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INSIDE THIS WEEK It . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $2.00 t BLOCK$HOPPÉR: - Which local residence sold : Ñ'ch, 17 ,_)) '.-' o THEGáEATGOIjRD: Pumpkin recipes 24 L/-/LIIIJ99]Jd, WINDOWS SIDÍNGJPATIO ROOMS

J ' - :

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SALE . ' EXPIRES' NOV. 7 obbyHallOween Pumpkin carver Scott "Stormin" Normanwas at the Nues Public Library Wednes- day evening. See page 5. Photo byBrian O'Mahoney-Sun-Times Media


9OC-i'TLO9-lx _Ls NO.L>1so i ' LSW Aèl8:flr- ' i t.LTT0000 -LSXQ AJèI8I3I19tc S3jSUN T000000 6003 xxx 5OO-

Home Front by BlockShopper House calls Which ocal residence sold, and a for how much? Turn to Home Front to find out UP TO $1500! PAGE 17 Champion Windows

Save money and time'w( Champion s quality products' Incroace t1 c ofycur borné PUMPKIN POINTERS Luweryoorooetgy billoyearéoon How the gourd LIfntiowarcaoty. can brighten Pumpkin carver Scott uStormine Norman was Custom manufactured for Halloween parties JACK OF ALL LANTERNS at the Hiles Public Library Wednesday evening. yourhon,e PAGE 24 PAGE 51 Brian O'Mahoney-Sun-Times Media Interactive showroom so you con see, touch nod tout our qoolity WIDTH Bring in your winch Q.measurements or We build it. We install it. We stand behind it phooandpatio measurements for 1-888-690-5205 Elmhurst special on-the-spot priÇing :ofa[ 1-888-697-5241 Schererville Show and Saiw CHICAGO Chcnmp.onFactoryDirect.com EZ tOusuu3oott,o OFFER COOtu 2203/2204 www.pioiieerlocal.com NILTHURSDAY, OCTOBER lt.lOIS Xetbo5sto57o5 MsuoagingEditor: MaSt SchmiTz Phone: (708) 524-4403 ousfhmjhz®pjoueaelocoJ,com Local THIS WEEK: RAlPH F11156 05ES WITIPTHEFLUIM IELECTION: CANOTÂTES FACE5 FRIVOLOUS QUESTIONS SCHOOLS 2157 219 TEACHER CHSI1GEU Willi OUI RESIGNS POLI CS: TRUSTEES TO TUN JIS SIATE IN 0011

SWANCC Waste agency chief quits after 'irregularities' found

ny LYIINE STIEFEL neeipOionmedicotinns und eiecOran- Isliale IMplo s e a elote loo n ia uquipmenl und promuOes croy- abieg edncaOinn. The lop meautive olawaste mon- Baal woo kired by Oha ageucy at iOn ogemrnt agency serving 23 uocth r500biinkmenO sndbeeome diractor 000kllouolymueriripuUtienmsigeaed in 1995. Mooday aE2or ou oudit discovered In Iba 010.01 mema la Okebaurd, "u oignioeaal usor000t of fundo" miss- Van losen sabd an problems hod log, og000y olgaiuls said. been dateetad with Ohs profession- The SotidWuoteAgrooyofNurlh- al development reimbursrmenOs rra Cook County hod pl000d Boor- uat'dan eulernai audblor discovered utivuDireolor Broohe Boulon peid Ohr potneOioi financial irregrularities leave Oct. SO Soll000ing the discovery during Oke agenay'n onnoai inde- Ovo, US by auditors uS"poOrniisi O- pendent sodio tiast "paampted a eTna- esnaiulirrugulurilies" in proScenios- er loak." si development funds thaI Brui non- SWANCC's based iuunahed en in- Orotled. Boul sundered his resigno- lamai inquiry balo Ohe passibly nu- lion through his oltornoy Monday. acaouosed Suado "On nneertuia eo- "Noonu is more uogry, fruetrated actly what touk piaaa, miren it took sod disappoinTed about Oh roe cir- piaae und mba 'rs responsible," Vue cumstances shun Ohio body," Okukie Susan sOnOed, MuynrGeorgaVunoosao, chairman Van Dunes declined On Alee a spa- of She OWANCO hourd Sor lU years, alfa dollar umnuno Ear Ike miasing otuted 16060cl. Si momo to Ohe funds, aOhrr thon aulkog iO signio- buucd. "We know that nolbieg un- dermines the aunOdanae io Ohework SWANCC hos Syyiaatiy budgos- medo br Oovpoyers more thon allo- ed beknuen $20,000 und $40,000 an- guIllan otOnsuclol impropriesy." nually foe professional deveiapmeeO, SWANCC 01501010 hava 000tuoO- Van Susan said. The maney is used ed Lha Cook Counly stolen atoar- to reiwboosa sOallfar educalion md. ..Un5. neya oSSee obool Ohr mianiog fonde, oour505ut the enenutive direalor's I I owe est H orlosare oo ro Veo D usan nuid, und would seek reaommeaduOian and wiOk Oho ap- reelitutioc foam any oulpabie par- peovul ai the agenay'n treasurer. cnsftseeva4.,..)ntrnsT,,.mtred ii. LW reomnteubrdaST5irulgsp5eOJee Osecan Sahiillinta the ogenay's al- leus then you ever dreamed pusoble. lirloher, basee Tire not-Sor-proOtaoryamlion woo abotonO eveenlive direclor, was cranteruaite-.whstever orealudin 1900 by 23 north and namod acting direalor cIter Boul onrsbmest nuburtas, including Bar- pnv hove in med, cell iv the beat e the torch coobaVure easy. was placed on udminiotrotive leave. esagesa see BaOs be eOns cingtan, Buft'uin Grave, Bvnnstan, The booed's enacutine nammitlee Call 888.349.1714 for a complimentary in-homeconsultation fall festival Toit toddlers Miller sod Jooeph Hottest espione the 10apR16 palrh voUer 0011100 tree el Edel Glrnaoa, Gieauiow, Keodmorth, Lin- mvasacheduled Sa meut in enerotine Meine Sohuol District 631 TolsI Lesrnie5 CorrrlrOlrily Foil festivel the evenioq 07001.21. TRece nere hop rides, 'prrepkie eabomnod, Morton Grove, Niieou, Park session Wednesday So delecmine u :parts[ loas pnirtivç, s eitahed catidrorl Save sed atOthtelïrt 1mo Nitro PAbilo Librery.Tee LuednrT-Sae'Tinee Medie Ridge, Skahie, Soash Barrington, plan of 000ruOion. SPECIAL FiNANCING Wilmetoe and Winnolku. "There wohl be na in000esption of 2.99%* SI devolaped along-term piaa On nerviaa," Von Duaen sa Id. AVsjIBbte Now- Call Fee Botajist manage the regian'n gackaga ObuS SWANCC's early yours were NOV. 2 was udopled ky lOo hoard oS diera- marked with onnlenhiun. Foc more lore io 199L Today SWANCC apar- Ihan 15 yencs, Iba agenny altempO- atan a iraoofer a001ion in Gieavierv rd to build u fuciilOy near faroleOS iage S000ner I noos ro L,rvolr aee, mkarr cnmmrcaiai and landucape which IO intended On SU rvith house- OnCrIITOCTS.05rLDcan.na.rrOnnLcoo r.emnnooaI opero daysanuek usElection Day Nupsroiln Horro Deaigo Sflae,000 2764 00,0,5 Ace, N5peilIe Follow I Apse 7 dp050mk aoalraclae'suad asker commercial bald Oranh ham lOs momker aommu- For compleio elrctioo reoults oo Nov. Dan enhiles ran dispone ob laadunape nitien; Oho diopooe milk Ohr Army and solid w050e in addisioo ta pro- Carpo ofBnginaars ended spie the HOME ADDITIONS I KITCHENS BATHS BASEMENTS well ao updates throoghout Ihr day, visit pio- Yoo roo atoo follow mo on Troittec Use haoh CUSTOM HOMES ITS tag #ppeleot ood you can SOC oil IsolaIs rabO- aeouieg lin municipal membero' U.S. Supreme Cours, SWANCC Our eleetioo blog co the homo page mill pro- od to Fioneer Press' election coverage. obuadoand the effart in 2001 abre a.oaeasepceOmnonocua0eObu.aen.,veenwoc vide updates abonO oli sohurbon ood slntoro'ide Coorooeot:piooeerbaeol.eorrr The agnaoy also schudalea special determining ObuO reayciiog ebforts coSeolinna olh000rd005 weslr, pce- had oused Ihr arad far bnndSS upueo. 4 flOWS www.pioneerlocal.com NIL THINSIAN, ICTIIIR 28,11(1 I PIINERR PREIS IABLICNTIIN NIL www.pioneerlocatcoin news 5

RALPH FRESE NIL_Eh lIERAI_D- SEDEEA101o * 000RLOCTLSOURCE * INS IDE THIS WEEK Stream of conscientiousness CRLtNORR 15 CRIASWORD kil Defending and FILM CLIPI 84 Carving exploring state's IFINIIN lI waterways all in a POlICE BLITTER 19 SCHOILS . 8 life's work for S1IIH'TMES 89 esson canoe builder Pumpkin CCff r Scott sstormioe Norman was at SPORTS the Siles Public Library to domooltrate the art By NATASOA WASINSIO of pumpkin carving. Ce etribli la r Itolph Fretes resume reads soesathing like thi, Award-win- niegenn(conmnotaiist,ontrrpre- neue, aod seasoned historitm erd lecturer. But Frese is quick to deoveplay these titles. "l'co just a blacksmith antiker ir terca tin rutare cad history," he says. According to his Feces ir the On Sspt 16 the hiles llisl,rieel Museuw, 8910 H. Mileesken Ian, tested Ralph Frese lerce allcre000 preee,Ialso er rioer YOPJRSEASON paddling comevaeity, he is the esvsereetieril Nelesirs Wasieski-lor Our-Tees Media bleoksmith, curning himself the Fsr schiele oseerepe sr cesr high esboers nichoomo, "Mr. Genoa." qucstiosingoceovd),heepoloeud- est Pmservc. At cee peint IO sep- lerce,eeing esa peeng adult. spses leen, shsek sul eeursessenossr sr "I didn't get this from my per- siIetI pIsiss, reeking,, end bises. 1115k s,- Par mare then live docedea miringly end in greet leegtheed ercer Civilian Cec,ervalt'es In Ihn eile end sele,l Nser 10605f en Frese has fiercely advocated lee depth about euch of bis photos Corps cempoales lundsreped the ents.Ifoued it en my osen," Prose the oerservetice elCkirego.re- to tell the stories cf she Okokie wotlunds, mekiegll 5ko celions said."BstI grewupespoeedtc gien oveterweys from eke per- Lagnons; Nues' tributaries; the lergest CCC project. (Ihr rireral." upeotite olee Illinois outdoors- Chicago, Oleo Pielses sod Pen "The project taught skills io A fourth-gcearetien black- SLIDE000W man mho enjoyo silting ic rivers; end all of the sights ucd akseece of regalar merk Ikat smith, be kegee beildiog canees eanoesodpaddlingdowe edoor. sounds is ketmece. Memory and they never mould bene lecreed," fer his scout treep in bis black- Noon is his 80,, Frese'arresedc coperti,, served as Frese', only Prese said. smith shop, which later trono- to protect the rivers is enwener- The early 201k ceotery same formed into ans of tholdidwest's The hislory of Illinois' oseter. let of ecdvity e, Illinois' north. largest cacee and kayak apeciol- Earlier tkis tell the Nile, lAin- maye, eed P' rese', nane eoperi- ore rivers. Joiniega canoe club lyehops, the Chiosgolcod Cecee tedcclMueeum, 0970 N. Mtwau- esco wills them, begins milk Ihr Snos the popaler tkiag ledo i, Bose, dOlt N. NsrragennattAva. kee Ave., hosted l°reae for an of- thelolos.Wet er slides os Io edditioc te making and scIl- terreen presentotinn on river "The paddle represents the riverbed, mora onneerommee leg cocons and kuycks, Prese,,- roenervelion. Forty audience first wey the first visitera came sight co see; coon, they're vieto. courages eoploretioe end feces members leeghod, grumbled, lo Illiceis," Prenesaid, noti,g Ihr ally enheord of. the river by bestieg several end ooked cod ebbed os Frese imperteoce of Jacques Mer- "By Ihr '30, the ri vers wore se gave ehistoeioel and pictucrnqce qucete and Louis Jolliet's ep- poliuted," Press said, espleinieg "Toceety-foer years s go, my recap of Illinois' speciel water- osreem journey by canee tedi,. wisp people so leeger sevim la Ike wife eed I sterted the silly tre- mays end the diligent efforts of rever Ike portage leser known rivers like they aasd to, dillon cf cenceing onNemYter's meoy - euperially kin eme .10 es Chicoge's. 11e addedi "People ero cured- Dep,' Prese seid of his ueeual preecrve them. Ile lauded Ike efforts of meo od to meter ilse Ibis soil be- cunee trip deem 1ko scesic North Photos of the Week Usieg en outdated slide pro- who worked dering the Greet Take e lsnh al he pesI seek lIre584 Ifs hooves us to keep it oleo,. You Brunch of Ihn Chicago Buyer, lees,, al he ptslsgaflsra el Marner jeder ("I don't ose thet Pomar- Depression for OSA e nsontk te cee't keep them out ofil." cress asiria mises. Peint stuff," Freso told cone. croule the 0150kb Leg000s Por- Free, discovered hi, peonlee Stroere, PAGE 12 Do leyleseeslo,aisen.

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR CONTACT US AT RILES-HERALD SPECTATOR eee'eaI5ssbBcssssr6uires.5saen ulisul, tilts sscls'se.d.e, rs CLase e,, si,sasnibLssen,es lee, Isell 015.145e StslLs,ne,i indugi sse, seers,, esdseyl,en sssss Nfmren s'e,sIroIedcli scorre nl rsepe rev besod a, the RsasIaer eibron lees,. trat Uy fetrNl See this button? Is, rl lo 5558 ossI eses, press nieste,, Photos by Hilf phslss el nileshesaltspeslei,rsss

srn,ssae,snsoesse,reLts,srs,er,,reessur srs,e,ss,esanssno,,os,as,r,sue,e_ Brian O'Mahoney nereeeie,seselsÑnesrLsco euesllrrsre Irin, srsrsrou,rps,,_erssrs,,sr9 SesLsseO&,.ssnnss Sun-Timos Media nbsslisarscrtsstemesee. Thyse Rasps, Vs age Perk nefsh'Iltrsrir" Mamen cork Ors eagle. tilt - VHVhtDTii OCTOBER St, Olio 6 MOtORS www.pioneerlocal.com S FiVhfEB PRfSO PAnV/CtlItOh - NIL www.pioneerlocal.com news 7 Teacher charged with DU! resigns ELECTION 2010

fly PAM (K0CHMAL cad MIKE a/nd atoppta0 to noontOoL -g ISAACS mt or Vita whnrgnu. Con admitted V//at habed ... pkroahmalMp/000er/toa/oOm Jaman Oocnnpnoto//, Nitno fusi consusned uavncal wit/in Candidates present platforms Skokie A Hardware Tomos//ip High Mn//oni Din- Raso/uno at b/an none/ay Vil- Tell Us tniot V VS diro000r ot nomma- laga Ono, according to Oho lin 'Ike -flemr+ ofkokie for More Thin lOO Yewryf Thn N//noTownship Sehoot Dio/rito VIVO Board n/cot/too, uaid thena would pnrme raport. during forum ha BO Ourthoc nommonS Hampton toiled ussr/os at White Eagle ofSidauot/on on Not, lOan- nnptrot tho rnsiCCAtiOW nla//tot Homptmo or the ofen//nah' tos/a, pol/ca m/d, What You tato/ami- Matt//mw Hompaoo. e/tongas ogoinol him, be- ut/ding I//at ho nmayod htmn/o noPATRICK BUTLER noTa arat ba han hold for Oh lanthaoory0005,"ontadl//a btumod Ohr n/ate's peo/airoso Your Helpful Hardware People TIte hoord mnmbmnu mot moono att//e digan/oto po/V- andforthduring uhr p bat lo ro pit se h lIS oO/.CBN yours "buoousa thanatte/u MBA and tool/me Itllotdao 01 nasO purl/p 05 runaway /notostdnssoitrnhafono V//a oy pooh/hiVing Ohr roinoom pronoos. Hnuhnonl fall tosten innAnoncial ditaniar, with N/ones ohastpinn w//u uuid penparnySuono, to/aim/a Think. rogo/ar maoting tod on- otin000mah/on obtuS por- while parfoeming Oha taCts With aluction day Anaily a 0h2-loittou dr//h, Oho moral ho bus nacer mooed foc u Rl/arrio said ura portly re- n00000d Hornpton'o onpo- ondwau unuwarrthat limos io sight Brian Dnhrroy do/at otuny Stute, a0000d/ng prepnniy-000 loerraun end up000ibls for O//a deolisr is Any Window or Screen rot/ott uhoetly at/rn Cha cog- Pol/caamid ahoy ap- ma hulean ib mus, poi/no oo/d. bagan hin taut mund oscum- ta Porbas Magasina." oath/s 0mo mord//adgatby home nwnnrs/a/p and now $500 C/or menting rod bagan proonhed Hornpton'B Jnap Ths aargausb on Che sonne poign000paonib//000arduyh "While 00 utoanu Cre err- Slparrunu lapo pror businroonturtups. Repair with no nommant o//abC him in o/nl on 0//a ySSS//loohnt thon uuw coluor pl050ls bog Vision Oltinoto Bocom at Oho atiog lobs, Ill/on/s nonO/o- Poislieg to/a/o punt oc- "Itria cot proprrty boro an Vita e/tongos ogo/nut ti/rn. It/nonio 000nom faut otter mstainuingmorfoanoon Ohr White Bugle Banqonho, 0000 anoto loon 0/arm," neid Do- oornphishmesto, Do/ammiy feo small bomoowneru and Pioneer Press values yoar opinions. Stampann, SC, 00 1025 0/OS n.m. and Sound Oho sao- Crnnt ssno nf Hnmptoo's N. Mitwooloem Aye., Ni/rs. brety promluing ta Soouaoo ao/do/ao 4tut Ward wan "ro- small beuinasnao,' noid We want your feedback tn lind SUI whet pou Including Shannon Ayo., Or00000n, pocO /00V/o wit//bin heod Jeep, pot/en onid. Dino, the Dohocty's nppnnont, Du- rogal0000y ottd I/O/gal/on ru- o/hyoownsfocwud"duriogh/s Rl/ant-lo, a VS-poor-old pab- was n N/leo Went High down. Au/and it/aa woo ali dapartmrnbh poi/cn conino, mocrot John Maicoe, Odono form und creotirg sow too two dacudasusoldyrmon. I/a-Bc//aol tauchen who io libo aboat oar newspaper and hsw we can OFF Thermal Pane School y//yo/Sol non/torn dr- right, Honopton sold ha mus, alnn sniffod nut 000rumic appear before Iba //ipoeti- //raa//s and /coana/oes totO- "We got Barn oem ploy- going atiuc O/aa St/a Dintniat improve it, ocrording tn potion, mudomohing pipa used for lots, tono new ti//rumino, mora Cosgreuuiowal seat Jan portmootiastrtouloi'oodou- ton groap led //yhld Knity, trust ban/sacs, and "serious Please visit ooí Web site and click UT Ihe u/s000t rvnnslt/ng otanh. Viren turoed on Cha ignition emohing monij0000 that tmrmmr Chiaugo Pooh Din- spending rrtorms" hagio- thon bOT miti/an /n na/gb- Ohohonanby han held for the Nomon e//taCad Saya. SA and pot hin vn//loto into nr- woo l00005d andor saws pa- tr/nt Sapneitttandent andclog mit/a o bord bob ahhorhood imyrovemeots, past douan ynorn. "Toil as whal yoa think..," ballon, call as at by O//o/ate pat/te with pon- pana inside the vr//tela, thry rat//md "Fighting 47V/a"Medicaid, mb/rh ha said to/Ott unean oIl//n aiOy'u Tap "T/an federal tun code in 18471 486-9300, or go to Skokie Ace Hardware, 5035 Oakton 000nion atmon/luono, pnu- Tho nBngetnC000he000nn Ward Dowoemotir Comm/a- usroas onena001rvnryova VS pnblio sohoolo and Oho 10,000 pagro plus. io a nao/OC oOdnogparoyhnr. told Hompoon Vo stop be- Hampton wns ashed poopho lu O//o 000m buh no lowest coima nate in the eon sOga," sold Rl/aedo, who pioneerlocal.com/survey, noi/o and do/ringan/oraba ouoam h/u markod cor mon whether//a Wan ut/It undrc Dnhurty, Oho only Ropa/a-- ososo chao//sor citizenship a/ip," bu uuid. ocasOS u nyttawnarrotetlined Skokie, IL 60677 i000noetoloteo//ti abon he dinnotly bob/nd the Jaup, pm the intluonan of alcoholan reos /00//n City Csanril, nat'cooing. "Thay hour pon- It/ks Dohanty, Itlncon Por/y so niortap bus/naunas dno't Thank yna loo yOur readership, woo Bouod/onidnhiuporkad lico so/rl. Hnnuptoocnmprnd drago, oBtins cold, and ha who dnaidnd noVio una/a an- uemphimn allg/bit/hp. hfyoe cundidaOr Simon Ri//ar/o s0000 poyisg proparty tacan na/alwin nonty io C//c moro- and gol out aft/an arhicin. answered thothe ut/il migho ot//nr trrm 4hsO Wood u/dot'- 005't bother Vn coma/oto ainu bol/nora it's time foro ant/I thay stuct wohing PI0NEIIIEPRF,Sg s Pol/co sold V//am woo o ha ander t//n innu050n obi. man, auld ha in gleingup V//a 'ca-ap' year Mad/uaid, h/acy pohitineln//ahoepund is }Oomptoo, VT, roan ached- strong nt/on of C/no//at on nabot.

hornillos has toan sons solo/lsd JoinUs &Vote on November 2nd io Illinois schools to Bring Accountability to Springfield! Hamillon will age hit MM/a from EleautHamilton Chang the UniaBluily oS Chicago and 20 State Representative i° District Skala of uopaniunco in the Karmelmeans financial stability. financiol in/asIcS lo half OUI Statu lkgOiV uolvunçy Uvrng Kiorwel moons so many tin/ego omd 00w/Irn0000 oni ay/ng an mucoptinnai lifestyle at Pitast Join a fastoetic pn/cr. Be0000a of nbc economy, con ao/amate of ounotract/on napenneo has bmn Rep. Elizabeth Coulson - eat/n/no hamilton io cornmittnd BO nadacnd significantly. Tho orgonivao/000 hab/od ¡Formel, CJE San/onU/ao und the Jew/nh Illinois Chamber st CommerceHealth Cara Cooncil ei Ill¡anis oliminoling WOalB in gW5000munt Fadenation of Meonopolown Cloicogo, ocr nhoa/ng ohmnov/n/an minh you. You'll enjay Iowan Alliance PAC NFlB Illinois SAFE Tryst Dr. Miuhasl Preodargaat WI/matte mntn000n feas, endless opporoon/tino for croas/va, joyful I/ring, ond brami/aol orn/dancen. Oscar & Kimberly Aloanrara Wi/marts Dan & Laura Croas Cal/Bar WI/mama JObO W Amy K/leeWI/mat/a Tina & John Sons//i Witnralhm Cono/a CBnoay Wienarka Cam & Diuca Kruegar W/lmama ¡Ja/ng Kornnnl is Ihm smonC, orante plan mi your boaco. Anmyou rood5 to ulano Un/ng Koroonal? Paul & Paula Armarrong Wi/matte atabal Karen Oaotaaraa WI/mona Sos Blurry Arlas Sloan/am los//n Dai 0000/a Christ/Ba 18k/P LaPanlelse Womnita Dansas B/lan Wilma/a Mike Basil W//moire Or. Chah M. Ohac kl/malta Chris & Jennilar tessono Wi/malta nob & anna Faurul WI/matte Cathy Lai a/ano/an hasard 0//tsr OlanciaB John B/ga/OW Ola,/v/aW Jalt g KorSo Iras/man WI/mama Dat/B Lan//aa W/nnatka Besen/y Smith Wo/lot/am 'loIti''''' 'jiC/ Ah-ha/u liga/BW S/anr/aiv us/rn AB/dr/ah Oeca/a Poas//ant & Mrs. WI/I/sm Lin Linac/n COrp. Wilma//a Sanan St/I/em Wi/mama John h/rh/nb/na /BortSttald Tan aras WI/ma/rn tub & Tan/nr L/ndsrrnm W/tmaoa Chan/sa & Cam/On Staama Wontatta CommunityOpen House. November4 & November9.ll:OOa.m.-luOop.m. Brian & Susan Bradley Wilma/ta Aaron Sean Chouia Lina Lia S/not/am Jarry & Mangaml to W//m000 Christ/as Lasa A/ant/nw Tour our beoutifal model residence and learnmate aboat why oar Jill Brie//mon alen/lan Jaso//ns Harsar 0//ma/tn Petan SWasosB W/nnetha Juaaph Hndrluk N//na/lam//nt//i h/uk Manso Nato/on 90% guaranteed refandable tastrance Fenmeant asset preservation for foui Brett & Laura Car/ann Wi/mel/a Timothy Tatg Wi/motto Ml//e & Launa Ceta//sr O/lIma/tn John & haney Stag/and Wi/ma//n Parat & Mata MaCaRIo 0//mata A//ne Tang Wllmatta Alaste of Karmel, November10 & November Dr. Chi K/ia C/lang Wok/a Jontin Sor/gen Soot/an Cn, B Mrs. MOK5B Med/toot BaWl//ar rosean/o Mon/as & Oso/a Thsmpssn Wi/mn/to al 17e 2:Q0-4iQOp.m. - Dr. Leo Sunna Won/a/la Dan & Pa005 Muso/tn WI/motto Enjoy a preniew of auf cuisine as CJE SeeiorLife's CEO Dr. Puuuhatg Charro Wloot/sin Tom naaganoa A/mro/ata upeaks Amy Chan Wi/mel/a agnas V. f/uarlg mImase Mike & Dabble M///ar WI//anOn asotgs Vandervoun W/lmet/n about the 7 distinct advantages of lining Karmel, CIr/arotar Chat Wi/mama Dab/n HWanC 000k/n A/an MinutI Won/ama nebbie o nio Van 00/Osma Wi/mama Or. & Mm. Meo Cher S.C. WI/motto Lydia young 0000/a Sarah M5B Wi/mama Heather Vermes/sn Winnarho nrau/Oert & Ora. AP. Ct/aug Mark Carp. Staat/am John & JI//ana ¿sn//irla Wi//nntta Stanley Mon B//mar/n Tigo Wa//ar o//mn/ra Bonn/a Chin WI/metro Osa Kaug Slamnam Miaheel & El/sen eundouk mIA/alA JI0B Wang a/aIrman Call 847.236.7800 to RSVP Ao//abnsas Premisa Club lii &anetitn,ending Macember SlotS Many Murray Wi/mann Or. Charg Li Ch/O Wi/matte lau Fami/O Wi000tha Oaoid Woag 0000/a KarmelSeniorLiving.org TB/ban Ch/naln Sam rI/at Ilion/al/a K5C Pum/lo OBeRS aoguntinn Pub//ta Shoota hin Cpi Sarg W/lmnOa Sloan-Mona Chou Praa/dam/ mt Imp Duold & Lnn KeJlwao WI/matta Margie Paws//u 500/Oa/d andrew & Patty lasSer kas/no/sa Opal Per/BW 0/are/On Y/y-Wuh Clung W/lmal/a Jon Banna Kasnart WI/ma/A Ks/rh & Laura Cien//aa Wilma//a grand Mearan I/H Kim Sonomram LSd/a S. Mali & B/shard Puntel tIL '78131116f, SIlOS!!08,1010 a schools www.pioneorlocal.com b PlOttER PEStS13S1!CSOIt9'NIL www.pioiieeriocal.com schools 9 SCHOOLS DIGEST jadged by a team nlltnglish lee t! 7655W Dompater anha bene lied io the last daing Ibas eperiul pmjaml. for their ucoree and nnolyame Emecncc - Deidget studeats atcepind isla Ihe to Sacitty thu is yresidena uf AbteI 34,600 Cammead- school, 2000. Lincoln Ate. mento at tap perlarmere. teachers. Judges tools tepe. 5h, Pides. The Dcieece motIlas, tobe honored st the Foccnso'mn Club, far Tise oittIe'gnoders et RI, Ihn Sadinge. Unfarineetef o DISTRICT 64 eseetlelsa, SedeeN Luana, litnais Music Odurriart ad Schalans Ibraughoel lbs in 0mb Ridge. 0e Nan ti, The IMSA District Pesti- B amnOy for nonitieg thot brogue Ckallengee pravide she lilurgy. Juba Rrebeaf have been halant aacprlaiagly, lbs od testa Reelseey, t'lola; As,arialiaa District f Chame which shu hat been e wem- ocbiue are belog recagn'ucd Orchestrae land It, String vol asillbe held Pica Sot e demanetretea elfnaOioa nail great appactamibies fac nia- Ta encart adequete seal. her al! faur years nf high busy 'w mdb nass Ibis made tetre wall 12 005ry- SEdente et Weahhagton im Weide, reilo; cecee Ply- and fanc studette in She fer their eorrptianel tre- Rlas,aentacy School in Park Eesewble tad Chamber Or. Wcaecndn High School. A lbaDtA DIe!riOt 7 Jete Sn- imegi000ivr ase al language deals In ehawaBths'or sei' iean tn add Msss inlet'- sahaol add campaled on Ihn demie pmmiss. Cammend- year "What't your fevorlts nec grsed IbsI e!! line Mccc than 800cl the Oneat :5n, Ort! chair bass;Titseefisy Ridge nail! perform la the chentea n'il! perform, alen at temkles. It btfarm and mane an aa- ratific Imanvledge tolla tiny,, r0000vl Carnyua Min- Pareesire Teem lacing hoc ed sohabars ore planad coltr M&M?" Doing the wreoto's 1h01 mars pecables 7p.m. band and orchentre ato- tEentsy ard ten Beelelil, schaal'a annual Veriety rompt!; and, Linccic - s- Mallheoc tllatea in lire di- dieace. Wisuaieg students le'raahoatsaietre lac, Par istry Team member Brad keabmor sad saphnmare omets Ihatoy Ove percenl cendy trece elsa helped ro- is rmdcd. When oshed Petit RidimNilet Ochncl deals how mere Ihna SO I Mulich at t'ecc As on aolmse, sha has lafarre ham imptetant data hem she cojayad lbs Irip, aloow, Celebrata the 80e,' telle Ueidtseas, Pmnch rentarend Lori Leagnidge and Sheir eehtola rereioa mare inlermation arto of more Iban 1.5 55111mo sta- Distrirt 64 middle arhoni jonicr high schreIe in the errliScetes, end their RDVP, pIense roll Peal bmuliahl5mohsorg te 17701 yrefacmelinaaaidrvaeicly mablerdat, stat!sdes and Stephanie Zallooki said Pit on Nav.Oatilp.m.aad corn; Beyes Kelter, vello; the acaomptoisi far iba deals rnho entered abe 0011 Nov 8 at t and 7 pen. Per- student moticians have North Dobaebnn area nodi- I atmet act pantelas tho 'Cohere, Director at Bami!- 77S-SOlS, Sob 14h When afpraleotitos et Recorrer- geophing are lo Ihres ho Ihe mea fut hauls cur 'spare' timad for n pcaitica ir this Resent Mets and JesqSseiiSe rooccel. cowpetition by talalag the farmaaeea sollt be held in been selected to pmtiripate Malos Sau!h High Sehne! MCTS Web sits. 510adeott ment, t 1547! 775.8615 oc eebrniltingo Mase ittac- han, innbadisog playa, mad- 2009 Prebi,cicery SAT/ISo- "real manid," DarIng thb aime le go bowtog,""The the echan! oaditariam, 1000 in tana nanan! roginnal OS-star gecop. Pire! Chair HenRioS, alalia; aod Hobby Iiao, spenify cama, the malo und halidey haare. She prujeol, dale mus added lo beipwaeasteikel" said As' Raiflitaed. boss. Profosstr is laenled at ISt Sooth Des elsa receive nords bigidigmal- r-mail ptohors@nddoasur0 liarul Merle Scholarship events spceaored by lire detignatee the tap student name 00 the dareasod und Ihase cf nasses an fer btrh Strwart Ave. Orlan Neidlitger from De. Stalin Park Ridge. ing the echievemeat Oto!- is also aire presideut al the Qonlifylng Tesh gole 55150g end "Rumlieg Tise LineSle MitRe Sebeni Illinois Music Edorainrc from cli 60 paeticipnting RESURRECTION whether Iba pmrnanwsea Grrrh Club and vire prcl- an 0002, A deSaile treed made mein lun and preefya Pool Universitywillcondor! Maite Sescth Sitio School loch la their cnOege ay Ii- M ase isa graduata of Cade!, Conrert and fore Atavaintina, incloding two erhoola. Jaan tad Conmrl bead, nciil yacen!, sik!i,g, fIend, tom, dccl of Ihr Pearo, bror rad tose the peat eight ycors resp aehauoS" Kyle Cyeleeee District 64 slodenle 02 Ihn bccd cad letras Stay relian,. OB Mee. I,Retonrcrlioa Quest of All SamIa Srhoh! Roads oeil! perform ha con. eindenta mhc won pmsti- pmsena their Pall Canter! Par mane infanmatiuc, raIl Sniiuuin Club. man seen, Thron data for woo overheard snylsaIt Iba District festival includvo willcondor! Ihr arrhcstre. College Preportlary High and is iovoburd bec youbba vert 007p.m. Nov 15 atabe giove "Pirat Chair" acelga. with a HaOananeta toSs! o! NOTRE DAME !7131775-66!6,Oohl2S, M cao isa Re.00rrcc!'oan red, yellow, end brrut, The eluded, era lettonS Tbrsscvadeoevtistht Sahoolwillcelebrato an Al! graup at Oar Lady ul Hays 1:10 p.m. Och OS io Ike Au- uvancnoshsurE Stuleal Ambussudan, a Bra M&Ms were within S.S? farocurd ta "sheyping" for IMItA lana Pestical, which Metre Kante COSIeSe Prep, a Claocmh. Cerratl!y epylcing Stivle/All Suole Mcee el Retstrreetss CooleRs Prep Onhalar, u mewher of Ihe perreal aloha! pnsted on their dreimal utit. oeil! beheld Nov20 at halan dilaniom, 11316 Dec Raed, caOege prepeeeltry high ta rallegro, thais undecided 8,55 n.m. at Rrsormdliaa, High Rrhoal aenbar Hory' Nature! Hnbpers Pregrem ehe MAM webnito Stomccvcr Zurich Siglo School. PomIce. Pech Ridge. aboatuhervshcoilb heal. achoal Sor yaang mee, no,!! 7105 W. TelrattAne. iv Oece Mece af Chicago hIn ord o llameas retreat lender. while Ibas company reyorle ST. PATRICK sor 10mb Parlan from Capi. Ahaut 70 students somIt as baal or Opet House for leodiag ochoa! neat year. There is a Chirega. The Rev Dorme! hera varatI u Commended She Ia corred lip co ihe sbuS 1h01 lbs hugo moetoiv IO Ial Uaivcesily io Colombos, perfartaicg is the rancart. h She place lo majorai Ima- BOlet Patrish Digh School McCenlhy of 01. Tarrissas Stultat in Ihr 20!! Pilatiooulalabe nIaIent 000cepaper, yemcat ges ea mandiss, sb- t lmwidy ge'oalot cad Syeeith. ori!! hose amman/alum belter wa Ohia adt accOurt Raed!, Thyrost Parish ho Ckicaga toil! pre-- Mcd! Rchabavsboip Program. The Ore Saaovr, ard le lento' dato oveceged 20 nod Omernaa bard teacher Nov 4 from 3,30-8:00 pol. sido Puretto, Ioaaily mew- Mimbas! Patrick Thonvlon ovO II'S OS SOSO OS Snad, fors Read andine Aballen al Camorevdalicc dreovm Oc tirs ekolmacgrt nl ST. JOHN perrect; ucd oa!lh bloc, sto- Sylt Barhcraoa mill direct The Open Haver includes bsrs, alumnae cad alber BREBEOF '57 und the Natural Ole 1w- Jase liait, coadurled by frarn the schoal cod the Na- on'ioitg ka Apri!, she porlic- devIn eorreged 18,4 peereat pravlcoepe el Ihe Slat! gola 9Ud' Bard 2. persone! macs of aor Ou! fIcado alobe Resunrorlian tional Merit Bvha!nrahip ipoled io Oho Script Pretay The hiedergertoe ebildees encampanad Io the 04 per- Districl Sd parlicipentn Pita leras becher Joel Mat- Pertly Theulre un Ont, OS standing no-compon facili- rommoolty set invitrd to Canporadaa, malaick roc- Wllers Programma which mISt. Joke Srcbcof Sehani reel staled oo Ihe acaballe O vntv,odvv;ch mable, Smeanoctfesethy 1cc TIar Canrect Roodwill et? p.m. toes, meeting alan focally durI, Ihe pragram, osi! be ube branmnIP! la 30 mmaatly lisleved lathe im the aaumh obed parta. O vvrc,vvvvvriv!v,,vr,liv[, eNcenS, Beles Teihst cad Osos penfarm Ihnen pierra of Arbishie Director und en- and eieR, and !eornmg 1C000weaoitymewbenene presented by Re corran tied dopo. Hen sero'yt, anlillel Rible slary al Noahk Anh. Tacoodvas O ovin, gv i' concis cod ,fllccacvi,vr, Peelelt, trampel; Liacs!o - sinadord hand lilerahars. aemb!e member al The OIS The jsss bends asilI present ahnat any encellen! caeriva- oleo incited ta submit the Presideat/PdnIyal Dc. 'Spilled Caller," was ubaial They !earoad thaI Gad tina 001,1, the dadeets io Sty Sisee, Oral clatir bari- lam opptrtoci6ee. Qtre- of doreuead peretls, hyatt Surrana ad Nao let the dre000 al high scheel. prumisad to rune thy peuple OSlo mod eioih grade mal!crt- Thestre IJetfeeson Porhi, trac texophaoe, and Tommy a enlatare of tlardmds aod Thomloe bee dccebnpcd an tices?!ense ranlari L0V- grandporenta, sibling,, cil!- ea all-school liturgy Mass plats la panhiripoote e dal colmolt. The rhiidrea ed real dala at NueS Oestes, lcvvr sunaphave. pop ausla. soplados rareen willain lbs Stodents toil! haar the ay- rete Rantompo at 1847! Inca, a!her re!ntioen, At Resurcrroiao, Macs is Ihr Notional Nace! Wnilhog shea painted u dmebieg Bruasoslek Rant! Onre re' Brina lacahl it Corriao- 778-8615 ar lbaatemyal5cl. fritado, Sosten, al Ohr Rea- a momben a? the Netiocal Maoth in November Prom nuinbaav Io criclorele Gad's doremoS le snhoal dhey avere anImo rornmuel!y thee en- tiao lo dress in naslaamt , OccIs os foras Hallyovaad low Opecialisi for Icstro- dats.tgu ar ai,il os's'octd- arraatioo, end Rosurnrtli000 Honor Bcmiely the Spaaieh Hat' lIa 30, shanoill tabs ynamios tire! waler would ahle Io grepk l!oainrssu!Is, PIONIIgR PRESS mentol Musir al Disleict 64. a tuo may10 nclebrale ihr Hafloweea weekend. doesueg. Haare Dame Cal- College Prnp High 00h00! Hooaor Scoirty and llar lo- Ihr demaadiag lash mf dryer OSOin never the cooler liad Ihr mraa, mealier, Jacobi clac has bran tepped lege Prep Isa! 7655 W. .Oigool, PAGE 14 Tickets erayo. uluoruar, penliao!orly thea, lennoliaanal Thespioa 5100cc enrib. The childrat enjoyed male, ruc5c and colliem la vordort the toy lIabA Ocmpttsr 5h, Hiles. boalar high jane band far a melee Melee Setsth High Onhaol scemare ene asoaeg a Leen wondered what ii ceighbariog ocrllcweelloveot ebd kw nOndenisontian- would be lilac to ma yoar achochan 12,1RA district ci oa,'sa aharalete foclaey'l The iOn 2551mal Ic Geneva, 1100e wide who have beta eroag- deed as oulalaodiaog emit- Jagglart Thesler Troupe al Och 30. Noter Deane CoOagc Prep io lo addiliac to lorch! rad era by the Naaioaal Caurct olTrathees al Raglhh. Hilas asSI help yranimaty- Bovlcmsna, other District tstiaan Sp with Ohcorreodi- 64 teaahnrs mba losimat They ore Selci Claek-Seseyels, Nera Eldeeloly, nod Marie taon tf"WiIte Waake md s,Mçe.-.1.- llorar alodenta lanada, Na. the Chacalata teartary" yen- 'INLAND BANK hite ,locvbsvo, Dallas lily!- Selte0000l, Duriagaeecagaitioa farmed tram Nao d-f in the your Chicagoland bank la, Mary Cicrolelli, favole schanl's little Thaatar al i ii9 breoklasi, Saalh Regliela UCk'0,' Heatead, and Orlan 76lili W. Dempstee 5h, Charooe. Dapunimeat Chsh- Melt ParIty ooied Ihat these Pides. Tirlsets em $10 far business banking MAINE SOOTH three arr amaag only 14 adults, end $8 fan ehe- mitrar, alibis prcsmigiaas deetsJarnmses, anlera anal!- Meine Soatit ttiqh Ovhaal award in ihn tntine state abbe atine dame or by siadeala mill entertain with aad awoog only 540 win- eeseevelioe. Ta msrnoe abrir t'lati Choral Cracent at ares a,liaae!!y Parrilla acid tickets, e-msi! Drama dirac- 7,30 p.m. Och OSai abe Iba unerdo ore parliralenly lar lj'ler Rectale at theat- i at Your Fingertips! Maman Oaalh Aoditarium. calewarlhy hacause they liegendhsdaas.OrIt DpreoOr All loor rorriauler choira eerogaiae a stodeat's chillO5 perfarwanre deles tad oro yerlarmiag: Glee, Mined la Ohioh ucd colares, alotar, ara, Nov 4, grammar Mobile Banking & Alert Messaging Are Here. Charus, Cacctrl Chair, aal thaagbin cimurly and amo snkec! parfanmuorea dadaS Chamber Chota. AddiSanal- eagagiog lashian, the day; Nat'. 5,? p.m. cad briScO Bu'ok ba?ohi!A CONTACT US lytnnaco.rorriculaeeaoem- Tha NCTE annuaty be- 9P.m.; Nov 6,1 p.m., 7p.m. S.wllsicg - M.yl!imagLife 10:1 La e! cuy ml Cesniryside Eimhurel Sise Ebipa Sien Eblys Hawbhers Weeds JOIN US FOR OPEN HOUSE hIes, the Decibrilna cad Vo- Jest e L'tt'e Euninr, OUI 16v cvfvdv:Ovl nnsouoluua,se000 mtOe0 sou ncvsuo,swU,su aaLmdumreloay slow, Aahirvemenl Awards mod 9p.m.; 01cv. 7,5 p.m. w.a,000,IL nass OcusdLnals 000ra,s,s n,em ca,eosnmauv omm lele ns foe OPEN HOUSE elWnedlends 847.234,4300 cal dass Ensemble, oil!! en- in Writing loe wneh sobad!- rad 7p.m. Chi0000lond l000liovu 00 705-570-4302 tDBdlteot'S101 usc Re. IL na or t21-OSS'55S5 847.726.2205 Academy. Yet'!! tone the sahnal, espIare ear 760 EeutWesdrigh Reed teelaivo led by staadeota during NoteR Basto CaIle Prep wwcn.iylandlsaok,eom t30't20'5212 orn' trieste Canser,meesmithteaahcra, Lake StresS, 1160045 f5eatored moaic inrlodea iheoniwnor peer. Areca- anaaJd She te mntOtajleaian macha by Verdi and Italici5 Isigla misst! keys la any aol lohaoauloevl Nh1 fcpee:lcq Hillnids Lake Zeeleh Lemberd Merles Grane V'sOla Park and discnvermlaetmehesWssdlandsasiqne. www.weodtaedeaeedemy.org meals of studeal as'riOieg arrtagementa al traditional ecc hated on sindants' sesso- oil the Seimac S,etgor Amariran and Srcltmth falb Mark your calendare! plss al their nono br,! prane Cheteeges ne Hat' 5,17 aod ielrplavseeoSsp 010'lli'3131 705-5t2-32lB647'72t'22t5 t31'553'OtlS 547.553.191f tllS.535.S501 sacga and jane nteadurds. or verse cod 00 hapramplaa Doc, i. AD aS Ihr nhaOerGes wooeouaeamso°acoonsr,evo TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2010 HighOghtcd in 1h e cancer t ihemes writtet und er en- begin sIll p.m. laths at 7:00 PM. arti halbe 12 Maine Saaih yarnilsiat. Estleirt ore (barge Haley Sriarce Cet' FDI 10 sews www.pioneerlwcal.com NIL' 0HL0500I, areota 28, 2010

t PIONEER PRESS PUsLlcOTltN NIL www.pioneerbecal.com 11

9th Congressional District candidates We asked each cmdidate their views on sorne non-political istues. 050 Jon SsleakOwoky Joe PalMO Rope bEvor

Jun tteraet Fesselte Iatrniqht leib 5100w sect Jienso Fslles - Rr,ths Erceklin/tufas Lost sang gori downloaded "We're Noi 089es tebe It" WoisOritid 100 colche Cheelee Favorite snack Experience Jolane's "Eel Who Playib mill, Rr6' Bible, "ON, Cheiee" Book os year nigletstansd 4 Cuts Cebe nr Sos Cube Jolanels offersa selection from simple wraps to gourmet entrées made from fresh ingredients every day.

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- - 50e - - Cabs or SOt,;: CaIrn - - WINDOWS I DOORS I SIDING I ROOFING I PORTICOS I EXTERIOR MAKEOVERS IP aleo Patriot Boslesard, Gieeeioolouai esa-sosowo.knhlehild,as.o,mo,,o.erg ° ra ra ea m na cneo ea L, roen oraalt eoe00000ceor,as vor's from ea ce ene moneen, eases rIcca aee cubicas em vOorso. all error, llmleoa ce emisora vorerovead SO november 0. Ceso oeavvme:oeeu se 0000mb0e C, Cela, Ocher vorulelvea 12 lOWS www.pioneerlocal.com NIL' I6UR5160, huBER lI,1110 PIONEER PRESI POBLICAIIIN 'NIL www.pioneerlacal.com 13 Iscron and hinglshers tip Stream ing above, which ta Frene "Let them cull tha polies,' nase healthy sign that fishhe challenged, cu en cadi- The Lodge of Northbrook Centivtol IronPAGE 4 had eeturnsd. cane member railed out, "It's alang these rivers me"I'll ge mith yea! "s etartico nl Skokie Lagoons snenlot al the last refuge al In hie many peers ou de- -iííii ìI- Independent Living Designed Just For You! and nndiog at Linse Woods these plantn and animalsfending Illinois' metermeyo 'e t ovrw:Dr :r ei s, in Morton Grove. Titis yearthat the cony anpiarers hadand ferest preservas, Frese more thon 200 people intaihed aboat," Pr ese said. has usen hi, ahnee ofoicto- WOW! PASS 's Amenities you will enjoy... morn thon 100 connes par- Prese reeauatnd the ntaeyries and defeats. EXTRA SAVINGS ON ALL ticipated in tho somier river ala friend mho once ran gist He leid the steep nf ham SALE & CLEARANCE ARRAREL N Spacious Floor Plans a 40-pound sturgeon fishhie longtime friend, ecnla- "It s like looting throoghneue Dempnter Street. Fishgist Dich Yaung, discoveced Maintenance Free Living o lining Christmas-cordthat size anos had arecas taa 1,000-peer-old red cedar EXTRA 20% OFF secos," len said. "Is's wan-the upper mach el thetree in 1950 nose the lamer St ECT SALIS LEA5ANC APPAREL FOR HM. HER & IDI\ Under Building Parking derfol Sah ava o mnoaree libe doors, Prese said, sadlyFan Rivee. A stata farester EXTRA 15% 0FF ALL SA E & CLEARANCE this i cour oms hoch yard." adding, "We beve na ideotanh o baring nf the teunk 0,5 C t t0v05/1° IC, Customize Year Residence Posse's mani wnil lanoonnwhat we have last aver theand feued it had more than S rarA t s o/cc o S RH O as LE T054E:hOt rare is the Des Ploiera River l'i rings p er snob of weed EXTRA 10% 0FF ALL SALE & CLEARANCE Fine Dining Canne andllaysla Marathon, While there ere misehie-suggesting n pasaible age H/AT ES ArdO EL/C RAIS ELECTRON CS l'lesto,, feci,, ein Irlesesser Os Ort: 0:0,0,fie a,sse:nyns, Scheduled Transportatien an 10.5-mite tenis beloved naos dam-betiding beaversnf 1,044 peers. When Frese a: s:e't,isessldedt . t essi l'ridoIt'ecrrmbx'r 5(1, ed in 1957, maldng it the ser- and deer aplenty, therehasted nn evpeditian in the drtsdO ea ortrure s' and-oldest continual r000e o/surte in torteas $10,0 s:: d,toeral: ff,:e,a: I Planned Social Pregrams aren't toe many turtlesacea, a ceperter tagged yae:o 00v, Irsest cisc nvintis,err ,iv,eetoillypalil 0(11:30(11,, roccia the liaised Otates. niong 1h e rivers. slang and highlighted the / fier n Ligie! Loculi Reserve Your Location Tedey In2007,tokenthe "Rat there inane Iturtlelaneinat tree in her artlein, S' marathon celebrated itsy ou rant get rid el," Presa"The Hietaeto Faa Volley: turd l'as: minUse,, Optional Home Care 50th 000ivernary, the Dessaid al e 2-Isat-lengsaap-Can it he aevedl" Plaines River Ansariationping turtle that ance man- Far the tree the nanwer insued s pronlametton en-aged io elimb 100 feet apamee ne. Peese said: "Apear The Lodge of Northbrook Sales Center prensiog gratitadaforstaspbanh andinsaanear-after the setinle mes pab- Press's efforts and, citingby prairie salep her eggs. lished the lendawnee had 14GO Teoloay Rood . Noeslebrook, Illinois 60062 ,- an averoge 011,000 perito- Intertwined with Frenesthe tree rut domn. A theo- ipants lar anch of titedesrriptiaes ei northern-need end 44 yearn In grow, Please R.S.VP 847-772-9100 marathon's 50 years, talked Illinois notare was erttirisms ibnuaane seconde und it (lait esa,- mebeibv errrre.ledgeefeesobbe-nek.eeoee ibbtklR, nearly n million milos pad- ei hem peapis have trented dled bn000sa of tka rare. the onetnrmayn end it s sor- Tht drewbeeb didn't Jim Capeb, of Miles, par- rounding, during thn pestatop Frene in his miesiue lo BIRT ticipated in the marathanrentury Prese talked absotpratert nil the river,' nor- WE'RE CELEBRATING 152 YEARS'OF SAVI every year belwsan 1966 his particular dtsgoet withraondingmildlile, flora end and 1007. In his lirst race the yeaotiees cl dampingfaune, especially tleet ohihe Capeb paddled vdth hrasnoy starm mato, irsto feral, riverlamer Pen Rioer ie LaSulin Regina Girls ra markers and finished irwater-', catting dawn traesend Kendall enantion. Rio 41/y leaors. His best cacet o rearb cleanup qastas;desire to pratect tito water- Succeed. lime allie caro andas mtn-building structurally ue-way, far genero tians te ates mas mitt, hie aso, and eanod dama; end creatingmmcm inspired, in part, by they rama in filth pl ace ou t picnic.tnbie logjam, "an bigthcrine,- pinonern nod an- Wh'H'YOUR MACY'S'CARD OR ppl'/; sae The . grads of Regina Dominicans - Fall 2010 01115 participants. that lO-yane-ald teees acevironmentalintu thet come class of.2010 were accepted to Open House Dates "I was pumped," Cnpnhgremio g an nhem." helare him. over colleges and universities November 2, 6pm said, especially as he con- Rnnineeses thai can car- "Otop and think: lIwn did' '. siders himself on umaleornera ta neve wcnep nr leen Nesa'rrnlaer 14, liens n'thuvepsepleycarnege and garnered over'-...... Pu.', in canoeist. "I paddled mythwart charts to beep tksthat bed the foresight to set scholarship offers. Entrance Eaam Date hardest and leu it all antanrivers peaaseved and onto.naida these lands asolat'- tnze,y 8.2011 the river" rol, r'ease said. eel-preserve nystrm, ma Come and see what Canoeing has became a "Rngineecn do what is rea-wauld beve lest sa much," L n. h yensed-down tradition loenomicelly and politicallyFrese seid. it's like tebea -.' Capek s family. Capeb sold feasible," he seid. "We aeed Rem after o Ilietime al he hua Inican all kneel hin enviranmootol engineers,"betiding end selling heed- Regina Girl! ¿Y.' child reo on riverr idas, and Prese did no tshy awaycrafted, hirebbarh replica now tabes his geandehil- fram getbog political wheacanece, Frene in ready tn re the magic of t it cense ta dafeodiag feder tire,The Chiragaland Prese, too, bon telson his clip prntected land, H,Canse Rese is up far aels owearhddren es can oc rides, showed a picture 5f "sorbut Pease makes ca mee and onnitnues to trennt theIrleeds up north" in Glen-tian of tanning in his paddle matera with his wife, Rita. view mba "made a town antjust pst. Fer Prese, canne- "Rita and t haro enpiered of the forest preserve,"ing dawn n river is always no many rivers," he said,painting 502 hum height-aeueani,hedieoenep. "Wn have haden many ad-ge'een grass entended pest "Rau ait en the water, qui- ventures and learnnd sothe elaarip marked barderetly gliding by, end peu see Oper e Mene', 600neee far ,esre 15% sanino, ehe best 2 day, rn(th to nrc rem,rd, en anme. Enslsdses rd liniesSers epply; see heists. and replaced the trees thateli the activity: the hieda Fee Prese', birthday inwere enea there, end the plect life aed the Eep,ei,sea Ma,p's cep Wy, e°" iIe..e Fellow ea,, twisnsr Oeeane cariasen fesebenk Dnwnle,sI nor fr,. Phsne App fesse Tase, September same friends Prose's enlutian tu hast-ehenging. livery acosan, Saab him feesriver trip,ing a "party down einer"every year," Frase dream' ,elTemAnsaLEp,iCESINEPRIcTTHROUaH,,121,O,EXCEPTa5NORR,F,r5t5,alseasIsss&hsar,,I,9,,eemsseazsm fleo,, e Dotcurt, S. ro .Wilwsne L ,dH .0 g 57 2oc')noo where he saw firent big MeceseredI5ratel,aceI/ebl,,oblcerrnaredI5spprevt and o picnic on the lawn, he lip asid. "It' auch ob Onforolrore,msrr,e,s,, rd rag,lfaar eaa,irgl,rhn ncc eraeanrlsolrg, le IisAr,d sa Irgo: sppl!aarlen east qoalllcfnr lme,dlsrn ,pprenal rs reenion esrra ,eoirg,:nmolsy,,, sas choIsI,, NIL -1008316),01100ER20. lIli 14 schools www.pioneerlocal.com I PIIIIEER PRESS PIELICRIIIN - NIL www.pioneerlocal.com your paRe 15 daring last y000's blood otero also pointed out mill fretare e havantod hail Grade school boyo ore en. Vieti llago end Pronrinra COMMUNITY CALENDAR Digest rocced in ints the Slem- Martioce presented Semi -.drinee,rombiced-roitln-o-- ___ilaetscyindinodsel-wltn-dn------lndfnrhtaeteller. -- rook Wr-rstlicg Clot el Patrick High School Priori- rommocniiy-nnide push for netos blood through Life- FAerlilon cone rely greet Sa8,aissiaoefor Community "AlIsen inanes" tracci Iren loll lasHing ollorlulie hsasi,g, Frelons Grast The Icr in 15h carIant 00dm 151cm serious cerner [old, nel ng pate, rr,llevS uisuld ecke lull guy' Cnclirurd fromPARE 9 Salai Petrirk High School. Pol Jon Srhmidt end Blond donors under St. Peto Source con esk ta hero the tenting load while raising Colcndrsrereroqairedlddoye no-2 so. Non] al Sn Myal dean- Insilerd te preenni hanelnsan,as, (legai liki,gysyrhnnnnn nr nell qurslienaol prodi ests moli in cent sI nImgible loe lraSillIlns Im lee. srhool rode (JOlI), halped oradit far their donation up-money far St. Robert Bel- ment fUmi Isbn menue nnd finer llr,ely viniere lot he lnsnissnt (0151 fIl-800,1or synmolus not Io- tO,snsumnumn. Imano, end mb ugplí- k Tlo,u win lulled Is Oleatos ro' Clot predices ore held boo Drive roordioutor Sorbet prorediag Ihr dole efpabli- lord 0m iecarmeaily iepdrlod bliEb mamona St. Path goal Roel in Issemeni. hmm will in a sal oalun tern npperlustire in lb, al- sullene mill nei to arsep(nd et Ill, where he pleys Dr Fife on io three eights per mach Karo laths rhech lar plied to St. Pet's nail Intel. lormino School. Dola ha radian. OcndtorNi)eeMeseg- rIent Fsrling is aueìlulis io Ile Ce,' du, 000 preei,aoly linO return 1er donar level end increased brreklasl burnt with casi tar 0,1 sIcarI (,Ihr lea See owns,,- ABCh Private Predice. mitt Sunday tourremeats 03,250 for St. Pal', aol- Sanors need only eogister pick np, nr arder foe dcliv- ing Editar, Pioneer Preso, ruIn. Muslsal Enlulcinmenl mili i, lrre!nnrcnrn erg. Cersnraeoy lam Icr lilunaed Care gurula nl Ihn teen, lue botonen Jane 051101 and Noterei Ges parlerete beginchcg io Derember. The steadiag pariiripsdnn der- Ihoir omerd. with SI. Pal's LifeSaueoo ero et Philb Polos D'neo 3701 WLakeolre., Glrnoierr pmolidni Ir liii Fraula.a salnist Stint- esonero Zn MeNstaans, 5420f. eesthwoul csr,ar nf Onnpemnm 5110cl Jumo i soll 'I' eOçiblo leSaìtIOlt Aorording ta Kern, the Cola ml, soll ,Oe a pnnuitf sei inlrreet meetly at The Gift Theatre. regialeetiao ha ($100 per ing Ihn 2003-10 blood sohuni rode, 3451. (5800 N. Milwsehee Ave.) IL 65026. Infnrmeoinu may ing mrenl,n nl Frocs 1(05(0, Dear f,rtlmesr Higreor fNaege, i, egeln anm Lulhnr Lone end 111e nain gama- i,p,rugr In iront s! lie hl,pil,i hoensnr,t, wat qualilo InI Ibis gro- Proceeds from the event vvrstler, 560 for each addi- tonight tod Philh mill gen. Seforaedto)Rd7)486-74550r' Serte, nei llora Cent in 142. PoSete, A neyneroenonee rom tin Nile, sull,slinp 1310038 Isnr000ansmes lionel brolly wvmbrr) io- Asin peat paare, Ihr ano- eraIcd lar J ST. ROBERT BELLARMINE er utly donate ill prenant ininrc snnl. Cell Ins,, 104)1 IlS- leeneAp Clnrk's silice wAll i, nail- lles, sr Ihr eitler, In 11s55,d 11e perïnp Ierrlbolh perogneinll glum. VidI will bandit St. PaCo Thenpi- e.moiledto cubelterilSpie- 0451 Ist 123. ails f en-S p.s me,kiayc und mfgyaniniae. in noni0000lun wili smIle lruI mur pis, II fsm p50151- ing/Ilse iIli,crs.gma/005sutf OlIn. viudos USA membcrxkip trih0500 mill hopot toward Morob 10. Slvdonts moot ko of the ball to the srhnnl on Sanely Tickets ere Si 1010 dcnuie. Students who St Rebeet Belloennino fami- benke aro raIsoN Peen, lo idees r nenAags in appsinlmr,I na he ser anow.,lnlil nl. an ,rg,nineli,n si osi- irlsnal boor, Irre pargoS arm brolle oord, (aterrere, teom SL Pol's Teitiun Asnislerrne when diners mensinn the Croft s cod ran be purchased on- sweats and e T-ehirt. Coo- program, mldrh ceerontly ore 16 must hoveupermin- llenero hanilod to Ihr anule- Centrent Creeen. rie Cneln, ni fennern will Ir heil srl end Isoli Menilsys nf nanI rn8ns oiling In lippief mIrar ihn, eninn leles yo,pllal in a,silebleie arkoul epan ordering More Inn raen-O pa. isolo utIle loath menti 8 usssonalolereSdesn te iruo in lee Our Cirhmecs sol (he my0 11510 ial nommA slleepsler Irre Lather PtÜIOrIaeInOe OsOrIO nl line at rsraov.etpotrinle.org lant club heed roach Joe nerves 40 porceot of Ihn alan form signed kf theh' el Perents' A050riotian Bol- me center re Cranorn, isels, desaile nooks found at Park ee000risn fsnrel leicoll Osad wily posnprrr aroncasea nester leg- Neo heno lIons am, nraaunri Inni Itmeet Cull Jan Pelter el (OSTI IS- Iyo IL #omulanlnl lmnnh olradns or hy rolliog the Box Office Moore ctkrloem)Srocv- student body percale. All otodents donel- lomeeu Party from 7-9 p.m. Nerltenel 11450eS Solle Ill, rari Cisroh 11035, Isla,eli Inni, Nilen. Oct.25 io Kernaghm Hell, httprì/seb- anO Cueinrie,d faenue, Park Sil,, mnlrslionnsnl espatrio vnntinappnd terN/lie JiOs, lIsT-stich. Intian Ter 505:Ta rsplsm, neplsfenni oppnr et (775) 286-8470. Visit 0001.0e! or (847) 508-1741. The 367 presenting 'mg meut hove a volid siete RIps, (040) ail-1411, celosos, nl rrnseln eIn Da uni (,Sitte banks MIlito plusarls. re ashnlsle an ap- nur. nnatymash inelnl (,so, OssI nielen Orle Opimil nl Cimiolerlo i, ccorcrthegifttheetan.org. LileSbueco ce Probenbalises donors (1,610 livra suvedi 1ff. 0536 W Danb0004 Ave. It rhìregooeg/Evenls.php. genen and plisei sAlon nl a InI p4wlnreial sine Innvshrp in niel- pnwi,r, ,esnl sprey, enri-ilIf nr un' mon,.sloslsrnlenIIneom, Inne" emuem and )n4dsy Saio lele leIsr504. Ist 00-tisai pressure inni scndwlnlm er nallansiab silt I,, sell 1041(63-5025 Ilirstil arpes,, eltumins (Ill osunl CHeaben lu parirermnf eRI Opera- Oeal050illhauroaro Snn:f eat bleat gar InslinS (f 5,5v-enes anmieelu. meneO, salire and Ira rIo Ralbe Tenesssbf, Ibrlesbanfrard sr leaui dan Oasi Ill 000PI Or Ii,, Oruetedo lo reni 'nspu irlo por. nidoS owl O an-5 pa. Sulur les uppsialesvl fleetcd( Salar, beni nra pep 01 in cneiloile natal meno ni 7:31 Pn. nr the tiraI (pesl pasó (ooao, 00f nipn, 1101 foon" fslidrf sore pcliageu br the deS Ihn besar wIll feai,rr Chdstaa, Msrlc), sono - nr panhoen cali Nnref sISAl) 11f- plaloaslay ai enero rrenli (allo ment er Ioni e fInI or p51mm gasSet IronS, Oulng 1010101 palllpeang Iroesuren molte, gills, 1,101 srranlr- Olsteierr's fa,nyranra nepef prsoo (Ill lar Ossrnailano laneneOloi 551m le,, teli 00f euler upunnani Idler Il 16,1004, B,malsa inindes dill llOO a aenls. Ils, inr,elry, rullo. a tuiler Canter eourealoee olas are nseulctln Hilero need in rari mIdes. Seeming, will dswalnnn lllsr isola cruS llCinnai,llrnopen l,m ceno OslIsm loop, end lorodnele llorO paslden 2010 i 2011 Tsesdufs, 80021e 12- lnpiopmnsc le yelp p115111, rna'rd,,ll npply 1er liii- eddr,,eines,e,rtiirihnanicorsc- am-h p.m. wnshdeynl co.'sm. donaledlu lpemslisn OreSlade I s100ia( WsitOI Iron Ihn lindi Porn saunsn003, ha a pRemIar at veis Clrauir erreirm propurt3-las rs. rIled ir,, lilie ismnsldp and all Oaturluy, und Inrinys. Cell lyngwa lìwr500n tunal nkroa aie et Ile cenas tronI ant-Im. llera Tnnsdofu. 80e. landIs- Rctisarn 1(r) gronrs ei tcn,nn-pietnliu-,,sidnnms are innirre. Sepela fon HyMaf, 10111 030-cmOS Merlen-Irsing Coli 0205 furIen 001, ChrisImo, glslnh Th Bein lisp dill aeueselr,l, by nppcinlneat aSuele, Illeale Ores fu lprrslripilnw' Ile fnok Cso,ty Sierif's Polo,, Meraste Lanheesm Geee60 fonpi' Nsrridqel nno GullMili12f 0,11 kill bromuro Ornek P0011(0k cusIr nu naila' Plefs,ntcnu, Isolani 10-10(01 end drag audslanorì IOn srrisrcrlass 8eOh Hemos Hrn lepuomeel and Inn lui nih boul u feeih Cursors Root InfInI, Spole bIC miles. se, Diplen, doblO. Gelebt,hnurokn. NORTHWESTERN sse eapperd 30507 (oeil fretS mom s-e pm. Nne. 3 ir tIn (rlspilnl'n silicose enelienehe ob, funs buen In- yoarennielheu und irinnuhuresna. reol-estemn las esenptae sel demi' lnnrst'rp's Cnds leisranseni lepaf- lalordayn 1,010,0 00 -legaI si Ita unni ar-I mile, ina'suueSnnnnl nnrt ars sbarri, anm rssidrnls uro Or403nr IlIum aI 1105 lnnpst,m SL bins i, 161m les payerntu crass lanIb mill be norsel Oeil days 0dm asonnnlnIf appaielennt. irenne, end tin lsnplime-ooupenl' (nailed tassi gonsl nra end mEd PorO Riige,Iniiaidoels nf eli egos lese leon prnnllsed 00m lloro 1,0cr' 1000 ouI-531 no.. amO iiwnor white lulorday, NnO lI-8550 prrsesre insnnwnnr grngnriy-taa rsnnpyaa. nay nonlelau er pollean le riel, s,nnilnri,g 100111 anm asinne err really nun Sloe Ihpim poanEieu ano in- senod lIlduf army fon 100-g Rn. sed heed asgar tea5nil u.s-seen, Pneyu,oNloa et carpS nIob n,dn,iglsorynao reMInd lu aleei Oie eeerl 111010 Iern,I meisol 11maI11 un lllnsil Tea Cell rancI Is piales pestrylrdo, North we s t e r n (da ap paietaent metOdi israiln pnneru ei alturery lcr Inuit) abbi health narrer nte,rn tali citi fsnnsly poned orli Nno I. The lili- eno il will he roaty 10m pial up. Theo Classes laIOrfsf. Nan libre di-Osilday nur, end InnOcUI alun is eleilebie by saris,, Inulth nero grllrslsrelu end eis Tan Onhnqtnnny fmnonry Ant inno 0dm'ilter nno pirelf 5110e Eaaligur, IL Ondrnau tulleren epcai,lsSnt hr asnrles lIaI n- calcine SArtal eseleled Corran, nllain ininrm,Iiae uhsutsiow4enpl predinu en eppaulveu(y 001 tsnp005ru p,rki,I CoeSst Ihn aluna slIme, fleas DION, Norlssnal higheai pulp e, eppsnrnnet sull (ball OS' Inc. in ran eil,rinOlntredullsvlo rnqsimnnnnnte erl seicry menons. ta poy nerl4w s,lslanorglaa Huid' (040) 0410052 Women's Soccer Pari Silgo, Il n.m-s p.m. Irtarday lISO f as-4:10 p,,. nnnitnys. Tie anisal Acallei iherepy," lag train- lInie I5 180mg, ta ellnnt rei ad- tren und la 8000 pnneiLon and inter ant naIn-i p.m. tansy. Lenin, ei tonenmn cisl eilnru 85000g mrpliesunu bi enlisas [elaIne,. in. venIr mepisllsrisw 15 noI ogurmnh sel noiosi leu lesos paid in lull dur- ColrndbriPARE 2N Senior Night! mn Contre or Correen speesern be aoanue803 Ist sedar, uni embers liair,p 80f! n. IeAlsr SI, in Harden lAìn is vol alci fair Ial albanos is ing lye om,elly pedal T, pomlior Do you suffer from P°r tingling, numbness, porter coldness or bunting feet and hands? J Northwestern Explore new treatment for Looking for a better way to fly Neuropathy from Chicago to Toronto? vs. ere's a quick lesson ' 6 daily non-stops to Toronto DIABETIC AND NON-DIABETIC Fly any of our 6 daily non-stop. .OneeSeeseeeafe&elrrealspale .Rnlsmaenulfremefnesaed0000e @1 Land in downtown Toronto .tepcserdbosaseo-5.ssfalln.Pesesfasaepreeeesuepafa000s flights from Chicago MÌde.Vs.o',' Minnesot,a to Toronto City Airport. @1' Complimentary access to Toronto 'lounge Carolyn Edwards CSIL\o J f9' Free beer, wine and snacks Lincoinshire, II Premter f9'Roomy leather seats 7pm, Friday, October 29th PHYSICAL TIRApy'&réi, 9' Free shuttle to Toronto Union Station Lakeside Field in Evanston roro53es8Ilennoeanceeefelee8rgoinrepastyeerapseea' ''_ ilbrrrai(Ie Hinds(e Macsf,,,IN Ja(in) Admission is FREE! (047) 633.3023(638) 230-0353(219) 836-2831(815)744.6666 Or(snd P51k Eaarg,eee Psrk Skskie Rasel(e For more information on all Northwestern athletic events visit (708) 460-8050(708) 423.7953(847) 676.1212(630) 295-9900 * Opeshs1 Ssaa is ehe Sattk Laap! Booksolido, na))f-888-819-6622 NUsports.com or email [email protected] (Ir .v,rp, ilr,l,r.,o .! I[,,rC,,o, ilr,SL,,,lll'l'Il,,,,,i orsnoBant ydar Oranol agnat, www.flyporter.com Mit' SMURS500 OCTOBER 2B, SOlO 16 MeWS www.pioneerlocal.com Editor: Jeremy Sohoiohao Home Front by BtockShopper THURSDAY. OCTOBER 20,2010 PROPERTY TRANSFERS 16471 549-0484i Jeeamyrrtiblarkshnppar,aum i Roman, 0150000, Sept27 Irofertiiopr'or,idcd by to Rare Caotelieroo Martha M 9009 RaIl Reed MJnI 9v, Fader 030000G Sept24 Janice G,y,030 Gemme Palagio. 7307 N Moaeltoee Aa,., 0,6 Record Information Ser- Csoteilarros, $160500. Sept27 al HoIrre Lose lug Corpo Majo 6310W Weoelesnd Mar,, 4050ml S0TB020, Sept74 5ao Lbto Slaaeyir Snkobki oiooe, P.O. Boo 094, RObare 5926 S Three Lesna, Wlhieorr Smrrio Oregon Skrrio, 0010G Sept Darrrian to Andre SlnplleflO, HOT PROPERTIES BY ROB P1SROC MG HIC LAO E ulonila Szmidt Sokobokt 0tS6000, iL 60119; phone (630)557- Nirhoioe to OaieOu 580e, 27 0025000, Sept22 Sept21 2000;fo,n (630)597-1001. $055,000, Sept28 9017 W Raise Mee,, Sosera Gor- 7441 W MoNet Perk Road AloI 29050 Nerdiaa Mon,, Lu000 2131 Arle St, ApI C, Suenen, E sales Souches to Bato Yarolese 3W, Oder Armee le Fieiee 0 Tootle Mi07ai Raigal, STB4O00, BELMONT CRAGIR NORW000 PARK rubber lo Sooharan R 001551e Mariancma Gar9hese, 091,000, Rainer, 5184,500, Sept.22 Sept01 Thedsa Batlsla, 0110000, Sapt 72 Sept27 7811W AdAman SL, LOdzeiOO 4816M Naelrollla Ara., Jan00 J 2905 N Monitor Are,, Battle J MORTON GROVE Jirar Ho Carol Aproe,, 0773,005 Crisp Colonial 45850lire to Arnold Gerda Adala 2260 0101ra 8er,, Matiorral City 9443 DaR Calasny Delve 4$ Maraioo to Foigerdo ueod080 Garcia, 305.002, Sept.22 Bask to Jolanta 000bowSka, le, Federal National Mortgage Faustino Maclinac, $280000, Sept 573M Rebe St., lorry Glass to Sept25 2905 N MorOsa Mee,, Del Medioo 07900G Sept24 Pone to WilBam Oadd $61000, FacIlI Ileleenn haito Ralees, 491111 000neady Aro., 02cl- Trust to Bianca M Arteaga Jesus 2849 810,0e Lene, Chd,lire Sept.27 8159 W lestait Perk Reed, 0261,500 Sept.21 1081kb Trust to Zddsbon Brick two-stoly has modern polish Barba, StOO,t00, Sept22 Gabela to Audroej trola toSo 9581 Rae Read Apt le, 0e annA E2een M Gsl105kea to Aiohael N 0300 CeSte lo,. Unit 407, Fasberuk tiryotyra Raoberuk, treks. $155,000 Sept21 Na Trustee te CurIal S Mesto Muori, 224000G Sept.28 OesSoohe Seek NotI Tnt Co Shale 52T,SS0 5sept28 DES PLAINES dIOS Waateeea Ave, RaM 654, $8500G Sept24 5847 H MIsilloyan Ann., Marra 8648W. Sunset Road, Nies $539e000 EDISON PARK Oye Chu COni Chong So, Chob, - Stone Gate 000es Plairee tb to Troot to John M Maroatontm 1111 Oelidoy Lesna Apt 18, DONNING 5222000. Sapt 01 Citibank Neto Bartloeriej Mioek Batrey Maksinroo, 8225,000 Sept 7320 W 0reasleeR Ann,, Eugere 8630 FMnte Ave, Osait 204, 011000G Sept21 Guilt ta 0550, thin 0000-story brieto 0000- $26302. Sept.20 23 321611 Heeregansaatt Mae,, So- N Mollar Botole topent Coarohor Johnnen Treat So Saleem 6538M Oak Penato Mee., 0100 leotrucmenopdotodhidnlreornithmod- 1151 Kyleserare Calot, Orthony L 520 10007 Terrena, DWight Song sera Wsndember5 to Marta H Douait T Manronan, $218000, BarS550eh Janet Sh000b, Manan, TenaS to TOomas Sheehy aro appiuooao, edarorutbvorediegwiuhre- CirnoloSe to Pipie C WeSSen Bib to Jacob $ Monbamkurnsnr Mores CebalioB $188008 Sept Sept 23 0114305 Sept21 Mdb Shaeh6 22IRSOG Sept23 comed Ugtriioog, rerenrir Ola floorinG und u C MalAca, 248500G Sopt 22 Aieykutty Moolaerkurranr, 23 7324W Baaaotetl 8er,, Robber- 601MW lAtRine Moe., 20089 maor-eround beeohíont bar. Tono mido ureh- MOUNT PROSPECT 1385 Brown SL, Breen Street 0242300, Sept02 3417 N Rsstheefnnet Ann., Feder- inn Potin to Ovoid Jerdras Hilad Monok t, Careen Dntatboa Arce on separato dha kblohoo and 61010g room 707 Geeeasvtaw An,,, Seoid Bra- SibaSy LISO Robert G al Hase Leae Mrg Corp to Near J Gabel, 0056000. Sept24 17420 WAeelSseR Road, Maria Roberto Namoebbo Dorabnpure, U-em the Goorily room, mhtohnfleo-o uSo-a- Lewandonroki Teresa t der to IthIam Saea050 Macmien Drebo, $146,000, Sept21 $220,000. Sept08 GLENVIRW Mitke,OBb to Babak Eateghanot place und o piotuee odrorlow. OeoerjeS 0200,000. Sept20 3500M Oleanedee 80e,, Go Sank 6939 N RaInIeR St., Perteral Lewa000aoki, $125000, Sept20 SapideS Bategharroat $103,007, Arhaodeliaroadoaloirim Enioh LAo ohrring 1509 WeInte, Lesee, Paula M 747 Yeelsnlnlra Lene, SnileO Na Trustee to Pradip Prasa0 131 Mealqrrneey Leer, Lieta Sept22 Honre Loar Mug corp Io Robort J room; rorpoting end unotirer piotom rolo- Chosinard to WMTnre C Seblase Trust to Robeo P Seiner Marie A $0800G Sept22 Sosie te Wlalyalaa Li, Wiesinero 110M S Robad OrIne, Marion Sehrabrror, 0170000. Sept07 dom add Groishiong Snuohao So tiro Goirrg room. Theresa 000belaere, $283.505, Raiser, 038600G Sept.20 3731 N Otteaea Mae,, Jp Marine Lis, 016630G Sept07 CiesBk tolopusi000Dunil008ka, 7222 W DeMnanol Mee,, Porkeep Aroorpetlo oSer', o built-leo gos griG and 0673 Jeaapblaea SR, Mist C, St Chose lark lo Albert Genkiewioe This filies hose ollero a Tinished bAsemen Sept.28 1557 Indapvnadrsaea Mae., Roblo 060007, lepl.22 Bonk 0 Trust C, Otee S, terjaemr rieron 02e small b0000trm'd pood. The prop- 1547 ReAsoned Ave,, RaTonil Small Boniness Larding Coto Jolarta SOee0004k, $78300, Sept orI a tes-cet outooe, SoqifiSe tu Grit Merchant Mnheo' 11075 Ure8000 Road GaO J Ash, 014000G Sept28 erty aleo bu, u(miahedbaeamac05000detwo- Trost to PirlAip S Malear Macrear Cindy Adrian, 211G000 Sept20 78 de M Hirani, 0028080, Sept28 7742 W Prtneeocn Ave., Reti- 1187, Jean WallonS Smalley to oar garage. Radera Melzer, 045,000 Sept22 000 W Orent Oder, Us larry 0e 37380 Orno Cenglonnel 80e,, 1721 Gonne SL, Tsborìo Federal Alaoeoder700ker, 01OGOOU Sept Iena Scoot, Jomno Sar9 RodS, to Glare Lena P0555850090000. Federal Notional Mortgage Asse Liotint egeaalr Tom Pomogier, Gether 2.0 16700011ML MIst 200, UnieS 5618000 to Sla8nir 7 Krenoel 0097,000, Sept22 Caldrnell Barloar, iO4Ti 6MO-0290, Oblungo Hrorrro Ohoreber000morrlfrnrrr rye mal? World Deveioprrrert Lieto 585,- Sept.21 ta Jobo CebulaN Vorbei Cebeiak, Ob0001dra kranzeS 222500G 1405 MisninaR Coed Apt D, tir4 J Borke005t Aleen M BurR- 084 Wetter Mae,, Beone, TruSt 8100000, Sept21 Sapt 57 O'HARE Som.pomogber85olrexchonge.rom E-r,rar'l ore.' lrorprnperoreab4biorkelropperrorrr MoOn E Ophue Lo Gea Mrtleo east $1S3,000, Sept T to Mery Rordenet 8205,008 Sept 3012 N ALato Mea,, ronrons 1899 Adsnaoaal Coced, ChioscO 5- 519600G Sept70 0423 W Ombra St, OrlI 102, 1817 Ondee SL, ProceSs Sieges 27 Wieraohuoli la Andrea A RenomS tie teed Ort Ca Tlae ta Solon L The kilohMo fRailuno modero eppiss000, r000ssed 1195010g, 011e Tloomiog noia braoklaot bet, 2 dallen Met,, breen Coreoron lo Drogar Moeakoeio to Peokaj Gop- lerkeft, 0500000, Sept21 DATA POINT Luis Medina Cotela S MeSmo, to Ponnan Sopla, 59S,000 Sept IT professional sells in Niles 2020 Spneoa Selon, Snieon 55,1 60650M SMOTE RGAL 5195,000 Sept27 22 ta Thomas Shein Jernitar E Thairy ESTATE BYTHE 62150650 Gy SAotd Liete, opmens, rvos 00000roctadio 4e2 W Welr,st SL, Michael 0Gb- 8503W CetIlonlae Mro. Apt MARINO REALTORS 06860GO, Sept00 An inTarmohian lorhnalogy 0054. 5000 Deosp000e. Morton Grove asnelhi to P01110k B Pannestee 1044, Fedeeb H000 Loan ISp 27MO Can000el Salar lieft reortrer baa cold his rondo io Gorood bao ocorhad too ST On Jeentlem L Farnrenier, 0195,000, Corp 808mb Tbakee Tnit Thakeg $349,000 (8475 967-5500 312, Tell il lo Lp io Shahran Tos- 0000h Nile,. oporudb001 for Tobado Phor- Reach Your Snpt 24 547,500 Sept27 Oho Sold Aalec07 loenlsouvsErur-oisanoenaoozeu Nelip 47008, 001000G Sapt 02 The modiun home 500W IlosrOIgRor Coramnansa 0710 W Cathalivo Mere. Apt M, Zaya Govood sold Obra dwo- mocauticol,, on inhnrnootonub 275W Coeonsaea Salve Rail suie price so She Rand Apt 355, Federal National R0000 S 5000110e 8e Sobs Turd- badroom, dora-both con- Trm rrhooa Aaaerieoo dinieioo 203,751111 i, Lp to Herbant North Shore, heut Key Market Moogege 80,010 Stator roobo Srjeeara Turdaoslo, do oSOSOS Milwuukao Ayo. is hosed in t3earfield. Jorge irsIhar Jorge, 0054300, 5200000, Sept23 4G peroend moro00e 6000,000 nn OrtOsa Guvoad holds o borbalor'o Sapt 20 MallOnaki 8000 Masb000ki, dlroathe .5200,000Sock Ynoog Sang. Tiro degree is informutioa tech- 339 TARt Coed, Tarot Ballot to 0117,000, Sept20 PARK RIDGE 0,330-nquora-OoaL oarrda, UeiS mologyondbosineoo manage- Oli AkmnG 0SS0000, Sept20 500 RveMrqlvv ApR 453, bali- Each week Pioneer Press 006 in Oho Segla Paint doval- mend from SaPant TJnivardsy, 3725 Cacerstayelde Lera, Oleen na Nieao0k lo Ardrzej P4eoelik, 1135105911 Moe,, gorgon Styn Morton Grve, delivers the most affluent J Thomas to Melzer Maceo,, 0150000, Sept00 1,138 Dielnioh Denbrb J DieSdoH, 5005000, Sept21 720w Daoapat.e St, GrO 100, 0225,000, Sept08 910MO RIQIfT 150087LOCM'FION M PRICES home owners 'and home Tateucez Dyboeioo So Mukued Fa- 101W RoRlnleoe Drive, Book DT 464M Loassot Moe,, Orhard H MARKET WATCHASOF MOHOSO Morr,n Srooa,..rO,nSls,BnOrero,l,kSAnleeoOrrrSuenrCorro, Soon,,,valaca 00 a ito'ivaOsoaenlIal! Bezdekto Philip E Rojaemnoki bel Milo Patel,015005, Sept27 Amadoa Moto Joke P Subbbaae seonlln6orrasaoabaelroeal reruaeelealaaale,e elo.a00006s-z coanA loo Oeelr,orO OnO nonos 0h11 eosao buyers in the Chicago Hesthar M Sulïear, 255000G Sept vIlla,, osi nolIse B slalol sir asszls ISO em nne or Short L Kejanbeski, 5245005, 8085 Elenbeest Orad, Bark SI For Medien Foreclosore 15 ol tRot Ounscos lelisIaS on e00 1110150e & al050le bemol Sept27 America Ma Trsstee to Steaeo B Onl,g m. rasoio sunlIt O ne re0001. Suo 5000 lato. 10,tea000n000ill,.essbu,lli000z000nuoOlrO,vpa,O area. Tell them about sale price rate sales foreclosures S,rnee,Ilno,vennenlnllzon.e,lre,005A 05,1,105 61e! vIrile Orlon' Il,aOIo,-PllOr,atIS,lbTi,rnelTO, 10160 Aooleand Arr,, Terenee City 4711 Laessvt Ann,, Wella Fargo Zanoni, 0150500, Sept22 orno lzrosontemolaeer zoo sea,One garoso r0001lorsoi rails & 00111 VolonS IsnO101O Im novia 0100,1010 yourself with a story and Meek TeeeOae te Raoi,riiaro Jeousz 9040 Roenood Retor Osati M, Loeenskyt, Heoloe Enpblba Rebec- Chirago: EdisOo Pork 2.3OPo $071,000 0.50% 133 11 rnrlarlsluaton S 61001,00 MuSe Unroll Salo.,,,.. 050B000 aocI 11011es re Sew 010e Sear!!...... 0001400 Federal MaTorral Mnntgage Asan 00Bepitba, 036030G Sept24 an ad in Pioneer Press' LojA 0129300. Sept21 Chicago: F070,1 Oleo 001% $347,000 iD.5/o 16 2 apir- 840 Ytlaldeor Road, Sors Rece- Ho Sorlodoon ShaNro, 255005 1892 De Cook Mee,, Weibe Pargo 1425% 332 33 weekly real estate feature. nvp t, Jabro RaorOey Chmbotine Sept22 Bask to Serio Losor Bison J Lazag Chicago: Itororood Parir 2.88% 5276,000 M Rarrroey, 0600305 Sept22 $06500G Sept23 3.50% 0172,000 20.10% 546 268 HILOS Des Plaises 307 S Rvdllatd Canal, Jar000A HARWOOD HEIGHTS EoerSioo 3,845/o 5285,000 14.04% HiT 115 74500 Heekegense Read Apt Rosa Bntlte to 001009na Rulo, 648 57 4310M Nvneeavtta Mo,., 304, Tslee Trust to ZebjBo 510210 050000G Sept Pl OleroleW 3.43% 0383,000 73.43% le trnd sol mosa abano Saiana sao 701 N tte, Mnsteerit 801k OeutsOhe Baeh Moti 7958 Ttan to Ans Sladie, 505505 Sept21 Lironbowood 3,42% $287,000 17,9% 162 29 helpyas, call Mike Sperling, Catherine017001cc,02S0000 9874 W Terreno Retor Mist 6o, Ma Tesoleo 5, Tati001 Pelekhira, barton Uraue 2.77% $250,000 1S.73% 280 03 ?0E't'FYAS A lCTM9Ei REI100 TAXE A LOOSdO MP si $dsarlsiag Sept24 Retamal Horre Loar 05g Corp to 038500G Sept20 BlockShopper eo,00..neRh lolo nom rznsl,5 me,0 PsazO luz been 00, rIa aal.., Ataosie 5315 5 laeaoeell,l rubo 0e at (847$ 4lM-/Ttlar ornait 20,35% 340 26 4372 N Red Peat Mae,, COinage Matelia Z Slelaaanboz, 265000, 910 Her,teaaSi,,JohoT5040- tibe, 2.69% 0220,200 evsilsn 10,1,1 B edil eulOsl500 flleueOoull SasuluzI010001,1 Loll OelzbOSu010lalO,0O 5 1111,0 050 't' 000peniing@pineeen(nsoldam GIte Lard 70 coStee So OhimitH Sept22 eaeOey to Todd P Truannan Rilo wbIra,50n. loran zbnu r, & eel1116 ozi-illoaol,Ors eOlOnuleul5000,010reOo&Ourden.Bll-in PuTA Midge 090% $340,000 11.00% 471 03 BgoIO PavIlo 86011, 0205000, obeths,ueaao.2342005,SePt22 0005,aOlolal 00182 bulb 6150, Muse ea, Oir bzvlln rio eine AIrlorelIt 00,00 l05050uBlelll 5015 miSogs 00,1105 N8RRI000 24.02% 205 105 ro,els,l Silo Noelrtasarblr8Su4eon00000re, OoslrrSr000IolOSaO roil OrsIneelmiS Saar,a:2488CO3iss. en6esko,,d,,,A,eraseHmaaholdtnnn. Sept22 9990 Reo, Are,e MINOs Trust So Okokie 2.83% 0249,750 1001e. nIemalS lneolzlnO011. 010zilO lo malIrIse 0011010115118 eIn, ueOsAd einOee,oeee'SO tunson, 4811 N Glove Mere, Melt SOI, 4332 N AlIenee Mere,, Corlo ClooSbo A Boyln, 0S6tS00. Sept WibnetSn 2.00% 5650,000 4,45% 379 17 01,00001 Osoe,aoaarn00000nloenszzk,l0 ...... 0000n 011110,0 101051 01,000,00001,00 Ovin...... 0000.eOo Parkooy Bank S Trost Co SSaa to L08k to Jambe Rovsn Falsesyna 25 18 NIL' 200812go, OCTOtEq li, news www.pioneerlocal.com 201f O PIlOtER PRLSI PUBLICATION - NIL www.piUneerlUCal.Com news 19

