Contents of Volume Xxxiv—1960
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r CONTENTS OF VOLUME XXXIV—1960 ARTICLES : PAGE Barath, Desire, The Just Price and the Costs of Production According to St. Thomas Aquinas 413 Clarke, W. Norris, The Possibles Bevisited: A Reply 79 Doherty, Kevin F., St. Thomas and the Pseiido-Dionysian Symbol of Light 170 Fay, Cornelius Ryan, Fr. Lonergan and the Participation School 461 Foley, Leo A., The Metaphysical Evolution of Aristotle's Bealism 62 Guzie, Tad W., St. Thomas and Learning Theory: A Biblio graphical Survey 275 Heath, Thomas R., Saint Thomas and the Aristotelian Meta physics : Some Observations 438 Jaeoby, Paul, Contrariety and the Triangle of Opposites in Valid Inferences 141 James, Sister Helen, Nicolai Hartmann's Study of Human Person ality 204 MeArthur, Ronald, A Note on Demonstration 43 Nielsen, Harry J., " Objects as Appearance " and the Mathemati cal Antinomies 315 Reck, Andrew J., The Metaphysics of Equality 327 Robert, Brother S., On Perfect Demonstration: A Late-Medieval Study 190 Royce, James E., St. Thomas and the Definition of Active Potency 431 Sikora, Joseph J., The Symbolization of Traditional Formal Logic 297 Simon, Yves R., On Order in Analogical Sets 1 Stepelevich, Lawrence S., Benda's Attach on Bergson 488 St. Hilaire, George, Does St. Thomas Really Prove the Soul's Immortality ? 340 DISCUSSIONS : Chroust, Anton-Hermann, Who is the Platonic Philosopher-King f 499 Houde, Roland, A Note on St. Thomas and Platonism 270 iii iv Contents of Volume XX.\ TV DEPARTMENTS: PAG ••' Book Brevities 404, 546 Books Received 137, 272, 407, 549 The Secretary's Notes 103, 234, 357, 506 Notes on the Authors 140, 271, 412, 460 BOOK REVIEWS : Adler, Mortimer J., The, Idea of Freedom 366 Bawden, Frederick C. (et al.), Symposium on Evolution 374 Boas, George, The Inquiring Mind 512 Bonioanni, Fausto M., Evidenza deU'uomo nel lavoro 374 Brady, Ignatius, A History of Ancient Philosophy 364 Bridgman, P. W., The Way Things Are 372 Brinton, Crane, A History of Western Morals 256 Byrne, cf. Regis Campbell, cf. Kantorowicz Cauehy, Venant, Desir naturel el beatitude dies saint Thomas 535 Charlesworth, Maxwell John, Philosophy and Linguistic Analysis 262 Clagett, Marshall (Editor), Critical Problems in the History of Science 377 Collins, James, God in Modern Philosophy 244 Cooney, Timothy, Ultimate Desires 400 Copleston, Frederick, A History of Philosophy, Vol. IV Descartes to Leibniz; Vol. V Hobbes to Hume 131 Dawson, Christopher, The Movement of World Revolution.... 402 de Chardin, Pierre Teilhard, The Phenomenon of Man 515 Eeole, Jean, Le Metaphysique de I'Etre dans la. Philosophic de Louis Lavelle 246 Gregoire, Franz, Etudes Hegelienues. Les Points Gapitaux du Systeme 361 Heath, cf. Wetter Heidegger, Martin, An Introduction to Metaphysics (Ralph Manheim, transl.) 367 Heidegger, Martin, The Question of Being (William Kluback and Jeau T. Wilde, transls.) 367 Henle, Robert J., Saint Thomas and Platonism 113 Henry, Paul (Editor), Plotini Opera. Tomus II. Enncades IV-V 265 Holloway, Maurice R., An Introduction to Natural Theology. 251 Contents of Volume XXXIV v PAGE Hook, Sidnev (Editor), Political Power and Personal Freedom 382 Hook Sidney (Editor), Psychoanalysis, Scientific Method and Philosophy 258 Houde, Roland (Editor), Readings in Logic 120 Kantorowicz, Hermann, The Definition of Law (A. H. Campbell, ed.) 254 Kirk, G. S., and Raven, J. E., The Presocratic Philosophers... 393 Kluback, ef. Heidegger Koestler, Arthur, The Sleepwalkers 380 Koyre, Alexandre, From the Closed World to the Infinite Uni verse 117 Kreyche, Robert J., First Philosophy 248 Lang, cf. Bawden Lauer, Quentin, The Triumph of Subjectivity 523 Lynch, William F., An Approach to the Metaphysics of Plato through the Parmenides 134 Manheim, cf. Heidegger Maritain, Jacques, The Degrees of Knowledge (Gerard B. Phelan, transl.) 370 Mays, W., The Philosophy of Whitehead 387 Mayo, Bernard, Ethics and the Moral Life 127 McNainara, Marie Aquinas, Friendship in Saint Augustine. .. 518 Nelson, John Charles, Renaissance Theory of Love 363 Noonan, John P., General Metaphysics 390 Ong, Walter J. (Editor), Ramus and Talon Inventory 537 Ong, Walter J., Ramus, Method, and the Decay of Dialogue. .. 537 Parker, Francis H., and Veatch, Henry, Logic as a Human Instrument 129 Payne, cf. Schopenhauer Pepper, Stephen C, The Sources of Value 266 Phelan, cf. Maritain Pieper, Josef, Prudence, the First Cardinal Virtue (Richard and Clara Winston, transl.) 533 Randall, John Herman, Jr., Aristotle 520 Raven, J. E., ef. Kirk Regis, L. M., Epistemology (Imelda Choquette Byrne, transl.).. 394 Schopenhauer, Arthur, The World as Will and Representation (E. F. J. Payne, transl.) 236 VI Contents of Volume XXXLX Schwyzer, Hans-Rudolf (Editor), ft'- Henry Stanlis, Peter, J., Edmund Burke and the Natural Law 5 Van Melsen, cf. Bawdeii Veatch, cf. Parker Vollert, cf. Bawden Weitz, Morris, Problems in Aesthetics Weldon, T. D., Kant's Critique of Pure Reason Welte, Bernard, La foi philosophique chez Jaspers et saint Thomas d'Aquin (Mare Zemb, transl.) 237 Wetter, Gustav A., Dialectical Materialism (Peter Heath, transl.) White, Morton, Religion, Polities and the Higher Learning.... Wilde, cf. Heidegger Winston, cf. Pieper Woelfel, Brother La Salic (Editor), Catholic Thought in Business and Economics Zemb, cf. Welte .