. : - , . A - . . ir I :ÑILESand , 1qRTONGRQVE -Ail 16,OJ hoñ* _; oiivwv- \tELUtv SEP2s 1999 i Bulk Rate U,S Postage lII :Tû;. B'A I 1) . Bugle--News soCENTS FEB00 N 05 PERCOPY MILES PUBLIC LIBRARY 6960 SALTOS ST.

. .

. 7400 %VAUKISGAN RO, NILES IL 60714 . ; TH1JRsDAy,s RILES IL 60714 VOL 43, NO.13

I h1 +1 I ' 130,000 square foot building will store 75 trucks, igliL O Litee1 ys Construction staying within $9 million budget

at MG meeting : . TM0 trnd Sam olor as Ehe cl Public %Vorks facilityon p on Pro Tem Dwight Commitsat::ehadques o er Roepenack not OflcgardngaSpecwlUsepe

schedule- . - - for opening . :NextelCommunications,. The élecoical or nihêr intùferesce; Panoli would allow 1h campa y The representativfrom Necio] by Rosemary T no to usia]] a i le ommu hafens told the Plan Commission and Tb Ippy comb aal on ofpre ne lyearsaid Bob Pilai admis n es m gbt posh ompleiten into antenno-oo. on 00251mg smoke- oesideathihat lherewòold heno ast co ei d uausaally good isiralive assislant io Directo No siàck, which iscn-a building at the sunmiermooths syorrics, asantennas ofiltis type we ilr Itas pat construction of riega although he con eded th i P 1 iaid two separate b ud 850] Froñlage Rnod. The anice-: are regilaind bythe: Frdcrl ihn new p blue works build ng at any problems w th ufti ey cumpa Co t ed no Page 38 na will cnnsisi oflhreepanel an- Câmmanications Commission Tonity andPeonks avenues a little lencas. It will bè 70 feethigh and Conlinued on Page 311 atinad ofSltdnle according to Tcef4ofJuui) NorieSa,Nilesuji- Kenßeth Hoffman, Joseph Bérnstein,. :.cuofofpublicx4ork. :NiIesyoith 15, 1çommîtS er of Morton lawyer developer . - Although -construction of ihn .nhR;' baitdikig stirfeel considerable suicide in forestpreserve

House in MG dies dies at age 87 coidthvdrs' lustyeor because it . byRosemutryTirio Joseph Williäm BereOtcinat- Konoo1h.BoÇfcnon°Iife- sbfefsilat&l the removal of the ; A 15-year-old Nibs atüdeotgo -Police delectivo, made ihn bhf -cuident of Morton Grove, money und real osIate developer populorJozwiok Park to the new- who helpd developtlie Village -was found tying in a tifeleüs state --grimdiscoverywhile riding his who brought Ihe cncept-ofseo- ly created Piöneer Park on Seven os the ground of thd- forest pm-bike through the off road trail in sonal feslivals to his Morton Plaza in Mortoh Groveond the acres atTouhyouidHárlem, elli- serve is the 6lOQblock of Ho-thewneds. -- Noose restaoranl00g before Cour-Iv ofAmber Woôds in Glen- - cials bern able lo placate resi- ward Street around 5:18p.m. The Niles man went heme and ChicagoFestorTasieofChicago view, passed away in Highland -dents living behind the coostruc- Sept. 15 with what appearod tobegollais father, who aecómpaaied Park Hospilol SepI 18 of heart were ever dinamed of dt d SepI lion cône by keépingPraoks a single gunshot wound ro thehint back to the scene and notified l5al St: Francis Hospital, in foilnre. Avenaeopeo fortheiruse. heod. Niles police, who in lora notified- Mr Bernstein who resided in Evanston Mr Hoffman was7l "We're shooting fork Libe new  19-year-old Nibsman, who -the Cook County Forest Preserve : Hoffman wasintroduced Glencoe was horn on Chicago's Public Works DeparlrnenLnild- happons io he the son of a Chica- ContInued o.Page 38 tothehoupiRolily bosiness eae1 in Wesi Sido. Ho gmduated from Ihr ingi lo be completed by May of . lher'slife whenohé worked in his fa- Universily of Plisáis ai Urbana eslablishmeol, Vals Toe- Champaignalage IBandeniereci Cnntinned On Page 38 - Continued on Page 38 - aineTownship's National Night Out Prairie View and INSlDE Oro1e Pool receive

. Health& 'face. lifts' by Christineçapli.îger Fitness - Adminisradve B1anoger Gaiy Pages 6-7 Boilingopdatedthe- Morton Grove Park District Boded of -t. Cammissioneis on the sanas of twofacililies improvements. Women First, Prairie View Community Pages 8-9 . Cooler underwent resloratido of its healing, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC). This pro- Community jëcthas been cnmpleted. The con- ContinoedonPage3B Caèndar District 219 Pages 10,11 firesPUbitY ......

. : School director Karras : Pages 20-22 byRosemaryTirlo 16-r' Unsolisfacloeyperformance. - including failure lo cnmplete two GeWngreàdylodistñbeitèpñzesto chuldrenpa,ticipatlngin Moine Townahlp'sNatlonalNighl Otilare Home Style newsletters and a brochure, were (!eftto right) William Yates RobotS Tomasselti PeterDouvalakls and Vito Selvaggi emp!oyeea of the Maine TanmshipHighwayoepar]nientandinfron](Jecgtorfght) Bella Garnblno Dawn andJessica Kray .amoiithe reasods ilrdby Dis- Pages 27-29 : leidSuperintendent 219 Griff flak Onceagain 'hhaHlghwayDepa#mentvoiunleeredits eguipmentandstaffforthe 16th annual Na ; Continued oaPage 38 tlonaiNightOutAgeinsfcrime, tolnsureasuccéthfùl evènt" said Comm!s.sloner Robert Provenzano. 4'

PAllas J PAGE 2 Maine Township hires neWenforcementofficer Nues PublicInformation Officer Centennial OpenHouse The Nibs Historical Society is maintain and beautify the Corn- - . . - Sgt. ed. Maine Township trustees - - Roger-Wilson tanking forward In meetiog and . retires, goés The Nitos Historical Museum OKdthehieieg ofaneW Enforce- munity. to Skokie greeting "Most of the complaints seem . Nilesitesandtheir it epnn every Wednesday and ment Officer to fillthe vacancy by Rosemary Tifmn friendsat to come from theresidents them- CentennialOpen Friday 10:30 a.m.-3 p.m.; other left when the previousEnforce- After moré thak 30 years of House, Oelobor 9 through Octe- srlves,"saidKufltanch"1le , lennuged boy who had fallen into timesbyappointment.Cull ment Officeraccepted a full ame service to the Nileu Police D4 very quicklythatmost nfthe resi- LakeMichigay near Chicago's ber 15. For the first lime, just 847.390,0160 fur mare ioforma- position as a policè officerwith parluianl, Sgt. Roger N. Wilson priorIn the Big Hiles on Oc- dents -aro prond oftheir homes, - . Olive Park. Wil/oomas offdst lion. We took ferward to seeiug. the Cook CountySheriffs' On- announced Sept, t9 that he will lobee 16, the Moseum will he and are concernedwhen codes and sailing Iris Sea Raypower you. paetment. retire effective Oct. 1. upen every day for one week- Privy Archaeology began bss are eitherignored or not ful- haut when hr sow that theyouth - Septem. 0mg tCaruanch, 44, A native of Cleveland, Ohio, was in trouble. flejumped off his Saturday und Sunday, October 9 ber2d, I999-2p,m. official duties io Augustand is lowed." Wilson, 52, moved to Ike Chica- Karnoach sold that hr mainly hoot "in very cold water" inun of- und 10, l-5 p.m. each day and respondingtocorn- go asca with his family "the day Monday threugh Friday, October Ceuteunial Opea Huste- Oc' presently looks for violatioosand problems fort to save the bay's life."It was tober9-15, plaints within theunincorporated after my high school graduation" Just one ofthose thingsyeu du," ilthrough 15, 10:30am. ofMuincTOwnshiP not ash- such as improper vehicle storage, in 1955 when his father moved Centennial Tea - November areas maintenance, Wilson said modestly. through 3 p.m. Decents witi bean erwiSe covered by muolctpal oc garbage, exterior the family to Nibs after accepting hand to explalo special euhibitu 13-14, 1999 -t p.m. ait at the accessory buildings,vegetation "lt [the NPDJ wasa great place Niles Hiutericat Museum, 6970 citycodes. The position was the position ofcemptrotler at the to work," Wilson said. "I had which have been installed fur tite and driveways andwalkways. Un/eu Liueu Supply Copmpany a Milwaukee Avenue. craatrd in 1998 to address about pest grout SO-year career." year enjoyment. We erge you to designed to "We're also coocorued on Chicago's North Sido. many code violations After retiring from theNPD, take the rime to celebrateyoor Wilson atteudedjanior college Wilson will assumea similarpost history. Property tax and the NorthwestPolíce Acude- with the oeighborhiog SkokiePo- Our Fail schedule starts in Sep- bills delayed Nues NorthVocal Jazz group my in Arlington Heights befare lice DeparimooL tembnr with adelightfal program being hired by the Niles Police On Privy Archaeology, L'I intend le work as longus I Opro again to performat conference Department as a rookie patrol- can," Wilson laid."I'd like to House in October, also,a video gerloan will present a workshop manApril2l, 1969. SgI. Ruger Wilson have 30 moreyears at Skokie." pragram on Remembering Chica- The Hites Township Assessor Theaward wiuning Nues lu 1972, Wilson was trans- go, Centennial Tea in November has learned that there will North advanced Vocal Jazz En- for vocal and instrumental teach- countless interviews and issae Wilson's last doy in Niles will he be ade- ers, "Sound for Dsrnmies-Mics, temed ta the original Metropoli. hundreds of expertlycrafted Oct. I, and January 2000 with a special lay in mailing thesecond half sembleTakn One. has been iovst_F Mixers, and More." Hr will be tan Enfeecement Group, a local press releases. Twelfth Night Program. 1996 property tas bills. ed ta perform ut tIse IMEA(lIli-, recentlyappoifltedua newCOdo EnfcvcementOfficerforMuine Townuhip. Greg SgI. Ray Giovannelli said of Idea/lp presenting along with Gary Gond Greg Kamauch was drug ioterveotien group corn- Although Wilson described his Wilson's retieemrni and transfer, The Seciety would like tu cam- theConk CountyTreasurer rois Music Educators ofpoleutial code violutloon,undcovor¡he unincorporutodureuu of posedof undercover horn Gand Music and Sound nf will reapeud to reaident complaints officers years with the NPD as "u nice "It's Skolcie's gaia andour loss. pleIn Eles on Nitro orgunizations strivesto get these hilts out by Associatiou) 2000 Millenotom Townshipuupattoftho Townuhip'uprogram locontrol blight and gruff/ti. from lb suburbs nod the Cook qutetcareer," ho was the recipient and businesses und need your September 1°. The Treasurer AllState Conference in Peoria. Narthfield. Moine He is a knowledgeable andskill- an- Niles North has long been way we can remediasesmall happening as things improve," County Sheriffs Police. Por iwo of a Department Award furbrav- ful pulire officer. He'll be hard help to da se, ticipates a mailing date during the The confnrnnceWill be hold Jano- infestations lud esterminations, years, Wilson worked throughout cry in 1974 when he rescued to The Society is in the procoss of third er fourth week in Illinois known for its ontstanding Music maintenance of parkways, snow problems before they become big said Karuauch. "I'm basically a a replace." Scptem. my 26-29. Each year, that Cook County un the local level of adding tu files an Nibs organiza. ben. The payment date will schools apply, by submtttrng as- Department. Grogerman's "Take removals and other areas that ont ones, and spot those areas 'people' person, and enjoy work- be One" group has isst returned may not becallod in. ing with people ofall kinds. Eat I enforcement, "going after little ttans and businesses and we need thirty days after mailing. dition tapes, to prrfurm at the only violate codes, bot present Hites Township from a tour of Austria and Swit- A longtime DesPlumes resi- also know when someone's trying dealers, pot smokers and high LGH to host yourhelp. Du yoahavo any iufar- property tax conference. ¡MEA selects only: difficultiesforneighborsas school pushers," Wilsön said. "I mation (printed or verbat) thatpayers muy raumes Scott Bag- Nues North zncland. The group performed, hy dont, the now Cede Enforcement ta 'con' mo. Fortunately most peu- one group each year. well," he added. setf- was detached to that organization yen cao share with us en Mili Run nati, Hites Township Assessor,ut invitation, at the American Cele- "Even though Greg will re- officerwaspreviously pie respond quickly when a preb- healthcareer night (847) applied once before, in 1995, and: bration ofMasic in Salzburg and for two years," he said, "hut twas Theator, Banker Riti Country 673-9300 5255Maim won the campetitiots that year as spend to citizen complalots, there empoycd. "One of the reasons I tom is brought to their attention. LutheranGeneral Club,TamO'ShaoterGolf Street, Skekie. at the Jclontreaua Jitzz Feutïval, took thisjob was la not only help lt's alwayu o small number by still on the Nibs payroll." Hospital are areas where wo want lotukr a Some lime aftér resuming his millsponsor HealthCareers health care prefessious aod ob-Coarse and/or the Nitos Women's where a standing ovation and more prOactiveapproachas the community, bat tu do some- comparison that witt give you a Night from 6:30 to 8:30 Fe/ice Aaailiary? Minutes, fly- The school's choral director, thunderous applause brought the problem, but all the others make patrolman's duties, Wilson was p.m. tain iufarmation about salaries well," said Maine Township Su- thing that praducrd tangible re- appointed administrative tu the Wednesday, November 3, at Lu- and educational requirements. ers, givedways, pictures, menos, USE THE BUGLE Daniel Gregerman, will accam- stodnots back an stage for an en- perviuor Mark Thompsou.."Thafsalts - somethinBtbat I conidsee ap for it." theran General Hospital, 1775 aregrams, etc. wilt he anpruciat- . puny riso graap. ¡n additian, Gro- Nibs Chief uf Police, a punition There is au charge to attend he held for seven years in which Dempster, Park Ridge, ioOlson and advanced registration is sal he acted as liaison between the Auditorium,GraingerAtrium required. Lutheran General Hun- JOIN US You AreInvited NIles Family municipal caurI and the pahee and Yaektman Pavilion. pitai recruitutent will be uecept- FOR LUNCH to an department. Individuals considering health ingresumesandanswering In ¡985, Wilson was promoted care careers are iuvited tu attend questions. OR DINNER Open House andPersonalized Tour Fitness Center thts eveut la learn about prefes' 7 DAYS to sergeant and became a field su- For more information, call Jun Living Units & Suhes perniser, a pasitioe second in siens, talk with a widevariety of Wetter, 847-723-8336. A WEEK of our Assisted ¿(_L1L-L.l' at The Surgeon General's Repart command any to the watch cum- L-t-t: on Physical Activity andHealth mander, he explained. AFederal Savings eank Norwood ParkHome outlines evidence that people In 1992, Wilson was truss- Garden Club Wednesday, September 29,1999 who are inactive ace at increased ferred to his present position is - 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. of Morton Grove elsie for certain diseases. The re- . charge of support services and 60714 847/647-8282 Tea, haue advisesthatsignificant Supervisor of Communications 8S1 N, MilwaukeeAvenue, NUes ldecetne a personalIzed toar,enjay Southern Sweet port The Garden Club of Morton Growing plants new 10 you Intimate Feeling Mug) and cookies wIth as,listen to health benefits ran bnubtained by andEmergencyCoordinator. 7840N. Milwaukee Avenue, Nues, Illinois All New Decori But the Same coffee (Compllmenlurt/ including a moderate amount of Wilson directs the comp/es cem- Grove will holditsmonthly and your garden can he a stima- South, and recebe u complimentarydin- taring challenge. Emphases cao That Our Customers Love music from the Oid physical activity ou most, if nat municatiuns system housed al the meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 26, at (847) 966-7900 ner (lunch) couponfor future sue at NPH. FreeBlood Pressure 7:30 p.m., at the Austin Park beouPereeoials-Annuals- Line Entertaiumeut, 5 Nights a Week all, days nf the week. Through a Niles Police Department and ts Screenings by Hospice ofthe North Shore. modest increase indaily activity the emergency 91 I coordinator. Field Hause, g336 Marinara. Shrubs or Trees. Prinato Ponies far ap ta 100 Peaple io OurNow Patin Itnam The Public is invited. Admis- most Americans can improve Wilson's duties as public infor- The program "Growing Plants GRAND OPNING SPECIAL Friday September 24th, The Teay Saliti SOus' - 9 pri ut am t5" marri Nórwood Park Home sian is free. Refreshments mill their health and quality of life. mutina officer for.lhe department out of the Ordinary" will be pro. i i Month Certificate of Deposit Tharnduy Septninbnr 30th, Ridi"Etrin"Saaeedo - 9 pmSuno,ufuaarnrt Chicago, IL 60631 tented by Mary Walker, renown be served, Por additional infer- O 6016.20 N. Nina Add/tional health benefits eau be have required him to hold uumer- u,,udays -JMyaobrnsaudtasg COhen -ta 9 em Master Gardener. matioo call 966-4264. WedneudutS-huyOwens, PinaS 5 sinner -7 W ivan pm (773) 631,4856 gained throagh greater amounts aus pressconferences,grant uui,rday -Inc DiGm'gk Snxc erad- u pm ta12:30am ofphysical activity including re- 5.81% APY* duced risk of promatare mortali- Passbook savings account 4%** . ALWAYS OPEN ty, coronary heart disease, hyper- 1mai00,colon cancer and 5mi . $EciÁi: diabetes. Heidi's LOBBY: WMIX N{LROS The Village of Nitos and the Monday-Thursday 8:00 AM. to 4:00 P.M. Llfl5STAURANT .E9.rii Center fucili- All Stars new Family Fitness A K R Y ANNIVERSARY Friday 8:00 AM. lo 6:00 P.M. OMELETTES ty look forward ta assisting resi- . . *MELROSE SPiNACH a:a , "WhereEvery Day ¡s Special!" dents in the adoption of a "new ( -:' Suturdoy8:OOA.M.to 1:00 P.M. TOP PRODUCER "As Big as A Baseball Mitt lifestyle" that cuutributrs ta the Fett,tni tr,.:eittiituit Wirt naing7633 N. Milwaukee Ave.Nitos . -Open Thet.'Fd. ¡dl am'C pm Ial. 6 au-5 pu; & Popeyed withEnough Spinach improved quality of life refereed BleM.y, Witting C Catie eestp.0 HMi upeiitin Bt..d, Punit, ttridIi C enom 8471967 9393 Inn. C am - i pm. CItIESMacIAn Tina Paras to iiJST A MUSCLE"PAT BISIJNO Sun Times le by the Surgeon General's re- : Continued satisfactIon from those serve T kOr;,S,O Chlckes Brnth Sweet & Sour Cabbage port. Cerlilied fitness trainers as- -COUPON- -COUPON- -COUPON- DRIVE-UP TELLER: . SOUPS:Matie Bait sist members in the development 5PECtALtZE IN PASTA & STUt FRYDISHES APPLEa CHERRY Fresh FIsh Daily WE of comprehensive Iruining pro- BU1TERCRUST All Danish u Weekdays 6:00 AM. lo 6:00 P.M. grams utiliziug nurfull line of fit- OR BROWNIE BREAD Saturday 8:00 AM. to 1:00 P.M. 7201 NCaidwell, Mies, IL nessequipment,gymnasium, SUCES &Frycakes:: aqaaticS, and track facility pro- SMALL 1 .35.. uSury Nilouapdated sullO 8150k BiirgatoViNues gaurgnmas 55e ueoi 2 (847) 588 1500 siding for a comprehensivephys- Bdr 2,206 sq. lt. A MastEnel 3 BSs. 2 LARGE 9.95...: 5Oea. I nMimmum dcpnsit 51500.110 Hage io. Rm.-DIe. Am. * Kit. 3 IllInois 11651 (773) 3272I5I ical filnens pragtuntt. Por more in- 79ea Bu, Gar. wIside drive . 3233 N..Bróadway ChIcago, Rute subject ta change withuut notice Member 2 Car Goy formation . contact Trenu Ex.Ires .9J9J99. Ex Ires 9129/99 ...ExIroe.-9/29/99 FORPARTIES neMiaimam bataneo $238.00. riCAS, AP? FOIC Dftect 8479653596 V.M.Pager 8473198555 PRIVATE.ROOMS Mackey, Lireclec.°f Family Fit- THANKS 70 ALL OUR CUSTOMERS FOR 5 YRS OF DEDICATION! . up TO30PEOPLE neun ut (847)588-8402. L . ltvdependentty Owned O Oporatedl

Ai 'EU;;ThÙRs'ffAPTEMBER3t999 PAGG 1999 PAGE 4 THE BUGLE,TIIURSDAY, SEPThMBER23, Nues Dunkin'Donuts: .. 7780 Milwaukee Aveflue,Nues SUB SANDWICHES . . HOURS Bethany Teitëts (847)9651315 - - anniverSary Mon. thm Sat. 8:30 - 6:00 P.M. célebrates 5th PARTY TRAYS by RnsemarYTirio Sunday B 30 2 00 PM Annie Penezek retires wich shop underpnereof .. ,i et: said. Ruy and Salma Panjwanl, pro- and coffee," Ray Panjwani The Paajwants plan to open the SALE ENDS WED., SEPT. 29 Earlier this ycar, Annie Penc- The Panjwonis say they want :.=::=r' zek, won the NUes Chamber of -peiOtOrs of the Dutukio' Douets Brut -Trombe inNtles in stx..to ) Shop ut 7039 W. DempsterSt. in to thaak thepeople of Nues for Commence 1999 Employee of the They nine months. They promtse tu Niles as well, as fourother GD five wondethtl years here. maiatuitu theuumn careful uttee- Year award. On Friday, Septem- amia Isappyin Nilesthut they in- uhopu in neighboringsuburbs t)ofl toqstality and service that has ber IO. 1999 75 year otd Annie teed te expand their presentfran- FRESH MEATS - held their fifth aaniyersarycele- made their Danlcin' Donuts shop FRESH MEATS retired after working at Bethany chite into the first "Trombo,(' a bratian at the Nileu shop Aug.26 apopularstop forosany Nslos res- - MINELLI'S HOMEMADE Terrace. for over 34 years!!!! . combination of Dunlein' Donuts, - LEAN CENTER- LEAN BONELESS ROLLED When asked why she didnt retire through Sept. 10. ideuts for the past five years. The Panjwanis said they are Buskin Robins and Toge sand- earlier. she replied i love work- dedicated to the Mites commsot- ITALIAN SAUSAGE ing at Bethany Terrace with the - - and supply- grip on anxiety PORK-cHOPS POFIK ROAST HOT wooderfalresidents andnice It,, sponsoring teams Gettiñg a s, .' MII.O ing local orgaoicatiunswith cons- discontinuedwtthout canutng EXTRA staff. other (DM) -- Imagine remaining in LB. ptimeotarYdooutsand withdrawal symptoms. It is gen- - Her co-workers gave - her a AnniePenezek a stato of constant worrythat in- .$2:_ LB. '2,G HOT she replied "t was called in the refreshments. orally well tolerated; however, _p hnge sarprise rotiremeot party on take terferet with work and social oc- Wednesday Sept. 8. and Anose middle of the night aod was told But more than that, they livides. Werry und anxiety urn a some people mightexperieoce BUTTERFLY LEANTENOER - - : FRESH HOMEMADE pride in their everyday commit- when possible side effects wtth BaS- - - r''- was shocked!!! She did not ex- that my Central Supply Room the normal poet of life, hat pert a party two days early! Ar- was flooding. My Central Supply ment to serve their customers tbey.btceme persistant and unce- par, includingdtzziness, drawss- highest quality products and ser- maoettiS Liquors in Nues donat- is like my own pantry; t dashed alistic you might have General- eeuu, nausea,headache, nervoas- PORK BRATWURSL ed non-alcoholic sparkling fruit over and starting mopping t up vices. - - ness, lightheadedness ned CHOP SUEY MEAT The PuojwaoisiaVite altthetr ized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). jaice for the big teast. Annie atto and moving everything to higher encil9ment. $d)29 vatued customers and neighbors GAD is on6 of several anxiety $'.98 received many gifts from her ro- ground." To help educate the public $«98 oeighburhood do- disorders, including Panic Disor- LB LB Annie has two daughters, four to drop by their about GAD and other anxIety 'N LB %.s, workers. sut, bagel and coffee shop to ex- der, Social Phobia, Obsessive In a time when nursing home grandchildren and is the great- Compulsive Disorder and Post- disorders, Freedom From Fear, a perienee the qoality and service employees come and go, Bethony graodroother of three. traumatic Slress Disorder. More nationalnot-for-profitmestal LEANJUICY they provide. advocacygroup, has LEAN Terrace Nursing Cestre in Mor- Annie's daughtrr, Aune suf- - health $1 89 Customers arr number one to than 19 million Americans ton Grove is proud ofits employ- Schnur, also worhn at Bettiany fooitded National Anxsely D,sor- the Panjwanis, who offerthetr de- fer from anxiety disorders. LB loyal Terrace and is the Director of the - ders Screening Day. For infor- LB SIRLOIN PATrIES L ers who have remained How can yea tell if you have linees donuts and the finestqual- GROUND CHUCK throughout the years and have Alzheimer unit. She has worked GAD? The following self-test malien about a free scr000tog I ity coffee atreasonabte pncesio a OR MORE seen the facitity growand prosper at Bethany Terrace for over 28 with a healthcare prafessiosal, clean, friendly and smoke-free at- will be helpful in determining since it opened its doors in t 965. years and is trying to break her how much anniety is too much. cull toll-freeI(888) 442-2022. .5% mosphere. The ancrage tenore ofits employ- mom'srecord of34yeurs! V/hula .Yes () No () Ijeroalis- You can also log Osto Freedom ECKRICH SWIFTS PREMIUM family' ° I Bagels are baked every hoar Fear's' new Web site: ces is approximately ten years. tic, encessive worry, occurring-From M aod served warm throughetthe where . Annie began wnrking as a If you're looking for a long twice u more days than not,for at least freedomfromfeer.cOm ' t965 (the day. Donuts are baked you can fill out aquestionnaire. LITE HAM s3' HARD SALAMI oarsrS aide on April 22, tersas facility for a loved one, visit fresh- six months BethanyTerrace Bethuny Terrece and meet some day to essere the almost . sameyear coffee beans are .Yes () No () Inability opened). She ended her career in of the other wonderful long teem 0055. Even the High Five Center ground fresh every time tis to control the worry charge ofCentrul Supply and has employees. Bethasy Terrace is . selling Entertainment Yes () No ( - ) Chronic throughout located ut 8425 N. Waukegan brewed. ANTIOCH FARMS seen many rhaoges "We are cnntioaOaslY on oar werr)I Over everyday life sItua- Books .COLAVITA EXTRA VIRGIN the yeors. When asked about one Road, Morton Grove, (847) 965- - heels making fresh donuts, bagels tiens -- such -as money, work, AFFY TAPPLE 1HOMPSON ofhermost memorable moments, 8100. t9ighthve ConIno psovidss duv CHIÇJ(EN(IEV school av health - adults age 18 and OLIVE OIL . ) Irritabtl- care services to Yes () No C acquired bratn SEEDLESS GREEN over who have an 99 6 OZ. 'V returnto s . ) Muscle injuryand cannot CA a LTR. Yes () No ( school, work orpoeltripate te vo- Tension - SALERNO cntionul rehubilitatiOlt.Socialize- MARcONI BUFFET . - WORLD Yes () Nu () Relent- tioa, meetingtndividital needs FROZEN BUTFER COOKIES lessnoss (feeling keyed ap nr otO . Chinese f Japanese+ Korean and improving the beatninjured (FRESH PASTA edge) life are es- BEEF .Yes () No () Diffieal- survivor's quality uf sentiel elements of the program. 9LB.: BOX toucnxsrating ("mied going 99 790 LB. TENDERLOIN ty HEAD OVER 40CHOICES EVERYDAY! High-Five Ceoter has a program LB. blank") after- FILLETS .Yes ( ) Easily Tuesday and Thursday FOLGERS ) No ( Senior Ctttcen Ceo- TREETOP fatigued noons in the LETIUCE MONDAY thru FRIDAY Munscipal COFFEE 595 Yes () No () Sleep ter of the Flickinger APPLE CIDER WHOLE BEAN dislurbonce (difficulty fulling or Center su Morton Grave.Its tar- LUNCH north and $795 staying asleep, nr re8tless antat- get area taclndes the 59 121 5 00. OliAti CZ. BAG well as the EACH s12 northwest suburbs as DINNER isfied sleep) . north und northwest areasefCht- BERGHOFF SAT. & SUÌ. & HOliDAYS If you have uoswered yet to cago. For information, orIO val- GAIORADE three er more of these utute- unsrer, contact LoretluGut at CELERY EARLY BIRD meats, you might be suffering 847966-O3t2. ThRIST QUENCHER ROOT BEER DINNER SPECIAL from GAD. Yen are not olene; Etmeflt 2000Books aboal four -percent of theU.S. Available. High Five Centeris $199 99032 OS. 640L WEEKDAYS 3 P.M.-5 P.M. population has GAD. GAD may edsiog funds by selling theEnter- EACH I begin in ehildhaod or adules- edot 2000 beaks.Each hook 59c $650 ocote; however, GADfrequent- contains hundreds ofrouponsfor Per nerson uf- PARTY & CATERING ly begins in adulthood. GAD 2-for-t undupto 50% savingsfor fetE women more often than dining, casual dining,fast GORDON'S S 99 AVAILABLE in MILLER LITE or Weddings, Shnwers, Amstvrrsaries,Business men. food, attractions and sheppsng VODKA MeetIngs, Chrisimus Purista and Catering Cngnitivcbrhav,ortherapy the Chicagotand area aswell as GENUINE ORAFI 750 ML and medication eau play a vela- entertainmens and travel. Euch - 12 PKG 12 05 BOTTLES & DANCING able role in treating anxiety dis- book still casts only $35 and cae CANADIAN LIVE ENTERTAINMENT orders, such as GAIS. One of the he used immediately undthrough - ,'ECO PROUDLY PRESENTS most eommoaly proscribed November t, 2000, Chieagoland 1.75 LItER drugs effective io thu trealment editionsareNoEh/Northwe5' STROHS or - $ 99(DOMANI PINOT GRIGIO AMY &D'SPAR S of GAD is BeSpur® (buspiroue West/Central. und South1 70's & 80's Top 40Music HCI, USP), an anti-anvinty drug. Soulhwest. BUSCH STIVAI.

