MASS SCHEDULE Daily:Da y: Mondayy - SaturdaySaSaturdayaturday 88:30 AMM (Rosary heldld aafter Mass)s) Saturday Vigil:Vigiligilil:il 4:004:00 PMPM 7:00 PM (En Español)Es ñol) SundaySunday 7:00 AM, 9:00:00:00 AM,AM 11:00 AM Sacramentent of PenancePPenenanceen ce Saturday 2:302:30 - 3:303: PMPM (or by appointment)ppointppoint nt)nt) Parochialarochial AdministratorAdministratrattooro Rev. Markark Wajdajdajda Parochial VicarVicacarr Rev. Markark LiLibrizzizi HispanicHispanic MinistrMinistrytrytry Rev. Gianninni AgAgostinellilli DeaconsDeaconononss Michaelchael McGinnityMcGinnitMcGiGinnitGinnityit Michaelael BalchusBa hushus Parish Office HoursHourururss Mondayay thruthrthruu Fridayay 8:00 AMM - 5:005: PMM www.ccstpaul.comwww.ccstpaul.comm email: [email protected] JOHN 15:9-17 OR JOHN 17:11-19 MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul Catholic Community builds disciples, grows our faith and serves others in Christ’s name. April 22 _________April 29____________________________ 1st $16,430.25 $16,803.7575 2nd 3,564.00 3,012.0000 (Food Pantry) (Security)ty) Vestments On Order: On-Line $3,535.80 $2,353.766 Purple Cope for use in Advent and during Lent, $1,750.00 This Week’s 2nd Collection: Catholicic Three Red Chasubles with Stoles, Communications $750 Each Next Week’s 2nd Collection: Ascension/ Two Red Dalmatics (for Deacons) with Stoles, Building Fund $750 Each Three White Chasubles with Stoles, $750 Each Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for May Two White Dalmatics with Stoles, The Mission of the Laity $750 Each (One Rose Chasuble with Stole, That the lay faithful may fulfill their specific $750—Donation Received ) mission by responding with creativity to the One Rose Dalmatic with Stole, challenges that face the world today. $750 (One Green Chasuble with Stole, $750—Donation Received) Ourur CatholicCaC AppealAppeaaal 20182020101818 One Green Priest’s Concelebrant Stole, $500 Ourur Assessment:Assessm menmmentnt:t: One Green Deacon Stole $252,228$252,22$252,228 $500 Collected/Pledgedd to Date:D e: Additional items that we are hoping to purchase: $229,147.0808 One Green trimmed Altar Cloth, $950.00 (Donation Received) One Red trimmed Altar Cloth, $950.00 (Donation Received) Red Cope for use during Martyr’s feast days, StSt PPaulaul’s Palm Sunday and the Triduum, $1,750.00 PrayerPrayer GroupGroup White Cope for use during other feast days, Christmas and Easter Time, $1,750.00 will meet for Looking into costs for these items on wish list: New Ciboria Praise, Worship Camera and Fellowship Digital Carillon Benches for outside entrance Please join us ! May 14 @ 7:00 pm RoomRoom 221515 FamilyFamily EnrichmentEnrichment CCenterenter All members of The School Spring Concert St. Paul Catholic Community, as well May 10 as all guests and visitors, are 7:00—9:00 pm / Social Hall welcome to join us. Sunday, May 6 Readings: Acts 10:25,26,34,35,44-48/1 John 4:11-16/ CCW - Acts through its members to support, empower John 17:11-19 or 1 John 4:7-10/John 15:9-17 and educate all Catholic women of the parish in 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church spirituality, leadership and service. All women are 11:00 am Mass / Church welcome to join us, 1st Thursday of month @ 9:30 am Monday, May 7 September—May. Readings: Acts 16:11-15/John 15:26—-16:4 Contact: Joan - 352.321.4043 8:30 am Mass + Rosary / Church Gathering Group - Social Group –meetings weekly on 6:00 pm Confirmation Class / Youth House Wednesdays @ 1:00 pm. 7:00 pm Hispanic Prayer Group Adoration / Contacts: Lucille - 352.661.3252 Adoration Chapel Carol - 352.638.9179 Tuesday, May 8 Gifted Hands - A knitting ministry established to give Readings: Acts 16:22-34/John 16:5-11 comfort to those in nursing homes, hospital and shut-ins. 8:30 am Mass + Rosary / Church Meetings: 4th Friday of the month @ 1:00 pm 5:30 pm ESL Classes / FEC Classrooms Contact: Gloria - 352.410.7113 6:00 pm School Sport Banquet / School Cafeteria Rebecca - 352.728.4835 6:30 pm Paul-Letters from Prison / Roland Guilbault/ Ladies Auxiliary KOC - All women of the parish are FEC / 215/217 welcome. Meetings held 2nd Sunday of every other Wednesday, May 9 month. Your husband does not need to be a past or Readings: Acts 17:15,22—18:1/John 16:12-15 present member of the KOC. 8:30 am Mass + RL Novena + Rosary / Church Contacts: Ellen - 352.315.9626 9:30 am Paul-Letters from Prison / Roland Guilbault/ Geri - 352.728-8726 FEC / 215/217 Respect Life - All are welcome. 1:00 pm Gathering Group / FEC 215 2:15 pm Student Cantor Rehearsal / Church Meetings: 1st Friday of the month @ 9:30 am, FEC 220. 