) , 2/11 I D D D D D D iii) Our Lady of Fatima, 5/13 I D D D D D iv) Our Lady of Mount Carmel, 7/16 I D D D D v) Our Lady of La Vang (day depends on local custom) I D D c) Other Marian celebrations I D D D D D D D D i) Annunciation, 3/25 I D D M R R R R R ii) Visitation to St. Elizabeth, 5/31 I D D M R R R R iii) Immaculate Heart of Mary, day after Sacred Heart I D D D D D iv) Queenship of Mary, 8/22 I D D D v) Birth of Mary, 9/8 I D D vi) Our Lady of Perpetual Help, 6/26 I D D 2) Other Solemnities and Feasts I D D D D D D D D a) Joseph, Husband of Mary, 3/19 I D D M R R R R R d) John the Baptist, 6/24 and 8/29 I D D D M R R R R c) All Saints, 11/1 I D D D D D D D D d) Apostolic Times I D D D D D D D D i) Peter & Paul, the Apostles, 6/29 I D D D D D D D M ii) Peter, the first Pope M R R R R R iii) & Anne, 7/26 I D D D D D D M R iv) Holy Innocents, 12/28 I D D D D D M R v) Stephen, 12/26 I D D D M M vi) Mary Magdalen, 7/22 I D D D M R vii) Thomas the Apostle, 7/3 I D D M R viii) and Evangelist, 12/27 I D D M R ix) Mark, 4/25 I D D M R x) Philip & James, the Apostles, 5/3 I D D M R xi) Matthias, 5/14 I D D M R xii) James, 7/25 I D D M R xiii) Bartholomew, the Apostle, 8/24 I D D M R xiv) Matthew, the Apostle, 9/21 I D D M R xv) Luke, 10/18 I D D M R xvi) Simon & Jude, the Apostles, 10/28 I D D M R xvii) Andrew, the Apostle, 11/30 I D D M R xviii) Barnabas, 6/11 I M xix) Martha, 7/29 I D e) Doctors of the Church see appendix G for list I D i) Albert the Great, 11/15 (patron of science, teacher of St. I D Thomas Aquinas) ii) Anthony of Padua, 6/13 I iii) Alphonsus Liguori, 8/1 I iv) Ambrose, 12/7 (Council of Nicaea and conversion of St. I Augustine)

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v) Leo the Great, 11/10 I f) American Saints (S ee Appendix G for list) I D D D D D D D D i) Juan Diego, 12/9 I D D D D D D D M ii) Katharine Drexel, 3/3 (gave away fortune, devoted I D D M R R R R R to ministering to Native and African Americans) iii) Kateri Tekakwitha, 7/14, most recent American saint I D M R R R iv) Elizabeth Ann Seton, 1/4 I D D D M v) John Neumann, 1/5 I D D D M vi) Rose Philippine Duchesne, 11/18 I D D D M vii) Damien of Molokai, 5/10 I D D D viii) Bl. Junipero Serra, 7/1 I D D D ix) Isaac Jogues & Comp., 10/19 I D D D x) , 11/23 I D D D xi) Servant of God, Emil Kapaun I D D M xii) Lawrence Ruiz & Comp., 9/28 (Filipino) I xiii) Toribio Romo M g) Other Major Saints I D D D D D D D D i) Nicholas, 12/6 I D D D D D D D M ii) Blaise, 2/3 I D D D D D D D M iii) Patrick, 3/17 I D D D D D D D M iv) Francis of Assisi, 10/4 I D D D D D D D M v) Clare of Assisi, 8/11 I D D D D M vi) John Bosco, 1/31 I D D D M vii) Isidore the Farmer, 5/15 I D D D D viii) Joan of Arc, 5/30 I D D D M ix) Tarcisius, 8/15 I D D D D x) Peter Claver, 9/9 I D D D M xi) Vincent de Paul, 9/27 I D D D M xii) Faustina, 10/5 (Divine Mercy) I D D D D xiii) Margaret Mary Alacoque, 10/17 (Sacred Heart) I D D D D xiv) John Vianney, 8/4 I D D xv) Andrew Kim Taegon & Companions, 9/20 (Korean) I D D xvi) Pio of Pietrelcina, 9/23 I D D xvii) Monica, 8/27 I D xviii) Boniface, 6/5, Apostle of Germany I xix) Helen, 8/18 I xx) Andrew Truong & Comp, 11/24 (Vietnamese) I xxi) Blessed John Paul II I D D D D D D M xxii) Blessed of Calcutta (service in India: seeing Christ in all, especially the poor, the dying, the I D D D D D M unloved)

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These definitions are intended for teacher reference. Please simplify to make age appropriate.


Absolution - The words of forgiveness the priest prays over the penitent in the sacrament of Reconciliation.

Actual Grace – Temporary supernatural intervention given to perform a specific good act, thought, or deed.

Actual Sin - Any thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to God’s eternal law. All actual sins are classified on the basis of this division, where sinful thoughts are essentially desires, the words may either be spoken or otherwise articulated, the deeds involve some external manifestation, and omissions are failures to do what should have been done by a person in a given set of circumstances.

Adultery - Marital infidelity, or sexual relations between two partners, at least one of whom is married to another party. The sixth commandment and the New Testament forbid adultery absolutely (CCC 2380).

Advent - The liturgical season of four weeks devoted to preparation for the coming of Christ at Christmas (CCC 524).

Aeiparthenos – Greek word which means that Mary is ever-virgin; before, during, and after the birth of Jesus.

Agnosticism – In general, not knowing about religious truth; more specifically, not having rational certitude about it.

Alb - A white linen garment, reaching from the neck to the ankles with tight-fitting sleeves and held in at the waist by a cincture (), worn by the ministers at Mass. It is sometimes ornamented near the hem with embroidery or other colored material, known as ‘apparels’. The was taken to symbolize purity, and it was customary for the celebrant to say ‘Make me white…’ while putting it on.

Ambo - The ambo is a special stand or place from where the Scriptures are read at Mass. (Also called lectern or podium)

Amice - A linen cloth, square or oblong in shape, with strings attached. It may be worn around the neck by the priest when celebrating the Eucharist, or by other ministers who wear the alb.

Anagogical – one of the deeper senses used in interpreting Sacred Scripture that detects allusions to heaven or afterlife.

Anamnesis - The “remembrance” of God’s saving deeds in history in the liturgical action of the Church, which inspires thanksgiving and praise. Every Eucharistic prayer contains an or memorial in which the Church call to mind the Passion, Resurrection, and glorious return of Christ. (also called or Mysterium Fidei)

Anchorites - Men who renounce the world in order to spend their lives alone in penance and prayer; women are known as anchoresses.

Angel - A spiritual, personal, and immortal creature, with intelligence and free will, who glorifies God without ceasing and who serves God as a messenger of his saving plan (CCC 329-331).

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Angelus - A Catholic devotional practice performed in the early morning, at noon, and in the evening, usually, in places where the custom is generally observed, during the ringing of a bell. It consists of three verses with their responses, each followed by a Hail Mary, and it concludes with a prayer.

Anointing - Anointing is the signing of a person with holy oil. Anointing is used in the sacraments of Baptism and Confirmation, and in other sacraments and rites of the Church.

Annulment - Official declaration by the Church that, for lawful reasons, a marriage was invalid and consequently null and void, i.e. a marriage never sacramentally took place.

Annunciation - The visit of the angel Gabriel to the Virgin Mary to inform her that she was to be the mother of the Savior. After giving her consent to God’s word, Mary became the mother of Jesus by the power of The Holy Spirit.

Anointing of the Sick - One of the seven sacraments administered by a priest to a baptized person in danger of death because of illness or old age, though prayer and the anointing of the body with the oil of the sick. The proper effects of the sacrament include a special grace of healing and comfort to the Christian who is suffering infirmities of serious illness or old age, the forgiving of the person’s sins, and the possibility of physical healing (CCC 1499, 1520, 1523, 1526-32).

Apologetics - The theological discipline that deals with the reasons for believing God and accepting the faith presented by the Christian Church; a defense of Catholicism by the use of logic, Scripture, and Church teaching.

Apologist - One who writes or speaks in defense of Christian beliefs and practices.

Apostle - A term meaning one who is sent as Jesus was sent by the Father, and as He sent His chosen disciples to preach the Gospel to the whole world (CCC 857).

Apostles Creed - A statement of Christian faith developed from the baptismal creed or “symbol” of the ancient Church of Rome, the see of St. Peter, first of the Apostles. The Apostles’ Creed is considered to be a faithful summary of the faith of the Apostles. See prayers.

Apostolate - The activity of the Christian which fulfills the apostolic nature of the whole Church by working to extend the reign of Christ to the entire world (CCC 863). The specific work of a religious order.

Apostolic - One of the four attributes of the Church mentioned in the Nicene Creed. Refers to the Catholic faith as having been received through the apostles; apostolic succession from Peter to the current pope.

Apostolic Succession - The handing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles to their successors the bishops through the laying on of hands, as a permanent office in the Church (CCC 77, 861).

Archangels - A chief or ruling angel. The term occurs twice in the New Testament (Jude 5:9; I Thessalonians 4:16) and has two Catholic meanings. In its wider sense an archangel is any angel of higher rank. More strictly, though, archangels are those angelic spirits who belong to the eighth of nine of angels. As distinct from guardian angels, archangels are messengers of God to men. Three

Page 60 Glossary archangels are specifically mentioned in the Bible: Tobit 12:6, 15; John 5:1-4; Luke 1:26-38; Revelation 12:7-9.

Arianism - A fourth-century heresy propagated by Arius denying the divinity of Jesus Christ. Following views which gnostics had popularized, he regarded the Son of God as standing midway between God and creatures; not like God without a beginning, but possessing all other divine perfections, not of one essence, nature, substance with the Father and therefore not like him in divinity.

Articles of Faith - Those revealed truths which have a specific and proper identity, yet are broad enough to include other revealed truths so as to form a unified body of Christian doctrine.

Ascension - The entry of Jesus’ humanity into divine glory in God’s heavenly domain, forty days after his resurrection (CCC 659, 665); one of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.

Asceticism – A type of religious order that emphasizes self-denial and poverty. Its object is the attainment of Christian perfection.

Atheism – The denial in the theory and/or practice that God exists. Atheism is a sin against the virtue of religion required by the first commandment of the law. (CCC 2124-2125)

Attributes - Characteristics that are associated with a saint or other figure that help identify them or the manner of their martyrdom.

Baptism - The first of the seven sacraments, and the “door” which gives access to the other sacraments. Baptism is the first and chief sacrament of forgiveness of sins, because it unites us with Christ, who died for our sins and rose for our . The rite of baptism consists in immersing the candidate in water, or pouring water on the head, while pronouncing the invocation of the Most Holy Trinity: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit (CCC 977, 1213, 1275, 1278).

Baroque – A style of ecclesial architecture that developed during the Counter-Reformation; this style is identified as busy-looking, ornate, and highly decorated.

Barrel vault – In ecclesial architecture, a type of ceiling shaped like a half barrel which requires thick walls for support.

Basilica – A specific type of church architecture; specifically, a lengthy oblong edifice, rectangular in shape with an apse (a dome or arched ceiling) at one end. Also, a church or cathedral accorded certain ceremonial rights by the pope.

Beatitudes - The teachings of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount on the meaning and way to true happiness (Mt 5. 3-12; Lk 6. 20-26) (CCC 1716).

Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament - A Eucharistic devotion in the Catholic Church of the Latin Rite that takes place in the context of adoration. In its traditional form, a priest, vested in , , and cope, places on the altar the consecrated Host in the monstrance, and then incenses it. Benediction occurs when the priest lifts the monstrance containing the Host and blesses the congregation.

Bible –Sacred Scripture; the books that contain the truth of God’s revelation and were composed by human authors inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Old Testament and the New Testament are the two main parts of the Bible (CCC 105).

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Bishop – One who has received the fullness of the Sacrament of the Holy Orders, which makes him a member of the Episcopal college and a successor of the Apostles. He is the shepherd of a particular church entrusted to him and the head of a diocese. (CCC 1557; cf. 861, 886)

Blessed Sacrament - The Blessed Sacrament is a name given to the Eucharist, especially the consecrated elements reserved in the tabernacle for adoration or for the sick (CCC 1330).

Byzantine Liturgy or Rite - The liturgy of the of the Catholic Church. The Byzantine Rite differs from the Latin rite not in profession of faith, the seven sacraments, or in hierarchical unity, but in its approach to theology, spirituality, liturgy, church law, and in particular cultural and linguistic differences.

Canon Law - The rules which provide the norms for good order in the visible society of the Church. Those canon laws that apply universally are contained in the Codes of Canon Law. The most recent Code of Canon Law was promulgated in 1983 for the and in 1991 for the Eastern Church.

Canon - The official list of books of the Bible commonly accepted by the Church as sacred and of divine authorship.

Cardinal (moral) virtues - Four pivotal human virtues that will govern our acts, order our passions, and guide our conduct in accordance with reason and faith (CCC 1805, 1834). See appendix A.

Cassock - The long garment (usually black) worn by the clergy.

Catacombs - A subterranean cemetery consisting of galleries or passages with side recesses for tombs.

Catechesis - An education of children, young people, and adults in the faith of the Church through the teaching of Christian doctrine in a unified and systematic way to make them disciples of Jesus Christ (CCC 5, 426-427).

Catechumenate - The formation of those in preparation for their Christian initiation that aims at bringing their conversion and their faith to maturity within the ecclesial community; a period of Christian development in RCIA.

Catholic - One of the four marks of the Church, taken from the Nicene Creed. The Church is catholic or universal both because she possesses the fullness of Christ’s presence and the means of salvation, and because she has been sent out by Christ on a mission to the entire human race (CCC 750, 830).

Celibacy - The state or condition of those who have chosen to remain unmarried for the sake of the kingdom of heaven in order to give themselves entirely to God and to the service of his people. In the Latin Church, celibacy is obligatory for priests and bishops. In some Eastern Churches, celibacy is a prerequisite for bishops only; priests may not marry after they have been ordained (CCC 1579, 1580).

Censer - A vessel suspended by chains used for burning incense at , , Benediction, processions, and other important services of the Church. It is now commonly called the .

Chalice – The consecrated cup, made of precious materials, used to hold the Blood of Jesus during the Mass.

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Charity (love) - The theological virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God (CCC 1822) (See Appendix A).

Chastity - The moral virtue which, under the cardinal virtue of temperance, provides for the proper living of one’s sexuality in the context of his or her vocation (CCC 1832, 2337). It is also a Fruit of the Holy Spirit (see Appendix A).

Chasuble - The colored outermost garment worn by bishops and priests in celebrating the Eucharist. Its color depends upon the liturgical season or specific memorial, feast, or solemnity celebrated that day.

Cherubim - One of the choirs of angels.

Ciborium - A vessel made of precious materials used to contain the Blessed Sacrament during Mass or during reposition in the tabernacle.

Cincture (girdle) - One of six liturgical , it is a cord or band of cloth worn at the waist over the alb by priests, bishops, or altar servers.

Coadjutor – A bishop who assists a diocesan bishop in the rule of his diocese and in the exercise of the Episcopal power of orders. The coadjutor bishop must also be appointed the vicar general.

Community - A group of people who share something important together; another name for a religious order.

Conception - The union of an egg and a sperm resulting in the formation of a new life; the beginning of life.

Conciliarism - The theory that councils, not the pope, hold supreme authority in the Church.

Conclave – A word used to describe the meeting of cardinals to elect a pope or to the place of election, a sealed-off area in the Vatican. - - Initiated by Pope Gregory X in 1274, the process of election today is governed by the regulations issued by Popes Pius XIII, John XXIII, and Paul VI. Fifteen days after the death of a Pope, an election is held in an area cut off from all outside contacts. The cardinal camerlengo presides, assisted by three senior cardinals. The customary method of election is by secret ballot, a two- thirds majority required for election. Ballots are cast, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, until a majority is achieved. Paul VI in 1973 added several regulations: no cardinal after age 80 may take part in the conclave and the number of cardinals involved may not exceed 120. New instructions were given as to how a deadlock should be resolved: all cardinals in the conclave vote to suspend the two-thirds rule, or to delegate the election to a committee of cardinals, or to reduce the candidates to the two having the highest number of votes.

Concupiscence – Human appetites or desires which remain disordered due to the temporal consequences of original sin, which remain even after Baptism, and which produce an inclination to sin. (CCC 1264, 1426, 2515)

Confession - An essential element of the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which consists in telling one’s sins to the priest. By extension, the word confession is used to refer to the Sacrament of Reconciliation itself (CCC 1455).

