-.,."''. L_ «« '«- '' '''':':_. __ -.-- ---- INSIDE THIS WEEK It . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010 * A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATION * $2.00 t BLOCK$HOPPÉR: - Which local residence sold : Ñ'ch, 17 ,_)) '.-' o THEGáEATGOIjRD: Pumpkin recipes 24 L/-/LIIIJ99]Jd, WINDOWS SIDÍNGJPATIO ROOMS J ' - : '-'. ' SALE . ' EXPIRES' NOV. 7 obbyHallOween Pumpkin carver Scott "Stormin" Normanwas at the Nues Public Library Wednes- day evening. See page 5. Photo byBrian O'Mahoney-Sun-Times Media .', 9OC-i'TLO9-lx _Ls NO.L>1so i ' LSW Aèl8:flr- ' i t.LTT0000 -LSXQ AJèI8I3I19tc S3jSUN T000000 6003 xxx 5OO-<ji ChampiònFaàóryDìÑct' corn' ' NILES SALE EXPIRES TH PE JJJ NOVEMBER A PIONEER PRESS PUBLICATiON *WWUiNILESRERALDSPEcTATOR,coM *$2 go SIDING ..j PATIO ROOMS Home Front by BlockShopper House calls Which ocal residence sold, and a for how much? Turn to Home Front to find out UP TO $1500! PAGE 17 Champion Windows Save money and time'w( Champion s quality products' Incroace t1 c ofycur borné PUMPKIN POINTERS Luweryoorooetgy billoyearéoon How the gourd LIfntiowarcaoty. can brighten Pumpkin carver Scott uStormine Norman was Custom manufactured for Halloween parties JACK OF ALL LANTERNS at the Hiles Public Library Wednesday evening. yourhon,e PAGE 24 PAGE 51 Brian O'Mahoney-Sun-Times Media Interactive showroom so you con see, touch nod tout our qoolity WIDTH Bring in your winch Q.measurements or We build it. We install it. We stand behind it phooandpatio measurements for 1-888-690-5205 Elmhurst special on-the-spot priÇing :ofa[ 1-888-697-5241 Schererville Show and Saiw CHICAGO Chcnmp.onFactoryDirect.com EZ tOusuu3oott,o OFFER COOtu 2203/2204 www.pioiieerlocal.com NILTHURSDAY, OCTOBER lt.lOIS Xetbo5sto57o5 MsuoagingEditor: MaSt SchmiTz Phone: (708) 524-4403 ousfhmjhz®pjoueaelocoJ,com Local THIS WEEK: RAlPH F11156 05ES WITIPTHEFLUIM IELECTION: CANOTÂTES FACE5 FRIVOLOUS QUESTIONS SCHOOLS 2157 219 TEACHER CHSI1GEU Willi OUI RESIGNS POLI CS: TRUSTEES TO TUN JIS SIATE IN 0011 SWANCC Waste agency chief quits after 'irregularities' found ny LYIINE STIEFEL neeipOionmedicotinns und eiecOran- Isliale IMplo s e a elote loo n ia uquipmenl und promuOes croy- abieg edncaOinn. The lop meautive olawaste mon- Baal woo kired by Oha ageucy at iOn ogemrnt agency serving 23 uocth r500biinkmenO sndbeeome diractor 000kllouolymueriripuUtienmsigeaed in 1995. Mooday aE2or ou oudit discovered In Iba 010.01 mema la Okebaurd, "u oignioeaal usor000t of fundo" miss- Van losen sabd an problems hod log, og000y olgaiuls said. been dateetad with Ohs profession- The SotidWuoteAgrooyofNurlh- al development reimbursrmenOs rra Cook County hod pl000d Boor- uat'dan eulernai audblor discovered utivuDireolor Broohe Boulon peid Ohr potneOioi financial irregrularities leave Oct. SO Soll000ing the discovery during Oke agenay'n onnoai inde- Ovo, US by auditors uS"poOrniisi O- pendent sodio tiast "paampted a eTna- esnaiulirrugulurilies" in proScenios- er loak." si development funds thaI Brui non- SWANCC's based iuunahed en in- Orotled. Boul sundered his resigno- lamai inquiry balo Ohe passibly nu- lion through his oltornoy Monday. acaouosed Suado "On nneertuia eo- "Noonu is more uogry, fruetrated actly