Leeds Student
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1,,, ( ,, , ,, ) () t, '''1 '"',,, I I JI 11 I '•Ii, I 2 www.leedsstudenr.org.uk Frida,. December 3. 2004 Leeds Student PM \\~I~ gnllcd wt:ck m "et!k I he John Major bl1mb,hell ,trnnurc. Bui even su. "hat out lH'cr lr.t\j, hcaltht:arc m1tl 1, 1h~ m1hl recent e,.unplc ever he hmJ. 11 \\';I'> cnoush to Leeds Student 1hc rc,t. dim D11vc no tlouht \\. hen f.d\\ ina Curm: stunned cn\narc his sccrctar) 111 tho hijtl h,, mim.J (H1 other 1h111g,. th~· 11:lll(HI IJ) rCVl!Ulmg lh.:tl ... he: time. ·· J can·, helll.',·e m) lucl..."' he anrJ 1hc cx:·PM h.td heen TI1erc i.., a les:.on 10 bt: fouml mu,1 have hecn LhinJ...ing. "l ind,.llring 111 a b11 ol e,tn, nmith.l 1hi.., 1,wf111y. pul&atmg ff) m~ffirn@rn m;)rtlnl h1>'' ·~·) our· fo!hl"r. h1,tur~ \I f bm:kdnor pol 111cal ma l:i.Ln't bclic;:\'C I \C bcc11 so hlnoth lud,." people \.'.ere undcr.. rnnd.ihl) affair,. fhat i,, ii .)OU want lo News It ;1~crn:. ihnl power rc:111) ii'.> golNnm.:\...cd gel liml. !!Cl inll1 poh_11c't. h1rgc1 the g11:otlC'II aph11l<Ji!.,iac rhut UI \Vhcn t:ountfe<.,:-. million<; the d1ccs) ch.tl·UP Imes as )OU Jca,I \\ uulJ i!l"C \lllllC' kmJ or c,pend \<ttlu.thlc lim~ .\nd dc,pcra1cl )' 'itru~glc to prop Are exams an c,pla11,111nn 10 thl· ci,·il hbcrttl'' encrg} IT) 111g tor a llH ol ~arc· )nurstdf up J!;!arn\l tht' bnr. An By Al.I BEACH outdated ,l.!fllup-. 11 hu have c'C rre,i;cd lrcc t:opulution. nnl) lu find 0111 cxplic.::,lion nr L1b11ur'\ fiv e 11u1nigc tncr 1hc llume tlrnt th~ dulli.:,J ouupant or No t'C~11111niil· IC'>h for l: uro-z.one testing St:t:rclITT) 's 11m.:omprom1.,ing /(l C\er 1s ~uilt) of hl·ing Ir.:,., nh::mher,,hip ~hou ld snlfice. method? pnlitit..·,11 apc11ll.i. Perhaps hl' th:10 a rt1!1H h1,11011rnble 01 cnnr,c-, tho,e 'iludem.., irh his perpeiunll) n:asnr1crl thal Kimhcrl, \\nllh..l ,g¢nlleman. ti j., harJ 1101 u, lccl scekini; pollli1,;JI goals III the bdulidh:tl dcmt:Uthmr lost> in1~n::-.1 ,I "he th0u£h1 hl' dcpre,sed. L'n1un do"'" with tb.L· nnbles1 or Special report W;tml fr.. u11u:.1lly cl.irtn,!l' \Hls fl!llinp ,ofl nn c·rimc. Bui tha1', n111hin~ compared i111cntit111'1. bu1 nu Joubt 1hij altr,h.:hun \,f 1he mcga-'le\ pages4-6 C)c,, hi,; Dave Blunl...cu ,t:cm, h', a 1rioniph ll"IT l11gic:1I tn the <.urgi: ol llllt'r J1~hel1c.•r a.1. bl!mu,t:<l a, the. 11."'l ul U!<>. lll:lll(ll,."IIHIO~. pt1\l'C( hungr) "hich ,u.:comp1111ictl req:lalinn<. ,ippettl whkh rcsu lrs fmm high 1Jrnt thh tmlra8couo;I) htr..;utl' pnlu:y cquah. 