- $499 . litige Dance Floor BuSpar reduces symptoms of Agabthis year Entertainment 30 PKG-12 OZ. CANS ( orMERLOT . Professional Sound System persistent unniety beginning as Books for other areas througheut Pinot Grigio .early as tIte first week of there- the USA are siso avuilubleand 70ML n And Lighting py' andprogressively over a prices very according to location. HEINEKENOR$ 99 s Starting Irom Octsber 1,Every Friday & Saturday 9:30u.m.-3:3O a.iiI. mutter of weeks,Isdoes not Orders must be prepaid and are canse sedation, impair memory filled within 6 weeks. To order BECK'S 750ML COKE --(Cover Charge$5.00pBr personMitst be 21 or over w/2 ID's) . 12 PAK 12 OZ CANS or balanèe,noïdues itptiieiitiáte jr Enicnushtheutt 2000 book, --6PKG 1205 8526 GOLF RD .NILES, IL the effects of alcohol. BuSpar is contact Jean Peters ut 847-491- GofflMilwaukee Plaza(847) 583-1700 not habit-forming und can be 7997. - -

I TRE BUGLE, ThURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23 51199 PAÄ ' PAG.6 TUE HUGLE, TRURSDA', SEPIEMBERZ3,1999 Poor posture the culprit in many injuries ResurrectioúMecliçal Ceñter by Dr. Robert L. Richart Pre-operative sedative helps Hospital Week children's fear of surgery celebrates Back and neck injertes ia the workptaçe have traditioeatly Before her opecatiou, three-Essingachffd'sfearofsurgery. child, ii'ffecrd. freascreeflings acRes been atlrabsted to heavy lifting, beadingor twiatiog and have year-aid Gabriella D'Asgelo was MedicalCenferreCeflttYOelebratedNa00na05P5tWeekwith been a majar caase of time last and Dc. Rais offers the followisg . Os the day of surgery, ask Resurrection copease. Recently, insurers a sweet, cuddly child with a che- advice to parrots to hrlp ease about pre_oparative procedures . - save become aware of a tread io which a variety of wrist, teck, tiesandeventa forifsemployees. cubic smtle and a voracious appe- wcnies abouapediurric surgery: or troatmests to help reduce your shoulder assI bank problems ace being cuased by lung-term,copra- tite. But after a melme adesui- . Esplaio to yonc child why he aravo marlou iojuries, maty times associated with computers. child's anxiety, and fled oat if decinray, this North Bruofcrd, orshe is havisg sucgery, and what parrots are atfowed is the operat- Soriana wrist, shontder, neck andeven low back-problems ace Coanreticattoddlerbecame being caused by low-tenet, enes lung-term trauma ussuciated wilt be iavolvrd. You may woos isgroom. crankyanddisobedient.Al- to ase an educaliosat tool, such as For a foro copy oftho "Rest As- with sitriog posture. Work is out the otly site whore injuriesoc- though bec operation had gase a videa oc coloring book, to help ear. la's auw estimated that 85 million Aaoericaos are 'an-lier," sured" brochure, which pruvades smoothly,Gabriellaremaiacd your child asderstasd the opera- more iofanasatios aboot hum to sod speod hours io frost of their hume PC's. - traomatizrd by herfear of the sor- .Make sure yuan chair fits crrectty. There should be two lion. prrpurechitdresforsurgery, reading for fellow grip. . Partieipatein a pre-admissioe please call Rocho Labaratories at Leonard W.eeIertakes a blood pressure inches between thr fraat edge af the seat and back ofyoor hares. "Whes we brought Gabriella 100e of the hospital with year Ideally the chair should tilt back and have arms os the sides. t-877-853-7750. employee Gina Fielt. . hume from tite hospital, it was Sit wish year knees at a 90- tu 120-degree aagle, asiog an like we were bringing home a dif- angled footrest to support your feet. forest person," said Lisa FAMILY DENTAL CARE HAVE . Position your computer musitar so that the top of the sneers DAngeto. "Gabriella musai my O;, is at or betew eye level, to avoid sock steals. 1063 N Northwest Hwy, Park Ridge, IL 60068 little angel. lastrad, ohr was hou- . Use sa asliglare acrees if oecessaey. HAPPW . tile, angry, and refused to eat. t (847)825 6211 Keep your wrists is the seuteal positius while you type, nor cooldn't believe thai this was my FEET!') asgted up or down. A wrist coat oc org050mic keyboard cao help daughter.' Eliae Grandinetti, D.D.S. you to keep a more neutral position. New research from the Yale .Take periodic stcrtch breaks. April Eve Grandinetti, JRD.S. r University School of Medicine Vi.GOFMilSI "If you continue tu suffer from job-related strain iojurios after shows that if Gabrietta taud been "Peavtdisg Care From bataola I$ following these lips, consider a visit to a chicopcactur," orges Dr. gives a sedative beforr surgery, To Scalars." I CA110888tC0119S1 Richarl. "A chiropractor is traised to alleviato sach problems and she might set have had sach a promotes a natural healisg pruceas of the body to help you avoid I HOUSECAI1SAVAIIABIS0O ruagh emotional recovery period. further iajury." Rosolis from a recesa study show MuIG/W99j ° Or. Robert Richart is s 0906 graduata of Palmer College uf ihua eno week alien surgery, posi- Chiropractic. He has completed pustgraduate programs un tha di- opecasivr ansioty was reduced by DR, ROBERT LEVINE agnosia and trealr000t of soft tisser isjurios through Nartonat Col- half in those children who wore lege of Chiropractic and Tesas Chiropractic College. hIe maas- promedicatrd milk a formulation New Dental PODIATRIST aaina a practice in Nues at 1933 West Gulf Road. To roncero a afVERSED® (midazotam 15Cl). Patients complimentary spinal euamivaaiaa and consattatisse, pta550 con- The saudy isctudod 86 children, Resurrection employees dig into hotdogsand hamburgers during Ballpark Oay in the courtyardout- Espiro, p73)761.5381 (847) 7958670 Mary Kolda gives a free mas- tact Dr. Richurt at (847) 827-0686. You aus also eosauct Dr. Ri- ages 2 to 7, who received gearrat side ofthe Res cafe. chart at: www.riahartahiroprnatic.com. Nov. 30, 0990 6431 N.CAUFOR4ÌA or 8965 GOlF 8609D sage to aResurrection employ- anesthesia prior to a surgical pro- L _j eedarc. CHIC#GO N4!S ee. Some people have of Illinoisc trouble with the Daily grind... Now there is an effective .1obiIity Plus Non-Surgical treatment for daily grind Continued from Page 6 Nues Dental EQUIPMENT HEARING AIDS DURABLE MEDICAL . ManyAmericans - 00 000 what is called myòfascial for OrthO-KifletiCS, Pride& Bruno st5siti- in Authorized Sales & Service Iroowa how muoy - bave psan." DISCOUNT PRICES Clinic culot trouble willstheir teIUporO- o Electric Scooters ferIndoor The TMD also can result itt a moodibulse joints. tite bingodina strucLuesl chuoge is the cushion- Peifect and Outdoor use hotds the lower jaw lothe rout of lag dtskortheway itrelates lu the Caece is ou s Reclinor Litt Chairn,Wheelchairs & tito face. However, jawbooe.Sonselimesbruoism SAVE 50%orMORE! Sterilization uoiveruutlY recogoized treatment cosbeblsmedforthalohifl, How. Eliminate Huge Dealer Markups et Commissions! Walkers forthis (IifficUItCOndit500. close ever, the disk also con be dam- s Bathroom & Homo SafetyProducts 'When yoLa opea and aged by mt injucy or by a oliscase Dr. Robert L. Richart General and Cosmetic yoarmnoth. you ose mcgo power- ertheitis, . Indoor and Outdoor AccesoRomps sech usrheumotuid in pleased to announce the availability of NEW, STATE fut muscles attached tutito lower "Somelimm the disk can shift for Dentistry which notmal OolyModeenTop 0n OFTHE ART EQUIPMENT &THERAPV PROTOCOLS VISIT OUR . Stsirclimts-llOOpittlBoda jaw. oc tasiadibtp. 505pp000ntreusoa," sayuDr, Bit. ;,.. . cashieoiog disk Quality Instruments Vrj11 for quick and effective resolution of ARM, WRIST or Extractions We use the BESTdental material SHOWROOM 581-9906 ly slides 00 5 1er. "Whatever the couse, such .'(° . . against lite leÎporgt bane oatthe e' , HAND NUMBNESS, PAIN and/or TINGLING. Root Canals sleoctitral chongos cito make the . New Digilst Instratmests : :, 6001 W. Denspster St. 800251 -6001 aide oftlaelaeul," saysRoberiBit- I . CALL RICHART CHIROPRACTIC periodontist who jaw swollen or tender to the Available Fillings Mortian Grove, IL 60053 ter, DM17. a touch. Thejoiat alsu cao prodoce 4c0 '' CLINIC today to be evaluated and find out r practices ioSliotoir. Wheo same- . We Repair All Brenda ' Bleachings Present Ad For 10%discOUnt.Exp. 9/30/99 poppiog or clickiog soutds that ç:'P'bi. I If thlu revolutionary treatment can help you! OFF1 Ihiog diseopts this smoothopere- . Insurance Claims . . ,, u. 30% and lost othecpeoplecaa hear." Peno Surgeries with this ad J tian, the resolliog paio commoaly re- With so many possible forces Welcome 9.4, I. ' 1 Don t Miss This Opportunity For A I. 11! Th&.) I jaw function are Full Denture (M NOWOODCLINIC feiTed to ostemporomoiadibutW st play, dentists or otherhealth . Over 35 Years Experience , ' Partial Denture dysfunction (TMD) care professionals casbecome l\ FREE SCREENING EXAM Ist consUltation MASSAGETHERAPY is LEADERIN LICENSED MASSAGETHERAPIST Dr. Bitter says llana il ofleo caught op lu the treata500l by pm- Tb s eompeetrensaoe eaaan normally 0100 Includes orlhoped C Crown & Bridges I eta- aeurotOtio atti ohlropracl n lents and o eossultat on to disouss FREE for new patients Clinic diflicolt lu identify with sine scribing s siegle cease for a per- CUSTOMER , .: and more L We Otter a Full Bodi Massage sine 'someltiiog" that isioterfer- son's TMD. "There are no simple SATISFACTION the results Does totleelude a rays (at necessary) For Rolasatian, Iroprosemont nl work- iog with tIte jaw's normal formulas for treating 'FlatO yet," Dr. Robert L. Rteharl Is a Palmer Graduate o'./., FnandflgAvaiIaJ)le MuaclaT000 & Strength. iogs. "Dentiste usciI tuUainlc s says Dr. Biller, "I woeld be very :.S RcJ)airs \'liiIC You\'ait the Certified lt Impatrmest Ratltg and DIsabilIty i'_'_ Baste Body Massage $15.RS 'bail bile' or missligiameotef wut)' whes someone suggests s FOR APPOINTMENT ) EvaluatIon Poslgraduale Study Chtropraetle I..AB()R.VI()I< Oi PREM1SIiS leeds was lite mato enliseof pecmssest change to the mouth ( CALL )EN-rAL Fett Body Macsaga Orthapedles, Neurology ucd Sports Isleries. ThID, but these see nowcoosid- or llar jaw sach sa breces lolix s Swedish Message eredcoeisibutiñg factors at treat," HEARING Member orAmerica, ChiropractIe bad bite, er cr05055 or caps to . Assoelatien. Call For Appointment847/663-1040 M.,.meTheflniO Dr. Bitter says. "FrequenCy,atan bnitd sp teeth, orjnw surgery to -I COUPON that Dr. Michoel ISsuer main culprit is chronic stress correen s structural dcfecl. Sach .Partiolpatiea praoidrrtsr rho tuitsising plans. Blue CrosslBlae Shield. - Dr. Sottja RadivajeviC AFTER INITIAL MASSAGE cao make the jawmuscles ex- inlervestioss are usaully catare' Domi k W kCnspAttdblMoalaeGIlgtte Ba . . Dnyl. er Publia Health D.D.S. General Dentistiy D.O.S., Genemi Dentistey AT $15.00 tremely teoso. One cause of stress rassiT sod cus enes matcematlers Am H tOPi o FREE !! RECEIVE SECOND MASSAGE is bossism, or grinding ofthe fo- Dr. Ken Arrieta worse, It ismoreprodeclive to Dr. Niclielas Amigoni teeth, especially ut night while s ces os retieviag discomfortsad (847) 581-1944 3ODAYHOMETRIAL RICHART CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC D.D.S., MS. Periodontist excessive 8933 W. Golf Rd. in Hiles D.D.S., MS. Periodontist person is asleep. The breaking teoetilesomepatteras-" HUGE SAVINGS Mortars Pu FeCha (armas tram Value City) wna..xa Phone For Appt. (773) 763.4081 gnadsogofthe teeth iocr0550s tIre - 1-800-323-4212 . 816 Civic Center Drive Dr. Biller advises palieOts to Meet inawanies (Carma ofWnk99" sad Oktoe byDomIniCk'st 5900 N. MILWAUKEE AVE.CHICAGO 60640 teesion in those muscles, pmdiaC- AeOOpSd (847) 827-8686 Continued on Pagel resist etaborste tests that can lead 7801 Waukegan Rd., Nilea (In tite Demioirk'a Store) ,eww.,Iehsrtehl ... olImos.. 1.111es, Il. 60714 to 005eceasary Irealmeot.


- A II w A .m Women's Business Reduce féar with verbal Catholic Women's Catholic Women's Nues Libraryaccepts Development Center techniques, child psychology donation fromWoman's Club The Women's Business De- Bowling League Bowling League velnpmeet Centnr (WBDC), in By learning basic child behav- that can complicate dental treat- hutonly when nothingelse conjanctiôn with the Child Care ior skills, dentists can commani- menL works." Wed., Sept. 15, 1999 Rosemary Mitchell 493 mGHSERIES-9-8-99 Initiativen of the Hull Hause As- catemornsuccessfullywith "Under the pre-fignrative put- Parentingisdiffeent today WofI Qnf 1 gr TEAM w L Gen Kenny 485 V -'-' Lrnaa1afley sociation, will sponsor a work- young palients, many who fe& tern, parents look to the kids for and we see children - raised in .-"j dental treelment, says a local feedback and they will constant- Jan Repel 463 shop entitled," Computers and single parent homes, are raised Candlelight Jewelers7 0 IIIGHSERIJS9-1-99 Vi,ltç Your Child Caen Business: Sn- - dentist. ly ask qnestious," says Dr. Ore. by grandparents or is day care Classic Bowl 6 1 HIGH GAMES GertieSchuitz 502 crease Your Marketing Savvy ."Most kids who go the to den- "Do you want me to corne to the centers, or in homes where both T. Drorde, DOS Pam Kenny 486 list experience some level of 5 2 dental operatory with you? Do - and Yoar Efficiency," an Thurs- parents work long hours. Grand NatI Bank 2 5 Millie Kroll Dorothy Kaufmann 482 HIGHGAMES -9-8-99 aeoiety or fear that can impair you want meto hold year hand 215 day, September 30, from 6:30 CMI t li Rosemary Mitchell p.m. to 8:30 pm., at the Chicago treatment,"says Donald Ore, during treatment? The dentist is 96 LindaFahey 204 Wilmette Skuja Terrace O 7 Mary Wasilewski 196 RIGIJGAMES-9-1-99 MillieKroll 201 Urban League Quantum Oppar- DDS, apediatricdentistin left out of the egnation. It is im- Fiossmnor, EL. "The goal is to partant that the parent under- Gen Kenny 186 GriKenny 193 sanity Neighborhood Learning Kenulworth HIGH SERIES Carol Oetriuger lUt Dorothy Kaufmann 199 192 Center, third floor, located ut modify fear with verbal tech- stand whether it is appeopriale ta 197 Carol OêLrigr Millie Kroll 537 Marilyn Oetringer 181 Pam Kenny PhilDrozdz 188 3424S. State Street, in Chicago. ntqnes and child psychology, not came to the dental operator)' be- Club - I 86 Gen Kenny GertieScliultz 188 Child care basiness Owners medications." - paise some dentists do not allow The - Wilmette-Kenilworth who want to learn how to efft- Dr. Ore teaches his collegues Clubwillholdtheirannual P , Woman's Club cientlymarketthetrbusiness about child munagemenl lech- By using speech communica- "Change-Over"luncheonon should attend. In addition, par- niqnes developed by psychelo- lionsstrategies,dentistscan Wednesday, October 13, at Mich- .4 of Skokiet ticipunts will leave the work- gists and child behaviorists. Fer learn to control a stressful situa- igan Shares Club. The program shop with a cnmputbr-generuted enample, one strategy he wil nu- tion sa that Ihe child gets the ap- for the day will feature, book WHIRLPOOL - HAIRCUT Lincoinwood flyer ta adverlise their business- plain au early concept developed prapriate dental care. "The den- dramatist, Barbara Rinetla who is FOOT SPA The Woman's Club of Skokie/ bysocialscientist- Margaret list can give a very positive firm mining Stanley Paul, Chicago's (FAMILY) -en. PERMS MEN'S & Lincaluwond affiliated with the This workshop is an offering Meade regarding Ihren types of 'I' message -- 'E want you to da premier seciely orchestra leader, child-rearing Concepts conduct- Ibis'," says De.Ore. "The dentist SPIRAL General Federation of Warnen's of the Child Cure Business Ini- to perform selectians from his - MANICURE & ' ' ed by parents. needs lo make a firm request to new bunk, "Thank My Lacky y PERMS Ciaba Oiinnis will hold their An- tialive,a program supporting -i'5i. _ PEDICURE \ nuaiPhilanthropicLuncheon] Though l/te Woman'sClub of Nilosdiabartdodtwo years ugo women startingor enpundiog "In what she called the posI- the child that can be followed Stars."Ms. Rinella will heaume ' r "L. CIJRLING confignrative . Fashion Show, "Century Fan- uftor-34 yoursofservicetothe community, therema,ndor ofIhn their ovin child care businesses. pattern,parents and leaves no doubtinthe the stucs who flanked to the world IRON raise children the way they were child's mind what thedentist fumons Pomp Roam to enjoy Ihn nUp59LE r I fare" at Monestera's Ristorante club'sfroaaury isnow boing dispersed.Pictured aboat (I Io r) The Initiative is supported by Coupon . Perms ou Wednesday, October6. All philanthropy chairperson Elasno Ho,nen,Isll- raised," he esplains. "There is a wants." music of Stanley Paul. Other In- HIGHLIGHTING uro Woman's Club the State of Illinois Department mivarins will arrive, os Barbara proceeds will aid the clubs rIsani- Czarnecki andWorn- of Commerce and Community little head-scratching, but mostly Dr. Ore says that voice con- Tt;zi::s ¿i 5trla . Cut/Style table caases inthe Wilmetle, lagoof Niles Library Adminislrator Cury they adhere to the way they teol in imperative. "Voice con- RiunIta emulen a diatogse be- Suzanne Miller. Mr. Czarneckigratefully ac- Affairs. tween this talented pianistand the Honras Mon-Sat OsOOam-7s05 pmI o Frosting Evanston and Skakie/ an'sClub treasurer The cost is $25 and includes were brought up. In the configu- teol is a farm of behavior man- 'PERM $30 'CUT $10I for $500 from the Woman's Club treasureryIo be rational pattern, the parents are agement," hr says. "Whispering celebrities who adored him. Son, ClOned (Appt Only) 'SET $10 .MMSICURE $101 - cepls acheck o Color Lincolnwoad urea. ñsaterials.To registerorfer Area women interesled may PEDICURE$20(SPAÌi Women interested injaining Or used for the purchaseofa varietyofadult and children's books. more information, contact the going to raise Ihe child the way is very effective and sometimes, Ihn Worn- they were raised hut modify raising your voice can work to call Marn Hamilton at 847-251- (847) 696 0990 banning mace shout the clubs in- le the near future, look for a collageofpholographa of WBDC websile at (713) 774-3308 which lite library has gru- thnir child's buhosiur whnn they shuck the child back to reulit 7657 forareservation. 8040 N. Milwaukee, NilesLt2tQUZiUI volvement may cali President, an's Club's activities over Ihe years, www.wbdc.orgorcull(312) uno fis or when they aro roe- Phyllis Cossarek at (847) 256- ciouslyoffered to hangin Oneof ils publicdisplay areas. 853-3477, est. 27. fronted with u situation Ibas con. 1177. __._. fuses them. In the pre-figurative WIPE AWAY THOSE Women's Day Program pattern,parents selvealithe WINTER BLUES! problems an a day-by-day basis. Whatever Happened They givethechildlots of Oar knowledge Is Pnicotess..., vendors sought choices, such as whether to ac- (9fl1 Oar Rumino is Free - Oakton Community College in DesPloiises campus, 16110 East cept or noi accept the option be- Speciatising iic custom eventsforup ta ToThe - seeking vendors of products and Golf Read. The conI is $75 per fore Ihem. As a result of this COSe 'Parky services far warnen to sell their single space (4' o 8') and $125 per type of this type of parenting, l6Oguests, Let our new eCUtiVC Cfief merchandise at Oakton's annual double space. Tables and choirs children learn to make their own tía.zde jou wit/I Ilisgourmetmeicus. Old Family Doctor? Women's Day program from 8 are included. Vendors will be choicesandcanmisbehave 3akWdcty. Octthç3Oth am-S:30 p.m. on Sunday, Nov, assignedspaees at check-in. when they do not get their way." fromforma[p(ateíweiiuings, to - 73O'PMTu? 14. Open ta the public, this all- For more information or to Dr. Ore says that wilh train- casual buffets or business meethpgs. He's Alive & Well At Optiwell reserve vendor space, contact ing, dentists can spot which pat- day evest features informative CIcELSiC 8ffI(38 Jones)i /otg(sve ti!)(osi a sessions of interest to women ofBco Corneiinnee at (847) 635- leen applies to their palients and 9'or a&ìtiona(infornsatioir, And Using The Newest Treatments Thé GRAND ail ages and backgrounds. There, l8l2. they cao communicale accord- p1ase contact our HIotro CoskFe l'coly fileduIl (ts,tod ih!is= is ample opportunity to "browse ingly. However, he points eut Techniques And Equipment VACATION STORE and bay" at Ihr vendor tables USE that the pre-figurative poltern, Ctitering Coora2nator at (847) 581-3120. I(c'fili/l COI5,iS,t Of 1t'eat fttd. SCOIC Cl3J5I8 bots!- which in being seen mere -edlen Vist sarWobsite: rwav.gïundtruaul.m between sessions, i?t$0,9(1 CCRI (liOS ftf tic bct-t 3 csstse, 1fm THE by dentists, provides a nniqne 66769-i(owardSt., 7Vi1s, Iinois There -orn 25 vendor spaces ifiC)ifilicl Io r-eptt Ir tl(ClcALe Bi(coskse.Fotcobo,y Thomas net of cummunicatiens issues . CRISSES available in the BUGLE $2500OFF FIRST VISIT TenHaevn Center, located at the C0st199ts, sCaled at 4Ob . li!ffai(ee Aye C(icrso (ge -. IIONBYMOONS j'.I'I' WITH THIS AD 1773) 777-0122) is, offeri1 cur pfltfos rS h% dffocti.$ gt Care HUE & SkIN CAR± SALO\ CAI1IBBEAN - Susie's Family Hair 'SENIOR CITIZENSt fbíflt'ClO,S-c01' ropil! of coskes (pqof of atfetclatce SPECiALISTS Shampoo -Mother P IT' The latest . TRAVEL 'b frFJi(gC!)Fot' $1750 Fr1' t'SOI hOi it/i 1ef cjreat food. 4 and &Set.... $2.50&Up STUDIO hair cutting PACKAGES - 5 Haircut, -,$3.00 & Up & DAY SPA ColoringPerusing tlO9eSof SCOtCI dctblos bot4itÍqttc4 S(tes, p(izeod . . ALL AIRLINB EVERYDAY EXCEPT SUNDAY Daughter- Highlighting, C)OiCof cotd!eIlt ot- Ce)efr,tiGj bots!i. TRAVEL ' Sr. M8s'aCtpesStyIeI $3m E Ep h01' h.Moot Rel. luir Stot$t.m8 Up A European Fanali, . ALL OTIIER Duo 7750 N. Milwaukee Ave., If's- pot fo cony Is reSTt'Ve fie!ots vcti tss:NltI -- Misai face lift -- Deanna - Susie- Nues, IL 60648 'PSAfter Oct. II, 1999 reptoi opel pircaxe of cev,ttses rryertL to TRAVELNEEDS- $500 WaxingElectrolysis . Full Body O1I'.All INHOME (RAYYAN PLAZA) Chemical Services MEN'S Manicure & Pedicure rc$1I5( p'iCeS lirici p'iceto lId, epeptAJI $)OTO rr pct op1 Evenings Waxing HAIR T000TREPP . Facials Includes Hi8hligbttng h,' We also sell amerIcan & (ARF S16.00 - & Weekends Perms - Color - HAIRCUTS european cosmetIcs: . Manicurç (847) 965 8383 CLAC 1OWL . Pedicure 10% OFFANY h, FREDERICK'S ' SOTHYS, REPECHAGE, (847).455897 . Highlighting Waxing Services-$1000 COIFFURES MATRIX ESSENTIALS; 8530 Waukegan Rd. lit rane Cnatumern Only -matibç 5391 N.MILWAUKEE AVE.A - BIOLAGE, VAVOOM HOURS, Tuei.'Fei, 9 LM, In 5 PM, . -Perms - - GRANDVACATION SIDRE CHICAGO, IL. 8M, 9 £M. m 4 P,M. Morton Grove, IL ; M1jMCAICENTER - CONSULTATIONS F0RSPECIAL OccAsIONS CLOREDSUN, & MON. - 9107 GRAND AVENUE (773) 631.0574 8965 GOLF RD '(847) 795-8600 9229 Waukegan Rd, Morton Grove, IL (847) 965-5300 FRANKLIN l'ARK r,VtIitWiiLjft,i - JUSTWALKJN pnday,&an.doy.($47L(I;tl2) i ji t-,-5Oaeo-ait-.: PAGE 10 TIIEBUGLE, TU13RS99 s s .Fall Adult . ,. usica1 artist Ella Jeñkins Cuver School Family Gala '99: Education. mailed for .Clàsses atOakton to. appear át, Qaktön . Fäll Festiväl Thinking OutLoud at Invitations Its nut toolate i- benefit to learn a new The cemmo4ity is cordially in- Oume tickets will be available Unmask theMystçrY skill, update an old one or indnlge vited la attend I' Family Fall Fes- for parchoue ut Ihn festival. Thc MortonGrove library 0 faverite 1nobby.. School may tivaloeFriday,fOctober 1, atCul- costsfortheticketsare lOfor$l. hovebegun, but regiuiratiunu eón- Ver School, 6Ot. W. Oakton, The book discussion is free .1-Jot pretzels and taffy apples will Thinking Out LoUd, theLi- linac fer many classes effered by Niles. The fest val will ran from boavuitable fora nominal cost. and open to eveey000. The, Mur- the Alliance, fur Lifelong Lehre-, brarys book discussion group 5:30-9:30 p.m. Bring blankets, - awn chairs, September ton Grove Public Libraryis lo- ing (ALLl.th&continaieg edúre- will ment Tuesdoy, For This family event iubeing bug spray, and asything else you 28 ut 7:30 p.m. todiscuss the rated at 6140 Lincoln Ayo. lion pregram partnered by Oak. sponsored by the Nites Elemen- can Ihiok of to help your family moro informotion, orfor mobili- Pulitzer Prize Winner, Ansencan ton Cemniunity College and area tory PIA in 005jsudtión with esjuyaleerificget together. Pastoral, by Philip Roth.The ty and commUflicOtiofl access as- high schools. Dinteict 71 und the Culver Sta- call 847-965-4220, Weather permitting the feslivól novel tells the story of ufather sistanco, From "how to" hume improve- destCouncil.i wilt be-held outside. Parking is whose idyllic life isturned up- TDD 965-4236. ment classes co courses for updat- The festival wilt feature a din- limiled to Ihn west porking loi of side down and inside nutby hrs ing ond maisiainisg professional ser, games, music and a hayride. the school. Comejoin the fun. teenage doaghterwho hut sud- USE THEBUGLE skills, ALL has a class to fil your denly become a politicaland se- needs hod your schedule. Regis- rial terrorist, [ iration is easy, loo. Ifyoa've reg- Oakfnn CommJity College'sFamily ProgramSeries VILLAGE CAFE isiered forOaktos or ALL dusses presento Ella Jenkins in Concert all p.m. on Sunday, Septem- within the loss five yroes and have ber 26, al the Performing Arto Center located at DaMon's Des R5t#1I(AliStars a correct Social Security number ,°lahieo campuo, 1800 EastGolfRoád. AND PUB . ABR . On file, yon muy use the moyeu- Known as the 'First Lady of Children's Folk Songs," Jenkins Carol Ficarra, CRS, inni Teuch Tone registration sys- POLISH/AMERICAN DISHES & has performed for children on all seven continents, including . ' i Richard Harczak tem.Listed below each course is WITH A CONTINENTAL FLAIR j a fear digit computer identifica- Antarctica. Shealsn hasappearedon lhepopularchildren's lele- "Award WinningOwners" m;ision shows, Sesame StreetandMisterRogers Neighborhood. , lion number in brackets. Call - It All! 1847)635-l616;follow Her music is the rhythm of childhood, expressed in rail-and- Buying or SellingOne Call Does the CELEBRATE OUR GRAND OPENING r ;._; .- - - - General Hospstal assembleandmail out invita- prompts, and coter the number response, nursery andcounllrtg songs that transcend language Members oft/to GalaBenefitCommiftee ofLutheran Anne Dotan, Glen- and our credit card information Restaurant Hss,s FREE the Mystery.Picturedfrom left (seated) are barriers andculturalbounrJaries, Jenkins engages the audience SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH lions to the hospital'sGals '99: Unmask and Allison Bern- (using Visa, MasterCard or Dis- TeesSunday Rubino, lnvarflesS(and standing) Faythe in a sing-along, bringing to one culture what she hou learned Park Ridge; Barb Ricke Its, cover) to complete yonr registra- s FOOD FUN ENTERTAINMENT i AM Is 9:30 PM view; Dorothy Walker, NorthbroOk; Lora Clark,Prospect Heights; and Esther from another. MARKET inBsAY54 heim, Highland Park;Thelma Lakier, September25. at Plumbero' tino. - Tickets are $4 for adolls, $3 for DaMon students and $2 for MUSIC/DJ STARTS AT 8 PM whichwill be held Saturday, Touch Tone registrationis tI AM 104AM eeCHeltR" Park Ridge. Proceeds fromthe dinnerdanca, renovation children i2andander,Children undertwo are admittedfree, pro- willbenes'itLutheranGeneral Hospital's emergencyroom available from 8:30 am.- t p.m. "A Great Place To Eat & Have Fun" sunds19 kMis4 6M Nwceuool-DsI 0050100 EVALUATION Beasduloddtebrkbi-IitelIl! IR Hall, 1340 WRandolph, Chicago, vided they are Seated on an adult's lap. Tickets may be pur- ro non one or os Mondays- Tharsdays; from T,niti tpporluflty O/DR L. lit-ic ht, 3h, 1.2 andexpansionProfect' Themystery of chased al the door or by calling Ihe DaMon Box Office al (847) rs,bi5ier ISoot 00ml,5t,rr, Ask for 11hs. Full on wiFf. 2 C tir at6p.m.,followedbydiflnerat 7:30p.m. 5:30 sm. - 5 p.m. on Fridays; and 6873 MILWAUKEE NuES, IL so rs,In oid,. Soty eqihP'. TheGalawilibeginwith a cocktallrecePtlOfl variety of actsspotlighted from 8:30 am. -noon os Sutar- 635-1900. olsi. "Cirque"typaof entertainment with a For Info: (847) 647-8147 srlo0i bibi nOStro, Caro' or Rich IskRirCarol 165-254 the evening is tiedto an European Orchestra. Tickets are $225parpar- days. For more infermulion about nokbo,eiohnuo-2191 Coupon also willbe dancing tothe Dan Hayes -classes offered by the Altianme _ throughout the event. There pooundatíOflbycalllng (847) 384-3400. Charitable for Lifelong Learning, call (847) uno5fldcanbepUrchaSedthrough the4dvocate : 1847) 9652684 on2O4O933 982-9888, press epiion#3.

