1,,, ( ,, , ,, ) () t, '''1 '"',,, I I JI 11 I '•Ii, I 2 www.leedsstudenr.org.uk Frida,. December 3. 2004 Leeds Student

PM \\~I~ gnllcd wt:ck m "et!k I he John Major bl1mb,hell ,trnnurc. Bui even su. "hat­ out lH'cr lr.t\j, hcaltht:arc m1tl 1, 1h~ m1hl recent e,.unplc ever he hmJ. 11 \\';I'> cnoush to Leeds Student 1hc rc,t. dim D11vc no tlouht \\. hen f.d\\ ina Curm: stunned cn\narc his sccrctar) 111 tho hijtl h,, mim.J (H1 other 1h111g,. th~· 11:lll(HI IJ) rCVl!Ulmg lh.:tl ... he: time. ·· J can·, helll.',·e m) lucl..."' he anrJ 1hc cx:·PM h.td heen TI1erc i.., a les:.on 10 bt: fouml mu,1 have hecn LhinJ...ing. "l ind,.llring 111 a b11 ol e,tn, nmith.l 1hi.., 1,wf111y. pul&atmg ff) m~ffirn@rn m;)rtlnl h1>'' ·~·) our· fo!hl"r. h1,tur~ \I f bm:kdnor pol 111cal ma l:i.Ln't bclic;:\'C I \C bcc11 so hlnoth lud,." people \.'.ere undcr.. rnnd.ihl) affair,. fhat i,, ii .)OU want lo News It ;1~crn:. ihnl power rc:111) ii'.> golNnm.:\...cd gel liml. !!Cl inll1 poh_11c't. h1rgc1 the g11:otlC'II aph11lh for l: uro-z.one testing St:t:rclITT) 's 11m.:omprom1.,ing /(l C\er 1s ~uilt) of hl·ing Ir.:,., nh::mher,,hip ~hou ld snlfice. method? pnlitit..·,11 apc11ll.i. Perhaps hl' th:10 a rt1!1H h1,11011rnble 01 cnnr,c-, tho,e 'iludem.., irh his perpeiunll) n:asnr1crl thal Kimhcrl, \\nllh..l ,g¢nlleman. ti j., harJ 1101 u, lccl scekini; pollli1,;JI goals III the bdulidh:tl dcmt:Uthmr lost> in1~n::-.1 ,I "he th0u£h1 hl' dcpre,sed. L'n1un do"'" with tb.L· nnbles1 or Special report W;tml fr.. u11u:.1lly cl.irtn,!l' \Hls fl!llinp ,ofl nn c·rimc. Bui tha1', n111hin~ compared i111cntit111'1. bu1 nu Joubt 1hij altr,h.:hun \,f 1he mcga-'le\ pages4-6 C)c,, hi,; Dave Blunl...cu ,t:cm, h', a 1rioniph ll"IT l11gic:1I tn the <.urgi: ol llllt'r J1~hel1c.•r a.1. bl!mu,t:. lll:lll(ll,."IIHIO~. pt1\l'C( hungr) "hich ,u.:comp1111ictl req:lalinn<. ,ippettl whkh rcsu lrs fmm high 1Jrnt thh tmlra8couo;I) htr..;utl' pnlu:y cquah. 1m1I "rthoul juf) th;.tt R1,bin l 'nu~ lmd hl"cn Mfm,: j., an ;1Jtlcd aurncriun After the big Coke debate we 11111hornarian m;1n;1gcd w main e4uals a guaramcc H\1\\1.:\er. that is11 ' 1 lo sa)' tain a 1hrcc·\c;1r Jalluuu:c \\llh And J1rt) l)a\.i: \"il'- 11111 hcm8 unkmJ (\1 ,a) th,11 1h:t1 11ur t.' ll!<:h!{I rep., n:l1u1rc examine the ethics of other 1he pubhshc; or the "i 1>cc1atur h c.:crtajnl} 11,1 0,1lh! fcu1 f'hc 111\l\lf) nl Bnt1':lh rn>ht!t..·<; 1'> nomical ma<.1~rp1~c1.•. II ht· \\ a, the \\ lwlc. ::i ,pcctauularl) No ,wnJer he nlwm!> i11t.)l..t"d prn,lli\lel) chud-full \\ 11h 1ulc, a W\\rJ... ot art he'd nws1 l1kd1r auracu vc b1111ch. anJ "c can l\l;' 1;1\ c.:hirp; Jurin!!~ Prime ol !<>ahh:1ulh liur,on~ ;imJ ,;ecd) tic a Pollot:k J bit u mess, \11th pruuJ thou our Union bmhl'I Sport Mini,ter·!> Qut::.tioni.. A ... the 11oi11g:- on absolu1dy m1 sem,c ol fom1 or wch a heau11ful \l'ia!l,1!' Uni hockey boys thrash Manchester page22 Extra: Index Fallujah witness speaks out pages 14-15

At work with Noam Chomsky - an exclusive interview

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EJ)fT'C)R Karl Mansr1t!ld PROOUCTION MANAGER PC:tl!f Evans AOYERllS>NC ASSIS™'T Sdrah Powell AD\IERTISil'IC DESKoN Lucy Stephens DEPUT'( EDITOR Tom Phillips JUICE EDITOR Stephen Abbott NE'N$. All Beach. Jes SaJlef, Ben Schofield FEAnJffES Ctins GcxJrfay POLITICS N.russha HuJ1ey and Garet.11 Huntley PHOTOORAPHY Annie Moss. Rufus Hall Karen Lederer anel Louise Dunn mt£ Louise Bartlett SPORT Allen Coopt.,r aid Joanna L.eSt.er ARTS Thf,m15 Bakas BOOKS Ktrsty Bennett H8'jley 8rodd and Kat,e Jenkms ewes Nie Baird and Nick Jol"M!S MUSIC Tom Gooctt,anc:I and Bob Heoaerson ¥UU)INCI OUT Malcolm Webb TUEV1S10N John Holmes, Zofia Niemtus and Kelly OalWOOd 1.0WDOWN Nell Frtzzell UNLUCKY tenants were 1hc morning. afo:r wt11er from a ,1rtcr th !.! lirsl tire and \>,,e didn"t left "ith their fingers burnl By PETE NEWLANDS \.hower lcak.cd lhrouth 10 h;nc a ~C} "l' I haJ 10 jump out ot after suffering two house CJICl)O!>l!d cleclnc:.il circu!lt)'. the window·· fires in just six weeks. Brigade tift~r hcing alcncd l"I) The.: fi re hud cngulfod the side ally-Ann lf~ron, of Cemr:11 Tht: {><.Id '>crie!<> ol events smoke alamu. lloor of the h\)Usc. wluch the Propertid:. which l!o responsible beg;.m i11 Augm,t. whe.11 their When firo crews armed at the lenanL\ u.s.cd lv cu ter and C.\ll , for the houhc on 40 Grove Lane, hoilt!r nccdcd repairmg. While lmu!,c the} broke down the Joor ,md thl;' J...cy:-. for 1he fro nl door l-iead111 pl1!) s:.11d: "'Our 1en11n1s· w,mg h1 ., hlowrorch to (L'\ the and quickly dousci.J 1hc inferno. were oul or reach in 1he kuchen. safe1y i.>; nur pnont). I helped he::i tcr under Lhc .sta iN . tho At the same tUnc lhc} T\:1111111 Steve Sto~es. a philos· 1hcm move into Lempornry plumber ucc1de11tully set the damaged some Wtring which uphy fin~hs1 ;11 the llni,cn.11) ur housing bc<.·uusc they were basi· slllircase on fire. would later cause 3 second bl,11.c. Leeds ~;ml: "'We all had lo ge1nut cnlly homeless." Nohody was home ai the umc Fire number two started tt t o_r lx!tJ at llllle 111 the morning rhe s1uden1,;: arc due to mo,.,e su neighbours called the Fire nppro,imalcl} mne ~l'dock in ·1hey had rcplnccd the frcm1 doc.,; b..ick. in I.his weekend. Leeds Student Frtdav. December 3, 2004 www.1eedss111dentoni.u11 3

\ IIRE"I T01' actin~ but lor tr.unmt ~not.I uLl(ll" tumr:d olll to ~ J11hnm i:ru.d ha~ cclcbmted hie; ·· I he n1:w cour.c: I.it Vau!!han in Jr.I!!'. after u p11;1 111:hci.e )Ot1.\t· l101~ 1111 In fir,;;-t ford) inlo dr.t· 1.ccu~1 \\.i\l )lt'IJlhlL"C flKld nl the Lid1.•r n me. Cid uu1. And I Jlhl !>.t) ma pla) in J? u <.coundnl drum:1mrg,. hm tbcn:·,. •· k~tnll) Vnu!=IUUl \ \ Cr) ·ol,.,· .111il",Ukou1 enough of tho-.c. ulreaJ) fuml) he ,;,;ml I n.·numkd in kid', tele's B)·kcr L\) kcr JU."I fim hcd ha, lfa:.) 're tak1111; :t\hl) 1!11.: him of 11 hln~l· he\\ iL' lllJ1'\.'' ~uy In the- -.cric:s. C'nnor ,tar1 on .1 panto rv .'\U, ltc.1lc 1.he fomil; ,1 h.:1 ·1 c.ui"I 1hc "url Jnd ..1J}prc1.:iah: • Breuor, H ,\ti.111.:u1m:, up.' 1994.1997 a// College

• Pantorr,i Years tne for last s

; In ildven ~· It Johnny Vau;~.~erry Ha//

• Conor ;,, Bylc • er Grove Starr-;,.9in' ICenda/ C °Aladdin' · B . "mbria f In ro,n Dec

Abbey dash raises cash 4,000 CO\ll'ETITORS d1811 I\\O ,1ruggllng 10 acclinm11,c lo thr.: \ lmver.-1h nl l.ec1.h. tini,hcJ be meeting. him. II\ like meeting 8ra).1linu foutb,111 shirh lor a Y(.)rhh,rc's "·ea1her from h11; 1~nth. Hl" !oaid:~ .. , "a, rc:111) ,urpri'-00 Ronaldo rn IWCOI) )C.tr\." ch;ml) mfflc :tnd presented lum na11\'C Sao Paulo. "11h Ill) time. I did thb e"ent 1,,t, The skipper felt the \'is11 wru. a with one of their O" n purple loot­ ~ car~ ogo und I "11., 1\1 o mum1c:i. F1gh11ng olf the cold. he said greal cred11 tu Leed, ball 'ilurt•-,. "I'm \Cf) happy 10 be here 1n qwckcr tl11, ) cur.'" Mttropohltln. and the I he r.ilOe for the ,,gned ) cl Leeds upan from the cold Wal\h thanll.ed 1luhC "ho 1.·ht:t..'ttd l1111versity', Director of Sporl, lo" ,h,rt°' will tnkc place ,11 the "J "m vtr) honourcd to receive tum oo He s.1K.I. ··Lot, or lllt'mhcr. uf M:ilcolm Bro\lln, ugreed Mel during th t.: ru11 up to u degree- " 1he c.::~ rountry dub c.une ulun!! and " II ',; a fanu1.stic and for1una 1e Chri:,111rn,. The proceed-,. 1\ di J,10 After 1he cert mOn) . he mc1 .,upponcd me:. I ,.1m ,.cry uppn:ua1r, c opportunity for u<, . l~specmll y for to a cht1rity of the 1\•11111cr ', c1glu of the Mel·s foo1h.1llc~ on 01 lhal." a Umvcr,11 ) "nh :, !:rcat tradition choice 1heir milroturf pilchc.s. who \\.ere 111 ,port~·· said Bro" n The dtt.,h r.u'>t:d un c,tmt.alcd £J:'"i.CK)() fur I ldp the A!'OO 4 www.1eedsstudent.oro.u11 Fridav. December 3, 2004 Leeds Student THIS!' '

By BECKY BARNICOAT, HARRIET inappmpri.ite m upper lc:,d:· ~l)'!> \tt!h·n Fn:nc.:h. a trul part C1f ,1 module, ) uu nl'eClling ,1udems In soml' dcparunl.!nts .ii tlk." Met. student, c:.u1 u~I-. "E.xnm5. :m.:n't fw1damentaJly Oalh'cd. bul !he~ ever to have gone lhmugh 11,c l'..'Culiar circumstances.·· for a mocting "ith their tutor t(l discuss 1he c..,mn~. ~.houldn't be the only wca1x•11 in ~our armoury ·· tern. '"End of h:nn 1..·xo.un, .ire vcl'} much ·on the. d.t) · C1yiill c.,pl:uns: "It 1s hnnler to gi,c fecdhai.;k. .;,n Aficr SAT°', mock am.I real GCShs, AS-t.e,els uml tlcpcnJ on the m'II! qoo!ltion ) ou ::mw,cr," Cl1ri~ e,;am.,, hul in tht= School of('uJtuml ~ludl~ we offer COUNSEWNG and 1hc11 A2-leveb. all before silting their modular ls.herv.ood. 21. who st11di~ Gc-nnan. said. -11\ luck ll tutorial IC:Cdhuc.:k 1hcmarkcr\1,.ill write a c.:1,mment exam..... the dass of 200.5 hnvc been put 11110 1hc c,am ufthi:.dr..t\\ 111~}' don·, gi\e ff ,rue rep~ntation." shr..'tlt tmd ii wUJ be {!J\CO to the pcNm:il u11or. \\hO Each Janua.l) anti Ma} ~tuck:nt support ser'\.~ ring on more tX."dl$iOlis than fin} ot their preclt:L~­ But n!!,?ubjcc.1., a m L1lll meet und d~" it" l'Xpericncc a mass1\·e pea~ 1n demnnd. Although sor;.. 8cmg marchl.'tl 111tu lht: •L~'tmt!nt hall ~mt:..., rKX gel uwny fmm u... in~ 1.'\am.., 10 ~ studcob. A::. ModulC\ at i.:,·cl) unJc.rgr.u.tu.i1c lc\t'I con· sll\:~ lit lhc.'Se tunt::. isn't sold}' to do w11h ~~runs. tcr aflcr M!mtstcr 1ht!re b little time tu 1:11..c ;,1 stqi Director for Undergraduate ,tudie<: io Mmh.-. ul lcL-t!.!11 l im Ahm Slornwn explains. -.cicncc ,ubJt.'l'IS fi nd ,'liSCli' ' lens r,I tholNlllcb ()f '.\lUdC.ltb ll~S U.•t.'Cb ""ill thal c,am, an: the only way io 1..'Cnain '!kilb. sit oxa.nl!. in JW1U.1f). llicse will dctemunc u large Slomson &uJ: "In maih.i;, UTu.liuonal exmn!I RI\.' IKl'f>tM'llotl uf II studt!nb;' moduk· gr.tdL-s. Bui ucconl the l>cs1 w:1) 10 ;l\~\ stut.lcnts, ing io a poll conducted b) Leeds SwJcnt, 11 1s unlike­ .. ,ryou want 11> to kno\\ how 11 ,;;n1de.ru t.'<>r>,..~ with wa.-, luck) \\hen I ""sat ly thm they will get rf)..'(Jllack on hO\\ lhc; per­ n cakulu., probkrn. }OU ha,·!.!' to -..,t them down 111 ru se:;..,mcnt is ,\cightcd. to let lnadcquut:c staff offict hour.; school I bnd a good ,lmrt formed. illel'C 1& aJS() no mechanism 10 !;Um()mt! problt.'ms." studcnl'i 1>laJ to their Strcnj!ths. - some staff' have just one tcnn mentor) und l'fJuld 11,e \)"St.em also le.ls .)Ou marks 1f a student lmd a bwJ day in one panicular I hour~• ~eek and ,ou haH• lo e,.am. NO FEEOBACK jtL~ nhad out what the cx111n­ c;;lacl.. off too much in }·our first mllkean appoinmtent-are Academics are complaimng about the sysltrn incn, "anted to hear. 1wo years and so \\hen it gets Cntl) and mean you can hlltd· Bui ir)'ou haven't ~ot lJ1at also. Tiley soy tht:y"re bt!ing pu~ht:d towartb usin£ Rcb'M.l.lC.'-" (1f what type of :.lJbJcct the) du. 70 per to le, cl three. students. ore ly build a rclaUonship \ti1h kind of mind you're !'.lidelined exams agmn!>l lht:ir will. 111c flt1W!> in 1he !>)i.t~m to cenl or slLKlenLs won't w,k for tht'.'irc,mn f.il.:npls hock toltllJy unpn.!pared.. ·n11s means vour tutors. for1!)Cr Lhan the usual sludcnt gripe:. abou1 e:\am:.. afler Janwtl)'. Rt..'<;ponding to our 1-urvcy, 1nos1 s1u­ by u dogrn.'ltic system .. third Jl>fin. can get bogged · Unrortunatclv. exam .., arr dc11L, didn 't km>'-" if it wa... C\'Cll pos.1,iblc to gel their At uni, not enough ,H.. ighl i~ do" n "ith ull lhe s~ just about jumping thn)Ugb UNREUABIUTY e),am work back. I:,ven academic<; art' 1.."0nfu~ ~hen to other ty~ ,,r ~ 10 combat thl', the Uni hoops. Rut Ir you find )0t1'~ abou1 the syNtcm. ment such ru. cl~ presenta­ need, to make levels: one and struggling. )OU can make un tions - and mnybc depart­ '11,e opponumty for smdenb lO simply k;1m " I nle:ln. what h 1M purpose 01 mruimg?" !>ll)'s two more challenging while appoinuncnt with me 10 get mcnb Mlould think nhout ler­ other j10Elple\ ide'.b and regurg11a1e them m ex.ain'i ,s Jcrcm)' Toner. a IL-'C'turer in &.'OO(')!nic;s tU lhe lnM1tute al.;o Improving its metlmd.', of some advice, or "ilh a uni ting students chuo:,e ho" a serious concern, and that's why r thml.. the) an: lor 1 r.mspon S1ud1~. ··when: cour-.eworl.. is u Q!ll· i;,·inJ? fttdb:tck {Ind support. courrscllor 10 lll1k things on~r. Leeds Student frldall, December 3, 2004 wwwJeedsstudem.org.uk 5

From despair to where? • An Informal blog)"aphy of exam scripts

Mam miles awu\. in darh ;md distant lund~. fmailll) O\\ncd b) ' lnten1;.1tional Paper J .Id) Ii\\ U) e,ll'n~ ~he fore,c;tr Idling. luph: lo~ arc ,h1p1~-d ai..l\.,..,_, 1ho..• ,wrlJ anti lumc-J 11lhl pulp. \ rnrnp,m~ o....ilk"'l.1 \r)n \\ 1pgrrb con\c n1cnth- lna111."tJ 10 l r.uic.:t!' lhcn tr.111 .. form, the p;1lp Hill\ (.'fl,j{('d Jl;ljll'f, \\ h1Lh L"' Ul !Um \Old 111 I.Jlllk.'"'t Pnnt Ill Not1111l'h;u11 lncn.'01hh:~ i,;11'1 ir! - Ltnll\.') '..; k·a.nr. \1! 1"K1p;r w11,;1rJ~ then pn,c,:.,_'\:d \() <.1"C..11l· i:,,,m ..cnph. \\ hirh an: "old 111 bull.. lo I.hi.· l 'nt\L'f'm'm p1.1,,ct 1,tkc 11 h.: LI.. hi lhi;tr l..u.l•lf) ,111d pulp i1 '11, th1;:11 rt:l(1mwJ. 1 ail)1h1n 11 ln,m m,1r1: J)a~·r tu L,mlhoaid roll, t, ,,uKhnc \\Ul1l ,1mml\l lnt..',orl) cml ,1J Li.'l\l-, Mi.:1 c,.un '>("nph 1, \(""'" h:.u mon: Jub111u, A.t.:um.lmr It) punerini: coonfm,llnr 80.m n,,hnn, 1hc Mr1's l'Onhdcntial \\;1.,1c 1:-, n.-mo\,t'CI b, ,1 (."'C1m1xm) "ho then 1ram,fon11 it into thl!l':'ird hoilrd undcr.kk of !lout mH11111g.. threshold ·· Mm1y of U.'> lhmc (111 ,ire..... ,. but bcmg un,k-:r mclre mcniul llt!nlth problcnh \\ llh lhl' lit.:\\ 1ypc~ of So nc~t timl! you knt11,;k )Ollf ,ta!!nant Accordmg tu Dr Rob \\.allcr, a lct:iurcr 111 con,tant ,uc,;, mer a Ion~ p!nOll of tune ~na w!<. 3\\11)' ',IUs)'ch1alf}, a fa\.OUmhlc mi'( uf C\am\ mll.l mur.e\\Orl. JI )'OUf f\.."\OUrce-.. lhctl tlt:p~,IOll C.10 rw.:c..·ur." \\'<1lll!r " IliaI\ nnl ,~1 '1J} th1.') · re not t11td agui1). nxlfllCnt., pc-11111, \\,h11..:h m•t) \\ell mhL~ 1hc ,cl) hbr1."'i of GiJ'J>eL, "ht.l don'f t.,ll 10 t:ath ocher. m,1) dt.'C1tle- ll1cy're s?1.unr WIDENING PARTICIPATION " ·rnttem ~l'\-K~ are hcmg uc;i..-d more ,mix we ac.:niv, 1...ax.1.... Ah \\di, roll on J.lllliill). 10 hm c ,L,~...,._~h m thi: ...amc lime. It mitht be bt:llc!r ,111ne1.J \\1dcnm~ p.U1JCIJl-111on. but till', mne.J..-.c I<; 10 ,pn.-ad a..._~,,mcnt nut mer a whole: (:UU~ l)r Waller wa., p.U'lu.:ulurl) m m;cmL'\J about Lhc dP,prnpon1onu1c 10 1hc Uk.:f"'l';.t.l:1) the, 're hcmt tlrive11 a11e1 Un1 or workml? ,.:la.,, tn'kgroumh ;ind m.mure , tuJc.nh, he into ,cnmg C'GUTI't tltx.'.au...e the!)' dt)n'l h,t\C the 11n11! 10 Sluclent. ~'t1t~~~~·~f ~::~i::~ fOl"\\ on • o., Yoe, thlr,k e •;omc ,10t.lcnb. C\l'Cpl \\ twn )t.lU rer!kmber )Oll°rt more likd) M t?tl 11:, 10 mm. .: tO\l.llfd, e,wu,. Not fn'fn ;Ul}Wtc 'IJt-Cifi­ ""-•• to,,,,"""'• are ll>e La.l.l) oJJ of u, in 1hc plnl~ph) C", ltM: ca-.c 1,11 c,;;tnh tx_..c:urnc, more appcalm~ . 32.2 - - DI PhilOSOPhV, Leeds Uni .... llJC"rc\ JdinUcl) a n,k 1ha1 ,t.'> m,>rc ,uw.J more Ila• Do Yoe, IIJ/'11( - pc;iplc t·omc 11110 IU!!het' ec.lu,.a1ion, the quaht) ot tte, ff YOC.r ~ _,..,,,, xums nrc a mad ,,ay or enough lime to 11 c.,;cssme111. oral e~a:unination bn' t fair to :t.~"'-..,'>tnen1 1s ,ulforing.·· a."'t.-.....Jng studcn~. Dul nowaday~. ,vhen )OU the ~b) c. n SO and 60 traditional exam... nnm'I rair to E111cre ·, dcfinitcl.) a rkk NECESSARY EVIL No: cent that :l, more und more people !<.ludent\, it\ impossible. llu~ "ho aren't p'i)Cholo~i­ ss.s::: C'omc intu higher educulion. Lecturers nre loo bus), and w cnll.) al their IX.>sl in lhal '!li lua­ ll1cre ure more l,;reJfJ\.C anti mclu,1w wa), of • Do.,,...,_,.,... - the c1ualil.) or ~'imenl is it'li H~r) eQS) to 'ilip inlo tion. ilV•,1,,..._:...111~ ,lhihl) ,md knO\\ktlft!' CJa." p1~.:111;111"ns. Yes: 29 l°"' Ser/PC,, bacl( Mntightrornard melhod-. or Also, the OJ> portunil) for fidd \.\11rk and 11ucn1c,\ ,1)11! ora1 c,am, l\;l\e all surrerinJ!. l'lo:101· -- ? I "ant mon- people t.o be a.'l.!tCS.'tmcnL There arc .so many undel"):radualc.\ lo 'ii mplJ been pn1pc"l',l'(), hu1 Freoch ~):. C\ ·n 1hough the ablt to go to unhersil). but prcssun.."'t on m, to mo, e learn other people'!t. idim, and ma.1ont.) d1~grec....., ,, l\h 111(.m. c,aim .ire here 10 :...Ul) Ooas ·-- ho" 1:1~ \\e ,u11J>()Sed lo IO\\ltrds uams. regurgitate them in l'\.am, is u "I thmk c,omb an: a l)C(.."{...°"><11) evil """-<:ontt,,,,,,, --- manage thut qunnlily or l \\Ou1d ravour mort! seriou!\ conL-em. B) lc\el three, "Per~onally l'w :.th\ a.)s Jelt th;u e,am:,, 11.0! 111)1 lhc -· Sl>eas-::-._.,._tt,,.,-ort ..._ Yoe, studcub'! creative menns or examlnullon. studen~ !t.hould be de, clo1>ing l"IC<,I \\:t)' 10 'tC(" if '>0111~-00l'\ kamt ltt1rn a l't)ur;c. Yes: S3.9 ? ..,.,,, like mnrked presenb\tiorL, in When ,ou tu1d onl) 12 or ~o their O't' n in.'iiRhLi;, ,n course· 13ut 1s~uc .. ol plag1nn.\m. umi: mid \\urkloa

• C'lwrlic f'4.•;1ch. a fi~t Jtar r By HARRIET ( ·cm,ll'm,'tittD :\lana~cmcnl ~XANDER-0~ ,1udcnt :.1l 1.A'l'Ch \lctrnpulium ( nhcr\il), talk., about hie., per· yc1 ,111{1\h'-'r c1u..ibfu.:at1uu Jim ii \\ii, ,onal tnmmu nith r,unt,. 11nl\· "1th 1hc i..\:rt..un i..:,,d til ,:ontu.km:c I J11n·1 111,,c c\,1111"-. no Clllt..' Jo...... thai I had a1,:(1um.:d h) t.lkll\~ th,:, !!••P ) ,m: a lrn:d .111J tt....,k.'\I turm 11! ~1.:~r ... I ,\11., 1111~n.:,1t.. 'tl III i:11mg 111111 lhi! h:,tint,:, hul 1lie, dd1mtcl~ Unn·1 \\~iii. hnlL,10~ ind1L,IT) I J1dn"1 kw•k ,ll lhc 1nre,cnOl'lc l!\iUI\ {ti t:llUJ'C\\Orl, r.!1111 111\tll\cJ IO l>plC\il ttk.lc!lh. 111..c rne. -.houlJ 1he ~our;c. I 1u,1 i.k.'1:!lkd hi lu..;~ m~ ~l 11111n..• Lnu,-.....:,,11tl lx-c,111-.c th.!n '"-' li:'ar.anJ ,.:orn1.: t .nnpcra1e.1r1,ur1,,,npal'c r.ilhcrihun Hui 1hc n,ml, 1'Ull lS.1 \\nn, 1(1 the h.:rnl\111 c111iJ111011, th.al C-\,tm me. 1 c;1n l !.h,1k.t:' 1ha1 h.-cl111:; ,,j pu ...-...1.:rn It .iii J1.:p,-..·nd, ,,n ht\\\ }•lll l:l')~ t.uhnt: .. nu, .)c.:.lr I H: i:U( I\\U v. 1th jlC\.~'lil\:. I 1.ton ·11.'0J~ h.~ \\di IPI .. ,,1 thre~· l10ur ·\,un, \\ 11h I Jislcm lhctr \'Ufit.·cm 11fl lht.-11" thl,'.,'I \\dlari..· Ollu.:t""r Yid, writes Jack Sharples. lenv~ <,tudcnbi MII OLOGISTS ,,;._~'ti. l..,,l\el">\!~J apn:cd lh.il t\.mi1 Fkc,10,c of 1hc tic-man DNBSET buh1h.·d und ~·under \\ Oni~ L'/111 fc..l\'(' ~!Udi.'tlh plo1c:c:J on siucl(nb h} lh imnttm'ie ml•nt.11 prc.,­ kdan 1..ol,t1cd unJ ;llonc l"ll.11111 :-.,,1c m, man\- .u !liiure'' an~:ordinl! to J.-1;,..:,....t."L-J l"lllll'N'd lhi..• inuca... in£1) "111mg to ·,um 1 "!l udcnt .;u pport \Cn ic,.-s. 1111c:n,;c flll!ntal prr: .,urc ;il1crmum: themptc.., in pur,111 N1ch1lmc l ('I nnli1t.Ut1r heapt:'t.! upon ,tuJcnh, 1.·,Jliui or un e,1,1cr und calmc R,..,h.tn 1'11h.·<"a anJ l .eeJ .. the .,,11rat1un ··Lmhc:.Uth} •• appro:tl'.h 1(1 Ilk and l'\atll) TWISTED I nl\CNh I niurt'!> Wd!,U'c.' ·Panitul,uh .u thr; um. Th~ \\Cb:,,1h: \\W\\ hnh~ Ol!ic.:,·t \,d,) I 1,cr-.et.<>tl \Cf'lt\ 11 \t.'t"11l, th:.11 k·,1m111g t1cmcd .. l·nm rtcommi:n .,~n..'t.-d c,.un, 1"H~ ~IUdt..'fJL, '"et) much c:rmred on the )1,1,:;1 1111:"Jita1i11n 1,11-dn a 11nd,.:1 t=r •1J ,lies, Md u,Jk,J irkln 1Jual luum~r P1.•uplL· in.• h1venCT!,'CIIL""' da"e~ nhcrap~ th.st ~1UOC11l lll!C11 di itlone cno ,urn•~J ll.l ,1111.h in :in i..,u- hn c11rnh111111!= the hr'id) a ( .1lh tu '\1~hthni.: IUJl\'II 1.n ...-d ,, a~ \\ 1th ks~ cmpha~,, lhl' m1nJ1 ,1 \\a,s 11! n:i!ularl) INDIVIDUAl ITT.£ "i('n Kc ~.,~ dnun:111~lh on fTUt1p ",,rl.. "h1l"h pb\'.c~ c11mba11ng ,in:..;~ and 11·m1on m fanu,11~ anJ \.1,1), whcit n.•aJ fll'C!'i..,IIR."OO!hc­ ll Jh,o rt:"c.:ommcnJ'> tll B2B lm~. bcu1t1'>\: ... 1udi.:n~ nla\ P,:d11..111> ,11 I .a,xl., I m. Dr pracli\111~ thc,e mclh~itl~ il1t' LOIY INK nol f\.-'l:I ahk to dist:u.,_, their Rnh Waller. \aiJ wh<.·n 11 1cgular h.'al:ht'-r-led chL"t), \\11rnc., ,, 1th olhl'r soun.·<.·, uf rnmc, ll' cxuni ,1rc,,, staying allhough more.' immciJullt ,uppo11 t.1!111 nu;:.m, m,u111.11111n~ t1 1n::umen1'i rnclude a holi~11r RUCKSPIN ··Jt\ c.L,} h.> think thm. :,, halan1.'I! lich, l'\.'11 lhl' :.11noun1 rt'lft.'<11. a holida) 11r a l'Wf)Ollf..' d"t.' IS f('IIO!? of v.ork you t.ike nn, and rna,,a!!t:. thn.m~h Ille ~11e Ihm~. their \\ hat }OU C.:•lll l:(l{)C \\ id1. Simpler theraptt''> recnm 11,,11 \\t1mc,.1n:11·1 import;.1n1 \VJllcr ...:ml ·•11\ IJ!,,.c a mendL"d ,ire 11.l "':ilk. \H)ll. and Slulkm, 111,,, h.-'t'I 1h,11 tJ1c, MC'SFOIY ~C·"'-1\\ \fn.·" happen,." hc11 l~at ill ,1 rda,c:d p.1ce. to rocu~ h.;nc to ,1.111{pare them-.chc-, . ,~wnJ )CJI JUNIOR RED / GUSTO / JllA tncnc.J.. ~"t;i1tL"-'l"\t.'l"\11Cl\· hln P") 1..'hnlu~) s1uJcn_1. "hn the lllk" hp;.1L • 1 • Where lo get help prac11cc, ) uua . .,,ml.· ·\i~ '" '/\1thll111c t!". R.".ilh ,.l!u a ~re.ii wa~ ~,o unv,mJ at1er ~ ahlc hccm1....: II '" ... 1.iitr:J h, Nlghllina: 0113 380 •.trc,,ful il\, I v.nulJ rt('Offi ,m,kna.. v. ho c.in '"·mp:.uh1.:­ 1381 mend n tu .iin·une." " 1th lhr:11 \\OmL-... ,md Leeds Met mental health f· n~fl,h .. 1uden1 AJ:I) pru\ 1Uc flt.'t'I ~11ppo11. \\ h1d1 support: OU3 283 3115 t-.:1d,u11h1. llJ. \\ii" nh,~ -.cr;r- ,.., nol ncc:c,'l.lJ 11) 11~ c..·N.: 11rnl Ht· sa1t!: .. ~li:Jilatltlll "' i1h 1'M.hcr cu11n-.clt1nt !'-Cr· www.helpzone.leedsmet nm~ w11rl dt:_~nJmg.fln "t; , 1t.c-, like the: !-M111.tnl,u1~ .ac.uk 111~nlltl ,1 .1 1c 1, aduc.,ed n l'li!L'c.·a ;1,lllcd N1i;htlmc: me. I llud hcrhal IC,I and .:t n1.I\ Nl1"S lffltJUL'IUI) dt•,1Jt \\ ilh wwwJeeds.ae.uk/ahead h1k<.· n~k llll'tt:. effL-'C'U\JC ,iuJcni.. nhm,c: t.1mit} 411ealth www.leedsstudentorv.uk 1 HAIR DYE HORROR

