Notes on Enidae, 7. Revision of the Enidae of Iran, with Special Reference to the Collection of Jacques De Morgan (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)

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Notes on Enidae, 7. Revision of the Enidae of Iran, with Special Reference to the Collection of Jacques De Morgan (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Notes on Enidae, 7. Revision of the Enidae of Iran, with special reference to the collection of Jacques de Morgan (Gastropoda: Pulmonata) Article · April 2016 CITATIONS READS 2 1,481 2 authors: Ruud Bank Eike Neubert University of Groningen Natural History Museum Bern 212 PUBLICATIONS 11,189 CITATIONS 178 PUBLICATIONS 1,177 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: European landsnails View project Biodiversity databases View project All content following this page was uploaded by Eike Neubert on 21 November 2017. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. Vita Malacologica 14: 1-84 16 April 2016 Notes on Enidae, 7. Revision of the Enidae of Iran, with special reference to the collection of Jacques de Morgan (Gastropoda: Pulmonata)1 Ruud A. BANK Chopinlaan 21, 9603 AM Hoogezand, the Netherlands e-mail: Eike NEUBERT Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde Bern, Bernastraße 15, CH-3005 Bern, Switzerland e-mail: Key words: Enidae, Iran, revision, taxonomy, distribution ABSTRACT papers related to his expeditions, namely from Perak (1885a-b) and Iran (1910). In addition, he published malacological papers The family Enidae from Iran is revised, presenting all data avail- on fossil molluscs from France (1916a, 1916b, 1920). able to the authors. The main proportion of specimens originate from the collection of the late French diplomat, archaeologist and De Morgan explored, together with colleagues, Iran inten- scientist, Jacques de Morgan. Currently, 43 (sub)species of Enidae sively. A vast amount of publications resulted from these are known from Iran. All taxa are described and illustrated. The explorations. In the series “Mission scientifique en Perse” following 17 species are described as new to science: Geminula dol­ De Morgan himself published geographical, archaeological menensis spec. nov., Geminula pyramidata spec. nov., Geminula and geological volumes (1894, 1895a, b, 1896, 1897, 1905a). urmiensis spec. nov., Iranopsis (Iranopsis) granulata spec. nov., These volumes are rare, but they can be found (in part) on Pseudochondrula arsaci spec. nov., Pseudochondrula bondouxi Internet at the digital library Digimon, a project carried out spec. nov., Pseudochondrula darii spec. nov., Pseudochondrula by the “Maison de l’Orient et de la Méditerranée”. In addition, orientalis spec. nov., Pseudonapaeus alborsicus spec. nov., De Morgan published two books describing the background Pseudonapaeus demorgani spec. nov., Pseudonapaeus fusi­ of the expeditions (1902, 1905b). Much information about the formis spec. nov., Pseudonapaeus ignoratus spec. nov., Pseudo­ life and work of De Morgan is present in the autobiography napaeus kermanensis spec. nov., Pseudonapaeus menkhorsti published by Jaunay (1997) and in the obituary by Germain spec. nov., Pseudonapaeus minutus spec. nov., Pseudonapaeus (1928). The work in Iran was carried out in 1889-1892 during orculoides spec. nov., and Turanena pseudobscura spec. nov. the “Mission scientifique en Perse” and in 1897-1912 during The generic name Mordania Bank & Neubert, 1998 (preoccu- the “Délégation scientifique en Perse”. The molluscs were pied by Mordania Dworakowska, 1979) is herewith emended to mostly collected by De Morgan, but Hassan (a person who Mordaniella, and is considered a subgenus of Iranopsis. remained unknown to us) and Roland de Mecquenem (1877- 1957) contributed as well. This collected material is a very rich source for malacological studies, as was already mentioned INTRODUCTION by De Morgan (1905b: 152) and Germain (1917, 1924). Part of the molluscan samples from the Iranian expeditions from Jacques Jean Marie de Morgan (Huisseau sur Cosson, 03-VI- De Morgan have been revised (Caspicyclotus, Pomatias and 1857; Marseille, 12-VI-1924), a gifted French archaeologist, Carychium – De Morgan (1910); Ecrobia? – Germain (1911); diplomat, geographer, geologist and biologist (Textfig. 