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Volume XIV - Number 1 October, 1958


A new book which enters a virtually uncharted a·ea in showing Our Lady's relationship to the whole field of Catholic education both in meaning and practice. Published by the Marian Library, 200 pages, cl:,th binding, $3. Commemorates 1OOth anniversary of the Lourde: apparitions and the 15th anniversary of the Marian Library. ORDER NOW. A limited number of copies has bt en printed. Order blank on back cover of tf is Newsletter.

PARTIAL TABLE OF CONTEN S Part I Our Lady's Role in Christian Education, Very Rev. John A. Elbert, S.M., Ph.D. Our Lady of the Schools, Bro. Joseph J. Panzer, S.M., Ph.D. Mary and Christian Social Living, Rev. John Dickson, S.M., Ph.D. Mary and the School Curriculum, Bro. Louis J. Faerber, S.M., Ph.D. Marian Apostolic Organizations in the Schools, Rev. Philip Hoelle, S.M., Ph.D. Mary in the Teaching of Ideals, Rev. George B. Barreti S.M., Ph.D. Mary and the Problems of Our Modern Age, Sister I~ 1atius Marie, S.N.D., M.A. Personal Adjustment and Our Lady, Bro. John J. Janser . S.M., Ph.D. Mary and the Religion Course, Bro. Leo Murray, S.M., ;11\.A. Our Lady through Literature, Very Rev. James M. Darby, S.M., Ph.D. Mary and Religious Vocations, Rev. Charles Lees, S.M, M.A. Our Lady and Spiritual Reading, Bro. Stanley G. Mathr NS, S.M., M.A.

The MARIAN LIBRARY NEWSLETTER is publi.'l;.ed monthly except July, August, and September, by the Marian Library, Uni1 ersity of Dayton, Dayton 9, Ohio. The NEWSLETTER wiU be sent free of char! e to ooyone requesting it. QUICK SURVEY OF CURRENT MARIANA: events-The MARIAN LIBR,ARY, University of Dayton, celebrates its fifteenth birthday at a special 1 rogram in the Library auditorium, 8:00 p.m., October 20. The founder, Fath ;r L. Manheim, S.M., will recount the early days, and the present director, Father P. Hoelle, S.M., will show slides of his recent pilgrimage. All are invited. Since 1943 over 11,000 bound volumes, thousands of pamphlets, art, records, films, and the National Marian Union Catalog have been Of =n to all inquirers at the research center, which has been supported entin y by the generosity of friends of Mary. -Brother Stanley Math· ws, S.M., librarian of the Marian library for seven years, is in a year oi religious study at the Marianist second novitiate in Missouri. During this ~even-year period Brother Stanley has been a frequent contributor to national periodicals; done extensive reviewing; edited the Marianist, Marian Repints, the Newsletter; published several anthologies; taught at the Universi y of Dayton; compiled critical bibliographies: all this in addition to his m< 1y tasks as librarian. -Marian Congress at lourdes, September 10-17, was the most important happening of the lourdes Centennial. Over four hundred theologians gethered for study of the theme "Mary and the Church," before the arrival leter in the week of t 1ousands of pilgrims, large numbers of the hierarchy end the Holy Father's personal legate. A paper on "American Theological Writing on Our lady hroughout the last Four Pontificates" by the director of the library, Father ::-. Hoelle, S.M., was read. The Marian library had a display at the Congre .

art sources-A. de Bethune, ~1oted liturgical artist, has designed a special 27-inch outdoor statue of tht Virgin Mother and Child under the title "" for Mary Ga dens. John S. Stokes, Mary Gardens, 124 W. Chestnut Hill Avenue, Philadel~ hi a 18, Pa., can be contacted for further information. periodicals-Salute to Life, .'uly 28, for their excellent color coverage of lourdes. September issue of Cross and Crown (St. louis, Herder), quarterly on the spiritual life, is devol ~d to lourdes. The Servite Age of Mary is unfortu­ nately passing from t, 1e scene of Catholic publishing; the editor, Father J. Keane, O.S.M., has b• en assigned the foundation of a Servite community at Fatima. Of value i ::>r its complete handling of the lourdes Centennial is the English edition of Lourdes-Informations directly from the shrine in . The Marian lit rary has added Maria Einsiedeln and Der Rosenkranz, German language publications, and the Canadian Register for Marian clippings. films-Land of Our Lady (l6mm, color, sound, 30 min., from Santa Maria Pro­ ductions, 109 Santa Cruz, San Anselmo, California) treats the story of Guada­ lupe. Spring of Faith is a special centennial documentary on Lourdes (16mm, color, sound, 40 min., from Catholic Film Institute, 9 Lansdowne Road, Lon­ don, W 11, England).

prayer cards--The Montfortians, 2826 W. Nelson Street, Chicago 18, Illinois, are distributing a free leaflet on the to revive its practice. Prayer cards bearing the image of Our Lady of Schools may be obtained from Sister St. leonard, C.N.D., Work of Our Lady of Schools, 2330 Sherbrooke Street West, Montreal, Canada.


The article Mary on the Blessed Virgin in the 1958 revision of Encyclopedia Brittanica is highly objective and most acceptable to all readers. • Mary set in her own times is the objective of Joseph Patsch's Our Lady in the (london: Burns-Oates). • Sheed and Ward have produced two very special children's books that should delight parents as well as the youngsters with a simple, clear and thoroughly informative presentation of Joseph by Wilfrid Sheed and Mary by Sr. Mary Jean Dorey, O.P. e Back in print and revised is Mary Fabyn Windeatt's Our Lady's Slave, the story of Grignon de Montfort, having special appeal to upper grade and teen-age readers (Grail). e Newman Press puts Paul Doncoeur's Our Lady in Human Life and Hugh Ross Williamson's The Challenge of Bern•dette in their first American editions. Both are popular, the second dealing with the lourdes apparitions and miracles. • A doctoral dissertation by Father William Cole, S.M., on the Spiritual Maternity of Mary According to Father Chaminade gives, in addition to Fr. Chaminade's original thought on the subject, a thorough orientation on the spiritual maternity and a valuable bibliography. The work may be obtained from the author, University of Dayton. • C. X. Friethoff, O.P.'s A Complete has recently appeared in England and now is obtainable through Newman Press' American Edition. e A bargain in good writing and excellent photography is had in the official lourdes Centenary book, Bernadette by Marcelle Auclair and Englished by Mother Kathryn Sullivan, R.S.C.J. (Desclee). e John Beever's pocketbook Lourdes (london: St. Paul) as well as Francis Parkin­ son Keyes's Bernadette of Lourdes (Burns-Oates, originally published as The Sublime Shepherdess) inexpensively and effectively bring us the message of the lourdes Virgin. L .~~ I/ .-:/ :l-iJ ~· O!'IO '6 uoJ.HO .LI::IOHd-NON

Our Lady In Education

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