1m1I "rthoul juf) th;.tt R1,bin l 'nu~ lmd hl"cn Mfm,: j., an ;1Jtlcd aurncriun After the big Coke debate we 11111hornarian m;1n;1gcd w main e4uals a guaramcc<l lu) pla)'in,g \J\\..l)' from Imme. !1°!> H\1\\1.:\er. that is11 ' 1 lo sa)' tain a 1hrcc·\c;1r Jalluuu:c \\llh And J1rt) l)a\.i: \"il'- 11111 hcm8 unkmJ (\1 ,a) th,11 1h:t1 11ur t.' ll!<:h!{I rep., n:l1u1rc examine the ethics of other 1he pubhshc; or the "i 1>cc1atur h c.:crtajnl} 11,1 0,1<ih in the p.111. nintl) Rnbrn is rml u phy,iu.g th,, ktnd lll bno.,t The) .Ire, un brands in the union page 7 ,tn imprc:.!>lh! fcu1 f'hc 111\l\lf) nl Bnt1':lh rn>ht!t..·<; 1'> nomical ma<.1~rp1~c1.•. II ht· \\ a, the \\ lwlc. ::i ,pcctauularl) No ,wnJer he nlwm!> i11t.)l..t"d prn,lli\lel) chud-full \\ 11h 1ulc, a W\\rJ... ot art he'd nws1 l1kd1r auracu vc b1111ch. anJ "c can l\l;' 1;1\ c.:hirp; Jurin!!~ Prime ol !<>ahh:1ulh liur,on~ ;imJ ,;ecd) tic a Pollot:k J bit u mess, \11th pruuJ thou our Union bmhl'I Sport Mini,ter·!> Qut::.tioni.. A ... the 11oi11g:- on absolu1dy m1 sem,c ol fom1 or wch a heau11ful \l'ia!l,1!' Uni hockey boys thrash Manchester page22 Extra: Index Fallujah witness speaks out pages 14-15 At work with Noam Chomsky - an exclusive interview Quick Guide Columnists Letters Competitions TV, Reviews and listings Editorial team: 0113 3801450 Leeds Student, Leeds University Union, PO Box 157, Leeds LS11UH. EJ)fT'C)R Karl Mansr1t!ld PROOUCTION MANAGER PC:tl!f Evans AOYERllS>NC ASSIS™'T Sdrah Powell AD\IERTISil'IC DESKoN Lucy Stephens DEPUT'( EDITOR Tom Phillips JUICE EDITOR Stephen Abbott NE'N$. All Beach. Jes SaJlef, Ben Schofield FEAnJffES Ctins GcxJrfay POLITICS N.russha HuJ1ey and Garet.11 Huntley PHOTOORAPHY Annie Moss. Rufus Hall Karen Lederer anel Louise Dunn mt£ Louise Bartlett SPORT Allen Coopt.,r aid Joanna L.eSt.er ARTS Thf,m15 Bakas BOOKS Ktrsty Bennett H8'jley 8rodd and Kat,e Jenkms ewes Nie Baird and Nick Jol"M!S MUSIC Tom Gooctt,anc:I and Bob Heoaerson ¥UU)INCI OUT Malcolm Webb TUEV1S10N John Holmes, Zofia Niemtus and Kelly OalWOOd 1.0WDOWN Nell Frtzzell UNLUCKY tenants were 1hc morning. afo:r wt11er from a ,1rtcr th !.! lirsl tire and \>,,e didn"t left "ith their fingers burnl By PETE NEWLANDS \.hower lcak.cd lhrouth 10 h;nc a ~C} "l' I haJ 10 jump out ot after suffering two house CJICl)O!>l!d cleclnc:.il circu!lt)'. the window·· fires in just six weeks. Brigade tift~r hcing alcncd l"I) The.: fi re hud cngulfod the side ally-Ann lf~ron, of Cemr:11 Tht: {><.Id '>crie!<> ol events smoke alamu. lloor of the h\)Usc. wluch the Propertid:. which l!o responsible beg;.m i11 Augm,t. whe.11 their When firo crews armed at the lenanL\ u.s.cd lv cu ter and C.