A l"lt'-,:Al.lST l\ n'\.u\lt.'nng Jhcr ,uflcnn~ ,J ,<..,,.ere l\.:a((1on tu a halt ptti1 In <, ha ke-up !\' LS pol­ i\nrect'­ Cut1nl'1l Vice chu1rpl:r... on. !.:ml tcd ru ho,p11nl ,11tcr ,1 Ciam1er dcntcd badd:1s h. ,tudcnt 11111011s rm11u11.l 1hc coun "II ,_.. hiehl, 111..~lv the NUS h•ur d)l" lnl!rcn.-J ,ui .umph) · I ccdi. t1111vcr.,II) l,n1on m -. hm III l1~h 1 or n:ccn1 alk "on·1,,c1·on·our "' i~lu: ... ·• l,1t.'tic re:..Klmn on her -.c.tlp. !!;111onc;. lh,tt ('o~:1 ;.1n· mdin..·,tl) l,;llUIH.:d llH!IUdent J1,ct1un1, he -.,ud take founccn 1.;1hlct'> 11 1\r) in I l Jl outh.·t~. m1t cm! lhc l:"c1n 1m1.:h 1hcrc \\ Ill l n1un umnt:d mcmhcr \1i~c: lkpartnw111 '-.iid Alh:r~tr.: NL \\I the \ IS hu~ ini: he a rckrc-nJuni 10 Cfol:1dc upun CJ Cum\11 ,aid ·· 1he NI :s re.Ktin1b ;\~ mrc. ntt·rc .,re 1 t n111 .. urt1Um, ,upplu~, on!) \\ hether 'I houlJ rcm.11n ,hnuld rq>rt:!.l'III ,1 .. mcmhcn. \\::lnUll!!--\ flO ;lll f'l.ild,ll!!e.-; ..;1) · Coca Col,, hr.1111.lcJ drm/.., tn alfilla1cc.J 10 the n.1110nal ,1u


n w ch!1q!c: A.nun.ii nJ.'hb gmufl' are up m .inn~ o,cr !ht- l:.lll thut Bu1.h\1.'i'-(.·r\ p.1n:111 l"C\:1~ and ,houlc\ 11,.11 he lumlr.111,cr ... 1.'pl Ill C.:,l)lll\11) I hc lunc.:lmn "hii..:h \\-J" nrgani-.cd b) M.1rk \\ hal Hud"cl-.er\3): h i,ow-opirHllil th.11 R1101hro, t: our vuc,b. \nmp,1I1) (1 1K I I 1c.:I v,un:1..-.. h1!!h qualn) ··Vu: ret."'('lg mill,.. Imm Br111,.h llmncs rB\ I 1, banni..'d ROB O I LO\ I \i (, ll1'C Ihm ,, 11hm thc b1mpc,111 Union and thcrl"furu ,c-hllolrh1l<.lrl"/I have !here urc 1.kX!, no1 imp.Kl vn l"K milk ...ai1>1,l•l~ In tcumcd up\\ nh rw.1,l i-:ra...1m1r~ hm\ non unimal 11..-...L, CWl be.111u11 \ 1ann1, (iat,ou,. a poratcd imo their -.alcl) n.'t1u1n=nic11b for srA rR'A : lim..11 ,c~1r \1c:L·h,11ro111c" The clUIJ'1?C: Animal welfare gmup-, have (;110... wnc, pmd11c,::L',.· PhD ,·1mh:111 .111d lc.iJmr , 010.."ll c.:onc:cm, 1ha1 f'olgate Pahnoli\c: ffil'nldr ,,11d .. II\ llt:t:11 The chn~ : It & clmmcd that ,uice 1960 01l· charge: S fA trJ,d I!-. .1 ,ub,ic.:11,U") ,,1 conlintk.':'I 10 u~ illlim.al l~llnt: Jor '-!1mc ol n:all) l'\Llllll!,! arn.J lullill - Bncud1 ha.-; co,enl} financed plot\ lO O\c!r­ the s,, 13, h~anc "gi,-mt 1),eihclm J.i.dlcr. a it-. pnll.lucb STARBUCKS 111~ a~ BriUsh l iruon for the motmt Bunn,L_ l"htt y. 11111mg team T he charge: t ·:1mp.upnc:rs daim lhat "'hen promoting the c.JnnJ.. Alxllilion of V1,:i~tion f8UAV) is nn m\llt'O'rCM ~tmong'>I aCIJ"l'>I ... who h1~hllgh1 nm\ tr.n d 10 L~111dnn for ~ldrbuc..·J..!-i n.!fu!-ie~ to ~uamnlL't! lhut prodnc"'_ the app,all,;11= N<.wtl of the <.'(1Ufllf) ·_.. rulmt \\ hat 1hcy sa)': I he orgam,"-1111111 work.in~ to bnnt an cn: ''The truth•'- 1?c.!'k!lit.1.tll ) cn1;i111..-crcd m1:rcdicn1 ... mducl Group .uc hehinc.J a runlJXugn 1f [L'Ompai11t.-..J ru.iH) c.uu.l about ctKhng ing rec..·omhin.Jnl ~o... ,nc Go\\\ th Hormone \\llmt the) ~): Wu1l.cr. h,r the ' Bunna c.:.1Jlt:J Roc.:k Arountl the mumal utfennp. the!)' l'Otdd !!lop ii tuda) b) rr8ST1 lbe honnunc 1, l~mtcd m c,cl') Cnmr~a,_µ11· nuu111or the '-ounll). \11;1rJ.. Conviction Blot;kad~ Thi;:1r \\Ch')IIC onl) u,111g tntrcthi:nb th:!1 h.;1,c al.read~ inc.:lu,ui:i11",C..-d u.1\1011 tx-,,d1:s 1he L' • '" I .1m1ancr. t~ group·, uu11p,ut;n, 11lhc.:cr. ,u~,: ·· in Augm,I IQ99. ht."Cn 1.1CCt."1>11..---'i(W.:ialion ramp;.upn., for \\ 1llcr u...e or IUn! D.a\'llo..knJ< tL<,mg ;1,a1lahfc datuha.-c. mKl non-.umnal ''Mo,.,t Starbt1t:~, nrnlc:i.. .in: ,ull u,mt; 1111\1, on 1h 1\1rcn1 o.m1p.m) hi, 1,~o l·ullc,1cuc:-. in of C'uho and funds the ahemall\CS. !hU\ avo1dm~ 1ht: llt!l"?ht-,,mg M1ltm1 mg fini,hw prodm:1 .... un ;Ul1mt1 ls. 1..cec.b on Hn\tn~ ·D,t) I.L,l Bm inc Gro" Lh I lom1onc \.\hat S IAsn\-: ··-sJA lr,nddtlt.,nulpJ\, ,c,1r wh1(;h has com,mttal ··we alsoco111i nue tu hi:. ,tmn£ advncau...-.. for "'AC \1,ooJd like l.trhw..·k, l1\ put,l11J) ,1a11: moll' m any· "a~. lm\t'I to or through · Hl' ,, a, an\.,1ct..l In a n:~~•tcd atb or terror· .. upporhn!-! ,1hc0111llve le\lJng \\Ith , , ~ lf"!d lhat lhe} \\ 11\ ,1np bu) mg nul~ hum ~'lme, Hunn,1. Cr..itc,h1..'l11.l hntd h\C Ja)" bm again:,1 Cuba." \\ jJc fC!!ulatO() Ugtllt:IL':'i. llri,'1111! lht-m to ll'-lll_g rB~'l. Strtrbuck_.. ,huulc.J also hihd "Fl1ghh 111 Bunn;, ill\.' 11\;.ul;ihlc- lhR.IU!_!h af1cr !ht: ,hooimg their bunk'1.J dnnk., nnd ll:C ..:rc:un prnducb an,- 1r.1\'d ;,1pt.'nl ,m lhl.' ;urlmc: tlobal ch,1n­ What Bacardi suy: 11:mdint duwn .i hie il'i hctn!I rUS 1-Jl\."C. Then: nre nn11>k ~up­ hu11u11 ")'!',lellh. "i IA I r.l\·d dtx."' llt,ll pm­ '11m, 1s 1l{)t a llC\\-" is.,uc '(:nt'"ncc.Judrc Mr J11.,1iu~ pl,cs of rB::iT- lret: nulk a, .uh1hll'" in 1hc l IS. mn1e 111 iln) \.\a). lnl\cl tn \1r thruu_gh for us.·· ut cumpdlu,e pm·c,.." \1o~e~ ,1ml lkihcr '\k, Bunn.t'' ,ho"-ed "nu rt:mor-..c· for hi .. nlmc, 8 www.leedsstudentorg.uk Fridav. December 3, 2004 Leeds Studem

,'l•] [i3 =I•) iii :I~ I I Leeds Student I [email protected] The birth Examine this 4 onk: b1111.1ry, ten-. ill thc111 ... 111d, ul "'t11Jcui,. ..1L1u,, !he t:1t, "11! be ,1111111.! c,:1m!". m IAxb Btu thJ,;, \,eel,,, of Eu rope i, { CJ,.;,l\ litu,hm ruiil!.\i lru: 1ahlc, tin lhl." cx,1m11K.-r.-. pumug ~,.,m, Ill lhl' ,pul I igh1. ~J')Clll,,, tu n1o<;t h:c111n·r... ,1,:1u-.., I .1.-c&,· \aJ11)U.'> cam11u,.._., a11d )ou'II fin(lCVcr Ml dis1 i11 L1 rrom our. th .it \\e are H\\:.1kem:d tu d is1>e l ~fori.:: we can make pmgrcss'.'° I°' i1 fmm thc-ir the t)'~ ol die \If bt'O to fl,Yth'f 1111/i cmrl Imm /mm ow urncl/' ----- mind I<> c:a~ t more rmI! of the future is a fear 111 kmg d1 ~.1ppnin1mc nt 1hu ugh 11110 l1 1ghcr bduonmn ii ,, l'XX'utntn!? mt.:n!:l~m!,!1! d1ffirull Under this grim '.'>O ffic pl acc if )(JU dc..,crihc 11111 such Orwel11an Pn:-. idcnl Au,h\ n:·elcctmn 1~ lur prn­ term.,. ~m ll y the met..l i;i ha:,;. until no,\ , lx.-en rt>r ca"h- ... 1r.ippc..'l ts into the acndcm11.:~ the- resuh. hO\\c,~r mad\ol."nt:r11. i.., th.at s1ud!!nl !. the \\ ,1rltl. 1hct(' m:.i) he wmc: goo1J tlwt ,an r,opular m111J 111 th~ c,rcn,c of a mon: b.11 ,U\' 11()" l>cing ;1cmd) push!!d mtu c,urn!<> clue Ill tinlC' re:-tri1. c.:01111.· it l·or 11.,; Eurone:m~. tht.· Ueor!!c \\, world needs a \\Aris hO!b. l! 1... afli:r all. qutt:l....:r mid c..L,.,icr tn plbh ... tudcnu, en nf ,mrcd ,ic\.\-- of Europe. and ~•II Bu<,h )C,lf", l'1,uld lk· jthl "-hat i'i needed 111 J)UI \\l' llllL',..\\! inln ,I !ent :11tt:11 'ihnosc. lcal.lL'f!'. wlh> h.t,· c the rnumge 10 , tam) 10 111 month. Europe. \\ [Jllll .,f111ut Jnmlh \\hr.!n the \\orhJ n~c~h u" we: commcnmr.ucd Ja,;1 uh up for Lhi, altema11 ,,.c In the UI\ . that 1m:nn~ A11t1 wt•. 1hc ii·oplc!. ha\t.' nt•\cr !ell rn1in: tht: hdp ol Ameri1..an l;utc".:. ,1chii.:,cJ a l11r Fx,.in1s h:m: ,tlwuy.., hccn dcmon1~d. for d1..x)1cli:~ ... 111 J,.,. gc111ng nc.l ol impctl imcnls. like Ton), Blnir as illu~nlnt.•d "nh our f!O,,emmcnl 1h.u1 we lt: 1r.11hforma11un frnm the bat1lc11t:IU 111 dcnh hn\-t: c;ellctl IOr them lo 1k: '.-.1..rapp:d But \\ ith Lhe soon ,1, lhc opponun1l) mi~cs onallmcm 111 t.1111:-,~l~r wtw1hcr "lil'n~\l!II fot fl(I\\ b) t/tc IIJt' ll Ill !)0\\1.'i murr.: pm cmahli: ancl nmrt· dcmo\:rntit: the tl1t·1r,)''>li.:n1 1, "'rnkmi milk· J,c.,1 1nh.:n:~h cir !>11th ..,tafl am.I ... tuclc.:1111-, BUI lur all 1111r pnhtJG.11 d1"i,1011-.. \\1.' .ui: :.!Ult o l rlrc.1m,Jlhl 1wo )'C'ar In 1mlepenllc111 Jrom ~Arn. 11 ,._ ;:a f;M Jl..',chlfl' ln111 0111h1s. l.,ucrnrt11n1t) \\ hich rnuld t:tKh oth..-1 in Ii, ing mi:mt.ir}. urn.I rcp1.·utcdJ: 111 wnhst.ind. and Ille Ji,Jlthahle- n:11ure ol uncle~1lh111lc.: h.1\C' dc1rh111~!nitL·JJu..,1 hrm much \\C 11-:.111) dl1 the pn.•i.:1.•J in !:!, 1.cntun ,\ ln!J chunk 111 our 1111..·01111.· rn;tke.., u.. atrnit.:11\:c pr\.'~ f11r c,:mphmli.:m1 ...... , in thmll h;i\c in lOmmnn \\ 1th c;ldl uthcr mcm}}l.'"r,. "cn..• ho'>llk \Ulcllit~s uf thl.' \m 1..:1 l1l p1111lL t lnil1n ./U'il u gi:1wmuon :tf:!1'. Jemct.l nghr ... ul 111 oaa,,J.iw< m 1111.\ \f/1'11.J1hrtfr ."11111\ i. ~ mu&.11.f.'.fi:L c,prc 1011 and n,niunal sell Jek•nnm.,tmn. foort'f hJ lilt th, 1 di"" chmr 11 '11.!...lu!..111.!J_i:lu, n our •nJh/1 The vision of a huu \\,Crc li1,c, ... 1 tl1t.:lalor,.J11p.., in our r,nrcnf", \\.hil-.1 rt \\nuld be \\fOOJ! fn ,ug,g ...·•,;t that hchinJ e,·cl) ~ 11u1h Ull\l um• \\ .I\. rul~tl b) 11 mil 1lt11") juuu hrnnded product (j1,.-... u litar1) uf 111J11"tic1:. llk:re is nu doub1 post-Bush world in 1\11\\ "e bun an,und 1h1.: t't.1111 illcn1 a:. it it lhul the facd1...,, IMlllrc uf g.lnl:r.1ll~·d l.lw.ie IL·nJ, ll';C(f W \\'Crt.* IHlf O\',:n COlllllr). l ra\ocl ling o, tlom~ n.."tklC\,1h."'-' ;mJ gn.•1.'l.l 2008 is an exciting bu-.111c..,.., \\llh iln cu ... ,.; rlu11 \\1Jt1ld h;1,e bccn Wlk!n ll1..i:1mt-"' M c·o11 ... u1fk.!rt:lh1 ...-.;, 11 L'> c,1..,y lo !;111 ,·u.:tim one for Europe rc~anlcd "11h en,) h)- ouf prt:dt:cc,,or.... AnJ to h:-pocn""t:-,, man) Lll thc)',C whn bemoan lhe C\·il~ i1f t.,1p1 b) work.mg l(•A:c.:thL·r. we h:1h· ,1dm.·,eJ !\O 1al1,rn arc h.1ppy tn IUml tht: ahll-.c, ol <. nlumbum 1.11kc:. traf I mt11.:h I hi: I .l 1 Im, hccn u,111..,rnrm1."tl nun a f1c:kt."r. And }cl 1h;11 i, not l\.1:,ay th:tt we:. ... tkluld no1 he""!)· rhc prohlcm unc.l the w lu111..111 I hcl1cH:, 1.. m;tjo1 ;1ct1>r m glutial tnnh: nL·g11t1.i 11 011", \\C: Uj \h,m(d lf,'{11 tilt 1·iff1w 1 ,1/ u11d1, 1.(, d, dJJit11/h111 ,m,I Anic-r11.·a. fltt• h,1 fr•ur yc.:al' 11111..kr Bu,h hu" nd,·~ll·:1ti.: -.U\"C"t:.,.,lul mullilatcnil p11nnt"r-h1p.., fw1tl~ .iml \\c .ire Li.tpabk hw.1, nl ... hu\\ in~ (1':r.:ttc, \\-1.1! ,c1) p1uw..l 1n !:C:1 a dc~n."C Imm l..i.'t.°U, tlo\\n thC' l111e'l .-\ fl..:'\\ popul.ir ~n.pcc·1i,,.,.- on hU\I the rn:hc ... ul , ut·cc'>, l11111 he '>Jm:atl ,1 lllllc Mei thl'I \\~k. ,111cl ~, he ... hould b..•. R1~hl 110\\ tk'·., t\mcnc.1 1<, likt>I) lt1 I)(! ccnlc:nt~I in ph.1cc- b) mmc-l.11rl} 5 prohabl) reclm~ w1Lh l,1uilucr. \\Oockrm,g hm\ he ~c11 lh.1l llll)t: an;.;tull 011 II. What t.)1(.1 he pt,kc 1)f Leed ... .. \\hat I'> nc ..·<.lt:J '' ,I ffiOl'i',I\C: l'il hu\.'-" unpro- .. 1utknt, II\ mg" itll HI\ Jn\C.,1mcnl \\.e need the h,iMc.:, of TOP AIDS specialisls ha1e good ,i;, cJuLat111n :mJ bc:UL'r .1r.;ce:-.s <,AY pt.'CJ datmg 1111 Lt!t.'CI., for h) snual ht.:llgma Bui Men·~ officer uf lht' ~llt'u"'-1111! nn World A(DS D,1y on H~tecl b) Peaches. queen of l lnivcf"it} of Li;cJ, I c ... bian, G:t), M1,,ion·, Homo 111gh1. thl! organ Wcdne .. dil). the pmfoss1onab all or Bi,c,ual ,111d frn11....,c,u ,1l ~OLll'l), iser; c,f'IC\:letl to mif,(,; Mer £.'i(X}. "hnm work do,cl', \\.·tth the Leed, fohn K. ht£hllghl\.'d 1h..: llilfH:u1l1cs ,1udenl com1nunn) - e,plamed lhc <>r!?Unt!.er Mcrct!de-. Ruucr Im ..,,udcna... \\;.t111tnt 1c,unr He ,.iJc.1. "ml .. l.xal.. ha_, :-.nth o vibr.uu phenomenal prl!',.,ure., on SI uJi:nts Al the moment 1n Leeth,. )OU h~l\c tu li\lng ""Uh HIV, "hich in1Juall} ga)'" ..... enc. v..e lb(,ught i1 \\a., a "ail around hlur .,.,eek\ for an Ill\' bnllmnl opponunuy 1,, hoM 11 t for L~cd ~ti~. M.trl!U luk.a\\irn. u din,cal nurr.e Prizo fmm a fund~nU,mg rnf who \\url.., mait1I) along,idc intl!mu nc mduded a ,ray ,n thi: Pla1...1 spcu.ihsl in III V and AIDS ut I ccd~ lional :-.ltldcn1,, ,ojd· ··tr people lh111·1 Gcncrul lnlim1J./')', ·· 1 \L'C ,111- hotel :ul "hn reall) Jmc.J 11 Jiffo.uh m hhri! wn... dccur.llL'd with ,p~aJ rurthn \\ t.' need 10 iU.:ccpl tha1 talk ul>oul ,t 1111\ I. Their friend,. pc ~terr. to rai:.e awarcn,.. -i..., .ihou1 HtV t!. m l.ci:J~. and 1h.u 11 c:111 he tudnv cun l}(." enem,es tc1marnm A HJ\' .ind Aid, ,;pread throu t; h ~c;.. Runcr ~d: ·-rhe chan1y i"' yourig ~·trl ,, hl1 \\ll!. rcL·entl) ding- Al l.cclh, lint. ;m.)untl -JOO people 'et) cloi.c to the g.t) co1111111111i1y 's 110 .. "·d tk~(,1,-t 1rus1 1r11rnd-. tnough to turned nut on \\t!JncsJa\ lnr the Rcd lallr,. <1hm11 11 :',hr\, ledin, \Cf') 1,n­ he.art hi.."t·Ut,;ccsi.ful around IOO people, a number of inLrc




CHECK OUT WWW.LUUONLINE.GOM/GAMPAIGNS FOR MORE INFO frlda11. December 3, 2004 Leeds Student letters to the Editor IOitQI,) IV tA W=t4 tl Acl "ill ha\',;,: m•tior implic-J.- Li. r-d.\ )1udu1t 1.~ rnllt n1·11.,pupt'r a,uf rq wd1·vmt• vt>ur l'it11i·., Pl1•a,ft- try Id J..<'t'{' Smoking ambiguity 1i,..,11~ fur stud~nl housini;. kurr~ 10 a ma.t:inwm ri/ 2.50 n·11rrb. I'lu• Erlit11r 1't'.d,i S1udt'll~_ l..e,uJ.1· (l,til'l!r.1'il\1 (111;0,1, /:tO Ro.\· the; 1 new Jerinition of HMO • /,7 LEEDS LSI If '/-I. ·\ltnmu11•el\; l'IIWil: /,:r,e1:1@'h t•d.Hllt11t'tJl.urx.:lk. \\ ill no,, indudL· almo1.:r 311 ,\IJ ll'ltcr.1 mrm iw/u,/t' {/fl t'm(I,/ mldtrn. 1.tttten p11bh1·hed da ,im nunwri/\ rt:'flert tht1 shared ~ludem hnu~e~. loc.'11 \'It'll f(f (/ir flt!.11',\/J((/lt.'r. amhonucs. like Leeds Cuy Cuum:JI. will be fl:(1u1red ~o \\ am m waste. ITI) mon~y in ,1 Iv ~I) a MJJU.lf !()(tune 10 Hcen.~c all tl1e lai;ger HMO.., Gambling pl~~· let me 1111:sun:: we t-~lrt ft't hom~ -safdl cru.im1. l..anJfnrd ... ,, 111 h:we lO :,hm, h;.ritliculou,. 1hot 1heJ ,ire lil anti thrills B1"t1 Cutran Allhuuith 'fare duJgi11i:' i~ proper per· Slim,. and rh:11 th..:ir pn:1pcrth!!:> ram 11ri1ing 10 ,.U.-..ig.n.'C wi1J1 &«·d\ '1-ft>Jmp·alittm U11iw:,:1i1.v illl!gal. lhc dri,-crs ar~ prnhabl) l.U\' ">UOlld.. But this ::appfat; \(l V1w.ona C'oNn\ , it'\\ 1m 1bc. ol)ly ln::iing whut they hu\oc L1oh a tihh of HMOs, so inany GnmhlinM BUI. No,1!1tlbcr 19 rippeJ 'M.1111Ctllll' uff em-lier hm~--s won't he f.'(\\·crcd 1 ht: nc11 'iu~r Cl:t!iino~ will Taxi karma ll lnxi tinw~ char~cU re,,. Blll lo~at amhL'lrH.ics ,, Ill OPPOSITES DNIOE: Is ample space pt"OVided for smokers Cfl;..1k Jobs. .mcl ..m!mn1.."'l..' th!.',_ sonat,le price, in lhe- lirsl al...t1 havt: 1he add111onal pcJwcr and non--smokeN? Jt'll.-11 ._."Cunc11nil!s of 1hc !Olu ln respumc ln !he ·farc· pt.ice. •ht! problem would 1t, hcc11.sc all HMO:, if lbiJj tio!ls in 11h1i..'l\ !hi!) m\.' bllJlt. d1> }f,11r\ Fa;rl,f11fh. wns <11saprulilHeJ IO ol 111} frrnm.ls were. tho! ruins a meal far: will Ill.: c..-omh~!t:~r~cLdly hi 1ho:,.c rugh1 out, ;.u1d j., the rnuc v. h..:n that old i.:om{llarnt uJ ru,b troys !il!emed ,, e urc nu lu11ger 111 have !;pnke11 M lht!" C:nuncil. undl!'ru_g.t' i~ ;1 conc~·m nod fu1 they arc mostly O\.'l.!I(!h~n""Sell ll\ m1 :.1bsul111e :sham lhnt thi.: agu111 - ,;muking bu! fuu t1-llOU£h, but any pm, i!11111 10 fu ~ti ­ \\Can: 1.,pc·aking 10 the uni\'t:T· m:!o) pmbk.n g.unlikrs 11\ Dunug fresher- wt.-ek. wl'Opl~ wen: new to the .::m.:a. dru;s .ibovc !he hool1ga11 . oJ­ Ridwnl 'f\•l,:r. U!t'tl1 fiMO ~pal'..: b, 11t ,1 premium cus~ion. hoth groJJps one wa, or lht> other Lohhy . m<1chmes \\ 111 :Jlk\ ialt! thilil uncl Wl':n:o'r awnre of nh,t1 a llen - too1hall \\'lltchiog. m:is.'>· Md table, urc­ continued to ~mok.e - :t i:omPl etc \rnolo.ing problem. · ,1undard' pnce was. t.hn1 the) c::.. There arc plenl.) t1f ··corn­ l!-4ucezcd ~u 1d .,.huf rcg;mltess, One bnn ur propt!r ~,gn. Gmnhl itig ~... hig bus-inc~.., LfJ could charge wha1evcr the) lnQIWr!>'' Wht.'I ~upp1\t1 ~be; n~d tu mnkc- rnom. nur1oc-in 1ralnlng 1:mstin~ or tlhl rnle~ Bnwin ru; people ,;pend mm~ w:mtcd m nmk,· a bn of einr.i t'-fiuc. llnlhrttmu1CI)-. I r\.-cl that For the roday. when I.ht• Leeds Student in ever} situalion and more ul thl·,r hard c:an,cd m~l!IC) for 1hc111 ..,ch.:c._. ur1d in Peregrine\ lcttt:r 1\f la.,1 wedi. usu31 ,;moking table!. is offering the Cii"b on lci<:ure acu, itlc..<, and m,1M c.L<;e,I; ll worhcd. mn) 11.h\l! dont" m.llhi11g but record \~~~ ~Jmply shifted writer of the for the \ UM maJ1 irity uf well I \H1rk in ;,i Cit) c~ntre han1ml cmbclJi,;h 1h~ f)l!fl."t!J.ttirm thut dll\'tD-. letter of the acfju,.,tcU iudiv1duals, tluil°;) all the niajm:il)' of lht: limts I haw thi, ls a rof~ \ comml)µers fHl'> I th~ tfom ~i~n. week" two free gtunblmg 1s. a httnnlos:. Jc1~ure ordc:rc..1 hom...:: driver. is .. oe - it U.n'L • lHE leeds student. tries ,ind 111lu lh1c tbtu'll cinema Ht'1iVll'r hove bt:.~11 mtlc. dl·mumlcd Every ouc h. not ;;i fair rt:ftec­ become quite ..tgg"-.." been New housing 111QCC..J.ure. II you lCW\' ,1 ~"Ufl\pl1unt fur fr(lm the mm:ll Student ali::ohol tLut!W mntlc It\ !hi! omoe. staff 11n, e ,1l~Mn ... 111.::1hf,1g.\\hl~h 11.,,l-..:cn printed buUndi.H)' 111111 k.ept 111f.1.V'f/1,l.1u,f,.m.t:1willluUJc1Ui.l•~lflhe offices on h1"- jt.Jll~cmt:nl mu.<,I hu\'e l~n 1-..-en rude 1lnd nt>L mkcn it !ocri­ warring !action.., plans l't'HllpliliUI lu uur the first floor ltl nm up '>ttd1 dchL,. OU!ol). lecdl'11d,,,.lcah,..tudcmorsnl_ I.J.·t'd• upuJ1.., it didn"t llCrnr of Leeds \\ bt:11 )OU pamblc: it i!'. In rtml!t)', we ru. stu· of 11, th:u our Unlverslty c..,s~mial tu l-ctlh,i:iplin~d.11,e nro thc ",ictuns· of crunc. \\.c \~mi,,lari·~ ne" Co.Jc ol Pmc:!1u:­ fuoLI wnuld he tnllll cinemas lnU0!.111t"l.'fl In June l((~! frltilrm,1ti11n Union. m,c rff dmss a.od nJcobol clc~u- uro the people who me strug· t}f11l)ep(.'('"1("t,J,;,11 Prru,11ceonbi:­ cd by 1hc t:t'>le ,ff 1) dduJcd thi~ pcr-:011. Jr l tll11g with mone), anJ h::ning lrnmdm11har,..,:b-J1,· ..... wwp,.:i:,1f!!.ul,,

~- All big.cnmpanl1.;:. r gmh: ohhiI, pal1 of the tve learned •meet r 1\..inct: l\'I! b~n hi::r..:. t."Bphalr:.t \\Orldm) lrieud.., ..,o slup lrymg 2han Min1!lm gonna fnil~Wecc! Rob coke. Its ddil:11JlLS 1lf11.l run oJ' loH:I\. t:JITcill¢ Whal lht? hdl b Lhc; big hui r thing all yu)1 · • 'im~m hughl!~ look!! lihc- ht.Ii::. n bit; fituof pep. ahout1YounF lads all lo11king like limnhl.o.s 1hc.> p~r !;pm~ nightrmtre.., pile Ou! of tigtr tiger \\Uh their yohyoh girl· An)'~ll\l" ebc "+orr\l!l;J aho111 J.1ck "cull)~ danc­ fric-nJi> anon ing add1ci1on'J l\, £487 ,111 tobaccopt:r pt"l"'iOtl !Xi> y1;;ar? ! earl tlo "Am:im1..hqu hi::n~r thun tht11 l11 one mglll t Love- ~rn11!,,.t'.) •Im proper fcJ up wilh kecb. ive l~ n rnhheJ 5 deba1c .. Ja<:1ed tHU.' "' It:ccJ!- stw.lt:nl v. ii onl) h lil-i.: a labluitl ,, ht.!11 McC"ano::1 :.;, 1inws rn umJer a year!Pi~es me- righa off. damn and half hour;" th~) pul in a cros,~v.\)rtl!a,1 ~tsj one mind sou:, p1key sc:um get a job! fl. 9 Next \'reek ln7.)' s1udt:11I;, c.1n tlu it .m1011 fhl"\~C who h,weni l~t!d i\ll)lhin~ ht\\c 1n I l!eds nnbm.J) 10 blanw l,ut 11.tt:rnst!h·e~ •.. ignor-..uicc 1s Mvre uni "fX'lrls. covemgc. L r:::;,s hnrint;~ tuff Su1dent~ • Why ghe t·li

ll 1, ~u1c1 nn the e,am Jrom. Yc-1 flr,1 to open 1he.u rclucu1111 mouth, as we read) oursches IM our Ju,1 a, Ill .. t:hUlll,, so Ill Ufll\'Ct'iil1c, A )t!arly t.ldupc of c11mpc11ll\ c /\n~ l!augc:: of a pupil')o c:,1pah1litic, 1, c,am,. anJ prepare 10 ret;ur~irnh: 1hc rcndc:rcd dcat.l and l.1ughnhle whcn ,Ill ,crh1ag:e ,,c h,1vc ·1c.1rned· fn)m .in the n111urnl wc;1pon:,. in their cx,1mmt1 1mpL"n.11nal lcclurcr ,II 1h1." fro111 ot un llun .1rmoun arc dcarcd :1\\U\i ::ind c\t.'ll more nnpcr .. 011;.11 lc1..tur...· fonm. rcpla1,;cJ v. i1h ,1 p1ct:c of Stc1ohcd. p1m,e EXAM FATIGUE r.:110,tcmatio11 ,1r1kc, <1nt.l a \\'1ldea11 p,o"crb. f"h1, lca\c, A, ,\c p/1111 our rcviirnm <,t:hl·dules them 1111pcc.lctl and , ulner.thlc 111 1hc ,tlld d1\rup1 all the <. hrn,1ma ... cheer. '-"C e,;un hall. hu1 1he tcaL'her., h:nc s1cad) uur.,Cl\c', for 1ha1 pru\Crh1al. u1, ercl.l th~tr b;.it:b and d11: ,;,·hnoh unJ Now panornmu; look arounJ lhl" c,:;,m roum UI\I\ fCI 1ha1 hudget IOlrC.,hC ,1 ·, been -ru1f lo \CC- ..tll lhn,l' ~lum l,11.::e~ 1>~n1,-m!! lhl' h~mkrng un. v~o thid.. d \lf 1111erro!!:llfh', on Iha! rubric J~S ")Otl mu,1 \\fill" in blad flall-p1,1111 Jv1?:Jf3\( men·· ~ou mu,1. you 1m1 .. 1. I.ct', ,mp It's an Orwellian -, M v c µ frvP 'I and .i,.,li.. one ,1mpk q11c~1111n ~h) the system where 00 1 ,v.car ,~h)' thL' tt.:.u, • I"' E 12. €S .,- ,\nd louJ.. ut the hunpla 111 ,chnol'i pupils have IS CJAP ~£ flus nmnlh the Q11;1litication and 1N Cumll1lum \u1hort1)" hit\C been put,. numbers, courses h,h1ng ,1 -;cric" of d.1mning rl!pon., 1n1n have codes and the the slalt' of 1he c,,11mnu1un1 )o\,k•m Ii.. f rA-r; S-ricS.. St·nc" or ··ri;:t;o1111nc11da1mn\" ~·"" more net result is points uhout tht' ,aJ ,late ,,1 11ur ~l'hl,ol, ;°O: cllnrb lo rc:Kh tht: ninana LIi l.J.'i per II he l!'i:tminalion ,\islcm 111 thi, Ct'nl A-( P·•" riltc, 1ha11 an) poli11c1un cuunln h.i, rlc,i.:.\!lldctJ° intu a m1-.h I or JllUrn.1hi.1 (:Olllll W11h u reluctant bul m, ... hcj mnd,;,cl) h 1.:an nn lon~·cr da11n rcfrc:i.hin~I} lmnl.. au. 11 c.1o;1, a '1011)' Ill trul) rcptc,c11t lhc c~1pah1\ittc\ OI ih C:)C OH~I 'L'hm1l C" of !he IICI rc.,ull IS POIIII\ 1111d Plm:emcnh \\ nt111g tu be rch,1,lu:d 11\ c:-.am!i. Tlus Uni,er.llic)o nntl ~chool.., get lundmg supposed i:orichll\(! ttf cluldn.:n j\ ,1pp,ir­ h111,cd uptm spec:iali!'>llli,! .. -.md the I cogue e1HI) not ,omclhlllF nt:w. bul 1lm1 lubh:!'l displn~ ,tnri,tu;:, in gari~h Mnd 1,.hould nut ,hlulc th<" ,crinu,nci.~ 11f it mul v.h11c. And the ch1ldrcu nrc alm1i..1 f!/0 I hi, Im,. in p,irl. led to the ,ton) ~nt1rel} lorgouen ~ ,ilcnu?i. ue find m our \,..cckl) o;cmirur., 0VER..£XAMINED7 Is the exam system flawed? ---- \\ hi.:n:: ..1 tar.:JI p;H un the bai.:J.. med Lhl' [email protected] ~rnrnOODffi Hammer here are mJD) onjn,1 nlh of ing \\lfld1m 1Jf JO)' tha! 1, C1tr1sln1t1, 1:11. 1'11.1;1 I hit tak~·, a relc.nlll'" hat dtL'l"I) f1pluna..,m nl )"Ulh l'mhotl harhan ... m m 1hc ,wrlJ. \el Da)". 1c:nn!,! a, annti.'·, c,1 ,ton) t.1t:cd ('ClO· 1cd m the: Wlumd kid!.~ .di 1h.11', T1'1(:rha1l"i none: lnti.:uon fn,m H(,J lh.il the Christmas list L'tlil1011 fh1111 J p:.itki!J cml H\itV before lin:;1kr1m It s a tnllh un,, er lm,t l:.w,h:rC"C!! h;1, been -.olrJ. chirp takes on the lru.k.·cd. cnmpk1in~ Bnuin i wl ,all) ;1drnn, lcdgc !J ... t tal..e'- un tht· ;11 \\hu.:.h )1.>U dcm.uttl that l11c ,p1lr .md lau\. 1>1,·k.:11,i,111 ,!lm\) same suspense -..un.e ~rbc ul '-U"pcn,c ,md l:I\ 11 L1hcrtmc\ album ,U'l'Ompan) the ch.:t,:atll.\! r• t,;d on ,1, rhc rm,min,g as post-election u111esl it, po,1-ch.·cuc1n Ukiamc. \:,Jrvmg llf the turkc} ic; the pt>inl 1al"kh:,1 that i, the Bnu,h £ripped by 1h1.: ,ht'fr 1c1-ror of an wur h..:.10 Olhcwlh tum, to 1cc Chri .. tma, h.pcriencc rolh mtu Ukraine out {lr \ltM.::k iPnU L:IU\\JS ,it .. hcip · Yt:1 ,~h .1 non \1,:·;.1',0lllll ,p1ri1 is 1own. \\'11h 1ht• natmn c,mgh1 u1, pc~ cngul r 1h • A r1;0~. Ji...... ,~11d1 C? u1ocr 1he ,ummcr. ~,t,­ the c:longnteti run up to lh(' ,n ~ b,tuhk earring!!, checks dd1,~·r} f"hri!.tmm,: 1n ... 1c,1J nf llnnk.ruptq cc,uni.: ib quictl) rc-anoch 1hc n~on kind or Chn,tm.1<; tha1 th.: enfon..1..-tl ~hcnov. men to their ,trecllt1il m1J mi~I)· «1f lrdilml! mund the ,hop!'.> for Scrong<·c~quc C)ntc.::l'm thn-.c le.,., fonunulc After all m the Aui;ust. Before )OU kmm 1111\, !he on a v.cekd.1) i" unri,ulled. the though. whidl ha., ulrcmJy lxcn ..;ca!tOn ol guod will 10 all 111cn ,ur f1 !'I week uf lx,.:l"mhc:1 and \·uu · re Htcuous glad 1idmg, or ·Merry C'-t.1hli'ihcd .it the c,;.acl nge that formg in Onwn.. at <,pm o,t stud(. 111 the bl~1tk midwinter iirnhi.,. Xmu.,· 1tui.1 ;.1dom thci1 windmv., pht) hacl.. nr the hnuscholJ fcsuvc: Chn,tmns Ev~. the ,cry lca,1 )OU i;uught he,,.,.ecn 1hc deprn .. , ion or 3 conditJ()n.iJ upon "vc 11di11g un hour music "-·0111pilaiio11 l>ec~lllh!s a can Uo 1i. 1hanJ.. God n's 1ht:m hoLll t.la~ ligh1 ,md the evc.:r-decrc.b- queuing for mc.rpm.:cd unwdcome hummn1c<,c; routine. Gonc ;.. the m,:;1c.ad nf you. Extra:lntervieVI wwwJeedsstudent.org.uk Frldav, December 3. 2004 Leeds Studem