what touk piaaa, miren it took sod disappoinTed about Oh roe cir- piaae und mba 'rs responsible," Vue cumstances shun Ohio body," Okukie Susan sOnOed, MuynrGeorgaVunoosao, chairman Van Dunes declined On Alee a spa- of She OWANCO hourd Sor lU years, alfa dollar umnuno Ear Ike miasing otuted 16060cl. Si momo to Ohe funds, aOhrr thon aulkog iO signio- buucd. "We know that nolbieg un- dermines the aunOdanae io Ohework SWANCC hos Syyiaatiy budgos- medo br Oovpoyers more thon allo- ed beknuen $20,000 und $40,000 an- guIllan otOnsuclol impropriesy." nually foe professional deveiapmeeO, SWANCC 01501010 hava 000tuoO- Van Susan said. The maney is used ed Lha Cook Counly stolen atoar- to reiwboosa sOallfar educalion md. ..Un5. neya oSSee obool Ohr mianiog fonde, oour505ut the enenutive direalor's I I owe est H orlosare oo ro Veo D usan nuid, und would seek reaommeaduOian and wiOk Oho ap- reelitutioc foam any oulpabie par- peovul ai the agenay'n treasurer. cnsftseeva4.,..)ntrnsT,,.mtred ii. LW reomnteubrdaST5irulgsp5eOJee Osecan Sahiillinta the ogenay's al- leus then you ever dreamed pusoble. lirloher, basee Tire not-Sor-proOtaoryamlion woo abotonO eveenlive direclor, was cranteruaite-.whstever orealudin 1900 by 23 north and namod acting direalor cIter Boul onrsbmest nuburtas, including Bar- pnv hove in med, cell iv the beat e the torch coobaVure easy. was placed on udminiotrotive leave. esagesa see BaOs be eOns cingtan, Buft'uin Grave, Bvnnstan, The booed's enacutine nammitlee Call 888.349.1714 for a complimentary in-homeconsultation fall festival Toit toddlers Miller sod Jooeph Hottest espione the 10apR16 palrh voUer 0011100 tree el Edel Glrnaoa, Gieauiow, Keodmorth, Lin- mvasacheduled Sa meut in enerotine Meine Sohuol District 631 TolsI Lesrnie5 CorrrlrOlrily Foil festivel the evenioq 07001.21. TRece nere hop rides, 'prrepkie eabomnod, Morton Grove, Niieou, Park session Wednesday So delecmine u :parts[ loas pnirtivç, s eitahed catidrorl Save sed atOthtelïrt 1mo Nitro PAbilo Librery.Tee LuednrT-Sae'Tinee Medie Ridge, Skahie, Soash Barrington, plan of 000ruOion. SPECIAL FiNANCING Wilmetoe and Winnolku. "There wohl be na in000esption of 2.99%* SI devolaped along-term piaa On nerviaa," Von Duaen sa Id. AVsjIBbte Now- Call Fee Botajist manage the regian'n gackaga ObuS SWANCC's early yours were NOV. 2 was udopled ky lOo hoard oS diera- marked with onnlenhiun. Foc more lore io 199L Today SWANCC apar- Ihan 15 yencs, Iba agenny altempO- atan a iraoofer a001ion in Gieavierv rd to build u fuciilOy near faroleOS iage S000ner I noos ro L,rvolr aee, mkarr cnmmrcaiai and landucape which IO intended On SU rvith house- OnCrIITOCTS.05rLDcan.na.rrOnnLcoo r.emnnooaI opero daysanuek usElection Day Nupsroiln Horro Deaigo Sflae,000 2764 00,0,5 Ace, N5peilIe Follow I Apse 7 dp050mk aoalraclae'suad asker commercial bald Oranh ham lOs momker aommu- For compleio elrctioo reoults oo Nov. Dan enhiles ran dispone ob laadunape nitien; Oho diopooe milk Ohr Army and solid w050e in addisioo ta pro- Carpo ofBnginaars ended spie the HOME ADDITIONS I KITCHENS BATHS BASEMENTS well ao updates throoghout Ihr day, visit pio- Yoo roo atoo follow mo on Troittec Use haoh CUSTOM HOMES ITS tag #ppeleot ood you can SOC oil IsolaIs rabO- aeouieg lin municipal membero' U.S. Supreme Cours, SWANCC Our eleetioo blog co the homo page mill pro- od to Fioneer Press' election coverage. obuadoand the effart in 2001 abre a.oaeasepceOmnonocua0eObu.aen.,veenwoc vide updates abonO oli sohurbon ood slntoro'ide Coorooeot:piooeerbaeol.eorrr The agnaoy also schudalea special determining ObuO reayciiog ebforts coSeolinna olh000rd005 weslr, pce- had oused Ihr arad far bnndSS upueo. 