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THE WESTFIELD LEAOM mm THE LEAIHNG AMD MOST WIDV.Y UMCULATiO WUKLY MIWUAHM IN UNION OMWIT FH YBAB—No. 41 WESTFIELD, NEW JEESEY, THUISDAY, JUNE 22, E. Baker New T» Be Dedicated At CeremmtAes Todmy In Mmmmtmimiide Polio P •untyGOPChief oOpei comcr Plan Public To View neighborhood Tern Ii^AtChiWr The Newcomera Club of West- field will hold neighborhood teas on Wednesday, July ft. Because Formal public secning at tht M« vmjm MBWB aM| of the holiday, Newcomers who tCniffln Pavilion for pell* eoavaJtaetnta wiH talat ffcM* «4 4 • have not been contacted should t«day at tht Chlldrtn'a Country Htnt, MtwWMHl) ** •* - iHoraea Ik IWktr of 6(1 Sum-call Mrs. F. C. Simonds, We. 2- U, Skinner, minister of DM rrttkytwiM fteltt, <-" t avenue was unaniraouily elect- 4147-11, to make reservations not ceremony with a praytr, itOomtt kg tha Mtsjtfhtl ehtiratut of the Union County later than next Thursday. ... Cawnittae Monday J the GOP group met trastttt far Tthe EUaabeth-Carterct Hotel in Geary Reserves 425 Child™ cyArttmll, , to pick the successor to thtMMhai ..., Comielationtr Warren Swop Six Play 'MV ef stoseUt, who resigned. School Beard [r. Baker, the choice of State ttor Kenneth C, Hand for the Areas Tuesday irmtnskip, stated that he ac-Suit Decision «d tht Jet) with "mixed feel i of pride and humility." He Final Argument* VandatkiTMara an tJmpettant national eltc- Nctwed ahevt is aa archilttt'i dra»iag *f Ike HI IJM.OOO U»i*t Hvt«Mu»a Kallia s«H* H»l"««. wklth will Start Of AMNMI eaafrtntt hit party this year, Heard Monday In at. tedar at Ik* Childrta'a Cavalry Heat, Mmaiaiuid*. Recreation Progra* i the Haves ef Representatives Superior Court one-third of the Senate to be Dinner To Honor With more than 411 caUirta Superior Court Judge Frank L. Two Tremaine Police Inearth Vast crowding school titty areas Tatt.* "Tht Democratic victory last Cleary was "thinking it over" to- ar Itft ill demoralised, but we day moraine, the staereatUn Cat* day after reserving decision Mon- Byrnes, Maguire miation oftcitlly opened its tuts- I recover," he said. "For ytars Grants Awarded o. si/* r» i day after final arguments in the mer playground program. Hlga> _ Democrats have been trying case of Auguit Arace ft Son, Elis- est earollmtnt wss it the WUtet i tell us Socialism, but it hasn't P. O. Employe** abeth contractors, against the Wade, Waktead Stores Of fireworks and Columbus playgrounds, whtrt over with the American peo- Westfleld Board of Education. The Win Scholarships Chief John R. Schrleber today a box of antimony triiulndc. The To Retire Soon more than 100 children lifted ft* suit concerns the awarding of a chemicals are firecracker ingredi- tht tight-week annual pragma. f Union County has a tradition of I described Weatfteld's illegal fire- heating and ventilating contract ents. A banquet will be held at the 1 Anit Roosevelluwaevcnt Juniomnmr Hignuhn an «d N iblican auceeasea in elections, Two scholarships available to work.. s hoards as "just about clean- for the new 13,000,000 "high school On Saturday, Chief Schrieber Mountainside Inn on Saturday eve-;Grant schools, about W regtttiret, ..... Bergen and Essex, he con- Westfield boys have been estab- ed up," after an intensive week here. reported, police discovered in an-ning by employees of the Westfleld while McKlrilty and Cttemhus jnued. The majorities here are llshed by C. M. Tremaine of 660 long search by police, which re- Co-complainant with the Eliia- Prospect sheet, • founder of Na- suited in the seizure of several other spot 4,000 two and three Poit Office to honor Thomas W. scored te tack. Beginning Maa. iot always large, but victories are beth firm ia Edward, J. Siana of inch salutes and 100 more aerial Byrnes and Mylea A. Maguire, who day, an experimental program wilt lion consistent. That, he sug- ttonal Music Week, which cover large caches and the questioning Roaelle Park, suing aa a Westfield one-half the,expenses for attend- of more than a dozen juveniles, bombs which had been gathered art planning retirement shortly bt held for one week, from »:J8 lested, is because of the steadfast- from service in the local post of- a. m, until noon, at tht Franklin property owner and taxpayer. •nee at the National Music CaCammp Five of the youths were scheduled with the help of parents. better gradt of candidates on flee. Poatmaater John II. Traynor I ground. If attendance it jadgtd George Stewart, a Newark con- at InterlakenItlk , MichMih. The shlar"scholar t-o appear thi•"-a' week* - i'n- Juvenil* "e- Detective James Vasail Monday he Republican ticketa in thii will be toastmaiter, | great enough to' warrant maintain- tractor to whom the board award- ships were given this yeav to boys Court, Elizabeth. unearthed another large cache of Bunty. ed the controversial contract, is salutes and aerial bombs, running Mr, Byrnes of 436 First street, ing the arta, a program will kt LaUr, the Wettfleld attorney ad- in Roosevelt Junior High School The fireworks in a large cache the co-defendant with the school and in Westfleld High School who discovered in the home and shed into the hundreds. The five juve- who wta born in June, 1I8O, en* continuid there throughout tat, ised the Republican organisation board. 