POLICEBLOTTER Trustees to run asslate Thefeilcsaiegioeidestc sacre eieaoneeeeapoetedtheeighlthrown through abedroom iharnealveoin Io polies Oct.under the influence, driv-Hay. 5 coud date. liotedistbecffirinli-epertaefnfOet, lion the7300bioehwindow on the 9000 btorh18, Bend for curb wee seiing with a euspendrd Ii- fur the four-year truslee pu- Villoge o! NOes Trustees The ncndidatasu,ill ficus theNilecPeheeDcpartmenrt nfNnrihNeruAvanue. Ona cf Grace Avanun. et $1,500. They have aenseren depeedicg Gel. 15. Yceg Kim, 38, uf 8119 numen, und Jim Hynas will OOla Joe LoVeede, Al Weet, Jim onecntinouingtheirwo1.h00 lfeudersuremmiodedthntcsresidanre was entered Wodoasday eourl dele. Nemas tabes into conlodyCentralAve.,Morton HyesaGirls Hnusi run usucendidele fer the ethics regnrm, starmwoler arreo! does riot ronctl'tute ntheoughabedroom window On Oct. 20 s roch mas oe Ihn 0450 bloch of Mi!.Grove, was charged with aoned todoy ihr! theytwc-yecr trastee pcsitien. enateuls, vonleulling lacas, findingefguiitt. Oslyarourtand the other woo antaredthecoon through the piniure OVERSERVING ALCOHGL woulace Averue nl 4:30a.m. drivieg wider the iafluanre, u The readidetas decided ta e, hnve formed thu United For reducing the 000eull runt ut ej loro ran moke tOot deter-through a becemesl docewindow of s homr oc the Mon Han, 13, cf 9033 Cap- Bond wee set at $3,000, He damage to viillcgc pmcprr. Setier Government Partyc'un tngether foe the election government und eedueiug micelles. No edditional lafoemation89ES bloch of Heuthwooditel Orive, oniomoeporotedbon o Wows rouet date. ly and epreding onOel. 21, 00 loo the muniolpol electionhcreuse "although wn cone- the funding defivit ivour wes providad. Circle. The roch seau foundMaine Township, was is- Palien loch Kim unte vos- -4 that n'il! be held April 1,00- nionally vete en opycaitapension plans amoogniher inside the renidrace. curd alema! ordinance vila. Virginia Konlopoulea, 50,tndy os the 0500 bloch of cording tu u news crieuse. sides cf wetters thai came inanes. Running togeth erce ASSAULT BURGLARY TR VEHICLE t,onfon overservingapu.of 910 Laramie, Olenniaw,Golf Boad sfler eheeepart-. helare the Village Saued, we RETAIL THEFT 0 O All ri the rondidetes cre u slate, "Ihn cundidaics arc On Oct.17, n 21-parr-aid A puree ronloining cred. Iron 0CL IO aSaren silagmd-was charged with drivingadiynicehad teovelingot 61 able In cambios thair ledi. nocvNilcntnasleeslLoVerdocli have lrcnsendcusa'enpset moo cilegedly threatened II cerda und 2100 was stolen MosdecHesa'wimhi, 30, ofIP inicnieuted 30-year-cidunder the influacor, feiloremph in o 30 mph spsad wen storied in 2007, scIalle fnr corhuthueb optemos andvidual shills und neyer"leere to rob s Touhy Anseocevernight between Oct.14 8014 N. Ode!! Ave., Riles,men slipped and fell, not-to redone speed lo anoid anrone,ilriscostodynm oÍd.onservatifl.L Weal, H Feen und Olanosiahall share commun guaIs as io achieve their cumwan mote! after becoming angryand Oct.10 2mm o vehicle and Mnsica Roblo, 33, ofhing his mrist, incide Jaooernidest ond opero lung anallegedly seralebad the side rnereeppointedvillageto been turnaba Hiles a bet- Ecc! efe better, wore cOli. that the dach would sui re- perhed on the 0800 bloch of8120 N. Oheto Are., Nimes,Chaog Dang hersobs bar,uniosorad vehicle 001.16.of e poline squad car while 'r, t trustees by Mayor Caliera ter place 1er cae fnmilieu asad deal Village uf Hilas foe all fond his money, police seid. Maryland titean!. were each charged wilh re- 9070 W. Golf Road. PalmeeKootopouloa was taken into attempticg Io pull her arms to Oli vacancies. e relearning environmentofanroitluge eesidents and The man ted briars the ar- loi! theft Oct.18. Accord. said Hes wet managing thecustody following e taco-ve- awe yas an officer bsnd- LoVerde, Wee! and Haca- for busicess," LoVerde arid bus'ocensen," theeelecar alci. rival otpolice. A GPO dreier cocu stolen log to polira n securityrslab!iahmrct at the timehicle rrash at 11:46 pro. nlcuffed her, pumice said. stab will renancendidotes lu the release, overaight between Oct. 14 agent al Kohl's at Soif Mill and mould not saykom manyHoelew cod Cleveland av-Bosd won net at $1,000. Ube BATTERY and Oct.15 from a enhiele witnessed both wcmen es- beers the men bed von.enues. Bond was set sIhuso Nov.29 caurI dala. A23.yecr.eidwemen toldparked inc driveway an theitieglhe store Oct. lb withsawed between 11p.m. ond$1,000. She hou o Non. 59 SHERIFFS REPORTS FIRE police that her "God-eouain" 6900 bloch of Bieehwood $400 worth of unpaid mue- 1:23 n.m. The mas whc fell, voorl dale. Phefcllcuingioridenlehccu-lire stopped blm fornirei- BURGLARY TO VEHICLE and two"pluy-rounins" pro-Aveaur. chasdise. The women re-identiSed an Bissny Cruoes, Aumaidarisgnignretta is inracperaledMaioe2buosstjcfia riolatian ca che 0850 ceeded to "jump on her" on poetedlydrapped the mer- of Went New York, N.J., won Robed Pech, 50, of 9432believed to hove vaused an uecroopiled by Ihr Cockhiceh cf Mitwaahce Avenue A iheft learn a vehicle was the night of Oct. 15 anar A $000 OPE device woeehasdien and fled nftee issued loca! aedissame cita-Eamno Road, usiseorpo-Oct.20 poech Smc alares. Cceotyffhenff'oDryarl,oeui. in Hilen. Police cinc report- reported si 4:44 am. Oot. it Lyons Otn'eetaedCauetiend sp amies Oct.20 teem a vehi-they ware eonfenated bytians foe publie inteoieation ruled Mulos Toanoship, was idenecca the 8100 bloch of edly tneated usmallawoantnu the 8000 hIerin cf Em- Avenue. The womon latercle peeked is frenI of ihn neroer'ly cgnnt, bolsed rostofrmergennyserv.rherged with drising under Elizabeth Avenue. The mes- arree! dare oc! oaneliculr uf suspected marijuonain.bassy Lane. told police she did noi ihioh restenrant on the 0600 Homioieehi left bee pursr the influence und imprap-ideots were not home nl the fiodiogafgailt. Oolya rear!side the vahirle. FIRE she would pursue char gasbiorkcfGo!fRnsd. cl 1h n scans and Rabin's ee i cas usugr Oct. 19, Hetime of the lier, mhich was cfiourouraallr ttatdrler,ui. ngoinnt the individuels. vehicle, which was identi DRU was tabeo lolo rustody otsotioguished by the NOses AGGRAVATED ASSAULT PROPERTY RAMAGE A tire was repoeled Ori. bed in the parking lot, wee fosif Stases, 02, nf 0009 1:30 n.m. en the $300 bloch Pire Depeclment. LaanrenceWilliaeos, 26, ci Il iso Oowae poll Onu hai- BURGLARY DRUG POSSESSION Betmeen 4:30 n.m. cadtowed, police asid. BathN. Mitwauhen Ava., Hiles,of Milwaoher Ave. send the 0000 blcoic cf Lindareni, at Bey Colooy rendu- Taco realdentiol burgia-7;2O am. Or!. 170 embreas women repariedly teroedman charged with demviogwas set at $1,500. Habana Cnocseo!:pioucerlornieom Ow Oaothong, 20, cf theLune, enturarpueatrdMe miniums an the 0100 bloch u 0800 bloch ulNorth Cinten Tawuship, was charged anith of Bey Colony Prive. Avenue,Chicago,anus domestic aggeovoted assault HIT-AND-RUN charged with possessiun ofOct.17. Arrueding tu peltre Mitchell lioffnian & Wolf acecine with intent lo deliv- uwuwanuccusedWihiums Hit-and -run occidents Attorneys er end possesnian of mari.of enleeiug her bedennmmere reported at P06 am. Personal Injury jaune ou Sntardoy. Pulirnwith u kitchen haifa end0cL 14 at Oampster titrent 1$ '7OeSAie,' neidnineindividuallyscreaming ut bee during aend Rabin Grive; ut itAS Aste &TredaAcnidewts RVAlfX u.R. NYliflisa wrayped bags uf nasparteddispute, causing hecto fearam. Ort. 15 at Keovody MediaelMsljsenatian ocecine were diercuerrd in-tor her life, Willicmn sucs Delve andBcilaedRocd; and lvvti00 LiI WeekAnnidents 'ranci mutes RAtlureaiv - ci 2:09 sm. 001.17 uo the naoa,evledeaeas 'onuawc,eeon'emcdorcaa. 'u side Bunthong'n vehicle aber subsequently taboo'mto rus- WreeghelDeslh Cuak Cuuniy Sheriff's Pn-lady, pelioe said. 10000 bloch of Linde Lone. 'OStSee Thinking of SELLING Your home? ìj°

- Cell fars Free Market Aeslpsie 847.674.9797 NO FEE UNLESS Crawford Supply Weseda! ', I, ', s ka, sin s BUSINESS BRIEF vio.05 o- ,YOU WiN... Stoss rot oil thingo gooty, bcsiuesc. "We hateen Hei- hoch ta life for them or the LnsO!a,did,nli1sso 100-1 glow-is-tilt 800k luwecu meucan body poets, snap heme," the releam etal. ,o1lie,, 5l5R.B.i5F,OTER sOrne und hacmts, Ihinga That's uppraeiwotely hum thai gaona md creep." if you're handy yea should U-888-719-6160312-726-6722 -'i S U seuo-y und cheat hum Recaaunendatiarn, the re- boude 1h01 doneei000 Odrero much tunernst Hal- lassa statad, harlude a fsm & Sorpiun hoe been proold- p PaiO Po!ihod Adondmnomesi 5090,eoo p luween mulamea avd Ocra. docce gerani,, gioco-ha-the. ing ike molare far raining The Pioneer OSADO caliuno oben nro Pere it, dark, lllc.nlco maggota neat- culOs Ods nod aa'occat'Omg lice Etzíne your standard velai! Hal- laced aenund ihn trelatare; Suing deed far genemtioea. Pfess admires loween slatS dea la churl lovely tetanIsmo at bland for IThe bIng dead, by ihn may, Elaine's as lerritl'ing an a Jamen Ihe baffai - elghi enei tu OScO moor our white poper Taylor Rhum. the harnee braha gelatin lue euuemile, wlih 0010e blood Nekrftz "independence "lfyno,hownvev really au. chapped honrO mold; rnela- npistteel Sud remembev loe and leadership" deesleud Hulluwern tice way talla ka labaratnnyvesaels- RObS HelloweeccuOlOwem, sod the Sun-Times wo du at American llrinncc mula s foaling archet gee. lbs oniy lighi io black Ight, &llurplusifyuuthisdait dala; a welcoming sheldon the culecas acatad. says she il "just the kind of Dgi'nocfat we means e upeciai time tu lathe gumt nennt; eid neo- "The brui peel? if 11h dIa- need". On November 2nd, vote fof u leader wake rhildme up matbare emd hoods, fret und heurta guothastrange, vaguuly mho is committed to getting Illinois back nsa anale aleetal, elOelen,cIa-resiI,s,,/s:nan e, ss,m a,, lina,ssselel,51, lleno. Ossa whianpsv Ups quiuer, und geoaving in the tub. moist, or cpi Io mum u bille grucm men sleep wicla the "LInd ni the cad of ihn nousno, lib on sde right On tfaCk, llghl ou - they're ycar mer- nighl, a aire gnasy aciadeluen nom," tice erlerne otated. chest of choice," according www.NekritzNow.com (847) 834-4293 kea'w lu gunsla' rent perheta Por mom lnfoemotiuo go - ,55.aeo.0000 rse-000.eO,i retInsSe sse-200.500e Paid Toche C,hasse icrEleiso Oseaba tua nawa minuse from the ociO help bring the pmty to vmm'oseipiat.eow. NILES HERALD-SPECTATOR S PIONEER P9Elt P1BUCAIION 'NIL www.pioneerlocal.com St SERVIlI RltIti tliOEl95I Publisher: John Boiton Paldtor du ChieSi Jeff Wisnor SenisrIlditor Cocol Goddard MseeeaugPslitoer Mott Sclrooito Opinion PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPERS, McGRUFF® and glhtslt000tde orlert:IhltpeeteterrclstaelthellhhltsetltlOrdrcsltyafld grammar. Howta reach USE ya Lnelnlatlnrsloticrtper.InlysiçrnO Lnitete,:ntlul ngddress snodaytimephsnonsmtnr.wi L besensiderad lorpuil retentir I C-mail to: esotertoOo:onnor!sooL toe ieosllslhenttsl Mail ta:LnitnraIstheEiter,NL svaroo'tpnulalsr,lOELode St,tula10hlai Forkii 60301 these SPONSORS remind you of the

WE SAY 1000 W0YDSBY JACKHIGGINS u ABC's of safety, and wish everyone Our endorsements :e* aSAFE and Happy Halloween! Votera reti! be ohooning U.S.Scoute : their Congronsi000l end Horb (Irlo osoleropronenrorsivos for U S.Congress LAKE BLUFF PUBLIC LIBRARY BELLWOOD PUBLIC LIBRARYCIJREBOON HILLS PUBLIC LIBRARYFRANKLIN PARK POLICE DEPtELMW000 PARK PUBLIC LIBRARY tho reni Iwo tears. In addi 91k Dintciot 123 E. AffilIaI Ait. Laki BIlif, IL65044 600 BoSafd Att., Btllwood, IL 7 N PlIlpIclAdi9545 BtlyaltAve., FIskIll PirA, IL60131 Cotti Pty, E!otwsld, IL 60707 lion, oitioowillbeoleo1iog JanSabak505cky www.elmwoodpsfklibfafy.ofg Illinow' next U.S. 0000100 847-234-2540 wyw.beCI010dlibrafy.ofg ClaIftAll Hilts, IL 847-671-8200 . 708-453-7645 und goverour, omong other Stole governo!' 708-547-7303 630-323-8188 www.sotp.com exoro. Thoen ore tiro folios Pot Quiso rolan soul he htohliutg the : r-' Always Watch BewareOIStran9ers, Don't Talk Eat Candt After mo 'Lad economie problems Stute Senate For Cars CatsADogs -,__) Crossite Street Salely To Strangers jYour Parents Check It fared by Oho elate orti Ihr lSthhiatrint J J frdrexIrornn:oxL BrianO,Dolearty Someone rollt ho emoted, FRANKLIN PARK PUBLIC LIBRARYGLENVIEW PARK DISTRICT HIGHLAND PARKMONTESSOEI SCHOOLVILLAGE OF HILLSIDE PARK DISTRICT OF LA ORANGE so rotors should nimio cure 10311 Gyod Ave., Frantin 51k IL 60131 Stole Goose 2400 Chestnit, Glenolew, IL 1301 Clavy, Highland Park, ILMayor Joseph Tamborino 536 East Istinti, La Giange IL they huxeueuy in reborn iyf9l.*sItinpIllthbfa5Ilg Lhoy want to represent their ttth Gonce 847-724-5670 847-433-3383:- 425 Hillside Avenue sa, 708-352-1762 interests. ChiarNOtoiRe 847-455-6016 \J Hillside, 1L68182 www.pdlg.org Stth Gnose In additino many onemou Go Only To 708-449-6458 jO Yssr For Dsstinatisnl oily gover000ents aro BnromoryE,Molligen Flashlights Make Houses With Hate A Happy & serkirgvotvrupproral for Lights On Inspect Your Candy Just Say No To Drugs cofosrondums. Cook Conoovy Your Way Safer Safe Halloweee -i -J If you need u rrh'esberon Sourd president NORTHLAKE PUBLIC LIBRARY WIKNETK.A CHAMBER OF COMMERCE the randidaten nod their rani Proalewinkla SHAWNEE SERVICE CENTER ELMHURST PUBLIC LIBRARYMORTON GRAVE PUBLIC LIBRARY position on ivvoan, 01011 Anse mor 332 Linden, WilmetIr, IL125 S. ProspeclAae., Elnthrisl, IL 601266140 h'ncotoAyE, MoAns GIlls, IL 60053 241 N Wolf Ad., Nofthlake, IL 841 SplIce SVisi, Winneilma, IL 60093 nrowpioneorl000t.00nileler. Portent Claypool 847-251-1234 www.elmhlfotplbliclibfafy,ofg www.fofihlakelibfafy.St9 www.winnelkachamber,com 9th Distriot 847-965-4220 630-279-8696 708-362-2301 Follorning ore nu' PalorN -Silaantni 847-448-4451 rnriorurmentn toc Tuordoy's r / 1,01k District Look Both Ways Belote '° ÇBeflorizslourtddress Larry SsOnsdln Know The Rules Of Safety Crossing The Street hone lumber:...., J etr Go flOh Strasgers erse All Traffic Rufus mown as the National L YOU SAY Commission on Fixent PARLIAMENT ENTERPRISES CASEY'S MEAT MARKET REDS HAULING SERVICE SUPERIOR CHIMNEY TUN.A. PC Seoponsibility und Selorm, 15 IfVssISfifd Ves., Cficsgo, IL 60654 915 Btdn4on Ate, WsoIeI? Spdngs, IL773-616-0979 ' 847-409-4860 SERVICES, CORP LsaleAIsfOShyCnnlpdRfPfIblImSTn Us... Schakows u member of the Gnose Politics full of everything but civility SobrI Committeo und sn-rolled club loaba like it Ial Bukonie rureyiog ho November1953, he und 312-822-1037 WwW.ceneynmafkt1oflife.com wtith.alporiofchimfey.ntt 9Hfw.tunapc.webs.csm chair nf nbc panel's Sub- belongs io Peed Pli015tune. 0005ereutiee nppaneel 708-248-0380 773-454-8812 Rueeing On Wet oLj 1-877-SHIM-FIX for 9th nommittee on Oversight We votern shoald passo IbI Inverlobrate Sorry Goldwater planned We hare an importuni und Invuotigahons. Jun tre- Police Officers Are 1) I-877-244-6349 low thot prohibits mod lei My "nteomsd" ro!- on tenueil pabilo debstet Quit Trick Or Grass Or Paeement Thank Everyone eteolion rowing ap mitch quul!tlysppenosoipnkli- Friends - Ask Them Ff slioghog. lengue, Ib000uno of nega for the 1994 election. Treating After Darts Can Be Dangerous Safety First! Their Treats inotudesu Congressional oleed 1000110es ntith'm our No Somoniaing olPoliti- For Help _,...... '...J election for oar tth Distriot. livo udni The meo mere friendly dislriotregnlsrly to mod col Borwiso Settlement, nr Wkonuoondidnte bIas- adoertenies, respected We arr fortaoolr tobare CENTER FITNESS CLUB MAYWOOU PUBLIC LIBRARY WILMETTE AUTO BODY WILMETTE PARK DISTRICT WILLOW WOOD PRESCHOOL with roostilorotv or huso "NOSOPSS" furthorl. turo bio oppooeniistadly euch other They agreed do en inoambnnt roith sia 1920 LaVo Ase, WiImsIle, IL 1200 WilmeHe Ase, Wilnoette IL684 Oak St., Winnelka, IL, 60093 dedicated of5ee oto!! to One etto! clause ofNO mininloroned, ho realty ride the some plane, 3000 l3lenview Ad, WilmeSle IL 121S. 51h Ate, MhAwIId, IL tormo nf ouperienrr with a nseiol 000idants who moy CHERYL ODONO VAN OOPBS - o Pionoohin means that the guy: keruase they wore botk lNmlvN.m3iIneIIdIilsly.olç 847-251-1535 www.wiImettepaok.org wwW.wiIInWWeOd-pfesChssl.nog veryenntabterroordot beroperx'enriog difSeul- www.wilmeltepark.erg VAN MOM STRIKES AGAIN rovout. The inatanto coo- Ial Never mot aPonai headed ta Ike seme desli- oolrievemrntn vying tora lien. We roo portanoiiy 847-256-9117 :..yv 708-343-1847 847-256-6300 'o 847-441-6393 nenenth term in Congress- olirst 101ko value oflhio Adato lien, hie or boo nose schema he didn'l lihn notion. They might hove grows. So they'd hove to Ibi tiendo enmged Tea disegreed, but they liked woman Jun Srhakowstvy, o "Please, God. Maim it Use Fireproof Visit Only WearMssksThat You Are A okitled odminintrutar, dedi Her opp0000l i s aeeoeut ho forlheight okoot their PerOiers too Tupperrvoro eurOs other -.4 '°SpeciaIPerson rated, f000ued in her slop." Myhusbond polleo dnvble lives nr dirty purty instead Now, someone would gel U,,__J Costumes /FamiliarHomes Boot Block YourAsteo - Eeereise Caution luso srknni grodoote, u piSow over his head. mission and ebreast of the laundry, snob es: "Pm lo! Tiokn nff"The View" pushed off the plane, mid- renter who hot never ¡taon thrrhornul from WINNEYKA COMMUNITY HOUSEWINNETKA-NORTHFIOLO LIBRARY 01STFEE SIMPLE REALTORS PIONEER PRESS NEWSPAPEHS needs in Ihn mohostreaon of neroed or had oetwieiatm- Herbe Goebermon, end I hosto end etnmpo off hoPare light. WOMAN'S CLUB OF WILMETIE nur dintrirh Jar, is s tire renponaibilities io oleo- the negative rampoign sd, approved this massage, bat tkny Cou Why is it an herd te bono 930 Orgenleal Ave., Willnetle, IL.620 Lincnln Aie., Winnelka, IL. 60093768 Osk St. Winnelka, IL 181 E. WeoVninister Ace. Clissitmed Deportment momber of senerulimpnr- tine oSlon. Congrem where they've t'mted the my four tinder wives und 18 I fear todoy's polurisution aninteligeet ronoeraudna www.womsnacIlVstwiImette.org wlsw.winfstksclmmitilyhnuuee.o19 www.winnetkalibrary.or Lake Fnfelt, IL 847-996-3400 tant rommitteen in Con- opponeoth hoe un Enoroisickddren did onL" about the economy, jobs ' 647-446-7220 847-234-2733 is torn:'ng as into o poi- 847-251-0527 mss 847-446-0537 gems rarrently which is a room in schon! to teooh o green tod rltim ehe clubs We seed u troth transie- nosed notion. I can't opeuk neId world issues? doSniteudnontugr. Those politicul 500ire the honed, baby seels. Batto me, that tnrwkn ron tell voters 1ko for everyone, bat Ikone Hare's a eempeign Wear Bright inrtvde bring Chief Whip vito! rospnnsibilitiesotthis photo lanka saopiei000. emil story. Sank aswken holk Demurrat und Sepub- promise I'd love foropo!ili zip Your Lips Tu Veo Neuer Trick Or nf thu Steering Committee, Costanies Lease Porch Lights time in olor idslnry. Por one thiog, hor head's snme050 from Congress Toto friends. elan to beep. Candy Is Checked IHave Fun Safely Trost Alone mambar of the Prexidont's Sel Lesto superimposed no Lorry the toys, 'my esteemed ont- Before President Ciotlity. Debit Committee, ofSriatty lilies Cable 0ay'o body and that league,' they reIlly meto: Keenady mus assoasinatad Conlmenf:pion000l000fcoos 22 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL' THURSDAY, OCTOBEf tI, Polo "1. ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT

diversions BI Maanagiaag Ealitoro Jennifer Ttlamao J Phone: (847) 486-7355 Have atip? E-mailtjthomao®pionenetoeat.eom I

4 For Your ConsiderationMartians invading Skokie Theatre ma Ura al Ita Wrath' radia play Omith nonlinund: lys. tanInO 2x021 al ihr Stege "Ynongerpreple enly knorr Tn:alra,TIle A Liecole loe, SloAn. the Tnw Croise macin nf A quartet of activitiea fer 02 ir adoaere, 05 al Br leer Fra- 'WaenfthnWnrlds.'lThn Cire coming week beeer,l Ile Stolle lirsalrc oeIl all'neo nrssokogellaalrc000. radio ploylisnPeerige concept with youngrr I.AnImal Haooaeredil be peepbe, ncd things that aro screened at 10:00 p.m. 0cL By LILLI CUZMA Certybuler runny tnduy ero very differ. 0000 Oho Ohohie Theatre, ent from before. And, 7904 Lincoln Ave., Obekie. A fers yeera bofoee the unlike Ihn peopla who Onto $20, mYth proceeds lo United Sloane aeterrd heard the brondevat, we all benefit Oho Shakie Theatre. Wend Woe It, many Amen- lanow what it io, we're 01lire Coil 10471 677-7781 orvisia nomos wem senninerd that ne the jalon.0 rcrvae.ahelaiotheatre.cem. anather world mor had Repon will ploy thn port began - noith Mors. In aflhnaneentor, the mb 2. Jura front nacidas 1938, n Memory Thnnlre eu that Orson WeIbe hod io Mihe Monsen perPeptes the /uIr epiende with Omen lion original beoadeoeL manie from his blest CD, Well lacro oled enneider- Dora will prefnrm wodtiple "Up S'peno," 008:00 p.m. able penic omong its litten. roles, 00011 the different Och. 20 atMaysre 0000e, nro, when it presented on people interviewed in Ike 1328 W Marta Avn. in REDcard adapintior etOlO. Welle' nearer of the plop Annobee Reerrt Parir, Chicago. sou. "The Won of the Worlds" Jnhsoos will br in cknrge Call 17721 381.4504 er cielo that hecludrd acerino of of tnrbnical neponts, sunk oowae.mayrratlogr.eom. robe newebutetinc an sound effects and deeer'ibingaMartine leve- recorded mosie. 3. Startle Valley Syeoptoasp Orchestra perferma et S Thrne Cat Productions Many personalities p.m. Oct.31 02 Ohr North mill proemIo new version "Och is incredibly tab. s.c. Coberef edìol and acIer Rob Dare xiii lela ox nrvll:pie stiro in Ile radia pioy of "Ohs Won 0118e Barils" et Share Coatar for the Per- cf the Howard fCach- neled," raid Smith. "He eon sknhir mentre 00030020 perlare050e iso benefit sr the ltetfrc - rarming Arts, 9001 Skater penned n'odio play with a do any onion in any eborar- Target credit & debit cards Blvd., Chotee. Thn encrent epecial stogicg nf"The War ios He's un nquily actor, faotureo Sibnlias'e Vielle crIbe Wcrldo" na the and gnt n waiver to Cencerte performed by Ohohin Thealen Oct. 30, perfeem Ibis eventos it lee Zachory Bpeslak, winner slurring ealunaniet and bneefit for Ihn Shehie 5%* at the Sholdr Volley Opon- l'odio kant Oleb Hogan, aed Theatre, ltwUl boo fac Make every Target shopping trip nicer. pheay Orchestru's 30th Chicago enheret ortiel and visual eltrenona, wed Young AptiatCempelities, equity arlar Rob nere, hnmeeooa watching t'i, ned Ooahtrtonieotf'o Sync- 010mg Beh bondie oil the From small errands to major supply runs, the lqEDcard° saves you 5% when you shop at pheaytes 2 oad Sibeliusk A few tweaks different roles, eoeicg it with froth oyes." Target? That's 5% ott our already low prices, with no points toearn or complex rules to learn.' "Fialandiw." $23-$37 510 "%'lcat wren eat trying In Our children, Cell 18471 873. deis mohr ito vietnga Thn ideo to stage "Thn You shop. You use the card. You save. How nice is that? Opena REOcard n store today. 6300 er 025itrrrcrs.esee.er'g. thing, ea fanny eid micro- War of the Worlds" nome phones orporiod cbalbon. ream Al Cuche, nf Morton 4. A Flac la Her Earwill lt's in todays limo," said Grove, Ike Okohie Theatre he presented by the Per. Joone Paul Smith, Ike Poundolion's neeecinln rormiag Arte at Oalalen play's direrter and nenatirm overutivn director ruba EXPECT MORE. PAY LESS? Ont. 28-Hes 7ct Doblen diractar' for the Shohie teno doy-te-doy nynratioco. Cerntnoaity College, 1600 Thealra. "The anript hasen "II's e elomie," Curlis said. 0. Galt Baad, Den Plaines. specific date references. "I thick lIc Orean Welles' Perrarmanece wee ai 7:30 We are tweaking sewn hoot warb, betlnr thon * Oper opprooal, yovoill receive 5% aft purchases paid for withyour RhOcard at Target stores avd Torget.ccrn Target Sebit Cord'0 car,ret be used 'Cilinen 1(00e.' It woe erigi- an Target.com), except on preerniplans, Target gIft nerds and propalO cards, Target Cimice convites, Target Mcbilese p.m. Th,ureduya 8p.m. thingS, addle ge few liane, and Target Opticala eye crams. nobly dann on Onlobor 30,0e 5% d,scoort appia: to niigible purchases minus aro cthtr discounte and the value etany prorr,atirral Tarent gift sande recalcad in the tnarrsacOen. Pridaya and Sotordoye; bringing la a enaple mero Ore pragrae rulos in store er at Torget.camfredeond for dntails. end 2p.m. Sundays. ehoronlere, and approach. we wanted il ne close lo Shot hog thie from a ramily- dotn at p000ibln. This event REneorde: Orating Target Credit Carde, Target Aisae Credit Cande and Targnt Debit Cards.ord new Target Credit Cards and Tarent Debit Cords. $lO $10 fer aludeuts Neu cards sobiect to epplication approval. ond ueniors. Coli 18471 fnieedly parspnctivr. The le port nf our hondraisiog ta 02000 Target Oteros. The Bullseye Desigr and Target ore registared tnadnmanks nf Target Bnands, Ire.All rIghts rescreed. 000007 655.1900 or visit thaw is nppmnpo'iate Ihr nil anse the thenlre," 801200 onlunrriet mrd rallo 2001 fiel Ralle nul rerrefr "The Wer otite Sondot rede piay, the role Onoac Cnnomnnt:pcinnorrberoOrcnz anmrcsroahtes.edo/tiehnte. bot really ycong children." Salice had le the 1938 MOnsoni fOraine nr Ihn Air. buedaaol.

DIC OHURSDFO, OCTOBER 20,2111 diYRrsiAnU 15 RA diversions wwW.pioneerIocaI.CHm A P10110GB 05050 PIBLICATIOtI - DIC www.pioneerlocal.COm

SHOWTIMES Mnouetu000 500 etleslioe rolde0 aso .«FsP'IhortrtfibiSli'Gth'TAS,,., FORCOLORED GIRLS 1Ml EHE DATE (R) aocsump'lnd rus iDIsowsOos 005ml' SECRETARIAT IRS) Th000lcuam, 100m 1021 u s cIls os Tues dey, r cuse rote theo lOsaler sorsduloo ars sobteotto FOR COLORED 000ES (R) shoepe Il no iuurisps sos prosudeh Tbuny,)?p!Po. Thu s: 101w 5 5. 550100 u.1030'OIh'ODD'TJO '". please sail too thearor Io, mcl500stuor MEGANIND (N 3-D (PS) THE SOCIAL NETWORK od4'IOGs Thunu ISOla s. Citadel Theatre CcmDanv HIGHLAND PARK Ori Oul'1015'155j'4f0PgO1605 i,'1hsrElfi3,,l'7,Ortiu.s,,,,.,. SON 3D (R) 5000lmlO'IE5O'ytl'TUD 5MW 3D (R) Ori 010 0105000 00' MIqhIOTd Parle .,,,,.,Mre'Ihun:OSOOIU'T:Uu rrlOaLIOsW'IluOOils'oseOUG' 835.1520-000 a000ertoeloOe US5'055'flIfl'O5U'150'005' Our orO'105'055'bOS'1531 7WcOdDcm5 bq 104114313251 THE SHOAL NEIWDRK 000,00100 Aso'ThOs:000'805'u500 Ann Noble TOE SOCIAL NETWORK FesFooe C000ny-Oo Soemios CeS b O ISo5rsn,T4o no Os HEREAFTER IFS-13) (PG 13) 000'51t'BGO'P.40' r Sue 1045'OOD's'OS'Tis Oli S ut 1t30'SÁS'O50'9 501055 ocr 677-7695 (847)673-9409 November 5-21 som,sarllas'43n'FoAwls MyF'Ihsr,'rOrsJA5'405'7'45 0000JU'lOnA'IAoo Our 1230'500'O5e 530 FAXe (547) 677-7701 A,r'liruro,flJO'1m5'0050,OU'OOS' Mse'lhuoc 05o'T30'I01S LEGEND OF TOE GRAROIANSO osuesunolom,-Tiosse,50005s lUpm.OeO,&OOh-IOO5e5- SOMIdei000S oewsonsoi PARANORMAL ACTIVITY Z (RI THE OWLS 0F GNHOOLE (PV) 935 rnus'ruuoo SOmd0000esss' 10pm ThE TOWN Ill) Tr', 05E 0 001503 0053 lO-O SO' Tri OcOIOS'Olfl 1:02-050 05e 1125'E0O'405'T:SD REREAF'TER (PU-13) 050'T50'0001,40'IO2S'I005'IO.00 wwwjrnbs-restaurant,com OoiSeIliUOfl'5hU'5'4t'mflO'1000 flue Theo, 1324050125 Aoe'tflur,'150G'015'230IflO'522 Ours IluS'raaS'000-O0 O-0 TO' O S luso 55G 05153:03 Ous,103n'045'040'nOO 0sO'Ti5'000'051'lOO5 WALL STREET' HO ipie'IbOSP:liLtll'lOO'OSi,,,,,_. 040s'fOOooOSO'hOn'F.IO' YOU WILL MEET A NEVER SLEEPS (P5-13) 050'OAG'lOOO TALI. DURO STRANGER (R) Ori OaLIIIS'IttS'425'T33'IIJ3 PAPIAKORMAL ACTIVITY SIR) FOm,fls0100'4:aO'155'5US tur'0050'tsS'025'T,O5 rrtsatn005'neoscDl-OlUone' JACKASS IR) 55e Tlors'000'042'rto Moe T900l000'O10'uDl'120 hob'lrO'505540'lO'50'ILI&12,31 100051 1100'O'JO'S.fG' uue'rhsou mouS-103G 505315050' FILM CLIPS O,bnp,°°l°5f15 YOU AGAIN PO T 9510:101535 OsroIaSl'hlO'Wil'POS'lOtt THE CONCERT (P0-13) rmlsauhos'nLIU'235' N Muo'T06r9,6I0'P56'I5IO By BRUCE INGRAM CONVICTION oI soIls, ololense cet bolet otruhg 95s1 - ohs hsppsrmntO bs OOnOO' bot SOLI56055'7,rSThlu ooS-aos-r212 JADASS )RI Oue,Iheroros'Ods'r.uO FI ASiI001'50t'501'050'IUIS'0U5 MED )P51)3( Ftc Critic * * * 112 lsrquuge pis. Autt 5,soes I'Clu,noluell"l Our 5551235'lub'S:sS'oUO 11551001 42g-1,10 Sss'flum,'IOIO'Ol0'OlO'145'IOIO Fri SuL 150.430 130-lA 011O 55 Geonse i-mIcrO Gwsnkl 000rdou wrath ssd dtrnoted this eduptahar Mos'fhuro lmzrinfl-001-Tl0 005050 400 TOO-Ills In our NEW West Campus Theatre te pst h,roalt through ses,hosl LIRE AS WE SNOW IT st the TennI eh 'Let 1h, M'9ht Ins Renoisnemco PIcco ALPHA AND ONORA (PG) JACKASS 3D (R) Ass' hsoo 040'r:solhUO Alter settliop or wutual dusl heut' lt1110 mis.l yst,t R. Or' Ser maso-s GO-0.45' 300 S. Waukegaau Rd. Lake Forest, IL OPENING FRIDAY: lash os regel ts help her nessgiul y SSO Orb fin For, SaLIlJfl'IESS'OOS' 6lO'035'E45 rflo'OIO'fOab'lOO ioprruornd brother Item Rockwell sou d'usstroos hind date o wen 10411 5553550 u tooIOZfi'ltSt'OOfl'flIs'T:tS Sne'fhuoo,IEOO'flUf101O' i.. ende sornes Josh Dubsoel THE SOCIAL NETWORK - SKOKIE www.citadekheatre.org SAW 3D prose blu is050sree, Isnyloldwyn TIlO GIRL WHHUICKOO Kuthnr'eb On gli aro cooled by bolo APO'TEOIO hi 0:10121200 159015 .,,.,,,,,,,,5°0'5l5'0990.,, B bet more trudy horror elks l'O Welk seth, 150,1 otwstel ths **** 'TOE 0051)01'S NEST IS) 847-735-8554 N-SOCOAE PR) Uersleos 1-6 l drasu Wsted R. d000ased boot triebes as the sere I dwnh wont trmerdo," sayo Feos' I I orose Cog ra-0 2e'432'fdA'5.00 EOY(L )PV-(3) srmof '55w," Saw 2," "SawS" 000011 000h000 OcsISr takes ofen urphesed cyrIl. Greg bosh fousdedoslleps'bsy h lïo,Oime Ase'Thors,iUO'000'P3A'f:S0'000 Tolfidl:lIi0'l20'120' T esr:nlol-OigO0c ssd,y,sqntthe tea Thotse 50G-Tso'rSO T2G'IOlS'ItdO IwdTt 0100104 JACKASS 30 Osrlattl I fis ProBen bosSe Cisti Aark Z000erbcrp rbrlyoee"Tho INSIGE JOE IP013) the gsrs spists n threeS floreAs,. ,Ioo'TOus:iih'140:1225'm405:AA,,, Sum 0010 ils 000-US-IS 25 Mere ,slt'dcstruotios huimOs teseo directed tire 0000wtiO somody. PulcI todal 051000007 and by tho end 35'o Fou-0es 121021G-UI suo loot sr 555 tsr llall,we,r. 190 met Moo'roursuois'OrOG'120'f0ttO GendeRS T-33 tie Juole000r,ethistirnnirr 0G-13 for owsrusl trolnriel, I0,yu,Qe got hin soil Ilmo orlo friend Sc 050 MsbiIorcunOESSo,ils, EASY A)PG'13) betel R ro Seo 0000'1240'012' RED )POI3) 115010 cr08401 rearm Ihrsa diesnsioes. Retch R for mole sed ssme drug osetent isuoleg him Too 0h11 mmlien fist CONVICTION (R) Olt'TOe'lOIO FOI'Th505,lLOO'itl'fl,O0'L0S'lO0 18411614 OlIO osI ty rut'n"oly oruds art desgnr tos bd,eeet, teot'paoeu wirt Als 10h00, IOIG'OU 50eS, STILL PLAYING: ASOO1DUO'lt4O'IUOIO'PO0 - pErE'S' PIZZA *2 sus utuets throughout, end tor len' SECRETARIAT by Deord hoeher IDol s,,""O'ght IT'S GINO SF0 STORY (PG) Y1IIcOH CrUSAiRO pu age. * * 112 ClODS boeturiog a hypermnlelll005t 100 000-suo HEREAFTER MOO'S LOST DANCER (PO) 1500 Cuopeflle essO 5,uerrrsp'rsd lflspirnlmorollosree' 000ipt by Oser U,rkir "The Vest 002010105 '. THE TOWN (RI IseSI 0055550 u eØ.P1 radsg doms, suoi Ira o behird lye W'msS'I ineS r, the Isast bile coral' s s *** RED 5m Cirri Eestnood'u stesI rim Ti Oeul055'ilt'OrO'rlO'lOIS Our o'Uu'5003:30'0550'ruOS emoenoiheomsu nom 2002 hit 'teabisou,irieellrsspeuto ty pleyit's sow ot000steth is * * ria Sue:I010I1I 0:151:15 ou, r000o'so-noul.00'IllO orts, such a tessa complete Drsutuo Rusdall WullsorlhOn Were 6,50mg old dore tely isdt tor fltrsei,lu,g o eultoral phesomfisOr, kor'TOu011lSS'SOO"lOfl'TOA ' Wuthc,rtrrL rsswfotrsn, etc, so - MOUNT PROSPECT Moe-I Oars' 025'000'T3fl'1020 s'ueres'e"Red miii- features Sslhico"l udspts us used rUutude te' Ott ho possible coral Isotsstfl WILMETTE ilmo s Orsod pueuo. Intortruestslrt LIRE AS WE KNOW (T (P0-531 $*82 Orcos spIlle au retured CIA blark'eps wurd fire supsouter staRen-oho sos' that Raorbosk IrOn 55 tuisaly Ihut Oomdldcsrst WiIme)Ae ut's the 5055f mood you PARK RIDGE Foi IalI OSAi-1.100 00 1002 0. esped brash Moues, ohs's outed siede eat seul sesselmsn uslsT3attnr il dnrply oulstrlppsd sil perueral III 000111 0,5 - Ses'Tous:OuT'030'ToO'iOS 110 CSOI0SI 008. typiowhy0000snteo un honorai kew' bush imIto cstusn elmo, r tosti w'uering the Triple Coso, -art tres sorsitenet sos Astir etory b,uroes 18851 105_4081 Piciswiole homes. "Ilernatter is aesrioss n w ro am 000euO 'no 00 s MY SOUL TO TAKE IR) bfrmsse hit sposI triest, gun him tu whip ope nimilar roastiob is the bank ebd 150th thom Zuokarbsop'u 5551555500 lieue of Wort obout the rost sehr brslSus'fOS'OOS'IJS'lOSS NOWHERE OAT )PG-LS( ds,nwith e wisotost cpb lMsry' sudi osee ei ti Sors ut tiu,ds0005 stehmro'obnoosed HeroyOd debuts, SAH) VII IO) ISOlI 500-0550 sr: we000u'Iso OSO et sutMeole Sul It is hes itssll p SECRETARIAT IPG( Dine-In Carry OutDetveryCaterinp Lsumos Parkerl draGged clorA tsr ysoci',ee'u'ow turT'rarn tootagm sut serbs uf drpositions tom ferles FI Sao Il 50105455' ,g 120,10,01 tel 00,0500 Out-Toes 205-9,00-TOS os corel eosrlly ssoisuely that it bc worlds most dang,russ burst l's nsta gosh Apr when you start sludemrtu eoousing him st irtnllootssI uio'oel,IOEoe SECRETARIAT IPG( ,,,,01'JhurO 010030 This, Thick, Pas & Stuffed Pizza Posta comes Stoss to tlet'Iirrr,g sure deis Durbslsr RoheS totrweetks wsedorusg horn osp Sur stels Mrlk property holt, lis clways'reliable Oseolars 1500-100-O 05 0.10505 liSo, lOOEO:02'TOO'OlO THOMAS ANO FRIENDSO sombar et sooauiuns. Matt tasse GENIOS N)TWSN0 )NNER LIFE Sandwiches Salads Much Mare l'The Tiros traonler's Wuts'l heArts Dudo haue bene un etosgo dsdap Ihr Jesnr Eise,bsog I Z,mburlstd I HEHEAFTER (P013) Ase'TOUO:RIO'TOS elI THE LION 0F SUDOR GLENN GOULD (MR) plays relsoteet psy,huu George prssrrsur5ly sol torti, brut hsur, 000nirrg St lis Osotuoby Uerby."Ueo' plsye tor prmshly somputem'psrmuO es Fri ser im 50'i4A'53S'Fthl020 TOE SOCIAL NETWORK On West LOO tO,egon oh, triso to tore lis tack haodios 1h ngs orth ere,gb e'uual retaSar' bulssossthotsokaslisn e sort st arogssl, psuto, uesmirgly Sus IIO5'lflS'olS'I.lO IPU-I3( TRE SOCIAL NETWORK 550, 900, tuer, ¿'10 on his putt tor commun oat cg with loir and se agreeably luttI tessi mulO tire ewpom,,nro story oh Penny deeply umrhcppy solA -arI 0005' 00s-ThUrOrOOs-000-000-035 Fr'tosOlOEOOO 000005 (PU-13) 50m louIs 00 sterns the heart b,t kseps g,ttisp tutet Uefodsrelsly, the ou,trmoed plut, ir' Chossny lUises Luecl the '00, bossu' boo munspes to wehe Its strsep,Iy PARANDRNOL ACTIVITY SIR) ADO-Tours 005'uSO'eOt Ori fico ItAO'100'000'030'1530 OTT LOW (0) beck kruA lu"Creeh," the gist u,' 001e ng scootered Mew bsrk troce site who inyso'tu tic sheep ard ihsb n Dcnh s'ss this ,,w151 lilI Or, uso IO:0O'uOs'lJu' LIFE AS OIE EBRO) IT (PG-u) Son ibsos'. I0:00'S:40'oOT'r35 Foi, 005 0010es Georg, sed two soreistop O 05.530-IO 05 reporteD u list or s550'ts'bc'dnul gutes his ordnoT'teunteSerenes mi,.l Ratrd P613 tor seoS al sostani rrlguorOO'012'O,0O'O:OO EREMO VF TOE 00000IONSO Sul lues 0451110 sum 10301 20-035-5 0O'50 E arenai- ohura,tero e breech TO sews er' people, Wed curl armo doulsr Rushsrd from see 01 corks sr all ,rdOt John drug und slsoh,l vos sed lasgoags. Moe'ThuoO 9,10000855 TRE OWLS OF UA'OUOLE )PG) eso TOO sno-Tosrorossr55001'soo'mOU Thus' 00 sOnsos olor tendit, de Fraeonl aol we,of 000yt000,suuotually dnaol000 ints s Uel000'utr ros pia ssthb 005eotdo THE TONO(0) 1110500 Il 50525 aset hiwi, bsys Inewsosero prndiotebbm tnSmurrr thrullor, Uribe to'Osrsbe bss mnuttersgirrnrssa' WAITING FOR SUPERMAN JACKASS 3D(R) TORTH5SE A A s Fo, 0es uUO'DOO'SOO WALL STRUTTI MONEY loi Suo n os'1555'235'D50'T5T'1050 George ash Freebie Molareet, who Flus side there sre Musse' sl so leen le 005nuh eel sportieqtlemtoy' 59000g 01000m'uO,fiyuuwQ sIc' 0O,o'Thuos,SOO'OlU NEVEU SLEEPS (PU-13) TREHAOEUVE n too 5:40'1205'O'50 DUS-130 I hose had shorkihy en,oustsrsathy Retired Gstrerrrelb Se,gnn,o, po,' artlytsoipouftitoof Fnsosa,ertpirip desto ero t000kod tirergh e prblio On, fich 0150,10-0,20 Ass-Ibsoc IGUS'lOS'IOO ObTUs 055th the russe ly lesoreg niseers, Jebe Maldo,'sh, Morph, purple and grswrc 1011 510 mie.l Istel edussh'snsl whew bet ish'bits FRANKENSTEIN (1931) REE )PVI3( ROS E MO NT retor Mortes "The Queen,' Fresmue ei Holen Mmrree. abs FGtorbr'ot mild laepoape. sthnr than es00000ges them, Dstis TME TOWN )R( SuL1050 pm. hi suo moO-1235'ESS 5011351040 "Frostloisso"l wrote h e surpris'rno' earn, boot the pith reolly, ioa GuggenheiM l'ThiS Mlqht let L000'l Ronemouct 1H rd 055 000'5J5'IZTO Oso hsS'1o50'500'020'Tfi5 DR. JEKYLL & lb blech eerse,ploy, perlrepe tu mooue tint i,,lndeo the siqlmt sI Air' LET ME IN il050ted the lssonrcelery, lITO misI Sufi'ThuO:STO ri- - Auo'TOaruIOiO'its'O:aU'TlS rTOI 000n AssIsse MO, HYDE (OsSO) 5847 W MontroseChicago show theh he see boas dwery os reni, a ballsen sorking Ost rath G seely young boy 1(55 SmIt' Retad PG tsr nose IbemutlO seIcor 151t1401'IllS,,,,,... 04mb iVe PISOS LIFE AS WE KNOW IT (PH-13) Rosemodll 10 Prcm(er anysocio the business All 112h a heeoy msohion Gsn0 lblltll suoI CopteS is beldeotel by u 150db el mild leoguape and iwsudertal olor eros Mssr 40e Fn Sdt.1100'050'4.40'T li-IS it DOE BUTE (0) NOW SHOWING - CHECK DIOEcTORIES POR LIUTINGS (773) 282-5434 mimi Rsted ri-tu Ruhst FG-lt tsr istresssertuenoes 9005g gun IChIss MsoO uT Wok' smoh'sO 10411 4001000 000 505 Oso.1120'OOO'O,Ol'TlO 0001e 1012105 B6 diversions www.pi000erlocal.cRm DIC 'THllRtDloY, OCTOBER lI, loll S PIONEER PRESI PUBLICATION 'DIC www.pioneerlocal.com diversions B? DVII COLUMN IVe eprecaliec la Special Occasion PARTIES 'Toy Story 3'new onDYD Audience actsas juryin - R

By BRUCE MUllAN Gnrdoaion Psatina File Critic local playwright's 'Defamation' 9h cre RwereslDinrrcre 'TWndding &Aonivnessey Receptions 'Osfamnatinn' ,°,lthnugh "Telomatino" is Bnprismal&Conllemnrinn Peorioc Ort 19 lo len? elli pefemsenree NEW THIS WEEK a caurlroom drama, it Private Paroles nr flerem teileN Nellmtlsl Chslryc doasx't cantalnaswnhirg lTRSTtTTTFsRIIRntI 0114 ROSe nrc, Esasstse snorter THE LARRY SANDERS 5110Mo and Ort II al TOO es.: si tflhlsrisO gun. The audierce will br COMPLETE SERIES EhuIsh et lessslar, 1310 mitTe Are., intrigued and pulled into feenrise en Ist. If sad im Ist Iba slacy, Logan prnwiera, Sr Aro undnniahle treasure TOI Re: sed nl Seth 1551,11e 115e but Ihay won't just be e Jto\1°° fee fans oFharry Shan- Oyaefegas, 1114 Emesimtt, entertained. dtcg'x brilliant SISO lote- Scandes 511.30 ne res Nasal p.s. Nan t lob ylfl-SlS'llll or "Tha goal is almnayu In eight talk-shorn parody cod eenaraespalsoisksrsaae write u play that, when il neo of them ont exciting fluishos and paapla gol mb OVO evento of the year. 1f OR STEPRANIE FOSNIOHY their rar, they're still you loved The Lorry R ESE STE R hulking about it," he seid. Sordera Shorn" (and what Covirihtmrr "Sut whon I was writing cight-thiokiag humor belog "lay 11019 3" Ihn playf ceslined they dldo't?), you're hound to Ooe day board on o didn't l000vr to have tho con- nay "Hey noovl" ruhen you friend's rocommoodabion, college, Dayrarrnerms 1lIre TIlE OlMO CROSRY veroclion intimaran They get your hands on thin baby RECENT RELEASES y ou invo'te a polenlial con- could huoc tIre renversa- purudise at Fest, then turns COLLECTION lu additiox to compiling oil diluir Fer obudnana tian in Iba thealar by being SEE. out tobo hurber'mg Thu Uodver'sol Benhlob WINTER'S BONE shcneanona of the show, an project 1x10 your hnme, 000peahable roil (and mero series entry soOms in on Ihn jury)" . : M I achievement that most Vence from differenl root just talking obout thr Der Bingle, with s'or eerly Writrr/direotnr Deebra And so, after the coi- BALLET "Sundaru" tree hat cuore classea, ealtarrs uxd ecco lenca has bern peasertod, toy-kosbiog toddlera), "Toy Frhrrn CollegcHunrer" Grenlkh devastating indio thought theyvvould nnvrr parts of Chicago, bal theta Story 3/Finding Nemo" (1933), "We're Not Tress- drusos mcnaurnsafinn al Ihr judge, Sloped by Rob sucer thunks to musir- OK. At leasi, it's OlCunlil Buey ntects to peli the hrroaiogrowp(icutiooa, oo-dirrotor Len Unbr'ioh ing' (1934), "Here isMy flurodsoer (where il mon H IS PAN 1GO Heart" (1934), "Mississippi" iba Grand Jury and WohIn U yet racheo aher the ',toll nudi mce about what they this deluxe Shout) Factory manes up fnr bis solo turro- Salt Srreentnrlting prises). Ihet on Ireirloaw onutch is Ihinh Ihr verdict sbnald br. EDUARDO VILARO,ArfInTIC crocecToR hon set lhrows ir uil the bolsO dehnt nod bsepa Ike 11931), "Sing Ynu Sinneru" (1938), and "Welcome Jennifer Lnwranoc, is So fat Ihr concept hou cetro featorres from pere)' boy entine us bocoy ano- N0VEMER RAT 7:30 PM simply e knookoal anynong Whetwouldynado? bern a success with leal cus Inaritrd compta tines of penseful end rxoitingcs lllronger" (1947). )Urdvar- Ree Dolly, vnkn's saarehing Would you call paar frirnd'l audienceu, galling thenmrr. The Latin-American experience the sham (including Shan- usuel, wibbout diluting Olor r awnng dnngerous math-lab Ameunc the vinilor? Cull tho goers to diecunssentitive I at lest hasaveine.,," roonesrorkrmee dilng'a uncorrfortob(e roo- core emotional values of FAMILIES OF AFGHANISTAN moontldoem for her bot- polirr? bopicu obrare, religion and fonsional Q&A intereirms bravery, loyalty nod (emily ANO FAMILIES OF KENYA joonping toddy, tu beep Ike Thin scenario nets the ulth past cast mambers Besi of eli, the new locale class, right there in Ihr Purl of the Pemllirs of 1ko family farm from being Ino- tenor fue "Dolame livor," ihn fuonslosiar 00ff Lnlse's plsy, "Is)ansIar" will le perlarweil al (Irea venas and an pact oflha cod gncsl otees from Sony'u comm bulb plenty nfbril- World nodes, focaningnn fallad. "WinIer's Bonn" is a new ploy by livannion tilteern) hauses of ormship. j FOnioby Airysol Trasilea "Not Juut 1ko Beur nl" col- laceo oem charoctern, children from dilfereot tonse, herrnwlsrg, kenuti- colime Todd Lngon. Sti lection), pieu a n'nalth of inolud'mg o disco-dancing "lt'n worked mtcamnly enmarIden end ecreetedhy fully nnmber horn's jonenry Ihr play dorsn'l nlaetn'ilh idea thooaghworhshopn isn't just about cace. 11h mrtronrmmal Ken doll, an well," Logan said. "Peoplo outtahes and deletrd milk u tennaga girl as Ihe 1ko weIcht dieappoareece and aorIprn, aod loin eSorto about differences in ldds. (Master Commurdoc- loam a lot of opini one and, scenen. And did me mention embittered clown named hero, which is censon lt ntorin in o courtroom, gender; sexual aricolution lions) hoyo Snohly pelt ail rollio I've found Ihat, oiler lins Ohs feb SS-pagr cnnenemn- Chuobles undo demented, ennogh In ser it righi Ihrer. where n proihenional "Tolomuliex." TOro ilest and, us might krnopncicd c3nobal-rleppingsnrcril- minulen, ovan thnos who rutive hautest? Don't chink FRANK SINATRA (SII )Lionsgetr( Afrieun-Aoonriren woman peeformaoeemnonPriduy li-ow 1ho range ofveanes, lecce wonlrey And the narmally silex Ihoic hunde tonics; just go out end get it. CONCERT COLLECTION hmm the South Side is ut ShrrwonUoiieed it's aleo uboul religioc. pnl ihaie Irauds up. They (BI) (Bhnut( Factory) antre dbnensinn nf 3D given MAR RON'S trdng u Jeminh North Methodist Charah, and Logan didn't originally This seven-disc set ba- wont their say" erer'yllrirrgasabtloknoaI. tores 14-plan hours nf PI1EYRES FROM OELL Shore reni ealale developer continues hmm oneehend intend to peoduro his ploy Clue Hunt, TOY STORY 3 * * 1)0 Each prrfarmancoof Don't miss tide onr. (SI) bioubra TV and concert fur dafamuinn ofeharuc- und nent wimvh a revalnirog at co African Aaneriean Murder Mystery and Dinner Areasenab(ycnterleiedrog "Drfamatnn" mill and with **** 1103 min.) Bated G. performances, ranging list of vcrrars' ihat alto ehurob, a Unitoriuneharob Defyisrg the ndds, the lnte-'flOs compilation ol a judgment, onc boletan Reservations Limited from Iba 'Ills through the "Ibalieveic's goneraty ieelndoa SeIh Emel, Ihr and e Jrwinh ty000gdgur. At apparently steradily celi- BRIOOE ENTRE RIVER KWAI coming atlrcetiens from 47 Ihr oudirnoe's dedisios. '85e, krrludeo four perni- troc, regurdloss nf cace, Pena Synogoguc, nod Iba Smi ha looked loe asboco- Call Mon = Fri lOam - 4pm classic geldama-age grind- chie wieerdu at Pivar dici- OLE-RAY COLLECTOR'S doss and palllies, (tirati Unitarien Church of frontlo sent and, when Sul then Logan hopes to onuly anreleosnd spncials hease horren and enplolto- (773) 267-6400 motion buce dalinemd a EDITION Svovaban. thaI fell through, beep the cnnvecsniions coda 44-page bneklot, lion toma la just now moldng when moni paoplcga ta third irntalirnent ta their Danid Leach 1997 classic A few yrers bach, whila approached Iba Uniiudasa cuing roan longer; not oniy www.mysteryltd.com (llhouf Pacloryl ils mey tu OVO, featuring bed at night, lIn inn segre- flogsbip "Toy filer? fran' chant oflrilish POW 01110cr Logron wan xliii working nut i osue akoatrantingpeo'- with a coffee reception Tickets $35 nSly wrap-around shIts gated Inmn, community -$60 rhino that's every bit as Idler Guisrneee) obsessed Ihr ideas feo' "Dofawolino," forwener space aller carlo perFarwonee, TRE SOUND OF MUSIC involuing en audience of noighborhoad, kloob, nr groad en the first teno. This bulb nnmplet'mgc rethoad "TIre d'ocrator Sondeo bal also moith a Paachnoh 312.334.7777 451V ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL enmbien menrhisg oc body building," neid Evanston nomcihingcompletcly tiare, cowboy Wendy (Tom bridge that's bren largeled page mlroce loo ashe qoen- llobertWrse's damm perIs while watching the pluyrcdght Todd Logan. nnonpnctrd happeneda Bohiveon said, 'Thren HarrisTheaterChicago.org Necios), galootic mnger for destrarlo'ox by floe iluos luma, "Have yea roar 1961 macmel gals the trabes in an abendened "llaruoverul years l've bloob moo kocamr perni- lun uon as'e importent In Seao Lightyear (Tim Allen) Allied forces gate the saper- toad eameane?" oc "Hove deluxe hi-daf treatment in theatre The bad nema is born trylog to onrita uploy dent. us," Logan rerulled. "Ihe aerd the gesog are doneted duper "Godfather" 4K bi- "When Oleowo mus w as vary oncited, Acreen 9001 evarlocenawitnetsin mu lids restored, remaslared that the VHS-standard IhuL deals with Ihn ques- to adeyocre occter ("a sad reanlution Blu-my treat- eernincrsnry special, Thn visual quality baust bree lion: 'Wirat does il erelly elected f Ihoughi now bbc the abroot at Both Swat, and lonelyplace for weuhed ment. Edres inelude e It- pricier lindted edition rel- upgraded cori it Iherelore I my about ouraclors about ploy would be comploirly Ihey neid the same thing. "We're engaging people A ap toys who hsne no pego honk of on-set mrd Irrterb net includesa has a slighlly decayed where mego lo hod ut ircolevoont, because wad br At bherwen Methodist already" Lo gon sold, "end atnsrrra") whnn young Andy beldnd-bho-scones photos. n000dtmnh and e ISS-pngc quality ofita nmnece No M1°AA night?" doing 11101 paal-recial church Ibaycoarm very if, one pley'oorìght, you can grows up ned goes to (bey) ncmpkaolr. (Pool mting. (BI) fV'rrgf Films) Legoe, e longairoeNorlb neciely," Logan neid. "Thut oncited foc the suma oeoohjusl one perenx then Shore reuideni, hes spent didt't hopprn, did it?" rousnos end they wonled ta you've succeeded." tour yearn exploring this Homaveol "Tefematmno" ploy it, en well." C000rmorroi:yicnrrrlcrofecro J BO diversions www.pioneerlocaEcom lIC '00000040, OCF000P BY 011o I P106050 POSOS PUAJICOIII17 'DIC www.pioneerlocal.com BR anlattinstinuom. Ori-tono st sisE nocnnSsnadhwnst' a adoantsre.Partsrmnncaa 0ITDO lisSaIs ate 010 nadesnto SSS at Ile innllut Steven CaSOe millOa assumpu' go. Shfl Lasen Ns, thnsogh has. 25 at p.m.luasd0000ad medresdayrvpa. dvvrslhtsmntadenO.IOf'fltsrmat'On, Mad dyg saint El saoulA nuoshari loo Alita is' ttiaatw, BEn lader Cas t, Olee' 'Thrnwgfndena,"Snsaghhss,Sal Thswdura and yr days vpm.und 5 sstwwauhicanscOnmbfiichaitargar proSmamianiso ngbrnhOulsnatuo0 t istAl0500nsis OOhusas's'Pamlsrstn Contiitrond Storti PAGE B3 sae. Perinnmaanna ara al t:SDpm. S'san Inca t ra War kahn p, 92F rOsy na S t, p.m.Satsnduyoundopm.andhpw. sstllBldl4O5'AdSOE Casenala"nad Canot ana"; bun;um Fu n s d a ra sad Osdeasdayn a p Ocanstan Ototaioall;uOp.m Tasis' SundaysWadnnsdalmat'iseasutO CdfmguohambnnMualaiaan.IBIOI Thamadsyasndyndayv;upm anda der'DalardamrO;tlprn Dsndsys lick' pm.0000v,DesdoundzsaadJsn. D05'nSlA oamohmsagasvambammeu' AotMn'n ' O io Mnln050pkosas al la isabla hcOA The Paat presectsd Ovid'; and Bals Knosos'' Dho am patoaloidaypsntupm anyhOw. eA' $0G Call 154f I 500a049 or emit 20,MaosIi2BWdBS,ODlloWly 4062m. aisurg Eassarbarehaldntthl pm. bypi005lomestra tdsa,t2-Sea,tyst Du rd aya. Added malinas at E p m nwm.pisa Str nafre sr patlormansas nnJaa.50,lkar000aad SsndayaatpskDlaigarCsasalthull slakhnm, Pus Fa'dmant In/SFilo ges Ihn Eva estas A ta Depot, 000 Mais SL Wadnasdsy, O sir IF Ac A pm, n han an "Inaasls ORth My Sont," sas, aMarad 07,0211. An parts mannes on 0000E orhsrlhpautaln OoioacAty'stumpua 9,7;ISpm;Eoslyn0sadsrEamlyMuoi Instisai Montan CIsuo lam Gagnia a no Evanston Everything seams Is an go- tecol Paal'shnw discussions held 21, DOlO ut Or tens' Ilinalip, 504 oar' Oes.2«Ot,SIsnOJua.f ODII Tmskeld 000i15000le S isn,Eaanslsn.Ii5600E flown latter nos flressuasve 'an ntaryoadresday lokals'. 045-570 Cal eOn Ove. Glares. Henry Pull np,a 540'$AOECaIIIa47ISOB'doDD o visit 500'SoDtorganaretadmlssmnmllltcf InotreeisetaAsls Odml005n Is f ree mm the and hOnnIt But Rodio o taury 2420000 or visit ieee mtEat' rnild'maaoarad tntlad bandan leadsa notco.inlitninthsdtresrS ntadeotd hoa,141'Osnsr'tDSchO' N0A1O,l;SSp.m'nta000g hay sal Ide Chongo Read Osamlal prnsantuso couds Ssarint lods a magical dEsk sthnst ta. o In Salat 8te land nah's Ea nsaddnhflna mann"Thaprsgromrncludenoslks Ay ans the spells ntsrt sting Paofot' Schuoauro 070 StuOlo asO Dohnany'n latoons from Ishaihesskyts ' Iba NEI' ryarhitta" do ASIlare, adapted and and nevar atlayinEtso tait Omr'a CLASSICAL ara cofia alt p nr Fi' S aya; Sp W, and t avIad sr Enfin Graneo 510pm Ost tauthinasA Eaç and dame astwhan 5005Mal;' 05055w na "lllrnnP eludas' aedPiumalle'aliupaylrislanio' pm. SaturdayS andtp.m Sundays 283E and has, 5'« sEd 2 p.m. Dot m is dis nvsantiio and Ostrsgesas sant Ou' TheChiosgnChaeoharChulnprasfinln COhagsMasOBraInqOmn,dirsttnddy O9/ItIOGNat200p,m; Oaioaroity T; skats 500 520 tor nopions OID lot NOlthmastsnv Uninenaity's Eton; Maar' guatassddenlyepppswin hisI te With 'Canonnes 55 Nao dad;ASpanioh Alun inutiann$tus, parloIRs elImina stsdnnlc, family tisAnt 150 lles ads Is, dnnlfinstnr,000rts Circle DOse, myslnrisusin oimehan alisal Aia p551, Ch050mas' at? p.m Iadtoatthama OncdCyuy500DDlwaOoaguansnd winmen's Ossido parlormn usIons sod IncIso Fatmntoimalian, saIl 15171 non- uncut al maI40 lar rubIs solios tos cnildrant Ion msnrsa tians, calf Onaastam005etv'510;$22 fcrsnnisrs, yaarymsucametrcm thasatalystdis a'mcloslilutaetCdimuoohOiohaltosn' 14tl sEd Dons onsisitssYv' 00 s r G luma students. Cao mon llswnr a ads ato an asyl's iatnrnahvl vert halo IIS Chicago Std taan"O's. 0101 srsialt mminuhicuaomua' 11/00/14. lalslWqat&005Jis5at pitsesprelarred MepanSlage,lSBnm.aaoonyos n saat nu 045, geanral sandeD Ova, sida Engama PaoN, CA saga, 11731 0515155 sautisglTh,discsontsansiladls for mmeo.mayomstagdosar. Ist 01, 11am tnhotu and 050th/stadanta. polcas tao StAILdu loom Mayee Slaps DahaG Ohs tAlan-conoah nasses uobns pl sa teatumingarlintafrsmlepaul unimntsn ranlnamlor IstsdantoltsllsDlprn' Oya006asl at Mas dihntasoltyohnm' snot mgi NaO. 5,112 pm., sad lar Maos CossaIt pmnsmsminsladns Pos, I, F p.m.; 'CaIadoal np IHn Orhu' Ira for Clan net Oc u and F oes Ar muEs alOpnlaaniat,"m IS Ihn Onsoisa Jena Prassaisusdosatrabshmesfao Orchattra sad annotoomsists lAs pon' soies Etola n Pd PiOSI 57 COert no du t' çrumintudeuDthumnss' R590iem, ha Lnatllsm, us nail 8551511m muschi Travels With Odl4Eaadawcdnar.aasuAu.5 at Frits Kreis ecOS miasnOlose pmn'tsnsstt latture mill ThnMstLiselnOE,Ohaoaloops ton Sn olla ted sna Asur Entera nash p at' Opame'nsntnusfllva psrfsrms050 trsasiOissiaws irla assis lbnaters in- lhpChlsugarhilherowaaisOmahsuomo s udes Dhnmplasay mUll OSI Soll k pa rOO oms att Eh, Sundays at Pick' Caolsm, Pien end Ecantlon la Ills My Aunt DtsipurCcnssrlyal nno ehsmthmast' Maptnlsa,Esenutsn linhats urnasaih arm Sousa's tooumpos, ED Srta Dirle ella el Ile llantar Ass sIl sus and sa' Dolse dtan500,n,lautt050'AaaE Sneulnoamdsthsyasanbus Paso, amash;sugnphiDsmmnainnrg liskata nasp "Dan Pu sOnol' Sm, O, lolo a's $00 IFS. 0h00, lt 'Aaalansmcoda dr a.m.' Bem Camlo," Rallgeng Amadous Assu lt and t ruas PlisnoillanChepnlutyorlhnastu s S0005aot,' The progium'las udes utiaawrty,lSFISSaridaa Saud Ihamartahstot,conartans SinOtat Esanslud nteomadon 184710965841 MY GRAHAM GREENE mamar sEd SympdsayNG 05 in AkaInn Sopeo' 1001 4614000 Rom. IS, 7 pm. ADAPTED FOR THE STAGE MY OILES HAVERGAL "Ins PreSsa 'l and Sshudamt'a 00m' AaalyaouyhamOurly Muostestinu DIRECTED MY ASSOCIATE ARTISTIC DIRECTOR phano Ns. S Stephnayl Apel Issaducl tOn STUART CARDEN asan alo a ana pIe n, Lyr o Opera cl baroque Muos 015aoldla Ike DonNor Chisegs,m' Ihasta prasentahsoby tesos al Orthaslraondlhnp;saM lar Patrick Dusel Chapn Cdsin'aapamtO muase st Hua- IL Pertonnnnawcao means S0050mamp A 201084604 Vareos AvesSe, mlewcoe prstaaaar amar tas st dUmaviliaO and alalIa aug asas at tnlprdia'Iaspaw," Ihn orgasI-500la OuktsaOs taga, na's Masked Sull" Ay 1aUg aun sampssl sa sItAs plaMaIS OrdialOSm 00014,lhenitarosan alu. 155 pn0150masun lactases nomos Wit'EOluda assnialhs00050t ollo und du pIn on well so co SpIon ID-ps lt FOUR ACTORS lulmamdn pOIS quasIs yaw meo' shorusso uadllaaarlymoa'oinaloo Seo muy Ann a2at thu plogransyor manMi 005550 stsnmnulh,ssokbulO Issus on and msrei a armet as, sull sed lheulIan3rIDl/$G TRANSFORM INTO MORE 18471 20541ES am 10401 470504G Manie aI Ihn Wamsgue paotollnl sO Llldtiahotlatnnntdmnatamn Set Unitad Method stOhursIs THAN 25 CHARACTERS yODS dmnnrsityblase dsaaaton.M550 Fsaaotan, 1620 Hinmes Poe, ualean Ois ha t P 'ses ka tad In IA 'au sa lags rAd Salad 01550m se loll 05l'101A geEsral Pahl tanniso sirtlosas aso AU nvsmBawquesrg lishuta sia Don SAS AND TAKE YOU ON A lassity and a tatF; sad atedeat ro te. 0kO, MEA, 1, 1,10 p,m.' Glorious Chorus 18001 401422v SoL D9, t 50 p.m.; Oioald und Hsnda WHIRLWIND JOURNEY! Rnbartoshswnns laso sao Piano Suis MoslvlaaSudsslchlsagp,SP055lu laluad Acldlhe era gram Oil as Ode CcnOart 70111590 Chisagc Osa ".0 Rnhadgshamanas' Marchanamauhlan' Esa anIsa, 10411 ODS'IODD eosmu mu' our " ' Fr50 aok ne Se sad Labnr,' 'Srta gis s Jnsdnma. hodlO,Opin.; 65101m ills and 0115506' sfldPato Oumstel 5E-lIaI 'its san sarl mets ring works by Sam an Malocttn000cntlmillla pracadadoy nswpasels isoludlop Jano lsrOi005a 500SS.m,studaalpertommaassnfa Lnwyuemdach3uqcutaPaadldomuO Dshumann somitg gunned lOtlYOG und lIsos OerOp,liohetu DOGOS Ist SsE Sl, 7;50 p w.; pnaaml Dnhamana senior o t'snan; OD tar 005dunlu. Dedo, Fasi 551, Clara Sohumunn'n Ruas Ira i;Doponu:Thn Aunts las houle atChios' and Mame. The prvpraO mlii 100150e go Charal n oelesmalnn Inn 00000 alt OluadeOahasayiu uloangameatul aise io a rs st M esisan lada Sands n es DN'T MISE THE "BEST MUSICAL DF THE DECADE" Solumaanh'OIyAna in Cannais Forts; eilhseeailan Bals gun sonseO, les- D yo rgy Ku tag's 'n omwagn e E Ont Os ring te SoaSe Pooh Oa'gd borh005 TIME Ma9ozine Clara Sshomann'a FancTmsinlMi' chatrsfChhagsChllAnna's OhulcOAP asS a 50 arahmd Piana Ida SirIlo W pmsaoominsludnsmnokaby sin lAIS In MslodlAesuaonrtedl beprenadedhy lotIr caeSar? ocmpasntu Hansel lu' ahitGp.01 studaatmeittalslsstV mays, FrasliaosLspnnOnpillusaad 8110-115-2000 BROADWAYIN CHICACOCOM mseda'Carnaval'partotmad by Dl pi' go,, PAGE BiO ¡IGNITA AVAIIAHLE AT Alt 000AN WAY IN CHICAGO NNO O1FICIS ANN TICKITMASIOR HOTUSA . Gmps 15+: ¡12-911-5110 unSold DOI57í$500as,1D, 100 D m ' C am, DiIlyIIIIßtCica0o.cm BIO divers(ons www.pioneerlocat.com DIC THURSDAY. OCT0010 Sb, Dolt SF100000 POBOS PL0IICOTION DIC www.pioneerlocal.com Ill