hal rne ol 40 Cl1t1m .. k) ""..i.' widcl) ece trt.·c.h!L'(I wuh h,l\'ing: c..-omplctcl~ 11!\VOllcn lhc acac.~mic c.lbnphnc l)f lingu1,IJ (...'\ He !<,lll!!k~h;.111d1.--JJ~ CllimJ.ntkd the pre,atlmg h:hm inris1 mxJcl Uhc dtt.'Of) 1.ha1 langu.1gt! i, learned h) c,11Crie1k.--c :1f1er tiirth} and Noam Chomsky's political career started aged 10. N rcpt.tu.:d 11 .... uh ,, hw L, c.1llcd .. ~cncrJl.lW gr.unmar" (the 1hef1t) Ihm all hum,m, h,1VL" Chomsky remains as controversial and outspoken as an mru1e gr.unm•tr "'lrcfc itc;, urll' ol thc Ill mo-.t quotc:tl ~1t.1rle m the. histot) 111 !ht' worltf (ubovc: Pinto} ;md "tht! 0111~ \Hiter .unonilhc::m ~till ali\lt. Chomsky ranks alongside Marx, Shakespeare and the bible as one of the most quoted sources

liut n hat h.L, really ccmentcc.l h1.., repu lnl.Jcm arc ht!> ICOlk.'lt:111.Slit pol1t1c.:al belief\.. l 12 lronunnn Bono call-; h,m a .. rchcl v. 1th· oul ;.1 jXlU.,;e": Rad10head\ Thom Yort..e. "u OOfO·· Not to mentmn f\'ru'I J.un ant.I lhc nclY, d1:,,hanlkd Rab>e Agtun~t the Mctchm.._. v. ho have lxllh reocl out Chonbky •._ v.. od.. on sta~c Jurint li\e p:rformano..-... He '""m(e bi" first p0hucal urudc:: ru the ,1gc ol 10 about the Sp;.m1'ih civil \\arm the ~) 193°' and the ,pread ol fru.ti"m thmughpokcn and '""ille on\! of I.he ~1 1mporum1 m1clll"c.1u.1li:; nf tilt- pw,t c:\!ntuf)". A, can t1'! 1magi~l. 11 i!I nn 1111cn"-CI) ,tran~~ rt!t.!ling plt1) int mlt!rll>C:Ull,r \\ nh wmconc- }OU h.t\C ..c!CII 1>re>hed b) su,h hc.J,\)'•WCl~lb- a., krulll) lli."man .u,d c,eo the lute Mid,cl f-ouawlt Ho\\ do 1 tit iulu that l111c.;1ge? Wait.mg m the cr1mdor tlUL,tl.k, I \1.,1, remanili.-cJ of 1hal ..cetlC m 1he M,uri,.. ,\ hen: ~"" 8""' 10 se< !he Oracle. I hall e,pct:100 fo ,,hnt e,tcnt dn )OU thml,,. an m.al1tar) rorcc. In h:mh of t.,.,momic frJ11.,-c 11 h:r 1h.in iut) counlr) I ~ncm of 111tre\ .. II goc., back IO thl" N \-(ll UlK.lllal) Jlffl' IO \\alk m10 hi\ oflice and hear a pn:ou..-0· American hnp1re ~11;1~1:-. tudi-1)? ;\ th'idam i~ ha.s1~,tll} rn1c umoni thrue. That'i.. been muonal rilannlllF !,"-)111~ on ,tll the lime and od. 'In<:n thi:y had mw..:h I~ amht111llll p,00 Chom!>k~· say. "don't WOO) ahout tl1e lul look ... idl.!\\ a)~ f I'm \Ure rwrum1a ,., ,1 true frii a long 1imd and h C\cn mon: \Cl 1(, abuu1 call i1 mtcmal plannrn~ ~bout 111t:rc:.:.L,mt? pmfil~ 1 he) didn'r mean f.mp1rc 111 the $Ctb(" man:ii..'Cd tu make 11 through 1hc: n~ ,ww-­ that I tlo11·1 think 1he quL... !1Pn can ~ f:mp1n:- Oka). tf llnf clcll.--...n't and marl.ct ,hare. If 11 ·s a ~1111e )llU !ind 1l la1a cnmc to mc.111 m the Intl! 19th cel\ht+ nl-1.hc: an linftu.,tn.-.., anti ph1lnc.ophy dcpnrt un<.;\\cre1 and Jom1 ry Thi, ,,1L, a remu') t.lrhc:r. But t!K-'} hid mcn1 at MIT tt1 h1\ codcann,!?i) \ltnplc mKI lllcn lhC fffi\dl) hul md1inuou, VOJCC M.1ylk.- I 'illout ... 1ans.1~11 anti rm \,;.t,ed. ''There are van· Hm, mu ...il 1, 1here a con~1t'l\i.. flUr.1111 nr oct.:ord ol , our 11111:n.-si, C·an.iJ:1 fllc) were bl oded b) Bntidl m by hb amiabh: ..,...-cretar). Be, Stohl. I c,,.11 ow; p<)\H!r s;.. rcms in the world TI1cn.· are t..1,,min;.11100 h} 1hc ll~' ··11 tontrol.s pn1ic:) But \lircly the: Bush u,hnin1 ... tmtm11\ ,hook his hand and to ,pn forc.1.•. l:lntain was a d~te~nL The) mtcnd- down, numa~ed c>b\ i0thl} trcme:ndot.1.,;, ineq111til!'> of power, n11 lfll' lime. I me-an the US i un11,1ial lD that pur-;uJI o!" dnminal1on 10 pmp up the- m.-..t out m) tin.t 411c-.tion w11hnut bumg m) 1.'}Siem m tcnn~ of good ,K.'l"C~ 10 intt:mul "'-'.-onl, - mut·h he1 (.;Olllr.lU1c:h Amr:m ..•,m \lulue!o. '> <;Oulh a, the} ct;uld. The US tl.idn 'I ~

2 Conte..nts wwwJeedsstudentoro.uk/tulce Frldav. December 3, 2004 Juic~

Technique, Bukem, Green Velvet + Sounding Out c::n =I 0 ..c::t c::t

= Naked City. The Prince of Deadly Weapons + Powerpoint

Bare-naked Ladies, Rainbow Brite, LS TV THIS WEEK'S JUICE COVER WAS DESIGNED AND THEN EATEN BY NELL Albums of the Year + Awards of the Year+ FRIZZELL Xmas previews 7 day listings Plus: Cinemas on page 23

Afte1 beinl] t-mbdrras)e,d roan~ tim " Ill r Red lop. Polly 10.:.t.lr1...v,11\, time we'll be <;.ee1n9 each othP..r for .t while. Got any plans 3/ld GrGptY'l!le deodl:1(1 to INW Im A Slodfflt. Gel Mc Grap~inc:- I.hill out darhng HdVt anothtr dfink for Chm1nkf.-.? Out of Hert Smc~ th1m. Polly has graced the .owr of Hea1 Polly Oh 'IWII, Can't hurt ri9h!1 Thf' d,lmilge ts done ,tnd ha~ !!'Jen beien 111v11ed to t.. lk al the o .r. rd Student aheady P!iA I h"~l' m:t brlllianl ex..-im plan to fall back. on ~!~;e~i~:o;n~;~ ~; ~~~~~1~°r:j llnll'n abom lhP BerwhlS ol D11nk1n9 Too Muth HCIWe'lt"r. "•d Top (te h ng , • pon nd paper! And whdrs tllitf Polly I'm J11sT fJnkmg yoiJr chains. guys. I'm gomg lo do theu Onel brush with fai has left Rm lop and Gnpev1r, .. rh,n whdt t'Vl'fY good c1ti.2en should at Chrktmas get sht· 1ot1lly u 1~hung: d: Polly Wen 111<. e.ad of suessing about trying Ii> !utish faced and p.1;olullv lulled w,1h food. last~ 1ip>! ,o 100 f tld am p pe,, I'm going to conu,ntrate al! my p,sne wantm9 to buy exam Gt.lrt WI J.Jrruacy and don t M,d,une. Sports S01.-oce, I've got it all With put ellort, - llnff ...... we·f'tl onty ftnt year\. No OOP. e11:pclt!. uJ to mc1~e Jtiy Red Top No thilnk~ We're rurighl the pub. And aft lhat's 1..tt to sJ,owaf-­ effort or show any kind of acarlem+c flfflwl'SS until third COMtHt ..-tong p,-.,...... year (Shady Lady slinks off Into the shadows) Polly au, 11rro't you woml'd tha1 1h,ee months of dnnk --rut&. mg wlll luve dt->i1royed any brain cell~ we rnlgh1 haw had Grapevine let\ not talk about exarns. This is the la51 Juic~ Frida». December 3. 2004 www.leedsstudentoru.uk/Julce ** lOWDOWN with Nell Frizzell I may be churlish, may be pathe ogically unfestive. I may wish to strangle all the sparkly top-hatted mem "o Sade with my bare an just so I never have to hear the words 'It's Christmaaaaaas!' blaring out of a Christmas superstore ever again, but I wish you all, from the bonom of my stony heart.~ very Happy Chnstmas (and those of Y~ who are not of the christian persuasion may I wish you a very happy holiday). I hope you all snog someone chronically embanass1ng under the mistletoe .. I hope you are given seventeen pairs of nylon socks. by your grandmother. I hope you cry at the end of The Snowman. But most of all, I hope you remember what Chnstmas 1s really all What Sonya Divine 1s lovmg about· a piece of earth and good wi ll to all men. And remember. don't sell your soul to Santa. (P.S It's my birthday on Sunday. I shall be twenteen so send me a card.) and loathing this weeL Britpopular choice What's Hot Who: The Bluetones Where: The Cockpit When: Sunday December 5 Cuddle Parties The Bluetones are one of those A new craze sweeping amazing bands who have managed America · cuddling complete to escape the consumerist tempta· strangers• in a non·sexual way tions of the music business: obtain· just to be close to someone. A 1ng a credible position w,thm the naive idea in theory industry without 'selhng out'. As you may remember, The Bluetones were Eleph ant Bookshop a key component In the mid 90s Just off Hyde Park Terrace, th,s Britpop showdown, providing such httle independent bookstore 1s delectable hits as the infectious so nice. Run by a guy with the 'Slight Return', the rifHastic 'Solomon B,tes 1he Worm, and the ~:l~~pta~~~~l~~ri~!:s. Go anthemic 't( .', to name but a few Sadly, '-"'----• and support him the -sun went down on Bntpop at the close of the decade, and since then the band has never really regained the same leveJ of success yielded by the likes of Plastic Ch ristmas Trees 'Marblehead Johnson'. However, the boys are back for another bash, and their They don't drop needles, and appearance at The Cockpit 1s but the second date in a festive tour of mnmate your cat won't attack them. venues across the UK. They're the sweetest lookmg ind,e-pop rockers y~u'II ever You can even get fibreoptic come across. and thetr tunes are massive! Besides, how else are you gmng to one.s - kitsch or what?! spend your Sunday evening? Working? I didn't think so. Laura Coffey Topshop Couture Topshop without looking the same as eveyone else! Super! Brand -Hand

A little bird (speafically a 1ew,sh bird with peroxide hair Tepid and great legs) tells me that a new second-hand shop 1s opening up on Hyde Park corner. Does this hail the dawn of What: Drink the Pub D,y Xm as Temp Jobs a massive turf war between 'The Fmal Curtain', 'Sugar When : Thursday December 9, 7pm til late You get to work at the most Shack' and the new kids on the block, 'Ambience'? Will Where: The Bncklayer. St Marks Rd pressured and hectic lime of there be shiny seventies Adidas trackuits being fired across How Much: As much as it costs to get the Otley Road with no concern for the safety of innocent year. You never get out of you well and truly plastered bemg the 'new kid' and you citizens? Shall corsets be used to catapult retro sunglasses Those lovely fellows from RAG are get fired after Christmas at the wmdows of rival shops in order to beat them into puttmg on one heU of a night to raise submission? Will the owners of 'Ambience' wake up with money for a Ugandan school building pro­ End Of The OC Series the decapitated head of a pantom(me horse costume lying ject. The scheme, that is 1ts second year'. Feels like it started only a on their plllow? Probably not, but 1ust in case, I suggest Involves Leeds Uni volunteers m the build· moment ago . my Sundays that you go along and arm yourself with vmtage gear ing of loc:al schools m Uganda in order to • - loom ahead more desolate while you can, if nothing else ii will provide useful ammu· provide greater access to education. And what better way is there to raise aware· than a Siberian Kwicksave. nition when the Leeds second•hand civil war breaks out. ness for the need of educational premises m AfrKa than to get completely shit Bring on the new series asap! faced with all your mates? Expect drinking games, cheap drinks (to make those games even more fun), pnzes and for those of you who are of a beard1sh, folk· Boring Lecture Doodles singing disposition there will be an array oheal ales. Hurrah! If you are going to distract me at least make II worth· Whv I love Pantos while. I don't care how bored you are · entertain met There are few things quite so glori· abuse at those on stage? When else ous as a third rate ex·Gladiator are roxy soap starlenes dressed up Black Ice dressed In tights. punning like billy· as boys and told to slap then thigh The silent killer, on the roads and the pavement. To avoid 0 wearing a ternble wig and mak compulsively? i~g hundreds of 'It's behind you!' Not to mention the Oali·esque embarrassmenl and acci· jokes i~ a desperate a~tempt to sal· surrealism of the Pantomime Horse. dent'>, be ultra vigilant at all vage his career and bnng in the There is something about a man umes penmes so his family can have coal with his head nestled up against a for chnstmas. Actually, when you friend's arse m the name of equine Couples In The Morning put like that there are quite a few comedy that just uddes me. Ok· so you spent the night 11 together· great Must you things bett~r than pantos but for sheer yulebde kitsch, you can't thrust it in my grumpy sleepy really go wrong with this British face when I stumble into uni mst~~u~~~~imes are as British as 'Are You Being SeNed?' and about as camp. Where else 10 the whole spectrum of Briti.s~ culture are we treated to the .v1s_1on of an ex·gameshow host mmc,ng around the stage dressed as a rt ~ou w,ml to write a 1ev1ei.\r of .-i new 1es!aU1an1 play club night ,hop or a p1ev1ei.v for <'I him What's semi-mythical old queen called, lMnct comedy gig hook >1gn1ng fundr,mer >he~p dog tri,11 or whatever then email 11 10 devilishly, 'Widow Twanky'? When nell lowdown@hotmall com with you, narne and contact det<11ls ;ind l II lry to include 11 • else are you allowed to scream Any (Oinments 01 sugges110ns are dlso very welcome Not www.leedsstudentorg.uk/lulce Friday, December 3. 2004 Juici LOGICAL PROGRESSION When the most innovative member of the dnb society came to Stylus last Wednesday, Clara Spencer-Phillips and photographer Rufus Hall were there to see what madness would unfold

he pioneer of atmospheric, rule bending .. appetite fo, Bukem to genre slashing dnb In England and the drop a huge bass ltne Taeato, of Good looking Entertainment 1n which then came cor­ London. Bukem. showed his fine, 1f slightly rect with some Jauy, unanimated face at Stylus last Wednesday break beat, electro, Warmed up by Rud.spin. Hoppa and local hero house. mashed up Marcus Pre!itige. Stylus was fuller than I hc11Je sounds of rigorous, seen it for a long time high-end bounce. that leh the crowd all eyes 'Bukem is pure rolling and tongue wag gingl He pulled out progression, say­ some old school tunes ing he is breaking and played with lhe crowd, pushed n up and all the rules with let off some fine soul what he is doing Is strett,hing bass lines and then bent ll back something of an down to add a couple Bukem Stalwart understatement' of dark and dubby sounds to the overall effect with the classic other dnb acts should lake note and shrug off IBukem's partnPr-in·crime MC Conrad was Good 'o/ Love. the rules that they make theu music to. there and m spite of the fact tus flies were com· Bukem is pure progression, saying he is He deserves more props than an under-funded ~ The next 1ou1t to be taken from the now classic Sunburst pletely undone fa, th~ entire sh?w, he had a sly breaking all the rules with what he is doing is amateur theatre. Band album will be lhe TI1in Air The track has been given a grm slapped aooss his face, laymg down some something of an understatement, with his Progression Session vol. l Ois out soon much subtle re-working by Jo ey Negro. Also featured on the 12• sweet. unobtrusive rhymes that just wet your eclecuc synthesis of tumbling. sweeping noises. to my deligh~ keep up the good work boys will be the Fanat1x rPm1x of Everyday • Ceremony R ord's second release sees Estonian Sten Saluveer debut with the trade Big Fun The song also gets the remix trea1ment from Soulmagic and fellow 8.tonian Dcwe Storm. • DJ MFR and Vincent Kwok have joined forc'5. ayain for another 4 track EP. this lime on Transport The Back 2 Back EP is relea~d in December and should have enough variation in the mixes to suit most. • The next release on Compost see. Alex Attias head down the single route wnh the opening track from hts Jong layer Back Home Help Me has already gamed support fro m r.ead1ng players such c1.s Gilles Peterson and Patrick Forge • Basie's fave Fred Everything returns with another solid deep houser 1n called From the Vault. The track ,s due to hit stores in late D~cember. Also out of Canada, watch out for Dave Ali's Got My Music EP The EP fea tures samples from artists as diverse as Marvm Gaye and Bjork. • Two releases from the Waako camp of labels to report . The first is on Medta Services NYC and sees West Coast pro· duce1 Mephisto Odyssey take the controls. The second fea­ wres some fine ChJCago deepness on the Young Future EP. DON'T YOU KNOW l'M LOCO? • After the success of their debut. producers UPR return on Soul Steel wnh lwo more disco influenced cuts. Their last When long-standing house night Basics announced that Green Velvet was going to be outing was supported by the likes of Danny Rampling and a Mackintosh and the guys will be hoping to replicate that joining in their 13th Birthday celebrations, Christina Morris and Patrick McLintock success. weren't gonna miss it for the world • Finally look oul for one of the Derby house mafia, Andy Holder making an appearance on Soulfuril offshoot Device. 1 was certainly a 'lucky 13' fo1 Dave Beer as dex and outlandish green hairp1eces Cajmere syrupy grooves, Kenny Dope's mix of Jill Sc ott's The track, Nothing Like Jazz, features a flurry of JaZJ influ­ Back to Basics cel.ebrated its birthday with a looked decidedly 'cajual' The billing of ·cajmere 'Golden' surprised the emled ,evellers. ences and some very solid production. 1red and black casino theme on Saturday. AKA Green Velvet' meant that many people In stark contrast to Cajmere's subdued With a line up headlined by 'Cajmere' (a k.a were unsure of which persona to expect. opening. Room Two played host to thong -clad UntJl nexr week. keep your house gfel Green Velvet) of 'La la land' fame and support Appearing as CaJmete rather than Green madness in the form of The Cuban Brothers. ed by MTV's Cuban 81othe1S 1n Room 2, Velvet meant a distinct absence of techno and Entertainers rather than DJs, the Brothers har­ demand was high and before the pubs had electro for much of the DJ's set. in favour of nessed the animated party sp1r1t. transforming even dosed, entry was restricted to guesl hst house. In place of dark twisted weirdness the g1ey, industrial Leeds 1ntll a 'Club Reps'·style Something for the weekend? and ucket·holders only. spandex master's mix kitked off with sweet c-ab.lret involving stripteases. Lionel Ritchie (The essential packet of 3 for the days ahead) With the theme of 'Lucky 13', the already sing·a-longs and hernia-inducing break danc glamorous Basics was transformed into a Bond mg. With shouts of 'love Your Mum' 1he style casino fo1 the mght Roulette wheels and B1others leh the stage, hopefully feeling very 1) Kings of Tomorrow : Black Jack tt1bles offered winnings of a year's ashamed So Alive free entry for two The dress code reflected the Back down in Room One, Ca1mere's set was (Purple) theme. red and black and an assortment of gemng into raw, mimmal terntory Those who gangsteM,tyle SUllS and tiny dresses were on like their house old-school and brutally lo-fl 2) Paper Street Soap Co. : Bill's d,splay. lhe show was undoubtedly stolen by would not have been disappointed. Despite Land (Brickhouse) Dave Beer's scandalous red swt, a rare look m generally avoiding the obvious_ Cajmere could­ house music circles. n't resist dropping a jaddn' version of 3) Dean Facey : Don't Understand Preceding Mr Velvet m the main room were Kraftwerk's robo·classic 'Numbers' and the Leeds' own live funksters the 20,10 sound sys· drugs-education stamper la la Land' by every (CWMS) tem. Anyone who caught Tom Mlddloton's old one's favourite green· haired techno ahen band lhe Bays al the Warnrobe last year would Set of the night had to go to Basics supr have been impressed with 20:20 who even Paul Woolford, after all this night was always Curtis is an ex-Leeds met student who currently managed to pull off a live medley of 'You've 901119 to be c1bou1 Basics rather than a headhne writes for Blues & Soul magazine in the UK and DJ got tl1e Love' and 'Voodoo Ra{. the highlight of DJ. Playmg a set of classics from thirtfeO years Times magazine in the US. For info, music and much the mght for many of Back To Basics. Woolford ensured dance floor more visit www.curtiszack.com Cajmere s1arted his set whilst the 20:20 gridlock until six-thirty. when the pany had to sound system packed away, where his Velvet move on to Stinky's Peephouse for furthef persona would have sported the latest in span- me.ssyn~s with house-nut Justin Long Frldav. December 3, 2004 www.leedssrudent.oru.uk/tulce C UBS- 5 Sounding Out WilhMalcolmWebb

One notable impact was the appearance of has lost many followers. It is now far more accept­ ing steadily more usual to, blg·name Jocks to throw decks in almost every ba,, however btg or able for DJs to play a variety of tunes instead of In some unexpected tracks Breaks bigtimer Adam small, across the country. And c1llhough we're being committed to one style. Diverse sets that Freeland hM a reputat10n fo1 domg so; at Techniqu~ no longer flocking after Judge Jules, those know no genre--boundaries become more and more just a few months ago he dropped the ongmal of many pairs of decks are stJII there. It's no surprise tommon. Where DJs were previously ued to a fickle Nivana's ·smells ltke Teen Spririt\ amongst a few that the music played on them has changed ideology of fitting into a pre-determined bracket. other surpr~ Mr Scruff is notorious for wildly over time. but I have noticed one change m they are now using more of the medium's full throwing in anything and everything in his 1-ets. parucular. Five to ten years ago, your potenual Fatboy Shm, the insrnuuonal symbol of the Bn1iW, average bar-1ock would be religiously danc.e-mus1c scene, dropped Franz Ferdinand's tied lo a single genre. and more often 'Cream and ·rake Me Out .. when playmg at Bnxton Academy -----,------~ than not that geme would be main last Fnday. Of course it wouldn t bt> true to say that ·1ngout@h t ·1 streamhouse.Asarm1esof,mall Gatecrasher are genres and genre-1den11ty are thmgs of the past. S0und 0 ffl81 ,COffl ume DJs aaoss lhe counlry strived and no doubt they will always be prevalent. but 11 to replicate the Superstars, you now shadows of appears that to some extent we are escapmg from or years all the band-heads have been claim­ would be likely lo hear very similar sounding tunes the pigeon-holes that we formerly trapped our­ ing that the Supemar DJ is dead and 1hat all nigh! long. their former selves' selves inside. Fdance music has come and gone. even before Since then, the religion of single-genre mbcing I there was any truth in 1t There is, nowadays. more ncidentally, it is fitting that lh,s should emerg~ substance to this daim - things have definitely lhe pas.sing of the superstar DJ has made room at the ume we have to say goodbye to the all moved on from the days when the likes of Judge for more creauv1ty, explorallon and diversity. In Itime don of genre crossing. John Peel. While Jules dommated the mainstream. and supe,clubs Leeds you can see this in many of the slightly more he'll never be replaced, it can only be good news like Gatecrasher and Cream pulled oowds of thou­ alternative bars. and in some small clubnights as that avant garde disrespect for boundanes 1s being sands from across the country week in week out well. One particular low-key Leeds night. named adopted by DJs in many comers of the wider scene. Nonetheless. the fact that every weekend many Defibrillator. encapsulates this progression for me. people still willingly for~ out 10 see the1_r favourite Tiley·ve established a steady following at The Jock, albeit at smaller mghts and often m more spe­ George Hotel on Saturday nighlS, playing a wide cialist genres (such as bfeaks and drum n bass), mixture of hip-hop, funk, house, disco. break.s, dub dearly indicates that n's not all over. Whilst the and anything else Creams and lhe Gatecrashers are now shadows of that could possibly their former selves. smaller specialist nights all over fit Having built a the country canyon strong m Leeds the likes of strong reputation Techmque and Orum Major pull good crowds on a from the basement regular basrs. But let's not forget that before the of a pub, superclub era, there was a dance music scene, just Defibrillator cne tak- not nearly as mainstream. People who were into ing their rnnovative their danc.e music still went out to spec1ahsr nights edectlc1sm to the to see whichever DJ was big in each genre, and fav's Conserva1ory JC PERISHED ON ACROSS FOR US have been domg so for decades So it seems all this Sunday night we've lost is the idolised pop-star DJ. the accompa (Dec S) - well APPARENTLY. ITS CHRISTMAS ny1ng superdubs and the blind. sheep-Iii<, follow worth checking out mg The whole thmg came and (thankfully) went in for something new the way that music and lifestyle trends always do. and ~esh. SOON. SO, ER, LOS 'AVE IT! However. it wouldn't be true to say that DJing and the dance music scene has simply returned to h,sgentle how 11 was. Apart from the natural progression of swmg_towards the music and development of new genres etc, the Td1vers1ty ts. by phasP of OJ madness has left its mark m many no means confined Sorne funky house DJs. places. be it dance-music in TV advertising through 10 the small- time Prepare to lose your mmd, your to the new DJ1ng A·level at your s,xth·form college. The judge has budged (maybe there is a God after all) scene - it's becom Superconductor @ Mission money and yow will 10 live in this topm· 6am £15 adv. den of neural-devestation. JEFF MILLS (3 hou" 3 Decks n' 909) Didn't you seP our warning? Th,s is WED~ gonna be more heinous than Reinhard Vo1gt's arms. Unite @ Mi nt 10pm· Jam. ES adv. Ragga Tip @ West Indian Centre Tom Middleton 1Opm late. £6 before 11 pml £7 Tiie Desperate DJs (4 decks & Ix) after A man who needs no mtroducrion Klute (Metalheadz) will be making a welcome return to OJ Skrapes & Absynthe Leech; with support from loc.il heroes Simon Scott ijungle sel) Th• Desperate DJ~ Sen & residents Klute will lP-'d the assault on ~ane-t f.!llDAY_!l! ontinuing their. 1rend to.brm.g 1he freshest line-ups eaf'1i with genr bending dnb as room to the North, the fmal Technique of the term will 2 hosts all kind of othE't ev, sh t Chost Fabric resident Craig Richards. One half of Tyrant DJ. promoter, photog1a~her and graphic designer, Keep Your Nose Clean @ Soul Craig has dedicated murh of h,s Ille to challenging and Circus educating people. And.he certainly challenged our ~an1ty 9,,m 2am £9 when we caught up with h.1m recently on Sancho Panza·s Jm Syr funkuon i s-ound~yst.em at the Glade festival There 1s no SamLBnk doubt that Craig 1s che house playa of the moment as he H1 shdn~m hoU$t nc:I ~ ti . endeavours to rinse soundsystems all over Europe with awa his epic bass-heavv sets And, as if 1he mere prospetl of the fabric stalwart m isn't enough, word has town SA_I\,IRDl\l'...J reached u~ that he'll be playing for four hours at the SATURDAY 11 M,nt club. Expect a deep·tech·ac1d assault from one I.he Te

150 worthy o! menuon 1s the rl'Ceru launc.h or Techn1que·s website Following the recent uend of clubs launchrng theu own sues Techmque 1oms A SUN~Y4 superconductt-1 and Ragg~ Tip _Ill cyberspace wuh their own hi tech layout. featu11ng hne ups competauons. pho Saturday December 11 Craig Richards (4 hour set) Gla:sshous.e@ Misi1on tos and onlme c,ets at £101 £8 members !Om9am1 www.technique.org.uk 10pm- late 6 www.leedsstudenLorg.uk/Julce Frldav. December 3, 2004 Juici Tis some reasons to be jolly

Fa la la la la, la la la la! It's that time of the year when we all sit around and get fatter and happier than Santa him­ self. So, if you're going to be stuffing your gob, you might as well do it in front of one of these great Xmas shows:


Christmas cheer takes a hohday as hm Carrey stars in this comedy about a tno ol kids whose parents get killed, leavmg them 1n the care of a distant relative who plots to steal their mhernance {Out ,n cmemas on ~ember 171.