4th Wednesday Dominican University THE QUOTESERVICE, INC United OstomYAssociation . presents concert Chicago's 240db Suburbun Center Stageat Dominican Chapter of theUnited 0010mO group fornil University presents a concert by For Reservations Call (847) 967-1222 Asu'n, a support T.S. Monk and Combo on Sun- L PermSpecial!! ostemates and thoseunticipat' 'S surgery. meetsos doy, October 3 at 3 p.m. The con- CASUAL ITALIAN DINING losrloiden haircot mod style Short , , leg oSlOmy each ceo will be held in the Lund Au- hair. Long hoir $10 additional the 4thWednesday of s month at S p.m.in the 10th ditorium, located io the Fine Arts Why not return the love with the gift of life? r COUPON I Dining Room ufLu- baildieg, 7900 West Division Orare Feen LOe insurno in the pedmt girt to ace toar Orando husten for any nosoninn s MANICURE& Floor East Street. LUNCH SPECIAL HIGHLIGHT therm' GeneralHospilul. 1775 PEDICURE Ridge. Re- T.S.Munk,drummer,bas- .2See mejor details: 3OSPECIAL! Dempoter St., Park BILLSCHMIDT o,um,n.n Short hair. treshmestSat7:30Viollorul dleador, composer and vocalist '.'1;.l 10% OFF ENTREES Waxing $8.00 ET. nurse was draws to the drums before 7745N.MtLWAIJKEEAVR,NILES WlCoupen In Dining Reom - Expires 10/15/99 Long hair $10 add. family welcome- An the age of tes and his destiny 1k WEI)SEMUT54PRODCtS is always On hand tooffer mInt- (847)967-5545 1 coupon per tableMon-Fri Only are fus sealed when he received his first C00LOOEN'S FAMILY mation, and programs r',-..c. :.od . Stare Farro Uuderolasdn Life." ' °'°°' Nut valid on Holidays or with private parties ,Iocrrr $505 PerfectStyleflAIR CENTER and informative. Thereis no drum sel Aftor graduating, the ioO0t,oU,O,,U mERli charge. Por .informalian,call young Menk joined his father's Good fer up to gorups uf 10 NEAR DOMINICK'S 1934 N.GREENWOOD SILES (847) 520- FREE loro: ?yIoo.Fri 9 a.m.-O p.m. (847) 724-7453 Ot trio and toured with his dad until CALL TOLL the elder Meek's rctirement in L -I ( 847)827-7575 Sat. 9 Em.6 IOOO..SOO. 9a.m..3 p.m. 0699. NOW OPEN FOR LUNCH 1975. T.S. thee louschcd into Hsurs:Msn. -TOSO tram- iipm 'COUPON' -I R&B, the music that had cuptivat- Friday & Oaturdny tram - i em r ; uoday trae . 10pm ed him and his geserolios. Early Bird Dinner Special 1-877-595-5433 Hans-BavarianLodge To hosor his father's legocy Servie t Nile,, Don Plomo,, Podo Ridge, Chinogo and to support education efforts, FEATIJRINGt stnff0d Pisoo a MetRe Gnon. Wheeling Criopy Thin FantaSoled 20% OFF ENTREES 931 N. Milwaukee Menk farmed the Thelenious Caucos teed W/Coupen In Dining Room - Expires 10/15/99 Celebrates Its Monk Institute ofiazz. The lesti- . Pihra to Tho Pan Chicheo 5ko Hot Colleter for aFREE price JL;.WUL' IWJJIV tote has been at the forefront of Donbl Doagh Sandwiches Good Monday . Saturday 3:311 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Annual Octoberfest creatingprogramsthstrange 8166 Milwaukee Ave. e Nues, IL Not valid on Holidays or with private parties 31 st from sponsoring music education COUPON Good for up to gorups of 10 of the September 24th .-October 23rd to funding-and supporting after- r I comparison schóul athletic programs. L "J Immediatelyfatlosvingthe Food GermanBrands.Entertainment C t I Im Itsrtit Pu Oc s itsI t ers °rpu I I li topfive cuecrrt, T.S. will attend a recep- $300 Admission $lOnOOIn Advance tins and will bo available to sign OFF Lunch end Diener Sensed Daily Banqanlo tor np to 130 Pesplo auiographs: Best Fond & Seroice $11a50 At The Door Tickets for T.S. Monk and Ptivute Parties leastexpensive ON ANY EXTRA LARGE PIZZA . Reluned, Warm Atmnsphere Wedding & Showers Combó are$20. Formore infor- rautnmstr enspnOo,sosnmOw.NaeUsnith my oto, . motion or to .pvrchase tickets, omea,armoeUitenoempnn mrrertiepormy.eproo 151759 - 21 ADMITTED pIcote cull CesterStoge at Do- On Seplembor 9. 1999 the wrang ad was placed. This was cul the faull the ONE UNDER ufSpuneee's Seven Hills Managemeol. We regret the aree. companies in I NO minican University at (708) 524- ROSATI'S 825-5855 -I 6942. FOR INFORMATIONCALL: (847) 537-4141 -. .--country. rAE'13 r Baskin)RObbIfl$: UI 1i999 C - s DUNkIN GE 15 0;Ufl4 ___fi .L:1 U U .W-' { Ice C&1bgu I . - ....ON$ .J.eD U .8 NEWjydyan634P&MILWAUKEEDtV0Ntg theMysterY 'A Global Vision' -Gäla Benefitat . Unmask . 'A Global Vision," a galo ben- )oo N LGIIGraIa'99 [ Ø F F I O O F F 1 eIlt, shewcasing Northeostera It- The event marks the,.twotfth o RIGULARtMKIN R011INSPRODUCT I lioois University's (NERI) ness j year of the NEIIJF000daiion's MlNlMUMPURCHAtt1l5t I Fine Arts Center and- reoovoted s 1' d-:' r Recognition Fandraiser.Bach MINIt4UMPUR(HASE 1 Stodenl Unïon, will highlighl tIse I O\ ., . . Ir5DAchops performing acts and feature a r ¡ ií Stea PriMo 'Taste of Five ContInents,' din- guished achievement or service.I 09 REG. WHIM DOZEN tspUR(HMID (omplimeflE Ser buffet and open bar, en San- _ Daily Specialties day, September 26, from 4:30 2'r' _ttRiRt._ L . Di1rnevenNIgh p.m. la 8:30 p.m. ., Open G? in,heDenaflrne5tOfBiOtngi IAWY Rc(JLA . in ' ANY POPIIR Acclaimedviolinistt(achel $O9 CollegeisfMedi LARGE Banna wilt perform both at 5:30 laiii 'È ¿ÏtÀM rYFUIC p.m. and again nc 6:15 p.m. in the '' 5MOi i i i --i J J. J - rthes4.tg10Y aniversity's sew Fine Arts Center califoroialevine,attdaleaderi5 LCONE . tini nOd with niherottein. Exp.101GO-99 j e p. . 775 . 5277 Recital liaIt. The eccitaI will be search and directioo, He is bring LM panna d. [Seit 2 nuin rae tain. taped for laser broadcast on 98.7 g . honored for outstanding achieve- More th tkhouS. WFMT-FM. ment sed coniribetions tolearn- Widely recognizod as one of NOW SERVING the most gifted virlaosi of her ing. gnneratiaa, Barton has appeared Proceeds from the benefit pro- BREAKFAST "We acceptaUBKcoupons" as soloist wills a somber of pro. vide financial assistance to sia- stigmas eosembles, inclading the dents, through theFoanda000'O Schalarshipprograms and Grants Chicago Symphony Orchestra, . FREE COFFEE Rachel Barton Scholarly Ac- theSt. Loaia Symphony, the for Research and w/any breakfast MasticaI Symphony andihr tivitios for NELU faculty.Singlo 7AMtO11AM GOOD ONLY AT ______rr.; 'Chicagoan of the Year' by Chi- tickets are $150; tables of ten aro _____ MÌh'd Vienna Symphony among others. 'Woman of ,- 6336 N. Mdke oon & cage magazine and a $1 .500, $2,500, and $3,500. As a recitalist, she has appeared lhc Year' by Today's Chicago ai Ravinia and on the Dame Myra Far more informatien and ros- :5,. . Unmask the.Mystely benof,t Woman magazine. Barton has ervatìOns, contact Len luqainta. far LutheranGeneral Hospitals Gala 99 Hess Memorial Concert Series, appeared oa national 'tV shows tpti,stl,itLl koktt -Iub BreakfastBIGKIN Juggling moro thon final pions Anno; the Gala ringmaster,and Douglas DieectOe of Developmentand co-chairs James Dotan,M.D., and his wife and has also performed with a eid has been profiled in both the arO, (mm left, medicine. Proceeds from the Sep- number of chamber mesic en- Alumei Affairsat773l794-2555. is A Great FamilyRestaurant! of the hospitalsdepartment of emergency New York Times and Peuple BiscUit Propp, M.D chairman renovation and expansion sembles. She is the wineer of na- Northeasteen Illinois Universi- will benefit LutheranGeneral's emergency room magaeifle. Why motley tis I0rANYofyour occasions tentber 25 dinner-dsnce the evening and music by merOos prices from leading corn- Additional highlights of the ty is acomprehensive stato sui- will featureEuropean-style cfrcus acts throughout 10,000 Corporale, etc. project. Gata 99 which Randolph, Chicago. Tick- petitionsand was selecteda day include performances by the vorsity serving moec thon Wetldinga Bar & BatÌVIIIZVahS 99 Plumbers Hall, 1340 W. located VSld th!U IOf1fl9 the Dan Hayes Orchestra,will be held at 6 p.m. at Northwest Centre for Traditional commuter students. lt is C(!Pfl Pe Cth purchased,lhrOugh the Advocate CharitableFoundation, 847-384- Louis Avenue 8820 Skokie Blvd. u_t O] ets are $225 perperssnand can be Plans under way Polish Dancing and ihe Troc- at 5500 North St. I±ldt P«C1m& Nt VMidWthW Lam Lion DanceT000pn and u st- in Chicago. 67 3-9 393 Lit3 P?P«$!% Gd OIy At: 3400. for 7th Annual 7p.m. ßOvA 6336 N. U*k M of The20th CenturyCabaret WINGS benefit Open 7days a week 5 ian. - Tel. No,. (847) 647-0261 N. 4flk The Best Sua. 5 n.m-I pin. L''6 WINGS (Women in Need JOTH live atPheasañtRUflTheatL Growing Stronger) is busy plan- CAFÉ BRAVO fot- 1999' withPheaSaOtRUOThea10e Family Restaurflt ECC and theatretimes are .05 special porforma000 ning its 7th Annual Benefittobe Year ¡s'enta DUNICIN ROCkIES PEESUCEiCOS andDi- , fUr a VErY 6701 Went Toahy 1S10s Thursdayssod Fridays at 7 Dinsnrlsbowbe- held at the SchaumbargMarriott Gua und Jim Martinez proudty Now Years Eve. Nitea, ¡llinoia 60714 . rector DiunaL. p.m. (perfor- . DONU1$ prodoctiOo of (diaser)18:li gins at 8/9:45 p.m.,including a onSaiurday,Navemberh, 1999. IV. .NOdhth tip. preseot theii float ThaOCE) Saturdaysat4/5:15 p.m. The mission of WINGS ts io the centary in a tribute tothe tasi pnme ribdinner, chanspagae DINNERSPECIALS fa Fountain Treats 0 8:3O/945 p.m.and Sundays at midnight, party favors provide a personal growth pro- loo yeaos ofnritetlaiameat"Tite toaSt at DEMPSTER, NlLES t23O p.m. (SaadayBruaUh)/ the year2000 graos its atransitional livtng set- SENIOR CITIZENDISCOUNT 7039 W RestofThe2Oth Cefltflr3' Caba- Dinaer ord contloulag into nostalgic trip _.2:15 p.m. or 5:45fl p.m. with open barparties featarsog ting far homeless suborban worn- ret" is Martinez' theatre iickets start at$38; show childreo, assisting 2PM-5PM Will Still Be (847) 965-9696 through time highlightingthe last live enteriaiomeotuntil 3 am. en and their New Management OOItickets start at $20. Septem- and them in learning ta maaagetheir dance, lash- The cost as$179 per persan EVERYDAYSPECIALS 5A.M. -11:30A.M. TOUHY, $KOKE teS decades of song, ber t I (bete is a.specialopeniog guid- Honoring TheseSpecial Prices 5150 W. loo, perforoiaflc0 and themedia. overnight packages oreavailable lives through edacatsan, nighi7 p.m.lS:15 p.m.diEser and December31, cost. aece and support. (847) 982-1825 Now theough performance - atas additiooal Siam SPECIALS 1999, "The Best of The20th shoW cammaed Tickets ace on sale nawl For The theme Fly to (he 1.99 BREAKFAST seating is limited. Group,chit- with WINGS' will inviteguests Century Cabaret" peamisesto discoaotOd tick- reservatisascoltiho Pheasanl MON-FRI 5A.M. .11:30A.M. MONIIAY THRUFRIDAY capsule dren and senior 584- to celehiatetho piogressthe agen- SUPER SPECIALS 25 DONUTS FREE be the perfeci living time verntghtpackagOS Rua Boo Office at (630) . s 6AM- 11AM 6 dncamentisgtho pUstCeOiNrY and eis available. MEGA (6342) orTscketmatter st KY has madethis year and to share available. Panking is free. the future. introdacing a Sew millenoinm are also (3t2) 559-t2l2. For overnight in espansion plans for 3.25 SaunageLinks, I-lash Brown PURCHASE oi: Ask sbool oarSmoke-Free Per. 53 beds 2 Hggn (AnyStyle), 2 Strips Bacon or WITH Phcasaoi lOas Theatre's pra packages or briber infoimatios At Present, WINGS has In Skillets &Omelettes Short Slack Pancakes, 2Slops Bacon or fonsiasCes. home un- We Specialize Potatoes, Toitsl, Jelly daciiao of "Tise Pesi olTbe20Gb aboat the rosari call (630) 584- at 10 locatieas. A new VTtth Foul. Blueberry orCherry DONUTS (AT RECULAR PRKE) Cetebraie "The Bestof The der construction inSchaamburg Sausage Licks 2 Ccepes 6 CenturyCaborec' isrooning like it's 6300. 7039W. OEMPSTER 20th ConinO" and "Farty will increase she numberof avail- VALUABLE COUPONS DUNKIW CNOT S COMOO threogh December31 ,1999Dm-. I SUPER SPECIALS wH YOTh Featuring able facilities. POIIUTs. OFFERWITh COUPON 51GO W. TOUHY - . The Novemher 6 eveniwilt DONUTS $5.95 ÑthtMt*. OIGO SKOOJE BEST1NTOWN ; Mon. 1/2 RoastChicken COP - 12/UI/NO EAT (ed Hot testare dancing io musicby ihe AMY JOY $6.95 (ALL YOLICAt4 Chkago Windjammees, a grandraffle and GRAND OPENING Tues. SkirtSteak (S oz.) REGULARCOFFEE silent auctien. Nues I $4.95 2 LBS SUPERDEAL! The commitler is seekingcae- 9021 N. MIIWOUkOG Wed. 2 BroiledPork Chops OFF*B (NEAR BALLARD) raffle prizes and : $8 (REG$11) s pororn sponsors, 847-583-1962 I Thurs. ChoppedSteak $5.95 silent auctiea items.For farther Regular Price of $5.95 DECAF $1 EXTRA information on participatiOn IOne Dozen Donuts (PREE PARKING) Perch FLAVORED 39. Gebbie at (847) Fri. Fried potato) coStad Muele 10117109 DtNE-tN ONLY 3 TO B P.M. I .,gj, Ad. Exp. wlMacaroni & Cheese (no 7039 W. DEMPSTER 382-3839 or FranHalap at the Limit 2. CM4NOG 5E COMBINES All itams include: soup orsalad, PULES ONLY NOSHARING 640-8542. II DUNKSN WITH lOG OThER is WINGS affice(847) IIGOMBO#1 SPECIALI SMALL 99 51GO W. TOUHY oc« UTS' EFFERWIGO COUPON 0 WINGS has beenproviding neri ILMerM Dessert-choice ofjello, ricepudding or small sundae 0501 50010E .FREE DRINK jjr1NrM 'r Coffee & I lr.GOPOPU5 EOP.12IUl . HOT DOG services I iMed Cotfee$199 10munestl . FRIES high qaalitY, inlen(ive u & 2 DonUtS Donut 0 DOURLE DOG .FRENCH since 1985 and isdedicated io the I R SENIORDISCOUNT FRIES R Orders & Patty Catirini DONUT POLISH ' CHEESE cause ofending homelessnest sa Aak About Oar DIscounts On S DINNER EXCLPT I FREE TUNA ON PITA EDHO and helping NILES HAMBURGER the suburban ateas I CHICAGO % . ON EVERY NECESSARY -DOUE CHEESEBURGER GYROS women andchildren in need. 5205 N. Nagle 7248 tI. Milwaukee SUPER SPECIALS11:30 AM.4:3OPM ÑO PURCHASE of conoOunttY tAtTooisT & WUtOBifl)FREE PattInO lo øo CHIÇKEN .ITALIAN BEEF With the support (At UMilio & Fein) FREE Parking . ' 703g W. SEMESTER organizationsand indtvIdtia5, NILES 692-2748 c»oo1EEGOM6CNE0 . SILES e", MORTON GROVE [173) 467-9946 (847) 647-9818 _8501 W. DEMPSTER, - . - . 5841 W DEMPSTER . WINGS- coatiaues,tatlteiVC and 5150 00 ICUHT W= OEFENWNNOOUUN . i .. O AW %LW a w = e . OI Y0! 4 OUI grow. .?_RMNPUggg. GOP. 12/31/99 . ..,. .. .s - --.. .: . . AriE ti6-9I4tftkhi3íisi99

dedicateTorah Kiìights honor NTJC to ffiJtEing &SyIvia Footlik who Special prayer tie SinchOt TatOu, the day ofdonated the boardwhere all the Speckd Statue rejoicing inTaraba NewTotali at the IO am.namesofpOplewh0gawm0a0Y BrebeufParish, will be dedicaied toward the Torils are -listed will servke at SJB St,John fulfill theMitzvah Hiles, IL, will behosting the 33 services. To have the honorofreading the lait (honor) ofwriiiagordedizatieg a Harlem Ave., Niles, startingat 2 foot tall si of 'Our Lady of who portion-of the Torah (called Ha. All inembrs of our cominuni- Torah10honor all of those jnvtedtoparticipate as the pet The servicewill iecliide a the NewMillennium, through Torah, tan Torah)and Fred Sc Lillian Si- ty ar of paetri 26. havededizated iheirlifeto Coun- caodie lii proceSsioe Sunday, September board of iraniens nay, whodonnied the Torah will North American Martyrs the adorotioe, Members ofvariousSt. John the officers and have ihn haCor of being the first cil, Knights ofCojumbus hosto pacto along with the -Hiles exposition aed beecdiciioeof the Farish orgaeiZ0l05Swill be act- of Szra.HabOnim people io read in ihe-New Torah tribute to the OurLady of the also p)ae the anticipated- Township JewishCongregation StOttte aed our blessed saetamefli. We ing as hasts io this Torah (called Haftan -Parshat). The two New Mi1leeniu tohonor Mary byreciiieg the ro- thousands ofvjsitorsfwershipers arepleased to dedic9te couples will also- be host at ihr B1essedMOthftMrY ii ievited tojoin and ihn Si. John intheyear5760 luxcheen following the dedica- The Couecit, willbe hostieg a tory. Hveryone to the statue - The Torah wasdonated by thissPeciol tribute. Fer - - us for Church. don. - special editOe ofThe Family addiü000{ information, Fred drLilliun Sinay.An accepta- service, moreinformation, contact cherch For macthe perfezi in This is a very special service Hour of Prayer' prayer directerCarl Ferina at(847) 966- cell Bob IJalassi - ai847-965 hie SeferTorab and the entire community are Sunday, September26, at Si. every respectand each detail is ohe Brehuf Church,f307 N. 5842. O92OE rigidly prrscritby Rubbioiz invited to attend, - Congregation's Law and centuriesof tradition. it in wriilen todayexactly os il was KOC special Singles -Club sets written 2500 yearsugo. The All AreWelcomeSeptember Program parchment mast bemade of the prayerservice animals. The Congregation B'naiJehoshUa hides of kosher All members ofoar commani. 10:30 AM. fríondship sheets of parchment aresewn io- Sunday SerViCe Beth - Elohim's ink, which ty arc inviled ta puriicipaie, as Jewish singles gethnr wiih gutand the Martyrs activity club for the Norlh - Aniericau Sunday School:10:30 AM. Chaired by must be black, cancedole only 40+ years of age, Instead of a Cooncil, Knights of Colonibas, ijienview natUral ingredients. of WednesdayTestimonial Meeting Marion Rosenberg, to use a quill host a tribule toihe 'Oar Lady pions aciiviiies to mccithe varied pen, it is customucy the New- Millennium'Stator cod qisuOr 7:30 PM. or speciallysharpened reeds. The iniereils of the group. show as nur blessedMother Mary. -'y -.- , Sunday, September26, at 5 scribe was here iniane to The Council will be hosting a \ enjoying how he wriies theTorah. S1,6OOn will see the grasp special editiop of The Family -.-----'.- ßaaCcS Scientist p.t51., Workshop Theatre's Every Jew isAffirmatively cncsx Church ofChrist, the Writers' To- Hour of Prayer', prayer service, First produciioe of incident alVichy, commended lo write a Sefer Sunday, September 26, atst. 140000 The Wriiers' rab. if he cannot write erichim- 8357 N. Park Ridge by Arther Miller. part John Brebeif Church, tcsc Workshop Theater islocated at self he should help endow a starting at 2 sEason members of Harlem Ave., Nibs, 664 VrreOt Avenar,Glencoe. of the Tarah, Most service will ieclode a Avenue bus bought par- p.m. The $1,300 330 Touhy Group-rate tickets are$16 per oar Congregation candle lit precessioncf puniti- lions of the Torah. adoration, person. of patins along with the 823-3329 For informationcoeiact (847) Debbie Wileer, chairwoman expoSilion and benedictionof thisimportant projectannounced 729-9547.. ihn Blessed Sacrameat.Wo also plan to honorMany by cecitiag the Rosary.Everyono iiinvited Family Owned to join us forthis sparta1 tribute. Why Select A For more information,cootaci Funéral Home? Church DirectorCarl Ferina ut (947) 966.5842. *PriceS are traditionally muchlower than thoee OPERATED Ganyeladim FAMILYOWNED AND of corporateowned funeral homes. * Otti funeral directors and staffdo not work on recèiveS : TheGdod Life StartsWith AGrandPlan - THE SKAJAFAMILY you to buy commissions. They will never pressure accreditation for the future. And we havethe oolutiOflS to - You've gai grand plans something that you don't Want orneed. The Ganyeladim ofEzra Hab- Yoa're thioking aloud. BUD SKAJA asini, The HilesTownship Jew is done at our goals. - - TERRACE - aAll of our preparation work jab Congregationgranted uccce& help yOU achiove your SKAJA funeral directors. Your iiaiiee by the National other financial productsarid funeral homes by licensed of Like our 10-monthGrartdPlun CD. or any of our HOME MICKEY SKAJA transported to a "factory like" Associaiioe for ihn Edacatios FUNERAL lovedone will not br Yoang Children. rate AVENUE recognition services designed to help youget the most outof your money. From spectal 78 12 N.MILWAUKEE embalming facility. This prestigiona GrandPlan hes been achievadby approXn NILES, ILLINOIS and appre- childhood high-ylold mdney market accountsto trust andinvestment JACK SKAJA °You will be treated with the respect mutely 7% of early 10-ma CD- ECDc. checking and (847) 966-7302 businest can offer. programsnationwide and only a GrartdPlas elation that only a family owned in this area. of our relationship managersto determine which facilities and few other programs services. Talk with one *We consistently upgrade our BetsyRotberg.Djrt0t along I JIM SKAJA thatall their gfl1% Call l_800-23GRAND or visit usat equipment to offer families onlythe beat. with ihestaffare glad JAPY program will help youachieve your grand plans. STANLEY hard workhns paidoff. eJ.%*J SWA *The comfort of knowing the person you're To receive this highhonor Gua '2.550 niielnisni ra open financial service centersfor more details. - one of our 2't HOME BUD SKAJA JR. dealing with. You will alwayo tee afamiliar face at Yeludim had lo endergo anioten- FUNERAL sive self-study. collectinginfer- 3060 N.MILWAUKEE AVENUE our chapels.Our ataff it not routed among dozensof - msiiOe from parents,teachers, classrOem CHICAGO,ILLINOIS SKAJA funeral horneo. adminisirsiers,and observations. Theyreceived an NationalBank (773) 342-3330 On-site visit, condúctedby early Grand Wojciechowsici childheodpcOfrssiofluls especial ERIC SKAJA Colonial ly trained by NAEYC. tovalidate their snlf_sisdyresuliS.All this . Funeral Homes independently FINANCIAL SERVICES information was . &GralTldPremier SKAJABACHMANN Owned & OperatedFar Over 85Years By The reviewed by a team ofnational GOPJ3ONWOA accredi- -Wojeiechwiaki Family experts who granted the HOME - - - . FUNERAL nation. www.grandpremier.com 14 accredi 523w. ,n'c'n,MG'" 7715 ROUTE Hilen . (147) 581-0536 "Theheunt 0fNAEYC M,_ PwmarVCa nienetQlIsa M5Si"5"t" iOr" ILliNOIS. MRK ÇIOLEK 8025 W. GolfRoad iiion focuses on thrchild's cape- iiaiff" CRYSTAL LAKE, 6250 N. Milwaukee Ave. .Chicago -(773) 774-0366 rience,"said Bnlsyltntberg.di- (815) 455-2233 rector. i'i,f ?'lrIii'l'fi,,',,,t,:f,r'!r.";'i',l,r' i,' 111E BUGLE, TWIRSDAY, SEPTE1ethER 23, 1999 PAGE 57