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Confessor - A priest qualified to hear the confessions of the faithful and grant sacramental absolution. A confessor is also empowered to grant certain dispensations and to absolve from censures, according to the provisions of ecclesiastical law.

Confirmandi - All the candidates preparing to receive the sacrament of Confirmation.

Confirmation – Sacrament which completes the Sacrament of Baptism with a special outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, which seal or “confirm” the baptized in union with Christ and equip them for active participation in the worship and apostolic life of the Church (CCC 1285).

Consecration – The dedication of a object, place, or person to divine service by prayer or blessing. The consecration at Mass is that part of the Eucharistic Prayer during which the Lord’s of the Eucharist at the Last Supper are recited by the priestly minister, transforming the bread and wine into Christ’s body (CCC 1352, 1353).

Consubstantial -having the same substance, or in all essentials the same

Contrition - Sorrow of the soul and hatred for sin with resolution not to commit the sin again. Contrition is necessary for the reception of Reconciliation (CCC 1451).

Cope - A semicircular cloak worn at certain liturgical functions, such as Eucharistic processions, adoration, and Matrimony outside of a Mass, by a priest or bishop when the is not used.

Corporal - A square white linen cloth, now usually somewhat smaller than the breadth of an altar, upon which the Sacred Host and are placed during the celebration of Mass.

Council – When all the bishops of the world meet together under the authority of the Pope to consider matters affecting the whole Church.

Covenant - A solemn, binding agreement between human beings or between God and a human being involving mutual commitments or guarantees (CCC 56, 62, 66).

Creationism – The doctrine that God created reality, including the universe and the world, out of nothing.

Creed - A brief summary statement or profession of Christian faith (CCC 187).

Cruets – Two small vessels containing the wine and water required for the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.

Crusades – Medieval military expeditions organized by the Church for the liberation of the Holy Land and the defense of Christianity.

Deacon – A third degree of the hierarchy of the Sacrament of Holy Orders, after bishop and priest. The deacon is ordained not to priesthood but for ministry and service. are ordained to assist the bishop and priests in the celebration of the divine mysteries, above all the Eucharist, in the distribution of Holy Communion, in assisting at and blessing marriages, in the proclamation of the Gospel and preaching, in presiding over funerals, and in dedicating themselves to the various ministries of charity. While the Churches of the East have always had a functioning order of deacons, in the West the permanent diaconate was reestablished by the Second Vatican council (CCC 1569, 1571)

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Dei Verbum - Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation of the Second Vatican Council.

Deism - The theory that accepts the existence of God on purely rational grounds but denies, doubts, or rejects as incredible Christianity as a supernatural religion. Accordingly, revelation, miracles, grace, and mysteries are excluded from acceptance by what is called “the rational man.” Yet deism differs from rationalism in stressing its acceptance of a personal God and adherence to what is called natural religion, but with no recognition of a supernatural order.

Didache – A writing of the early Church (c. 100s) formally titled “The Lord’s Instruction to the Gentiles through the Twelve Apostles” which contains our earliest descriptions, outside the New Testament, of the early Church and its practices.

Diocese - A “particular church”, a community of the faithful in communion of faith and sacraments whose bishop has been ordained in apostolic succession. A diocese is usually a determined geographic area; sometimes it may be constituted a group of people of the same rite or language (CCC 833).

Disciple - (from Latin ‘to discern’) Learner; follower of Jesus Christ

Divine Office - The group of psalms, hymns, prayers, biblical and spiritual reading formulated by the Church for chant or recitation at stated times every day. Also called Liturgy of the Hours.

Divine Revelation - The self-disclosure of God and the communication of the truth about His nature and will.

Divorce - The claim that the indissoluble marriage bond validly entered into between a man and a woman is broken. A civil dissolution of the marriage contract (divorce) may be morally permissible in some cases but does not free persons from a valid marriage before God; remarriage would not be morally licit (CCC 2382).

Dogma - The revealed teachings of Christ which are proclaimed by the fullest extent of the exercise of the authority of the Church’s Magisterium. The faithful are obliged to believe the truths or dogmas contained in Divine Revelation and defined by the Magisterium (CCC 88).

Dominions - One of the choirs of angels.

Double Predestination – A belief of John Calvin that all people are predestined for heaven or hell. Catholics believe that all people are predestined for heaven; their actions may preclude them from the destiny God would like for them.

Dualism – A belief in two gods or supreme beings; a logically impossible belief.

Ecumenical Council - A gathering of all the bishops of the world, in the exercise of their collegial authority over the universal Church. An ecumenical council is usually called by the successor of St. Peter, the Pope, or at least confirmed or accepted by him (CCC 884).

Ecumenism - Promotion of the restoration of unity among all Christians, the unity which is a gift of Christ and to which the Church is called by the Holy Spirit. For the Catholic Church, the Decree on Ecumenism of the Second Vatican Council provides a charter for ecumenical efforts (CCC 816,820-22).

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Edict of Milan – Decree issued by emperor Constantine in 311 which ended Roman persecutions and allowed Christians to worship freely.

Election (of candidates) - Part of the RCIA process.

Encyclical - A pastoral letter written by the Pope and sent to the whole Church and even to the whole world, to express Church teaching on some important matter (CCC 892).

Epiclesis – The part of a sacrament which calls down the Holy Spirit. An epiclesis is found in every sacrament, usually accompanied by a laying on of hands (CCC1105,1127).

Episcopal - Pertaining to the office of bishop, hence Episcopal consecration, the Episcopal college, Episcopal conferences (CCC883,887,1557).

Episcopos – ( from the Greek) The office itself or the tenure of a bishop; the body of bishops in a church or region.

Epistles – Books of the New Testament; usually official communications of instruction or correction sent to a church or a group of churches, written by an Apostle or sent under his authority.

Eremitical – Life of a hermit; a man or woman who practices extreme solitude.

Essenes – A Jewish-Palestinian ascetical sect. They practiced poverty, held their property in common, were celibate (although one group could marry), were devoted to prayer, reading, self-support, and frequent ritual baths. Their doctrine was similar to that of the Pharisees. John the Baptist shared many practices in common with the Essenes but was not part of their sect.

Eucharist - The sacrament of thanksgiving to God which constitutes the principal Christian liturgical celebration of and communion in the paschal mystery of Christ. The liturgical action called the Eucharist is also traditionally known as the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. The Sunday celebration of the Eucharist is at the heart of the Church’s life (CCC 2177).

Eucharistic Discourse - The Bread of Life Discourse as found in John 6: 22-71.

Eucharistic Prayer - The central part of the Mass, also known as the or “,” which contains the prayers of thanksgiving and consecration (CCC 1352).

Euthanasia - An action or an omission which, of itself or by intention, causes the death of a handicapped, sick, or dying person - sometimes with an attempt to justify the act as a means of ending suffering. Euthanasia violates the fifth commandment (CCC 2277).

Evangelical counsels – Advisory directives that enable a person to imitate Jesus Christ; traditionally they include active love of enemies, poverty, chastity, and obedience. The counsels are practiced both privately and in community forms of religious life. All religious communitites (except Benedictines) take vows based on the counsels of poverty, chastity, and obedience; Benedictines take vows of obedience, stability, and conversion.

Evangelist – One who works actively to spread the Christian faith; specifically, the authors of the four canonical Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John (CCC 125, 120).

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Evangelization - The proclamation of Christ and his Gospel by word and the testimony of life, in fulfillment of Christ’s command (CCC 905).

Examination of Conscience - Prayerful self-reflection on our words and deeds in the light of the Gospel to determine how we may have sinned against God. The reception of the ought to be prepared for by such an examination of conscience (CCC 1454). See Appendix C.

Excommunication - A severe ecclesiastical penalty, resulting from grave crimes against the Catholic religion, imposed by ecclesiastical authority or incurred as a direct result of the commission of an offense. Excommunication excludes the offender from taking part in the Eucharist or other sacraments and from the exercise of any ecclesiastical office, ministry, or function (CCC 1463).

Faith – Faith is both a theological virtue given by God as grace, and an obligation which flows from the first commandment of God. In faith, a believer gives personal adherence to God and freely assents to the whole truth that God has revealed (CCC 26, 142, 150, 1814, 2087).

Feudalism – A term descriptive of the political and economic system of the early Middle Ages based on land tenure.

Filial Boldness - Trusting in God to answer our needs as children trust their parents (Mk 11:24) (CCC 2610).

Finger bowl and towel - Used by any person who handles the Eucharist to remove any particles from the hands.

Fornication - Sexual intercourse between an unmarried man and an unmarried woman. Fornication is a serious violation of the sixth commandment of God (CCC 2353).

Fortitude - One of the four cardinal moral virtues which ensures firmness in difficulties and constancy in doing the good. Fortitude is also one of the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1808). See Appendix A..

Free will – “The power, rooted in reason and will…to perform deliberate actions on one’s own responsibility” (CCC 1731).

Frescoes – Paintings on plaster which were popular during the Renaissance; ex. The Sistine Chapel ceiling.

General Judgment - Second coming of Christ in glory, marking the completion of salvation history, when God’s plan will be revealed. The world as we know it will end, and the eternal destiny of every person will be known.

Gifts/Fruits of the Holy Spirit – Fruits: the perfections that the Holy Spirit forms in us as the “first fruits” of eternal glory. Gifts: permanent dispositions that make us docile to follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit. There are seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. There are twelve fruits of the Holy Spirit (CCC 1830, 1832). See Appendix A.

Gnosticism –Heretical belief that knowledge of salvation is only given to some, and salvation is dependent upon having this secret knowledge. Already in the first century of the Christian era there were Gnostics who claimed to know the mysteries of the universe.

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Golden Rule - A (modern) name for the precept in the Sermon on the Mount: Do unto others what you would have them do to you. (Mt. 7:12) ( Lk. 6:31)

Gospel – The “good news” of God’s mercy and love revealed in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ. The four Gospels are the books written by the evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John which have for their central object Jesus Christ, God’s incarnate Son: his life, teachings, Passion and glorification, and his Church’s beginnings under the Spirit’s guidance (CCC 124, 514).

Grace – The free and undeserved gift that God gives us to grow in holiness and become more like Him. As sanctifying grace, God shares his divine life and friendship with us in a habitual gift, a stable and supernatural disposition that enables the soul to live with God, to act by his love. As actual grace, God gives us the help to conform our lives to his will. Sacramental grace and special graces are gifts of the Holy Spirit to help us live out our Christian vocation (CCC 1996, 2000).

Guardian Angel - Angels assigned to protect and intercede for each person (CCC 336).

Hanukkah - The feast of the Dedication of the Temple, from the Greek enkainia meaning renewal or inauguation. The origin of the feast is given in 1 Mac. 4: 36-59.

Heaven - Eternal life with God; communion of life and love with the Trinity and all the blessed. Heaven is the state of supreme and definite happiness, the goal of the deepest longings of humanity (CCC 1023).

Hell - The state of definitive self exclusion from the presence of God, reserved for those who refuse by their own free choice to believe and be converted from sin, even to the end of their lives (CCC 1033).

Heresy - The obstinate denial after Baptism of a truth which must be believed with divine and Catholic faith (CCC 2089).

Holy – From the Greek hagia, set apart: One of the four marks of the Church in the Nicene Creed; to be set apart for God, separate from the world.

Holy Communion – Receiving the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Eucharist.

Holy Orders - The Sacrament by which the mission entrusted by Christ to his Apostles continues to be exercised in the Church through the laying on of hands. This sacrament has three distinct degrees of “orders”: deacon, priest, and bishop. All three confer a permanent, sacramental character (CCC 1536).

Homily - Preaching by an ordained minister to explain the Scriptures proclaimed in the liturgy and to exhort the people to accept them as the Word of God (CCC 132, 1100, 1349).

Hope - The theological virtue by which we desire and expect from God both eternal life and the grace we need to attain it (CCC 1817).

Host – The bread consecrated in the sacrament of the Eucharist.

Humeral - A silk shawl laid round the shoulders serving to cover the hands. It is still worn by the priest in processions of the Blessed Sacrament and at the service of Benediction.

Hypostatic Union - The union of the divine and human natures in the one divine person of the Son of God, Jesus Christ (CCC 252, 468).

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Immaculate Conception - The dogma proclaimed in Christian Tradition and defined in 1854, that from the first moment of her conception, Mary by the singular grace of God and by virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ was preserved from original sin (CCC 491).

Incarnation - The fact that the Son of God assumed human nature and became man in order to accomplish our salvation in that same human nature. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the second Person of the Trinity, is both true God and true man, not part God and part man (CCC 461, 464).

Indefectibility – See Matt. 16:18. A gift, a charism, given the earthy Church through the presence of the Spirit whereby the Church is preserved from destruction or total decay until the Second Coming of Christ.

Indifferentism – (religions) A term often used in reference to the view and attitude of those who hold that the differences of belief that separate different religions or sects of Christianity are of no significance

Indulgence - The remission before God of the temporal punishment due to a sin which has already been forgiven. A properly disposed member of the Christian faithful can obtain an indulgence under prescribed conditions through the help of the Church which, as the minister of redemption, dispenses and applies with authority the treasury of the satisfactions of Christ and the saints. An indulgence is partial if it removes part of the temporal punishment due to sin, or plenary if it removes all punishment (CCC 1471).

Inerrancy - The attribute of the books of Scripture whereby they faithfully and without error teach that truth which God, for the sake of our salvation, wished to have confided through the Sacred Scriptures (CCC 107).

Infallibility - The gift of the Holy Spirit to the Church whereby the pastors of the Church, the pope and bishops in union with him, cannot definitively proclaim a heretical or incorrect doctrine of faith or morals for the belief of the faithful (CCC 92).

Inquisition - The special court or tribunal appointed by the Catholic Church to discover and suppress heresy and to punish heretics.

Inspiration – The working of the Holy Spirit, specifically in those men responsible for the Old Testament and New Testament.

Intellect – The “thinking” aspect of humans, disembodied souls, and angels. The spiritual power of cognition, knowing reality in a nonmaterial way; the faculty of thinking in a way essentially higher than with the senses and the imagination.

Interdiction - An ecclesiastical penalty barring those punished from certain sacred rites.

Jewish and Protestant Apocrypha - The part of the Greek Septuagint that is not found in the Hebrew Bible, i.e. books or part of books that were not originally written in Hebrew and most often not included in Protestant translations.

Justice - The cardinal moral virtue which consists in the constant and firm will to give their due to God and to neighbor (CCC 1807). See Appendix A.

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Justification – The gracious action of God which frees us from sin and communicates “the righteousness of God through faith in Jesus Christ” (Rom. 3:22); justification is not only the remission of sins, but also the and renewal of the interior man (CCC 1987-1989).

King James - Name generally used in the U.S. for the Authorized Version of the Bible. The Authorized Version was published under the authority of King James in 1611. While literally beautiful, it is not accepted as a historically correct translation of the Bible by Scripture scholars.

Kyrie/Kyrios - Greek for Lord.

Last Supper - The last meal, a Passover supper, which Jesus ate with his disciples the night before he died. (CCC 610-11, 1329, 1340).

Lay Investiture - The appointing of clergy by lay people; not allowed in the Catholic Church.

Lectionary - The official, from which the proclaims the Scripture readings used in the Liturgy of the Word (CCC 1154).

Lector - The is the person who reads the first and second readings at Mass. Another name for lector is reader.

Lent - The liturgical season of forty days which begins with Ash Wednesday and ends with the celebration of the Paschal mystery (Easter Triduum). Lent is the primary penitential season of the Church’s liturgical year, reflecting the forty days Jesus spent in the desert in fasting and prayer and the forty years the Israelites wandered in the desert before entering the Promised Land (CCC 540, 1095, 1438).

Liberalism - Until the eighteenth century the term generally meant whatever was worthy of a free man, e.g., as applied to the liberal arts or a liberal education. This meaning is still current, but at least since the French Revolution liberalism has become more or less identified with a philosophy that stresses human freedom to the neglect and even denial of the rights of God in religion, the rights of society in civil law, and the rights of the Church in her relations to the State.

Liturgy of the Eucharist - The Liturgy of the Eucharist is the second main part of the Mass. In the Liturgy of the Eucharist we remember and share in Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection through the consecration of bread and wine, whereby they become the Body and Blood of Jesus, and their distribution in communion.