A.!.lan, the kf' Queen, Mr Turnnus. The Otters - n~ we say more? If you see one Christmas show. make sure it's this West Yorkshire Playhouse (until Feb 5) Tickets = fS for under 25s if you book one week m advance. Call !he box off1Ce on 0113113 7700 o, go to WWW_Wj'l)~ yh9 1J1f:_tpffi


Silly actioner starring Nicolas Cage as a treasure seek· ef who has to steal the original Declaratlon of Independence Why? For the treasure map on the bade or course' Guaranteed mane antics and manly one-lin­ e~ galore. (Out in cinemas on December 24)


Prepare to ~ blown away by breathtaking visuals and stunning martial art!> sequences as Zhang Yimou·s spectaru1ar follow up to Hero finally gets a release aher wowing audiences at the Leeds Film Festival (Ou! in cinemas on December 24).


itt1!:/~· Ml II

• J- - --- . . I' - JUiC}: Frfdav. December 3. 2004 wwwJeedsslUdent.oru.uk/Julce ------Exhibition of the Week Artsparkle 04

Innovative ekhlbition of local artists' work windows seem mor.:- )" to 5UCC.eed ,, showing until Jan 9 {more information tJ, s than Dlhe"- Dave ijonakf's Moby O.k available at www.vitrine.org uk) Nenc, and Emma Bolland, Kndertoten both gl3nce appea• to be shop wmdow rhsplays. some par1JC1.'arly stu ntng exhibit>. are located outSJde you TIJ,s OmslmJS, might spot som,, surp,r.rng more blatantly than others. Geo rhey under scalfofd. tiJmgs RI lee(/s' shcp I ncinl'> "!ins Senes. One Great Anis ts a stac.k of parnt tms 1ng but the vl~f rum tie risk of being floored by which an, matched to each of 10 GreatAniCtass horn Wi son·~ w thou the " biuon onsumer space~ eu«h ng aod an ongma v tnne s pmject .uttparl.~ l)( created by Plpj)d ~uido most shoppe" would Just pass hy ,1 attempt to ke ruhure more acms ble in Leeds llalf and Ken'/ Har"1, • ms to combat n on unaware. S•nular Deborah W1llm ngton·s luminous It feature< somo high pn,fi e an,sts w,th thought "nconvent on anna Rather than creaung ,,mdow of ,eo sh -'•r qels outs•de Rley's pool hall pro spaC1! •hough rrnm a, not ,n the ,rodent budget 01y reitte leaturmg mulllplts. which a e lor sa e ind art is.tt. whether rt has the power t d srupt amf)iJrlr/e ,s highly recommendable. Howevei: 1 did by a Yoide rang, or am>t>. lor1w by Jake hem Jusi ,mother window m the ev gro~\llng ant to reach. We wan• 1t to disrupt ~ shop;: og Amott. ,ov,t,ng the shopper to establt>ll a Ink shopping mecca of Leed (8) ._.....,. awns Hal._ The artworks or, fnst between the wo,lds I ai' 1ure and trade Some ~de le Mane

trrular mention 10 the rel.11Ne newcomPf School J55 ca Johnson who revels in her role as a slutty Geordie checkout girl. Mens mag favounte Brook: handles her suhry for .,art well although her Italian accent leav-'s ltttli: be d~rred tt was a pie~· am surpnse that a woman famed for her Seduction stupidity and bI s drrectonal debut works on accomphshed situation comehon of delivering. desp1ttJ som~ Glasscott + Fiona fi Im 1s Dubhn. Some grea1 unematog E O'Shaugneuy As. tor the actors. the pretty muc.h en10Yable moments. (5) raphy of the c;ty's landscape, and unknown cast do their job well with par Dawd Needham modern intenoo prove an apt setllng - A gc. 3/ uur /Oll)ert.Jble fo, thJS last paced stoty. lhe casr also ~·- loo dt :ne lurbu/Prrr keep the story flow ng w11Jl somt nature of Jove and lPX ,n tight performances a,ood by the bru· cr,n,.,mpor,1,v Dublm tally YtOft Snei. Hawe11er, none of hr; can rescue the cootnved absurd, ly o much of the film. It prOve'i to be Based on ll>e 50 s dass,c 'La Ronda. utterly tmpJaus1bte with a saipl that this tale of the tnals and tnbulat,ons surves so hard fot modem1ly and of love 1r1 the Dublin dating game is casual coolness ,t will actual make lack ng u, me slyle and arnstry of the you Cringe The charaaers are caught 0<191nat. It follows an ensemble of in a whlrlw111d of kwe and sex but metrose•ual Dubbners th1oogh rn1er find consolaoon m thetr goldf!'ih-hke twined ,ei;;uonsh ps. a, some look memone:s,. forgelttng the heartbreak fo1 love 11hlle othe~ are happy 10 that has befallen them and quickly setrle for mote brief encounters.. movmg on ro ttiei, next conquest Tom IS a philandc-nng UOJVl?f5ft/ Goldhsh Memory comes up with lecturer,, Nho lurei m htS 'ernaSe stu l,ttle to otter Totally pred,ct3ble and dents wtth bad poetry and worse utmly forg"11Jble (5) one-I n;,~ w~ also mE"

Gaps ,n musical background in Tom Powerpoint Look out for Mr Poetry. He's the touOi one Sutton's work seemingly sef\Je to high· light art in everyrlay. seemingly unpoet Alsle 16 ical commurncclt1on~ while, the empha· sis of poet1C beat created by die back­ Aisle16couk £5 ground mw,1L in The Love Conspiracy heightens suggesuons of helplessness Aisle I6 //ft you up. bnng in the fctce of the ine\11tc1ble ending. you back down. dnd make Subject matter 1s diverse • buslnes~ yo11 qut,stwn everything conventions, high society, love-. the true you '11e evpr known nature dnd meaning of an. m1>at, TV culture but well handled. ·tt's a Hawa,1an ,;hirt a funeral blown : DalJll Na91H l1r..t po•tl)' pampolet Oh My frnm 15 spangly, holographic. CD cover kazoo/ Sweet and biller and guilty ID , Rubi was a Smuh/Doorstop compeution 10 1he menacing busmess figure crePp- chew~. Hicks says of mec1t 1n his poem : wrnner. nu~ Poetry S0C1tlty's first ever 1119 auo!>S the CO cover Powerpoml To All the (m-vs. Perhaps meat seems , CHOICE and was The GUc:lrdnn s Pamphlt:t threat1;1ns disquiet. A collec11on by what of the Year m 2003 In 2004 he won the • c0<1ld Le labelled the ·angry young an odd sub1ect for the poem, but the Forwasd Prize for Bet lnd1v1du,1I Poem with : men· of our times. this CD of per guilty pleasure Hicks d~ribes Look, We HJVI' Com,r,g To Dover : becomes an &ho of a dtsturbmg part 1 formed poetry takes the hMener on a What are you reading at the roller coas1e, ride of emouon It rs a behevmg this ts a collerllon based 1mpress1ve. of our everyday existence - he presents moment? culmination of dry and acerbic wit. pio­ upon mtelhgent and wry parody, until At first. I was «:eptical about the nonnallty in a d1sconcertmg way Fasrmg, feasrmg by Anita Desai. neered by Luke Wright with Tom Ross Sutherland kicks in with his unbe· use of music in the background to the Sutherland's observations are simul ta­ What is your favourite book7 Sutton's more unconventional ques­ llevably poignant Things to Do Before poetry. but 1t 'iOOn became dear Lhot neously recognisable and unique. · we fnv1S1bfe MJn by Ralph Elhson tioning of the nature of art und Oavtd Leaving Tuwn "Take everything you've this S(lrved to enhanc.e, rather than were everywhere cos we were What do you wish you had written? Brt'ntstylt> office convtntions, Ch,1!> ever known~, commrmds Sutherland, rnake up fo,, meanmg. In Powerpomt nowhere and in the end the public dis· The Ttmpest Hicks' sen\e of impending_catastrophe, wRack ii, stack it and thermoplast ill the bell tolling in the background. mis'ied it/ Our love was a conspiracy, , What book have you read most anc:f Ross Sutherland's arhingly t1ag1c Cut off the phone/Bleed the radiator/ combined w11h ~1cks' delivery, creates so pawerlul 1t neve_r could have exist· : often? exploration of love m our times. Give back the s1alen hangmq bas a sense of unavoidable uneas1ness, ed , while Luke Wright who'll have : James fenton's poetry The interweaving of these different ket/ ... Come m1dn1gh1/1hrow ·a glow-in­ while True Type by Sutherland a : What books are on your bedside poet1e personae creates a conte,ct lhe dark frisbee off the highest point m poem which mounts 1n pace and tone comedy which : table? where the consumer 1s constdntly on town.• tt is tht; repeated simple beau unlll It reaches breakmg point is only serves to ht the dtSrupt1on edC)e You Gottd fight For Your R1gh( 10 ty dnd concisene-.;s of observation that ec.hoed in the repetition of a STmple inheren1 within this collection. (10) :~:~~~;!s ~:n!~!:~te,~~son and Seamus HayleyBJOdd Latte. by VV11qht lull, the reader mto serve:. to make the tolle<.tion so b<:1tk1n9. but with mounting speed : If your life were a book what would : it be called1 :whaAmll stun gun does not usually inspire the : Who would write it1 Looking for reaction. 'I bet Lara Croft never gets Seeds Of : A chameleon ,.... headaches' Wealth: Four : What is your favourite poem1 ~ Mr Nobody However. Looking for Mr Nobody, : Paradise lost by John Milton. • 0 Sue Rann principal characters help compensate Plants That : What is your favourite liteary quota· ...J.-. for the incongruity of plot Robin : tion? .,..... No Exit (6.99 Carlson inspires empathy, flitting Made Men , "Man ism love. and loves what he has not U between military stoicism and nervous Rich : got W B Yeats. ~· - A fusion of ch,ck-Jit ilnd wreckage. doing kung·fu one mmute : Wh o is you r favourite lit erary charac- and breaking down m tears at the conspiracy rhrory thriller. Henry Hobhouse : ter? demise of her goldfish the next. Jan : Iago ' Srreogrh lies m characters Wolf is also engaging. It ts easy to 1 MacMIiian £20 SEE DS OF : Which fictional character do you rarher rhan p/or become Involved in the hero's attempt : most identify with? l to trace his memory especially when Ar, informative yet uninrerest· WEALTH : Ralph Ellison's unamed speaker m the sec· : Looking for Mr Nobody rnark.s 1he liter· mysterious men In black coats are pur­ mg look at the plants that : and half of Invisible Man • : ary debut of Stafford·born Sue Rann suing him. TI11s relationship between made the country great. No, 1 Which new book are you most exc1t- ! Scouring the less glamourous elements hunter and hunted is the doses! Sue really : ed about? ; of Amsterdam society, the novel fol· Rann's novel gets to being chilling : Augus-i Kleinzhaler's latest book of poems.a : lows two disparate figures· Robm Looking for Mr Nobody was proba : Which books are you most embar- • Carlson, a rough 30-somethmg bly intended as a taut, gritty, real tale Seeds al Wealrh. Four Planrs rhar Made ! rassed to have read? : American. and an amnesiac vagrant of underdogs fighting a conspiracy. Bui Men Rich ls Henry Hobhouse's sequel to : The Fog by James Herben ! living under the ahas Jan Wolf Their H you approach 11 expecting th,s. you Seeds of Change. The novel delves mlo this book When reading the tobacco : Have you ever quit a book half way : stories collide when Robm's Pl para- wlll be disappointed as it is simply too the world of plant history, arguing 11 has and wine section, there 1s at least the : through'? ! mour goes missing, forcing her ta fin silly However, anyone who ts prepared been plants not people that are the hope you may be dble to use the mfo, : All tht- umel : ish his investigation into the mys1eri to read this novel with theH tongue motivating force of economic history mat1on at some pomt to look clever am 1 Hardback or paperback? ! ous project Nemesis. who's founder5 (firmly) in their cheek may find 11 an and trade culture The novel charts his­ sophistic.at~ for knowmg lots about : Paperback.. : may be responsible for Wolf's memory exciting, enjoyable way to kill a fitw toiy not from the usual perspective of wine as rm not sure many will app,ecl : Where is the best place to read? : loss. Should Robin trust old friends o, hour... (4) significant people but through four ale your in-depth knowledge of wood. : Wher you can put your feet up, and where I mysterious new acquaintances? Can Julia Wray plants: Grapes, Tobacco, Rubbe, and In its favour the book does include lots : your mind 1s free of distractions. : Jan trust the authorlnes7 And (more limber and argues that 1t was these of anecdo1es and has quite a chatty : And the worst place? : tmpon.antly) will they ever trust each that changed the course of history style which does brighten up the di)' : In the dark. : other enough to help one another7 I do not doubt that these plants are subJect matter. However there seems le '------' Looking for Mr Nobody suffers from important to our economic. history. have been plenty more opportUnity for something of an idenuty cns1s One 1s Judging on the amount of cigarette humour in the novel then are taken unsure whether it is supposed to be a butts decorating the pavements of advantage of serious conspiracy theory thriller or an Leeds, 1t really is not surprising tobacco If you are immensely interested in action packed chick-lit novel. This book did make some people vel)' 1ich. Yet. ,f plants or history of the less eventful doesn't entirely convmce on either you find Hobhouse's highly detailed kind, you may find this book fascinat· level. It is 1mposs1~!e to take Lookin_g account of plant history interesting I for M, Nobody senously because n 1s thmk you will be in the minonty. ;J~~J:k~a":~,ho~~!d~~:!~1 ! ~:~ 1ust too damn unreahsuc ln what pa, Although ii could be sa,d that last night. cigarettes are what you allel universe would a supermodel Hobhouse is throwing enlightenment on announce you are gamg to quit al 1he hacker. a pyromamac beggar and a aspects of history usually marginalized. end of every packet rubber IS what yoi public S£hoo1 detective contest a perhaps there is a reason why no one tire~ are made of and wood is well des1gner·military-drug plot with a has wntten much on this topic wood ba51cally, then I doubt you"II fi nd helpful dose of telepathy] because n is mcredibly dull. Hobhouse this book that sumulatmg Everything Appi:trently this one 1f looking for magnifies the ms1gmf1cant in the Hobhouse says 1s well researched and Mr Nobody 1s to he taken in earnest extreme every :.mall detail, name and perceptive but not the son ol informa­ Nof does II fully satisfy a-. women's lit place 1s mentroned wh1Ch makes for tion that will enrich your life greatly, erc11ure TI1e .-.e1f·di\precaung humour, time cons1Jm1ng and ded1c.ated reading exc1:>pt for the chance that the useless so often used in d11ck-li1 ,s surprisingly It si:-ems a mistake to put the rubber sort of mfonnat,on ,evealed may com funny bu1 rt do~n·1 alwavs comph· and 11mbl!1 sections hrst. they do not up ,n a pub quiz 01 gameshow (3) rnent the i1ct1on. Gl'rling hll with a eKactly Pncoutage the reader to finish Nicole Le Marie Juic~ Friday, December 3, 2004 wwwJeedsstudem.org.uk/Julce 9 story is like a snapshot into someone's lite. one to yoursem. Naked City From Muff·Diving Over the Fish-Market to the Sa, if you want get to the bottom of the issues Edited by Ian Daley bitingly cynical Breaking for the Border, you feel affecting urbanites everywhae. keep abreast of like you are being introduced to real people, and current reflections on social and sexual change and reading stories you may have overheard while expose yourself to some top-quality storytelling, Route 1S £8.95 passing a convers.:1t1on on the street between thtS IS the book for you. (9) friends. Of course, it's not all Harvey Nichols and Katie Jenkins A thoughtprovokmg and sharply skmny hazelnut lattes. One example of a less glam­ obsetved collecr1on of shon stories ourous setting is Submarium, the story of Sarah, a about the c,ty young woman m Hull who ,s living 1n a rut wuh her violent boyfriend, dreaming of the possibillues brought to the town (and to her ltfe) by the newly It is. I'd imagine, q.u,te unusual to find, at the built aquarium. Possibly as a result of the isolation centre of a collecuoo of short stones, a photo of felt by many people who hve m a large city, a two completely naked men passin~ on a s1a1rcase world weariness pervades the stmies. with rela t1onsh1p observations in particular feeling the wry ~~r:~s;~~n f:J~~~~~=~t~~~al~ ~~\:~siff~r sting of the writer's pen Rules of the Game may such a ta~tal1singly real ghmpse into the lives of have you nodding and smiling in recogn1t1on until modem aty-dwellers. you realise that that's exactly what's supposed to Appealing to the voyeur in us all, a selection of happen and you have to decide whether you like talented writers have laid bare the lifestyles the familiarity or the situation, or are uncomfort· dreams and dramas that go on every day In the ah\e with how damn predictable you are. modem city, with many of the stories taking place tastefully naughty collection of pictures shot by The great thing about Naked Crty rs that rt 1n the contemporary Leeds which all of us art Kevon Reynolds of people going about their daily offers itself as an entire urban expenence regard famll1ar wnh. There are three sections to the book; city lives m the b1rlf, and Th,s Could Be Anywhere less of your personal view of the ctty, you will find Naked City ii.elf, which looks to capture the spirit more shon stories about family and single life. Tile it impossible not to relate to some aspect con of the city and the Intricate web of relationships photographs, as well as berng a bit of a giggle, are rained within lts pages, even 1f it is your fondness being spun within it Naked Oty Photographs, a appropriate to the book as a whole in that each for naked 1oggmg (and you may want to keep that

20 something The Prince of them are developed beyond anything more than a C' trite stereotype; the local heavies, the tart with a 0 · the Ultimate C Deadly Weapons hean, the charming, bu1 dishonest. head of the com munity and, (surpnse. surprise} an angst-ndden +--·- . o Boston Teran u Survival Guide female. who is saved by the arrival of our protago­ nist Apparently the plot is driven by the quest to ~ ...... - MacMillan (12.99 Hannah Adcock find out whether or not Taylor Greene was mur

u dered, and1 if so, who murdered him? If only to dis· e' Discover Press f.9.99 An unde1Whelmingly average thnller cover the answers to these questions, I plodded on 0 to the end of 1h1s novel. And I still couldn't work out C which, unfortunately, contains no An essential guide to surv,vmg the ~ thrills who killed Taylor Greene or why. post-uni wilderness years There was somethfng abou1 money launderrng and his father bemg involved. whkh meant that the girlfnend was implicated, a federal agent was shot 'If you so much as sneeze as a student you can and somebody stole some diamonds. An'f'Nay, either find a self-help book to get you over 1t but when I misunderstood 1t. or it wasn't explained dearly it comes to 20 somethmg debt. unemployment, enough and actually, I'm not sure I really care. I confusion, success and Clap jobs, then surprising· probably haven't read enough thrillers to be able to ly.. nothing' Yes, fellow s1udents, it's all downhrll offer an expert op1mon as to why this one didn't from here. It's a good job, then, that Hannah work. but it didn't. and I don'1 thmk I've ever been Adcock decided to fill the n1Che for 10 somethmg less thrilled by anything on my life. (3) survival guides with he, (shockmgly titled) debut ~re peppered th~oughout, and each chapter head Jenny Glencross 20 something: the Ultimate Survival Guide. mg 1s accompamed by a relevant song, book and So ls ZO something worth its price tag7 film The simple yet jaded Molly and Josh cartoons Resoundingly YES. Adcocl< speaks horn expe11ence. by Knife&Packe, are also pan1Cularly effective. But having misspent her 20s fa1hng to establish a Jew­ the real star of 20 something 1s Adcock herself. ellery-making career. She has also done her You know you are on to a good thing when your Call me a snob, but I've never really been a 'thnller' research. Along with her own nuggets of wisdom author writes one intro for you and another so,t of girl. Murder, money, secrets, car c.hases., not 1here are contributions from no less 1han 45 other (sugar-coated) version for your parents. really my cup of tea. So I have to admit that I proba· 20 somethings. While some contnbut1ons are sim­ Indeed, the only flaws in this comprehensive bly didn't start reading this with an open mind, but I ply disheartening, others are informa~ive. 1mpart and enterta1mng book are the celebrity contrrbu­ did try. And as much as I'd love to say that thtS ing knowledge ranging from the glarrngly obvious. tions. They are not necessarily bad, just a slight let novel, feted as 'a highly crafted and intriguing liter­ 'don't end up stuck in a job tha1 makes you down. Any muppet willing to rush out and buy ary thriller' (by none other than Its publicisQ, unhappy' to the slightly bizarre, 'withou1 style. something on the strength of a Jamie Cullum changed my mrnd, I'd be lying if I dtd we'd all be like Oxo cubes.' In contrast to the rem· interview should bear 1n mind that only 6 out of Let me give you a quick run down of the facts. rn1scing of Adcock's friends are more prac1_1cal bits 201 pages of 20 somethmg are devoted to the wit Dane Rudd comes to Rio Vista for a memorial for a of info. There are appropriate books, websites and and wisdom of the rich and famous. Much more man he has never met The link: this man, Taylor addresses listed at the end of each chapter useful are the Voice of Experience sections _con· G1eene, has donated his corneas. which have Useful for instance if you desire a mannequin, or eluding each chapter in which experts, varym_g enabled Dane to see agr1in aher he was nearly (more ~onventionally) wish to get a visa or advice from the BBC Head of Recrwtment 10 the Chief blinded in an accident Oh, and he may or may not have been murdered. Dane somehow manages to fot debt Executive of the Samaritans give advice on JOb· Self-help books 11sk being both patronising and hunting, relationships and financ_e ingratiate himself with the family, 1he girlfriend, the deeply dull, Adcock avoids the ftr,t pitfall by plug If you nurture the hore of going on to do ANY· locals, and discover money laundenng, diamonds, gmg her work as ·a. mine of subjective thoughts THING after degree leve then I strongly recom· and murder, all w11h the slick arrogance of a trou# and recommended mformation' rather than a dic­ mend reading this book because there IS some· bled, but good-hearted youth with an obligatory shady past tatorial life style guide. 20 smnedrrng also has thing in there that apphes to everyone. Of course ZO something does not prom1s~ a silky-smooth If that sounds complicated, then you should try enough charm to prevent It from becoming reading it The narrative jumps about very confusmg­ 1edious Much of this charm denves from numer· decade. But it imparts enough information to help ly, from character to character, from situauon to situ· ous little touches that can only be described as the reader negotiate the fi~t years of. what Adcocl< terms the 'real' world. with success (9) ation, from bad 10 wo,se. There are too many char cute. Random quotes from the good (Oscar Wilde) acters introduced nght at the begmmng and none of the bad (Macbeth) and the ugly (Homer Simpson) Julia Wray

What's in yo.tr stocking? nate\y worth a look. For all you not so hesh Christma~ as Michael Palin's Himalaya has hlt freshers get know your new home in Your handy guide to wh 1 to the bookshelves and for thl' nerd in your life with We know this is .1he_ time of year en .. ' ' - Naked C,ty (reviewed above} The Fabulou~ asp1rc1uons towards lycra-reldled world·savmg literary goings-on in everyone 1-; grav1tat1onally pulled towards Girl's Guide 10 Oet a~d dearest than play, The History Bo)'S, set m a stal€· school Beckharns On Tuesday December 12, Luke Wright will be David Beckham s My Side. Here 15 the of O O m good al Leeds and D,wghters by Paule perfor mrng from his latest poetry collect1on best of the best from the first ~ter o c.. Marshall also ctime highly recommended w,cked Words at the Old Peirce Statton, Leed5 Student. by our trusty ,ev1ewer... MERRY CHRISTMAS! Harrogate Road. Chapel Allerton Thts event w1I Mark Haddon's The Curious No need to buy your Dad yet another start at 8pm and trckets cost O (£2 cone) Look Incident of rhe Dog"' tht· Nlghr·_timt:>-p,1s pair of 'hilarious' comedy soc.ks this (KJ, & KB) to your left for the review of his new CD been around fol a while but 1s !iitLH de 1 10 MLJSiC www.1eedsstuden1.0rg.uk/Julce Frldav, December 3, 2004 JUiCE BARE NAKED for the ho-ho-ho-LADIES

have said the world doesn't need another Christmas Do you think aft er 'Millennium Prayer' Cliff album but then we wrote a bunch of songs. Sl"-'Ven should be boiled with his own pudding and -can't ;·sa-·-·;y Rudolph, that's ....cheating . with E: He's no1 my favouri1e anyway. I like~ Donner be them Futurehe,ads of cour5e ~,~--·- Franl-wotsits aren'I that proved everyone wrong bad {but are perhaps a hit noi~y), but if you want to :::~r~~i::: :rh~~ sct-fi Ull-•~;;_....- e.scapo from the overly ridiculously c.atchy reinter­ ylossy/aack·addled NME pretation of Ka te Bush's faves. then local boys Being 'Hounds of Love' the whole thing is so energetic and u:,,ai.....;.:,.._...:n...a 7117 ari> your band. Tilere's infectious that it's impossible not to try and sing tunes apl~nty, witty lyncs, plenty of 'ahahahaaaas· every volal line a1 once. and 'oohs', and most essenually some great songs. TV On The Radio - Desperate Youth. The Crib• - The Crib< (Wich ita Recordings) Bloodthirsty Babes (4AD) If The libertines were ,1ctual· If anyone te lls you that one of the guys behind !his ly hall a.s good at song writ is also a producer for the ing os lhe hype suggests, Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs. you mus1 then 1hey would probably forget that Do not expect sound like these Wakey·lads tf11s album to be hke the The Cribs. You can hear Ye,:1h, Yeah. Yeahs. On some of the influence of the DY,88. you will not find current garage rock. crop. bu! quick, sexy rock thrills, but underneath the whole thir1g dark, slow bummg pO'it· Is a pop sensib11ily that rod: soundscapes. U the should see rhe Cnbs hecomlng everyone's favou11te 1dea of a m1x1ure or barbe, ndl• kids In 2005 ;;hoµs, elecuomca and teggae sounds like a bad one, tJ1en ,t probably 1<; 8u1 somehow, this all works. Graham Coxon - Happiness In Mag azines (Transcopic) Runn ers up: In which Coxon mak€'S the record Blur alway.s threat­ Mike Skinner's tal~ t..11 chav-dom 01tcr hi~ homcrn.ide ened to make finally1 we beats made The Streets' A Grand Oon't Come Free. have c:1 reco1d full or the (6791 one ol the few albums of th,s yea1 rhat could huge tunii>S. that Blur c:ould gernunely be calh:.•d original If It had actually been occa~ionally manag" with properly released, the ope1auc, geniu.,_ rod,.. of The perfection {see 'For SwE~1';'c' Go see the official 36th coolest person in & Jon Martlew rock, Ricky Wilson and his band the Kaiser Chiefs (The Cockpit, Dec t 3). You'll laugh, When exactly did Blink 182 you'll dance, you'll dance some rnore. What a stop listemng to the nOfses The mos1 int119uing f~tivals are those when you way to welcome lhe local tads home in style. that bums make and start /is· can look down a long list ot bands, pid< a few Less likely to make you dance are Baby tening to old Cure records? bands out that you know and lov~ a fow that Food (The Packhorse, Dec 16). Theil electro 'Always' (Geffen), 81ink's you wan1 to see and a few that mc1k.e you based horro,-rock w,11 probably scare the hell fourth single off their fifth SUc)tch your head Unless you ha¥e a radar fo1 out of you, and if 1t doesn't., wa1 until Noah album is morbid-rock-pop a. httle known ind1e bJnds, or itre a compulsive goes prowling into the crowd. it should be made. not how liar/wannabe ind1e Wob, then Nasty Fest II If you like your gigs to feature bird noise, Evanescence do. ~ I've been should provoke sudl a response.Ash, the pro· twigs. and taxidermy, then you'll want to go here a few times and I'm motor says. • I've spedf,cally gone for bands who see British Sea Power [The Cockpit, Dec qu,te aware we 're dying· 1s I think are gonna be big ui '" mondlS It's be<,n 17). E1

Undergoing h,,rd,hip l\'l)IOI of winter 1oumall1ti< e,pedidont we btaved the cold to trek the long few hundred yard, cross condnem tc the Ge, man Christmas market in Millemum Square (more spec1fiully. 10 the gluhwein 11all) lhe lov ly lady who gave us the wine whllh made dll the ndku· lously Party f.stiv,ues bearabl• and actually ralher attract,ve, wa!> called Mnrtina Rod,, who it turned au, b a\$0 a sn1dem of recent French and German politics at the Un,vers,ry of Leeds. According to Martina. frorn East Berhn, the Germans en1oy goose and carp on Chn,tmas day. Well, a, for the latter: e-ach to their own. However, she did al~ mention a raU1er sw?E.'t tradition of giving d,:,.cordt ed gmgl't'bre~ rookies and houses a5 prl?"ients..

ChnJ(ed banality of the a,,e, age dmstmas d1nnef. Th<-te are set evemng meal, for groups of two o, for four and abov~ indudmg a vege, tanan option. lhe starter menu for two consists of pritWT1 rolls. satay m chtda:!n Wrdpped in Pandanm, leaves. The choice for the main cou"" ,ooudes king prawn qn,en CUTI¥, pork cooked with gartk and pepper, ,1ir fired ch,cteo or Thai Edge fned rKe. For all the set menus the desert ~ non-negotiable; a sele< tK><1 of ~esh fruit. It's healU1~ but can 11 really ever hve up 10 a flaming brancty soaked ball of pudding I For the vegetanans there " a selection of curries ioduding the amazir,y ,oundjng C0019"1tes and bean curd w,th flesh holy basil and a sefeclion 2) Knead it all !Dge11ler. l'rffleal OYro 10 200C/Gas Marie lilF.Y, of tha1 appe~ ""'1 as O'ien Qucl:y got) 180(. Line 18 txile;oltwo bun bns. by "'""""9 sp,mg roll °' sv.1!-et com cake Wl1y small balls ol pastry IOIO each hole. 0.,ide 280g """""""3l (it only a,mes t­ the ba,il » holy I iust don't koow ~----~ on metnc) betw"' {logiem fo< up to a month (out m time !or exam J)

4) Bale for 20 - Cool in bn for hve minutes. then ll'm(M! 'to a ''"" rad< (or your dean griR pan rad<). Oust wi1h oong sugar when COOL Keep for 3 to 4 days man a,night a,nta net of you Gil Bin !he tf,geila bool< · ·

P>!iITlt' EMMA ~~'------' DALZl'I Friday, December 3, 2004 wwwJeadssrodentoru.ull Juic~ 13 eastiv Nell Frizzell decides it's about time to explore the culinary wonder that is the limited edition Christmas-themed food hybrid a eP Morrisons 6 for 49p Frankly I have seen more mrnce strewn across Santa's beard than could be found in these budget Monisons pastries. I would pemaps suggest that they were mar1ceted as mrnce frisbees or better still, mince-free pn~s for the slimming market 1n order to avoid the disappointment one feels when biting into these distinctly pastry-heavy, minre-light deserts. However, at 49p for srx, you can't deny the economic draw of the Bettabuy mince pie. There is something reassuring aOOUl the sovi· et austereness of the red and whtte packaging that makes almost no attempt to engage the passing shopper. These pies ~ton the shett with a 'fuck you, I don't ca,.· attitude that I think should be celebrated in this age of gross advertising sensory assault.

Walker's 40p

Do you remember when Coco Pops made the disasterous mistake of rebranding their famous morning brain fuel as 'Choco Krispies'? Sales plumetted, children were crying in the aisles. parliament had to be dissolved as MPs threatened cereal-induced mutiny (perhaps noO and all because the consumer public realised that Kelloggs had done nothing more than changed the poxy name on the packet Well, frankly once bitten really was twrce shy for me. So it was with the cynical eye of a professional crisp eater that I approached the new Happy Crispmas offerings. True to form, this was no more a revolution in potato flavouring than the Choco Krispie was a wheaty inspiration Yes ki~ they've tried to trick us again. The turkey and pax.o crisps were little more than good old roast chicken flavour trussed up in a blue packeL shamelessly adorned with a picture of holly Don't he fooled. Walkers are just trying to lure you into a bout of wild festive consumerism and I for one shall not stand for it.

Ainsleys 80p

I have found planks of oak easier to snap than this fes· tive biscuit It had the consistency of chalk and was crafted with all the artistrc skill of a deranged child with withered stumps for hands. There was. however, a cer· lain sadistic pleasure in bitmg the face of Rudolf (all fans of chrisbnas may wish to avoid the rest of this sen· tence) completely off, leavrng just a few desultory crumbs on the christmas plate. Ainsleys, either change your recipe or hand out pneumatic drills to each cus­ tomer purchasing a ginger fiavoured chunk of granite.

Ck Morrisons 99p In the name of all things holy what the hell are Morrisons up to? Chn!itmas cake and cheddar is the kind of combination one would expect to be served up by one_of Satan's minions at the entrance to the pit .of eternal llery damnano~. It IS about as w1,e a pa,r~ng as Keith Chegwm cind chocolate body pamt and, in my humble opinion. _abo~t as appetlsmg. Seriously, why oh why would you want _chee;e with bits of crystallised fruit m? Howevet", it seems I was alone m my total revul· :.ion The marauding hoardes thal creep aro"'nd m tht- shadom ot the Leed$ Studem office snuffled their way through most of the block, served as an accompaniment to the special christmas cranbeny bread roll. What can I say, some people really do have no tasta House Hunting unipol ; OJ...... - '"' • ---studoot ·,;orne,s-·- •.1 2005/2006

Sign Again

If you currently live in tbe prirnte rented sector you have a number of options: • Stay in the ame property \Yilh the same group • Stay in the same property with a different group Either way you should contact your landlord to discuss these.

If you already live in University of Leeds accommodation, or would like to, then application fo1ms are available from the accommodation office after February 14th.

If you cmTently live in a Unipol property then you will shortly be sent a letter offering you the option to remain for another year.

You should check any changes to the contract - including new rent levels - before you sign.

Whatever you decide to do you are advised to only rent a property belonging to a Code of Standard owner. JU i C ~ Fridav, December 3, 2004 www.leedsstudent.oru.uk/Julce TV 15 Do YOU REMEMBER Bigtoots Strike Again THE FIRST hat do you call a roaming lhe Pacific North Jacques Ellul, a much elev· sions from the sea floor. number of Bigfoot/ West The rise of Freeview is John erer man than has ever wnt­ Donnie Darko-esque 'portals' WBigfeet1 Surely not to the PfOfit of the fantasist ten in the Leeds Student. once Whoever provides !he most TIME? That and many other ques­ Of oourse. Sky Travel also has Holmes claimed "modern man wor· convincing 'proor for one tions were posed ,n Sky lesbians Go Mad m Lesbos. ships facts as the ultimate explanation wins. But that Travel's World of but !hat's fo, the fantaslSI Lat Week's reality.· Yet facts in themselves proof is highly subjective; No.10- Myrteries. lhe kind of pro­ without the 1maginanon. Television are no trnth. To verify the eKis­ you're gonna believe the sci gramme that convinced you What we want are Blgfeet tence of the big fellcms up entist or the government offi· Rainbow Brite (well, ,1 you had a pre-teen (Bigfoot>'). alien~ the Loch north we need proo\ which a cial over the bearded Bigfoot fascination with anything Ness monster and P'"ferably number of clearly unmarried hunter whatever !hey say. Genre: Little girls cartoon ,eally o, powerful othelworldly, anyway) !hat all three to converge some­ crackpot Bigfoot enlhusiasts Why all th,s arsey trulh talking tool to annoy brot~ with. there's as where in the middle of the are all too proud to present to then' Well tn11h. like beauty, is many as Bennuda Trianglec Wilh David World of lhe world through the medi­ In the "I• of lhe beholder. par Premise: • Hello everyone. I am the super happy 4,000 of lcke. um of somewhat badly pro­ ticularty when it's told uncor­ br,ghr and buhbly Rainbow Brire. Well I used to be the crit- It's in these programmes Mysteries duced documentaries on roborated through a television called Wisp. . long story but basirally it all staned !hat you realise that lhe rela minority cable channel, Still. screen by a voiceover man one day when I heard about this beautiful Cl!iorful ""' tionship between fact,. truth ky Tr I as the 4S-minute daim with a deep vojce. place callL" And (partJcula,ly Buddy Blue who I have a crush on) and the help in lhe broken ruhblec World lhink two myste (Bigfeetl) exist of eyew,tness accounts, and a one lhh19 "Su..iy this is all tions; hunicanes, gargantuan Because they're cool.And Isay Best thing: Excellem merchandising those toys were really qwte convincing case bollocks? Surelyl" sea tom~ gaseous emis- SO. somelh,ng f0< everyone Rainbow Brite · girl's toy. Unicom for animal lov~ Spnts - everyone's gotta like cute and rurry and the Baddies Jor boys-

Wom thing: Slight lack of imaginauon wllh the charact,.,; Yes. 1here was variety between the different groups but each TV Film of the Week Thursday, C4, 11.05pm creature 111 the group look eXc1ctly the same only in a d1ffen~nt ------JUSI httle brains lel's colour And so as nol lo confuse. our name them afw 1he colour of their hair and clothes.