SE?rEMBERZ3 1999 PAGE 1' TUE BUGLE, TRIJRSDAY, Debris Jordanhelpspaint o A Eiidowmefltrèceived to enhance kids' faces Threatening lettrs Lupus, Sjogren's Syndrome, photographyeducation smiles onsick firm,observed o 26-year-old two tall nnknown females in them The corporation counsel for a Melresr Park man and a 17-year- 30s ontered the salon areend 3 fini, io the 7400 blnek of Culd- p.m. SepI. 16 and asked the corn- and Fibromyalgia well Avenue reperied Sept. 17 old Carol Stream man select two . Persons (AARP) chapter.Quell- plainant questions relating to a FrederickQueI1maz,long- that a 50-year-old Chicago mue brown cordbaord boxes off the Loriam, 1775 W. Drmpster, Park çesident and male hoz receivedrnnitYhOnOS hair cal. The pair stayed in the The ArthritisFanodulien, time Des Plaines who filled out a ink application warehouse fluor, which the Carol Greater Chicago Chapter, Sjo- Ridge. community volunteer, recently from his colleagues und the com- Stream mua took and esiied the shop between five und ten mio- mnoity ferhis civic work,includ- lasiMurch 17 butwas nethired is nies. After the pair left together, grena SyndrumeFoendation, and Topics and presenters will be donated more than$50000 to the suspected ofwriting letters to and building and placed hothbnxrs in the Lapas Foundation, will co- Sjugren's Syndrame. Dr. College Ed- ing a humanitarion awardfrom the trunk of the Melrose Park the complainant, who was in the Oaktoa Community ManyvilleAcodemyin 1991. phoning the company indicating shop alone at the tine, noticed nponsOraseminarnn Lupus, Sjo. ChurlosBouchai'd,Associate ucational Foundation toendow o age discrimination and making man's 1990 Oldsmobile. The Car- gern's Syndrome, aoci Vibro- Professor of Oplhausnlogy. Di- photography Qeollmale was instrnmenlal in nl Stream man appeared to be that a black briefcase cuntaining fund to support the nstablishing the Photographic Art threats. The répota was madr oso $2,000 cash, $400 to $500 is myalgia: Similarities and Jilt-lector, Cornea Service, Loyola peogtam attheCollcge. matter of temed. standiag guard while the theft ofthe 8e SeioncnPoandatinn in011olso- checks, a credit curd, personal fereuces, on Saturday, Sept. 25 University, Fibromyalgia, Dr. Theestablishment the field of won being committed. checks and keys tu lhc victim's rom 9 am-I I :30 at Lutheran Gerald M. Bisenberg, Rlsrama- Ïrederick QoelletoiZ Photogra- ma City to promote photography. In Jonunry, heund Suspicious activities! When police arrived aod asked shop, cur and home long with General Hospital in Olson Audi- tnlogisl, Illinois Bone nod Joint phy Endowmont teflecluthe do- criminal damageto property the Meltose Parkmnn so open the for phe- his wife layan traveled tothe In- miscellanenus business papers Insitular, and Lspus, Dr, Resu- nor's life-long passion ternational PhatagraphyHull of A 74-year-old Hiles man and trenk of his vehicle, the suspret and the victim's eyeglasses. lind Ramsey-Goldman, Rbeamn- togrophy und his strongbehef w his family reported ihat enknowu told police the other man had the Memorial education. Quell- Fame and Mnseum, alto in0kb- tniogist. Northwestern Medical the value of dedica- offender(s) were turningthe keys. The other man, however, Parental responsibility Pucalty Foundation. molz a 1934 graduate ofPrince- huma City, to witness the service for don of its Main Galleryin thre lacked front door knob of his pradoced the keys and opened the A l4.yeor-uld 8th grade sta- required. To ton University,is o professi000l tnwnhoese in the 8900 block nf trunk upen the police officer's re- Registrationis photographer who, for the major- nooses, dent came 10 the Hiles Police De- Ralph Kozeny regisiercall 1312) 616-3470. with Hrathwoad Circle acaund 9:33 quest. purlment arenad 8:35 p.m. Sept. headed the Pro- Qneblmule waS ossociatrd The entire scouting mmmxxi- ity of his career, n.m. Sept. IS causing the front Removed from the trunk wete 16 und told police she and her 16- fessionol Pholographers of monyprofntsianul organiZutiOfls ty was deeply saddencd by the Des thranghOnt hiscueree. Hrin o (el- door to shake. two cases of Aven watches val- year-old brother Were being left America. He moved to willSkidsfrom Childrefl'a The victim then heard a loud alone all doy long by their 40- passiug ut une uf the great scent- Former Chicago Plaises Irr 1964 whenthe orguoi- low ofthe RoyulSaciety of Atta, De!oriuJordati, problem' sed at $10 roch. The subjects ers ofTraop 175 - Ralph . usually frown upon -'painting on Ike walls. No bang outside, and when hr went were placed into custedy, and the year-old father in a raum io the zullen rebooted here. London, und o lifemember of Memorial Hospital for anactivity grownups hospilaliZedyoaflgSlem and vioiling tn us effort to allow everyone Bear to appear Sacinty of As- anannualproJeCtthat0 outside he discovered that a fell property was returned In the cam- motel in the 7100 block of Mil- QuellmulZ is involved in many both the ColonIa fhòugh;ifasallpartof8gr5h5fr0k05, ouffined and ore hectratedbya upe- beer bottle had bren ihrown wuakee Avenue and were sui at- an nppuriosity to honor this great suciotian Executives andthe Na- ofa wall-size mural plumant. The subjects Were pro- mou. Troop 175 will be hosting a Meet former Chicago Beur ceromoflity endeavors,including celebritlesa chancetoperlicipatein thepainling MldWentdiViSiOn otan internaban- uguiosr the exierior entry way. tending schaut. tional Proas PhatographersAsso- Chicago - the messed atthnNiles Police Depart- specialmemorialserviceon Tom Waddle on October 9, at Au Oakton CommenityCollege. lie ciallycòmminniofledadintSponsotedbYChaiUfe tOr,serioiJnlY ill children and The bottle brokn and siding sas- The father and sua responded ciution. of free support services ment where they were each given Thursday, October 7, ai St. Jehn Spurts, 5129 W. Dempstrr. Sko- is an active memberof the Oak- al health organizationthafProvidasa wide army rotilineof serious tamest two small dents. Police orn $50,000 band and assigned a io the Niles Police Department, kin, (847) 679-0310. Tom wilt Fonodotton De- will peovide eickkidsa"lirne-otit"frOm the oftengnJeting Brebeuf Church. 8307 N. Han- ton Educational "The endaWment theirtamiliea --SrunhatrOkeeairns togive guest Brash- investigating the incident. Sept.23 conet date. and the father explained that the sigo autographs und greet his fass ossisting in Oukton with the eppartnnttYto in memory of GeneSichel, who wan himself a family had been living in the mo- tens, starting at 7:30 p.m. Eveiy- velopment Council, illness. Thin year'sproject is being held ose is issited lo attend. from muon until 2 p.m. Photos and fond ruising und rumpusevents. offer acomprehensive and pro- unveiledtti earlyOctober. Criminal damageto auto A 46.year-otd auditer from tel ovor3 mosihs.T2.ho father ap- community education ntrokes adi5l"in 1996.Themuralwillbe Anyone wishing to shore their cards wilt be available ut Au Through his many fessi000l photographic A 27.year-old Park Ridge re- Wheeling had an agreement with peated more than willing tu ne- Spurts. Or, bring in your own me- Qaollmalz Marilyn Appel- cnivn help from the Hiles Family happy memorirs and stories uf and campus activities, to students," says ceptiooist reported thai she left the music outlet store in the 9000 our beloved leader andlor be part morubiliatobn sigeod. Firss auto- Sorves usambussodor for Oolcton. son, directorof College Develop- Investigate a new .careeroption her white 1994 Pontiac Grund block of Milwaukee Avenar io Services Dept., and both children groph is tree. Euch additional is esprrssed a strong desire to go tu of this special service . should co-founded the Dos ment. "As themedium becames Prix in a parking loi in the 8800 sell the victim's drumset, which contact Bub Gatassi, (847) 965- $2. In 1982 ho ofthts en- arquaint you Getting INN to Business(BUS block ofKathy Lone around 9:45 school. A referral was made to Plaines Sister Cities Assaciotion. electronir, theearnings Callegn's shops end dusses to was valued at about $3,000 on 0920. dowmcntwill Cuanto thottheCol- Oakbon CommnniY with the skills atad trainingnerd- S4l) is o one-day seminarde- p.m. Sept. 13. When shereturned consigumeot. The victim left the the Social Services Department. lit was the force behindthe de- Alliance foe LifelongLearning Plaines lege offers studentsexceptional ed to break intaufleW career. signedforaspiring bed and to ihr parking loi ai 12:15 um. dramset at the store around zone velepmnnt of the Des (ALL) is offengseveral work- Topics in- Sept. 14, she discovered that un- American Associotion ofRetired technical atad stadioresunrces." brookfust innkeepers. I. 0e Sept. 15, the victim discov- INCORPORATED dudelifestyleconsidnrotiOns, known offender(s)had used cred that the store had gene oui of ESTABLISHED IN 1973 Shrimp Shop regulations. valuingproperties bricks to scratch the windshield, business. The victims drumset q GPARTIESO(IVI1 The -narketieg, flouncingand tax con- driver's side window und hood had net been sold, ser had she CATERING,EVENT PLANNIF4G&RENTALS sideratiOttS. Presenting atthis te- area of the car. been notified of the store's clos- Seafood Kitchen Lyada Pet- 7 s7 5 Out . formativo session ore ing. The victim told police she in- etlse/lu "Your Football Party Needs' IND3OR Dine In Or Carry ty, aSaugatuck bed andbreakfast Theft tends to prosecute. Poolts, u bed and rliul,l,' (',ii' t' ti' Speciafizing ire a 9%(ILine0J5)OSI1 SeaJQO innkeeper; Bob The owner of a transpariation BARBEQUE BUFFETS tMuooth Scampi breakfast inn broker;and Ron company in the 6000 block of Ho- The 45.yeur-Old owner uf the Is your money WEATHER Caíaireari QetopUO Clamo professor of .T_otlster Crab Lego Thomas, associate ward Street repii0(l dii'imuo wtl- beauty salon is ihn 8000 block of working this hard? LUNCH & DINNER BUFFETS InDienne Packages hospitality undfeadservice mou- sesses, alan employed by the Milwaukee Avenue reported that Suhl By ThePoutad Or Your Own Wine ' ogement at Oakton. The srnstnnr IInterestpaidsenil.annually Dining Room GrundOpen'mg (IWO) Bring DELI TRAYS merts from 8:30 n.m. -5:30 p.m. ICallable beginning OINNER SPECIALS ' Sunday, Oct. lO atOulcton's breath PRICES START AT $6.25 PER PERSON r LURCH SPECIM.S . ma Sleepless nights a 09/30/02B 101 ENTREES 1600 E. 2 SHRIMP . Des Plaines campas. "More cozy. Lesscost." I SHRIMP ENTREES i attender AAA.rated by Standard FREE SET-UP OF ALL BUFFETS 40e(0* un your irthdia:Salal, Golf Road. Cost for nne I fon can save np to itilideevei&Poali for course secaOn taking solution & Poor's hosting rusts ibis wintnr with u (registering LOCATIONS hillS, CHICACO $G95 ExIlies lIlltlIi BUS S4l-Ol, TouchTone 7588) Sleep Apnea sources. 'ilutd eltustise 9117199, new Carrier lndonr Cities Illilifli '18°i Obstructive I signing Sleep apnea qualifies as one of sublaul to aunllabilily. WeutherMultee® gas furnace. is $120. A second penon (OSA) is the most common sleep WERE NOT #1 YOU AREUI L___2l!ieT_I-----HnlVal' first (for course S0c is Ameraras least anderstund and Yiuld end r,,urhat mlua wilt Carrier's tIte most totallyefficient up with the disorder. This is a condition Reservations Recommended773-7634181 tien EUS 541-02,Touch Tone undiagnosed illnesses. The Na- fuetunio it sold prinr io brand yen can buy. Andif yen are.) which the afflicted person stops maturity. TOLL FREE1-888-827-0888 6311 N. Milwaukee coo, nrwe&Muw,oxer 7620) pays an additional$75. breathing repeatedly dating sleep duraI Institutes of Healih este- buy u new Carrier furnacenow, otrraoonvhstnis encauses Call or stop by today. Operi ntaiiorLneth& Direi, Other ALL cornerwurkshoPs ("apnea" mrars "without breath- males about 12 millian USadults ynu'bb save A Cuterin, Available $ PripateFuellen uffered this fall includeWaitressl ing' inOreek). and children are affected, bat Mamber 5lPc Wnitor Workshop,Introdectian Most typically, the disorder is only 1.5 million have bers treat- 50 so Aviotiun Careers,Breaking ed. bufare you tarn it nu, cussed when soft tisane in the rear Men's into tite Music Businessund Get- uf Ihr throat closes the airway to Thu most common and non- ting a "Jump SturI" on 0eActing ihr lengs. It affects peuple ut any inoasive ireotatent foe OSA is us- Carrer. age-from newbornbabtes ing a CPAP device while you DivorceRights Students who haveregistered theough adults of eithersex. sleep. MEN'S RIGHTS for Oukton or ALL classeswithin Amend 4 percent ofwemrsand 9 CPAP is an acronym for Con- PROTECTING the last five yearsand have the percent of men in the30 to 60 linoaus Positive Airway Prou- correct SocialSorority nnmber year age group havetreatable lev- vare. sChild Custody un file mayregister by using the Michael Gnllaghnr, Peesideni 635- eIs of OSA. T/eaee, ,4 ar sProperty Disputes TuucisTnnr system at (847) One of the churarterisiicsofof CPAP Solulinus, alusg with 635- Morton Grove 1616 or by Fus as (847) sleep apnea is snoring.Individu- his wife Mania, who is a Respira- 6310 WLincoln Ave , . . SupportProblems 1448. Both methods requirepay- als, who are mast often over- tory Therapisi. cus give you ras- major credit curd rrelesolations for arestfut eìghl's #450 CHICAGO,ILLINOIS 60603 meist with a weight, middle-aged moo, arenut JEFFREY L. CARDELLA (847) 9672200 = 19 S. La Salle St., (Visa,MasterCard nr Discover). your average sunrers.Usually sleep. Vos eso contact them at 8141MILWAUKEE CEMENT CONTRACTORS 312/807-3990 or 708/296-8475 about 847.673-2404,Faxg77-290- For mere information they snore very loudly. lomporar- NILES, IL 60714 Operated these classes und for acomplete wake unto- CPAP (2727) or nolineal Owned and cull uy stop breathing, and FREE ESTIMATES Family ATTORNEY ATLAW brochare of ALL courses, leotionally thraughout thenight svwsv.cpapsOlaliaus.com. (847) 470-8953 SERVINGCHICAGOLAND .JEFFERY M.LEVING. (847) 982-9888, press63. is on attetspi to get nuygea.Stud- Nues, Illinois (847) 965-6606 icy have shows that theyhave as Edwardiones 20 Years THE 1986 JOINT CUSTODYLAW" st;'ï.i Crime! For Over "HELPED WRITE USE TI-lE BUGLE much as a 40 percent grenierrisk -e,rvieo Ìealeduni ewnnslne 181, SHOWROOM 4aIright..com of luviag a strokethon nun- VISIT OURENERGY CONVERSATION PAI8 .05,1WE... rE'.,.E19 Skokie AARP Four day senior - Nues Senior Men's 'Nashville Country st.Andrewplans Chapter to meet u s I - ChristamS' Bowling at Brûnswkk Skokie A.A.R.P. will hold it's s ::: i Art & CraftFair next meeting oe Tuesday, Otto- -t :::11, 14. #12 Team 3 4 On Saturday, Oct. 9at St. An- floral Brunswick Nues ber 5 1999 at I p.m. at the Petty Seniorcitizensthroughout novelties, knitted items, 15.#22 Team 2.54.5 NÏLES SENIOR Maine Township drew Home is Niles fromIO am, Native American art, baby items, Bowl 9-8-99 Auditoriam of the Skokie Li- The Ne,,, NOes CENTER REGISTBION are invited to is 3 p.m., artists and crafiers will 2 5 . 16.#7 Team braey, 5215 Oaktoo St., Skokie, MEET MORTON GROVE BUSINESSMEN Seuror Center- 999 CivicCenterDrive be- enjoy deluxe motorcoach trans- and mach more. An Gctobcrfest TEAMSTANDING W L 17.#l5Team held in the und the Village Hall euhibit oil paintings, handmade menu will be available. These Pull "Take Time for Thursday" programs - serves residents of the Villageof Niles portation to Nashville, Tenues. dollsandanimals, 18.#6 Team 7_ 5 Community Room of the Prairie ViewCommaeity Center will age 62 and Over and thetryuanger see for 3 nights at the Opryland eyeglass St. Andrew Home s locatedat Members md guests are iovit- es,, trips, purchasing tickets, spouses. To register for class- chains and Cases, Victorian bird _1. #13 Team 5 2 19.#l7Team. - highlightMOrtOn Grove busieesses. Make areuervalion by call- etc,, yoa need to bea member of the Hotel which will be elegant, 7000 N. Newark ( I block west of - ed to enjoy, refreshments after Niles Senior Center. houses, wooden boxes and tratti. #STeam 5 2 20.#l4Team 2 - 5 -- - ial Catherine Deau ut 965-1200. 0eSeptember 23 at I p.m., lfyou are interested inobtaining additional full-serviceanchor point for a MilwuakeeAv,and I blocksouth the meetiug. - - tianal dolls frem Poland, hand- - Senior Center information #lóTeam 5 2 21.#3Team, 2 5 Tony LaCorte ofLeadiag BdgeAatomotivewill share informa- - or you wish to becomea member - stay filled with Ontertaiemeut, of Teuhy). 047-647-8332, Fron 22.#2Team 2 5 please callor visit the Center and be sewn table linees, soft sculptures, admissioo, #18 Team 5 2 Entertaiemeot 2000Beoks are lion aud answerctoestioes aboatcarmaintènanCe.Then on Octo- placed on the mailinglist, tours and history. #4Healmaster 52- being sold at $35. Wilt expire her 21 at 1 p.m.. John Koester of-Maierund Koesleru Bakery Membership is FREE. BeginningDecember10th, #5Team 5 2 DiekKaras - Nov. 1, 2000, bat may be used will demonstrate the ant ofcakedecorating. Learn the "tricks of VOLUNTEERS NEEDED seniors will travel through5cc- Lincolnwood Seniors JoeChurchill - HEAT/COLD #1 Team S 2 immediatelyBoy 00w- Save the trade' and then eajoy loha'screaUonwilhcoffeeand tea. ALERT VOLUNTEERS,.Volunteers are oir Kentucky and Tenuesser to #21 Team 4.52.5 Bob Schaub 553 Later. Please call Doris Kohn, "HOW CAN I STAY IN MY OWN HOME?" needed to make phonecalls daring eutreme the Oprylaud Hotel in Nashville, John Zawistowski weather rendi- Club October 4 3 tinos te homebound elderly, - birthdays #l9Team 847-677-8667. Maiutoinieg unes awe home and independence ts o primary I and be greeted by the sight. of The - LiecolswoodSeniors #10 Team 4 3 - RoeBuffo challenge can gourmet luncheno will be Plume call Sid Sonia, Presi- goal ofresidents ofMortou Grove. This daunting EVENiNG AND SUNDAY 20,000 pointsettau and miles of Clobwill - VOLUNTEERS. Volunteers celebrate Il. #llTeam 4 3 Todd Bavaro 536 - be threatenedby illness, ago, finances and other factors. Pied out are needed to assist at October served. If you are interestedyou dust, fer further inforrnuliOa at nur Sunday and Evening ProgramsJobs holiday garland- just pari of the Birthdays at the Alden North- #20-20 3 4 D.Hond!er 515 - about services available in Morton Grove stthis free program include unswering the well known annual holiday der- mast register ahead of time. 514 847-663-0013. - phone, serving fond,collecting tickets Shore lecated at 5050 W. Tauhy #9 Team 3 4 DieoLandi entitled, "How Cas I Stay In My Own Home? - AdultSupportive To volunteer, pirase orations that helped mnkrthe Please call the Recreation De- contact Mary Swanson at 588-8420, Ave., Skokie no October 7,at partment at (847) 677-9740 by Services in Morton Grove." Presenters are Nancy Brothers MONTHLY SUNDAY Opryland Hotel famous. t 1:30n.m. A complimentary (Morton Grove Pnblic Library). CatherineDeau (Morton Grove AND EVENING PROGRAMS Travelers will enjoya guided September 30 to register. Park District), Mary Kay Andreosi and Bad Swortson (Village tour nf Nashville, known The Niles SeniorCenter is sow openene Sunday every as the nf Mortou Grove), Brenda Long (Great Opportanities Adalt month, and oneevening every month, All Hiles seniors "Athens of the South", including PNA NorthSide Day Care), AneSchnar (Bethany Terrace Nursing Centre), und arr wel- Music Row, homes of Country come. We're hoping Ntles seniorswho can't come to the Senior Michael Babiarz (Attorñey at Law). The program begins at 2 Center danng regalar hours & Western musicstars, and the willjoin us on Sundayor in the eve- Seniors tomeet p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 26 in theMorton Grove Public Library. ning, Call toregister,un we know how mach food COontry Music Holt of Fame,In in order. The Polish National Alliance For moreinformation, Refreshments will be served and resources will be available. To GENERAL TICKETSALES the afternoon, seniors will board North Stde Seniors wilt call register, call theLibrary at 965-42?0. Tickets are sold on the 300-font puddlewbeel "Gen- meet (773) 28h-0500, ext. 309or 3 t 6. - a first-come/first.temed basis. Callfor trat Jackson Showboat" for Wednesday, October t3,at IO MALLSHOPPING ticket availability. a am. at the PNA Fraternal Center, Sesiors wishing tojoin shoppers os a trip to GolfMill Mall on cruise on the Cumberlaud River September-Lire Lauch E Movieis Friday, Sept. 24, 12noon ra 6030 N. Cicero Ave., Chicago. Telephone Tuesday, Sept. 28 should call today to reserve a seat os the Mer- - 3p.m. Enjoy an Italian along with a late lunch and live BeefSandwieh follewed byShakespeare The speaker far this meeting Reassurance at too Grove Seniortran. Home pick-aps begin at 10 am. with ari- in Love (PG-l3) starTingGwenyth Paltrow, Cest; $2,- entertainment, That evening wilt will br a representative from val at GeIfMill around t I am. Shop and brvwse for three hours Suuday at the Contar include a live performanceat the the Center ofConcern . Halloween Nijioks - is October 10, ii legendary Grand 01e Opry. Office ofBaoks and RealEstate, COME VISIT until the bus returns shoppers home st 2 p.m. Mall trips are am. to 3 p.n. (Center open until 4p.m.) Bring the grandkids! to discuss the substantial publie scheduled on the lastTuevday ofevery month at no cost. Call the Seniorswillalsovisit The The Center of Concern'sTelo- The Hijinks stare witha Halloween Pet Parade at t Iam. - all aiteotiov concerning the impact phoneReassurance US!! Morton Grove Senior Hot Line at 470-5223 to make a reserva- pets must ho in costume and prizes mill Hermatage, the home of Presi- Program be awarded, Lunch wilt rIent Andrew Jackson built in the year 2000 date changemaId consistsof tolephooe callsat lion. - be served from 12noon to 1 p.m., followed by a ghoulishMuri- have us the businesses andorgan. specified times to DIABETES SCREENING - Onttte show at 1:30 p.m. featuring Dave 15t9, and have an opurtunity to or from indi- Herzog's Marionettes. izatians that service seniors,Be- Viduals who live aloneto deter- Diabetes is a silent disease. By the time it is diagnosed, dam- Cast: $5 do some Christmas shopping at canse of the groat reliance finan- theOprylundHotel mine f they require specialas- Sunday age to arteries, eyes, nerves, and kidneys has beengoing on for Debbie Reynolds in Concert- 2 Dates: Wednesday, Ott, 20,' Country rial institutions, sistance and Tharsday, Oct. 21; ChrsstamsArt,Antique,and security and Io pravide seven to 10 years. Every mieute at bastone persous isdiagnosed an,. to S:30p.m. Enjoy Butt Steakor systems,rnmmunicatioonet. Companionship. The Center of September 26 with diabetes. People are uthigiser risk if they: Fantatted Shrimp ut Drury Lane Craft Fair. The last eightin Martinique. Then listento Deb- Nashville will includea dinner work, etc. have on Compateriza- Concern'sTelephoneRetissa- .are age 45 and older; hie Reynolds. Cost: $46. Limit2 tickets/person. tino; steps are taken to makesure rance Programis 11-3 . Evening at the Center and musical rrvae. also made are a member of a high-risk ethnic group(e.g., African - Halloween Fanfest is Taesday, Oct. Oar systems will work correctly. available to individuals inours. Monday American, Hispanic/Latino, American Indian, Asian American, 26, Sp.rn. ta 9p.m. Meal ofSloppyJoe's, and a Surprise Dessert The trip includes 5 meals,de- This important session will ad- ing homes and retirement homes September 27 Pacific Islander); is served from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30p.m. Don't forget to wear your lane motorcuach transportation dress the needs of seniors and who need psychologicalreassa- - are overweight; costume; prizes will be awarded, Enjuythe Kitchenaires anda A hotel, all attractionsand ad. hapefully anssver most ofour rance even though not alone. Sing-u-Long, Cosi: $3.50, ii-3 . have highblood pressare (atorabove 140/90) mission charges and gratuities. qaes tians. Call (047) 523-0453 for addi. - have a family history ofdiabetes; and MAYFLOWER TOUR PREVIEW PNA Vice President Stanley Reservations are required. For tinuatinformationaboutthis - have a histary ofdiabetes daring pregeancy nr are a wow- Mayflower Tour Preview is Thursday,Sept. 23 at 10 n.m. M. Jeudzejer extendsau invita- prugram and to find oat aboat es who has had ababy weighiegmere than9 pounds at birth. Featured tours inelade florida additiosal information and prie- tins ta alt seniors and friends. All Sun Coast, River Barge and es,call Sue Naeschel, Maine velunteerOpportunities,Visit Free diabetes screenings are available from 9 to 10 am. on Rails and the Thanksgiving Day Macy'sParade in New York seniors 55 and aver, PNAmew- The Center locatedat l500 N. Township Directnr nf Senior bers or not, are invited. Tuesday, Aug. 24 is the Morton Grove Village Hall Senior Ces- City. Registration required. - NurtbwestHsvy.,Suite310, ter. People ceming in for the screening should fast from the pee- Services at 847-297-2510, LOOKING FOR 80 YEAR AND OLDERMEN Refreshments wilt be served. Park Ridge. vieaseveningmeal. - The Hiles Senior Center in putting tagethera monthly social ILLINOIS IDENTIFICATION CARD group ofmen 80 and alder. Ifyon are interested, pleasecontact a 1fl....p:'t'O'fl P__J The Office ofthe Secretary ofStale will heiusuieg rdentsfica- Mary Swanson at 510-8420. a z:--a FOOD .NTERTMNMENT tine cards and driver's licenses (rem 9 n.m. to 2:30 p.m.. ne LITE LUNCH AND MOVIE ACTIVITIES Wednesday, Gel. 13 in the Pirst National Bank ofMorton Lite lunch ofu heefsuedwich at 12noon. Cost: $2.50. Current Health Care Center Grove. Please ente that only drivers who need to takethe viston movies continue in September. ShowTime:I p.m. in Roam and written tests for their license renewal within the nextcalen- #127. FUN ACTIVITIES daryearmay renew on thit date. September 24- Shakespeare in Love (1999, R) starring Owe- Idgally located in the Northwealauburba - lden6ficotion cards are free to citizens 65+ and for persnss nyth Paltrow and Joseph Fiennen, Hampton Plaza offersa gracioug, yet with disabilities: The card is accepted as a valid form ofrdenttfi- WOMEN'S CLUB MEETING cation just like a drivers license. Documents required for tssa- Women's Club meeting is Monday, Sept. 27, at 12noon. Sa- affordable lifestyle. The beautiful once ofthe card are a Social Security Card,plus two acceptable- zetteHeryza will giveapreseetation on Colors and Make-np fol- nurroundingn, deliciousmenus and forms ofidentification that provide name, date ofbirth,residen- lowing a meal ofltaliaeBeefand chips. Cost: $2. professional nervice aa'ejust cy aud signature. GOLFERS WANTED some of the All men are invited to participate in the following Golf Oat- exciting new changes you'll findat - BAVARIAN FEST '99 ings; - Hampton Plaza, Enjoy this afternoon ofuong, drink, food and fun on Tuesday, 18 Hole GolfGuting is at Countryside in Muedeleinon Tues- Oct. 26, during Zum Deutschen Eck's Bavarian Pest '99. Marvel day, Sept. 21. The price is 527 and includes golf, caes andgreen For More JnfornoJjonor at the ietematiunal musical show featuring "The Spectacular fees. to arrange a Tour: 847-967-7000 "Dedicated to preserving Ihe Diginity of Life." Duo" that plays over IO different instruments and sings in Ger- 9-Hole Tam Outing scheduled fur Wednesday, Oct. 6. The man, Czech, Polish, French, Italian and more! PIas, dance to the pricnis $12 and includes gelfand prizes only. Macarena, Chicken Dance, and polkas toname a few, The ANNUAL MEN'S GOLF BANQUET DPInmmunmpp ot' scrumptious authentic lunch of German Pot Reast, Buttered Cnmejniu as as we finish our successful GolfProgram at the 847-967-7000 Spactzles, Bavarian Red Cabbage and Homemade Apple 51ra- Loue Tree Restaurant on Friday, Oct. IS from I I am. until 2 del along with unlimited beerand wine, top this (abobas trip! p.m. Prizes will beawarded. Price: $10. 9777 Greenwood Asbury Court Des Plaines Nene Ave Depart from the Praïrie View Community Center at 10:30 - YARN NEEDED PIene am. and retare at approximately 3:30 p.m.. The cost of this trip The SeniorCenteris requesting left overyarn urscraps uf ma. Addwun City Niles, IL 60714 1750 L. Elmhurst Rd. is $49 forresidents and 555 for non-residents, Farmern informa- tenuI, Lap robes and shawlu are made forveterons ai Hines Hos- Saln.Z, We are very Proud of tien or to register (mg. #3428-3), contact Senior Adult Supervt- MiSTo:Heupe,pt.9fl7 ttsensnnndAne, Nitefi. our full Accreditation pilaI. -Volunteer knitters und crucheters are also needed. If inter- 80714 with the Joint Consmission Osr, Catherine Dem ut the Morton Grave Park District, 965-1. ested,pleaaecantact the SeninrCenter. ,Mectene, Medicalcl,VAmmeInstnsnncq,teii' on Aecretijlnljon - 847228-1 500 - - 1200. ofHealtbeare Oeganizations (JCAHO). t t ThE BUGLE,TIItJcSsDAY, serxxp,gnuae 23.1999 PAGE 2 PAGE 20 THE BUGLE, TRURSDY, sEFTEMBER23;-1999 -I- II'%I A Yourself' skills Director of Public How to'use coIkgo - ABC's of Iùvesting ALL offers 'Do-It- And the winner is... If you're the type who tibes to torch welding and cutting. There F/nor Coeeritand Faux Deco. Safrty appointed at tinker,Oakton'sAlliancefor Ore two, tO-week sections of this rating. Students who have cegtstoced NEI!) eñsure job success - via the Internet Lifelong Leaeoing (ALL) has a course offered thts full at Maine variety of classes to help you do- West Htgh School.I 755 South for Oaktun or ALL classes wttinn Melvin C. Terrell, Ph.D., Vice 'lIje include networking with other io- Internatianally known muEva- tore," a highly acclaimed Portane AllianceforLifelong velop the skills and confidence Wolf Rond, DesPlomes: AlO-OS the taut live years and have u cor- President for Student Affairsl lineal speaker, author und snlevi- 500 lendrcship event; and a sum- Lemming (ALL),, the continuing dividoat inventons and banning needed to tackle your next pro. (Touch-Tone 3762) meets from lees Social Secartty comber ou . Public Affairs at Northeastern tI- sien personality, Patrick Combs, caer jub testing video gamtis for education program poesnered by how to trade through the Internet. 7:15-tOp.m.onWednrsdays,bc- file may register by using the lieds University (NEIIJ), au- There are two sections of this (oct. willgive o freepresentativa Electrudic Arts. Oakton Community College and Introduction lo Home Plumb- ginning Sept. 22; and A10-02 Touch-Tone system at (547) 635- enunces the appnintment of-Ste- catted "Major in Success" ou As a television prrsonality, district high schools, is offering u class scheduled at Oaktun's Des irtg (ThC B69-Ot, Touch-Tooc (Touch-Tone 3763) meets from 1616 or by FAX ut (847) 635- ven D. Horton, MA. Inthe Combs has been u featured gnest new course for those interested io Plaines campos. 1600 Lust Golf 7:lS_tOp.m. un Mondays, begin- 1448. Both methods require pay- position nf Director of Public Monday, October 4, at Oaktou 2260)featuresdemonstrations Cummnsity College. Cembs will on snch shows as Hard Copy, leueniog about online investing. Road. DPIt A04-01 (Touch- andlecturos ahoutrepuiring leaky ning Sept. 27. The course fee is ment using a major credit card Safety effective July 7, 1999. speak from 1-3 pal. at the Des Real TV,The Phil Dana/tue Online fns'ooting (DPR A04) Tone 9809) meets from 9 a.m.-t $140. (Visa, MasterCard or Discover). Horton comes to 1/btU from p.m. 00 Intondsy, Oct. 4, und fixtures, including toilets, exteri- Plaines campus, located ut-1600 Show, TheMantelWilliams provides ioformation about corn- or and interior faucets, under- Other home improvement For moro information about Northeastern University where Show, ARC Nightly Newo with panyresearch,stockquotes,. Wednesday, Oct. 6. DPR A04-02 courses offered this full include these classes and for a complete he bus served as Deputy Chief East GolfRoad. . ground pipes and water heaters, In his highly interactive pres- Diane Sawyer, und Goad Morn- chartiug and indicator tools, and lTooch.Tonr 991 t) meets from Bathroom Remodeling, Interi or schedute of ALL courses, call fur Administrative Services The class meets tram 7-tO p.m. estatieu, Combu tires np and em- ing America. His first huak, Ma- stock and matutat fund screening noon-4 p.m. on two Sundays, on Thursday, Oct. 14, ut Moine DesignWorkohop,Choosing (847) 982-9988, press option 4/3. since 1997. He joined Nertb- jar in Scaccess.' Make College tools. Additioaul topics ravered Oct. tOand 17. western's Police Depaelment in puwers his audience with a pow- East High School. 26Cl Demp- crinI blendof enthusiasm, Entier, Beat the System E' Get A Other ALL computer courses. sterStreet,Fork Ridge. The 980, und was appointed Deputy Very Coal Jab, is a hest seller "What is a sincerity asd swat advice -- ad- offered this fall inctnde Expiare course fee is $25. Chief of University Poliau . in which won a New York Puhtic 1998, serving both un the Chica- vice On getting she most out of the Internet; How to Create and Small Engine Repair ('FEC college, getting and slaying mcd- Librasy "Best Book" award. tu Horton... Grateful Heart?" go campus (t988-92) and the Pahl/ah a Web Page; Maitime' E12-Ol. Touch-Tone 21t2) fo- vated, triumphing over fears, und addition, he has been twice nomi- Cant/tuned tram Page 20 Everyone wunts to tent tovest, eneeand Healthwith Key to the Evanston campas(1993-97). dica and E-Cammeree on the In- coses on the sheney. operation landing a dream job. His refresh- nated for Speaker of the Year by especially nur children. Wo want Scriptnares by Mary Baker Eddy, Previous to these positions he tornei; und WebDeoign andAni- and repair of small gas engines ing, iespiring and humcrous pres- Compon Activities Today mago- Public Administration in 1992. to know we arc being nurtured is the Discoverer and Founder of was u police officer, corporal, malinn, foundin lawnmowecs, snow- OurLadyofRwlSom Tmop #lO7he/d theirannual P/nawood nutation gets his audience "up," eine. Combs' website, He received a BA. in Crimioal heart,mind and body.First Christian Science, helps its read- sergeant and lieatenunt ut Nerth- blowers nod go-carts. The coarse DcrbyRace The winners were: (bottom row, I fo r):RyleyMikos, maying and motivated to take cc- www,goodthink.runs has been Justice feam the University of JI- Studentr who have registered Church of Cheist, Scientist, Park ers solve workday, health, linon- western. includes demonstration und acta- KevinHoneman, BenMayer; (middlernw, Ito r):JasonKaitchuk, tians that create lasting, positive visited by millions and has won linois at Chicaga, and has tuhen forOakton Or ALL classes within Ridge, 330 Touhy Avenue, is cial and eelationslsip problems. Before joiniug Nurthwestem at practice on mpreseotative en- aridKennafhMisiaWicZ; (top ro w) life chcnget. she Internet's highest awards, postgraduate courses in law en- the last five years and hove a cor- sponsueing two lectures that will "Oar sense of unity with God Kavin Sas/cc, Michac/Halparin University, Horton was a police gines. This 10-week class meets Aftergraduating from Sun For reservations or additiauul forcement from the Illinois De- rect Social Security numberOn provide onswers to ynar search comes from withio -- and that is Cub Master Phil Falsos. officer for the Metropolitan Wa- from 7:30-tO p.m. ce Tuesdays, Francisco State University, information about this program, purIfient of Law Enforcement file may register by using the forhealth and welt-being. whore we seed to look tor solo- ter Reclamation District (fanner- Training Academy and North- Tsuch-Toee system at (647) 635-beginning Sept. 28, at Nites West "What is o Grateful Heart?" tines." Ms. Neeley points out. y, Metropolitan Sanitary Dis- Combs achieved a level of pro- please call Rabin Vivoau as 547- Nues West Open House 635-1735. western University's Traffic In- l6t6 or by FAX at (947) 635-High School. Oaktou Sc Edens will be given on Saturday. Sep- scies) of Oeeaser Chicago, for the fessional success usually attained Expressway, Skakie. The coarse urenls before the stitote- 1448. Both methods require pay- . tember 25 at 4 p.m. is the church Ms. Neeley was a Christian Ni/es West High School will beThsailed to University of Chicago, and fer by those mach alder and estah- Open Hesse. In addition, vaei Northeastern Illinois Univer- ment using a major credit cardfeeis$t49. edifice. "Wo con claim osa/ birth- Science nurse who now devotos hold its annual Open House for Northwestern Memurial Hospi- tished in their careers, including USE Web/ing I (ThC AtO) is a oes activities, clubs andorgani- garnering as $80,000annaal sala- -sisyisa comprehensive state (Visa. MastoeCard or Discover). eight as the sons ucd daughters of full time to the healing practico us parents at 7 p.m. tonight at the tal in Chicugo. "hands-on" course that teaches zatiOnswill have information O;a prestigians role au video universityserving mure than Por more information about God," Ms. Neetey noten, Cynthia a Christian Science practitioner. school, 5701 W. Oakton Street A graduate of Northeastern Il- HE to,ltOO commuter students. It is these classes and foe o completethefundameetolsofsvetding. Sta- She has traveled extousivety as a in S/coHn. Parents will fellow booths in the cafeteria. For in- confeceneing manager for - Levi Neeley. C.S.B. is the guest speok_ formation, please calt Putricia linois University, Nortee earned located ut 5500 North St. Louis schedule of ALL courses, calldonE will practice techniques er. She will explain how the membee ofThe Booed of Lecture- theirchildren'sschedulesto un MA. in Political Seieuce and Strnass & Company; a top pro- that inctude manaal arc welding, Ham at 565-3551. ducer rate es "A Day in the Fu- BÜGLE Avenue in Chicago. (847) 982-999e, peess option #3. Christian Science Textbouk, Sci- ship. learn fiest.hantl what each Çontinued na Page 21 caurse contains, Schedules will Listening to Suzanne was the first step for our PTHE PAINNOW New Beginnings5m Nurse s "When I fiestmetSunanne, itsuas clsarthutshewasluokiugfor s mutemtty ytogram thalssould wotktdth her tu buse ahealthybaby. Especially imyottant WITH OENTLEEFFECTIVE TREATMENT to her msa pro/emional sta//subo resyected bee leetingsand mncems, - That's probably the enmonan gut dung sasseS. Our teamappeuuch and OR THEWHOLE FAMILY compnusionntt care made all the difference tu amanse. tt didn'tlalselung br her ta lest rightat hnmessith her doctoe and me. We worhed with Sunanun throughout her segnano, resulting in a beautilal little girl. Aweeh after the drtiuesy, t gase Sunanve am/I tumalte give us a try.Acupuncture is tute eserythiugssas goingwett, answer any quesgom andmatte sum theses If other jyeajnieidshaveiit worked. setting up her postealal appointments. t'tubinga di/fetenes lar womentrIse Saaaunr iswbat t tuve about myiub." - approach for acute/chrovtic The Nass Bngtmthtga' Matennitp Program at Huly Fern//p Medical asafe, aiid veryeffecilve alteriiaiive Center is banedon a learn appruarh lhefpruoide.n compassionate rorsyo'ehe,tniee care fur ap,eclant mo/hes, theirbubies and respiratory problenis. theirfamilieo. - paii. -fatigue, stress,niigraiiies aiid . Campa55lonate cure theoagts all phases ofyuar peegnancy. . Connectad ta 5na and grue concerns,

------. Committedtoyuarwelt be'mg, -

- --. - For mo¡nfonnadon 1b "Whr tflvramn/s,HolaFa,ntlolhtn.. - Coiitact (847) 8133040 rfmuwvw- un/.MuanPpmag.. edon.J-- -- ForaROE .CoiisultaiioP' - y

'Skaaanapaaome/hérenlidn9cOTd.ededA,J - Holy Family too N. River Ruad .i.0andk the cuantiaren"-

