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THECcmiGHT, 1889, »T Tn> SroaTiuo LIT* PvBLisBiNa Co, SPORTING LIFE.ENTEBZD AT PHILA. Pan Omcz u SECOND CLASS HATTIE. VOLUME 13, NO. 20. PHILADELPHIA, PA., AUGUST 21, 1889. PRICE, FIVE GENTS. ihe place of contest and to purchase a 950 gold nodal, now contribute their mite towards the support of the jruperly inscrloed. Contests to take place oue In St. club will remain away from tbe games in the future. "joui:*, one in Pitttsbnr^ and one ou some neutral I see Crowell has got down to his work again, and I LATE NEWS. round mutually satisfactory, and contents to take am glad of it. Tho tanu he put up against Minne THE TBI-STATE. ilacesome time In the latter part of September. apolis the other day, in which he held them down to Second basemao Sam Crane wae arrested in New four hits, shows what he ia capable of doing. With Tork Friday by Detective Adams, upon a warrant Crowell, Burdick aud Mahonoy added to their team, Changes in Major League 'rom Scranton, PH.. charging him with elopement Sioux City is likely to cause a heap of trouble before A Most Successful Minor with a married woman. the season Is over. At Ottawa, Out, Thursday, J. D. McPberson, of St. Joteph's sourt was not quite strong enough. Teams. Sanlt St. Marie, Mien., won the first prize for putting Fourth place was reached, but only held for a minute League. ihe 27-pound shot, lie threw it 38 feet 7 Inches, or two, and DOW we are lack in sixth place once more. seating the best previous record, that of George But we will most likely mop up the ground with Des Davisoo, of Edlnburg, Moines and Milwaukee and climb back to fourth place A New Atlantic Schedule Bur Scotland. aghin. And when it is taken into consideration that Benefits of Adherence to Salary Secretary Batman, of the Louisville ball club, Friday this is St. Joseph's first year in the Association, fourth wired Manager Loftus, of the Clevelands, asking his place will be quite creditable to us. Next Reason, how dock's Winter Scheme- terms for tbe release of Hob Oilks. An answer was re ever, as I said lost week, look out for us. We will be Limit A Bright Outlook ceived that 11,000 would get him. It is not decided out for the pennant and will get It, too, or know the yet whether or not the offer will be accepted. reason why. MARTIN. General Sporting News. At the New York yacht race, at Newport Friday. For Next Year. the boats came lu tlio following order: Keel schooners Fortuna, Palmer, Dauntless. Cl«s< 3, sloops and cut- POWERS VINDICATED; ANSON SCORED. THE EVER-CHANGING TIDE. ten Tilanlu, Grade. Itedouin. Claas 7, sloops and CAHTOW, 0., Anjr.13. Rdtor SPORTISO LIFE: Tint cutters Tomahawk, Lyris, Mariqnlta, Gorilla. Counsellor O'Rourfce Demands "Justice to Co.umtm correspondent of a New York paper m«k»s Shake-ups In Major League Teams—Players Whom Justice Is Due." it a point to let the readers koow that the Tri-Stato League tbls year bas been but "fairly Bucceaoful." Signed ami Released. AN IMPORTANT MOVE. CLEVELAND, O., Aug. 14. Editor SPORTING LIFE: With all due deference to the severity of the criticism CoDniderlog the fact that the League ha« never fin- Special to SroRTixa Lire. Islitd tbe season with all tbe clnba it started witb, it Manager Bariiea' Interest in the St. Paul which I have observed in tbe Note and Comment INDIANAPOLIS, Aug. 17. Long-pending nego column of the last issue of THB £ POUTING LIVE upon has done very well tbia year, as all the clubo are ia tiations for outflelder Ed Andrews, of Philadel Club Disposed of—Bearing of the Sale ou the umpiring of Phil Powers, based as it la partially good Hbape nuaiiclally and tbe §«aaon lasts but six phia, were concluded yesterday and Andrews the Fut on one game at Philadelphia (or mure) aud ttie other weeks longer. Of course Wnee.iug is n#t drawing thtt ST. PALI, 1 J. Etilto*SPORTIWO lari: at CInctttfo. affects not at all the high opinion in which crowds ft woti'd with a winning team, but Ihen there will wear a Hooeier uniform. Everything has ii DO danger of the club disbanding. Hamilton made been made satisfactory to him and he is now on j The BKtt ic , .......... : during the pM wok in th« Mr. Powers ia held by the majority of professionals as ocal base ball wuil.1 ««a the»ale of the one-third In an umpire. Whatever justification there mav have a call for more money sareral weeks ago which was his way here; he takes Martin