Liturgy of the Word - The Liturgy of the Word is the first main part of the Mass. In the Liturgy of the Word God speaks to us through the readings from the Bible.

Love - The theological virtue by which we choose God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbor as ourselves for the love of God (CCC 1822). See Charity .

Lutheranism - Those Protestants who follow the teaching of Martin Luther.

Maccabees - Late Old Testament books (first and second) classified as deuterocanonical. Derives from Hebrew Maggabath (hammer) a nickname given to Judas Maccabee.

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Magisterium - The living, teaching office of the Church, whose task it is to give as authentic interpretation of the word of God, whether in its written form (Sacred Scripture), or in the form of Tradition. The Magisterium ensures the Church’s fidelity to the teaching of the Apostles in matters of faith and morals (CCC 85, 890, 2033).

Marks of the Church - The four attributes of the Church mentioned in the Nicene - Constantinopolitan creed: “We believe in one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.” (CCC 811) See Appendix G.

Martyr - A witness to the truth of the faith. A martyr is willing to endure sacrifice and even death to be faithful to Christ. Also, those who die for the faith before having received Baptism may also be considered martyrs. (CCC 1258, 2473)

Mass - The Eucharist or principal sacramental celebration of the Church, established by Jesus at the Last Supper, in which the mystery of our salvation through participation in the sacrificial death and glorious resurrection of Christ is renewed and accomplished. It is called “Mass” (from Latin: missa) because of the “mission” or “sending” with which the liturgical celebration concludes (CCC 1332, 1088, 1382, 2192).

Matrimony (Marriage) – Sacrament consisting of a covenant or partnership of life between a baptized man and baptized woman, which is ordered to the well-being of the spouses and to the procreation and upbringing of children. (CCC 1601).

Mendicants - Religious orders committed to an evangelical life of poverty. Members are required to work or beg for their living.

Messiah - A Hebrew word meaning “anointed” (CCC 436).

Modesty – A virtue which encourages purity and chastity, in one’s words, actions, dress, and sex (CCC 2521-2522).

Monastery - A place where religious dwell in seclusion.

Monasticism - The way of life, characterized by asceticism and self-denial, followed by religious who live more or less secluded from the world, according to a fixed rule and under vows, in order to praise God through contemplation and apostolic charity.

Monophysitism - The doctrine that Christ has no human nature, only a divine nature. This doctrine was condemned at the .

Monotheism – The belief in the existence of a single God.

Monstrance - The sacred vessel which contains the consecrated Host when exposed in adoration or carried in procession.

Mortal Sin - A grave violation of the law of God that destroys the divine life in the soul of the sinner (sanctifying grace), constituting a turn away from God. For a sin to be mortal, three conditions must be present: grave matter, full knowledge of the evil of the act, and full consent of the will (CCC 1855, 1857).

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Mystagogy - A liturgical catechesis which aims to initiate people into the mystery of Christ. In a more specific sense, the catechetical period following immediately after the reception of Baptism by adults (CCC 1075).

Mystical Body – The Church is both visible and spiritual, a hierarchical society and the Mystical Body of Christ. She is one, yet formed of two components, human and divine. That is her mystery, which only faith can accept. (CCC 779)

Nationalism - Patriotism to the point of conquering and intolerance toward other nations.

Natural Law – (Ex. instinctively distinguishing right from wrong) The natural law expresses the original moral sense which enables man to discern by reason the good and evil, the truth and the lie; a body of moral principals that can be discovered through nature and do not require divine revelation to understand (CCC1954)

Nepotism – Showing favoritism because of blood or family relationship rather than merit. Applied especially to the conferral of Church offices.

Nestoriansim - A fifth-century heretical doctrine, condemned at the , that Christ is two persons, one divine and one human, and that Mary is the mother of the human half of Christ only, not “Mother of God”.

New Testament - The New Testament is the second part of the Bible. It fulfills the Old Testament and tells us about Jesus and the early Church (CCC 124, 128).

Nicene Creed - The profession of faith, common to the churches of East and West, which came from the first two ecumenical councils. (CCC 195-196).

Novena - Nine days of public or private prayer for some special occasion or intention. Its origin goes back to the nine days Mary and the disciples spent together in prayer between Ascension and Pentecost. Over the centuries, many novenas have been highly indulgenced by the Church.

Old Testament - The Old Testament is the first part of the Bible. It tells the story of God’s covenant with the Israelites. (CCC 120-121)

One – A mark of the Church; just as the Trinity is one, so is the Church united, by the Spirit (Eph 4:3-6, Jn 17:17-23, 1 Cor 12:13)

Oral tradition - Talking, singing, and telling stories about God and all God does for us and handing them down from generation to generation. (CCC126)

Ordo - One of several ritual books, published by the , for the administration of the sacraments or other liturgical offices.

Orthodoxy – Right teaching; Schism of 1054 over these issues including authority of pope, led to creation of Orthodox church.

Pall - (1) The small linen cloth with which the chalice is covered at the Eucharist, stiffened in its modern form by a piece of cardboard. (2) A white cloth which is spread over the coffin at funerals.

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Papacy - The supreme jurisdiction and ministry of the Pope as shepherd of the whole Church (CCC 882).

Papal Inquisition - Punishment of heretics necessary to prevent contamination of the faithful

Parables – A characteristic feature of the teaching of Jesus. Parables are simple images or comparisons which confront the hearer or reader with a radical choice about his invitation to enter the Kingdom of God (CCC 546).

Paraclete - A name for the Holy Spirit. The term was used by Jesus in the New Testament to indicate the promised gift of the Spirit as another consoler and advocate, who would continue His own mission among the disciples (CCC 692).

Parousia - The glorious return and appearance of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ as judge of the living and the dead, at the end of time; the second coming of Christ, when history and all creation will achieve their fulfillment (CCC 1001).

Particular Judgment - The eternal retribution received by each soul at the moment of death in accordance with that person’s faith and works (CCC 1021-1022).

Paschal Sacrifice - Christ’s work of redemption accomplished principally by His Passion, death, Resurrection, and glorious Ascension, whereby “dying He destroyed our death, rising He restored our life” (CCC 1067). The paschal mystery is celebrated and made present in the liturgy of the Church, and its saving effects are communicated through the sacraments (CCC 2076) especially the Eucharist, which renews the paschal sacrifice of Christ as the sacrifice offered by the Church (CCC 571, CCC 1362-1372).

Passover - A celebration of the deliverance from slavery in Egypt and the beginning of Israel as God’s people (CCC 1334-1340).

Paten - The dish, usually gold or silver, on which the bread is placed in the celebration of the Eucharist.

Penance - Interior penance: a conversion of heart toward God and away from sin, which implies the intention to change one’s life because of hope in divine mercy (CCC 1431). External acts of penance include fasting, prayer, and almsgiving (CCC 1434). The observance of certain penitential practices is obliged by the fourth precept of the Church (CCC 2043).

Pentateuch – Greek word, meaning “five scrolls”, given to the first five books of the Old Testament. (CCC 702).

Pentecost - The outpouring of the Spirit gave birth to the Church and the manifestation of the Christian community living and proclaiming the Gospel (CCC 726, 731, 1076). One of the Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary.

Pharisees – A party within Judaism in New Testament times composed mostly of laymen, in contrast to the sacerdotal Sadducees; calling themselves haberim, “comrades,” they were organized into societies called haburoth, “brotherhoods,” that were pledged to maintain strict ritual in accordance with the Torah and to keep separate from anyone who would not take similar vows

Plain Chant – A type of unmeasured singing without harmony; sometimes inaccurately called , but plain chant is a modification of the Gregorian, introduced among the Franks in the ninth century.

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Polytheism –The belief in and worship of many gods.

Powers - One of the choirs of angels.

The Praise of Folly - “A stinging attack on corruption in the Church and a passionate plea for reform” written by Erasmus of Rotterdam (1469-1536).

Prayers of the Faithful - The last part of the Liturgy of the Word. During this prayer we pray for ourselves and for people everywhere. Sometimes called the .

Precepts of the Church - Positive laws (sometimes called commandments) made by Church authorities to guarantee for the faithful the indispensable minimum in prayer and moral effort, for the sake of their growth in love of God and neighbor (CCC 2041). See Appendix B.

Presbyter – A priest; the presbyterate is one of the three degrees of the Sacrament of Holy Orders (CCC 1536, 1554); presbyters or priests are coworkers with their bishops and form a unique sacerdotal college or “presbyterium” dedicated to assist their bishops in priestly service to the People of God (CCC 1554, 1562, 1567).

Primacy - First in rank. Applied to the Pope as Bishop of Rome, it is a primacy of jurisdiction, which means the possession of full and supreme teaching, legislative and sacerdotal powers in the Catholic Church (CCC 882).

Principalities – One of the choirs of angels.

Processional Cross - The cross that leads processions. (ex. Funerals, Mass. etc.).

Prodigal - The fault of being wasteful, or recklessly extravagant or spendthrift.

Prophet - One sent by God to form the people of the Old Covenant in the hope of salvation (CCC 702).

Prophetic Books - The longest of the four parts of the Old Testament: Torah, Prophetic, Historical, and Wisdom Writings (CCC 64, 120, 522, 2581).

Providentissimus Deus - An letter of Pope Leo XIII (Nov.18, 1893) urging a deeper study of Sacred Scripture in view of attacks by natural scientists and rationalists.

Prudence - The cardinal virtue which disposes a person to discern the good and choose the correct means to accomplish it. (CCC 1806) See Appendix A

Psalms – A collection of prayers in the form of hymns or poetry (CCC 2585).

Purgative – Stage in spiritual development involving detachment from material world.

Purgatory - A state of final purification after death and before entrance into heaven for those who died in God’s friendship, but were only imperfectly purified; a final cleansing of human imperfection before one is able to enter the joy of heaven (CCC 1031, 1472).

Pyx - A small, flat, gold or silver box used to carry the Blessed Sacrament to the sick.

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Reconciliation – The Sacrament in which, through God’s mercy and forgiveness, the sinner is reconciled with God and also with the Church, Christ’s Body, which is wounded by sin (CCC 1422, 1442-1445, 1468).

Relativism – As an ism, a classification – an incorrect belief that reality does not contain absolutes, that all truth is dependent upon who believes it: ex. “Abortion may be wrong for you, but that does not make it wrong for me.”

Renaissance – Rebirth in arts, education, and all areas of life. The complex era of transition between Medieval and modern times.

Respect - To feel or show consideration for yourself or someone else.

Revelation – God’s communication of himself, by which he makes known the mystery of His divine plan, a gift of self-communication which is realized by deeds and words over time, and most fully by sending us His divine son, Jesus Christ (CCC 50). See Divine revelation.

Reverence - The gift of the Holy Spirit that enables us to show honor and respect to God, people, and all creation.

Ribbed vault – Architectural style in which ribs that support thin stone panels that make up the roof.

Roman Catholic Apocrypha – Deuterocanonical books not found in Hebrew Scriptures but accepted by the Church as inspired: includes Tobit, Judith, Wisdom, Sirach, Baruch, 1-2 Maccabees, and certain additional parts of Daniel and Esther.

Romanesque – A style of architecture that began in the 11th century that incorporates massive vaulting and round (rather than pointed) arches.

Sacrament – An efficacious sign of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the Church by which divine life is dispensed to us through the work of the Holy Spirit (CCC 131, 774).

Sacramentals - Sacred signs which bear a certain resemblance to the sacraments, and by means of which spiritual effects are signified and obtained through the prayers of the Church (CCC 1667).

Sacred Tradition –Beliefs held by the Catholic Church not necessarily found in Sacred Scripture but handed down by work, custom, example, and oral teaching (CCC 78).

Sacrificial lamb - A symbol of Christ as the innocent lamb sacrificed for our salvation.

Sacrificial love - Total, self-giving love; agape.

Sacrilege – Profanation of or irreverence toward persons, places, and things which are sacred, i.e., dedicated to God, sacrilege against the sacraments, especially the Eucharist, is a particularly grave offense against the first commandment.

Sacristan - A minister who is charged with the care of the , the church, and their contents.

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Sadducees – The priestly, aristocratic party in Judaism; the Sadducees arose sometime after the Maccabean rebellion.

Saint - The “holy one” who leads a life in union with God through the grace of Christ and receives the reward of eternal life. The Church is called the communion of saints, of the holy ones (CCC 823, 946, 828).

Salvation - The forgiveness of sins and restoration of friendship with God, which can be done by God alone (CCC 169).

Sanctification – A second work of grace, distinct from justification, bringing deliverance from sinfulness, or inbred sin.

Sanctity - Personal holiness.

Sanhedrin - A council or senate of Jewish leaders and elders, first attested to during the reign of Anthiochus the Great (223-187 B.C.) as a kind of priestly senate.

Schism - Refusal of submission to the Supreme Pontiff, or of communion with the members of the Church subject to him (CCC 2089).

Scholasticism – The theology and philosophy of the Middle Ages under the influence of Aristotle and early Christian writers.

Secular - That which belongs to this life, in contrast with the sacred, which pertains to the life to come. (CCC928)

Seraphim - Angels composing the highest of the angelic kingdom.

Simony - The buying or selling of spiritual things, which have God alone as their owner and master. (CCC 2121)

Sin - Sin is a deliberate thought, word, deed, or omission contrary to the eternal law of God (CCC 1849, 1853, 1854).

Sinai Covenant - Agreement between God and man on Mount Sinai where the Israelites received The Law, including The Ten Commandments.

Sola Fide – Salvation by faith alone (a core teaching of Martin Luther).

Solidarity – Union with the life and wants of the poor.

Steward – caretaker or manager of God’s gifts of time, talent, and treasure.

Stewardship —the grateful response of a Christian disciple who recognizes and receives God’s gifts and shares these gifts in love of God and neighbor

Stole - A liturgical consisting of a long strip of colored material, worn by a priest or deacon in the exercise of his ministerial duties.

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Subsidiarity – Belief in that services should be provided by the agency closest to the need.

Summa Theologica - The principal doctrinal synthesis of that applies reason to the understanding of Church dogma and moral precepts, written by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-74 AD).

Synod – A meeting of bishops of an ecclesiastical province or patriarchate (or even from the whole world, e.g. Synod of Bishops) to discuss the doctrinal and pastoral needs of the Church. A diocesan synod is an assembly of priests and other members of Christ’s faithful who assist the bishop by offering advice about the needs of diocese and by proposing legislation for him to enact (CCC 887, 911). The words “synod” and “council” are sometimes used interchangeably (CCC 900).

Synoptic Gospels - The name used to indicate the first three Gospels: Matthew, Mark, and Luke because they share much of the same source materials . From Greek, meaning "seeing together”.

Tabernacle - A special place in a Church where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved (CCC 1183, 1379).

Temperance - The cardinal moral virtue that moderates the attraction of pleasure and provides balance in the use of created good. It ensures the mastery of the will over instinct and keeps natural desires within proper limits (CCC 1809). See Appendix A.

Temple of the Holy Spirit – Another name for the human body because it contains an immortal soul, filled with grace, which is the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. (CCC 583, 797 2580).

Theological Virtues – Infused gifts given by God and centered on Him (faith, hope, and charity) (CCC 1813). See Appendix A.

Theotokos - A Greek term meaning God-bearer, or Mother of God, a central title for the Virgin Mary.

Thrones - Those angels who compose the lowest choir of the highest angelic order. Along with the Seraphim and Cherubim, they form the court of the Heavenly King.

Torah – Another name for the Pentateuch; the body of Jewish teaching that includes both sacred writings and oral tradition.

Transcendence and Immanence, God’s – Transcendence is a condition attributed to God as beyond the limitations characterizing that which is created and as beyond comprehension by any created mind; Immanence refers to a God that permanently fills the universe.

Transfiguration – The mysterious event in which Jesus, seen speaking with Moses and Elijah on the mountain, was transformed in appearance – in the sight of Peter, James, and John – as a moment of disclosure of His divine glory (CCC 554). One of the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary.

Transubstantiation - The term used to designate the unique change of the Eucharistic bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ. “Transubstantiation” indicates that through the consecration of the bread and the wine there occurs the change of the entire substance of the bread into the substance of the Body of Christ, and of the entire substance of the wine into the blood of Christ- even though the appearances or “species” of bread and wine remain (CCC 1376).

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Trinity - The mystery of one God in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit (CCC 232, 237, 249, 253- 256).

Trope - Musical addition to the that is specific to the feast of the day.

Unitive – Highest stage of spiritual development involving closer union of desires, soul, and prayer life with God.