-- --. - -uanunsteras - Medical Centee - Des Planes, IL 69016 Csiin ptt.'sist1tte.Csnnectcd, CsstTtllT i ti L'ti, The Pain- Clinic FialyFanilyMediealC.eterPmmetm alelaron of/seda. rniadandepirftthrnugh qua/tiyheallhueseirea. Dedicated/a our Christian hee/lrremth/slrsc noan/no 8937 W1t GolfRoad'Niles roe5taaaiattetoearO. oath trsh'r,'duale dianity, entiese/ro ta ourmrnnnasittt. - - MeuamcrflmRUe,SrnnMonHe5m ------.... - - (841)2O9O54i - THE BUGLE, THURSDAY, sEPTEMBER 23 1999 -lit'0:' 23 PAGE 22 -TEE BUGLE, TEURSDAY, SEPTEMBERi3,1999 o Center Stageat Dominican Lincoinwooc! presents Primal Conneétion Public Library Meet the Teacher at Center Stage st Dominicas differences to deliver s positive Dramatic portruyalofwomon who fell in love with themon who workplace unti politics. The pro- SJB Maine TownshipFall Parenting series Univeesity presents a conecte by social message which maintains would become her husband in a gram is free. Call 847-677-5277 Having had sixteen years of a participate in a classroom like Maine Townships MaineStay jeeR inclading Building Yaor sorne practical strategies to help born at Centnry's turn. the world best ensemble, Primal that all people can como together, Sacanne Hales will portray theWarld WarIIconcentration forfuether information. Catholic education in thu Chica- atmosphere. Topics for the show Youth sud Family Services will Child's Selfflsteem, Hsw to Dis- children protect themselves and physically and spiritually, for s Astlsmaupdate atlibrary. go Archdiocese, including grad- are selected by a professor from ciplint with Lsve, and Inocalat- to deal with conflict more cas. Casnection, on Friday, October 1 sturies of a number of .wnmcncamp;Beatrice Wood, who be offering three free patenting at 8 p.m. The concert will be held commas goal. watched Monet paint is the gar- The Rash North Shore Medical uatiug from Loyola University, Loyola Usiversitys Education programs presented by MameS- ing Yuar Child Against the Epi- stractively. The program will be bars at the beianiug of the most - in the Lund Auditorium, lucated dramatic centney of alltime,des of Giverny; Temía Ito, who Center series presents Asthma it seems only natural to be teach- Departtnent and are boned on lay staff professionals, an nab- demie ofViolence. presented by Bill Websler, MS., Center Stage al Domínicas Updale by Elizabeth Gould, RN, tiraS is the Fine Arts building, 7900 University is directed by Jill and based es We Remember: Womenwas among the nearly 120,000 in- ing at St. Jahn Brebeuf for the varions Mathematiciansand The programcenters .L.C.P.C., fromMaineSlay: MSN, CCRN, Thursday, October West Division Street. Michael Puehimon. Center Stage Bora at the Turn oft/tn CenIsyocrent Japaneto Americans im- last sixteen years. their findings. We aro responsi- around the often discsssed, yet To register for the Septumber 27 internment 7. ut 7:30 p.m. at the Lincoln- littleunderstood,conceptof Primal Connection uses the is offering s full season of perfac- Tell Stories ofTheirLivea, editedprisunedisU.S. Until my husband Dick and g hie for writing and presenting Weber 49ers Or October 25 programs st the camps during World War II and wood Public Library. Allergios had enr fast child, t taught in 'Bailding Your Child'sSelf- universal language of percussion manees at Dominican including by Junuc Marie Laskat, in a Pri- the material an the show much Park Ridge Fablic Library, call and instruments-from around the aeverot moro women wha had re- and asthma arc among the most theChicagoPublicSchools. like teaching in Ihn classroom. to celebrate Esteem.' Discussins ofhow self- T.S. Monk anti Combo, God- day Fare program at the Lincoln- (847) 825-4527. For thu Novem- world to create original upbeat wend Public Library ou Octnbermackahlc experiences in a world commun terd enpousive health Shortly therafter, we moved to Toan is sometime, Mondays, esteem changes learn childhood spell,the Vienna Choir Beys problems. Come and leseo abant 50th reunion through ndnlescdece and how ber 3 program at the DesPlomes music that sends a message nf Concert,'Monto I; Coffee ut IO am.; program atwithout light bulbs,- telephoacs, Niles and S.J.B. parish. Here at Channel 35 al 7 p.m. if you have Public Library, call (847) 827- "Christmas bras, income tax, cars, radia, as- the newest Iherapics and self- St. Johns, three of oar live chil- TCI Skokie as your cable rom- parents cas help will be followed brotherhood to audiences. Dance Theatre of Chicago and 10:30 am. Thu library is located The Weber High School Class 5551. Members nftlte group are a re. osthesia, or refrigerators. They managemeot uf the disease. The dran were baptized, all received pony. of I 949 will celebeale their 50P by practical suggestions and ide- Danny Glaner and Palis Justice at4000 W. Pratt. Ave. flechen of ethnic diversity pro- Hales will dramatically witnessed wamen suffrage and program in free. The libeory is at the sacraments and gradaated, I try to keep informed nu the year cousins on Suturday, Ne- os. Amy Riniker, MA., L.C.P.C., in "An Evening with Martin and 4000 W. Pratt Ave., phone 847- ofMaineStay will be the prosent- Book viding a conlmnsing infosion nf present Brocke Astor, Ehe philan- wemoo senators. Leaving the and bath oar daughters were subjects I teach through mcm- vember 20, 1999, at Przybyto's Langslos." they entered colleges, the 677.5277. married. Even une of oar grand- bership in N.C.T.M. and work- Whito EngIn in Nilcs. Cocktail er at the Park Ridge Publie Li- newantivariedsangsasti Eheopist known as the First Lady (S!S' children was baptized here, loo. shops eelated Io oat only my hoar fromd p.m. ta 7 p.m.,with bras3,, 20 5. ProspectAve. in Park Discussion rhythms, new Ihoaghts and styles of New York City; Margot Por, that bring abnst their signature -.2;- Therefore, there is a special at- subject areas, but other topics diuuernerved at 7p.m. Ridge on Monday, September27 Group ;: tachmeattotheparishand such as methods. The faculty Celebrating 25 yeats the same from 7 to 8:30 p.m. sound, The music of Primal Consec- UNSEEN INSIGHT tchoal. has been concentrating on ap- night, will hetheClass nf 1974. Os Monday, Octaber 25at the Thinking Out Loud, the Li-, North Suburban , My responsiblitirs have in- peapriato computer ase in Ehe An invitation is extended In all Park Ridge Public Librasy, from- brary's book discussion grasp, lion trasscentis cultural and age Needle Arts Exhibit øookThat Special eluded Religion, Math and So- 7 ta 8:30 p.m., MaineStays Erin will mootTuesdsy, September28 classroom. . Webeeites ta attend so as to con- at M. G. library Holiday Party cialStudies.CurrentlyJ am linao our Alumni Traditions de- Roster, MA,, wilt discass how st 7:30p.m. to discuss the PuliI- Book DiscussionGroup . teaching Seventh Grade Rolig- Currently we reside in Oies- spite sor school's closure. Please parentscas'Discipline. With zur Pmizo Winner, American Pas- Daily ion which cestera ea the Life of view and attend Oar Lady nf contact all alumni and friends of Love.' Parents will learn differ- turaI, by Philip Roth. The novel The North Suburban Needle Come Visit Your Favorite Psychic Christ and nne oftbe New Testa- Perpetaal Help Ctsorch. We are Weber mo cantinge entolliug the ont techniqnes to ostahlish both tells the stoey nf a gather whose Grove Library Arts Guild exhibits lucir work in at Morton the Lincoln Avenue entry of the liiforiiatlo» ment. In addition, (no pun in- also grandparents to seden 'per. name ofWoberHigh School. rapport and authority with their idyllic life is tomed upside down -:; Meditatioii Classes Call for tended),Iteach Seveath and feet' grandchildren. This in it- The cost sfthe evening festivi- children and find out what some and inside sut by his teenaged came O political and sacial tenar- Merlos Grove Public Library Thinking Ont Loud, the Li- daring the month uf October. A r Eighth (trade Math, including self keeps us reE)' busy. Friends ties is $50 per pernos. This price of the differences are between daughter who itas nnddeely be- brary's hook discussion group, ist. .,-.I O SCARVES -P1JCØMES iWtU URBI Algebra. Math has always been The bookdiscassins is free asdvariety of decorative pieces are Book Club which meets before includes dinner, open bar, music, discipline and punishment. come a political and secial tenor- will meetTuesday, Septembur28 SATU9AY. SEPt26TH 'MotaphysleBI une ofmy favorite sabjects, no I school absul every six weeks, The third program will he of- Ist. open to everyone. The Moteandisplayed. Thu Murtos Grove r F plus loads of camaraderie and al 7:30 p.m. ta discuss the Palit- :i,-'I 'O ksfmrcred really enjoy this area very much. crassword puzzles, many sparts, legendary tales. fered at thu DesPlainos Pablich Thebookdiscnssion is free sud Grove Public Library is Iccaled at Public Library is lacated at 6140 nItBIldwilbaevntireflfferl zer Prize Winner, American Pan- Lincoln Ave. Por mure informa- I only hope the students do, tan. expeciallygolf,andprojects For additional information and Library, 841 Oraceland Ave., on open to everyone. The Matean airaI, by Philip Ruth. The novel 6140 Lincoln Ave. Fur more in- L t I IMtit-frk fl-S Once a mouth I appear ou a m-nanti my home. Like most Wednesday, Nuvember 3 from 7 Drove Public Libraey is Iscated se formation, or for mability andtien, or for mobility and comma- fl5 reservations, please call(773) tells the stomy of s father whose access assistance, television shaw. The show is women, I enjoy shopping and 774- 17 11. The new address of the to 8:30 p.m. Entitled "It's Oetting 6140 Lineals Ave. For more its- idyllic life is turned upside dawn communicationaccessassis- nicatios 1501Milwaukee ' Hiles called 'Countdown" and is a live eatiug Out. (I am not sure nf the Weber Alumni Association in: Scarier sod Scarier: Inoculating formation, or far mobility and and inside Oat by his teenaged tance, call (847) 965-4220, TDDplease call 847-965-4220, TOD Math enrichment programal- order ofenjoymest for these not- P.O. Bas 59908, Chicago, IL. YoarChild Against the Epidemic communicationaccessassis- daughter who has suddenly be- 965-4236, - 965-4236. - (841)641-1460 W lowing students to call in and 5idn activitie 60659. of Viulence," parents will learn Msce, call (847) 965-4220, TOD '2w $4995j 965-4236. Pet Photography 'I!LLAGE CME 'rijstaf[ear BOILER OR FuRNAcE:: at Morton Grove -GÏÄND" (I II'sD C tE \\ bH & DEl bu 1\G j tNsTAu,ANcwGan GET THE POWER! 5NORGY EFFtCIENT ' library AND PUB w brrr Qn tttCounts Elm Most _Lk SUCCESS LOVE, 90GB LUCk BreaIJat& DJIÌnLJSpecials FuRNAcE on BOILER - POLISHJAMERICAN DISHES ano SAVE MONEYI :'- Debby Greenberg, a freelance AWNIV WA77VIIV MSMONV photngraphee for over 20 years, WITH A CONTINENTAL FLAIR is exhibiting colar photographs @y @gg REALTN IThThDIIY AHi of pets in the Baxter Ruam of the Morton Deane Public LE- CELEBRATE OUR GRANDOPENING ALL untes CLEAN$EDHIHIVH!0 CARRY AIRYEAR brary during the month uf Sep- EARLY BIRD PAternItY WARRANTY] tember, Ms. Greenberg, a resi- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 25TH Restaurant Hasts POWER E4DRR4CELETIV dent of Skokie, has an estensive Tans. - Ssndoy SPECIAL!! portfclic and has enhihited at FOOD FUN ENTERTAINMENTIl AM ta 9:30 PM several area cultural institutions. MUSIC/PJ STARTS AT 8 PM Pub Hours TheLibraeyeshibilfeatures i i AMto 4AM

Monday- Friday. 8AM.-11 A.M. . phntogcaphs of a.variety of ani- "A Great Place To Eat & HaveFun"Sunday 9 AM Is 4 AM maisantitheir- many espres- $7.00-Cars Only , siens. - 6873 MILWAUKEEMILES, IL BuieiseWcken41ibSGYrOS The Mutton Grove Pnhlic Li- gggremn 5grit I CAIU8Y-OUT Includes: F(IBN rs brary is located at 6140 Linculn For Info: (847) 647-8147 DINE IN & ROu,E ES mn Sholde Ave. Far more infonntation, or Phonam 847-663-0400/6634751 e Wash Vacuuming Cleaning Windows 847/559-0101 foe mobility and commonicatias Fam 847-663-1750 accessassistance, - pleasecall 7ee uea Hournt Mon-Fri 6arn-9pm Sat 6arn-8pm ClosedSun. Armroll Tires & Dashboards w ,, 847-965-4220, TOD 965-4236. MortonGrove Decks Siding 6004 Oakton SL, Skokie ArtGuild (Cornee of OaIdon Sc Aus*in) Clean Out Door & Trunk Jams u SBffìts & Falda GAItERS RElectrical Phimbin Hat Dogs Burgers Sandwichex COLJ,PON Exhibit at M.G. - COUPON FREECoffee & Gourmet Cookies Regidential. CommeUCial & u Italian Beef& Sausage

. - Industrial LibEary E-PolishSaljsngeCheese Fries -- - BuyO' 2qgs , I with Early Bird Special! . 'Tb,r Skokie ArtO9ild eshibits Chili Chicken Breast t tI. 2 Pzmcakcs their ,paintingsin the BoxIer COUPON F4;ac2Chicken Roam uf the Mötion Grove Pub - r 2Bacön, Cars CompleteDetails Now Only $100.00 ;UNIVERSAL I lic.Libeaey during Ihe munth of - HOT DOGS &. FRIES - $ 435 GetOne. I : 2Sausge' Qonber.Portraits,landscapes, sinn t,-- Wash/Handwax Speciab $29.95 osen twawc,es AvAoAocc CONTRACTING still-lifeso#duthersabjects - IWITH ALLTI-IETRIMMINGS 1-12FREE, I.,srty Koza done insevèral stylos areinclud- LLIMIT4 -- Call (773) 205-2100 ed.iu, the. eshihit. The Matean j ly 5pm9prn cALL FOR FREE (800) 625-7523 10%SenIor Citizen Discount ESFXMATES] 'y 9355] Grove Public Libras)'5 located AIR0N,iNc. Mon-Sat-il :30 a.m. 6p.m. Ciosed Sun. n -.i -,:r.rI j 4529 W. Lawrence AveChicago, IL 60630 5115W. BstmnetAne. nEhiusgo tillent. (708) 771-7305 at. 6h40 Lincoln Ave. Fur more Hourst infocmation,or for mobility and EiIAIE t(191. FREE ESTIMATES .---. --, ------84747O-$9.85...... 9oi:,,i,l' ' '- Öffe Éiis Octàbèr 13, 1999 HEATING AIRCONDITIONING &VENTILATION commoutcattonaccess astes- -... - Hoor.: MenThors. on.-BpnnFri-Sat 8m-9pm Son 9nm-lpnn Ueonsed, BoRdell & Insured tance, please call847-965-4220, 9101 N. Milwaukee Ave.,NiIes - i TOD 965'4SB6 PAGE 25 THE BUGLE, ThIJRSDAY,SEflEMBER, 1999

PAGE 24 TEBIJGLL ThURSDAY SEPTEMDER23 1999 Avondale's Armanetti Beverage Martpresents Great Winesof Alsace becoming more specific and de- Babies Alsace makes Germanic wines and be. The Germans are looking equivalent of a Beerenaaslese, in sparkling wine also generally a Helpingkiclsthrough Beanie whichindividualgruposune blend. liberate. . in a Preach style. Primarily cli- for balance accented by sweet- "Sometimes a cause is so mor- thriving careers lo talk about. help. These new retired Beanie " mate, soil, and thrchcice of grape ness, the Alsatians arr leaking fer grown for their super-ripeuess - There are now Over 50 classi- Alsoco wines urn gond value, Babies are being auctioned with thy that yoo want to du every- As wonderfal as Macyville lias " varieties determine this. A travel- strength and a crisp acidity to pair somedmeu with a degree of 'na- fled vineyard sites,, which are al- although prices are sever rock thing yen can to help it along. been to freso children, Fr. Smyth bidding starting at $2.50 n piece, er at the time cf the French reno- with the fand of the region. At- bin rot" or botrytis, the term far loweti to call themselves "Graed bottom. Wines from the better co- Duc of the best causes is right in recugnizos a greater purpasc. Or 10 sOts, --considerablybelow sace gives the flowery scooted this is "Selection des Grajos No- Cro" or "Great Growth or Vine- epneutivcs shoold show varietal retail prices. Anyone with access ' lotion found it incredible that this oar backyard - Maryvilln Acode- He's trying to find permanent liv- grapes of Germany the hody and bIes." Such wium can roach yard." Most uf these arc histori- andtypicalAlsace to the Internet can sign up tubid land, so clearly intended by na- xharactne my in DesPlumes,"said Daviding sitaotioOs for kids in need. tnre to be part of Genoany, was onthotity of snch table wines as heights oflnuciounuenu not fur re- cully excellent, and deserve their spice, but for-real individaattty Just lust mouth, he testified be- immediately through recognition; batlacal politics has the Vus Zelst of Dlnuvitiw. Father All actually annexed to France. What white bargnndy - proper aceam- moved from the narest antI must you will need to buy one of fore a congressional subcommit- www,auetioncluli.cum, paniments to strong and savory expnnsiveofall German winrs. inevitably had its way, and bann- better ravens from a goad grower John Smyth, Executive Director, sales proceeds will benefit Mary- differs is the interpretation nf cnntivars to falfill his mission totre about his gaol lo increase , :- dorios were nat always - dráwn or merchant - whichwill be ap- - ville Academy. A link tu this site winemaking- becaese tcday Gar- food. A late-picked Gewttrztrominrr make Ihr Academy asymbnl ofadoptions. lo 1990, Illinois resi- 'J mas and Alsatian winegrowcrs Instead of grape sogar linger- or Mascot has perhapsthe most qaite an sevnrnly as they might prcciably more expensive. through Maryville's new Web hope. Over the last year, on adents adapted 4,293 children and - hold opposite paints cf view of ing delicately in the wine, the esche smell of any wino in the have been. However the laws and Je55 McDonald, Director of the site,atwww,muryvilleacadcmY. Masyvill) left and David VanZelst Prens- growerlikes adry, Oros, clean Ita- world, and can at the sume time rngalatiass of this area are tight: Stuart Bander - tang-trim and short-term basis, org cao also be found onthe In- Fr. Smylh (Dfreclor - what they want their wine ta do 21facilitieshaveDrpartment of Children & Fami- vor. They fermentevery ounce of keep a rnmarkahia cleanness and ening, and the designations are www.AvnndaIeBeverages.Com. Maryvilln's teront. dent, Auction Club, Inc. the lagar, which the long dry fsnnssn of flavor. It it oat uncen- bren home lo more than 16,500 lv Serviras. has sel o coal of FOR ALL YOUR vulnerable, abased children who 6,500 adoptiOns far next Sommers of Alsoce give them, nurily very sweet: intense is prob- ynar..ondMoryvitlewilldo oó- ROOFING & Òakton offers reading often hove nowhere else lo go. s - concentratingtheessences of ably abettenword. - cvnrythiog in its power and help Installed thrir highly perfnmed German- The wines ofAlsace Orn among Macyvillc accepts these yonng NO WAXLINOLEUM TUCKPOINTING people from the Illinois Depart-reacts this goal. It's a ccmmeodu- fl--uaosINGTONO25Qk09MT5R'f aRMSTRONG NEEDSAT style- grapes into a somctimes the heut food winesiu ilse world, improvement classes hie effort, and no one realices the CelthSE F909 astonishingly spicy fragrance. thanks to fresh fruit flavors noah- ment ofChildren andFumilySer- OVER Ito pa'rIERNSTO URTO 12x32 KITCHEII REASONABLE PRICES Oaktou Community College this fall; two sections meet ditter- vices and the juvenile court sys-need better than Fr. Smyth, who The only grapo varietals that scared by oak. the best wines of ont uneds of sladnnts. EGL 094- has spent 30 years at Maryvilte - ALLlNsTALnoNooNgBY0090NI1R090 ore aathoriced to list she nome of the region ore almost exclusively offers a variety of classes for tem. By policy,Maryvilln will Residential, Commercial .boilding vocabulary and srnprov- 051 (Touch-Tune 5890) is a spe- - open ils doors to anychild. Andhis entier career. Ho commented, Kitchen Cabinets the grape no the label are.- Rin- white.Despitethe Germanic "Same of the kids think l'vo been & Industrial which ing reading and stady skills. Both cml eight-week Express section toce they go thorn to uve,the sling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris, vineyardnames, leud PERGOor - and CountertOPs continuing and new students con that meets in the evenings at the Academy will never turo themheresisce 1862, when the Acode- Gcwürztraniiner, Muscat,Syl- many casual wino 000samors ta BRUCE . - : Ray Hartatnin campas, 7701 N. mywasfoonded! - UNIVERSAL vaner nod Pinot noir. The rest of believe thatthnsn wines uf Alsace bennfltfram these classes. away. "Think aboutwhat that TRAFFIC ZONE On $159500 Reading Improvement (EGL Lincoln Avenue, Skokie. EGL would mean to you if, as a child, Obviously, Fr. Smyth donna's CARPET 41 ihn wine produced in Alsace le- toste no uWentnr thon the average take himself seriously, but he MOHAWK INSIGNIA 99WKITcHEN CONTRACTING gaIly would bear the nomo Vin CatifarnioChurd000ay. 094) is a unique coarse that pre- 094-008 offers a flenible sched- yOar world hadcollapsed aroaod snunennuseas um with material customized to does take his mission seriously S-ALE! URTO Tony Monloro dIable. shore aro also different The appellation far the whole paros stodents for handling col- you," said Van Zelsl. lege material by leaching strate- the student. Find oat ifyau areal and funding is a major concern. BRING IN ANYONESPRICE.... 15x9 iOG,c,, 4 designations determined by time region is simply 'Alsaro" and is "lt's amuiiug how you can $159 WE WILL ßE4LIT. ---/ $7000 improve rnading. Ihn apprapriatelovel forthis new, Ty, Inc. has made u gcnnrcasdu- ISo,FT , (708) 989-9081 I cf harvest (similar to Germany). normally used with a grape roñe- gins to change these kids," Fr. Smyth GUARANTEEDSI 4 DAY DELIVERY comprehension and efficiency. special section of Reading Im- nation ofils retired Beanie Babies aarcnaticmunnpmanceolnm (800) 625-7523 These tate pickings used to be la- Iy, ouch as 'Atsoco Riesling." Ex- said. "Many limes they come tu Auction Students must talco an asscssmcnt provrmestby talking to ac000se- anybodytarlu Muryvilte Acudemy. We AIGu Curry Cerumlcitlu beled with the Gorman words cept Edeizwicker and Cremant and won't Iront Club, a Web-based auction ser- FREE ESTIMATES d'Alsace, ali the wines arr from a test and receive a required score lar. mauths. But if you hung tuthcrc Aaslese and Bcorenaoslesr. Ta- EffectiveCollegeReading vicefoundritby David Van ZeIss, Licensed, Bonded & Insured day the phrase Vendange Tardive siagle grape. Edelzwicker means bofare rogistering for these cours- rrul tough und yea huye a very FLOORCOVERING es. Faon sections are available (fOL III-001,Teach-Tone has donated its site and expertise V ALU E (773 286-5080 SHOP AT= 11011E G DEISAWEEI" (tute harvest) is used. For the Noble blend and Cremant is a personal pragram, they cao he , oaR LOW PRtCEO WtL,L FLOOR YOU" " LABOR 2455 ansI EGL 110-003, Touch- hasto help Maryville Academyraise 5760 W. Irving PIs., Chicago,ILt1t34 LIFETNIE GIJIRhN7EE 051 quite successful." Fr. Smyth OPEAAEDSINCC1075 Toue 2456) also focuses on read- seen it happen, whnnthe kids hefunds by selling these popular FaMILY OWNED S FW I c ing skills and strategies for sta- bias helend have como hackluvis- collectibles. dents to improve Ostie reading - rosadults, with funsiliesOOE That's where everyone can rase aud comprehension in prep- Thinking How scalino for college. Sladeuts will -Concrete Paving SKOKIE - ACHAMPS read from works of fiction and - Rösurfaöing To Make More CARPET non-fiction. A reading assess- Money For Your LIMOUSINE ment lest and minimum received OPENING score is required. A twelve-week GRAND MARSCH Business? INSTALLERS PartiesConcerts section is also offered (EGL 110- ERA Avenue oq4), beginning Sept. 7. Nues Officeat 7609Milwaukee Por morn information regard- of our new CONCRETE Bar/Bat Mitzvahs Hail) - ingEGLO94,BGLO9I,EGL 110 (by Parkway Rank -the old Niien Vdlage - Spòrting Events and othei skill-building classes, 1999 All Types including other availahlesec- SEPTEMBER25and 26, of Concrete Work ($3 OFF WITH THIS AD ) tinos, contact Pam Grell, profes- SATURDAYand SUNDAY sorefflsgiish, al (847) 635-1920. to 4p.m. For information en other English From 10:00 a.m. Driveways Steps classes offered at the College, costad the Division of Longoag- Sidewalks es, Humanities and she orls al 708/452-1944 Call Dan Repairs & Laying of (847)635-1950. AtThe Bugle Lb/Bonded New & Old Carpet I LEGAL NOTICE Refreshment (847)588-1900 (847) 679-0953 630-271-1114 Notice is hereby given, pursuant ta "An Act in relation la the use and s s ssss sss s of au Assumed Business Name PINK s AAA 5 r in the conduct or transaction of Prize AUTOS BusiaessintheState,"as POODLEs AUTO BUYER$ amended, that a certification WANTED s &SALES S ; s' was filed by the sndnrsigeed Drawings Dug Hunlique & Grnumhsg Salon scunAPeatetLETRAHSPleTAoON5 with the County Clerk of Cook 15 Yearn Enpedennu Waconeressa! .. . I. TOP $$$ PAID s $ County. Pile No. 0059464 on Running or Not More Than31500 BugsGrnumed M Can, M Teds, the SEPT. 15, 1999. Under the Thank Yna Fur Ynne mut s M99os,MotOa S Assumed Name of RECLAIM Beaters & Overheaters s Mape,Rmdqnut 5 YOUR SPACE with the basi- sWmOWedre,TulodcedsAvdhtM5 nons located at 6233 N. NIA- -- $200 OFF GARA, 64F, CHICAGO ILU- -ai -- --- ERA offices inthe U.S. s s NGIS 60631. The trae name(s) Callero & Catinois one of the"Top loo,' DOG s s andresidenceaddrmsof SOLD See whyE GROOMING s s owuer(s) in: TRACEY BURKE, s 6233N. NIAGARA,64F, DA A : bii,$ a s C}IICAGO, ILLINOIS 60631 , s wmiAD 301-1/2 Industrial Ln. k. s 5 A - Until i Per Custemue Wheeling, IL 60090 A Expires 10/1/99 s 5 Treat The st FREE TOWING sTOP DOLLAR PAID $ - 100's-Of- Used Parts 5510 W. Lawrences8471821-8387 s FamU' (847) :8642828 22g)282-8550ss$ss"$.ssss To.DiIiriE: -, ap,331E.REGLR1IHUUOSDAYiSEPTEMBER23f 1996 PAGE26 THZBUGLETHuRSDAY SPm1BI 1999 -fligia-Effldeiscy-Fumoace Completely Jnsthlled as low ast895,(anormalinstallaUoas) *'vr CentralAJCCondensing Umt Tips forhiringa home improvement contractor Health.: and: Happiness . as lowas8795rn (nommaiSnstnlltation) that couldsave you money and headaches lecture series atLGH JEEL llO1llAYfEACE - lectèd as one of the nation's host - If you areContemp,aung ama-, home addition arddesin/oild -Luthéran General Hospital's céss "Violence ja Our Schools: - I. Ask, friends and relativm work was done,thequality,. from the.substitotidn a,f infvrior hospitals dud-one of the top 15 SPECIAL jor home improvenmet,¡twill be.company. in thChicago area materiéls. Malcé sn/n the cpntraet fall 1999 -Hehlth and Happinens Keeping Kids Safe Begins ut who have dane similar projects whether it was doue on titile and major teaching hospilals accord- worth your while lo slep back, foonded4lyenrsago - - lecture series will focus na the Home." Parents, teachers and . forrecommesdations. on budget. Ask ifthe centractor spécifies the.iength.af time the COMPLETE take a longview of the project "Over the-coarse of oar 41 2. Check to see that-each con- - preperusu òfbnrbè, vitamins and community leaders all sham the ing to- the "100 Top Hospitals: - maintained a clean, safe workjob.will take and when it-will- Benchmarki for Success" study. s and makesure yoavccovered all- years in basiaess,-weve heard of tractor - you're considering has area and whether thé workers start. The depnsi should not éx- supplettfuutu;. biofeedback as u responsibility of teaching ehil- FURN&CEOR - the bases. And while yau'mat it, . It also was rated the dumber one nearly everystory inllsebnek of canent workman's compensation- showed ap on time. - chéd 20% nf the total ce/I, in pain reliefaltemative; violettcein then net to huno others. Tisis in- youmay wantto review thesé fuemative Icture will offer ways hospital in the Chicago area fur unqualifled c Ontractors,'Klein andliability iasarastce, bonding Beware ofihc lowest bidder.- mostrasen. . - schools; and !acal- YTK readi- BOILER 24 flotar Service - quality of care, oncology and or- -eleven tips for hiring a home im- said. "By doing -a little honie- and licensing where required. Wide discrepanciesinprice to; Keepa file ón the project. ness. to establish trust, communicate 7 Days A Week provcmeat contractor, to make work, yoacan--avoid futareprob. The free education prugramu consequenoes,introducefree, thopedic services in the "Chica- CLEANING . The license may bc issued by should be lookedutclosely. which includes tise contract, the go's Top Hospitals" survey of 82 sure yoa haven't missed any. The turnsand-unisecefsacy- head-c state, county or municipal agen- will beffered frum 7 to 8:30 doms and moint&sn aecoantabili- Makc sure the consractnr's fi- plansand specifications,any hospitals by HCIA Inc., a nation- tips are offnred by Michael Klein, aches." . - -- -- cies, depending on where you nances are not so thin- that he change orders you approve dur- p.m. Tuesdays in Olson Auditori- ty with children, (773) 7254711 or(87)299- vice president of Airoom Archi- Here are the 11. tips offered live. To find oar which entity is um at LutheranOeneral Hospital, The full HealIh und Happiness alarganizatiunthat conducts needs your deposit to finish an- ing - the project. invoices, bills, benchmark studies uf health care sects and Boilders, the leadingbyKlein: . DempsterSt., Park Ridge. series will concludnTueuday, Oc- - rYsponaiblefarlicensing,call - otherjob. your canceled checks, cuerespon- 1775