4610 NonS 0000000mA00000 IOoeomoodHoIg0oO Phono, 700-8674072 m .W DJN1R 5TACDSFOR$5eO d 920 BUSSE HIGHWAY I I LUNCH & DINNER :5 Crispy Corn PARK RIDGE, IL 6006G Shell Tacos (847) 823-1956 CATERING OON'TMISSTHEMUSICII. 0' 000nnp www.chicktesdlner.conr PATIO NOW OPEN CApto nf bent chicheo oopork gBNs000001 0F THE 5000M, Tlocouore Cuempumy oWn daily (847) 967-0606 ' - 0009090 BERNSTEIN'S... Tne,Snaot7rOO,Ool &OroaetC,O0 porn to 9pm -i: . 'e, friday dinner Until Rpm o .' I SAETSOIT , 000uulOOfeaO,;Jneen000uOeYc , ' - ,.'oi w, .1 ' 1010er000000, i ¿ r iI1.., O 000RLBOHORO BROntOlI ° .-- . 000snosnuoomm001rna000m005r500R Onn ' Cr' e0000sl000poee hou DAlnoorn '2 . 00'OsO . - . -- hopo. W 201G-Nov. 7, 2010 'tURnI Hotte" Hill be ehone otite 06426 iiinotto, 7904 LutaIt Ove, 1110:00 p.71. CoL 70. hoyIto toot 120: r EXTENDED THROUGH Call 312-335-165G op .. p700nedo ciii boyntt the tAble Tinello Call (0471 bIP-7761 Sr 51011 eonntoktkietteottevont. WWW.000pprnuaWolf.OBg h b OCTOBER 31! e - n holtebo0000ymphenear0000tna radi001uhormnlb,hnqie500houlpri- go. pr000nio'O 000i000m0005un'trOw 51 lo neth 0000elt.Tiehnbo. 155; $10 lOI 'RD R IC 0.0.2 p 0. COt 21 01 Ra011lFeO bebrA IR tot otodnnts. Chuldrar or- Continued front PAGE BO Rnolouro nI, 2000 OrIllo RoeS 00Kb' tnru5ntbornnteitlnd traonherae- brook Johent'Juion' 011000, Du Ter tow poniod by o pon mp e ou lU GOODMAN 1 rollio BOOED ont 6062000 lIto the nmnpellhneotsymirnnporp.005to 'b 'D 001011 Fn rouAns, ant 0000iu blu With 050 milI apponin e lito most-up pon' b 'Tornonon lIthe Horpi'milli tolAsi oTnonumtordoutleohour andnr- ttrdsnre 01 anong moldo et 00000 PO 00100 RabIlo pliOti2elberpiolotOn Ihn st lo 5W iOn oslo Un Jnluooln o. Ties' 'Burlorol 500illn CodIllo ond Pililos luit Sympho ny, iDo p moran in- NOPLA l!G.I,:; 0Io:0l1.H0000hnrsitl 11020010 'Gloso 0000hrn"byooint'Senno, elsdnsGllOroh Har000nlndaioO'rlut 0k 00197 Oho re Choorbal Ctohnntta 061 O C nroroh und portol05000. 140, DO tar MeinT Uoet'o"Lnu Preludes", Old Sohn- s lime o. Mo.rt nd Sd.,boot

Slotert s boy consort at Ott Em. 0410300.037.0000 00000ff . . - r 000n000np@n POI. Chits roe IS neO ondno Fe hormonen bert's 00100undu 010ltOl000dtOn Ad '' Ott 71 at the Uni laYan Chulol et 000010010LA0010EAIOE000 enter 02G tren tot 0h10mn. For trIbolo 0000mundntelintovrtnolandlI Jew _l. I P - -' ' ' BOO nette. toot Oit CO 00E 220 0 100106 Or illormaten, null 11471 22?Sb5t or 23, 2S5l' Muoio el lin nos." nith 1010,01 . insilIno J A Os Oho lsn001l ono Fu p en : , #0 litiO RmEThaR500lp briol A44tioP, the Ceic000 Onmphenl - inlminor. 610e, 60 tini ti Dodd toreo .'The eathhbr000Symmpeureorohnstlo,on' Orth 00010's 05-printlpol llenoh bol- E will sp201rno eoleiot, pnrlolmyq the Sur Oho dirnotlen oh lionne non 00001e h, nioC OlIn proprom moldeo h000rl's - '1 Dresses Cor redo toI y Oho is S hotel by Je- n000lms 01 0 orn. Sundays 01 0000fr Horn 0050nrbl ton in 0-1100 50102 '. r Noo 0°-Doe O honnol erAno ano quasI 0004001er Carterterthn Perl000ino Otto ut Olor' Roblo tohvmonn'o Third Sympheni r -ii o, o . -. Ho Cts ea io h mOi ronsuot Ihn o toi eo- 0100e Oodl Hi9h SohooL 2322 lenI- ('Ohneiolb'%JsOaeoOiaLsLSr'r I lIa 05 it 71201mo Cali hoYa ton Rn- ann 0086 eorthbl500. hiohnte 555' 0000tokyhorelionduohenn Slrouoo t) u bolt Ceertura 00002201 Ftou500uls," tot Ob br 510dnnio Cali 11671 272' JIb lrnpnlsrmallo.OpitliO,OOII L'V' 010010601 OolsdiUs 'n Ihn ttnppeo et Rubio n OYu mph." bals nno ho coon- o; 05 0701 ertiUtOnRlh00500roOaob, - ia000mntoemo t, CneilolOeioondorahmo'HoeQolion "hlnlpirlluelilyol MuUo,"wilhThs sl Rh 110m Defrssrs Ohn 010010w in' IlIon 00. 6tmiodto it lID tIno tor COn500uIsrO ChIAI st Ro 0000011 L el- tInSel MsOo Ils Cenoorto in B-1101 loI 7739356100 those 0000taqelO ont oil 001114011' 50 UIt. ihn proqro o loolodns OaluooeondülshoSbmo OebuOey'lFn- - APOLLO TllEAtER,'.'n ele Unionrtityet000nto 101i010l100' 000lbeeno Grope 110m Aals 100Mo' litesuite;aodlh001s005ielU Syorplis- a 02 .NiTue,n ,o, Compan lion, Coli 11471 004-220e. ltr,SEOAOIIORBOerre." 0002:000 lylE Siebminer. OoeSzSOlh Pnps oia Thu North Sello 00010 tosi mO prao- D0000 22g pulcotinT oonearli005010siepmiliOory.opnre 4Nb'?17-b RECOMMENDED ,nr,U,,o,,o,,,,oro,,,m '\, - noI PoInt O re 5Go at Oplalion st Bielle Nurtt,OhennCnnen00000 pnnolmual ont Br005ney 000000 DnaIcrioB ' 5H4LI-L/1I opnlatalmori' 00730 p.m 0005001 O Em. Sundeyn 00 000-tIligol Colono Stephanie 015mb, obb, mir nor 00 tire IDO tU Juan et Oro 100001 aus :10110 o, 2011 50 Alto Citoln Ilion, Osarston, os- Pa L I bormel neu ng brIlli 000rd. 97400 Loondulnoon.,001nslon Sua' ln000thneabnnolad G00000liO;$l1 Sparo 50105010 Will So prolenledhy TI. 000112 050alioo le SOU son io rs 1 07 otsdu e to end obiltren, JoYce Peniounlos, dirallor el the $ 'V5ibPo e!eeeO Nolth0105rhanSem000ny,eoetoot' 0000vsdhnhonebnnliorq. 10071 030' ChIoegu 310010 Ii FroInaìslObSinOlih edby0000rloa 1047i23d'410U 2200 0002, FoIl r500nrt, conducted nl olhp,m.R500el Ynolimnotam UY- lIIpi nlrth0070rbuntymphtny.ottot- artiotis 0:100101 Mallory Teompoer, selsityru 000e lb 111er ChapeO lOTO Shnrr Co 5V RIo b flouli0000m Pnitorreeeeno ann atO CUOIO ediotsierlude Bolsera nurlor 0m 0000, Doon050,Thn nonnino null blB0080 OOlItOS ionoico p.m. in tee lottIe Community Cooler nrdClerla00000lDlat0000lo 00100W Inoisde toll prol000ionOlo unb op-end- D todO V Sb 4 ClODO °-- - 400 t Illienio Rood. Loon Fore tI, 501050 ont nl Oorihnnrtnrn Yolsorsily, ceo nomino tmnqero pu rIs re ing oemntliuflS G big g O 1005S 0451010 N COInS 0100nenn. 71000 to 1101 Sil oto' moli perielm 500rons 010010 Cocoon tren 'Noose O Floro," 'Catmno7 '010 m)ULUIYIL 70 otO OnO 000:0 15 01110111 lO bot un' Forbore Ial irlo Truoporo. The second me iou ra," 'houle" o nL color OP 011O Op 71 cl14 o dall mo nith000id OOaIL 000,20 il's halletth000noodtnetores hu400net- Poluto o ra 515 in e Loaste, t IS at lin SPLEWWD OCTOBER13 29 Edward Albom o er,ns,nnson,,.'o,naS,- 8p.rn. Tloaco,-Ost ClolUr- 000050eItLatlO."thepre- nIe Leionroily'olyophonieiOiodto- o non nIOB 1mo odmisU on IsP cerro' MARCH12 27 AT HOMAATTHE l 30.ua.U000dopo NOV 19DEC31 I o qlomiroludn00010ini'u '011bomTell' nnoOare etolo rIo ColI 17731 7041057. I Inmole (OeleS tin bon lo r p10110' b' - 000d510;Debeloy's ''talAn tolto 01- a nono lt Morton bondone 't 'D Mop- The 0000 Onuamble 201101mo IO h i I lolnool 010Fl5W',tiboTiu0'"rielne- 01m AyoteYom"oed'Oiunloioqnno" Ni000ilHaIinlltn 050iolnotilstnll OhOkOS0iiOator 00 OS0ÇA1 doTloint5005'o22onen hn001rn;000 byhiornnO 0110111 Chiooge. 1412 ChineSe uno, 1000SUO 000hmoni001t'u ' bolo Oso .Haloh to, 004hneultorephnnyoateotrs FuLl Oioh0000r015b;020lononniOrUbiOOnU - Moo 9OnoP 31 773-752-3955GOODMAN - »1 2510 'tel ton See« 100100100 0 rohm'o OIS toI otudunb, Free loI children IS 2 10.0.0 ':L-rrlïdJ,ULUTTIlr 001601, muoio dironlnr, preonnbn 000- o ornons noonenOso banano CO .pl 700010 COnonds; Olust'o Contada tul und eeunnnr. 11351 000osnI Ir 97d ea g ill 110e otSrSOom,Snndsyo H lOa mo' Cue rie nl ond dolo aol b: cold: 'o lou bin Otre tor Ihn Fo 1001m mo 000 10 O einn wnoev000er r000loorp One, SO, n I linOn Co r leIte Moe IS, 2501 22 Cro et p,w,r011'FIeity 0104100 1101011cl i: II RaSI AleO 001002 tilO 5, neltnoub, . eight tor Sinoirp.' loolorinq 02511e Ono F101000 Frn-oononrt 500000102es onU 1407001 LYon. bylioroiyn Pa000,e sturI ernmhnrot UA, PAGE 812 B12 diversions www.pioneerlocal.com DIC '7050000f, OCTONE9 00, 0010 $ PICORER POCOS PGOIIC$7104 'DIC www.pionoerloeai.com diversions B13 Ito HigIlood Park Comesnily Ossue, noI Oliodosere'0000e&The Olores I go. rOI 20er on, Rash H çhla,d Fork I on loo io 10471 030-OhOM Lot 0h Tiokols', OSO, GO son 00 00 0000, 2g 015' TN ssiro. Toknls oro 0e 05 10015 Cabaret artistpairs with Csclirued Trae PACE BiO Sonto lOiTi 410-0912 ouce,pilgrim' 04000, $995G SlootO Ros. 0M Op n sign language interpreter pIoyonar000tOI,SPm.r Oulseo sod0p.m.:Traru'OIbsr'io, Goh001rM 'CooNOBOi000 000 Coba000 Ca,OeoO' Faosr500,"eorOs by raorh, Chop 000d SohnOornSCO'Obl.0554,spe: Ber550e some of Ohose pon- oftoemoards you hune lunch cisoseo, I resl'eed how poSormor Chor 00e Orooku Obb sign 000terecrfO Or honrO oseas f cre 5r Orseh. Miulsol OsbIN, 249 OD 271 Ors, go'egOola will ho in the io lbs eufot000 with Ike muob 0 didn't know," laogl050i0101prelsli000y05000 010- Clsarlrsr band Theodor, labors, Rasinlo P0001001, dOe-Cook and Orees '005 Jod»The ClodO 100e,' Onsloiirg oadieone, and Nmoho kido, They would 500rl Brocdwoin continued, She 100 Or000eo'O otOp,e.Noasollhe ard s,esrt005 sal nor kbi SOrO sento Out ruado i phlond Fork 10011 260' tuot000 nisl 00 IOn bordo poSorn- 200hiOltoalro,7rC4h5L000lr000 dolonS mont them lo milo bIking 9061k mooed B altended Ihn Uninersity of rros00005rJ050 000rçoin. OlOoenwrooin snrck'ol,gStars a0005 at Neo JsrnoYs Now Hoa500- PosAron orli 100160e bisos, 5000010 o Ihiog, Aoosoriean Sign didn'G huso what they Wiocn000boin Milosokee, Oto k-5 ta lq o r Con sod Hall st Os roh' onnssdn a ro mId alO p.m o Boor oIl' l00000tOdi5eioMOy,011b55hOorab M0001eoy and 1000 Nusis. 000 io ad' Loogisoge ioterpreSrr woro SODiCO I Coloso bondi- morning o mostees dogeor erster, Snionrnllp 20 OrtoS rois Er'- Sorbe Hai Tiokols orn 520, Contort/ TSE p.m. 0000 al Shsepb000 Also IC 000se, 00100 the 550c /0001 077776$ ro, Evanston. 10411 461 40ES Omino 240 40g,0 are SOD milS donor 001 EoION II C0000r,N 00500 00000tan D0000500eilerBronolrneiouof copped." boo/go language intorpeel eme oho hobnob loose. enepisholoigorarç Ossi trrknl Trisen 010 F n. in Raolsia o Perk Mio, reotas' OO,iTISAOpts000, 00550tuo,Tlroeomb Lincoinshira will also be io ,O,eosod 5kb time, uno lintsdinlbrnOosteçOinO gnnnral pub aolrrlh0100tiooisdniFOpooiliOn leill bilk olOu,itF0000aM PISO ne 01 Oho opothighl. Bmndwnin oso working Since then, Bruodwsin o' onndro 000ro orb IlL lass lyons NscSMisli0010ikIOi Sm550se Nos, Son Jol FO O Oso oros o dde o, ' 4Mal 0 o By HORMA PETL0CIBI Bpaodmeini000MOi- soso logoS 50015100G daring has inlorpreted oGeveoy toT, aal otud000 rain. OotOO,1:00 10004aosT500so Eirk,iR1otthlg, Nos Gst,"Tukeboa 0555ilobleot lbs- Coo/H bu 00 t moled isoeepreter, which io 1ko doy onO baking profoa mo/ar theater i'n Chicago 4e.: sto, ilarreli ist o, elli bojo sot SEIS ho 005,0 From 000irS 0 0000 nO obe00500iros00500lineot 00G ourprisinggivnnhep brps50160yOn ,aprogr0101tat n000.FoIhsm500nbu:om o/unoS sctieg classas ob and Tor three Presid0015, loor late Mor0005,0011'F ne'olJs, IS's no ooPrml lhoI Chor- oir lnslssohoiliotntssotnNO.o rl Oc ColSo OrsI Feb00 400oo. oro bochgroroad, "Smosso night She moobed to Bndo She was aleo GHoo coordino- srsinoki, April 0,209rO loChom000 Inne Brooks aFSkohio Moloc 000lh0000'o Variations o, 'On' Pia yo ro CVorolnOl Coa50100lOAljaOd-I0TN actress from the Olmo Orcos rosy Co use her oigo lan- doe oloigo Icegroage ictcr horreo on oho LinOn"; 500ery'aOpisospalChordr osos. new lelOuM000 pub ro n. No uoosr on' engag000001odionoow/Ih IS," oho ooid, Broodwein guage ouparienco when, protsrn for 05 yeses at Ihn 05 OHO O Od M leg n', clin' [osos' Froopnrl 000, Ford 00go suo rroled olhocobos Nsed090,Opm.' her marooloso voice, romeO o boobrlor's dogree ohila ehe was home recov- Illinois Slorytelling Ilosli. Mozart and Schubert Masterworks 'SasSiooaoOaOOo;rao" 00 nor ollo 0004tesrfoprorç 400TITho nun' n dnight: Blu esnso n rd soto n udc smaning reel-life 000rieo in acting From Loyolo Coi- acing from chicleo poo, she rei oc aro 11150,0 'totrodsol o, and eIlt Ihn Au LI 5 ppo. 000sdoyo, 1-ro 60000 OtMorlOEpi000po churCo and ployful mIncer Oeesity, learned feom o Tobend Po 000iOn Ori loot,," 12411E tOI Tot "WhIt's fun aboso bloc- Sunday, November 7 lE 7 p.m. ander 1h, Insdnrob Fol Rod, 000010',, p e., 150M nra s'io 0050ko. SIL OS, IO onstage, So yca moo 29,1020e.: OrnIons 05000'Mnois ei prnoentlt, 000Li,mhtJOhonsl' pm.: Nod Oread oolerlairoolbhn4 "My Orsi p1oyosaprofoo- about the eolo of inter- peeling in you gol togo r000rdorohol reHile nithn nrrc000'Thoprosrooio lei 1h ro ugh500 It, IO a e Sur doy ea r' llatboe0200psrty, rebosE, where Iwasanluolly prelec places you would never go," Acclaimed cenductor, Joel Omirnoff, re turns te cenduct Schubert's ns0000hartoolo,u"isr3l roso oOhoenoe,i000lobrsti000lol SAnto ON NOMI f unsold 006019 Ocrons Ost reveo/PO ehen oho poro- polo resi moneo woo rsklh Beundmrin Look thceo oho said, "I always soy 'Yes, Symphony 06e.5. The program eoo features CPO Principal Horn, 000rirs" and gioiosI Gondoll o'O'oe' Say Ihn 00115r p,qsiem ru ib,p o- 5100yCsll0000us, 7174 rs 1100010 loo. FeIn "Confenolono oCa ChicogoThooler cO Ihr adult continuing udunotiso I ictorprebsd far Bush, /Loomt 1011/ Oigo Looguoge inlnopolet Dm00 Reilet Orardeem 000mo' aolroh'be elli semas an i010Ipl0000 Tot 105001 ChambOs OraMOs' 0h00 Nel Kime in MOrarl'o dusting Hero Ceocerte Ne. 3. Tickets $10 $75. leroarçoo.'SOTcjSd 200307.32 sorteS ir lsohunlm001eolra Mor' ietHoleobdhOkokroIOOT/177-OSOE Cobarol Caulern" on Salse- $000f sod Black Bosemhie ciosses "sod molly hod o Kiloton and Obamo, bub pm.: RoboS Sobsrnosn rool ro, corti' e0000h ooIlsm005rg 900.25 ronb COnleoub000 ola CalereI Conlorl" 605, Gol lye SAlMe OIndre, Moo, el Sh ir olod Os 020k 00001 day, Neo Rol Ehe Skokin Theotur," oho sold, "I mot good freI lcr the facial l'ne o/ao inlerprebed loe She eootnrosn'snrsrlyCharoberlrolroolrn ooloiotn,t sIe, 0h00, Mullo, herp Ile' and popo sr macro sI the '600 00G 705 Tkeotro Piok-Sleiger Hell. 50 Arts Circle Dr., Evennten, IL 60201 i, 05500,rll,alnr op piasrot fr100 pani glork000pini ord Orson. nIb CoolS 005 0511 Hor5000f,[iso my GroG deof pseosn, who enpresoionskecauoe nOmo lady who woo leomningla Brooks noted Chub even they enjoyed it, evan if they roland horiool5Sani,IMrerJnohua SkokIo 401109 Syrlsny Otohsotro Sroeeandolhors.lodonobisn in- Well, for eroe Ohio91, you/f woo our coon h, wed Omet soGiog background," oho fold lowolo 5kM dghl way sG Ihm hearing sudiecce diOn's know whad she won 700150, Koth,rien Seith and Gol poSarm0015p,e 05105ys al 110 boors OhMIOC her roork os s my OroG isotoepretur sod reported, aoploiodog, "In thehotel," members approrisbed signieg because abo's very el 00mo Tb, 400gran elI inoludo 0041 Shore Centorlor Oho F,rlorn'op S10000000055000lb000a,S054h ca010risl 0010iob 0G Coogre' Ohey toughS 00h00 lo o/go Aocoeboan Sigo Lunguoge, Bmndweio Send bolee' Brocdwoin'o presence, drasoolin, Asod the deaf 4000rlrshse050'o Ocroealudtcr arto 9001 040410 0100, 040km TioNeOs OiOObeOoi$0000eont/V011900'rODO galion Beep ShMlem, all dro grommor ond a/I the prelod foe Choelene "Sho is so interesting Io members eeoily appeeci- PHTÎLFMONIC F000dorroin FMdoopiesocaooertc 847.866.6888 chlcagophilharmonic.org aro OC-002 SIS br ohidron. Fron pro ene,grb05505leokh0050 am. Wrd055- Shlhie nynogogmue 000mdod The show loarod Illinois, sdj000iool sod adverbial Brooks ut a coccers lost wubch, eoLo if you donI ated iGb000sse they eon look norsod Oreph004 4025E liaI s0500d 0110100 500inolt4ssum.For daNsairdT015edsyOOp.m-nidoglr: hypoopbe who wem Moot 'Sull I knew were my linos," bofonmotion in in your Ooce hoorc oigo lungougn," wstch ma sod see her at AajsO'Oieo oh."ElStSttlM 0100,5, dsb000 saIIlO4T/HTO'hSEO 000igO le 00f COPO, FrIS 090 Ood Sots rd ayo. o I yeoc"Wehod abissI and 2:00 p.e[ornphon'onrnd 00000blo w000ecsry 000 51: "Sib nibs and p.m.'midoiglt000,yCopp Tris. and lhoI still haooauorber Brandweio M'ppslled, and your body, the audience loned il," she Brooks said, "Bamony the Some time," 000 Ito 000600000 CroonS 000d 0000mo Oleo tO." The sor 006 Ouata reo o 0g eye Folk A rOs h5010 o000000 o I of deaf congrog500s, "1.0/Soro you loor She ululo, "After $ dida couple of peuplo laid me hnos mach GomnucnO;pianeerlocaCrom pr0000t a tu lii norrum en lation p nr' O bolos's MIo inC000005pnrlsrrosb Loho Sbronl Choroh HOT Lake SF. . Tornanre olhloenI Oohnill'o byle000rropo,lo0ei000r 00th, F000sloc Oil 1101000 OIeS al l'us 'Dionroaso,b' TlroprograOoinni,' Okokrosoll000rmphoty Er50000ra'o O,m[aoObunpernOTRm OlOç000ral uOdOOLsgore 00'o"ChIldreno 001lrHou000SistCor045ll;on.Thn nImios on 010 borosebOr oiti500oSo 000rloro', oel000iosotronl'elearr prsoamalooiosiubsog005ma,'ostto Isrsl5000rujroo for obi Iren odor 1h CHICAGO CHILDREN'S THEATRE 5000000 ' 'The 0000e ron' i O rIgor 01 Iso Semp000rfo Foods bOlrso'a'rr,Ie,' Rd mobs o mor be poS 00000 door le 'l000sllloro 0002h000l000lorn ava O 0000,00 naohmag0015 Puso ni sash or by uhnok Ml by orodil lsd io fort,, Lnsud000'o 000500m Ayo' osO casser,' 1,0100104 aoem'oleg,d 510anse horn wow leonpopertiob l0050l000/04.005,kT00pm.:'Os pertsre0000 sltholhidaotnt'LeOo' olouse, For ioN reodon, doE The Hundred 50 oso 0 Choro I Sf 000000, Op. OIl 6400.70, 00,0,00 00 tooluroo 0000 e,ehsAs0005lkor050rç 000.0:000/ lootorinplhe sorsero y Choral,, Sn' Lie, 0000nd pilos n oser 00 Oho 0000os' banoon, rod SteoO 1101e, 000.20 rerollr Sosse, alIto Milis r Cospel baS Yosag Artiol Coepoatso, per' 005mw 5 05 Co soy Colh550. Dresses ChoiE snoea Ef 000rou and Snrsornibr Ou clog Raohmaninol'o Fiase Conter' I000rC0050,415ICOI50000'HoreOs' caneco Ctoron.Dl/SrjlS0009, Is No. 2. The program a loo 'nerlud os lei 2100 05 Olor RoaR RoseRont 1:OTpm["205n000toeok'Fasslty 00000r'n Toortoro lo' Om000'Feb.27, ouslnioohor010m/000lr050,,rcon, eneb0000 ini lianoeil050aooOth, 2000 00 aIl'tssth000r program calor' 10471 044-0500 F6000104010 Lion, loo' Or000 E00000loi000rngraniEolsMno 5g O Fe Oyn 0/seo ho. O lGroioal ant 00000005 olem000p.m-mido sot Konlr'or'o Srnplo,y nor Oross or en Syeph000 No &Ha915209:"Olraaos i,IheM001r000 Room. 25 00000, 001000 annodo byOartsbetoelr'pedolyirs red Trhaihsrlody" [001505g IhR PoloS' ooled 0110mo o. Ost 0h, ilolioe050 S1i$0tG4.Nn0,lhT0Oe.:Oefboor5 IpsO Ofmp050h Bosh 10510r ng 005ro011o 000505 Ao' Thanksgiving Day Buffet, C0000rool 005,'OOmoetloAoMsol RotlmolloTl000m, 1102 Conlral Ooo maudoru,0 lmshlsynusnoR000rsup 500ea Sohumaon: Oar OlJellrey 0110010 10071 500-740k 000.milmol' soeodisoTimpoksraml a110bOne Thursday November25th11n-7psi 0,001 elI proosrl 500u0000'n"Fsrlo' 101000treasm, Opero Io 0000ra 000es 000teuL 05000: OpE 000000 F0100001 orP'ieoeO," 00.10 Orlad ng'Or,om o' tentures p040rm00500 loom spera 5001,4 20500 looru1050hOOr 0151101 1995 Adults0795 Kids (4iO) Kids 3 and under free oi000 000'Ecodog,"ond"Ormphoso h5050010rsoglooltheeor000hero 200 in o G050oo It ro u 5h cee 10001' Se the meneo athmmbblseono.00mfba,ffet 006,0, in a00050iloftdsoan001ary nr, TOO, Lobos nat060ltnrooSo Oso, orastomooe, sr 502 aI 040 00011 61F Su3tl2ntTlu rosolo, 7:00 0e.: MuSc' Olson., ned 000,5, 000 pm: 'Cor- OIr0010 0001500 sflisoroilfoysiplory Srrhoo' n,,,' by 505rg000501, Iron Oho Gran IrOob Sne00055 40000g, 0000er, 460G tre pr0000u "010015 Iron Orno O Fosti' Teatro dol 0000, Oarool000, Opsiu 0, 000V 000, C 6100go. 9901 200'ISSG sal 01 OkrM,isn Cnnpoo,rC' Inelutng io r0000holi 205110f 05b1i0 00, nnsn,lrtoh amodlarl.sr0000,e,Ope' l'aur sien was bmokmn"JaeO rear, sa mkel eve's vos goova warb And dc you oOl0ot00000lnoloe.Ti,progranel i Nos. 00, O p e., 005 Nov. 25 Fr00 SmI Tho Four CO500 'O 00010mb, Ieslur'rg los sao FlysO 4000 ' cols ro and Or od' 'Cus Fo' 10110," by eolOaang Omad005 mealy wad Oc irs le THAT sOr all/e for/ly bOjuotlIly coour'rg a'a,ssve oes," Cr00600604 collo Cosserlo ans Moco S, Oro o tho nors i Opero loase Len yo oRO 410100 010010 010, Rrinr' 0 l05010so'o Srnphoerpo 5,50/011o. Lo,dso 000lsFS,0500ioltslioo,ilh to'nneot 009 p.m. FrIday s Ond Solar' Inooll Avnld rIre O okpov liando, Ihr dry Ihr lam iy'soylr owkwnrd' hou, OS 5 p.m C0000rO Oasd presenlr English soblil 00 0090 lo Oho FilIh PrnoLrso 1050go, 00 HoULIHArJ'S band OlOndorac 2020/24. NoV24 0:00 000or-Ostogiuo005somn.00t50 veis and 0ko char bryylOpkarn0050rc mess. Ourlirankoy vio0/ Dry build p.n.:Fl;Iharmsniopeflo0055snn0o POPIFOLKIJAZZ 0500 0010. I PACK RIDGE "OIOOOOsDonoon' 074k050,lO,and M005leeosd000llnllbtaryo4005e feaou esel lines 0001Cl -pICo n select oo cf Hou's Smoasest hilo. oinobr'Koreh,o'o' 100000tthe7onr' NIIst5000roovby000 M000h0m Fee 00, 10401 4707-0000, ed 000. 550W Toulny Acerour O47,k92,G205 blera' tram hO O,sn Moldeo ROOM 0050msntT50015areeoailahto 050,l.IrOGp.m:Charac10100adl,a I Ca(I 000oy 0e make ymen rmns00000ee, Ane,bolls airoru culgnlsrrr,on orly. 21/SO/Ss, oteewaohotm0010rroer orj500j740' Pllgrire Cho clon Flagons ports re at 000G, tOo 00600 pr coo hubO belondo ge, PAGE 014 B14 diversions www.pioneerlocal.com SIC 7#355SAH, CCI0000 28, $010 O PISOTEO IR/OS P/SLICATION - SIC www.pioneerlocal.com diWergioslS BIS seed, s cias-pinos. nain-d lioso ensem- Leisarsily li Ails 0101e Sn' pnasleol hitr, OTO $15, 045, $55. Orasrel 000/305.DergtTSpm..Sho- p ooeo"moler bals sot anenpdey o5aslo u ble opens. TIC Nao. 23 5 porn: Singol/ sa, Eaanolss. Cosi ïrhal p/Iran dolod SIng ta Ltnn Cruinonity COrnus pill mokiaCopalandlllunn/$40/040JaiO Ir 51501/os 'Oreen' est affirm/pg wsyr. Trnnnl-Ppo loO 1H. boar's Civpo/iloo P11005 loose/ISO 0000050 10471 VIl-4141 sIe mail Isdymlo' go. 00,250 Cddy"Tha ChisI'C oarwalsn R504-SeCR '501000e 014115055' Olrlplp CNlcagsoit 101O 000151 SI., soegwritarvleo Lluehas.23,7:Ooper: in Prao ra legs/es: gonalO pu bOO pnosent"/rMeVpAT/betelr MuSic's 071 Is SOSO and 1011 S40NJO Cansad 08011 Osallo 00 la a no IbIOsSI OiI/SSOJ0rJN,2$1L'Os loins loiNs by Ilote DeLOP050 Chicago- /OoChr/sIvao le P010 PILOn 2000qup Crbadoued from PAGE Bita 1rO Ia bond Sn ip r, The Au mr a ra, a TOE snysr sinserr aia su lass ir and porlhundValeeinLin,"atluopm. Aoanrlon./NNT/ShO-STlk.nnumo oplr- Ihn lmnnmno Works. s CS moort'ng 5/ leneleongors alanrinnelolshoral Ost 3d io 4 rOsis Coalail Hall, 1410 Clallip Hunnen. $18/022, Jelu 06 205/ based artici SouaPmna Proales bss. oh :egled son. Ea lnr0000rsalnil m0000elat bI Iha Ceslar ml Conscio, ingSmohasedeltnPialreisenl niait; ars s15nnt isla. lslnrmalnn-. Ile peliulnansn,asdorholairhlpsls ecpa/eesn ho aodusoysale 05 OJOs tobago Ano, 00500mo Onnarul as mio- Leoyrnnstslllolhsoslals bspedense iunvosbrasbaoryio penOingo o- un.'i pv Suluidoys il po. 5usde sorNo po rIo os ois loI blm bsutigno alu sand op ers, 0 0. DeC t 7:53 pm: 18471 rrl-544i Orknlo 10471 467-ViDi perimo pale in MIC0CI0p5IO/s Lob. misi parlrrvs o mor sto vI p15511 traditisosl Ir oh srrsolioinntrsnraniol eorllrbetoarr000uIISI5 oeOIsrrïi' leeslI. 000/000 JaiuSO2OTS Fr0051 sPin00050SlLOgd000dainlni505ir. 010 001400 Su '0 OlIN kind is a Torri' mall rho0 is be SaId 110020-01 at SL Asien-Amerisan sir$nr/songm/lal Ont' enei rkolnusar.oipkss,p7:r$pm.. ugFiLsliOfltBrtlrlOrn 500IOiOnlr- 115v llanO/al Ic Or551roh add pop grau ji Will 0 rin ro so po rl sI the li- oeso a na OludoolO COW phme rna uy Jshnnloo ont 000200 Smilu Oli/ODO hnoOAos pern grs000lu500lll Os 010 /009 loAsolo," 001ko by Slavo Indrow's lullsrav ChOrrO Perk nidO, yuso IlolkoarM. a/egan/soagsniier Josa Drrbaalia pra500to 'The Wools si IOIOOJIO,siSm/nVno.50ulr orli/sIa Iormslrvssnlnrinannuollyeeder uranos EthOs Fast Trae. lirunlolsrhraalt ounoal suo noir Ve' Aeb,TC SOS' JamoS IluslOr Isiuhl hold 110m O-O p u. Nov. 0 lIS 111001 Helluweao polO ask elliel'o 018m 10010 is 022-Oho plLrlOhisT Imelda de la Coo spans lsllowadbr Tomnr Sornar." $7/Si/Sn PVoc,iS,T.Oi olohisago sis. Ihn t 1011m On 0105n400 Crarm pith so Madrid Stage, 028 W. Moloc Aso Ir ,lOilid.011glrS000rp $04/OSRFab.IR2OTT,I pmunonyllosk 000nsISn$uiCe000r,2035 Sheridan rnmaplion nil bvhsldllomlpv. Oit seiss. Cal 10111000 SILO iosanuogsL Surahvsniarhaer $IT.Sa005p.m: pm: Or Tsarine rlj005wanh P511155 Ihn Tokios String 011nmSla io na- uoopu4slydrioo OstlAar Tog ero FarO Chisago. 77701 301-4504. Skolselilaatra MuoIo Fasedeton biso rI. 011/01 05a6 cuomocanntonedm05151srO Orghl OIL 50 015luwns vnsnern350 Vppdmaalsndeedl no in 400,10. ShaeesnespallrnndHsl Sassa 1100k BarOerand Asnnrllernar.58/$lS/tA. 115155g 11lo, lusO sallo, and doublS urs hold 1100/-1 pm Monde11 Onp' - presso/o 55108115 in lbs rookie ils 1441147V-0350 Eolleny000lo:l$am' 541410 NIt Osudo SOIS VovIslo 00 0 onemnrarflestagerom.0002thrliO and AorariaoaiSlOnadsanra'ilCal RrsainsetTheetis.54506 Airer soso playors mill ncpnllsnle Tosse o- lembI IIIOLEN Jose 01010 ilsAalt alio, 7024 linnnlorlE, Skrhnn Call 10 1m. Slontsy'Tbsrudep loso-y Fai Cot bilrulhnvhowirglhllOgh p.00 Ja so Tu 8h Irijeiriae Mike Maroon indoor D007.rpm.:Singar/000g' Pond P050moiLT'Irkeisalaarsilabla ART GALLERIES Iorovtadisls sing 500605. sload- BENEFITS IV4TIrTT'iIhl oidslrrrrokoknollO- po./nlluysnodlaterdnls;I-Op.o. Oe0230l/he/NilroPH011oLubmory, 150151M 19h LrIOsi OSlO Menlo n ASO perlrrmo musir nom his latear co "up mn tel Oarrall Troll. $20 in adransp aleoonorkalmarleloomrn 1h00h45- loso gnous osy and vor bi sgpmnl- alnnssw.Tiokatsare $23 in5150rre, 0m You 0km II Golleiv. not-S CII sage Sendeys Thlusg/lSVsall"ThWegN lOo SOIS 004100 LO Vis Ir:npskohnell- S1080ViOlOWmOkOAlnIhri digo Siegen'nroSbsiO'Or NalkClOOelaOd FnrnLSSO ?tLn.5053pmn..TheOlsrk $05 si the door $40 Ion VIP scanne. SOTO Ihn tohat p11000 Orlad Os Ieri dr voll 105411 loleoouln ere held 110v 501 al Iba dcci Semasse oled othel- Aso sesendll00200anston.lOOlI100 LOshIngglaOS,09t28.lp.n.:0l0500- gomid.s14. call 1001/ 510 000 unJhi004lkol000lol090ndlu 121es- teens Indie band 11115m and 700gsae sas t Op m,.005rnrn B 5k ploys world net lerlode oeluire le as. Foi mora no- oi000002S,epm:Jrmmy4ileslsrue 0101 erOe vlselrheilne looursb tossI 'iO0CrIll5alIvpsrtsnIcslV 110 lOOpm.000datn.Tbotabmnr nntabesel loonIerbiOnlc505los's o pons 5 3. Nao 4, 020 pm: sough cot mus r 55. Des O 8 pm' Leali Mel' inrm030nsbsutlhslhoularodlllo4il 0005105TO "006v 01 70er Sornen and Osan Oar Thlssgh Solobwn CoelasSenSe,' lea- suaI Orts Dt uRanos " 510 SIring OnsnotleisdrostnddyPeo,Ol 0100011 Monos 2/Iba Oinnnlserlr il' psp/rock red bluest 010 Prov. IL a dauiaedJ;m KeasMallolkaodomeri' Vii OST srsisnlrwm.nuuemonhtha- AUDITIONS N tin050gOdpm'Srnroilsa remi 51159 Ipleniol laauscapes on paper Oncaismald h'sllageOalt V900N lin- S500nprisCpolruolesllislokopr - OsaI VIO osedols, artists ond snaIls' an lIso hl/-ip o. 8004 st Ins/dr p.m:Jrhnnyrlynr OIS Nas,1O,9p.m: oaeal.ttû un ssaanoa:015 alise door stramm eswo.ib The Ossiralanp 0k OPPORTUNITIES al 0005hsny nnd aremlorSI loo Ansnglislol.N0060onn Charlonun and assen by VIsnolsarios Ted sun Aso, Li000 na 058 5011010 hnuiv.Y veo massi db Sol ges Io be held yo osso Ion',sI 1500 OloroSo Al.. JI & the EmuLi. The Leeds eno T rase Rok-sta ler CaoOeih Aall ci loirA- Flirt Sham,lsatuineg Pink FloodS hosNI presnntr"Coeleodonoola 001155 00. Vpm.MrOdaA-Friniaycnnlarl 011 VIsO 6ydphollald Chhsops Phi - lrnmll,v-SiOps.N000ulEsro Ecarslnn liskels ora OVO psrlorsmn eus sgosuo Cebanat Canton" 8007, T p rn str 51054 NusmumsltoSatNodtmovlrrr Shirley Onqelulen, lins odo oosrdbos- hoinslir. Fol 5111051 Or, isnlurt HuO 001m 100 4 os Tonno tip Is mich o himhi 15000050 lsrlo'oveIlspprl o 15001ro rub Neil 015m onO' sta ir ng Ilsisaruill,4OAIIICuIOIeD ne I5O/Ori/VIN-S006.ThlooghNoo.S'S 4uols lonolste 0I03l50e5 lirposool- OSItev al 10411 VOn-1131 01 Csnoocoliop HS500nmpslsrSI ais and ovo basolapo Isbiub bio-Ami Serving Lunch & DinnerEvery Day! Siero 00001110 dos, 14, 2 p m: psoed' IconO/orn 15471 40-OSSO v060bl000- Postmr InI lbs lins 5110" molOs bp ng Ihe insolados VanI 15053 Coo dgoldnn( GeNios cou Idos o Cul Yo oyeagmgus 0191v st I5ISI01I/no II 5e 1011.0/lt ralltnbsb- no ka un. NoV 14, 0 pm: 3MO Tilo murmumuisltheaslernede.tal ely sole rL 0 1000, Lrs n s monk is incg net o 155015m OSSo 55401V dOrSOS 10v . tIV p Lt 11847/ OKTOBERFEST Live Entertainment Salol Nos,itbpni.:lowaLnma Pro' horsoielLoli.-5 pni.Ioesdalc,Lel- mnporllypnnlc5rapks loNnalmoollI i' pieosolo'SerSsnla NI Lo 5" urdals and Oondapo IS e.v-O p sod oVile biassIng in Ihn On led 5101es 010-lootoIomlom:noitrholloeno- SEPT! I THRU NOV 6Thursday thru Sunday l'GronamooMuLndl"I lAi ipieo/nlklu' NsdsSsdsyO INSIstaIS sOl 118015, sot sonroses. Ho loSasIs Is mntarollo The Sko1ie:Va1Iey rindlIno, 21, 2 pm' Juno0 Osmsn'r Han soon Ir Ihn mennum 101100 us' inoeb/erlo an soll ed en de0050, ossi- Thdh/ragrSInOs Camera Club loll MAKE YOUR Banquet Ream for "lnappnnse rloiit'Som.2iTprn:Ton Issonetod,udmilusnloal plopIsmo danO londssspee Osa osllialln. IonI ill h/nd unPooVtlunagd 1/gol- houselnlorOel OsaI Ootubitisn II RESERVATIONS NOW all of Your Events AsIlada and Woo lost p01151W songe salsuIrooThlov40000iO Seso Col' PVaithwouIesrLnioarnN4°0110550u llusbdnd Mit rile lolO rInk lIso The Woopims sill psrlsrm oliO p_m. by TierNo nella, Osen Medir, Tool 4h L me u Oie L oPa Liool'. Isulu dog Snelle Su IdinE 2245 callous El/mo, 5151es Pnolmgrapiy"alllso 110.25 olt SOnt SIOCE in 00010101,1240 Cti0000 000 6161 ropneosnolvn' n000nil, Tsr Jonas orI oliere. laledlsosngo dyibe Onsenisan allot Esa porno moss/n DOC & GIro Ve old atioki055 50050 lICol 000, 4010' HUNTERS FEST 050152011 or call 18401 4H2'NOLO 16 Import OPACO0 1L40 Chicago rca., EOanolsn. nthamen gallnry.NaoT0Vp.m: N 00008" nello by Len opio. Tir r col' OIs 0000015 lssmO101 11u1&Lp NOV 12-21 e055e.050 psis rupaoe mm. lOITI 490' Geleiy TelO nreft LilImso, n000u0lm lspl050lpolIraiound psirOflalols- 5015000 00540/is nlslmalissahlo' Beers On Tap r sdrohmti/ionloo loren 2-Cnrnsinnvl SMOKED ELK Anuo ONoro alrp ru. ocIoso noted 150101 nI/ho Oramisg ConISi Also ml se oh sss hoy O osa so Iba nues s es lusnssslondoi snoop1 es St Ois 101051 ChulohSt EoansIoo 10H11 000-0184 gncloolapursldonoln:notIOr000i VENISON LlhensruOo Ast SS, O p n.: Siann York, and sulalsi al'tnsn 50151. tse Ir o 810ko wronl05110or551tOo,V-rp.m.:Ji Weekend polsrioedgla000s.00llo OLOOaI book, ChinoSOcJ0O/codoslßrdo MullinsO2ZIt2S Ortd2.11p.m:Tdn Olin LiNra 1105F; Imato or la-Su loro Playas Cslhunat AnIs Centan Enhle14 Opns Mio isrsvgnr0 psel0 011101' RABBIT lashgioeoH avd3-llovnsinal cove BordarnflSokoloro,O517 y ci roSi. Beer Wne000 1101k oINt 000/tus cotta d0500s on 01100 erhibi005.Thlaugh PiT Ospesil Enenston 18411 reN- tobago 11731110 LIII N005,7 lW.l 510 01005 0mahoagnslu-iOOtsosIn WILD BOAR CHOPS uso Funnlnran.SlS/515 Naso: Odas PeolO'Shl/nNeoisteeploma 5500 Opes iO am.'? p n. uesdal-Sul- aId 000011Fb pI 110 Im le closed lui- d Spedols da lonjead le le g or irr O 5N ip roo lieht 25501e Our Osotmea rmsislranlInreguimt PHEASANT Ore nl 1h10 aol. OIL/OTO. Nao 4u Joy Tui sidos and noesd InsIdIan snbylhn erday, IO o m-h p s. Sunduys. Obvio u nonhnmntnrmssunn Ininmom dono- mIl OboSuos snooigllerboshs,01y "Es'OCIIO-llollommml 055014 110m 7650 IRVING PARIS RD NIORRIDGE 708-452-6040 lion st Oh ml ingusulod al lie door. Pin- 01m Il SabOr bara Jo Insist 120/005. lranian-bprn s od J. 0-0 uSed Ohotog la- siso io Ire, Through Nos. Sta ' ILls SI' HImboadlhe/lIa050r 011/hop/napt IS a 0.5550 Oct 50 In 10m Empio il toni 45v, 5 T p n: Pinelrp 1514155 ritO ISO POsI oudnoentuutaarlhlmmeloi,iilbe oSado dnnslb 755 Chiosgo liyhlhoLoa tsr," volks by Posera Odslo,e 0111/SalITO eoulb0000ktmnCs0000ilyCnstei WlIie"Blg 0555'SmnLhBandiS2lOSP. llndenl/allnny.Nsn.00pm..Ol000 Mgordn-5 ors nselptsn sorO ng nilh lorPesvlomhoOreonntnrosualll Llprnlnvnad PobOs Ohmry, lb SO O HiOlOnkl000L04005, les lull n5H51- 01011 .ImlOimIOSliOS,s Sil 800,0,10 pn:llnraylslendgenmp Bosh Clot Woman oqticulhynybr coons ObelaodieoAsletmplsilale 1105 en500le nope ado lests, ori B illpíu,.:sagSolonamsevnrsLluhmlgllm 715150m IOOIlVl/-OSTSIonwIunus - I bandl00105ionO 0i211i5.450,OT mesi un aethsn She hnnush Porn pun Orl- OaMon Cavwuelty 0805go, (sche- pro ssnsendmolo.FonIaaislsivalios. SOI hIn nIi005TbialylIg IIa.R100SivsoO- pm: 001k1 Slog sis Chambnn olees lea' en Sdoaldo, assodato proleuson SI Ine M550um oIAlI,ih$SLGallpnOt na l/OHIIOIH-liOtnstSIOO The Nus'oatOlInIng Il Esaploen,l o osml/alVOvlrOoIWSr/dVOlnOS Icing 50 Io RadInO IbiserI 005/OSO. Ossi 50 anO comparo/loo RnelulySlud- One Pldnsa.1047/OhS'SOOOOO,ldok FeilyIslalrAl,sosltornsluse Mo- hslu n balali 11cv 2 Op o. 0000 ab COILS Modulo Nos. Nu 10 por ' Peler Poyan Iluegraos ins olNndh055101O's 041001g Col oso lnlddu/mos000 Gallery hoenols I l'oser 00P01511omnrs4ltmo.willOe SPICE ilsOCi mugs Icv,00005lsn O SALE O !_ 0500 022/225. Neo 1. 7 pm' Mel 8891e- vI OlIn mrd Scuessno im:lI metorals a n m'O pm. Mondan'Pildair II 0W '4 cpaollonsn-Igv.00tuloedl000r- 14e ddl Imliudno ola 111 aId soliclino OGNAISCAST sloe and yole MnlLeod lIn 1/ 0151515, ssnsvroal 05 Shout lie besk. O $20 tee pm SeluidmNsThnasqhtoo.&Its 250.00t305ttOsW oWns's C 0h01 lorihldrsn.ioedanduli500 osi sol 50e, R Tom. sod IO pm.l Dl. John 4 mnsludeua050holllennrel Toras/e' Ilonas's end Esndarotutios PregrsW 00510101 liLOChr0000000, OsanoisO nuslion sIll psnislslapoe el 'O Oasi." OoersobSaoo,do a05000la000' lbs Lomar Oli 1T004/l055i $301200 Nao, loo a-nOI blisksduroh550lodSwnol' 0100kisr Presosta 'NS Ilesa Like 4 01001 O1,Pi m11505050010n1 Sunco 0000ioollhedtvl pimln.t,sNalOOl5. gilvo notch logo Irons thus lsdr al tolere Super Old nasca 1100 Ni Oil. olnords PVSCW,Dpm.: Hdnndlg- Home. ssamioisg Cha Ogiog Ln od loape ardolholola1511100els0000hildmni 510 sisdenlo ant ven 010 NoIi the OulloinsillLlnm/ckildgous Non.itllDilrniuunia,JoyNarlu 51550100 Leon GOIsI Sod Shir n On' inOsnlLsnS'a/si'edashbullSnlnslur Eoansloe,n llappsulon Ihn 110 radio Ot000SsOOle 501 mo0051 000 nl Mall Sake $15/55. NoniO Mmdl Sm ill nmOmroaoslsrepenosom 010511 00k sNob" Anisando CadaOa, piolermor si lsg 0018 by vom Iheo OS co nes PII gn500l Solio/mp' sl/pv 00m. o 015015 dssigsedlelnatureadiller lccuotryl.05lSOlAtsolhIpm-Alln Box Office: ge gLOSO 10411 P506010 s 0001150, Pnlnletsn UnivnlOilSaadAar- 511101v. 751010 107 20515010usooi5- onIsEl Olrnsslol yorlh000Thvlra I Paul 1/mINO $02/OS. Nan.iO,IOpm..Tsb lasse Khanna,MsngaroITnlloSwitN Ponnpe000nGnaupankp405sgmphN 347.673.6300 mIudsosloNO vIO 2000510 Syrrlok. lt isdeal i0110mI01000pl05g00mh0 benomllbleeo/rcrki$OT/020Aor,i4l 000909090 POETRY OieslonelWoman's SILOPOSSkOLOr OOIIOIN, lAIS-1120 Clli0005 OVO, i lrnmpailOon050lorso,ardlopvio ara Odouragsdbocs000000lona. /llrthapuo Slolais soothe PuranloCa oaioi51 a s0005IlS tlaalmsnl 070g' 05005lss,050l-Ini-pmst,oamoum ly' wwov, northohorecenteo org Costperpenonlosnlillstildhm101u Sodel0000kaeldMuslm,li520ap o ClioiRI on Park 54gm do loI Ovuh 10lIT. O 0/Oit 145v. tS: MnïnSe Mur shoe- pinsmloo in ho o mark OS Oolub Ont ollerlad000peraioe9050n p0000515 SOnno CvsisanH10 1/ro miOsIs orsO ha ponolucet ai lOo dom Pcc.CooleliLollole550su4Spo Aso, Eoansioo 11011 103-SOOt Ost SI, Iolgsson,llll000loeltn asdielliot leo 0201330 NaoTb 0 p51: OobOy S054ut NOv, TI, IO um: Odovaleg the Is p100000 photogiaphy an One art llrcioroorirsg 7465 Ins SOcOlo OIlelbo so nay also peSCase kg tI dllsirsoisnia crOnnulosInlI nidns 0-/p.m 105011 McOioq null duooeso 0es IdeO 0, lnoo high sot P5 h Long $121015. Nov98 Ouilanilt POLO Ayo nndeS, Osibaro Crane end erst Snilelliosroarenoso Spis Thun' T Y5Oh000lse0rivlvovrd, Skoliss, IL 0000ko ono rolleshoentn sO 100 1101's ssds 50 /Iodlcylolss/p/0 lu/Her yolllinger$lrl020 NOBlSiSnllFileell'e is m N in i dimimos is Cs n loops la ny Pos- nay-Saloldoli 011o-O p y. Sundays. O from pOctOIg.hnothnoppod Onceanibln 10050 sPmlshçoik.Folololn aliso 7050cl 25 Snd,ma ChurcO 00211e CHILO'S PLAY Sslslvor richest taos/sullen Ocgraphy,'OilLlmaaloiOiosk 0050um Oeil hllp/Snropaslssgallurymrg 01 E/gol larSoHlaIJdsl/im Neo.?. O p 0. tSl$SDlroo,Prlseerousoel 00/Sia ve0050 Aesemoloosaranaquiiell sull /5241 OSO-lIbO. ThnaAgh Sot ST 1250, PAGE 016 Irniro /rIm Iposests IodOns ost 000450 Cudulal Ceotnlavd ColA, 112J NeC, 00 Socs 0300101's rdoenlu res in sali 10411 OW'7O40 'rlswem-Lnnul,"phstoglapheby Esilaiwl101ssi%Auydra.$10100 NOS, CamOel Shoes basI 1910-1014 0001101 Sumnno Mnl500 end"PIssOnso. 26'Awoiirne OagNeblOaonleelribetel, 00 Ooasotan.55t206-Ppup.:'On Pollos, FaoPIrae el Onlelo" morCo by O/iI520Nno,DlIsndren PppOblOi4. 500015g sI Ali k snuqoet' mISI Works Nella SoLnoiu loo, 4-5E '5101/OsI On V" NOV, 24, T pm: Peel Oammla und Jim by 50510 brios Sou rho, Das Je Obst phobegnapho 00 Maul Keuloom, ant B CraIg 110141. 02/510. Das t Jam al Bob Tonen, Nalk MoMeNSn, Palro'ia 'SmsoinedLondeoepei'phrlSqmPho I Srheicmenmuta balsO/en, Jim bias k Me/io, Robin Pendenprusl So/Shop by Beh IasnsI, eswe Irlos 04505to- aodlnddoukalssesllrnsi'oaral ort usaI Teony 900/glen FrI intsrmu' 5rnpNe loo she alaih sIn Sel Famos nl OSI/550.00n_2-011sl Oellnrndnum Sso, n-mail bs000de555nsrn. Esa noms onntost Opening monnllon u 11 and TIne Lee Boys lolsegiasuì 0221056. DlthrialNnmnonlalOallarNnl4crlh' ollbahaldhimrn'Op.m Nono. gu 000W JellaPh F005asiL 02/SiP. 000W, wonlam UniOniSily'oIIrllIO 000151, Soa&m N5800 2515100 1103 Ens nsn. LuryKaolennhyllolkl,O1TIOLL SoCIO I n 1999 CaOpes S/na, Vnunoloo. $5110000, EOanOtOO 1841/ 8001014. Jas Krrws Tilo o IS Waltsi Wolimne 500nOalliosnllhreolels.edu/dltniao nmnn.OpolalhSmemlo OBI 011 hours o I e . is-- Wash ogton usa Ruolo InalidnlNew pip IOailoni'SO4I.Thsgullalyisspan onsilo.m.'4p.s 00000mdaynentlil' Sireic/lurNI. 50/00 Seo IO Stoll lnomiTonn.-lOpn,.tailyydmlmieo/e days si Oy appainSment Nos, T4fah, 5, Hsga andlodd CanoT 02/OTO. BasSO Inc. Thnoagh Nest "Coged Dlasnelu SgTtColebmonggopuI005r.050lle14 5 0 Olnlpmaolio101rcnM $22/520 DasSW R1OOOn Rimero, IO piaBas Np Pallido si nnl by 0051 Adulbo," rilO 051Mo by Sii ; SIl O hola Felmum.Sol0000ssllr.55/0t 500,onontiilmloputhnnednasd Diane lise, Patesle Kiamsi and Oeils u I:il S 000 0E u 50m: Jill Onbele and Julis bread Io lmn0055sn ses and iepun- MilInn 0151510' wrap/sn mOl 2e NeId 016 : ww*seorlocaLcam OIt7IIUW004W,CCSCICR LI lolo ,ADVEV 52520,04 200009 791,40, 001 00e rrmtnol50000on000eomrhr000,nm eno; :200fo20co Pto et 56 por 700tt Por Or300oirorooc,000n'onno 565mo, go. 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PAIRS 6 FESTIVALS feo Orn nmrcr Motif ndome Nnn. n SearchChicago.com/autos V 'Obarçenn chnn rie 000v' lotrl Cee Ter ,n;cn'n,ernnoISIioeroe 0020 u0000rat nrntirthbonco, OSCO Dcnn anSio or a mis mat enberr 000 041molla. oc: 1000011 cloe il note-002 oSOS 0001350 tOno for he mn-dico ?lon,7atie-arioht0a1 orr030rttanf'Oet en noval nl loteo homes tor 1,10030 Canfar, 4626 tO eon, Issir O Ko ruCo). 000V, 0000 '04 rl io todaÇ 052 0CC r, Chollo corath00000lrtunrfi,lth- aldino Rare,130 9100,0 OrcO lecloin SearchChicagocom/homes fr-e-000190,na,trntn aedeoninrarn cha OSudo 01 1046 boyd 100 p91" orn nor OS 5227 0.00conrr r Cr rlpnrOçipott. 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C' '0001 SeOo5001050000loñO/-eoil,n 02105nçnoeocndOcBofoOnanChlc,- eotkttnlhinsteatharrookaadmn e lnhrg'OOon,tO"tfreohnnfmoilno'Onr. kutt nord 01,1050 Oes t nonos, nS,r çnocn00000rretccnol-000pnrCnçce OOmino na to hes atar ro toot ch SV 'Lrnea Zoac" MornIng Habnaoa ai Thursday, October 35.6- 8p.m. To Oc, 5e, 0 InnO eon, 0r,35 05 IorrrrflmnlSO'5-adporotlpnr ir100aa eonaamnanaulane'lnina. lOOao,Thorndaya Nav4:'Vnn M e 1051053 00 050000 e-cOno Toronto Sn, filOn, adoneac,noo naO) Willow Creek Community Church bnoaaoadn'iaonnin0ttnrp motel Na' dalaI mold." Nno, 70 'The Ba 50-Op CorOnrtOOdC0100atzgnI'rc, A ScOtt OIt-35cC 000m rombos lrrldrenordan FO ato North Share Onentca Itou tOI-000 Pion." tOne. St 'CaltaI 00 201:01 ONORO Bann Seen Canreamt anon- udemil ad f rete f ha bandar bof pay Sko0nmaaho.7900 ¿mon atoo, 315 Waukegan Road, NorItifleld trrltnns5U.tClO&,rOgrtl'crir nono codr301000ç troco o-rS 552960v, LOSO It mar r 'or to nina cro manene OOndre.00ll(84716fl'(741 oblAt 0fl5 ,rsuoao eraS ntnnolnflnr Sanan O at SPACCo 240 GranoSo Ao I, Fer info,eacae,nal VOS) 075-1200 ar Iernmknkathnatrennm.00t3O.ID3O Rand or000ntn a npnciai Sot010m On, 500e05052w,tO InemonlCandcnl,n1 FREE Admission n:nmt roso nitohaf lessano Org DR' Oorraningnt'OnieaIlInStC 300 tarn no fino concoct h 0,100006 5r, a Ilnpart00000aade000dtteen a mitt praoaodotooerafilstaOdnba Se-ea ena0nrrntn,,]r5400- Oa000çonhnonnfantorinlaelrnnO,u- 0000 at 720 poco 07: 55 nr ttnaanto, FILM thaasra. mont RotunO 000, narro 03:00004 mor Orndeanel'Onçntornlannennnc nro Oarn010trnt,or0 anularI prntnrrr 0p0y1iotareSM2obponn,aan WillawCrea 690 rU Share, org BhnkSreraa,rnlhat'on LaodatiOn' ORCANIZAIIOIIS 'SI atoe auS na5001000,to 520015 are room1 a00005aoedaacioçat LOO pIt 010200 Olfheblns46anaa0019l 224-512-2139 013 portareiS0 the 0000ml Satuctu? nl Aa mnoton tl004renta,n Loi000it4000daC,rnla ma Proa loon Jaoieh PoSata Clot It Rae PulSo LiSaIt 201005 0060 0 e A UnO 04 2019 at moraba Oliea,0000otaa (0O7(OOI'4505 mon aooapOnç apel tatlnnOtnO Oar

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Local real estate transactions. today'shomes PAGE 4 ASUNS MEDIA SPECIAL ADVERTISING SECTION NEAR NORTH OCTOBER 28, 2010 INSIDE Could be Lakeside living offered a winner Lakeshore East's Aqua Tower is one of live finalists for the justonehour from Chicago International High rise Award. PAGE 4 Atwater at Gaslight Pointe a perfect year 'round vacation getaway

BY MARCY MARRO Fa, San lises Media

dont hove to give up oil the fun of any sea- 000 you can spend ut or near the lake. Freeze on foreclosures youAt The Atwater at Goslight Pololo la down- hoscreated many town Racine, you can own a beautiful caodomiolum, consumer questIons. just alepo from Lake Michigan nod take ndvaothge of lakeside amenities throughout the year. Whether you DON DERA1 PAGEl are searching for the perfect year-round restdeoce, nr just looking forovacatlaa getowsy, Tine Atwater tu only no hour from Chicago. Located la downtown RacIne, theretu a lot to da year round. The downtown district has pieoty of Social activities bring shopping and restaurants lo keep everyone happy. la residents together at Belle the spring and sommer enjoy live concerts ot Moou. ment Square nod o diverse cultural scene, with gal- Plaine Commons, an age lexy openIngs and opportunItIes tu meet the artista. 55and-over community. lathe fall and winter, there's a Holiday Parade, TreeViewn Include the Cnast Guard facilIty, breakwater and Lake Michigan beyond, Lighting Ceremony, Holiday Papo Concert und Win- PAGE 7 terfest Snow Sculpting Festival. "Racine Is an old lakefront community with loisspecial Incentives maklog auw the best tIme to huy. otyle pointed wand bose, trim and casings through- of history and heritage," eapinloed Chris Elote, ex.Rinta invites bayera Intake advantage of below mor- out, along wIth pointed robed, aix-panel solid coro castles vice president of New Englond Homes. "We bet 8D.yeor Oued rate Iinancing, Interest roles as lowamoath Interior doors, clenlgner-nelecled polished have something for everyone, Tlnath why half of earas 2.5 perceat and low 3.5 percent dawn payments. brasa or satin nIckel lighting Tintorro, and plenty of boyera are fulltlme residents who enjoy lakefront liv- Featuring one- and twa-bedroom condos provi' closet spore. ONLINE log, while the other half purchosed hero foro secondousty priced from $190,900 ta $413,900, anita are Eleguolly appointed kitchens feature stainless- hamegetaway'a-'nnw available from $169000 ta $372500. Some units steel dnuble hosln sinks, a Moen foucet with oprny, For market news, expert With Ita New Eagland shlngle.style architecture,overlook the harbor, while other anita oiler views ofCariaa salid sarl'oce coonterlopo, FrigidairetaIo- advice, neighborhood the foar.otory, 40.aoil condominium building reflecln°thflRahe from their balconies. Fluor pisos range In leus-steel appliance package with self-cleaning sealed Rucinek historic waterfront landmarks, lo oddttloanice from 757 to 1,836 square feet for use-bedroom,burner gas range, mIcrowave hand, dIshwasher and profiles and more, visit: to an architectural shingled roof, The Atwater atone-both homes to two bedroumu plus den und 218refeigerateen, along with Ihn buyer's choice nf mople, Gaslight Palote Is cnvored lo cedar shake sidleg andbaths. Buyera still trave time to add their personalbIrch, ook or white robinets Inn variety of finishes. features a stone water table made up of all nsturoltanches by selectIng the final finishes. Once unnI se- Master hoths fealnre oversized ohawers willi clear malerisis that were aelecled to ueamlesoly blood Intolections are mude, residences are belog completed Isglass doors; porcelain or ceramic Soar and wall tile; SEARCHA the surrounding neighborhood. six ta eight weeks. StE ATYWA7ER, PAGEA CHICAGO» New England Builders Is alTering a variety of Residences Include 9-fool ceilings wIth colonial- corny

To find out more about this community ontine, visit www.nebinc.com searchchicago.comJhomes

1,, Enjoy xear-Röun. i Lake Michigan Living at THE ATWATER You'll find a vacation lifestyle at your doorstep everyday at The Atwater at Gaslight Pointe condominiums. Stunning Waterfront Condominiums i Bedroom, i Bath condo - $169,900 I Bedroom, I Bath & Den condo -$198,900 Only one hour from Chicago Walking distance to downtown Racine You select your interior finishes Free Association fees for one year Interest rates as low as 2.5% on some units Down payment as low as 3.5% VAVFHA financing available

4 Gaslight Drive, Racine, Wisconsin53403 Sales office openFri. 2-5:00 pm -Sat12-5:00 pm Sun & Mon10-5:00 pm 262 637 7801 wwwnebinc.com New England Builders, Inc.