Utopia - Any imaginary state whose inhabitants live under perfect circumstances; ideal commonwealths described by Plato, Bacon, and St. Thomas More in his book Utopia .

Venial Sin - Sin which does not destroy the divine life in the soul, as does mortal sin, though it diminishes and wounds it (CCC 1855). is the failure to observe necessary moderation, in lesser matters of the moral law, or in grave matters acting without full knowledge or complete consent (CCC 1862).

Vestibule - A semi-sacred space in a church where the faithful move from the outside world to the presence of Jesus in the tabernacle.

Vestments - The vestments are special clothes the priest, deacon, or bishop wears to celebrate Mass and other sacraments.

Vice - A habit acquired by repeated sin in violation of the proper norms of human morality. The vices are often linked with the seven capital sins. Repentance for sin and confession may restore grace to a soul, but the removal of the ingrained disposition to sin or vice requires much effort and self-denial, until the contrary virtue is acquired (CCC 1866).

Virtue - A habitual and firm disposition to do good. The moral virtues are acquired through human effort aided by God’s grace; the theological virtues are gifts of God. (CCC 1803)

Virtues - Angels who compose the second choir of the second or intermediate order of angels. They are the ones whom God employs for the performance of stupendous works or extraordinary miracles.

Vocation - The calling or destiny we have in this life and hereafter (CCC 1, 358, 1700, 825, 898, 873, 931).

Works of Mercy, Corporal and Spiritual- charitable actions by which we come to the aid of our neighbor in his spiritual and bodily needs (CCC 2447). See Appendix D.

Yahweh - The name of God revealed to Moses from the burning bush (CCC 205).

Zealots – Those “zealous” for God and his Law

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Appendix A: Prayers

Appendix A: Prayers

Prayers For purposes of unity throughout the diocese the following versions of prayers are recommended; however, acceptable variations may be used at the discretion of the pastor.

Sign of the Cross In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The Lord’s Prayer “Our Father” Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. Amen.

Hail Mary Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now, and at the hour of our death. Amen.

Glory Be Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit: as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

Angel of God “Prayer to Guardian Angel” Angel of God, my guardian dear, to whom God’s love entrusts me here; ever this day be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.

Grace Before Meals Bless us, O Lord, and these thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Grace After Meals We give Thee thanks, Almighty God, for all thy benefits , which we have received from Thy bounty. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Appendix A: Prayers

Act of Contrition from Rite of Penance, par. 45 My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong, and failing to do good, I have sinned against you whom I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with your help, to do penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior Jesus Christ suffered and died for us. In his name, my God, have mercy. Amen.

Nicene Creed I believe in one God, the Father almighty, maker of heaven and earth, of all things visible and invisible.

I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of God, born of the Father before all ages. God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God, begotten, not made, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made. For us men and for our salvation he came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary, and became man.

For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate, he suffered death and was buried, and rose again on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead and his kingdom will have no end.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the Lord, the giver of life, who proceeds from the Father and the Son, who with the Father and the Son is adored and glorified, who has spoken through the prophets.

I believe in one, holy, catholic and apostolic Church. I confess one baptism for the forgiveness of sins and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead and the life of the world to come. Amen.

Apostles’ Creed I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried; He descended into hell; On the third day he rose again from the dead;. he ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty; from there he will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. Amen. Page | 82

Appendix A: Prayers

Act of Faith O my God, I firmly believe that You are one God in three divine Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; I believe that your divine son became man, died for our sins, and that He will come again to judge the living and the dead. I believe these and all the truths which the holy Catholic Church teaches, because You have revealed them, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived.

Act of Hope O my God, relying on Your infinite mercy and promises, I hope to obtain pardon of my sins, the help of Your grace, and life everlasting, through the merits of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Redeemer.

Act of Love O my God, I love You above all things with my whole heart and soul, because You are all good and worthy of all my love. I love my neighbor as myself for love of You. I forgive all who have injured me, and ask pardon of all whom I have injured.

Morning Offering O Jesus, through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, I offer You my prayers, works, joys, and sufferings of this day, in union with the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout the world. I offer them for all the intentions of Your Sacred Heart: the salvation of souls, the reparation for sin, the reunion of all Christians. I offer them for the intentions of our Bishops, and all Apostles of Prayer, and in particular for those recommended by our Holy Father this month. Amen.

Memorare Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known, that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided. Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother. To thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen.

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Appendix A: Prayers

Angelus “Angel of the Lord” V. The angel of the Lord declared unto Mary. R. And she conceived of the Holy Spirit. Hail Mary… V. Behold the handmaid of the Lord. R. Be it done unto me according to thy word. Hail Mary… V. (genuflect) And the Word was made flesh. R. And dwelt among us. Hail Mary… V. Pray for us, O holy Mother of God. R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Let us pray. All: Pour forth we beseech Thee , O Lord, Thy grace into our hearts, that we to whom the Incarnation of Christ, Thy Son, was made known by the message of an angel, may by His passion and cross be brought to the glory of His resurrection, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Regina Caeli “Queen of Heaven” V. Queen of heaven, rejoice! Alleluia. R. For He whom you did merit to bear. Alleluia. V. Has risen, as he said. Alleluia. R. Pray for us to God. Alleluia. V. Rejoice and be glad, O Virgin Mary. Alleluia. R. For the Lord is truly risen. Alleluia. V. Let us pray: All: O God, who gave joy to the world through the resurrection of Your Son our Lord Jesus Christ, grant, we beseech you, that through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, His Mother, we may obtain the joys of everlasting life, through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Magnificat Luke 1:46-55 My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord, my spirit rejoices in God my Savior for He has looked with favor on His lowly servant. From this day all generations will call me blessed: The Almighty has done great things for me, and holy is His Name. He has mercy on those who fear Him in every generation. He has shown the strength of His arm, He has scattered the proud in their conceit. He has cast down the mighty from their thrones, and has lifted up the lowly. He has filled the hungry with good things, and the rich He has sent away empty. He has come to the help of His servant Israel for He has remembered His promise of mercy, the promise He made to our fathers, to Abraham and his children forever.

Hail Holy Queen Hail, Holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, hail our life, our sweetness, and our hope. To thee do we cry, poor banished children of Eve. To thee do we send up our sighs, mourning and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, thine eyes of mercy toward us; and after this our exile, show unto us the blessed fruit of thy womb, Jesus. O clement, O loving, O sweet virgin Mary.

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Appendix A: Prayers

Come Holy Spirit V. Come, Holy Spirit. Fill the hearts of your faithful. R. And kindle in them the fire of Your love. V. Send forth Your spirit and they shall be created. R. And You shall renew the face of the earth. Amen.

Prayer to St. Michael the Archangel St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and other evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Rosary 1. Sign of the Cross 2. Apostles’ Creed 3. Our Father 4. 5. Glory Be 6. For each decade: announce the mystery, Our Father, 10 Hail Marys, Glory Be, and Fatima Prayer. 7. After the Rosary: Hail Holy Queen and Prayer after Rosary

Fatima Prayer O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those who have most need of Thy mercy. Amen.

Prayer after Rosary Let us pray. O God, whose only begotten Son, by His life, death, and resurrection, has purchased for us the rewards of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee, that by meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise, through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Rosary Mysteries Joyful Mysteries (Mondays and Saturdays; Sundays during Christmas) 1. Annunciation 2. Visitation 3. Nativity (Birth) of Jesus 4. Presentation of Jesus in the Temple 5. Finding of Jesus in the Temple

Luminous Mysteries (Thursdays) 1. Baptism of Our Lord 2. Wedding at Cana 3. Proclamation of the Kingdom and forgiveness of sins 4. Transfiguration 5. Institution of the Eucharist

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Appendix A: Prayers

Sorrowful Mysteries (Tuesdays and Fridays; Sundays during Lent) 1. Agony in the Garden 2. Scourging at the Pillar 3. Crowning with Thorns 4. Carrying of the Cross 5. Crucifixion and Death of Jesus

Glorious Mysteries (Wednesdays and Sundays ) 1. Resurrection of Jesus 2. Ascension of Jesus into Heaven 3. Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles and Mary 4. into Heaven 5. Crowning of Mary as Queen of Heaven and Earth

Stations of the Cross : Meditations on the Suffering and Death of Jesus 1. Jesus is condemned to carry the cross. 2. Jesus accepts the cross. 3. Jesus falls the first time. 4. Jesus meets his sorrowful Mother. 5. Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry the cross. 6. Veronica wipes the face of Jesus. 7. Jesus falls the second time. 8. Jesus meets and speaks to the women of Jerusalem. 9. Jesus falls the third time. 10. Jesus is stripped of his garments. 11. Jesus is nailed to the cross. 12. Jesus dies on the cross. 13. Jesus is taken down from the cross. 14. Jesus is placed in the tomb.

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Appendix B: Useful Lists

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Appendix B: Useful Lists

Theological Virtues Faith, Hope, Charity

Cardinal Virtues Prudence: right judgment Justice: giving someone their due Temperance: moderation, self-control Fortitude: courage to do the Christ-like action in difficult situations

Gifts of the Holy Spirit (CCC1831) Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Piety Counsel Fear of the Lord Fortitude

The Seven Capital (Deadly) Sins Pride : a vice and sin against humility; undue self esteem or self love Lust : a vice and sin against chastity; inordinate desire for sexual pleasure outside of marriage and contrary to its purpose (CCC 2352) Avarice (Greed): a vice and sin against temperance; inordinate attachment to getting and keeping of material possessions Gluttony : a vice and sin against temperance; immoderate eating or drinking Envy : a vice and sin against charity; sadness caused by another’s blessings or good fortune Sloth (Acedia): a vice and sin against prudence; physical and/or spiritual laziness, apathetic towards living a life of grace Wrath : a vice and sin against charity; anger or desire for revenge because of a hurt done

Fruits of the Holy Spirit (CCC1832) Charity Joy Peace Patience Kindness Goodness Generosity Gentleness Faithfulness Modesty Self-control Chastity

Symbols of the Holy Spirit (CCC 694-701) Water : Baptism, sign of new birth Cloud and Light : the cloud reveals the living and saving God while veiling the transcendence of his glory Hand : laying on of hands as a sign of the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the sacraments Anointing : Confirmation, anointing with holy oil (chrism) Seal: Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Orders, the indelible “character” of these three sacraments Finger: the finger of the Father’s right hand Fire : Pentecost, the transforming energy of the Holy Spirit Dove : Noah; after Jesus’ baptism

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Symbols of the Church Vine and Branches (Jn 15: 1-17) Leaven (Mt 13:33, Lk 13:21) Temple (Jn 2: 19-22) (CCC 756) Body of Christ (1 Cor 12:20-27, Rom 12: 4-5) (CCC 779, 789, 805) Bride of Christ (CCC 796, 808) Sheepfold (Jn 10:1-18 (Good Sheperd), Lk 15:11-32) (CCC 754)

The Commandments of the Church The Ten Commandments 1. I am the Lord your God, you shall not have strange gods before me. theological virtues; avoid idolatry, agnosticism, atheism, superstition, indifference to or forgetfulness of God 2. You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. show reverence in speech about God; avoid cursing, blasphemy, perjury, false oath 3. Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. always attend Mass every Sunday and ; set aside time for prayer, renewal and works of mercy, especially on Sunday 4. Honor your father and your mother. obey those who have authority: parents, teachers, civil authorities; fulfill responsibilities deriving from human relationships 5. You shall not kill. promote care and respect for all forms of human life, including care for one’s health; avoid the evils of murder, euthanasia, suicide, abortion (include reference to embryonic stem cell destruction), fighting with or hurting others, unnecessary recourse to capital punishment, unnecessary recourse to war, gluttony in food or drink, recreational use of addictive drugs 6. You shall not commit adultery. chastity in marriage as part of God’s plan; avoid fornication, adultery, masturbation, artificial contraception, reproductive procedures which violate God’s law (artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, cloning) 7. You shall not steal. people have a basic right to private property and just treatment; avoid any kind of theft, fraud, vandalism or actions which are unjust and harmful to others 8. You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor. the importance of truth; avoid dishonesty, lying, cheating, perjury 9. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife. practice modesty; resist lust, avoid the evil of pornography 10. You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods. practice simplicity of life and trust in God; avoid envy and greed

The Great Commandments (Mt. 22:37-39) 1. You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind. 2. You shall love your neighbor as yourself.

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Precepts of the Church (CCC 2041-2043) 1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor. 2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year. 3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season. 4. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church. 5. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church.

Holy Days of Obligation The Resurrection of Jesus Christ every Sunday Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God January 1 Ascension 7th Sunday of Easter (Diocese of Wichita) The Assumption of Mary August 15 All Saints’ Day November 1 Immaculate Conception December 8 Christmas Day December 25

Corporal Works of Mercy Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Clothe the naked. Visit the imprisoned. Shelter the homeless. Visit the sick. Bury the dead.

Spiritual Works of Mercy Admonish the sinner. Instruct the ignorant. Counsel the doubtful. Comfort the sorrowful. Bear wrongs patiently. Forgive all injuries. Pray for the living and the dead.

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Appendix C: Sacraments Sacraments Chart and Biblical References for all the Sacraments

Appendix C: Sacraments

Sacrament Matter Form Minister Baptism Water “N., I baptize you in the name of the Father, and Ordinary Minister (OM) : Bishop, Priest, of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Deacon Extraordinary Minister (EM) : Anyone who performs what the Church intends Confirmation Laying on of hands “N., be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit.” OM : Bishop and anointing with EM : Priest commissioned by the Bishop Chrism Eucharist Unleavened wheat Canon of the Mass, specifically the words “This OM consecration : Bishop or Priest bread and grape wine is my Body” and “This is my Blood.” OM communion : Deacon EM communion : a properly trained and commissioned man or woman

Reconciliation Outward confession Prayer of absolution, specifically, “I absolve you OM : Bishop or Priest and sorrow for sins from you sins in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” Anointing of the Anointing with oil of “Through his holy anointing may the Lord in his OM : Bishop or Priest Sick the sick love and mercy help you with the grace of the Holy Spirit. Amen. May the Lord who frees you from sin save you and raise you up. Amen.” Holy Orders Laying on of hands Silent invocation of the Holy Spirit and OM : Bishop and anointing with Consecratory prayer, proper for each order Chrism Matrimony Mutual and free Approved formula of vows witnessed by a OM : The man and woman being joined in consent of a man & a minister of the Church Matrimony (The priest is the official woman witness of the Church)

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Biblical References for the Sacraments

Bible Passages on Baptism: I. Foreshadowing A. Ezekiel 47:1-12 water flowing from the temple B. Ezekiel 36: 22-28 sprinkling clean water and new hearts C. Genesis 7 Noah and the Ark D. Genesis 1:1 Spirit breathed upon the waters E. Exodus 14:15-22 crossing the red sea F. Isaiah 12:3 "draw water from the springs of salvation" II. The Baptism of Jesus A. Matthew 3:5-11 John the Baptist is not it: water B. Mark 1:4 John the Baptist baptized C. John 1:31-34 baptism; John as forerunner D. Matthew 3:13-17 Jesus was baptized w/ water III. The Baptism of the Christian A. Mark 16:15-16 "whoever believes and is baptized is saved" B. Matthew 28:18-20 "go make disciples of all nations...Form" C. Romans 6:3-11 (1) "we were baptized into his death and resurrection" D. Galatians 3:26-28 baptism=clothed w/ Christ E. John 3:1-5 you must be born of water F. 1 John 3:1-3 we are purified for God G. John 14:3 "whoever drinks this water will never be thirsty" H. Ephesians 4:4-6, 20-24 one baptism of renewal I. Ephesians 1:13 baptism=seal of HS J. Galatians 2:20 Christ lives in me K. Titus 3:5 we are saved thru the water L. 1 Cor 12:13 We are baptized into one body M. Col. 2:12-15 "buried and raised in baptism" IV. Connected to Faith A. Acts 2:38-41 "repent and be baptized" B. Acts 8:12-13 Philip and Simon C. Acts 8:35-38 Philip and eunuch D. Acts 10:48 Peter and gentiles E. Acts 16:15 Paul and Lydia