1), Parmacellidae and Limacidae – Germain (1912); Clausiliidae received his final training at the École des Mines (Paris), where he graduated in 1882. He conducted a variety of archaeological 1 BANK, R.A. & NEUBERT, E., 1998. Notes on Buliminidae, 5. On surveys, such as in Turkey, India, the kingdom of Perak (now the systematic position of Arabian Buliminidae (Gas­­­tropoda Pul- West Malaysia), the Caucasus (e.g. Armenia), Egypt, and Iran. monata), with the description of a new genus. — Basteria 61 (4/6): During his archaeological surveys he also collected, amongst 73-84. others, natural history objects, including molluscs. His mol- BANK, R.A., BAR, Z. & NEUBERT, E., 2015. Notes on Enidae, 6. On lusc collection is housed in the Muséum National d’Histoire Euchondrus pseudovularis, an endemic species in Israel (Gastro- Naturelle (Paris). De Morgan published three malacological poda, Pulmonata: Enidae). — Quaternary International 390: 69-74. VITA MALACOLOGICA 14: 1 Bank, R.A. & Neubert, E. – Enidae from Iran – Germain (1933, 1936), Szekeres (1970) and Nordsieck (1978, 1994, 1995); freshwater bivalves – Franc (1949) and Kuiper (1962, 1981); Gastrodontidae, Pristilomatidae and Oxychilidae – Riedel (1966); Orculidae – Hausdorf (1996); Iranopsis – Bank & Neubert (1998)), but the majority of his material has still not been studied. This paper is a revision of the Iranian Enidae in general, for which we studied – apart from the J. de Morgan collection – most of the other available recent and historical material. Iranian records of Enidae have been published by Issel (1865), E. von Martens (1874b), Kobelt (1880), Ancey (1884), O. Boettger (1889, 1898), Westerlund (1890, 1896), Rosen (1892; 1893a,b), Nägele (1893, 1901, 1902, 1906, 1910, E.A. Smith (1899), Lindholm (1915), Schlesch (1934), Forcart (1935; 1959), Biggs (1936, 1937, 1962, 1971), Anonymus (1952), Starmühlner & Edlauer (1957), Starmühlner (1961), Reed (1962), Yassini (1976), Solem (1979), and Bank & Neubert (1998). It should be noted that all these papers deal either with faunal lists of a restricted area, or with records of a single (or at most a few) selected species. Furthermore, most of the authors did not collect the studied material themselves, but obtained it from other naturalists (none of these naturalists being mal- acologists). Only Biggs, Reed, Rosen and Yassini collected their own material. From this chronological list it can be concluded that our knowledge on the Enidae of Iran started with the pioneer- ing publication of Issel (1865). He mentioned Bulimus sido­ niensis, B. bayeri, B. tridens var. eximius and B. ghilanensis from Iran. With B. sidoniensis most propably Pseudonapaeus Fig. 1. Portrait of Jacques de Morgan (photograph taken around asterabadensis is meant, B. bayeri and B. tridens var. eximia 1895, during his function of “Directeur Général des Antiquités belong to Chondrula tridens, while B. ghilanensis belongs to égyptiennes”). the genus Geminula. The other three Bulimus taxa that Issel mentioned from Iran, namely Bulimus polygiratus Issel, 1865, B. subcylindricus (Linnaeus, 1767) and B. doriae Issel, 1865, do not belong to the Enidae; these are Zootecus insularis (Ehrenberg, 1831), Cochlicopa lubrica (O.F. Müller, 1774) and Pupoides coenopictus (T. Hutton, 1834), respectively. MATERIAL AND METHODS Iran is a mountainous land: over 50% is covered by moun- For the collections the following abbreviations are used: tains, which mostly run parallel to its international borders. The Alborz range runs in a slight crescent from west to east ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and the Zagros range runs from northwest to southeast. In the FMNH Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago northwest, both ranges intersect in the Caucasus, whereas in MHNG Muséum d’Histoire Naturelle de la ville de the east the Alborz extends in the Kopet Dagh and the Zagros Genève, coll. Bourguignat merges into the Makran range. The Alborz and the Zagros MNHN Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris encloses the area constituting Iran’s central plateau. The total MZL Musée Zoologique, Lausanne land area is approximately 1,640,000 square kilometres. Iran NHMB Naturhistorisches Museum Basel is at the junction of different faunal regions (the Palaearctic, NHMUK Natural History Musem, London Oriental and Ethiopian), and at the junction of four different NMBE Naturhistorisches Museum der Burgergemeinde phyto-geographic regions (the Irano-Turanian, Euro-Siberian, Bern Saharo-Arabian and Sudanian). The diversity in geography NMG Naturhistoriska Museet, Göteborg has resulted in high endemism levels in terms of both flora NMW Naturhistorisches Museum Wien and fauna. Here we describe 43 (sub)species of the land snail NMWales National Museum of Wales, Cardiff family Enidae, 17 of them being new to science. RBA R.A. Bank, Hoogezand VITA MALACOLOGICA 14: 2 Bank, R.A. & Neubert, E. – Enidae from Iran Fig. 2. Nomenclature of (A) the apertural dentition in Enidae and (B) the shell measurements. — 1 = suturalis; 2 = suprapalatalis; 3 = palatalis superior; 4 = infrapalatalis; 5 = basalis; 6 = columellaris; 7 = columellar ledge; 8 = parietalis; 9 = spiralis; 10 = subangularis. H = shell height; LWH = last whorl height; MH = mouth height; LWD = last whorl diameter (without mouth); LWM = last whorl diameter with mouth; MD = mouth diameter. VITA MALACOLOGICA 14: 3 Bank, R.A. & Neubert, E. – Enidae from Iran RBINS
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