Developer: Gaslight Pointe Associates, LLC eii un,. n'5' '' n --'ia m"'' I1111 SFARCIICHICAGO.StnnlMES/l10M1S THURSDAY. OLIOtER 20, 2010 3 z ìSEARCUCIIICAGO SUNTIMES/HOMISI THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28. ?OlOI NN today's homes today's homes I I Low mortgage Newwindows a big rates, value pricing, move for energy savings Potting oIT that home Im-coodensalion resistance ICR), provement project? Woitiag too which Is reparted un o arnIe brick and stone make long could be detrimental to from one ta tOO, and measures your wolleL the ohility nf a product to resist On Dec. 01, the federal tauformatIon nf condensation na credIt worth op to $1,500 forthe Interior surface of the prod- Millbrook Pointe energy-efficient home Imprave- act. The hIgher tire Cli rating mento wilt rapire, leaving pro the helter that prodoct Is at re. crastloatlog homcowoera not lo slating condensation formation. abestbuy the colui ... or at least chilly from While this rating cannot predict theIr old, drafty wiodowu. coudennatlon, it cao pravide a in autumn ta toe credit nun- credible method of coinpuring Thdtiy's vahie conscious ionte logs, many window sellera are the potential of vamos prod- 1)uyors nro looking for the best VISIT THIS offering savings no qualifying acta forcoadensotlon furmatlna. buy io town. At Mtlìbrook Potete COMMUNITY windows thinmonth, whichThis rating lo nat requIred tu be to W)jeelttsg. they mey have found happens to he Natlonol Energypooled no new windows, sa be tt. To violi Mlllhronk PoInte, Awareness month. Oure tu du ynur homework If lt At this estobtistucct comme- from interstate 294 North, "'flue tlmlngconlrtn't he betterisn't there. nity, both first-time buyers and colt lake Cook Road, go West for valuo shoppers to mako the 'rho primary component to mature adotto are dtscovertng to tdtlwaokoe Avonoo, ond Investment inta new energy elli-watch for to prevent condensa- allbrtck-nndstone tnwnhomes thon nooth on Mllwaokee to dent wiuudowa fou' their trames,' tIna is the spacer, Ike wiadow priced from $269,900, and they Wolf Rood, Go right no Wolf said Em Johnson, window ex-component that separatas sad can leibe advantage of the towest for /o mile is the entrance on pert for Edgotech 1G. "Special arato tire two panes of glass. mortgage cotes to years. These left, The soleo office to opon offers and toe creditawill add opAccoraling to the NFRC, an Im- factors hove contrthuted to con- daIly from 11 am. to 5 pro. throogh December, but the long- portant step toward reducing tinued tstgh traílle every weekend Call 847-347-2300 or visit term savIngs ea energy bills wilt the potrotiul for cuodeuusutiao st this Impressive Wheeling corn- mlllbrookpolnte.com. be long-lasting If consumera do is the oso ola warm edge spacer ouunity their homework to find the right system that reduces the condor- Spring and summer months windaws to meet all of theirtivity through the edge of the brought an Increase in sates tend.svtuore inClue vicinity, according to Sume efthe many features at 770 Lofts are hardwood floorIng In lIvIng areas, truck lighting und a private balcony er terrace with city vIews. needs.' window. ins to o tiorry nfconstrocttnn oc- Levitas. The first role of tlroml, when "Nno-metal, dunl-sealed tivity. Now thst Phase i is almost Before puo-elunoing a home, res- Fully apphianced kitchens feature staInless steel appliances, 42tnch designer wood cabinets and granito c000hortops, and Pella wood windows shopping for new nostntnnhle Worm edge spacer systems, complete, toryLes'itas, president lutent Joe Prokop nold tue toured und wand Sones. windows Is to norlerstond wtuot sodi ou Saper Spacer, ore less of Northfield Gronp, ottrihntes coouutless develnpmeol.s nod the labels mean, and to rearl conductive thon metal spacers, tuis steiler sates of 15 homes Innolluing caoue clone to wirst tue oftlueirlifestyle,' Levitas snid. them cnrefully. Windows Itrot which leads to lesa condensation the lost few months to customersgot for tuis money at Milibrooke Boyero con ehrnaae from two 770 Lofts debuts with bear the "Energy Star" label uro io insulating gloso windows," recognizing the opportonity of o Pointe. upscale toseoliome pinas. One of- proven to reduce heating and Johosan said. "Because nf Ito lifetime. "lt lues everythlng,greot prices, fers fane kedrooms nod 3½ bntks casting costa, and arar Nutionol all-foam, no-metal design, Su- He advises his customers to gr-cnt locolion, qoolity building willi a Sent-floor master sulle. FenestratiunRatings Council per Spacer offers the highest take odvnntoge oftoday's historienuoleriuls, and opon floor pions. Tue oilier In n tturee-berlroom, 216- (NFltCl approved far U-factor canitrasatlon res'ertonce in the tow mortgnge cotes by tacking lo Tluere's no better pInce to live foe kotlu trodillonol layooL Peatores head-turning prices Ithe rolo of brut loso threnglr industry." nO-yenr lined cote mortgage os tIre price." Inclrnteooporateliving room the window) nad salar heat gaio According to Jolinsan,nil- towos a5 perceot. V/trot convinced Scot-lime svItti u luliette tiolcnny, two-slory West Loop one bedroom plus n den nod oneny or terrace with city views. Now the Illinois Medical District and lhnwss-eO the winduw blocks licol fonrn npscero have aIrer Iseo- "Low mortgoge cotes coupled honre lunyer Jeff Wolfsoo to buy grent roam, s1useioao kuchen willi bath; nod the 6270,0005 for twa.kitchens Includo tuh.inch granito Chicago-KentCollegeofLasv. from the nun). ofita thnt will ensure the lang- willi Mitlhrook Pointe's oil hrick now rather than Inter o-os all of granite couuatertops and n center location offers bedronm, two-both pinos. Three- nr quartz c000lertnpo, stolrdess 't'rassportatlao lu nIno convenient To meet the federal tos credit term energy perfarmuace of nod 5105e quntity constrnctloo tlue grent luucentives lue received Islanul, vsolted ceilings, deck, and bedroom,216-bothpenthouses steelappllanceuanddll-tnclu Euro- wilh Uolao Stotloo, Ogilvie Trans- reqoirerneols,windows must replacement windows. provides you with the best deal In nl Millbrook Pointe. busemeni with 9-foot ceiling. one-bedrooms with moro than 1,800 sqoare feetpeon-style cakloetu. Muster bulks pnrtutlon Center nod 1ko Hulsled achieve a .30 U-factoroad .00 so- "Rigid, metal spacers du not lowe," he sold. "Bot theott brick-and-stone lo odditlon to ike towuuluomes, ore priced from $474,9011. Parking fentnro rainert-height vanities with step on the CTA Blue Line localed lar heut gain roefficleat, ami this tread, so over lime stress from Now hunt prices are luwered, construction,Pelle wood wiud- buyers can opt for o chormiog from $170,000 In offered at $10,000. FinancIng Isander-monat slobs, and granite, nearby. tntershstes 00/94 and 2110 infarnuatlon akould he clearly wind, snow and bnromelric OOW hnyers relia were preetuosly don's, otuulnless sleet opplionres, three-obey rornkome ulesign fen- nvutlnhlo with 2.0 percent duren, marhle or quartz coontertopo per are accesuihle wilhio seconds. marked on the windows. But to pressure changea ran cause the priced 001 of the towntuome mor- nod two car goroge didn't bort toriuugtsoo or threehedronmo and and humen ore ready for Irunmedi- plan. lsluyoben vibrant rosare thelang-termperlar- sent tu crock, A fleuriblo spacer hot con move op to o home of either," lue sold. 214 battus. Two plans aluawcase Soleo uro ander way for 770 ate delivery. LoBs io the resisting straclurearea, nnd Ilk becoming mare sa. mance nf replucemeoto, there will expand and contract with their dreams. People looking for "Ourbuyero are also ìmpresseul a family roam tlunt cao he con- hells, o new toit develapment of- "This tu the best value to come fentore exposed brick watlo nodThe ltellentc Macrum will be an ore u nomker of other focloro weather changes, keeping the condos con ospire to o chornu- by our lonovative Ilaor pions and verted to o goest sotte, on open feting 00mo of the loweab pricesalong lo nome time," suM Michaelhenoy timber beams, nail oli Onito attractive addition ta the neigh- that shauld be cousidered, in- neal Intact and the window per- tog three.story rnwtuamo er two- complelecoslomizntioo,"seid kltctuen willi Islond, seporoto liv- on onw-cnnstractlon la Chteagnk Golden, en-founder of @prop-tuavo exposed duetwurk nod hIgh bnrhnnd, nod the residents of 770 eluding condensation reslshrnce. forming loager,'ohe said. story towolunmepricedfrom Levitan. iOg room ann dining room, mas- West Loop. eriles,the euclooivo brokerage ceilings rongiag from 1114 to 15 Loflawill heoefrtfromstreetscnpe "Ttue existence nf condensa- A survey conducted by the $269,900. Spocinus towotuomes ore croit- terbedroam willi private bnleony, Lorated at 770 W. Glodys SL, firm for the develapment. "These feeL Tire milling also has n new bmprovomeoto und other Infra- tian on windows Is n siga that Allinoce ta Sove Energy found You cous mnve right Into o spe- ed to feel like uingle.fnmily homes. and noolluer Inroje holcoroy nr 1er- n hnlfblnek sooth of Jocknon andkames uro being offered at prices lahhy and corridors und n fitness alroclore projects pl000ed io coo- a window io tnetfrcleot," Jobo- that 114 percent of homes In the cloun three-bedroom,2½-luottu, With op In 2,700 sqOure feet of race. n half black rust nf Hnlsted, 770 we haven't area In years for nowcrater with cnrotlo equipment Jnnctloo with the moseum," sold son sold. "This cao enea occur U.S. have single-pane windows, 2,200-oqnore-foot towohonue iospore, they tusco an obuuodance 'O, visit Millkrook Polate, from LolOs fentoreu Soc stories nf ndap- cnootractiao ta tIro \Vest Loop, 770 Loftu to located in the heurt Thuddeas \VnnE co-fuonder of W io newer, pourly constructed wlulch contribute op tu 00 per. a prime Wheeling Ineotlon thnt of winutowo thot let Ihe ootdoors lnterotnte 29-1 North, enit Lake live cease tolta topped by two ato- nod tkese are not alripped dawn of Greek Torva, ocrass from the properties. windows and will lead to other cent of energy wasted In build- inclodesgranitecountertops, In. Kitctuens ore roomy und oc-f4lllbronk Pointe, a new commoolty ofall brIck und atone towohomes aod rowhnmes featnrtng three to four Cook Ilnod, go west tu Milsvaokee otro nf new conntrocttnn. A tatuiunits. The flambes are very cor-new Notional Hellenic Museum, Ton decorated models for 710 problems, Including mold nod lags. in cold climales, energy-el- stainless steel appliances, Pella counmodote center lslondn, while hedrooms, has feue decorated models open for baring from $269,900, Avenoe, and tluen south on Mil- of 47 condominiums nro far sole, rent, nod the building lu n total openIng late next your. 'flic reo- Lotis are located on ollo. Soles damage to roi-lolos, wails, rar- ScIent, dual-pane windows wIth wood windows nod o full hose- mosler bedroonss ere qoite size- aeaokee to IVolffload. Go righl on offertag one to three bedrooms, rehab insIde nnd nut." tooronto and hers of Greek Torno, center honro uro Saturday and pet and the reinduw bell. Moot low-c coatings cua redore heat- ment, Severol horneo ore nass' able and are separated from hue Wolffar 'I. mile to the entronco on nao to 2fr baths, und 740 to 1,816 Homes at 770 Lotto feotore Randolph Slreot nod Patton Mnr- Sunday from noon to u p.m. nod Importantly. roolotore cnn lead Ing bills by nu much nu 34 per- availablefor qoick nccupnnc ottuer hedroonss giving the ownerGroup ollero buyers total cus- mouliflerl tlueir kltclieo, revamped 'The sky is the liunit. We od- left. The soles office Is open dully uqauern feeL huratreood flooring lo ilviog areno, ketare allwilhlnwalking distance, by nppelntmenL Por mare lolor- to neat failure and the need to cent. In warm elimntes,they eno white others may he eoslnnsized added privacy. lumiutlon witluin hue foolprint a bathroom, rolorgeul o bedroom, dress their expectations und offer from lt rim. to 5 tim. Call 547. Prices atout to the $t70,000u oversized 8-foot solid-core interi- The kurilding sIso provides easy mntloa, visit the 770 Lofts Web replace the entire window syn- cut coaling cuate by 78 percent. to O hnyer's prefereoce. Tiesto Since every hoyer hoe theirsi tlue floor pino. Owners lunve plus morte u luost of otluer clunuug- many cluolces lokelphoyers nicke 847-2200 or visit rolllbrookpoiale. for one-bedroom, one-both pinos; Or doers. washer/dryer hook-npo,acceso to the Loop, UIC curnpuo, site nL www.770lofto.com or roll tern!' no Omozing value not fonod any- own set ofpreferences, Northuueld redroigneut n floor ulan layout, es. their tuome into o truie reflection cam. the $220,0005 for homes with truck lighting nod n privato inico- Rush University Medical Center, 312-345-0770. Some NFRC labels Include Source: ,ARACnotrot

I . .--ug .. s i ' #

Home- . Save energy big and small inevery room ofthe house WnOulriWi;1 Dream,;'ir. r 'ti5 Livemthe "u' s4 II' i p;, .1F Saving the castreomeat cao be -r- that Is rende from eurth.frieoully somption, same oesv LED ltDTVa Wtuettuer they are big nr unroll, You cnn nIno tabo the Eoezgy an overwhebeiogthsk. moterinlo. from LO use only obout 7 cento of puar roerojy-saving contrikotioso Star Pledge at enezgyntor.gov/ Most Beaunnu.-- - Wdh everything in the news Small: hopIng polgels like cell electricily a rhoy for averoge view- won't go unnoliced by Moltuer Ns- rlunngelheworld audjoin wills mil. ForOnI ,6-99OO about how to maIm your home phone churojern and unoseot apoll. tag ofoinlioum doily. tore sryoor pockeliroak. llosa ofothero lo anublog energy- more energy efficient, itlu easy to BB' muces before gaing lo bed, nince Small: Unplug your DVD ployer For moue oo Thur Green Hause efficient choIces at hume and ut $* Ad . Lri% hecomebewildered when thinkiog they coo ase energy even when or other accessories wtreo they lurniectand mnre lrelpfrul borne en- work thotauvo energy, save oroney NEW ONSTRUCTION PRICES FROM$Ç9OO- $tq9:9O Communityin "5W ahoot nil the improvements you tluey oro plugged io and not In uuse. ore oat lo ose, especially when euojy tipa, visit wwwSmartlloos. and protect the environuorent. Y ' contd mutue. But yea don't huso to lJ'ì 11 k leuviuugforon extended lime. eSmartLieingcoou. Soorce:AllAfooleol rp make your home toto a model fur Lanodry room green living all at once. Big: Buy no eneuojy-elliclent Lake County bu fact, lfeveryonedidjnsl o few ovostuer and dryer, Cosoluler u I, -- - Features include 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, little ttuings, the enrttt manid see a tuigts.efflciency,front-loadnus- gigantic benefit, soyno can still do chinro Soore aso more Ituon 50 2x6 wall construction, gourmet island your poet even if it doesn't meso Some new refrtgeratnr madein percent leso waler per load anul Is Icitchensa all appliances (sida by side Amazing New Pricing reluoflltingyourestire home. And use new technology ta save roughly 66 percent more enruojy- refrigerators, ranges, space saver IlrAAAflflflr. " a few small meanuceo, like thk- energy, nod still hune plenty of ellielent than conventional top- FDE microwaves, dishwashers), fireplaces, ing the Energy Sieur "Change the copacity for the family's needs, i load mochioro. cathedral ceilin9s, skylights, spa balhs, World" pledge, can resnit in yoo AOACsddlEddT Puders Sunoll:Cleoo t'ourulryerveot of- central air, 2 1 /2 car attached garages, Seeing Immediate savings. ter cools load, luecnose even u pur. newly sodded lawns and morel Downsize into a custom ranch or 2-story Some of the world's leading Smoll: Aoaid nniog toste clean- holly clogged vent sollt hurt your Our Brokers 111111 Aen1s Generale Resulls! bmods recently teamed np with log products, as chemicalo Soul dryer's efficiency home at great savings. We've towered our eneuu,,'y-aavtngs coperto ta build tlueirwaybulo theatmnsphere and Energy ceoter prices but will not compromise our amenities. an eoergy-neotrnl lionne to test WOlersS'ayo. ul,s you roo out of old ; F4EIGHBORHØØDI earth-friendly proctices in Bout- cleansers, repInce with oontooic Big lovrst ta a programmable der, Colo. Ltfestylo coperta wore cleaning prootncts, Beautifully landucapad ond meticulously Enloy the same quality constwction, upscale hluermostol,vlulcb can sove you ..euu...:L__r ..'' . It' i theo invited to live io The Creeo money by settiuug temperatures maintained neighborhood where products and superior finishes as always. House for three clays, test its en- Kitchen lowerwlucoyno pion to be away or residents still practice oldfashioned vironoseotuily friendly luroolocts Big: RepInce yaurold refrigere- whileyou oleep. Some even rua be nelghbarliness. Reside in a suppartive and enperience the henefula of evo- tor or dishsvasluer with aus enerojy- controlled remotely while your are community reminiscent of years gane friendly livtog efficient modeL Look for models away. Mercury Theater Complex, Diamond Point Community, A Lunery Estala Home, '5 Aouotluereoeuy-neutrol mud en- blunt diluer meet nr go beyond Smull: Replace incandesceurt by. Friendly residents walk Iihted Chicago, IL Now Buffalo, Ml Hampshire, IL visit ou we site .iIPA eugy.ellicient home project Is on- Energy Slur levels. Seme models light hulks willi mare eaergy.elPu. ' . sidewalks and curving tree lined streets. www.foitrseasonsdreamhomes.com derwuyutPcolrielilidgeEshuteoin ocluleve efficiency Ilawuglu linear dent CFI or LEft bulks. In receioershuip olhw 4 years of Marketed li tnwidroieos+ i mongo .4,000-sW_uron400. bureoo 10 moen They enjoy a pool complex, flag park, New henow compressor technology Iluot alteen litigotion between portares: 340 with 3 to be nId ohsolutsul35 105 inquiries; 6ll open-bouse picnic and green areas. Renidenls enjoy Tlue mum taukeuway froua Colo- ontpnl koseut no demunul from Ike Garage inquiries; 250 upon-house oneedoes; loquirios; 84 opeshooso ottoodoes; attendees; 6 bIdders otooctious. coffees, gamo nights, dinner parties redo Creen House proeet is that refrigerator. Ttuis ouvons fewer Big: lfyou're in the market for a I, biddeseotoodloawith l2ds&iro. tluereauo n variety of steps yoo con temperotuue owingo, ultimately oeuvcar, huy o guus.sippiog hybrid, Phatomo saw 1mw euuy poopls meso Sold fer $900,000 on o $730,000 and day trips. Shapping, banking, take, hig ones nod moutIer ones, ooing lees energy and saving pon Smull: Thlue public lrensperth. interested; Settled suit, sold for Sold Absnlotol Remisai I (tIll) ( restaurants and medical facilities aro to make cacti room in your home money. tian. Better yet, sohere juosoikle, $3 Millins nl pro-nuotino between , lheisiuIir'r', II? within walking distance. more eco-frieoultyu Small: Plont a gorulen, so tlur bikeorwolkon 00e trip each week porinoro In ovoid tosino hooter ut ItO 0,st,la GooniRd. e,Illuro ii5hl ao Genoa d Four Seosons . Dream Homes offer o food suo of your garden will be wluere oo ovonld usually trire. ,d Re!centClnoinOs: 000hovt :.'« Turn lait onGranItoy lUS 201, dream come Insel Reduce your cast ol Bathroom fresherund won't oeeut to he T ' . Tour decorated model and inventory home LIvIng room : 133 East Conic Rif, hib&tyaillo Ich on Pearl Sl.,r1ghlon Chrysler Or. living and enhance your lifestylel kigu Isotoul o law-how oeroliog tmuusported Inlbeslore ortnyonr ptDtgAt. AUCTIONS 6 hlR011tOAGE . 543 W. Voy Romo St., Chico0n, IL 2800 induits, Chicega ohnwertueod, Most models allow luome. Big: Boy on Energy Star-mied . Granite counters, Pella wood windows & more Tek 312-262.3000 ont, 6305 . Fou: 312-0M-5610 7102 N. Uocoln, Chicago peo to save ornnnd 30 peuvent on TVllust will ouvepou maaeywluea 6122 N. Cindi, Chicago . Leere . 1,900 - 3,000 st of flexible luxury water nnage ovitluont compromis- Bedroom ifs botti on and oIT. \Vittu nec)' low Emuli: kooldbero@FnderolAactinnsosdßrnkoroon.cnm Ing on your oluosver experience. Big; Buy all-natural bedding standby rind on-nuoule power cour- . Ground maintenance-free living . Surrounded by Merit Club golf course OWN FOR LESS THN RENTING! .1-lt E ONE BEDROOMS FROM TWO BEDROOMS FROM IENJGLAVE

Imonth* $1,55Omot 'r 711E l,lEI1t'l' Cl.Uls ,25 (847) 680-0090 merithomes.net "Monthly payment is estimated and includes taxes and HOA feesl I-94 lo RI. 137, weal Io RI. 2 I IM1)waakee Aval GRAND Poco husod os ne FHA 30 year (puad loue, 3 5% down puymont ned unooul percouul090 rudo uf 4.5%. Do4rnPayment earth 1 '/ miles Io enfrasco. Follow signs to Sales BEND CanIne opon daily 10.5, closed Taos. -Thons. AT GREENBAY Visit us at WWW.GRANDBENDLIVJNG.COM (847) 864-4977

rrs . j :;7.:2:T:. D.,ì"-r -'." . " :.."---fl'' :: R = -..-.::,r::L7 R:::' R NU SEARCIICRICAGO stvliyuEs/Ii006s SEARCIICHICAGO SUNTIMES/HOMES THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010 INN I jTIItFSOAV, OCIOBER 20, 2010 I 5 4I I today's homes today's homes


Cuilous about niara home suies u your neigh-$2010go borhood? Fbr inure Chicago area tronsuctlons, seeMelroae Park recent suies" st svww.seurebchlcogo.com/hornes. Scorch by address, county, ZIP code, price range 3121 N Peater Ave: Der050tte, Norma Colzoda; or year nf soie. $94,000 Morton Grove Reliwooci 7910 Arcadia St: Kannonkora, Morlam A Ko 315 22nd Ave: Perry ir, Willie E; $121,000 zhyallayll, Anoswora; $435,000 Chicago Northbreok 5219 N Austin Ave: Arganosa, Taoyo F & Bodlong, 982 gensington Dr: Kovalik, Kotallo I; $265,000 Tony V; $205,000 145143 N Centrai Ave iN: Bouliez, Juon G & Maria D; Northiake $133,000 120 Franklin Dr: Eoparza, Maria; $115,000 4451 N Keystooe Ave: Kirkland. Clifton E & Aotoo, Patrick W; $195,000 Schiller Park 5131 N Mobile Ave: Brondi, Theresa A Nguyen, 3818 Ruby St lE: Mlchalski, Mark; $67,000 Oanh; $170,000 Skokie 3526 N Nora Ave: Ciosla, Morek A Lidia; $210,000 8945 Crawford Ave: Samuel, Diana; $251,S00 3k2Li N Nordica Ave: Sonno, Juan C A Lisa C; 5010 Fairview Le: Strashko, tgor A Nudelman, $300,000 Zuya; $450,000 3k47 N OverbiD Ave: V000go5, Ricardo A Moreno, 9715 Woods Dr 1102: Osmak, lester M; $241,500 Terosito; $100,000 Malliuckrodt ta the Park Is lowering thu resident age restrIction from 62 years to SS years, opening op the 6460 W Higgins Ave 2A: Ober, Nelda C & Cerezo, Wilmette tyliob residences and community amenities to more homebuyera. Available floor ptans Inclnde one bed- room, one bedroom pion a den, two bedrooms ortwo bedrooms plus a den, one to 3I/ baths, and llAR to Arthur; $94,000 1924 Wlimette Ave A: Ya, Chengcharg 6 Wang, 2,952 square feet. Prices range from $235,000 to $750,000 Including ene or two deeded indoor heated 7233 W Summerdaie Ave: Soto, Marizol; $137,000 Tunean; $307,500 parkIng spaces. Pictured Is a model great room. Evaeston 8100tc: Information pro riled by Rece rd Infermo. 1522 Cram St: Burgos, Edoardo Alberto & Macler, tiesScrvkc.sI,te, nffcriogpsbiicrrcerddoto for Keoio; $119,000 grcnicrChkogo iocl:Idingforrc!oosovs new hemenwn. merlgoge iseo Sherman Ave 203: Korb, Edwin; $350,000 ero iiel oewbuoiocsscebnnknopicie4 ,ncereiiog4buiidingpensiloondloxiiens.Accese Mallinckrodt In The Park Franklin Park ovnilnbieol :vwrv.psblic,vcmnLcnv:, cnnoomer. public.rrcerd.cens ovdwoich.psbllc.ireorodcenr, or 9621 Johanna Ave: Dimitrov, Moorchit A Firistina; roll 63O-Ts57.1000. , succeeds in lowering agelimitto 55

support ef Matilncisrodt In the LLC and brokerage fsrm @prop- Wilmette Park Condaminium Asouciationcrues are setting the remoin- and the other owners ot the prop. Ing 22 unIts at Moilinckrodt In community looks erty. the Park, which is the odoptive to get a boost Reuben Warabuwsk mnnager reuse ansI conversion of tise his. ufMuitlnckrudt Renuissance LLC torte Molilnckrudt College, built from pre-retirees and president of Chord Reatty In 1910. Tise community, tocated Group, sold the new tower age at t041 Ridge Road just north of limit will apply to oil new home Luke Avenue, Is set on a 14-acre purehases at Molllnckrodt lo the landscaped pork with waiking Mattlockrodt in the Pork, to. Park, effective immediately. trolls and gardens malolalned by Lakeshore East's Aqua is une of five finalists for the International Highrise Award. iPiinro FOR SUN lIMES MtSIAJ cutest in Wsimelte, has woo op- "We have ssscceosfuliy towered the Wilmette Park District. sreve FINSI. IIEORICII 6155515G provai from the \Vilmelte Board the age requirement tu response Available floorplons include one of unfinished units can cisuose currently osdor contract Thevalue und esfoy all of the lifestyle uf Trustees to lower Its resident to interest from youoger buyera bedroom, one bedroom pias o den, from u range ofonsesity pachagev, oese tower age requirement willamenities available to residents uf age restriction from 62 years to on tise Nsrth Suore, pnrticutarty two bedrooms or two bedrooms while other units aro finished and provide an additionut boast toIlse North Shore." 05 years. those pre.retlrement," \Var.pian u den, one to 315 baths, sed availohie for immediote deiivery. sales for tise remaining units. A sales center and decorated The new gssldetlnesrequire sisawsky said. "We're confident t,t48 to 2,952 square feel. Prices Since acquiring the fioul 33 "Weare reallyhitting ourmoslet for Malilnckrodt lo the Aqua gets nod as finalist for one member of the household to that the younger entry threshold ronge from $235,000 to $750,000 anUs in the project, Malllnckrodt stride ouw miti: new prices, new Pack are open Saturdoy and Sun- be st least 55 years of 0go. There will attract a new pool of buyers lociudingoneortwu deeded indoerRenaissance LLC bus reduced marketing und u new youngerdayfrom noun to 4 p.m. und by is nu oge restriction ox any otiser as there ore very few options for isooted parking spaces. Isricen ox tise condominIums by entrance age," said David Rauco, appolatment during the week. Internafional Highrise Award memberofthe household. The pe- hsomehoyern on the North Suore Nearly every floorpionst an overage of 25 iv 40 percent manager of Mallinckrodt Renais- For mare information nr to sched- titian to lower the age restriction and even fesver that offer tise ease MotiiockrodtiotheParkis from the isitial developer offering snnceLLC and nssnoging director ute an appoIntment, visit www. ut Maliiockrodt was proposed by nf condominium iivinffclassic uniqoe. Some include a baironyund stepped up marketinfi Its cf. ofLeng GroveCopitsl."Wtth onlymalilopack.com or contsct Don Tise ioterootioxoliy occialmed city svilido u city,' oar tine float. Molllnckrudt Rennlssance LLC, styting und muderoluxorien avail- or walk-out polio und many offerforts isove yielded seven ciesiogsabout 22ouits left, tIsis is as sobe. Shea nf @preperties nt H47-BtO- mined-use Aqua tower that an- luis are alt exampies of mined-use ON TIlE WEB the owoer uf the remaining 22 able et Malliockrodt lu the Park." views of tise park or Mallinch-since the begisoing of the yearliewnisle opportunity to acquire o 0208, or dunsheocUtotpropertieo. choro Chicago's Lakeshore Rusthigh-rise bsiidisgs' said Spencer condominium units, wilts tise fuit Molilnckrudt Renaissance rodt's signature fountain. Boyero along with four additional units luxury residence at o tremendous com. neiglsbort:oed tIns beco selectedde Grey, jury chairman and bead For additional informatinn on os one of Ove Bnollsts for a newof design at Foster + Farinera, ' Mogollan Development Group International Highrlse Award, It London. and Aqua and Lakeahnre in the ooiy U.S. represeotuiive. In soclat, urban und otso Is Kaut, visit www.mageliandn, The Aqua tower desigoed by ecological terms, tise five floslists ve iupmenLco cc. Siodio Gang Arctiilecls fur do.Were selected for demonstrating vetoper Magellan Devefapmeot "u positive trend thot Issu the up- Group was setecied by an toter.portonity uf exploring new build- batel cumponlen, will develop its Live the luxurious, low-maintenance national jury of archItects, engi-Ing farms." Brat Redimen Blu in the United oeers end property speclatists. The jury otsu neted Ihot AquaStoteu In the Aqua lower. Atready In oddition tu Aqua, tl:e other und tise Met in tlonghok address proclaimed Cisicogob most excit. Retan In ycurvacation condo getaway all year round, while enjoying spectacetar harborviews from your zotu ilnolists are flau Khetifa,the concept of hlgls.riselying log aesv orchileclorul iandmsrh, balcony at The Atwater. Dobol by SOM Skidmore, Ow-ouldoocs und lo green settings, Aqush ameultiespockoge Is ings & Merrill; Made Gakuen developing new onussiot deulgnn. equatly imposing offering an un- "There is nut noother cam- Cocoon Tower, Tukyo, by Tange 'Tisa jury decided tust the rivaled 80,0il0-squsro-foat eco- ATWATER I monitytibethis anywhere Associates; the Met, tlaogkoh, byever 200-meier buildings with friendly outdoor deck with tust: CONTINUED FROM PAGEl between Chicago and Mil. \VOIIA Architects will: TandembalconIes, terraces ond commu- gardens, guzebon, poets and cabo. waulsee," hintz euld. 'Main- Arct:llects; und Shanghai Wortd noi open spaces fostered on 00g. Itas, sot tubs, ronolog track, fire tenonce-free moltifomily liv. Finooclui Center, Sl:nnghoi, bymented, vertical way oflife which pit und gritis. 5M yens a eyeS todays Meen chrome faucets; Cu.Ing and u diverse community Kohn Pederseo Fox Aosoclates. delivers tang-term savings in en. tndooes, a 35,000-sqoore-feut non vanity tops with drop-tnmake Racine on ideot neigh- The prestigious inlernolionat ergy resoacces," thojury wrole. amenity Boor provtden fitness fu- sinku; and mopte, birch, oakhurhood fur everyone." archiiectorat prize fer high-rises, The curvaceous Aqua towerdIlues, u bauketboll court, group homes or whlto raised height vonity To visit the Atwuter Soleo OOW in Ito fuorth year, is open to designed by the Studia Gongfitness studio, indoer top pool, cohinets. Center, takeIsterotate94 architects and eogineers misuseteam beaded by Jeanne Gang a upu featuring a hot tub, euuno, is published by SunTlmes The stote-of-the-ort eleva-north and exit Roste 20. Ga buildings masthe at least 100 me- with Magellan aflultnte Loewes-steom ond mussage rooms, pri- Media LLC. tor hottdiog also includes upu-east fur 9 mites and heur right tees IllS fedi high. On the bsslnberg Architects os urct:llects ofvole party suites with catering EDITORIAL clous hoiconles or expansiveonto tdth Street (Jost after of extensive research, Deutsches record was inspired for form by kitchens, sky garden tounge, me- PAUL KELMA paver terrucen,olong withWashington Parki ta the Lake. Aechttckturmoseomneminsied the eroded slsaretioe oftbe Great din roons, billiards and gocce area Sur-Times Media heoted underground parkingTobe o left un MomStreet 27l:igh-rïseprojects from Ut Lobes. and bsssissess center. 630978.8362; pkelma@ with privote storage und othrough downtown, then a countries fartise competItion. Sltsoted at 225 N. Colombos Au a result ofilu unique design, stmedianetwork.com secured lohhy entrance. Ad.right on Gaslight Drive. The The jury judged the atronarenDrive, e block north nf Millen- Aqush residences censmand dro- ADVERTISING diti000tty, the eotertainmeotsoies center Is open Friday otong six fundomentht criterio;nium Pssek between Randolph mutin views of three of Ct:tcagu's deck on the rooftop of the cor.from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., Sotar- RITA WALKER pioneering design, oesiheticu, in. Street and \Vocher Drive, the greatest etteoctionu: Luke Michi- LAWN CARE AND SNOW REMOVAL RESORT-STYLE AMENITIES GATEDCOMMUÑITIES Soles M000ger nage hoose may he reserveddoy from noon tu u p.m., and tegralloo with the urban settin 82-story tower Is Ilse first high. gao, tise Chicago River and Mli- 7086334y24; rwalker@ for special fuectlonu. Far resi.Soodoy aad Monday tO um. sustoinablllty, Innovative lectsoet- rise io Chicego specIfically de. lenniom Park. Lakeuhore Rast in snntimos.cem dents with hoots, hoot stripsto B p.m. For more informo- egy and cost efíiciexry sigoed te con:bine reuldentiot, believed tu be the isegest parcel There's never been a better time to buy a new Toll Brotherso ore ovailohfe for porchoue iotien, cati 262-637-7801 or visit "Whether commercloi,resi. hotel and rotait apoces. Carlson ofdowntown land under develop. Vol. 2, No.3 Bocine Ilorbor. www.sehlnc.com. dentist or conceived an u vertical Hotels, one of tise ns'orld'o leading ment in o major U.S. cIty. iij.-'' ) \-'IIrÍ Best Value in Town I - Come Takea Look! REGENCY !j(iJ !J'jJ:: Ijfl -get- gzs,qpogg0PJaget wTd13AsI

Country Cisth Single-Family Ranch Homes from the low $500,000s

Ranch Townhomes from the low $200,000s . South Barrington's only 55+ community Single-Family Ranch Homes from the mid-$200,000s Resort-style clubhouse with fitness center, tennis courts, . Exclusive luxury ranch homes in Elgin, reserved for those bocce swimming pool and more 55 and better Home designs ranging from 2,000 to 2,500 sq. ft. . Rick Jacobson designed 18-hole golf course . Walk to the shopping, dining and entertainment . Private clubhouse with pool, tennis courts, bocce, of The Arboretum VISIT OUR OPEN HOUSE - SUNDAY 1-3 PM state-of-the-art fitness center and more 2935 CENTRAL S'I'., EVANSTON (847) 381-6600 (847)695-0005 s 2Bedrooms .2 FullIlatlis Elevator Building Directions: From itl0, nuit Ruolo 59 North. Proceod narih iur i mile. i Year Warranty on Appliances In-Unit Ltiundry Dirucilons: From 80510 l-00, Take Randall Rood Sanih 5 mIles lu Bowoo Road. mo community Is on the rigid, lust south of Penny Ruad. s2Heated Garage Spaces Seller Financing at5.0% Go wool on Bawes Ruad 2 milos. Thu eniranco io Bawos Creek Cooeiry Ciob in on ube leu. ONLY 'I'WO UNI'I'S LEVI': $229,900 - $249,901) SCHERMERHORN & CO. '11Bròthers.cön IericasLuzury Home liuilder° 847-869.4200 I-I WWW.2935CENTRAL.COM Open Evety Day lOam 6pm linnen Ayl IsSt, llstiwnedeDsnkrssivekosrePdcesiubieci io Ctson5elNrlosd iletci end Da tisi 0,16cl llame S i, Plexsunsymisto leIM 0iiedn\5tres! Psuissaed Ip Law

m -r- =32::==D :og UN I UN SEARCIICHICAGOSUlJllML5/ulQt.IESI THURSDAY. SCIOltO 20, 2OO I SEARCHCHrCAGO SUNTIMES/IIOMES THURSDAY. OCTOBER28. 2010 I 6I I today's homes today's homes i Prairie Ridge Estates offers living beyond 'green' Atrue Luxury home engineering, design aims 'community' to cut power Social activities GET MORE INFO bills to zero bring residents Tkn Belle PlaIne Communs BY PAUL KELMA union center and model ore together at Belle located In the buIldIng at Sr 1Ie MedU Plaine Commons 2335 W.Belle Plalnn. 1mars Imagino n brand-new custom are 9 am. ta 4 p.m. Saturday tuxury homo that has nu electric ;through Wednesday.The utility bill of near zero, generates ResIdents 55 years nId nr bet- center ho closed Thuraday enough electricity to earn credits ter can onjuy n full nadal tifo at and FrIday. Call 773- willi thepowerconepnoy, qualifies Belle Plaine Communs, an nf- 4426995 nr visIt www. fur n lower-than-market energy- fordable 52-unit condomInium bolleplalnocommoua,com for saving murtguge rate, brings n devolopmont at 2335 W. Belle mure tnfurmatlon. thausands afdollnrs ta federal too Plaine Avenue In the Nurthi Cen- credits, and costs lesa ta tasare. ter neighhurhuud. Sounds like nirvana fur the The communIty roam at the community roam unce a month." buyers of a hume In the high five-storyBelle Plaine Cam- When asked what huoku uhn'd $400,000s Oli U, hut Energy mans Is the heart ofthe develop- recently rend, Carob Thamas re- Smart blume Batidera uuys itis mont und lt utters an enpnndlng plied, "Let me Oro up my KIndel doing Just that at Prairie Ridge nelectiun nf actIvities Including und seo." Estistes n New Lenux. partIes, gamos, u hank club, Apparently ubaut half nf the Every hume ta the t82.hunie- muvie nights, luncheons and hauk chubboru have Klndehs as nito community, located os Gua- leclurea. well. gar Rand north of Raste 6, Is 'In fact, n sense uf cunomunity Accaruhing tu fehluw bunk club- designed frum thee ground op tu und u trae lifestyle chungo were ber Pat Kussmann, her Klndel nave, generate und central enor- the luspirotina behind titis new- can hold up tu 3,500 haahs und Abuse: The Belle PlaIn Commons Book Club - Claire Gruburek (clock. gy use The gent Is ta ge heyund canstructiun, affordable couda- she has 76 dowuluadod already. wise from hack row). Mary Tersen LoIs Stanley, Carohe Thomas, Put greentying" tanot-nero," or minIum develuprnont," unid Rena She said the Klndel Is perfect Kussmann and Helen Dicksun - has been action for about a year. nera home energy consumption. Appel, devolupment coordina. fur couda living because It saves Left: Margaret Jacuhus gets ready tu rell Ihn dice durIng a Teesday Although n lot depends on tiosv lar far Nnrth Center ¡Naunciutes npnco ,.. nu neod for cumbersume humehsyers cuntrul their use lunchtime meeting et the Girlfriends at Belle plaIne Communs In the LLC, the develaper. boukshelvos. North Center nelghhurhund. uf electricity und oilier energy The Girlfriends la n group of Some uf the bushs the group nuurcen, Energy Smart represen- Belle PlaIne Communs women has rend Include TIce Guernsey Is still available. Prices fer titofrom the American Assucla- hihtresauy theynred tosturt with From thu outsIde, Prairie Ridge Estates homes under cunslrantlon In wha get together every Tuesday Literary Potato Peel Pie Society, romuixing IO resiulencos ronge lieu ut Retired Persona IAARPI n hume that is hallt with net-ocraNew Lenau will hook like u lut ofother hnuory hamos priced in the upper tu the community roam ta catch The Help, The Art of BooIng io fruta $194,590 ta $298,5911. All and Ihie Nulienul Associutluun of In mind. $400,000s. up with ouch other. They share the Ralo und mast recently A prices induite une aittulaur lick- llame Builders, That is what Energy Smart lunch, conversation, swap reel- Pussuge to IndIa. ing spume. Iteubeil garage purk- The Belle Plaine Cummuns and its consartium of purtnerstaros usenginecred wood ss'ioduss' a cuntrul system that allusvs the pon und play genios. "We also typically rent the Ing is available fur us uuhilihionul comntsnily anchuratIto north is haildinnod they soul upen ufruming that duos out allow "leak- hnmeuwner ta udjuat energy use "The Indios group was started macle ufter wo have read the $15,900. end of the five.ucre Narth Con- mudel home in December ta shusvugo" ufculd nod hut air, fur times when nu une is hume, no by resident Kay Barovtns ohout bauk au wo cao diacono it fur- "We linse IO units uvziltuhle ter ter Senior Cuumpus, bounded by uffand euplsin ta pruspectise cli- u Seventy percent uf the humoune is using a part uf tIte huaso, two muslIm ugu und ut first thcor' Helen Dickson said. inuniediuhe ecetupuecy unii obst Irviuug Park Ruad, Western Av- cals hua' the hume will "work" forhoutioglcooling casts are climi- und oilier upttann. there wore ubaut Ove uf un, hut Social activitIes nro nut him- uf lItern utter amueing piclur- enue, Oakley Avenue and Bolle the owners. outed by the slrocturo Itself, Re- Regna nialArwadyalsa thegroup hangruwn tu about 15 itod ta things fur warnen to du. Osque vieses ut fuuiilitlns, flssver. Plaine Avonue. TIni campus also Jim Regen, prtneipul uf Energy gun said. stresued oilier benefits nfthie net- ta 20 wha get together un a reg- Men can get In on the act, too. Ing gurchens, upen gioco space induitestite104-unit Martha Smart Nomo Builders, suid the. Using the earth's overage toni- zero humo, including: alar hasls," unId Susan Thomas, Rosidentu Jerry Perkins and Ano or green Iroebops svilhi virtually Wavitinglen roulaI aparimonts, hume price can be kept in the porature of52 ta 58 degrees asan u Qautificslinnfor federaltan n resident uf Bello Plaine Com- Caulsun really enjoy Bello Plaine nu abslruolian front oilier halbI- axil 1ko 8G-unit St. Vinceul Do- sumo range us sinillur humes ho- 0000g), snurce through a closed.credits that cauld roach $30,000 mans, Cummuns'nadalutmasphere inns,"saIdJoilyWeslerhorg. Paul Rouidenco. causo ufeconumies ufscalo: when luupgoultiormulbesting undor acure in the year uf purchase "Wo like tu play gamos uf and campuullke environment an- solos msnager tar Cxrrisua Purl- Cuns'onlence is key at Bello sa-cahlod core-energy huacoscoaling system. Loss energy Is re-depending un tite huyera lucarne, chance while having guad con- chorad by n opncluus landscaped ners LId., Ihie exciusiso stiles nuit Plaine Cuncmnas. Right outside have boon built in tise past, thoqedired la warm or coal the housetax brucliet and valuo afilie home versatlons. Sometimes the Girl- park. macholing ugeot. lIte Bolle Plaine Carnmans claurs cost was onarmuns bocsuse unoIn the desired temperature. purchased. friends plan luncheon nuttngs ut "UVe liked the Idos that it was "At these prices, Chits Is a rare is the Nerllc Cooler Salehlibo Se- hume at n tIme u-as built tlintwuy. . ','tnd turbinos or solar panela . Availuhihity uf an Energy Ef- neighibarhaud restaurants such far people in nur ¿cgo group. Oliporiunley that OublI 1x51." suhl alar Cooler, a fuicilily provided by BuI at Prairie Ridge Estates, "svo ur u cambinutiun, tu tube udvun- ficiency Mortgage from Buick uf nu Barbu 'Gaunt, Misericardlu There getstu he a point when you \VesherheumIta auleuh that eec the Cluicagn Dopurimont ut Se- hraaght Io nil these teclinulugy lago ufwind and sunlight to gen.America that could tachado a re..Even the landscaping tu pow- Greenhouse Inn, und ospocisity just want to hive willi peuple your member ut lIte Iuuusehulih lias la niar Services, and commercial vendare and suidorate electricity. This dopends unduced rule, even lower thun tu- cred" tu suyo energy. At the doca- haue fun at the Lincoln Restau- usai ugo, Ve like the quIet. When ho 55 yours ut ugo er ululer, hut Tito senior center offers n pun nro guing tu be suppliors fursvlslch way a hume fucos ... sauth-dny'a historically law roba. relive entry drivewayoirGauger, rant no Manday night with live you're rentlnsamehimes lt can lIte utluer niouaber muy ho us ronge ut healthu, learning uvd su- t82 hamos, nutnst uno'. Wo cam-ero oxpusureu, far example, would . Lasser home insurance costs,u can-shaped wind turbino spins, harda music and other entertain- he loud," saId Perkins, whu saId y'uudcug us 49 9'Ours. citil uctiu'ihies, Inchiuding exercise muted tu the whule suhdivisiau,make use afmure sulur puoels. because the ICF structureis generatingelectricityfurthe mesh," she said. bath he und Cuuluon mudo the BellePluuiiie Conuuuuas is u programs svith huersuoul trainers, Now we've gut pricing puwer,"u Light-emittingdiodeILEDI mure fireprouf. lights and watering pumps. All warnen In the community decirlas tu ho Cost-time huyere focal puiot at hie Narlh Couler svolluessodecullun, cumpuler Regno said, eso lighting and Energy Stur- are welcome to came Join the at Belle PlaIne Cammons. also have birthday parties there, percent murk, a selectiun of one Senier Campus, ishichi recently treiuhuigceurses,artclasses, That pricing puwor cunvorts tacompliant appliances tu reduce group, Susan Thomas ould. "Bello PlaIne Cammuns bus loo." boulraonu, nne-bedreoui.hulus-clen rocelveul eue uf fouir cuatiaiuseiile iltunee lessons, group trips, aod n custum luxury humo that casts olectricily uso. Resident Curule Thunius Is tIce great activitlos, such as evenIng Perkins salit lIte peuple resid- nodtwo-bedroomresiulonce. "Lhvuihie Cuucucuunilios Avs'uruls" more. na mare upfrunt Iban similaru Kahler ss'ulor fixtures designed founder uf the Bello Plaine Com- musics where we numetimeu Ing ut Bello PlaIne Cummunu are humes soithout not-core featurestu reduco waler coussmptlun. muscs Buak Club. aceournolghbsre,"Perkins friendly. - the range of about 5500,000u Plomo muniluring station tu "There nro abaut uts of us tu saId. "The themed muvie sched- "ItA hike un Instant comma- un np - and bus all the features, track energy uso. hismeuwnors the group, gIve or take n few, und oho eves Includes Teutasterone nit3'," he said. "Living hiere has AARP - NAHBAwD WmIr'iNG Couirw fluer plana, untares und oilier do- can get credit fur excess energy we lince hoes meeting fur alcunI Tuesdays where the flicks arebeen u very pusitive euperiouce sign and stylo elements bayoco ingenerated by the hume, hut nut a your now," Carob Thurnus said. more geured tar gays. Wo also fur us." this murket expect. used, Credits 1h00 can be used "Wo react new huoks as well au have pancake breakfasts In the WhIle sales ut Bollo Plaine Thus,n 2500-square-fontsoben the humo noods ta draw classIc novels, and ive meet In the coscmunlly roam, und peupleCommuns aro nearing Ihe 90 home at Prairie Ridge Estatespswor frani traditional sources, can be espectod ta have foursncli us Cummunweulib Edison, bodruams,threehuttis,full The aim, Regen said, Is "that basement Istandurd,ss'ulkuut ss'hut tite house cunsumes, the nr lauknat, depending un hume- hanse pruducos." Impacts ofa foreclosure suoi,niaisIonsstoolhttchen Stove Arwudy uf Groen Paw- appliances,three-curgarage,er Systems, a majar energy. granitekitchencuanlortup,saving tochaulogy partner, said sooci-cusloac cubiuolrthe cus-the hause also will have o heut freeze raise costly questions tumor'scarpot-tile-hardss'aodrocuvory systom that druwa oir aeloctiuna, nsd muster suitein or nut depending un tempera. willimaster huthincludingturo. mortgage fureclasure In the marketplace, will home ss'hirlpunl tub, separate shiuwer Such u hause as dosignod wilt muralurium - tIce finan- lurices rise? und daul-hawol vanity. uso abuot 14 kiluwnit baumuf Thecisl hoondeggle created . "Hamo prices - far bath new What a hume at Prairie Ridgeelectricity per year cnmpnred tn by bunks tau big to fait - could and existing reulihonces - muid Estates adds, however, is the net-611 kilassult buurs io a hasse uf the bake hundreds ofthauannds uf ntubilieo und manid likely even coro tochnulugy built inta thesanie size with the sumo puwer patonthat resalo humes and con- riso IO percent to 15 perceot structure und lu systoms. nuage needs, he said. Thnt 14 kilu- damiulums offthe machot while because efthe sharlogo uf listings Those elements includo: Watt hours could ho cuvered by Congress, state otburaey generals Ifforeclosureu are removed from u Basic cunstrnetiun svithIn- wind and salur power, and sume und the cuarta suri out the muri- Don DeBat the markelpluco," predicted Clii- sulnied Curerete Fbrms IICPnI,other Sue-tuning of appliances, gage meus, experta nay. ou hUe hume lient Cage ReullorSarn Benson, presi- curerete walls encased in highlylightingsod humoowner-cun- llnmoowners natlunwido dont otBensan Stanley Really. engacoorod insululing foam from truhlod usuge. muy be cheering while ohlbciuls marheto hattam dries up?" uWill ahuri sales Increase tu fill faundatiun lu runihine. These are Consumereducntlnnuhaut are lns'ostiguthng what analysts Anulysts und labhyistu fur the cold bocuuso ufthe forecla- wormer in cold weather and cual- net-zero hiving remains a ditO. Some homes at PraIrie RIdge Estates will hune rnoftop nr backyard nro calling "faroclusuregute." \Valh Street securitIes Invostors sure freeze? BELLE PLA(NE,COMMONS wInd turbInes to help produce ehectric1ty elkem will haue suhr panels. er In worin weather, meunisg lesscatty, Rogna asid, but ta help with The cicsrgo Is that hunks sup- aro saying n hung-term nntlanul . "The fareclasucre mureturium .. coaling sud boating casts lu maketItis the hume cauld be equipped Ahi will be ballt from Inundation to roofilne with "ICFs,' er Insulated pIlou shuddy und often fuhalOod fureclusuro muroturlum would helAtely will increase sIcuri sales ;. .... cenerete forms, which are concrete walls encased in hIghly engineered the hamo cumfurtable, Coupledwith umotoring system that ducuments vta a 'roba-signieg" "catastrophic" becuuse the freezeuctivity," Bossus said. "Lenders with that tu muhing the hume ashsws when, hnw muds und from Insulated foam. The cemblnation el these and ether built-In technolo- process tu suppuri evictiunu uf cauld delay the hausing recuvery will ho under mare pressura la "tight envelope," using sudi feu-what source ts using energy, und glen aIrs te pruduce a home that haue a "net-ocre" energy ese. delinquent borrowers. fur years. approve a altari sale Ifa faracho- New Condominiums for those55 The puer dacomentutlan Issue Exporta say the fureclnsure sure lu nut an optlunr was aniplified because many freeze likelywill hurt the puck- p Whist about oew-canslrucllun? Bank-Owned . lenders relied un the Martgago otbooku ofReattors, oppralsors, Aren't there hundreds of nesv andbetter from the $190s ElectronIc Recarding System lenders, hume Inspectors, and humes unit cuctuhos un the market IMERS), u lending Industry rehcub people seImcurrently are at bargain prices? Chlcaga The Lifesty'e You Deserve. Malntenmnce-free Uving ;:REAL ESTATE AUCTION uhinricut tu avoid rorording feos husy working un traccsactluns in dovolupors lieve marked dawn lItaI niluwed propones ta chungothe furoclusure market. standing Inveubory liarnos and e Spacious Floor Plans hands withaut the necessity of The fareclusure moretoriunc cutidas franc 25 luorceat tu 40 NOVEMBER 14, 2010 recurding ouch transfer. \Vithu also hiss created a bevy of tough percent. Cauld this he an once-in- . Balconies or Patios on Select Units lia recorded tithe, tite mortgage consumer quostlunu seeking a-lifetIme cliunce ta purchase a . Fitness Center MEAD' IDGE 'II i .._i I , , , holder lias nu proof of uwnershuip. answers: now bunco at a hefty chiscaunt? , Mure thun 62 mIllion mort- IV/lint about buyers who are "Baying a new liante In n goad Community Parks with Fountains 11 CONDOMINIUMS gages are nuw hohl In tIte nuoto caught tu tite mkhdle with u nelghiborhuaud certainly is botter ufMERS. When thocusuoclu uf cuntroct pending us a hume willi than any risky 'its-Is' shari suie Convenient Location Near Transportation Previously Priced:$249,000 these launa went mIa default its furechosure frozen? Probably or foreclosure, und yuu dun't nod hunks targeted thenc far tite only nitorantivo Is ta hack outhave tIto difliotcity ufwuitlng far t, .44 TO HE SOLD SUBJECT TO A Come see why Meadow Ridge . foreclusure, servicers ncuy have ufthue cheat and start shoppIng for n hunk responseplus you get One-of-a-kind Opportunity MINIMUM BID OF $45,000 each! is stili one of the top i c-uhber-sthnuped thuausands of a shiurt niche, n traditIonal existing a full one-year warranty," saId : hume or nom cunslructlun. Chicaga developer Peut tIerIsche Ii'.-'.f ,, , Open Houses: Nov B&7;2prn-4pm falso fureclasuro ufhiihsvita with- Come see how valuable we really are developments in Chicagoland. nut having persunul knuwheuhge ufIWhat Ifa prospectivo buyer ofOEA, Development, whIch Private Attached Residences or verifying tIte underlying aun puld a londer n foe tu lock-In the recostly cut prices by up tu 40 at Belle Plaine Commons! Publictransportation just steps away file lufarmatluic. rolo au their laus for n chasing percent os il Ituaies ut Edge- starting from just $495,000. A class-action luwuait Oled Iliut lu lu imbu? %Vlhl the rato- break Glen and MayfaIr Crossing Ask about our incentives by 2Bedrooms, i &2Boths, elevator building, recently lu Kecitucky claims tust luck be entended? lu lIte loan devehepuudodits In Ils "Cuiursnleeil 2335 West Belle Plaine stainless steel appliances. natural stone baths hIERS nuit tIto hunks viuluhed applicatIon cloud? Lot's hype Luwest Price Sueiugs Event." calling 047-5599800 Onsite sales center located the Racketeering Influenced repuluble exilera entend the ralo 'Fhie total savicigs geiterelod In and laundry hnnk-op. 7734426995 or e-mail: in Northbrook at the corner anti Cumcpt Organleatiuns Act luck, nr roturo tIto luck feo and these final price roductians cuti IRICOl, u law urigictally picsaod ta caucel tIce uhiphicallun. ho as machi as $151,000 sao- [email protected] otTechny and Founders Drive. PLUS:PropertIes in the fsllswlng cilles: Calumet City, CIlicago, fight organized crinue. IWhist ubaut the honce-bucying ings uit u toso liecory Itunce svilhi Model open for walk-ins or call Judy Westerbetg for an appointment Ctlicago Heigllts, Dalton, Grayslake, Lake Zurich,NewLennx, Yurkville But what effect soul tIte furo- familles mhia aro ready tu cluse gronito, marble, ltnruho'auel finura closure muraborium tinco on the and muyo tutu a foreclnaed and slolnlosa-nleel appliances, BellePlaineCommons.com BUYERS a SELLERS!!! What are ou waiting tors outlook hnuolng murket, which huaso? Who will presido temica- Bortachue saId. VisIt wwss:cude- BsoN',:.HoUrsWed-FrI 11-6pm Sat. & Sun. 12-5 pm already tu buttered hy the Great racy huusing fur them? Better vetupuient.caau, Salua Cmsheçopen Salorclny-Wudnenday flam-4pm. KZF p Recosslun? Realtors are asking: lease an apartment or muco in Dun DeBut's evcklycculeutule Jest 00x1 nf Wccalom, i block nudh of living Pouts MÉS- or by appt.. Free Auction Marketing Analysis! "Iftho satins's Inventory uf fare- with your parents er brother-In- column lusyndkulcdbyDcButMe- Dickem wolcomo. diaseuvkcu. Throuurehouw4zuiylug :1 I i clusurea suddenly disappears, law. what happons ta the hauahng'a IAnd, prospective hume huyere (uforaiolluu, eluilhiu 11kb aile nl D.s.lop.d kpu www.MeadowRldgeNorthbrook.com Nucth center Ai,mhnc., LIC 0000laper lucesso 01047104 ut'uus lI I , im supply nod demand suiten the uro asking: Willi leus Inventury cowietdouilcbutjcct.


THE RESERVE AT MERIT CLUB High quality, low prices abound at The Enclave Buyers cash in on big savings at Merit Homes


There has nover been a bet- To vInIt The Enclavo, take - - ter time to buy at The Enclave at 1-94to Ruote 127, go wett tu The Reserve st the Merit Club in Route 21 (Milwaukee Avenue), - Libertyville Prices on the award- then north 1½ mIles lathe winning two- to four-bedroom entrenCo, Follow Ihn sIgns to ranch and two-story homes with lhe soleo cenlor, open Friday first-liner master bedrooms have - ta Monday from 10am, 105 dropped op to $100,000, making pm, (closed Tuesday through the luxurious homes affordohly Thursday) Cull 847-680- priced from the upper $d00,000s. 009001 vltit mnrlthumno, - "Ve have reduced the pricing net, lar mure informatlun, of our homes without sacrificing Homes at The Enclaae at The Reservo at the Merit Club in Libertyville Include hlgh-lnvelstaadard features snch as site-stained oak floonlag, the amenities nod quality of our Kohlnr flotares, granito conotortopo and ali major appliances. preduct," said Jert Snatko, (hrec- tor of saies and marketing for fao; granite doanteriaps; maple, development by a causervatios Merit 1-lomes. nah, cherry and alder cabioets; easement, Located on 100 ocres, The SCulsier fixtures; extensive trim "The community has the feel uf Reserve ut the Merit Club is a details; stle-staloed oak floarleg; being la tire cuontry, but lo real- gated coroneusity nf 128 humes mosnury fireplace with brick ity, Ito very cluse tu tire tollway, surrounded by protected forest hearth, surround end gas iagshappiag, the train and much preserves and the MerIt Club lighter; hand-split cedar shake oiore' Szatho said, Golf Ceurse, on 18-hole private roofs; Pella wnad windaws with A few years ago the pictur- golf coarse on 225 ocres that is launE glass; and nosed tempera- osque community leas hanarcd ranked omoog one of the top 100 turo control. crus a "Best Cummunily" award courses ha the svnrld. There are Buyershavetheopportu- from the Home Builders Associa- 102single-family, semi-custom nity to personalize their perfecthua. and msiutenance-free humes, in hume, There are seven different Conveniently acabit off Mii- addition tu 26 custom une-ocre finar pions available, up lu 3,000waukee Avenue In Libertymtiie, home sites, square feet, including lime ranch- residents ore only a sOmmato According to Szaiko, the re- es and two two-story homes with commute tu Chicago from either cent price cuts have helped sparfirst-floor musiera, theGrayslnko or Lihertyvilie on sales in Ihn community, which "Buyers can completely cus-train stations. Addiiiaoaiiy, oc- is curreotiy over 80 percent saId, tomize tiroir now home, luchad-cous to Interstate 04 is only a mile with 17 homes at the Enclave und tog changing the flour pian and away. eight custom home sites avail- adding square feet it necessary," There aro tuvo models upen for able, "Many Merit Club buyers Szutka said, touring at The Enclavo, the twa- are downsiotn but getting a The community's rxpNnstve bedroom, two-both Corringtan muds moreelegant,custom- landscape is highlighted by Itssod tire thcee-bedroam, 2H-bath sized hume," Szatbo said. 'Far genily rolling terraIn, aluog withForester ranch. many it's a lateral move," o mogoiflcent natural panuroms To visit The Enclave, take l-54 The remaining humes stili of scenic rock gardens, spark-tu Route 137, go west to Route 21 have all of the luxury features ing ponds and colorful wtldflsw-IMliwnokee Avenuei, then north that huyera have come tu enpcct era. Many of the resideoces of-114 miles tu the entrance. Follow froos Merit Humes. Every hume fer views of Ihe acclaimed Merit the signs tu tise suies cooler, open includesfirst-classupgraded Club Gulf Course. Merit HomesFriday to Monday from lOam, tu features llìat come standard, guarantees buyers that the com- 5 pm. (cinsed Tuesday through such as a Whirlpool built-Inmunity's natural setting is heretoThursdayi. Call 847-680-0050 er eloubie oven,disiuoasher, gas stoy, The surrounding canserva-vIsit ooerithumes.net, far muro Dabbed "the most boantifut commanity in Lake Coonty", homes atTise Enclave are surrounded by matare cenktop with microwave hood tian area is prutected frene futurelofarmistisu. trees, sparkling ponds and stunning rockgardens.

e, -' .,A A

p p 'p I 1=R I',I i") il GREYWAU. CLUB SINGLE FAMILY HOMES KERRY RIDGE JOUET CHiCAGO RIDGE oraíbete 3 . 4 bedneams, 2 . 2 5 baths, Tosnhamos, 2 - 3 bedrooms, I 5 - 2 5 botha, 2-3eergasaga, I,?35.2,727aq A 2eu,garao, I,525.I,768aq. A Frass the 5170s horn the 16Os - morro 888-205-2694 877-217-4846 'ft Join Lennar as we unveil our all-new single family and townhome collections priced from thes1 60s. Lesna, is esciled la ivlreducc su, aIi.ee,v si,giu family und sani «,es ,,Iiectious s,f honres al GreyauIi Chib uod Mosey ie,dge.Tt,eçe i,r,,vos an, ser eniy heaolifsi, they are designed h,, nnewy efflcicocy ,vith advanced green reehneiogy tasase you money a,,d help an Ilse e,,armn,ae,l ------,i,_',-, -:'','H - Homes Availablefor ImmediateMove-'IrI ------i .I1 - Lennár Savings -- :- ììiùk' ---.- '.iAi ,.,olii

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C CALL HOWl 88s69573 1773) 673.3484 We Buy Cars co o '06 Cadillac STS FORD '99 Taurus Sporty, Q 917 900 great runner. Exc condilian, 1 0' o HERMAN'S STAR NISSAN $1700 nba. 773.7495579 ('1 888-267-1.976 FORD 1992 Mustang Gei casti '09 Chevrolet Ayee GT, 1.5 o S99S 5.0,Floridacur.Exc.coed. I o $d000abo, 773.370-8122 Berman's Mid City Nissan o w 000-5059144 MERCURY COUGAR '5 7167 o. noix. allr*r, gar hep!, N/S. ne w o: 'OS Chevrolet Cavalier :NQW! SS995 msl/denis, hardly cirloan by elderly o couple. $1050/eke. 773941-3499 t') Berman's Mid City Nissan cm o 880-500-61.44 '05 Mustang Premium $9500 >, CHEVROLET 2005 Cobalt, 22 1 Owner, 8 miles, Clean, :BEST TOYOTA DEALS! to Le TOP DOuAR PAIO! 111er. WhIte, 4 door. Runs good. TCS, ABS, MP3. All OEM o 0 WE BUY-jUNK CARS! $3700. 6L709.5464 Le Runs greatlil (224)5991380 WITH OR WtTIIOUT TITLES, o CHEVROLET 1997 Lamina, 4 dsyree8yuhoo.com 706-2755659 dr. MOroon, full pwr, alloys, CD. A New2OlO ,< NewZ011 Great. $17tX7. 773588-8957 OLaS '99 AURORA Remale clarI, 4 dr blue, llher san roof, KIA MOT0tS \ CHEVYOlCayalierLs Red ,., , ', ' Camry $800-$22,000 'kir cold oc alloys sonor nIce full power ulloys great $2700 Corolla BUY JUNI< CARS, lop dollar (or 773997-2261 O) your Junk cars, Same day pick $2600. '73907-2261 w OLDSiSS9Delta 881S,Red,4 p4 Cash in I hr! . '10 Chevy Camaro LT m , up,Chicago. Cash puid, $200- dr, full pwcr, sImon cold AC. o $2000 for your car, #pi_5892 $23.995 GreW, $2202. 71388-8957 For Good Cars! CALL NOWI 8884957312 Cali 713-410-2i35 0105 '94 Cutiano Supremo Or LeauoFsr Only C) $400 for Beaters CHEVY 1999 Monte Carla LS, 2dr, nato, full power 7k, V6, Price for Junk Cars 90k miles, White, full pwr, calcI recent tires & brakes, like new o e w Running or Not AC. Creati $3200 77358957 In & Out runs great $2400 a, NEW 2010 KIA FORTE Toyota Care Lo CaD 24/7 7082291442 Same Day SeMce CHEVY Si MONTE CARLO LS o white alloys gas sanar must see OLDSMOBILE 1.983 Regency > Se Habla Espanoi $1700773997-2261 98, 95,070 mlles. $2800 or 'I C '08 Chrysler PT Cruiser bes! oiler, Cali 847-316-9891 - s o i 70&248-4500 773-895-5165 co L $7,900 '09 Pontiac Vibo 01 - -. u OrBuvioronly OrluiFuonly JUNK CARS TOP D011AR BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN o We Pick Up! 880-267-2976 6915829 $12,995 o : PAY GUARANTEED. CALL HOWl 888-695.7313 2010 Tavola '06 Chrysler 300C I . 3 We Are Fast NO TITLE, NO PROBLEM $14,900 '05 Pontiac 010 Corolla I (773)818-3338 or iT73i517-8320 used $12,995 BERMAN'S STAR NISSAN #99588 $29,995 SPu u I gurroiaantroyahoo.m 880-267-1976 CALL NOWI 888-695.7313 Sik liP? 739 o CHRYSLER '99 LHS 4 dr Pontiac '04 Suofire. Auto, 7O824845OO burgundy Ihr full pwr cd aorgeous i buy Cars, Vans & Trucks a/c. Enc coed. Garage KA10044 $24w 773997-2261 kept. $3200 1:312) 6586758 Owner Registration Requirod w/e Title Top $$$ Paid '08 Dodge Aveniter R/T * PONTIAC 2002. Bonneville W, OR W/O TITLESI No PloblemI Will pick op TODAY! $12,995 51.8. * 22" 8-hIs, ither, Load. Berman's MILI City Nissan ed. $4500 oho. 3238855U Cars/ Trucks Any Condition 708-289-8490 800-008-8144 O New2OlO New2OlO.- New2OlO Top $$$ For Your Junk Cars '08 Dodge Caliber SRT-4 1 A b 7739O54137 llPi.5778 Yaris 3DR Matrix " Rav-4 Running or Net $15,995 oL6pxLttped 1LIOI1O lumipyrrllr ncones ' CALL HOWl 888495-7312 I ._ 3 Same Day Pick lip DODGE '06 Charger SXT- v ' 773-952-9019 34k, sIlver, 4-dr, like new must AßC©1kI1II7111 AI1 C©Nifl ING AUTO TA ' see. $10,990. 312-733-361. call mornings, John. Wanied: ruy classic cars in Dodge '03 Neon. 4 doer, any condilion. lap Dollar Paidi 16.19O Automatic. $2000, 12795 19,595 CaH Joe at 620-295-8122 (773i 3699739 -SUBSCRIBE TO THE I I DODGE '01. 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BERMAN'S MID CITY SUBARU 4402W. STEP i PICK UP THE PHONE! BUICK Y0S024n i02i7871. CR501060000400 lvbooUofll,agovon UI8l2.2sc82t 001W 0254e, RO 607g 211 020500 H loo 0A7.75Y2001i,72 n 777W 2017 SONATA GLI NEW 2010 ELANTRA NOW 2011 TUCSON Sd10O6Oc,WOVoov524ao06c,74G04G05 Grand 5010eS Volk 80,6 50070 21es. 000roRvilln,oi,nbo,Sv 040-50522M g,anvsuborvvom STEP 2- CALL TOLL-FREE! Diii JacobS Cadillac 2421W.J0700r,00 Of., bili OYW,R ÛlT,?PETOERO 22 iv a-,-'- 921,6SOT 0022.l{Ob0801r.00m a '7iU&J -TO I TOYOTA MCCARTHY FORD, INC 174Go 9, PuAski, 200,50 f?IdSO752000Ro.m,,a461(00020,00i TllIfi$22lllEIflil$iJ]flïfi0lClIlI UIIWO,25/rIlIlv. aa°en70v7,. 51f 03257V GMC TrucO MCGRATH LEWIS OFCHICAGO ROoReOyat AS LITTLE AS 1500 DOWN AhisivV 2774252007 0000,mvgi,iflleo,s 20m ELSIHWBST TOYOTA 'ICe LoO 7420 2020,,' Assurance' WE WILL 786205634v. top:/.°'wvw,nicv,,nvmn001a,00rn AUDI YEAR ATYOUR JORA FINANCE 5t#6f6cc950372O4loi00b04 YOU'LL DRIVE HOME TODAY! Libonty001je To ola Scion 11.429, 0400,100 You' m 40, LEe,vvvili, U 'AO402100nc0,l2oCte,,ilr10001rvom CALL: 800-651-9715 184327956 7 EHEVRQLT AETORARH MAZDA 00,flS8AOO 00205. Rd. ADVANTAGE CHEVROLET i65&RouirbS, 0% FINANCING ON USED CARS' Boingb,ock SOUd5O'5SOO0000.vdocningec0ovcoro CASTLE ROSSA 8006W. 2052Sf,,, 00600 'cOsleplImo. %641' 910cd950ce,,00 04,915' 'iODcRrRGgect, '21,906' 910W (SIGi 5057070 0w0,0000iei,oRdonaie,cono' OAsI LAWN TOYOTA 4420W55vf SL 00551W 953 i9.Q5 '9,495°'lrSSFAa,,v, 10,994 OGl0e9Oc,o 42,999' Mercedes-Benz TOSATA WAW6520vO n0.020ki02R0000l00070 îSEilpebo,c,000 %999' Ol%,*,SOIrAv,,,o '16919 SfloerSM000t '25990' 9194*9SSLT4c,e 110,999' t9P32S1gi5EDOo '16,99F slOe,rDIg,.00, '24,595. SIeOeSOIrOScov '012995' 90lcrrSCOrislScoo Guaranteed '17995''Ro.c21494oO,,,o,, 29,999° APPLE CHEVROLET IN TINLEY PARK S9S005cRc,t '12,999' ilSTOclIOcci,,,o, 19,995° 94959%ET32 '32,999' 0Oli4203VS8OW. lOgiS w000.082iroflcWaoos 0520 A, 02007 40e rorss,p.Mc,,cc '13,9%'iorscthilerrr.',o,,, '19,995' AND MANY MORE TO 192037.SSI,,otot '04,999' SIRFNSD000 51299F 060005E FROM! 0111 Jacobs Chevrolet 2421 W. 20710,007 SL, Credit Approval iofleiSGo-OOT.2A81 OOW.08iJ02008Auloaor,, 6ii7iLb173 6747 N. Lincoln Ave, 10255031 ILLI(P0YCFrEVRQLET000OgaonAiv5o Lincoinwood, IL 60712 200 E. Ogden t ro s s io g e 16 y t n d e L e o ni HYIJflD1I 800-651-9715 CSEvrSlot oS Homewood 186,0 Sf151,60, FAMILY HY050A 0102 W. 200f, St.. viRieyYeGo, GET AN AUTO LOANIN MINUTES 12,0,02,5 ZOO.7OWGw0002ion,ew,o0cfroyaom i" MINI BILL JACORS MINI 24900,20,86,2.. 60705300, eStOsrI$4W2 iL 08624542242 Ofcv.fl$2(acOO 5000-i fo,,, grossingerhyundaj.com flor 00e 400200 PiiOw COO 0170 W SOO.aSOB"°0" CITY VOLKSWAGEN 740W, 11817g Podi Rd., v6fag, 2060070002vi0,0222,rnvocho,OOW,n nrooIotIearlifoe5Is,olrealsoOserinarsIlvrooUllpp5d'pJUael 560104715o,f,o. l)Oorlotçoipicro ,ATRICIlO2UNDAIO2000oif84.SvCo2ln ol7i7v6ulIoprltodooirI.oMsnP9ly53eIaoIdIl:IrlIpo3wreila000eforMosssrrolmWWv,VIoe$ Â MJTSUI3ISHI oqaconodbves04:,00pelesklvx25ooldooas1eraef25CIOIS,W,eOe 011131l35fifr23fO 24 HOURHOlLINE MAS MADSEN MITSUBISHI 'VOLVO 5Si1cOflCIrOo,eIet0S36AIt2RgT2. ROGERS UVOSDAI 27205. MiOhigaR Ave. 720-55144OS L PATRICK VOLVO 52002.84 In Ra,, LTM A SoilaiinbvlgVvf.5404258,WflvOo (2220(00.2072 Bi? A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION DIC www.pioneerlocal.com diversions

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e: . Folk group Sons of the Never Wrong will perform at 8 p.m. Oct. 30 at the Skokie Theatre, 1924 Lincoln Ave., Skokie. Call (841) 677-7761or visit . .- . , . , , : www.skokietheatre.com. Tickets are $20 in advance, S25 at the door.