Bible Passages on Confirmation: I. Foreshadowing A. Is. 11:2 "the spirit of the lord will rest on him" B. Is. 61:1 "the spirit of the lord is upon me" C. Lk. 4:16-22 Jesus in the synagogue: "the ..." D. Ezek. 36:25-27: new hearts and put statutes w/in you (share spirit w/ people) E. Jl. 3:1-2: nations will be gathered together F. Anointing as abundance and joy: Dt. 11:14, Pss. 23:5, Pss. 104:15 G. Anointing as healing: Is. 1:6, Lk 10:34 H. Seal: Gen 38:18, Gen 41:42; Dt. 32:34; 1 Kg. 21:8; Jer 32:10; Is. 29:11 II. The spirit descends on Jesus A. Mt 3:13-17 baptism B. Jn. 1:33-34 baptism

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C. Acts 10:38 HS anointed Jesus D. Jn. 6:27 Jesus marked w/ seal III. Jesus promises the spirit A. Lk. 12:12 HS will teach you what you ought to say B. Jn. 16:7-15 I send the HS to you after I go away IV. The Spirit is Sent by Jesus A. Jn. 3:3-8 must be born of water and HS B. Jn 7:37-39 rivers of living water (HS) C. Lk 11:13 giving gifts; Father gives HS D. Jn. 20:19-22 (star) Easter Sunday night institution E. Acts 2:17-18 Joel said the HS will be sent; here it is F. Lk. 12:12 HS will teach you what you ought to say G. Jn. 16:7-15 I send the HS to you after I go away V. The Spirit "confirms" Baptism A. Acts 1:4-8 You will receive power when you receive the HS B. Acts 2:1-4 Pentecost C. Acts 8:14-17 separate from baptism D. Acts 19:5-6 baptism and HS E. Acts 2:38 repent so you can receive the HS F. Heb. 6:2 the foundations (laying on of hands) VI. The gifts of the Spirit A. Jn. 14:16-26 The Holy Spirit will be sent to you B. 1 Jn. 2:20 (star) you were anointed w/ Holy One C. 1 Cor. 2:10-12 Spirit helps us understand D. Phil. 4:13 strength for everything E. 1 Cor. 6:19 you are a temple of the holy spirit F. 2 Cor 2:15: balm=aroma of Xt. G. 2 Cor. 1:21-22, Rev. 7:2-3, 9:4, Ezek. 9:4-6 sealed H. Rom 8:15 (cry Abba!)-filiation I. 2 Tim 1:7 spirit of strength VII. The Spirit enables us to bear witness in the image of Christ A. John 15: 26-27 The spirit of Truth will testify for me B. Mk 13:11 HS will tell you what to say C. Eph 6:11-12 armor of Xt. D. Lk 9:26 don't be ashamed of Xt. E. 1 Pt. 5:8-devil is looking for you F. Mt. 12:30-w/ or against God G. Acts 5:41 bear all things

Bible Passages on the Eucharist: I. Foreshadowing A. Genesis 4:4 Abel sacrifice B. Genesis 22:12 Abraham sacrifice C. Psalm 104:13-15 bread and wine D. Genesis 14:18 Melchizedek E. Deuteronomy 8:3 manna F. Exodus 16:15 manna G. Malachi 1:11 sacrifice to my name always H. Mt. 14:13-21 loaves and fishes I. Mt. 15:32-39 loaves and fishes

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J. Mk. 8:6, 19 loaves and fishes K. John 2:11 water to wine L. Psalm 116:13, 17 cup of salvation, sacrifice of thanksgiving M. Psalm 78:24f manna and food in abundance (frequency) N. Proverbs 9:2f wisdom has slaughtered animals and mixed wine O. Wisdom 16:20 manna (food of angels) II. Institution and Early Celebration of the Eucharist A. Matthew 26:26-29 B. Mark 14: 22-25 C. Luke 22:15-20 D. I Cor. 11:23-25 E. Acts 2:42 devoted to the breaking of the Bread F. Acts 2:46 breaking of the bread G. Acts 20:7 same H. Acts 20:11 same I. Luke 24: 13-35 road to Emmaus III. The Eucharist as Sacrifice A. Acts 10:4 prayers and alms as a memorial to God B. 1 Cor. 11:26-27 proclaiming the Lord's death C. Mark 14:24 blood of the covenant D. John 19:34 pierced side; blood flowed out E. Hebrews 13:15 sacrifice of praise IV. The Eucharist as Nourishment A. John 6:30-33 bread of God comes from heaven B. John 6:53-58 you must eat my flesh and drink my blood C. I Corinthians 10:16-17 Bread we break is a sharing in his body V. The Eucharist as the Present and Future "Wedding Banquet" A. Luke 22:14-16 desiring to eat the passover; not until all is fulfilled B. Luke 14:15-24 parable of the Great Dinner C. Revelations 3:20-21 eating with the Lord D. Revelations 19:9 marriage supper of the Lamb

Bible Passages on Penance: I. Foreshadowing A. Lam. 5:21 Lead us back B. Ezekiel 36:26-27 new heart C. Psalm 51:1-7 Create a clean heart D. Joel 2:12-18 return to me E. Is. 1:16-17 Wash yourself II. Jesus invites us to repentance A. Mt. 4:17 repent, for Kingdom of God is at hand B. Lk. 5:31-32 come to call sinners C. Lk. 13:1-5 repent or die D. John 12:46-50 Jesus didn't come to condemn but to save E. Luke 18:9-14 humble self F. Mk. 2:16-17 come to call sinners G. Mk. 1:15 repent H. Luke 9:23 take up your cross and follow me I. Luke 15:4-7 Lost Sheep J. Luke 15: 11-32 Prodigal Son

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K. Eph. 1:4, 5:27 be w/o blemish L. John 5:24 belief=saved III. No one is without sin A. John 8:7-9 no pride (stones) B. 1 Jn. 1:8-10 all have sin C. 1 Cor. 10:12-13 God is our strength D. John 16:8-9 HS will convict us of sin IV. Jesus himself remits sins A. Luke 7:36-50 hair and perfume B. John 8:10-11 go and sin no more C. Luke 19:1-10 Zacchaeus D. Mk. 2:5-12 Paralytic E. Luke 23:43 good thief F. 1 John 4:10 the son expiates our sins G. Mt. 1:21 Jesus will take away sins V. Forgive as you have been forgiven A. Mt. 6:12-15 end of our father B. Luke 11:4 same as above C. Luke 6:36 be merciful as father is merciful D. Mt. 18:21-35 unforgiving servant E. Luke 23:34 father, forgive them... F. Mk. 11:25 forgive so you may be forgiven G. Mt. 5:24 be reconciled to your brother first VI. The Church forgives by the power of Jesus A. Mt. 16:18-19 keys to the kingdom B. B. Mt. 18:18 bound as bound C. John 20:19-23 institution (at Easter Sunday night) D. Lk. 24:46-48 repentance and forvie sins E. 1 Jn. 1:9 he can forgive us F. 2 Cor. 5:18-28 Power to forgive from God VII. Teachings of apostles A. Acts 2:30 repent B. Rev. 2:5, 16 repent C. 1Pt. 4:8 love covers a multitude of sins D. James 5:20 bring people back E. Gal. 5:19-21 list of sins F. Rev. 22:15 list of sins

Bible Passages on Anointing of the Sick: I. Foreshadowing A. Is. 61:1-3 sp. of Lord upon me; anointing B. Ps. 32:5 take away guilt C. Ps. 39:9 take away guilt D. Ex. 15:26 God heals E. Ps. 6:3 heal me, O God F. Ps. 107:20 God heals G. Is. 33:24 sin away plus healing II. Christ cures the sick A. Mt. 8:5-13 servant B. Mt. 9:1-8 man

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C. Lk. 7:21-22 general D. Mk. 8:22-25 blind E. Lk. 7:1-10 centurion's slave F. Lk. 7:11-15 widow's son G. Mk. 4:24 general H. Mk. 2:5-12 paralytic (17: came to heal) I. Lk. 7:21-22 various J. Mk. 7:32-36 deaf man K. Jn 9:6-7 blind man L. Lk. 6:19 people came out for healing M. Mk. 1:29-31 fever of mother in law N. Mk. 1:32-34, 40-41 various III. Disciples receive power to heal A. Mt. 10:1, 7-8: go heal B. Mk. 6:7-13 power to heal IV. Disciples anoint the sick with oil A. Mk. 6:12-13 anointing B. Jms. 5:14-16 rite

Bible Passages on Holy Orders: I. Foreshadowing A. Ex. 19:6 kingdom of priests (covenant w/ people) B. Is. 61:6 you shall be named priests C. Num. 1:48-53 Levites as priests D. Ex. 29:1-30 Levites become priests E. Mal. 2:7-9 Levites failed F. Gen. 14:18 Melchizedek II. Institution in Christ A. Mt. 10:1-42: Jesus sends out disciples B. Mt. 28:16-20 commission C. Jn. 20:21-23 sins and Holy Spirit D. John 13:20 sending and receiving E. Jn. 17:17-19 consecrating and sending F. Lk. 22:19 do this in memory of me G. Lk. 10:16 he who hears you hears me III. Christ's Priesthood A. Heb. 7:21-27 priest forever through Christ B. Jn. 14:1-9 you will follow C. 1 Tim. 2:5 one mediator D. Heb. 10:1-4 one sacrifice IV. Priesthood of Ordained Priests A. 1 Cor. 4:1-2 stewards and servants B. Acts 6:1-6 assistants: deacons C. Acts 14:23 ordination D. 2 Tim. 1:6 laying on hands E. Heb. 5:1-4 priest's role F. Mk. 10:43-45 service G. 1 Pt. 5:3 advice to priests V. Characteristics A. Mt. 19:29 blessed are those who give up all

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B. John 15:16 I chose you VI. Laying on of Hands A. Acts 1:8 B. Acts 2:4 C. 1 Tim 4:14

Bible Passages on Matrimony: I. God's covenant with us A. Hosea 2:16-22 espouse my delight B. Isaiah 62:3-5 no longer desolate C. Jeremiah 3:1-4 other gods D. Malachi 2:13-17 hates divorce E. Rev. 19:7, 9 wedding of the Lamb F. Is. 54:1-10 I shall take you back and never abandon you G. Jer. 2:1-5 infidelity of Israel H. Jer 31:3 I have loved you with age-old love I. Ezekiel 16, 23: faithless spouse (harlot) J. Songs 8:6-7 seal; strong as death II. Marriage examples and history A. Old Testament 1. Genesis 1:28, 31; 2:18-24 creation; two will become one flesh 2. Tobit 8:4-9 prayer before consummation B. Bond 1. John 2:1-11 wedding at Cana 2. Mk. 10:5-12 divorce 3. Mt. 19:1-9 divorce 4. 1 Cor. 7:39 bond cannot be broken C. Epistles 1. Eph. 5:22-33 submission 2. 1 Cor. 7:3-7, 10-11 get along: compromise III. Virginity for the Sake of the Kingdom A. Mt. 19:10-12: different vocations B. Mk. 10:19-21, 28-31 give up all and follow me C. Mk. 8:34-37 take up your cross and follow me D. Lk. 14:26 give up all for me E. Rev. 14:4 the virgins in heaven F. 1 Cor. 7:32 be free of anxieties G. Mt. 25:1-13 wise virgins

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Appendix D: Liturgical Calendar

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The Liturgical Calendar

Advent : (Purple) Means “coming” 1st season of the Liturgical Year Time of preparation for Christ’s coming in history, at the end of time, and into our hearts. Begins four Sundays before Christmas and ends on December 24

The Christmas Season: (White) Begins on Christmas Day and ends on the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord Jesus humbled himself to be born as a human and be baptized by John in the Jordan Includes Feast of the Holy Family, Epiphany, and Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Ordinary Time I: (Green) From the end of the Christmas season until Mardi Gras (Tuesday before Ash Wednesday) Time of spiritual growth and learning about the mission of Jesus Christ

Lent: (Purple) Means “springtime” Begins on Ash Wednesday and ends on the evening of Holy Thursday A time of reflection and penance.

The : (White/Red) The holiest time of the Church year From the Last Supper until Easter Vigil Holy Thursday: The Last Supper and the institution of the Eucharist (White) Good Friday: Christ’s Passion and Death (Red) No Mass anywhere in the world this day Holy Saturday: (Day) Jesus in the tomb; (Night) the tomb is empty (White)

The Easter Season: (White) Begins with Easter Vigil and ends on Pentecost Easter is celebrated for eight days (The octave of Easter) Jesus’ Resurrection, Ascension, and sending of the Holy Spirit

Ordinary Time II: (Green) From Monday after Pentecost to the Saturday after Christ the King Sunday

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Appendix E: Integrating Values into the Classroom Curriculum

Appendix E: Integrating Values

Integrating Values into the Classroom Curriculum

For a more credible approach to values education, research indicates that values need to be integrated at four levels of school life: Interpersonal Level: through the lives of staff/parents/students as they relate to each other and to the community they serve, Organizational Level: through policies and procedures that govern the school, Instructional Level: through the actual classroom instruction--explicitly and implicitly in each academic/subject area, and Family Level: through the reinforcement of the same value within the home. Below are some ideas for integrating the gospel values at the instructional level. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

Value of Community emphasis on the virtue of Community in all areas of the curriculum • in science, the topic of conservation • in social studies, dignity of life • in religious education class, emphasis on the parish as a community • in literature, acceptance of cultures instructional level - implicitly • organization of material to meet individual needs to provide success experiences • respect for the learning styles of students • structures that encourage cooperative learning, e.g., peer tutoring, small group work/instruction • a warm, inviting classroom environment instructional level - assessment • Are attitudes and skills for community building - such as caring, communicating, cooperating, confronting - being developed in the classroom? • Do the classroom materials and bulletin boards present a positive image of all people in regard to race, creed, sex, various handicaps, etc. • Does the religious education curriculum include faculty and parental • involvement?

Value of Faith emphasis on the value of Faith in all areas of the curriculum: instructional level - explicitly • exposure to the tradition of belief in religious education class, e.g. Bible stories, prayers, creeds, worship, witness, service, history of the Church • in science, explanation of God's wisdom in creating the balance of the universe • beginning all classes with prayer • field trips organized to cathedrals, monasteries, convents, seminaries, etc.

instructional level - implicitly • studying the data of how faith develops so as to assist students to see God's plan in any area of the curriculum • in social studies, speak of life's events in terms of Christian belief

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• show reverence for each student as God's creation, despite talent or handicap instructional level - assessment • Does the religious education curriculum adhere to Catholic Christian tradition and current Church teaching? • Does the religion curriculum teach personal prayer and offer formation opportunities suited to the development of students? • Does the religion curriculum include methods that help the student develop in faith, form a mature/correct conscience, and apply moral decision-making skills? • Are Gospel values regularly and appropriately integrated in subject areas?

Value of Hope emphasis on the value of Hope in all areas of the curriculum: instructional level - explicitly • the effects of the Resurrection are taught in Religious Education class • in science, research efforts sparking new hope for those with illnesses such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are studied • possibilities for change in deprived areas are discussed in social studies • hopeful themes are used in literature, art, music instructional level - implicitly • warm inviting classrooms with signs of positive possibilities for all students • personalized instruction to meet individual needs • when appropriate, learning about the Paschal Mystery and its application to sorrows of daily life, e.g., when feeling rejected, when a friend is caught stealing, when families are having difficulties, etc. instructional level - assessment • Is the content of curriculum relevant and appropriate? • Does it prepare students to live in the present and look to the future with a sense of hope? • Does the teaching/learning process prepare one to be a person of hope in imitation of Jesus Christ?

Value of Reconciliation emphasis on the value of Reconciliation in all areas of the curriculum: instructional level - explicitly • conflict resolution methods are taught in social studies and through guidance counselors • harmony is stressed in environment, creation in science • appropriate experiences and proper instruction regarding sacramental • reconciliation are given in religious education classes • studies on peace occur through content of literature and social studies instructional level - implicitly • techniques are used to express agreement or disagreement in all classes • students are taught to distinguish fact and opinion in all classes • dialogue between teachers and students takes place when differences occur instructional level - assessment

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• Does instruction include knowledge and application of attitudes and skills necessary for community building, such as caring, communication, cooperation, confrontation? • Is the value of reconciliation taught in religious education classes?

Value of Courage emphasis on the value of Courage in all areas of the curriculum: instructional level - explicitly • examples of situations in literature and social studies which exemplify and discuss the relationship of senseless behavior vs. courage • personal courage or lack of it is emphasized in curricular areas, e.g., Jesus, generals, traitors, saints, founders, leaders, athletes • human development classes deal with aspects of courage preparation and support for leadership are stressed, e.g., choosing common good over personal good instructional level - implicitly • individuals are taught how they can stand alone when their peers are performing contrary actions, e.g., focus on identifying feelings, clarifying values, seeking support systems other than peers • all curricular areas can encourage perseverance in completing tasks • students can be challenged to perform more difficult tasks, e.g., using • skills of analysis, synthesis, and evaluation rather than merely knowledge and understanding instructional level - assessment • Does the curriculum include an examination of a personal Christian lifestyle -- patterns of consumption, conservation, sharing, leisure, and celebration? • Are social justice concerns integrated into appropriate areas of subject matter?

