Scientific American April 2009 ■ Volume 300 Number 4
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Virus Watch: Preventing the Next Pandemic Solving the Mystery of the VANISHING BEES page 24 April 2009 $5.99 U.S. U.K. £4.10 DARK ENERGY Does it really exist? Or does Earth occupy a very unusual place in the universe? Color Vision Our Eyes Reflect Primate Evolution Green Lasers The Next Innovation in Chip-Based Beams Soldiers’ Stress What Doctors Get Wrong about PTSD © 2009 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. FEATURES ■ SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN April 2009 ■ Volume 300 Number 4 COSMOLOGY Does Dark Energy 32 Really Exist? By Timothy Clifton and Pedro G. Ferreira The observations that led astronomers to deduce the existence of dark energy could have another explanation: our galaxy may lie at the center of a giant cosmic void. LIFE SCIENCE 24 Saving the Honeybee By Diana Cox-Foster and 24 Dennis vanEngelsdorp The mysterious ailment called colony collapse disorder has wiped out large numbers of the bees that pollinate our crops. The causes turn out to be surprisingly complex, but solutions are emerging. EvolUTION 40 The Evolution of Primate Color Vision 40 48 By Gerald H. Jacobs and Jeremy Nathans Analyses of primate visual pigments show that our color vision evolved in an unusual way and that the brain is more adaptable than generally thought. PSYCHOLOGY 48 The Post-Traumatic Stress Trap By David Dobbs A growing number of experts assert that over ON THE CovER diagnosis of posttraumatic stress disorder may The observable universe, with the Milky Way galaxy compound the suffering of soldiers who are actually near its center, might be just one relatively empty afflicted with depression, brain trauma or other part of a larger, unevenly expanding cosmos. problems or who are simply taking time to adjust. Image by Kenn Brown, Mondolithic Studios. © 2009 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 1 MORE FEATURES ■ DEPARTMENTS ■ MATERIALS SCIENCE 54 The Dawn of Miniature 54 Green Lasers By Shuji Nakamura and Michael Riordan Semiconductors can generate laser light in all colors except one. But new techniques for growing laser diodes could soon make brilliant fullspectrum displays a reality. PUBLIC HEALTH 60 Preventing the Next Pandemic 60 By Nathan Wolfe An international network for monitoring the flow of viruses from animals to humans might help scientists head off global epidemics. go TO .COM SlIDE SHOW: WoRMS ’N US 8 In-Depth Report Meet the charming, slinky creatures that turn The Science of Food Learn about test-tube pork, the myth of the heirloom to- your innards into their home sweet home. mato and the quest to take bug by-products out of candy. More at 8 News Alien Census: Can We Estimate How Much Life Is Out There in Space? A recent study proposes a computer model to tabulate the extent of extraterrestrial intelligence. ITION, Ed TH 8 60-Second Psych Podcast FIF , 2005 Near Misses Motivate Gamblers LLC , S Great news for the house: parts of gamblers’ brains that get excited by winning light up at near wins, too. UCTION D PRO S 8 Ask the Experts PARASITICDISEASES, REE T Can a Person Be Scared to Death? Y OF Y S LE Medical science and the criminal courts agree the an- App OURTE — C swer is yes as in the case of a fugitive who induced a fatal heart attack in a 79-year-old woman. SCHARF; D OMMIER ET AL., 8 60-Second Extinction sp E D . Countdown Blog D H BY DAVI BY H P After 1,000 Years, the Milu Returns to the Wild ON S ICK Few species have come as close to extinction and D PHOTOGRA BY survived as the Chinese milu has. Scientific A merican (ISSN 0036 8733), published monthly by Scientific A merican, Inc., 415 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 100171111. Copyright © 2009 by Scientific American, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording for public or private use, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written permission of the publisher. 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April 2009 MORE FEATURES ■ DEPARTMENTS ■ 4 From the Editor 5 Letters 7 8 7 50, 100 and 150 Years Ago 8 Updates 9 Ne w s sc aN ■ Synthetic life oozes closer. ■ Microfluidics scrutinizes cancer cells. ■ Smarter algorithms help to find new particles. 