artist members. The club exhibits ely of programs. For information, call less noted otherwise. Oct 31, 8 p.m.: 1500, ext. 2100, or visit www.Scream- widely in the Chicago area in muse- (847) 676-2872. Storytelling in the Snug - Ghost Stories Scene.com. . : OVER 1OO$Nk DAÎCERTIFIED.1.: , -j,;. : . ums, public venues and institutions, Spares Singles Sunday Evening Club on All Hallows Evé, featuring Beth Skokie Theatre, 7924 Lincoln Ave., : synaqoques and community centers. holds ballroom dances from 7:30-10:30 Florner, Syd Lieberman, Susan D'Nello- Skokie. Call (847) 677-7761 or visit . Members also participate in salon dis- p.m. the first and third Sundays of ran, Anne Shimojima and Jane SIen- www.skokietheatre.com. Oct31, 2 p.m.: .: and art critiques, plein air each month at the American Legion, son. No cover. 'War of the Worlds," a radio play star- paintinq sessions, and other activities. 9757 Pacific Ave., Franklin Park. Admis- Lincoinwood Public library. 4000 W. ring Rick Kogan and Rob Dorn. $30 in TA$/t For information, visit www.american- sim) is $8 for members; $9 guests. Nov. Pratt Ave. (847) 617-5277. www,lincol- advance; $35 at the door. Nov. 5,8 hice /9, _F!TS::ELEMENTS jewishartistsclub.org. 7: Music by The Music Men. Nov. a nwoodlìbrary.org. Nov.21, 2 p.m.: p.m.: "Conversation with Teddy Roo- CR-VS LiveWLincolnwood Library presents savait," starring Joe Wiegand. $20 in PILOTS Turkey Trot Dance with music by Chuck Des Plaines Art Guild meets at i p.m. E ip', on the second Friday of the month at and Friends. "The Showtimers' Musical Magic," tea- advance; $25 at the door. Nov. 26-28, the Prairie Lakes Community Center, turing Julia Harris, Bernice Linkoff and noon, 3 p.m. and 7 p.m.: The Amazing 515 Thacker St,, Des Plaines. New mero- WORKSHOPS & CLASSES Ron Pregozen. Acro-Cats. $15 irr advance; $18 at the Come visitus fòr: bers are welcome. Visit www.dpag.org. Hayne Stage, 1328 W. Morse Ave. in door $10 for children. ![ Nov. 12: Brian Sauerland will present a Skokie Art Guild offers figure drawing Rogers Park, Chicago. (F73) 381-4554. pastel demonstration. workshops from 7-9:45 p.m. Thursdays www.maynestage.com. Nov.17, 8 p.m.: MUSEUMS 1appIe !LiI! Skokie Art Guild meets on the fourth and 9 am-noon Saturdays at the De- Fifth House Ensemble presents The ''ãrs Tuesday of March, April, May, June and vonshire Cultural Center, 4400 Green- Weaver's Tale: 0f the Fearless Boy and Illinois Holocaust Museum & Educa Every Saturday in Octobèr September at the Skokie Public Library, wood SL, Skokie. Fee is $12 for wem- Loveless Girl." The Chicago-based Fifth lion Center. 9603 Woods Drive, Skokie. 5215 Oakton St. Visitors welcome. For bers; $20 for nonmembers. Visit House Ensemble performances high- (847) 967-4889. www.ilholocaustmuse- further information, visit www.skok- www.skokieartguild.org. light relationships between classical um.orq. Hours:10 a.m.-5 p.m. Mondays, Fun Activities on Oct. 3Oth Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays; 10 am.- ieartguild.org. Boocoo Cultural Centerand Café, 1823 music and art forms as diverse as film, Raffle Church St., Evanston. (847) 864-8164. dance, gourmet food, theater, wine- 8 p.m. Thursdays; il a.m.-4 p.m. Satur- . i-Pad days and Sundays. Admission: $12 $8 :SINGLES www.boocoo.org. Nov.20, 1-2:30 p.m.: making and visual art, as well as creat- . i-Pod Raffle Reggae Rhythms Workshop Il for pro- ing new sounds through collaborations for children, students and senior citi- s CostumeCoflteS Combosingles, open to singles 21- fessional or novice musicians/drum- with artists of other music genres. $25 zens. Special exhibitions are free with Contest plus. RSVP two days before dinners. For mers. $10. for VIP reserved seating in advance; museum admission. Through Jan. 2. . Coloring information about the group and up- The Emeritus Program at Oakton $20 for general admission in advance; 20m 'Deadly Medicine: Creating the AFinancing based on approved credit to qualified buyers.Valid three days from publication. Dealer will not honor errors ¡n this coming events, call (847) 757-1299 or Community College offers a course on $25 at the door. Master Race," an exhibition about the Affy Tapple Factory Store advertisement. Not available with any previous offers. (847) 331-1066, or visit www.combosin- Leonard Bernstein, Maestro Bernstein Scooter's Halloween Party will be role of science in Nazi ideology. Pro- 7425 N. Croname gles.org. Oct31, Nov.14 and 20, Dec.12, (MUS Cm-61), from 10 a.m.-12:15 p.m. held from 6-9:30 p.m. Oct29 at theO duced by the United States Holocaust Nues, IL 60714 615 p.m.: Bowling at Brunswick Zone, Nov, 3 andlO at the Chicago Botanic Skatium Ice Arena, 9300 Weber Park Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C., On Croname between 824 E. Rand Road, Mount Prospect. $20 Garden, 1000 Lake Cook Road, Glencoe. Place, Skokie, featuring ice skating, a the exhibit examines how the Nazi . Howard and Gross Point - - Sb op @ w w w. m u herb on da certified. co m 84 7- 83 1 -.4100 league members; $25 non-league Course fee is $40. To register, visit fun fair, storytelling, costume contests leadership, in collaboration with indi- members. Socialize without bowling www.oakton.edu/emeritus or call (847) and hayrides. For information, call viduals in the professions traditionally (behind the leaning tower) S. for $10. No advance reservation re- 635-1414 or (847) 982-9888, press 3. (847) 674-1500, ext. 2900. charged with healing and the public quired. Nov.13, 6:30 p.m.: Dinner at Scream Scene Haunted House, featur- good, used science to help legitimize Hours: Mon - Fri 9-5, Sat 9-2, Sun 10-2 (in Oct.) 4 Blocks.Soutli Of Main Location ing more than 20 rooms, open from?- persecution, murder and, ultimately, iBooby's Chaicoal Rib, 8161 N. Milwau- ET CETERA kee Ave., Nues, $10 cover per person: 10 p.m. Oct. 29-31 at the Skokie Water genocide. Oct. 28, 6:30 p.m.: Hebrew g:: i ra! :cost of dinner and tax on your own. The Celtic Knot Public flouse, 626 Playground, 4701 Oakton St. Not recorm University historian Dan Porat will dis- !älfòit; , ; - 150 Skokie Valley Road, HïghlañdPark Jewish SenlorSingles Social Club Church St, Evanston. (847)864-1679. mended for children under 10. Admis- cuss and sign his book, The Boy:A Holocaust Story. - meets regularly for dinners and a vari- www.celticknotpub.com. No cover un- slon: $8. For information, call (847) 674- _î_

i' . : A Pioneer Press Publication (DC) wwwpioneer1ocaLcom Thursday, October28, 2010 818dversians www.pioneerlocal.com DIC . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010 J Ø1 BIOPICS Super Crossword HOROSCOPESFor the week ofNov. i Nov. 7 Q%EMEMBERING Send obituaries to [email protected]; orfax to (847) 486-6836 ACROSS 57 86 Janet 98 Journalist 9 Palindromic 47 Tall story? 84 Dated ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Your honesty con- SCORPIO (October 23 to November 21) Rely on j4i i Potas&um, Jackson hit Jacob proposition 48 First name 85 Solid tinues to impress everyone who needs reassurance your keen instincts as well as the facts at hand e.g. 58 Fresh 99 podrida 1 0 Transmit by in photog- circle 6 pole 60 BIllie t 100 Western bytes raphy 88 Grow dull about a project. But be careful you don't lose pa- when dealing with a troubling situation. Be patient, e. .P ' Rornembran' 11 Scott's l'be 'The Wizard desert 11 The 49 See 92 Endearing tience with those who are still not ready to act. Take things one step at a time as you work Quartet" of Oz" 103 Sherbet Mertzes' 65 Across 93 Nest egg Wolf, Barbara C. Schoen, Yvonne G. 14 Nova" 61 Merino flavor income 50 South 94 Diarist TAURUS (April 20 to May 20) Pushing others through it. Barbara C. Wolf, 73 of Park Ridge, died October 25, network males 105 Coup d'. 12 Suffix (nee Woske), age 79 was born December 7, 1930. African Anale too hard to do things your way could cause resent- SAGITTARIUS (November 22 to December 21) 2010 from complications due to cancer. Barbara long ofBell 17 Idolized 63 I.M. the 108 Fight site 13 Unhappy activist 95 Light was a member of the Park Ridge Citizen's Patrol,Yvonne was a term employee 19 Fandango aihitect i 09 Actress 14 Rocker 51 WWII gun cardage ment and raise more doubts. Instead, take more Your curiosity leads you to ask questions. However, 2OthCentury Cluband GardenClub. Asa 40 yearTelephone where she met her husband. Yvonne kin 64 Manage Alicia Robert 55 Resembling96 Fate was also an election-judge for many years and the. - time to explain wh your methods will work. the answers might not be what you hoped to member of Mary, Seat of Wisdom Parish, Barbara 20 Maestro de 65 With 110 Applaud 15 Movie 58 Couches 97 Antonio, served the church through her efforts with theconsummate good Samaritan for her family and Waart 49 Down, 111 Make wine chimp 59 Datebook TX GEMINI (May 21 to June 20) Be more consider- hear. Don't reject them without checking Council of Catholic Women and the Queen of Peaceher neighbors young and old, particularly assisting 21 i4uik' Thomas divine 16 Largest abbr. loo Mediter- Guild. Beloved wife of the late Raymond A. Wolf, young mothers with new children as well as aged Ferrigno Jefferson's114 Glowing African 60 Candy ranean ate of those close to you before making a decision them out. neighbors who had no others to relyupon.But 22 George M. veep 115 Robert Jr., Mrs. Wolf is survived by her sons, Raymond A. Yvonne was most passionate about "her team" the nation quantity island that could have a serious effect on their lives. Ex- CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 19) Ill, Steve A. and three daughters, Susan K., Leslie Cohan 66 EdwIn Stroud 18 Sandwich 62 Cold- 101 Sky Chicago Bears. Wife of the late Donald E. Schoen; biopic Booth biopic shop shoulder stalker plain your intentions and ask for their advice. Be careful not to tackle a problem without suffi- A. and Diane M. Kaiser; eight grandchildren; 2daughter of the late Walter J. Sr.and Bernice 25 Link letters? bbopic 122 Dram 19 Cellist's 64 Transfotmer 102 Dock sisters,JackieWoodalland Judy McDaniel. CANCER (June 21 to July 22) You might have cient facts. Even sure-footed Goats need to know Woske nee Demski; sister of the late Walter J. , Jr. 26 Grant or 72 Line 123 Chou En-_ need part 104 Stallone Visitation is Thursday , October 28, 2010 from 3 to 9 (thelate Mary Lou) Woske; aunt of Yvette Tan 75 "Confound124 Prepared a 23 Blocker or 6lActress role to defend a workplace decision you plan to make. where they'll land before leaping off a mountain p.m. at Nelson Funeral Home, 820 Talcott Road (at(Barry) Home and Kelly (Dean) Chalmers , Tom 27 Cit,ws toe ill" potion Aykroyd Peggy 105 Building Cumberland), Park Ridge. Funeral Friday 9:5 Colleagues might back you up on this, but it's the (Lora ) Schoen and Bill Schoen, 7grand nieces and 28CPR 76 Cubic 125 Aftershock 24 Piles up 68 Polishes wing path. a.m. from the funeral home fo Mary, Seat ofnephews; 3 great-grandnieces and nephews; sister provider meas. 126 MAsk 30 Timber tree prose 106 DIplomacy facts that will ultimately win the day for you. Good AQUARIUS (January 20 to February 18) Wisdom Church. Mass 10 a.m. Interment All Saints ¡rilaw of Tom Schoen. Visitation was held 29 Tenor Mario77 Mosque Giri" ('59 31 Decimal 69 "Stop, 107 In pieces Cemetery. Memorials to theAmerican CancerSaturday, October 23, 2010, from 8:30 a.m. to 9:30 31 Svelte ligure film) base saltorl" 109 Saharan luck, Appearances can be deceiving. You need to do Society appreciated. Info: 847-823-5122 ora.m. Funeral was Saturday at 9:30 a.m. from 32 TV's & 81 Marine i 27 Terminate 32 Hold up 70 Time of 110 No LEO (July 23 to August 22) The Big Cat's co- more investigating before investing your time, let www.nelsonfunerals.com Donnellan Family Funeral Home 10045 Skokie Greg" leader? i 28 Frequently 33 Baseball's your life gentleman Sign Guesthook at legacpioneer1oca1.conz Blvd., at Old Orchard Rd., Skokie to St. John 36 "El Cid star82 Helps i 29 Electrical Chase 71 "Dailas 111 Babes in workers might not be doing enough to help get alone your money, in something that might have Brebeuf Church 8307 N. Harlem Ave., Niles, Mass 37 Stardom wbth the inventor 34 Doit matriarch " ('37 that project finished. Your roars might stir things some hidden flaws. 10:00 a.m. Interment Maryhill Cemetery. In lieu 40 Like pie? dishes 35 Bread or 72 Wisecrack : musical) of flowers memorials may be made fo Leelanau 41 Squirrel 84 Sao _, DOWN booze 73 Skeleton 112 Sheffield up, but gentle purrr-suasion will prove to be more PISCES (February 19 to March 20) Your recent away Brazil i Author 36 Jurist part slammer School, One Old Homestead Rd., Glen Arbor, Ml-t effective. stand on an issue could make you the focus of 49636. Funeral Info (847) 675-1990 or 43 Thomas 86 Nev. Angelou Learned 74 007's 11 3 Biblical www.donnellanfuneral.com. More neighbor 2 Dairy-case 37 Party school book VIRGO (August 23 to September 22) Someone more attention than you would like. But you'll re- You may send biopic B7Privyto buy present 78 Tycoon 116 Charfeson Sign Guestbook ist legacpioneerlocul.coni 49 Small shots 88 Decree 3 Oscar's 38 Lab critter 79 Historian or you care for needs help with a problem. Give it by- gain your privacy, as well as more time with loved 52 Bother 89 Moving cousin 39 Adage Durant Carmichael ingly and without judging the situation. Whatever ones, by week's end. 53 Japanese 90 Colton 4 Genesis 42 British pot 80 IO crew 117 Rottweiter's a death notice to dog 91 Bleak vessel 44 Mozart's 82 "The remark you feel you should know will be revealed later. BORN THIS WEEK: You're a good friend Dodll 54 Social misfit critique 5 Parasite Aeneid" . Fwuw Fur'i SEavis' Cosi_ 118 Take-home LIBRA (September 23 to October 22) While and a trusted confidante. You would be a 55 Throw In 92 Billie S Overly tutte" queen ll9Beindebt deatI.otices the towel Holiday 7 Foster's 45 Giraffe kin 83 TV's 120 Marsh you're to be admired for how you handled recent wonderful teacher and a respected member of 56 Cb-Cb- biopbc Dog Tray" 46 Lip and @pionecoi Everybody 121 Fairway workplace problems, be careful not to react the San's sash 97 Biblical city 8 Aviv about Loves_" accessory the clergy. same way to a new situation until all the facts are You may send a death notice to

- - i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 12 13 14 15 16 in. deathnotices (cl 2010 KIng Features Syndicate, Inc. @pioneerlocal.com 17 18 19 20 21 for more luí ¿4ì or call for more information 22 23 24 25 (847) 486-7479 (847) 486-7479 26 27 ..- .- -28 :2930 I Runzler Frank J. 31 3233 3435 36 May 26, '1926-October '15, 2010 Frank Runzler, loving husband, devoted father, fun-loving grandfather and loyal 3736 39 - 40 42 z nague friend, died peacefully after a courageous battle with Parkinson's disease. He was 84. R41 o Frank was the second of four children born to Frank W. and Marguerite Gruenwaid 43 4-4 4546 47 48 49 50 51 Runzler of Burlington, Wisc. He attended grammar and high school in Burlington, I s!w menion where he played on the high school football team. After graduation, he enlisted in the 52 .53 54 Army Air Corps and served as an airplane mechanic and crew chief, maintaining B-17 e bombers in Europe and Africa. After receiving his honorable discharge, . Frank 56 57 58 59 60 attended the University of Wisconsin, and was a member of the Delta Tau Delta nd flowers, gifts fraternity, where he made many lifelong friends. After graduating he moved fo 61 82 63 64 65 S S M5 PJR MOM 3IJF NS1S) 'JWI+JS1,SMNO1.PUS1 Chicago, where he met. his future wife and soulmate, Marguerite "Mac" Gendron. fl-4p4r rl, o, r-.ua-, ra o 'aA, ycvS msy aPuw' ca. r\5pTT. j aA'4 WS*S1 5w, w,î , rArirs WASSSC %,%4S VT S IS SSAy w,Svw FATSMS 5w,' ØQ5p 5Q pAg uy syaf ooeswr MSs Married on Nov. 27, 1952, Frank and Mac had five children, Michael, Terry, John (who 66 67 68 69 I 71 v_._ r---'- able contriiutions online. died at childbirth), Maripat and Nancy. The family frequently moved in those early years, living at -z. f various times in Ohio, Wisconsin, Illinois, California and Texas before settling for the last time Irvine, 77787980 Calif. While in Illinois, the family lived in Park Ridge from 1960-1967, where Frank served briefly on the District 64 Board of Education. He was also a member of the local VFW and American Legion chapters. f H r1ocal,co,ii In Irvine, he was a member of the Knights of Columbus at St. John Neumann Catholic Church, and % Í i "a C. i served as a Eucharistic Minister. Professionally, Frank was a salesman's salesman. At various times in t a his career, he sold everything from industrial goods to food products and oil field supplies. His life and ; -: career changed when he was named general manager of Pik-Nik shoestring potatoes in '1967 and moved his family to San Jose, Calif. He later was promoted to general manager of Gebhardt's Mexican Foods in i: ' L San Antonio, Texas. Ultimately he returned to California in 1977 and founded his own company, Frank J. iIi.92939495I Runzier and Associates, providing supplies to oil fields throughout southern California. While Frank 97 ¡.1 - 99 Dave T. Ph PS loved his work, he adored his family. Throughout his life, he dedicated himself to making life better for- Find at least sIx differences In detaIls between panels. family and friends. He assisted his parents and aunts in their later years, selflessly giving his time to loo 101 102 103 104 s 106107 ti) ensure they were never left alone. Similarly, he supported his wife and children, lifting when they fell, celebrating when they succeeded. In his final months, he was saddened that illness left him unable to help y-S------'-:--. 10 .- i ----. -- 111 112 113 - others. Frank was devoted to his Wisconsin Badgers, loved sports of all kinds and enjoyed golfing with family and friends. He enioyed hosting spontaneous barbecues at his home for his children and their.

'114 - 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 o families, smoking a good cigar, reminiscing and telling a good ioke. His loving wife Mac was his constant companion, and stood by him as disease slowly robbed him of his vitality. Always devoted, she was at his

1 123 124 - 125 side during his final hours. Frank is survived by his wife Mac, their childrenMichael, Terry, Maripat V) and Nancynine grandchildren and two great-grandchildren. Fr. CoIm Conlon celebrated a funeral Mass 126 127 128 129 at St. John Neumann. Interment will be at the Riverside National Cemetery in Riverside, California. The Cu) family asks that any donations may be made to the charity of your choice or to the Parkinson --' r- - . e Foundation. O'Connor Mortuary, (949) 581-4300; www.oconnormortuary.com Answers: Inside today's classified section Sign Guestbook at Iegactpioneedocal.com óU!SS1W SI qniI 9 suaiw U!JPPM S Ao luajaap si sAw sods ou sw ocj PIq aJP slurd s.iaa spd!JIs OU SCq IJPDs .1 :sa3uaJaJj!fl Pioneer Press Publication (Dc) wwwpioneerlocaLcom Thursday, October 28, 2010 B21 A Pioneer Press Publicaüon (Dc) B I Thursday, October 28, 2010 wwwpioneerlocaLcom

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We specialIze In generating new cus- PIONEER PRESS DRYWALL tact the Illinois Commerce Ing child caro for moro than tomers for more then 40 different publIcatIons throughout ARRANGED & PREPAID FUNERALS AVAILABLE sauft LOCAL S000cS i-847-253-1622 Commission TUCKPOINTING three unrelated children un- the greater Chlcaeo market. This includes Lake County, ¡1 der age 12 is sublect fo licens- Elgin, Aurora, Jouet, Souih Suburban, and the City of Chi- The Doings and CANTIERI INC. GUTTERS CLEANED ing by the IllinoIs Depart- cago. This new office will be responsible for handling oil Pioneer Press Newspapers Drywall . TapingPlaster OFF-DUTY FIREMEN 1 -847-679-7860 ment of of Children and Fam- special events and retail promotions in each local area. CommjRes.Bonded & ins. MIKE: 847-823-5731 ':n1 uy Services, The number Free Est. 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Owner Opera-College'Unlversifv expon- tars wanted for applIance de-ence in teaching ESL courses Exel Direct wants to put you in charge of your own business. livery & installation service.or experiencein provIding THE CLASSIFIEDS Qualilications: ° Criminal adultprofessionaldevelop- FIND YOUR PERFECT PET WATER TREATMENT JOBS We are the leading provider of premium home delivery of fur- background requirement mentin ESL content and (Free of all felony & most strategies. Preferred: Knowl- FREIGHT TO INTHE CLASSIFIERS Santa Fe, New Mexico niture and appliances to thousands of homes throughout North misdemeanor convictions) erige of linguistics, expon- Regional Operation Good driving record (Class Cence working in a America. Become part of our winning team by running your own license or better) ° Must passmulticultural or urban s.oting business and being IN CHARGE of your future. DOT physical & drug test. and experience or knowledge MOVE RIGHT NOW Ability ta perform physicallyof higher education accredito- demanding work O Business in the Out & Back Runs minded ° Clean cut & well tion, specifically TESOL Special Professional Your Truck, Your Operation, groomed appearance GoadAssociation(SPA).Knowl- DEDICATED, INTERMODAL, OTR, REGIONAL SUN1\MEDIA Currently Hirinq customer service & commu-edge of instructional and as- nicatlon skills ° Posllive atti-sessment strategies apropni- RECRUITER ON-SITE! Your Future! todo. Don't let thIs aleforteaching P-12 ELLs. AND TANKER POSITIONS AVAILABLE Advertising Sales, Interactive Media - I BDD Advanced Water opportunity pass you by. We Require: Contact: 708-344-8305. ApplicatIons accepled Account Executive Interviews on SATURDAY lOam-2pm Treatment Operator online only at: I The aI,ility lo purclae a 26' Straight truck Drivers http://iobs.iewisu.edu/applica Sun-Times Medias dedicated to being the premier I BDD Operator Dedicated, Flatbed, Region-nls'Centrai?qulckFind»51383 source of loca! news and Intormalion for the greater Chi- 1861 Terry Drive of Rte. 6 L Up-front money for start-up costs al, & OTR Opportunities cago area. We are a multi-medIa company serving more . BDD Laboratory Analyst Available Lewis University, sponsored than 300 communities across the region. e Commercial driving experience o Great Pay Great Mlles by the De La Salle Christian o Groat Homet 1mo Brother Is an equal opportuni- Jb Fairs The I nteractive Account Executive Is an exciting and chal- 2nd Floor of Qualawash, Jouet, ii a Clean MVR 'CDL-A REQD t, employer and Is committed tenging sales position based in our downtown Chicago atti- CDL training Is available to dIversity. ces. You will work with a high performing inleractive Me- n Good credit Cali: 866-645-4875 dia and newspaper advertising sales team responsible for The City of Santa Fe, NM is seeking qualified, ambitious Education i p.m. selling advertising and sponsorship programs to national Great Pay & Benefits, Assigned Truck, El Solid customer service skills TEACHER WANTED Monday, October 25. I and local advertisers on the Sun-Times Media Group nut- professionals for the Buckman Direct Diversion and Canyon Glenvlew Preschool work of wobsltes. Schneider Nationa'I 3600 S. Kostner Chicago Road Water Treatment Plants. These challenging conventional 047-729-4433 Primary ResponsibIlIties: Pd. orientation, Fuel card, PrePass. Call 800-285-1200 EXeI M-TFEDERAL POSTAL JOBS I . Generate revenue by developing sales strategy and and advanced water treatment positions offer a competitive Now Hiningt advertising packages and ask for Code liai-MA Earn $12-$48 por hour/No . Bulid new and strengthen current clIent/agency Must have: TWIC Card, CDL-A Esel DIrect Inc. DON'TNEED IT? SELL IT FAST. Experience Full Benetlls/ relationships for local advertisers salary and excellent benefits. For more information, visit the www.exeldirect.com Paid Training 'Monday, October 25 6 pm. . Ensure client campaign delivery and complete CALL 847.9984400 1-866-477-4953 ext. 22 follow-through activities w/Hazmat & Tanker Endorsement Careers link on the BDD Project website (www.bddproject. . Develop expertise in online trends and marketplace ,,,,. General - POSITIONS Schneider Nationalj7101 W. 17th Ave. I Gary, IN . Work closely with prInt accounl managers an ioint org), or search Job Opportunities on the City's website (www. Núrthejr . - needing ta be filled sales efforts Immediately for on-goIng 19 mo. currentTT exp. prolect with our client QualIficatIons: santafenm.gov) or call the City's Job Line at 505-955-6742. VERIZONI Training This is on outside saies position. Collego degree desIred. EveryPatient, Every Day! Provided. Bkgrnd & Drug test Minimum 4 years experience in media sales required. Lo- req'd. Make $700-5900 weekly. cal client ad sales experience a plus. Minimum two years **$500 Sign-on Bonus** Domenic 312-252.1727 experience in anime sales preferred. Must show success- Upcoming Openings Methodist Hospitals Southlako Campus EXPERIENCED DRIVERS AND RECENT fui sates record. Excellent written, verbal and organiza- Auditorium (iocatod in tho basomont) tional skilis. Must be a highly motivated and independent I Water System Operator IV (Canyon Road) 8701 BroadwayMorrlilvitio, Indiana 46410 DRIVING SCHOOL GRADUATES WELCOME! worker. Knowledge of Internet and Microsoft programs: . . Word, Excel and PowerPoint essentIal. Ability to work In s Water System Operator I (Canyon Road) TourOur racility send Meet a fast-paced, excIting environment. H 1G HWAV TRANSPORT NurseManagersand Staff. Successful candidates can submit their s BDD Journeyman Industrial Electrician Discover the FIND MORE - - . resume and caver letter to: Methodist pti.5s45 óur e-esserne onnl one SCH EIDER® Email: [email protected] Chemical s BDD Industrial Electrician (please note InteractIve Account Executive Difference lèuerpfreconsniezsdaUòn;,. NA TIONA L In sublect line) s BDD Journeyman Maintenance Mechanic Address: Sun-TImes MedIa EOE/M/F/V/D LOCAL JOBS AT Afln: Human Resources -AdvertisIng Sales, Interactive . BDD Equipment Repairman Graduate Nurse TeaPlease RSVP by November 1, 2010 Media-Account Executive November 4, 2010 to 219.886.4569 or Apply online at schneiderjobs.com or call 350 N. Orleans, 105, ChIcago, IL 60654 [email protected]. METHODIST PIONEERLOCALCOM/MONSTER Fax: (312) 321-2288. . BDD l&C Hardware and Software Tech 3:00pm7:00pm l O S I'In .L S No phone coils please. Call fOr Appt. orStop In! 1-800-44-PRIDE for more information. ADA/EEOC www.mgthodiothospitais.org L..ümg tn on Io Ott h..Itfl. 2 EOE M/ÑWV Sun-Times MedIa is an Equal Opportunity Employer 1-800-.764 -4. 034 Pioneer Press Publication(Dc) www.pioneerlocal.com Thursday, October 28, 2010 p J BZ B2$ Thursday, October 28, 2010 www.pioneerlocal.com APioneer Press Publication(Dc) RE JUDiCIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL. SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDfCIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES HELP WANTED FULL TIME HELP WANTED FULL TIME HELP WANTED FULL TIME 6MRTM005/%OEIOcThRNO,-55Bt«OB 6p#R10WcoNDE5/L0f,o-s85tFWi STORES/OFFICES and In 'AS 1S condition. TheNOT be open fer Inspectionas to the condition of the prop-LINCOLN WOOD sale 15 further subiect lo con-and plaintiff makes no repre-enty. Prospective bidders are INTHE CIRCUIT COURT SkekIe- Ist mo. rent 51 HARW000 HEIGHTS Hourly/Non-Exempt JOBSI Movie Extras to Stand in the SKOKIE -4901-15 Craig IN THE CIRCUIT COURT firmallon by the court. Uponsentalien as to the conditionadmonishedtocheckthe OF COOK COUNTY, Maintenance background in a molar Film Glenview- Superb Schools Lovely I I I STD $7951 2BR 2nd mo. rent $2, LTL. Offices payment In full of the amountof the property. prospectivecourt file to verify all infor- ILLINOIS LUXURY RESIDENCES tor Rent. NrTouhy & Edens. OF COOK COUNTY, Local companies are seeking Production earn up to St6SAvaIlable Now. Heat and ILLINOIS COUNTY bld, the purchaser willre-bidders ore admonished tomotion, It this property Is aCOUNTYDEPARTMENT- people with oli levels of expo- Supervisor $255/day. EXP not Req. Updated 1BR, 2 & 3 BR w/2water Included. Spacious 300f1-450fl-OOSfl-1200ft, May ceive a Certificate of Salecheck the court fIle to veritycondomInIum unit, the pur- CHANCERY DIVISION full baths & Indoor parking. combine, na extras, nightly DEPARTMENT- rience for driver and otherWestminster Place of Evon-888-664-4624. rooms and closets. Close to CHANCERY DIVISION that will entItle the purchaseroli Information. It this prop-chaser of the unit at the fore-BANK OF AMERICA, NA- transportation lobs. i_rg balcony, eat-In kIt, In-stores and transportation. clean-up. Coil 8-47-602-6622 to a deed to the real estate of-erty Is a condominium unit,closure salo, other than aTIQUAi_ASSOCIATION AS ston, a senior Community of unit w/d. i_rg outdoor pool, ONEWEST BANK, FSB mortgagee, shall pay the as- I-tomes, seeks MYSTERY SHOPPERS Laundry In bsllding. To see F/K/A INDYMAC FEDERAL 1er confirmatIon el the salethe purchaser of the unit at SUCCESSOR BY MERGER These employers will neverPresbyferion Earn up to 5155/day. tennis, clubhouse, business call Tony 700/417-5897 VACATION RENTALS The property will NOT bethe foreclosure sale.othersessmenis and The legal teesTO LASALLE BANK NA- an experienced supervisor to Shoppers needed to ludge center. Hi Speed Internet BANK, PSE open for inspection and plain-than o mortgagee, shall payrequired bY The Condomini- know who you are, What skills Plaintiff, TIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS you have, and your desIre tocoordinate and supervise our retail & dining est. EXP. not On-sIte mom!, 24 hr. emer-SKOKIE -4906-28 Conrad EXPERIENCE FLORIDA tiff makes no represenlallonthe assessments and the legalum Property Act, 765 ILCSTRUSTEE FOR work for one of these campa- req. 808-507-3349, gency maint. Dog or cat ok. Spaciousi I STD $730 & IBR -y. - os te the condition of the prop-tees requIred by The Condo-60519(g)(1) and (g)(4). lt thisC ERT I F I CATE HOLD E RS power piant, utIlitIes dlstribu- Near Metro, l-94 8, I-294. LIVING ILIYAN ILIEV, et al nies, until you let them knowtion,1-IVAC and associated for $865. Heat osd water in- Beach homes, golf, sunshine erty. Prospective bidders areminIum Property Act,765property Is a condominIumOF BEAR STEARNS ASSET Need Extra Money? Starting at 1BR $1250, 2BRcluded. Soadloss rooms and Defendant admonishedtochecktheli_CS 655/9(g)lll and (91(41.unit whIch Is part of a cam- I Who YOU are. and morel Information on 09 CH 23893 BACKED SECURITIES equipment.Will also direct, Start by Reducing Your 52080, 3BR $2310Seniorclosets. Close to stores and community living, court file to verity all Infon-If this property Is a condo-mon interest community, theLLC ASSET BACKED CER- MONSTER MATCH supervise and train maInte- CreditCard Debtl Care packages avail transportation. Laundry In NOTICE OF SALE motIon. If this property is aminium unit which Is part of apurchaser of the unit at theTIFICATES, SERIES 2004- NO Upfront Feos Settle Your Valley LoTowers Il modular/monutactured PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- condominium unit, the pur-common interest community,foreclosure sale other than a CAN HELPI nance personnel.QualIfica- buIlding. parkIng Included homes and business BY GIVEN that pursuant to a HE4,Plaintiff, fIons: GED/HS dIploma and Debt & Increase Your 1910 Chestnut Ave. To see call Tony 750/417-5891 services. Come find your chaser of the unit at the fore-the purchaser of the unit atmortgagee shall pay the as-vs. CREATE YOUR incomei Call (847) 998-1800 x200 Judgment of Foreclosure and SAY IT IN THE SELL YOUR CAR closure sale, olher than atheforeclosuresaleothersessmenls required by TheELIZABETH SOTONK/A minimum 4 years experience Free Consultation & Info Mon - Frl 9:20 - 5pm SKOKIE -4909 CHURCH dreom home tedoyl Sale enteredInthe above mortgagee, shall pay the as-than a mortgagee shall payCondominium Property Act, PROFILE NOW www,tlmanufacturedhomes.ccause on March 15, 2010, an ELIZABETH REYES, CITY BY PHONE inplant maintenance with 850-899-0372 Saturdays 90m- 2pm i BR $865. Close fo tronsporfo- orn sessments and the 1mal feesthe assessments requIred by765ILCS605/l5.5(g-1).IFOF CHICAGO, UNKNOWN ORWEB FREEI strong knowledge of plumb- Www.valleylotowers.com tIen. Heat, water and parkIng agent at The Judicial Saies TO PLACE A required by The CondominI-The Condominium PropertyYOU ARE THE MORTGA-OWNERS AND NON- OPHTHALMIC Included. Storage room ond Corporation, wIll at 10:30 AM FIND THE CAR um Property Act, 765 ILCSAct,765 ILCS6O5/18.5(g-1). IFGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOURECORD CLAIMANTS, Inn, refrigeration, steam TECHNICIAN WANTEDI laundry. Musf seel I Ii on November 17, 2010, at the Call Today, Sunday, HARW000 HEIGHTS FIND ThE CAR CLASSIFIEDS. FAST WITH A 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thisYOU ARE THE MORTGA-HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE-Defendants, piani operation, HVAC andEye Core Ltd s located n the Tony 708/41 7-5897 The Judicial Sales Corpora- property is a condomInIumGOR (HOMEOWNER>, YOUMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 00 CH 40646 or any dayl I Northern Chicago suburbs in Harlem ond Lawrence, ist REALESTATEFORSAI.Etien, One South Wacker Drive Use Job Code 901 computerized temperature fir, 2ßR, laundry facility, no unIt whIch Is part Of a cam-HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE-30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF NOTICE OF SALE Must also lllinois.Wearea busy4 SKOK1E-4921 Crciin-2BR - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, mon interest communIty, theMAIN IN POSSESSION FORAN ORDER OF POSSES-PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- control systems. doctor practice wilh two loca- pets, Avail. 11/i. 708-456-5391 $965-$995. Close to transporta- HELP WANTED AD p055050 good communicatIon, 60606, sell at public auction to OF YOUR DREAMS. purchaser of the unit at the30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OFSION, IN ACCORDANCEBY GIVEN that pursuant to a tions We ore looking for a for tbon and stores. Heat and REAL ESTATE SERVICES the hIghest bidder, as set foreclosure sale other than aAN ORDER OF POSSES-WITH SECTION 15-1701(C)Judgment of Foreclosure and 1-866-374-8302 computer, organizational,o full time Ophthalmic Tech- MORTON GROVE 8500-06 Water Included. To see coli forth below, the following de- OF YOUR DREAMS, CALL CLASSIFIED AD. or Waukegon Rd lbr, heat, mortgagee shall pay the as-SION, IN ACCORDANCE01' THE ILLINOIS MORT-Sale entered In Ihe above enti- Suntlmes.com/Monster multitask, and math and nicion, certification is not Valentin 705/243-1140 ARIZONA BIG BEAUTIFULscribed real estate: Common- sessmonts required by TheWITH SECTION 15-1701(C)GAGE FORECLOSUREtied couse on September 3, required if you have experi- blinds, w/w crpt, afc, Indry ly known as 4440 NORTH Condominium Property Act,OP THE ILLINOIS MORT- leadershIp skills. Please for- $745. Entry $350847-677-1889 SKOKIE: 4937 CHURCH LOTS! IN THE LAW. For InformatIon: Visit2009 Inlercounty Judicial No Resume Neededi ence. Duties include VA'S, 559/month. $5 down, NATCHEZ AVENUE, 765 ILCS605118,5(g-1). IFGAGE FORECLOSUREour wobslte atSales CorporatIon will on Pri- ward resume to: tonometry, a-scan's, HRT's, Lrg,lBdrm. I-feat Included, HARW000 HEIGHTS,IL CHECKOUT YOU ARE THE MORTGA-LAW. For informallon: Visit PresbyterIan Horneo MORTON GROVE parking. avail, Next to park, $0 InfermI. CHECKOUT http :\\servlce.atty-day, November 19, 2510 ai the Our automated system cre- refractometry and doing visu-Immed. 0cc. 2BR, 2BA, elev. Golf Course, Nati Parks. 60106 Property Index No. 13- 8479983400 CALL 847998'3400 GOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUsur wobsile atpierce.com. between thehour at 11 am. In their office Fax: 847-866-1658 al fields. No evening hours close to Old Orchard. 18-406-019-0000 The real estate HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE-h t 0 p : \\ s e r y I e e . a t t y -hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE ates one tor you-F REE L With bldg. 1 heated indr. pricg. sp. Call Barbora 847-673-1317 1-hour tram Tucson Int'l at 120 West Madison Street, an 8-minute phone coli or use Email: but Saturdays are required. All applcs. mcl. W/d in unIt. Airport. isimproved with a white MAIN IN POSSESSION FORpierce.com. between the& ASSOCIATES,PlaIntiff'sSulle 718A, Chicago, Illinois, leerkincEpresbyterianhomes. EPIC training a plus. Must or Hallmork&Johnson wood sided twa story sIngle CLASSIFIEDS, SEARCHCHICAGO.COWAIJTOS 35 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OFhours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCEAttorneys, One North Dear-sell at public auction to the our conventent online form, org be a team player and able No pets allowed. Near train 773-545-6165 Guaranteed Financing. Monster Match can match statIon, 2 yr.Ieose. $1450-$1550 NO CREDIT CHECKI family home with two car de- SEARCHCH1CAGO.00WAUTOS AN ORDER OF FOSSES-& ASSOCIATES,Plaintiff';born Street Suite 1300,highest bidder far cash, as set We are an equal opportunity fo work flexible hours, toched garage. Sole terms: To PLACE To PLACE SION, IN ACCORDANCEAttorneys, One North Dear-CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No.forth below, Ihe following de- you with employers that are MedIcal and denIal benetit5 847-470-8100 SKOKIE -8250-60 NILES Pre-recorded MSG hirIng-HOWl employer and promofe diver- CENTER RD. Lovely 1BR'o 1-tOO-631-8164 code 4542 25% down of the highest bid WITH SECTION 15-17011Clborn Street Sulle 1300,(312> 476-5500. Please roter loscribed mortgaged real sity in the workplace. are available. Pleaso NILES-IBR Grdn Apt. Newly www.SunsltesLandRush.comby certified funds at the close OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No.fIle number PA0924250. THEestate: tax or emaIl your resume $865AvaIlable Nowli Larger, of the auction; The balance, EVERY DAY. GAGE FORECLOSURE(312> 476-5500. Please refer toJUDICIAL SALES CORPO- This FREE service isavaiio- Decor, Avail NoW! Ht IncI. modern kItchens & baths. EVERY DAY. CALL 84799834OO Commonly known as 7511 Die 24 hours O day-7-doys a Manufacturing to Mary-Anna of 847-677-1406$795/Mo. No Pets. 847-529-3478Storage, laundry & parking. CHICAGO West Rogers Park.Including the JudIcIal sale fee LAW. For information: VisItfile number PA0932188, THERATION One Soulh WackerNorth Crawford Avenue, week and Is presented by The or eyecareskl5/aoLcom Heat indI. Tony (708) 417.5097 Beautifully Updated 1550sf, forAbandonedResidential YOUR AD. YOUR AD. our webslte atJUDICIAL SALES CORPO-Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, ILLincolnwood, Illinois 60712. Sun-Times News Group. CNC Supervisor/Set-up or call at 847-677-1655. NILES Close toMilwaUkee 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath Condo In Property Municipality Relief ti t t p : 's\ 5 0 r y I e e . a t t y -RATION One Soulh Wacker60606-4650 (312> 236-SALEP.I.N. 10-35-110-042. Aallled Die Casting Company & Golf, Newly remad 1 BR SI(OKIE-8414 Chrisfiana. HI-RIse Buiidlng. $169,008. Fund, which is calculated at plerce.cem. between theDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, ILYou can also visit The Judi-The mortgaged real estate is Don't Wait, Do it Today! of IllInoIs Is seekIng a hands- UMPIRES Garden Apt. Heat, water Great 3BR+otd, Sunny apten Century 21 M.B. 847-922-9478the rate of $1 for each $1,000 heurs of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCE60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEdalSalesCarparatlonatimproved with a single family on indivIdual for CNC Super- e x x lncld. $750 month. Ist tir of 21100, neW kIt/BA, C/A ortractionthereof of the 8 ASSOCIATES,Plaintiff'sYou cots also vitt The Judi-www.tlsc.com tor a 7 doy sta-residence.lt The sublect vIsor/SM-Up p0511km for the 3CWANTED * (708)707-2343 Agent Owned No srnkgfpefs. $1300. W/D free "FREE Foreclosure amount paid by the purchaser Attorneys, One North Dear-dalSalesCorporationaltus report of pending sales.mortgaged real estate is a second shIft. CandIdates In bsmt. Gar ovl. 773.755.5355 ListIngs" not to exceed $350, In certified barn Street Suite 1300,www.tlsc.com far a 7 day sta-PIERCE & ASSOCIATES Oneunit of a common interest must have minimum two Become a tl.S. Baseball, soft-HILES - Nr Golf/Washington, Over 400,500 properties funds, Is due withIn twenty- CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No.tus repart of pending sales.North Dearborn Street SuItecommunity, the purchaser of-' years experience with "G" ball official. Umpiring echi 6 Fiat, 2nd FIr. Large IBR, SKOKIE LorgedRmsiBR natIonwide. four (24) hours. The sublect (312) 476-5500. Please reten taPIERCE & ASSOCIATES One1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312)the unIt other than a mortga- Codes, Fanuc Control, and starting Soon. 1-566-231-1024 Pkng.S720 + Sec Heat bd. Pantry, extra closets, loue- LOW Down Payment. properly is sublect to general file number PA0919429. THENorth Dearborn Street Suite476-5500 Attorney File No.:gee shall pay the assessments making offsets to HMC0. Sales 847-791.3119 or 847-962-5437 dry fac, heat Inci 630-461-3687 Call NOWI 1-800-817-6272 real estate taxes, special as- JUDICIAL SALES CORPO-1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312)PA0924350 Attorney Code.required by subsection (g-1> ProgrammIng experlence NrtI-I West Sub sessments, or special taxes RATION One South Wacker476-5500 Attorney File Ne.:91220 Case # 09 CH 32749 of Section 18.5 at the Condo- To PLACE YOUR necesSary. Company offers ONEMONTH FREEI Skokle Lotus Condominiums Land For Sole levIed against sold real estate DrIve, 24th Floor, Chicago, ILPAO932188 Attorney Code.f318936 minIum Property Act. Construction Co. OPEN HOUSE competitIve wanes and bene- seeking Salesmen, 1 Bedroom/$t20 2oAcres-SODownll and is offered for sole without 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE91220 Case # 09 CH 48464 Pub: 10128,11/4,11/11/10 Sale terms: 10% down by der- fits, IncludIng 4011< and tul- Laborers, & Permit SUNDAY, 124pm For.Appts. ColI 708-407-6135 $99/mo. ONLY $12,900 any representation as to qual- You can also visit The JudI-1318951 (1804613)C tified funds, balance, by certI- lIon reImbursement. BIlin- Runners, Noexp. nec.ti 5139-49 N. Lincoln Near Growing Iti' or quantity of title and dalSalesCorporationat Pub: 1O,G8, 11/4, 11/11110 fled funds, within 24 hours. guai (EnglIsh/SpanIsh) pro- Rare opportunity to rent new- SKOKIE Near SwIft. 2BR. El Paso, Texas. wilhout recourse to Plaintiff / www.tisc.com for a 7 day sta- (1804617)C LI N COLN WOOD No refunds. ferred Ideal opportunIty for BILINGUALA PLUS ly remodeled opts. at below ParkIng Spot, NC, Carpet, Owner Financing, tus report of pending sales. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT The property will NOT be GARAGE SALE AD, CALL FROAN INTERVIEWmarket rental. Must be seen! Storage Indi. 047-902-9200 LINCOLN WOOD OF COOK COUNTY, person looking lo develop 847-540-7711 NO Credit Checks. PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One open for Inspection wIth an expanding company! New kitchens,newlytiled Money Back Guarantee. SKOKIE North Dearborn Street SuIte IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ILLINOIS ForinformationcallSale Vacancyfor Excel SpecIalIstbaths, new wall to wall car- 6M9ThiEtlWMNvL!tFLtiND-Q84G0 FREE Map/Picture5 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) OF COOK COUNTY, COUNTY DEPARTMENT-Clerk at Plaintiff's Attorney, Fax resume and sal hIstoryfor spreadsheet/catalog work.petlng and hardwood floors, 1-800-755-8953 HARWOOD HEIGHTS ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - LI NCOLN WOOD 476-5500 Attorney File No.: ILLINOIS COUNTY CHANCERY DIVISION Codilis & Associates, P.C., to (847) 455-2663, or send to: Fax 847-470-9898 etc.Heated. Immediate oc- Chicago - Addison & Ook PIc www.SunselRanches.com IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, CHANCERY DIVISION IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, PA0919429 Attorney Code. DEPARTMENT- WELLS FARGO BANK, NA-15W030 North Frontage Rood, CALL 847-9983400 CNC Supervisor cupancy.See today t IBR, new kit & bath. W/D. ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. SUCCESSOR BY MERG- ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT- 91225 Case # 59 CH 23893 CHANCERY DIVISION TIONALASSOCIATION AS Burr Ridge,Illinois60527. 1 Bedroom 5750 MORTON GROVE CONDO ER TO WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE, INC. Plain- HSBC BANK USA, NATION- ATTN: M.A L.obkovlch HELP WANTED PART liME Ideal for i person. Util pci by CHANCERY DIVISION CHANCERY DIVISION 1318324 TRUS1EE FOR AMERICAN(630) 794-5300. 14-10-06423 3021 Cullerton DrIve 2 Bedroom $850 oWnr $590+Sed. 773-777-7931 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath, Elevator, CITIMORTGAGE, INC. tiff, HSBC BANK USA, N.A., AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CER- Pub: 10/21, 10/28, 11/4/10 AL ASSOCIATION ASHOME MORTGAGE IN-INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL FranklIn Park, fi_60131 To view Apt. Cali Lube Large Balcony, Garage. PlaIntiff, -V-- TIFICATE HOLDERS FOR DEUTSCHE ALT-ASECURI- (1803367)C TRUSTEE FOR WELLSVESTMENT TRUST 2004-2SALES CORPORATION FRONT DESK 773-099-1 675 CHICAGO Edison Pk.,$1250Updated ond Clean. $149,900. JANICE E. HORWITZ NK/A JANICE HORWITZ, et al TIES MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, SERIES 2006-AR4 FARGO ASSETSECURI-MORTGAGE-BACKEDSoiling OffIcer, (312) 444-1122 Hallmark & Johnson mth 2 Bed/2Bath condo forCentury2i M.B. 847-922-9478 CHRIS ASMAR P/K/A CHRIS G. ASMAR, etui Defendant MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTI FICATES HARWOOD HEIGHTS TIES CORPORATION,NOTES, SERIES 200-4-2 1314842 773-545-6160 rent. Nfhwst Hwy and Devon. Defendant 10 CH 009713 PlaintIff, INTHE CIRCUIT COURT MORTGAGE ASSET-Plalntltf, Pub: 10114,15/21,10(20/10 Park Ridge Dental OffIce Heat included. (773)383-8855 SKOKIE CONDO 2 Bdrm, io CH 015737 NOTICE OF SALE OF COOK COUNTY, BACKED PASS-THROUGHvs. (1001 412) C seeks FT energetic, reliable ONE MONTH FREBI 1 5 Bolh, Large Corner UnIt NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a MARIUS LIMEP.SAH, DIANA BAROIU, "MERS"8AORT- ILLINOIS COUNTY CERTIFICATES SERIESSTEFANOS VAIOPO%J LOS person for busy front desk loo OPEN HOUSE CHICAGO - Spaclous 38R AptIn Elevator Building, Many PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered In the above GAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, DEPARTMENT - 2008-ARI AKA STEFANOS ALIN CO LN WOOD chatrside). Must have good SUNDAY 12-4 p.m. for rent, Jefferson Park, Updates. $127,900. Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on August 16, 2010, an agent of The JudicIal Sales INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR GREENPOINT CHANCERY DIVISION PlaIntiff, VAIOPOULOS VISLIKIKI IN THE CIRCUIT COURT communications skills. 2433-55 W. Bryn Mawr Nr CTA, Blue line, metra Century2l M.B. 047-922-9478 cause on August 27, 2010, on agent of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on November 18, 2510, at the MORTGAGE FUNDING, INC. BAC NOME LOANS SERVIC--V-- VAIOPOULOS AKA OF COOK COUNTY, Prevlous experlence a plus. Beautiful newly remodeled statton, huge i_R & DR, W/ Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on November 30, 2010, at the The JudIcial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - Defendant ING, LP FKAMIHAI SMALBERGHER, etVASILIKI VA1OPOULOS; ILLINOIS SUNTiMES MEDIA CompetitIve salary and apartments, must be seenl hdwd firs, Wood trimming HOUSES-SUBURBAN The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction to 08 CH 30727 COUNTRYWIDE HOMEai JIMMY VAIOPOULOS AKACOUNTY DEPARTMENT, benefits. Come loIn our team,New kitchens,newlytIledthroughout, recent renovation 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, seIl at publIc auction to the highest bIdder, as set forth below, the following descrl- NOTICE OF SALE LOANSSERVICING LP Defendant JIMMY STEVE CHANCERY DIVISION Interactive Product Manager you'll like Itt (847)696-2019 baths. New wall to walt car- IncI brand new everythIng. the hIghest bidder, as Set forth below, the following descri- bed real estate: Commonly known as 7861 HILES CEN- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thot pursuant to a Plaint If f, 09 CH 32749 VAIOPOULOS AKAWELLS FARGO BANK, peting and hardwood floors, Laundry rm OvalI on prete- bed real estate: Commonly known as 4811 N. OLCOTT TER ROAD UNIT #206, SKOKIE, IL 60077 Property In- Judgment at Foreclosure and Sale entered In the above NOTICE OF SALE DEMETRIOS SN.A., - Bring your genIus for managIng interactive products to etc.Heated. Immediate oc- Ises, huge yard for relaxing AVENUE UNIT #610, HARWOOD HEIGHTS, IL 60706 dcx No. 10-20-210-046-1007, Property Index No. 10-28-210- cause on AprIl 6, 2510, an agent of The JudicIal Sales Cor- DANIEL TORZEWSKI, et al PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-VAIOPOULOS; DISCOVERPlaIntIff work tor Sun-TImes Media. As a Product Manager for the Secretary - PT cupancy. See todayl t and family get together for Property Index No. 12-12-42$-009-1082, Property Index No. 046-1030 Thereal estate is improvedwith a paration, will at 10:30 AM on November 10, 2010, aI the Defendant BY GIVEN that pursuant to aBANK; UNKNOWN OWN- interactive team, you will play a critical role in shaping tor Art/AntIque Approlsers/ One Bedroom $790 BBQ In the summer, great (12-12-423-021 1 12-12-42S-001/506/007/052/005/503 underlying> conde'lownhouse, Sale terms: 25% down of the hIghest bld The Judicial Sales CorporatIon, One South Wacker Drive - 09 CH 40464 Judgment of Foreclosure andERS ANO NON RECORDWILSON YOU KHANA; the vision and Implementation of our product portfolio, un- Dealer. Good pay, flex hours, Two Bedroom $890 ngtibrhd, no pets. Heated, Sec The real estate Is Improved with a condnitownhouse. Sale by certifIed funds at the close of the auction; The balance, 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 65606, sell at publIc auction to NOTICE OF SALE Sale enteredInthe aboveCLAIMANTS; MARI NA YOU KHANA, locking the potential of local-focused Interactive medio, Be home for the kIds. Good To viewApf. Call Lube Dep req. $1400. (773)7779325 terms: 25% down of the hIghest bid by certified funds at Including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned ResidentIal the hIghest bIdder, as set forth below, the followIng dozen- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-cause on August 30, 2010, arsDefendants, Defendants ont! drtving solutions s help us connect in new ways with cmptr skills, Website buIld- 773-599-1 ¿'75 EauAI. HOUSING the close of the auction; The balance, Including the Judi- Property Municipality Relief Fund, which Is calculated at bed real estate:Commonly known as 6442 N. BY GIVEN that pursuant to oagent at The JudIcial Sales 10 CH 00507 10 CH 16746 our advertisers and online audiences. Ing knowl, ph. skIlls. A non- Hallmark & J ghnson GARAGES/PARKING SPACES O Pt' a Rru filly dal sale fee for Abandoned Residential Property Munici- the rate of 51 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the SPAULDING AVE., Lincolnwood, IL 60712 Property In-Judgment of Foreclosure andCorporalion, will at 10:30 AMPUBLIC NOTICE is hereby NOTICE OF smkg ofc. Bruco 847-446-0827 773-545-6160 All real estate advertising in polity Relief Fund, whIch is calculated at the rate of $1 far amounl paid by the purchaser not to exceed $300, in certi- dex No. 10-35-423-o46-0000 The real estate is Improved with Sole entered Inthe aboveon December 2, 2010, at thegiven that pursuant to a Judg- FORECLOSURE SALE Sun-Times Medio Store Your SpecIal Car this newspaper Is subiect to each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the fled funds, Is due wilhIn twenty-four (24) heurs. The sub- a single family resIdence. The iudgment amount was cause on September 1, 2510,The JudIcial Sales Corpora-ment of Foreclosure enteredFisher and Shapiro tile # 10- ihttp:llwww.suntmesmedlaholdings.com) is dedicated to Telemarkoting Part-Time ONE MONTH FREEI purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, is due lect property is sublect ta generai real estale taxes, spe- $293,S93.11. Sale terms: The bld amount, including the Ju- an agent at The JudicIal Salestian, One Soulh Wacker DriveIn the above entitled cause on035121 OPEN HOUSE Hooted, secure. Month or Annualthe Fair HousIng Act, which being the premier source of local news and information Morton Grove AIls Storage 773-605-1454 makos it illegal fo advertise withIn twenty-four (241 hours. The sublecf property io sub- dial assessments, or special taxes levIed agaInst said real diciol sale fee forAbandened Resldenlial Property Munie-CorporatIon, will at 10:35 AM- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL,8/12/2510, interceunty Judicial(lt Is advised that interested for the greater Chicago area. We are o multi-media com- Call 847-966-5950 SUNDAY 124pm any preference, limitatIon or oct to tieneral real estate taxes, special assessments, or estate and Is altered fer sale without any representation polity Relief Fund, whIch is calculated at the rate of $1 on December 3, 2010, at the60606, sell at public auction toSalesCorporatIonwillenparties consult wIth their 1911-19 W. Touhy as to quality er quantity of title and without recourse to tor each $1,000 or tractIon thereof of the amount paId by The JudIcial Sales Corpora-the highest bidder, asSelTuesday, November 16, 2510,awn altorneys before bidding pani, serving more than 300 communities across the HOUSES discrirnlnotion based on age, specIal taxes levied against said real estale and is offered region. Well maintained bides, newly race,color,religion,sex, for sale without ony representation as to quality or quant I- PlaintIff and In AS IS' condition. The sale is further sub- the purchaser not to exceed 5300, shall be paId in certified tian, One South Wacker Driveforth below, the following de-at the hour of 11 am. In theirat mortgage foreclosure decorated. Heated, Walk to handIcap, famIlial status or ty of title and WIthout recourse to PlaintIff and in AS IS' cet to contlrmallon by the court. It the sale is set asIde funds immediately by the highest and best bidder at the - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL,scrlbed realoffice at 120 West Madisonsales.) Some of your responsIbIlitIes Include: RENTALS CTA, shops, etc. Immediate NORRIDGE Newly Rehabbdnational origin, or Intention to conditIon. The sale Is further subiect to confirmation by far any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entllled conclusion of the sale. The sublect property Is sublect to 60656, sell at publIc auction toestale:Commonly known asStreet, Suite 718A, Chicago,PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby . Analyze user data and competitive environment to drive occupancy. See fodayl 3ER, 26A, Hrdwd FIrs, fnshdmake ony such preferences, the court. If the sale Is set aside for any reason, the Pur- Only to a return of the deposIt paid. The Purchaser shall general real estate taxes, specIal assessments, er special the hIghestbidder, as set6942 NORTH KNOX AVE-Illinois, sell to the hIghest bld-given that pursuant ta a Jude- enhancements and inform business decisions 1 Bedroom $750 bsrnt, 2C Gar. Park RIdge limitations or dIscrimInation. chaser at the sale shall be entitled only to o return of the have no further recourse agaInst the Mortgagor, the MorI- taxes levied agaInst said real estate and Is altered tor sale forth below, the following de-NUE, LINCOLNWOOD, ILder for cash, the following de-ment of Foreclosure entered . Estobilsh o roacimap for the rotlout of new platform E5Itp.ND-S&a0aM 2 Bedroom 5850 School Dlst.51150 + utils. deposit paId. The Purchaser shall have no further re- gages or the Mortgogee'sotterney. Upon payment ln tull without any representatIon as to quality or quantity Ot Il-scribed real estate: Common-65712 Property Index No. lo.scnibod property: on September 1, 2010, KalIen t estures TO VIEWAPT. CALL (708)707-2343 Agent Owned The Illinois Human RIghts course agaInst the Mortgagor, the Mortgogee or the Mort- of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a CertIficate tie and without recourse to Plaintiff and in 'As 1S candi- ly known as 4700 NORTH34-113-004-0000 The real estateP. I N. 10-34-2I8-046-0000. Really Services, Inc., as Sell- . Evaluate proposed prolects to ensure that they meet Ai at 773-416-5292 Act prohibits dIscrimInation gagee'sattorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bld, of Sale that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real lion, The sale Is further sublect to confirmation by the SAYRE AVENUE,is Improved wllh a brick sin-Commonly known as6946Ing Official will at 12:30 p.m. business obiectives and to help establish their relative BeautIful VIew Of LaIco Hallmork & Johnson Park RIdge remod. 3Bdrm.,in the sale, rental or odverils- the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Saie that will estate after confIrmation et the saie The property will court. Upen poymenl In full of the amount bId, the pur- HARWOOD HEIGHTS,ILglu family with attached 2 carNORTH KEYSTONE AVE-on December 2, 2010, at 205 priority 1051-1055 W, PRATT 773-545-6160 1.5 Bo. twnhse., full fin. Ing of real estale based on fac entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after con- NOT be open tor inspection and plaIntiff makes no repro- chaser will receive a CertIficate of Sale that wIll entitle 60706 Property Index No. 13-garage.Saleterms: 25%NUE, LINCOLNWOOD,IL RandolphStreet,Suite . Manage a process for constant improvements in EXTRASPECIAL LOCA- bsmnt, all appls., CIA, tlrmatlon of the sale The property Will NOT be open for In- sentatlon as to the condition at the property. Prospective the purchaser to a deed to the real estate alter confirma- 10-100-062-0000 The real estatedown of the hIghest bid by60712. 1020, ChIcago, Illinois, sell at TION. FIRST BLDG OFF Park Rldge-631-651 Busse AvaIl. Immed., $1,495/mo., tors in addition to those pro- bIdders are admonished to check the court file to verIfy tIen of the sale The property will NOT be open for inspec- Is Improved with asinglecertified funds at the close ofTheImprovemenlon the Usability, Information Architecture and Interface fected under federal law. spection and plaintiff makes no representation os to the publIc auctIon to the highest Design THE LAKE & BEACH. NEW- IBR, iBA, avail lmmed Broker Owned 847-980-8593 condition of the property. Prospective bidders are admon- all Information. If this property is a condominIum unit, flan and plaintiff makes no ropresentalion as to the condi- family; detachedgarage.tIle auctIon; The balance, in-property consists of a singlebidder far cash, as set forth . Work with customers, sales and marketing to LY DECORATED, HEATED, nr metra & shp, $745/mo. Ished to check the court file to verify all Information. If the purchaser of the Unit at the foreclosure sale, other tien of the property. Prospecllve bIdders are admonishedSale terms: 25% down of theeluding the Judicial sale feefamily residence. Salebelow, the following descrl- identify, articulate and prioritize customer needs and HWD FLRS. IMMEDIATE McLennon 847-82-0011 STORES/OFFICES This newspaper willnot this property 15 a condominium unit, the purchaser of the than o mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the le- to check the court file to verify all Information. If thIs highest bld by certified fundstorAbandonedResidenlialterms: 25% down by certif ledbed real property: OCCUPANCY. knowingly accept any adver- gal fees required by The CondominIum Property Act, 765 property Is a condominIum unIt, the purchaser et the unItat the close of the auction;Property Municipality Relieffunds,balancewithin 24 -requirements Pork Ridge: BO the ist to en- unIt at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall Commonly known as 6722 . Measure product profitability, set-ling product P&L 1BR $1,055.00 CHICAGO-5151 N. Harlem tising for real estate which is pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The ILCS 605/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If thIs property is a conde- at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay The balance, IncludIng the Ju-Fund, which Is calculated alhours, by certIfied funds. NoNorth Nokomls Avenue, To View Apt. Call Zlatko ley this newly remod 2br, 2ba in violation of the law. All minIum unit whIch is part at a common Interest communl- the assessments and the legal lees required by The Condo-diclal saie fee for Abandonedthe ralo of SI for each $1,000refunds.The property will gools and managing the product forecast HW flro, granlfe. grt 10cl OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT CondominIum Property Act, 765 ILCS 655/9(0)11) and Llncolnwood, IL 60712 Assist saies and marketing with product materials 773-415-0035 $250 Move In Fee/No secUrItypersons are hereby Informed (g)(4). It this property Is a condomInIum untt whIch is fr, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure saie other minium Property Act, 765 1LCS 605/9(g) (1) and (o)l4). If ResIdential Property MunIcI-or traction thereataltheNOT be open for Inspection.Permanent Index No.: 10-33- Hallmark&Johnson 847-309-5n3 or 847-778-9035 that all dwellings advertised than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by thIs property is a condomInium unit which 15 part of a pallty RelIct Fund, whIch Isamount paid by the purchaserUpon payment In full of the450-037 (coilaleroi, FAQ5, presentations, white papers, eid with DeposIt 2 Months Freel I ti are available on an equal op part of a common Interest community, the purchaser al the sales and marketing foam ta enable customer 773-545-6160 PARK RIDGE - Bristol Cf. 600-1800 Se- Ft. the unIt at the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee The Condominium Property Act, 765 1LCS 605118.5(9-1). common Inberest community, the purchaser of the unIt at calculated at the raIe at $1 fornot to exceed $300, in certif ledamount bid, the purchaserThe mortgaged real estate is acquisition and product adoption n Must Seoul portunily basIs. IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), the foreclosure sale other than a mortgagee shall pay the each $1,000 or fractIon thereoffunds, Is due within twenty-will receive a CertifIcate ofimproved with a dwelling. Des plalnes-1BR $700 Lrg 2BR, 2BA, lndr Prkg, Ht shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium of the amount paid by the pur-four (241 hours. The subloct . Evaluate proposed proiects to ensure that they meet & NC bd. $1300. 847-313-5220u Great LocatIon Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION assessments required by The CondomInium Property Sale which wIllentllle theThe property will NOT be busIness obiectives and fo help establish their relative 2BR $525-$850, inlcds heat n Ready to Move In To complain of discrimina-MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POS- Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- chaser not to exceed 5350, Inproperty Is subiect ta generalpurchaser to a Deed to theopen for Inspect len. priority indry,prkg. immed. occp ROSEMONT: i &2BR Apto.u On-SIte ParkIng tion, coli HUD toll free at: 1- RIGHTTO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR3O DAYS AP- SESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) GOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU I-IAVETI-IE RIGHT TO RE-certified funds, is due wIthinreal estate taxes, specIal as-premises after confirmationThe luclgment amounl was GRE prop 847-524-6970 appls, ht, gas, drpt. Avi 11/1.* Light, Bright Spaces 850-669-9777. OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY twenty-four (24) hours, Thesessmenls, or specIal taxesof the sale. 5873,253.53. Sale terms for TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- subiect property Is sublect tolevIed against said real estateFor Information: Successful candlcfafes demonstrate EDISON PARK 3rm, 2nd fIr, 847-82.5-3928 or 847-767-6466 * Excellent Foot Traffic CORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLI- For InformatIon, contact Plaintiff's attorney: The Sale OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE Visit ournon-parties: 10% et success. . Experience managing interactive products for u HeatIng Included NDIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Informa- Clerk, COOl_IS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W038 NORTH WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- general real estate taxes, spe-and Is offered for sale withoutwebsite at http://sorvlce.atty-ful bld immediately at conclu- htd, crptd, appls, cooking gasROSEMONT - i BR Apt. Free FRONTAGE ROAD, SU ITE 100, BURR RI DGE, IL 60527, GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For information, contact dal assessmenls, or specialany representallon as to qual-plerce.com. Belween 3 p.m. consumers. AdvertisIng background desired Pd. 00 pets. 773-774-1911 Call Brucell3-49i-4191 c:tI1 !thnz tien,contactPlaintiff's attorney:The SaleClerk, sIen of auction, balance by . Experience in proiecf management, product marketing, ht & cook gas, Prkng. No pets CODILIS&ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 1SW03ONORTH FRONT- (630> 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and PlaIntiff's attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & taxes levied against said reality er quantity of title andand 5 p.m. only. PIerce & As-12:35 p.m. Ike next business QA and writing product specifications EDISON PARK AREA Cis to hwy. $675.847-736-1699 Llncolnw000-Skokle-N lles AGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (6301 ask for the sales department.. Please roter to file number MINLAR, - LLC, 111 East MaIn Street, Suite 200, estate and Is Offered for salewIthout recourse lo Plaintiffsoclates,Plaintiff'sAttor-day, bolh by cashlen'schecks; . Strong balance of strategic, creative and business skills, Olmsted/Overhili 114-54,000 SF Top Notch 794-9876 between the hours at 1 and 3 PM only und ask for 14-10-02343. TI-tE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One DECATUR, IL 62523, (2t7) 422-1719 . THE JUDICIALwllheul any representation asand In AS IS- condition, Theneys, I NorthDearbornand no refunds. The sole SKOKIE -2ER, otfice, excel Office Suites PIONEER PREss South Wacker Drive, 24lh Floor, ChIcago, IL 60606-4650 SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th to quality or quantity of titlesale Is further sublect to con-Street, Chicago, IlIlnol60602.shall be subiect to general re- with o high level 01 intellectual agility and capacity for IBM, IBA. Nopets, Near laus LOCAL COUReS the sales department.. Please refer to file number 14-10- and to originai thought Metro & Shopping. $875/mo. cand, new windows & appis, Imperial 773-736-4100 12534, THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One (3121 236-SALE You con also visit The JudicIal Saies Cor- Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also wIthoutrecourse firmotlon by the court. UponTeI.No. (312) 476-5500. Referal estate laxes, 5pecial taxes, . Demonstrated success In managing priorities and McLennon 847-82-0011 parking, laundry. $875/Mo. South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chlc000, IL 60656-4650 poration at www.tlsc.com for a 7 day stolus report of pend- visit The Judicial Sales Corporallon at www.tlsc.com for PlaIntiff and In -AS IS' condi-payment In full of the amountto File Number 0938090. special assessments, special Cali (708)254-2959 The Doings and Ing sales. COOl_IS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH a 7 day stalUs report of pending sales. HEAVNER, tian. The sale is further sub-bld, the purchaser willre-INTERCOUNTY JUDICIALtaxeslevied,and superIor working with others in cross-functional teams Pioneer Press Newspapers (312) 236-SALE You can also vIsIt The JudIcial Sales Cor- celve a CertifIcato of Sole . College degree required, MBA or similar formal FOREST PARK: DELUXE poratlon at www.tisc.com for a 7 day status report of pend- FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 SCOTT, BEYERS & MINLAR, Li_C 111 East MaIn Street, bet to confIrmatIon by the SALES CORPORATION liens, if any. The property Is business education desired 1BR Api. Heat/Gas Included. Ing sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 1SWO3O NORTH (6301 794-9876 Attorney File No, :14-10-02343 ARDC# Suite 205 DECATUR, IL 62523 (217) 422-1719 Attorney court. Upon payment In full atthat will entitle the purchaserSellIng OffIcer, (3121 444-1122offered as is,' wilh no express NC, New Wndws, Tile KIf, FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIOGE, IL 60527 00465002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 10 CH 009713 NOTE: Codo. 45387 Case # 58 CM 30727 NOTE: Pursuant to the the amount bid, the purchaserto a deed to the real estate at-1314750 or Implied Warranties and Pursuant to the Fair Debt CollectIon PractIce5 Act, you Fair Debt Collection PractIces Act, you are advIsed thatwill receive a Certlflcale ofter confirmation of the sale Pub: 15/14, 111121,10128/10 wIthout any representation as Resumes with cover letter should be emoiled Cbnts, Lnclry Fac. $699/Mo. (630) 794-9076 Attorney File Na.: 14-10-12534 ARDC# Plaintlff'sattorney Is deemed to be a debt collector at-Sale that will entItle the pur-The property will NOT be the following addre5s: [email protected]. Mr Luis: 708-366-5602 00465002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 10 CH 015737 NOTE: are advised that Plaintiff's attorney Is deemed to be a (180148-tIC to the qualily of tItle or re- debt collector attempting te collect a debt and any Infer- temptIng to collect a debt and any informatIon obI abedchaser lo a deed to the realopen tor inspection and plaIn- course to Plaintiff.Prospec- Please note interactive Product Manager HARW000 HEIGHTS2,900-1O,000SF WEBC83l273l Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, YOU tIff makes na representation in the subiect line \847-564--1600 Rotai I/Office DON'T NEED IT? ore advised that PlaintIff's attorney is deemed to be a malien obtaIned will be used for that purpose. 1315788 will be used for that purpose. 1315551 ostato after confIrmatIon of Pub: 15/21, 10/28, 11/4/10 (1803157)C Pub: 15/14, 10/21, 10120fb (1801433)C thesale The property will No phonecalls please 4600 N. Harlem 7,800- 10,000 retail sq. ft & 2,900 SELL IT FAST. debt collector attemptIng to collect a debt and any inter- FIND AORE LOCAL JOBS AI office sq. ft. Traffic count: 28,005 vehicles/day. matian obtained will be used for that purpose. f318318 847-564-1600 www.losephrealestate.net CALL 847-998-3400 Sun-Times MedIa Is un Equal Opportunity Employer PIONEERLOCALCOMONSTER Pub: 15/28, 11/4, 11/11/10 (1t04504)C A Pioneer Press Publication(DC) wwwpioneerlocal.com Thursday, October 28, 2010 B A Pioneer Press Publication(Dc) B Thursday, October 28, 2010 www.pioneerlocal.com RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDIÓIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES agent of The JudIcIal SalesPUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-shall pay the assessments re-AN ORDER OF POSSES-GAGE FORECLOSUREJUDICIAL SALES CORPO- RE JÙDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES LAW. For information: VisitRATION One South Wacker RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES Corporation, wIll at 10:30 AMBY GIVEN that pursuant to aquired by The CondomtniumSION, IN ACCORDANCE RE JUDICIAL SALES on November 29, 2010, at theJudgment of Foreclosure andPropertyAct, 765 ILCSWITH SECTION 15-1701CC)our websile alDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL The JudicIal Soies Corpora-Sale entered In the above enti-605/18.5(g-1).IF YOU AREOF THE ILLINOIS MORT-h t I p : \\s e r V i C B . a t I y -60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE live bidders are admonishedshould also examine the court lIon, One South Wacker Drivetied cause on July 15, 2010 In-TI-tE MORTGAGOR IHOME-GAGE FORECLOSUREpierce.com. between theYou can also visIt The Judi- to review the court file to ver-file.Nothing herein is to be - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL,tercounly JudIcial Sales Cor-OWNER), YOU HAVE TI-tELAW. For inlormailan, con-hours at 3 and 5 pm. PIERCEdalSalesCorporationat 1h' ail information. construed as a substitute for 60606, seil al public auction toporatlon wIll on Tuesday, No-RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POS-tact Plaintiff's attorney:& ASSOCIATES,plaIniifl'twww.tlsc.com for a 7 day sta- For Information: Sale Clerk,the necessity of making these the highest bidder, as Selvember 23, 2010 at the hour ofSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AP-JOHNSON, BLUMBERG &Attorneys, One North Dear-lus report of pending sales. FisherandShapiro, 2121examinations. forth below the followIng de-11 am, in their office at 120TER ENTRY OF AN ORDERASSOCIATES, LLC , 230 W.born Street Sulle 1300,PIERCE 8. ASSOCIATES One Waukegan Rood, Suite301,Property will NOT be opened ocribed reofestato: Common-West Madison Street, SulleOF POSSESSION, IN AC-Monroe Stree, Suite #1125,CHICAGO, IL 60602, Toi No.North Dearborn Street Suite Bannockburfl, Illinois 60015,for inspection. ly known os 4906 NORTH118A, Chicago, IllInoIs, 5011 atCORDANCE WITH SECTIONChicago, IL 60606, f312) 541-(312) 476-5500. Please refer to1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312) (847) 4989990, between 1:00SALE TERMS: 10% down by PROSPECT AVENUE,public auction to the highest35-1701(C) OFTHE ILLINOIS9710 . Please referto file num-file number PA0930266. THE476-5500 Attorney File No.: p.m. and 3:00 ts.m. weekdayscertified funds, balance with- NORRIDGE, IL 60706 Prop-bidder for cash, os set ladisMORTGAGE FORECLO-ber 30-6730. THE JUDICIALJUDICIAL SALES CORPO-PA1007682 AttorneyCode. onlY. 1318159 in 24 hours, certifIed funds. orty Index No. 12-13-418-004-below, the following descri-SURE LAW. For Information,SALES CORPORATION OneRATION One South Wacker91220 Case # 10 Cf-1 15483 Pub: 1W2S 11/4, 11111/10 No refunds. The sale shall be 0000 The real estate is Im-bed mortgaged real estate: contactPlaInlitt's attorney:South WackerDrive,24thDrive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL1316716 (1804581)C subiect to general taxes and proved with a whIte brick oneP.I.N. 13-18-319-038-1022. HEAVNER, SCOTT,Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-465060606-4650 (312) 236-SALE Pub: 19/21,10/28,11/410 to special assessments. story single family home; twoCommonly known as 6950BEVERS & MIl-lLAR, LLC,1312) 236-SALE You can alsoYou can also visit The Judi- (1803192)C - MORION GROVE Upon the sale being made the cor detached garage. SoleWest Forest Preserve Drive,111 East MaIn Street, Sullevisit The JudicIal Sales Cor-dalSolesCorporationat IN THE UNITED STATES purchaser will receive a Cer- lerma: 25% down of the high-Unit 204, NorrIdge, I L 60106. 200, DECATUR,IL62523,poraflon at www.tisc.com forwww.tisc.com for a 7 day sta-S KO K lE DISTRICT COURT titicato of Sale, which will en- est bid by corlitled funds atThe mortgaged real estate ts1217) 422-1719. THE JUDI-a 7 day stalus report of pend-tus report of pending sales. INTHE CIRCUIT COURT FORTHE NORTHERN title the purchaser to a Deed the close of the auction; TheImproved with a condomini-CIALSALES CORPORA-Ing sales. JOHNSON,PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One OF COOK COUNTY, DISTRICT 0E iLLINOiS on a specitied date unless the SAY IT IN THE SELL YOUR CAR balance, includIng the JudI-um residence.The purchas-TION One SouhhWackerBLUMBERG & ASSOCI-North Dearborn Street Suite ILLINOIS EASTERN DIVISION property Is redeemed accord- SAY IT IN THE SELL YOUR CAR dal sale fee for Abandoneder of the unit other thon aDrive, 24fh Floor, Chicago, ILATES, LLC 230 W. MonroeI300CHICAGO, lL60602 (3)2)COUNTY DEPARTMENT - - LPPMortgage Ltd. Ing to law. SAY IT IN THE SELL YOUR CAR Residential Property MunIcI-mortgagee shall pay the as-60606-4650 (3)2) 236-SALESiree, Suite #1125 Chicago, IL476-5500 Attorney FIle No.: CHANCERY DIVISION Piaintitf For informaliOn contact PA0938266 AttorneyCode.U.S. BANK NATIONAL AS- pality Rellel Fund, whIch Issesaments and tise legai feesYou can also visit The Judi-606116 (312) 541-97)0 Attorney SOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE V. Friedman, Anselmo Lindberg To PLACE A calculated at the rate of SI forrequired by SubdivisIonsdol SalesCorporationatFileNo.:10-6730Atiorney91220 Case # 10 CH 10874 James Bakopouio5 & Rappe LLC, Attorneys tor FIND THE CAR CLASSIFIEDS. FAST WITH A each $1,000 or fraction lhereof(gill) and (g)(4) olSection 9www.11sc.com for a 7 doy sta-Code. Case # 30 CH 166341315783 FOR J.P. MORGAN MORT- Defendant. plcilntitf, 1801 W. Diehl Road, CLASSIFIEDS. FAST WITH A of the amount paId by the pur-al the Condominium Propertytus report of pending sales.NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Pub: 10/2), 10/28,11/4/10 GAGE ACQUISITION 10 CV 00878 Suite 333, Napervilie,IL chaser not to exceed $300, InAct. HEAVNER, SCOTT,Debt CollectIon PractIces (1803148)C TRUST 2006-WMC4 ASSET NOTICE OF SPECIAL 60563-1890. Pursuant to sec- CLASSIFIEDS. FAST WITH A BACKED PASS-THROUGH certifIed funds, Is due withinSale terms: 10% down by cer-BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLCAct, you ore advised that SERIES COMMISSIONER'S SALE tien 15-1507 Ic) Ç?) at the liii- KELP WANTED AD twenty-four (24) hours. ThetItled funds, balance, by certi-111 East MaIn Street, SuifePlalntitf'softorney Is deemedSKOKIE CERTIFICATES NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV-noie Code of Civil Procedure, OFYOUR DREAMS. CLASSIFIED AD. sublect property Is sublect lofled funds, wIthin 24 heurs.200 DECATUR, IL 62523 (217)lo be a debt collector attempt- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT 2006-WMC-I Plaintiff, EN that in pursuance of ano Intormatlon other than the CALL general real estafe taxes, nne-No refunds. The property will422-1719 Attorney Code. 40387Ing to collect a debt and any OF COOK COUNTY, vs. Judgment heretofore enteredInformation contained In this CALL CLASSIFIED AD. dal assessments, or specialNOT be open for inspection Caso 6' 09 CH 9423 NOTE:Inlormotlon obtained will be ILLINOIS COUNTY VIOLETA IVANOVA; on April 28, 2010. Notice will be provided. CALL CLASSLFIED AD. taxes levied against said realFor Information call the SalesPursuant totise Fair Debtused for that purpose. 1318900 DEPARTMENT- MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC I, Edward Grossman SpecialEdward Grossman estate and Is offered 1er soleClerk at Plaintltf's Atlorney,Collection Practices Act, you pub: 10/28,11/4,11/11/10 CHANCERY DIVISION REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, Commissioner tar this courtSpecial Commissioner IN THE CHECK OUT wllhouf any representation asThe Wirbickl Law Group, 33are advised thaI piaintltl'sat- (3804603)C M&T BANK INC., AS NOMIN EE FOR Will on Wednesday, the 24th 315988 847-998-3400 CALL 847-998-3400to quality or quantity at tilleWest Monroe Street, Chicago,torney Is deemed lo be a debt Plaintiff, STRUCTURE FUNDING; day of November 2010, ai thePub: 10/21,10/28,11/4,11/11/10 847-998-3400 CALL847-998-3400 and withoutrecourse toIllinois 60603.(312) 360-9455collector attempting to collectSKOKIE -V. - LINCOLN POINT CONDO- hour of3:00 p.m.,at The 11803142)C 847-998-3400 CALL 847998-3400 Plaintiff and in AS 151 candi-W08.0641. a debt and any information I N TH E C i RCU IT COURT ANDERIOS KIFARKIS, et alMINIUM HOMES ASSOCIA- Southwest corner of the Daley tian. The sale Is further sub-INTERCOUNTY JUDICIALobtained will be used for Ihat OF COOK COUNTY, Defendant TION; UNKNOWN HEIRS Center, immediaielyInsideNOR RIDG E CLASSIFIEDS, SEARCHCHICAGO,COWAUTOS ledlo confirmation by theSALES CORPORATION purpose. 1317554 ILLINOIS COUNTY 10 CH 15483 AND LEGATEES OF the building near Clark & IN THE CIRCUIT COURT TO PLACE TO PLACE court. Upon payment In full ofSelling Officer, (312) 444-1122 Pub: 10/28, 11/4,11111110 DEPARTMENT - NOTICE OF SALE VIOLETA IVANOVA, IF Washington, Chicago, illinois, 03° COOK COUNTY, TO PLACE the amount bid, Ihe purchaser1317024 (1804494)C CHANCERY DIVISION PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS seii at public auction to the ILLINOIS COUNTY TO PLACE BAC HOME LOANS SER VIC-BY GIVEN That pursuant to aAND NON RECORD CLAIM- DEPARTMENT - TO PLACE TO PLACE will receive a Certificate of Pub: 10I21, 10/28, 11/410 Defendants, highest bidder for cash and EVERY DAY. Sale that will entitle the pur- I1803289)C SKOKIE ING, LP FKAJudgment of Foreclosure andANTS; all singular, the toiiowing de- CHANCERY DIVISION CALL 8479983400 chaser to a deed to the real IN THE CIRCUIT COURT COUNTRYWIDE HOMESale enteredInthe above 09 CH 9060 scribed premises and real es-WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. YOUR AD. YOUR AD. estate after confirmation ofSKOKIE OF COOK COUNTY, LOANSSERVICING LP cause on August 23, 2010, onPUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby tate in so,d Judgment men-SUCCESSOR EY MERGER YOUR AD. the sale The property will IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ILLINOIS COUNTY Plaintiff, agent of The Judicial Salesgiven that pursuant to a Judg- tioned, situated in the CountyTO WELLS FARGO BANK YOUR AD. YOUR AD. NOT be open lar inspection OF COOK COUNTY, DEPARTMENT- -V.- Corporation, will al 10:30 AMment of Foreclosure entered of Cook and State ot Illinois,SOUTHWEST, N.A.F/K/A YOUR AD. and plaintiff makes no repro- ILLINOIS COUNTY CHANCERY DIVISION DUMITRU TOADER AKAon November 29, 2010, at thein the above entitled cause on or so much thereof as shall beWACI-IOVIA MORTGAGE, sentation as to the condition DEPARTMENT - GREEN TREE SERVICING,DUMITRUS TOADER, et al The Judicial Soles Corpora-8/19/2010, Intercounty Judicial sulticlent to satisfy said .tudg-FSB F/K/A WORLD SAy- of the property. Prospective CHANCERY DIVISION LLC, Defendant lion, One South Wacker DriveSalesCorporationwillon ment ta wit: INGS BANK, FSB bidders are admonished toJPMORGAN CHASE BANK,PlaIntif I, 10 CH 10874 -24lh Floor CHICAGO, IL,Tuesday, November 23, 2010, PERMANENT INDEX NO.:Plalntìff, check fhe court file fo verifyNATIONAL ASSOCIATION -V. - NOTICE OF SALE 60606, seIl at publIc auctIon toat the hour of 1) n.m. In theIr - 09-13-406-001-0000 -V-- all InformatIon. It thts prop-Plaintiff, JOYCE JOGHEE, el al PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-the highest bIdder, as setoffice al 120 West Madison The property is commonlyANDRZEJ SLOWINSK1, et al erty is a condominium unit,-V. - Defendant BY GIVEN that pursuant tonforth below, the followIng de-Street, Suite liSA, Cfllcago, known os: 7213 Church Street,Detendant the purchaser of the UnII atKAMIEL MALOUL, 30 CH 3 6634 Judgment of Foreclosure andscribed real estale: Common-Illinois, sell ta the highest bid- Morton Grove, IL 60053. IO CH 09977 the foreclosuresale,otherJPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NOTICE OF SALE Sale entered inlise abovely known as 0221 LAWNDALEder tar cash, the following de- Amount 01 Judgment: NOTICE OF SALE than a mortgagee, shall payNATIONAL ASSOCIATION,PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-cause an August 20, 2010, anAVE,SKOKIE,IL 60076scribed property: $314,649.84 PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE- the assessments and the legalTHE VILLAGE OF SKOI(IE,BY GIVEN tIsaI pursuanf Is aagent of The JudicIal SalesProperty Index Na. 10-23-315-P.I.N.10-28-230-083-1016,10- Anyone interested in biddingBY GIVEN that pursuant to a fees required by The Condo-AN ILLINOIS MUNICIPALJudgment of Foreclosure andCorporatIon, will at 10:30 AM045-0000 The real eslale is im-28-230-083-1039. at the foreclosure saie shouldJudgment at Foreclosure and mInium Property Act,765CORPORATION Sole enteredinthe aboveon November 23, 2010, at liseproved wIIh a red brick oneCommonly known as 4838 make their own examinationSale entered Inthe above ILCS 605/9(91(1) and (g)(4).Defendant couse on August 2, 2010, anThe Judiclol Sales Corpora-story single family home; oneHOWARD STREET, UNIT of lilie and the estate andcause on August 24, 2010, an If this property Is a condo- 09 CH 9423 agent al The JudicIal Solestien, One South Wacker Drivecar detached garage. Sole#302, SKOKIE, IL 60071. mInIum unit which Is part of o NOTICE OF SALE Corperallon, will at 10:30 AM- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL,terms: 25% down al the high-Theimprovementonthe common lnterext community,PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-on December 1, 2010, at the60606, 5e11 at public auction toest bld by certified funds alproperty consists of a condo- the purchaser of the unIt alBY GIVEN that pursuant to aThe JudicIal Sales Corpora-the highest bIdder, as setthe close of the auctIon; Theminium residence. The pur- theforeclosuresaieotherJudgment et Foreclosure andtian, One South Wacker Driveforth below, tise following de-balance, Including lise Judi-chaser of the unit other than a SKOKIE SKOKIE SKOKIE SKOKIE thon a mertgoeee shall paySole entered Inthe above. 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL,scribed real estate: Common-dal sale fee for Abandonedmortgagee shall pay the as- IN TI-IB CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, SKOKIE IN THE CIRCUIT COURTOF COOK COUNTY, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, IN TI-lE CIRCUITCOURTOF COOK COUNTY, the assessmenfs required bycause on September 8, 2009,60606, seIl at public auclion Iolyknown as4845 KIRKResidential Property Munici-sessments and the legal fees ILLINIOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF COOK COUNTY, ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT- ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - ILLINOIS COUNTY DEPARTMENT - The CondomInium Propertyan agent al The Judicial Solesthe highest bidder, as setSTREET, SKOKIE, IL 60077polity Relief Fund, which isrequired by Subdi Visions ILLINOISCOUNTY DEPARTMENT- CHANCERY DIVISION forth below, the following de- calculated at the rate of SI for(g)(1) and (9)14) al Section 9 CHANCERY DIVISION CHANCERY DIVISION CHANCERY DIVISION CHANCERY Dl VISION Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5to-lI. IFCorporation, will at 10:30 AM Property Index No. 10-28-215- CITIMORTOAGE, INC. SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO J PMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION U.S. BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE YOU ARE THE MORTGA-on December 1, 2010, at thescribed real estate: Common-e02-e000 The real eslole is Im-each $1,000 or fraction thereofof the Condominium Property ABN AMROMORTGAGE GROUP, INC. US BANK, N.A. Plaintiff, Plaintiff, FOR WAMU MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH CERTIFI- COR (HOMEOWNER), YOUThe Judicial Sales Corpora-Iv known as 5135 TOUNYproved with a brick 3 unit; noat lise amount paid by the pur-Act.Soie terms: 25% down P la Intif t, Plaintiff, -V-- CATE FOR WMALT SERI ES 2007-0A3 I-lAVE THE RIGHT TO RE-lion, One South Wacker DriveAVE,, Skokie, IL 60077 Prop-garage.Saleterms: 25%chaser not to exceed $300, inby certified funds, balance -V.- -V-- BORIS MATSEVICH, el al erty Index No. 30-33-200-065-down of lise highest bid bycertified funds, is due wifhinwithin 24 hours, by certified -V.- TRUONG NEO, et ai RESI-IMA SAIYED MC/A RESNMA P. SAIYED, etal Plaintiff, MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR- 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, ALEXANDER C, DEVERA, el al Detendant Defendant -V.- 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF60606, soIl at public auction io0000 Vot. 0320 The real osiatecertified funds al the clase oftwenty-tour (24) hours. Thefunds. No relunds. The prop- Defendanf Defendant 10 CH 019240 10 CH 005057 GUY MICHEL, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL AN ORDER OF POSSES-lise highest bidder, as setis improved With a singlelise auction; The balance, in-sublect property is sublecl toerty wIll NOT be open for in- 10 CH 007257 09 CH 047645 NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE ASSOCIATION SION, IN ACCORDANCEforth below, the following de-family residence. The iudg-cluding the Judicial sale feegenerai real estate taxes, soc-spection.Upon payment In NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE OF SALE PUBLIC NOTICE ISI-IEREBYGIVEN that pursisant loa PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant loo Defendant WITH SECTION 15-1701(C)scribed real esfole: Common-ment amount was $361,453.27.tar AbandonedResidentialdal assessments, or specialfull of the amount bid, the PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a Judgment ol Foreclosure and Sale entered In the above Sale terms: 25% down of the taxes levied against said rgalpurchaser will receIve a Cer- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant too Judgment of Foreclosure and Sale entered In the above Judgment oI Foreclosure and Saie entered In the above 09 CH 21318 OF THE ILLINOIS MORT-ly known as 7924 KARLOV Property Municipality Relief Judgmeni of Foreclosure and Sale entered in the above cause on September 20, 20t0, an agent of The Judicial causo on August 23, 20)0, on agent of The Judicial Saies NOTICE OF SALE GAGE FORECLOSUREAVE., Skokle, IL 60076 Prop-highest bld by certified fundsFund, which is colculafed ateslate and Is offered for saleflflcate of Sale which will en- couse onAugust 23, 2010, an agent of The JudIcial Soles cause on August 20, 2010, an ageni of The Judicial Sales Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on November 29, 2010, 01 the erly Index No. le-27-205-030-at tise close of the oucliontthe rate of $1 for each $1,000without any represenlollon ostitle the purchaser to a Deed Corporation, will at 10:30 AM on November 23, 2010, at the Saies Corporalion, will 01 10:30 AM on November 23, 2010, PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that pursuant to a LAW. For Inlormallon: Visit Corporation, will of 10:30 AM on November 29, 2010, at the al the The Judicial Soles Corporation, One South Wacker The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - Judgment of Foreclosure and Salo entered In fhe aboveour website atogee The real estafe io im-The balance, Including the .Ju-or fractionthereofoftheto quality or quantity of titleto tise premises otter conf ir- The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, seIl at public auction Io diclal sale fee for Abandonedamount paid by the purchaserand withoul recoursetomotion of the sale. The Judicial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, sell at public auction io Drive - 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, seIl at public ouc- couse on December 21, 2009, an agent of The Judicial hit p :\\so rvl ce . ally-proved wilh amultiuniI 24th Floor CHICAGO, IL, 60606, solI at public auction to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following descri- Soles Corporaflon, will at 10:30 AM an December 1, 203e, between thebuildIng conlaining Iwo to 51xResidential Property Munici-not to exceed $300, In certltiedPlaintiff and in AS 151 candi-For information:Visit our the highest bidder, as set forth below, the following descri- lion to the hIghest bidder, as set forth below, the following pierce.com. polity Relief Fund, which isfunds, is due within twenty-lion. The sole is further sub-website al http://servlce.otty- . the highest bidder, as sel forth below, the following descri- bed real estate; Commonly known os 4931 W. SHERWIN described reni estate: Commonly known as 10059 N. bed real estate: Commonly known os 5451 GROVE al the The JudIcial Sales Corporation, One South Wacker hours of 3 and 5 pm. PIERCEapartments. The iudgment bed real entole: Commonly known os 4823 W. JEROME FRONTAGE ROAD UNIT C, SKOKIE, IL 60077 Property STREET, Sl(Ol(IE, 1L60077 Property Index No. 10-16-3)9- Drive - 24th FIoorCHICAGO, IL, 60606, solI at public auc- & ASSOCIATES,Platnfiff';amount was *520,144,85. SaIecalculaled al the rate of $1 fortour 124) hours. The subleclledto confirmation by tiseplerce.com. Between 3 p.m. AVENUE, SKOKIE. IL 60077 Property Index No. 10-28- AVENUE, SKOKIE, IL 60077 Property index No. 10-28- 048 The real estate Is improved with a single family resi- each $1,000 or fraction thereofproperty Is subiect to generalcourt. Upon payment In lull ofand 5 p.m. only. Pierce & As- 423-027 The real estale Is improved with o residence. Sole index No. 10-09-205-056 The real estate Is improved with a tien to the highest bidder, as set forth below, the followIng Attorneys, One North Dear-terms: The bid amount, in- 408-038 The real estate is improved with o residence. Sole cond'townhouse. Sole terms: 25% down of the highest bld dence. Sale terms: 25% doWn of lhe highest bld by certi- describedrealestafe:Commonly knownas8550 born Street Suife 1300,cludlng the Judicial sale feeof the amount paid by lise pur-real estolo taxes, special as-the amount bid, the purchasersociales, Plaintiff'sAliar- terms: 25% down of the highest bld by certified funds at fled funds al the close of the ouction; The balance, includ- chaser not to exceed $300, insessmenls, or special taxeswill receive a Certificate ofneys, 1 North Dearborn terms: 25% down of the highest bid by certified funds at the close of the auction; The balance, Including the Judi- by certilied funds al the close 01 the auction; The balonce, CI-IRISTIANA AVENUE, Skokie, IL 60076 Property Index CHICAGO, IL 60602. Tel No.forAbandoned ResIdential the close at the auction; The balance, including the Judi- Including the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned Residential Ing the Judicial sale fee for Abandoned ResidentIal ProP- No. le-23-217-o23-0000 The real estate ls Improved wlfh a (312) 476-550e. Please refer faProperty Municipality ReliefcertIfied funds, is duo wilhinlevied against sold real estateSale that will enhIle the pur-Street, Chicago, IllinoIs 60602. dal sole fee for Abandoned Residential Property Munici- dal sale fee tor Abandoned Residential Property Munici- Properly Municipality Relief Fund, which is calculated al erty Municipality Relief Fund, which Is calculated al hie singlo family residence. The iudgment amount was file number PA0933881. THEFund, which Is calculated attwenty-tour (243 hours. Theand is offered lar sole withoutchaser Io a deed Io the realTel.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer polity Relief Fund, which is calculated at the rate of $1 for paHty Relief Fund, which Is calculated at the rate 01 Sl for subiect property is subiect toany representofion as to quai-estale after confirmation ofla File Number 0904462. each 51,050 or fraction thereof 01 the amount paid by the the rate of SI for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the rolo of $1 for each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount $370,151.02. Salo terms: The bid amount, Including fhe Ju- JUDICIAL SALES CORPO-the rate at $1 for each $1,000 each $1,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by the amount paid by the purchaser not lo exceed $300, in certi- paid by Oho purchaser not lo exceed $300, in ceriltiod diclal sale fee tor Aboridoned ResIdential Property Mutiic- RATION One South Wackeror tractionthereatotThegeneral real esiato laxes, spe-lfy or quantity of title andthe sale The property willINTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL purchaser not to exceed $300, in certified funds, Is due lunds, 15 due within twenty-four 124) hours. The sublecl clot assessments, or specialwllhoul recourse lo PlaintiffNOT be open for inspectionSALES CORPORATION purchaser not fo excced 5300, in certified funds, is due within twenty-tour (24) hours. The subleci property is sub- lied lungs, Is due within twenty-four (24) hoUrs. The sub- Ipoilfy Relief Fund, whIch Is colculafed at fhe rafe of 61 Drive, 24fb Floor, Chicago, ILamount paid by the purchaser within twenty-tour 124) hours. The sublect property is sub- ecl properly is subiect Io general real estate 10x05, spe- properly Is subiect lo general real estate taxes, special as- br each 61,000 or fraction thereof of the amount paid by 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALEnot to exceed $300, shall betaxes levied against sold realand in AS I51 condition. Theand plaintiff makes no repro-Selling Officer, (312) 444-1122 led to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or sessmenls, or specIal taxes levied against said real estole osIate and-Is offered for salesalo Is further sublect to con-sentatlon as Io the condition3316978 iocf to general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special taxes levied against said real estate and is offered dal assessments, or special taxes levied against said real flic purchaser not fo exceed $300, shall be paid In certified You can also visit The .Judi-paid In certified funds lmme- special taxes levied against said real estate and Is ottered estate and Is offered for saie withoul any representation and Is offered for sole without any representation asts funds Immediately by the hIghest and best bidder at the dolSolesCorporationatdIoieiy by the highest andwithout anY representolion asfirrnatlon by the court. Uponat tise property. Prospective Pub: 10/21, 10/58, 11/4/10 (or sole without any representation as to quality or quanti- for sole without any representation as to quality or quanti- os to quolity or quantity of title and Without recourse to quality or quantity of tille and without recourse lo Plain- conclusion of the salo. The sublecf property is subiect fo www.tlsc.com for a 7 doy Ola-best bidder at the conclusionto qualify or quantity of titlepayment in full of the amountbidders are admonished lo 11803279)C ty oftitle and without recourse to Plaintiff and In AS 1S ty oftitle arid withoul recourse to Plaintiff and in AS IS. Plalntlll and in AS 15 condition. The sale Is further sub- till and in AS IS condition. The solo is further subiecl lo general real estate taxes, special assessments, or special tus report of pending sales.of the saie. The subiecl prop-and wlIhOUt recourselobld,lise purchaser willre-check Ihe court file Io verify condition. The saIe is further Subiect to confirmation by condition. The sole is turiher sublect to confirmation by confirmation by the court. If fho sale is sot aside for any erfy is subiect to general realPlaintiff and In AS IS candi-celve a Certificate of Saleall Information. If 1h15 prop-SKOKI E the court. If the sole is set aside for any reason, the Pur- led to confirmation by the court. If the sale is sol aside faxes levied against said real estate and Is offered for sale PIERCE & ASSOCIATES One tion. The sole is further sub- erty is a condominium unit, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT the court. If the sale Is seI aside for any reason, the Pur- for any reason, the Purchaser ai the sale shall be entitled reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only io without any representation as to quality or quantity 01 tI- North Dearborn Street SulleosIate taxes, special 055055- that will enhIle the purchaser OF COOK COUNTY, chaser at the sale shall bo entitled only to a return of the chaser at the sole shall be entitled only to a return of the o return of Ihe deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no tie and without recourse to PlaIntiff and in AS 151 condi- 1300 CHICAGO, IL 60602 (312)menls, or special taxes leviedlect to centirmoilon by theto a deed lo lise real eslale at-the purchaser of the unit at deposil paid. The Purchaser shall have no further re- only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall court. Upon payment in full ofter confirmation of the solethe foreclosuresole,other ILLINOIS deposit paId. The Purchaser shall have no further re- course against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort- hove no turther recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mort- turther recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or tien. The sole Is lurther 5ublect lo confirmation by the476-5500 Attorney File Ho.:against said real estafe and is COUNTY DEPARTMENT - course against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mort- the Mortgagee's aliorney. Upon payment in full 01 Iho court. Upon payment in full of the amount bld, the pur- PA0933881 Attorney Code.offered for sole Without anythe amount bid, tise purchaserThe property will NOT bethan a mortgagee, shall pay gogee'sattOrney. Upon payment in full at the amount bid, gagee or the Mortgogee'sOltOrneY. Upon payment in full representatIon as to qualitywill receive a Certificale ofopen for Inspection and plain-the assessments and the legal CHANCERY DIVISION gagee'sottorney. Upon payment in full of the amount bid, the purchaser will receive a CertIfIcate ot Sale that will of the amount bld, the purchaser will receive a Certificate amount bid, the purchaser will receive a Certiflcale 01 choser wIll receive a Certificate of Saie that will entitle 91220 Case 6' 10 CH 09917 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE the purchaser will receive a Certificate of Sole that will of Sole that will entitle the purchaser to a deed to the real Sale Ihot will entitle the purchaser fo a deed fo the real es- the purchaser to a deed to the real estate after confirmo- 1316731 or quonfity of tille and witit-Sale that will enhIle the pur-ill, makes no representationfees required by The Condo- entitle the purchaser to a deed to ihe real estate after con- entitle the purchoser to a deed to the real estale alter con- out recourse to Plaintiff andchaser to a deed to the realas to the condillon al the prop-minium Property Act,765LLC; flrmation 01 the sale The properly will NOT be open for In- estate aller contirmotlon of the sale The property wIll tate otter contlrmotion of the sole The property will NOT tien 01 the sale The property will NOT be open for Inspec- Pub: 10/21, 10,/28, 11/4/10 estate aller confirmation of Plaintiff, firmatlon of the tale The property will NOT be open for In- NOT be open for Inspection and plaintiff makes no repro- be open for Inspection and plaintiff makes no represen!o- tIen and plaintiff makes no representation as to the condi- (1803t96)C in AS lS condition. The 5ale erty. Prospective bIdders areILCS 685j9fg)C1) and (g)t4).vs. spection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the spection and plaintiff makes no representation as to the tion as lo the condition of the property. Prospective bid- lion of the property. Pronpeclive bidders are admonished is further sublect to conf Irma-the sale The property willadmonishedtacheckliseIf this property Is a condo- condition nl the property. Prospective bidders are admon- sentatlon as to the condition of the properly. Prospective NOT be open for inspection minium Unit which Is part of aNICOLAE CRESTESCU ARA condition of the property. Prospective bidders oro admon- bidders are admonished to check the court file to verify ders are admonished to check the court file to verify all In- to check the court file to verify all Information. If this NORRIDGE lion by the court. Upon pay- court file lo verify all Infor- NICOLAE JOHN Ished to check the court filo to verify ail Information. It ished to check the court file to verify all information. If all Information. If this property Is a condominium unit, formation. lt thIs property Is a condominium unit, the pur- property to a condominium unii, the purchaser at the unit IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ment In full of the amount big,and islatntlul makes no repre-mallan. If thIs property Is acommon interest community, this property is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the Ihe purchaser will receive asentalian as to lise conditioncondominium unit,tise pur-fisc purchaser of the unit atCRESTESCU; MORTGAGE this property Is a condominium unit, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall the purchaser al the unit al the foreclosure sole, other chaser of the unit al the foreclosure sale, other than o at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall pay OF COOK COUNTY, ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- unit at the foreclosure sale, other than a mortgagee, shall than a mortgagee, $holl pay the assessments and the le- mortgagee, shall pay the assessments and the legal tees the assessments and the legal lees required by The Condo- ILLINOIS Certificate of Sale that willof the property. Prospectivochaser at the UnIt al the lore-theforeclosuresaleotherTION SYSTEMS, INC AS pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The pay the assessments and the legal fees required by The gol fees required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 required by The Condominium Properly Act, 765 ILCS minium Properly Act, 765 ILCS 60S19(g)(1) and (9)14). If COUNTY DEPARTMENT-entitlethe purchaser ta abidders are admonIshed toclosure sale,olher thon athan a mortgagee shall pay Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/9(g)(li and Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 60S/9(g)(1) and CHANCERY DIVISION deed io the real ostato aftercheck lise court file to veritymortgaoeo, shall pay the as-Ilse assessments required byNOMINEE FOR CHICAGO ¿g)(4). if ibis property Is o condominium unit which is ILCS 60S/9(g)(1) and (g)(4). If this property is a condo- 605/9(g) (1 ) and (g) (41. If this property IS a condominium this property is a condominium unIt which Is part of a all InformatIon. If thIs prop- The CondomInIum PropertyFUNDING, INC., AN ILLI- (g)(4l. If this property is a condominium unit which is mintum unit which is port 01 0 common Interest communi- unii which Is part of a common interest communitY, the common Interest community, the purchaser of the unit alWELLS FARGO BANK, NAconfirmation of the sale The sessmenls and the legal tees NOIS CORPORATION; UN- port ot o common interest community, the purchaser al port of o common interest community, the purchaser of ty, the purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sale other purchaser of the unit at the foreclosure sole other than 0 the foreclosure sole other than a mortgagee shall pay the AS TRUSTEE FORproperty will NOT be open foroily Is o condomInium unit,required by The Condomini-Act, 765 ILCS 60511851g-1). IFKNOWN HEIRSAND LEG- the unit at the foreclosure sale other fhon a mortgagee the unit at the foreclosure salo other thon a mortgagee than a mortgagee shall pay the assessments required by mortgagee shall pay the assessments requIred by The ossesamenls required bY Tho Condominium Property CARRINGTON MORTGAGEInspection and plaintiffthe purchaser of tite unIt alum Property Act, 765 ILCS'fOU ARE THE MORTGA- shall pay the assessments required by The Condominium LOAN TRUST, SERIES makes no repreeenlalien as iothe foreclosure saie, olher605/9(g)(l) and (g)(4). If thisGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUATEES OF NICOLAE 5hali pay the assessments required by The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 605/18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE The Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 60511851g-1). Condominium Property Act, 765 ILCS 60511851g-1). IF Act, 765 ILCS 60S/18.S(g-)). IF YOU ARE THE MORTGA- than a mortoageø, shall pay HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE-CRESTESCU, IF ANY; Property Act, 765 ILCS 605f18.5(g-1). IF YOU ARE THE IF YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU ARE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNERI, YOU OCR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVETHE RIGHTTO RE- 2006-NCS ASSET BACKEDthe condition of the property. properly is a condominium UNKNOWN OWNERS AND MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU NAVE THE MORTGAGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOU HAVE THE PASSTHROUGH CER-Prospective bidders are ad-the assessmenls and the legaiunIt which Is part of a com-MAIN IN POSSESSION FOR RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AF- YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR MAIN 1H POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY fees required by The Condo- 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OFNONRECORD CLAIMANTS; RIGHT TO REMAIN IN POSSESSION FOR 30 DAYS AP- FOR 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POS- 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSES OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN ACCORDANCE TIFICATE Plain-monisfied fa check lise court mon lnlerest community, the Detendonts, TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- Slot), IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF tiff, file to verify all intormafion.minium Properly Act, 765purchaser al the unit at theAN ORDER OF POSSES- TER ENTRY OF AN ORDER OF POSSESSION, IN AC- CORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701iC) OF THE ILLI- SESSION, IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701 (C) WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF THE ILLINOIS MORT- SION, IN ACCORDANCE 09 CU 36756 CORDANCE WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) OF TI-IB ILLI- OF THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. THE ILLINOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For GAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For Information, contact vs. If Otilo property Is o condo-ILCS 6050/leI(I) and fg)(4).foreclosure sole other than o PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby NOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For informa- NOIS MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE LAW. For informo- intormotlon, contact Plaintilt's attorney: The Sole Clerk, SAMUEL BANAS;minium unIt, the purchaser ofIf this property Is a condo-mortgagee shall pay the as-WITH SECTION 15-1703(C) contactPlolnlltt's attorney:The Saie Clerk, For information, contact Plolntilt's attorney: The Sole Plaintiff's attorney: HEAVNER, SCOTT, BEYERS & minium unit which Is port of asesaments required by TheOF THE ILLINOIS MORT-given that pursuant to a Judg- lion,contactPlalntift's attorney:The SoleClerk, tian, Clerk, CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH COOILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONT- MIHLAR, LLC, 111 East Main Street,Suite200, NORRIOGE POINT CONDO-the unit at lise foreclosure ment of Foreclosure entered CODILIS&ASSOCIATES, P.C., 1SWO3ONORTH FRONT- CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. , 15W030 NORTH FRONT- FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, 1L60S27, AGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, 16301 DECATUR, IL 62523, (217) 422-1719. THE JUDICIALMINIUM ASSOCIATION;sale, other then a mortgagee,common inlerest community,Condominium Property Act,GAGE FORECLOSURE AGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, 1630) CAPITALONE BANK (USA)shall pay the assessmentsthe purchaser of the UnII at765 ILCS605/18.5(0-1). iFLAW. For Information: VisItIn the above entItled causeen AGE ROAD, SUITE 100, BURR RIDGE, IL 60527, (630) 794-9876 between the hours of t and 3 PM only and ask for (630) 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24th theloreclosuresale other our website at0/2512010, inlercounly Judicial 794-9876 between the hours of 1 and 3 PM only and ask for ask for the sales department.. Please refer lo tile number the sales deportment.. Please refer lo tile number 14-10- Floor, Chlcaeo, IL 60606-4659 (312) 236-SALE You con oleo NA; 1-ISBC BANK NEVADA,and the legal feos required by YOU ARE THE MORTGA- Sales willon the soles department.. Please refer io file number 14-09- NA; MORTGAGE ELEC-The CondomInIum Propertythan a mortgagee 5hail payCOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUhltp : \\se rvlce . a t t y- Corporation the soles deportment.. Please refer to file number t4-09- 14-10-14792. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION Ong 03400. TI-tE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One visil The Judicial Sales Corporation at www.lisc.Com for pierce.com. between Tuesday, November 30, 2010, 34687. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One 30152. THE JUDICIAL SALES CORPORATION One South Wacker Drive, 24Ih Floor, Chicago, IL 60605-4650 South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4655 o 7 doy obtus report of pending sales. HEAVNER, TRONIC REGISTRATIONAct, 765 ILCS 605/9(93(1) andthe assessments requIred byHAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- the South Wacker Drive, 24th Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 UN- If this property is aThe Condominium PropertyMAIN IN POSSESSION FORhoursot3and5pm. PIERCEat the hour of 11 a.m. In their South Wacker Drive, 24Ih Floor, Chicago, IL 60606-4650 (312) 236-SALE You can also visil The Judiciol Soles Cor- 1312) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Saies Cor- SCOTT, BEYERS & MIHLAR, LLC 111 East MaIn Street, SYSTEMS, INC.; (ol(4). 8. ASSOCiATES, Plalntltt'toffice al 120 West Madison (3)2) 236-SALE You can also visit The Judicial Sales Cor- (312) 236-SALE You can also Visit The Judicial Saies Cor- porallon al www.tisc.com for a 7 day status report ol pend- poratuon at www.tisc.com for a 7 day sialus report of pend- Sulle 200 DECATUR, IL 62523 (2)7) 422-1719 Attorney KNOWN HEIRS AND LEGA-condomInium unit which isAct,76S ILCS6OS/18.5(g-l). IF30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY OF Street, Suite 718A, Chicago, poration at www.tlsc.com for a 7 day status report of pend- poroilon at www.tlsc.com for a 7 doy status report of pend- ing sales. CODILIS & ASSOCiATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH Cede. 40387 Case # 09 CH 21318 NOTE: Pursuant to the TEES OF SAMUEL BANAS,part of a common inferostYOU ARE THE MORTGA-AN ORDER OF POSSES-Attorneys, One North Dear- ing soles. COD1LIS & ASSOCIATES, P.0 15W030 NORTH Ing soles. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH communify, the purchaser alGOR (HOMEOWNER), YOUSION, IN ACCORDANCEbarn Street Suite 1300,Illinois, sell to the highest bld- ing sales. CODILIS & ASSOCIATES, P.C. 15W030 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 Fair Debt Collection PractIces Act, you are advised that IF ANY; UNKNOWN OWN- HAVE THE RIGHT TO RE- CHICAGO, IL 60002. Tel No.der tar cash, the following de- FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE 100 BURR RIDGE, IL 60527 (630) 794-9876 Attorney File No. :14-10-14792 ARDC# (630) 794-9876 Atlorney File No.: 14-10-08409 ARDCi Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a debt collector al- ERS AND NONRECOROthe unit al tise foreclosure WITH SECTION 15-1701(C) scrlbed property: 1630)794-9876 Attorney FIle No. :14-09-38152 ARDC# CLAIMANTS; Defendants, sale other than a mortgageeMAIN IN POSSESSION POROF THE ILLINOIS MORT-(312) 476-5500. Please refer to (630)794-9876 Attorney File No.:14-09-34687 AROC# 00460002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case t 10 CH 019240 NOTE: 00460002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 10 CH 005057 NOTE: temptIng to collect a debt and any information obtained file number PA1007682. THEP.l.N. 10-23-318-035-0000. 00468002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 10 CH 007257 NOTE: 08460002 Attorney Code. 21762 Case # 09 CH 047645 NOTE: Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection PractIces PcI, yo will be used tor that purpose. 1317525 10 CH 12652 30 DAYS AFTER ENTRY Of Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you Pursuant to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, you are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a are advised thaI Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be O Pub: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11/10 (1804489)C NOTICE OF SALE to be a are advised that Plaintiff's attorney is deemed to be a are advised that Plaintiff's attorney Is deemed debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any intor- debt collector attempting to coiled o debt and any infor- debt collector atlempting to collect a debt and any InfOr- debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any infor- matlon obtained will be used forthat purpose. 1317819 motion obtained will be used for that purpose. 1317849 motion obtained will be used for that purpose. 1317482 Pub: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11/10 (1004S10)C motion obtained will be u5ed for that purpose. 1317806 Pub: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11110 (1804483)C Pub: 10/28, 11/4, 11/11/10 (1804509)C Pub: 10/28, 11/4, 11111110 (1804502)C A Pioneer Press Publication(Dc) A Pioneer Press Publication(Dc) www.pioneerlocal.com Thursday, October 28, 2010 J B