Value of Service emphasis on the value of Service in all areas of the curriculum: instructional level - explicitly • the service role is emphasized as it appears in curricular areas, e.g., priests and religious, physicians, government officials, police and fire personnel, as “community helpers” • religious education class recognizes the service given by missionaries in the Church • career education explores service professions instructional level - implicitly • students attitudes are prepared for service in the community • the service of the teacher is recognized and appreciated • students are able to perceive the teachers' attitude toward service instructional level – assessment • Does the school offer the use of a library to students and teachers? • Is service integrated in the content and methods used by teachers? • Are students taught to serve?

Value of Justice emphasis of the value of Justice in all areas of the curriculum: instructional level – explicitly • in religious education classes, justice is taught as the obligation of every Christian

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• justice issues are included with social science classes, e.g., racism, sexism, elitism, handicapped, aged, human rights • some themes in literature concern the poor and oppressed • science emphasizes stewardship of the environment • business education teaches fair and honest practices instructional level – implicitly • classroom environment provides opportunities for choices, and the application of decision- making and problem-solving skills • varied cultural differences of students are accepted and appreciated • accountability for the value of justice is modeled in grading practices and • correction of papers and tests instructional level - assessment • Is Christian responsibility in everyday living emphasized throughout the curriculum? • Do classroom textbooks and materials support Gospel values of justice and peace? • Is student progress and achievement in accord with potential?

Value of Love emphasis on the value of Love in all areas of the curriculum. instructional level – explicitly • reverence for the sacred in religion, art, music • Christian attitude toward family life and sex education • respect for life stressed in science • social sciences stress reverence for others and appreciation of their contribution to society instructional level - implicitly • mainstreaming, as appropriate • individual uniqueness honored • acceptance of all persons despite failure, misunderstanding • each student called by name, greeted daily instructional level – assessment • Does instruction occur in a climate of respect and acceptance of each person and his/her culture? • Are attitudes and skills for community building - such as caring, communicating, cooperating, confronting - developed in the classroom?

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Appendix F: Internet Safety

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1. Never give out personal information (such as name, age, address, phone number, school, town, password, schedule, your picture) or fill out questionnaires or any forms online. 2. Never meet in person with anyone you have met online . 3. Do not enter a chat room without Mom and/or Dad's presence or supervision. Some “kids” you meet in chat rooms may not really be kids; they may be adults with bad intentions. Remember, people may not be who they say they are. 4. Choose a gender neutral online name to avoid harassment. 5. Be suspicious of anyone who tries to turn you against your parents, teachers, or friends. They may have a hidden agenda. 6. Never respond to or send email or instant message to new people you meet online. Talk to your parents first so that they can check it out. Also, do not engage in an online conversation that makes you feel uncomfortable, log off and tell your parents. If you get such a message, DO NOT respond. Sending a response only encourages the person. Instead, show it to your parents and let them handle it. 7. Catholic Online Resources a. Father Ken’s help articles: http://catholicdioceseofwichita.org/spiritual-life-center- programs-a-retreats/ineedhelpfather b. Reclaim Sexual Health: http://www.reclaimsexualhealth.com/ c. The Catholic Version will be up and running by May 2012 http://www.familylifecenter.net/catholic_porn_help.asp d. http://dads.org/strugglewithporn.asp e. http://www.theporneffect.com/ f. http://www.diocese-kcsj.org/myhousekcsj/

8. Online Resources a. http://kids.getnetwise.org/safetyguide/tips/teens.php b. http://www.protectkids.com/index.html c. http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/parent-guide d. http://www.blogsafety.org e. http://www.netsmartz.org f. http://www.NSTeens.org g. http://www.internetsafety.com h. http://www.enough.org i. http://getparentalcontrols.org 9. Guest Speakers a. Fr. Ken Van Haverbeke - http://catholicdioceseofwichita.org/spiritual-life-center- programs-a-retreats/ineedhelpfather b. Kevin Honeycutt – www.essdack.org – will do various topics on internet safety, predators, online bullying, etc. c. Sedgwick County Regional Prevention Center – phone: 316-262-2421 – variety of topics from internet safety, safe dating, abusive relationships, sex trafficking, online predators d. Tim Relph – Homicide Detective Wichita Police force – (Resurrection parishioner, speaks there but don’t know if he is willing to speak elsewhere)

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e. Dan Oblinger - National Screening Bureau (former WPD) - 316.263.4400 – speaks on gangs, drugs, alcohol, internet saftey f. Jim Williams – www.callmejim.org – national speaker on anti-bullying g. Exploited and Missing Children’s Unit of the local police station h. Rob and Becky Knapp

Dangers of Pornography Statistics

• Several Priests have noted an increase of pornography related confessions, in an ever decreasing age of student. • Average age of first internet exposure to pornography: 11 years old • 15-17 year olds having multiple hard-core exposures: 80% • 8-16 year olds who have viewed porn online (accidentally or on purpose): 90% • Number of cartoon characters names linked to porn cites if googled: 26 • Number of Pornographic websites: 4.2 Million (12% of all websites) • Number of 11-16 year olds who have internet access in their room: 60% • Percent of Youth who received sexual solicitation online who told their parent: 25% • Number 7 year olds who have internet access in their room: 41% • Christians who said pornography is a major problem in the home: 47% • Adults admitting to Internet sexual addition: 10% • Percent of Parents who use blocking or filtering software: 50%

Five Stages of Addiction

1. Early exposure. Most people who get addicted to porn start early. They see the stuff when they are very young, and it gets its foot in the door. 2. Addiction. Later comes addiction. You can't quit. 3. Escalation. After a while, escalation begins. You start to look for more and more graphic porn. You start using porn that would have disgusted you when you started. 4. Desensitization. Eventually, you start to become numb. Even the most graphic, degrading porn doesn't excite you anymore. You become desperate to feel the same thrill again but can't find it. 5. Acting out sexually. At this point, many men make a dangerous jump and start acting out sexually. They move from images of porn to the real world.

1. Children often imitate what they’ve seen, read, or heard. When children watch cowboys and Indians, they want to go play cowboys and Indians. When children watch Superman, they pretend to be action heroes. When kids watch sex, it’s no surprise they want to act out sexually. Some studies suggest that exposure to pornography can prompt kids to act out sexually against younger, smaller, and more vulnerable children. 2. Clinicians, psychologists, and law enforcement officials have noted an increase in the number of children seeking clinical help for issues relating to sexual exploitation; an increase in the number of children “acting out” sexually and a jump in the incidences of child-on-child sex attacks; and increased incidences of child-produced pornography.

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Parent Education Handout Protectkids.com

I. Implement House Rules

A. Supervise Computer Use: Keep your child’s computer in an open area of your home and be aware of other computers and other devices children may be using outside of the home. Placing the computer in an area, such as the kitchen or family room, gives parents the ability to supervise a child’s online navigation. Pay attention to other computer and Internet-enabled mobile devices children are using.

30% of parents allow their teenagers to use the computer in private areas of the house such as a bedroom or a home office. Parents say they are more vigilant about where their teen(s) go online if the computer is in a public area of the household (NCMEC/ Cox5/24/05).

B. Know your kids’ online activities and friends. Regularly ask your kids about their online friends and activities. Role-play with your child the various dangerous scenarios they could encounter online.

Almost one in eight youth ages 8-18 discovered that someone they were communicating with online was an adult pretending to be much younger (Internet safety: Realistic Strategies & Messages for Kids Taking More and More Risks Online. December 21, 2005. Polly Klaas Foundation. February 17, 2006 < http://www.pollyklaas.org/internet- safety/pkfsummary.pdf >).

C. Teach your children to never give personal information over the Internet, such as name, address, telephone number, password, parents' names, the name of any club or team he/she is involved in, name of his/her school, or after school job.

In January of 2005 in Lafayette, Louisiana, a 16-year-old girl was attacked by a 37-year-old man who read her profile on MySpace.com and tracked her down at her after-school job.

D. Pay Attention to Online Photos: Know the type of photos your child is posting online. It is wisest to encourage your child not to post any photos online. Children use various forms of technology to post information and photos online, such as videos and web cams. Photos from camera phones can also be uploaded. Parents should be aware of the imagery their children post on the Web—these images most likely pose a risk to their children, exposing them to online predators and strangers. Even innocent photos can attract a predator.

E. Keep the Lines of Communication Open: Use the Internet with your child. Parents should be proactive about their child’s online activities. Spend time alongside your child and establish an atmosphere of trust. This provides an opportunity for parents to engage in dialogue about websites their children visit and programs they are using. Parents should be open to learning about technology so they can keep up with their children. Understanding how children use the Internet will give parents a better idea of the risks they may face.

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65% of all parents and 64% of all teens say that teens do things online that they wouldn’t want their parents to know about (Pew Internet & American Life Project, March 17, 2005).

F. Act Like the Child: Search blog sites children visit to see what information they are posting. To ensure that children are not engaging in risky online behavior, we recommend that parents do a simple online search. Parents can type in their child’s name, nickname, school, hobbies, grade, or residence to determine information availability. Supervise blogs - not only what your child is posting but what other kids are posting about your child.

86% of the girls polled said they could chat online without their parents’ knowledge, 57% could read their parents’ e-mail, and 54% could conduct a cyber relationship (Girl Scout Research Institute, 2002).

G. Limit and monitor the amount of time your child spends on the Internet , and at what times of day. Excessive time online, especially at night, may indicate a problem. Remind your child that Internet use is a privilege, not a right.

23% of youth reported being “very” or “extremely upset” by exposures to sexual material (Victimization of Youths on the Internet, 2003).

II. TOOLS (Windows Live Family Safety from Microsoft is free and does most of these)

A. Monitoring Software: Install software to manage where children go online. Monitoring software gives parents the ability to view activity on the Internet and identify their child’s online buddies. These programs give parents a better understanding of what their child is doing online, where they are going, and empowers parents to set online boundaries for their children.

Over half (51%) of parents either do not have or do not know if they have software on their computer(s) that monitors where their teenager(s) go online and with whom they interact (NCMEC/Cox 5/24/05).

B. Exercise Parental Control: Implement Filtering tools. Parental control tools are provided by some Internet Service Providers (ISP) or are available for purchase as separate software packages. These tools allow parents to restrict websites a child can view from their home computer. Settings are password-protected. Remember – no filter is a substitute for parental supervision.

More than 11 million teens regularly view porn online (The Washington Post, July 1, 2004).

C. Restrict Access: Use privacy settings to restrict access to the child’s website. Social networking sites provide a variety of privacy settings that limit who can view the child’s website. By using these privacy tools, parents may be able to approve which friends from school, clubs, teams, and community groups are able to view a child’s profile or blog, and block unknown individuals from accessing a child’s information. On most social networking websites, you can access and change your child’s privacy settings by clicking on “account settings.” Remember that no one can detect a disguised predator. Predators can still penetrate ‘youth only’ spaces.

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Authorities say teens are finding trouble in the social networking environment where millions of people, can in seconds, find out where they go to school, learn their interests, download their pictures and instantly send them messages(Associated Press, 2/4/06).

D. Become a net-savvy parent. The best safeguard against online dangers is being informed. Jump in and learn the basics of the Internet—read articles, take a class, and talk to other parents. A good place to start with some basics is www.LearnTheNet.com . A good place to stay current with the latest in online technology is mashable.com . You don’t have to be an expert to have a handle on your child’s online world.

III. Catholic Online Resources A. Father Ken’s help articles: http://catholicdioceseofwichita.org/spiritual-life-center- programs-a-retreats/ineedhelpfather B. Reclaim Sexual Health: http://www.reclaimsexualhealth.com/ C. The Catholic Version will be up and running by May 2012 http://www.familylifecenter.net/catholic_porn_help.asp D. http://dads.org/strugglewithporn.asp E. http://www.theporneffect.com/ F. http://www.diocese-kcsj.org/myhousekcsj/

IV. Online Resources A. http://kids.getnetwise.org/safetyguide/tips/teens.php B. http://www.protectkids.com/index.html C. http://www.fbi.gov/stats-services/publications/parent-guide D. http://www.blogsafety.org E. http://www.netsmartz.org F. http://www.NSTeens.org G. http://www.internetsafety.com H. http://www.enough.org I. http://getparentalcontrols.org

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Page 112 Appendix G: Saints AMERICAN SAINTS

North American Jesuit Martyrs. Canonized in 1930.

St. Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850–1917). Canonized in 1946. Celebrated November 13.

St. Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton (1774–1821). Canonized in 1975. Celebrated January 4.

St. John Nepomucene Neumann (1811–1860). Canonized in 1977. Celebrated January 5.

St. Rose Philippine Duchesne (1769–1852). Canonized in 1988. Celebrated November 18.

St. Katharine Drexel (1858–1955). Canonized in 2000. Celebrated March 3.

St. Anne-Thérèse (or Mother Theodore) Guérin (1798–1856). Canonized in 2006. Celebrated October 3.

St. Damien DeVeuster (1840–1889). Canonized in 2009. Celebrated May 10.


Saint Kateri Tekakwitha (1656–1680). Beatified in 1980. To be canonized October 21, 2012. Celebrated July 14.

Blessed Junípero Serra (1713–1784). Beatified in 1988.

Blessed Francis Xavier Seelos (1819–67). Beatified in 2000.

Blessed Carlos Manuel Rodriguez (1918–1963). Beatified in 2001.

Blessed Mother Marianne Cope (1838–1918). Beatified in 2005. To be canonized October 21, 2012. Celebrated July 23.

Doctors of the Church 1. St. Gregory the Great (one of the original four Doctors of the Latin Church) 2. St. Ambrose (one of the original four Doctors of the Latin Church) 3. St. Augustine (Doctor of Grace) (one of the original four Doctors of the Latin Church) 4. St. Jerome (one of the original four Doctors of the Latin Church) 5. St. John Chrysostom (one of the original four Doctors of the Eastern Church) 6. St. Basil (one of the original four Doctors of the Eastern Church) 7. St. Gregory Nanzianzen (one of the original four Doctors of the Eastern Church) 8. St. Athanasius (one of the original four Doctors of the Eastern Church) 9. St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelic Doctor) 10. St. Bonaventure (The Seraphic Doctor) 11. St. Anselm (The Magnificent Doctor) 12. St. Isidore of Seville

Page 113 Appendix G: Saints 13. St. Peter Chrysologus 14. St. Leo the Great 15. St. Peter Damian 16. St. Bernard of Clairvaux (the Mellifluous Doctor) 17. St. Hilary of Poitiers 18. St. Alphonsus Liguori 19. St. Francis de Sales (Doctor of Charity) 20. St. Cyril of Alexandria (Doctor of the Incarnation) 21. St. Cyril of Jerusalem 22. St. John Damascene 23. The Venerable Bede 24. St. Ephrem 25. St. 26. St. John of the Cross (The Mystical Doctor) 27. St. 28. St. Albert the Great (the Universal Doctor) 29. St. Anthony of Padua (the Evangelizing Doctor) 30. St. Lawrence of Brindisi 31. St. Teresa of Avila 32. St. Catherine of Siena 33. St. Therese of Lisieux 34. St. John of Avila (to be proclaimed October 7, 2012) 35. St. Hildegard of Bingen (to be proclaimed October 7, 2012)

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Page 115 Appendix H: Scriptural References THE HISTORICAL JESUS first 30 years Hidden Life : Infancy Narratives last 3 years Public Life : Miracles, Parables, Teachings, Paschal Mystery: Passion, Death, Resurrection