------Underlying social message: Th""' will always be the poJ> ular girl rn school (or the wo,k place) and the chances are that she will .:tetuall\· ~ d nice person. Everyone will love her Ghost World and if you want to be accepted ttlel"I you will have to try and 101n tl1e popular gang and suck up to her Olherwise you w,11 this film; I/le young leads are perlectly omething of an lllStaflt rult clas· be a total ou1cast, a social reject and to make thing WOfSe sic due to its roo1s in the comic cast and ultimately endearing in spite you w,11 be ugly. Sbook world, Glrcst World rs the of, or perhaps because of, !heir cyn,cal tale of two outcasts who have recent attitudes towards just about every­ Influences: Addi Definir.ly not created out of a sane brain ly graduated from high-school and is thing. Whilst Buscemi 1s treading very anyhow. Bright, happy, funny l11tle creatures running around a refreshing break from the 'we go and lhe colours ... ah. !he colours! Suggestion to the govern­ 1oge1her' (rama-lama-lama's optional) ~~: ~r:~ st~,~~~o;~rea~~:~ ment show an episode of th1!> in school!. as part of your anu tradition of teen com1ng-of-age films. tion for the character. drugs campaign The bonds here are repeatedly tested, Ghost World is a charming and promises are constantly broken and scarily 1/lought-provokmg film for Fact: Twmk (the white Sp,nO lost h,s colour when he was lhe post-academia world is revealed those on the brink on graduation and, thrown into the !'its by Muri

"~ .. J Best of TV I in 2004, - see Juice - • 16-22

Confessions of a Motorcycle Expert: "Colin had a hard on in practice earlier, and I bet he wished he had a hard on now" (Jack Burnicle on Colin Edward's choice of tyre) 16 wwwJeedsstudent.oru.uk/tulce Frldav. December 3, 2004 Juic~ now I just want to er(, unable to take ll: ~~t~~~~~~t~ the Peep Show his hippy girtfriend's free loving ten· E mends Just because I'm spying oo dencies. Through the strea=f-con· 0 you". As fast-paced as an American emeryed with • heart. Not only did we sciousness thought p1ocesses of the X sitcom, but with the dysfunctional and have the usual~ detestable Mark's leading charac:too. the humour comes. C only just loveable characters of con­ stand against neo-Nazrsm, but also cunningly. through the voyeurist,c .c temporary Bntish comedy, Peep the usually brash Jeremy's declaration insights into the minds of these quite ~ Show's current second series also that • 1should be enJoying this but unhinged voyeur; rnrnl!I rnrns ONE TWO I I V I I 4 I I five 6.00 Breakfast: The National Lottery 6.00 Little Bear; 6.25 Popeye And Son; 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 Tnsha; 10.30 Tho 6.10 Ttle Hoobs; 7.00 84; 7.25 Friends; 6.00 sunrise; 6.30 MIikshake!: Daily Play; 9.15 Money Spinners: t0.00 6.50 There'!i A Viking In My Bed; 7. 05 Mommg; 12.30 ITV 1.JJl'IChUme News; 7.55 Everybody Loves Raymond: 8.25 Woolamaloo; 6.40 Oswald; 6.55 Hi·S; Hom~ Under The H;irnmcr.11.00 To Yvon OITheYukon, 7,30 I Love 1.00 Today With Des And Mel, 2.00 l The King Of Queens; 8.50 The 8em1e 7.30 Peppa Pig: 7.35 Funky Valley; Buy Or Not To Buy; 11.30 Bargam Hunt; Mummr; 7.5 5 Newsround; 8. 00 Big Wam That House By The Sea; 2.30 Zoo Mat Show; 9.15 Supporting Am.; 9.25 7. 45 Make Way for Noddy: 8.00 The Entente Cordmle; 9.30 Quit. 9.35 12.15 Europe.in N1ghlmare; 1.00 BBC Cook. Little Cook; 8.20 Tots. TV; 8.30 Vet At large. 3.00 Calendar News Ami Book Of Pooh; 8.35 The Save-UmsJ ; Boo!; 8.40 Pmgu; 8.45 little Robots; Regency House Party; 10.25 Tate News: Wea1her. 1.30 Regional News: Weather. Ifs Your Call; 3.15 M1ffyAnd Modem; 10.30 National Gc1!1ery; 10.35 8.50 Barney; 9.10 My First; 9.15 Wea1her; 1.40 Neighbours. ln:y agrees 9.00 Balamory. 9.20 The Roly Mo Fnends; 3.20 Eng1e BeTlfY; 3,30 Atomrc Rude Britanma; 11 .05 National Gallery; Roobatb. 9.25 The Wright Stuff; 10.30 10 see a psychtatnst 2.05 Doctors: 2.35 Show; 9.40 Tweenies; 10.00 Sergeanl Setty: 4.00 Finger frps, 4.20 Grizzly 11.10 Bollywood Star, 12.00 News At Sunsel Beach; 11 .25 House Doctor; Mu1der. She Wrote: 3.20 sac News: so,pe,; 10. 10 Yoho Ahoy/; 10. 15 Bob Tales For Gruesome K.1ck, 4.30 Best Noon; 12.30 Chee~ 12.55 'Ourd 11.so The Wnght Stuff Extra; 12.00 Regional NeY.!'i: Wc-.11her. 3.25 Bink.a; The Builder C8eeb1es Birthdays: 10.30 fnends; 5.00 Paul O'Grady Show Watch, 1.50 Or Qurnn: Medicine Five News At Noon; 12.30 Home And 3.35 lhe Koala 8,others; 3.45 Looney Schools: Wliat? Where? When7 Why 7, 6.00 Calendar: Weather Woman: 2.45 The Col.lrtroom, 3.15 Away; 1.00 Family Affairs; 1.35 6.30 ITV Evening News: Countdown; 4.00 A Place 1n lhe Sun; Tunes; 3.50 Mona ThP Vampire; 4.05 10.45 Primary Geography; 11 .05 Bra111TPase1, 2.35 Tradmg Spouses.; Hard Spell Abbey: 4.35 The Basil Brush Hands Upl; 11 .20 Pi1mary Geography; Weather 5.00 Richard & Judy 6.00 The Simpsons. 3.30 Five News Update; 3.40 FILM; Show: S.00 Blue Peter; 5.25 11.40 Prrmary History; 12.00 FILM: 7.00 Etnmerdale. Carn Busy breaks into Pear Tree Conage Homer swallows a doughnut Chance Of A Lifetime {lggiJ) Romantic Newsround; S.3S Neighbours and then C4 go to a break at an drama; S.30 Five News: Wea1her 6.00 BBC News Bodies 119331: 12.20 Trade Secre15; whlle the Kmgs' party is In full swing. mopportune moment nud-scene. 6.00 Home And Away. 6.30 look North: Weather 12.30 Working lunc.h; 1.30 Seniors 6.30 Hollyoaks. Zak struggles wllh 7.30 Coronation Street. Ashley 6.30 Family Affairs. 7.00 Hard Spell . Contesraots from Tenms. The Masters Tenms event; 3.30 feelings of 1ealou'>y. begs Mlke to back out of the 7.00 Five News: Weather Wales and the Flog IU. 4.30 Ready, Steady, Cook; 5. 15 7.00 News Weakestlmk dear, and Vera exPoses Jack 7.45 The West Wing. 7.30 Tim Marlow's Judgement South East and Ron's scheme. ordering Day: Images Of Heaven 7.30 Top Of Th e Pops. 6.00 Beg, Borrow Or Steal. Josh resolves to make a foreign them to get nd of the plgeans. aid bill pass And Hell. The art Studio pertorman<:es. 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing - It Maria borrows money from the 8.30 Friends. cr1t1c examines 8.00 EastEnd ers. Billy proudly Takes Two. Experts ana1vse the couples. salon to enioy a mght out with The.one whe1e Ross- almosl dep1ct1ons of Heaven. s~offFfeddiein chokes on a preuet. 7.00 Live Amateur Boxing. John Dave. 8.00 Hot Property. A couple living 1heVlc,Mmty1hink5 8.00 Tonight With Trevor 9.00 The Simpsons. Homer starts his hm~ about his lnverdale presents coverage of his own web page and begins In Tonenham try 10 wfn thei1 the amateu, contest between McDonald Hard-hitting d1ea rn home in Canagena, birthday have gone unheard invest1ga11ve reports. revealing the intimate secreu of England and the Umted Stille5 south·east Spain, by guessing and OenntS finds Stace>11n his 8.30 Airline. Ricky Tomlinson turns eveijone rn Spungfield but ends at the Olympia in Liverpool. up irnprironed on a mystenous the value of 1heir favounie from flat weanng r101hing but hls up at John Lennon Airport, Leo featur111g Amir Khan's bout island. Wi th the voice of shirt. Jones stops a passenger taking three properties viewed on agamst Michael Evans. Patrick McGoohan. 8.30 My Dad's The Prim e rwo boxes of dead ham onto videotape to within 750 euros. 7.30 Fighting Talk . New serr~ 9.30 Max And Paddy's Minister. Sarah comes home his fllght and an American 8.30 Housebusters. The 1eam visit Sports debate show Road To Nowhere. wilh headhce, and soon wen passenger has a frightful Pan two of two The duo find a south London hou.se which 8.00 Hidden Gardens. Chris !he Prime Minister is under Christmas after missing a flight themselves Jn prison, and have the owners. believe contains a Bea,dshaw reveals the history In Newcastle. to deal with an unwelcome supernatural presence. and the anack horn the creaUJr6 - behrnd !he G1bberd Garden in prompting the Press 9.00 I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out newcomer. Starnng Peter Kay experts detect signs of bad Harlow. Essex. and Patnck McGuinness. to speculate on the Of Here! Ant and energy 8.30 Gardeners' World. The Dec present 1he celebrity 10.00 Peep Show. Jeremy joins a 9.00 House Doctor: De.signs for state of his health. new band, while Mark lries 10 second yea, of the Senyfields suivival challenge. Living. Ann Ma u11ce solves a 9.00 Have I Got News For You. gardi'.':n. forget Sophie by going out on a which tonight sees yel another dilemma at a Victorian house in Celebrity guests Join in the fun 9.00 Empire Warriors. How the date with April Offbeat comedy, famous fa(e doing the walk of Forest Hill. rearranging the on the satu1eal current affairs- campaign to end Boush rule in stamng Robert Webb shame. and David Mitchell. living room fumuure. iuming qurz, w11h regular 1eam captains Malaya lr199ered a 12·year Will 10.30 ITV Weekend News: 10.35 Father Ted. A famous singer one end into a dining area, and Ian Hlslop and Paul Merton m which Speoal Branch Weather 9.30 Little Britain. New series. visits 1he house. With Dermo1 grving the two bedroow. in1elligeoce forces played a 11.00 When Jordan Met Peter. Morgan c1 radical makeover to satisfy Matt Lucas and David Walllams crucial pan, usmg ruthless Peter's Middle East tour takes a 11 .10 Punk'd. With Jrmnifet love return for more comedy tactics to gel hold of vital tour for the worse on the Hewitt and some other non- both owners. sketches. Emily Howard is t()ined lnlormat1on. border with Palestine. h,lauous clip Involving taking 10.05 FILM: House On Haunted by a new friend, while 10.00 QI . Wllh Rich Hall 11 .30 That's Entertainment. the piss- out of the guy's dad. Hill (1999). Horror, starnng Sebastian conunues to lust after 10.30 Newsnight 12.30 I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of 11 .35 Bo' Selecta! Vol 3. Geoffrey Rush.. Including five the Pnme Minister: 11.00 Newsnight Review Hffe. live; 2.05 The Paul O'Grady 12.10 4Muslc Sno'l'v Patrol. live In news update. 10.00 BBC News 11 .35 BBC Four On BBC Two: BBC Show; 2.55 Enlertain·ment Now; 3.20 Concert; 1.15 4Music: Green Day: The 12.00 FILM: Iron Maze (1991) Mys1ery 10.30 Regional News: Weather Making Of Boulevard Of Broken drama. with Bridget Fonda and Jeff Four Sessions M1xmasters; 3.45 Beck: In Profile; 4.15 Dreams; 1.40 '1Music: Popworld; 2.25 10.35 Friday Night With Jon athan 12.35 FILM: Runaway Daughters Tonight With Trevor McDonald; 4.35 4Music: Hit40uk; 2.55 Andromeda; Fahey; 1.45 FIL M· ManiageActs Ross. (1994 J. Road movie. starring Get Stuffed; 4.45 IT\/ Nighucreen; 3.40 Skiir,g World Cup; 5.25 {2000); 3.20 Russell Grant's Postcards; 11.35 Boxing: WeatheMew Holly Fields: The Witness 5.00 Jobfinder, 5.30 11V Mormng Countdown 3.40 The love Boat; 4.25 Mel rose 1.10 BBC News 24 2.00 BBC learning Zone News Place; 5.10 Sons And Daughters; JUiC~ Frtdav. December 3, 2004 wwwJeedsstudentorg.uk/tulce TV L-ist,n9s 11 In what other Television phone Richard and Judy provide that little J competition could you answer so IRichard & Judy I bit of parental companionship we Daytime of want from time lo time during the 1 :!~ya~::t:,~ ~t~~!~lliib~till and Judy au: knocking back (at tenn, they con1inually manage lo the Year d Who else offe1s you the opportum· 5 10pm) whilst surrounded by upstage even the most Hollywood b ty to Sil back. relax. and forget 1ntelllgent and pohte conve,sation? of guests they mte1v1ew, and What you have 1s a show that 1s refuse to leave their pnvate life ~ ~::~:!~~ s~a~ea~f;: t~~;~~h~:: the epitome of daytime telev1s1on. and marital disputes at home. ~-~I ~I _Tll)_wo___,J ~I _v_~II ~ _4~ 6.00 AmblM. 6.20 Ambles, 6.40 TI1e 1 6.00 Bn,akta,r. 9.00 Weekeod 24, I 6.00 GMTV 9.25 M1n1stry Of M,1yhem; 1 6.10 n1e Hoobs: 6.35 n,, Hoobs; 1.00 6.00 Rus~JI Gram's Po..tc.afrl,: 6. 10 Story M.i~tiis· 7.00 ~lro Boy; 7.20 The 10.00 Sa1urday K1tchtm, 11 .30 F1lm 11.30 Cd:uk. 12.30 ITV N;,w,; Trans World Sport 7 .55 Tht' Morning W1d1.'W01ld. 6.35 WideWorld. 7. 00 Mummy; 7.45 Anhu,. 8.10 Tai Mam,1 100i1 With Jon,ithdn Ross, 12.00 SI.'£' W~1l11.p~tow Si11 race~ from 1he two Animals; 12.50 Coton.ih0f1 Street 811,h'd Popworld Spei;1r11. 11.20 T4 Xcal1bu,; 12.00 Beyblade; 12.JO Duel Saturday. 12.00 88C N?WS, Weathe, courses. 2.25 The Rockfnrd F1les 3.15 3.05 FILM: n1e 81~ Gret!n {199)) Fm .. d~ 11.55 i4 OnPTreeH11I. 12.55 Md'>t«s; 1.00 Coinbut Oub. '..o.l1.m..:1S.:i 12.10 Footb.111 Focus. 1.00 Grantktand Mon~ 3.55 the Return Of Shf.rlock Sport1:,g :omedy wirh Steve T4 Hi..: i.h, 1.25 ~.1 Fool Around· 2.00 hl!le 1J1olent far SatiJrdJy mom rtg TV. 1 OS Semors Tenn!\. 230 Around 1h, Hofmes;: 4.50 >emM TPnn1s The r,,.n ' Gu1:;or1bi'fg; 4.55 C.J!endar N..ws And Channel 4 Ranng from Sandown Park why not tune an and fmd aul' 1.30 Tm.> And Wt"therby lndudirtg tne 2 40 Chan, 2.00 D.Jw~n·~ C~I- long I.Keef Groun~ 2 -10 Rugby Union Bu1ld·Up MdSh'l'i Wint f1fl;l1S.. Spon:We.11hef. 5.10 rlV N('WSAnd 6.00 What The Papers Say. The Spon Wealher S.2S You ve 8o?l"ll W11l111m Hill · T1ogle Cret>k Trophy Chase teenage1s bitch and moan m the styie ol 3.00 LtVe Rugby urnon Barhanans v New (2m) 4.05 flLM The Return Of The IOfty-somrh11ng .Jcadem,c~ 11 forty· weel s ma1or stone'> as fep(Jfled Framed I; 5.55 lht Zealdnd 3 .is f-ootb.111 Hall-Tirr· JII Mtt<.keie~ 119891 Swa\hbu ~ hng WJnEth1ng .Kdtremia Wffll WOl'ned m 1he Pl'E!>'> with Martin L•v Rugby Umon· R.irtianor1s v New Record Of The Year 1004 ·.H1ventU'"' ~1amng Oh....,.. Ref>d M>OVt losmq the11 wg1mty and Sim,,>!• >fth1 Newsoflhe The X Factor. Th(, compN1hon Zeciland. Tm.es may vary-. 450 Frnal 7.10 6.00 Morgan And Platell. be Sco1e. S.25 BBC News: Reg1ooa! News· 6.30 Channel 4 News HPrOt!S (1970) WcYld War Two adiienture 6.10 Porridge. The mmaw, three 1emam1ng c1<.1s petlrnm 7.00 Howard Goodall's 20th st,unng Clint Ects!Wood S.3S FILM. The Weather; S.4S Can·t Srng Smger. 1 are homhed to discover 1lwrP "i Hosted by Kale lhornton Century Greats. New Sw1'>s Fanuly Robmso11 {1998) 6.35 Strictly Come Dancing. The d !heel at ldrge 8.15 The Record Of The Year The work of AmPr1e1n composer J\dvenwre, ~liirrm9 Jane Seymour. Cole Portei lour remaining couples perform. In 1he, prison. Ronnie Barket 7.25 Charmed. The s1stPf'i try to 2004 - The Results. Cat 8.00 The Medici : Godfathers Of di~owr who hd~ GIST a ~I of The National Lottery star, Deeley gives !he 1esuhs of the Wright Around The World. The Renaissance. Charting do:1rkness on a magi{ school and 6.40 Flog It I Paul M,1rt1n v1s1ts viewers' vote and .anoounc~ 1he 1urbulen1 life of Lorenzo di.". Phoebe goe,s on a vision quest W1ththeCorrs.. fa\tbourne Town Hall to ml!'t'I which song from 1he shol'tlist of Metl1tJ He becamp the hf!ad of Stamng HoUy Mane CC1mbs and Strictly Come Dancing. The people eager lo ma~e a rirolil l Oh~ won the covrled Re,cord the family at the age of 20, t>nd Al~s.JMilano ,es.ult is ;mnounced selling ol the,Yea, 11tle hiJd ii tolerance for fresh rdeas 8.15 Five News And Sport Casualty. A confrontat,on with 1h11ir valui!hlE!'!>. 9.00 The X Factor. KJte Thornron whilh encouraged bo1h art1s11, B.35 lhe Dead Zone. Johnny 1 fou:> .. ~'P\ an ekplo~on and Ruth brings further heartache 7.40 Fred Oibnah Tribute. announces i::~:m:~a~~! \lrugy!l", to p1event 1t for Comfon Selena is :11 !med Tiiehl 11 the Lltf' Bolton the results of the all important S.lVOfldfOld li.t~ni119, but gradually finwer~ vote, and the Sf'Yt'nth 9.00 Friends. Conduding par1 of lN' \ 1ncreasmglv Oard to dislingursh thorough e:tamu1auon and Abs the 1enun1scenc:es of fnends and unsuccessful«1~1he11 'itdr·studded two·part speual betw~n t<1ntasy and reality 1eltsCla1re rhe reat re.ason he is workmatM. along Wtth d1ps hopes of winni09 a record Rdi:MI lands a dale w11h Jean 9.30 C.51: Crime Scene marrying Ellen. from his eddy TV programmes conira his 1ust desem dunng an annual law fof a h1gh-W10GI prank With 6110fy 1n Roytoo, Walsh and Sharon Osbourne Julia Roberts. other pollce off1ce1s 11re found (Omed1an tnkes to Chnstchwch. Oldham 9.45 I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out 9.30 FILM : America's dead m a hotel room rn an where he plays to his largest 8.40 Timewatch. Profile ofWortd Of Here! Anothe1 famous face Sweethearts (2001) . incidenl th.ii could be etther audience in New Zealand, War rwo fl ymg dCe Adr1<1n moves Premiere. Publicist Billy Crystal mu1der or a su1cid!' pact befo1e continuing on to Nelson Worbunoo who disappeared on ou1 of the compound, leavmg faces dtSaSi-er when Tinseltown's 10.25 Murder Prevention. Pan two a rec:oona1ssance m155ion, ju~! four rema1nmg '>tal~ to gokll11ance Art. A visit to Kalkoura sees Billy with John Cusack and JuUa operallOn agamst Robms. while m his element as he spots a lmaUy unravelled lhe mys tery of for the Ulle of Kmg or Queen of Roberts. Agarn. it's a fuU-on Julia Gibney poses as a dlent to gel h~ Ian: m the summer ol 2002 !he Jungle. couple of sperm whales durmg a Roberts fest on Chonnel four doser ID prostitute Gemma 9.30 FILM : The Pledge (2000). 11.1S ITVNews: Weather trip out 1osea. tornght 1sn't 1t? Andrew!,, Stamng (0001 MullE'n Premiere. A Nevada cop on the 11.29 Local Weather 11.2S FILM: Mystic Piua (1988). c}nd Md rk Ll"1\li'> Jones. Last m 10.10 BBC News: Weather. Natio0t1I ieflf'S YNge of retmng becomes 11 .30 The Frank Skinner Show. starring Lottery Update obse~sed W!th helping a The comic chats to , TV ~~iai~~:=~ 11 .25 FILM: Runaway {1984). Sc1·h Gtsh and L1h Taylor. And here 10.30 Mat th Of The Day. H1ghl1ghts distraught woman track clown presenter and actress Kelly adventure. starnng Tom Selleck. she is agam someone in the Cynthia Rhodes and Kirstie ·sig of this afternoon's eight her daughter's killer Thriller. Brook, actor Simon Callow Premiership furtures. scheduling office clearly has a· Momrna·Alley starring Jack Nrcholson mus10.an<, Tom Jones and Jools thmg for the lady with the 1.20 Law And Order; 12.30 FILM; National Lampoon's 11.30 FILM: SweetAnd lowdown Holland and featur~ music mouth the size of Texas. 2.20 FILM: Chmadrec1m \1998) Crime Dad's Week Off (1996}. (1999). Woody Allen comedy from Ltverpool band the Zuwns 1.25 fllM: Midrnghl Cowboy (1969) thrill1!1. starong Jurgen Prochnow Comedy. starring Henry Wmkler aboul a tktihOus guilari\1 12.35 rm A Celebmy Get Me Out Of ~r Winmng dram.a. Dustin Hoffm.in 3.55 Short Story CtnPmd; 4.20 The WeatheMew whose ">t'O$ll1ve playing 1s at Here Ll~ Unm1euupled over.tge, dnd Jan Vo1gh1 star c}!OrttJStde .Julia Invaders. in a daullng pr£'d,ctablt> Friday Night With Jonathan 2.00 M1-.s Wolld Robert, lusl k.rdd,ng. ~e. tonight the mvade~ go off odds with h1~ hard bttten 3.25 frenc.h Football, mvading Ross exterm,. Sean Penn stat< 2004· The Fmal, 4.00 Cd uk.: 45S ITV S.10 (ountdown, 5.10 Sons And Daughter\; Top Of The Pops 1 , .00 Fallen Angels N1ghmreen, S.SS Ammat~ Tale!! Of The World S.3S Soos And OaUtJhten. BBC News 24 2.00 BBC Learning Zone 5.30 ITV Mom1ng New. THE BIGGEST EVER OLD BAR GIVEAWAY Join us for a fun pc1c.ked a ... ) day 1th Dec from 11am

~/t You couldwi • • e

r 18 wwwJeedsstudenlorg.uk/Jutce frlda11. December 3, 2004 Juic~

• Now for today's hot topic have at least for trying S Uve without the Jeremy Vine and oceosionally with the Sundav :O you ever been doing anything wrong, I I uavel, E or rndeed not been doing anything most affable presenter, was bound to tunes. Where else would you have 0 wrong. and been hit by a tazar?" result 1n well, dumbing down. Still, your presenter saying • that was Bruce Springsteen. Now what do x Taking Ni!WSn19ht OU! of the MW!.• Jeremy Vine's Radro 2 show, a light you .E room and onto daytime radio, lunch of cum,nt affairs and steady Uunk about Bntarn's ratifying of the .Q through the inquisitive voice of its stnger songwnters was commendable new European Constiturion?·

6.00 Breakfasl, 8.10 Ma1c.h Of Toe 6.00 Ftmble~. 6.20 Flmble.s, 6.40 ThP 6.00 GMTV, 9.25 flngerT1ps; 9.35 Art 6. 10 lne Hoobs. 7.00 ICC Crtcket 6.00 W1deW0tld; 6.25 A House Thar's Day. 9.30 8re.:ikf,mW11h Frost; 1030 Sto,y Makl?fs, 7.00 Looney Tune!.; 7.05 Anack. 10.00 SCary SleepOVer. 10.30 World; 7. 30 The Chall1:1nger World l11s1 Like Yours, fi.50 Tickle. Patch And Down To Earth; 11.30 Counttyftle; Whc11's New Scoaby-Ooo'?, 7.30 Smile. rne Chdmp 1onship, 11.15 My Senes; 7 .SS World Cup Skung; 8.55 T4 Fnends; 7.15 Milkshake!; 7.20 Peppa 12.JO The Pnhti« Show: 130 10.30 Sunday Stylt, 12.10 How I FavoUTile Hymns; 12. 15 Faultlines; Futurama; 9.25 14· Popworld, l0.20 P19; 7. 25 Funky Valley; 7 .40 Make Way EaS-ttnders, 2.55 Match Of The Day Made My P1operty fiJrtune; 12.40 n,e 12.45 Sunday Soa.pbox. 1.15 T4: Holtyoaks; 1.00 T4· Fool Around, Fo< Noddr, 7.SS Tire Bool< OI Pooh; lNe Hinckley Uniti;>d v 8tis:1ol City flying Gdrdener. 12.SO Shnebox Zoo; Jonathan 01mbleby Including ITV New 1.35 f4 Friends, 2.1014 TheOC,; 3.15 8.25 Miss Spider's Sunny Patch fnends; or Brtritfo1d Ray Stubb<;, presen13, 1.1S Shocl>ox Zoo; 1.40 Mat.di OfThe And Weather. 2.10 calendar NeM: T4: Smallv11le· Superman Tht! Early 9.30 Georgt" Shrtnks; 10.00 Snobs; Sl'Cond h;Jlf coverage Day LM• Hinckley Un11ed \/ Bristol (Uy Weather. 2.20 FILM. The Grea1 Ye,1rs; 4.15 FILM· Crocodile Dundee ln 10.30 Michaela's Wlld Challenge: ol lhe fA Cup SKDnd round clash a1 Of Bremford (Kick-off 2 OOpm). (0\/etaye Lotomolive Chase (1956); 3.55 Oliver Lo!> Angeles (2001 l Premier£!. Comedy 11 .00 Billie. Girl Of The Future· 11.35 M1ddlel1Pld Lane. Plus. 1h-" draw far 1h.11 continues on BB( One, 2.55 N!ck Twist 5.55 The Unforgeuable .F,ank•e adventure A Different L1fe; 1.2.05 .FAQ; 12.3S th1rdround 6.00 The Si.rnpsons. Balce1 ·s Rhinos, 3.25 Semo1 ~ Tenrns Sue Howerd IJverpool. City Of Poets; 1.05 FM! 4.1 O E-astEnriffi · 4.40 Kfel)m(J Up 6.30 Scrapheap Challenge. A Bdrkel presenis lrve coverage of the 6.25 Calendar News And Spon: News Update, 1.15 The Chart; 1.45 Appearances, 5.10 llfehne: 5.20 Song-. Weather countdown of the leadmg Termi~ Md!>ll't!. final at London's Roya l FILM: Jug9emc1ut (1974) Suspense ot Praise: S.55 Funqus ThE' Bogeymal" 6.40 ITV News: Weather mechanical monsters ever tlmll£'1', slamng R1thard Harris; 3.50 All)P1I Halt ,1,; thr Della Tour of 6.45 Antiques Roadshow. A, 1.00 . Cain blackmails created m 1he history of 1he Champions season ,eaches a cooc:lus1on FtLM Columbo. Candidate r-or Crtme ;pe:ca! editmn lrom Cardiff 5,1d1e, threatcnmg to tell Jimmy 5how. as chosen by v1ewers m 6.00 A Wild Spring Day. An tl 973) Crime drama. stamn!J Peter Falk; Caslfl', feiitWlng Items. 1ndudmg about her nlfa1r with Robert an Internet vote Among 1he 1rn1ght 1010 thP w1ld1Jfp which 5.40 Five News And Sporr, S.5S FllM .t c('remomal ':>lick belonging 10 unJess she !JdY~ him £1000. machmes up for cons1dera1100 an African v.1tch docto( a c.:ills the Hebndl:!an Jslar'!dS of Miracle On 34th Street (1994) Festive Chanty o1fends Tom by 1easing are (at oushers. powe1 pullers fantasy. starrmg Richard Al1enborough h1storir e(erc& boo . and an Colo:may and o,oosay its home him .iboul hi,; age ,.,nd Sam dnd vehicle mngers. ~xtremety rare Scandif'ldv i.iln duung the months ol sprmg, a 8.00 Britain's Wont Neighbour. m;:ike~ a new acqua111tam:e 7,30 Channel 4 News An mvesngat,on into the dnnking tankard period wt11ch many 1es1dents most who shares hli love ol 8.00 What We Still Don't Know. appa1hng neighbours in 7.35 eec News; Regional N~M. claim is then favourite, time of the chickens New senes. Ast1onomer Royal courmy. from people who can't We.a1her year 7.30 Coronatio11 Street. Tyrone Martin Rees launches a 8.00 Hard Spell. E.amonn Holmes keep the noise down on 1he 6.40 The Natural World . help~ Maria ou1 of a ugh1 spot scien11fic mvest1gation mto the hosts the Ima! ;» the l1vP other side of the wall to The world of the hammerhearl at the salon lilll Davenport meaning of life. He begins by remaining young spelttm,. who 1nqms1uve types unable 10 leave ,hark puts an mteresllng propos1Uan explormg thP concept of have banlMI through the well alone 7.30 Every Home Should Have to Sallv. whdP Ken alld Deirdre whether th~re are farms. ol life prPvrou!i rounds, compete 9.00 FILM: Street Fighter (1994). One. Garry Lwiri t!llplores lhe decide Wanda has outstayed e111sting on pla11ets other than u9a1nst each 01her, bidding fo, Oah fu1unst1<" adventure based h1Story of domestic. applianc.5. her wetcoml'. the Ea,th, and discusses tt.e the chance to wm the coveted on the popular video game. 8.00 Top Gear. Richard fiammond 8.00 The Royal. New series of rhc. Theory wh1(h suggem the mle of Hard Spell Champ1011. staning Jei'n·Claude Vali mt>d.1ei1I drama ,et m the 1960s.. Jnswe1 may we!I Ile •n ou, own L.astinsettES takes .t look d! the BMW 6 Damme and Kylie Minogul:! as Mt and Gordon·~ wedding Ckly 9.00 North And South. Margaret Seiies Ci.1bnoleL Jeremy evolotJonary patterns. dawn\ but an PKplos1on at a 9.00 ALM Absolute Power urban wamors who set ou1 to Is forced to move away from Cl.lrkson rrivesugates whethPt r?Seue hostages kidnapped by M1l1on after nagedy strikes the VW Goll GTI has gone bark nearby care homP d1~1upts (1997). ~ agerng burglar proceedmqs tn spectacular wi1nesse-; a murder Involving an insane dictator. Including five Howe1,1er, wh1c1n her godfalhef to ,1s roots. .ind Cliff Richard 1~ news update o119.S5 1e;ives her a sub~t.1nt1ill the Star m a Reasonably Pnced fashion forcing the Royal staff U'lt!' us P1es1den1 and flees to down their hymn books and before 1he pohce arnvP hotly 11.00 World's Wildi:st Politi: inherilance she makes a reu.1m Car Videos. Real-hie aimes to the North, where a twist ol help out. pursued by a det~ttve 9.00 Mastermind. John Humph~ taptu1ec\ by cameias inside Tait leads to an une>1pected 9.00 I'm A Celebri1y Get Me detennir!ed to presents this year·, grand fmat. patrol rar5 and police rendezvoll!,. Last In serif!S. Out Of Here! Ant and gel at 1he truth Thriller. staning Specialist ~llbJeCt-. 11re American helicopters. 10.00 BBC News: Weather Oe of lgyy Pop. her into a desperate race to team. Th!! 30 racer, g~l lhen a ni9h1m,ue. Good· 11.15 Fighting Talk 11.45 Sex And Religion. prove her real ident11¥, Thriller. campaign under way In the R6 looking drama stamng 11.45 FILM: Looking For Ri chard 12.34 ~ocalWeather; 12.35 I'm A stmmg Sandra Bullock. Cup. Leonardo 01Capno. (1996). Documentary, Celeb11ty Get Me Out Of Here Live. 1..20 Don't Worry. 2.20 Dispatches, 12.25 1ronrnan Triathlon; 1.15 NFL 12.10 The Sky At Night: d1rec1ed by Al Pacmo 2.00 Trisha. 3.15 Today Wilh Des And 3.10 Crazy Rulers Of The World; 4.10 Ltve. Jacksonville !agua~ v P1tubu1gh Weatherv1ew 1.30 Fallen Angels Mel; 4.10 rrv Nightscreen; 5.00 Don't Worry, 4.35 Morgan And PlateH. Steelers (K1(k-otf I Joam). 4.30 12.55 BBC News 24 2.00 BBC Learning Zone lobfinder; 5.30 ITV Morning News S.05 Countdown; 5.50 Pelswick Portuguese FoolbaU FLIRT! 10PM-2AM 3rd December 10th December