\ll , for the houhc on 40 Grove Lane, hoilt!r nccdcd repairmg. While lmu!,c the} broke down the Joor ,md thl;' J...cy:-. for 1he fro nl door l-iead111 pl1!) s:.11d: "'Our 1en11n1s· w,mg h1 ., hlowrorch to (L'\ the and quickly dousci.J 1hc inferno. were oul or reach in 1he kuchen. safe1y i.>; nur pnont). I helped he::i tcr under Lhc .sta iN . tho At the same tUnc lhc} T\:1111111 Steve Sto~es. a philos· 1hcm move into Lempornry plumber ucc1de11tully set the damaged some Wtring which uphy fin~hs1 ;11 the llni,cn.11) ur housing bc<.·uusc they were basi· slllircase on fire. would later cause 3 second bl,11.c. Leeds ~;ml: "'We all had lo ge1nut cnlly homeless." Nohody was home ai the umc Fire number two started tt t o_r lx!tJ at llllle 111 the morning rhe s1uden1,;: arc due to mo,.,e su neighbours called the Fire nppro,imalcl} mne ~l'dock in ·1hey had rcplnccd the frcm1 doc.,; b..ick. in I.his weekend. Leeds Student Frtdav. December 3, 2004 www.1eedss111dentoni.u11 3 \ IIRE"I T01' actin~ but lor tr.unmt ~not.I uLl(ll" tumr:d olll to ~ J11hnm i:ru.d ha~ cclcbmted hie; ·· I he n1:w cour.c: I.it Vau!!han in Jr.I!!'. after u p11;1 111:hci.e )Ot1.\t· l101~ 1111 In fir,;;-t ford) inlo dr.t· 1.ccu~1 \\.i\l )lt'IJlhlL"C flKld nl the Lid1.•r n me. Cid uu1. And I Jlhl !>.t) ma pla) in J? u <.coundnl drum:1mrg,. hm tbcn:·,. •· k~tnll) Vnu!=IUUl \ \ Cr) ·ol,.,· .111il",Ukou1 enough of tho-.c. ulreaJ) fuml) he ,;,;ml I n.·numkd in kid', tele's B)·kcr L\) kcr JU."I fim hcd ha, lfa:.) 're tak1111; :t\hl) 1!11.: him of 11 hln~l· he\\ iL' lllJ<UI Gnl\c. it ,1)..lccnlh ,enc., :111J pmdu:~tl !'<itle-11 II be 111,.c 1qtJ1. I "Cllt un home alter Pl.1)'it1!! C"nnnr. the long (.;111cr, la.,1 c.1)1!<.01.k ,,cm Jutn!! a ... int;in~ d1.:!!rcc ,111dJcrr) M:111 \\Cnt to l:.11011 <.On lo<.t ol do-goo<lcr l.uu 0111 l\\O \\t:d1..', .Jl,'O. S1n.• .:c.· w11hou1 ck1ing an) ,mginp."' J11t111 ·, h1!1ll(hl) {tjn). \I.L'• n,, ju 1he pill~ C'BBC Im. John hlminl:! lini.,h,:d ht's mmcJ I le\ dorl\: pa1110 f1)r ll1L· f)ltlt:, ,:1pan.· he ,ml Caner \\ .L.. the lok.:t1 haJ to KcnJ.11 m ("umbn,1 to pa,t li\.e )ean. and !,(11t1e C11r1~r red.i1n, 1h c.>1'\.'' ~uy In the- -.cric:s. C'nnor ,tar1 on .1 panto rv .'\U, l<ir flCClilk ~lid! a~ no c.a"\ rnlllt!' min ,h,w, t.1k111g "T\.c bt.-cn ,toppetl m Jupc.'O Im, mum min the lmh hc.Jllh hc\i.tnl anti ,I hu,ifll.' ... ~ Jnd "am, hope h,m .m<l h1., 12-)c...lr-o!J ,on lhc ,ltl."l!I. .. ht •,.ud. ··acing. Spa11i,h hmnd ul ,h.1mp--.1 1111, off L'omp...'lltion, in ,llv.l 1hcn '>tc.1lc 1.he fomil; ,1 h.:1<lJic: thl.J IKilil me 11p In u 1.·ommcn.;ial for ··flit: \..fat·lor omtl Pup .,,her.