Thursday, October 28, 2010 wwvpioneer1oca1.com ¿ B I AUTOMOBILES WANTED ASSUMED NtME AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS AUCTIONS DIVORCE LIENS LIENS GARAGE/HOUSE SALES GARAGE/HOUSE SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICiAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES RE JUDICIAL SALES age, 7524 North PaulIna, ChI- CASH FORJUNK CARS ASSUMED NAME -' UnII 2023, Geraldo Torreo NOTICE OF IN THE CIRCUIT COURT PUBLIC LIEN PUBLIC LIEN given that pursuant to a Judg-Evanston- Books, LP5, CD5, Nlles-7939 N New', Fri-Sun, cago, IL 60626 and continue InApprox. bike, chairs, boxes, PUBLIC SALE OF OF COOK COUNTY, On December 3, 2010 at AThat on 11/29/2010, a saie will Commonly known os3907saies.) HEIRS AND LEGATEES OF 9am-4Pm. MultI Family I Free Pick-UP. Same day NotIce Is hereby given, pur- the ardor listed until compte-bags, broom, books, contaIn- be held at 3:00 p.m. at: CLEVELAND STREET,PUBLIC NOTICE is herebyEVITA S. HOFMANN, IFment of Foreclosure entered magazInes, frame prints & Service. Call 708-804-2228 suant to 'An Act in relation to PERSONAL PROPERTY ILLINOIS Compete Auto Service Inc. ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERSIn the above entitled causean mirrors, clothes, candles, Power tools, mowers & the Uso of an Assumed Bud- tian. The unils to be sold orero, chest of drawers, otherNotice Is hereby given thatIN RE: ThoMarriageof d/ta Carfix Auto Center, 3555Thong's Auto Service & Body SKOKIE, 1L60076. given that pursuant to a Judg- snowblowers, eloctrs, fishing dIsposed of are as follows: miscellaneous Items. pursuant to Section 4 at the Inc. TheImprovementonthement of Foreclosure enteredAND NON RECORDAugust 12, 2010, intercounlyvintage kitchenware, holiday ness Name in the conduct or Doripalam Khaodol W. Faster Ave. ChIcago, IL. JudicialSoiesCorporation& birthday decorations, new equip, oulboard motors, transaction of BusIness in the Unit:201 Jorge Bauza, Dress-Unit 2522, RIcardo Alfaro Self-Service Storage FacilityPetItioner, 60625 at 10:00 AM. A public 4416-20 N.Kedzfe property consIsts of o sIngleon August 25, 2010, Kauen Re-C L A t M ANTS; Bose 3 disc player. er, PIctures, Weight Bench Approx. mattress, box sprIng,Act, State al Illinois, the un-And sate ta enforce a lien under Chicago, IL 60625 family residence. if the sub-ally Services, Inc., as SellingDefendants, will on Monday, November 8,sm appls, disco mirror ball, State,' as amended, that a Unit:301 Ian Dully, Ironing 09 CH 10395 2010, al the hour of 12:00 Noon etc. Sat 10/23 & Sun 10/24, LEGAL NOTICES certification was flied by the boxes,bags, bed frame,dot-signed wIll sell at a publicBoyar Otgonkhuu, the lawsaftheStateof IllinoisAll bids to be In writing, lo led mortgaged real estate IsOfficial wiil at 12:30 p.m. on of NORRIDGE Garage Sale, Board, Chairs, Bags shelves, bIn, chest, dresser,sale by competItive biddingRespondent. for labor, materials, servIces,sell the following articles ta a unit of a common interestNovember 29, 2010, at 205 W.PUBLIC NOTICE Is herebyoutsidethefrontdoor 9om-3pm. (N. alley at Friday, 10/29, 9am-2pm. 4M5 undersigned with the County given that pursuant to a Jude-Courtroom 2802, Richard J. garage, 2610 Walnut Ave) Clerk of Cook County. File Unit:343 Valerie Torres, microwave,bike,clothes,an: 10/29/10 at 4:00 p.m. On GEN NO. 2010D010329 storage, towing & other asso-enforce a lien existIng under community, the purchaser ofRandolph Street, SuIte 1020, North Osoge Ave. Furniture, ASSUMED NAME Portable TV, Bags, ChaIr Suitcase, chaIrs, other mis-the premIse where saId prop- PUBLICATION NOTICE the lawsoftheStatoof Illinois the unit other than a mot-iga-Chicago, Illinois, sell at pub-ment of Foreclosure enteredDaley Center, 50 West Wash Appliances, Mower, House- No. D10123703 on October 12, TO PLACE YOUR Folding dated fees thereto. Storage In the above entitled cause onIngton Street, ChIcago,liii-HIGHLAND PK. 1715 2010. UndertheAssumed cellaneous Items. cdv has been slared, and The requisite aftldavit farcharges continue to accrue.against such artIcles for la- gee shall pay the assessmentslIc auction to the hIghest bid- 10/29 12pmhold Items and more. FIND MORE Unit:426 Deborah Campbell,Unit 3019, MarIo Manfredy which oro located at PublicpublIcation having been filed,Sale may be continued frombar, servIces, skills or mate- requIred by subsectIon (g-1)der for cash, as set forth be-0/23/2010, Infercounty Judicialnols, self to the highest bidderMcCraren Road, ASSUMED NAME Name of Portable TV, Headboard, CorporationwIllonfor cash, the following descri-to 4pm, 10/30 10am to 4pm, Notice is hereby given, pur- SIDPLOW LEADER Approx. chestaldrawers,Storage FOSTER-nollceishereby giventofimo to tIme wllhout furtherrial expended upon or storage of Section 18.5 of the Condo-tow, the following describedSates NORTHBROOK Furniture Frame mannequin, chairs, fan, bags,RAVENSWOOD SELF- above furnished far such artIcles at minium Property Act.Salereal property: Monday, November 29, 2010,bed mortgaged real estate: Rb. 41 to Park Ave. West,Salol Hutch, couch, cocktailsuant to "An Act In relation toat 333 Clearwaler, you,the namedre-notice except to parties at- at the hour al 11 a.nt. in theIrCommonly known as 6815west fa fIrst street over the the use of an Assumed Busi-SchaumbUrg, IL 60194. The UnIt:515 Toya MarIe, Kelly, bins, boxes, mIcrowaves,STORAGE LLC, 1800 W.spondont, a petition has beentending scheduledsaleorthe request of the following terms: 25% down by certifiedCommonly known as8234 & serving tables, bookcases, GARAGE SALE AD, Totes, Boxes, Rooks printer, olher miscellaneousFOSTER AVE., CHICAGO,filed In the Circuit Court ofthose who request same. Suc-desIgnated person(s), unless 24Harding Avenue, Skokie, ILoffice at 120 West MadisonCarpenter Road, Skokie, ILtracks.,Bargains, bargains,desk. Will take best offer overness Name in the conduct ortrue name(s) and residence funds balancewithin bargains f LOCAL JOBS AT Unit:54g Craig MartIn, Porta-Items. IL60640,773-561-5003. TheCook County, Illinois by thecessful bidder requIred to payouch articles are redeemed hours, by certified funds. No60076 Street, Suite 718A, Chicago,60077. $12500n all items. Saturdaytransaction of Business in theaddressoftheowner(s) bIoTV, Boxes, Illinois, sell to the highest bid-P. IN. 10-33-107-003-0000. State,as amended, that aMarcln Z. Koziol, 333 Ctotir- Clolhing,UnIt 3222, Donnetl WIlliams personal property Is descri-petItIoner. with certified funds. within thirty (30) days of the refunds. The property willPermanent Index No.: 10-23- the 18/30, 9am-3pm. 2105 Clover Sullcase Approx. boxes, suItcase, yac-bed below, In the matters of: Now therefore, unless you,Owners: Casa Blanca GrouppublicatIon of this notIce. NOT be open tor inspection.309-041 der for cash, the following de-Theimprovement on HINS DALE Rd. 312-531-3900 certification was flIed by thewater, Schaumburg, IL 60194. Unit:600 HarrIs Brown, SuIt-uum, night slond, speaker, scribed property: property consists of a single 108 NORTH CLAY ST undersIgned with the County Pub: 10/21, 10/28, 11/4/10 PIONEERLOCALCOM/MONSTER Space #51 Pamela Scavone the said respondent, fIle yourLLC,Graciela Rodriguez,NAME OF PERSON(S) Upon payment in full of theThe mortgaged real estate Is CALL 84799834OO cases, KItchen chairs, Table rugs, backpack, chest, allierMIsc. Boxes responso to said petition orLlenholder: AmerIcan EagleJetan Jones amount bid, the purchaserimproved with a dwellIng.P.I.N. 10-22-321-034-0000. family residence. Friday 10/29 and Saturday NORTHF(EI-D Clerk of Cook County. FIle 11803589)C Lamp mlscelianeou5 items. The property will NOT beCommonly known as8109Sato terms: 10% down by cor-10/30, 9am - 2pm Household SALES REP GIFTWARE No. D10123704 on October 12, Space #683 Linda Rodriguez otherwIse make your appear-Bank, Melvin Janes will receive a Certificate of Unit:681 Precious A Pub: 10121, 10S28(10(1803304)CMisc household Items,ance herein, In the Office ofVehicle:2004 KIa, Americredit Financial Sole which wiltentitle theopen for Inspection. KENTON AVENUE,tIlled funds, balance within 24goods, women's and teensSAMPLES. 263 RiversIde Dr,2010.Underthe Assumed ASSUMED NAME Crawford, Books, Stroller, SKOKIE, IL 60076. hours, by certified funds. Noclothing, TV, books, Am. FrIday, Oct 29th & SaturdayName of Naflce is hereby given, Pur- furniture the Clerk of the CIrcuIt CourtV I N # K HAL Dl 2444501 6005,Services purchaser to a Deed to theThe iudgment amount was Toys NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALESpace#691 MIguel Haro of Cook County, Illinois, thIrdAmount owed: $1,900.00 DESCRIPTION OF $327,043.05. Sale terms forTheImprovementontherefunds. Girl, much morel Oct 30th lOam-2i'm. ChIcago Barbers And Hair suant to "An Act In relation Io To be Held At : The Lock Up promises after confirmation property consists of a sIngleThe property will NOT be Salon the use of an Assumed Bud- Unll:685 Eugene Billups, Household items, boxes District,2121 Euclid Ave., Pub: lt/28/I0(1805043)C2 ARTICLE otthe saie. non-parties: 10% of success- Headboard, Mattress, Self Storage Pub:10/21, 10/20/10 RollIng Meadows, Illinois an 2001 Volkswagen Jetta ful bid ImmedIately at conclu-family residence. Saieopen for inspection. Hlntdale-56OWOOdSldO Ave,OAK PARK 1122 N. East, at 2751 W. 55th St., ist FL,ness Name In the conduct or For information:Visit our ForinformationcallMr. Chicago, IL 60632. The truetransaction at Business in the Dresser 3850 W Devon Ave, LIncoln- 11800842IC or before November 28, 2010 Public LIen Sale 3VWS529M41 Mol 1244 website at http:I/service.atlY-sian of auction, balance byterms: 25% down by certified 1 Day Onlyl Sat, 7:300m-3Pm. 10-30,9 am-noon: House, Unit:788 Gee McDonald, Wood, IL 60712 being not less than 30 daysNotIce Is hereby given that onAMOUNT: $3185.65 pierce.com. Between 3 p.m.12:30 PITt. the next businessfunds,balancewIthIn 24Scott P. ClaIr at Plaintiff'sAt- dopar clothes men/wmns ofc, baby furn; books; misc.name(s) and residence od-State,as amended, that o Date: Nov 11,2010 hours, by certified funds. Notorney,Thompson Coburn dress of fha owner(s) IgnaciocertifIcation was filed by the Bags, Treadmtll,Toys Notice is hereby given thatfrom the 1st dale al publIca-11/2212010 a sale wIll be held at Pub:10121, 10128, 11/4/10 and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & As-day, both by cashier'schecks; kids, sports equip, offc, lurn, Unit:728 Precious A BeglnsAt: 10:00am the undersIgned will sell, totian, default may be enteredAuto Star TransmissIons Inc (18033e0iC sociales, Plaintiff'sAttor-and no refunds. The satorefunds. The property wIllLLP, 55 East Monroe Street, records, Iewierv& morel Rlverwoods .1100 StudIo Le,Godinez, Jr., 4210 W. 103rdundersigned with the Courtly Crawford, Bags, Clothing, UnIt: 1135, Edward Youslt satisfy lien of the owner, at shall be subloct to generai re-NOT be open for Inspection.Chicago, IllInois 60603. (312) St., Oak Lawn, IL 60453, San-Clerk of Cook County. Plie agaInst you at any timo alter20270 n Rand Rd Palatine II neys, i North Dearborn Sot Onlyl 10/30 9am-34m. 2 Na. 010123609 on Oclobor 1, Printer, Scanner Approx: Cabinets,applian-publIc sale by competitiveIhat day and a ludgement far60074,To sell the following ar- PUBLIC LIEN Street, Chicago, Illinois 60602.al estate taxes, special taxes,Upon payment in full of the580-2230. HINSDALE Garage Sale Sat,Familiesi misc hshld, cloth-dra Quinarios, 4210 W. 103rd U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010 750086 Morton Grove Unit:8S6 Vernica Kirkland, ces, granite top bidding on Wednesday, No- That on 11/29/2010, a sale wIll specIal assessments, specialamount bld, the purchaserINTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL10/30 8am-lpm. 229 Phlllippa St.,OakLawfl, IL6Ii453. 2010. UndertheAssumed Dissolution of Marriage en-lido ta enforce a lien existing TeI.No. (312) 476-5500. Refer SALES CORPORATION ing, fut-n, clarinet, 1g wool Name of NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE Bags, Boxes, Clothing Unit: 1114, LuIs Corea vember 10, 2010 at 10:00AMtered in accordance wIth theunder the laws of the stale ofbe held at3:00 p.m. at: to File Number 0917915. faxesloviod, and superiorwill receive o Certificate 01 St. Mens (40 REG), shoes rugs, toys, nice quality itemsl Pub: 10/21,10/28,11/4/10 FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, Unit:882Judith Welch,Approx: Chevy van, Carpetal the Extra Space Storageprayer of said petition. IllinoIs agaInst such artIclesMcGrath Lexus at Chicago INTERCOUNTY JUDICIALliens, Il any. The property isSale which willentitle theSelling OffIcer, (312) 4M-1122 (9D) Girls, cycling shirts, (I803561)C InnorMuslc ReikI CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Books, Folding chaIr, Bags and misc Ilem5 facilIty located at: 1250 W. Division St. purchaser to a Deed to the(314516 at 904 S. Tower Dr., Mount Pub:15128, 11/4,11111/10 forLabor,Services,SkIIIor SALES CORPORATION offered as is, with no express Porsche & Ferrari Items. SKOKiE: ITEMS FROM A-Z. Notice Is hereby given that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL Pub:10/28, 11/4/10 11854731)C UnIt: 3121, 3117, 4105, 3128, 7540 McCormIck Blvd. (1804850)C material expanded upon star-Chicago, IL 60642 Soiling Officer, (312) 4M-1122or Implied warranties andpremlse5 after confirmationPub: 10/7,10/14,10/21,10/28/10 Rain or shine. 88_19 Bronx Ave. Estate Bsmt ASSUMED NAME Prospect, IL 60856. The true Auctioneer, Executive AdminIstrator, Storage Clerk for 4104, 4183, 3134, 3129, Skokie, 1L60076 All bIds to be in writing, to without any representaiion asof the saie. (180059S)C NotIce Is hereby given, pur-name(s) and residence ad- NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE ago furnished for such artI- 1318457 Saie. Fri 10129,1-opt-n. Satsuant to An Act in relation todress of the owner(s) Debra U-Haul Co. North Shore Chicago will be offering for sale Brian Brolhers 847-674-0226 LIENS cIes at the request of the fol-sell the following articles to Pub: 111/28, 11/4, 11111/10 to the quality of title or re-For information:Visit our La Grange . 512 W Burlington10/30, 10-4pm. Photos at under the Judicial Lein process, by public auction, the foi- TO BE HELD AT:THE LOCKApprox: Boxes, FlIes cabi-The personal goods stared enforce a lien existing under course ta Plaintiff.Prospec-website of http:/IservicealtY- Ste 14. Fri 10/29, llam-3pm. the use of an Assumed Busi-Laftus, 904 SouthTower UP SELF STORAGE lowing designated person. (1804592)C estatesales.net. 1995 Chevy. ness Name in the conduct or lowing storage Units. The goods to be sold are generally nets, Slare cabInets, Bay win-therein by the following: Unless such article are re-the laws of the State al Illinois tive bidders are admonishedplerco.com. Between 3 p.m. ATTENTION BEADERSI Drive, Mt. Prospect, IL 60056. described as household goods. The terms of the sale will 2525 Weof Armitage, dow, Commercial Lieht fIx-Unit 5007 Tao Suk Kim-Tools PUBLIC LIEN deemed withIn thirty days ofagaInst Ouch articles for la- SKOKIE ta review the court file to ver-and 5 p.m. only. Pierce & As- MARKETPLACE closed retail store and liqui- WESTCHESTER transaction of BusIness in the Pub: 1014, 10/21, 10/20/15 be cash only. U-Haul Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves Chicago, IL 68647 tures, boxes of new clothes,Purchases must be modeOn December 3,2010 at A- bar, services, skIlls or mate- State,' as amended, that a (1801S45)C such publication of this IN THE CIRCUIT COURT Icy ali Information. sociales, PlaIntiff'sAStor- daling steckl Semi-precious 11033 MartindaleOr the righl to refuse any and all bids. The sales will be at the DATE: FrIdoy November 12,Office wall dIviders etc with cash only and paid at theCarr'sCar Star, 4246 N. West-notIce. rial expended upan or storage neys, 1 North Dearborn strands of gem stones at be- certifIcation was filed by the 2010 orn Ave. Chicago, IL. 60618f OF COOK COUNTY, For information: Sale Clerk, Oct 35-31sat 8-4 sun t-2 undersigned with the County following localion, 9009 Waukegan Rd, Morton Grove, IL UnIt : 3130, ErIc Braun tIme of salo. All good5 are Name of person furnished for such artIcles at ILLINOIS Fisher andShapiro, 2121Street, Chicago, I Ilinots 60602. AUCTION SALES low wholesale prices. Si-$25.MU LT I-F AMILY/MO V IN G AUCTIONS 60853 and will be at or after 10:15am and continue day by BEGINS AT: 10:00AM Approx: Desk, Printers,sold as Is and must be re-10:00 AM. A public sale taAnlhony Oliver the request of the following COUNTY DEPARTMENT -Waukegon Road, Suife 301,Tet.No. 1312) 476-5500.Refer furniture,hol iday,miiltary,Clerk of Cook County. File day until all UnIts are sold. CONDITIONS: All unIts wIllShelving unIts, Boxes moved at Ihe time of pur-enforce a lien under the laws to File Number 0904054. LaGrange Park: 410 N No. D10123647 on October 4, of the State of IllinoIs far lo-150 W Chatham desIgnated person(s), unless CHANCERY DIVISION BannOckburn,Illinois 60015, LaGrange Rd. Fri 8, Sat Octclothing, craf t s, llnens,toals, Notice of Sale Darryl Terry - 8140 May, Chicago, IL be sold fo the highest bidder.UnIt: 36, Peggy, Shapiro chose. Extra Space Storage Round Lake 11,65073 such articles are redeemed CITIGROUP GLOBAL MAR-(847) 498-9990, between 1:00INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL ANTIQUE lawn Items&MUCH MOREl 20)0. Under the AssumedThe goods listed below and 139 - Meat Grinder, balhroom sink, kitchen sink, coffee ta- Bids taken only for each unitApprox: Boxes reserves the right Io refusebar, materials, services, star- wilhin thIrty (30) days 01 the SALES CORPORATION 29 & 30, 10-2pm. Electronics, Name of In Its entirety. Payment must age, towing & other associat-DescrIption of Article KETS REALITY, INC..AS-p.m. and 3:00 p.m. weekdays AUCTION I tools, garage healer, electric stored at Storage Today 500 bio, tools, and restaurant equipment Unit: 4302. 4305 AprIl Welch any and all bIds. Saie Is sub- l996Chevy klOO Tahoe publication of this notIce. SIGNEE OF MORTGAGEonly. 1309248 Selling Officer, (312) 4M-linTues., Nov.2, 3:00-11:00 PM WESTERN SPRINGS 3825 BrlghfWatorS Realty W. Cermak Rd., Chicago, IL . Stalsila Wasdin -8445 W Bryn Mawr Ave, Chicago, IL be made by cash, certIfIedApprox: Plastic Conlolners,lect fo adiournment. ed feesthereto. StorageVin t JGNEK13R9TJ4I8I26 NAME OF PERSON(S) Pub: 10/21, 10/28, 11/4/10 1318350 stove, air purifier, hshld & with the business located at check, or money order only.furniture, Storage cabinets charges continue to accrue. ELECTRONIC REGISTRA- 7232 N. Western Ave., Chgo. morel Everything Must Gol Woodland Ave, Oct. 30 9-3, 1016 West Jackson Blvd., Chi-60616, wIll be sold to the high- 193 - Pulan, table, end table, tv, desk, chaIr, mattress, Pub:19/21, 10128, 11/4110 Amount of Charges $1200.00 Eldevon Glaze TION SYSTEMS, INC., AS (1803147)C Pub: 10/28,11/4,11111110 household, clothing, crafts est bidder or otherwise dis- boxspring, dresser and boxes No personal checks accepted.and lots of boxes (1803737) C3s Sale may be continued from Pub:1Qf2810 (1804823)C Concourse Motor Sports Inc. NOMINEE FOR ACCREDIT- (1804589)C cago,IL60607.The trueposed of at this site on No- . Gerald Jaron-5225 George, Skokie, IL All goads must be removedPub: 1028, 11/-VIO (1884986) C time ta tIme without further DESCRIPTION OF SKOKI E FIne West Suburban Estafe LAKE FOREST 1029 name(s) and residence od- from the unit wIthin 24 hours notIce except to parties at- ED HOME LENDERS, INC.; & Ofher Estates & WESTMONT 429 N. Witmette vember 18, 2010, al 9:05 AM, 208 - Snow blower, radio flyer, car parts, tires, tools, box- PUBLIC LIEN ARTICLE Plaintiff, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT SKOKIE Breckenridge Ave.,Satur- dress of the owner(s) es and ladder Payment Is due Immediately tendIngscheduledsaleorThat on 11/2212010, a sale will1999 Lexus GS-400 OF COOK COUNTY, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT ConsIgnments I day October 30th 8:00 AM toAve, Oct. 29th-31s1, 9-4. PowerStephanie Alvord, 4816N.to satisfy owner lien In oc- upon acceptance of bld. Unit those who request same. Suc- vs. Includes: Confemporary lawn equip, backvd staluory, cordance with the state stat- Shomiram Gorges - 5043 Morse, Skokie, I L TO PLACE A CLASSIFIED AD be held at3:0O p.m. at: JT8BH68X7X0014685 ESTATE OF ALI ILLINOIS OF COOK COUNTY, 3:00 PM, 2 blocks west of Hermitage- GA, Chicago, IL.utes. Only cash will be oc- 422 - Boxes, table, vacuum, office chair, lamps and lvavaIlabIlity sublect to prIor cessful bidder required to payCrawford Auto Construction AMOUNT $1784.03 COUNTY DEPARTMENT - ILLINOIS Furniture; Antq. Furniture; Road Appliances, construct tools, Xmas dec & 60640 CALL 847.9984400 wilh certifIed funds. GUZELDERE, UNKNOWN Ridge other misc Items I copIed and goods are sold os trays settlement of account. 3029 N Kedzle Ave. Pub: 10/28/10 (1854199)C HEIRS OF ALI CHANCERY DIVISION COUNTY DEPARTMENT- AntIque Stag Glass Panel Clothing,Furniture,TV's Pub: 1014,10/21,10/28/10 Pub: 10/21, 10/28/10 (1803740) C Owner: DavId Plaza, ChIcago, IL 60618 DEUTSCHE BANK NATION- CHANCERY DIVISION Lamps; Hummols; Orlenfal and much more. Great stuff (1802502)C Is. Tax must be paid or re- Lienholder: Honor Finance GUZELDERE, SANDRA WELLS FARGO BANK, NA,Rugs, Many lIno oil paintings wiimette- 425 WashIngton sale number furnished. Goods Alt bIds to be in writing, to GUZELDERE, ALBANYALTRUST COMPANY, AS and some surprisesi Ave & Alloy. Mutti Family must be removed at the time U.HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010 758021 Portage Company, sell the lallawing articles to BANK AND TRUST COMPA-TRUSTEE POR MORGANSUCCESSOR-BY-MERGER Inc Bernard 0e Hoog & ASSUMED NAME Vehicle: 2002 PontIac enforce a lien existIng under TO WACHOVIA BANK, NA others;50's/60's Modern Salol Sal 10/3080m-lpm, SunNotice is hereby given, pur-of purchase. Seller reserves NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE TO PLACE A VIN# 1G2NW12E22C155660, NY, N.A., UNDER MORT-STANLEY ABS CAPITAL I LAKE FOREST 1351 N 10/31 llam-2pm. Mers/womens the right to overbid all Items. NotIce al Public Sale of Personal Property FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, the laws of the Stale of IllInois ASINC. TRUST 2006-WMC2; Plaintiff, Furniture; Victorian Furn; Green Bay Rd.10/29 & 10/30 suant to 'An Act In relation to Metro Self Storage Amount owed: 51,995.60 against such artieles far la- GAGE RECORDED vs. 3 Oak Filo Cabinets; Silver clothing, sports, turn, nic nokthe use of an Assumed Busi-Ali Items or units may not be CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 381, ET. SEQ. DOCUMENT NUMBERPlaint ill, from 9 - 5.Lots of furniture available on date al solo. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned self storage NotIce is hereby given that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL Pub: 1O/28/tO(1805045)C2 bar, servIces, skills or mate- vs. GHEORGHE SUCIU; D. Items; Ivory; Glass; floss Name In the conduct or unit(sl will be sold at a publIc sale by competitive bid- 0608245125, NONRECORD DANIDA Porcelain; Pottery; ChIna as well as lamps. pictures Wlnnetka-245 Forest St, transaction of Business In theUnit 2031 Kehl Cook -bicycle, Auctioneer, Executive AdminIstrator, Storage Clerk for rial expended upon or storage CLAIMANTS, UNKNOWNBEVERLY R.MENOEZ;SUCIU A'K/A linens, chlidren'sarticles, and Sat 18/30, 90m-20m. ding, In their entirely to the highest bidder, on or alter U-Haul Co. North Shore Chicago wIll be oflering for sale furnished for such artIcles at GERTRUDE WILSON;SUCIU; UNKNOWN HEIRSsets; Violins & other musical State,as amended, that afan, misc household Items. 11/10/2010 to satisfy the lien of Metro Self Storage far rent- TENANTS AND UNKNOWN OFInstruments; Lamps; Ornatoolher houseltoldlOUldoO Pum, home decor, dolls, certification was flied by theUn1t2234 Bill Hoover-boxes, under the Judicial Loin process, by public auctIon, the fol- CLASSIFIED AD Ihe reque5t of flic following FIND YOUR OWNERS ALBERT MENDEZ; UN-AND LEGATEES Items. Parking on Alden clothing, some games, toys, al and other charges duo tram the undersigned. The said lowing storage unIts. The goods to be sold are generally desIgnated person(s), unless KNOWN OWNERS ANDGHEORGHE SUCIU,IFLighting Fixtures, Mirrors & undersigned with the Countymisc household items. property has been stored and generally described below Dol endonls, Sconces; Stained Glass north of residence. lewelry & household Unit 2349 NIcholas McCree - descrIbed as household goods. The terms of the saie will such articles are redeemed 09 CH 41890 NON-RECORD CLAIM-ANY; UNKNOWN OWNERS Clerk 01 Cook County. File Is located at the respective address. The sale will be held withIn thIrty (30) dayS of the ' be cash only. U-Haul Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves FIND YOUR A N T S t AND NON RECORD Wlndows;Jewelry Inc. Many No. D10t23671 on October 6,chair, fans, filIng Cabinel, al the first of the following addresses, listed in order, and NOTICE OF SALE Gold Rings w/Diamonds, STORWOmCEEQUIPtEFff theAssumedglasstabletop. the right to refuse any and all bids. The sales will be al the publicallan of this nolice. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HGRE-Defendants, CLAIMANTS; LAKE FOREST- 2510.Under will begin at 8:30am or after on said date and will contin- following location, 4301 N Cicero Ave, Chicogo, IL 60641 NAME OF PERSON(S) 09 CH 50923 Delendonts, Rubies, Sapphires, etc.; 683 Mornlngside Dr, Fri Name of Unit 6003 TIna French - ue hour by hour unfit all units are sold. CALL 847'998-3400 PERFECT PERFECT PET IN BY GIVEN that pursuant lo a Silver Jewelry; Costume couch, mattress, misc house- and wIll be at or allerl2:I5pmand continue day by day un- Robert W. Hartmann Judgment of Foreclosure and NOTICE OF SALE 08 CH 46398 Oct 29th 9-5, Sat Oct 30th OFFICE FURNITURE Conf. Bar Focus Tuesday, November 16, 2010 til all units are sold. IlilnoisTItle Loans Inc. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Jewelry; Watches; Coins, 9-3. 3 GeneratIon Salel table, chaIrs, desks, tIle cabl-with the busIness located athold items, tables. Saio entered in the above enti- UnIt6011 Alexandria Metro Sell Storage - 2244 S. Western Ave. ChIcago, IL Donan Daniels - 3263 Wrlghtwood Ave, Chicano, I L APARTMENT IN DESCRIPTION OF tied cause on August 27, 2010BY GIVEN that pursuant toogiven that pursuant to a Judg-Inc. Morgan & Peace Silver Vintage & collectible nets, book cases, architect 8834 Robin Dr., DesPlomes, 68608 ARTICLE Judgment of Foreclosure andmont at Foreclosure entered Dollars (Many Unc. & Items, hshld accessorIes, filo drawers, Krov machine,IL 60016. The true name(s)Alexander - boxes, chairs, Unit B125 Patricia Price: plastic bins, treadmIll, mIsc. Al27 - Totos, Mattress, kitchen table, pIctures, kitchen intercotfntyJudicialSales HI Grade), Asst. U.S. Coins, and residence address of themisc household items, tables. chaIrs, lamps, bags and boxes 2003 Chevrolet Impala THE CLASSIFIEDS Corporation wIll on Tuesday,Sale entered In the above enti-In the above entitled cause on Santas, lofs of young boys 1- (847>823-1114. P/Up by 10/30. Items. Unit B161 Angela Bigbear: shelf, floor lamp, box- GIsel Milona - 4537 Tucker Lone, Waukogan, I L THE CLASSIFIEDS 2G1WH52K339334380 tied cause on August 19, 20100/23/2010, Intercounty JudicialForeign Coins & Moro. Many clothlngl Quality Bar- owner(s) RataI AchmirowiCz,Unit 6O47TliiJana Robinsus - es. Unit B161 Angela BtgBear: shelf, floor lamp, boxes. November 30, 2010 at the hour Assorted Antiques Yet chairs,tables, misc house- B180 - TV, table, boxes, couches and upholstered chair AMOUNT $5693.81 ofil a.m. in theirafficeat 120IntercountyJudiclolSaiesSalesCorporationwillon galnsl Come & Seo Usi WANTEDTO BUY 8834 Robin Dr., DesPlomes, Unit C103 Saul Melero: tires, floor lamp, plastic bIns. UnII Michael Howard - 4452 N Thatcher Avenue, Chicago, IL Pub: 18/14, 10/21, 10/20/10 Corporation will on Monday,Monday, November 29, 2010, To Be Unpacked. IL 60016. hold items, dresser West Madison Street, Suite Unit 6051 Ben Lash - boxes, C103 Saul M. Melero: tires, floor lamp, plastic bins. Unit B344 - Industrial shelving (1801358)Cs 718A, Chicago, Illinois, sell atNovember 22, 2010 at the hourat the hour of 11 am. In their Over 700 Lots, Most Sold WANTED HOME STEREO Pub: 10/21, 10/28, 11/4/10 C115 Evalelte Watkins: plastic bin, misc items. Unit C153 01 11 am. in their office at 120otfice at 120 West Madison with no Reserves I LAKE FOREST (1802984)C chairs, shelves, misc house- Dismas Fernandez: folding table, boxes, n-risc. Items. Pub: 10/21. 10/28/10(1853749)C public auction to the highest prevIew: Men., NOV. 1, 80 S Canterbury Ct. (Rf 60 & Equip. & Records, 33s-45s-78S hold items. U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010 758061 Uptown bidder tor cash, as set forthWest Madison Street, SuiteStreel, Suite 7tBA, Chicago, will pIck-up Cash 847-266-0190 Unit C153 Oismas G. Fernandez: foldIng table, boxes, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE 718A, Chicago, Illinois, seit atI limais, sell to the highest bld- 3:30-7:30 PM & Conway Dr, W of Waukegan ASSUMED NAME Unit 6081 Adrienne White - misc. Items. Unit C165 Ayanna Johnson: sola, clothing, below, the following descri- 1 Hour Before Sale. Notice Is hereby given, pur-bags, boxes, clothes, lv, FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010758060 Niles Dcci mortgaged real estate: public auction to the hIghestder for cash, the following de- Rd). Fri/Sat, 10/29-30: 9-40m. WANTED Stereo EquIpment boxes. Unit C195 Maryann Bolton: plastic bins, pictures, U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010 758075 Fortress CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 381, ET. SEQ. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE bidder for cash, as set forthscribed property: Pull Listing & Photos at: FABULOUS SALEI anta turntube, solld-sfafe, vIntage orsuant to An Act In rolalion todresser,mlsc household boxes. Unit 0150 La'Trina Jenkins: space healer, sola, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE P.l.N. 10-28-104-058. & chIna, upscale clths, purs- the use ol an Assumed Busi-Items. Notice is hereby given that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL FACILITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, Commonly known as5309below, the following descri-PiN. 10-27-310-011. www.dlrectauclion.com newer. Cash paId 847-942-5218 mattress. Unit 0155 Latrina Jenkins: space heater, sofa, FACILITYACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, Auctioneer, Executive Administrator, Storage Clerk tar CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. bed mortgaged real estate: Commonly knownos7425 es, shoes, pIllows, tools & ness Name in the conduct orUnit 6236 Sammle Daniels - 's moltress. Unit E153 MIgdalIa Soto: ironing board, pic- CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. OAKTON STREET, SKOKIE, AVENUE, Seeking QualitY Estates & toys, xmas decor, plus misc transaction al Business In thechairs, misc household Items, U-Haul Co. North Shore Chicago wIll be alterIng for sale Notice Is hereby given that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL IL 60077. P. I N. 10-23-402-041-0000. KILBOURN Consignments I WE BUY GUNS tures misc. items. Unit E205 Qulncy Hill: sofa, plastic NotIce Is hereby given that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL under the JudIcial Loin process, by public auction, the fai- Auctioneer, Executive AdmInIstrator, Storage Clerk for The mortgaged real estate isCommonly known as3457SKOIÇIE, IL 60076. DIRECT AUCTION FFL Dealer is buying for in-State,as amended, that atables. bins, boxes. Unit E205 Quincy J. Hill: sofa, plastic bins, Auctioneer, Executive AdmInistrator, Storage Clerk for lowIng storage units. The goods to be sold aro generally U-Haul Co. North Shore Chicago will be offering for sale MAIN STREET, SKOKIE, ILTheimprovement onthe LAKE FOREST: Fri/Sat 9-4venlory: Shotguns RIfles,certification was flied by theUnit 6272 Jorge Lopez - hexer, boxes. U-Haul Co. North Shore ChIcago wIll be otfering far saie Improved with a single family GALLERIES 793 Valley Rd. MultI Genera- undersigned with the County described as household goods. The terms of the sate will under the Judicial Loin process, by public auction, the fol- Ilthesublect60076. property consists of a singlo 773-465-3300 PIstols, Modern Antique and misc household Items Metro Sell Storage - 465 N Desplalnes, ChIcago, I L 60654 under the Judicial LoIn process, by public auction, the fol- be cash only. U-Haul Co, of North Shore Chicago reserves lowing storage units. The goods to be sold are generally residence. The mortgaged real estate isfamily residence. Saie tional items: Antqs, Mahog.Military Clerk of Cook County. FileUnIt 6280 Donald Gibbs - box- Unit 2237 VirgIl Luster: bags, boxeo, pictures. UnIt 4179 lowing slorage units. The goods to be sold are generally mortgaged real estate is a Hufches, TbIs & Other items. No. 010123658 on October 5, the right to refuse any and all bids. The sales will be al the described as household goods. The terms Of the saio will unit of a common Interestimproved with a single familyterms: 25% down by certified GARAGE/HOUSE SALES Ali Laws observed, Legal dis- es, misc household Items Michael Mc Grail: bicycle, chest of drawers, sala. Unit described as household goods. The terms of the salo wIll followIng locatIon, 4055 N Broadway Ave, ChIcago, IL and be cqsh only. U-Haut Co. of North Share Chicago reserves residence.Ifthesubiectfunds, balancewIthin 24 Bics, DecoratIve Items 4 Alicrete transactions. cash2010. Underthe AssumedUnit 6333 LamonicO Campbell - 5094 Sylvia Harris: bookcases, Sofa, suilcases. Unit 5202 be cash only. U-Haul Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves community, the purchaser al hours, by certified funds. No Seasonni Electronics, Plantspaid.we can travel to you.Name of - boxes, chairs, filing cobloOl, wIll be al or aller 3:15pm and continue day by day untIl the right to refuse any and all bids. The sales will be at the the unit other than a medea-mortgaged real estate is a & Outdoor Furn. You Need it, Denise Mosley: bicycle, boxes, suitcases. UnIt 5285 the rIght to refuse any and all bids. The sales wIll be at the ail unils are sold. followIng location, 7644 N Milwaukee Avenue, Nues, IL unit of a common Interestrefunds.The property will (047)548-0433 or, (847)875-9975 Alan Group misc household Items, table Soudeeq Omar: upholster chair, clothing, stereo. following location, 4100 W Fullerton Ave, ChIcago, IL AndreWllllams-9820 181st St, Banney Lake, WA 60714 and wIll be at or aller 9:30am and continue day by gee shalt pay the assessments NOT be open for inspection. BURR RIDGE We Nave ill No Early [email protected] with the business located atUnit 8006 Paul Davis - boxes, required by subsection (g-1)community, the purchaser of 8562 Clynderven Metro Seit Storage - 601 W Harrison Street. Chicago, IL 6t639 and will be al or afler 2:15pm and continue day by 155 - File boxes, duIlIo bag and suitcase day unfIt all units are sold. the unit other than a mortga-Upon payment in fuit of the 4005 Bloomington, Arlingtonfan, chair, misc household 60607 day until all unlls are sold. Mike Warfield - 869 Buena, Chicago, IL Raymond Buller-2260 N Nafchez, ChIcago, IL at SectIon 18.5 at the Condo- amount bid,the purchaser Frl & Sat, 8am-1pm. Llncolnshire Garage Sale HIs, IL60084. Thetruelt ems. minium Property Act. gee shah pay the assessments 36 Fox Troll. FrI/Sat 9a-5p. Unit 292 Antar TIdwell: mattresses, chairs, refrigerator. Mark Smith - 44261 Deephollow Rd, Narthvllle, Ml 333 - Dresser, headboard, boxes, toys and bags 103 - Mattress, box spring, blankets, bags, cradle and dia- Sale terms: 10% down by cer-required by subsection (g-1)will receive a Certificate of name(s) and residence ad-Unit 8080 Bruce Smith - TV, UnIt 631 Beverly Janes: mattresses, boxes, couch. 3133 - Bedlrame, headboard, sofa, tv, computer monItor, Pub: 10121, tW2t/10(1803754)C per change table of Section 18.5 of the Condo-Soie which willentitle the Appis, W/D, Light Fixures, dress of the owner(s) Nicho-boxeo, bags, compuler, Wednesday, November 17, 2010 boxes, big mirrorand mattress titled funds, balance, by certI- purchaser to a Deed to theCLARENDON HILLS TWOLamps, Hsehid, Clthng, Toys, AUTOMOTIVE las A. DiVito, 4005 Blooming-household Items, suitcases. Pub: 14/31, 10/2ß'lO(1803722)C fled funds, within 24 hours.mInium Property Act. HOMES:8 Larkspur & 17Crib, And More. 847.707.8508 Metro Self Storage - 5701 W Ogden Avenue. Cicero, IL Helen Jobo - 10350 KiplIng St, ChIcago, IL Sale terms: 10% down by cor-premises alter confirmation ton, Arlington HIS, IL 60004. Unit 8096 Darryl Hudson - 60004 3153 - NC unit, exercise bike, shelving, totes, vacuum and No refunds. The property will Larkspur,Saturday (10/30), Pub: 1014, 10/21, 10/28/10 NOT be open for inspection. tilled funds, balance, by certi-of the sale, 8am - 3pm. Stonegate subdi- Llncolnwood . Estate Salol AUTOMOBILESPRr/AIEPAR1180 boxes, mattress, clothes, Unit 0019 Michael S Kiulber: dresser, ladder, boxes. UnIt speakers U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010 758076 Wesfslde For informatIon cali Saiesfled funds, within 24 hours.For Information:Visit ourvision off of Ogden. 7007 N Crawford, Frl 10129 (18021S6)C bags 0519 MIchael Klulber: dresser, ladder, boxes. Unit 2019E Betsy Rebolledo - 3544 W Dickens, ChIcago, IL NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE U-HAUL STORAGE AUCTION 2010 758059 LIncoln Park Clerk at Law Offices of ira T,No refunds. The property willwebsite at http://servlce.attY- Unit 8244 Neil Barrielt - boxes, Gary L Clifton: lcechesf, fan, bags. Unit2O1OB Gary dIt- 3434 - Kitchen chaIrs, lv, step ladder, kItchen table, boxes PACI LITY ACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, NOTICE OF SALE UNDER THE SELF STORAGE pierce.com. Between 3 p.m. & Sat 10/30, 9am-3pm. OLDSMOBILE 1967 Tornado ASSUMED NAME monItor, computer. CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Novel,175 North FranklInNOT be open for Inspection Elmwood Park- Estate Salol Hswares, lurn, clothIng, ton: Ice chest, Ian, bags. UnIt 2021B Linda Kiulber: Ice and tales FACILITYACT, ILLINOIS REVISE STATUTES, For Information caliKaraand S p.m. only. Pierce & As- 171072nd St, Fri 10/29 & Sat mini conWunreslored, 2 Notice is hereby given, pur-Unit 8286 Cherry Bullock - chest, boxeo, totes. UnIt 2056A James Ragsdale: dresser, Emilio Cesar Hernandoz - 4057 Melrase, Chicago, IL Notice Is hereby gIven that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL CHAPTER 114, PARAGRAPH 301, ET. SEQ. Street, Chicago, Illinois 60606. AStor- small appls & much morel ownsors 1n43 yrs 630-852-1)10suant to An Act in relation to (312) 357-1125. Flndlay ofPlaintiff's After-sociales, PialnIlfI's 10/30, lOam-4pm. Antiques, fufan, bedroom furn,mlsc soto, lotes. Unit 3132 RobIn Topez: dresser, sofa, Iv. Unit 3473 - Exercise equipment, computer desk, mattress, box Auctioneer, ExecutIve Administrator, Storage Clerk for Notice Is hereby gIven that on November 3, 2010, U-HAUL Anselmoneys, 1 North Dearborn the use of an Assumed Busi-totes, wine frldge,Printer, U-Haul Co. North Shore ChIcago will be offering for sale AuctIoneer, ExecutIve AdminIstrator, Storage Clerk for 'INTERCOUNTY JUDICIALfey, Freedman collectibles, tools, furniture, ness Name In the conduct or 3153 Naomi Soto: treadmill, dufflo bag, shower rod. UnIt sprIng and boxes SALES CORPORATION LindbergLLC, 1807WestSfreel, Chicago, i limaIs 60602.silver, vinyl albums, chande- fax, misc. Items 3154 Hohle Vela: kitchen choir, dresser, stove. Unit 3216 Meorian Blckhem-214 N Centrai, Chicago, IL under the Judicial Lein process, by public auctIon, the fol- U-Haul Co. North Shore ChIcago will be offerIng for sale Selling Officer, (312) 4M-llflDiehl Road, Naperville, lili-TeI.No. (312) 476-5500.Refer lier, everything must gol transaction of Business In theUnit 8436 NIcholas Henry - . Reymundo Romo: bed tramo, mattress, toys. 3792 - Boxes, pIctures, antiques, freezer, chairs and dress- lowing storage units. The goods to be sold are generally under the JudIcIal Lein process, by publIc auction, the fol- nais 60563-1890. (866) 402-8661.to File Number 0830417. State,as amended, that abags boxeo, clothes, misc. go Self Storage - 5525 W. Roosevelt Road. Cicero, IL er described as household goods. The terms of the sale wIll lowing storage units. The goods to be saId are generally 1318463 For Bidding Instructions callINTERCOUNTY JUDICIALEVANSTON 2881 SherIdan certification was fIled by theItems Ontwon Cover - 1700 N Lord, Chicago, I L be cash only. U-Haul Co. of North Shore Chicago reserves descrIbed as household goods. The terms of the sale will Pub: 10/28,11/4,11111110 TRIO'S DAZZLING CONTEMPORARY underslqned with the County (1804593)C (630) 453-6713 24 heurs priorSALES CORPORATION Place.Saturday 9am-3pm. Pub: 10/28, 11/4/IO (1504937) C Unit 15 Contrell Ruffln: microwave, bags, clothes. Unit 18 3035 - Bans and boxes the right to refuse any and all bids. The sales will be at the be cash only. U-Haul Co. of Narlh Share Chicago reserves Selling Officer, (312) 4M-1122Big Salol Furniture, house- Clerk of Cook County. File Dominique Marzette: microwave, bags, clothes. UnIt 22 John Doc-4100W FullertonAve, ChIcago, IL following location, 1100 N CIcero AVe, ChIcago, IL 6063? the rIght fa refuse any and all bids. The sales will be at the ta saie. W09120052 SAT OCT 30, 10:30-4:30 & SUN OCT 31, 12-4 No. D10123726 on October 13,NotIce Of Sale Or DIsPOs11 lfl S KOKI E INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL1318347 hold, records, books, some -James E Upshaw: fIle cabInet, tv, water cooler. Unit 106 3922 - Bags, clothing, speaker and boxes and wIll be al or after 1 :lSpm and continue day by day un- following location, 1200 W Fullerton Ave, Chicago, IL Pub: 10/28,11/4,11111110 old, some new, purses, (ewel- 2346 LABURNUM CT, NORTHBROOK 2010. UndertheAssumed of Property Beverly Lucas - 843 Wailer, Chicago, I L sIl all units are sold. 60614 and will be at or after 4:15pm and continue day by IN THE CIRCUIT COURT SALES CORPORATION Name of Iilinols Slate 'Lorette WInters: boxes, kUchen table, totes. Unit 139 OF COOK COUNTY, Selling Officer, (312) 4M-1122 (1004587)C ry, tonsof niIscI Dundee to Laburnum Dr,2 Biks W Landwehr, R/N to Pursuantto Annette Haggard: bags, speakers, grill. Unit 140 Johnny 4192 - Boxes, furniture and tv Quenlrell Baylacic-5421 W Potomac, Chicago, IL day until all unIts are sold. Giobal Law, a saie or disposition of Suzanna Walker - 1512 Eva St, Auslin, TX A103 - TV stand, bags, dresser, stereo, speakers and Jaquellne Hall - P.O. Box 10487, ChIcago, IL ILLINOIS (319455 Laburnum Ct, Burr Oaks Cir, R to hse. Park both sds. property stored in the renter,. V Harvey: bago, upholstered chair, stroller. Unit 222 COUNTY DEPARTMENT, Pub: 10/28,11/4,11111110 SKOKIE DO NOT blk drvwys. #'s 9:45. at 3855 N. KImball, Chicaeo, GeraldIne Nicholson: patIo chairs, stove, computer. Unit 4206 - Boxes, mattress, dresser, nightstand, headboard, boxes C110 - Mattress, portable tv, kItchen table and chairs, (1804623)C IN THE UNITED STATES EVANSTON Glamorous House,Liv Dn Rms, ail lnwht: Paul Evans, Di-IL 60618. The true name(s)space to satisfy the oWOCt- - .300 Sonna Johnson: mattress, boxes, sofa. Unit 310 upholstered chaIr and trunk Delilah Marsh - 1400 E 91st, Chicago, IL headboard and boxes CHANCERY DIVISION DISTRICT COURT 939H(nmanStafld Lee, No. and residence address of thelien will be held on November Janeile Wheatley - 5219 W Potomac, Chicaeo, IL A113 - Mattress, boxspring, bags, boxes, clolhing, ironing Clay Sk000rd - 303 E Waker, Chicago, IL PHH MORTGAGE rectional, Cityscape, hng consi, mirr; Belgian mrbto, 2010 on after 12:09Pm Myron Byrd: bags, boxes, totes. Unit 416 Tamara Mock: CORPORATION, S KO K lE FOR THE NORTHERN vember 6th 7:00am, Please refct din fbi; Cstm art glss cnsl tbl; 6 faux shagreen ultraowner(s) Felipe Castaneda,16th, bags, boxes, totes. Unit 533 Symwone Lenclay Norris: clii- 4487 - Mattress, boospring, dresser, freezer, headboard, board, suitcase and dresser C119 - Pads, boxes, antIque furniture, lamp and prInter INTHE CIRCUIT COURT DISTRICTOF ILLINOIS loin us for St Luke's Ist An suede din chrs;DIA mix-mIl, gis const tbl; 4 Pace uphl 3855 N. Kimball, Chicago, ILand continue until compie nacablrrel,drosser,coffeetable.Unit716 LouIs bags and a Shelby Lot Car Racetrack Earline Chatman - 107 Monard, Chicago, IL Robert Nalman - 1230 lakeshore, Chicago, IL Plaintiff OF COOK COUNTY. EASTERN DIVISION nuDI Rummage Sale In hoB- lucite arm chrs; Ello mirr armoire, buff; mrbi, giss, 60618. lion. Terms: Put-choses nio)t Hemphill: aIr conditioner, microwave, sofa. Unit 829 Yazmln Garcla-Voiazquez - 2734 N Winimac, Chicago, t L A116 - Fan, boxas, cradle, purses, dresser, cooler and C133 - File boxes V. ILLINOIS FIFTHTHIRD BANK, or of our 125 year annlversa- lucite tbls; pr Betty M Ithr recinrs; Deco stIvI 60/ rd gis Pub: tOOt, 11/4, ttfltft0 be made In cash only and paid KImberly Bailey: bags, boxes, clothes. Unit 9t3 Francis- 4534 - Mattress, boxspring, prInter, dressers, speakers, electronIcs Karla Thomas - 1530 State Street, Chicago, t L JOHN C. GEARHART, COUNTY DEPARTMENT-Plaintiff, ry.WewIIl be servin8 11805238)C tor at the time of solo or diS - hulch and tv Charles Lane-Rev -243 Austin Blvd, Chicago, IL CI36 - Daybed, Mattress and massage equipment Defendants top kitch tbl, 6 Ilhr sd chrs. Fn & Dec Art incid: Murf gis propertY. All co Guevara: tIres. UnIt 924 John Young: clothes, stove. 10 CH 15877 CHANCERY DIVISION vs. brunch throughout the day pcs; SegUso & Karg gis bowls; Shemi soft pntg; Ire Mill posItIonof UnIt 927 Dorothy Bannister: boxes, totes. Unit 1012 IngrId Gilberto Pacheco - 2409 N Rldgeway, ChIcago, IL Al20 - Weights, upholstered chair, coffee table, boxes and Dorge Jean-Baptiste - 330 W Diversey Pkwy, Chicago, i L US BANK NATIONAL ASSO-A QUALITY FLOORS, INC., for only $15.00 a person. Brav mix-mod; Madonna Walters Balance & F Rowland goodsareoaida5l50lmL A Magee: mattress, stereo, totes. 4606 - Boxes, bags and furniture bags E145 - Coffee fable, boxes and briefcase NOTICE OF Glen Freeman - 4017 W Monroe, Chicago, IL FORECLOSURE SALE CIATION, AS TRUSTEE1ST QUALITY FLOOR, pntgs. Lrg colI cobalt gis. Young-Chang wht iacq cn$1 Pia- be removed withIn 24 The terms et the sole will be cash only and must be pold Beverly Smith - 2448 Quebec Ave, Tulsa, OK Joan-Luc MacI - 3150 N RacIne, Chicago, IL FOR ASSET-BACKED PASS-INC., LIVIU MIHULET AND no. SPECIAL Fn Iwiry Incld diamond pcs, clothes 14- the sale or dIsposition al prop- for at the time of sale. Ail goods are sold as Is. Metro Sell 4627 - Couches, tables, chairs and bogs Al24 - Kitchen table, bags, totos, mattress, bedding and F303-Heater, boxes, Irunk, lv, bags, clothing and Fisher and Shapiro fIle # 10-THROUGH CERTIFICATESUNKNOWN OWNERS AND XIrg. Kitch appis: Sub Zero, ovens, WstVOry. SIn Illwr erty.Sate or dIspeSiIlOfl ° Sforage reserves the right fo wIthdraw any or ail units Rob Lunslord - 15394Ih, New Orleans, LA portable tv mIcrowave 037171 SERIES 2006-WFHE3 NON-RECORD CLAIMANTS china. For photos, lots more: www.estafosales.net property is subiect lo COCCO - from the tole at any tIme. All contents must bo removed 4768 - Golf clubs, mattress, boxspring, bags and bed EunlceMcDonald -507 Laramle, Chicago, IL Paul Savole - 2124 N Sedgwlck, Chlcaoo, IL (It is advised that interested FIND YOUR SUBSCRIBE TODAY. mallan of adornment. The 55 0 B114 - MIcrowave, mattress, boxspring, lamp and boxes GIb- Boxes, furniture and bogs parties consult with theIr Plaintiff, Defendants, Within 72 heurs or sooner. frame vs. 10 C 2188 PEFIFECTPETIN PHYLLIS REIFMAN TRIO HOUSE SALES and disposition at property i Pub: 18/28, 11/4/10 (1803358) C Pub: 10/21, 10128/10(1853758)C Pub: 10/21, 10/2tflO(1803736)C Pub: 10/21, 1&'2t/1O(1t03729)C own attorneys before bidding NOTICE OF SALE will begin at SImply Soll Star- - foreClO5tJreEVITA S. HOFMANN; EARL ThE CLASSIFIEDS 847-432-3770 CALI 84748693OO at mortgage R. BERKSON; UNKNOWNPUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby B30 Thursday, October 28, 2010 wwwpioneerlocal.com A Pioneer Press Publication(Dc) IA Pioneer PressPublication(Dc) I wwwpioneerlocal.com Thursday, October 28,2010 J B31 NAME CHANGE PROBATE PROBATE PROBATE PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICES X COOK COUNTY CHANGE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT STATE OF ILLINOIS Stotoof Illinois CASE PC 10-03 1898 AS DOCUMENT 01: NAME FORM OFTHE NINETEENTH IN THE CIRCUIT COURT In The CircuIt Court of Requesting o SpecIalUseNO.2888693 IN THE 6188, Stateof Illinois JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, OF COOK COUNTY, Cook County, Illinois Permit and VariatIons fromPAGE 303) IN COOK COUN- County of Cook COOKCOUNTY, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS Probate DIvision sections 12-44 and 12-5-5 of or-TY, ILLINOIS AND LOTS 6, 8 Pioneer Press Classified In The Circuit Court For PROBATE DIVISION PROBATE DIVISION In the maIler of the estate of dtnonce07-07 (VIllageof7, iN BLOCK 5 VOLK Auto Dealer Directory Cook County, Illinois Estate of in the motter of the estate of Cars' Lldskin Morton Grove UnifIed Devel-BROTHERS MONTROSE In The Matter of the PetitionMoriorie J. Gornoll Jerry Cerny, Jr. (Deceased) opmoflt Codo) for proposedAND OAK PARK AVENUE .' ._4.,- - of Frances G. Montos-De'OcaDeceased. Deceased Caso No. 2010 P 004998 changes to on existIng Auto-SUBDIVION BEING A SUB- L I Por No. iO P 005238 Case No. 10 P 5699 PublIcatIon Notice mobile ServIce and Mini-DIVISION OF THE SOUTH 'I II Chongo of Name PUBLICATION NOTICE PUBLICATION NOTICE Notice Is hereby given of thoMart Station. HALF OF THE SECTION 18, BOB ROHRMAN'S Case #2O1OCONC00082O TOWNSHIP 40 NORTH Notice is hereby given of the Notice is hereby given of thedeath of Cary Lldskln of Ar-The parcel is located in the L-i LOREN HVUNDAI Notice of Publication death of Marlorie J. Gorneii, M2 Goneral ManufacturIngRANGE 13, EAST OF THE ARLINGTON ACURA AudI death of Jerry Corny, Jr. oflington Heights. Letters of of- , 1620 WAUKEGAN ROAD, GLENV1Ew Public Notice is hereby givenof Arlington Heights, illinois.Hoffman Estates, I L. Lettersfice wore Issued on Septem-DlstrlcV and is commonlyTHIRD PRINCIPAL : IN PALATINE Truth In EngIneerIng h that on December 2, 2010, be-Letters of office were issued known as 6000 W OaktOn. TheMERDIAN NORTH OF THE ,t 1275w DUNDeE Ro, PALA11NE , (847) 729-0300 of office were Issued on Octo-ber 3, 2010 to Ronoid Lldskin, BLOCK BOUNDARY LINE Ing one of the return days non September 30, 2010, lo Di-ber 7, 2010 to Mofl' Zlembickl,400 W. Dundee Rd., Sulle 3,petitioner is Mr. Nasri Ayasa. TO PLACE YOUR JUST WEST OF NT. 53 ON DUNDEE the Circuit Court of the Coun-one Treslo, 4241Oaksbury545 Milton, Hoffman Estates,BuffaloGrove, IL 60089, Pub: 10/28(lO(1804685IC2s LYING EAST OF THE WEST :(847) 991-9000 ty of Cook, I wili file my peli-Lone, Roiling Moadows, ILIL 60169, whose attorney iswhose attorney is Atan T. 23234 FEET (EXCEPT lion in said court praying for60008,whose attorney Is Rob-Cary A. Lind, 121 5. wIlke Rd.Schenckor, 400 W. Dundee PUBLIC NOTICE PARTS CONVEYED TO the change of my name fromerl J. Ross, Esq., Atty. Code:Suite 407, Arlinglon Hts, ILRd., Suite 3, Buffalo Grove, Planning Commission CHICAGO TERMINAL Prances G. Montes-De'Ocato50254, 1622 W. Coloniai Pkwy.,60005. 847-577-0030. t L 60089, (847) 465-9898. Continuance HearIng 10-02 TRANSFER RAILROAD that ofFrances G. Pollina,Ste. 201, Inverness, IL 60067. Claims against the esfole Claims agaInst the ostalePUBLIC NOTICE IS HERE-COMPANY BY WARRANTY GARAGE SALE AD, ; PATRICK HYUNDAI pursuant to the stalutein847-358-5757. may be filed In the office ofmay be filed in the office ofBY GIVEN, pursuant to Sec-DEED RECORDED MAY 15, Such case made and provided. Claims against the estatethe Cierk of the Circuit Courtthe Clerk of the CIrcuit Courtlion 17.52.180E of the1838 AS DOCUMENT NO. JOE RIZZA ACURA 1020 E. GOLF RD., SCHAUMBURG L Dated at Chicago Illinois,may be filed In the office of Harwood Heights Zoning Or-2656616 IN BLOCK 6183 2055 WEsT 1 59m STREET, , j (847) 519-9600 : in Room 1202,RichardJ.in Room 1202, RIchard J Do-dinance of 1988, that the Vii- , WW.FATRICKCAR5.COM October 6th, 2010 the Clerk of the CircuIt CourtDaley Conter, Chicago,lIli-ley Center, Chicago, Illinois PAGE 3031 IN COOK COUN- ORLANO PARK Signature of Petitioner Fran-in Room 1202,RichardJ.nols 60602, or with the repro-60602 or With the represento-loge of Horwood Heights PionTY, ILLINOIS CALL 847-9983400 cesG.Montes-De'Oca 'oDaley Center, Chicago,III-senlalive, or both, on or be-live, or bolh, on or beforeCommission wIll be conducl-All inlorested persons are in- , 708-403-7770 James A. Marino, PC fols 60602, or with representa-fore April 14, 2011, which doteMay 15, 2011, whIch dote Ising a public hearing on No-vlted to attend and be heard. Pub: 10/21, 10f28. 11/4110 live, or bolh, on or beforeis not less than 6 months fromnot less thon 6 months fromvember 17, 2010 at 7:00 PM alAll inquiries regarding this {1803479)C April 14, 2011, which claie isthe date at the fIrst publica-the dale of the liraI publico-Village of Harwood Heightspublic hearing can be direct- not less than 6 months fromlion of this notice and anylion of this notice and anyVillage Hall (7300 West WIl-ed fo Natalie Mendel cit the WILKENS HYUNDAI OF the doto of the first publica-claim not filed within 1h01 PO-claim not flied wIthIn that po-son Avenue, HorwoodVillage of Harwood Heights - ELMHURST tian of fhi5 notice and anyriad 15 barred, Copies of anynod is barred. Copies of thisHeights, IL 60706) to considerVIllage Hall. claim flot filed within that Pe-claim fliedwith the Clerkclaim flIedwith the Clerkthe application of Los Patmoo Respectfully submitted, MULLERS WOODFIELD 750 . YORK ROAD, SCHAUMBURG nod is barred. Copies of anymust be mailed or deliveredmust be malted or deliveredRestauranttorezonethe Marcia Poliowy properties iocated al 6819 & Village Clerk ACURA (630) 279-300 claim filed with lhe Cierkla fhe represenlative and toto the representative and to 1099 WEsT HIGGINS ROAD WW.WILKINSCARS.COM must be mailed or deliveredthe attorney Within 10 days at-the attorney withIn 10 days of-6829 Monfroso from the R-3 Pub: 10(28/10 (1805I2't)C to the representative and toter it is flIed. ter lt has been flIed. residential district to the B-1 , HOFFMAN ESTAIES. IL the aftorney within 10 days ai-NMarY Zlomblcki /5' Ronald Lldskln business district. The proper -' 847-519-9550 ter it is filed. (Representative) Representative lles are legally described as /5/ Diane Tresio/s/CaryA. Lind /s/AlanT. Schencker follows: VILLAGE OF LINCOLNWOOD LEGAL NOTICE (Representative)(Attorney) Attorney LOTS 6, 7, SAND 9 IN BLOCK PROPOSED TOUHY-LINCOLN TAX INCREMENT /s/RabertJ. Ross 5 INVOLK BROTHERS FINANCING (TIF) REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT I : uiii :4 Pub:11V14, 11h21, lOd2Wla Pub: 10(14, 10/21, 10/28/10 MONTROSE AND OAK SUBSCRIBE TODAY. (Attorney) (1802009) C (1801 556 I C AREA INTERESTED PARTIES REGISTRY Pub: 10/14, 10/21, 1W2&l0 PARK AVENUE SUBDIV1- PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that interested I - RIZZA HUMMER (180121 8) C SION BEING A SUBOIVI- persons may register with the Village of Lincolnweod, IIS S S PUBLIC NOTICES S1ON OF THE SOUTH HALF Cook County, Illinois, in order to receive Information on PAULY ACURA 8425 WEST 15911-i STREET, OF SECTION 18, TOWNSHIP the proposed designation of a Redevelopment Prolect 2699 SKOKIE VAU.EV ROAD . I I 5 I .1 ,. g TINLEY PARK PLEASE TAKE NOTICE -40 NORTH RANGE 13, EAST Area and the proposed desIgnation at a Redevelopment HIGHLAND PARK, IL CALL 8474869300 FIND MORE THE MORTON GROVE ZON-OFTI-IETHIRD PRINCIPAL Plan, pursuant to the procedures set forth in the Tax In- 847-433-8200 (708) 429-6000 ING BOARD OF APPEALSMERIDIAN, NORTH OF croment Allocation Redevelopment Act, 65 ILCS 5/11-74.4- PAU LYAC U RA .0 0M RIZZACARS.COM will hold a public hearing onTHE BLOCK BOUNDARY I et seq. ('ActS). The proposed Redevelopment Prolect SUBSCRIBE TODAY. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 15,LINE, LYING EASTOF THE Area and Redevelopment Plan relate to the property gen- 2010 at 7:30 p.m. in the BoardWEST 2329.4 FEET (EX-orally located at the northwest, southwest and southeast LOCAL JOBS AT of Trustees Chambers, Rl-CEPT PARTS CONVEYEDcorners of Touhy Avenue and Lincoln Avenue In the VII- A p chord T. Flicklnger Munici-TO CHICAGO TERMINAL loge of Lincoinwood, Cook County, I Ilinois.I nterested per- + poiCenter, 6101 CapulinaT RAN S PE R RAIL R OAD Sons may register in person in the office of the Village Ad- CALL 847-4869300. Avenue, Morton Grove,i ill-COMPANY BY WARRANTY ministrator at the Lincolnwood Village Hall, 6900 North PIONEERLOCALCOWMONSTER nols to consider the followingDEED RECORDED MAY 16, LIncoln Avenue, Lincoinwood, Illinois, Mondays through RENT YOUR FIELDS INFINITI cases: Fridays, between the hours of 9:00 G.m. and 5:00 p.m. RegIstratIon shall be open to the public begInnIng on Mon- 1121 S. MILWAUKEE Ave., L)BERTYVrU.E day, November 8, 2010, following the anticipated adoption - S - S of registration rulos pursuant ta SectIon 4.2 of the Act by (847) 362-9200 THE AUDI EXCHANGE FIELOSAUTO.COM the Llncotnwood Board at Trustees on Thursday, Novom- APARTMENT 2490 SKOIÇIE VALLEY RD, ber 4, 2010. HIGHLAND PARK ILLINOIS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING NETWORK This Notice supersedes all prevIous notIces published on (847) 432-5020 FIELDS INFINITI GLENCOE behalf of the Village of Lincolnwood regarding the Touhy- AUDIEXCHANGE.COM Lincoln TIF Redevelopment Prolect Act Interested Par- I I TOWER RD. & I-94. ties RegIstry. WITH EASE CHEVRO r : i HONDA' GLENCOE DRIVER - GREAT MILESI NO Village Clerk ETTLESON (866) 435-5110 ADOPTION FINANCIAL HELP WANTED TOUCH FREIGHT! No forced Vlltoge of Llncoinwood MULLER HONDA FIELOAUTO.COM Pub:lti/2W10 (18O4653iC CADILLAC-BUICK- NYCI 6 months OIR 550 SKOKJE VALLEY ROAD DRIVERS NE / PONTIAC-GMC HIGHLAND PARK. IL vAdopt experience. No felony/DUI Inst INF1N IN THE CLASSIFIEDS, 6150 S. LAGRANGE Ro.. JENNINGS CHEVROLET (847) 831-4200 Educated, happiiy married LIBERTY AUTO CITY/ MULLERCARS.COM CASI-I NOWI Get cash for your Syrs. Sotos wanted. New Team VILLAGE OF LINCOLNWOOD NOTICE OF PUBLIC HO0DGmNs 241 WAUKEGAN RO. Gwww CHRYSLER-JEEP OF HOFFMAN ESTATES coupie desires to adopt DRIVERS - Company $1000 HEARING A Motor Werks Company structured settlement or annuity Pay Packagesl 877-740-6262. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN thalan Wednes- (708) 579-5000 (847) 729-1000 1000 E. PARKAVE.. LJBERTYVILLE 1075W. Gou' ROAD newborn. Can give warmth, SIGN ON BONUS JENNING SCI-lE VRO LEr.Co M (866) 474-4313 payments. High payouts. www.ptl-inc.com day, November 17, 2010, at 7:00PM, a public hearing wIll ET1LESON .COM LIUERTYAUTOCIrI-.COM HOFFMAN ESTATES love and security. FFE seeks Class A CDL & i yr. be held by the Zoning Board of Appeals of the VIllage of CALL 847-998-3400 (888) 823-2498 . Call J.G. Wentworth. exp for OIR. Also hiring O/Os. Midwest owner operators Lincolnwood, Cook County, IllInoIs, in the Council Cham- wWW.INFINITIHOFFMAN.COM Expenses paid. 1-866-SEULEMENT bers Room of Llncolnwood Village Hall, 6900 North LIn- RAY CHEVROLET THE HONDA Call John and Kim at Students Welcome. wanted. 64% of revenue or up coin Avenue, Lincoinwood, Illinois for the purpose of con- (1-866-738-8536). sidering the following: 39 N. U.S.HIGHWAY 12 SUPERSTORE OF USLE INF1N I-800-771-3462. Call 800-569-9232 or to 1.10 per mile loaded 1.00 per STEVE FOLEY BENTLEY Fox LAKe, IL 60020 Rl-e. 53 1 BLK. S. OF I-88 OF USLE Rated A+ by the Oetter Property Address: 3910 West Touhy Avenue loo SKOKIE BLVD., NoRmenooK RTE. 53 1 BLK.S.OF I-88 [email protected] mile empty. Generous fuel Property P.I.N. :10-26-316-035-0000, 10-26-316-036-0000, TO PLACE YOUR AD, (847) 587-3300 (E/'NTolIwayl (847) 564-4090 HERITAGE CADILLAC WWW.RAVCHEVROLET.COM (ENV Toliwayl Business Bureau. surcharge paid all miles. 10-26-316-037-0000, 10-26-316-038-0000,10-26-316-039-0000, ¿t STSVEFOLEV.COM (630) 852-7200 We hope to adopt your baby 10-26-316-048-0000 303 WEST ROosEVELT Ro. DODG[ WWW.ThEHONOASUPERsTORE.COM (630) 241-3000 Permits, and fuel taxes paid. tww.mEINplNInsUpEnSTORE.COM Were Elena & Femando, Drivers - CDUA Top Appllcant:Nasser Meherally, RMN Corp. DBA Dunkln LOMBAR0 FRONTIER TRANSPORT Donuts/Baslcln Robblns a couple from Spain living in a Hometimel Solos & Teams Nature of Roquost:The requested action would allow for (630) 629-3300 RAYMOND CHEVROLET family-friendly Chicago suburb HEALTH Highest Team Pay CDUA with 800 991 6227 the sIgn face replacement of two wall signs and o portion HE RITAG ECAO ILLAC CO M 118W. ROUTe 173 DuPAGE DODGE of on exIsting monument sign. More specifically the appll- AN-nOCH, IL 60002 CHRYSLER-JEEP with our 3 year old son. We're lyr. recent OTR req'd. 800-942- CLASS A CDL DRIVERS cant requests relief to permit two wall signs on one eleva- (847) 395-3600 800 EAsT ROOSEVELT PAULY HONDA eager to welcome your baby in 2104 Ext. 238 or 243 - Excellent Equipmentl tien. The petitioner seeks relief to permit two wall sIgns WWW.RAYMONOCHEVROLET.COM and o portion of an existIng monument sign that Is not con- lOWLY 3 MILES WEST OF 355) 1111 SOUTh MILAuKEC Ave JAGUÄR. our happy and loving family. www.totalms.com . Consistent home time structed with primarIly dark sign faces. Finally, the pro- (866) 388-0387 I_IBER1W1LLE Call toli free HERNIA REPAIR? . Great pay/Benefits posed modification to the signoge Is noi consistent, Uni- (847) 362-4300 HOWARD ORLOFF tied, or harmonious wIth the Unified SIgn Plan on tile wIth PATRICK CADILLAC OU FAG EJ E E P. CO M WWW.PAULVHONDA.COM i-888-444-9045 DID YOU RECEIVE A SMITH TRANSPORT, INC. RIZZA CHEVY JAGUAR Reefer, Tanker, Flatbed the Community Development Department. 526 MA&L ORNE 8200 Soum HAorLoM AVEUE, or email: COMPOSIX KUGEL MESH Call 877-432-0048 At the public hearIng, the ZonIng Board at Appeals wIlt ac- KENNEDY EXP. AT ARMIrAGE Drivers Neededl Experienced cepl and consider all testimony and evidence pertaining Scl-IAUMuURG. IL 60173 BRIDGEV1EW [email protected] PATCH BEVNEEN 1999-2007? www.smithdrivers.com (888) 510-0669 If patch was removed due to drivers & Class A commercial to this applicalion, and will consider any zoning actions or (866) 614-2277 f877) 263-4927 OflLOFF.COM relief that may be necessary or convenient related Io this BILL JACOBS BMW RIZZACAR.COM ADOPTIONV complications of bowel studentswelcomelIncredible request. Al the conclusion of tho public hearing, the Zen- t 2495 AuROn Aw., NAPERV1LLE PATRICKCAOILLAC.COM A loving couple wishes to perforation, abdominal wall Freight network offers plenty of Want to place your Ing Board of Appeals will make a recommendation Io the (630) 357-1200 HYUNDÄ' JAGUAR ELMHURST Lincoinwood VIllage Board of Trustees based on the infar- t3ILLJACOISSBMW. COM 466 WEST LAKE STREET, provide a lifetime of Love, tears, puncture of abdominal milesi Call Prime Todayl 1-800- ad in more than motion presented. The VIllage Board will consIder that ROCKENBACH GREGORY HYUNDAI 277-021 2 www.primeinc.com recommendation at a subsequent public meeting. The de- UBERTY AUTO CITYI 490 SKOKtE VALLEY Ro., ELMHURST Laughter,Giggles, Kisses to organs or intestinal fistulae, 380 newspapers clsion at the Village Board will be the final decisIon of the CHEVROLET (888) 287-6211 your newborn in our Growing you may be entitled to Village regardIng this applIcatIon ELMHURST BMW RIZZA CADILLAC MEGASTORE DOGE CHRYSLER-JEEP HIGHLAND PARK JAOUARELMHUR5T.COM Information concerning this application is available for in- 1000 E. BELV105RE ROAD, Family & Happy Home. compensation. Drivers - Big Rates = Big Pay STATEWIDE7 466 Wsr Lwe STREET. ELMHURST 84ZSWe5T 159m STREET, 1000 E. PARK AVE., 0 -800-HYUNDAI (4986324) spoction in the Community Development Department of It (888) 287-6555 GRAYSLAKE, IL 60030 LIBEFTTYVILLE I-888-350-2396 Attorney Charles Johnson Industry Leading LEASE the Lincolrrwood Village Halt, 6900 North Lincoln Avenue, C-LMHURSTOMw. COM TINLEY PARK OR000HVAUTOOROUP.COM PATRICK JAGUAR Call Illinois Press Lincolnwood, IllInois. (866) 906-0683 (866) 474-4313 Expenses Paid 1-800-535-5727 PURCHASE PROGRAM $0 This public hearing may be ad- 1559 OGDEN AVE Advertising Service burned to another date by the Zoning Board of Appeals of (708) 429-6000 WWW.ROCKCNBACH.COM LIBE RTVAUTOCI1V.CO M Napervilie. IL 60640 Down, Only $225 weekl the Village without further notice, other than a nollce en- RIZZACARS CO M ;} (866) 861-9716 Late Model Equipment 217-241-1700 tered upon the mInutes of said meeting, fIxing the time PATRICK BMW PATRICKJAOUAR.COM AUTO DONATIONS and piace of its reconvening. :( CRST MALONE 866-955-2778, All persons In attendance at the hearing shall have an ap- looESZ1-cS0IPRD. SHEPARD CHEVROLET HELP WANTED www.JoinMalone.com portunity to be heard regardIng thIs application. Any per- , ScHAUMBURO, IL 60173 AND MEDIUM DUTY Donate Vehicle MISCELLANEOUS son who also desires to appear as an lnterested poi-Iy, (866) 652-6124 TRUCK CENTER GURNEE HYUNDAI RECEIVE $1000 GROCERY with the right to cross-examine others at the publIc hear- R-cE 43 ATR-ra176, L.e BLUFF FOR SALE log, must file an appearance form with the VIllage of CHEVR (847) 234-7900 6251 GrnNo Ave COUPON. NOAH'S ARC DRIVERS - Owner Operators. Llncoinwood no later than 5 p.m. on the business day prI- FORD OpPoSn-E GURNEE MILLS Support No Kill Shelters, Available to Travel? Earn $2,000 Sign-On Bonus. Local & 4 FOOT WHITE PINE TREES or to the commencement of the public hearing. Appear- BILL STASEK CHEVROLET once forms ore avaIlable in the Community Development 700 W. DUNDEE Ro, WHEEUNG (8471 249-1300 DuPAGE DODGE Above Average $$$ Selling with Dedicated Regional Runs Delivered I Pianted I Mulched. OURNE CMV N OAI.CO M Research to Advance Department of the Llncolnwooct Village Hall, 6900 North CORNER OF DUNDEE RO. PRO Rt 83 HIGHLAND PARK FORD! CHRYSLER-JEEP Fun Successful Business based out of Chicagolarid. Paid $64.50/tree. North I-60 Lincoln Avenue, Lincolnwood, I Itlriols. 800 EAST ROOSEVELT Veterinary Treatments. This is noi o notice to appear.It is an InvItation to all In- (847) 537-7000 LINCOLN MERCURY Groupl No Experience FSC on loaded & empty miles. $74.50/tree. Buy 10/1 FREEI STASEKCHEVflOLET.COM 1333 PARK AVE WEST (ONLY 3 MILES WEST OF 356) FREE TOWING, terested persons Io submit oral or written comments con- HIGHLAND PARK, IL (866) 388-0387 Home Daily. Call Comtrak at Call for sizes I varieties I cornIng thIs applIcatIon. Written comments must be re- DUPAOEJEEP.COM Tax Deductible, Necessary. Paid Training. celved no later thon 5 p.m. on the business day prIor to the (847)433-7200 Non-Runners Accepted. Lodging, Transportation 866-722-0291 or apply online at shades. 217-886-2316 public hearing and may be sent to the attention of the VII- [Il : i H PF LM . CO M 1-866-912-GIVE Provided. 1-877-646-5050. www.comtrakloglstics.com www.atwoodtrees.com loge Zoning OffIcer at the Llncoinwood VIllage Hall, 6900 BREDEMANN North Lincoln Avenue, Lincoinwood, IL 60712.Persons JRIZZA BUICK DuPAGE DODGE JOE RIZA FORD KNAUZ HYUNDAI having questions regarding thIs matter may call the VII- : 425 Wesr 159m STREET. CHEVROLET CHRYSLER-JEEP lage Community Development Department at 847-673-7402 .i 11NLEYPARK 1401 W. D0MP5TSR, 800 EAsT ROOSEVELT LINCOLN MERCURY Rowe 41 @Rr. 176 UBERTY AUTO CITY! Dated: Oclober2l, 2010 PARK RIDGE. IL (ONLY 3 MILES WEST OF 355) 2100 SOUTh I-IMLEMAVSNUE, LAKE BLUFF CHRYSLER-JEEP The Illinois Classified Advertising Network (1CAN) provides Pioneer Press and The Doings with advertising of a national appeal. Village Clerk (708) 429-6000 NORni RIVERSIDe 1 000 E. PARK Ave., LIBEFCIY\IILLE VIllage at Llncolnwood RIZZACARS.COM (847) 655-1466 (866) 388-0387 (7008) 442-7000 (847) 234-2800 To advertise in Ihis section, please cell ICAN directly at (217) 241-1700. I3REOEMANN.COM OUPAOEJEEP.COM RIZZACARS.COM (866) 474-4313 Both Pioneer Pressandlhe Dongrocyaend discretion whenresponding. Pieasereferqueslionpand cornmontsdirectiytqiC/. Pub:10128/10 (180463g)C KNAOZ.COM LIBERr,'AUTOCITY.COM APioneer Press Publication (Dc) 23 B Thursday, October 28, 2010 wwwpiOner1oc1.com ÇPIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION NIL www.pioneerlocal.com I I Pioneer Press ClassifiedAutO DealerDirectory Village Crossing... T0YOTÂ This is whereyou shop! BREDEMANN TOYOTA '1BREDEMANN LEXUS BREDEMANN SCION featuring 2000 N.WAUKEGAN Ro., GLENVIEW 1301 W. DEMPEFER, PARK RIDGE (847) 510-5516 847)655-1416 . :; BREDEMANN.COM BRE DE MAN N .COM s Sporting GoodsDear Franks apleton E :.1. MC GRATH LEXUS OF Lincoln Mercury L iíC O L N MERCURY es & Company ' AU Sports CHICAGO -C- 1260W. DIVISION CLASSIC TOYOTA ..' WWW.MCGRAThLEXUS.COM(800) NEW-LEXUS ;I 515 N. GREENBAY RD., I WAUKEGAN. IL 847-CLASSIC MC GRATH LEXUS OF MIÏÎIILYEAR END CLOSE-OUT! CLASSICDEALERGRDUP.COM WESTMONT 470 E. 000ENAVE. All MwlClS Listel (800) NEW-LEXLJS titancing hip Gli miss.. w' WVIAN.MCGRAThLEXUS.COM PAULY TOYOTA SI 0,000 0FF MSRP : 1035S.RT.31, LEXUS o,: New 2010 Lincoln Navigator ONE MILE SOUTH OF Rr. 14 Touhy Avenue and Nues Center Rood/Corpenter Road Skokie/Niles HIGHLAND PARK ' (815)459-7100 (847) 658- 3040 SKOKE VALLEY ROAD. $7,500 0FF MSRP ' HIGHLAND PARK New 2010 Lincoln MKX 9050 ' (847) 432-1900 ' LEXUSAUTOS.COM New 201 0 Lincoln MKZ $6,500 0FF MSRP. : LEXUS OF ORLANO NORTHBROOK TOYOTA , 8300 W. 155m ST. 153OFROSTAGE ROAD Pioneer Press values your ' (708)342-6475 $6,000 0FF MSRP :NORTHBROOK. IL 60062 WWW.LEXUSOFORLANO.COM New 2010 Mercury Mountaineer (800) 743-9594 opinions. We want your feedback WWW.NORTHBROOKTOVOTA.COM SOB ROHRMAN'S New 2010 Mercury Grand Marquis$6,500 0FF MSRP ARLINGTON LEXUS IN to find out what you like about PALATINE $5,000 0FF MSRP Tell Us . 1255W. DuNDEE ROAD. PALATiNE New 2010 Mercury Mariner our newspaper and how we can (JU5TEWSTOFm. 530N DUNDEE) : OAKBROOK TOYOTA! - (847)-991-0444 i SCION IN WESTMONT $5,000 0FF MSRP 550 E. OGDEN AVEÑUE improve it. Please visit our Web New 201 0 Mercury Milan : (630) 789-9600 fille, license and doc fee. See dealer for details. OAKBROOKTOYOTA.CDM site and click on the "Tell us what LAN PROM 0% APR financing for 60 mos = $16.67 per $1 ,OO@ financed on select 2U10 nodels with qualified credit. 011er excludes tax What You LANDROVER OF CHICAGO you think..." button, call us at AT HOWARD ORLOFF ORLAND TOYOTA! KENNEDY EXP. AT ABMTiAGE C! Im: SCION 8505W. 159m ST., (847) 486-9300, or go to (888)10-0669 TINLEY PARK Think... OR LO FF.CO M SOUTHEAST (730) 429-3900 pioneerlocaicom/survey. READ TO YOUR CHILDREN. READ WITH YOUR CHILDREN. ÑÒRTH ORLANDSCION.COM LANDROVER OF 515 Latham Dr Bourbonnais1 IL b2b Touhy Ave Park Ridge L 1777 River Oa Dre ' Calumet CityIL HINSDALE - Thank you for your readership. 300 E. OGDEN AVE., HINSDALE J-41 9-6241 800-194-8046 ThO-641 0872 (866)516-8045 PIONEER PRESS HIN EOALE LAN O R O VE R S.COM you. TISAI. SI)ERCK LANDROVER NORTHBROOK SCION HOFFMAN ESTATES LIBERTY AUTO CITY! THE AUTOBARN NISSAN PORSCHE EXCHANGE MAZDA OF EVANSTON PORSCHE PREMIER DEALER 1 530 FRONTAGE ROAD. 1051 W HIGGINS ROAD. 1001 CHICAGO AVE. 2300 SKOKIE VALLEY RD. NORTHBROOK HOFFMAN ESTATES 1000E. PARKAVE.. VOLKSJ' (847) 475-8200 HIGHLAND PARK (800) 743-9594 (866) 516-8035 LIBERT'YVTLLE THEAUTO BAR N .CO M WWW.NORTHBROOKSCION.COM LAND ROVER H OFF MAN .CO M (866) 474-4313 (847) 266-7000 AUTOBARN LIBERTYAUTOCITE.COM BOB ROHRMANS 4PORSCFIE.COM VOLKSWAGEN OF LANDROVER LAKE BLUFF ARLINGTON NISSAN PAULY SCION COUNTRYSIDE! WILKINS MAZDA 'wE SPEAK YOUR LANGUAGE" ON RTE. 1 4. CRYSTAL LAKE LaGRANGE KNAUZ AUTO PARK 750 N. YORK ROAD MOTOR WERKS 6191 JOUET RD. RoULE 41 @ RT. 176. LAKE BLUFF 915 WEST DUNDEE ROAD BARRINGTON & DUNDEE RD., (815)459-7100 (847)658-9050 (630) 7294.3000 BUFFALO GROVE (Ot*15minuSttniDDGitNflO1O) (847) 604-8100 WILKINSCARS.COM BARRINGTON KNAUZ.COM (847) 590-6100 (708) 354-6600 ROH RMAN . CO M (866) 289-6275 TH EAUTO BAR N .COM M OTO RWE R KS .COM PATRICK LANDROVER OF LIBERTY NISSAN NAPERVILLE 920 S. MILWAUKEE AVE.. LIBERTYVILLE i 559 WEST OGDEN AVE. I Li I1 [e 4 (866) 329-2296 sMART:: NAPERVILLE LIBERTYAUTOPLAZA.COM smart center LAKE BLUFF BILL JACOBS (630)300-5000 AUTOHAUS ON EDENS KNAUZ AUTOPARK VOLKSWAGEN LA NOR O VER OF NAPE R VILLE . CO M MERCEDES BENZ MARTIN NISSAN ROLLS: R RDI.rrs 41 & ROUTE 176 221 1 AURORA AvE.. NAPERVILLE 1600 FRONTAGE RD. NOFEnIBROOK 5240 GOLF ROAD. SKOKIE STEVE FOLEY ROLLS-ROYCE LAKE BLUEP (866) 516-8025 (800) 716-6495 (866) 799-0300 100 SKOKIE BLVD. NORTHBROOK (847) 234-2800 BILLJACOBSVW. CO M AUTO HAU SO N EDE NS .CO M MA RTIN N lESA N . CDM (847) 564-4090 KNAUZ.COM STEVEFOLEV.COM KNAUZ MERCEDES BENZ NORTH SHORE NISSAN ILLINOIS' LARGEST ROLLE.ITOYCE DEALER KNAUZ AUTOPARK RTE. 41 & PARK AVE. WEST, ROLlTE 41 @ RT. 176, HIGHLAND PIC NORTH SHORE LAKE BLUFF (847) 433-7900 VOLKSWAGEN HIGHLAND PARK FORD! (847) 234-1700 TtAVW.NORTHSHORECARB.COM RIE. 41 & PARK AVE. WEST. LINCOLN MERCURY KNAUZ.COM HIGHLAND Pl<. 1333 PARI( AVE WEST AUTOBAHN SUBARU OF (847) 433-7900 HIGHLAND PARK COUNTRYSIDE! WEVW.NORTHSHORECARS.CCM (847) 831-5880 SAAB LaGRANGE HP LM .COM SAAB EXCHANGE 6191 JOLIETRD. 1 SHERWOOD TERRACE. (Only 15minutfrom DonTi, O*ago) JOE R1ZZA BILL JACOBS MINI LAXE BLUFF (708) 354-6600 2495 AURORA AVE.. NAPERVTLLE PONTIA LINCOLN/MERCURY (866) 924-1111 THEAUTO BAR N .CO M 2055 WEST OGDEN AVENUE. (630) 357-1200 NPERVTLLE BILLJACO BE M IN I.CO M EVANSTON SUBARU (630) 355-8140 PATRICK SAAB BIZZACARS.COM KNAUZ MINI MULLER PONTIAC IN SKOKIE KNAUZ AUTOPARK 150 SKOEJE VALLEY ROAD. 526 MALL DANE, S0-TAUMBURG 3340 OAKTON, SKOKIE Extensive roof damage ¡n the Chicago area has ROUTE 41 @ ST. 176, LAKE BLUFF HIGHLAND PARK, IL (888) 350-1599 (888) 567-6496 VOLVO NAPLETON (847) 604-5050 (847) 831-4100 PATRICKSAAI3.COM EVAN STON SU BAR U .CO M HOWARD ORLOFF LINCOLN/MERCURY KNAUZ. CO M MU LLE R CARS .CO M VOLVO 826 TOUIIY AVE., PARK RIDGE LIBERTY AUTO CITY! KENNEDY Exp. ATARMEAGE been caused by the latest storms. A majority of the PATRICK MINI RIZZA SAAB SUBARU (800) 931-6583 700 EsrGou RD. SULLiVAN PONTIAC 8425 WEST 159TH STREET. (888)510-0669 PA R K R ID G E LT N CO LN M E R CU RY.CO M SOIAUMBURG. IL 60173 777 W. DUNDEE ROAD. TINLEV PARK 1000 E. PARKAVE.. LIBERT'I'ViU.E OR LOF F. CO M ARLINGTON HEIGHTS, IL (866) 474-4313 (866) 370-6567 (708) 429-6000 LIBE RTYAUTOCITY. COM PATR IC K M IN I. CO M (847) 392-6660 damaged roofs qualifyfor replacementthrough your BILLSU LLIVAN .COM NORTH SHORE SUBARU MAZDA Ri-E. 41 & PARK AVE. WEST, PATRICK VOLVO THE AUTOBARN HIGHLAND PIC 1600 E. HIGGINS RD., property insurance. Have your roof inspected today MAZDA OF (847) 433-7900 SCHAUMBURG, IL. WWW.NORTHSHORECARS.COM (847) 605-4005 COUNTRYSIDE! IúIb1-iIIIF1t. SCION PATRICKVOLVD.COM LaGRANGE LIBERTYVILLE CLASSIC SCION 5700 LAGRANGE RD. MITSUBISHI 425 N. GREEBAY RD., WAUKEGAN by a Jasper certified Roofing contractor. (708) 354-2700 1 1 19 S. MILWAUKEE AVE, UBERTY'1U.E (888) 300-0958 PO RS.CH CLASSICDIRECT.COM MAZOAGUYS.COM (847) 816-6660 I-"IINIJ :i LIBE RTYVI LLE M ITS U B 15H I.COM JOE RIZZA PORSCHE VOLVO OF LISLE LIBERTY AUTO CITY Midwest's Largest VolVO DIGGERS MAZDA NAPLETON MITSUBISHI 3130W. 159TH STREST, CONTINENTAL SCION Superstore ORLAND PARK SUZUKI i 320 E. CHICAGO ST. ELGIN 826T0UKVAVE.. PARK RIDGE 9960 JOLIET ROAD. COUNTRVSIDE 1000 E. PARKAVE., UBERrY'J1LLE R1E. 53 i BEc S of I-88 (866) 9-MACHIN'E (800) 931-6583 (708) 364-2400 (708) 354-5800 (E T0LLWAY) RIZZACARS.COM CO NTIN E NTALM OTOR S CO M (866) 474-4313 THE MAZDA MACHINE ON RT. 19 NAPLETON.COM LIBE RTYAUTO C ITY.CO M (630) 852-6000 BIG GE R S MAZDA.CO M 25 B PIONEER PREOO FOBLICATIOR - Oil www.pioueerlucal.com your pane