9 ■ A novel theory on seasickness. ■ Selfishness that boosts altruism. ■ Southern Pacific rattlesnake vs. humans. ■ Bussize snake (fossilized, thankfully). ■ Data Points: The disappearance of trees. Op iNion 1 9 SciAm Perspectives Healthy growth for U.S. farms. 2 0 Sustainable Developments By Jeffrey D. Sachs Rather than arguing about the value of taxes or spending, economic planners need to take 6 6 Reviews a systematic long view. Human mysteries. Mathematical mysticism. Resistance of the real. 2 2 Skeptic By Michael Shermer 68 Ask the Experts Are successful people primarily the beneficiaries If galaxies are all moving apart at ever increasing of luck, timing and cultural legacy? speed, how can they collide? Why do we feel so 2 3 Anti Gravity hot when our By Steve Mirsky surroundings Obscene wastes are at body of science funding. temperature? 19 22 68 © 2009 SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, INC. SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN 3 FROM THE EDITOR ■ Nothing Special We’re an ordinary species on an ordinary planet. Or are we? “You are not special,” the char- mological geometry. It avoids invoking acter Tyler Durden warns his dark energy as an ad hoc cause but at the followers in the movie Fight price of throwing out the Copernican prin- Club and in the namesake ciple: roughly speaking, it puts Earth, or at novel by Chuck Palahniuk. least our galaxy, back at the center of the “You are not a beautiful or unique snow- observable universe. Timothy Clifton and flake. You’re the same decaying organic Pedro G. Ferreira explore that idea in matter as everything else.” Durden’s harsh “Does Dark Energy Really Exist?” begin- but not inaccurate assessment lays the ning on page 32. Among Our foundation for that story’s subsequent tu- Even if the Copernican principle’s appli- Contributors mult. The same idea under the name the cation to cosmology is subject to amend- “Copernican principle” also happens to ment, its application to other areas of sci- TimoThy ClifTon have been a linchpin of science for the past ence, notably biology, remains robustly is a cosmologist and relativity theorist at the University four centuries. (The first rule of the Coper- well supported. (The second rule of the Co- of Oxford and wrote the nican principle is, Do not talk about the pernican principle is, Do not talk about the popular astronomy book The State of the Universe. Copernican principle, but....) Copernican principle....) It can nonethe- In 1543 Copernicus gave the establish- less offend humans’ self-importance: wit- Diana Cox-fosTer ment of his day a bloody nose by propos- ness creationists’ ongoing push-back studies host-pathogen interactions among insects, ing that the best explanation for the ob- against the evolutionary concept that peo- including honeybees, as a served motions of the stars and planets ple are simply another type of animal. professor of entomology at Pennsylvania State University. was to picture the sun, not Earth, as the And yet biological evidence of our kin- center of known space. He had the pru- ship with other creatures is everywhere we DaviD Dobbs dent good sense to promptly die. Sixty look. Gerald H. Jacobs and Jeremy Na- is a contributing editor of Scientific American Mind as well as author of years later the Vatican kayoed two as- thans reveal the literal truth of that state- three books and articles for the tronomers who forced the point more ag- ment in “The Evolution of Primate Color New York Times Magazine, Audubon and other publications. gressively: it burned Giordano Bruno at Vision” (page 40). Humans, apes and mon- the stake and caged Galileo until he threw keys see a range of colors that other mam- shuji nakamura in the towel (while angling for a rematch mals do not; more tellingly, the genetic and pioneered the development with a mumbled “Eppur si muove”). Nev- biomolecular details of how humans and of blue diode lasers. He directs the Solid-State Lighting and ertheless, the facts were on the scientists’ Old World primates (to whom we are most Energy Center at the University side. Astronomers now develop their the- closely related) see color are different even of California, Santa Barbara. ories mindful that Earth most likely oc- from those of their New World cousins. miChael riorDan cupies an ordinary, unprivileged place in Our relatedness to other animals also is co-author, with Lillian the cosmos. leaves us with some common vulnerabili- Hoddeson, of Crystal Fire: So 11 years ago, when astronomers sud- ties.