MASS SCHEDULE Daily:Da y: Mondayy - SaturdaySaSaturdayaturday 88:30 AMM (Rosary heldld aafter Mass)s) Saturday Vigil:Vigiligilil:il 4:004:00 PMPM 7:00 PM (En Español)Es ñol) SundaySunday 7:00 AM, 9:00:00:00 AM,AM 11:00 AM Sacramentent of PenancePPenenanceen ce Saturday 2:302:30 - 3:303: PMPM (or by appointment)ppointppoint nt)nt) Parochialarochial AdministratorAdministratrattooro Rev. Markark Wajdajdajda Parochial VicarVicacarr Rev. Markark LiLibrizzizi HispanicHispanic MinistrMinistrytrytry Rev. Gianninni AgAgostinellilli DeaconsDeaconononss Michaelchael McGinnityMcGinnitMcGiGinnitGinnityit Michaelael BalchusBa hushus Parish Office HoursHourururss Mondayay thruthrthruu Fridayay 8:00 AMM - 5:005: PMM www.ccstpaul.comwww.ccstpaul.comm email:
[email protected] JOHN 15:9-17 OR JOHN 17:11-19 MISSION STATEMENT St. Paul Catholic Community builds disciples, grows our faith and serves others in Christ’s name. April 22 _________April 29____________________________ 1st $16,430.25 $16,803.7575 2nd 3,564.00 3,012.0000 (Food Pantry) (Security)ty) Vestments On Order: On-Line $3,535.80 $2,353.766 Purple Cope for use in Advent and during Lent, $1,750.00 This Week’s 2nd Collection: Catholicic Three Red Chasubles with Stoles, Communications $750 Each Next Week’s 2nd Collection: Ascension/ Two Red Dalmatics (for Deacons) with Stoles, Building Fund $750 Each Three White Chasubles with Stoles, $750 Each Holy Father’s Prayer Intention for May Two White Dalmatics with Stoles, The Mission of the Laity $750 Each (One Rose Chasuble with Stole, That the lay faithful may fulfill their specific $750—Donation Received ) mission by responding with creativity to the One Rose Dalmatic with Stole, challenges that face the world today.