-your city . building - department, Ask the coetractor to pro- deneeandnutes. --The lectures, which feature tuber 26, with "Y2K Readiness." - mayor's office ni-county cuece- - speakers from Lutheran Gener- Representatives from Ameritech, I vide anPndoñed certificate re- i I. Visit their establishrnenk Additions tive'uoffice. - . : - -qaired by state law for workmen's don't invite someone. into your al'smedichlnod professional Commonwealth Edisod, NSCOR Gus ándLutheran General Hospi- -- 3. Visitwithseveral contrac- -compensation, property da/nage home until you've visited their of- staffs, are part of the hospital's Basements tors bnfarechaauing one-Select and liability. Contractors should tice, met their employees and ongoing commitment te prevea- tal will discuss the measures their I': , i companies have taken to ensure ø Construction Bathrooms somebne -you feel comfortable -have certificates fer eaçh type of staff. Make sure yea arc comfort- live health care and wellnuss, o techni- C that romputer-dopendeni i1J with and reqobsi a written propa- insoraiicn showing the dates and able-with the company. and who Reservations are required. For Kitchens sal. - Remodeling and Home Improvement am000ts of coverage. Make sore - - moreinformation, call I-800-3- cal and day-tç-day operations will be working en yourhome. - -- s. Check their status with the the enpiratinndate dans not end "This may séund like a lot of ADVOCATE (t-800-323-8622), - will nul be interrupted at the lure Roofs Betterßusiness-Bureau. Find oat dtiriag the coarse ofthnjob. If the Preeparking is available in the lot of the century. - work," said Klein, "but it's really Lutheran General Hospital s a ' FREE ifany complaints have been filed. - contractor does not have ade- just goad common ukase. Any - north of Dumpster Street, Siding If so, lind nut how they resolved The series will open Tuesday, 608-bed teaching, researchand quote insurance, you could be li- time you make a major invest- - - Architectural Drawings* Decks I I I: thesituation. -. - ahle for injuries on the job or- for ment like this in your home, you October 5, with "Herbs, Vitamins referral hospital and Level I trou- Make turò the contractor is damuge doue to yourproperty nr and Supplements: How tu Use macenter that servesappeosi- nValjd wiSh any 5mm Addiiion Conleacied should have confidence in the 46.000 Garages well eslubtished in your area. Ask aneighbor'u. - - company doing the job. By ask- Them Klght" featuring. Donald mutely 26,000 inpalientu, sow long he hanbeen in business Have a -contraes drawn - op ing a fewqnestions up front, you W, Nuve, M.D., fémily pruclice, emergency patients and167,000 Easy Financing 3-Season there and who his suppliers are. that describes the work to be could save yourself a lot of un- Lutheran Oeñerat Hespital, und outpaüentx euch year. Thehuspi- - Beware of ads with only aphone -done. Make sure the contract hoppineus and entré enpense lut- medical director of The Center tal is arocugnized leader inmardi- Free Estimates &More! number listed or someone doing specifies the type and, where pon- for Complementary Medicine. ology, cancer services, pediatric er," hesaid. senior sor- business with a Post Office box sible, the brand name of materials The program will fucus on practi- , care, women's health, Airnom, which is headquar- addic- . address. - and fixtures to be used on youé tered at 6825 N. Lincoln Ave. in. cal od/neu ahoutthe most popular vices, mental health and Ask fnrrefernnccs. Call each herbs and supplemenls, audhuw tine. job.This will help protect you - Couliñnmd on Pége 27 - -- 1..88.8-33-T1WCQ - Lutheran General has been se- of them and axkwhat type nf - tò use them forbetter.henith, - GROHE KOHLER- "Biofeedback: An Alternative r-::"l ni 1948. tu Medication far Pain Relief' HOURS PEARL will be presented Tuesday, Orto- - 10es awed lan-00m - - -cooir F,Ithy 7:ua- 5pm LENNOX I I-viIIa ber 12, by Joseph Baer, EdO., Newmtarue,ins anac. sata,aaV cm-upe - 'l_ . I.. £ - - chief,division of psychology, - Piu.inuiiig --I3rJMcl Lutheran General Hospital. This 847 lecture and demonstration will &SWER 5RvIcE- INC. LICENSED BONDED . IÑSURED: 965.4444 IL #1O357- ,:----- addrms ways biofeedbuekean re- Sersint Ihn Chictottati lInea Ointe 1984 whísprHeat QUIET ONE versesymptoms of common Plumbing Seri-'ice & Repàir - health prublems such as head- 847-7295500 - 7850 N. MILWAUKEE,NILES 10.00 TO COMPRESSOR nihes, Iempuromattdibular joint o -ONIHR. --1 syndrotise ('0:1543) and anxiety dis- I2O0O s. FT. DESIGNERSHowROOM 5 YEAR orders. - 12.5O 10-YEAR . ITEMS IN STOCK FACTORY ALL PARTS F SEÍ1ICE CALL On Tuesday,October .19, MANY 'S.EE.R. FACTORY GUARANTEE COUPON MUST RE PRESENTED Steve - Ritter, LCSW, dimmI NOT VALID WITH ANY OIlIER OFFER I manager, neuropsychulogy, Lu- PROFESSIONAL SALESASSOCIATESREADYTOASSIST You F - EXPIRES October 31, 1999 I theean General Hospital, will dis- . ENERGY. SAVER - UP TO 78% A.F.U.E 'L . WARM COMFORT OUTSTANDING ENERGY SAVINGS -I . QUIET PERFORMAN 3224. West Lake AveoGlenview, IL Tips... - (847) 9986160 MF8.5 Sat.8.12 Cuntinued from-Page 26 *W#sWwawa%wawswaw.ç Lincolnwuod, Illinois, has a sat- -I dItte office in Hinsdale. Founded in 1958, Airnam pionmered the - design/build concept in home ad- ¡lunda'rufta'd ; '-- , 4i .,,------. - 041 ft. ditions and box a 30,000-sq. slyling -'v._,_ Rebate i - Protect yoür home from energy 'r' showroom at . itsheadquarters NOT GOOD IN CONJUNCTION - frunitbi' where customers cao seefall-size this winter with Expo's top-of-theline door America's Neighbnehuod Lawn Cure Team. rnd,I,oenl. loss WITh ANY OTHER ORDER I ASK FOR DETAILS kilcheñs, baths, bedrooms and and window products. And...Professional EXPIRES 12/31/99 -HS29 TREE CARE family/media rooms. Also dis- tu (hr ,nad.rsi. '' 1Ì DEEP ROOT FEEDING TREE SPRAYING installation. Nothing less. playedis the latest in siding, roof- - uriwtallatien. .FREE ESTIMATES ing. windows und otherbudding. i4arryReboteo aralimited.Netgu000flpfiornales $200.00 DOer Coati On CombInedPardilloDIAIr CatnllOanur RFunnacn - - LAWN CARE materials. Kitchen Cabinet .1 I nFERTILIZING CORE CULTIVATION The company retains u canent -'_ 'I, A 'A.. .CRAB GRASS & WEED CONTROL staff of designers und butlding Refacing up to 35% INSECT & DISEASE CONTROL teams and has created a muelgage MAJOR-BRANDS FOR FREE ESTIMATE CALL. brokneage affiliate, Lamb Fsnan- WE CARRY ALL OFF toadittonal eiul Corp., tu previde - OF WATER HEATERS financing I- ' - (708) 863n6255 I hume equity loans or i934 Waukegan Rd. Glenview : i, based ou the value ofthehnmnnf- n KitchensVanities . Whirlpools . Baths SHOWROOM OPEN 7 DAYS F1111FINANCING . - t tejp3rqy,uuefltSbuse been NO. MONEY Member tntth, Business tuinas .nMedjcjne.Cabiflets .,Hojids1ans .Utrs ---,-AaAtLARLE made. For furthér infofthutiun, ° DOWN apt bspa,nio t 5,oiit mall Aimoum Architects dcBuild- - n FaucetsShowers Counter Tops ers at(847) 763-1 100. .m11r,BuQJIEàlflWsDJt'WBpn.EWeBEtHW3e1uW9 iviorion irove - Railibow Hpice, -.I-nç-djigesn' Ailied-IhealtlL professionals.take the; conference -stage - Library presents iochnicians and liso many others health core is. detivered. - call (847)6811-9900 irr visuthe. - In conjunction withibis yew's health care yròfdssiooals ioday Rainbow Hospices Bereave- for Lss ami LifePassagesa, 444 short-term and monthly groups.- widowed for a year or longer aesd who supon ilsemedical profes- In addition lo its associate de- Musical Revué - - al celObratiónof "AlliedHeatth-Work in She rnortithanl0O occu-, meal Center has- changedlss N Northwest Hwy Suite 145 Good Mourning in ava Sable fr focuses olife teso(io All web ,- - - site- The Musical Revue performs - Week'(Sopl. 27-Oct. 3), Oaklon potions known collectively sion as valuahlti members of Ihe grre sursiitg program, Oaklon name to the Center for Loss and Park Ridgoffers nhort term a d of barge to e eryoee e ihecom groups are heldt 111e nbow Ho www.rainbowhospice.com. favorito melodies with clever College, heallh care srath: - offers A.A.S. degree programs mnnitY. Call Good Mourning at, Mental I6euelth Issues/Services Community Den "allied health." They are an mié- choreography under the direc- LifePassages. This represeWts the on-going grief groups for chiE- pico, 444 N. Northwest Hwy., -PIamOs, is cOordinating the an- sial port of this nation's- health As the sew millennium ap-(5 several alliedhealth disc)- comprehensive :coanseliepg ser- d t eus families ad lisod Rainbow Hospice Park Rtde Sullt45 Park RsdgC Il the The Coúnseling Pragram of lion of Phyllis Scolo Thursday, - -- . -- yroocheb, -She seed forallied the Center for Loss and Life - cual meeting of the NationOl caredelivory siuiem. plIses, including heallb informa- vices we provide byonddretra- widOwed persons. The Center (847) 692-8884. - - Widowed PersosisServiceat Oclober 7 at 1:30 p.m. in the Passages helps people cope with NetwOrk of Héalth Career Pro- Itis unclear exacily whoo the health personnel isincreasinglias technology, medical laboro- also offers educalional programs, - The Northwest Chicaguland RainbOw Hospice, (047) 692 Morton Grove Public Library's ditieeal scope of -hospice he grainsat Two-Year C011eges term "allied health" came into drornaticolly. Unilod Slates De- -tory- technology and physical reavement services. The Censer °nd informados & referral ser- Widowed Persons Service of-- 8584. is_s_oct related to illness, loss and Bunter Room. The Musical Re- (NN2) from Sept 29-Oct. 2 -at- ose. What is knower, however, is pariment- ofHealth tind HumanIherapy assistant. Stodenls may providescounseling,snppdrt vice. Groups and services opèn lo fers volunteer viits io newly Hospice Services grief. Offers- privase counseling vue is modo up of abool thirty and suppOrt groups io indididu- The Lodge in 00k Brook. Ace- that mèdicat and scientific ad: Services dala -shows that em-also earn cerlificalion io basic groups, -educationalprograms anyone who has suffered a loss widowed persons, monthly dits- - Rainbow Huspice offers hos- ployment io allied health occa- volunteers who perform weekly fers and brunches, educational pire care, coonsoling and be. als, children, teens, or families. demie professionatfrom two. vaocrmcots over the last150 sorno Iroining, phSebotomy, cod- throughoutnorthernChicago- -and information & referral ser- throughdruth. (847) 692-8884. year colleges across the nation yearshave creased nomerous patiuns is projrcsed so grow bying, medical lraoscripdoo, medi- vices toanyoneinthe commnnity Good Mourning Programevenis andmaterials, support reivement services, Ond ednca-. Appointments are available in band. - will meet to slsareideas and for- -medical and nursing sabspeciol- 50 percent besween 1990 and culbilling and medical office who is dealing with issues related for Children, Teens, and Fami-groupa, and a monthly newslet- sional yrograms to resrdents of our Perk Ridgo office oriñ -ioer This program is free and opon Lake, home. Call Ike Conter for Loss mulato policies Obout heulthcoee ties requiring skilled aocillory 2005. This rase is higher thon them000gemont. Oakluu's Contino- io (he pabSic. The Morbo Grove to illness, loss and grief. Many of lies provides support grOups and Ser. Thu YnsngerWidow Sûppart Cook,DoPage,Kaise, growth rate projected for sornes Group nerves peopleunderage 50 MeHenry and Willcoontres. and Life Passages st Ruisbow edacation. personoet for nappas. These aro ing Education for Health Profes- Public Library is loculed ut 6540 (Ire programs sud services offered services to those who have lost u If askod to nomo a healsh care She allied healib professionals: (44 pcecens) and physicians (29 uiosals Program (CEHP) offers Lincoln Ave. Por morn informa through the Center are free of loved onethroughdeath. Thepro- and focuses on earlier life issues, Rainbow Hospice enables people Hospice, (847)605.9900. occupation, most people would the medical laboralory techni- percent). This tremendous needmany educational programs for tian, or for mobility and commo charge. gram provides a safe place and which may include yarendng to tivwish digniiy and hope probablyanswer "doctor"or ciaos, respiratory thorapisss, sur- for allied health professionals is health care professionals to np- siculion access assïstanc GriefLoss - safe ways to uodersiand,describe childreo. The Nord Step Group while coping with loss and the "sorse."Bysheeroumbors, giraI Aechoicians, nursing assisi- primarily in response lo demo- datetheir knowledge and im- 847-965-4220,for Rainbow Hospice's Centerand express feelingsthrough us services persons who Sieve born end oflife. Formoro informaiion, pleasecall fRApNUùG I however, the largest portioo of anis, health information graphic chongos and in She muyprove their skills. TDD call 96.1117'9W --- roe-. o ci A Directory of. Area Professionäl - MedióalSèrvices A directòry of areaprofessionals andservices To Advertise In This Guide Call Jerry To Advertise InThis Guide Call (847)588-1900 - 847-588-1900 ASK FOR JERRY

p p k DENTIST -REAL ESTATE - s. REAL ESTATE fr.-) OSinoHoars By Appoifltmest ClAssa l-Anars By Appointmone Phono: (847) 6A3-05n3 Uffl - - Q E000iegs and Sotsardayn Assailable -- -....k__'...... Ontu!v Onice - ALEXANDER KLETSEL, D.D$I RF11PX leso Villager HAROLD J. KRINSKY , - -Hands-on Training EDUARD VERNOVSKYI DD.S. SUNNY CHUNO, DD.S Marino Realtors Inc. 4lndependaflhll Owned and Ope,oied Geste deolistry,for a -Short Term Training FamilyDentistry - - DD. .S. lifetime ofboanlrubsl smiles ------5800 Dempstor - . FinancIal and Placemene Multan Grove. Illisnis unos3 Toni Brens, CRS, GAI FAMILY DENTAL CENTER WeSpeak... - : Assistance Available Daniuuss 547-967-5500 Sruker ConsenIo5y - -8526-Q W. Golf Rd. ( sao OFF FIRST VISIT WITH AD ) - EnglishRussiàn Koréan Tull FCaW 800.253-0521 SI-llegueS: Eng(Intr'PO)lsh d07 . Fm 847-965-5605 Niles, IL 60714 FREE CONSULTATIONS - 630-833-4049 HuB W11ST rcrrnsoN AvE,SUiTtslH.cHiCAGO,iLHtt4H Res)dnsea 0-57-965-1774 i,a. Offioa: 5547) 557-9155 and Milwrnsbon 9251WaukeganRd. Mnrton Grove, IL60053 .-.--- JonephR.Hedrick (847) 583-8181 Flenne 773-689-9666 PROFESSIONAL TRUCK DRIVER eemiasophheddskeoaItor.00e 06550 Homo OSee: 50475 gos-428n F5u.::urre:o 9EALTO VoIce Malt)Pagerr (847) 817-4265 TRAINING SCHOOL, INC. - - 7998 j

DENTIST s HYPNOtHERAPY NILES DENTAL CARE COMBINATION OFENERGY HEALING HOME MEDICAL DONATE YOUR CAR TRUCK Improve Study and Voti Demos, CAB, CR5 y METHODS WITH REIKI AND HYPNOSIS s i M POLEQUIPMENT SUPPLIES urnk,rlaanfl er u- Dr. Deen Rahim, D.D.S., D.M.D. WILL HELP YOU ACHIEVE,.. MOTORCYCLE BOAT Test Taking! GnhJv ce,sledveeioendolOpeaaisr 8700 W. Dempster, Suite 212 oOn (ANY CONDITION) Gain Stress Relief and ÖbÑEALTWÀ---RELXÄT1ON Nutritional i1Vv CoanhIlgIet Realty, tnc. :j- Hiles, IL Sunnlemenb I A t PROGRAMS - Relaxation! Free conoulration 7735 sodO Milnonkae Avenaa For au appointment call Ludmita Goretskyr I I CPAP FOR SLEEP Gain Confidence and Complete Exam. 2 to 4 X-Raya 00 Electrical THE 41RKV Siles, heelS 00714 $ (847) 965-4209 . Lift Chairs APNEA (1UFNS YourIRS TaxDeductible Contrlbutlonof your used SellEoteem! Ennleen O 1607) 5n7-5320 and PROFESSIONAL CLEANING TÇ vehicle will help The Ark help the tflousands Fm (0475 567A37'r Edens pempster Medical Center WI IIILpYou LIVE LIFETOTIIE HELLCaT of needy familles who depend on us. 1800 Lockwood Ave., #D3 Take control ofyour life! Pale, Sarti 5500515 Accept All Dental Innurancen, HMOs, PPOs, Skokie, IL 60077 2 kGEAN RO, Ulks. 60053 Call (773) 973.1000,ext.270today! Walter E. Sala. Cnrtifoed Hypolberapisi, Privato and Public Assintance, Harmony and e-mali: [email protected] - bsspi/www.05eraseo.addr.mm Pleasa ais ear Web Wie ai wwArbtha9Ort Nntionnl Guild of Hypooutisis SIGNATURE PLANS. 9;4;967-6767 Mi iWNOiSiiONPROFWORGAIbZAI1ON. 847-9664083 E-Mail: [email protected] SPC SL GRAPh PEIPIENT W 111E JEWISH FEDEBAIION W dICASI


! n.eed bMaflOO - Hearing Problems? ewe4REì1te5i44m8cax, Dt Dr. Thomas M. Kiely 0es M)(e55550 05,. Before yoù tAvést ¡t.. The ouest ahiogyoea osase da i.e authieeg. - .Board CoaAcd icFoot aodA,,ktc sloucy -sfili. 25 General Dentistry Make sure you Inspect ¡t! - AMERICAN FAMILY Visit eel tnday fur yuur amassai Hearing TeuL DiylcmesAowicoo noue otPodicnicsmnc,y 01,55150. IL 60025 - It's FREE . MeoscrAusaicosa aoi iIIo&upcWmic McWcOAsa Bus leal) 724-lUS 4244 West Dempster Avenue FÍO leSi) 120-1605 AUTO HOME FA/S'AES HEALtH UtE Nues Schaurnburg - Modimro - /-Sk1 . Eroniaus - - Thomas J. .lankowskl Boll Miii CS. SEA.RS Wuadfleid Mall Skokie, IL 60076 - Moat Ioeu,000a- . uatnwa}s - MISAI_l Mollie, MARINA STANOJEVIC . HAlOS, POOR POS - - House COIlS- ois MilflOaO flee. rOl Nibs 847/470-1950 841453-0162 HoañwidC 847.995.1555 Sulle is i( 7450 NORTH W600GOAN ROAD, 2ND FLOOR SOUTH, SUITE 3 ' slerelow. IL 05005 PERPSCTION INSPSCTION INC - - Norridge Skohie (847) 675.3662 S777fllI11e67Th1Thr)r11T 'Coo,ld&d,leaoopen ceindre eus (UI) 1i4.SO4e Fis 547)724-1050 NILES, ILLINOIS 00714 Five SAarPiaza12Miracle-Eaf 3943 W. DumpFer Pager: (312) 418.7001 u IScree yoorluororrore000 tpeainTh,e, Lm5ioe )co, ceooffir Satisfàctlon Guaranteed! PHONE: OFF. 047-500-2644 7e5-456293O U7673-3265 9101 N. Greenwood, Suite 304 Fax, 047-sun-Soto . i,4l0l, Aicroelec O F15055 Noam Op AppoIntment Sat, & Eoenlngs Aesallabto 847-296.9653 $25.00 oft with this ad! misst Incisas 100)1 Moivai I ssuianse C onaasyansìls sassalav,0 be-' 8_'w' Ot,SfrO4? 55)08 is goad hoath is eOlo neip piofle eS drive 05se-MadisOn , SOie. 55753 hnpAioouoemiem Ins PAGEO TEEBUG TUIJBSDAY, SEPTEMBER23, U.V The-Bugle Newspapers To Advertise lñThisDirectory Call Beverly or Dan847-58?1900 : - .- u . u u .." ; w w . . -j-,'_w - - w IVA IV:1-R U - ___..__.--'.- IVA U. kYAu . .'I. ------_; - w-

PLASTIC ÇOVERBr . . HANDYMAN. HARDWOOD FLOORING ALUMINUM SIDING CATCflBABIfII&SEWERS JMZ TUCKPOINTING LANDWORKS INTERIOR/EXTERIOR MONTCLARE - - COMPANY Londscope ContractoS JR. HANDYMAN SERVICE -Full HouonlspolTcelqoointiflg European cOendEncr.ALES1DENnlAL PAINTING PLASTIC FALL SALE JOHNS Contractor -PoIlitIng -R000nn .PIombIns All ColorAChImnOy fnbulltIUwopl - CoN000lO Work 000pDnlFY -FLOORINGHRDWOOD YeargcvniMtinldrenorl nnesaMca CUatnnroSao plarkt D000rO & EIlP SEAMLESS GUTrERS n000aaIng& Non COflStIiOO OleEN Blook Wiodaws SEWER CaLpnRtIy,AIITYPRL olojiohoflo O aoihroomo.EIOOirICal FDIICIUY-ops °FRIIIISDr FREE ESTIMATES 0005to. ConpiotO RouphoIornilrg. . 35COLORS INSTALLATION, SANDINO UroRmn NotiErEn. Dolo 0010e pIsAic (847) 679-0405 -.Oaannork&TUckpø Int, S - WEDOITALL.NOJDW ray MATERIM.5 IEEIJUEnED, IK5ALLED Linlol XIII Repluonmnnl VInyl & AhminuB SIding - - SHINOLES. FLAY ROOFS- SERVICE - -SIDES Block vananDo - 000iSOt - SMALL OR TOO 810 FULLY INSURED Foandotioo Rnpalr Soffi S FnncInWIndowThB AND FIÑIHING OF ALL Sodgwoiaiolaoswacolk Fino SonorEs MODelED HOT TOR REPLIA --ComOnIWoac oUIrdIJWOOK°VUkaA0rS Oakton & Milwaukee RØWIDQ b siano (630) 307-0007 -slITTERS SIOINS.COIMNEYN ConEreIe StnpsNlolkRIPotias EnpincoBont - HARDWOOD FLOORS ALL CALL GEORGE DriUoAays A Foondaliors Wlndown B 000B Nues CALLEOR FREE ESTiMATES TOO Prao -: FREE ESTIMATES- - Roofo B RcpIrc SODI With OcRED, b Saco I FREEESTIMATES1 (847) 436-8190 847.825-9096 800-734-7864 &ISSUREO (773) 622-9866 (847) 696-0889 GUARANTEED - NORWOOD SERVICES CO. 1847) 003.2414 131213184970 aun WORKIs ASE-fORJAN EREUESTILLDTOO.LOENAEE Year NeIghborhood (773) 631-1555 Oe?ngo p970t (7081 S61O256 (847) 674-0371 (847) 966-4792 Seweç Man - IoroIicnt I 773 7a2..3s50 u-- . M0VINQ pAJÑflNO&.DECCfIATING H5iE.HEMPD0UIG . CEMENT .- E & S ROOFING STOP PAINTING! K. WESLEY Mov lUG? DESIGN - & CONSTRUCTION Cover Your Eaves wIth REMODELING JERRY- ZIRKO JOHN & SON Charlie'älufia CALL : DECORATING - Taokpmlntlng - sIdIng o SAIllI - Aluminum SOnhlJFONOlO VINYL WHELAN CONSTRUCTION COMPS &Haiody- oVioWAromlnum SIdln5 CONSTRUCTION (630) 668-41 IY OUAUTV PAINTING - Fascio GoltarN. Ponches o VioYl Wind000 REPLACEMENT So.nn..o YOD Cao TOLSE" - NY - PAVING - R0000EotPtlöP Bci: - treo. EXPERT PAPER HANGING S Storm Wiodowo & 0001M -patins .OIlnOLOayo ntamCOrpOntrY WINDOWS : -- 000ldanOOl000morolal -rEDan -pali. Bjn. BETOOSKI CONSTRUCTION:INC. ornroaid000 - ,. WOOD FINISHING -Wlndaets- Dowels AlumInum Awnlnno of Lincoinwood OKIIaNOLE.atthiOaniESAOO RaDon - OEoIie,I S 001500w OSmnanIins 84k - PLASTERING . QualIty Work OVER 40 YEARS SERVING -Eoo,.datJOO n, atapan S RoaniAddYERo p&olioo S, WaIIlspOrInuFaUO FInish . General Romodollng (847) 966-1869 C,aeks .EtE. Coroinio&NoWooTIIo Ali lIONE IMPROVEMENTS Wo 00000m E poi IUIOEIDO took Call Rol Fron EstImule RILES TOWNSHIP Woi*OoaOtOd OreleOIl.TIA-CarPORSy I-000-303-5688 (312) 771-2417 TRY ME .0971011 Hânalns &TopIng AndAiSOi momo t,nslann KITCHEN & BAThROOMS = ($47) 20-613 (773) 622.7355 - - -: AMERICAN . New Installation FOR A GOOD JOB .51505 EokStonn Fur Feen Eatheote Ç7O8 453.1605 LlEonoed . OEnded-Insured ResurfacIng RnpIWrnoiitVo1fldOnO oSrnr003 - Froc ESOImOtEE HOME EXTERIORs 80,100 GrOVE, IL . Seal Coating Call John At 1347 Z3:9851 ILL C C 39507 MC FOSO ESRILIOLOO Brick Pavots (847) 299-2969 FR00 ENIliRotes (847) 583-9978 (847) 675-3352 (847)336O71 773 622-9866 WORK PROM HOME piN11N0& DEc0RA11NG. TUCKPOINT(NG .- LANDSCAPING CEMENTWORK - PIREW000 HANDYÑi'4I . JMZ ROOFING - COMPANY riu i kWY ITL COMPANY PRECISION - JA-KE oToeWiolyTIpg.OdEhe0TA - PAINTING ShIonlaslFluOIHot Tari M000niy-000erelo Growing Rapidly MERIT FIREWOOD UNLIMITED ACORN ModlIlud Pubber-OpaOlOilullg In Enieg Boniness in da Countries. - - THE HÄÑDYMAN -- LANDSCAPING Complete Decoratinq THE WALL DOCTOR ChlmlPyo ReWind A RobaiR : AETNA CONCRETE INC Seasoned 2 Years --,, No Job Too 05011 .RnldmiLIl. 000,e.ociai - rl Tear.OnulChlmreys $500 - $1,500 PIT ¡mo. - .WUe.Pdoa .WO Waiting nitos RieCk lroIaiIoIion Eoltb0000d 1070 End Ofgeosnn SpeclaIn AlI Phases Of ReteSt LI 1uolqiOInOsO - 25 YearoIn. Business - a Palntlng-InterlOriEOtellOr - - PiaOraIThn000itOorOOrO $2000 - $10,000+F!TImo. FREE WRITTEN ESTIMATES NOWWIIN A Alominum k Rinpl-Uo101 Oldbng Wndnwcaaiking- OUiidirg Charing PAVING CO. F051 Fon nolboaroALredlr Cords OK - Cerpéntry - RenUwyaur Laa - W_ FkikOtkta Restoration - Pena EST. - BEFO. - lois. And 000mlnsn GIiTTerN Rna idonllal.Couroerolal-lyda lItAI Ne euperience eecessaly. - Snaps - palios -Wolko Orbes Mlood Hardaouds$75 F.C. S MInoR ElnotnloollPlomblog Professional Cora Aeratcn ReSurface Driveways O Caronte ErnokInO k Haüllng Astheey PogaaO Skim Coating ukylluho Inniallunun o Folly Insared -FAN EsIlmalos - Fell Truieleg Provided. - OaktlbO - - O Root Repolr -. & Ovarsending - EoboalSnOTioaEte. -- Paid VacatitellBanates, Call Nue Seat Coating Cktrrg, OlioS E 81150V MIO- tos (847) 259-3878 No JobToo Small GuuRls Ropalr&Clneei Fall Clean UpS Gutter Cleaning 10% Bseeast ta saorlors (773) 622-9866 LIcensEd-Fully Insured - Repairing -- -- - SapaMtnd$l25 - Deok- FenceRepar (847) 965-2146 1.773-262.7569 - Call Fan Free Entlmala - -- - 28 pos. Kopoolooao Pagen (312) 703-2549 (773) 283-5877 - 773-293-0627 - --- DI000UnI On 2 or Mom PODO Eollmuteo Member Po,toun pic uflaobnrotOomnn,co 347-888.9999 (847) 865-8114 - .(84T)96S-1606- : 847/677-2221

- . ..- Auditions scheduled ingn from 15e soripl. Copies of the LAÑUiSCAPIÑG - script are on research ut Ihn Oak- -ÓONCRETEWOR,c (JTrES &DOWNSP0U1 - SPECIAL NEWS RELEASE at Oakton for Ion Librory. I LEGAL NOTICE -FOR YOUR HEALTH Directed by Karol Versoa. Le- VILLAGR OF NILES SENIOR CENTER 'Lebensraum' benoraum opens at Ouklon on NIES PARK DISTRICT GUTTERS REPAIRED BERNHARDT ROY THE HANDYMAN STUARTSLAWN CARE TheNiles SniàrCenlerhas many activities eveuls. and pros- Oakton Community College is Nov. 19. Eleven performances 7877Milwaukee Ave. MIKE NITTI ORREPI.ACED vga NAME lT-WO DOIT & TREE REMOVAL Nibs, IL. 60648 coopEro & upensveev neevlce - entelions throughout the mouth. One of our most importaut rm- holding auditions for ils fall pro- arescheduled,includingIhn peOdot flemoI Guamnt a CEMENT CONTRACTOR WITH NEW Pabnting-lntenbonlEntellor - Loon ealnlnnono.: sponsibilitins is to preuent health informoiiuo andhealth screen- duchoS of Israel Horovilc'n Le- weekends and Iwo Wednesday 967-6633 a Patio Daubs SEAM REPAIRS Wulbpoperbmg - Carpentry S Landscaped Onslan iogs for our members. Pluma look to our weekly newsminuses benstaum from 7-9:30 p.m. os motines. Fnr mere information, - Dninewoys All Types - GaSer CleanIng ElocInloalPlumbing - InolallollUn ERad of Re-Routing DowaNpouts - Tfor these heolth reláted ilems,-Pleasejoin us for one or moro Tuesday, SepI. 25, nod Wednes- call(847)635-19Gb. PUBLICNOTIFICATION . o Sidewalka DrywallRepello . Coro AerollUfi - PaWnr RoIlIng FULLY:;: INSURED 0 OWner Does RepaIr Werk the evnnIs. For muro infornuulioo, or to mmgisbem,please call 588- day, SepI. 29, 01 Oakcon's Per- Floor & Wall Tiling - Opring A Fell Cloco Up $14.50 FREE ESTIMATES 10%'OFF THIS MONTH forming Ants Center, 1600 E. The Nibs Park Disleicl will be Slob Work 842G. - ::: Ronrodaling - . Licensed Colpo Prevent Wurer Domano INSURED &OONDEI AUTOMATED EXTERNAL GoifRoad, Des Plaines. Folly moored Coil Nary FREE ESTIMATES EREEEOTIOOIUU makiug chemical applicalions (847) DEFIBRILLATORS (AED) lo vaudevilliun slyle, Lebens- (847) 965-6606 (847) 965-6415 Call 77792-O433 duoiug the next two (2) weeks in 520-8320 I Amy Dixon from Hewlett Paukurd Heaetslmonmimeloros OS raum explores whul mighl hup- Aullo reMue ta the une oían ASNULOOd various parks throughout bbc equipment is uscii to Ihn use of AEDs. Lesmo why this medical pen ifthe German Chancellor- as 000innos Namn io the conduct er nons- District for the purpose of weed will be held on Wednesday Sept. 29 at 2 redemplio-offers oullou et OOTi000 io the SteIn," es nave lives. The lecture un ml -of control on 110f areas. . CLiVer desigil. set op slid the oper-- p.m. Rngistrolion required. horneo, jobs and Gemmes citizen- 000IOded, thus a cordnondon was fdnd Tuesday, 0cL 12: Inteonation- 11005. Coolbracling will end at i SCORtrcoumeling, its eleven lo- by the ondrisigoed with thn Couosy Io addilion, each park will be SCORE's OliOS of a successful web site. - - - FLU SNOT PROGRAM ship lo six million Jews. al Trade - Global exporting nd t-liiw Io SLTrt a Successful Calions or workshops, call (312) Clerk of Cook Ceoely.ISbn Nu. posted with signs in the specific Regisbrisliotl bot the door $50; ad- - I For persons 65 and older, nodchronically ill persons aged 62 All roles are open is the cast of October SOpOLIISO offers meemendoos op- Business-nt 3:30 pm. auifuuiter- 353-7724 or visit our websile at 64, Wednesday, Oct. 6: Thuosday, Oct. 14;and Friday; 0cL IWO melI and one women. Euch D0394g9 ois the nnwr.te, boRg. Uedrr application areas. Sigus will be pobnlunhties. This Uemioar is de- valico paymeut $40. Ar Aonooud Notos 0r0AKT0N Man. posted 24 hours in ndvance of Tuesday, Oct;--26: - Business national Trade ut 3:40 p.m. All http://www.mro.nel/robiLL 22; from 9:30 n.m. to 12 p.m.; end 1:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m. 0e aelor is meqnioed to pluy 15-20 Workshop sigoed lo undersbaad the basics An IRS specialist is also avail- appuinlo0500ls from 6 roles during doe course ofthe per- ICAL PLATA with the bminrnc b000rod the applications und will remain Controls Made Simple This workshops willbc cunducled at Thursday, Oct. 14, theme will be evenioog 1635 OAKTON PLACE, DES SCORE, the volunteer coon- ouA UaleS pOIeXlibbl offered io lisis able at SCOREs Chicago office will bu hilled, so bring your coed with fornnsnce, so versatilily of ucling at up 24 hours after applications. seminar will teach-you how lo 500 W. Madison SL, Suite 1250, p.m. 10 8 p.m. Medicare PLAtNOS, ILLINOIS malo. mn neo seting srm of the Small BaSinesS red loot hehl. Regisloalion bit 15e fonio 9 am. 10 1 p.m. enei)' style, the ability to make quick All procedures concemniug nati- read aud iubeapret your accoatot- Chicago. Iloyouon theday ofclinie.Phone for appoi010nnnls. eomnlsl and maidnacoadd,easut AdmioiisloaIiOO (SBA) will lea- door$5O; advancepaymeflt$4O. SCORE sIso offers free conti- Wednesday and Thursday lo an- HEARING LOSS PROGRAM choracler tmansilionn und Ihn abil- ThUrSdaY, 0CL 14: How lo bog reports. Also, how to safely 000tt(EliO }LIIlSHADnHAS,rlI.PATEL Gratine and application of burl Lure four advaoced iodaslry spe- dentist counseling daily, Mon- swer lax related questions. Smoll Heating Loss Pregram is OS Tuesday,OuI. 5, ut 2 p.m. Come ily to speak with a wide variety of Slarta.SucceUUflll Business - This grow your busuless, ideollify-aod 00m N LOOCWOOD AVE, OUITO u. managemnob chemicalswill cific workshops XOd grin basic day-Friday from 8:30 n.m. lo 1 business lax forms and publica- - for people with hearing eecenls will be closely evutualed lull-day session spaps the funda- fix problems. Regislratioa atdoor - and see the now technology available SKOKIO, ILLINOIS- 6CR77; strictly adhere lo the guidelium management Uession during the p.m. No appointment is Ocres- lions are also available. Visit the- hearing loss insoos aad al the uudlioa. Aubes are eouour- menials ofbaisiC mausgemeut in- $50; advance paymeot$40. Reg - loss. Listes to a brief pres0013lion On GSISHRHAT, C PATEL, 1533 BAN- outlinedinthe NUes Park moolhoiOctober. Sotan Business Administrations - - - Regislration is required. aged to ptepare a monologue for islration forallwoulcshOps is 5:30 SatT.- A Busioeas Infocmalioo concerns. BningyourqoesliOns. 00E bAWL LK GROVE VOlAGE, Beard of Tuesday. 0CL 5: Conhrolclisg - cludiiigfiiiancial,mauketiag/ Business InformationCenter the oudilion nod be ready lo im- District's am------Center is alao maidlained which ILLINOIS 60E07; FAllESE A. PATEL. Commissioners Sbntemenl of How Io becomea genèa or Sob- selling aadtegbIlsILElClureL Reg-- conlatus excellent reference ma- (BIC) at500 W.Madison,Suilê provise and "ploy," esgnge in Sb- runclndingschedules-- 149W. 5QSUC ROAD, BLIY3MING- The - - Policy. coutractor and how to operate isIralioS $4G - - and-luttaIs and computers. 1f - you 1250, Chicago. No appointment- rytelling, and petforto cold tend- DALE eLINGIS cobre. Tuesday, - 0cL -19: -Webaile vary: Web SiS Strategies orfeesaterequired. your ownbnsiness.RegistradoS Business Controls - will cod atwould like more information ou OIt door $50; advance paymeut Stralegies - This workshOp will - PAGE 32 TI1EBUGLE,I11!J1SDAY, S SEER 23,1999 TItE BUGLE, THURSDAY, SEF1EIO55ER 23,11199 PAGE 33