1, 1 .. d, Vun1r.n Juici Frldav. December 3, 2004 www.leedsstudent.org.uk/fulce TV 19 With smooth Mari< N,cholas, wise old England v West 1es1 also had the added bonus of R,ch,e Benaud and a oack squad of spotting your housemate's girl ..QJ Indies crickenng lummanes from around the friend's house when the camera Sport of the, Mondav E I world. C4"s coverage of England's 0 2004, the cndcet continued to sound turned down Cardigan Road way Year :: whitewash of the Wind1es continued 10 track the sumrrlef to a new army on And the moment when you hear a I woo C severely 1mp!es< That England d,d convem, brought mto the game partly plane fly past your house and the .c n't hinder matters, of course But com· by C4's engaging yel accessible COi/Pi camera pans round to show the ~ pared to the anti dima>< that was Euro age. Fo1 LS6 1esiden1S, 1he Headmgley exact same moment on telly. II • ll][;J[!I I I TWO I I V I I 4 five 6.00 Breakfast The Na nal Lottery 6.00 L11tlt' Be.lr. 6.25 Popeye And son.: 6.00 GMTV: 9.25 lrisha· 10.30 This 610 The Hoobs; 6.35 The Hoobs; 7.00 6.00 SunnSE"; 6.30 Milk~akel. Old Daily Play, 9.15 Money Spir111er1, 10.00 6.50 There'\ A Viking 1n Mv Bed. 7 .OS Mornmg, 12.30 JTV lunchtime New\ aa. 7.25 Fm~nds; 7.55 Everybody Loves Brar Stones; Kells and Old Bear tl'am Homes Under The Hammer. 11 .00 Yvon Of The Yukon; 7. 30 I Love 1.00 Today With De'i And Mel, 2.00 I Raymond. 8.25 Tile Kmg Of Queens; ~~,l~~-~~~~o!~d:~lilsHir~~~~u::r Hou5l"\ Behavmg Badly; 11 .30 (,'M In Mummy; 7.55 Newsround. 8.00 Big Want n1a1 Luxury Hou~ 2.30 Fl\le 8.50 N1kkr; 9.20 wm & GracP; 9.45 th" ooy, 10 yoor yard a,e fe,au.1red 6.40 The Ante; 12.15 European N19h1ma~. Cook. Ltute, Cook· 8.20 Tob TV. 8.30 Unde, Five; 3.00 Ct1lendd1 W1U & Grace, 1015 FllM OnlheTown Oswald: 6.SS Hl-5, ye~hl 7.JO Peppa 1.00 BBC Ne\Y!>:Weathe1: 1.30 Reg,on..J Rool 8.40 Pingu· 8.45 Little Red Ne-MAndWeathei It's Your Call. 3.15 111491 dassic mu'!iltal. swrmg Gt>l"K.' Pig. 7.35 Funky Valley,. the lesst>r News: Weather; 1.40 Neighbour'!i Sky TractOf, 9.00 Balamory. 9.20 The Roly Mitty Anr1 Frieod,; 3.20 Fng1t> Benjy Kelly and Franks 'lJtril. 12.00 Nl:'W'i At koown reg1Qn of Wales 1s lmaUv gwen gets a smpnse. 2.05 Ooctot'!i; 2.35 1 Ma Shaw. 9.40 TWl'f!'me<.; 10.00 3.30 Alomtt 8,:_,tty, 4.00 All G,own NL n 12.30 Cheers, 12.55 Thud c~;; :.~Sl'~~·c!:~,M~t~1n Murde,. Sht' w,01e 3.20 BBC N~1'h. Ser~dnt Stu 10.10 YohoAhoy1 I I:~ ~ ~:';n~!:iopt~:~~~ AhPn S.OO Watch 1.SO Dr Quinn Med m dt>plh rrv1ew of Tht> OaV10<1 Code Regional News Weathef, 3.25 Tot!. TV. 10.15 Bob Th 81.11hl,'f CBff'b 3.35 Boot . 3.45 CBBC Mona Thi: 4 Buthddr., 10.30 School:. Suen0:- (lips. 6.00 calendar: weather n : :~~ •lds. 4.10 Doo ~=~~~ ~ .! ;~::~:':n~· ~ ~~~~:id~~s~~~l :i:~~tfri Varnp11e; The Sd News Upddtl'; J.40 FILM: The Rewm Of Real Story. F,ona Brute and c.anyon (19S3)n; 3.00 TIie Flymg 3.30 Floy lt1: 4.30 Ready. lh~ 8.00 Turner Prize 2004. MauhPw Ironside 11993) Cnme drdm.i. Raymond John Sweeney follow up Oil their G,1rdener; petty cash. Collings prPWnts hYi' COl/i"tage Burr st,m: 5.30 Five Ne\VS: Weather repon Into 'shaken baby Steady. Cook; 5.15 We,ak(>St Lmk 6.00 Beg, Borrow Or Steal. Jamre 8.00 Tonight With Trevor of the pres1191ovs award 6.00 Home And Away. syndrome" McDonald Report, on current c~emony J,om London's Tille Felix steps up his co1mp,ugn EastEnders. Palntk and Theakston presents la1king pomts Bfll.ain. with Jon Snow ayc1ms1 D.lni Yolande are told they can 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing 8.30 Coronation Street. A!. announcing the winner 6.30 and Olly become losterparents. Stacey - It Takes Two. With ~~:!'~~:~~·Sam :ontm ues to wmd 2oe up by the latP.'>t touple to Yvonne bt>gms he, la)( aod a panel of artists and c1mcs 7. 00 Five News: Weather ~ellrng stock for her st.all at halt be knocked out Inspection of lhe butther'i. offering ltleH take 7.30 The Gadget Show pr!CP 7.00 The Curse Of Oil - The ~::~ 1~:~~r of on the contenders. ~~;1~~:!PB~~~i:nd Suzi Ground Force. Pipeline. Documentary personal 'li,>ruk:lla 9.00 Bomber Crew ThP contenders Perry 'Showe~ the items on New senes.. A lock-keeper's fotlowmg .m 1mernauonaJ garden. consomum·i effort~ Ma,d1a lOIOl.'S ,Je.JI1 lo AvrJ1ey. :v:~:::;,:::·~.:in :0n~1~ '3:! ~~::t!nd Steve g1vt>S a a luxury Spooks. ThP team ,1pp,ehend to build a p1pe,l1ne strel(hmg an Tracy 91 1t 1or child's ca1. Amy l"fO vis,b1hty. whtl~ bombatdtet 8.30 Fihh Gear. Tiff N~rU an infamous drms dealet who from the ta~ptan Sea 10 Turkey. 9.00 I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out .lames Nolan dlscO\lefS how iiw~r gates the ldli?SI warns them 1hat a 8.00 Mastermind John Humphrys 1 Of Here! An! and De< pr~! difficult 111s to «cura1ely hit a developments m mol:.1n9 cai,. m1SS1le attack on London has pr~Pnb thi~ year ·s grand fmal been planned. the final ol U'le celebuty 1arget hom 20.000 feet Plus les~ of a ll1re.at 10 pedes1nans ~1alist subjech <11P Arnenun challeoge. as tlw ro1mam1ng mu.•rv•em. with vet ... ram build a they hn Pll.6, Y.1£kt Bu1le,· 10.00 BBC News presrdenls., FA Cup tmali, 1 10.30 Regional News, coniestants go he-ad to hl>ad to picture of ti)(> hrs! la1ge-scale :~~:~ ~: Weather Homet s Iliad. Su,ues pop 1nus1c. ;Ir~: !r 10.35 Band Aid Behind complele the ulUmatP ta5k bomber 1a1d of World W;u Two Nissan's new off-roader 20, 1he Elizabeth I and Enghsh test scenes af the recording of the with lhe winner being crowned t0.00 Without A Trace. A man g~ 9.00 f llM: Unforgiven (1992). c.m;kt>! Lostrn~1e'.i... new Ver;ion of chanty '!i1ng1e Do charnp,on. L<1st in sPne-., m1ssmg aher an argumenl wnh Chnt Eas1wood SlarS dS an 9.00 Dead Ringers. Jon Culshaw They K. now 1r, Chmtm', 11.35 Film 2004 With Jonathan grandlaUu:. 11 .00 Touts On Tour. Documentilly :r~~aa~~;; l~~~~;a Ross Review of fl1>? Pllaniorn of 9.30 Th e Kumars At No 42. 11 .25 Tarrant On TV lollowmg who allacked a prosulute the Opera Santee\ and lam1ly m 1omed b~ ,,.SS ~: :~~ ~:,: :.~~ two of nlOif suct~'iful ~:·:;r:nWfStMl, with 12.05 FILM : Who Dares Wins 10 -st-. Jo Brnnd ~ fsther 1lt~:;w Bnldm'\ 1 (1982). Action thnller. starnog R '1llt-'ll 12.25 .hampiom lt>agueWet>kly: t1Cli'i 1ou s as they head Down 11 .35 The Most Bizarre Ads In The lewis Collmj Wealhe.rvww 10.00 The Smoking Room Uhm 12.45 Game Sl Se-o1hawks Comfort I 11 .20 Top Gear lteYor McDonald, 4.35 ll'i 2.15 Don't Wo,ry, 2..45 Crazy Rulers "Dalla~ Cowboy<; (,: 1ck--0tf 2.00am}; 3.30 Sign Zone; One Life 12.20 Trouble At The Top N1ghtscrO?en 5.00 Jobhnder 5.30 JlV Of The World: 3.45 freesports On 4. 5.35 Motor'!iporl Munchat 4.10 BBC News 24 1 1. 00 BBC learning Zone Morning Neow 4.10 World (up Skiing r Special student prices on newspapers Mon-Fri G e Guardian 20P Independent 20p Telegraph 20p Financial 40p 20 TV L-isf,n9s www.leedsstudent.oru.uk/lolce Frldav, December 3. 2004 Juic~ A very close call here in terms of running random quiz shows, some ~ sheer watchability (let's pretend Challenge TV times excessively (fours hours of Tuesdav ..E thars a word) E4 ~ the choJCe for my Who Wants to be i1 Milhona/fe a.i household but, as my housPhold 1s so, well done E4 for your endless anyone?) and. the re.di jewel m the z comprised of six gnls who whoop Fnends and OC repears. but step up crown of Challenge TV. the seem ,. with dehght at the prospect of an OC Challenge TV to accept this honour 1ngly endless array of Takesh1 's '; repeat we've seen twice already. this A big pat on the back to thlS Castle episodes. Challenge TV. we N seems somewhat unrepresentative channel which dedicates nself to re- salute you.

~----'I '---I -----'-T_wo-'------1 '---I _v_~I '---I -----"-=-4~ 6.00 Breakfast: The NationJI Lonery 6.00 tittle Bear 6.25 PoJ)(>ye Arid Son; 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 Tri!tha: 10,30 ll11S 6.00 Fourways Farm; 6.10 The, Hoohs; 6.00 Sunnse· 6.30 MIikshake!: Old D.:11ly Pldy, 9.15 Monf.'Y Sp1nnt'rs, 10.00 6.50 There's A Viking In My Bed. and Morning; 12.30 ITV Lunchume News. 6.35 The Hoobs; 7. DO 84, 7.2S F11fflds; Bear Sto11es, 6.40 Oswald; 6.55 Ht·S; Homes UmM'r The Hammei, 11.00 he's ~hakiog hts helmel m my fact>: 1.00 loday Wnh Des And Met. 2.00 I 7.55 Everybody Loves Riiymor,d, 8.25 7.30 Peppa Pig; 7.35 Funky Valley: 7.05 Yvon Of n,e Yukon, 7.30 I love Houses Beha..,ng Bc'ldlv: 11.30 Cash In Want That luxury Hou~e. 2.30 Ftve The King Of Queens: 8.50 N1kk1; 9.20 7 45 Noddy 8.00 The Book Of Pooh; Mummy; 7.55 New~ouncl: 8.00 819 Unde, Five. 3.00 Calendar The Am e: 12.15 EufOJ)t· In Nrqhrmare Cook. Lmle Cook: 8.20 Tots TV 8.30 NemAndWea1he1 Ifs You, Call. 3.15 Will & Grace; 9.45 Will & Gri1ce. 10.15 8.35 Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Fnends; 1.00 BBC News We.ather, 1.30 Reg1oo.i( Boo!, 8.40 P1ngu. 8.45 Lltlle Red M1fty And Fnend~; 3.20 Fun Song FILM C,ty Under The S.. tt96S); 11.45 8.50 Miss Spider's Sunny Patch friends, News Wi:>athef; 1.40 Neighbour: Lan Tra<.lor, 9.00 Balamo,y; 9.20 The Roly Fa,tory. 3.35 Atomic Betty. 4 05 Art Icons, 12.00 News At Noon; 12.30 Ill 9.05 Barney, 9.20 My ~m. 9.25 The nees from 'ilcy: 2.05 Doctors 2.35 Mo Show, 9.40 Tweemes. 10.00 Anaci. 4.30 My Pa1ents Ar~ Ahens. Yom Face; 12.45 Othe, People's 1 Wright Stuff: 10.30 Sunset Beach; Mt1rtlet She Wrote, 3.20 BBC Ne~ forgean1 $tnpei.; 10.1 0 Yoho Ahoyl, 5.00 Countdown To Christrna!.. Antony Hohdays; 1.50 Dr Quinn: Med1ane 10.15 Bob The Bu,lde! CBeeb1e!t 11.25 Hou\e Doctor. 11 .50 The Wnght Regional NPWS Weather, 3.25 CBeebtPS Worrall Thompson ME'l"IS COfonatJOn Woman; 2.45 The Couruoom, 3.15 B1nhdays, 10.30 Schools· Thmkmg Street Stolt Wendi Pe1ers. Stuff Eict,a; 12.00 Ave News At Noon; Bob Tht 8U1kk>r. 3.35 !JUie Roboti; 3.45 Skills; 10.40 Ma1hs Channel, 10.50 6.00 Calendar: Weather Countdown; 4.00 A Place In The Sun; 12.30 Home And Away, 1.00 Family The CSBC Mona Vampire: 4.10 Ruqrau Maths Channel, 11 .00 M.ith~ 0klf!nel; 6.25 ITV Evening News: Weather 5.00 Richard & Judy Affairs; 1.35 Bramleaser. 2.35 Blow 4.35 SMan; 5.00 st,oebo, Zoo 5.25 11.10 Prml.lry Geography: 11 .20 Trade 6,00 6.55 Emmerdale. Cain 1\ The Simpsons. Ou!; 3.30 Ave Nt!W$ Update; 3.35 Secrets. 11 .30 The Daily Poh11cs; 12.10 confronted by two thugs who 6.30 Hollyoaks. Debbie lfies to Wo,kmg lunch, 1.00 Schools: Watch; FILM Istanbul bl)fes.s (1968); 5.30 Five accuse him ot bf>ing irwotved in pe,suade Darren to drop the 1 15 Watch; 1.30 FILM: Dakota a robbery at their worehou~. News· Weather Look North: Weather charges agalnst Dan. Justin and 1nc1den1 (1956)Wes1em. ,tarring Dale while Alice hmts that she would 600 Home And Away. Watchdog. lnvest1g,1t1on 'ihow. Robertson; 3.00 The F!ymg Gardener, Paula face up to their prefer to stay on with Paddy 6.30 Family Affairs. Chrissy fighting IOI' consumers' r19ht1. 3.30 flog Ill, 4.30 Ready, S!eady, Cook; dnd Em ,1y rather than return to punishment. and Bombhead resolves ro trade down her EastEnders. Billy turns to Dr 5. 1S Weakest lmk her farm. gets an unwelcome visito, Leroy for advice on how to stop 6.00 8eg, Bonow Or Steal. 7.25 ChampiOM League Live. 7.00 Channel 4 News mother and find ou1 why she The increasingly shortening Arsenal v Rosenborg (Kick-off was abandoned Freddie crying. options of Park youth 7.55 The Political Slot liyde 7.45pm) Gabby Logan pre~enls 7.00 Five News; Weather Holby City. Coonie confesse~ followrng the dosurf' ol Royal this evening's Group D 8.00 Selling Houses Special. 10 Rosie that she slept with Pa,k Pnmary encounter al H1ghbuiy, a match Andrew Wmter vtS1~ 7.30 Fifth Gear. Tiff Needetl Mubbs. and Lisa !ells Ch11~~t> 6.30 Strictly Come Dancing - It the Gunners may need to wm ,f Bury St Edmuods to revamp an invesllgates the latest about Owen's e~meflt to Takes Two. Update on 1he !hey dfe lo progress through to eight-bedroom Viaorlan developments in makmg cars Diane Tricia suuggt~ (OOlestams/ 11a1n1og. the knockout stages detached house. Last rn senes. less of a 1t11eat to pedestrians 7.00 Shooting Stars. 9.45 Young, Posh And Penniless. 10 cope on her frrst day back at Comedy quiz show. with Reevl?5> 1 9.00 The Heist. New sene.s A team they hit work and ends up going home and Morhme, ~:;1:'~r~~~«i::n~P of reforml:d cnm111all are 8.00 Can You Trust Your Ooctor1 early 7.30 Undercover World. Raphael 1r~rytes to move m with a challenged to IJrush up 1he11 old Donal Modnryre invesllgates Hungerford Massacre. The Rowe reports on Amencan wo1km9 daS'S lurn1ly and ,;pend skills and poll off complex cases of doctors accused of shodwig events of Augu">t 19, parents ,;.ending their IO days expenencmg hard grah the!~ l)lrtlng the,r W1U- aga1mt troublesome teenage children sexual offences who have- been 1987. when 27-year old M1(hael ma mm1mum-wage 1ob. soph,socated secunty systems ov~as to tough boarding Conlmu.-d after !he new'i. altowfld to (OOllnue practising. Ryan wen! on at'I armed rampil'(}f' sc.hool~. where abuse Ii ~lreged 10.30 ITV News: Weather and expeuenced detectrves. 9.00 CSI; Miami. Horatio suspects through lhe \lrffls of 101,1kepla!.e 11 .00 Young, Posh And Penniless. 10.00 Teachers, Da,men S sabotage when an investigation Hungerford. Serk~htie, k1llmg 16 8.00 Gardens Through nme. (OO(luded Aher their hme with detenmnauon to en1oy bemg into d fatal plane crash reveals. a Diarmuid Gavin and Jane Owen people befort> turning hie, gun on 1hr woknng das<;, lhe three s1r,gle- evapora1es !he momenl dic,turbmg fact - leading to the himself explore gardens of the I 97~ pnv1leged lods enrole on o he catchess,ghl of supply when 17 million households had eJtposure Qf a drugs rmg m a 10.00 SSC News Unive11ity of Leeds art course their own plo1 c1nd Amenca and form a piss pool electro bdnd. tec1cher Anna - but a cripphng ~eemingly ordmary suburb 10.30 Regional News: Weather the Mediterranean became huge gel 0000 trendy mullet bout of 1mpo1ence could 10.00 CSI: Crime Sce.ne 10.35 Someone To Watch Over threaten the relationship. inlluencec. on suburban ha11cut!. and conimue 10 piss Investigation. Gn550m and Me. A social worke, ,~ attacked homcultu,e off everyonP except thPir IE-How 11 .05 The Se,c Inspectors, Tracey the team struggle to apprehend wt,,le oo a 1ou1me visit. wh,le 9.00 Who Do You Think You Are1 mulleb with their fou~ Cox and Michael Alvear help a the murderers of an elderly Nadia IS released from the securt> Meera Syal visits lhe Punjab to rad!Cdh\m c1nd awful, awful couple who have mdulged m so research her .incestry. muc,«:. UM - and 1mmed1a!t>ly put!. much sexual expenmentation woman, wh,le Sara and Nick 10.00 The Keith Barret Show. 11.30 Champioos League. Malt face a tough challenge tracking llt':,~tf m danger ~ain Spool s1ud10 d1scuss1on. with Smith piesents highhghts of this they have run out of tdeas. and 1115 FILM: The Chase (1994). Rob Brydon. evening's mdtche~ aie fas1 becommg bored with down the makei of a bomb that Comedy advenwre, starnng 10.30 Newsnight 12.30 Cd uk Ho1sho1> C.,1 Deeley each other caused a girl's death Charhe Sheen- Wea1herview 11.20 Design For Life previews lorthcom109 releases, 12.55 11 .SS Peep Show. 10.55 Crime Scene Academy. How The Mante Street Preache~ host Dame! Bedfflgfletd In Profile; 1.20 blood spattffi can provide clues. the aU·new decora1mg show for 12.25 Oiruan1on, 1.00 FILM: Disco Grounded For Life. 1.40 rake The Mike; 11 .JO Boomtown. the pol1t1u1lly conscious teen 2.1 0 Champion~ t.eague. l .45 Get Pigs (2001} Ptermere. Dfama. s1..-1rring 11.50 BBC Four On BBC Two; Stuffed, 4.00 nv N19h1~rffil d,.us1t I c,111an Murphy; 2.35 Pom: A farn,ly 12.20 A1res1 And trial. 12.40 Arrest Painting Flowers video gamP pong, Wllh Bob Dole and Busmess. 3.05 Monkey; 3.55 (Ja-zy And Trial, 1.00 NBA Basketball; 3.30 12.20 BBC News 24 James Alexandel Gordon: 5.00 Rulers 01 The W011d; 4.55 Zero To f-lero; Argenllman Football H1ghhghts; 4.20 2.00 BBC learning Zone Jobrmder. S.30 ITV Mornmg News 5.55 Animal Alphabe1 Argentiman Football Juic~ Frldav. December 3, 2004 www.leedsstudent.oro.uk/fuice TV l-ist,n9s 21 Everybody loves Homer Slmp,on. somthmg to a1m for in hfe and, for .,, Not only does he repiesent a grow- !Home r Simpson ! female Homer devotees. he repre­ Wednesdav g mg number of concerned, premature-- sents all that 1s desirous m a male-­ ;,: ly balding males. hos happy-go-lucky obsession with doughnuts, there is a companion. ;; nature in the face of disaster is an little bit of Homer in all of us. As a Homer Simpson, voted Springfield 0 inspiration to all. With hobbies such loving husband, doting father and Nude.a, Power Plant Toxic Waste ~ as OCCa!)ionally reading safety pam· dedicated employee. Homer provides Handler of the Month in October :.:: phlets, regular beer drinking and an a young generation of men with 1990 A hero to us all

..____o_'N~E_____.J .__I_T_Wo_____.l .__I_V _ __.I .__I---'-'=-4_ 6.00 Breakfast: The National Lonery 6.00 Lttt1e Bear: 6.25 Popeye And Son; 6.00 GMTV. 9.2.5 Tnsha; 10.30 This 6.00 A1t11nated Tales Of The World; 6.10 6.00 Sun,ise; 6.30 Mtlkshake' Old Dally Play; 9.15 Money Spinners, 10.00 6.50 There\ A Vrkmg In My Bed. 7. 05 Morning; 12.30 ITV Lunch time Nem; The Hoohs; 6.3S The Hoobs. 7.00 B4: Beat Slorles, 6.40 OSwaJd; 6.S5 Hi·S: Horn~ Unde1 The Hammer: 11 .00 Yvon Of The Yukon: 7. 30 I love 1.00 TodayW11h Des And Mel. 2.00 I 7. 25 FnMds, 7 .55 Everybody Loves 7 30 Peppa ~g. 735 Funky Valley: Houses 8ehavmg Badly; 11.30 Cash rn Mummy, 7. 55 N!'Mround. 8.00 Big 1 Wantlhdt Luxury House. 2.30 Five Raymond; 8.25 Tile King Of Qlieem. 7.45 Make Way For Noddy; 8.00 The TheAltlc; 12.15 European Nightmare; Cook. 1.Jttle Cook; 8.20 lob 1V; B.30 Under Fi11e. 3.00 Ulenda1 News And 8.50 N1kk1, 9.15 Will & Grace; 9.40 Book Of Pooh; 8.35 Miss Sp1de:r's Sunny Boo!; 8.40 P1i,gu; 8.4S Little Red 1.00 BBC News: Weathe1. 1.30 Regional Weal-her It's Your Call. 3.15 Milly And Will & Gr,1ce; 10.05 FILM Seven 811de-s P-,nch Fuends; B.SO Miss Spider's Sunny Trac10t. 9.00 Balamory. 9.20 TIie Roly News We.:ither, 1.40 Neighbours. Connor Friends, 3.20 Engie BMJy, 3.30 A1omic For Sevt>n Brothers (1954) Osor P,ltch Friends. 9.05 Barney: 9.20 My Mo Show; T~mes; 10.00 meets hts Internet "boyfrwnd 2.05 9.40 Ftm. 9.ZS TheWnght Slufl, 10.30 Sergeant Stnpes; 10.10 Yoho Ahoy!: Betty; 4.00 All Grown Upl; 4.30 My wmrung m~1cal We-stern. stamng the Doctors; 2.35 Murdet, She Wrote. 3.20 Sunset Beach: 11 .25 House: Doctor; 10.15 8obTI1e Builder C8eeb1es Parents Ale Ali~ns. 5.00 Countdown To late Howard Keel; 12.00 Nt>M At BBC News Regional News. Wealher. Chnstma'S Noon. 12.30 In You, face, 11 .50 The.Wright Stuff £1ttra: 12.00 3.25 Tweemes-; 3.45 CBBC: Mona the B,rthdays; 10.30 ALM O,rtyWOtk 6.00 Calendar. Weather 12.45 Other People'!. Holidttys; 1.50 Dr Fw NeM At Noon 12.30 Home And Vampire, 4.1O New Scooby And t1933) Ldurel and Ho1rdy comedy; 10.50 Trc1de Se<.rets; 11.00 The Daily 6.30 ITV Evening News: Weather Qumf'I Medmne Woman 2.45 the Aw;,y, 1.00 Family Affairs; 1.35 Scrappy-Dao Show; 4.20 Th1;1 Story Of Politia. 1.00 Lifeline, 1.10 What The 7.00 Emmerdale. Cain tnes to C0tJrlroom. 3.15 Countdown 4.00 A B•-'mfeaser. 2.35 Blow Out, 3.30 FILM Tracy 8eake,; 4.35 Tht> Fairly Odd Victorians Did For U!>, 1.30 Workmg eJ1ton: cash from Rohert ilnd Plac!- ln The S.un· 5.00 Richard & Judy Mc1llory (1rcum\ldnltr1I E-v1dence (1975) Parents; 5.00 Blue Peter 5.2S lunch, 2.00 FILM The Squc1re Peg 6.00 The Simpsons. leg.ti drc1ma, ~tamng Raymond Burr, Newsround; S.3S Neighbours la1er mt1kes another dttempt 10 (1918), 3.30 flog ltl, 4.30 ReJdy blackmail SdJ1e - who l;iughs 6.30 Hollyoaks. Dan 5.30 Ave NeM. Weather 6.00 BBC News Steady, C.ook; 5.15 WeaM's1 link 6.00 Home And Away. Solly finds look North: m his face. receives good new~ 6.30 Weather 6.00 Beg, Borrow Or Steal. out Leah lied to her 7.00 Yorkshire And Uncolnshlre 7.30 CoronaUon Street. from h1s.sol1rnor 6.30 Strkdy Come Dancing - It The Barlows and McDonalds 7.00 Channel 4 News 6.30 Family Affairs. Dave Sports Awards 2004. Harry Takes Two. fanzine v1s1ts Jake 1n p11son, and Yasmm Grallon and Christa Ackroyd quibble over ~ellmg th(' cur, and 7.S5 Political Slots. By thE L1befal 7. 00 The Mighty Boosh. Howard tS charmed by Owen Pete set5 present the awards ceremony. Yvonnr reveals she will ,1lso be Dernouats. and Vince out to prove he's O'ler Eileen 7.30 Airport. ParumE'd1cs Jane and mspecung 1he Rovers' flnanc1at 8.00 Property Ladder Revisited. Wke ., bear to prf5011 7.00 Five News: Weather Gera,d rur.h to 1he aid of an dealfngs Sarah Beeny mar.es a return visir 7.30 Rick Stein's Food Heroes. 7.30 Egypt Detectives. Miriam <1sthma'Suffere1 The chef 8.00 The Bill . Jim tell~ June al>out to a p,operty develo~ who Cooke and Domtnic Mon1serra1 7.55 The National lottery: wmples~t>;a,...>'ffiplf' hts debts, leavmg he, stunned ,1lmos1 losl ~veryth1ng 18 c1ttempt lo trace the- 01191ns of Midweek Draws. Ian Wnght 8.00 Full On Food. Rkhard Johnson by his beuayol and In no mood momhs <190 when aoc1en1 £gypwm c.ulture, aiming gets 1he balls rolling for the afl 11~it!. ludlov. 10 le-am hOw 10 to en1oy her •l'tuement party. his debut proJect fo es1abhs.h whether ll bega11 important draM. shop and eat !orally. Stefan Gates Amber seduces virginal Steve, rurned out badly WTfh the people of rh~ Nile 8.00 Family Contract. An1ula S'flOkes his own Sdlmoo and guest and 9.00 Bricking It. New senes Ten Valley OJ wa-. imported from Mutanda comes to the aid of a N1d, Knowll'!. ruslles up a dmner lar ci111hzat1on. mother and tier three teenagers partyfd11ou11te ne1,•1Vulnetuble Persons Um1 mm an empty warehouse space 9.00 Bodies. Rob 1s cheered when 8.00 Megalightning: Stranger whose household is a lot less 9.00 I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out ,mo., 111.1.ury c1p.1rtmen1 in jU'St he successfully applies for a job Than Fiction. The peaceful than tht! (OWllryS•de 111 Of Here: Coming Out. Anl ix months. learning the nece5 al anolher hospital and Oonr\il phenomenon of giant, powerful which Ul£IY hve Las1 1n senes. and Oet piesent a special show \afy tji:1U,; from craftsmen agrees to leave- hl'f hu!>band to ~,e, hghtmng 9.00 Cops. Robbers And followinq 1he celebl'1ltes as thf'V as they tum their bac~ on home Videotape: Wanted. A new be with him. but anothe, enor 9.00 FILM; Tequil a Sunrise I leave the jungle ilnd prepdre 10 comfons a11d Londo11',; niqh1life squdd set up by L:1ncash1re 1n the operating thealre sees hr~ (1988). Drug deutf'r Mel Gibson SPIile bdd mto thPtr old plans tum to dust 10.00 The Real Julia Roberts. lashes W1th cop Kun Russel! for poke to ,educe ttw 1eg1oo·s lllestyles. burglary. 10.00 Arrested Development. Oocume111r1ry det11mg behind the u,e affection~ of r~rauram 10.30 ITV News: Weather Hollywood 10.00 BBC News Michael 111es lo get his son mto actress's pubhc owner M!thf'lle Pfeiflei Thnller. a prest191ous school 11 .00 FILM: Murder, Sh e Wrote: 10.30 Regional News: Weather persona as 1he beauulul 91d alsostamng 10.20 The Planets: Brief The Last fre e Man (2001). 10.35 Imagine - Bruce Nauman: next door. h19hllght1ng h(lf ~aul Julld. Including live news Encounters. How sc1enusts Jessitai0ll{'Stiga1esthl'deatho1 d•tficulr childhood tempestuous update al 9.55 The Godfather Of Modern have dJscovered volcanoes 15 Art. a sla11e owned by her 1<1te love hie and evaluaung 11 .15 The Gadget Show. miles Jugh and ev1dem:e of distant aunl and di~ove~ her he, body languag~ 11 .15 The Richard Dimbleby dned·up nvers dnd seas on The te.am l'xamme Lecture family were far from h1w·abidmg 11.05 Max And Paddy's Road To the bes1 dl91t<1I Ma<> c111zem De1Mivedrt1ma 11.SS FILM; Different For Girls 10.30 Newsnight Nowhere. Part two of two The camera~ on the m<1rk.@t s1ar1mg Angela lansbury (1996). Drama. with Steven 11 .20 Desi ONA duo find 1hemset11es m poson 12.15 Se"' And The Senee. Mackmtosh: Weatherview 11.SO FILM: The Million Dollar 12.35 FILM Soul food (1997) family 11 .40 Sex And The City. 12.40 Snooker. wo,ld Champions v The Hotel (2000). Murder mystery, drama, starring Vanessa l W1lli.tms, 12.20 Ou1stde: Rosalyn's Dog 12.35 ASf an Stars. 2. 1O Combined Ouatnlon with Mel Grbson 2.30 AVB Worid Beach Volleyball; 3.25 Outside: lost For Words; 1.3S M1~rn9 And Triathlon World Championships. 1.45 What The Romans Did For W0onality) famous for snorting coke and shaggmg i= Although (to the best of my knowl- but. in terms of sheer pointlessness John Leslie. She deserves our pity, ye,, ,!l edge) she hasn't actually committed and undesetved media attention, Ab is but not our airtime. Stop the madness.

1 ..______.I .____I _l_w0____.\I.____ _v_ ____..l ._I_4~ 6.00 Breakfast : The Natmnal lonery 6.00 Uule Bear; 6.25 Popeye And Son; 6.00 GMTV; 9.25 Tr isha; 10.30 This 6.10 The Hoobs; 6.3S The Hoobs; 7.00 6.00 Sun ri se; 6.:30 Milkshake!: Old Sear Storie!i; 6,40 Oswald; 6.55 Hl·S; 7 .30 Daily Pl ay; 9.15 Money Spinners; 10.00 6.50 Thfre's A Viking In My Bed; 7.05 News; 84, 7. 25 Fnends. 7 .SS Everybody loves Morning; 12.30 ITV Lunchtime Peppa Pig; 7.35 Funky Va lley; 7.4S J Raymond; 8.25 The King Of Queens; Homes Under The Hammet; 11.00 Yvon Of The Yukon; 7. 30 l.OVe 1. 00 Today With Des And Mel; 2.00 I Make W;ry Fo, Noddy; 8.00 The Book Of Houses Behaving Badly; 11 .30 Cash In Mummy; 7. SS Newsrouncl; 8.00 B1g Want Thal Lu11ury HOU!ie.; 2.30 Five a.so Niklo. 9.15 WIii & Grace: 9.4S Pooh; 8.3S Miss Spider's SUJ1ny Patch The Ame 12.15 Eurapean N1gh1mare; Cook. Lnde Cook; 8.20 Tots TV; 8.30 Under Ftve, 3.00 Calenda, FILM The Three Muske1eers (1948) Friends: a.so Miss Spider's Sunny Parch 1.00 BBC News: Wt>alher; 1.30 Regional Boo!, 8.40 Pmgu, 8.45 l.1n/e Red News And Wea1her It's Your Call; 3.15 aassk. adventure. swmng Gene ~elly; Friercls; 9.0S Bamey; 9.20 My first News: Weather; 1.40 Netghboors. lractor, 9.00 Balamory; 9.20 The Roly Miffy And Fuends; 3.20 Fun Song 12.00 News Al Noon; 12.:30 ln Your 9.2S TheWngot Stuff; 10.30 Sunset Harold gets a new look; 2.05 DoaOfS; Mo Show; 9.40 Tweenies; 10.00 Factory; 3.30 Atomic Beny; 4.00 Play Face. 12.4S Othe, People's Holidays; Beach; 11.25 House Doctor; 11 .SO The 2.35 Murder She Wrote; 3.20 BBC SergeantSlripes; 10.10 Yoho Ahoy!. Tm? Game; 4.:30 Scary Sleepover; 5.00 1.50 Dr Qumn: Medicine Woman; 2.45 Wright Stuff Extr a; 12.00 Five NewsAt Noon, 12.30 Home And Away; 1.00 News: Regfon.al News · Wea1her. 3.25 10.15 Bob The Builder: CBeebies Countdown To Christmas The Courtroom; 3.15 Countdown; 4.00 CBeeb1es: 81g Cook, Little Cook; 3.45 Birthdays; 10.30 Schools: Emotional Family Affa11s; 1.3S Srai nTeaser. 2.35 6.00 Cal endar: Weather A Place ln The Sun; 5.00 Richard & CB8C: Mor,a The Vampire: 4. 10 Rugrats; Literacy; 10.40 The Maths Channel; Slow Out. 3.35 FILM: One Of Our Spi es 6.30 ITV Evening News: Judy Is M1ssmg (1966), 5.30 Rve N('W§; 4.35 SMart 5.00 I Dream. S.25 10.SO The Malhs Channel; 11 .00 The Weather The Weather 6.00 Home And A~. Math!. Channel; 11 .1O Primary 6.00 The Simpsons. family go Newsround; 5.35 Neighbours 7 .00 Emmerdale. Cain 6.30 Family Affairs. 6.00 BBC News Gec,graphy, 11 .20 Primary Gec,graphy, to Washmglon. fears for Debb1e·s 6.30 Hollyoaks. Justin consmtfen. 7 .00 Five News: Weather 6. 30 look North: Weather 11 .30 The Daily Politics; 12.30 7.30 Egypt Detectives. safety and tells her not his family's feelings dunng a 7.00 Wildlife On One. The Ii~ of Working lunch·Tuming PoinB.; 1.os to go to schoof, while Chanty 8.00 The Truth About The killer group therapy session .it camp. capuchins, reputedly the world's Trade Secrets; 1.1S FILM Je5:se offends Zak Squid. mmt mtelhgt'nt species of James {1939) Western; 3.00 The Winter 7 .30 Headline Crimes. Profile of An argument between Cameron 9.00 FILM : The Specialist (1994). monkey. Flying Gardene,; l.30 Flog 111; 4.30 and Sieph leaves the future of 11 .10 X·Rated:The Fllmslhat Michael Sams, who murdeied a Shocked Britain. EastEnders. Ian cne.s foul Ready, Steady, Cook; S.1S Weakesl Link Leeds schoolgi1f and kidnapped the play m doubt when Lucy fails 10 land 1he role 6.00 Beg, Borrow Or Steal. 7. 00 Channel 4 News 12.10 John Sames' Football Night. a S1rm1ngham estate agent. 12.SO Portuguese Foo tball; 2.20 of Mary in the Na11v1ty play. Billy 6.30 Strictly Come Dandng - It 7.S5 Political Slots. demandmg thousands of Dutch football, 3SO 1ells Allie that wh-enever he Takes Two. Claudia Winkleman pounds for her safe return 8.00 Beyond River Cottage. Hugh looks at Freddie, he,sees Lmle Argentinian Football; 5.20 pieseni. 8.00 The Bill. Jim finally reveals the Feamley·vVhrtungsta11 collects Argent1man Football High ligh ts Mo'sraptSt 7.00 The Culture Show. Verity full ex1en1 of his gambling home-made honey from his The Oobsons Of Duncraig. Sharp presents the latest from debts to June, causing her to beeh1v~ and anempts to PlaM for the castle begin to the cultural wo!ld. On LSTV this week sto,m off m disgusl, while imp,ove lhe reputation of tnpe 1ake shape, as Elfine searches 8.00 The Natural World. Philippa Yvonne d!SCO\lffi her sister has with the general public. Catch l5 TV everydJy a1 1p m 111 for a job while Greg devotes his Forrester spends a year been attacked at home and B.30 Home From Home. A family the Union time to the restoration proJect - examlnrng the wildlife of an Amber bnngs Sieve down 10 but w,th so much to do. 1he anctent oak wood, wiinessing a from San Francisco swap homes eanh wnh a bump. The Essential - 011 tlus 1•1C'f{', family already fee{ m need of a spa,row with Suffolk householders, and 9.00 Mine All Mine. Max show, we head down to thE­ hohday. hawk preying on blue tits, and find the scenery of Eas1 Anglia abdicat~ as ruler of Swansea isn't what they antkipated. Chnstmas German Mcu~et. plu) an DIV sos. A team of expem fox cubs learning interview with Sunon Huqhi>s and help some amateuB in a fix how to catch rabbits. and hands 9.00 Dispatches. Sor1ous Samura the Essential Questum Wh,ll do Blackpool. Marr show~ 8.50 Wild Scotland. The red deer ovei power to R1eo and 81g visrts Suddn's border with Chad Claire- but his hopes of a yo u want fo r Chr r~tmasl his true colours by populat>On on ttie island of Rum to investigate the phghl of Presented by R1Chard 5alk€.'ld playing a dastardly offer Gordon Buchanan aoo1het return to normality refugees from Darfur, finding Street Style - Tiw new LS TV I.rick on Ripley, while Natalie opportunity to explore the a,e swiftly dashed as tragedy they must walk miles over harsh strikes Rtc.o. fashion show. produ posstblfity Morrissey. Contmued alter the interview with Hop{' ol Tile States. new,. Callaghans get to gnps with the more mov1e revtews 111 Tr ail 1:r 10.:30 Regional News: Weather of a financial meltdown traditional .iristocralic pastimes 10.35 Question Time. crippltng Bnta1n's uadtng 10.30 ITV News: Weather Trash and a fe,;twe t>d1tion of 11.00 The Frank Skinner Show. of fo,c-hummg, shooting Socks Entertainment Brought to 11.3S This Week 1ns11tu1tons after a teJrorist aod archery, while 1he secret 12.20 FILM: looking for Mr attack. Concluded. you as ever by Tom and Cla ire panel decide which two fanuly Goodbar (1977). Adult drama, 10.30 Newsnight 11.30 Soccer Night Extra. Regional Socs in Focus - The Makmq of starnng Diane Keaton: Skiing 11.20 The Culture Show fuuures. members are 10 be d1sinhented Copacaban<1 We t<1 ke d look Weather 12.20 FILM : Will It Snow For 12.00 Orange Pla~ist, 12.30 Wolf 11.0S FILM: Ghost World (2001). behind the scenes on 1he nev, Sign Zone: Watchdog Christmas? (1996) Lake; 1.15 SO Years Of Rock 'n' Roll; Premiere Comedy, staomg Stage MU'il(dlS S(X1ely show, Sign Zone: Truants French drama, stamng 2.10 Tmha; 2.4S Strictly Soho; 3.10 ThOfa Birch Copacahana TI 1e ldioh Gwde to Sign Zone: TBA Dominique Reymond Cd:uk Hotshots; 3.35 Cybernet 4.00 1.10 Freespons On 4; 1.4S KOTV Film Making -- A new <.ornedy Sign Zone: Antiques 1.50 What The Romans Did For Groonded For life; 4.2S ITV Classics; 2.40 Br.u.llian football film from ow NE'\\~ Editor Sam Roadshow Us Minu'lg aperalions.. Nrghtscreen; 5.00 Jobf1nder; S.30 ITV Championship: 4.30 Trans World Sport Shepherd 4.55 BBC News 24 2.00 BBC learning Zone Morning News 5.20 Countdown THE BIGGEST EVER OLD BAR GIVEAWAY Join us for a fun packed Chnstrnas day 7th Dec from 11am