Sullivan's place. terest ot Manager John S. Baracs in the- St. Paul Club been tor the judgment passed upon him by THE soon raised and they will finish the season. Ttie other Catcher (ioorge Meyers has, been, released. The to Michael J. Koche, sporting editor of the Punter SPORTING Lire as a result of unsatisfactory work per- clubs are all well ftxeJ. This can be attributed to tbe club is after another pitcher. Prat. The deal was consummated late Saturday after fo:med at Philadelphia there positively can be u< ne as salary limit, which haa been strictly lived up to by alt noon and, while it wan pretty generally known that to the quality of his umpiring at Chjcajto, particularly tho clubs. How many other minor leagues can say the PITTSBURO, Aug. 17. Deacon White injured Manager Barnes was anxious to depose of bis interest eame? his back so severely in a collision with Miller from a Chicago point of view, wtHlout h. vlgUnt dis m the team, the announcement was somewhat In the play of ragged aud warped conception of falr^lay. Ttiia same correspondent, speaking of the large num that he la unfit fur duty, and has been granted lea?e of nature of a surprise party. While Mr. Roche was an- Mr. Powers' kuowledee of the rules ia so thorough ber of players turned out by the League last year, also absence; Kuehoe will meantime play third bass. uonnced as the purchaser, It Is believed that his con that it ia scarcely within the mental - nftsge of THE say* that "Uiere will be but a small graduating class CAPE HAY, Aug. 17. Colonel John I. Rogers fa to nection with tho club is slmpl.v nominal, but who SPORTING LIFR'S correspondents to question, excepting this year." Take into consideration that l*it year** take Day, of the Cape M»J team, to Fhilalelihia on the real buyer is no oue seems able to tell. How to Incur tbe risk of reflecting the glaring defects of organization was composed of ten club*, and tlmt this Monday, to give him a chance againvt the Washing- ever, Mr. Uoche's connection with the club will their own knowledge of the national gam*. His one haa but six, aud, judging by the present available tone, ft/lone] Kogera is a cottager and hu been have a decidedly beneficial he is withoutdoubt ruliDga are aa nearly correct aa it ir possible for human timber in the League, Itwill be found that it will torn. wntdm.g Day a work since lie came here. Andersin, oue of the best known aid mott pupular gentlemen judgment to make them uuder tbe system existing. out aa large a percentage of players as it did last year. the other good pitctier, will also probably be given a connected with sports in the Northwest, and was io No man ever filled the position to bolter advantage and While on this subject it may be well to say some cliaoce with the Philadelphia Club befora the seaaou 1887 uresidont of the Northwestern League. The with more honor and credit to himself. Mr. Powers is thing regarding th« prospects for next year, when aa is over. Day wilt be permitted to pitch two games team is sliil in the race for the pennant, and Mr. conscientious, faithful and absolutely fearless in voicing eight-club league will bo foruieJ. All the present per week for Cape May during the rut of August. Roche says every effort will be maie to land the cov hte convictions; neither can there be any doubt of his cities will be in it, with the possible exception of Ham NEW Yoax, Aug. 17. The Giants are tn a some eted prize. Manager Burns is with the team ou the intentions to discharge impartially the irksome duties ilton. Akron haa tho fever bad and will be admitted. what crippled condition. AVhitney is having stomach prese'nt tiip, but on the return on the 25lh President which the office entail upon him. McKeeeport, Fa., and Ft. Wayne, Ind., are also good trouble and is afflicted with a boll or two, Oore has a Thompson will a-sume the management, which he Anson'a bate of such a man is only limltei by the ca cities, and one of them can surely be induced to enter, Dolioned leg, and Richardson suffers with a iplit finger. will probably retain until the close of the season. This pacity of his nature for bate. Now why is this so? while Sandusky might try it aga!n. With a ealsry Manager Mutrle has telegraphed for flattery to meet Is the onlv change that will be made lu the manage Because this cross-grain brow-beater, with the swag limit about the eame aa this season's, aud all the cluba tue team in Boston.