A HARMONY OF THE GOSPELS MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN HIDDEN LIFE: INFANCY NARRATIVES How can God become human? 1:1 -18 Jesus’ genealogy 1:1 -17 3:23 -38 Jesus’ coming is announced to Zechariah, Mary, Elizabeth 1:5 -56 John the Baptist is born 1:57 -80 Jesus’ birth is announced to Joseph 1:18 -25 Jesus is born 2:1 -20 Je sus goes to the temple for the first time 2:21 -40 The wise men come 2:1 -12 Jesus’ family escapes to Egypt 2:13 -23 Jesus grows up 2:41 -52 PUBLIC LIFE: MIRACLES, PARABLES, TEACHINGS The work of John the Baptist 3:1 -12 1:2 -8 3:1 -20 1:19 -28 Je sus is baptized 3:13 -17 1:9 -11 3:21 -22 1:29 -34 Jesus is tempted 4:1 -11 1:12 -13 4:1 -13 The first disciples 4:18 -22 1:16 -20 5:1 -11 1:35 -51 Jesus’ first miracle: making wine 2:1 -11 Jesus takes a stand in the temple 2:12 -25 Jesus and Nicodemus 3:1 -21 John the Baptist teaches about Jesus 3:22 -36 Jesus and the Samaritan woman 4:1 -42 Jesus teaches in Galilee 4:12 1:14 -15 4:14 -15 4:43 -45 Jesus heals a royal official’s son 4:46 -54 Jesus teaches in Capernaum 4:13 -17 4:31 Jesus begins a ministry of healing and teaching 4:23 -25 1:21 -2:12 4:31 8:1-4, 14-17 4:33-44 9:1-8 5:12-26 Jesus eats at Matthew’s house 9:9 -13 2:13 -17 5:27 -32 Jesus talks about fasting and introduces a new way of thinking 9:14 -17 2:18 -22 5:33 -39 Jesus heals on the Sabbath 12:1 -21 2:23 -3:12 6:1 -11 5:1 -47 The twelve disciples are confirmed 10:2 -4 3:13 -19 6:12 -16 The Beatitudes 5:1 -16 6:17 -26 Jesus discusses the law 5:17 -48 6:27 -36 Jesus discusses giving and prayer 6:1 -8 6:37 -42 6:14-7:12 Jesus teaches abo ut getting to heaven 7:13 -29 6:43 -49 A Roman centurion shows faith 8:5 -13 7:1 -10 A widow’s son is raised from the dead 7:11 -17 Jesus responds to the doubts of John the Baptist 11:1 -30 7:18 -35 Religious leaders express doubts if Jesus’ power co mes from God 12:22 -45 3:20 -30 Jesus redefines His true family 12:46 -50 3:31 -35 8:19 -21 Jesus teaches a series of kingdom parables 13:1 -52 4:1 -34 8:4 -18 such as the parable of the sower Jesus miraculously stills a storm 8:23 -27 4:35 -41 8:4 -18 Jesu s casts demons out and sends them into pigs 8:28 -34 5:1 -20 8:26 -39 Jesus heals people of disease and death 9:18 -34 5:21 -43 8:40 -56 Page 116 Appendix H: Scriptural References Jesus is rejected in His hometown: Nazareth 13:53 -58 6:1 -6 4:16 -30 Jesus commissions the ministry of the twelve discipl es 9:35 -10:42 6:7 -13 9:1 -6 MATTHEW MARK LUKE JOHN PUBLIC LIFE: MIRACLES, PARABLES, TEACHINGS (continuation) John the Baptist is beheaded 14:1 -12 6:14 -29 9:7 -9 Jesus feeds over five thousand people by multiplying bread and fish 14:13 -21 6:30 -44 9:10 -17 6:1 -15 Jesus walks on water to the disciples’ boat 14:22 -36 6:45 -56 6:16 -21 Jesus says He is the bread of life but the people do not understand 6:22 -71 Jesus explains true purity rather than just ceremonial purity 15:1 -20 7:1 -23 Jesus casts out a demon 15:21 -28 7:24 -30 Jesus miraculously feeds over four thousand people by multiplying 15:29 -39 8:1 -10 fish and bread Religious leaders ask for a sign and the tension grows between their 16:1 -12 8:11 -21 teaching and Jesus’ teaching Jesus heal s a blind man 8:22 -26 9:1 -41 Peter confesses that Jesus is the Messiah that God promised 16:13 -20 8:27 -30 9:18 -20 Jesus begins to prepare the disciples for His death. He predicts His 16:21 -28 8:31 -9:1 9:21 -27 death for the first time Jesus is trans figured on the mountain, His body takes on a more 17:1 -13 9:2 -13 9:28 -36 heavenly form, and He talks to Elijah & Moses, who had been for years Jesus casts out a demon 17:14 -21 9:14 -29 9:37 -43 Jesus continues to prepare His disciples. He predicts His d eath a 17:22 -23 9:30 -32 9:44 -45 second time. Peter finds a coin in the fish’s mouth and uses it to pay temple tax 17:24 -27 Jesus warns against temptation 18:1 -35 9:33 -50 9:46 -50 Jesus addresses the cost of being a disciple 8:18 -22 9:59 -62 19:1-2 Jesus teaches with authority at the temple and the controversy 7:10 -53 surrounding Him becomes heated Jesus forgives a woman caught in adultery 8:1 -11 Jesus speaks openly about Himself as deity and is almost stoned 8:12 -59 Jesus explains Himse lf as the Good Shepherd 10:1 -21 Jesus commissions seventy -two other disciples 10:1 -24 Jesus tells the story of the Good Samaritan 10:25 -37 Jesus visits Mary and Martha in their home 10:38 -42 Jesus teaches about prayer 6:9 -13 11:1 -13 Jesu s confronts the religious leaders 11:14 -54 Jesus teaches with some very sobering parables 12:1 -13:21 Religious leaders threaten to stone Jesus 10:22 -42 Jesus spends time healing and teaching 13:22 -14:35 Jesus tells parables about a lost coi n, a lost sheep, and a lost son 15:1 -32 Jesus teaches His disciples within hearing distance of the Pharisees 16:1 -17:10 Jesus raises Lazarus, His friend, from the dead 11:1 -44 Jesus heals ten lepers, but only one says “thanks” 17:11 -19 Jesu s talks about the unexpected coming of the kingdom 17:20 -37 Jesus tells two parables about prayer 18:1 -14 Jesus teaches about marriage 19:3 -12 10:2 -12 Jesus welcomes, honors, and blesses little children 19:13 -15 10:13 -16 18:15 -17 Jesus’ conver sation with the rich young man 19:16 -20:16 10:17 -31 18:18 -30 Jesus teaches about having a servant’s heart 20:17 -28 10:32 -45 Jesus heals the blind 20:29 -34 10:46 -52 18:35 -43 Zacchaeus follows Jesus in faith 19:1 -10 The parable of the servants who invested the king’s money differently 19:11 -27

Page 117 Appendix H: Scriptural References Religious leaders begin to plan Jesus’ assassination 11:45 -57 12:9-11 PASSION AND DEATH NARRATIVES Jesus’ famous ride into Jerusalem to a cheering crowd 2:1 -11, 14 - 11:1 -11 19:28 -44 12:12 -19 17 Jesus curses a fig tree and it quickly dies 21:18 -19 11:12 -14 Jesus takes a stand in the temple again 21:12 -13 11:15 -19 19:45 -48 Jesus clarifies His mission even more boldly 12:20 -50 Jesus speaks of the power of prayer 21:20 -22 11:20 -26 Jesus stumps the religious leaders 21:23 -27 11:27 -33 20:1 -8 Jesus tells more parables about the kingdom of God 21:28 -22:14 12:1 -12 20:9 -19 Jesus fields significant questions from the religious leaders 22:15 -40 12:13 -34 20:20 -40 Jesus stumps the religious leaders again. The tension mounts. 22:41 -46 12:35 -37 20:41 -44 Jesus openly warns people about the religious leaders. 23:1 -39 12:38 -40 20:45 -47 A widow gives all she has and Jesus teaches from her example. 12:41 -44 21:1 -4 Jesus talks with His disciples abou t being ready for events to come. 24:1 -25:46 13:1 -37 21:5 -38 Religious leaders agree on the strategy for Jesus’ arrest 26:1 -5 14:1 -2 22:1 -2 A woman anoints Jesus with expensive perfume 16:6 -13 14:3 -9 7:36 -8:3 12:1 -8 Judas closes the deal to betray Jes us 26:14 -16 14:10 -11 22:3 -6 Jesus and the disciples prepare for the Passover meal 26:17 -19 14:12 -16 22:7 -13 Jesus humbles His disciples by taking the role of a servant and 13:1 -20 washing the disciples’ feet Jesus practically gives away Judas’ plan s to betray Him 26:20 -25 14:17 -21 22:14 -16, 13:21 -30 21-30 Jesus and His disciples celebrate the Passover by sharing a meal 26:26 -28 14:22 -24 22:17 -20 that we now call “the Last Supper” Before they leave their last meal together, Jesus talks with His 26:29 -30 14:25 -26 13:31 -14:31 disciples about the future Jesus foretells Peter’s denial 26:31 -35 14:27 -31 22:13 -38 Jesus describes our relationship with God in terms of a grapevine 15:1 -16:33 and He teaches about the Holy Spirit Jesus agonizes and pr ays for Himself, His disciples, the believers of 26:36 -46 14:32 -42 22:39 -46 17:1 -18:1 His day and for us, before He faces His betrayal Jesus is betrayed by Judas and arrested by the soldiers 26:47 -56 14:43 -52 22:47 -53 18:2 -11 Jesus goes through a religio us trial before Caiaphas 26:57, 59 - 14:53, 55 -65 22:54, 63 -71 18:12 -14, 68, 27:1 19-24 Peter denies knowing Jesus 26:58, 69 -75 14:54, 66 -72 22:54 -62 18:15 -18, 25-27 Judas kills himself after betraying Jesus for thirty coins 27:3 -10 Acts 1:18 -19 Jesus s tand a political trial before Pilate and Herod 27:2, 11 -31 15:1 -20 23:1 -25 18:28 -19:16 Jesus’ execution hanging on a cross 27:31 -56 5:20 -41 23:26 -49 19:16 -37 Jesus’ burial in a borrowed grave 27:57 -66 15:42 -47 23:50 -56 19:38 -42 RESURRECTION ACCOUNTS Jes us actually returns to life and appears to women who loved Him 28:1 -15 16:1 -11 24:1 -12 20:1 -18 A famous appearance by Jesus to 2 believers on “the road to 16:12 -13 24:13 -35 Emmaus” Jesus enters a room through locked doors to be with the disciples 16:1 4 24:36 -43 20:19 -23 Jesus contronts Thomas’s doubts 20:24 -31 Jesus cooks breakfast on the beach for the disciples 21:1 -25 Jesus gives what we now call “The Great Commission” before He 28:16 -20 16:15 -18 returns to a heavenly existence Jesus appe ars to the disciples one last time 24:44 -49 Acts 1:3 -8 Jesus returns to heaven 16:19 -20 24:50 -53 Acts 1:9 -12

Page 118 Appendix H: Scriptural References Miracles 1. Miracles of Healing o Jesus heals a man with leprosy Mt. 8:1-4 Mk 1:40-42 Lk 5:12-13 o Jesus heals a soldier’s servant Mt 8:5-13 Lk 7:1-10 o Jesus heals Peter’s mother-in-law Mt 8:14-15 Mk 1:29-31 Lk 4:38-39 o Jesus heals a paralyzed man Mt 9:1-8 Mk 2:1-12 Lk 5:17-26 o A woman is healed by touching Jesus’ clothes Mt 9:20-22 Mk 5:25-34 Lk 8:43 -48 o Jesus heals a man’s withered hand Mt 12:9-13 Mk 3:1-5 Lk 6:6-10 o Jesus heals the blind Mt 9:27-31 Mk 8:22-25 Lk 18:35-43 Jn 9:1-7 Mt 20:29-34 Mk 10:46-52 o Jesus heals a man who cannot see or hear Mk 7:31-37 o Jesus heals a crippled woman Lk 13:10-13 o Jesus cures a sick man Lk 14:1-4 o Jesus heals ten lepers Lk 17:11-19 o Jesus reattaches a man’s ear Lk 22:49-51 o Jesus heals an official’s son without even meeting him Jn 4:46-54 o Jesus heals a man who had been an invalid for thirty eight years Jn 5:1-16

2. Miracles of Provision o Jesus feeds over five thousand people Mt 14:15-21 Mk 6:35 –44 Lk 9:12-17 Jn 6:5-14 o Jesus feeds over four thousand people Mt 15:32-38 Mk 8:1-9 o The disciples catch a miraculous net full of fish Lk 5:1-7 o Jesus turns water into wine Jn 2:1-11 o Jesus brings in another miraculous catch of fish after His resurrection Jn 21:1-14

3. Miracles that involved Raising Someone from the Dead o Jesus raises Jairus’s daughter from the dead Mt 9:18-26 Mk 5:22-24 Lk 8:41-42 35-43 49-56 o A widow’s son is raised from the dead Lk 7:11-16 o Lazarus is raised from the dead Jn 11:1-45

4. Miracles that involved Casting out of Demons o Jesus casts demons out of a man and sends them into pigs Mt. 8:28-34 Mk 5:1-19 Lk 8:26-39 o Jesus casts out a demon and a mute man can speak Mt. 9:32-33, 12:22 Lk 11:14 o Jesus casts a demon out of the daughter of a foreigner Mt 15:21-28 Mk 7:24-30 o Jesus heals a boy possessed by a demon Mt 17:14-18 Mk 9:14-26 Lk 9:37-42 o Jesus casts out a demon at the synagogue Mk 1:23-27 Lk 4:33-36

5. Other Miracles showing power over nature o Jesus still the storm with His voice Mt 8:23-27 Mk 4:36-40 Lk 8:22-24 o Jesus walks on top of rough waters Mt 14:22-33 Mk 6:45-52 Jn 6:17-21 o Jesus curses a fig tree Mt 21:18-22 Mk 11:12-14, 20-22

Page 119 Appendix H: Scriptural References Parables Parable Meaning Sources The Sower, the Seed, the Soils The Parable of the Sower. Sower -God. Seed -Word of G od. Ground -different people. Mt 13:3 -8 A story about seed sown on Path-one who hears the Word w/o understanding. Rocky-one who hears the Word w/ Mk 4:2-8 different types of soils. These joy but falls away when trials come. Thorns-one who hears the Word but is blocked Lk 8:4-8 soils reflect our own hearts and by anxiety and riches. Rich soil-one who hears the Word and understands it and the way we accept God’s truth. bears fruit by living out the Word. The Weeds and the Wheat The Parable of the Wee ds among the Wheat. Sower -Son of Man. Field -world. Good Mt 13:24 -30 An enemy of a farmer sows Seed-children of the Kingdom. Weeds-children of the evil one who sin, cause others weeds into his wheat field. to sin and evildoers. Enemy-devil. Harvest-end of the age. Harvesters-angels. Fiery Alludes to the final judgment furnace, wailing and grinding of teeth- hell. when God identifies those of true faith. The Mustard Seed The Parable of the Mustard Seed. Mustard seed -Kingdom of Heaven (small Mt. 13:31 -32 Something so small as a seed beginning). Large bush-Kingdom of Heaven (marvelous expansion). Birds of the sky- Mk 4:30-32 can grow to be a large plant or good people and angels. Lk 13:18-19 tree. Faith works like this. A small amount goes a long way. The Yeast The Parable of the Yeast. Yeast - Kingdom of Heaven (small beginning). Flour -world. Mt 13:33 The kingdom of God is like yeast Yeast causes leavening-Kingdom of Heaven (marvelous expansion). Lk 13:20-21 that, even in small amounts, changes the shape of a whole loaf of bread. The Treasure More Parables. Treasure buried in the field -Kingdom of heaven (supreme value of the Mt 13:44 The kingdom of God is like a Kingdom). Selling all that he had and buying the field-giving up everything for the treasure. Kingdom. The Pearl Mo re Parables. Fine Pearl -Kingdom of heaven (supreme value of the Kingdom). Mt 13 45 -46 The kingdom of God is like a Selling all that he had and buying the pearl-giving up everything for the Kingdom. precious pearl. It is more valuable than everything else. The Good and Bad Fish The Parable of the Net Thrown into the Sea. Net fish of every kind -Kingdom Mt 13:47 -50 Alludes to the judgment when of Heaven is offered to all. Put good fish in buckets-good people enter the Kingdom evil people are separated from of Heaven. Bad fish thrown away-the final exclusion of evil persons from the the good people. Kingdom. Fishermen-Angels. Fiery furnace, wailing and grinding of teeth-hell. The Lost Sheep The Parable of the Lost Sheep. Shepherd -God, Heavenly Father. 100 sheep -all Mt 18:12 -14 A shepherd’s commitment to one people, God’s children. 99 sheep-good and faithful people. 1 sheep who goes astray- Lk 15:3-7 sheep mirrors God’s sinner. Searching for the stray-bringing back the sinner to the community/church commitment to each of us. (sacraments). Shepherd rejoicing-Heaven rejoicing. The Unforgiving Servant The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant. King -God. Settling accounts/accounting - Mt 18:23 -35 A man who has had a great debt Judgment. Debtor who owed a huge amount-great sinner. Debtor falling down and canceled won’t cancel a small doing homage-repentance. King showing compassion and forgiving loan-God debt owed to him. Deals with a showing compassion and forgiving sins. Fellow servant who had a small loan-fellow lack of mercy. sinner. Choking and demanding payment-unforgiving. Torturers-eternal punishment. The Workers on Payday The Workers in the Vineyard. Landowner -God. Hiring laborers for vineyard -inviting Mt 20:1 -16 Explains the kingdom of heaven people to the kingdom of heaven. Daily wage-Kingdom of Heaven. Laborers-people. in terms of workers who are paid Laborers at dawn, at 9:00, at 3:00, at 5:00-people who accept the invitation at various the same wage, no matter when times of their lives. Evening-judgment. The parable teaches the equality of all the they signed on. disciples in the reward of inheriting eternal life. The Two Sons The Parable of the Two Sons. Man -Heavenly Father. First son -sinners who repen t Mt. 21:28 -32 One son says “no,” but then and change their ways. Second son-self-righteous people who are hypocrites and are does as he is told. The others greater sinners. Going out and working in the vineyard-doing the Father’s will. This says “yes,” but never gets the parable points the difference between saying and doing. job done.