4 flOWS www.pioneerlocal.com NIL THINSIAN, ICTIIIR 28,11(1 I PIINERR PREIS IABLICNTIIN NIL www.pioneerlocatcoin news 5 RALPH FRESE NIL_Eh lIERAI_D- SEDEEA101o * 000RLOCTLSOURCE * INS IDE THIS WEEK Stream of conscientiousness CRLtNORR 15 CRIASWORD kil Defending and FILM CLIPI 84 Carving exploring state's IFINIIN lI waterways all in a POlICE BLITTER 19 SCHOILS . 8 life's work for S1IIH'TMES 89 esson canoe builder Pumpkin CCff r Scott sstormioe Norman was at SPORTS the Siles Public Library to domooltrate the art By NATASOA WASINSIO of pumpkin carving. Ce etribli la r Itolph Fretes resume reads soesathing like thi, Award-win- niegenn(conmnotaiist,ontrrpre- neue, aod seasoned historitm erd lecturer. But Frese is quick to deoveplay these titles. "l'co just a blacksmith antiker ir terca tin rutare cad history," he says. According to his Feces ir the On Sspt 16 the hiles llisl,rieel Museuw, 8910 H. Mileesken Ian, tested Ralph Frese lerce allcre000 preee,Ialso er rioer YOPJRSEASON paddling comevaeity, he is the esvsereetieril Nelesirs Wasieski-lor Our-Tees Media bleoksmith, curning himself the Fsr schiele oseerepe sr cesr high esboers nichoomo, "Mr. Genoa." qucstiosingoceovd),heepoloeud- est Pmservc. At cee peint IO sep- lerce,eeing esa peeng adult. spses leen, shsek sul eeursessenossr sr "I didn't get this from my per- siIetI pIsiss, reeking,, end bises. 1115k s,- Par mare then live docedea miringly end in greet leegtheed ercer Civilian Cec,ervalt'es In Ihn eile end sele,l Nser 10605f en Frese has fiercely advocated lee depth about euch of bis photos Corps cempoales lundsreped the ents.Ifoued it en my osen," Prose the oerservetice elCkirego.re- to tell the stories cf she Okokie wotlunds, mekiegll 5ko celions said."BstI grewupespoeedtc gien oveterweys from eke per- Lagnons; Nues' tributaries; the lergest CCC project. (Ihr rireral." upeotite olee Illinois outdoors- Chicago, Oleo Pielses sod Pen "The project taught skills io A fourth-gcearetien black- SLIDE000W man mho enjoyo silting ic rivers; end all of the sights ucd akseece of regalar merk Ikat smith, be kegee beildiog canees eanoesodpaddlingdowe edoor. sounds is ketmece. Memory and they never mould bene lecreed," fer his scout treep in bis black- Noon is his 80,, Frese'arresedc coperti,, served as Frese', only Prese said. smith shop, which later trono- to protect the rivers is enwener- The early 201k ceotery same formed into ans of tholdidwest's The hislory of Illinois' oseter. let of ecdvity e, Illinois' north. largest cacee and kayak apeciol- Earlier tkis tell the Nile, lAin- maye, eed P' rese', nane eoperi- ore rivers. Joiniega canoe club lyehops, the Chiosgolcod Cecee tedcclMueeum, 0970 N. Mtwau- esco wills them, begins milk Ihr Snos the popaler tkiag
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