6:30 pm Hispanic Ministry Prayer Group / FEC 215/217 Contacts: Mary Clare - 901.371.7489 6:30 pm Hand Bell Rehearsal (St. Paul) FEC / 216 Pam - 352.365.2624 Thursday, May 10 Rosary Makers - Summer Schedule Readings: Acts 18/1-8/John 16:16-20 Meetings: 1st Wed. of the month @ 9:30 am, FEC 220. 8:30 am Mass + Rosary / Church Contact: Mary - 352.638.2747 2:30 pm 11 am Choir Rehearsal / FEC 216 Word on Fire - A small faith sharing prayer group. 4:30 pm Parish Council Meeting / FEC 215/217 Step Back, slow down & notice your life. 5:30 pm ESL Classes / FEC Classrooms Contacts: Mary Robertson 352.360.1127 6:00 pm Confirmation Rehearsal / Church Roland Guilbault 352.630.0006 7:00 pm School Spring Concert / Social Hall 7:00 pm 9 am Choir Rehearsal (St. Paul) / FEC 216 St. Paul Please do not Friday, May 11 decorate the pews Readings: Acts 18:9-18/John 16:20-23 Adoraon Chapel or the statues in the 8:30 am Mass + Rosary / Church Adoration Chapel with 7:00 pm Spanish Choir Rehearsal / FEC 223 Hours: 5:00 am to rosaries or any other Saturday, May 12 Midnight daily. decorations. Thank you! Readings: Acts 18:23-28/John 16:23-28 ___________________ 8:30 am Mass + Rosary / Church To register to Por favor no 2:30 pm Sacrament of Penance / Church receive an entry code, decorar los bancas o 4:00 pm Mass / Church please visit our estatuas en la capilla 6:00 pm Spanish Choir de la adoración con 7:00 pm Mass / Spanish / Church Parish Office. Rosarios. Gracias. Sunday, May 13—Solemnity of the Ascension Readings: Acts 1:1-11/Ephesians 1:17-23/ Matthew 28:16-20 or Mark 16:15-20 7:00 am Mass / Church 9:00 am Mass / Church 11:00 am Mass / Church 12:30 pm Confirmation / Church / Reception following Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord Incense will be used for May 10 is Pentecost - Parish Quarterly Food Drive—Bag Distribution transferred to SaturdaySaturday, May 19 after all Masses May 12 & 13 Sunday, May 13, Sunday, May 20 thus May 10 is at all Masses not a Holy Day of except for the 7am. Obligation. La Comunidad Católica de la Parroquia de San Pablo Nuestro Ministerio Hispano Sacerdote: P. Gianni Agosnelli Santa Misa: sábado a las 7:00 pm Confesiones: Antes de la Misa Bausmos, Bodas y Quinceañeras: Padre Gianni (352) 787-9208 Catequesis: sábados - 5:30 pm Myrta Aviles (352) 787-0126 Coro: Miguel (Maiki) Rodríguez (352) 630-1192 Grupo de Oración: miércoles - 7pm Raul A. Perez (352) 217-6568 LAZARUS, Clínica Médica Gratuita: ubicada en la Misión Católica Hispana San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado,210 Wonders St., Wildwood. Para citas. (352) 748-4567 o (352) 603-9315 (celular) Cursos de Inglés gratuitos: los martes y jueves, 6-7:30 pm en San Pablo en (Leesburg) y los miérco- les en la Misión Católica Hispana de San Pedro de Jesús Maldonado, 210 Wonder St., Wildwood. Lilly (352) 638-4559. Our next meeting is June 6, 2018 at 9:30 am in Room 220/FEC. SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Archbishop Charles Chaput, speaking to his flock in the Archdiocese of The Rosary Makers will have a Philadelphia, explained that blessing a number of birthstone rosaries same sex union was not only contrary available in the church. to God's design for marriage, but it "would undermine the We encourage our parishioners to take a birthstone rosary Catholic witness on the nature of marriage and the family. and give them to people who might benefit from them. It would wound the unity of our Church, because it could not The birthstone for May is emerald. be ignored or met with silence. ...There is no love, no charity, The Lourdes apparitions occurred at one of the rare places without truth, just as there is no real mercy separated from in Europe where the Rosary was still being prayed a framework of jusce informed and guided by truth." In this, by young and old. In fact, it was the custom in Lourdes to the 50th year of Pope Paul VI's remarkable encyclical add an additional decade of Hail Marys without a Humanae Vitae, Archbishop Chaput has again put Christ mystery attached to it. This extra decade was for the Holy before polical correctness. Souls. Even today, many statues of Our Lady of Lourdes show Mary holding a six-decade rosary. In honor of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Rosary Makers will have a number of six-decade rosaries in the church. We encourage our parishioners to pray an additional decade of the Rosary for the Holy Souls, as suggested by Our Lady. OurOu next meeting will be May 9 at 1:00 pm in FEC/ Room 215. EVERY ROSARY IS A BLESSING. We look forward to getting to know you… For more information, call Mary at 638-2747.
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