St. Pius X Catholic Church August 20, 2017 PASTOR Feast Day of St. Pius X Fr. Pat O’Brien PAROCHIAL VICAR August 21, 2017 Fr. Cesar Betancourt (Español) DEACONS Deacon Dan McShane Deacon Pat Cunningham Deacon Jose Santos Deacon Gene Townsend, Rered ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Jerelynn Meek, Parish Secretary Rebekah Haase, Admin. Asst. Ashley Marnez, Accounng Debbie Landry, Facilies Manager Lauren Adre, Worship Director YOUTH MINISTRY Stephanie Kristek, Director
[email protected] “Restore All Things In Christ.” RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Mary Micklitz, Director Regular Mass Times
[email protected] (210) 275-5505 Sunday 8:00 AM (ASL); 10:15 AM; 12:00 PM (Español); SACRAMENTS 1:30 PM (*MEF); 5:00 PM RCIA Monday 6:30 PM (with Benedicon) Call the Church Office Tuesday - Friday 8:15 AM Saturday 8:00 AM (*MEF); 5:00 PM (Vigil) Marriage & Funerals Jerelynn Meek, ext. 200 Holy Days of 6:30 PM (Vigil); 6:30 AM; 8:15 AM; 12:10 PM;
[email protected] Obligaon 6:00 PM; 7:30 PM (*MEF) Bapsms Word & Communion 6:30 AM (Monday - Friday) Rebekah Haase, ext. 209
[email protected] Reconciliaon 8:45-9:45 AM & 4:00-4:45 PM on Saturdays ST. PIUS X SCHOOL Adoraon Chapel Open daily unl Midnight; Closed during Mass (P) 210-824-6431 (*Mass In The Extraordinary Form) (F) 210-824-7454 Fr. Pat O’Brien, Pastor Jane Zarate, Principal 3303 Urban Crest Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78209 Cathy Brown, Assistant Principal Office Hours are Monday - Thursday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM; Friday 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (P) 210-824-0139 (F) 210-829-5125
[email protected] A MESSAGE FROM FATHER PAT Dear St.