The Vineyard The parable of the Tenants. Landowner -God the Father. Vineyard -Israel, world. Mt 21:33 -44 A man leaves some Tenants-people, sinnners. Servants-prophets. Produce-good works demanded by Mk 12:1-9 sharecroppers in charge of his God and his claim to them is total. Son killed-Jesus killed. Wretched death-judgment, Lk 20:9-16 vineyard. When they don’t care eternal punishment. Stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone-

Page 120 Appendix H: Scriptural References for it, he finds others to take their Jesus. place. Speaks to our accountability before God. The Marriage Feast The Parable of the Wedding Feast. King -God. Wedding Feast -Kingdom of Heaven, Mt 22:1 -14 Many are invited to a feast, but salvation. Son-Jesus. Servants-prophets, missionaries. Invited guests- people, not many come. Speaks to our Israel. Rejecting the invitation-sinning. Burning of the city – destruction of Jerusalem. invitation into the kingdom of Inviting anyone and everyone-Kingdom is offered to all people. Wedding garment-the God. repentance, change of heart and mind, that is the condition for entrance into the kingdom, must be continued in a life of good deeds. Wailing and grinding of teeth- eternal punishment. The Foolish Manager The Faithful or the Unfaithful Servant. Master -God. Faithful servant -good people. Mt 24:45 -51 A manager ignores his superior’s Unfaithful servant-sinners. Distributing food at the proper time-readiness for the Lk 12:42-48 instructions and is caught red- master’s return means a vigilance that is accompanied by faithful performance of the handed. Speaks of our duty assigned. Master delayed-Parousia comes at an unknown time. Wailing and accountability at the final grinding of teeth-eternal punishment. judgment. The Bridesmaids The Parable of the Ten Virgins. Bridegroom -Jesus. Meeting the Bridegroom - Mt 25:1 -13 According to an old custom the Parousia, Judgment. Five wise virgins- people who do good deeds. Five foolish bridesmaids wait for the groom virgins- people who lack good deed. Oil- good deeds. Wedding Feast-Kingdom of but some are unprepared. Heaven. Locked door-eternal punishment. Speaks of our final accountability before God. The Three Investors The Parable of the Talents. Man on a journey -God. Servants with different amounts Mt. 25:14 -30 The boss goes away, leaving of talent- people with different gifts. Settling of Accounts- judgment. Increase of Lk 19:11-27 money to be invested. Only talents – use of gifts. No increase in talents – non-use of gifts. Master’s joy- heaven. those who invest wisely are Wailing and grinding of teeth- eternal punishment. Parable points to faithful use of rewarded. one’s gifts will lead to participation in the fullness of the Kingdom and lazy inactivity will lead to exclusion from it. The Wheat Harvest Seed Grow of Itself. Seed -Kingdom of God. Man -God. The kingdom of God initiated Mk 4:26 -29 The kingdom of God is like a by Jesus in proclaiming the word develops quietly yet powerfully until it is fully seed that by its own magic established by him at the final judgment. grows into a harvest. The Watchful Servant Need for Watchfulness. Man traveling abroad -Jesus. Servants in charge -people. Mk 13:34 -37 A man leaves a servant in Work- good deeds. Gatekeepers-church leaders. Return of the Lord-Parousia. charge of his house but doesn’t Sleeping- sinning. Watch- live a good and holy life. give the time of his return. That servant must always keep watch. Speaks of Christ’s second coming. The Canceled Loans (The Pardon of the Sinful Woman) Creditor -God. Debt -Sin. Person who owed 500 - Lk 7:40 -43 Two loans are canceled. One is big sinner. Person who owed 50 – small sinner. Forgiving of debt – forgiving of sins. large; one is small. Which Loving the Creditor – loving God and being grateful. debtor will be the most grateful? Speaks of God’s forgiveness. The Good Samaritan The Parable of the Good Samaritan. Man who fell victim to robbers – good man. Lk 10:30 -37 A man who is undesirable Robbers – sinners. Priest and levite – religious representatives, self-righteous people. himself is the true neighbor Samaritan – sinner who shows good works. A neighbor is anyone who needs our because he cares for someone. help. A good neighbor is anyone who helps and shows love and mercy. The Request at Midnight Further teachings on prayer. Friend who asks for bread -people who pray. Other Lk 11:5 -10 Insight on prayer. A friend friend-God. Persistence in asking – persistence in prayer. makes a request at an inconvenient time but gets what he wants if he keeps on asking. The Rich Fool Parable of the Rich Fool. Rich man - people who store material possessions, who sin. Lk 12:16 -21 A rich man keeps storing more God-God. Focus on storing heavenly treasures. and getting more, but when he dies, he loses it all. The Fru itless Fig Tree The Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. Owner of Orchard - God. Fig Tree -repentance. Lk 13:6 -9 A tree that is supposed to Gardener-people. Barren/fruitless-no repentance. Cut down-judgment, punishment. Page 121 Appendix H: Scriptural References produce fruit doesn’t and is given God is patiently waiting for repentance. one more year. The Best Seat Conduct of Invited Guests and Hosts. Parable teaches on humility. Wedding banquet Lk 14:7 -11 Don’t pick the best seat at a – Kingdom of Heaven. People who choose places of honor- people who are self- feast or you might be righteous, exalts self and show pride. People who choose the lowest place- people embarrassed. Pick the worst who are repentant sinners and show humility. seat and let the host move you to the head table. The Banqu et Invitations The Parable of the Great Feast. The Parable of the Great Dinner is a further Lk 14:15 -24 A man invites many to his illustration of the rejection of Israel, God’s chosen people, of Jesus’ invitation to share banquet, but when they don’t in the banquet in the kingdom and the extension of the invitation to other Jews whose come, he invites everyone he identification as poor, crippled, blind and lame classifies them among those who can find. Speaks of the Kingdom recognize their need for and salvation, and to the Gentiles. Host-God. Great Feast- of God. Kingdom of Heaven. Servants-prophet. Invited guests-Israel, people who are self- righteous. Excuses-sins. Poor, crippled, blind, lame-repentant sinners. The Lost Coin The Parable of the Lost Coin. This illustrates Jesus’ particular concern for the lost and Lk 15: 8 -10 A woman’s search for a lost coin God’s love for the repentant sinner. Woman-God. Ten coins-people. Lost coin- mirror’s God’s commitment to sinner. Searching for coin-calling the sinner to repentance. Woman rejoicing with people. neighbors-God rejoicing with angels. The Prodigal Son The Parable of the Lost Son. Forgiving Father -God who is forgiving. Prodigal younger Lk 15:11 -32 A son’s journey away from family Son- sinner who eventually repents. Envious older brother – righteous person who and home and his subsequent was envious. Forgiving the prodigal son – forgiving the sinner. This illustrates Jesus’ return mirror our journey through particular concern for the lost and God’s love for the repentant sinner. life and God’s ever-welcoming arms. The Shrewd Businessman The Parable of the Dishonest Steward. Rich man -God. Steward -sinner. Accounting - Lk 16:1 -10 A dishonest manager in danger judgment. Steward rewriting loans in order to earn friends-giving up commission to of losing his job makes a few ingratiate self with debtors. The parable teaches the prudent use of one’s material friends on his way down. goods in light of an imminent crisis. The Servant’s Duty Attitude of a servant. Christian disciples can make no claim on God’s graciousness; in Lk 17:7 -10 A servant shouldn’t expect to be fulfilling the exacting demands of discipleship, they are only doing their duty. Servant- thanked for doing his duty. people, disciples. Master-God. The Unjust Judge The Parable of the Persistent Widow. This parable teaches the need for persistent Lk 18:1 -8 Insight on Prayer. A widow prayers. Persistent Widow – people who persevere and persist in prayer. Judge-God receives justice from an unjust judge because of her persistence. Pharisee and Tax Collector The Parable of the Pharisee and the Tax Collec tor. This parable teaches the need to Lk 18:9 -14 The Pharisee prays out of pride. recognize one’s sinfulness and complete dependence on God and not self- The tax collector prays out of his righteousness. This parable teaches humility and not pride as an attitude in praying. humility. The tax collector is Pharisee-self righteous, proud. Tax Collector-repentant sinner, humble. justified in God’s eyes.

Page 122 Appendix H: Scriptural References Famous Biblical Phrases from the New Testament used in Popular Language

Blind leading the blind (Lk 6:39) Keep the faith! (2 Tim 4:7) Reaping what you sow (Gal 6:7) Doubting Thomas (Jn 20:27) Labor of Love (1 Thess 1:3) Salt of the earth (Mt 5:13) Eat, drink and be merry (Lk 12:19) Man after my own heart (Act 13:22) Spirt is willing, the flesh is weak (Mt 26:41) Entertaining angels unaware (Heb 13:2) Man shall not live by bread alone (Mt 4:4) Straight and narrow (Mt 7:13-14) Fall from grace (Gal 5:4) Many are called but few are chosen Sweating blood (Lk22:44) Having someone’s head on a platter (Mt 22:14) The powers that be (Rom 13:1) (Mt. 14:8) More blessed to give than to receive Thorn in my flesh (2 Cor 12:7) House divided against itself cannot stand (Acts 20:35) Wolf in sheep’s clothing (Mt 7:15) (Mk 3:25) Physician, heal yourself (Lk 4:23)

Names of Christ from the New Testament

(Last) Adam – 1 Cor 15:45 Lord of All – Acts 10:36 Advocate – 1 Jn 2:1 Lord of Glory – 1 Cor 2:8 Almighty – Rev 1:8 Lord of lords – 1 Tim 6:15 Alpha and Omega – Rev 1:8 Mediator – 1 Tim 2:5 Author and Perfecter of Faith – Nazarene – Mt 2:23 Heb 12:2 Only Begotten Son – Jn 1:18 Beginning of the Creation of Our Passover Lamb – God – Rev 3:14 1 Cor 5:17 Beloved Son – Mt. 12:18 Prince of Life – Acts 3:15 Blessed and Only Sovereign – Prophet – Lk 24:19 1 Tim 6:15 Resurrection and Life – Bread of Life – Jn 6:32 Jn 11:25 Chief Shepherd – 1 Peter 5:4 Righteous One – Acts 7:52 Christ of God – Lk 9:20 Rock – 1 Cor 10:4 Consolation of Israel – Lk 2:25 Root of David – Rev 22:16 Deliverer – Rom 11:26 Ruler – Mt 2:6 Door – Jn 10:7 Savior – Lk 2:11 First and Last – Rev 1:8 Shepherd and Overseer of First-born – Rev 1:5 Souls – 1 Peter 2:25 God – Jn 20:28 Son of David – Mt 1:1 Good Shepherd – Jn 10:11 Son of God – Mk 15:39 Great High Priest – Heb 4:14 Son of Man – Mt 8:20 Head of the Church – Eph 1:22 Son of the Most High – Lk 1:32 Heir of All Things – Heb 1:2 Source of Eternal Salvation – Holy and Righteous One – Heb 5:9 Acts 3:14 True Light – Jn 1:9 Holy One of God – Mk 1:24 True Vine – Jn 15:1 Holy Servant – Acts 4:27 Truth – Jn 14:6 Image of God – 2 Cor 4:4 Word – Jn 14:16 Jesus – Mt 1:21 Word of God – Rev 19:13 Jesus of Nazareth – Lk 24:19 King Eternal – 1 Tim 1:17 King of Kings – 1 tim 6:15 King of the Jews – Mt 2:2 King of the Nations – Rev 15:3 Lamb – Rev 13:8 Lamb of God – Jn 1:29 Life – Jn 14:6 Light of the World – Jn 8:12 Lion of the Tribe of Judah – Rev 5:5

Page 123 Appendix H: Scriptural References

New Testament Fulfilled Prophecies in the Old Testament

Fulfilled Prophecy Old Testament New Testament 1. The Messiah will not die permanently Psalm 16:10 Acts 13:34 -35 2. The Messiah will be abandoned by God Psalm 22:1 -2 Mt 27:46 3. The Messiah will be rejected by people Psalm 22:6; Isa iah 53:3 Mt 26:67; Jn 1:10 -11 4. The Messiah will trust God from birth Psalm 22:9 -10 Lk 2:40 5. His hand and feet will be pierced Psalm 22:16 Jn 20:25; 20:27 -28 6. The soldiers will divide His garments Psalm 22:18 Mt 27:35 7. His bones won’t be broken Psalm 34:20 Jn 19:33 8. He will be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 Lk 22:47 9. He will be rejected by His family Psalm 69:8 Mk 3:21 10. He will be given vinegar to drink Psalm 69:21 Mt. 27:48 11. The Messiah will teach in Parables Psalm 78:2 Mt 13:34 -35 12. He will be born to a Vi rgin Isaiah 7:14 Mt 1:22 -23 13. The Spirit of God will be on the Messiah Isaiah 11:2 Jn 1:32 14. God will send one to prepare the way for the Messiah Isaiah 40:3; Malachi 3:1 Jn 1:23; Mt 11:7 15. He stood silent before His accusers Isaiah 53:7 Mt 27:13 -14 16. The Mess iah will be sinless Isaiah 53:9 2 Cor 5:21 17. He will be born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Lk 2:4 -5 18. He will ride into Jerusalem on a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Mt 21:1 -3 19. His followers will be scattered for a time Zechariah 13:7 Mt 26:55 -56

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Works Consulted

Catechism of the Catholic Church. 2 nd Ed. Washington, D.C.: United States Catholic Conference, 1997.

Comby, Jean. How to Read Church History. Vol. 1. New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1993.

Comby, Jean and Diarmaid MacCullock. How to Read Church History. Vol. 2. New York: Crossroad Publishing, 1991.

USCCB Committee on Catechesis. “Doctrinal Guidelines for Catholic High Schools.”

Encyclopedia Dictionary of Religion. 1979 ed.

Goggin, Jeannine, et al. This Is Our Faith. Parsippany, NJ: Silver, Burdett, and Ginn, 1998.

Hardon, John A. Modern Catholic Dictionary. Bardstown, KY: Eternal Life, 2001.

Human Sexuality Formation. The Catholic Diocese of Withita, 1999.

Jambor, Mary Beth. Eucharist Catechist Guide. Allen, TX: Resources for Christian Living, 2003.

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Klein, Rev. Peter, The Catholic Source Book. 3 rd Ed. Florida: Brown-Roa/Harcourt Brace and Company, 2000.

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“Pocket Catholic Dictionary.” Abridged Edition of Modern Catholic Dictionary. The Real Presence Association. 2003. http://www.therealpresence.org/dictionary/addict.htm . 7 Nov 2003.

Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. 3 rd ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.

Richstatter, Rev. Thomas. Liturgy and Worship: A Course on Prayer and Sacraments. New York: Sadlier, 1998.

Shelly, Rev. Thomas J. Church History: A Course on the People of God. New York: Sadlier, 1998.

Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response. Washington, D.C.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2001.

To Be a Christian Steward. Washington, D.C.: United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 2001.

Wadell, Rev. Paul. Morality: A Course on Catholic Living. New York: Sadlier, 1998.

Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. 1951 ed.

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