The MARIAN LIBRARY NEWSLETTER Is Publi.'L;.Ed Monthly Except July, August, and September, by the Marian Library, Uni1 Ersity of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio
/ ! ~ ) .-~- ., ~- ,,/ MARIAN LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF DAYTON DAYTON 9, OHIO ioci"T'f ('' .~. ·· I 1 AR~I--IIvr:; Volume XIV - Number 1 October, 1958 OUR LADY IN EDUCATION ••• A new book which enters a virtually uncharted a·ea in showing Our Lady's relationship to the whole field of Catholic education both in meaning and practice. Published by the Marian Library, 200 pages, cl:,th binding, $3. Commemorates 1OOth anniversary of the Lourde: apparitions and the 15th anniversary of the Marian Library. ORDER NOW. A limited number of copies has bt en printed. Order blank on back cover of tf is Newsletter. PARTIAL TABLE OF CONTEN S Part I Our Lady's Role in Christian Education, Very Rev. John A. Elbert, S.M., Ph.D. Our Lady of the Schools, Bro. Joseph J. Panzer, S.M., Ph.D. Mary and Christian Social Living, Rev. John Dickson, S.M., Ph.D. Mary and the School Curriculum, Bro. Louis J. Faerber, S.M., Ph.D. Marian Apostolic Organizations in the Schools, Rev. Philip Hoelle, S.M., Ph.D. Mary in the Teaching of Ideals, Rev. George B. Barreti S.M., Ph.D. Mary and the Problems of Our Modern Age, Sister I~ 1atius Marie, S.N.D., M.A. Personal Adjustment and Our Lady, Bro. John J. Janser . S.M., Ph.D. Mary and the Religion Course, Bro. Leo Murray, S.M., ;11\.A. Our Lady through Literature, Very Rev. James M. Darby, S.M., Ph.D. Mary and Religious Vocations, Rev. Charles Lees, S.M, M.A. Our Lady and Spiritual Reading, Bro.
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