DELIVERED TO ALL 16000HOMES IN NILES DELIVERED TO ALL 16,000 HOMES IN SILES Y9URAÓAPPEARS IN: A AND MORTON GROVE EVEFY WEEK OF THE VEER ANO MORTON GROVE EVERY WEEK OF ThE YEAR ; NILESBULE j,.. , . MORTON GROVE BUStI ,,-... NILES& . SKOKIEIUNCOLNW000 BUGLE MORTON GROVE s * . u FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART-TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME . PARK RJDGEDES PLAINES BURLA sis s 5 := . GOLF MILL/EAST MAINE BURLA II s. s 5 . s I. - INFORMATiON ON CLASSIFIED ADS HEALTH CARE MAIL ROOMCLERK MEDICAL I HEALTHCARE Vus Cnn Pince Your Clnnsltiud Ads by Coiling (047) sou-itou nr Come Ta Our Ottico In Peroen Ail 7400 Wnekegen Rond,lilies. IL. Our Office Is Open . Monday thre Friday. 9 AM. te 5 P.M. DEADLINE FOR PLACING ADE IS TUESDAY AT 2 P.M. CelaIs Ado Must Ba Pre.PaId in Adnenne: Buolnens Oppertenity. For unie,Mlscelienneus, Moving Sale, Personals, Situetlnns Wanted, Or it The AdvertIser Unes Oatnldn Of The Begle's Normul Circulation Aren. I Nealthcom - Mail ROOmClerk IULL/PART TIME FULL/PART TIME ..» TheManorAt CNAS FULLIPART TIME FULL/PART TIME I FULL/PART TIME Iincolnwaod Place - Leading electronics conipany isseeking a j A ist Class SNF.Seeking dependable and energetic person. Duties include C.N.A. positions available for full fimo with benefits. NURSE MANAGER Part time positions flex hours. Must be on the IONI registry. BANKING CLERICAL/OFFICE ÖPPÓRTUNITIES colleition and disfribution of mcii!, Liling, plus ACCOUNTING Full-Time other clencal duties. It's an enfry level position in . $500 Sign On Bonus for FT : OPPORTUNITIES . $7.00-$8.50 n Shift & Weekend Differential Experience Wdh Seniors Roquimd our accounting department. Qualified candidate RECEPTIONISTÍ GENERAL OFFICE a Health, Vision, Dental401k with Match We are seeking an experienced individual tolOIfl our small Supernisory Experkece l'referred must have car for daily fransportation of mail. e Tuition ReimbursementVacation + moro bonef its COST ACCOUNTING CLERK BANKING office staff. Rosponsibililies will iñcludo greetingcompany . CNA'S Some computer experience preferred. We Full-Time & ParO-Timo a Registry . $10.00 Per Hour. Rauland-Borg Corporation, a loador in the eloclronics guests, directing incoming cal!s, sorling anti pròcessing provide an excellent benefit program. OPPORTUNITIES incoming and outgoing mail, and maintaining files. A 7 AM4PM/3 PM-i 1PM Shifts Apply Monday-Fridoy 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. oF industry, is seeking ci cost accounting clerk. Responsibilities Please señd or fax resume with salary history to: knovilode of WORD, lu desirable. We -willolfer iResident Care) Norwood Park Home FULL TIME you a include: maintaining historical costs in an IBM MAPICS XA compehhve salary and full benefits including a 401 K plan Mon-Fri SAM . 4:30 PM Rauland-Borg Corporation 6016 N. Nina Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 environment, recording actual cost and reporting variances Please send yourresume, starling ualary requirements or Adelt Doy Corel Ann: General Accounting Department - for material. Assist in month.end and year.end closings. UNIVERSAL: call for ari appoinimont. EUCe&OIPUy, Bmditi G Wuktnimwrnl Tel: 773-631-4856 Required: 1 -2 years of accounting experiencn and/or 12 CaliMarcel: 3400 W. Oakton St., Skokie, IL 60076 Fax: 773-631-4850 Hydro Component R&D Corp (847) 673-7166 Inror NW Nwy ea,t of Harlerel . TELLFR hours of college accounting, with one accounting ciass being EOE Fax: (847) 679-0950 EQS Cost Accounting, Computer experience in Excel, Word or There orepositions a'oilable 2959 Hart Dr, Franklin Park IL 60131 Lohis and an affention to detail. Mapics or similar computer Attn Human Resources in our teller operationarea. MEDICAL I HEALTHCARE ACTIVITY AIDE software environment pieferred. CoIleo Degreea plus. We MARKET RESEARCH The positions require excellent 847 451 4700 provide an excellent employee benefit program. PIense send YnorS Co,, Must be able to lead group programs like Communication and customer FA)(: 847.45147O8 or fax resume with salary history. Resumes without salary ERO: M/EN/H sss EARN SSS Lookíngfor a career with sing-a-longs, exercise & games. Applicants history will not be considered. SWViCe skills.Cash handling BANKING EXTRA MONEY Computer Users Needed limitless possibilities? must possess a genuine interest in the Rouland-Borg Corporation pITed, bot will hAin OPPORTUNITIES Maricet Research :Wor1cówn hours. - elderly & have good writing skills. Aftn: Genera! Accounting Department qualified applicasti. Company Needs ¡t begins i4t/7 listening. $25k-$8Ok/ye Your coreo, is os uniquo os you ore. Thais why at Advooclo. wn listen Apply Monday-Friday 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. 3450 W. Oakton Sheet, Skokie, Illinois 60076 BANKING MALES& FEMALES - 1.800 .5 36.0486 xl 346 of all ages - to ourrofussionols» And wore ready to brun to you. Come to our We offér allfill time OPPORTUNITIES Open House and see for yourself. No Appointment Necessary Fax 847-679-0950 To Participate in employeés a fuÑ package of . FULL-TIME OPEN HOUSE NORWOOD PARK HOME CUSTOMER TASTE TEST ACCOUNTS PAYABLE benefits, including un un 05 ir vnd buis. Seturdey, Soptembor 25, 1999 N000Ilood A. ùfr BANKING SERVICE lOtROem-3:SOpm 6016 N. Nina Avenue, Chicago, IL 60631 n,ddS &MI I Prafit Shoring. LOAN CAL Adeooete Melted Gmup OPPORTUNITIES 701 toe 5t., uuto 255 773-63 1 -4856, Fax: 773-631-4850 ,l_ r4ô6 Sencusivçs PERYAM a KROLL Dee Pleines, IL 60516 I h FR CLERK EOE ,. C,MAi., ,o, bdIS Advonutn Modiool Group, o ployviolon multi-spnoiolty mediceI ntoup, M/F E SAGE, 999 L United Credit Union Applications ere occepted CUSTOMER SERVICE 6323 N.Avondale 12Ml i, oommitêd to prouiding outEondin DFfr,S6MlLSA 84712TO4l3oe Highly motivated, self starter Schóol Monitors 16300 Nsrih - 7300 West) - potent 00m. Our FoniliEne booted TELLER Mondo)Fridoy From wanted Fuii&PurtT,,n, throughout the Northwest suburb, Feo tire following key opporlrnities in onrLoan Scieguu5oreTsblcivdiviinuivfvv,v, t773) 77'4-3155 thot offer oompetitive oolotioo ond benefits niuding mediool/dentol, PRINTING FUll-Time pio, tuition 000iotoron, retirement envio9,, end motel Department to erm ussuhmlnudUríuiWnTuwvshipHsin -, Azk Por Jack AUTO/SERVICE Seeking Responsible Person StsSrfilrsWmIaudNijmNuin)7,j,y With Good Moth And clerical duties. Banking OU 1,15,. $73Ul siflieiv0 T hAnGS . Medivul GRive ReceptionCm9ified Medkel Aesistouts PARTSCOUNTEFt PERSON Communicotion Skills Bank of ivdudinumv&nG 5uiuluga,dûmuthfum . Lkneued Prodluol NursesMedicei Blbrng/CoUnuti000 Printing . Medical Beuel, dedo Mom ropher We're SBBIÛB9 An EXPREIERCOd background o plu5, but not ,(,4 tieSurnstou MEDICAL/ WILL TRAIN Lincoinwood 030-820-3820 .tted o1oNursn Spesidict . EdincoudiogruplryP/eausler Yudo JOB OPENINGS Person To Join Our Doturship. SObE), Commensurote Wrth necessary. Computer skills . Clinrcel Roreeruh Cuordonnin,Esecntive Senveinry . Support Aenlyst The deal Condidate Would Education And Experience 4433 W. buh1 Avenue required. Must be AND OPPORTUNITIES Rapidly expanding, full service printer Have Import Exesce. We Excellent Benefits Lincolnwood, IL 60712 knowledgeable in Microsoft HEALTHCARE Fon 000e nf000tiooomflog: Kdl Fctlr, Ruicc oh g47-7950815 Offer Great Puy, BuReRts And HEALTH. CARE/HOME has immediato openings for For AppointmentCoti: M. Kiophe Word and Exoel. Good Working Environment. Between 10:30 AM2PM s Signing On Bonus $ +4voHtb Care . Additional Die Cutter Covtoct Brion Moore For A M/F/V/D EOE/AA CNA'S and Còfliponions (773) 843-8500 DIRECTOR Better Health Caye Begins WiIh Listening - Confidential Interview An I Truck Driver with CDL 5901 N. Cicero.Chicogo 60646 We offer fuit lime . ond in . - s McGrath ACURA/AUDI employees a full package of OF NURSING pesitiona ennileble or-or: tr. a o) rutent1±-JI CCI I iII. ((n r,: st Shift Janitor 301 Waukegan Road CLERICAL/OFFICE fnrø.kageend benefits, including At/SNF facilily seeking stood S An Eunngnioot luthsror Ch,rohiMnnrteo ei the s 3rd Shift Floor Help : sueoundiugsubsrk Olenview, IL CLERICAL/OFFICE OPPORTUNITIES E,Itnd Churolo el Orri,r 01999 Mouceu Mmlii Corn Great working environment, excellent benefits, 401K plan Prof'it Sharing. DON. Previous DON Engliab speeking. Wo os OOrnninnd E perol oppootunip nrvpivynenr 847-998-8000 OPPORTUNITIES Ietnruiewing IT Highland Pork experience required. Contath Jack Feldman/Human Resources .- -Call ferne oppoishnest- RECEPTIONIST/ Applications are accepted RESTAURANTS! Excellent pay, benefits, : MdFeday RESTAURANTS/ UNIVERSAL PRESS,INC. EXPERIENCED OFFICE ASSISTANT Mondoy.Friday Freni :,AnkfsrMeryurlinda FOODSERVICE FÖODßERVICE COUNTER PERSON ORECEPTIONIST Des Plaines. MF, 8:30-5:00 work environment. -, 6125 West Howard, Niles, IL 60714 9:00 am to 12:00 GentIe Home Services, Inc. Wcnteul For 4uIo Ports Store Answer Phones Direct Colis Bury OBen Seeks ltailnhle, OAnuhed pm Send Resume InquIre At And FAX (84647-1049 PH: (847) 647-2020 Individunl Wth Onud Vorhol And 847-43291OO - - (773) 491-4123 nOtch Receipis Deta EnityFiiing Salary History To: .- MANAGER . WAITRESSES Cnmmunimtinn Skills. Wundterfeut Bank of Aggressi'.io Highly www.universal.press.com (773) 583-2658 GeneralOffice Enpeeiense AMont. toud & Curnil Flint Part-lime / Full-Time 7400 N, WAUKIGAN ROAD - Motivated Part-lime/Monday Thru Fndoy Office Eupenienco HuIpfol. Vuricue Lincolnwood lndividuäl l'o Macage Small Call Vince At: - NOTICE ReponribIlitier. Btsingnnl ltpnnsh/ P.O. BOX #2323 NURSE'S -- P'Eza Place. 8:30 AM-S PM I Flexible Hours r - The Bugte Newopopem does lie Enelirhl A Plun. Competitive (708) 867.7770 beet to ac,eën advertisements for 4433 W. TouhyAvenuo :- -'ASSISTANT Must Have Experience - BUGLE CLASSIFIED ADS Fax Resume: Solury/Benlilte. Clik NILES, ILLINOIS 60714 their authonuolty end legitimacy. Lincolnwood, 1160712 For Ambolotory Surgery Center In Pizza Business. V1NCES RESTAURANT - Howeve,, tre COm,otbe reaporet- (847)676-0365 . Call Vince: 84776803O0 .. --DeysOnlyl : GET RESULTS bio for ali claims, producta end Or Call: (847) 6762910 Wo nccopt VIna and Mgster (708)-867-7770 Hórlem & Lawrence .ncen of adve,tfers M/FIV/D Roe/An (773) 743-6700 j- ThE BUGLE, THURSDAY, SCPTEMRER 23, 5999 PAGE 35 PAGE 34 THE BUGLE ThURSDAY SEPTEMBER23 1999 a DELIVEED TO ALL 10,000 HOMES IN NILES u. e AND MORTON GROVE EVERY WEEK OF TRE YEAR! rç;55 . SIFIEDs AND MORTN 000VE EVERY WEEK OF THEVEAW FULLJPART TiME FULL/PART TIME FULL/PART liME FULL/PART T!ME FULLIPART TIME FULL/PART TIME FULLIPART TIME . FULLIPART TIME FULLIPART TIME


., . © ttfl! WAJTSTAFF/ BUS STAFF : .TEMPORARY HELP TEACHERS /u ,- © . FOR THE HOlIDAYS Northfleld pre'schoal and full DRIVERS ,.. Part-limeWill Train day facilityis currently, Isoking I- , Year ROund Part-Time EmplovnientAvailable SUflSET, s CASHIERS -AB$13.90/HourAnd Urs FOR GLENVIEW CLUB FOODS. forfull and parHimo slaP. Pias 10% Performance Bonos Monthly!! Mustbe2l orólcier Pinoso coil: PortTsme - No Euspersetce Necessary ,. lop $ For Top People . Earn !OO-$ 1200 , . Mn Bys 9.10 - 8tq u5 512.75 3It1ç lec . STOCK 847-441-6777 C Schumann 58.U5 - Wlsee!chasr Bus $10.80

. To schedule an interview. . Calli (847) 729-6500 $1 500 ptr week Full-Tinsel a HOUDAY BASKET HELPERS - )l? - os. , Wednesday through Sunday Ç?I-1jIlÇ1 scuniuses, outs & 9 postongee so u APPLY AT: Northwest subotbon Buffalo Graos ButineuR Conoulflng fins noedo help. EDUCATION g 3 HOURS/DAY PAID TRAINING i i AM- 3 PM & 6 PM - 9 PM Cta.noe Genees!MusicTeatIme . Na sellIng-Just appointment setting 10% PERFORMANCE BONUS MONTHLY ' . . Ask For Liz . Full and. Part Time AVONDAIE'S ARMANE1TI Kladeegat4en.5. Hoethaid. Plan.) . Were growing Rost expasdiag into s aew buIlding . . thera! lauae!euae. 4 I. 5 Eani Pee BEVERAGE MART Watt,. *f. Band DlreeIs. he LeIm a ThIs is yearn chasco for s sulid lucratino career t0. ayt Serrines Welcome -Beug toreen Reqaleed ,.. Cr CalIJeffforyourIntervioes l-80e-531-2542 RETAIL 8935 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. NESS 847-869-525 1 Anytime SEPTRAN (847) 392-1464 ,1(g'( PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION TO OUR FRONT DOOR 2161 Foster - wheeling op,,!'1s (847) 966-2300 Red lino to Howd Yellow los to Rempoter, PACE 626 to PA on gsrcluy far more info call: TELEMARKETING Ask for Garyor DeniM By cat; 294 ot 94 north to Deertleld Rd. 501115m letS Iwest) 2 miloS, turn RL Highland Park Northbrock on Barclay, Michael Sohoviéh Bruce Gonzalez International Profit Associates sCOOK TRADES/ 847-432-5500 847-272-7700 PERMANENT PART-TIME 1250 Barclay Blvd. DRIVERS SOCIAL SERVICE Lincolnwood Place YouCan't Work Lake Forest Libertyville Earn Extra Income Buffalo Grove, IL 60089 Weekly PayshooksWorking From EOn Retirement Community www.ips-iba.com evers . Bill Tarpay Alien Penn than WARDS! Saule! Seeviae 847-234-8380 847-573-9570 Home. Your Choice 01 Doys, Enenings Seekiog Experienced Chef Come work OC WARES, the mojoe COURRaI retailer J Q.M.RP. Md/Or Weekends Scheduling DRIVERS/COURIERS that's making major chongm!We're advancing toword the TELEPHONE/ Who Is Tired of Long Hours Resideofful facilityproviding Appointment To Pick.Up Discarded TRADES Messeoser Seevise is looking tor tatare with a brand new style sod attitade- and it shnwsl Oar rntOd sCorn in Riles is nom being given a whole 000look- the ssme look TRAINEES SALES services for adult women with Hassohold horns Fur A Wet Creean ANSWERING And Working Nights. sell.soutsvated individuals tu be PnntTinee that more than hslt our stores oCh hone by 20011 Nom oli . independeos cuotraclurs and mn ornd developmental diAabiiites is Chnoitoblo Orgamaaha o.Mioimum 4.6 see bright rnthusiostin Isdividoote looAng toro tan new plsnr to No Experience Nesessary! Respueuibili6es indudc Fool Products mro gout! money. currently seeking on mperienced Hours Per Week. TELEPHONE RECEPTIONIST Work Near Home Purchases b Staff Devsloptnmt. individual to serve CsO Q?oIRP. We For More Informatica Please Call: OPERATORS Established Wmnetka real WAlKERS & BIKERS We Encourage Homemakers, . Thefoltowlogpositi000 are coerestlyovagable atour ADMISSIONS SALES $350 - 400/eolo. BrandNew RemodeledNjles Store: Retirees, Shaden!n, ore leaking foot individuai with (630) 515-5752 For Ausweuing Service estate firm needs personable Excellea! Pay, Benefits . end others to apply. FeO lime JIOSitlOAr enthusiastic a Bachelors degree and at msI in Des Peines CARS & WAGONS receptionist/secretary. 3 week And Work Envirooment. SALES ASSOCJATES Wenkolayn Oniy one ymr euperience in on 1CF Part.limo I FulI.Tinto $400 . 700/y,.t (Commission O Non-Commisslonj go getter needed to contact TRADES Send Resume To: $300m to start seRing. A cumpetiline odlasy and Varions Shills Available daysper week.Pleasant VANS We 000k frIendly, modvotod Isdialdualo with nocellent customnr Yo0 wjil be working in o Comico skills. Earning potnntjol for Oor CommissionSains andenrollnewstudents. benefit package is available. Typing Required . Paid Vacetiao warkisg conditions na small Executive Director $500- 1000/wIt. AssoOoles lo unlimited - UFTO$1S.00/H,L ORMORE! Inedia9 food store. Resomes accepted y fax or mni! Pastory (847) 390-1789 active office. 7000 McCormick Blvd. We Noed Vans! I-847-933-7003 Salesexperiencea plus. .RECEIVING/STOCK ASSOCIATES 773-545-2984 GENERAL Call Louise or Roxane NEW stale of the art . AUTOMOTIVE POSITIONS Northwestern Business College Or 4200 North Austin PLANT LABOR 847-501-4300 Lincoinwood, IL 60712 mAo system Fpaol- mnnhfachurer in TRADES renions aolamotioe eoperltnoe requIred. SALES Chicago, Illinois 60634-1615 Be year own boss neorMilwankge and Lawrence. ByAppuietmeot Goli NoÑlsbsook, IL seeks general Or Fax: (847) 673-7185 EligIbleassoclot esrrc eineesnelleotbeortits,Including :__b_teroiews pIaCI wòrknrs forpacking, The Great Frame Up Call Rich Meyers at :mrdIcaIflilr/dlnoklli, irsoraooe peotit shorIng,pold nacatisro In Morton Grove No Colts - ROE tord o groemos merchandise discount. (773)481-3730 palletiaing, cleaning, and other Inn GntRd. neurtinrisees A,e.l 312/997-2600 general labor dalles. MUST BE SHIPPING/RECEIVING to6qImiuI.edeetIkuMpI d9Yut CHICAGO Apply SALES Fax (773) 481-3738 TEACHERS/AIDES ed thons eskod opeels, od sse leths ir pernos 105gW atWARDS,Village Croaslog ShoppIng ABLE TO WORK h!, 2nd AND ImorHothawidoto*oM.esheala Center,SOOt W.Tosthy,NitnaIL Ornend ressmr lsdlcotingposl-. Lincolnwood Place COORDINATOR MANICURIST MESSENGER SERVICE Nile, pnmotng suenpany hes an poticeTio lese, ses BooSts tIni 5s5 tino01Interest tmWARDS,AttsstHE/JI, 100Ysrhtowns Center, 3rd SHIFTS /rS NEEDED. Prior ls.dsdsormnedei1lIuesdodtodetoMthtO 912 W. Washington Lombard,Il 65148. Retirement Community immediate opporhanity (nr un Full tirneexperienced manicurist ASSISTANT edueotae pias! experience desired. Mus! Chicago nopesieesed shipping/reoniviog Seeking Marketing Counselors. SALES MANAGER SUBSTITUTE hove. own !ransporteiliOfl e. irteeted e tees ,eooss pireo oh Wanted far fast-paced,fell oourdinutor. In this demuoding neMi Audniset 5dm Manager tue horie arrongemeu!5. . Starting wage I . (8471 966-8400 Escofient Pay & Ornat Commissions TEACHERS pentue, you'll help direct the service salon is Park Ridge. LIMO DRIVERS solos. seeldog id9henten» team oriented with progressive Red Ask Fur Rnedy Earn $95 to $100per day. $7.67 oshor Iieu o! a buoy WardsA RemAne Pio00 tsWOrlc Previous Senior Housing ode, peson. toad» nuesrioniae,, prid Good people skills a must with Full-lime increases to issu role of $10.96. ensalmes, irenitir insuranne. Sont beyden High Schools shipping/receiving deportreeot, Experience PrefetTed. Oppottunily tar adsoecettent with 16 Call 847-291-4524, Mondoy insiodinn routen, scheduling, FOOD SERVICE abilily to work well with our 25 Years of Age Disfrict 212 throssgh Prisfay. 9 kM. unlil _:::.z.;,b1r5...5DS m14(_. Send Resume To: isnolloos aed enpas6e ssaaeunser noroise, buhe9 & Assorted laIchen dotes. Full-linen. teem. For interview, call îen Mast Furnish MVR Loyden High Schoolsare 2:30 P.M. to sel ap inventory. The qoaliRed candidato arrem npee*eebomptnao, Executive Director Call Wendy 312.337-3600 x229 l0t30 u.m.-7 pet. shift. Mus! jumo Must Be Experienced Or Fax 312.337-3632 currently hiring substituta appoinlmeols. No wuikins. will hose nsperienoe is shipping owe trunspociutnu undspesb 847-825-3355 7000 McCormick Blvd. & routing, possess good computer English. Narthhmnnk oree. Cull On 825-2688 Male or Female/Will Train teachers. Please call: BORDEN FOODS skills (MiorosottWoed, RoseI. & betunee gt30-5, Mondoy-Fridnyot Must Re Resporsible & Dependable Retail/Framing Lincolnwood, IL 60712 CORPORATION miii meso! it ssstosner eoonioe & Th OreoS Frcnne Up k. Morton SaIes/Saiesman', Dream! Ornat 847-41-3021 Mus! lavo A Car To & Prono Jalo RETAIL SALES Hour,. Great Pay, Fun Easiroemeot, Poe ieteeesnetos Sore & priority rootagnoeteet. We 847-272-2700 ext. i 162 POSTAI. JOBS to $18.35/HR Groen is LookingForFoil 2301 Shermer React Or Fax (347) 673-7185 Na Preepoctieg. 25 Yesrold Female otter competitiva pay, n goad inclodos Benelits. Nu Buperiense. (630) 271-U 14 Full Time or Part Time ihnen/Poet lime Help. if You Teasel Ciob Opese In loironmbseq. Nortiibrook, IL 60062 Askfor Mamie EoIn beneBle packoge, & the Fur Appuiolenent Raed Euunninsliocs 540 Sulasy Binuossed Onee Phoseel Art Md Design, Worts Well WI AsCell, - ROE Na Easperienae Nese,naey.Cal! Eon M/F/DIV salesperson.Beautiful EDUCATION oppurtnni!y to grew with as . Fenpin Md Are Looking For An Tueadoy.5otorntay, 2.8 p.m. NAILS TECHNICIAN iotoneuutiott, Coil 1-RO0-813-3583, Inlnresting And Choilenging Poet Edocolionul backrouod required. indotto5' louder. Extension 2402, 8 A.M. - 9 P.M. DRIVER chino & crystal store in 847-303-6627 X- I 02 Want more naris!)4ng camer? To lauch Al Nile, Beoot1r School lhmt Job, We Piove Thedoni SALES MANAGER INSTALL/SATELLITE Apply in possen, er PAX or send 7 Days Mu, ioc O'Hare Messenger Service $eekio Potilinn. Hosen Are Fiemibk, And Pt-ttme / Bnenings Plaza del Lago, Wilmette. Rerrt Soles MamMe ter tondeg h Opportunity for the right person tu Satellite dislributor soaking ensoten & solas), history sot Orine,,ForLouuiDelieery Mop Insisde: Soste Weoknightt SeekInghigheno,5y,teen,sdertnd CuR And Schedule Agspuhrhsest Intennatonul Dnosnneots. Mont Hove Very Rexibte hours. START YOUR am our 1mm. Must lane working full lima installers. Cable JOHNSBYRNE COMPANY And Wiii isniude: Sotnedoy 10-6 person. Rennt oertoeItne sdsonsernent OWN BUSINESS! Call Phil: (847) 965-8061 WILDUFE JOBS to $21.63/HR BeliubleTrunsportutiun, Goad Or sondny 12-S. Coorpentolinn snide 16 ImoSne, with children. Will trainos vision Satellite experience Record, W,iiiooess To ned espnnsKr. Ret poor omas suhoduin. Control or Dept. MR, 7350 Croeame Racel, Includes Benefits. Gamo Wardens, Driving Call Richard at: WINDepend On Appiinnntn Oppertarbyts enes nene $3O,OOO4r, ph, therapisT, working with children preferred batwill fraie. Recueil» Moioteoanue, Pork Werk, & Ability Ta Raed t Weite Quoiilisoliost. lesse Own tourne. Seil frons home, Noes, hinco 60714 Raoaero Nu Boperiense Needed. if Yos A,e mccAbe trip, pod ensotAn,,hestth at work, through Iundraianrn. Ro and odult,. Must have own Engiulr. Sulury PIas MUrage. 630-920-0190 Find the help that Por ApPOcOIeseaBAnd Eusnmieaïne interested in Thnno Opéolego Coli in,srorse,4Ol so Anos, Fax resume: vehicle a tools. FAX (847) 647-2238 Call Airsped oN 5ntodyt Call Weedy 312-331-3600 ,c229 Call (888) 561-2866 . you-neod.In our Cell l.1ns413451!, Istauslee 2H03 847466-9822 CöïitadChris u LM. . 9 p 7 D.y. flen. (630) 595-8600 " .. nno.n 847-966-8400 Or Fax 3x2-337-3632 classIfied section. t l 708-660-8123 lee seewOr.000n,.. o te TMEDUGLE,JFHRJ TUEBIJGLP THURSDAY; SEPTEMBER 2.1;-1999 PAGE 37 . DELIVERED TO LL 16,000 HOMES IN NILES . AND MORTON GROVE EVERY WEOK OF TH YEAR - - . - ANO MORTON GROVE EVEHY WEEK OF THE YEAR - , --: - I E DS ------HhhSchöol---Reunions- celebrate Ohcir 30 year class reuo- Deerfaeld lMgh School - class tioñ, call (847) 259-1 130 arwroOm - ÇIasseflN7-20YearRcunien. nrwritnRnunioos, Lld.,P.O. Boo FULL/PART- TIME MISCELLANEOUS of1969- 3OYr Reunion, Reonioms,-LOd., P.O. box 4641, ThnCtass of 1979 ofEighiand 464t,Nnrtbbrnok, 11.60065. ion in ohesummerof2000. For in- The Deertield High School Norohbrook, 1L60065. PorkHigh Schobt,Highland Rueneveltfligh School - Clous formatino, call (047) 259-1 130 oc doss of 1969, Deerfiold, will col Dfnmewuod.Flesomoorlligh Park, will colebraom ion 20 year ofJeuve 1950- 5oYesorReumen tenon Reunions, Ltd., P.O. Boo obr000 ils 30 yeorcloss roamos on School-cloasnofl979-2OYear clous reumion 06 SuOurday, No- RooseveltHighSchonl,Chica- 4641, Northbroek, IL 60065. TRADES Saourday, Oc:ober 2, 1999. For - Reunion. vember27, 1999. FordeOailo, cali go, Class of 1950, is planniug o