mete aisle sea lernlrv cancere rep' The Hairdos Cari elli serse cost art sill mili be cerceo iiapaiean Fhteess Center terO 1er ronmeebsrs Pilotes names FaslseCortinas P' scacci ne Asen, iselerallt Oiwpin, centrieleo. oea ether l000h lors, meno sell be asuilotin. Pros Otee' sires hIeleN Fiteess Certes SEI Calendar Tienes the task Ont er. art ethers hsmeeaae lesee 100cl peslrlee and sien rreoeeao serenI ile paved. Cali mol ce mat 000rcieso elle barre resI' Clou Cegol pr. riles 0411 scIallI dens 1h01 shopn Ile Ihighu, Oolaas. Coslinacd tren PAGE 15 sillOn ieaiaee& Coledalosevi asada hal sed sold drvhs Cell 11111 631' Ihr O soir? cenrrr, leali lhl5BO Great scoop eli te eeeilehle lar parchead creek 4611er n-mai ielsnsavsaodp000h e' el, asAs eseieet's Carhoile 0001?, armo ucd 5esla raes iren Plisase Han is acer so 01 corrIaliad 1:00500 pm. keetOys, eee.i leteo Fleming's Prime Steakheute & Wine Bar tar, heorle sailles rca duke 05h fall le sis e le e ele 1 r a manes's Clue Will Hold rIa osedal 1101' sosolate tisi ereage r essor e eel 1h or reel ow'eeee TOasters 000.0 eeeiire001ierr 00liRe Prep Hiel Oersie, 17711 godeO, arreol 7701 005 Lady et BemesSe Caihalia idan CroIt Par t Om'yto p.m. necio toar lo eeaeloe atIesO reabla mar slut chef Ryan Charabowski adds pumpkin Orhsai loll w. isluell Oar, Chicago, la Tpo 14:00 esmbrro, lii, sen' 6110015. 00550e tIob OoeOs sr Pesra 00cl le 10e Mey Poise Olehirn fearer ciro rinNsal budino bold Classes lar into a bread pudding at the Linceinthire s lisci ile senesi crie Streit Est Ilse Pleeeeeed Paree Histoeteal esa' nil holt ils 0005al revlon Croit sed NOII h. hellem 000,0100 Any oiaries ali sacio oar? altiers ont asno end Parent Tad Oaçs, 0000 l'O le 0110150 eatery. ree It ne's pr 0501k 0er in lie sty elli host Aclares Helidsy Croo ecke sole Aso h and lin po ach Heil sablee le molles se ap005atrsn nay a oceceaolet iwn Cool In Sea Il - seeder spivi while eheppisp 1er rrae moie001 an Orlano Aso Sia esadgacast Cela at ida tsble'Oer' leIreuler 0000er bleI hIto treeceesd 0511 JOd eloph050 leali C96 0401 Oli lasals: millO 5w. kesa050 son usisue lana'ereilst girls, seassnel esurtnppee Hause 01 560000 sso, Nies Haov ares am'S es The Farsees Clot el Guerra Col ole 0es ill 0th mnmtrrs 00k caemos' SOb Ihamdons 6075 am. Solar esn. lash Isla, atoo ht f101 rIss esa ea coy irene, fausewuesa leser' Henask ase. ChIcago, 0001100 Oeiortss eel kIl and pm landet Prepsrelerr HipO 0000cl elli reid lo doys Peno arr OTT comiere, tir pse' rs and lash lents AIree un ste Oros lu. Ihuralans 005 sisees., Osou cte. Ii eel p.c nhasdey osa ihereelllbe 000rielnnihsednete 000ual Hsllay Clari ens fill Ilse nnmtrlo, drop n leso. CO, combers, rai sto InCite cosiere, eh lOren on' 1h 11h mcmhrsl 046 noemseillS. Ortes pias T'le p.s. Fntu$ special tulle. s000eenis. rreolse, orasoes, erhotoled lles Opm.lel. 10 Ill, nonmonkero der il ore tien Call 17131170661k fris' WOhl ra sicepio 0000sls 0.5' toto kek ouille taliO tato kcil errs. ilr000heul lbs irrer loar ai lbs mraeea nealnn500a so 055501e tel len,s ga te rcenreshearn Foad Brises 0 p.m sulorduf il 05.4 p.m. Ose' berne deesrorsne.isrelry 0cl mure sabesat atole 5e maclOse 515er seos, acAirelO slth P10100 tonte' st Reala Barnes's tescHi amad ley 100w is ali eleissae ter per pico a groes soIrlo hohe eure, o Groan Otmletes isSt ohiltron SelcI She Malee Tsnsssslalp Coed rosIly le Weolsie aol ocre aIrearlos Cr00000 n detperslr ecet elrsnpcsocoulr Croit esa sii chan tuant Rl ate 0001 iitperlenthrsceieis's 000.4 Hail' lurkay healh C hr eInes stork corree il Ilse leIrallers are rat p000ilinll ale Iren ldt'l:50 te WSlnsetsso, 5 ofl.a pm. aso Irin relean Hall ter °cbso Oc_r sillar odeirted arre aeda renIo geesting lu' aroIdea Orrreesmeele au alen aso 10h10 lai hou Ire Ces lb fool io 041 roer' Pumpkin 1°.GrasO teese tes Cibano HerOn odia choree eilt lier loar Osant Ohoeees ai tills sed lens. Callee per510sr Catesder, PAGES? Quality. Value & Service In Anw Lanuae pointers Produce World INTERNATIONAL MARKET-DELI. BAKERy - MEATS - SEAFOOD How the gourd can brighten ÍoÑWlloObsttrrenn PRODUCE

Halloween parties E LAC K BR EBB B M CALIFORNIA FARM FRESH CALIBRAN IA LOOSE SEEDLESS APPLES "CELLS" OREEN FIOEORAHATESMED DRY By VERONICA HINRE Savory or sweet ;AUC'IfIOi U RAPE S CARROTS ANIONS PEPPERS Co tir iba tor Taute and tenture make this A.QC lime-honored pie ood bread taue chai Ryan Ctasebenehi nlmtieee dicadlaquelle pianes with eiter inpredeols $iOO $iOO lt's the great pumphie return. PROR lIb. "U' Ilk. Ilibe ingredient a surprising pick for loe Poupe vernal Pallet. i'ccehhr'tcrtiyee l05.Ti0060lii 77t,49. J 98f. Fifteen-ounce cans of the classic traditional party treats libe dips, ii'.seiid.iocte I,li-iñrlvrqci MEAT autumn ingredient, scarce for savory bitos cod cocktails. Bot Lincnlnshire. 'The recipe roasi alices of the outcome rich of tilrrn cie/rrrinkiHrclsnr TENDER LEAN USDA CHOICE USDA CHOICE GRADE A many months slier heavier Ihm pampino insu remains a set'rams fall," seid nous chef Ryan "super food" in broom sugar, PORK TENDERLOIO SIRLOIN TIP STEAK BROOND CHOCK CHICKEN uooal ruinfolls slowed toot crops, sweet deasert logre SNISH - KERBE onere selling aulico for $7, some Cbacaknwnki. B croons this edler- maple sye'up, 005meg aod embu Hintze Auction dient option. ing, n recipe of chef/partner man 000 haltered ooebie sleert six times the nor's'vl pries. Pumpkin Broad Roger Aboen, colla Inc olcy el 400 degrees for to-lt mioutes. Service, Inc. Bot pumpkin is back thin Pudding inox the erIces cored, ne-, alaR al cecee i ?99- absorbent baguettes, it bono Tbc sweet, savory tide comple- aeauoo, und chelo meno at Islewiegh AOnIOs Adt CCLLICIIILE DRU 'are developing lighter pompkia taste atowing ments tina dich. °,teokleoasa On nib er erusonal ingredirnos such tIcking pompkin tomeirs, u hot eeoc ieri Fols I010NOSI Relliotne FREE al ORLAODB RZECO JOHN MORBO JENOI-O HONEY WONDBR EA R party tond toro, resells gote, now tente it MOZZARELLA SMOKED HAM OR SMOKE GERMAN EOLOUNA recipes to crie us caramel, nutmeg and clona- leatarr on Challengor'u menu, eaeoe.05eeesreaelroeeeehiee,euos OWNER: MRO, BARBARET Govorsment Surplus CHEESE TURKEY EREAST brote the mosto shine. could spook home cooks uiihoni 5IICHFIOLI CF tItlEt. IL a inmole stremen Bot Chellonger, popular liait saseeeleKPeoeAseNae, 550,eaamlone Auctions Pumpkin punch bowl e Mexican active, said most purem resIn, roela rouer le004 ueieue Seils, r so nona 0 oes, loe Pohge Care 2? 3? Foe parties he bonis at home, peuple doct havaantc' mer Cellan. lseaeaelss,lsadaoUuear -Seized Vehigieo Charabennuki kas served hot there anyvnay, hut yoa can impro- ri't' alit" i' Nases ms Nlroleetauaeie n0555sil Piohap Trefilo DAIRY eider 'ma pumpkin. "The think- inne lampensinely: tteum ii lrnotL- seee,ae'Oersolsn,0l00l renies. Dcwrp Treohn BORDEN 2% DEANS 0/e BALLON CHAYRIE LAND .0- LAKES H . siole50l Iore:Aersrurnrerlie rrs-iustearsa SKIM MILK ORAIIOE JUICE ABAT CHEESE BOTTER 0050 nl tien pumpkin insulates the pomphin-enheneed cornmeal rsiosorOesilee Ilieslnaern000 eaeeeeraoaenlaeen1505e, leo, rider, keepiegit warm," he bandi es inautuinless steel p.':,reer,serloelen NeOelreOieo er lenes Lloenos 1a04.5001t5 pointed out. 'iba the pampido a troieer inularge put of water on o urn See leo e te, seerela a0000 $ 00 sere 1000rrrrsseeloerenueeeeen 847-546-2095 $s29 $200 deteriorates, its tante seeps into ohe stove. ieeeelore511e005a a650il,len 110551 so. I Aol, 2FOR4ea, i/I Aal,2 FOR ea. 7es.2FOR ea,lIb, ube eidan" .',_',P. i Cekeee500,cor,rea100050evsl er ''1,1.1; enusaueeuoiarmralw leo kaIser, GROCERY At Guona.ivatu, a contemporary Stoli Bombshell Nereeereeoe lie tdeoher001e.50rt Meuieunreateae'out md tequila October sigecilies more than laee000ereaeeeeesos POW inrOer To list your TYMBARK FRUIT PORE LOOtS LA000R ELIKI EXTRA Pumpkin Bread Pudding at eeolieerka000e oaen.Orsneae OF OHO WORLD MELLO HONEY CHARDONNAY VIRGIN OLIVE OIL bario Glenene, noerative lOIS alloua moie 55e 110w Fresno ehel/owner Margarita Chulleogec Fleming's. There's still Oimr foc 000nleru,Oesrledleeee eiomio s blesdu pumptein or the taste of pou to arder one cf their bright terkleeerrees.eherpss,sol 0006cc auction here 1SLESF $iOO $999 $1.99 reeiere,te105leeolere to 2 FOR Tea, liA, sa. Ilse. R! rs, roo ml,$2199I 0.3 IS. it ninth tequila, Pue of her ful piok colored $0 ttnli Bombnhells telsen Hale, la neo au Oseas oigssature drinho are gonsebecry- nightly io relebrele Breout 500eee000lese iuoeaer000ls DEI FRATELLI ROTELLA tOIHELU MARINATED SSORTBII CRACOVIA garnished pumplsin mangante Canner Am arenoso Maclb. The Le00100000iroeaLeeneroeeo05000 TOMATO SAUCE HAZELNUT SPREAD N SSB W BO MS PASZOTEIPATE r seo r, ue,unu 010530 seseas rade. call and riemamon-aeeenied restaurant ndli donnir all pro- .lsr°oeereeimdloronile505nraeb creda to the Avon Orease Cancer 010,0.,, esa 001e ruetlysceesi100 $100 $ 99 Challareger has added pumpkin Crusade. l,'ifla See 00105e er 2 FORles, Ase, ea, IN 0e, 5Y5 99es. 4,h se, tabor eotencortky tint of onusual retos, aieaserceufersrrri0055 p Hisiee 00000e Seicioe, leo, ice cream varieties unwell. 63O-9788229 8800 WAUKEGAN RD. MORTON GROVE, IL. Chai. WieiO hit aie. Lienooe #eN0000500lNeNr0015ll COOI4EROF WAUKEOAN & DEMPITER H0000: MON.PS0l 8'S-OAT S'O - BUN S'I hrn Pasten by u,se'.POsojiesth.edtao Boba lude rhone: 0i1'SNO'COBO to speak with a sales representative Super side JOEL LERNER "stioia'sttlnIlbrllsld'ie suie oGre Oiddnreaedderdre.00eprinrsr 847-581 -1029 And nnisen aercing entre en sock toit a t SALE DATES OCTOBER 28 THROUGH NOVEMBER 3r0, 2010 Flecrieg'e Prime tteakhaase & Wine lac ehal/pa100ec Releo Ahaan crested this Poop' sue-Times Medha kir Bread Putdet ass srssossl treat as red snapper, Challengar rulli 26 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24,2010 M PIONEER PRAOS PUBLICATION 'NIL www.pioneerlocal.com your page27

1 pOr oIt TI obbalo o book, conIno] 00009 05 pool ob N0M000I Memoro 00000lh00500000graplo 00-Sim- P1000010 000000 00010 00-00e, 50 booed on h 0101001 0000015 01h05' Kotoppes/Noglo Calendar dwophioe 10001 IRlOS 310-0124. 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Tho gro001'o ooph0500, RokooO los Ihn 0100001 liso 000 l0 Or, DoraN lO 0000110 Mediooro-101 Sed Frode- lo be 000ew000el in 1100000001 1100011 to d000le. 0001ioomoeloio- 10510419910 009 solEIl olEosOs. So- 6mai00, Hollood old B/on Hollood soohorod Oho 0050s000y. Both bsido 10100001g 0011100 thiel. 150051 10MO Sot Osdioal Colo 5100 io nOw 000001' 0oeI'Iao SobrS) Coo 00001 al 001M 01000 01011001 1110000 li1000l OPI 0015150IOb1000dOObyMO&050S000000M0105.H0000000ACo,0100Ms&0,hoMo,5010sddVMo bOnis 000er 00000000] 01000.5100' ssodiOddOaIe nan take 900a510ge Ob log aol 00-moNito 0101borob lIa oodg00000000 p0000ioiog00000cpoioll000iog0000sod000bsoohoim '0g sew dialyois 0000010 Co 118411 01010 socI io se coleI as Ile c1op100 POOl 01 OObc'SOOuIOFIO, mo 01010m s IOslooIarlo, 101 1001010, 00001go' lreo,Oool'loololee000y 050000isoo 0010011E sell ConIeraI 010000m 01-5110 w'ssnnr aol 50000100010100 fiolliol hosooioD000Pork alero, 55101 01000050 0049050. 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Pmer Placo waving his paw with lhreo fix-stun ist her in. Ohs follas',,, AeeuyKeuss,ea - Third-grade winners of our gera up. The mom cellad theoloogthe spider arrows Pioneer Press Halloween Coloring Contest ¿01usd School, slyer Porcal ScaStocontest dad end ashed blm lo watch lhcehe had ost esterad bat ah' 4eflo«ds! Ha1Ioieen is ofr" Doll Trouble litllegirLlle agreed. hearn this was the was the sei Color in the pittore below (or o copy) and return it to: Wisco the mom gut home, sheto the rmdy suddenly shea, -irïe1bix')bu need io oW 'see op000time there voeu eaw the dad dued 0e the Seers disido. Oua waywantbs oso Pioneer Press Coloring Contest nosued Omaily She wanted with a hecife ix his bark and theway. The other way wen a dci how fo plcxy il-cie, espe&d Fy all that bad red sails. sober dog waving hin pow with four dach cobweb errow way. Oh Attn: Classified Dept. -w got her a doll with blech ç Ocgersap. Oc she momias) leftbob the deep dark cobree 'hile 1ricKcr4reo'in9. 'la. Out Smelly dide't went thu girl cloue sod lea. nrrawwuybcesasenhs faltlth dos so ube threw the dxli in Whan ehe gut home, she uswthe 000dy wen dowo Ihst wo 495 N. Commons Drive basement. That night ube 1ko lllllrgirl eu the euer with aSuddsalythseesccs ubigrooc e,r,t, "Bmoilyl ass ramiogte keife in her bseh sud thu dogtarestulee, rout amulO and th

Aurora, II 60504 Iy.su. Emadyl amoowiogtu wea wnvisg his pow with fiveIhey grew huge. They step - ca." Salbe nest day cha rmgcrsup. loaned bec She felt like yell" r the doll farther le the Then the dug starts actingand eunuivg bot she mewlt homeless bu the sweet. must stmd. To be considered YOU must include: meet. Thot night she heard I 8 Manca R5s ',,,s,"Emsity 0cm ouwiug te ' TeaExc They leO her throogh hots, your name, address, and age, along T ce. Emailytaeo on enroot had to eghb the csut efthew' ele emeily law on savoad Shewolhed doem Ihr balisais with the signature of your parent or c'p. fiwsily lusu on the fourth Toan Placo leg she hod turued barb.od legal guardian. One plush Scruff° 'p.BmailylamhsticehoOwsy VneossoaBssuta danly she stopped. Ohr sew: vuaytematyoapdoor Emai- Willard Ocicool, llover Forent fence of ohildrecob bones. Oh doll will be awarded in each of these l. Scm ox yace bed. Emeily I The Freaks of Nancy hocw how they got there. lEy i'cduaiu now" iii lt breas on Hallawreuuightbob the ceody way yao wad) lhree age groups, Ages 1-3, Ages 4-7, f les doll got red aails because and ended os Hallasocan night. fell into u cauldron cud yole loll aluch her nailu 'us Ornai- Haney was en angel far Hal-booeu mould go to the feue Ages 8-11. Entries must be received broui. lawcen cud she coted lOco uns. soddenly it opened. Nun by November 8, 2010. Winners will Tccs Ove She trick or tresiad perfectly stepped bu. Ohs sew a Enasto fins until she reme toe house. end rightthrre avaibob Esos w be selected at random on or about Socavo PLACO A bloody hand po'rnled duwu apiotorrd au it. Out of it Asenso Ae,s,uee Q, hell sud said "That in where thebats. Theo uhr sew abet Ill November 10, 2010. lOscil School, liber Porcal vmdyial"Naecywrntdoson Ibawas darker then others. Nasi" flomelese ball. A stator nut. Ohe saidvaughi it. It led her through' see there wee a little girt. "triok or treot."Thesahrpelledtucsel sed hoch to tice hell ob ne sawo dog artico homeless and alamped hrr foot and saidmea walhbog to. Naory walls' Prizeswill be mailed totilewinners' Irr middle uf the street. "cm 'Trieb or treuIl" The ututue goldosso the halt. Henry usw so, snitohes. Oho hopped right o keep him?" Fisc, unid the Tise Hesasted MesateelByMasseRoas, 4thReeds,Baye5515051, 80k Peek up.Theaiotcsewauaellmygreao address. Open to everyone 11 yrs. of age '0. Thea ube rolled the sbeletuo, ti walked towardthem. Nancy walhcd dosso t" ball sod three woo tha rund or younger No purch050 necessary to Irysilser Sr rame ucd welchfinger up. Theo she rolled Sheop.TheenheraOled the grand-N000y luddrNaoeywauyellieg h'little girt). gracsdpa tu watch the girL -mola wotrh Ihe girl cod theand arrasming. She wanted tuPlau u vote that said "Too gatlli enter or win. Odds of winning depend on Theo the mum came home, When the mcm verne hume,gesodmo ogreed. roo bal she heew this wes fha the cendy!" Nosvy roiled BR law the babyaitter deedube saw the groodpe dead with Wbasmomgut home. she sewway to gel Iho randy She masthuaue. Navvy was sloe sos tile number of eligible entries received in abeifo lober hock end Ihra keife io his barb sed the dogthe grandma osa floor with nstand sad she did. gava e few pi accu osoup keife Usher beck end the dog Pl0011y the slimy green akel- - Trasero - your age group. Approximate retail valuen! waving his paw with avewayingtciopasrwithts000oeem nach of the three prizes is $13. - Fmur PLACa his bedroom toplay on the rvw- Asean KAOa'MMO-LEvloa Fourth-g"rade winners of our pater and ha thought ho saw thy School Oak Park Scary Story contest ose of his teddy bears move. °McGruff the Crime 00g ®, Scroll S and Te&fy Bears Mast "P/hctesac that?" aahed Billy to Rave Freedom himuetf. "Take a Bite Out of Crime®"are registered hanse b500use they wanted"Whet wen that?!" "Itmmm"neidTogglnTbes Once ouadarh scary night 'sofreedom. "O dosi macv,' said ana of the he raug his cowbell end the marks of the Notional Crime Prevention Augcsot the teddy beers were Theieddybeoeuwentedfrre-teddy gorreo troope. Teddy Forcee came and fought woitieg foe Billy sad his poronladam becsusa cyan though they "t thUds there's only ose assuraBilly. Then hie psrantu heard a Council. to go out to dieser. Finally hisbeve food, water, eholtcr, oxygenthiegta do," seid Toggle "Item!" scream sed sow Billy dead se pareatandflillti their sou, westand love they still dids't bave aSa they stnrted rusning',ehilethe floor. Nobody huows what todianer. lot of livieg apoce because allscreaming to theh'housas'. tisa teddy hears hilled Billy with COLORING CONTE. T Toggle the taddy lender reogthey had won under the bed or One minute lnlcrwhea all theexcept for Billy. Billyb paresIa his cowbell cod the toddy vili-anyooelrolaveewhattheyesuldteddy hears were poat'wg they loohed for who hilled Billy hut seos and the teddy forces all renlieed that it was just Billycooldo't fled aeyticiagbot some Age Signature of Parent or Guardian gathered into the "coofercoce Just then they heard aand Isla parents who wear harkteddy beam. Name rc,om," After a long hard tali OIEASHI Ose sg the teddy riti-

they le,' jS, I Address City State Zip u StAll?' ST 011ilie ('ON'lIN'UIlll ON NkNT PAliE news 31 30news www.pioneerlocal.com NIL' TIIISIPSS, lIftIER SI flit S PtNEtf Psitt PSBLICASIIII 'NIL www.pioiieerlocaicom