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VUE CINEMAS Fri + Sat 23:40 Enduring Love (15) Before Sunset (15) Kirkstall Road. Tel: 08702406020. The lncredibles (U) ffi + Mon Thurs. 15:50, 18:00 + 20:15 Weds+ Thu,s. 18:45 Adults = £5 .50 (after S) I £4.70 Daily: 13:20. 14:10, 15:10.16:10. 1710, fr, + Sat: 22:30 Coffee and Cigarettes (15) (before 5), Students = £4.10 (with a 18:00, 20:00 + 20:50 I Heart Huckabees (15) Daily: 20:30 (not Mon) valid NUS card) Fr, + Sat: 13:00 Dally: 13:30 (not Sat or Sun). 16:20 + 21 :20 Five Children and II (PG) Sat + Sun: 09:4Sam, 10:30am, 1 L20am + Sat + Sun· 11 :1Oam Sat: 12:00 After the Sunset (12A) 12:10 Memories of Murder (15) Goldfish Memories (15) Fri + Sun - Tues. 17:50 The Polar Express (U) Mon · 18:15 fn: 18:30 Fn - Tues: 10:20 Sat+ Sun 09:SOam, 12:00, 14:20, 16:40 + Weds: 20:1S Sat+ Sun: 16:00 Fr, + Sat: 21:50 19:00 School for Seduction (12A) Love Actually (15) Bad Santa (15) Daily: 12:30, 17:00 + 19:15 Mon · 18:00 Fri + Sat 13:50 Taxi (12A) Meet Me ln 51 Louis (U) Blade: Trinity (15) STER CENTURY Daily: 13:30 + 15:50 Sun: 13:45 Weds+ Thuis: 12 45, 15:00, 17:15, 19:50 + The Light. Tel: 08702403696. £4.20 Sat+ Sun: 11 :TOam You're My Hero (15) 22:15 (with a valid NUS card). All day The Forgotten (12A) sat+ Sun 18·10 Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason {15) Tuesday = 0.80 for students Dally: 13:30, 15:50, 18:20 + 10:40 Daily· 13:00, 14:30, 15:35, 1720, 18:20, Fri + Sat. 22:50 20:10 + 2110 After the Sunset (12A) Sat+ Sun: 11:10am COTIAGEROAD Fri+ Sat. 13:10 Dally, 21·10 The Grudge (15) Cottage Road. Tel : 08456441693. Sat+ Sun: 10:10am + 11 :S0am Bad Santa (15) Daily. 14 45 • 2130 £4.50 / £3.50 (with a valid NUS card) Christmas with the Kranks (PG) fn + Sat. 23:20 The Incredible, (U) Daily: 13:15, 15:45, 18:10 +20:40 Beyond the Sea (12A) Daily: 13:00, 1415, 15 00, 15:45, 17:00, Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason (15) fn + Sat: 13:15 Daily 13:50 • 18:50 17 45, 18:30, 19·45 (not Mon), 20:30 + Da;1y: 20:20 Sat+ Sun: 10:40am Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason (15) 2115 ladies in lavender (12A) Churchill: The Hollywood Years (15) Daily- 12.45, 14:45, 15.30, 17:30, 1B:15, fn + Sat. 22:30 Daily: 17:50 Daily: 14'50. 17:05, 19.10 21 30 20:00 + 21.00 Sat+ Sun 11:30am + 12:15 Fri + Sat 23:45 Fr,+ Sat: 22:45 The Manchurian Candidate (15) Sat + Sun: 12 :30 Sat+ Sun: 12:00 Daily- 18:10 + 20:50 THE LOUNGE Taxi (12A) Christmas with the Kranks (PG) The Merchant of Venice (PG) North Lane. Tel: 01132752001 . a Fri + Sat 23'55 Dady: 13:10, 15:40, 18:00 + 20:20 (not Daily: 12:30, 15:10 + 18:20 £4.50 I £3.50 (with a valid NUS card) Sat+ Sun: 09:40am Tues) The Polar Express (U) The Forgotten (12A) Fri + Sal 22'40 Sat+ Sun: 11 10am, 13·20, 15:30, 17:40 + The Incredible, (U) Daily.19:10 + 11:40 Sat + Sun: 11 :OOam 19·50 Daily: 18:10 + 20:30 Fr,+ Sat. 00.00 Churchill: The Hollywood Years (1 S) sat: 11:00am, 13:30 + 16:00 Fri+ Sun-Tues: 1310 + 15:40 Daily. 1410, 16:10, 18:10 (not Mon)+ Sun: 15:00 The Grudge (15) 20:10 (not Mon or Weds) HYDE PARK PICTURE HOUSE Daily: 21 :20 ffi + Sat. 22:20 Brudenell Road. Tel: 01132752045. Fr,+ Mon -Thuis: 14:20, 16:40 + 19:00 Sat+ Sun: 11:10 Adults a £4, Students = £3.50 MirID


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South Easl A!:oia, in Afnca, in 1hc M1- But !hi;; fnci i~ that the "W;tr m1 lcm1r" wa, dc.,igna1~ IO ~ tht: focu, of US lon:1gn poh9 1111hc atrly lc,180,.,." 1:Jut. I contend, u wa., qll.'lli1.i1livl"ly much popular rcactmn thal they turned to whai •~ called ··ciunt.k."M.ine war" Onoth.Ltnc mean~ 1hc war thal c,·crybt.xl) know:,, about CX.t.'CIJ' the n his seventies, Amt..-ria m population it's kvf)l from them and it was foui;ht with illl inh!mat,oruJ U."f'­ ~r. Matt Kennard run:,l nctwork, i11 ~ hu:h Brintin contnbt.111.'d in c.identall}. Sn 11 W ..-111 11! lerron\l go ..·cm ~ mcnts11fCcntrJIAmcnui and in lhc~ of the one !,'(Wcmmcn1 where they didn't u.lfl­ trol the M!Clln1y fOtl.~. Nicaragu.,., they WL'fC USW JUM 10 anack."

o:» a:, the ctmver..ltion i~ sUtrting to flow, u~re\: a knock 1.11. the dour J·"'Ji1nc\ up guy~" his St."C.retary 'ia)" checril)-. "Can \\-C get a fow more nunutes'T' 010rre;ky repli~. It ~med I hat.I umc for 00t: ffk)re question. 1 doc1;:,, ht: re.all) believe the choice ci, thal ,1ark.'? If tbc I JS cuntim~ in 1l,qLIL'$t f1.-wglohal dominance will ii lh.reat L'fl the ~111v1val or our ..;pcci1$? " At..1ually 1t\ not 11&1iculariy my upin ion. Prohabl) 1.he ~ ~px.1.1ble Journal tn the Wes1 j., the Juurmd tef 1Jw /\me.nrtu, A1:t1d,·my of ArL\ lllW Sn'n1ce.\ which last issue hru. an :1n.iclc b_y IW~l lcading :-tratc~ic annly .. t:, who (they \\t:n:' <.tlkly1ng. t.hc- tr.in.,. fom11.1ti()11 ol the m1illlll). Ilk! ncY. bluld up of offefl'-ive milil.U) \\CUJXJll!. that put the entire world al risk of instant nnnihilaL1011. 11111itwi1.11li(111 uf .;pau: anJ won) talk about the reat:Uons wlud1 nrc m11 1c1pall."U ,and are nlreaJ) t.1kmg plac.-c .tnd they ooududt: 1h,1t 1f th1~ l.1lflllllll¢i there is a foir likelihood ol "ullim.itc pt:' thal a coaliliou uf pc.-1CC· Im mg ~lilh.!::. will l.·ualc?:M.t to co11111er l/S m1li1~1ri,;,m ,md ng.1:tte:-..,n·c11c:-,s. Anc.l Ille) ck,n·1 c.-x.pec..1 Lt to be led b)" 1::.ngl,md. thc)­ lmpc ii \\ ill he led b~ ("hm:.1. n1ar:.. whl.!!C we ha'"c:ccMnc 111. JllC)' hope Iha! Clmm ,, 111 urgam.t.C a 1.xxd111on ol p..""ace Im 111~ ,mtc, 10 s1op Uw nulill!n,m and aggre<,..,i'v~nts., hcaJoo by 1ht: t 1:,, .ind 1h Bnush ally. v.e11 11\ infm-sltn~ that they have <;Ui.:h ~on1empi for Am<.·ncan dcmocrJc\' ;uul Briti.,h lkmnt:r::icy tilt!) c.\011 ·1 e, Cn dream of ii !.:om int fr1.1m within I dt.1n ·1 n!!n:e "i1h 11 I dnn '1 tlunJ.. "c han: h> \\l.111 for Chin;1 In sa"c m. lrom Jll doom I thmk. \\-.._:- ran do it (,lllt!ic.:I\C'i.·· And Jh:u was that. A half·hcnncd .!lh:mpl IQ ~llCil!I.C' Ill an1,>1:hcr fC\\ tnllllll\!._ al wlk lime wuh <;01111!' mumbled rep\) w;L" 111tc!'m111ted h) another i..mx.:k from ~s. S111hl. I \tl'\l.d up bri:-.~I). shook his hand agam am! d1.uJI) madt· nl) ,,.,1) ou1 of his offi<.-e clutching my vanou~ hns ol tochnol­ ,uld the fum ier 13riu~h Empire Y. luch the .. hN ul all the '"War on !emir'" wu.'> player on tJ1c global •1c:i;: m.- un11I rung for lhe JX*-1-uar U(Jrld anJ ii wa:, ogy. lrl~re. in !he -..unG pl:11.-e I h;:KI b1.~n :.m US ,,..ould ta!..c O\·Cr. Tlml i-. the minimum lk·dare defined a~ the area ncccssm'} dt)11·1 have to wa.u fOf lhl).C;C w nh fl'-lWC.r t)f catching him out with \I.mW ob'ili.111.' bit terror ,tare- :,p:nt...on!d tc..'1Ttui .. m "'pl:1gue lhc W[IJ t~I lhe us WJ$ gomg lO rt 1r the: us «.onomv • \\ lrn:h ll'IC.l!l"! us wh(1 ;ll'C n:-ltl\'.t..1n1 to 1.:hant,.>e ii IOI' the !~lier <.ii the modem ugc". '"rctlllll to thl." ugc 11f ~ Uie \\lc,rtd dominate pew.et am.I 1n thl- CO\ er ror ma.1or terronM war\ that gh !he W'dr vc.m. -111c) hud meet· And the. Grand Arca wa.-. Jefincd

pc:,J..111E? wi1h Dr Si1h:1m pri\(IOCt. I .... ~ !um ii ',IICh ~HI inci• hlll11hs F 16'.., rc,pon,c 10 hi\ health ... cr"1ci:, 10 ... tdc the city I hc rhc lmq1 pcnple , .. ill ha,e rhe tree h.mael. a )OUfl{!: Iraqi doctnr dcn1 " a nne-1111·~ "\\idl. 1h1, j,. pan de,Lrucl.ion of 1hc hclplc,;, c1, 1ltun, hrcakoul ,, ill ,p,cad aul.J urn111l) Jum to l"m,111'" HIie ma fmr antl lrce S whu"c l:111111\ ha-. hc~n ,uh­ 111 the nnrm. lhc rcaJJI\- there.'· he hcluw is ,111 and,ffcrcnl. ,au,ricd artct:l tht.· c:h1l b,1.r­ ,,. happening 1t1.,,1Jc hilluJah, l'hc 1.:u\.ca1111g 11 \\ ilh ··hu1 hL·\ dt!'\-cr. :111 ha., ini.:rt!,i..cU the JilJu:ult\ nf the ,11 lhl· .\lth:in clcc.:11011!>. he ':t)'"' ~no" ro" illg c,pcricncc ... Rare!) dne\ h~ olhcr qJc of the !,IOr) 1, hnmhlc. I in1ellec111al" ,o a .. 10 cmun,~t /um w111011 in ... ,dc In ,1tld11ion !ht! 111g:I) ol lhe ulher t:Uunlr) \\-hu..c ln.,c his temper or become fmu11on rccc1\cd ,I cull )e..,tcml,t)' frt.ln'I one ol w11h the m.1rmc,. Chnm<..k\ .... utl American~ h:n1.• pritH!l1lcll ml) ,1id rc~ime \i.,1, O\'l·rlurneJ b) the ·c,1a.li- ul. C\CTI when taB,ing ~tboul the thc 01lClnr!-t \\ ho 11!11 Fallu;ah anti he •• rhe btllchen; ,011111 their JJ:.id, the t:lll\\ll}' m enter rhc i.:11) lllJI\ a fe" 1inn nl 1hc nilling· ··JnAfghnni tan. rc-.:enl tic.1th, ol l\\1l nf hi<, col ,ud to me- 1he) were milkmr an ~hccp nohod) <:rn111i-,, con,oh Imm the Rcd C"rc,ccOI antl Jll,11n1Jl K:1rzm Mm till' ckctnm lcu~ue ... llllcd in a r111,,ilc at the npt!rntitm in unc nl lhc 1hc.11n: roonh 1ha1 ,,'all the ambul.mu:,.- hch1re 11 \lartcd. It "'as a h1g srnmfol t-.11luJ;th (ic11cr~tl Ho,p11,al .ind th\; American ,oldicr<. en1cred 'They put his 1-fc ..,peak..; r11 11mc~ \I, hen 11 \\,,.., thiit the) u,ctl patnt lo mark lhl! nail.-. In lrJq dm LRl! the flrs1 ,u;ge, m ,, 1th their ..,htk.', Jnd theu ~un, ·1 he:, Uttl d.mgcrnu.., 1q ka, c hi, ,unbu \,r 1ho,1,; \\ho hat.I ,~,1etl Bui all 1he Bnt.un Cur the ,cl·,mJ, lu, ,1onc, arc 1noL thc ,.,.,o d0t:h,r, \\Im wen.· mak­ shoes on his head, llmcc fur lc:.,u of l1\;111g ,;;hut H1~ ,ah.:1') \\hc.·n !he) fOI home could ho1h tl(11fll.llll and rc,calm!! A t.:a...,c lnf 1hc opi.:r.llltln ;mJ mi:J 10 ;1rrc.,,, dcp1"·tmn n) ln:alin • or Ir) i11g hi w;1'loh oll lhe ,111m ,mt.I \"Ole tl!,!ain •· 111 r1111n1 ,, "hl'II 11,., home 1n 1h1rnt ,o 1hc) ar.: 11111:de1in!? .... uh told us to undress pcuple b t,l a. tu ... ~ hamp..-reJ b~ a Jd In spite HI 1h1:, ,hould the ckt:· H.i(!htbd. lr,ui'., c.1p1tal. \\.t'• ,mudcli duttor\ \\urL · and ordered him uf ,,h,1,1dc~. N\\\; h,uJ In th~ a ruul lh111' ~o Jhcod anJ lrJq bt pre,cn1cd and hi~ 6-1-~l'ilf·nld la1h1:r endured ThL" rolc.• ut 1he c.:,1p1urcJ im.igt· hall ltl'ld 10 tiun thl.' dead \\ hen \\e n 11h J dcm111.:1,11.:.). 'H1l1ld it nil he hu1111li.11io11 al 1he h,inJ;. of l·s ha, pla)cd .111 11npnrtant pan 111 1hc to kill himself' mt:ll Ill emcr ,iic IH"PJIJI a marm\: ,, urlh n '··ocmo1,;nu.:y ,~ rule b) pt·o· m,mnc, .. The~ pm ,hoc, on hi'> hc.ul ,.,..ir \.\-1111 !hc.· <.,ho,J,inf p1c1tu·t=, ot ,.11d 111 m~ .. luck olf" ·1 h1, , ... 1he pt... h1r people (i1.:mi;c Bti..h'". whu unJ tolJ u, to talc oft ou, dot.he" .ihll',c uf lntq1 pn ... {l!lCh 111 Abu IYt:t Im ull D1 Sulum·, ,mccnl), 111,,:\\ culture in Ill) n1un1r~ We h,u.l 10 ht: later calf.,, ';1 monke) man'. .. doc~ l hen 1hc)' luld h11n lt1 kill h1111,;clf.' Ghm1h, unJ !ht" ,ulK111!! 11f Duil) mu<·h 11! "'h..tt he 'iJ)' 1,;nUld bt.· 1nr1.:r ,ll!u!fi·lt.• pcnplr nm1o1Jc thl' CH) 1ri 1m1 11ntJer...1and thb. If )OU .1 .. k the he ,ar ,ha~mg h1!i hc,1J Mirror cd11or Pier, Mnr~on for print prctcd a..., anti \\.UI propu!!:u1Ju, ;i a trc.tl them,·· he s,t) ~ dcJcctcdl) ltJO,ClilU tlead 11r me. then no. 11 \\3') W11h the ,ci.:ond h{1mhardmcn1 mg hiked phoh,.,, 111 li11ti"h '-uhln:r, c.:c,mpalnut l,11cr ~")' C.:lH1lront1ng I :1-,~ him. J \(Ute his rt: .. er, .1 IH'll \\Orth it. .. rctluc.·111!,! part!, of h1lluJ,1h t('I rum,. abusing lnn11 capll\.C',, "h,11 ,,. hi.., him durintt h1, ~pcL·ch to 1h.:: .11111 \\Ill 11on,. Joe he ll11nk lhc ctmlihun II . then . lruq i!> a <1uagmi re ol d1J it .111 c.·ume aht,ut het':lU!>C of 1hi: upm1on uf lhc 01111,h meJi.f.• ··1 \\e.m lubb't' ~,r \OU had ,h1l\\ 11 '1.llh ;idt.:s h1Kc:-. t·,·,·r du.I ,1 10h 111 lr\·111e 10 \\ in cl.1dy .. ua.1dc.• bumbinc-. anJ ci\ iliJJl tour Amcm:.,rn nmtr.ictur, thal were 1n ma~t' ., b 1Je11f pin-c for ('hanncl 11 w;uJIJ h~l\ e been fmrer." I It' ,tho thi; hc.1rt~ ,tnd 1111nd ... ul lh~ 1r:1q1 pco di.:ath,. lun, rnn II he mended') " Ir \\C: tortured .mcl lhen t)urnt:d :1s .i spec.-ta• hH1r ;111d I met Jon "iuo,\ I 1oltl him, cite, lhe re~11l;1r rclram nl thi:: ,mti rk 1 ( he)' ,\.nn !he ht:.irl., ,1nd minJ, w11n1 tu "lop 1crron..,m. 1he11 we haH: de h.u.:l iu April'! "Nl1. I think 11 Well . th~ .. o,cr.,~,· ,~ ,1\\3) frmn the.• war mo\cincnt 111 res1>uns\: 10 .1 ,1ue!. hu.:,1U,t' !he) lonL tllll the heart,. and 10 ,.,op p,1rtu:1p,ning in u. Peace can ..,tancJ Imm the ..,,rndtom." h~ p:1u .. 1ru1h' ~k :>t,tncd lau~hm~ ,tntl ,.,tul tmn on rec.:enl bchc,1J111~\. '\\ ho n11111.h l1f 1hc lrnqt people"', he ,a)'~ . 001 ~ enforced by force. You have to t"'· addini: ,11lcurnl) ··\,:o,.., ii i, n 10 me !hat Ch,mnc-1 l·our 1s \\1me malllkrs ~)i.:ho h1111 ~,·er)" Jn) and tolJ lurn )OU are member~LI d11ldrc11 ,, ho had lmt \\.luht hi!> pc)r1r<1)al I!, ,1 dc:-.pondcnl "~" a...... omeone who "a~ on 1he lo,:-1c,1II.:,, lrnm hh c:,;.pc.r,encc~. !!ell mg 3\\ a> from 1hc truth ... dotcn.., uf 1hc1r famil), 11 mu,t l'C" one. '"' 11 1empercd b) .m~1h111g at lr,)n11inc dealmg \\llh the dail)' car­ "1 IO\\ can I tnrf:C'I \I, hat tm .. hup- Pan nl tha1 , 1dco loo1ag1: ,h~n, ~ hard 10 d1stnnce h11m,dl twm "'h,11 ,111'' ·1 t:!"~ be fair, you can ... ,iy 1hl!'re nage'' ··1 Jon't ,~an1 10 ~c-e 1hcm 1,cneil'! I !!Cl ni~htmnre .... 111~omni,1. un f-1(> homl r c.:on1muim·a1111~ \\Ith he s,N and \\.hat he cnLlurctJ un.: ~oo" human11uri,m di._a,1cr "!'he mo,t 11111l0rtn111 1hing - securil)." J"on)' 81.ur i!> not one or 1hem ... \\ 1th image, rclca~eJ l:1...,1 \\ eek of a J'hc· cummaml come:-. prc,mptl) Jo.ngcrolL, thin@ ,.., I) pho1 gom_g ahead. lhc

o, I have been wearing new lur tlcms j<; M~cn a, im::,cus m} !?ranJmother'!'. r!!al fur able. A d1i..1inr1inn ,, i1h ,,hich I S cui11 fnr 1hrce wed,~ no,.,. ,, hnlchcartcJI) concur :b pan ol :m c,pcrimenl and I o,,rurbingl) thouth, fur ,ale, hU\l! had no red paml thrcl\\n al Jre 011 the n,c uud 1111.Ju,tn lead me. llll hcdlini; an <"lppo~ed lo .i f:d,c fur .. nbnm thal 11 i~ difficul1 .,h ivering ,tudcnt ,,.addling 111 JllJgc 1f someone i, wcmini; a akin!! ,,.1th five brimmrn ~ n:.i\ one'! Sun:I) a, ,11.1dcnl'- n i, Morri~ou~· b.ig.., ul< 111 g ,1 mu o wrnp up \\;.lfm ,ind lake heed no naff gtlct" nr dcnd am rna l,, plc,1,c Leeds Student Friday, December 3, 2004 www.leedsstudent.org.uk 11 Searching for the final status With the world's attention focused on Iraq, Judith Poultney talks to a Serb and a Kosova Albanian about the forgotten conflict in the Balkans

omg u, \\ar ,,11hout 1/f\i are 1-.mJ ol rur.J tflmu there. the) :ire the \l,tbmna ol Scrhut n.unh ell mum, ~::~~) n~:~\111;_i~l.b.~1~k~;~~~ {lati(lll ,ire \t"I) real m Kt~l\o on holh 1999. Amem. ..i .tnJ ht)r '.'IAIO ..,iJc, Yu11i:et1l~ .. il)t11frc:nol\\1lhu, G 0 alh~ \\Clll into K.t'Nl\Cl, a ~mull h:mluf) )OU 1'C ,, tlh th..:m'" 1hre..1b ii )OU do \CIIC "luch lwJ lon11 l)t.-.!11 1he thc;1tre of tc11- umJ )VU !,"'c."t threab thiU hurn,11u1:ufa11 md ,,01l, lx't\\ ecD the cthn iL Alhani11n 111:1jor \\ 111 he wt1hl''H!rtul !:itrhWfl mmonl) Jlm,c\.i.-r I Jo 1101 bcli~,c 1hat ummui, IllC rccem tmuhlc" 111 the- n:r:1vn can Ivana Popovic and Havel• Zena ffyN 1100 h.lll ;.1 LTUt:ial unpacl on thc-.c: clec be U.M.:ed b;ll ..1 lo 1992, "ht..-n Slnhodan lion." !nut m:m) pooplel ,,anteJ 10 wll" Milosevic. Prer-HIC.nl of' the h:lleml bur for KOSt)H1·, l!rb populal1t\!t, \\h1ch in the hl'I p{o.ice. Repuhlk: ofY11t1~h1, i~ U-RY ). imu.ucd a mamtwni. .. uung I i11~ .. v. i1h tht: C>nhodd" Prci.idcnt Ru~'Q\a ha., \O"-t.·d t\1 pm,h 1.:,1111paign to cn:~111.· u ·Greater S.crhm' Church. independence I!-. n h1,!!hl) .....:11-.1 lhn:1u~h 111dcpc1Klc1ir.:c,1nugh1 .l\\.t), htl\\ FRY\ ".IUh'>(.-qucnt C).clusioo lrom the uw L'i.\Ue. Pn:,tdt!nt Ru~ovo \\ i..hc:-. tu do )'OU think nn nukpcntlent Ko'i\ nther pmhh.:m"' In 1hi: Ufon., tu rc\h)f't~ pcan· Jailed follcmi11~ inknie,,. l"am1 Popw1r.:. ,t conditions that ~ '\l ()\ ,;,ul't<,c.>qucut '-C!\.(111~ -e1gh1.rhr,111 ,,hn ha .... h,tXJ in Ko,o\o. 111KI t..m,hmg i.:ainprn~ ,tgam~t the Serbian Ha,reti: Zena lh...i .i K1~1\11.\lb.uuan. are similar to ;lflll\- anti brutal m1ht1~ led h) I~ \\ 1th tdl l.£,·d1 Studou \\hat th~ ... ,tualion drn,~al of th~.· ~erb,an :1m1) fmm K('l"-,\WU lnnl,...s ltke 1111 tht: !!tOUllcl the concenra­ ,Uni the ~1,1bl1..,hnlt:lll of ;1 UN 1n1erim tion camps ad1mn1,trul1tm h,.c \!.!ll~ Inter. the I.Kn/,; S1tule111: \\ hy did '>'I 11UH1) n:1;1nn 1.. ,1111 a pnl(i.,'((Un;tl.!uftlk! l 'land ~erhi.nm, ah\tain? Ihm ,,did do )Cm Rurm~', ,crcurn1nl! h1r mdepcn Ko,1l\.O \ tma) ,L.ll.u, 1, ,1ill h, D! {k.·t:1d....-c.\ belit:,c Uic clnint, ur intimidation lo ~"llU' I!-. hi-. ouh rok m f\1N1\o I I!.! \li,t, Dependent on fore1tn md and la1..kint? ~'! lhc Ur;l t,1 ,1.111.lhl' m1lcpcudc"OCC' ffil1\c natur:d RN.1un:c .... 1.he Kch<1\ o Cf"C'..1t1e-J ll\ h ,ma Pllf'I" it.· Scrh1,tn, in K, 1',()\ o Oll."111111 tJ1l' lllX{ ..... he h lill· n nt.:t'4:0( tu, the 1.:onlht:t III llff:J t, h.\CU1£ L'l.iinumi~ havi: ,IIY.a)S. bl.-cn hardh11t.·r.. and lhi!) thC' m<'VL"m1.:n1 I 1t.a\ic no hop,.· hi.r \ert)', cr1,1 ... helped hring Mil(~\1.,; In pimc1 m the 111 Kc~o,11 \\h,1te\cr lhc final ..,,,1111~ In Mardt tlw, )'car, Kl1',(J\c1 Albal\latl 91.h.. When !he \crh1a11 Aml, wi1hdl\!\\ Kt)',0\11 ,.., \Cl) P''lt" \\ ilh ..i )t111ng uud mot,.. lk:,ml\l.."ll ,unund 111111, Serhwn Imm Ko..,1l\.1.1 nm.. , of I.hi! ~th .. lch w11h t_.:nl\\ 111~ fk1pula11011. In lt'JI )c.il"'I ltmt: OnhoJ wen: cllhcr <,(I poor with thl..' 1sulu1ion I\O\UlU). h.:rn·. dr;:ixc., FORGOffEN: A Serttlan monastery destroyed by Kosovo Albanlans Scrbwn p1.1pulatiu11 ,1lhtmncd in J,1,1 lhC)· had ncm here else tn !!U, 100 ,,JJ I Ill ,iou .md pnnr living c.und1U11rl\ J1lt."re ,.., 111 .. \hi! f;llhcr oi uH.lept.:m.lcnc.:c month·, election, under .dle1-'a.l pre-...,uf\· le.1,e. orl n:ma1nt:d In )pile the not one hop,: kit tit.ii Altl.tnian, ,, di 101 Utd.\ ~111dMI: \\ h, \IU., U1c tun1ou1 in Imm crbtan pol1tlC.ll le.tdt:I' .mJ !he Alh:mian,. '.'lnl m.m\ Jcmocrnh III that cratt." 11U11001Jc.. m K11'(1\o I ltone,tl) tk, the rcc..-ent election,·.,.) IO\\'! l.et•d\ Stud,•111: lht\ lift impn,,cd for Onho<.lo C'hurch 1-thniL Alh,L01.m lot I flL.1r.tlllL't! )OU.· Aller the c,.cnt.. m ll(l{ believe: lh,tl dO) \crh, \\1ll ,;.t;1) ut ILMt:tcL.cnalh"-t lh:111mo111i,... uci, ordinan \.lh:miaw, und for h.t1W\.O IUme\UI \\,IS Jl'iCt n:httJ\'cl) ,~I\\ f'h1.; \1.tn:h 2(104. K4,rs()\O S~rh\ n::ali1ru thal Ko,11,0 ii the) gi\.c :\lhan1an" their 11o1 Ill'~ J hL·rc im\\.' hcen tour dl'l a, a "hC,ll' .,ince lhe lu\t clc,·lion-.·! I 1hcrnl Ixntocml pan)'. le.id b} lhmlum the "it:rhia11 Ann) \\cl., nnl ~rn 11g 111 rclum lnll'Jl,;!ll{lcnc,.'c 11011' 111 the l'l\c )1.':ir, 'i!IKC lhe c.:011 lf1.L,rck Zena 11):\ll. 11ft: h,I' nor Ru1:,oei\:L \\01) fun) ...c\·t:n p.:r cent of 1hc tl1 SU"e them Why \\ 011ld they \.Oil' for a , . • n11.:1 I he poor- pcllormauc.·c ol the i111p111\ed •ll ,111 ;;iftt.:r the nt:'\\ clr.:<.:1111111., ,otc. hut am nul)' lum11.1 gv,cmme111 in !;tl\\!nlffiCllt kd b) Albani.nib \\ho \\Cl'C l1e,l, .'Stude11t: \\ h1tt do ~ou bclicn: the uc\\ 1) cler.:led 111,111111ians and 1hctr )ot.:tal ;111d ct.:nnurnil -.1a1i ... 11,, 111d1c.1h! 1 ~,1;1lni1.m \\ilh ,1no1hcr (Xuty l-i,o.,,c1,·1)\ 1hc1r,\\C1111cncm1e-,'. AhothcOnh4,iJo, final stulu..\ -.hou.Jd be? I.idol c,;ompt:tcnu·-. (th~· n: .. 1m11,ib1li ,l'r1011, unJcrl} mg pr,1hle111, and ,\lban1uru., a m,IJUtlt~ lll ,, tu,m .ire Chun:h u~nl 1hc St.·rll'> nnl to \oh: 11..: hana Pnix1\11.: h l' J. rnrnplc, MUl! tic ... hundcd u\cr IH the l 'N) ha,c di, unlc-., 1he O\'"' ~o, crnmcm 111trrnJm;e!> ~iu,11111. arc ,mpaui.:nt for i1kkpt:1Klc1k.:e, d1urt:h L" r\:all) ,;trnng m h.tl">ll\lJ. lhc) '11..,·au • o\lha?1an.., an: tug nunnnt) 111 .,ppomtcd mml) \,11er-.. The)· ha,c rclnrm, amJ" £i"en more lll'\\L"r, 1h} ~l,tc.:c.'Oc1111a. (,reccc. It.ii) ,ukl '-Cttllhem hl'l11 mc tni,.1rn1t-d b) thl' lad ol thL· l,~ ,1Jn11111:-.tr;11mn).11c,1,c,1r \\ill ~~rm~:1 1,n>~i·c,,. hrmg ~1 much mnn: c11::.turhmg cconnm ;:,:~'~t,J:~:~:~1:~:!::~~~1~~ i<.:',1lll,tli1111 the 8;1ll..nL.., .•1ntl p:rh.J1')', k.iJ lo more J,ud,· ."itude11 t: llu 1you hclh~, t' that ~,tr I hd1c,c !he.) ,h,111ld ,1~11 l\1.,.,mu, 1•rc,ident RuJ.,!1>\U ·\\ill ht' able tu l.l'l!d\ "il11Je111: \\ hul do \.OU htlicH lllk·~•ralmp Ill.It p.1t1 \\'Ith 1l \crh ruatnnl). <;.CJh c Km,o, o·, economic problem._? lhc final -.1111u-. -.hnu1d hl'~ 1~1lfth ,,t lhc .1tx1r Rih'l'. min ;ld~ill.:CIII 11~,MCll' /i:ua 11),,1. Prc,11knt ll,1,rl'lt: /cna 11),a I hi: hn.,I ,1,1111:-. ~·rhi.1. I n,·.11!1.c thal tmJ.:r lhl·unc ol Ru!!o,a 1, l;ir 1rum hc111t! a lc.1tle1 nl J,..1\\1Wll ,h,\uhl he tndepcndL·Jat:c, dl'•cl'.1!~ .mJ hllcnmn: th1,. 1, m'II ,111 rc,1t.l) 1o 1.u.. l.le .in~ 11111wr1.1111 1-.,uc hm lhl· h~tlt: I\ .... 11.11 lo.m~I uf 1mkpen rn.:ll'ptuhlL• ...i,lut11)fl, hu1 1 lx:li~·,.e HJ1) 1mc .u1d l'\Jlet:1:,11) 11ol l't:1111om1L uni.I srn:1al tlenl -.1a1c' rl1c h:.tl qu~,uon ,~ hu~ \\h1., ha." h...-cn lhcn: k11m1, ti 1, 1.hc 0111; all,u"- Ile hn-. nlw,I\, bcrb-.. thl: Allxu11an.-. p.,r111cr.. whl, \\ 111 ht- nt L:h,ir~c: ul nm mtt:rnat1n11;1I\ w that lhl') urn ~ an ltm11 h1m,elf to tht: rote murnt) he use of tl1e female fonn technique the number of an accurate ponrayal of those depic1ing a ex) looking lady ru1d pose would appeal to the in advertising is practical­ images of women on Oyers who patronise dubs like Tne as a (X>lential male cu torner is night's target audience. If this Tly as old as con umerism greatly outweighs those that Space. Fruit Cupboard or often used to dclen<.1 the de,ign is m1c 1llen the women in these it.self. But in an age in wh.ich use either the DJ. band or musi­ Rehab. 1lleir image is merely of flyers and posters. adverts rea ll y are treated as lit­ gender equality is not on!) cian playmg, whilst usmg a used to tantalise people into Furthermore. it seem 10 be iJe more than objects to grab encouraged but demanded by pictu re of a man is almost reading tl1e flyer and learning supported by the l1i gh number the attentton or the public. So law in document" :uch as tl1e unl1erutl of. something of what tl1e nighl is of naked or half naked women why has the naked womru1 as European Consritution of 1110,e who giYe out 1he fly­ about. found in ad,ert and features in object crept back into adverti - Hwnan Rights, is the image of ers argue thi disparity i an magazines from Vv.tu,e and ing? a naked women sti ll relel'ant inevitable and narurnl renec- 1 'Sex sells - it's as Marie Claire tl1rough to Hear One explanation could be ,md engaging or has it become lion of U1e taste of the target simple as that," and Cos111op<>li1a11. IL would that 1he increasing commer­ an outmoded relic from our auiJience. Accordu1g to Neil eem tl1at whilst men find a cialisation of the music indus- advenising pasL'! Khanna. one of the few men 10 says one flyerer. picture of a woman alluring. 1:r) has caused people to put The prevalence of club be found fl yering outside the His female women would find the ame more emphasis on image than advertising in Leeds was Univer~ity of Leeds union. colleagues agree image equally engaging. musical quality. Therefore. demonsu,ued very clearly this when it comes to club advertis­ 1lle dispro1xirtionately high dubs are aware that tl1ey are no year wnh tl1e fifty-pou nd nyer­ ing: ·'Sex sells, it ·s as si mple as number of nyers depicting longer just selling good mu ic ing fine. The council's com­ that". His female colleagues Could one therefore not sexy female figures is not but are promoting an image of plaint concerned the sheer vol­ agree. arguing that tl1e imagery argue d1al if tl1cse pictures ru·e restricted merely to tl1c ·sexy and fo r their clientele. In this ume of liner the practice creat­ on the flyers "epitomise lhe used merel) to tempt peo11le to r&b. funky house· nights that climate the obvious decision ed. yet little attention has been night'' and the use or beau1iful take notice of a club event a one may associalc it wi th. would be to put a picrure of an paid to the style and image1y women is pmticularly effecti ve more inspired image could be 'Neat Neat Neat' at the attractive woman on a fl yer. used in these flyers. One need for club promoters because it used rather than the cli che of Elbowroom on a Thursday web ite or po ter. lt shall attract only wa lk into college or wait attracts beautiful women to the attractive woman? advertises in a way that it rs men because it represents outside a club for a taxi 10 find tl1eir nights. When asked if A ltl1ough sex se lls. ex has assumed will appeal to the something to which they are several exan1ples of a llyer on they therefore believe that the been part of advcni ing for so rock. indic and punk comm uni­ exually drawn and will attract which is either a photograph of women on the flyers were rep­ long that the in the competiti ve ty. 111i i trnnslated into tl1e women bccau c it represents a naked woman, a female sil­ resentanve of those one would atmosphere of clubbing pro­ use of a Debbie Harrye. que omething to which they houette. an illustration of a find in the club however. the motion perhaps more up-to­ model on Ll1eir poster who i a pire. However. perhap in the woman in a provocative pose flyerers eemed a little more date. fresh advertising.could picLUred in her pant_. 1l 1 world of advertising obvious is or a photograph taken inside ambivalent. lt wou ld seem that mai i,ely improve the· notori­ another example or how not always best. 1he clu b showin2 several "hilst ru1 image of a womru1 is ety of the produ t. women, it \\Ou ld ~em, are female customers. - Although attractive lo potential female 1lle argument that a woman u ed LO sell any genre of music. [email protected] th is is b)' no means a universal customers, it is not neces. aril) will be as auracted to an advert a. long a., theu· image. tyling With Fruity Tobias "Meaningless"· Astrology Today Sagittarius (Nov 22 • Dec 21) On Thul'Sday somabod)' mistakes you ror a copy af the Dally Mall, folds you up, blcka you Into their fetid armpit. - .,_,-. to carry you around au day w1ul1lt !Plndlrl!l their teeth to the roots in ln>thk,g -"" af racist. home> pboblc:, ~ hatred.