- TRADES Marshall H.S. - Classes nf JanJ GARAGE SALES (047) 259-1930 or write Reus- gala 50 year class reoniov to Inn - 'JeOults, coil (0471 259-t 130 or Alumni of Homnwnod- June 1951 - 49 Ye' Reunien. WElle Reunions, LId., P.O. Box Flossmoor High School, Floss-- iou?, Lot., P.O.Box4641,-Noroh- hnld on SaOurday, Juno 24, 1000. Oroduairs of Marshall High Wérehousit - brook, 11,60065. Classmanes ureencooraged no call : 4641, Noelhhrook, IL 60065. mont, Class of 1979, are scekiug School, Chicago, Clanses of Jon- - Willowbrouk9ntighSchool (847) 259-1130 or wolle Reos- NItOS, 7625 N. NEyA - 9/25 HirschHighSch001 - Classcsof cIassmnnos for their 20 year room- nury cad June 1951 , are planning NOVENATO - 1949 -50 Year Reunion ion no be celebrareiS on SaOorday, Class of1979 - 20YearReunion ions, Ltd., P.O. Boo 4641, North 9.4 -Mahi-fín5y - a 50-1 year rcnniou during Ohe brook, IL 60065 us updalo their - Alumni ofWiltowbrnok High Something toroneryonel, -: ST THERESE -- -- The Jon. and Jame 1949 gruda- Novomber 27, 1999. for informa- summer of 2000. Cluosmales are tt.tlierese of ifi thud Jeoo onIhetoly ates of Hirsch High School, Chi aine, call (847) 259-1 130cr wolle School, Villa Park, classnf 1979, addresses. TaftflighSclnool - Class of 1970 encouruged to call (847) 259- NlLEs;-5737 N. OtMo foco, I comehofore you io offer ibis Noveno cago, ame pluosning a 50 year class Reunions, Ltd., P.O. Box 4641, arr seeking claosmaOms for their 1130 er write Reunions, LId., md begyooto niaeerlho req000l I reunion LO be held on SaOordoy, Nerthbrook, IL 60065. 20 year class reonoono so be held - 30 Yr Reunion. P69/24 5 Sol-9/25. 9 AM.4 PM now piene Alomni of Tuf: High School, P.O. Bon 4641, Northbrook, IL fsoforeyou (ninfe rRqoest) - ooS000rday,November2l, 1999. Lolooftobyllnmo - Ocleher 2, 1999. for doOails, call : HighlandParkHigh School - For deusits, call (047) 259-1130 Chicago, Class of 1970, plan lo 60065 to update their recerds. Wonnen'e Ctething/Forniiom fey 24Gfory Re? cab followed by-St. (047) 259-1130 or Orino Roan- Therese otile cEidJesue. prayfonia. jour, LId., P.O. Box 4641, North- NIÉES, 8738 N. Okene brook, IL 60065. EvonstonTononship H.S. -- Sol-9/25 & Son-9/26 - 9 AM - 4PM Soy ihNovonv vanti dey-for N doys olatiñg . Outstanding EducationalAssistance Program Class of1979 - 2OYr Reunion Toddler Fum/Muoh M00in Merol on Ire 9th doy of tiro moniti nnj noii 09 On tine Receive up to $23 000 with the UPS Earn & Learn Program 17th doy oldie monilrvnd pnomirotà opneod Thy Evanston Township High School Class of 1979, BvansOon. . Weekenda& Hotidays OffUnbetievabte Oenefzts NILES,ó9l9BowninlSt. word ofitno odien mayolfenit. $500 bonus at our Palatine Facility is planning o 20 year class reSu- . Foi-9/24 S Son-9/25 - 9 Mi-4 PM ; . nonos Sotoordoy,Oc:obcr9, 1999. -Sonenlning For Everyonel - eemhrEmhrono,,rsaaonioIoalosO. RECIPES FOR SALE - For additional infooma:ioo, call hala OVIN L0.A.O.0 ca i,,c, Ohio we Iv aomoesaso,auatontro,i om,me&on,a,iioh001005,5T,rmstSZ (847) 259-1130 or wrile Reon- 1M h5,t,tirna,,, a,ofl SohnS li$:deorsasgoant rMsaifitn Ions, Ltd., P.O. Box4641, Norlb-

a tpnenioh Rnoipoe Of PoornoRionen - brook,1L60065. orhehuimaoiac*,h cus 0e-59 ont oroonOhrucnraa uno o ,,n.utov FÔUND Caieino-IfondedDown Fonio Goneroitene TaftDligh School - Classes of Si'g' nomamehuafloocI,aunesi,a,v, Oa100Al, nnoeo.aoa,unooniaa-ra, - Srord$&OOORItOn9SASE.Ter -- Jan/June 194 -50 Yr Reunion, PACKAGE HANDLERS arwovsru1Mru5,cevuo,rcdo,0m GosmVegv.P.O.Boa221 - The Jonoany ood Jove 1949 rr5roii, vu,,, ea,auul ReIIvnh, I,, Sit Steady, Part-Time Jobs, . $8.50-$9.abThóur v MoRon Gonne, IL 60053 grodoateo of Taft High Scheol, ,cnno,pohomaes?mn.s,t,unirn?heel heel boa 000snhborr. saw o,,- DOG FOUND-. ifrrcaeo ade 000itru-ot emairl cot Osai,,, Chicogo, are seeking classmales u °tIna,, cc rs ach amurotmula, Sr

PALATINE - I Chicago y =iahi=tichcns,, . . (Hicis S Hd Row) dhah ha oao 01 nrro . I - for their 50 year class reunion to Sunrise Shift3am-8am Monday.9/13/99 SITUATIONS 150eJIIhaT.onu050thchoahrjeojra be held on Solnrday, Ocooher 9, ,,aibntnvavenrssv_nrw,snhw., Twilight Shift Area O Palmer & - mio i : Spm-lOpm Kedzio WANTED 1999. For derails, call (947)259- eooauttsann,norrOr& , Un bi blind? Call Tod: (847J588-1900 lIJO or wrile Reursiono, Ltd., - CnI 8,n- n inn. Fni E . P.O. Box 4641, Norohbrook, IL 00n, sah 005mm uit 847-705-6025 RIa.bIO Roonnoroow WaMed 60065. oruthsa,tao,atno.e-sthuanunivmcc Oroli 3Bedrooro Gow,nhouo Taft High Schoal - Class of 1969 24 iirs j da 7 dlys a a' NtS.NoenGetlMW - PERSONALS - 30 Year Reunion. -i.,S\r_ 1.888.4ups.JoB None-Serokor r» Z . ad?? (Mfl 67648O2. Days --- Taft High School, Chicago. U S POWEROIB PRA00RTOIIIE 1101VSPIRIT clots of 1969, is planning ils 30 GETTOUPSDYPACEI (847) 9660371- Evenings yew- class reanian to be held on lms Ta Paladne ironn EHm lake bas #556 ® l'ori ntlio noto oil pnohium olio ftghms oil 2a'hTh Friday, October 15, 1999. Por in- e.*sOousa,,ra,nrrfiaaoatha-000S no thai I non òbtuin nygook You, elio ,nebolsrv hnrEnOhe0.95oaI0norran www.upsjobs.com - EqsSAOsaSyE«vby,s fnrmaOion, call 1947) 259-t I 30 or hk OIS i5. 0 9. ellos 05,0 001 oca. give netto dtenogitniofongiveondte forgol H000nlooepwr - wftln exeoen 5m1MdhO65,Olcd,IICA rinuoaOo.han.mnutnaum,mOad oli evil O9oinol me nod Sol irr oil insnornnnof 3G'4Oheoniporwedn wriOe Reunions, LId., P.O. box 464 i, Northbrook, IL 60095. ocEani, Mahl. e. rout patsmsrhl my lilo, you uno whir mn. I sent in thiotlront mo!oA'huth5O0tni yrcyor to-thank yenfon oil Sinos und to 8471615-2081 - SouthShorelligh School- o,re00.hhnao5itwr,Suit Classes ofJanjJune 1949 -50 d17s.c. Ivm,evmaieonomndy, roil houa s 500 ranIs, 51,10,0 0,09 OrlI TRADES/ oonftm IhotloevorwoS to Ire noporotod from Oaos0000llimi almnamouoaav,,o'vho,r,,noaunl MISCELLANEOUS YcarReoonion. - - no' rit nibiro 000 OrOS. 009 051M ru ahi oOa E CAO, ni orflrirSa.s,Iomn acao arpmao une eaaz w ori'. mir. $e a DRIVERS j you, even or! in opitoofoll material illuniòino. 5m neo, rhuaurtiiuuflt.urhCrO.. a Ira IOra000.ioOhOIaofl5,hO-u.ta,hn,li0o,eroO 00 - h0mteOOvtviabO5Orm0Oehien I reif: to to neithyvu in otonnol glory. Thank TANNING - The SouOh Shore High School Closses nf Jaosijuoe 1949 will flT0000010i,iSI000hilOiMlhO,On.SiO'rha. neeO5,O.aonna.qrd.mnaumm PU lEO OsOthfl0000t Sr001 AhI 511,55, REAL ESTATE yauforyuon thenoylo-eundonocndnine Soy n St.rl0ituraoheih,Ou05ar0r.uob,0 wn=(w vat a celEbrate their50 year clous reos- ceIri&ioit . AUTOS FOR SÄLE tlriopnoyorfor 3 rorneonrivo dej onda layon jus ono $uOardoy, October 16, mr000fliUOanaluO.005s*eah. edil be gnunttri Think You. -- WOLFF TANNING BEDS LaaO.ss.00rccs&5,otruroat NEW INCREASED PAY! - TAN AT HOME 1999. Clossm000s muy call (047) ¡005 Ion,, hA 9500 00v O0O rot 500. - Ocdmsy000cu00uwroc0ahuO*55ne ,0aoaoeeoro'romtIr APARTMENTS LOREN 8Ulcl(/HYUNDAI Boy DtREC9 rond SAVE! 259-1 130 or write - Reunions, f cdnelt n cd o'.o'H Io 5w 32t pMile Corrarrnodol/Horen raailefronn $199.00 n,uui,eurwhi-o meo c.,uooanro,oanMLaouior*ikor, FOR RENT 1620 Ve'ondoegmn Rood, Gleeviow POWIRFUL P90900 TO ThI HOLY SPIlli LId., P.O. Boo 4641 ,NorOhbrook, lINt UPU!, nu mu, o. ,aiisvs la Low Mwonnfn, Peyronenne nao vosw oov "t Oohta 0m Company Driver leal 729-8900 Ynuednenfre oli profiteer., eke lights IL 60065 for additional inforMa- Home every 6-10 days oil mode nothel Icon obtein nygonk, FREE Celer Colonie9 Cot TODAY 1-800-711.0158 hoe. - cooh¼n'eauSraOO50rhLSfl*0i we005raohaananhaeruewOmnhoor GUARANTEED NItOS, 7630 N. Milenosken Am. Yoa,who ive nnlfnedkenogthn,j eoru ou - TaftHigh School - class of 1974 . Dedicated Runs - Tod i Bedmonor- $6öO/Avoiiubte Now 1972 Chevy Coivette forgive on6to forgen et onu 0900,1ne cm.aameaonieooenitascowcc omi Ifretin oil renonce, elmy life, -2$ Year Riunion. remoesashpomhcvrhCnnmu 177317M-0002 you ¡nc. omino, numcao. Sant sil Oat tlulunowlA, wut E oso,, 00, $12,000 Or Best Offer orownth nne. Iwonlrn thiedooetp,oyer Alumni nf Tuft High School, xa,aneju,una..5000vno,eoflo' 82i All Miles- pana ese. 5,0 ShrOsA osTOE,avtea eoo,eonoaleaouo,ulia000,ns Bol Excellent Condition to thonk you for oil thtago med In WANTED TO BUY Chicago, Class of 1974, are seek- _hie__5r_tsrhamt&. Owner Operators Senund Finer, 2 80, 1 Both, confirm that Inener wane te ko =Thrh' separated from you, even and hr apto ing clossmoOes (or Oheir 25 year Ne Trodor A0e Rnqairwnnonl toundry Semine, I Cnr Coroge, (847) 965-3776 rcnmion 00 trccelehroted on Salar- Fteolth tnoo,onoe Pion Aveilnble of mil-moinial tiueian,, t wich to Inn ,oua5,elnnh No Clnildnen, Heoned noiA you iñ eternal glor iump Sinon Lesee Pmrone Snook you day. November 6, 1999. Por in- ,010T,amos.,rae a,vvuueu5, for your nervy tower®me ond mme. sarsbla,Oeouaa,*, tuase.h- No eopmienoeond niûmum 21 ymone 773-989-8762 Pgr. 1-312-308-5715 - formation, coli 1047) 259-1 130 or ,,n,.tnonaronorrur SaIhiO yrfo3neBod,, coo fllh* A afloaT? sr, e,eatnr. hJRCnWTh loss Aunt w srr io n. nU, na.. PUhmIna. it 00,0 *50 old? MSC Profenniunni Delver Medony. write Reunions, Lad., P.O. Boo FURNITURE FOR SALE Slot MachInes enlomo hovean000un cunas hiuuatnh-oin Vetrmns henefino accepted Thenkyas. Aeycn.wdon- 4641. Nerlhbrook, 11.60065. Rich Centa'al High School- 1430-985.2742 - bw,000un,reoAflflo.a.-a,u&Stor'. M.S. CARRIERS® CONDO Fao: 1.030-985.5151 CIassofl97 -20 Year Reunion. coo pecenctheeiadnniacomeavru iSi90nea000JhvOnicOSnnSOarmn riAlLO09isoo*uuanEslaluzs. FOR SALE DESIGNER MODEL HOME POWIRIfAPRAYSITDIIIR HOlT SPIRIT The Rich CynIcal High School f8OO-51-5209 You sito tolva al inabmorn, olio ll1hls oli mnesoawoinwaO.0&evewuss FURNITURE CLEARANCE CASH PAID FOR class of 1979, Olympia Fields, redo on that an obIthn my godo. You elm amia 0cc n, ahnmoale ninaCot ta Desiroblo Woohingnnon Corone Bojo/LS Sets Hmetee Gron $495: wilt celebrano iOn 20 year doss ro- ginenothedutinogifrro fOn9ineomnd to forget USED AIR CONÓrnONERS otAI0vOisulnh.hee0m,Iit01Oir OWNER OPERATORS/ 2Bed,00m&Den Eortlolornee $595- SnvYI/Reelinor 3. anion on- Saturday, November oli coil ognunO ne enti Ilion in ail mIrones of FLEEF OWNERS Coil Eveninor 773-631-5234 pince $1195- Solo While 535e- (773) 582-5846 20. 1999. Por details, call (847) my Ile, yoo oto sitltme. I terrI in thIn lIront wriOe - Reonoeos, Chicego Area Truck Company Atoo: FIotti,, Plomin, Leothere, Bin. 259-t130 or pnoyn to thank you fon oil tImings nod-to Ltd., P.O. Box464t, Norohbrook, FIIFPERSONALAD'FREEMESSAGE RETRIEVAL Hennis Owner Operators For Dining EdRe. SetoIO-Piove- FoiRe AUTOS/ oonftnnitnot lnknarwantlab000parainiifnorr 1L6G065. Deliveries East Of The Rockies. $1395-CIron-y, - Mohegony Oak, . NOTICE FOR SALE yuu, Ovin ordlnopite ofotmatndol liiodom. NewTrierWestlLS. - Class of Uve Operators /5re Waiting To Take Your Personal Ad. Greot Wloitn,Et. Bedronon Sels trono $995, Th BogIe Neavopap.,, do., Io, Pay. New Troilers, I tAli ta be stili 90v ir cloned glory. lircmnk bese 00 noreen adnartlumme,eto fer -0979 - 2OYear Reunion. Mo,dmum Miles. Please Limit Your Ad To 25 Words N1ES - 1993 Hond Cielo, LX (847) 329-41 19 Or - yaefniyounmoncytowontisrn,ed ndm. Say ebete eothroitledgy .ed toglolmavy. The- 1979 graduates of New CALI. JIM: (630) 778-3433 Sto payen foe 3 noineonets doy, moda knot However. wo eoenni b. eaagoosl. Toier-WcsO High School, North- RI I R Good eo.ndinioo, . foSooge 96k bi. fot .11 9Ih900.peodoco,nnd . V S 888r782-5400-EXT. 207 wmw.n'ndlhooronfowltoeoowm wE kgnorrodIIrorliyon,t.o.------foetd,aecptanoinga2OEy00rCl050... Call I.800n759a26.I.1 - $5,800 or heal offer -897-5534770 - oivilàes of adonetlee,, - reunion to be held en Friday, No- 01000151 - 700PM Weekdnjs vembei 26, 0999. Far informa- . " TItEBUqt5E.TwlIts.. DAhPEMB.Eit 23,1.999 PAGE,39v : Kellys...- Pubhc-W.rks Healthy Food Cw,tinuedtram Page 1 -Dist. 219;..-..: : Senator D.udycz attends Ukrainian Day Continuedfrom Pagel and do not pose any ofthese haz- lester in the past with- goad re-- ards. The Viltage Board passed suIts, and antiaipatus the same -FacilityO Powell when he recommetided time to wrk out -a compensation the ordinance with vesy littte dis- withthiscontraôt, - that the school hoard terminate package. - - Continued from Page 1. - cussion. - Preceding these rather erdi- the punition of Public Rulatibns RabertSilverman,-board presi- Other fairly routine business nary tasks accomplished by the ingo, the main or busgarage and DireetorMoreoKarras. dent, said Karetis had hod uppor- covered during the meeting in- Board were three ceremonies that the mailstenance garage will be Koreas, whé received a letler sanity fer a homing before the PITA.:TOWN eluded passage of Resolutions were not so ordinary. The fire and built, while part of the existing frani Powell earlierthis month in- board lung befare the $epr 13 RESTAURANT 99-44, which verifies the avails- Police cemmission recommeed- building will be demolished and formisig her that he intênded to meeting. Silverman - said- lhcy replared by aparking lot for visi- bitity of local motching funds to ed that three members of the fire redommend her dismissal, de- board hod sedi Kurras o leB&ru llnmomade HnalthyFondAtAltortlable Prices torsamsdslaff. - support a Local Agency Pave- deportment be swam in to new fendedher t I-month tenure with August, givitig her mure thana 9101 F Ntrtli Milwaukee Puonno,tilles(NI Cnmer Milwankeo 8 Ballard) ment Preservation (LAPP) pro- positions. Pilot said Ihn eew fadility will the district by citing the 26 per- month lo arrangefera hearing be- Phone: 847/I85-72I2Fan: 147/965-7242 jet, and 99-46, which authorizes Lt. Thomas Friel was appoint- enable thu Poblic Works Depart- cent increase in positive media feretheboard. Home of the Finest MiddleEastern Feed & Pastries execution of a contract far the ed and sworn in as the District meotio sloreatl ilsequipment, in- coverage thedistrictreceived this Kaeras, who said the met-with video inspection uf storm Chief. He replaces the retired eluding 75 trucks, indeora. The ycarduemainly to her efforts. Powell after receiving his letter, and saaitury sawerlines. Chief Richard Meier, and wilt department's equipment wilt be Karas also maintained that she was unaware of any hearing ex- The LAPP project was devul- hold the position until December protected from the elements and had achieved the guais alte net ceps the one she thnagbi maslo $499 + tax + tax aped by the Illinois Deportment 31, 1999. Firefighter James Ne. also much easier to remove when when sheaccepled the position take placcai theSept. I 3 meeting. 1.99 of Transportation (lOOT) to ex- ville was promoted in rank ta Fire needed, Pilot said. "Now, to get When theboardhcld ita regular Karras, who was also sappvied LUNCH 5PICIAL Mar Choice tend the tifa of existing poye- Lieutenant, with and effective one trackyoa hove lo move seven meeting Sept. l3,the vale tu fire te have developed aWeb page for o 5hish Kabob menu by eight to ten years. Since - date of September 1, 1999. And, others out of the garage," Pilai Kanon was onanimaús, despite the district, woo ene of Powell's . Kofta Kabob STUFFED said. "With the new facility, all the North Share Council of May- Morton Grove has sworo in its the fact that Karoas and her aller- first hirers when he becamena- . Chicken Kabob we'll have to do is back it up tied PITA has receiVed some additionãt newest firefighter/paramedic, - ney hod asked the board ta table perintenúent lost September. She Vegyrape Leaves funds, Morton Grove submitted -Nathun Akemanu, who was ap. go.------. their decision until the Sept. 27 was hired at an annual salary of SAMDWICH The precasl concrete panels : LAPP apptic;otinns for three pro- pointed to the position on proba- meetingla allow her attorney $40,000. -- - jects; Austin Ave. from Church to tiunury status pending compie- were put in place during the sum- n Shawrama (5yros) VEGETARIAN Oakton, Harlem Ave.from tian of his training. What added mer, as was the roof. Workis car- INCLUDES FREE iccorn FREE realty being done on the floor in Hoffman... DataR 12 oz. tsntvtc 12 oz, Dempster to-Gotf, and Shermer ta the extraordiaary nature of Continneclfr0m PageS rncutt:nue.0 Rd. from Hartem tu Golf. These theseceremenies was the fact that the main garage. 3..rOrr,. eRen I1:tOA.e..3:mp.n. vl,,d.y thU, r,td,y vieRan the, rOdRy roads woatd receive a resurfacing alt three ofthe wives afthese fire. Both buildings will be heated,era, alsoin Merlan Grove. ther pursued the retiasrunt basi- After retaming from his ser- of leveling binder, foltawed by fighters were named Kelly. Pilot said, and the offices wilt ness primarily because he en- 20% OFF CATERING WE DELIVER surfacepaving.TheVitlagu Last, but certainly not least, also be air conditioned. The Pub- vice as an Army aarveyor daring joyrd beingwith aloi of people. World Wart!, Mr. Heffmun mar- GovernorGeorgu H. Ryan andlllinois FirslLadyLura Lynn Ryan hosted Ukrainian Gayal the Execu- Board noted that it hopes to be Morton Grove had a first in h Vit- lic Works and fingineering Divi- Aixang his many civic éndeav- $500OFFONALL ENTREESOF 25°° OR MORE sian offices will remain in thetied und worked os u butcher in ors, Mr, Hoffman served an the live Mansion in Springfield. The eventincluded Ukrainian artandeullaral exhibits andperl'Ormsnces by awarded all three project's funds, tage Board meeting. Residents io COUPON bat will be grateful for any one of the 5800 block of Carat peli- current boilding, Pilot said. Highland Park by doy while run- Marten Grove Dapartmeet of Ukrainian traditionalmusicalgroups. GovemorRyan presenteda $500,000 check from the Illinois First r- ,,, COUPON . ----- them. tinned the board to recognize one The cost of the entire projectning the family tavern in Morton Heailh from 1978 until his dealh Program forthe Ukrainian NaiionalMaseum. Buy one Entree at) Buy one Sandwich Grove atnight. He booght the lay- The Video Inspection Project of their neighbors, Gil Peters, by wilt total $9.1 million, Pilot said. md was o member ofthe Morton Picturedfromleftlo right: Senalor Walteroudycz, Mrs. Ryan, GovernorRyan andøksana Dudycz. full price & get U atfull price was awarded ta Internal Pipe In- presenting him with However, the maintenance gar-em with his brother in the mid- GroveLians Club. 2nd Entree li& get 2nd Sandwich a "Good 1960s. spection Service of LaGrange. age will be the most expensive 'Mr. Hoffman is survived by his U 50% OFF. Neighbor" award. Village Presi- The Hoffman brotherslater 50%OFF. They will make videos of the dest Doe Scanlon presented the and complex part of the new wife of48 yearo, Jacqueline,twa Eat in or take OuI. Eat in or take out. added a reslaarant to the tavern, Nues Historical Society makes changes combined sewer andsanitary award, noting that Mr. Peters had buildings as they will contain the daughters, five soon, 15 gred LNOt OeilS with Rep ash,, &t.,JINnI varia with ong other nfler, specialized equipment, like vehi- which they called Vol's Restau- children ansia great-grandchild, Thu 50000cr has bren busy is open every Wednesday and lines and determine where repairs woo the affection of his neigh- Historical Society in working un MOST CREDIT CAROS ACCEPTED ele lifts, that will ha used in re-rant,and they aise opened a Fore- Funeral with volunteers getting ready for Friday 10:30 am. - 3 p.m.; other = may be necessary. Macton Grave born by plewing all oftheir walks services were held files of all Hiles organizations mast Liquors across the street Sept. 18. Iras used theservices of this con- aftarsnowstorms formanyyearn. pairing vehicles and equipment. another full year of activity at the and basinesses: especially those timesbyappuinsmeni.Call fromthetavern/restanrant. Niles Historical Mosesm, t'dew no langer io esistenze and we 847.390-0160 for mare Mr. Hoffman ran the Morton carpeting was installed on ihr need your help to do so. Do you information. We took forward ta asavsai Prairie VÏew.. Hause from 1972 to 1990. During Daniel L. Glatz firttflooranddisplaycase,have aay information (printed or seeing you. Bérnstein...that time, he would frequently pat Cnntinoedfrnm Pnge i eshibits weru changed, we held a verbal) thai ynu can share with us cnt'cw pt4 Cernai. t. Cnnlirnmtl from PageS Navy Perry Officer 3rd Class tractor was Team Mechanical, sive renovation. a tent in the parking lotond hold a bakeless bake sale, participaird an Mill Ran Theater, Banker Hill Privy Archaeology - r5' Inc., and the prajectwas complet- The remainder of the reneva- the Loyola University School of festival, from Oktaberfest with Daniel L. Obb, whose wife, in the 4th ofJuly Parade, Bob and Country Club, Tom O'Shanter September26- 2 p.m. ed for less than the eriginat can- Law immediatelythereafter, Germon bands and food to Conn- Sam, is thu danghler of Carl and CentennialOpen House - don will include installation of a Marge Benes celebrated theirGolf Course and/or the Hiles Have a little tract amount. The credit, which PVC liner in the main pool, re- graduating with a law degree at try & Western Nights with cow- Mortha Redemske of Dea 50th wedding anniversary and Women's Police Auxiliary? Octoher9-15, included anused administrative boy bands to Exotic Nights when Plairtea,recently departed the , . placement of the deck, installa- the age uf 20.Because of his plans were made for Centennial Minutes, flyers, giveaways, ,,,Centennial Tea - November "Fun with fees and work eriginally contract- young ge, Mr. Bernstein had ta hr would hire belly dancers lo en- Arabian Gulf white en a five- ties of new gutters, und addition Open House, programs for pictures, menos, pregrams, etc. 13-14- I p.m. , , . Armstrong n - ' ed but deemed unnecessary, tn- of a spray feature in the wading wait o yearbufare mIring and termia craMeront potreas. manth deplaymnnt to the West- September and October, will be appreciated. Call or write ailatthe Nues Historical ; .'' - --,, Fundamentals. toted $44,325. era Pacific and Indialt oceonsand . passing the Illinois barexum. Mr. Hoffman's doughier Tuai Museum, 8970 Milwaukee - .-, , pool. the pooi will also receive a CentennialTea and Twelfth st with whateveryon remember. casual cowsono. The foeitity witl now begin to new filtration system and im- Longtime bnsioess associate Listan said her father theught of Arabian Gulf aboard the guided- Night- inJanuary. Yen won't The Niles Histarical Museum Avenue missile cruiser USS Chancellors- ,.:. . A,mssona Fundamentals arc track energy efficiency and say- provements in the heating sys- Raymond Adreani, feonder of the festival ideti ta have fun with want to miss any ofthem. Call for 'step tv veut litestyly ville. . - ings that are expected ta result tern. Norwood Builders, characterized his customers. Listan said berTa- dotes and times. ,, "ct Vsu,e buss. ,,gnt? PJm5lOfl9 from the renovations and the use The decision of whether er net Mr. Bernstein as a smart entre- As a speciai project. the NilesI LEGAL NOTICE F undamentals loots ene of a computerized energyman- preneur who was laugh but hou- . nasylccaletcn, to replace port of the concrete - agement system. deck with turf is still undecided. est and patientin negotiations. - VILLAGE OFMORTON GROVE you flaunslflenth,nnsnO White this project has bren sp nndn,arr y nfl? yxmsnwng Minor improvementsin the Adreani said Mr. Bernstein PUBLIC NOTICE TO BID FundamentOs ours ycu completed, the Oriole Pont reno- building fer aceommodatieo of was brilliantand well-likedby his Shemini-Atzeret AnmstnOng qual,ty I sn,on. nationisjost gettingstarted. those swimmers with disabilities many associates. - -YOUR- -NE DATAINFRASTRUCTURE CABLING SYSTEM snueo,'wty1,, a nnpn,ca Schaefges Brothers, Inc., the con- Mr. Bernstein andhis wife Em- celebration -is awaiting approval. Alt renana- FOR THE VILLAGE OF MORTON GROVE VILLAGE HALL - , Norihwrst Soburban Jewish ' /cwrnoco,nun Socomnon n und tractor awarded the job, has be- tians ure scheduled to be corn- uy created many philanthropic -AJIpréss reJeäes AND POLICE DEPARTMENT gun the demolition phase of the . and scholarship funds. Mr. Itero- Congregation, MerlanGrave, '-n y, sec - ,o,tn dozens pleted by sommer 2000. ""OnCe of pantcnns and renovation. During this phase, stein also established a program willbegin the celebration of ZA must be in our office Sealed bids will be accepted al the Richard T. Flickieger Muaicipal 'yzOnozncuv Celons, tcmsnnong the centractar discovered Shemiei Atzeret un Friday eve- some far the loan and ase afrare musi- Center, Office of the Director of Financel'Freasurcr. 6101 Capulina goad news about the pool and cal instruments by young mati- ning Octoberiwith Shabbal Suicide... -by Friday-- evening service at 8 p.m. Avenar, Marlou Grove, Illinois, until fr30 am CST an Monday, \w sumenotsa good news. cians with - hupes of becoming Cnntirnied from PageS On Suiarday, October 2 at October 18, 1999, for a daio iafrastrnciore cabling system for the :°. The not so goad news was that professionals. - police at 5:45 p.m. for pubIicaton 9:38 am. the festival of Shemini Village of Morton Grove Village Hall and Police Department. Bids some nf the electrical conduit, Mr. Bernstein it tsrvived by will be publicly opened and read al 10:00 am CST an Monday which supplies the exterior tights The scene was turned over to his wife, four daaghters, a sister Aicerelwillbrobvervedat Forest Preserve police, who at- morning services. Yizkor ser- October 18, 1999, in the Council Chambers of the Richard T. mstmng with power, was not in its expect- asdeight grandchildren. .-ifl. Plickinger Municipal Center. Copies ofthe speeificalioos and bidding ed location. The conduits were tempted to notify the victirn's pur- Services were held Tuesday in vice will be conducted as well as cuts. dedication of Memorial Pisqoes. documents arr availableatthe Office of the Director of thought tu be outside the perime- - Glencoe. FinancelTreasarcr. A mandatory bidder's conference and site survey s o LA R I A N. ter of the pool's deck. Instead, At 7 p.m., the victim's parents Al 7 p.m. a family service cele- came to the Nitro Police Depart. braling Simhat Torah will tobe will he held at 9:00 am CST on Monday, October It, 1999, in Ihr Thu byarty s.t stays hut wuy they were inside the deck. This Robert Malek eri Trustee's Conference Room. second floor, of the Richard T. canoed Schaefges additional went tu report the victim missing. place. Dance seith the Toruh as I°Iickinger Municipal Center. The Village Board of Trastees reserves mark to insure that these were not Nites police then notified them of Marine Lance CpI. Robert M. SED we complete it's reading for the domuged. Other condsit was theirson's death. Molek, a 1994 graduale of Maine year. Taffey Apples fer every- Ihr right lo reject and all bids and to svaive any informalities or irreg- ''.- Police recovered o suicide note olarities lu the bidding. The Village Board farther reserves the right o found to be deteriorated. Township High School South in one. - e- s-e- eHe lo review und study any and all bids and to make a centran award The puad news was that the written by the victim in which he Parkkidgc, recently was promut- Sunday, October 3, Simbat within thirty (30) days aher bids have been opened und publicly read. curerete in the basin of the pool bid farewell to his parents. Offi- ed to his present rank while nerv- ùke Torah Day, R30'servicc and eel- wan net as budly deteriorated as cials declined to reveal any othne ing with 2nd Battalion, 8th Ma- ebrotiou with Hukisfot and kid- - David O. tank previaasly theoght. This may contento ofthe note or any passi- tines,2ndMarineDivinion, dash luucheon. Everyone is wel- i. - - blereason the victim cited fortak- Mariste Coepn Base, Camp Le- come ta 'join as we'haner Sid Finance DireclorlTreasacer sduîtisóttie wrk forthe contractor September 23, 1999 if the basin doesn't need exten- ing his life. jenne,N.C. Schiffmun as Halan Terab. PAGE40 BIJGLE,.11mRSDAY,EIrEMBER23;j



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