Ill l'sa "Lue Ineins hr nowwes the crossisggsard. wouf i ruihee live is a geas ilesa Takt. OULLhgtedeWrt1Uei oOU! Meare tassai, bot he eoolds'tIeB for sann t Sum Ki.evaues Fif4hgiacie wirins ofour He promptly sia his foce off. yard, ifs jnat so dirty." llore School, Oak Perk Sellawie Preakka Sohool, Park thesght that maybe if h daaacsieoSel,00l,Sskferk The seat geoup of peuple mere Scary Story contest migo fourth-graders waiting toge Scary Story contest Os the olber end of ihr l'us Harnsted campad sot that aighiaesr Iba Face Off there mus only e dry gsspisg Mary ood her family moved The Mystery of the tombstones, waybe he esald Gne dayihere masa littin boy istu schooL bess what he did? brasihisog. Then ihr Reaps hato eu opsrtmeot. The opon-si5'y was very doch sud fnggy. searched forMary mad Katlo Missing Flowers feed eat mba mea tubing thø ila,aadSiwcn.Hemss anormalBeate faons off isa. The Erst "I boew there man snmeih'mg opohe "i'll he right oven" The eat alreody hod heeotifol for- "I ihinh ene of the dells saw There was eroso boy seinedstuff eygaingteAseras'osSehsol.bell hadal even rung yel, and she hoag op the phous sn ttnre. The bedrooms werecreepy absot that doll!" whis-me, mumbled Katie. New the Mareo whe mould go with his That night, Marca aud big ne day somathiegebsagodhiswosi uf his clnssmntas were pered Mary. The doll ran barb maimed. arge. The walls were tomato dells were reming toward ehemomie threeweterytovisiihismom stayed easily laie. They Pfeforevec. After scheel, ha fis ebresdy faceless. The phaso rosE, it was the red. Mary goes upstahs tono-iota the apariwnat. Mary and-ginlu. Mary sed Katie cacee from graut-geaudmother and babyksdSosbligbisaodooidnonam- Jhed his heweworb sad was His leecher saw him and hin lore tho large opset- ondee the dacia and Grim Reaper, bui whes ch eoudn who died. Each time theyerais catch the esa who asas jehnut togs to his friend Mi-classmates bat hebra she had breed lt risgiag il000adsdlllue ment. She finds six into the apartment. went lhere,cllowerora specialtahiog ihr stuff uff Ike lomb- chael's busse. Siwoa'a momo nksnor lu saronin, Siwon sto Doe! Dau! lles! She pichad it 'old osd dooty bloo- Osee inside the stichen world be placed ta their asid, "Weon aisebet!" her farn off. opertiasest the girls bets, oioe CDs, five se,ubuicxxrcrupec,'olholideya, They hoard sonarMingaeine., Simas meat into his cboast Pioniby, rame ase muso bio ta "lewis the buibtileg wok ate on so uwglo bos lacked fer Mary's they mould meet up with otherllores geti'mg elaser eod closes end hr saw samethiag odd. ecli the pebira. Whet the squad mother. The lights earn showed up, they did not sure yco know whas you arij and IS dolls. The family relatives mico also want-1°isally, they semashaduw. lt "Maw, there is sowething evil bcsvieg for your fsaiilyt' Bulb dells were mode of storied tiehering ased lo visit iba gearas. It meanwas abig end scary shadxm. I n the cbusot. HELP ME!" heknow whal te lush fac Nearly hung up before she could sa oedalf"lfhilemeaing, everyone was faceless. Simas sorosndhsdbultoss time io abone special memaniesIcobad uhr abren They lotbyb houied. asylbing. The meiner slurto for eyes. There Katie fell. The dells mllh each other. closer und noticed that it waa filmase mow casto ihn 0100- end hin ebessmetes soddesly begasiopoSosKatim to ge secar ed. Bbs thnogh Selnihesmere mode of Bach iban thai Marco aod hisnoly a chipmunh. 01 sod peered io. She saw Si-stepped forward and began la uhootmhetilmeoot. Shawaifo oft fabric for shine leg. She screamed. wem visited the cemetery, they Then, when theygai closer Is. moe's faca baisg nutra by ecat the paure effieers' boces off. ad fors bag lione. "This go posts. Mary ron Mary grabbed Katie's octiced that the gemees andihn towbstunno to ahech them, lasnater. The monstre wasIi musst pretty mass br molly old sisee los 'io' Icends. The dells were By thu end of ihn dey, weitab cab downstairs Is stichers wuald tat be wherethey xotived that the Somers early IS fret tall, asd ha mou luhing Ibis bong," she thought. polling so hard. All uf show her loom the they left them. The marble end stiahers mare floue, AGAIN! hsge. Sah Parlo was faceless. This Than she heard namething out- continued to spread, sud by the doSs the had foond. a nuddoa, Mary'slembsleaeamerebam.NoihhcgMorco and his mom put mere Siwoneppaened tube alive, dde her dour. Eeeearenerk! The mother appeared. The nod silbe weeb helf the Mid- Two weebs latee but the nasce ases left on there. flowers esd stiehens os Ihn Riot the corse of the monstel' do nr cre abed opns. Thex ast' Moryondhermother daSs vasiehedl Maryis M area ausid aal figure euttowhsione and waited to neo had bees passed an. Naw,west had last their fuoco. A side Ihn daur there stood the ed a yard solo. The mother ashed why tha where all ihr stoff went. Theywhat mould happen. issox hod baceme his wisioo. wouth butor, there was only one Grim Reaperl She esawine dolls were the best girls w en sarao wing. musid go early in the wonaiog Haunsaxdhosnsmeaibyond° very time he usw someuoa'asurvirer in the Unitad Slates. him. He had wore mrishbes se ft was a won named Beh and sellera. Mory'o best Mary and Katie toldto try aod catch mho was doingnuthisghapyenrd. limas abosag fare, beate it off too. "ha corte his fece theo the deys Iba fad friend, Katie reme her about the dulls.this, but asthiag woe fuoud.night and Marca was getting ssauldbe pasned ca is each andhe lived in o desert- He osly hod mas old. The grim reaper wa erse Katie oshed for Mary's mem looghied cabio lclevisioo and oever They mould go bain ut sight, buttired. Mareo and Icis mum g_ every victim. huldisg a scythe. The lad adoS ond Meoy sold mdaeid that she baew nothing mea faoxd aithoc Whoslally fall asleep. When they "Simon now hie wuthrr'u faonwebbed the saws. 00e mons. slored at him osd said "thst'i they were bidding ing hr weal out io bed hia dog. yea. Bot when Mary was tahiag all ihn stuff thot mr mehr up. It mas borainE. They' aesd hrgao locatis off. Nasi, auIubroowhuweaayoouwee about the dalla. Ta his sorppi'so, orbes his dog gave Katie o dell, wane leaving behind? loel,ed et the groves and the imos ros tu Michael's house wish shot." He asid "I'm bare Merysnwhlooddnip- By RosiSSohodoro, 4th gaste, St Lidio Cairel,Blair The ihrer of them Merot hadan idea. Ha askedttmersaad etiahnes mers stilL and bagas eating their farra olibochad up et him, ha noticed oae riens up rewewber," he said ping from the dolls Formt went bach outside 5e strenge datail. eithagris. Bhclheo hoewwh the yard sale. The realhis dad Iv tobe him leibe upythere. Theo, they sokicod a. His dog hod no fecal 005 oath MaryondKciir store sobe could gala ca mareascoli was walkIng srausti the The folbowiog doy, Simon By nitreran.La, 4th gaste, Lire510 ElOiOilstOry, Pork he was sod why be was here rasa libe the wind to the frostKatie ware inn seared temereof the dolls were lyiog at the Isesttsnnhacl. The l'wst pemusm Trio fino Then she said "befsee you table woitieg tobe sold. Maryis install atibe enranisry Wicexgraveyard. Habada small bsg yerd. The dell atarted to chasefrnm ander the dealt. begat lathe utuce, ibera were axyshing Iwost go to she bath.c the girls. Mary and Katie bath sod Katie taub the dolls from ofthhimsoadsooradseryquicls- T0000 Piace The doll noms bach ins few to many ectirawenos lu ahocas ly beimnen the gruvns. Heft- Sacunc PI,aoe frost room mixdsm oui mooldmr telk ahout the haase. Sima AaTsens Meas creamed loodlyeod hid onder minutas, There were asare dolls the table und cat the delle lote M,sasyCs,,senNaa,se bait. seid shut Peed said so uae ever She was is Ihr buibron shreds with ariasoes. from. Hr piahed tut sor thatoally rame to Murena great. neId School, Pork Buge he drab. The dall was loahingwith it. Mary ssd Katie wore Asoass,as Onhool, Sah Pork Recently the old woman diedowned the haase bofare. She thiuhing oto pien and sew ais forthegwls.Allnfa sodden the bebed libe a tree brunch. grasdmaihcr's sod beby ruas' The Grim Sweeper very oearrd now. The dolls Tea Eon The next dey Marca ead his My Neighbor end beruouc she didn't have acomplains that there urn onimu old bouger macstar costame in's glove entibe look ihn tow- fowily, the town gsyc her a IGrim Reopen mom went barb ta the cemeteryers and utinhens. Wlcywculd ha AcrosstheStreet silbe some times we usad la She walked out dressed ap iso, Town PLaco him balding his baby brother,ldsarssswera alceadyatrapped t ebsep buriel, just libe a hewn to install ihn sow spy romeradc thai? Who was br? Everyoue elwoys tells me that hear thaw helare the old lady 000e opas u tiwe osHnilom the 000towe. Theo when sha Jaleas iliones Jobo. He noticed his mcm alad down. He heard his mother mail bass parson. Peed Quishs hes that he buoght. Moneo pot il on Mancos wow meat Opto Mee bern is no sorb thing as a died. She also said she felt libe ens lharewassluuebywuwen.sam tha Reaper she asld "be Losgielloa School dad were eryng. As he sawesdihe deoth stopped. Herold's beeateyisgio sell Ihe house far the tren eloaest to the graves.and he said is a saft voice, "ghost." However, I kaum it's she was heist watched end She was alus very lesy sod sheyou didss'l baum I'm thebosgor The Bloosly Plod them get sachad ap, he storiedfather rasoe from Ihr atherside Nobody mould aven haow thai"Sorryate'em, ib ere ora co sleet aime and Perd was k.sometimea she mould ose two did sot libe cleaning She livedmonslac" The Raspee sioppe cl truc. Every morsiag st O nably abbe lu aell it. The people of the Barth running away au fest as he could. of the couac nod slapped are the branch wesannul eamnes.lluwrmtrsticbrrsajlowedtobo n.m., atip.m. and et 10 p.w.,we yellow nyeu glaring al bar. is e denk abeadosed eerieand said "sul did sat heo who booghl the hause had a thaI.' With ibsl soid the Resp Ose cold, moshy HalloweenBot, then he get suo bed op bylease batten feseing Harold Thutnight, Morcoweatbeebtaplacad es the marble tumb- sold huer fuony anises. The Sometimes at o quieb glexce Son epsetwest. She was geist Io y in New Yteb there was s boy thespaoeuhipaadhehoeseiherefmm the table. Harald punched get his ramena. The towem end daughter about wy age. The girl woold sen the uld ltdy is Iba cali the cleaning oompasy Ihrsr eau amay fassen thee Msi sianru. I'm lite grouudshneper eineswoaldbebangiag, shoot iswbitrasehalunsdhssmhiie- amedHaroldwalldegiaSved'owas xc hope. the darli isa ihr rye. The eye fell utiokers were gone, AGAIN!asdI'wisahangaofheepssgtha frual rosw window, but whes Grim Sweepers Is aleas. Sotcould curry him. Ha wee ng, glass shalt erlag asdyellow hsic Ai tiret she loaba she didn't sollca she dialad thescreaming she grisliest scream lilirsnam' Marhet lo get o obieb Soddenly, Ilecold saw dewomoat. Nejaussoed the hey basa the When he pressed pisy to cheekcemetery ciron." Mareas maim serenmieg. I hasw thai these you bob iwioe Ihere iseo ose and decks sqoishing the bloodheir und torced itose sotch io kind of ensepy, but she is aun- wrong somber. She acoidna ever. After that he alopped n ahaner. As hr irodged dotan the ramera os ihebmuch, thereapolsgieod asd told biso that 'nias osee co mist from ibaassIt thish. The girl bus al-there. he nidewelh, befall a drap nfoui ofhisbohybrother lntthcgitthe dght. All the humeen fette was nothing recorded. Theshe wuolda's tape anything Then one horrible day tulip culled Ihr Griw Raspar.renpisg forever. Sut cow fer on tissa caress the street. ways bran the weird cue who Bing ring niagiha phase rang.is anew creeper shoe 00mai cohiohead.Wbeshelookndeolo down to the esrth turningthe ge000d. scroet mea blush. Maneo fargoithe iombsiounu again, j My ucighbon who lives in the Shelese died is the bossa. t Jahn istenslava. Thea ha saw Batons thingwesu'i rigiti. As to prese record befare lie left. bobs and acts funny The girl's The Grim Beeper piehsd opsraaad st tight- ThaI mosslar p, the shy wen turning bleed Tito wysinry mas salved, lic sass acr005 tice street is e very same is Ehalese. Sloe is hind ofdon't bacw, how or why. rad ead he sow a menacing, the ene thioghe mao uurawasld the ahip drovr elf Harald sew So this time, be presasd record Shalean's fo'miby then woved the phone. is she lunnip lady dressed in eh woss'taghoni. Iiwasn'teehiyt old 'unman and biud of creepy awimurd bulls very swant and Then the lonely lady said,bauger messier cuslusse. lood-aochïegupaaeohip. Then aava the earth. Alsey u golden bis famtyb pale faces io thewlo- before he left fur iba doy wosk. limas the gnauedslsea. cose Imams suything aboutflexible. Shalans isa figureost und Fred Quishs sold the The following doy, he west "ces you came and clean sp? i Ton Eso 'he tetis a gleoce at the rais. ltund red hey He dropped ta Ihrdom. He dropped Ids heed to his pen Jost doing hie ob. sis oid mamas ead flat esesshatec Somelimes she mouldhaase again. The nest family wen on rain. it was fresh homos floor and crawled ovar aud beass sod rnied.Hefell iu a deep hack milh his scam and octicad The amtiime thai Marea end musid csmplsis aboot the that Ike Bowers aod otichers red Qsishs, the real estateprocure henjmnps in her ream land. grabbed the hey end sneahedcoma from the trauma sad did his wsmsboisodai the oeaceteey est mho seid her the bausa,an Ihn second Eons Sisee shsusando at iba sosie Smes uswe 15e tornad areond io barrerbarb to where he wan. Hegelnoteveemalaeupioseethotthr mare gone, AGAIN! He meat toihoy mooldu't being anymore heard themued lhryegowrym, the tree bnaoeh ead pressed lda't boom ranch about becwould sat slways lead the SEB ALL SCARY STORIES (ONLINE AT asad saw bio friend Jahn bring tebea ta the blued sqoinhiogworld had becown ruled by Somers orstinbers.Thrywoal,l raid wemaa osad te owe ajumpasbesvouldhitthegrsuadbot sowethiog saw, thumpisg wsosv.piossennlseaLcauw. ached ap eneghaib the reot oftabla helare he eeuld do any-bload-soeldeg devils and de-playHaleohedatthcvideoavdlust read poems and tall aiorim " flare he eam s really height maya. t batti died. fr,vrt!v c.s mywith a thump. epaopleoo fha bloch. Narri,1 ihisewithiheh Il issieod. .ti"r 'v'.o!d .j..uchv 33 32your page A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION . NIL www.pioneerJocal.com www.pioneerlocal.com NILTHURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010

Center, 6676 W, Howard SL, until class- Feldman Park. es are filled. Call (847) 967-6633. Thanksqlvinq Arts & crafts - Cre- Calendar Hiles Park DistriCt New 3's ate a beautiful centerpiece for the Continued from PAGE 27 Preschool is offered for children who holiday table. Materials included; turned 3 after Sept. 1, 2009, missing Nov. 23, Dee Park. the deadline for the regular 3-year The Golf Maine Park District offers a requires residents in need be mobile, preschool. Classes are held Tues- selection of ENERGY STAR qualified or be able to use a cane or walker. days/Thursdays or Wednesdays/Fri- compact fluorescent light bulbs for FISH also asks that appointments be days, 12:30-2 p.m. at Howard Leisure sale to the public from a Lights for set three or more days in advance. To Center, Call (847) 967-6633, Learning kiosk. Proceeds from the REACH VOTERS become a volunteer driver call Ed Nifes Park DIstriCt is offering pri- sale of every bulb will directly fund Oken, (847) 696-0761. To schedule a vate piano lessons (30-45 minutes) the scholarship program sponsored ride or for information call FISH coor- for beginning and intermediate stu- by the district. The scholarship pro- dinator Gloria Stepek, (847) 297-2510, dents Wednesdays and Thursdays at gram allows children the opportunity T0 5 Reasons Ext. 283. Howard Leisure Center, 6676 W, to attend camp when they may not to Advertise Howard St Lessons will focus on the have the resources to do so on their Parenting Faith Lutheran Church (ELCA) Congregation Bene Shalom Beth Hillel Congregation fundamentals of technique, music own. The kiosk will also house the st. Paul Lutheran Church "What's a Parent to Do? The Facts 6201 W Peterson Ave. 4435 Oakton, Skokie, (847) 677-3330 Bnai Emunah theory and good practice habits. Call Lights for Learning teacher tool kits, 5917 N. Nina Ave. 5201 GaliIz St. in the Newspaper About Teen Drug and Alcohol Use," a Chicago, IL 60646, (773) 631-0715 www.beneshalom.org 3220 Big Tree Lane, 847-256-1213 (847) 967-6633 to reserve a lesson designed for educators and organiza- (847) 673-5030 free parent seminar, will be held from time. tion leaders, to provide informational www.faithonpeterson.org Chicago, IL Friday Shabbat Services 7:30pm; www.bhcbe.org 7-9 p.m. Nov. 4 at Maine Township www.stpaulskokie.org Golf Maine materials on the overall Lights for Saturday Worship 5:30PM Kabbalat Shabbat 6:30pm Kabbalat Shabbat Fridays 6:00 PM Hall, 1700 Ballard Road, Park Ridge. V/sit one offlie GoilMaine Park Dis- 773-631 -2860 Learning Program. ENERGY STAR Ac- On 3rd Friday of the month Sat. 5pm, Sun. lOam Shabbat Service - Saturdays 9:1 5 AM wspapeirs Reach Votersm Guest speaker ¡s Dr. James Guidi, li- tr/ct offices, Feldman Recreation Cen- tivity Books for children, as well as. Sunday Worship 10:00AM Fax: 773-631-0142 Kabbalistic Prayer/Medation censed psychologist and CEO of the ter, 8800 Kathy Lone (one block ENERGY STAR home energy-conserva- Sunday School 9:15AM Jr. Congregation, Tot Shabbat, Of all voters, 3 out of 4 are regularnewspaper readers. * Youth Campus in Park Ridge. Also south of Golf Road on Western Av- tion and electronics information, will Holy Communion Weekly, Pastor Sunday Service i OAM Service 1 0:3Oam Torah Time 10:30 AM highlighted will be "Stay Out of My enue), N//es; or Dee Park, at the cor- also be available. A recycling bin for On 2nd Saturday of the month st. Peter's United Followed by Kiddush Rooml" - step inside a typical teen's Barbara Berry-Bailey Sunday School 9AM nor of Dee and Emerson Roads, Des used CFLs will also be available. CFLs Rabbi Dr. Douglas Goldhamer Church of Christ Daily Minyan AM and PM bedroom and look for clues of alcohol Plaines; or call (847) 297-3000; may be purchased at Feldman Park, (September thru May) Asst. Rabbi Shari Chen Oakton Street & Laramie Avenue Rabbi Allan Kensky or drug use, hidden in plain sight. www.gmpd.org. 8800 Kathy Lane, Nues, 8:30 am.- st. Paul Lutheran Church Doors open at 6:30 p.m. This seminar Cantonal Soloist Charlene Brooks 847-673-8166 Cantor Pavel Roytman 2ewspapes Reach Undecided Voters. Tiny Tots Open Gym - Parents may 10:30 p.m. Call (847) 297-30D0. 5650 N. Canfield, 60631, is sponsored by the Maine Community drop in and supervise their 1-5 year- Choir Director Nona Balk www.stpeteruccskokie.org Dean Marshall Kupchan (708)867-5044, www.stpaulcanfield.org 3 out of4 undecided voters are regularnewspaper readers.** Youth Assistance Foundation. Regis- old any Wednesday or Thursday from Reunions lnterfah Families Welcome Sunday Worship 10AM A mui-generational egaladan tration is requested by calling (847) Street Level, Air Conditioned 9-11:30 am. for a variety of gym Guerin College Preparatory High All services voice & sign language Sunday School 9AM (Sept. thru May) 297-2510 xZll or go to www.maine- conservative congregation games at Dee Park. School, River Grove, continues its tra- Sunday Worship 8:1 5 & 10:45AM Rev. Richard Lanford township.com/services/mainestay/com Handicap Accessible "A Place to Grow as a Jew" Parent's Night Out - Parents can dition of inviting alums from both of Sunday School & Adult Bible 9:30AM Childcare Provided munityeducation/teendruguso.shtml. enjoy a "night off' Saturday, Nov. 20, its foundation schools - Holy Cross Saturday Worship 6PM First Church of Christ, Scientist Air Conditioned Sanctuary a2 from 6-9:30 p.m. Staff will supervise and Mother Theodore Guerin high Central United Methodist Church Voters Fhd ewspier Ads Uore Parks St. Paul Lutheran Christian Day 330 Touhy Avenue children in grades K-6. Includes din- schools - to an annual reunion Nov. 6 8237 Kenton, Ave., Skokie Maine-Niles Association of Special School, Pre K-Grade 8, SHARING GOD, ner, games, sports and arts and at Embassy Suites, 55GO N. River (847) 823-3329 Morton Grove Community Church Recreation offers people with physical TOUCHING LIVES EVERYWHERE (847) 673-1311 eevabe, crafts; Feldman Park. Road, Rosemont. This year also marks Every Sunday at 1 0:30 am Temple Beth Israel and mental challenges, behavior and The Art of Mehndl - One day work- www.skokiecentralumc.org Presbyterian Church (USA) the reunion for the first Guerin Col- Every Wednesday at 7:30 pm 3601 W. Dempster St. Than TV or Radio With all Demographic Groups.*** learning disorders, hearing and visual shop on the ancient artlorm of Mehn- lege Preparatory graduating class - Worship: Sundays at 1 0:30 AM 8944 Austin (Lake & Austin) impairments and emotional disabili- All Saints Cathedral Parish di. Students receive instruction, sup- the class of 2005. Those honored Skokie, IL 60076 (847) 965-2982 ties an opportunity to enjoy a variety plies and a small tattoo design; 2-4 from Holy Cross and Mother Guerin Natioflal Catholic Church of recreation activities. MNASR serves Park Ridge Presbyterian Church Devar Emet Messianic Synagogue 847-675-0951 www.mgccpresbyterian.org p.m., Dec. 4; Feldman. High Schools include the classes of Des Plaines, Golf-Maine, lincoinwood, 9201 W. Higgins Road 7800 Niles Ave., Skokie www.tbiskokie.org Sunday Worship 1 O AM 4n Jelly Bean Sports - Classes are 1965, 1970, 1975, 1980, 1985, 199D, 1995 1300 West Crescent Avenue wspaper eaders V.ters. Morton Grove, Nues, Park Ridge and geared for children ages 2-3 and in. 847-674-9146 Fellowship 1 1 AM and 2000. The reunion begins at 6 CÑcago, IL 60631,773-380-7131 Skokie. To receive a seasonal 847-823-4135 dude soccer, T-bali and sport shorts. p.m. and includes a buffet dinner and www.devaremet.org brochure, or to offer support for peo- Rev. Lolly Dominski, Pastor 68% ofweekly newspaper readers always vote in local elections.**** Class days and times vary but next open bar (6-10 p.m.). Cost is $15 per Website: www.ascpncc.org www.parkridgepresby.org A community ofJews who believe pIe with special needs by volunteer- Temple Judea Mizpah Handicapped Accessible session begins the week of Nov. 6. person with an Oct. 25 deadline for and teach that Yes/wa (Jesus) is the ing. call (847) 966-5522, Sunday Masses 8:30 & 11 am; Sunday Service: 10:30 am Dee Park and Feldman Park. reservations. Complimentary valet promised Jewish Messiah. Your Reform Jewish Home on the ALL ARE WELCOMEI Nifes Join us for Shabbat Services at lOam Ballet & Tap - Veteran instructor parking. Register online at www.guer- Sunday School/Catechism 9:45 North Shore Since 1954 Relive some old memories at the Sandria Dajani instructs a variety of inprep.org/alumni.html call Tina Lilly. St. Mary's Episcopal Church annual Classic Cruisers Car Shows. Weekday Masses at Noon 861 O Niles Center Road, Skokie 5. Voters ewspaper Websftes. classes for ages 3 years to adult. Next director of alumni relations. Evanshire Presbyterian Church The shows take place every Thursday 306 5. Prospect Ave., (847) 823-4126 To session begins the week of Nov. 16; The 1966 Class of Ridgewood High 4555 Church Street www.templejm.org night, weather permitting, 7-9 p.m. at Bishop Anthony Kopka, Pastor 2/3 ofVoters use newspaper websites.***** Feldman and Dee Parks. School is planning a reunion and 847.676.1566 Pioneer Park, 7135 N. Harlem Ave. www.stmaryspr.org (847) 673-2575 Belly Dance - Participants age 16 looking for graduates. Anyone with in. Resident and nonresident registra- Sunday Services: 8:00 & 10:00 AM Spirual Leader Rabbi Amy showcase and up can study under the expert formation concerning alumni is asked Edison Park Lutheran Church (ELCA), www.evanshirepresbytedan.com tian for Nues Park District Bright Be- guidance of world renowned instruc- to e-mail [email protected] or Every Sunday at 11am Memis-Foler Religious School ginnings Preschool for 2010-11 is still Wednesday Service: 9:00 AM tor, Jasmin Jahal; Feldman Park. call (217) 352-7254. 6626 N. Oliphant Ave. Chicago, IL (Pre-K to Grade 12) being accepted. Spaces are still avail- Sunday School & Nursery during your House Mad Science Children in third st. John Brebeuf School in Niles is Contemporary Monthly Shabbat For mr- nforraton, contact able in the morning and afternoon for through sixth grades will experiment Ezra-Habonim, the looking for graduates from the class 3. and 4-year-old classes. Registration worship, Youth Fellowship Monthly Family Shabbat at 7pm with chemistry and the science of of 1964. Contact Libby Ryder at fry- Nues Township JewIsh of Worship is accepted at the Howard Leisure molecules and matter on Nov. 23; [email protected]. www.edisonparklutheran.org The Rev. Sarah D. Odderstol, Rector Saturday Morning Minyan Congregation WHERE ALL ARE WELCOMEI Adu Education & Activies Susan Blatchford 8:00 am - Traditions You home for Jewish, Learning, here Temple Youth Group Check website for all activities. Living and Loving 9:00 am - Spira Bridge Free High Holiday Family Services the veui C re center 4500 Dempster St. Skokie, IL 60076 contact Progressive and Socially Active Solutions Without Surgery" 10:30 am - Contemporary 847-675-4141, Fax: 847-675-0327 -Non-Invasive Solutions for: www.ehnt.org (2009 FAIN Award Recipient) Treatmentof . Sun Damage . Age Spots Rev. Michael Sparby, Pastor Weekly Shabbat Services - All Families Welcome! Jen Tait . Varicose Veins Leg Swelling Uneven Color Tone Carter-Westminster Fri 8PM & Sat 9:30AM JOIN NOW AND SAVE 50% OFF . Spider Veins Leg Discomfort Rough/Dry Skin Acne Wrinkles United Presbyterian Church . Unwanted Hair 4950 W. Pratt, 847-673-4441 Minyan Mon-Ttiurs 7PM; MEMBERSHIP at Sat & Sun 6PM , Full spectrum of therapies available Now pleased tooffer: www.cwupc.net Monthly Shabbat dinners at 6:30PM : 20 years experience , Complimentary Skin Care consultation by St. John Lutheran Church Sunday Worship Services: SUN-TIMES MEDIA a medically trained licensed aestheticlan. Religious School Wed & Sat; Ultrasound guided laser therapy , Contemporary & CW Café 9AM st. Timothy Lutheran Church ; 7429 Milwaukee Ave., Niles iFull line otskincare products tailored Early childhood services. , Board Certified University Affiliated staff TradionaI 11AM & 9000 Kildare Ave. Skokie Soumes ComscoApril 2010. to fit your needs. 847-647-9867 Voted one of Americas Top Doctors" Fellowship 12PM Noon Rabbi Jonathan H. Ginsburg 847-676-1 300 Mooro Informatfon survey of 800 voters, March 2006. i Convenient locations www.st-john-niles.org www.StTimothySkokie.org ± Moore Information survey of 800 voters, March 2005. : . Accept most Insurance plans & MedIcare, Sunday School (all ages) lOAM Cantor BenjaminWarschawski j in Oak Park and NAA.org. ' Sunday Service 9:30AM Michael Scott Porter, Sr. Pastor Rabbi Neil Brief, Emeritus Worship: Sundays at 10:30 AM Scarborough USA 2009 Robase 2. . 18662O4-5ÏOO » : Wilmefte. Visit us at wwwthevejrcarecentercom . A PIONSEI1 PRESO PUOLICATLONNIL www.yourseason.com sports 35 34 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL THURSDAY, SCISMER 28, 2010

,, r , Nues North finishesonwinning note i. enable Oa deliver the hep play er -'-- ,, Vikings crush big stop utter that, : I ' ,i!' , ,, " "They gava it their all. It wan- Maine East in et e lack at effort. We dide't play smart and we dide't tackle," neid Aeeeaoeaes B,esiis & Taesr 7OB.86O.O497/3124882B76 KENSLWORTH FeNANcsa,INC. 63O.81221OOReeccesmac MoearoAoECoseesov 847.809.2996 finale Meine East head coach Gehe Allpr//ambeehqeeaas Altp:/jleoase,KeeitseaelhFiaaeelal,eats eharloegeleae@yaheos,eaoso Carey. "We haca ta capilal)ae. Süyrlicsd 4.1250.005$1155 22%4.1783000lincd 40505.101$985 20%4.555Slyrlixed 4.2010.055$971 25%4.305 By DAN SOALIN dawn irsode Ike IO, we hens to llyrfixnd 3.5000.000$1010 20%3.5935/5 08M 3.0000.050$995 20%2.183SOyrToed 4.0550.005$975 25%4.568 U shalT S pian e er lo ca icario make sowe autohru. JEme do that, the game eauld have goar a lit- 5/7 jumbo 08M 3.8755.555$7055 20%3.9153Syrjamba TeS 5.1250.111$995 20%5.145l5yo8nad 3.6250.000$975 20%3.752 FOOTBALL - Nues North did- tle di fIe ce nt ly." III ANM 3.5550.550$5110 20% 3.055l5yofixcd 3.375SBUS $985 20% 3A63lOyrficad 3.5000.000$971 25%3.825 n't enceenpot in the IHSA play- The vinitirg Blue Demonu got Sane with Riah)and MonOysle Btreamïna 0050805e alosing in 25 days. Opan eneday. Fl-IA end VA App0000d- Call on too Details olla. onelorbaard onjuacarquarter- AL ASABA MB,5552B38 (C) 2580 Faalieblilaad, Seile 202, Sl. Char/ea,(L 60174 bAlSee CakAraok retace, Sefe2SC, SekyeaNprseec, 115855 MB.A76032S 5)25525. W000eedhAeeeee, Cldaaga, Sul the Vikings' 42 14 mie ever heck George Zekeria's 1 yard Beoouavoew Balk Momaaue Coopaece LLC 847.951.8288MOOTDASSEDa,a,.cr, lesas. 312-5068293 TH,mn CeAse MomeoeoaLLC 847.580.5555 Moine Snot inthridey's secano O- luuandcwn ran on tha Scat drivv Allp://www.BriofgevlewßaekMerlgaye.eem mew.geonsoslgagedirecteam/mdlealea aeohealN3rdceaslmaflgage,cam ncle gave the Parple-end-Wkita North answered with 27 aeae- llyfflood 4.2505.000$1064 2S/a4.30430 HollaNd 4.0155.000$945 20% 4.062llyrTinrd 4.0550.000$1701 21%4.096 a Ewe game iing cOreak and swered puiets, or tcucbdewn cons by aenior quarter beck Ba 0.005$945 4%4.164 lSyfTOOd 3.5555.005$0705 20%3.651 likely some momentum heeding 2IyflIood 4.1250.050$1064 25% 4.2503IyfFHA raSi 4.050 Scadadch 11 yard), grown 17 and 3.2150.050$5710 20%3.181 lola the oflsenson. 15 Yrlixed 3.5000.110$1164 25% 3.5947/1 bumblilfiM reS 3.5555.000$1490 20%3.4655/1 ARM "Fee ihn seniors, the frustra- 10 yavdnl and Sharples 111 yardol. 25% 3.6507/I A8M 3.5590.550$5750 20%3.325 5/0 ANM 3.2550.050$1164 21% 3.155lfbleOsAlN(slr:rillo$lol 3.6755.000$1490 lien02001making the pleyefls Tice visitera from Park Ridge Call Sor Uclnils about our Easy Reo - close in Heur hsrne) NO paints & ZERO Clueing Cost Loars dualleblc. CALLTODOYI lia Cohar, Sil Jashubo.371%I75% LIV, IL Ran lechal 61g Liocrace and nut reaching nue goals, leon- acared anca more, coalS yard (B) 3000 611051808 Paehcay, SeiSe 450, Seoeeere Orare,IL00515(B) 214w. 098e 510eel, Clleage, 0160690 (S)S1025eettee Reed, ftc 406, Nedlleeak, 5160062 MB.0550DI sacotive aiateeienl is ngeod way toochduwn roo by seuloc Seni' Sloao, tu pull noitlrin 27-14 at helf- Casoesorn Barca er 0m Pace Bocee Foaeae 7BB.66B.7B3BPanee Remao Coeeeeseoersr Banee 847.384.9224UnsrEs, HOMELOaNS 708-534-8388 tened," seid Nibs North heed 66pi//cessrur.01epr!.100s hllpr//eaee.r.UifLeaee.Oem reech Scott Smith. "Foe Ike young kids, once nephomaren end Carts ILk eecood helf, Niles North 3571 Fned 4.1250.055$1782 20%4.2163000 frond 4.2505.000$1t35 20% 4.38830 Yr fieNd 4.1250.500$995 20% 4.576 Ni es Nnrlhs Serçia ScolIes fI asnnps loto 18001e Meise East's Brec400 Sloan darieg Friday's COL North gape le ONeRe joceices, il's e gond thing fer theta. senior delensive back Danny 0.000 3.907511 amIn ANM 3.5005.000 20%3.040 Leharkehl-Iar-Tsres Media lsyofixod 3.d2S0.000$1782 25%3.784l5yofned 3.751 $1535 20% $995 Now, we can ploy on Skat Ene ceol 0aurireIureed aulatarceptiar S/T 08M 3.1SS5.011$5782 20%3.1425/1 A9M 3.2000.000$1535 20% 3.1637/1 ambo ARM 3.7500.000$995 20%3.245 yene end tell them, 'Yno heve and senior Sam Sharples 112 car- ralo io Neeth's rushing attack. eordJumenMucklend. "Lentyeec, 01 yards lore tcuehdornn.Bronon 3Syf FHA 4.2500.000$1782 4% 4.9447/I HMM cell 3.5000.000$1S35 20%3.481 lsyrjumbx 4.0000.000$995 29% 4.034 bock-lo heck wins nod now let's ries, 1go yerdu, 2 TDsl, Ike "Tldswes the most athletic line they were bigger hut didn't have scared an a 20-yard rue, end go to work foe our Srst-wseh np- Vikings gained AllO yerds on the we've had," Smith said obout o an mock ethleticiam. They did a Oharplea cupped off tha areoieg (C) 1009 Lake Street, Oak Perk, IL 6030f (C) 626 TeOcalIRd.,Park 91860,1180060 (4)3 Wea090eeNCarpeeate Coaler, Seite ISSU, Weslehceter, 8106854 ponant.'" ground. Narth IS-dOSI pitched group that included uculors gceatjob Friday) and Ohio yeur, una I-yard TS ran with eight Led ky Ihn canning hack ton o shutout io Ike nsened half. George Neuhaas, Idrj NonIos, Sen really," minutas loft, Ascaram Homo MOOrasaOE,lose EIe0000ESDBasso Gaaae 630-413-9580 PNABasso 630-371-6931 847-444-5050 dem of)anioc Osheyna Brown 114 Smith credited Ihn guys 101ko Sgen, Jaecen OCher or4 Ilicloie Sil- Meine Sarl Il-0,011 trailed ky hSlpr//tecasr.Eoreegeeeeoaokoraap.eom laaes@paabaek,ael ssaew,eilaaarhbos500seaalgage,com cuenca, Ill yoeds, 3touehdownsl Icenehen for their ioalruwental ver, and janicro Tom Soalenna 18 peints at the kroch und wee llarrcnent:piarreerlocutranc 35 yr liard 4.1250.050$914 20%4.775lUye lined 4.1250.000$1201 20%4.58E25 yo Trod 4.1250.000$951 20% 4.168 l5yflITOd 3.7500.000$814 20% 3.83215 golinod 3.37S0.000$1200 20%3.46115 yoTaad 3.5000.000$850 20% 3.575 5/b 09M 3.8750.000$914 20% 3.370l000hield 3.8500.500$1250 20%3.4045/1 ANM 2.7500.000$850 20%2.0B8 71) ANM 4.7500.000$914 20%3.8923000 jumbO 5.2500.000$1200 20%5.2757/0 ARM 3.0005.505$850 20%3.055 Vikings learn lessons in playoffs Nasale Free- Leral cicoing and lundinO PNA Bank han bean helping hsmebuyara since 1999. Call 8ob 88101 and capsOenne Iba d6sSa( diOarcnanl (C) 0595W. 2204 Street, Salle 925, Oak Break, IL 60523 IC) 3255 Leroy 8006, Seile 040, Seteeeea Snaee, 5180506 00-406(B) 1750 MeIle Street, Sette 22, 60095018, 0100063MB.f000457 Gseeev,os', Stase-E BAe,K 847.729-1900Pooaemcr Mooruaor 847-273.2200 for futuresuccess next season 8Rp://cesnn.80b.001e R6p:f/oease.aeppraapealmOetgaoe,caen LENDERS, TO PARTICIPATE By DAN SHALIN Neoc To-lar hod twe or three gayo ciegfrenldchin ube second aver 30000014 4.2500.000$1800 25%4.3423Oyrlirod 4.0000.000$7583 20%4.180 IN THIS FEATURE daba I' n Np ion errlooa Ian n aceund us te get the ballard go Ilma an Oat. lt against Taft. 3.3750.000 20%3.607l5yrliand 3.6250.000 20% 3.766 on cttcrh right away," Junior teammate Alesnendru lOyoTxfd $1800 $1593 CALL BANKRATE_COM 7/1 08M Coli loo Nalea 5/1 ANM 3.0500.000$1583 20%3.102 SOCCER - Nibs North ro- New Trier found the net juco Senna opened the ncodng in tho coach Dun Edminster hopad hin ube minutos into the game. North Arst half. 15 YT lieod 3.5000.000$1 60V 20%3.66030 Yo FHA 4.2500.000$1513 4% 4.331 SALES DEPARTMENT teaw could carry its strang lota- bounced back to areale clew 5 Yeso Pined - 3.000% APR '3.194% DIRECT LENDER, GREAT ROTES, FRIENDLY SEOVICEI CALL T0050Il @$00.509-4636 sassen farce into ehe playoffs. searing opportanitlau ofita caen, The falune: The Vikings will IL60025 /60814. INfriopabefeaN, OsIRse) Salle 00E Sshaamlarg, IL SOIlS ME555404-SSl (C) 000 Waekegaa 818., gleacilecoo, The No. lO-saedod Vihingo 15 hai were unuble On Snink. groduate Bye ylnyars Orow skia 38-year nsortgage treed 15-year mortgage trend 12-4) opened the New Tetac Re- "We had e couple uf lucha," Bd- year's team, ineludiegeblnarea. rnrra. gi000al with a 0-t oreraime win minotrr said. "One Oblag we bell The teaw ret urns solid play- - aev oeelaar018raeasaeleneaelrstrlraImitai over Na. 8 Taft. Then North re- the guys, nnhea tha apportaai- maker Srann end enpeciencad verted to its old ways in a t-S sel- tian are there ugainot e good junior raidSebder Sian Ness- hoch ta No.2 New Trier in Pci- team, they ate going take few Cohn. Selensicely junior sweep- day'u ragioeol Soul. and far between, sa you hure to ereblalon Glisuvia and rayhuwure "Ovarull, Owes enpecting more finish." Will Sranbach will be back foc a.aa :a usa from my gays. Taword the ead Despite steady work byNacth annlheccompaignon Iba beak- 0050aoaaoloa0l uf the secoua, it was really 00m- nophomace goalkeeper Dunroy line in fruot of beeper Mirande. lag together und we were play- Miranda, she 'b'revtenontruet "We havearice yocog group ing well," said Edmi000er, whose again midway ahroagh the uee- ucd I'm excited aboet baut - teem bad defeated Carmel end nod half and completed the scor- yeecl," Stdmirater said. "Nonn,we tied SeerSeld. ing late whoa the Vikings punhed hace io gel sbr'ung lesderakip in hq\q "lAgalast Now Trier) we just numbers forward. the offneason, get in the weight hod soma teouhla holdieg unto ream and make thinga happen-. I Oiles herb's Alessnrdca Scare 15) gsS r tOs scv ola trick by Neo Tiler's AalS Spioer ike ball and keeping peasascion. Semifinal success: North's Kenic loco the Seid) rent season." Friday darin0 Ile ralinral ahasrpinrslip nstoh. Baso Irr-Sar1000a Media Every time ace turned it over, .rblrureo buried the game-win Caaorrcend:pioroerr-lceal.ccao R PIONIER PRESI PORLI001ION 'Nil. www.yourseason.com sports 37 36 sports www.yourseason.com NIL' fitRtDSV, 00003ER 55,loll Resurrection Notre Dame blanked in playoffs g 0e,ncoonn By DAN SHALIN jonioe midSeldee Joe Han-good, solid domitien mak- Matthew Bnamey-Shanman Nezirevic discovers his scoring touch ds halic@p 1er eerie ea). Za n cock, nephomrne faa'mand Ii ing, severed a lot of gnnund are espented 2e make Open Houses blab cod it larded et Cha feet of goalkeeper Daeny Niedaielo- Smett Sertes aud sesionand left it elbe the field,"smosih Or005itiass to van- Thunsduy, Neonn, Song West advances to -i-- Sowood. The widSeidem made SOCCER - Nstmo Dame gasikeapen Knistien Anna-Caudill said "We knew he slIp, while fmeshmas Lunas 6:30 re 8:30 per op an sceller miesnd oppantuai. Maine Seoth played with head noanh Chris Caedigta all played weil in themould be esha050ed at theCarbon appears to have u Sandag Dea S, 2010 Maine South Op hammering the hell lolo Cha three forwards -.-Msilane, soc. noid that although his teamnosiest. end ofa motab beneuse hebnight futuma es weil. 2:00 rs 4:00pm played well, it lost toe bet- "At timat hwhen) wewoeku so hand." Ceudill said it will be Sectional net from iS yards out. loe Seo Hansen and eenioe Shadow Days "Dorvood avosol'attin sholay in Milee Termene .- for wash of ter team in the IHSA Classmema p55r, we also got Hancomhissneofsenee-hemd to neplane the lead- SA Loyola Regional semi-tome pssibiveraoolts,"al tolented play ere oohed-ership al senion imi-eep- 7rb & Beh greda ginls tiro beginniag, rowe took him the seaood half, bat neuldc'l welcome re shadow By DAN SI4ALIN aol end talked in him," Achmes anIce the Hiles West reargesord. final against Maire Westsaid the seesnd-year noam h oled in metums in 2011.talos Aleo Eabosci, Sam os Ort. 1W. 773.775.6616 Ens 12W sh oli rp io ne e rie ca ic r o said. "He sold, 'Coach, i'mgaiog "biles West ieastroa g team, ao he loahed bank snobeSectes mill be bank altemHsnafltonaedbirhMebstt. tegola cod i'm going to flete scud dafenaicely," States taid. The No.19-seeded Doesse050s. "We'd reise eonleading the team with Camwasirpierrrriraofroea SMCCEBNilosWeotrereived goal.' From thaI point on, ha "They don't breah down in ibe 15-8-71 macaged ta beeplevels ta ssme teems andceceo goals ibis yeae. www.reshs.org a goal frolic a freshman and one mes really focused!' borla. Wo pushed three fenni- the No.2 Wemriers off theploy down ts others. I Sophomoreattaahem fronce nesior to reptare the pro- Darrood has bean oconshad- corners forraord, and it did scone hoard foe SSmirotesgao se that's o sigo of is-Erich Heroandes is mapa- gram's first regional title since owed by mìdfioid pantoor anuos scme conlosion. Sut we before Maine West snorednosristenny. We're atillhie of puttiog the baltic a lais gaal and odcannadlooking to build long-term.the net, end jasions Mank 2006. Thomas Vilbowil, the team's weren't able to capitolina." stale 1t5CL er Freshman forward Ozenon leadiog scorer. Sai Arlemos osa 1-Owinnen, Lest year, wo hod just nNedoley and Antheny fila- BANKRUPTCY "I was happy with onefam bids with very gsodSemmstl aeo hznd-monhing yaces neyent omeTs Nezrecocruak in the first holt soid Saa000d's contributinn bus SeBeiliRelSaTian Walvss oneri and senlee midlieldar David Sa- buen lacy to West'osareess and noves different goal scoreenia loam in the fimal helf. Weshills. Thia year, rochadadefanaive midOeldena who FROM $350 Total* wood eappsd off o floe scanod- io the regioaeol final, Dawood their 7-O rain ecor Ncrthsidc osacated extremely well,mora well-mounded teem,also naoplOp001hz bomb- 9115es West's Jaime Zepeda 12) neolgatos araurd Meise teaS's Siseas taesroala defesdimg them long crass-hat moybe we mene lack-line. Jsaiom midfieldee V'!-.uolrollr!rl!r!r-r half performacre with a goal to during fie lacerias Retissai foal oc Friday.Erie Osais-fer Son-fines Meile liad his tore accoster stage. Prop in the rogiosal semifinal Why pay more! Talk to a Lawyer! defeat Moioe Sooth 2-0 in Fri- es," CaudillI said. "We had log thst kill em isstisct.WeRafa Mona ha anothen reg- Know your options. "Usually, Decid doct the morii ooOrt.IS. Pinding the nei mece nome asuntanattuabs, but ulan eopemted bank nent day's Evanston Reginool foal. board in the 27th miente when "Soosan han been hi thot Irrer- ond Thomas geta the goals," sophomore Chris Tomato, didn't have 12009 stars fell. Make the right choice The Wolvea improved toto-2- sophomore widfielder Sobert leg) pnnitios all year long," Ark- jost didn't pnt the ball isMike H eamp and Ciemos Aclamen seid. "Iparanad) la osa- Zopede, omnior Pero Joveic, oca- Robiesoni ta Onish." 4 and ndaanosd in the Maine Urnsrv slid e pese to junior for- mon seid. "Sot ha's just o fresir- ally the 00e behind ib e acense loe Liam Ryan, sophowone the oct. IMaine Went) was Ssphomnme defeoden snarlplriun . r-rlrrlrs Experience Counts! Sooth Sectional semiSsal against ward Jalma Zapede, who feci helping Them os creole stuff. o little sopamise tous, aod ND did heme a talentedRpae Znellom pot tagethee iLI:O)'lIli OLI won and lao's looming our sys- Daniel Roasa, Neeiravir nod it nhomed in the eed. Giveionien midSaldan in bao-some airs pemfsmmanreu Mather scheduled for Teesday. Neairea'ir. Thebigfeeshwunbeet tem. Ha's had e lot of opportuni- 0000llythe goalnorearowbi- Urosec. omrdit to Meinn WerL" merk, the tram's only all-altee o lote-s enano corri- Maine South 10-11-4) mey have keepar Riaherd Saleb for his ties libe thnt. Tha hid hod tobe netioo ploy hesmeen thelmo al Maize Santh sanioc Marc Za- enperienred foligno io Ihn nor- fnsrth goal of the sonsos. Caodili said 500mm mid- confcresca soleahion. if aell-sp. Clernmotes ner000sas herb." ihom. Sot in ibe secraid helf, peraniuk scored the game -svio- fieldee Mike Conniegham, s, ood half, raid brake head roach Wolves hoed mark SaattArb- biles West had e number of Sornond moli it and went!' non in the fnnrth DT against "He was aensistoetlyAsdp McGiem ood Dan States, aftar playlog 000e mas said his y000g striker hod other scoring chanoos in the seo- Meise Sooth's bosi craning Evanston that same night. Mol- overtiwes in ito 4-S ragineel heenin000sistrolls frost 000ho oed half, bot most onded up is ayportanity came Id minales Irre, senior Kevin Murphy and nrmifiool wie over Scaanten goal thin soasan, bel Neeirevir Saleb's capable harda. Thos, laso Ohe scrond half when sea- neoior Stevan Gurononia nino three days reellen boned the ahnt rohen it most with 20 minutos remaining, the los forward itiahord Mailene fnoodthe net. Nifes Wost got on tirs srare- counled. Hawbe failed tocleorerorrea' was thwarted by West senior Coritoierif;piorieemlccol.roro Newspaper Websites Olen holds hope for Nues West feeder Reach 2 Out of 3 Votérs programs Don't miss this opportunity to Get more By MATT HARNESS taailed 14-Ois the Orse qnertec she nr e s eSp ion ne r lace leo o Thoy pulled erithia esame01lIra efficiently target your constituents. for less: holt, bait fell behind 20-T and advertising cireulars, coupons, FOOTBALL - Nibs West's foot- - Newspapers provide advertising deals, travel specials and more. ball scarna dido't go as the Seco Loabriel threw iron teach- Wolves ploosed, but as least ooe down poseer, one to Onetioga that Include print It's all online at eip2save.com! pinyor woo 01mayo happy tobe Ochoa ond another to Lovable and oflhlne to meet the no tier field. Jordan. Øchoicés VOTE - Ryae Olee tore Ohr MCL in hin Ail ihnen nao for biles Wont's needs of your campaign. 1f1 linao during the team'oi4-12 4olOO-motem stelo ehampiomhip win over Maine East io Week S relay lost apelag. cod missed the next five gonceo. Aitheugh the Wolves ame S-IS The third- year seo loe was in the lost two soasons miCh two For more information, contact Check out over 300 new and valuable grocery coupons today! neared io ploy the final game of wins ovan Maine East aed osa che scasos, for she Wolves' 26-14 ogeinni Wauhegen, Oleo soaso Susan Blatchførd. last io Wauhegon on Satarday bnight future soder 1mo-peur Oleo didn't roqoire sa-gaga bot roach Santi Saum. - ecssenisiau srraeuens .000raes. ossue ha did morii with the sahool'o ath- "Por oui-e," Oleo said. "He's lotie treleer dnriog erheb. doing a greal job with the feed- 3 12.32-t .2956 Deapita missing matt of his esteems. Tha players them cre saciar saasoe, Oleo pried ap plea- naming up ano mono hoomledga- tyofgoodmemoriaapluyisgnitle Muet We Osait talirsoro cols fhrsaglr Waukegan defenders darinhe WslaeC hameseoiag game. JCPeniiëi KOHES ICorfs Lshnkulrl-tor-Tinrss ohio. fam sot saying the foedne SU MEDIA the Wolves. Medie pregnam mas bud before, bol "Jest ihr broihee'hood and the they are a lot better sow." band f have with Iba grays," said years ego, Olon mme hin etica- him io tha outfield. biles West li-S, 5.1 CSL South) Oisn will heno rooting inteersi pan adeentisleg anroematlee please sonsaco MIke Speellog, Olee President, tharasai'ver and picoteo "That's tino io proporing for bosaball "i'm trying to donido whet I dogliselfahole emlpisitshowe- io the prsgeam'n sonneos. His aaleertlslsg. at sell 406-lelrnnyoar lessi asseast esesarlee, r somethiaagyouheceforthorrot with a linee folly healed. want to play in rollega," Oleo rnming contest. The Weivot yausger brother Adam playrd of your life." The osility player believes said. "fewleaoingtowardhase- breed abo ball Over ne acab of on thn feashman tram osano- After giving up basketball two coach Oarey Gustafson will use ball eight now, but mcmiii see." their Sont two ponsassioras end relven and lisabemhor. 38 www.pioneerlocal.com NIL THURSDAY. OCTOBER TB, 2010 O PIONEER PRESO PUBLICATIONNIL www.pioneerlocai.com 39

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The Illinois Is Broke campaign is calling for reasonable reforms to the statets pension and In addition, 266 Illinois school teachers and administrators retiree health care plans-including raising the retirement age, lowering automatic retired atage60 after fullcareers.Theaveragevalue of their cost of living adjustments, and requiring public employees to contribute more towards pensions? About $1.4 MILLION. their benefits. ASK YOUR CANDIDATE: Most taxpayers whowillpayforthese benefits CAN'T retire at 55or60, DON'T Doyou supportpension reform? Or just a tax increase? have pensions worth $1 MILLION, and DON'T e e e - O -i i have FREE health insurance. e e 40 sports www.yourseason.com MIL' flORINS, ff10916 tI,loll' I PINCER PRESS PIIBLI061IIN 'NIL www.yourseason.com sporta 41 Nues West and Northon Karp to represent Wolves at Niles West Sectional ohehaetohewiththem. If she's sien SutSo came io 06th (00:40) Entire Wolves thero, she has u ohot." and freshman GOlan Flippa mas collisioncourseinreional boys team makes I(orp Sniohrd floh (19,14) in the 33rd )perscoal-keat 21h00>, OSSA Cloue SA Loyola Regional, Fishing Charters, Hunting, cut el Hecms Woods in Glenviewnn Boys Showdown of Satorday, helping her 050m to Nilso Wentgnished fourth 1150) Campirg, Equipment third pInce (1691 ond aseclionel 00 the Loyola Rngicmal tocado By GAO SHALIN record-setting berth. qualify for the Hiles Wast Sec- - CAPTAIN ALS BOAT LEEFFREDDIE BEAR SPORTS dshallnap loe ee500S leo e White the Megumi hteehi-led tiesul, 10a.m. Saturday. Ofo nHrs9 opponents Wo) sos rearhed the s000e moeo JuviorNeobOmurdan toninth Buy,s USED Guss CROSS COUNTRY Hilan West lost yrar, the teem'a gools will be 115:111, eclipsisg 16h00 fur the Gus COLLECTIONS girls team ecphomore Nickelle more modest wkeo Ike race be- Sent time. By DAN SHALIN (312) 565-0104 Karp io not among the fuvorites giRe 00 ow. Soiordny. "The mein thing is (Omurl got 708 532 4133 Os ha lis@pio seer 150514 em to Rem an indluiduat alote berth "0 dsn't hava amy dslooions of oat hand ond tesOed himself on eopteleelsehcrtervdsm s7EiOOekrorhIse,neIeyrssILIo4n not of SuturdayS Niles West Sen- grandeur, but Oho tepiD would tite Scot mile," ooid West heod VOLLEYBALLNilos WesO be greet, with everybody run- coach Vanhm Looghran. "Hewom entern today's 4A playoff But ifKarp is within a cheat of ning their personaI-bests," Hss- in the thick oliO, not with Ohs top opemeragalostLiocoloPark one cf Ohcse opois late im Sat- eltco arid. "We boceo liSt of the goya, but the oecsnd sort of podo. knodcing each victory will arday's rare, Wolves hood cooch top porfnrmanccs oc our home He isst got soconger and the third he a school record. Amo Heselson said not to bot coarse nisca they monito there wile was futter Ohon Ike seoomd, The Wolves (00-il) broke against the youegnler. mileu. I'd like tosse a lot cf the wiolek always is a good sign." their precisan mark of 59 "9 lenI that if she pots herself girls get in the sop 1000 Ike all' West junior Mece Julien, stilt with a two-gamo triomph im striking rango, nobody ost- time litI. 'fhot is our motioution," nursing on injury, Sninbed 11th over Waokegao 000cL 19. hicks Michelle," the coach said. WestJonior Asume GoodenSo- (11:55), junioc Duvid Ivarton wem To advertise in Two oights later, Glee- "If sho's with Ihose girls, I fent ished 18th l2O0Sl nl the regios' 27th (16:4I),jonior Moo Hoshi brook South polo domper Miles 10101's Iron tekhet. oho earnet all-0001eresoe henos Oho ptrsious neoN, qael' sorry fur them. She will pull it al, sophomore Rachel Bender took 32nd (16:561 and senior on Nibs West's Senior Night 11,4 oui of telunday's Loyola floss 550(59 seqisse). I Joel Lerner-Soo'Smes Medie togasker and eal-hich them. Sut crossed 211k (tIllo), junior Jen- Viohol Pìs'yani placed 41st 107:181. The Great Outdoors festivities atibo thcee-gaeoe Vielocy. West had 11001e an- call 630-978-8229 swer lcr Wiscoosis-boond hitler 011ao Chapman and to speak with a sales representative. dcopped 104-Gis the Sooth North boys, girls advanceto State en masse and Sniohed fifth. "She's such a forco," Weol individools - st the Stats head coach Stacy Metoyer Both squads MenI," Horym seid. "Warring RUSH DERMATOLOGY said. "Oho's sock a great iv Shckle some major letdowm, I Seel good player. Whenalseccogetco qua1iI from about 00m chancen in 1h00 re- the ball, they areagreat godd." Brise K, Denish, M.D.. Ph.D. team. That's why they won regionals conference. When we teck Girls leerle S. Cheseg, M.D. her out of the game, we won. Bn DAN SHMLIN Nues North finished fifth ot 05012 Ce,tjf,Od Oe,eotaluikt Team-wise, we match op do helm® yin e re slot e 1.0 orn 500ucdoy's Loyola Regional, lady C. Dy, M.D. pretty well wilh tlsem. Bao roroing the 60cl qualifying spot eae,d Cert,fed cerneloloasl she is their extra weapon." BOYS CROSS COONTOY.Nilrs for Oha Niles Wsst Sectional al shBstaIMrhta, M.D. Outoida hitter Jordyn Norib boys seem bend coach Don II em. Saturday. It warho the Tole, right side Cosita Tassi Idorye aod hin sqaed anhiecad prOlrsm'sSvetsripinlxe years. and outside hitter Nicnle their objective of advancing not Loading the muy Inc North was T,sereno of sk,s. Moy all have bers playing of S000rday's IHSA Class SA jonioc Clara Williomoon, mho I'm- j flsorn2042aerseo well lately Meyernoid.l Lcyola Srgional. inked 120k 119:181. Ohrer ore wembera ofa tan- The coech amo knows the North l,ead eouoeh Loueen i or class that mode siguhli- Viloingo mill need a mock Stuosp arid Ike Orso poor coonar coot ronscibutiarn te the 6lire West's J0060 lele Ill) oieds sp fera spike Oldest len islesCollie trh,slahl-10n'lwee Medie stronger parfcrmanee ii they hosachanco locaem000ofsevem TO SCHEDULE AN APPOINTMENT. program. arr io grob one of Ike five al- individrool 01010 berths. "Talent-misa and attitode'finsi at 6p.m. todoy. Thetnncncord fermios. thot levai nl iolensity and PLEASE CALL (047) 560-9911. large spots foc the Stete Meat "I vhlok sloe has gellen the solar, they are oso cf Ike winner meets either No. O Alter taking SoerSeld te focos, we should be oucceso- when it compatea in Oho Riles hangof roce strntngyandpae_ 4515 WeSt Cdl Od., 00,19f I. Siokie, Ill bettgcoups mn've badin sloe Nilso North or No.10 Venthree games, heed coachful going farwscd." West Sectional, ti sm. Sotar. ing, and 5h05 enady to push her- 052,4 by appointment IS yeam l'va bree hem," the Oteabas at2 p.m. SalardayMike Gott felt his Cenno Senior oalslde bistec day uelf," Stump said. "She'sjout a Canoen,ently located es,, Old 0558,4 Shorrira O,tIl, coach said. "Thayrespeat in the regional Snol. played scoli. Keiko Sogihara led the The Viloings 179 poinlol nnded eoohic, bot sho's euciled loba each other, gel aloog end "Ii woo encouraging, the Vikingo with 11 hills codais up Ibidet Harms Woods in hIce West's Neal loen mein 1651550es far Ohs frs) fine this eeasoe al talonday's Lsyole RetioneiJoel Lenoe,-550'fïmrs MeSa svhr,'cc shoe at. She's going to know what il means tabeeAt NOes North host we've played in a libtiedigs. Glcnview,boionly oneranner additloval appmieemens (m8lfnes fe, Roan Dermaoeloey boon Ou impcooe her Ilote il she team. Thera ore na oalt7sh North will bring a 25-14while," he said. "We've atill lo the defeat cf Maice bed a personol-beet. boive tu make sure torce reotcd 171k (pac000rd-bcut 16,20), copIo- Ito nice to see him use 1h05 asO- wamts to )udvaooe(." individnale and yna don'trecord 'moo its? p.m. region-bsenoninningmatches,butEast, Sugihara and sneicc "lt woo a tough doy for uo. Wo and rejovenatcd by tito time wo omorn Justin Sub Snieked SOtto bach 000 moli0000r." Noeth Scolor Leok Wmoobuwo- hace the typical drama youal semiSnel sfter wrappingwe hnven't been playingmiddle kittnrEnelspalooro dido'i run pertioolarly well," gohachonthecearto (oteen' ll6fll und sophomore Micek 1f Ohr taom docsn't omorolify, hi Oniuhod 211k lfS:06),junior Snd on many teems." ap Che regal or season withgreet. The lust gems1 theyhad sevrn killt apiece, Horyn said. "Maybe thece wen tionalol." Belier come im 2Srd (16,30). boOlo Papanoglou nod Sebhat Kctlrooine Sete woo 50th (00:401), aIa) 942-2195 18401 458.4500 13121 942-2195 o loss st DeerOeld and wintook it to us, but,tyele-Pol asso reesededtoue not enough of s sense olor- The Vikings were led by sen- "It's good to ore lChattho's( could odconded Downstate no soploomora Jessico Srond placod Gamo Boyo TheNu 4-seed- over Meine Itest lo l'aoitk 6-sponded aad pleyeoljthr(l.blacks end aenior right olde gooey ou our part. The biggar ior Kosto Paposaglau, who So- hord work pay off. He's coo- thair own. Seth ren ut the IHSA 361k(21:12) ond freshman ed Wolves will foce No.164m the COL North. With aWe werd J ost eresln ifRebecca Gilbert regiatered concrrvo'o that gays looked ished sixih in 10,31. Jusior Aros tribuling well," the coech said. Stats track meel last aprisg. Trimrtte Lo pea ocoss ed 4100 wwwnllih,edll íD L'mcoln yaek'm the Class 4Avictory tonight, the Vihiogtpoints skeet io Ike lkirjlfour cors and right diga. sluggish end did ont look uhr Sebbot mou 50th (16h01, senioc "Ho (necrowlyl misoed oil-eon' "So Hiles Nacth will hove n (11:481. Lincoln Park Regtonel semi-would tic their single-sea-game. tI sve can play withCnmweni:piasearlccafcaof they were having monk foe. Wo Mshommad Ckaitloa placed ference and soon upe ro by lhaO. hoya eroso ceonlry team - or C000eoeol:pioneerlocafeemo 43 Spdflc A PIONEER PRESS POILICAAIOR 'NIL wWW.pioBeerloCal.Com Ski saghagEdjEors RichMartin Phones (847) 486-7481 E I rneoutin®pionnnrlocat.corn Local I: SOCCER: WALDES QUALIFY ITA NAINE SOUTH SECTIONAL BOYS CROSS COUNTRY: NORTH AND WEST ADVANCE TEAMS TO HILESWEST SECTIONAL VOLLEYBALLi VIKINGS, WOLVES TOLD MEET IN REGIONAL FINALS I A ATHLETES OF THE WEEK Dons' defeat drawstough foe FOOTBALL GAME DAY Passi NO5eS5W TAft Celer Nazareth scores Linebackers list career intereep- CLASS NO PLhWOFIS Irr ifl the tourIE guarter helped with 14 seconds FIRST TOURD the Dqles secure their second Wise Rn 13 NoIre Doce IN-dl ooesnrctiee playoff trip toe the remaining et Ra.4 Odes leak IT-Dl 841 tiere ir prujrarn hislery. When: 1 pri. Sotirday leSen Femo, Maine SOuth Sen- Where lIASSes toed, Fa:k ByELI 000EROR Ridge Ce ht rib its Nearer Owe blanked punts ir Whet te leek loIr TimHecho senred et rosI 42 palets in all She Erst hell - ene rl which Vs FOOTBALL Netre Dame essen wins Their mesh impree- eeturred ter OTT - as the Hacke woe Nd secowds Arum wire- sian stOod vas e 43-1 detery captured their 10th CAL Truth wiwg ita sixth game wO the seer laaos000 ir Week 6.00e -rhampiseship ire rew. erasen cxci techiag np a Nildhits then nor three is e Danced Carter, Leysea jouter setid S1OOA ptayulf seed Pet- recte get heels sirs. The leteroeptilr with less than a dey aigles. Dens lest back-to-back games virate te PION slieshed the Raen- Then it all reme craching In oid Sie regular sealer, lui hiers 04-Dl win ruer SL Sta that et their heur lassas, her were Sere thaws chars rl their Test The Dews rtlwrred 0mw hy Ihren pdnts erlass. Retne Noeaewch teuchdrrr'ers hr the Dane lost in Week Sta Itarist, Cetholic League Nice lilie siens final 1:04 and fall ru the whinh Odre truth breI ir IN f3. Reodruemees OS-Sl One dra- Class EA title tame a heer ose r James Revese, Evanston seAts, maticEastSubxrhan Ahle is the secend 55055e ins Receive: sesgit ter TAs ir Ihr raw Notre Sens will play a Pick any phone asyqut',fr,ho'ñe,'. Carhelinettein The less Notre Gamy ball voiler Jack HeNer Odes Ir shed Rasoneth Anedewv delenlens Kee:r Reertcn lieltI ant third quarter le help the Wildkils drepped tVetrw Dome te V- Ieee terri the CSL loath in the relIt leurs 31 prirts dsee ir 340 4everattendtrtheNr. Nailon Lninq.Revir Tneeha-lrr tas-Arrise Media TisI rcurd The tons lest On when you buy a Droid Incredtble cinterO ever Glerbrrek South. 53 reed iw the Clase NA play- ring the deficit te three Sirebnook teeth 25-DT ir 2009, Sceepkaer.eqssl srieeèesslseatrerspsò$leeebsIi-inrrksseosblesdntii' : - This is Ihr TisI ending be- .Rewa-er.aairscisqerbeeeeboneC. NEW! Samsung Fascinate"" r Efe. peints. - u tween the neig010rin5 schreie RObS SOCCER ND mitt epax pustseasrw An nnnide kick Totlewrd, a Galaxy S"" phone but rnhee the ball failed re tree 5005. necean fire505vee, Oiles West play er the reed cguinae e Android'" muscle behind - frartiveewded Maine OraR. trendt ha wecesear y IA temes SCHEDULE freshmen -, yerds, 1kw gama appeared Lechaceteig Tn-It a super AMOIIEDdisplay' leered the Arel gcel in e D-O erie The Horehe 17-01 hove mow hock-tv-hock Class NA crate Sehe erer ence agein. I Nheaten Carre seule Sent ta-r NEW! LG AI!y' erse Maire troth theO reined the ehompirrehips wed ere ew But a rambla by Ptwirw W lIssIert Pari el-O Verizun Wtreléss 3G Enelustee FREE Nc. 1-seeded Weises e regicrel rcwcew-game winning Dam e earn:nghreh Cerner INdes Wort ON-D l:eel-rr,eiisi-ltfsnaiEle rho wpie r e hip. etrerk utter teeing their Erst Themas as he tried In eux N files Isst st-O Touch-screen slider -. rossereebiesacd sesuieOs Alee Uederweed, flew Trier Owe gemee ir 200V. eat the riedegure the finad- W Eressirn or-R with Awdepid nncuscle jfss,wasssssekese. -- freshman -ranwerceenerned life-Led - 'We'rejosr geing te have Yl'RaUleush'4L-ID Secret e Scat end assisted en te murk herd lin praprea- hyihete senior qoarleebenlo, WGlrnbrsektcsls Sn-Ic FREE two othe:s es the Teeciass beat riraI,' said Dews otoarrer'-Narureth haished rfA ihn A leni Trin: 40-31 lsefa.ycerier-geeosll-le - Nies Neeoh 3-Str wir e relierai drive with a lO-ywrd pass muore dr ile ssed. srqsleea a bwch Tim Whalen. "No nSYeE SWRE 5C5SEO5LC Sitie. game's geiwg te be easy, and trwm Behrendt Ir receiver Relie Demeb Ordern Frerser 1411 act Jerk Metnt:ee teem ap te lleSedaraescl500. Wnseeieks3-lf we ham e ter Ir iewp:'ece en-" JreyDeSimenw with 04 cec- brieg done Neca:elh ucadeete Rilar tu:anty during EndeAr oree ir W5t. ucinen co-u VIALS A ENN IO Up Ol-lOrwith less then five eada tek regine the visiting Riles. I Keule Asnaketsr Sue-Arise Redis miwnten left in Nilec, Relee team a dramatic min. LvaniotsT-15 - Hansen Ya, Gteebreeie North nrthingte lese. The ebilily Deme punted and downed "Adler the third quarrer, t tnorhdemws Acerbe Dews. e sneer or-ei Nurareth head neech Tim en their rest er le claarly lydien Catsete T-OS 1011 the ball ra Ehe 6-fard tire, don't really bnew mhat hap- Earred third place ir Nnqleo ssO seemingly lenhing ap thepened," said Whalen, why Rachi said that despite Olee threw." WIE Famish Dl-00 Oli ph eras eeqsulea ssrcn 2-frs e efilaflee. Wh lie eopplies 55es. the etatehcornaOnert ht bealinp eenfwrcnce wia aguiwnta finished with ho paesiwg extreme, NeGre Dame ir net The loso time Helen Demo Rolenisrd seuls aru - Mordeleirb Ori DeshIce T-b Y-6 Neeareth ream that hadyarde. "We just ceuldn'tthe type of team cnhnwlc met Mdxc Orxth, Ihr Llsrmelet-A IT-41. Deehlen hed upset tcp-sesd- nrruggled ir meve the halt mene the ball atter ihat. Yen mont Or fane, neme pluyotfhtawles detected the Dens Lssssrathterdsnjf4-51 OS-T in 2002. The Dens alce ed MaUdis Lipp eerier ir the alt helf. Ear Slnedruwwera have ta give them alce nf fell Ir the Hauler in TAOS. querterbach Matt Behrendt credit." "They have Ube chitity tu "They cree bottle-tested vr cee Inching feemavd lv VERIZONWIRELESS.COM VZW.COM/STORELOCATOR Merk Gnnegiedis ned Eeeshiy namplered eight panero en Themar bed 154 yerdsscene peints ned mece the 1,800,256,4646 team Ibas ployr greet dur- it. Enerybedy is 0-A nnul Barrettn, Rem flier the drive re mrve the ball rurhieg, inclndieegalo-yardball, red they havre Irogh Roehi said. dcmentvl foetbell aud areund everybody has n ce,::,vea,:e,,u,s Planed tsarth in dcvblee at the derreelteld and c'umnhngberh trachdersenatraightrhreulh defenae," ealeaeiaes.cIlieo:15f, defenne. "They're dung erras aces- very explesina," Beweessay ehrewe. That's all yea cue chale tcornennsrt es the Tresiars JeeYrnswgns scampered tate the Noaareth lib::5cssesse,sa:nlegbesnEsslseaiIsklreeryeRererecese.wn.5slslrdsblles:ulelecaecsoeveSsseleele laesees.Selppiescssrsesweeseele.11eIied.11nrstteo.ssslllcscmaueea:kstlsecrlletru.AlcatelLucent 4 innen and thai now hogurd eaid. "StY geing tu bc a gnert ank fon" enes sarre ir third raerali in Ohr hears thu end nene frem three Nicheles Pieraceiwi and Je- seaile:elsisdwnseslre.scsdsnde:ll:rece.alotivatssnvlelrn. ramyflurges oddad enehing fer them, bcerase Obey hrva challenge fee eue bids, and Commert:pienrrrlccafcr:fl stardirgs. yards extruith 1:04 tek, nut- FACTORY DIRECT



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