'are outstanding in musical accom- of « 17-year-old boy last Wednes- niles were reported to have built tercd the postal service hert on summer, turn to the thousand! of new The Arace company contents plishment. day, the chief said, were stolen up a substantial business selling Feb. 13, 1911, and .wit one of the Miaa Kathleen Nolan, recreation- mti in the county and to fliBt carriers in town, Hia pres- director, reported today two in- that its bid of $194,791 for the The junior high school scholar- from Unexcelled Fireworks Manu- them to neighborhood children. aliu that not all of them are ent route is in the Wychwood aec- cldents of equipment destruction heating and ventilating work, us- ship was awarded to Jack Wade, facturing Co., Cranbury. Includ- Chief Schrieber urged parents tonocrats. The first itep to vic- tion. After hia retirement, which that mar an' othtrwitt smooth ing Trine Co. equipment, should son of Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Wade ed in the store of flreworka were to co-operate in turning over fire- is effective July 1, heplani to dt> start of tha .playground program, ry, he stated, it to register thest have been accepted by the board of 818 Shackamaxon drive. The several kegs of black powder, 2,- works to the police and stressed { vote considerable tine to the ex- At the Columbus arta on Men« iwcomera and then to win them instead of tht Stewart bid of f 198,- senior high whpol award was giv- 600 firecrackers, 51 two-pound that anyone doing so will not be rlth a vigorous, aggressive, aflrm- rockets, 72 floodlight aerial bombs, prosecuted. The department, he ttatlYt machine ihop set up in day night, a wtodm table was 978, using John J. Nesbitt Co. en to Bill WaisttadWajsttad, son of MrMr, I, rockets, T£ nooeuignt eerie* oomj»i 1 tiyt campaign'. equipment, which is preferred by said, it anxious to remove alt fire- W» home. Ht and Mrs, Byrnes ^damage '- *d ••-••--•"•ad greatly- . -'-Mist - Moia«-»-a - and Mrs. W. L. WalsteW of 3*41 light smoke bombs, 2,000 aalntei, have seven children. • . '••• Jttyor Edwatc the sehtui'•tMPiv**^*^.'- *--<;• .••* works before someone is injured." Bsld,-spFarently bjf ediiha-^fcat pTOnUI avenue. Jack plays the U. drum of potassium chloride and Mr. Maguira of 42 West Holly several planks had to be itflMld Won. flrst vice The school board -attorney is clarinet and BUI the trombone. ity committee, opened the William M. Beard, Richard V. Court Clerk's Office street, Cranford, burn In July, In it. This week at the McKi*> Mr. Tremaine, who has been as- 1890, entered the postal strvict in lay area, the director nported, all with tae g. Robert J. MeNair, Elii- Stein represents the Arace Co., sociated with the camp since its Three Churches ..., the secretary, read Commis- and William K. Flanagan is coun- To Take Holiday New York on May 29, 1911, and tht bolts from a swing wtn re.which SH founding, is now treasurer of the transferred to Westfleld in 1917,moved during the night Police bat tUte, art ft icr Gaffney's resignation. Mr. sel tor Mr. Stewart. organization. He has built a schol- .Jney now is state commissioner Combine Services Magistrate William M. Beard He has been COD and money order are petroling the area nightly to hoard ftr tht tstftitaef 1 clerk, He and hia wife formerly irevent further vandalUm. .. banking and insurance and did (Continued on Page 2) announced today that the court hands. iot attend the meeting because of clerk's office and violations bureau lived in Weitneld many yeara and Miss Nolan is sasiited'by Joseph A fully taahjfid aAatl have two children. ' M illnesses of his wife and hiaCraver Heads Plan Summer in the Municipal Building, 121 V. Horan, a fifth grade ttachtr in Itths wt «PM a nek flMdhji Columbus School, who will suc- ither. Prospect street, will be closed Sat- hta hatn ptanaad hyy aNstM ceed htr next year. Tht following Harvey P. Whitcomb, Plainfield Mottley Issues Union Program urday, July 1, and will reopen ChChe GtrdtGdn CtaCtkk af WWi leaders art helping with activities s ity chairman, moved acceptance College Men Wednesday, July 5. Both offices Parking BmltlaH ten kna County Polio Toll Roosevdt, John MeWilliama and f the resignation and for a letter The First Baptist, First Con- will remain closed Saturday morn' for more thaa M ten.