Capricom (Dec 22 • Jan 111) As part af his bu&hfuckAM' cllallenge (or --they're called), Fran Coogrova attempts to - .. your name Into his ayebrowa ""'1l5t ratchmg violantty in the vain ~ to hold back an eye-waterlndy eour ~ af -gast• ed rice water, chewed up newt ovales - puke.

Aquarius (Jal 20 • Feb 18) - Dickinson writes you a - Jove Jotter. Whal you choose lo do about It Is none ofmy busman.

Pl9C8S (F

Aries (Ma 21- Apr 19) I'm not one ror Idle gossip, but - di- over -· • yeah, - one • i- -. calling you • plum - an .,.,weasel - otuff behlrld your-· Go on, juot walk o-- smack the no11J1!C. Revenge la• - best o«Ved realty fucldng HARD. Go on. Qulcll.

Tairus (Apr 20 • May 20) Swecl9b Nazi muUet-fllckan Europe obtain pem,;..ion to play a mon11>1ongn,-..:y In your- No matte, how ma,y timeo you aok, they refuse to play The Anal Countdown, ..,Jl

Gamin, (May 21 • June 21) In• htgJ,ly unfortunate c:ae af mlotaken identity,• Cl1IZ9d gunman with • acore to - forces you to chew off your own hands whDsl sitting cr...-gged on • revolving pot. tan ..- - humming the theme from Johnny llrifgs.

Calcer (June 22 • July 22) You ~ to ente, •veral new words Into the - English Dlc:6onary, Including 'c:atfolding', 'eggl>ound', -­ mlcadulatlonlsm', 'hoofshool', 'yogpennlka', ·u-n', - 'roopd'. AU are rejected • with the exception of 'boofo. shool', which from now on means 'unable to maintain pn> J.,.,g,ad facial contact with wintat fruits'.

Leo (July 23-Aug22) Inadvertently walking uncle< the fUgt,t path of a Boeing 747, you become only the fourth•- victim of the dr..­ ed 'blue Jee'. Still, it w• a prope, lucking rirnsplltter, ao take i-t In the knowledge that you na-stood a cbance • It would .,..-y have ldUed you had It -. dropped froma-.

Virgo (Aug 23 • Sep 22) A_._ beao using your computer•• remote depot to store braathtaldngJy obKene Images of Lego porn. llwow It out the -w, quick- the 1'0Z28111 are mere hours away from closing the net.

Libra (Sep 23 • Oct 23) You are - by Russell Grant fO< Ubelling him~ ty In an email reply to a .-. In which JOCI might have accidentally Implied - he molests cl-baby animalo (Which af c:oune, he doaan't).

5-plo (Oct 24 • Nov 21) An l_.check-

For all Students travelling alone and women in pairs ... Every night from the union steps straight lo your front door! SOp - Duy your tlcHel from reception before 7 and security afler 7 Forgotten your 50p? .Jump on anyway and use your studenl card as a deposit! Leeds Student Frldav. December 3, 2004 wwwJeedsstudem.org.uk 21 FOOTBALL'S MANAGERIAL MERRY-GO-ROUND HITS UNPRECEDENTED LEVELS By ALEC SHILTON Joh am.) Lht.' nccJ to ,pcnll more hoa1J dt1 11111 1,1k.e k.1ndl) tu (011nt)I llmt' "11h 111', lanul~ l\.lana~"·" manag1.•r- , Oil Ill~ 1hc11 hnan \\ hilt thc,c m:m:t8:Cr'!-> ha\c hn,c tu bc,1r thl· brunt ol ':>llJ'I 1.i,111.·m\o.:m, m <.·01111nnn 1, the mutual 1ru,1 arr) Redknapp pont.'.r-.· cmu11mn, \\hen !hint' tht•\ ,hare with 1hc1r ht1t11n1111cnh ,u\.·h a., the lad, ill man,1i;cn.1l l·h.111i;c~ P11rhmot11h ·.., helm tilbk w lhl' htll pa)cr, that ;,1 /.olJCl: ,1., thl ,olLJlll111 1 he )r,111h tr.1111111g ') ,h."rn., 111 I hen: J IC,, d1;ir.u. 1cr<, 111 the ShclhdU Umu.:c.l m.inul!l."r Neil Ho,\l'"h'r 1h11, ,;i.:cm, Hi hen thc .. c duh\ 3rc c\t:dknl .,mJ 1rnm" more m,1gne1H: 1h,m · ·\rr~ \\.1rnod, rcL:cnth il1~1,tnUl.' th1, cxu \\a!l, ih a H;,uh oJ 1hc.(;1l11 endeared him 10 tht: p:.1!-,11l0,1ll' .md re.u.hn~ them :t ,to!) ,11 1ru .. 1 Fr.ml.. Arnl·,cn', Ir.Isl bcl\\CCll h1, anJ ( rn.ltlJJl P<.1mpe) fan1, ;.md 11 ,,•cm, le"' hcd11111l· ~llilf t.Juu footh.111 d1rci.:1m nl lon1hall "'le al t:hamn.tn ManUaru.:', lrn,t wanted to ,cc him 1ctl\ c after m,u1a~i:r... OC\1:t rl'llll) get the ~pur, uucluubtc.. 'iUCh a SUC<.C<, lul ,pell chan1.:e 111 do hi..·c..U1'it !hi!) ;.m.· prc,-.ure., Lha1 kd to Jac.:quc-. Pnr1s1n11111h \:1d 1hc ml'ra Hh Jcparturt· \\;\', the '>1\lh .th\.!)' UUI \anu111· ... c:ii;.11 ,;,lrut.:111rl" nl m,ut\ lm\cr t.11,·1 of the Prt·mier-.lup ,c.1,011 ,o 13111 d~\fllll' Rc duh~ in 11.:rii1~ ol 1.1ul111c.., far. the h1ghe1i1 numhcr .11 thb i.:11mmcm,. 11 .1ppt:.:1r, 11b\i1111, to the c.:0111in1111)' or fo.nhatling ,,n, R~bson, Mu11do1n1.;·.., ,1pp11i111mc:111 (11 hnu,, thal th1., cc,nunull) more m·cm81.·t.l c.:Jc,,c 1u uni: tr.m,ac­ Santini. Mc~-.un und Sturmc.•k Vclcnm l..:tJci.: m, D1n•t:tor ul 11hcn thorn not lc••d~ to ~tll:\.'t.'!>~ lHtn l>l'f \l,cck. the fioal ,rm\" in F.,11mplc!- r,lfl!!t: Imm the duuion of the lr.111,fcr \\ 1ndo\\ fir,t fourteen game .. nf the i1n im:rt.'m,inj]I) ... tnum:d rd.1 ,,b, 1uu.., ,u1.h .1-. Ale, l·cr1-•uson Shur1-tc1m !-il~nmg'i ,ud1 ;" ,;c;J,;,(m 11011'ih1p hct" ecn thl· mnna!!.:r ,md Ar,cnc \\-cngt!r, to the f\.forsc111 ilrtd Shcrm11h,1m ,, ere Wh1b1 the re~on.., d1ffor lnr and hi" dta1nnun ll11..,,c, nl n,111~ mid 111hl~ m,hc.1\1\le \ll Rc ke" l\l 1001 uuthh M1d1 :i-. \um Allard\i.:C. ;ippmach has bix'n parucularlJ intnBII h11ll111!! n:latn,nshipS amt I'> Sit.'\ c McCl,1rcn .and ·\Ian Hi.., ,,hcclmt: and Ji.:al111i '"~ impcraliH! for ... ut:cc,.., ill ,In) Curhi,hlc). :ind 1111 t,• mhcrs. m hr~ ru1 P~1n..,mou1h on lhtt toot The tall-0111 from l,1SI "cd le,el Milm1~cr,. Ji,apprmc ul IC,tfllc h'lothall ,u1.h .1, Dano balling map. nn" tht:.\ m:cU ha!> hi.ghli~htcd ... c, ('fill proh mcu al the h1J) ,,f the hic:mrch~ Cir.hi! (( ,e,\el .unJ Gt·urg1. 1:u11st1hdiltic1n and harmuu~ M \cm., thut manugel". ;\n

By JAMES PLATI A11,tral1a obtmnins ,1 11dc1 for intem.1tional I gn:atl) aomctltlc nf ~real d1~mt) ;.\nd RIan~ will fondl} rt:OIJ· face., a tough task in rchmld1111;. n W1lk.i11.son um no\\ tx.~ :teen rc-.1mmt OISl.'C JbOUI lhc glori(\\L'- right and )OWlg ,1de 1mo n urul as fnnnida C\cr)\\hcrc - on tele,i,;mn. m Men: w~ n real mlc mOOcl. A left OOol\ ol 1:::.ng.l:tnd H) half blc a., that led h, 1hc dtarhma and publicmton am! 1f )OU happen to mgb) pla)'cr ,\ ho could be i.:h1.,.­ Jonn) W1lkmson wlcnt i1f fohnS(m. l>.1Uagliu and sd fool in a ln~c Boots outJct. a i\hed and adnurctl, m1hcr unhk~ rnc rre.... h-foccd mnnbt:r IO ,H,... WilkmS(m licld dny will he had. Junn)' has hi.. luo1hall1ng cnumcrpan M) huge!) 11hlrumcnml in providing A huge fac10r m the potential 'IIOll!'.-Oritups "i1h !he store ihclf. d1'4run .md sadnc ..... ,u::nh l"-1111 a England with the gl,>r) of "_)m~ \UCCc"' ol 1h1s new ~uad "111 be lhc r.pun." 0lli~h1. 2{(15 calendar- earl 1cr tlu-. "eek lion J(>Dn) proclaimed 10 he a tunalt:i). the s1milami~ hcl\',l-'f!n No" dun·1 gtl mi.: wrung I 1-\mon!!::-.t the cu,tom:.it"r tjlllt.:t. l;hy man. one "hum woukl tht:!<.e 1wo kadl:rs do not end here.. full)' appreciate lht: lure of large Be(;kham'!., Bloom·., be doing h1\ ulffil"'l to ... hun the For Je ... pitC' ull lhc previous •UnounL, ol ca.,h Jor vcl') huh: "Bube\"'. I \\a\ hurnhed lo\l.'.Cuur hmclighl. i1t'itead fully f(lcu...,m~ on claim,; that advenL"ing w~ 1101 for "orL I ,1l<,0 umlcf't.md that hemg Jonn) ... inking,, .. ultl) pn-,e mmnlainmg his sell-imp(ht:I m) c)e~ nn just reJinqu~hcd th~ Coo~ Cup to chunce oJ c.uch,n~ a gl unpse of th:it he did not dc,iru additional Wilki1i...on cvtlf) nm by mone) or lame for n mere .£5.99 22 SPORTING

COMMENT om\ ll.11!, rrumaging 111 rc-.trit.:t th\.' ·\II .. ,~ Iv JU,1 111)1! If). COUr\l."'>) ol Al ~TltALIA ~Ol ofT lo u fl_1- By EDWARD SALT E R W1U1c M,1"i<111 I lw brim~ 11a11011 iu~ start. aided b) 'iOllll' d :.u cd Deputy Sports E d ito r 111,111.11:cd ,.-, a\011.J ,1 \\ hncw,1,h 11ml d boq::.anic;;ed Britis h thank~ 10 a .-.olltm ,ct11\'.' frum dcrencc. to 'itonn into a 20- \tu:.,n Reartlon. and h.1d l\\ o t-111"1'.•r.,, rulct.l lhc olhc1al ... but ti het-..,ha\'tt1ur1 f ,,01h.Jkr. "n' once ut?mn hniurht point lead \\ ilhin a~ mai1, out b) '>'a, a Jc~pcratcl) lad,hi..tri: -.JX'l.1ill'k. ln!Uth• J:,ttll1,;ht 1111 \\,l!'>C:flC'.'>01 U!I '1\0lll\ minult'\. R\.·1,c;t1tXI. bu1 -.!npm. Briti,h cffi.111' l"H'lll lut th\.' h.1d.. p:.1)!v• und the ,1111mc1,1I) I riL"!', h'l1111 ~1.111 'iint .\nthnn) 11, ,c.:\ln! a~:un hctiln: lh\.' fin;II hon! Thd\\C:cn<1t1:h m.1l'>t\Nn:il and ~tm ht."'tcr t ·1111\d \.t1111t:hdln und \\'illtt· l'nn~;1, ,l1011!-' er fo iled, .ind Y.Ctt' .1 flttin~I)' \\,1, u11 .. 111pri,m~l!r n:;.,,;urrcd cl on \\'cdn1.-..J.1) e,cmug "Hh u l.A.x:l,;)cr pcn,tlt) ,mJ lh~c dcpn:-.,mi: c.nJ Ill ,u1 em:rnm1c1 lh.11 H1•ih111 tnk r l·J I I.W11 llK.lW adm1ucJ a duir~ ol t.nmc1-.1,m, ga\.C Urtt.1111 ,1 moun 1m,.,t lm1, m the -.ell ow cm\.\d ol 1111pn,~r i.;(irnlut.11111 luc...Ja'r 1lt..:r 1dc,1 11111 c...am m, tmn 111 clunh ii llll') ""--re In ;1Ucmp1 ,1l1lllldx,._J, -Ul,IIOII \\ 111 he C,\!!Cr 1,, hlrj..-el. t:tUfhl lu 11,p1U111 1 .u ·\rJan ti /l."t.'tl\' ol Pon,m1•111h tn J Pcrta..1p, 1h1.· prc,;.,11~ "a." n.:,,p,n Prcm1cr.;.lup hxtu1'\: .11 the Rixhol,,. M..u.J1wn \il111111e-. 1.ik'r ~lmii..:hl.!Jlo \l"al O\er h•r 111.., ..,ct.nm!. 1 nd... ,e:r .-.ihle !"or Gr«11 Bnt,1111\ "ilt.1k} -.1,111. D111UI ·~ \It gnk.,:lul h1.:ha, IOllr I:; m,Wt· ,Ill tht: 0,{)f\!' c,1~1.tll) hillo\\111~ their \ll.10r) 1111olcr:1hk a.'> he 1~ t.1h\1,hm" hun~I ,\'> ,11mctl1111).:: ol a prahht.•tl 11 Ir) nl l_u-. tl\\TI. llnd lori,::a O\cr Au..,tr.1lm l\\O ,H.~!.., hclore. n:rc;.u 1lfft:n.Jcr Titc Sc:nc.-e,il mtt.·maltonal "-t~ hni."ll c1>1nph.:l1,,.-d the hr-t-ll;tlf rnu1. l1ic Uut ,c1cnm J\u-.tralinn prnp r~iplc "- ho tumL"ll up. \\e let tl1c.:m cnn,d ,\a, ,tunm:d mtn ,1lcnu! b) \\ h1d1 ,l.OUO ti~ .1u1h11mic. 111 (jl;i'>!-'<''' .1flc1 !>f111ling ,11 ,1 C'dlic '111.mc \\dx;~ .. um1n1..-d up rhc real nu Wt!,? ;.ih:111..-J to a !.t11Ular oi th11-.c r.ue h.aJ\'C.., lll rugh) lc.1p1e dunb J.:,,cn.....,l \\ c '"ere OC\.Cf gt.1mg. d1ancc pf a Brllbh 1.X1111chad,. cm,,- ah1lit} tu hc:.tl the J,,;,an~amo!., ux:1dt.111 ufa.:r 111 N(1H11tllo!r fullm1 IIIJ! ullcga1111tt thm "hc.:ri: c, ery1!11nl! \H' 1oul'hcll 101.:omc bac.l fmm d11n) ·odd pomt:, 1) Ill~ "-l",lh \\Cl'C \-1,1h\l: il'i c.ari~ ,L..,. .1hht1U¥h II I" \llJI dll." •\W..,IC!-. \\ ho Oi11ur spa! .LI ,I )'llllllJ! ~ hdJ!t.:~hr11t11,!h l.m. 1Unl\:J tu ~nld II Wit, CIIIIIC f~l ... i'ih lllllil llw1111cn.1l have tl!C! all 1mpon,m1 t.·c,m pn..,\jrc flt..: pl,l)C'f; lhOUfh. ;IJ'IPCilf' I\) 11.. 'CO!!lliSC hi\ Julie'\ n.,;. n:.~I). l"\c plJyc.'J in ¥•unc, where ··Whal c:m·1 be t,1Lcn a,\ a) Hn1;11n nilltliXI .. 1 li1tll! 111 th(' ~c and u1ttmg edge Ill 1hc hi!! ~:.mtc, a puhlK ligun.• .i, hc.-.wh.~.l III lu, puhlK ;,p..11,1~') lo h•" \.IC· I', c hixn on the.: nthc.:r' ,1de nl 1h,11. 1hu11gh. IS 1he I.tel lhal th !!' I n 11m 1) ll!..•h.:.1\'tnur ,h<.1\\td a J,11.:I,., tJ mor.11 rt!.'>pon..;1hih- .u1J it\ \el), \'er)' 1.hlhrnh lo .1,re...l 1\..1111,n~ '"t.' ,1 ... uc.-cc,-.. Tiic Ima] l) 11, 1ht.· puhl1t "ho 1ppcut me ,md I 111 tit.'1:pl) tiCIIT) • I ,Ion ·1 thmk 1h..:, I( 1n.:.11 Brit1i111 \\,L\ i.l kl-do\\-11. bu! II ,OOuldri"t 0,1c n,ulJ ti\: for_, .. e,1 hn"c"l'r. for pcRe1,in!' the.~~ Tll..'t.-l lud,) 10 put 1t"t tu m up. Mu!hi..• ;molht:r da) 11r rhcm.,.,;hc:-. 11nm Di1111r\ lll.•h,1,..,our am! hnl'O h11n 1hc IOfclhcr a \el), 1.c.:') !!ouJ hair ul \\ l't.'k we would han· t.l,lne. •· ma,111111111 r'-.:ll>lh) ol 1\\11 we .1,; .. "U!!l"'> fonty .. Jlopefull) 1hc.: 200-l fri Nation.,, \\ uh rhc- high!) mtl.111.!U .. al.mes thal Pn..-mh:'~lup lunl Grcul Bnliun Jon~ ;1rd s1u.1n ,, 111 be remcmbt.·n-- , U!Xc,s­ halk-rs llO\\ demai1d. 11 I ,ut11~11ly IOlJ"'O"> d~C' Ill !.Ult! Ficltkn. ant.· cil lhc onl} flri11,h lul .1r1 onh loo lt,van.: ol are ,; grim mg forct', .lhlc lu beut unl1'1lil.':nic.11h11.,i.: tJ1c ,na.,,11.c.: t.l1'-'ppufn1111L·111 h::ll h} their ;1nllp0Jc;:u1 lou11 tcrpart" ill B~ 11nt iJ\(l\\illf: the ,;ILI,:.htc:,1 , ic:ns uf rcL.1lml11m. ... upprntcr- al l:-.lland R(\al.l. "We 1hri.-c cOll.'4"\:UUH' \\ l'Cl..s Bw II m m Pl1mJJC) \ C'\ R.u1L,IC) ,la1 de h:(.."U\\ l)J\)\1,,~l thu1 th ..·n· .u,: 1..·ould ha\ c iiOld th.: ~;utk· thn..'l.' t.11,;i: a Y.luk llJn~cr h'r the scat'\ ,;r ull pl.t)t.·r.. 1n th~ &lint.· "'"' .in: ahk 111 c.,,ntrol lJtc:"ir tune,;, o, 1,,·r. ,m luur 11:-, lmc Ill play tr 1 'l>k l\ "h1\1. rnr dtl) good pe1 f..tlnll'flm I rteSI) le. I le hni ... hed m min11I ~d lhc:u u,~.. m nnd " alCh. At i,1 , han1,,1.-:,,. 10 h.· l'fr.di; I :!:Ii rnm 1-•01,J ph) '-K.tl ptrtl >Tn\UIK.1.: Imm "lame of 19:S:\.8(> am.I wa... placed 20th. front lorn.ml ( irmn) cr,mpld ;ill t11 11 1.•s they u1 mto me 1.1.:CNl.'illll f1111 .. tlCd "4,!\'CUlh m haclr.. 11lud..l~ hut 1..-=.,•J, · l..rc1~r bunkn a 11111e ol 2:27.5<>. J,t) fa) \\,Lr;. Od fim, 11.~ mUt.:h nt time ol I: 17.2-t · the fir!>! half. mctk1~ Wmt: Both the men and \\omt'n ·s 1ntXlle) terun chalkn~cs 1mp.tnant anJ mccr­ made 1ht: B fin~ i1~ on .S unday nhcmoon. ·Tllc c.-q>ltOAs 10 Jenv M

Leeds Student fridav. December 3. 2004 www.leedsstudent.oru.uk 23 THREE CHEERS ANOTHER YEAR OF FOR LUU MEDALS SPORT FLIES BY It was a great year for Rhinos. Greeks and our British ~m_pians. and one to be forgotten for some of our national teams. GEORGE RENDEL looks back over the sporting highs and lows of 2004 ,we reach !hi! c:ondus,on Domc~111..·ull). l..1..·~J.c. Rhino, of <.mother ::.fl(1n.ine )c-:tr. ,H111 thi:ir hN Jca~UI..' 1.:hamp1 full ol c:<::st.111c.: triumph on'>lllp 111 .'t2-ycars. ovcrcomin~ and a,;oni,ml! ddCa1, i1 \orlr....,hire mnJs Amdlort.l Hulti, in A the Super Lcn£uc GmnJ l~inul A ~,mt.., 1m:rc~1ng.ly dear 1hal. ~pun I\ the theatre or the 21 -.( L'CI\ hll"'Jc! C(tnltnt?Clll c)I l..a..'t(', Mel !-.IU­ lU~ di!nb were pan ol tht: Rh1110,. ·rn the Ol)mp1c-.. k:uu GB ,ur ~ljUt•d. including i.lr..ipp,.:t Kl!vin pa:.~ ull e,1tttat1rnt,, wmmng 111 Sinficld rtkdat,;: lhctr lx-:st haul s1nte 1924 ()\.er 67.{XX} people stl\l. lhc M:111h1.."\\ Pm~nl ,, on his tounh J<,.),( ,1c;1urv u\ Oki 1"ruflord, JJld ii ::111d. Kelly Holm~ l.-Omph:tt!t.1 ., \\ 111 he l\:.nlc.mhen::d a., a tlchn1ug, 'tpml tin: ltr,t dr ~1rC 11\e Wutldwmtl. res1gnt.Xlalll!r Cheerleadin~ ;1 dL-..1ppnin11n,g ·1\ 1'.:1t1l111o;. 11111.l ,tn mcJI) 111,m J11 i.:rh. and Thc g' 1..:11\ t,jU!ir1cr tinul~. huL Wo) IIC RuOlll") hi:mt'>l)he:re And) Ruhin~m Wa!> LU1n the JU.JL'i.: .. and .iu,lr C"I-Llhli,hcd h1m-.cll th au intenl..l 11ppoi111t:d ~l~ lw, -.11c1..'\:'-',uf, flll­ !hi:) took 50 d!Cl'rkad l!lll:.C \\ ith ;t h1,::hl) ,pirlh::cJ Jll"l om: bchmd top-s<.:(11\:f MillJ.Jl tain rhc S:.ilc !,tu he1...1m~ !ht' lir,;,1 t:r~ (·L" ~arl, and five ho}"'il, ,mll 11111 routrnc ~nr.. ;md helped Eu~limJ to an blad, m,Ul and fonnl·r niuln m;1kin!! l\\t1 -..ll11H ~n1up~ 1"11c nc-,1 ,n111pt·111m11 •~ ;.J\,C 11 h.1, ;tl9,1 tli.,-,:11.1 gooJ )e;ir lt11 tht· l ngl.md end.ct C'}Lll\1 Hrndlc) Wi~fm~ l!:mn. wimun~ l\."U out of elcVc.."fl t'dllnll'd hOffk.' wllh a lull-rntnph­ !"est... But 1hi.:- cum·nt 1our ul mc.:nt ,11 ~nltl, ,1h er nnd tinuue Znnhalm c ,:011ti1111t'.", tu cJnn11n;1U: mc~.th ,md 17-}car-iild 1i~hL­ thc headline-. ''CJ!?ht bn,~r \mir KJJm cauplu Man) thought it in..1ppmpriillt! the publat: \ i111.igUlU.l1on, duck mg {O v1s11 the rnunll) run h~ lfohcrt .iud \.\ca\lO~ his wm t11.,,1hcr. Mu~l,c\ l)m,11111.:;1! rei:unc. 8t1t Bruain ,1 a,;, li.:ruli 111 the owr.tll the !LB \Hmld hml'" lm:1..'tl ,cn11u\ mcdll i.:han. \\llh du.:. U'-1 '\ lurn,h r~:n,iluc.., hud iltl') 1.,uled tn lulfil int: un 1np China \:-J.tOW ,;ci.;omJ. the .. ~n~s. ,ml.I \\Crc relut1a111 to lunbcnng UJ> imp1'\.·,,1wl) fc,r m:1l,.(' a pnl111t·al ,1,md. Hc1ji11~ 2onx ,\ilh t,J ,m.. "t.iali.. A mL'Jm h,in haU ulkl'l!d a la<;! Alh('m hl1Sled ,1 f;ulli.l!>ht.' rnimlli.: c1pportU01I) tu t~ml·d the Ol)m111a., bul (in::.:i.:~ had rnh ..:r tl>III. hut thi, w;1 .. lilied. amL Y.ilh rea-.c:ms lo cdchr::11e (icrmun u).ic;h 1hc !-' ader A ndy Stewm, rinall) 8°' a chunce, rookie run ter u Sunderland player haU 10 he rn t,.. cn hl hm,pilal and wi1h son. m J-l S1arsig.n (5) showed this w be: ill -advised. 3.!) nmg bad. Ja.,;on Robimon no Next week 1hc C'dL, look 10 l7. Bc,1 p1..)'.',~1blc (5) 15. C'lo..cl) packed (5) he picked up hi s second in tc:r \ t~pped up 10 crash m·er the the ~cure so high anti amhu· lance prc.stml. the dec.: i,1<.,n was C);tend that record m 5 U wi1h a lk. Mammal-. Vthose nulk l!i 19 llnappn.-c1ru1ve 1>erson (7) cepuon in 1wo weeks anU ran tl line for his fir\t Celtic touch taken to c:111 1he game in the \ 1c1ory on 1he road agarns1 used lCl produce cha..-..c (S) Answers next edition in for a touchdown. do,\ n. Anmher ex1ra point con Celucs favour Newcas1le. CrOS5word: Jinny Hayman Wi th defence anti ~pecial \Cn,inn gav~ the Celtic~ a lO·O By JOANNA LESTER HUG£ e>:JJC<:tatioo coWd­ Thi.: culmination of ,1n cd with unbelievable dis­ e,ciline: u11J compt)Li1ivc: uppointmeut at Elland ~rfos, the 6nnl w..1:- cxpcc!cd to Road on Saturday, as Uie be: a bani fought SWJlC, and thi:re were hur,c,, 1lmt <1rc.i! ea~crly-awnited Tri Bntain could clmch their fin.I Nations finaJ endt.-d in a ,'iCncs win over the K:mgarnos 44-4 thrashing for Great in 34 }·ears Britain. Bui lhc reltinl of inllucnlial ~omctum.:., u lcam hiL'i 1L-. ca1,ulin Darren Lock) er. ,~·hl"1 olb.,olme peak and 1~ c:.1pable ol wB::; u shoe-in for nmn of the tlesim) ing flllylhing that is pu1 mall·h. gaw.1he AllSsies a mn.-.. before ti. lJnfo11unalcly for sivc bnost, !L'> he dil't.-ctcd 1mffic Gmu Bri1.tin. this wa... U1e in one of the mO!-t complcll.-:: mood of A,1..,1ralia. and wh,1.t fmh C-" or rugby "it:C.11 in rC.-CClll ~lmuld have bt:t:n '-' close: ;md years 1lmlling c,1nlclil bct.

·n1e .'!Q.0 Will Y.rnl~ hl make 1( Q (I tlnp. Thh forced \ol11rc citt::dlcnl ~vorl, b) tht1 win aflC!I' an emphatk vk­ Surldc:11,lfld 10 11u111 lht.' 1:'11111 l'clliC!-t delt!net:: ll!d k1 arwllicr COfll IN ED; tory over Sunderland tltm fl heltl th rool..1c Tl ugh punt. !hi:-. lim~ ultldr bmlh..:r l:.J Kin~:o.. Mor.yml. who n:111mcll tllt.' iid M11r,ran nm it humc for .1 h111ch PAGE 23